#she misses her mentor and being held damnit
hk-charas · 5 years
Hold Disciple?
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3laxx · 4 years
When the Dream ends - Chapter 2
In this chapter, with Amity's nightmare, I will be giving her a flashback to her view of the accident. Thus the rating Mature, but I want to put a warning before this chapter again. The nightmare is not necessarily story-relevant and happens in the second half of the chapter. It also eases into it. So if you had enough with Boscha's view of the accident, you can skip not to get triggered. Again, warning for blood and injuries. Have fun reading!
Ao3 / FF.net
“It’s okay, Luz, take your time.”, The girl by her side mumbled, but Luz was done waiting.
She had spent three days in bed now. And while she had been sleeping even longer!
Luz wanted to get up and the healers had said it was going to be fine if she started exercising again. In the human realm that would’ve taken longer, but luckily for her ADHD, here it didn’t take nearly as long. Thanks to magic. And she was gonna do this now, damnit.
Amity was sitting by her side while Eda propped up the bed, a healer standing by in case something was to go wrong.
Ugh, Luz felt like an old woman.
“I took my time. I wanna get up now.”, she grumbled and rolled her shoulders while waiting for Eda to come back to her side, the older witch having offered to assist Luz to get up again.
They hadn’t told them that Luz had tried sitting before, which was probably for the best, but now after days of testing her feet, legs and spine, she finally wanted to stand up again.
“Take it slow, kid. I’ll be with you.”, her mentor told her, then she grabbed Eda’s hand and pulled herself up, whining slightly when her back started hurting again. This was totally fine, she could do it.
At the next groan, Amity leaned over from the other side of the bed and softly supported her back, making Luz grind her teeth.
She felt like a baby and she knew they all just wanted her to be okay again someday, but she wanted to be okay again now.
“Hold that position for a minute or two, to get used to it again.”, the healer instructed before scribbling something down. Luz nodded and tried not to lean against Eda too much. Sure enough, after a few agonizing seconds, her spine adjusted and the pain faded.
“That’s better…”, she pressed out, before slightly pulling her legs in and attempting to swing them over the edge when the healer stepped in, stopping her right there.
“Hold it a bit longer. You should be able to sit alone, before standing up.”
Luz rolled her eyes but didn’t complain. Instead, competitiveness grabbed her.
“Amity, Eda, let go.”, she instructed, and while the witchling hesitantly obeyed, her mentor didn’t seem to like the idea.
“We’ll wait a little first.”, she shot back, still keeping an arm wrapped around Luz and holding her hand, furrowing her eyebrows, “You’re just as bad as me when it comes to patience.”
Luz had to chuckle at that, then she breathed through.
“Okay then, fine.”
The next few minutes Luz attempted to sit alone but repeatedly fell back against Eda, while Amity came around the bed to sit down by Luz’s legs, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. Luz didn’t like that face on her.
“Stop looking at me like that.”, she grumbled and Amity huffed.
“You stop being in pain, then.”, she shot back, making Luz nod. Fine, she got her.
Finally, she managed to get her muscles working properly again after that many days of lying down, succeeding to sit alone. Eda got up and cheered when Luz was securely sitting on her own, grinning down at her apprentice.
“You can finally sit! Your physical age just went down from 130 to 95.”
Luz rolled her eyes at that and carefully tried out her shoulders, glaring at Eda.
“Hah hah, you’re so funny.”, Luz grumbled at the older witch who just chuckled before sitting down next to her again to help her stand up. Amity got up to allow Luz to turn, then she sat down on her other side to mirror Eda’s position, wrapping an arm around Luz’s back.
“Are you sure you wanna do this, Luz?”
With a smile, the Latina looked over and nodded, determined to pull through with what she had begun.
With a groan, Luz leant forward, then she put some weight on her feet and slipped off the bed, digging her fists into Eda’s and Amity’s clothes while she adjusted to the new position. With a whine, she straightened up and felt tears slowly welling up in her eyes but she would do this. She would absolutely do this.
Her mentor and her friend held her firmly and kept her standing, since Luz couldn’t stand alone yet. Shakily, she leant against Eda, seeking comfort.
“… I-It hurts so bad…”, she finally pressed out, causing Eda to look over to the healer. He merely nodded.
“It will hurt for the next few days, still. That’s caused by the injury and your bones and muscles having rested for some long.”
Luz gritted her teeth, then she straightened completely and looked ahead, tears flowing down her cheeks. She wanted to do a step.
And she would take it.
Breathing in, she then held her breath and lifted her foot, taking a step forward, closely accompanied by Eda and Amity. This could take a while.
 “Luz, don’t you think you’ve practiced enough yet?”, Amity asked, still keeping her arms around the girl. She could tell her crush was exhausted and she wanted nothing more than for her to lie down and rest.
But the Latina wouldn’t give up. Eda had left in the meantime, and that left Amity with only half an hour to spare until her curfew.
“No, I g-gotta-”
“Luz, seriously, I need to go, too and you can’t just keep being in pain for this.”, the girl didn’t listen to her and took another step, “I swear, I’ll just drop you right here and go.”
A whine sounded from the human and Amity’s heart broke.
“… Okay, okay, I’ll go back to the bed.”
Unwillingly, Luz redirected her steps back to the bed and sat down with Amity’s help, before sinking back down in the covers and lying down on her side, still feeling pain doing that. This sucked so bad, she didn’t wanna be in pain.
“… Do you think Boscha might visit me?”, she asked, not without a certain fear in her voice, while she watched Amity pack her things and get ready to leave. The young witchling turned to her and a small, sympathetic smile grew on her lips.
“I mean-… She might. Why do you ask?”
“W-Will you be there?”, Luz asked slowly, worrying her lip. She wasn’t sure how to approach Boscha and how to handle that the witch had injured her so badly. Of course, Luz knew that she hadn’t meant to but she was still scared. What if Boscha reacted poorly?
And what if it had nothing to do with her reaction but with her face alone? Would she be fine with seeing her?
Amity shrugged.
“I guess so.”, she joined Luz on her bed, brushing a few sweaty strands of hair out of her face to which the human closed her eyes, enjoying the touch, “If you want me to, I’ll be there.”
The teenager smiled, then she looked up to Amity again and sniffled.
“S-Sorry, this is so dumb. I guess I’m just tired.”
Amity hummed and smiled at that, still brushing her hands through her hair and playing with a few baby strands on her hairline.
“It’s not dumb. It’s natural you’d be unsure about that. But I assure you, I already talked to Boscha and she’s very sorry. She went to therapy like I assumed, actually.”
Luz slowly nodded at that.
“I don’t know what happened but it must’ve really shaken her.”
The young witchling shuddered, thinking back to her memories of it, but she brushed it off. If she told her parents she needed therapy, they wouldn’t let her, to keep face. A Blight never showed weakness, and being influenced by this was weakness.
Her parents would only tell her to suck it up and forget about it. To toughen up.
Amity forced a smile, then she leant down to place a feathery kiss on Luz’s forehead, a habit Luz had welcomed happily and introduced it as a tradition whenever Amity would wish her a goodnight.
Luz smiled at that and wished it’d last longer but the witchling already pulled back and softly brushed over her shoulder.
