#she refused to tell me what kind of dessert she likes???
isfjmel-phleg · 11 months
*grits teeth* If my friend does not have a good birthday tonight, it will not be from lack of trying.
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ohimsummer · 5 months
✎ . . .❝ SATORU, BE NICE! ❞
— poly! satosugu verse, satosugu x reader, feeding them, shoko cameo, satoru serial sweets devourer, kind of proofread, I wrote this in twenty minutes EUGH
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You’ve never heard of ‘selective smelling’ before, but you think Gojo might have it. Not thirty seconds after you’ve taken the lid off your peach cobbler, there’s the quick scrub of metal against wood flooring, and you turn around to see him sitting next to you at your kitchen island. His gaze darts back and forth between yours and the dessert in front of you. It’s a silent, obvious question. Or more like a demand, because if you even hint at a refusal then he’ll whine about it for hours.
Sighing, you ask, “Do you want som–“
“Glad you asked!,” he interrupts, smile growing as Gojo leans forward, chin in hand. “Yes, indeed I do.”
Shoko chimes in from your couch. “Tell him to piss off, he’s so greedy.” Geto nods in agreement.
He turns to glare at her. “Shut up, she offered.”
“Yeah, because you were gonna stare her down otherwise.”
Your eye catches Geto’s, and you both share a grin and a head shake. Creamy, vanilla ice cream plops down from your spoon to top off the peachy dessert, and Gojo halts his bickering at the sound of metal scraping hard plastic. He looks to see you shoveling the spoon into your mouth, watches the content look on your face as you savor the flavorful taste. Comparable to a begging puppy he is, wide, pleading eyes and you can practically see a tail wagging behind him as Gojo hungrily eyes the bowl. Ocean blues flicker in your direction, brows raised in a ‘my turn?’ as his hand creeps toward the spoon.
“Ah, ah.,” you scold him. “I’ll do it, you might eat half of it in one bite again.”
You find Geto slipping into the chair behind you as you scoop up another, normal amount of peaches and vanilla on the spoon. Gojo’s eyes light up, bright and vibrant, you think you see a trace of drool on the corner of his mouth. Though his excitement is swiftly replaced with confusion when you pull back, avoiding the swipe of his hand to grab the utensil from you.
“Open up, ahhh!,” you mimic the command to him, holding a hand beneath the spoon to capture any drips. Satoru obeys without complaint, delight shining through his expression as you dip the spoon into his mouth, retrieving it from closed lips to find it now empty. In typical dramatic fashion, he gives a loud moan, beaming the whole time, enjoying the sweet taste of peaches and cinnamon.
“Good boy.” And you pat the white strands atop his head. Gojo’s eyes flit open at your praise, chews hesitating for a second, before flecks of red begin to sprinkle across his cheeks. Geto chuckles at his friend’s embarrassment, before looking at you offering him a taste.
“Want some?”
Gojo, face still a light shade of red, wraps possessive arms around your waist, chin resting on your shoulder to lean his head against yours. “Don’t offer him any, it’s for me.”
And if Geto didn’t want some before, he definitely wants a try now. “Sure, I’ll have some.”
Call it utter betrayal, or Gojo’s craving for your attention at all times, but either way he doesn’t like the victorious look Geto gives him as he leans forward to take the spoon between his lips, allowing you to feed him in the same fashion.
“Oops!” Gojo looks away as he readjusts, bumping your arm and causing you to smear a dollop of ice cream on the corner of Geto’s mouth.
“Satoru!,” you give him a disapproving look, thumbing away the white cream and licking it off your finger, not noticing the way Geto studies the motion. “Be nice, or you don’t get anymore!”
He only gives a pouty ‘fine!’, and watches in what might as well be agonizing pain as the spoon disappears into Geto’s mouth. He chews it once, twice, a couple times, and then swallows it down.
“Like it?,” you ask.
“Very much.” Geto’s never been too big on sweets. “Can I have another try?”
Gojo leans forward to stare right at you, pulling you into hypnotizing rivers of sky blue. “No, it’s my turn!”
He’s never been one to argue just for the sake of it, but over you, Geto will gladly engage. “You’re gonna end up eating most of it anyway.”
“That’s not the point, and I got here first, wait your turn!”
And while they bicker, you just eat spoonful after spoonful, raising indifferent brows at Shoko and she smirks in return. Maybe it’ll be all gone by the time they decide who goes next, and neither of them will get another taste.
