#she keeps the male voice tho LEL
sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"At long last!! I can stop looking like a block of cheese!
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"I want this dress and this dress and this dress and this dr-"
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Hi! May I request a matchup with a male HP character? Thank you so much (:
I use she/her pronouns and I’m straight—I’m a Leo, ENTP, and a Slytherin!! In short, I’ve always been a pretty easygoing person. A lot of people—including myself—would call me a peacekeeper! Baseless arguing is so pointless. However, this does NOT prevent me from speaking my mind whenever wrongdoings occur and need to be addressed. In fact, if you aren’t my friend or I simply don’t like you, I can be a little harsh with my words. I will tell it like it is at all times of the day. Lying is hardly in my agenda, but I am never cruel just to be cruel. I try my hardest to be respectful to everyone until they do something to lose that respect. Another contrary trait of mine is my uncontrollable anger. Most anything that negatively impacts me and my agenda will become a target of my rage. However, I never, EVER hold grudges!! I am very keen on forgiving and forgetting—if proper change can be seen, of course. In turn, I’ve always been a pretty humorous person. I love laughing at everything! I can be a huge tease when it comes to people I like romantically. In this same vein, I like to be the initiator in relationships. Taking care of a significant other sounds absolutely perfect to me!! I care not about laziness and insecurity—if anything, I prefer it. Cockiness and overly ambitious people irk me lmao
I’m social and talkative. I can talk about my favorite things for hours and hours!! I’m also extremely empathetic. Again, I’m a peacekeeper, so I naturally sympathize with all walks of life. I look at the bigger picture rather than the small details. To me, looking closely at things and overthinking them will just make decision making even more difficult. I’m very go-with-the-flow because of this and I despise being controlled. Bold and carefree, I make decisions because I want to, yet I keep my limits and rationality in mind. While impulsive, my impulsivity does not mute my ability to think things through. I’m always going and I hate staying indoors. However, I do like a good lazy day every now and then!! I think my love language is either words of affirmation or quality time—but the languages that speak to me the most are acts of service and receiving gifts. Gifting me something or doing something for me is a quick way to win over my heart. Again, I’m attracted to humbleness and kindness!!
My hobbies include singing, writing, and playing video games. I’m an avid lover of astrology and tarot as well!! My favorite ambiances are always the stormy ones. Forests and stormy oceans draw me in. I also quite enjoy space—the stars have always inspired me for some reason. I also enjoy walking around in abandoned places, visiting amusement parks, and doing as many adrenaline-inducing activities as possible!!
Thank you, again, for taking the time to do this. I wish you luck on the rest of your blog!! 💕
Ohhhh lorrrd I had a hard time with this one had to have a good hard think but my mind set on two people (pleasseeee don't hate me for this tho)
Ok so since I don't know which era you want I'ma be kind and give you both golden and muaraders yay!!!!!! Everyone's happy
Alright so my first choice to set would be muaraders Mr werewolf himself:
Remus Lupin🐶
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The relationship:
- he is a kind sweet honest man that doesn't want to see anyone hurt. He is a humble man that loves your every passion and personality.
-when your enraged by something or when you are having a bad day. He will come to you with some hot chocolate (the guy loves chocolate so expect a lot of it lel) he will ask of everything is alright and hold you until you calm down he will do everything in his path to make sure your day gets better.
-he is a little shy at first but once he opens up you'll both be having a fun time often laughing at jokes or harmless things really. He will listen to you talk for hours the sound of your voice brings comfort to him.
-he isn't really protective but if someone is teasing you he will tell them to stop and often try to stand up for you. Even though he isn't the most cowardly nor most strongest at this time but it's cute to see him try.
- he is interested in your hobbies often when you sing he will just listen and not say a word whether or not you scold him for listening or laugh at his blushing mess of embarrassment he will love you until the end of time.
- he is not familiar with video games however he doesn't know alot about muggle technology so each time you play together he often doesn't know the controls. You will have to teach him even if he ends up failing a level.
- when you show him astrology and tarot cards he will often seem interested smiling at the cool art designs wondering what it means.
-when walking to abandoned places or amusement parks he is abit off about it worrying about your safety he doesn't want to see you hurt and think these things are a bit dangerous for your liking. However even if you argue with him he'll end up going with you often getting scared of the ghost stories that pop up. You simply hold his hand walking through the abyss of wherever that may lie.