“Don’t worry too much about Boscha, Luz. It’ll be fine once you two talk it out, okay?”, but she couldn’t help it. Her thoughts were racing and she huffed.
“Fine… Get home safely?”
Amity smiled at her and nodded.
“Okay. I promise. You sleep well.”
The human nodded after her, then the witchling already closed the door and left. Luz was alone in her room now, and she felt as lonely as never. A tear slowly rolled down over her cheek but she didn’t know if it was still from the exertion or being left alone now. She closed her eyes and tried to keep as still as possible, so she wouldn’t mess up the hairstyle Amity had given her. And after a few minutes of keeping her eyes closed, sleep wouldn’t leave her waiting for long.
 Willow and Gus agreed, they couldn’t leave Luz hanging, taking up Boscha’s bullying alone. Amity smiled as she raced after them. The plant track witchling would probably call the game back on and Amity was prepared to absolutely kick Boscha’s butt in grudgby if need be. She doubted Gus would want to participate in this game, still, so she would step in and absolutely bring Luz a victory. It was already bad enough that Luz had to take the embarrassment of being Boscha’s target practice.
Amity didn’t want her to be tormented by her so-called friend even more.
They ran back to the grudgby field, Amity now running ahead, but the closer they got the more she missed the action sounding from the field.
Had Boscha and Luz made up?
She furrowed her eyebrows when she got closer, but something seemed wrong. Cat was just flying off, towards the school, and it almost sounded like Boscha was shouting, but no teasing like before. It sounded-… Almost serious.
Which was rare for Boscha, given that she loved to talk in that demanding, bossy tone.
They rounded the last corner and Amity stopped dead in her tracks, yelping, Willow and Gus doing the same. Quickly, Willow lifted her arm to block Gus’ vision, probably the most reflexive and smartest thing to do in this situation. But Amity was seeing what was happening on that field.
Boscha was kneeling on the ground over someone unmoving, barking instructions at Cat, Skara and Amelia, her team. Which were okay. Which meant-
She first recognized the colorful multitrack uniform of Luz, when she looked down to the person Boscha was kneeling over, her hand on their neck while she talked to Skara.
It was Luz. Luz was lying there.
Boscha above her, just looking over.
There was red.
White, seething anger bubbled up in Amity and she leaped.
She ran towards them, already preparing to throw whatever her magic offered at Boscha.
The realization only hit when she came closer to the scene. Luz was lying on the floor, half on her side, half on her face, and there was red.
Blood was spreading all over her clothes, her hair was soaked in blood and her face was so red and her clothes were getting all red, her beautiful multitrack uniform. Boscha’s knees and hands were full of red and she was kneeling in her, in Luz’s blood. Amity was furious.
Suddenly, a vine jumped up from the floor, accompanied by others, trapping her. Her glaring eyes met Amelia’s, who still lifted her hands, building a cage around Amity. Her gaze screamed an apology, but Amity couldn’t care, she was focused on Boscha and got ready to summon an abomination.
Boscha didn’t even acknowledge her. She didn’t even look up.
Her hand was seemingly glued to the human’s neck, staying in one certain spot on the slippery, bloodstained skin.
“BOSCHA, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A WITCH!!”, she screamed, the abomination forgotten now. She was too emotional to even grasp a straight thought, too focused on ripping up Boscha with her bare hands that she didn’t even think about magic anymore. Her hands ripped at the cage but Amelia had conjured some sturdy vines, “LEMME AT HER, AMELIA, I’LL RIP HER UP!!”
Luz looked so horrible, so horrible that Amity almost couldn’t look at her. But Boscha didn’t even care that the blood was everywhere on her, on her hands, sleeves, gloves, uniform. She didn’t even care that Luz was bleeding out.
Amity couldn’t look away, either, though. She didn’t see much of the wound, she was still too far away and Luz’s face was facing her, so she couldn’t see the back of her head. But all her hair was wet, and all her face was red. She looked horrible.
The seething anger had completely taken over her, so much so that she was screaming herself hoarse. Especially when Willow joined the scene and Boscha leaned down as if she was to kiss Luz, her hair getting all soaked from the blood pooling around Luz’s face, before straightening up again and having Luz’s blood run all over her face from out of her hair. Boscha looked terrifying like this.
“DON’T BE A FUCKING COWARD BOSCHA, FIGHT ME!!”, she screamed again, even if her voice was breaking at the tears and sobs building up in her throat, making her voice crack and break off. Her body was on autopilot, ripping on the vines like a maniac and stretching for Boscha no matter what despite being a good two meters away from the scene unfolding in front of her.
She couldn’t even stop screaming. Couldn’t stop to grasp a logical thought, couldn’t stop.
She still stretched for Boscha, her fingernails turning bloody upon clawing at the vines that held her back. Or for Luz. She didn’t really know what she’d do once she’d reach them.
She’d either attack Boscha or probably try to protect Luz from more damage. But she couldn’t stop raging, couldn’t stop, and she began to think, deep down in her subconscious, that maybe it was better this way.
“BOSCHA, I SWEAR TO THE TITAN I’LL KILL YOU!!”, she yelled when the three girls got ready to roll Luz onto the stretched Willow had created at Boscha’s command.
They were so gentle and careful with her, probably to mind her spine. When Luz rolled onto her back, Amity only then saw how bad the human really looked like. It seemed like she had lost a lot of blood already, blood that was now all over Boscha, Skara and Willow, and her injury just wouldn’t stop bleeding.
Shortly, she asked herself why Boscha hadn’t put anything on it yet, but this thought went under in her murderous rage. Later, she’d understand that Boscha was way too shocked to do everything right.
She wanted to scream more at them, when the grudgby team captain suddenly leaned down and instructed her helpers to hold Luz firmly, while she’d start CPR. Amity couldn’t bring out proper sentences anymore, she just yelled death threats at Boscha and some incoherent insults, when Boscha started to perform CPR on the human. Especially, when she held Luz’s nose close and blew air into her mouth, Amity’s rage was tinged by ugly, green jealousy. She rammed her body against the vines that Amelia still held up, screaming and clawing at everything she could reach, once again stretching out her arms despite being unable to stretch the gap.
She had to reach Luz.
Luz was hurt by Boscha.
She had to beat up Boscha.
A lot of sobs built into her rage now, making her voice break and crack, but she wouldn’t ever stop, not if Luz’s life was in danger. Finally, the Healing professor and the Illusions Professor showed up and took Luz with them to the Healing Coven. That’s when a wave of relaxation went through the girls. Amity couldn’t hold up her screaming anymore as well.
She had by now collapsed against the vines as well, sobbing quietly to herself while exhaustion washed over her.
Luz had looked so horrible. She’d have to face the possibility of her dying, and never coming back and Amity having missed her chance to ever come clean about her feelings. Never ever again she’d see the dumb otter costume Luz loved so much.
Sobs sounded through her head, making her shake and tremble, when she realized Luz was dead, gone, never to return again. She was dead and Amity couldn’t tell her how much she loved her. She wouldn’t see her dumb smile again, wouldn’t be able to snicker at her human expressions and she’d have to say goodbye on her grave.
Titan, that was a hard pill to swallow.
