#he can be as freely genderfluid as he so damned wants
sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"At long last!! I can stop looking like a block of cheese!
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"I want this dress and this dress and this dress and this dr-"
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jujywrites · 7 years
another PokeGo post that went way further than I expected. ^w^
I! Have! Pokemon headcanons! (for a game I’ve never plaaayed help) Hold onto your hats it OT3 time yo (this has no order whatsoever just fyi and jaysus feck is it long I’ve been sitting on it for days)
Spark has zero guilty pleasures. If he likes something he likes it wholeheartedly, without shame.
Blanche is genderfluid and leans toward she/her. She just. doesn’t care about gender that much? When she came out to the other two they immediately were like “oh wow sorry do you want different pronouns what can we do” “…what? No just call me what you’ve been calling me its fine” occasionally prefers other pronouns, and lets Spark and Candela know when. totally chill about whatever other people read her as unless they pull “what are u” shit in which case this happens (and then she catwalks the fuck outta there). If there’s a persistent asshole and the other two are around Blanche has to restrain them from beating the asshole up.
Candela’s considered herself hella gay since she was a preteen. Meeting Spark was a “wtf he’s cute” moment, and she’s since decided she’s hella bi. 99.99% of the time only ladies turn her head tbh (Spark would rather think she’s Sparksexual and… Candela doesn’t argue that) Sometimes the other two will tease her if they catch her drooling over a girl, “you are so gay” “IM SO GAY” it’s become a running joke between them
Spark and Candela compete to see who can make Blanche blush because it’s so damn cute they can’t even deal(no, srsly, sometimes they have to leave the room so they can squee at each other over it). They keep a tally.
Blanche is tallest. Spark just makes it to her shoulder, and he’s barely 2 inches taller than Candela, but C likes heels and platform boots so everyone thinks Spark’s the shortest.
Candela and Spark bicker over the silliest things. Early on Blanche was bothered by that but now is 1000% over it all the time. (They’re idiots but they’re her idiots ya feel)
Blanche is the kind of person who reads smut with a straight face. In public.
Blanche is also the kind of person who writes smut with a straight face. But not in public.
Spark and Candela are big fans of Blanche’s smut but they don’t know it’s hers. Blanche has her suspicions that they read her stuff but prefers to think they don’t (and she would d i e if they actually found out who writes it)
Spark likes to wear skirts sometimes. Candela likes tuxedos. Blanche can barely handle one or the other(she… really likes it) but one time for Halloween C+S did a magician/assistant thing and she nearly spontaneously combusted (the blushometer hit new heights that day)
Candela’s into running. Spark’s into trying to keep up. Blanche prefers swimming.
The only things scarier than Candela and Spark playing video games competitively is Candela and Spark playing video games cooperatively. They will crush u at literally anything
Blanche likes to sing but doesn’t like to when anyone can hear her. This does not compute with C+S because Blanche’s voice is beautiful. The other two aren’t just ~anyone~ so she feels slightly more comfortable; sometimes she’ll sing without thinking, catch herself and stop. They pretend they don’t notice and she pretends she doesn’t notice them noticing and it’s all good
Spark can hold a tune but that’s about all. His enthusiasm makes up for it. Blanche freely encourages/praises him (which makes him want to burp rainbows) and sometimes they gang up on Candela to go to karaoke because with both of them singing too Blanche can sing without (too much) mortification
Sometimes it just hits Blanche, how much she loves them, and she kind of just short-circuits bc hOW WILL THEY KNOW CANNOT CONVEY. This often manifests in her being extremely cuddly. The other two know the signs and always make sure to smother her in kisses and hugs(even when she’s not like that they do though)
Candela’s usually the little spoon. Other fav configurations are Spark as the little spoon and Blanche in the middle but they have approximately 183925 combinations and it’s rarely the same two nights in a row
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