- when doing things full of adrenaline he can be quite nervous but will go through it once you speak some peace of mind to him as in
You: c'mon it's not that bad
Remus: I-i still don't think we should go
You: do you want me to hold your hand
Him: no but I-
You: it's not as bad as you think if it makes you nervous I am happy to stay by your side
Him: oh ok I'll see how it goes
You: that's the spirit *kisses cheek*
(I'm doing a thing with dialogue just tell me if it's cringy or not lol😅😂)
-oh boy the insecurities he has is a lot you will have to do a lot of consulting even if he doesn't think he's good enough for you. You will need to get it through his skull he is everything you want a kind and humble man that shall stick by your side through thick and thin.
So yeah that's really what I think your personality helps him sometimes it takes a strong person to know what will get him through things. Only problem is you'll have to deal with a hot headed tonks but I'm sure that won't be a problem at least 😅.
Anyways onto the next
Golden era:
Nievelle Longbottom♥️
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Ok so he may not be the most strongest or the most good looking of sorts but this boy carries alot of kindness and generosity that is so underlooked and you make him stronger.
-often at times he hangs out in the herbology classroom or around the forest because he loves plants he's interested in growing small things just for you. He's quite shy and overlooked but this doesn't stop him from trying to catch your attention.
-often at times he will approach you trying to ask you out but is way to shy to do so. He will often send letters with small drawings or small plants that remind him of you. He's quite a secret romantic in his own way.
-even if he's not popular he will try to approach you alone with Harry's help or Luna's trying to impress you. Even ginny might.
Ginny: you can do it just approach her
Nievelle: oh Merlin I don't think I can
Ginny: you have to it's her or never
Neivelle: she's surely beautiful like a certain flower *day dreams*
Ginny: quickly she's alone now
Nievelle: oh uh-alright
*approaches you holding a plant with a flower 🌷*
Nievlle: I-i thi-think this of-of you *gives it to you*
You: *takes it* thank you that's so sweet
Nievlle: smiles and slightly goes red
Ginny: it's working he's going red like a beet
You: hey let's go to the black lake I like the forest there
Nievelle: alright erm sure *holds your hand*
- this boy is so head over heals going with you everywhere. However he is scared in abandoned places but will go further and see it's beauty he isn't a extroverted person but he will walk through things with plants because he loves learning about them.
-video games he usually is determined to get good at just to impress and win you over he usually fails alot but practices just to get to your level. (Seriously how can you not like him he would be determined to get to you)
- he would give gifts you like and would take you places that seem peaceful. Amusement Parks aren't his forte it's more he is scared of adrenaline things but he will do it over and over just to please you.
- when your angry or hot headed he will come to you nervously with a small token of a gift he is usually the kind one with the help of Luna and ginny picking out something you like. Yeahhhh he often gives you gifts but he's quite indecisive normally getting different opinions but in the end he follows his heart and gifts you things you like.
-tarot cards and astrology is really fascinating to him often complimenting how it would look great as a piece of clothing. He would try to buy you more.
-ok so he ain't the best at standing up for himself but there are times when he is determined he will speak against Draco or even Snape (in his dreams his number one fear) just to protect you even if it ends badly. He is humble enough to stand things through with you.
- he is insecure about his ability and looks but if you boost his confidence everything can go right he needs a lift up at times and will go through thick and thin fighting only for you. Hell one time if Draco mocked you he even had the courage to punch him square out causing the ferret to runaway.
- he is always talking to you about whatever is on his mind listening to you and laughing at some silly jokes.
-he tries to hold your hand in secret or touches you when you want to he will ask however just to see if your comfortable with it. You would be great friends with ginny and luna often going with them to fun places with neivelle so that helps with the adrenaline part.
-he will love to sit in the astronomy tower with you and lay there quietly looking at the stars just to be peaceful.
Overall I think he is a very underated character that has one of the most kindest and determined humble hearts I ever seen I think if he had someone like you to boost his confidence it would go well.
Welp anyways that's what I think if you don't like it you can choose one or the other lol 😂 but then again it's my first time doing something like this sooo thanks for the compliment.
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