When Willow approached her, she was just strong enough to look up, before everything around her went black-
 With a scream, Amity shot up in her bed. She was drenched in sweat and crying. The hoarseness in her voice was also evidence that she had been screaming in her sleep.
Curling in on herself, Amity started sobbing. She couldn’t do this anymore. She had only had this dream ever since Luz had been brought to the Healer’s Coven. She was exhausted and sad and terrified what this was doing to her.
Shortly after, she felt a familiar scent surround her and Edric climbed into bed with her. Her brother had a light sleep, completely opposite to their sister who could sleep through an earthquake.
Edric softly pulled her closer and cradled her head close, allowing her to curl up against him.
She immediately felt better and her violent sobs turned down into sniffles, until she just breathed against his shirt.
All the while he said nothing. He was probably already asleep again. As deeply as Emira slept, as quickly Edric could sleep. Amity was just grateful he wouldn’t leave her alone during a time like this. She always wanted to apologize to him that she was screaming at night but he always brushed it off, gave her a kiss on the forehead and pulled her close, reassuring her that everything was fine.
Snuggled against the chest of her brother, she quickly found some rest again and even, subconsciously, reached up to bury her hand in his dark green hair. Like she had always done as a little witchling, when she had had nightmares about having to hurt Willow. Her brother had always gotten up and lied back down in her bed, and she had made it a habit to calm herself and bury a hand in his hair.
This was a long time back but she could still immediately feel the relaxation and thus, the sleepiness set in once her fingers were entangled in his soft locks, making her smile.
Unbeknownst to her, Edric was just dozing and smiled as well, when he felt his baby sister seeking for her comfort position since she had just been a baby.
After all, Amity was still just a little girl, wanting to be comforted.
He smiled, then he pulled her closer and pressed a little kiss to her forehead when he was sure she had already fallen asleep, making sure that she could keep her hand in his hair and her other hand against his chest, to feel his heartbeat.
Most of this she did unconsciously, but Amity had always been a snuggly baby, especially with Edric, and he had more than welcomed the unusual warmth in their family. And if she needed his hair and heartbeat to sleep again, he would more than happily allow her those things.
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valkyrisffvii · 3 years
Setting: Shinra Headquarters, Midgar
POV: 1st person (Mithra)
Summary: Angeal takes Mithra on as his second apprentice alongside Zack, and he introduces her to Genesis and Sephiroth.
I stood outside of the training room waiting for Zack to show up. A week had passed since I met him, and I was eager to meet his mentor, Angeal. We had been hanging out a lot as well, and he quickly became a good friend. Both of us had seemingly boundless energy and friendly personalities. We talked about our childhoods, or at least his childhood and whatever I had experienced before:
“So Mithra, where are you from?”
“I’m not exactly sure, but my earliest memory is waking up in the slums. I don’t know how I got there. What about you?”
“Me? I’m from Gongaga.” I couldn’t help but laugh at how funny it sounded. 
“Hey, what’s so funny? Don’t you know about Gongaga?”
“I didn’t know there were so many other places out there. The slums were the only world I knew for so long.”
“Gongaga’s pretty far from here,” Zack said. “There’s a broken reactor nearby, but it’s a pretty sweet place. You’ve gotta watch out for the frogs though. Some of them can turn you into one if you’re not careful. I know that from experience.”
“You got turned into a frog once?” I laughed.
“Several times, actually. My dad got really good at reversing the transformation,” he said, his face blushing slightly. I giggled, finally feeling that I’d found someone I could really relate to. Even though he wasn’t a former slum-dwelling thief, I had never met someone as cheerful and open-minded as him.
I smiled at the memory before hearing footsteps walking down the hallway. I turned my head towards them, and low and behold, there he was. Zack grinned at me as he stopped in front of me.
“Angeal’s not here yet. You wanna go in and spar?” I nodded eagerly. I had been practicing for hours every day, and my skills have been improving quite significantly. I had also spoken with the Director about scouting missions, and he told me that the three Firsts and he would test me on my skills in the coming weeks. 
Zack and I entered the training room, which was bare of any furniture. We stood opposite of each other, drawing our weapons. Aside from my standard issued Shinra short sword, I had a long bow and a quiver of arrows. If I was gonna be a scout, I might as well learn ranged combat. 
Zack made the first move, performing an overhead slash, which I shielded easily. I took advantage of his position and jabbed him in the stomach with my elbow, causing him to stagger backwards. We continued at it for a few minutes before Zack crumpled to the floor, panting heavily.
“Damnit Mithra, I still have training with Angeal! You’re wearing me out!” I smirked, my practice was definitely paying off.
Just after that, another presence entered the room. I turned my head to see a tall, muscular man. He almost looked like he was related to Zack, with black chin-length hair, a small beard, and the signature SOLDIER eyes. He was wearing a black SOLDIER uniform and holding a short sword identical to mine and Zack’s. The most noticeable thing about him, however, was the giant broadsword he had strapped to his back. He looked at Zack, smirking.
“I see the newcomer has overwhelmed you, puppy,” he chuckled. Zack rolled his eyes and picked himself up off the floor.
“Shut up, Angeal,” he retorted before turning to me. “Mithra, this is Angeal Hewley, my mentor.” Angeal held out his hand, and I shook it.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Valkyris. Zack’s told me about you, and you seem very promising in your abilities as a SOLDIER.”
“Please, just call me Mithra. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Commander Hewley,” I said nervously, struggling to make eye contact. 
“If you don’t need formalities, then neither do I. Angeal is fine.” He let go of my hand. “You’re a former thief, aren’t you?” 
I gulped. What was he gonna think of me now? I nodded in shame; I knew that my past would haunt me forever. Luckily Angeal noticed, and he did nothing that would embarrass me further. 
“I’m glad that you’ve decided to join SOLDIER, as we are always looking for new recruits that can be sent on stealth missions.” He drew his sword just as Zack had done earlier. “Give me a few hits.” 
I struck his sword several times, but on one, he managed to push my blade away with a fair amount of force. However, I took the opportunity to roll underneath him and get behind him, remaining directly behind him so he couldn’t swing at me. Taking care not to get cut on his giant sword, I swung the sword in front of his neck, landing it inches away from his skin. His eyes widened, thoroughly impressed with my performance. 
I lowered my sword, and he turned around. I bowed respectfully, hoping that I didn’t do anything wrong. He cleared his throat, and I looked up at him.
“That was very impressive. You excel at being unpredictable and disarming your opponent. I’m sure the Director will be pleased to know this. I also see that you are an archer as well.” He gestured to my bow.
“I’m learning, but yes, I also like to use some ranged weapons.” I replied. Angeal hummed to himself in satisfaction.
“Good. Adaptability is essential in the military.” He turned to Zack. “I’m gonna go and talk to Lazard about assigning scout missions to Mithra. We shouldn’t take long, and then I’ll train you afterwards.”
“I can’t complain about a training delay,” Zack said before doing squats. Angeal motioned for the two of us to follow him, and he led us out of the training room and to Director Lazard’s office. Zack smiled at me encouragingly the whole way.