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@staryukis satoru dog comparisons so I thought of u bestie <3
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puck-luck · 1 month
learning curves | trevor zegras
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warnings: inexperienced!reader x experienced!tz, general anziety about having sex for the first time/doing sexual things for the first time, silly goofy sex questions that everyone has but refuses to speak on, conversation about kinks (lasts two seconds because they get derailed almost immediately), handjob, innocence!kink, probably some other stuff i missed. pairing: trevor zegras x inexperienced!reader summary: trevor zegras and his gf have "the talk" wc: 3891
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Three dates. It’s been three dates. Your best friend in the world says that it’s after the third date that she considers putting out– but she’s also had sex before, racked up a body count that seems substantial next to yours (yours being a whopping zero and hers being a solid nine). Where you didn’t have boyfriends and were more focused on graduating early so you could start your dream job with the Angels, she seemed happy with the fast-paced, social side of college that afforded her connections and contacts with men of all kinds.
You told her about Trevor when you started dating him, after he brought you to your own baseball game, the last of the season against the Oakland A’s. It had worked out well in his favor, despite the fact that you hadn’t told him about your passion for baseball. Since it was the last of the season, your supervisor had let you take the day off as a reward for all your hard work and had pawned your tasks off to the other members of your team. 
Your best friend had called you mere minutes after that first date had ended, gushing with you about Trevor’s kindness in buying your food and drinks (and ticket) and laughing at the way you reenacted Trevor’s attempt to mansplain baseball to you. 
After the second date, when Trevor brought you to play mini-golf and took you to get ice cream, you had called her. She had asked if he had kissed you yet. She also asked if you were going to send a picture of his butt anytime soon. The answer to both was “no.”
And last week, after the third date where Trevor had taken you to see Killers of the Flower Moon when it released, she had told you about her policy: the one where she starts to consider putting out. 
It seems like Trevor might be on the same page. For your fourth date, Trevor invited you to dinner. Tonight. At his apartment. He’s cooking for you. At his apartment. 
You haven’t told him yet about the fact that you haven’t had sex with anyone. He’s probably picked up on it by now, with how you shy away from his touches and swerved him twice (once at mini-golf and once after the movies). 
You’re going to tell him tonight. He’s going to cook a beautiful dinner, be nothing but sweet and caring like he always is, and then you’re going to tell him that you’re still a virgin, and he’s going to be freaked out, and probably break up with you.
That’s the only way it could go, right?
The potential for disaster is on your mind the whole night, from the drive to Trevor’s to the last bite of the cheesecake Trevor bought for dessert. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N?” Trevor asks, pushing his plate away and leaning back in his chair. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Did I make something you don’t like? Are you not a cheesecake fan?”
“No, Trevor, I like cheesecake. You haven’t done anything wrong.” You continue to pick at your dessert. You sigh, then place your fork down on the side of the plate. “I think we need to have a conversation.”
You don’t miss the alarm that flashes across Trevor’s face when you say that. 
He stands almost immediately from his seat, taking your hand to bring you to his living room, where you can sit comfortably on the couch. Trevor stays quiet, something you know is difficult for him, but it means so much more to you that he’s trying to let you take charge here.
“Do you remember when I told you about my best friend?” You ask, finding it safest to start there.
Trevor nods. “What about her?”
You’re quiet for a beat, taking a deep breath. “She told me that she starts to put out after the third date.”
A sharp silence follows. Your heart is beating through your chest, but it starts to slow the longer the silence drags on.
Finally, Trevor breaks the silence. “So?” He asks. “What does that have to do with us?”
You fishmouth at him, jaw open wide and dangling. 
“Not in like a mean way, but I was inviting you over for dinner. If you want to fuck, we can fuck, but I really just wanted to eat with you today.”
Trevor’s words are both comforting and cutting. He’s sassy, always is, and the consonants of his words sound harsh. He’s saying everything like he’s so sure, like it was obvious, and the word “fuck” twists your intestines in a way that causes you to grimace. It’s nice that he didn’t intend to have sex with you tonight, but now it seems like an offhanded afterthought. If you want to, we can. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” You bite the edge of your thumbnail. “It’s– well, that’s kind of a big deal for me?”
Trevor nods, encouraging you to continue.
“I haven’t, um. I, kind of, haven’t really… done that… yet.” Your voice shakes a bit in an embarrassing way, a way that makes you want to cringe, but you don’t want to seem so vulnerable in front of Trevor. 
The problem is that you like him. You’ve been going on dates as often as you can, with Trevor’s busy schedule. You enjoy seeing him, you like hanging out with him, and you want to keep doing it. You always get your hopes up and this time is no different, you can feel it. You’re hoping that Trevor won’t say the same shit as the other guys you’ve told this to, the ones that laughed or belittled you or asked “Why? Why haven’t you?” like there’s a good answer to their question.
“Oh,” is the eloquent response that Trevor comes up with. His eyes are wide and his mouth stays slightly open, even when he’s done speaking. It’s like he wants to say more, but he doesn’t know what. 
You’re the same way– you bite the inside of your cheek and your lip as you continue to watch Trevor. If you weren’t feeling so nervous, it would be a funny sight: two people sitting on the couch, just staring at each other with wide eyes.
