#she is on a high actually
ladysophiebeckett · 1 year
ppl on here and on twitter got really weird about the ear flicking scene. kind of disregarding that shiv was acting like a 6 yr old and then that he retaliated also like a 6 yr old. we actually have no idea what their dynamic was like before the events of the show and i think this was a peek into that. shiv is a little mean to him and he’s a little mean back but his type of mean is very weird (barnacle??) and that weirdness itself might have been intriguing to shiv at some point. her own little meow meow who makes really weird comparisons and references to things she’s never heard of or cared about. 
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mumblesplash · 6 months
(teaching my art class)
me: and what’s the number one rule when designing characters with wings? …well?
a handful of students, sighing reluctantly: no good fa-
me (interrupting them): NO good-faith attempts at realism, EVER. you want all the bird dweebs and physicists jumping ship as EARLY AS POSSIBLE so they’re not around to cinemasins your ass when you get to the cool parts of your story, and…ugh, what now, gerald
gerald (my least favorite student): why not just do some minimal research instead of-
me: listen you little shit i can and will singlehandedly tank your 4.0 gpa
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rooolt · 2 months
I know the intrepid heroes were largely joking about it, but the idea of kipperlily having a huge awful crush on riz is sooooo funny to me. Girl with longstanding anger issues and the capacity to orchestrate the death of a supposedly close ally in service of her goals with a crush on world’s most aroace boy. I fear the consequences will be nuclear
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beybuniki · 2 months
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they should go on a fishing trip pt.1
#DONT COMMENT ON THE BACKGROUND I KNOWWWWWWWWWWWW#anyway this is day 1. they take a bus. the bakugo household has fishing gear so ´deku is wearing bakugo's onesoe (?) and bakugo is wearing#his dad's. and notices he has grown :')#anyway they take a BUS and don't feel like doing this at all it's awkward for so many reason#also trying to relax after everything is neurologically just really hard they might be hyperivgilant dik#and there's so much they never got to unpack bnut they have to and they have to start somewhere and with someone#deku makes that flower crown while bakugo preps everything and they both look at it and are thrown back into their childhood 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️#and at first they just sit and wait for the bavarian fish to bite (rody should make a cameo tbh) but then bakugo breaks the iceeee.#and he starts with their moms because their moms have been such a stubbron connection between these two :')#and deku answers with the usual 'good :) how's your mom :)?' and to everyone's surprise he actually opens up#and tells deku about his mom's insomnia because she watched her son die (that shit was live streamed tpo 10 bnha tweets btw)#idk i love to think of their moms being a very easy subject to connect through i think it's easier for them that way to be more vulnerablei#and then some fish biteeeeeeeeeeee#but like 3 small ones so they have to gather berries and mushrooms and make stew (dw there's an aldi this is bavaria after all)#but yeah day 1 is a bit weird like it's just them in the woods with no distractions#which is so different from whatever went on during their 1st year of high school#don't read this i will throw up i just need this somewhere this is my public scrapbook#bnha#deku#midoriya izuku#bakugo katsuki#the flower crown on their knees makes this a bit homosexual but fishing is always homosexual im not fighting against that#au:#fishing
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vampirehayfever · 4 months
something i genuinely will always love about fig's character is that she will always stand up for the outcasts or people who aren't considered "cool". like without even missing a beat fig immediately goes to play twister with mazey because ivy wanted to put her down for even suggesting it. it genuinely is one of the best parts of her character and i adore it so much.
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natjennie · 4 months
OUAHFGHGHHH that was so sweet.... mazey wanting to break out twister and then being shamed for being childish and fig, a dope ass rock star with a leather jacket and fishnets says "hey, I would fucking love to play twister" like. the way fig is so genuinely kind sometimes. those pictures of punks letting kids touch their mohawk spikes. yknow what I mean?
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adrastea-moon · 4 months
kipperlilly apparently has a problem with the bad kids getting preferential treatment at school, but the ratgrinders have only ever fought rats and spiders, which means their party somehow made it to junior year without having to do the mandatory sophomore year quest that’s worth 60% of their grade.
like the bad kids had to go on an incredibly dangerous, almost impossible quest where nearly every member of the party was killed at some point and which required them to give away all of their money, leaving multiple members in financial trouble, just to be able to pass sophomore year. meanwhile, the ratgrinders either didn’t have to go on a quest or it was so incredibly easy that they didn’t have to fight a single monster to accomplish it.
so which party is getting special treatment again???
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alistairlowes · 10 months
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i'm sorry but this shit annoys me to no end. like this is about heartstopper and you all need to stop acting like that show invented everything.
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fucking anyways
1. Koisenu Futari
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Show that’s specifically made to be about aromanticism and asexuality as well as how aroace people are perceived by society. They are main characters. That’s the main plot.
2. Heartbreak High
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Want a teen show with ace rep? No problem. One of the main characters is ace! Would you look at that! The representation already exists! It's got a ton of other rep too and it's on Netflix but somehow we never got that ace rep yet right? You don't even need subtitles for this one.
3. SkamFr (s12)
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Is it a bit too much at times? Ye sure but you know what it also is? Another teen show where the main character is asexual that deals with asexuality as the main theme. And no you don't need to watch all those seasons before to get it.
4. Bojack Horseman
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I didn't even watch this one but I'm aware.
5. Cherry Magic
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Oh would you look at that a show with main mlm couple where one of the side characters is aroace? I mean surely it hasn't been done before.
6. Run On
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You want some casual side character ace rep? Well here you go even kdramas have done it but I guess there just aren't any shows...
Honorary mention to Sex Ed for that one scene.
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ewwww-what · 3 months
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Average fig post on crystalbook or whatever they call it
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i’m glad siobhan is thinking about this as much as the rest of us are
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blindbisexualgoose · 2 months
You guys don’t understand…. Amerie never got the letter
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makanidotdot · 5 months
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xiewho · 3 months
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i think they should meet
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spookberry · 6 months
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overwhelmed with love for Sunny Madison so i had to draw her 6 times
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glittersploots · 7 days
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when you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around / did i ever make a sound?
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nexo-nex · 19 days
Theres gotta be a message/metaphor somewhere about briar having rose tinted glasses in her main design and her finally realizing her destiny is not as good as it was painted out to be for her
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