We reached the Director’s office, and I instantly spotted two SOLDIERs standing in front of the desk, their backs facing us. One of them had rusty red hair and a reddish coat on, and the other had silver hair that went past their waist and a black leather coat. I was instantly drawn to the silver-haired one; wasn’t I the only female SOLDIER? Whoever they were, they looked absolutely beautiful, and I could not take my eyes off of them. Angeal cleared his throat.
“Director Lazard, I’d like to talk to you about Mithra Valkyris.” The two SOLDIERs turned around, and to my embarrassment, I saw that the silver-haired figure was a man. I did my best to hide the flush that came over my face. I thought he was a woman, a very tall one at that, and a very attractive one. Zack noticed my nervousness and squeezed my hand in support.
“Angeal, did you really have to interrupt us?” The auburn man asked in annoyance. “We were talking about something important. Couldn’t you have waited a few minutes?” Angeal rolled his eyes.
“My bad, Genesis.” Lazard turned his attention towards the black-haired First, and he glanced at me as well.
“Has she gotten a chance to demonstrate her skills to you, Commander Hewley?”
“Yes, and she’s very promising. She managed to sneak under me after I blocked her, and if she wanted to she could’ve cut my throat.” Genesis scoffed.
“Not as aware as you think you are, huh Angeal?” He laughed at himself, and Angeal rolled his eyes again. I wondered if he got headaches from doing that so much. 
“Very good,” said Lazard. “Are you recommending her for scout?”
“Yes,” replied Angeal, confidently, “she’ll do well on stealth missions.” Lazard smiled.
“Well then, Mithra, congratulations. You now have the title of Agent. I trust that you’ll do well in your upcoming missions.” He turned to his computer to type out his latest report. Angeal turned around to leave the Director’s office, and Zack and I followed him. Genesis and the silver-haired SOLDIER caught up with us.
“Angeal, how could you not introduce us to your second pupil?” Genesis asked, looking at me. I held out my hand.
“I’m Mithra Valkyris,” I said. Genesis smiled at my initiative, taking my hand and kissing the top of it.
“I’ve heard about you, Mithra Valkyris. The first female SOLDIER. Commander Genesis Rhapsodos, at your service.” I smiled at his charisma. Genesis let go of my hand before staring at the third SOLDIER. 
“Sephiroth, be a gentleman and greet the lady!” I looked at him and tried my hardest not to blush. I had crushed on him earlier because I thought he was a woman!
“I’m Sephiroth, General of SOLDIER,” he said quickly, shaking my hand. His eyes drilled into me as if he was searching for my true emotions. I felt intimidated by him, maybe because his pupils looked weird.
“I’m Mithra,” I squeaked. I could see the faintest hint of a smile form on Sephiroth’s lips.
“I’m sure we’ll become well-acquainted if you’ll be training under Angeal,” Sephiroth said calmly. 
“I don’t know how you’ll be able to train two rambunctious Thirds, Angeal,” Genesis snorted. “The puppy already stresses you out enough.”
“I’ll try not to be too much trouble for him,” I retorted. “Unless you would like to mentor me, Genesis.” Genesis held his hands up. 
“I have a tendency to set things on fire, so maybe I could help you with magic,” he replied. I laughed in response.
“And I don’t think you’d be able to keep up with me,” Sephiroth added. Genesis scoffed.
“Yes, no one can beat Shinra’s poster boy.” He rolled his eyes, and I snickered.
“Anyways, I’m gonna go to the simulator room and do some stealth practice. I can’t get rusty if Lazard expects me to do scouting missions.” I turned to head towards the simulation room when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see Genesis.
“Let us accompany you. We haven’t gotten to see what you can do, and Lazard did say that we’d get to see it as well.” I smiled and nodded, and Genesis and Sephiroth followed me to my destination. Time to prove myself worthy of making Second Class.
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Just Keep Living
Fenrir X injured! MC(Fem)
Warnings: mentions of blood, bruises, and vivid description of injuries.
Written by: Spade (@swordsheartsandspades)
Fenrir knew the risks of war.
He was a soldier after all. And soldiers were trained to either endure those risks or avoid them. He had seen comrades shot and stabbed, friends who nearly lost their minds from torture. His heart would clench at each fallen comrade, but he would never forget his job, his mission.
Keep shooting
But then, there was her. His partner in crime. His best friend. The love of his life.
She was not a soldier like him. MC had not been trained in the ways of battle, of war and death and suffering. It was not her job to keep shooting, or keep fighting. It was to keep loving, to keep dreaming, keep the heart of the army alive. To keep him, alive damnit.
It was not supposed to be the other way around.
This ordeal had started a week prior, when he had awoken without her snug at his side. He hadn’t been worried, at the beginning of the day. She was probably out, hanging with friends or doing some work. And sure, he was a little upset that she hadn’t woken him up to say goodbye—but she was under no obligation to do that.
But the day pressed forward, he continued to do what he would always do. She never left the back of his head though, the small concern for her safety slowly growing stronger with each passing hour. Each minute he hoped he would see her walking to him with a brilliant smile. Each minute he was let down. So, he began to ask people about her whereabouts: Luka, Ray, Seth, anyone. No one could tell him where she was.
The concern turned to worry very quickly.
“Hey Sirius, have you seen MC today at all? Would you know where she’d be?” He went to the last person who would know where she’d be. Sirius looked up at Fenrir over his glasses, setting down his pen and looking pensive.
“I…I haven’t seen her since yesterday. Maybe she went out with some friends?”
Fenrir shook his head, fists clenching his jacket, “I’ve asked literally every person that knows her. No one has seen her…I’m gettin’ a little worried, Sirius.”
“A little seems to be an understatement. Should we get a search party together?” Sirius seemed to study Fenrir, his cool amethyst eyes analytic. It was a running joke, but in these quiet moments Sirius truly seemed like a father. Fingers steepled, back tall. Fenrir’s thoughts went rapid, like lightning—thinking of every detail and every possibility. There was a finality in his answer.
It took three days for both the Black and Red Armies to find her. Hell, it wasn’t even a soldier who found her. It was the grungy, heterochromic eyed alley cat, and his wizard mentor. Fenrir had been sleeping under a tree near the Forbidden Forest. Well, sleeping was a generous term—more along the lines of eyes closed and praying under his breath. His chest ached, eyes red and puffy from tears. 
When he was shaken awake, he thought it was Sirius or Ray—but the catlike eyes before him were neither of his friends’.
“What do you want, Loki? Now’s not the time for some stupid bullshit you got.” Fenrir closed his eyes again, attempting to ignore him.
“Oh, excuse me for being so rude. For risking my own safety in an attempt to get our darling Alice back home. Excuse me for having the decency to actually try to find you instead of dropping her next to you like a corpse.”
Fenrir’s eyes shot open, and he grabbed Loki with an iron grip. “You’ve found her?”
It was then, in that small moment, that he noticed Loki’s eyes were darker. His cloak had bloodstains, and the normally delicate cattish features of the man were marred with bruises. Fenrir couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t move, couldn’t could breathe, couldn’t walk.
“Dear Harr is trying to help Alice right now, there’s not much he can do though. She’ll need to get to a doctor soon.” Loki’s hand wrapped around Fenrir’s wrist—leading him through the forest until they reached a small clearing.