“I really like you, Trevor,” You tell him. “I just– I don’t know what I’m doing. I don’t want to disappoint you. I don’t want you to leave me because I can’t give you what you want.”
Trevor moves quickly, closing the space between you. He hugs you tightly and you sniff, holding back emotion that you didn’t realize was there. 
“Is there anything else?” Trevor asks , rubbing your back. 
You shake your head.
“I really like you, too,” Trevor adds. “I’m not going to leave you because you’re… inexperienced. I want to keep dating you, Y/N. If you’ll let me, I would really like to…” Trevor trails off, offering you a smile and a little bit of a laugh before continuing. “Teach you?”
Your mouth opens in surprise. “Teach me?” You repeat.
Trevor grimaces, an embarrassed smile on his face. “It sounds stupid, doesn’t it?”
“A little bit,” You agree. Your heart has slowed to its normal pace and Trevor’s hand on your knee is a comfort, not unwelcome pressure. 
“Can I kiss you?” Trevor asks. His voice is soft and his hand has drifted up to your cheek. 
“Well, I’ve done that before,” You joke. You’re not lying– you’ve kissed people in the past. You feel like that should be clear to Trevor before he gets too big of a head. 
“Not with me.” Trevor leans in and presses a kiss to your cheek, then the other. He kisses along your face until he gets to your lips, which is when he pauses before barely letting his lips ghost across yours. He holds himself there for a moment, waits for you to tilt your head up, and Trevor dives in. It’s sweet and he’s patient, never moving any faster than you want him to. 
Over the next week, you tell Trevor your theories about why you haven’t had sex before: that you were a weird kid, or too focused on school, or too eager for the next big thing that you never considered it. Or that guys were scary and often didn’t actually seem to care. Trevor reassured you that he didn’t care that you hadn’t had sex before, but that he did care more about you than anyone he’d ever been with in the past.
By your fifth date, Trevor had officially made you his girlfriend. He had also officially told you that you could ask him any questions you wanted, whenever they popped into your mind.
You had taken advantage of it, often at the worst times:
Over text before a game: “Is it going to hurt?” “Probably. But I’ll go slow and try to get you as ready for my cock as I can.” While you and Trevor are grocery shopping: “What am I supposed to do?” “What do you mean?” “Like, I don’t want to just lay there.” “There are a lot of different positions. I’m not going to make you just lay there.” “Okay, well I don’t think I’ll be any good on top.” “You don’t know that yet. Also, chill out. We’re in the middle of the toilet paper aisle. Can we finish this conversation at home?” Later, in that same grocery trip, while in the condom aisle: “Is it really that different?” “What?” “When you have sex with and without a condom. Is there a big difference?” “Uh, it’s more… intimate without. I think it feels better.” “So should we skip the condom altogether?” “Uh… probably not the first time. We should probably work up to that.” “Well, I want you to feel good.” “You’re going to give me a boner if you keep talking. Shut up. We’re buying condoms.” And when you pouted: “Just be patient, we’ll get there.” When you drop him off for practice: “How long do you usually last?” “I have to go.” Then, over text two minutes after he walks away from the car: “you’re hot so probably not more than two minutes <3”
You’d waited to ask the more pressing questions when you were in private. It brought you a thrill of glee each time you asked a question and you could watch Trevor grow uncomfortable with the effort it took to restrain himself, to not try and get some relief whenever you caused him to grow hard with your unintentionally dirty words. 
“I made a list of questions for you,” You tell Trevor. It’s the last time you’re hanging out before you head home for Thanksgiving. You’re sitting on the same couch, Trevor on one side, you on the other. 
“Twenty questions, sexy style?” Trevor teases, pulling your legs over his lap. 
“You’re my little encyclopedia,” You reply. “And I’m curious.”
“Okay. Go on.”
“What do you like, Trev? Tell me everything. Likes, dislikes, kinks, dare I say fetishes…”
“Don’t really think I have any fetishes, but thanks for being open about it,” Trevor laughs. He rubs his thumb over your ankle. “That’s a really big question, baby.”
You shrug, foregoing a reply.
“I mean, I don’t know. I like sex. I like getting head. I like giving head. I like it when I finger a girl. I like it when I can make a girl come. I occasionally like to spank a girl. I’m pretty chill, baby. I’m down for anything.”
You scoff. “Trev, I don’t know anything. You have to be specific.”
Trevor takes a breath and chews his bottom lip, seeming to consider your words. “I like that you don’t know anything.” His fingers circle your ankle and he squeezes what he can hold in his hand. For probably the first time since he’s talked to you about this sort of thing, Trevor seems hesitant, like he’s choosing his words carefully. “It makes me feel really special.”
“Special how?” You ask.