Two people were there. One was Harr, also covered in blood and bruises. The other was…was…
Oh no.
No no no no no
Harr looked up, meeting Fenrir’s gaze. “Come, take her from me. She’s barely alive right now, you must be swift.”
Fenrir rushed to him, to her body. It was in bad shape. Horrible shape. Her face was paler than it had ever been, eyes glassy and corpselike. Blood stained her entire body—which was only covered by Harr’s cloak. He caught a glint of metal on the ground—bloody knives that had been pulled out of her body.
She looked…dead.
“No time for gawking, she needs help. Go. Now.”
It was now three days after finding MC. It was now a week since she had went missing. No answers. No suspects. No word from Harr or Loki.
“Fenrir, I brought you lunch.” Kyle came into the room, the door clicking shut behind him. He merely shrugged, taking the plate and thanking him under his breath.
Three nights prior was a blur. He remembered running back to the camp, yelling that MC needed help. He remembered riding on horseback with her in his arms, barely able to see where he was going. He remembered Kyle taking her away for surgery, and how he had been held by Ray as he finally broke down in sobs. Then darkness, then waking up in his bed, and before long—three days had gone by.
He looked at her, his love. She was alright. Not awake, but alright. It had been a close call, and if she had been found mere minutes later—MC would’ve been dead. But she was not dead, he had to keep reminding himself that. She was not dead, and eventually she would wake up. Punishing words crept into the back of his head, torturous, frighteningly real words that made his skin crawl with shame.
It’s your fault this happened
MC woke up after another three days. Fenrir had been sleeping in the chair next to her, his hand holding hers with gentle fingers. He had felt her stirring, but didn’t wake up until she called his name.
She spoke it softly, with a horse, quiet voice, a soft prayer. But he couldn’t mistake it. His eyes shot open, taking in her beautiful, kind eyes. Tired eyes that still seemed to smile if they rested on him. His body began to shake, hands trembling as they reached up to touch her face. She leaned into his touch, weak hands reaching to hold his head close to hers.
He wanted to climb on the bed and cover her with kisses and love. He wanted to hold her close to him, arms wrapped securely around her waist. He wanted—He wanted—
“Please kiss me, love. I’ve missed you.”
So, that’s what he did.
He wrapped his arms loosely around her waist, bringing their faces so close to eachother that their lips were barely touching. She leaned in first, her normally soft lips dry and chapped against his. But he didn’t care. They were warm, and full of life, and love. He kissed her deeper, keeping it slow, with eyes screwed shut and arms wrapping tighter around her. Her hands ran through his hair, nails gently scratching his scalp.
Tears were rolling down his cheeks, making the kiss salty. Neither noticed, nor cared. He ran his hands down her back, over her arms, her face, through her hair—everything. He needed to feel, needed to know.
She was alive.
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Thunderbolts and Lightning (Marina x Pearl)
Marina was one of the best combat engineers in the octarian military, and when she went AWOL, Octavio had one less person working to make him more powerful. He had to reuse ideas from his previous machinery to try and upgrade his gear, but it could never be as good as what that combat engineer could create for him. After he kidnapped Callie and the New Squidbeak Splatoon put him back in a snow globe, he heard the Squid Sisters talking about a group called Off the Hook. He heard the name Marina and his interest was piqued, that was the name of his combat engineer that went missing so long ago... could it really be her?
As he continued to eavesdrop on their conversations, he learned more about Off the Hook and that Marina was indeed an octoling. It wasn’t until one afternoon when the duo showed up in the canyon to visit their friends that Octavio knew for sure Marina was his engineer. He’d recognize her unique tentacles anywhere, someone so talented could never leave his mind. No, not like that, he wasn’t that bad of a guy, he needed her for his weapons, his arsenal, for octarian society itself, not... reproduction. She avoided his gaze, doing her best to ignore him but he saw the nervous glances she shot his way. If he could lure her back in somehow he could have everything he had ever wanted in the past three years since she disappeared, and he knew just how to do it.
It took months of planning and secret contact with soldiers from his army, but eventually they would kidnap Pearl and turn her against Marina, forcing her to come back to where she began. Callie’s kidnapping was merely a test run compared to this new plan, it was well thought through and detailed, dare he say fool proof. Octavio was well aware that he’d need to go deeper with the brainwashing rather than just a pair of shades, how he would do that was undetermined yet, but he had teams of people working on a fully developed plan, he trusted his elites to come up with something good. And boy did they, electroshock therapy was the final conclusion after they learned of Pearl’s accident when she got electrocuted, they decided to use the weakness of her fear against her.
They had successfully captured Pearl and broke Octavio free in one swift mission, the team of octolings hardly making a sound in the night. An invisible kettle lead them to what Pearl thought resembled something that was a cross between a training ground and a prison. When they locked her up in a cell though, she was leaning more towards the prison definition.
It was a generic block cell, concrete floors and walls, iron bar doors to keep her inside, and tally marks on the walls from previous prisoners who were counting down the days until they were free. Maybe she should start her own tally mark calendar, if this was going to be her jail experience, why not do it all?
Her time in the cell was short, maybe a day at the most, until a pair of black-tentacled octolings arrived and moved her to a different room. It was far away from the other rooms, located on the lowest level of the facility. She had a very bad feeling about this, not only the fact that she was being held captive by Marina’s former boss and biggest threat to Inkopolis, but this room had to be so isolated for a reason. Was it a torture room? A secret place to keep her hidden from anyone who would come to save her? Both?
The door opened, reveling a small room with a separate control-like room, visible through thick panes of glass, and a single chair. There was another door that looked like it lead to the control room, but it was under strict security. Pearl examined the chair, hesitantly wondering if it did what she thought it would.
There was no more time to ponder, however, and she was being pushed into the uncomfortable metal furniture and locked in. Maybe it was just to keep her in place, that control panel was for something different, right? She felt her heartbeat quicken as she lost control of her body, unable to move from the chair or get away from the people surrounding her.
Octavio was smirking as his plan unfolded, seeing the fear in the girl’s eyes brought him a reassurance that this plan would go well. Soon he’d have his best engineer back, and maybe a little inkling soldier too.
The two octolings who had been Pearl’s escorts entered the control room where Octavio was, standing on either side of him. He nodded to them, “Good work girls, and welcome Pearl.”
“As if I want to be here with you psychopaths.”
The DJ shook his head, “Here’s how things are going to work around here, if you obey us, things are going to be a lot easier than if you choose to fight. Because you already have shown some resistance, we’re going to give you a little taste of what will happen if you continue to act this way.”
There were a few beeping noises, some movement, and then a sudden pulse of electricity. No, no, no, cod damnit not again. Flashbacks ran through her mind, the shock that had ruined her all those years ago was all she could feel, the intensity of that one shock was enough to destroy her body’s growth cycle and leave her permanently stuck in her current body. She couldn’t help the scream that escaped her throat, though it was short lived as the electricity suddenly vanished and she was left shaking from both fear and aftershock.
“Look, I’ll do what you want just don’t go near that panel again, fuck all of you-” Pearl tried to reason with her kidnappers, who didn’t seem to be taking any shit from her. Each of her snarky comments were followed by short controlled shocks, nothing that would damage her in the long run. They still did plan to use the hypnoshades, the electrocution was more of tool to help speed up the process and hopefully make it more effective.
Octavio exited the control room, leaving his two guards to take care of the shocking mechanism. He shot a devious look at Pearl, telling her before he exited the room, “You might as well make yourself comfortable in that chair, your little friends won’t be coming after you for a long time.”
“That’s what you think, they’ll find me before you can even step foot into your over glorified office, they’ll save me just you wait!”
Pearl did not, in fact, make herself comfortable. She would protest and scream and kick and fight, but all to no avail as each action they disapproved of was treated with more shocks and more locks to keep her still. There were bars around her torso and biceps, her thighs and calves, leaving her utterly helpless against the chair.
She lost track of time too quickly, only telling time by when there was a soldier by the control panel or not. They would come in once each day to give her food, and they worked in shifts to watch and (attempt to) train her. The training was useless, as long as she still had free will in her mind, they’d never break her. They obviously hadn’t heard of the MC Princess down here, she was too tough and stubborn to ever give in to their oppressive beliefs. Even if it meant getting continuously electrocuted, her fears weren’t enough to scare her into submission.
After what felt like an eternity of octolings trying to change her morals and beliefs, she was shaking, her veins prominent against her pale skin and eyes bloodshot from crying. She was weak and drained of all the energy she had, too tired to argue and deal with the pain of the shocks.
The sound of the heavy metal door opening made her ears ring, steel scraping against concrete and rusty hinges, revealing an elite octoling with a pair of sunglasses. The glasses looked mechanical, she couldn’t see what was so special about them though, that was until they were put on her. They forced her to see differently, quite literally, the octoling in front of her now registered as an ally as well as Octavio and the rest of the army. She thought she could now hear a dubstep beat playing in the distance too, it was entrancing, she’d do anything to hear more of that song.
“How do you feel?” The soldier asked, giving a sly smile to the inkling.
“Different,” Pearl replied.
“Good, that’s how you’re supposed to feel. Now, about your little friend...”
The octoling went on to try and successfully train Pearl, finally explaining their plan to lure Marina back to Octavio’s forces to work for them again and gain her trust. With the shades on, she thought the plan was perfect, and Marina was a trader for leaving them in the first place. Her mentor seemed to like that response. She continued to ask questions and run through what part the inkling would play in their glorious plan. Marina’s skills could give them the power to take over all of Inkopolis, the tech she made was revolutionary, once they had her, they would be unstoppable.
When they thought they had thoroughly trained Pearl, they allowed her out of the room to go practice some fighting techniques with a few soldiers (on the occasion that she would need to fend for herself). On her way down to the next room, an octoling rushing by bumped into her and knocked her glasses off, causing her to feel dazed and dizzy at first. As the affects of the glasses wore off, she realized she was out of the room, the chair, she was free from the restraints. The only thing that she could focus on was escaping, and that’s exactly what she tried to do.
She tried.
A group of octolings found her no more than ten minutes later and immediately took her back to the room with the electric chair. This time, Octavio was back by the control panel with an elite octoling, she knew she was in big trouble.
She was not going to give up without a fight, she tried to squirm away from the soldiers holding her, but it only made them more forceful with her. Her lack of strength was apparent, and they easily forced her into the chair once again. The metal locks clicked around her wrists and stomach, preventing her upper body from moving almost completely. She attempted to kick the octolings away from her, but was only met with a backhand straight to her face.
“You don’t get to touch us, doll. You aren’t the one in charge of yourself.”
Pearl glared at her, she wanted to wipe that smug look right off her face, oh the things she would do if she had just one hand free. Her moment of stillness allowed the locks by her ankles to click in place, holding her still. After learning what they planned to use her for, she promised herself she wouldn’t give up until the New Squidbeak Splatoon came to her rescue or until she escaped, whichever came first. She hoped it was the latter, the idea of Marina anywhere near this place made her shutter in disgust, Octavio didn’t deserve to even look at her.
“What should we do with this one?” Octavio asked his partner, leaning over the control panel. “So many fun options to choose from, what do you say about the auto setting? We could run it all day just for her, or what about the motion detecting setting? We wouldn’t even need a guard in here to watch her because she’d have to stay perfectly still if she didn’t want to get shocked. As always, we could do it the old fashioned way too... the highest setting on here would suffice.”
“That last one sounds like a fair punishment, sir.”
The DJ smiled devilishly, “Very well, max it out.”
Pearl’s eyes grew wide, “Max?! That’s gonna kill me you octo slob!”
“Oh we won’t kill you, what use is dead bait?”
The rapper’s breathing grew heavy watching the octoling set up the intensity level, maybe it would be better to die at this point. She couldn’t handle any more of this nightmare she was in, the electricity was starting to get to her head. After all if she was dreaming, the easiest way to wake up would be to die... no, she couldn’t think like that, what about Marina and Off the Hook? She couldn’t leave behind the two things she loved more than anything in the world just to stop suffering through her phobias.
Without any more time to think, electricity coursed through her veins and spread throughout her entire being. She hadn’t even gotten to curse Octavio out yet, but her punishment was inevitable now. Her screams were ear shattering and her sobs were heartbreaking, the electric current flowing in her body like the ocean. It felt as though she had been struck by lightning, though this bolt lasted far longer than a regular one would have lasted. Her mind was growing foggy, the corners of her vision started to cut out and she couldn’t hear herself screaming anymore, though she was sure she still was. She couldn’t feel the electricity or the cold metal of the chair she was in, the last thing she saw before she went under was sparks flying from the panel and octolings running from the room.
When Pearl woke up, there were hands shaking her, delicate yet firm and a voice rung inside her head. She blinked her droopy eyes open, lazily bringing her head up to look at whoever was shaking her awake. Instead of the bright red or pure black of a regular octoling’s tentacles, she saw plum brown and teal colored ones swaying nervously around a dark skinned girl.
“Mar...?” Was all Pearl could get out in her dazed state, still feeling the effects of the electrocution.
“Yeah, yeah! Pearlie it’s me, oh thank cod you’re alive,” Marina rushed her words as she held her girlfriend’s face in her hands. “We gotta get you out of here, give me one second while I go figure out the control panel.”
The inkling shook her head as violently as she could with the little energy she had, “No... don’t touch it please, no more, no more.”
She felt her eyes fill with panicked tears and fear, her mind simulating the feeling of the shocks they had given her. Marina quickly realized that Pearl was not awake enough to focus on anything besides whatever had happened in that room, she quickly assured her that she was only going over to release her from her restraints. Still, the octoling didn’t fail to notice the way she trembled as she watched her walk over to the panel. It wasn’t anything too complicated, but, boy, was it damaged. It looked like it had fried itself, busted knobs and broken glass scattered along it while the corners were charred and black. This thing had to have been in better condition before she showed up... had Pearl screamed so powerfully that the machine broke? She had an insane voice, evident from when she helped save Inkopolis from Commander TARTAR. Even if she had used that scream to protect her city, she had assistance from a killer wail, it wasn’t purely her voice. Had she perhaps used that same type of cry to break herself free here?