“I don’t know, just… that you trust me with this.”
You suppress a smile. “Look at you, Mr. Emotional Intimacy.”
Trevor snorts and rolls his eyes. “I’ve never been a huge relationship guy, Y/N. I think it’s really cool that you make me want to experience all this shit with you. It’s nice to feel this way. We get to treat every moment like it’s really special, and that makes me feel special, since most of my other sexual encounters are just heat of the moment hookups with other experienced partners.”
When you open your mouth to apologize for your inexperience, unable to help yourself, Trevor cuts you off. 
“I also think it’s really hot that– God, this sounds so fucked up– I get to show you everything. It’s… like, okay, fuck, it’s kind of the student and teacher thing.”
“So you do have a fetish!” You accuse, pointing your finger at Trevor wildly. He captures your hand and rolls his eyes. “You want me to dress up like a Catholic schoolgirl!”
“I do not!” Trevor replies, sounding exasperated. He pauses to consider it. “Okay, it would be hot. But that’s not why, bro. Chill out.”
“Why, then?” You ask. You’re interested, almost too interested. You want to know what makes Trevor click, what you can do to make him hard and what he looks like when he’s in pleasure, when he comes.
“I like that you’re innocent. It just makes me feel like I get to take care of you. It’s dumb, but I get to be the man and I get to make you feel good and show you how to make me feel good. I’m the only one who’s seen you like this, it’s fun for me.”
Your eyes drift lower to his lap, wanting to see if he’s tenting his shorts just at the idea. He is. You move closer to him, taking your legs off his lap and tucking yourself into his side. Feeling bold, you place your hand on his stomach.
“Can I see you?” You ask, making sure your voice sounds extra sweet and you’re blinking up at him through your eyelashes. 
Trevor practically convulses, his mouth pressed into a straight line, but still wobbling a bit as he stares at you in shock. “What?” He asks.
You let your fingers drift to the waistband of his shorts, but you dare not to tread further. You don’t want to touch him wrong, or mess everything up. But, at the same time, you really want to see his dick. “Can I see you?” You repeat. Then, you let out a little laugh, just to yourself. “I’m–” You cut yourself off and press your lips together, proud of the joke you’re about to make. “I’m a hands-on learner.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Trevor says, shaking his head at your terrible joke. “Baby, are you sure?”
“Trev, I want to see your dick.” You roll your eyes, pulling your hand back. “I should see the hardware before I ask of any more questions, right?”
Trevor seems to be battling with himself. 
You dip your finger under the waistband, feeling his v-line with your pinky. 
It snaps Trevor out of his inner turmoil and he bats your hand away. He shimmies his shorts off, leaving his boxers on. They don’t leave much to the imagination and you bite your lip with a gasp.
It’s big. It’s not even out yet, and it’s big.
Trevor dips his head down, tilting your chin up with a finger, and kisses you softly. “Still sure?” He whispers.
“Leave it in there for a second,” You reply. You lower your voice to a whisper to match his: “How is that going to fit inside me?”
“We’ll go slow and I’ll get you nice and open for me. Three fingers, so it’s easier.” He winks. “Maybe four.”
“Jesus Christ, Trevor.” Your voice is more admonishing than turned on, but it would be a lie if you weren’t intrigued by his words. 
“And you know what else?” Trevor asks. 
You nod for him to continue. 
“If we need to, we’ll use lube. But I want to make you come a couple times before I get my cock in you, that first time. Wanna make it so good for you. You’ll be so relaxed that you’ll forget it’s your first time.”
“A couple times,” You repeat, feeling a little dazed. “Is that… normal?”
Trevor shrugs. “Normal is different for everyone. It’s possible and I think you’ll like the feeling of me making you come. I know I will. So, I hope it becomes normal for us.”
“Okay,” You say. You know your voice sounds unsure. You clear your throat. “Take it out,” You tell him, a little hoarse still. 
“You’re sure?”
“Trevor, just do it,” You let the words burst out of you. “If I hate it, I’ll tell you to put it away!”
Trevor laughs. “God, I hope you don’t hate it. That would really derail my plans for us.” He hooks his thumbs in his waistband and inches his boxers down.
The inching slowly reveals the head of his cock, red and shiny. Eyes wide, you tilt your head to the side. Your lips part as Trevor continues to reveal himself to you. It lays flat against his stomach, curved a little to the side. 
Trevor smiles, the right side of his mouth tilting up into a smirk. He brings his hand to the base of his cock and watches your breath hitch when he pumps himself once, slowly, just to gauge your reaction. He squeezes, milking a little precum out of his tip. 
You tense up, watching the drip slide down his length. 
“Oh my God,” You whisper to yourself. 
“What do you think, baby? Hideous?” Trevor asks, a knowing lilt in his voice. He sees how your eyes haven’t left his dick since he pulled it out of his boxers, curious but also enraptured.