Marina had to tinker a bit with the parts to get the metal restraints to unlock, but it didn’t take her longer than a few minutes. The inkling slumped down as the locks around her wrists, ankles, and torso opened and failed to hold her up any longer, and Marina scooped her up in her arms to take her back home. Callie and Marie had taken care of capturing Octavio, it was just up to her to go get Pearl and bring her to a safe place. She wished she could’ve been the one to put Octavio back in that globe, when she found out her girlfriend was missing, she was ready to do whatever it took to get her back. When she found out it was the DJ that took her girlfriend, she was ready to splat him into oblivion and the rest of his army to get her back. She trusted the squid sisters gave him a good run for his money, though.
When they arrived back at home, Marina got Pearl settled down in bed and made some food and tea for her, knowing she probably hadn’t eaten in a long time. It had been a whole week that she was missing, an inkling could survive that long without eating, but she hoped they had given her at least one meal. While cooking, she felt overwhelmed at all the thoughts running through her mind, finding her girlfriend strapped to that chair was the worst sight she had ever seen. Imagining what had happened to her in that room was terrifying, and she couldn’t bare to think about how long they had been hurting her.
Marina shook her head to clear her mind and grabbed the plate of food she had prepared and the cup of tea, bringing it back to their room for Pearl to consume as she wished. The inkling was curled into a tight ball when she entered the room, shaking lightly under the blankets.
“Pearlie...” the octoling said softly, as to not scare her. “I brought you something to eat and drink, how are you feeling?”
Pearl looked up at her partner, watching her place the plate and cup on the bedside table. Her voice was barely a whisper, “I’m okay.”
She was not okay, her veins still stuck out prominently on her arms and up her neck and her already pale skin looked stark white. Her muscles were tense and ached, she didn’t have the strength to get up even if she wanted to. Her mind was a mess too, replaying everything that happened to her over and over again.
It must have been obvious how much it was bothering her, because the octoling sat next to her girlfriend on the edge of the bed. Her soft gradient eyes were full of concern and worry, a gentleness that the inkling almost forget existed.
“Will you tell me what happened?” Marina asked and brought her hand up to touch Pearl’s delicate skin, cupping her face gently and running her thumb over her cheek.
The inkling closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, nodding softly and reached out to grab hold of her girlfriend and bring her into the bed with her. They settled in, Pearl took the food she had been given and ate a small amount of it before she began, she felt like she’d need all the extra energy she could get to tell this story.
“Octavio took me, or rather, one of the soldiers did. They brought me to some secret place in the canyon where they kept me, I was in a regular cell type room at first but then they moved me to another room with... the chair. The electric chair,” she felt a wave of shivers run through her body at the mental image, trying to ignore the way her mind was reminding her what those shocks felt like. “They strapped me in and it was non stop from there, everything I said was wrong, every word that came out of my mouth that they didn’t like, they shocked me for. It was like reliving the accident all over again and again and again.
“I got too tired to fight back anymore, and that’s when they brought me the shades, like Callie’s. They were... they were going to use me to get you back, Marina. Octavio wanted me to be the bait, to comply and work with him to get you back.”
Marina looked down, reminded of her past working in the military. She had been proud of her achievements then, but now she looked upon the weapons she had built and commendations she had received and frowned. They were proof that she was an excellent engineer and smart cephalopod, but the meaning behind each of those titles made her sick. Working for Octavio again was her worst nightmare, and to think it was almost a reality.
“I tried to get out, but they caught me before I could. When they brought me back, they put it on the highest setting, I was...” she shook her head. “I was so scared. I don’t know what happened after that, all I remember seeing was sparks and those fuckers running away.”
“Oh Pearlie,” the octoling wrapped an arm around her girlfriend, pulling her close to her side to comfort her. “I won’t ever let anyone hurt you like that ever again.”
Pearl put her plate on the beside table and fully cuddled into Marina, both arms wrapped around her like a koala bear. Tears stung in her eyes from reliving the events that had taken place, and she wasn’t afraid to let them fall. She craved the safety of the embrace and gentleness of her partner’s touch, she needed to know for once in the week she had been gone that she wouldn’t be hurt by anyone. Here, in their mansion, nothing could touch them.
“If only I would’ve been there when they took you, I could’ve stopped this from happening—“
“Marina, it’s not your fault, I don’t want you thinking for one damn second that any of this is your fault. What matters is you saved me, you rescued me from that hell and I’m forever grateful for that, I love you, nothing could make me think otherwise.”
Marina nodded, giving Pearl a tight squeeze and replying, “I love you too, Octavio messed with the wrong cephalopods this time.”
“I’d personally like to strap him to an electric chair, see how he likes it.”
“For once, I think your violent problem solving sounds like a wonderful idea,” The two laughed at the bitter humor, settling under the covers together and chatting until they felt their eyes couldn’t stay open any longer.
That night, they slept with an undercover brella and a pair of dapple dualies by their bedsides, tangled in each other’s arms with a relaxed playlist playing quietly to aid them in falling asleep. The silence filled with their steady breathing and music made the large house feel not as empty, and the two of them knew they were safe and sound as long as they had each other.
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saidelia-draconis · 6 years
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  The clanging of steel swords; dull as hammers, and wrapped in cloth. The fresh summer breeze, the raspy grunts, and the stepping back and forth of heavy boots as ground was gained and lost made rounds through the large, open training yard. Every so often, a flash could be seen as an old, chipped blade was raised just high enough to catch a beam of sunlight.
  This was how the paladin found her afternoon being spent. The thick walls of steel she always wore had been abandoned for once. Today’s ensemble was the padding that was worn underneath. A thick, quilted mesh of royal blue padding to match the plates that usually encased it. Relatively new, they were in pristine condition. Not a stain, or spot of blood to be seen.
  Her hair was drawn back into a tight bun, messy and bedraggled as always. She stared ahead, eyes fixed on the scraggly teenager holding a training sword. His grip was shaky, and his feet danced nervously beneath him. With a deep, thundering sigh, she stared down at the boy.
“Greyson. We’ve been over this. Why are you holding the grip like that?”
“Like what, ma’am. Shit! Sir-- Dame! Sorry!”
“Captain will do, Greyson. Saidelia works just fine as well.”
"Yes ma’am. Captain, sorry!
“Show me how to hold the grip.”
 She stared punitively at the nervous teen.  When commanded to do so, he seemed to hold up to her standards. It was upsetting how much she related to him at his age. No doubt why she had singled him out for the one-on-one. 
“Good. now strike. Again. Again.”
  At each command, a well-executed lash of the blade was made. All she had to do was temper the nerves of her new pet project.
"Excellent. I think you’re ready for some sparring.”
“Sparring, Ma’am? With who?”
“Saidelia will do, Greyson.”
“Sorry. Sparring with who, Saidelia?”
“Well. I’m right here. I’ve got a blade. So you’ll be sparring with me?”
  Beady eyes fell on the paladin, darting to and fro. What little confidence the woman had kindled blew out within moments. His chin tilted towards the ground as she summoned up enough courage to question her.
“Are you sure, ma-- Saidelia? I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”
“Don’t worry about that, Greyson. I’ll be the one hurting you. Shield up.”
  With the boy cowering beneath his cover, the woman backed up to give him enough time to prepare. Not that it changed much. As she moved on her opponent, he did little but try to ward off the heavy-handed blows onto the shield. His strategy worked for a good ten seconds before a knee to the gut sent him reeling to the ground. Standing above him when he regained his sight was the redhead, blade towards him.
"What was your goal there, Greyson? To block me to death?”
“I don’t know! I just-- I was trying to figure out my plan!”
“The plan, Greyson, is to swing at me. Or at least LOOK at me. Get that damn shield out of your eyes.”
“We’ll go again.”
  Another attempt. The shield was held with both hands, sword jutting out to the side; useless and unused. At least the boy could see where the blows were coming from this time. He swung the shield to meet the training blade the paladin had. It paid off for longer than expected. Until the woman swung low. The blow landed on the shield, knocking his balance askew. This time, the woman’s shield struck him in the chest, winding him and leaving him laying in the dirt. She reached down, yanking him up by his chainmail collar. She let loose an exasperated half-sigh, half-scream. Even the most patient of mentors had their breaking point.
  “Damnit, Greyson, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m sorry! I just don’t know what to do!”
“Swing at me!”
“I can’t!”
  She tossed the boy backwards by his collar. He staggered, barely managing to keep upright. The woman advanced on him, shoving him back each time she got close enough to reach. Each time, the meek teenager backed down. 
“Hit me! Hit me, hit me, hit me, dammit!”
  As the last words came - a deep guttural roar from her throat - she was blindsided. Her vision blackened. She felt the sharp sting of a blow against the side of her head, narrowly missing her temple. She dropped to her knees, planting her palms out in front of her. The ground held no shape. All she could see were stars. As her vision slowly came swimming back into place, she observed the mortified young squire standing over her. He looked on the verge of tears.
“I’m so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Are you okay?”
  She would have smiled if it didn’t hurt to move her lips. She spoke through gritted teeth, still feeling the smart from the blow.
“Good job, kid. That’s enough for one day. I think I need to go lie down.”
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nemossubmarine · 7 years
DA RP Write-up #4: Addendum - The Story of House Garriot
Well, no one asked for it, but I decided to put it up here anyway, because I like it, damnit. :D I should warn that this backstory contains several kids dying so if that’s something that upsets you, you may want to skip this one.
Anyway, on with the show! This story takes place somewhere during 6th age. 1034 words
Evelyn Garriot was a Ferelden-born woman of mercantile family. The Garriot family were known wine merchants, but Evelyn’s parents were not in charge of the business; this honor belonged to Evelyn’s uncle Richard. When Evelyn was six, her parents gave her away to Richard Garriot to be raised in his house that was situated near Amaranthine. Evelyn Garriot grew up an only child in the house, as his uncle remained unmarried. She learned sword fighting from a servant and dreamed of a life of traveling and adventure.
Richard noticed that Evelyn was becoming increasingly restless as she grew older, and as he had connections with Grey Wardens, he arranged for Evelyn to join their ranks, and so she did. She spent several years traveling with the Wardens. Her uncle passed away, leaving her the house, but it remained unoccupied until she met Jonathon.
Jonathon was a Starkhaven-native, a shoemaker’s son and a mage. He had been taken to Circle when he was 8 years old, after he had been witnessed healing a cat that had been run over by a cart. He escaped the first chance he got after his Harrowing. It is unsure when he bonded with the Spirit of Friendship that became Elspet’s mentor as well, but he was always a skilled healer.
The Wardens were interested in a healing mage, and though Jonathon was never conscripted to the Wardens, they had him around. Evelyn gave him the house she had grown up in to live and work in. After some time, the two fell in love, and started to build a family in the Garriot’s manor.
Evelyn stopped volunteering to so many missions. Instead, she built a refuge to Wardens in her manor’s cellar, which had an access to the Deep Roads. She started to map the Deep Roads around her manor and build a considerable archives of Grey Warden material in her household. This included alongside the maps, notes on experiments the Wardens did on Darkspawn bodies. Meanwhile, Jonathon worked as a healer to the Wardens as well as to the people of the small town of Peabury nearby.
The two of them adopted several children. The first one was Agnes, an Orlesian girl they adopted at the age of 2. She was followed by Leon, a nearly mute anders, they got as a baby. The final child was Evelyn’s distant relative, a girl named Ruth, who was adopted when she was 12, after her parents passed away.
As it was dangerous for apostates to stay in one place, Jonathon started to work hard on making sure the house remained safe from templars. He, together with a dwarf named Ingram, designed containers which could hold raw lyrium in it, allowing Jonathon to manipulate the house; making it disappear or lead people who were trying to get to it astray.
Things went well for the most part for several years. But trouble was brewing under the surface.
Ruth was a very displeased child, as she felt that her adoptive parents loved their younger children more than they did her. She was also terrified of Jonathon, being raised a proper Andrastian. The only friend she could find was the dwarf Ingram, and she often talked about running away, but never followed through.
Then, Evelyn started to hear her Calling, surprisingly young as she was only in her mid-thirties. She refused to follow through with it, begging for a little more time to be with her family, and that was ultimately what led to the family’s downfall.
Around this time a templar named Ser Walter Thornberry arrived to Peabury. He wasn’t so much looking for Jonathon as looking for answers to several templars who had gone missing in the area. It had been Evelyn who had taken the templars and killed them, trying to protect Jonathon; a fact Jonathon was completely oblivious to. This time too, Evelyn got her hands on Ser Walter, before he got his hands on any answers, dragging him to the jail cell in the cellar of the manor through the Deep Roads.
The corruption in Evelyn made her unpredictable and aggressive, but more worryingly, it got into the lyrium containers in the house, and the house started to act strange, sometimes disappearing without cause, sometimes not letting people in or out or moving place. Most of the servants fled the place, but a few remained, mostly for the sake of the family.
And then Agnes got the Blight. Jonathon was desperate to cure the little child, but his magic reacted unexpectedly with the Blight in Agnes, turning her into a glass statue.
Evelyn, having completely lost herself in her corruption, claimed that Jonathon was to blame for killing Agnes. In a fit of rage she threw him out of the house into a winterstorm, where he perished.
After Jonathon wasn’t there anymore, the house locked up completely. Everyone there was trapped, and the corrupted lyrium started affecting everyone around them. The servants started arguing among themselves, leading to several physical fights. Completely forgotten in his cell, Ser Walter rotted away and died, though his ghost never did quite realize it. Acting on years of pent-up jealousy and anger, Ruth pushed young Leon down the stairs with a little more seriousness than intended, causing the young boy to break his neck and die.
Ingram, the only one still relatively sane, tried to take Ruth away from the house through the Deep Roads, but the two of them were killed by an ogre. Ingram’s spirit returned to the Stone, but Ruth’s ghost returned to the house she so hated to live for all eternity, looking for a way out.
Finally there was no one left alive in the house, only ghosts and Evelyn, a ghoul that was a mockery of the woman that once was. She disappeared into the Deep Roads for long periods of time, returning to the house only if it received new visitors.
And outside, what remained of Jonathon was a pile of bones and a spirit that held onto its friend’s final wish to set everyone in the house free.
But that story wouldn’t happen for another 300 years, and you know all about that already.
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