Your hand twitches on his stomach. “Can I…”
Trevor hums, stroking himself again.
“Can I touch you?”
“Whatever you want,” Trevor agrees and takes his hand off of himself, practically dropping his cock like a hot potato. 
You reach out, hesitating at the last second. You pull back. “I feel so stupid.”
“Why?” Trevor asks. 
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” You say begrudgingly, pouting under his watchful eye. 
“That’s okay. Just get your hand on it, feel it out. I can help you, if you want.”
“No, I want to do it.” You reach out, making contact with Trevor’s cock with a single finger. You draw a line from his base to his tip, following the vein on the side. You bite your lip in concentration, circling the tip of his cock with your finger and thumb. You purse your lips and feel the weight of his cock in your hand, tilting it gently from one side, to the other, forwards and backwards like a joystick, just to see how it moves.
You fail to notice Trevor’s breathing grow deeper, nor the way his eyes are trained on your face.
You press your thumb into the underside of the head of his dick, where the tip meets the shaft. You drag your thumb up, swiping over the slit. A bubble of precum appears and leaks out. You rub your thumb through it, then turn your hand over to look at your thumb.
Trevor’s jaw drops and a strangled noise leaves his mouth when you bring your thumb up to your mouth and take a taste. 
His cock jumps, drawing your eyes. You then look up to him and notice the sweat on his brow. He’s biting his lip to recover from his groan, but lets out a whimper when you circle his cock with your entire hand and pump him. 
“Oh my God,” Trevor whispers, mirroring your reaction from earlier. His voice is shaky and his eyes roll backwards into his head. 
You bring your other hand down to cradle one of his balls, rolling it in your palm. You pump his cock at the same time and Trevor’s hips jump into your fist, catching you off guard.
“Gonna come,” Trevor chokes out. “Just– fuck– keep going.”
“Help me,” You request, taking his hand and bringing it so his hand covers yours.
He moans aloud, tightening his grip (and yours by extension), and moving his hips up into his hand in short thrusts.
“Fuck, is this– is this okay?” Trevor checks with you, cheeks flushed and eyes bright. “Can I come?”
Your eyes stay on his face, watching as his face contorts with pleasure. “Yeah,” You breathe out. “Want to see you come, Trev.”
He lets out a moan at that, throwing his head back as you continue to stroke over his member in tandem. He fucks up until your fists as he hurls himself over the edge, ribbons of come shooting out of his tip and falling in pools over his hand and abdomen. 
A bit drips through his fingers onto your hand and you stare at it, crinkling your nose at the feeling of the sticky substance as it settles on your skin.
“Gross,” You say, wincing at the way it cools on your skin. 
“Let me clean you up,” Trevor offers, tucking himself away and rising off the couch to wet a paper towel. You stand and follow him, holding your hand a reasonable distance away from yourself, and trying not to drip everywhere. When Trevor turns to you with the paper towel, he laughs. “Well, don’t act like it’s acid!”
“You look pretty when you come,” You tell Trevor as he wipes his come off of your hand. He dumps the paper towel in the trash can and you elbow him out of the way to wash your hands for an extra long amount of time. He follows suit when you’re done and you plaster yourself to his back, hugging him from behind.
“What’s that for?” Trevor asks, throwing a glance over his shoulder fondly.
“For being so understanding and nice to me,” You mumble into his back, hiding your face. “Thank you.”
Trevor turns around in your grasp and returns your hug, holding you tightly to his chest. “Oh, baby, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Cuz you find me so hot when I’m innocent,” You giggle, poking his ribs.
“It’s my kink,” Trevor teases back, with a hint of truth to it, though you won’t find out about that until Trevor sheepishly admits it the next time you jerk him off and he’s babbling aimlessly about how pretty you look when you’re staring up at him in awe, asking him how he feels and if you’re doing well. He’s praising you and whining and when he finally comes, he almost hardens immediately after because you lift your hand up and give his come a little kitten lick, getting a taste of him. 
You end up scrunching your nose in distaste, not because you dislike it, but because it’s such a unique taste.
It makes Trevor laugh and it makes him lean in to kiss you, even venturing to open his mouth and let you take the lead with tongue (the way he taught you).
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note: the monday morning streak continues! pls send feedback to my inbox (not requests, i'm booked) but i want to talk about this series!! I love chit-chatting with y'all! i also think that since i'm starting my new job(!!!!!!) this week, we might be down to one post this week & then i'll just work on a bunch of stuff throughout the week so i can hopefully post more when i'm acclimated to my job! also, my cousin is having her baby today! it's the first baby of the next generation! i'm so excited for her!
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oxymorayuri · 1 month
HI YURII, i absolutely adore the way you write and i wanted to request some hc’s or a small fic abt law reaction to reader’s pregnancy, likeee how’d he react after telling him and how those 9 months would affect law’s personality and relationship w reader
but only if u want too ofc! thx and have a wonderful dayy <3
A/N: Hi there, my darling ♡
How can I refuse such a lovely request? I feel very honored every time you guys tell me that you enjoy my stories. My heart fills with pride when I read your kind comments.
OneShot or HC? Why not both? Two are better than one!
Here are the headcanons [Law|Ace|Kid|Doffy]
Okay, let's go! Have fun with the OneShot!
✦ Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader ✦ Content: idk, not much, i guess? I'm pretty bad at this lol. bit angst, a little jealousy and endless fluff ✦ Spoiler: none ✦ Description: You're pregnant and Law's reaction is everything you could wish for *-* This OneShot doesn't completely fit the request, hence the HC, hope that's okay :3
Wordcount: 6383
❝𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠!❞
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It's quite unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but you woke up with an overwhelming craving for something sweet. Falling straight back to sleep is hopeless, so you're forced to stare around the room until perhaps drowsiness sets in.
Aside from the ticking of the clock, it's absolutely silent but you feel as if the ticking is becoming progressively louder 'til you have satisfied your ravenous appetite.
You picture it, the mousse that Ikkaku made… You have no clue how she makes it. You've tried to make it yourself, even following her recipe, but it's just not the same. However, when Ikkaku makes it, it tastes heavenly.
You can feel the foamy dessert melting on your tongue and the subtle hint of dark chocolate spreads through your mouth. Your saliva starts to gather in your mouth... That's enough! You need to eat dessert. Immediately!
The chance of waking Law is high, yet you would kill for a little midnight snack! The only thing is; you have to get out of Law's arms first...
You look at the dark haired man as he sleeps with a peaceful face. One arm around your waist, face to face.
On days like this, when you two haven't had much of each other, you'll at least have your little moments in your shared bed. With your faces turned towards each other, you talk about your busy day… Until one of you falls asleep and that one is usually you.
It's mostly you who talks about your day and Law hangs on your every word while you talk enthusiastically about all sorts of things.
Law is usually a bit reserved, because in his opinion he always does the same thing anyway and you must be getting bored of that. But that's not the case. You love the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about the things he has learned from his book, or when he has got hold of a rare coin.. He always lights up like a little boy who's been at school for the first day.
“…And did you know that an adult's entire intestine is 5 to 7 meters long? Imagine that.” You raise your eyebrow in disbelief.
“Five to seven meters?! No way, how is that supposed to fit?” You stroke your stomach while Law laughs at your bewilderment. Of course you believe him, you believe anything he says. He could tell you every lie and you would believe it immediately, but luckily Law doesn't lie to you. He is sometimes very secretive towards you and keeps a lot to himself like a loner, but he is by no means a liar.
“No joke, you can believe me… I could show you if you like.” Law speaks with a confident self assurance that makes you snort.
His confused eyes look at you insistently and he repeats that he could show you while raising his hand.
“Room!” You immediately realize what he's up to and you reach out with both hands to stop him. He really is planning to show you his intestines. Ah, no thanks.
You shake your head, still chuckling.
“I always believe you, my love… It's just kind of hard to imagine…” - “Yes, I know... I could hardly believe it either. That's why I took my intestine out straight away and measured it.”
You can't take any more. Law speaks with a nonchalance that brings tears to your eyes. You love him for his strangeness, that's what makes him so human.
“Anything for science.” you whisper quietly to him.
No longer interested in how long the human intestine is, you lean over and give him a little kiss. Being with Law is always a learning experience, the special thing is what you learn about Law along the way. About his heart and mind, while he talks about all the things that fascinate him.
Gosh, you adore him so much.
[throwback end]
Law's slight movement snaps you out of your reverie and for a moment you have the chance to slip out of his arms.
Silent as a ninja, you sneak out of your room and scurry into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, you can't wait another second and spoon up the dessert right in front of the fridge.
Whilst you let each scoop melt in your mouth, you hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. You try to hide, but it's too late because Bepo, who also wanted to sneak into the kitchen, enters.
You look at him like a frozen deer and he gives you a similar look. With your eyes still staring at the polar bear, you slowly bring the spoon to your mouth and devour the chocolate mousse. Without your eyes parting for even a second.
“What are you doing?” You leave the spoon in your mouth and look at him with a tilted head.
“Err, what does it look like…?” Your voice a little muffled, as if you were brushing your teeth. It's obvious what you're doing? With the bowl in your hand, you sit down at the table and wave the Mink over to you.
“Come on, get over here before the mousse is gone.” A little taken aback, he blinks a few times and joins you at the table.
Of course he wants some of the chocolate wonder, so he hurries to you.
You take turns spooning from your bowl and after each bite you hold your hand to your flushed cheek. It tastes simply divine.
However, you barely exchange a word, because it goes without saying that this meeting will remain a secret. You only hear a pleasurable moan and a soft mumble in between.
A few days have passed since then and a few other unusual things have happened. Your cravings have become a little weirder, your sense of smell has increased and fish suddenly no longer tastes good to you! As soon as you smelled sushi, you felt sick to your stomach. Unusual, you thought, but it could have been something else. You didn't think anything else of it and went about your everyday duties, quickly forgetting about the oddities anyway.
Until you got up one morning and ran straight to the toilet. You felt nauseous and it came out faster than you would have liked, so you left the door open and it gushed out of you straight into the toilet.
Your dinosaur like noises woke up the grouchy Law who rubbed his eyes in a drowsy state.
Who or what is that? And why is it so loud?
Law is definitely not a morning person. Talk to him before his coffee and you will see… Well, nothing will happen except that he ignores you and turns around. He won't even talk to you before he takes a sip, but no problem. Isn't it always like this; that a bright person is together with a grumpy one?
Tired, the black haired man sits up and runs his fingers through his tangled hair while still sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed.
The noise is unusually loud and seems as if it is directly in the next room… In the next room… And finally it clicks in his head. You are making that noise.
Law snaps his eyes open, being fully awake now, and hurried to the open bathroom. There he looked down at you with your head almost IN the bowl, unable to stop vomiting.
At first he stood in the doorway, looking somewhat at a loss, until he finally remembered that he was a doctor.
You weren't responsive right now anyway… So Law prepared a few things for you when you finally finished throwing up…
Concerned, he stands behind you with a glass of water in his hand. It seems to be reaaally bad. He doesn't like seeing you like this, your health is important to him, probably more important than his own.
You've noticed for a while that Law is standing behind you and you appreciate him not saying anything. You're not embarrassed, not in front of Law, he's taken care of you before when you've drunk yourself into a coma so the sight shouldn't be that strange. You had to smile a little when you noticed how he tied your hair in a ponytail, so it wouldn't fall in front of your face, while you emptied out your stomach.
“Oh god. There shouldn't be *bleurggh* anything left in my *bleurggh* stomach…” A little out of breath, you lean against the wall next to the toilet.
You're not quite sure if it's the end, but it feels all right.
“I assume it's a little better now?” Tired from throwing up, you look up at him while he hands you the glass of water with a scrutinizing look.
You can't do more than nod half heartedly.
Law walked over to the toilet and flushed the contents, which looked like two days' worth of stomach contents.
He squatted down to you and began to clean your face with a lukewarm cloth. You don't look sick. Your eyelids don't droop and your skin doesn't look too pale. You just look a little worn out, which is no wonder. After all, you've given the toilet the biggest serenade of your life.
“I should take you to the infirmary and run some tests.” His hands reach for yours. With his thumb, he gently strokes the back of your hand and pulls lightly to help you to your feet. A little wobbly on your feet, you hold on to him and smile weakly at him.
“…I'm fine, thank you my love.” A little cold water on your face should be enough, so you go over to the sink to freshen up.
“Don't argue y/n, as your captain and doctor, I'm telling you that I'll give you a check up.” You look at him through the mirror as you run your wet hands through your face and roll your eyes.
“Uh huh, as captain and doctor…”
he groans a little and takes you in his arms from behind
“And as your partner too, of course.”
He kisses you on the cheek and you lean into his embrace with a little chuckle. For just a moment, you can savor your embrace, but the very next second, you find yourself in the same position with him in the infirmary.
That whole shambling around doesn't do you any good at all, you were already feeling sick anyway and you always feel a bit dizzy when he teleports with you. You put your hand over your mouth but it's too late. You quickly rush to a garbage can and fill it with your vomit.
“Hah… Law, that wasn't so clever…” You lean on the bin with both hands as you kneel in front of it.
“Ah…uh…sorry, force of habit…” His words seem a little flustered and as you look over your shoulder you see him sheepishly stroke his beard.
Yep, force of habit… It's definitely not the first time he's teleported you somewhere. Whether he wanted to kidnap you in your busy routine or wanted to steal you away from annoying guys.
He can be a bit jealous sometimes, even if he doesn't say anything, you can see right through him. Honestly, you have to admit to yourself that you enjoy it perhaps a little too much. Law usually reacts rather passively, but at some point things start to get over his limit and he reacts, somewhat flashily…
It's a lovely afternoon on the Sunny, and before you went your separate ways, the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hats wanted to throw a nice party to celebrate your victory.
You had a good time together and formed strong friendships, it makes you a little sad that you won't see each other for a while… but you are sure that your paths will cross again soon.
You keep glancing back to where Law is drinking some sake with Zoro, while Usopp and Luffy were doing all sorts of silly things. You can't help giggling at the sight. Their conversations are also rather short, but somehow they both seem quite relaxed and enjoy the silence between them. Your sweet introvert…
You turn back to the ladies at the table and get into a conversation full of girl stuff and laughter. Right by your side, there's Bepo napping on the floor and while your chin rests in one hand, listening to Nami, you pat Bepo's head with the other.
At your service is none other than Sanji and he serves you with the most distinguished manners. You like Sanji, he is charming and knows how to talk to women and sometimes you allow yourself to have fun and go for it… You don't flirt back, no way! You're crazy about Law and everyone knows it, but you like to have a bit of fun.
“Here my beautiful ladies, I've allowed myself to prepare your favorite drinks.” With grace and style, he holds the tray in his hand and serves you some fresh drinks. He pushes a beautifully decorated cocktail glass in front of you, one with a light blue liquid, topped with whipped cream and blue glitter sprinkles.
You know exactly what kind of drink is in front of you and happily thank the Blondie. How thoughtful he is… he's made you your favorite drink; swimming pool!
You gleefully nip at the straw and let the refreshing drink run down your tongue. As you spoon down some of the cream, you notice that Sanji has used coconut milk ice cubes instead of water ice cubes. How creative! This way the drink doesn't get watered down and only gets creamier and that's exactly how you love your swimming pool - creamy!
“Aww Sanji, you're always so thoughtful and good to us!” With your eyes closed, you enjoy your drink. It's so well prepared that you can barely taste the alcohol; how dangerous.
With your hand on your cheek, you praise the cocktail. Nami gushes with you and sighs contentedly that this is her everyday life... and Sanji loves doing it! That's the best part.
“We're really lucky to have Sanji, aren't we?” Robin giggles, as Sanji loses his temper in a dramatic way. It's as if all the attention is making his heart leap through his chest, and on one knee he babbles something about how it's not just an honor to serve you, but his greatest joy.
He may be a little pushy but isn't he also a little funny? Your girl gang bursts out into laughter, oh dear, if you only knew how Law watches the spectacle from behind with an annoyed expression…
With his chin in his hand, Law taps his cheek a little impatiently with one finger. He can hit on whoever he wants, but does he always have to get so close to you? He's got Nami and Robin to ogle, but you're his!
He knows he doesn't have to be jealous. You're only being friendly to him, as you are to everyone, but the reaction of others is what annoys him. The fact that some people think you're flirting with them, when you're just very kind and approachable (yea guess who's not.) literally pisses Law off.
He is quite sure that no one but himself has a chance with you, in fact he knows that you can become quite different if someone crosses your line… If Law's line hasn't been crossed before… It's pretty different sometimes…
Like today for example, today Law doesn't have that much patience and since Sanji moves in your inner circle, his limits are crossed quite quickly. And maybe all that sake is also to blame.
Because of your lively conversation, you realize far too late, how Law has formed his blue dome over you and just as Nami remarks it, you find yourself already on Law's lap.
Bewildered, you look up at him while his gaze is somewhat serious on Sanji. When he felt your gaze on him, he looked you in the eye with his typical grin and spoke with an absolute calmness that made your heart flutter.
“You all right?” You widen your eyes a little and raise both eyebrows. Is he serious? As if it's such a normal thing to just teleport me onto his lap out of nowhere, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
You know exactly why he did it. You saw the look he gave Sanji, but okay, you just play along. Let's see what happens.
“Yes, of course. Do you need something, love?”
He comes a little closer to you, his gaze melts the ice in your drink because you're getting so hot, but you try not to show it and smile at him innocently.
Before he reaches for the straw, he looks provocatively over to Sanji and drinks from your cocktail.
“You talked so highly of it, I really wanted to try it too, you know?” - “Sure…” like hypnotized you watch him sip from your drink while his eyes rest on your lips.
“You've got some whipped cream on your lip…” you want to quickly wipe the cream away with your hand but Law holds it tight and speaks in a low mellow voice "no, let me..."
Barely a second later, his lips are already on yours and he licks the cream off your lips in a luscious kiss.
You didn't even realize what was happening to you as you sat frozen on his lap. You can only vaguely make out the annoyed murmur of Zoro telling you to get a room or Nami cheering joyfully. You slowly come back to your senses and lean close to his ear, to whisper a few sweet words…
“I love sweet kisses… how 'bout we continue on the Polar Tang?”
Honestly, you love the way Law steals you away. He doesn't do it in an aggressive way, but in a way that makes it clear who you belong to. He never confronts the others, he just shows how in love you are with each other.
If that's not territory marking then you don't know BUT you love it.
His reaction is as expected. You know that look all too well. There's something overwhelming about the way Law's beautiful eyes run over your face as you innocently bite your lip. You could swear his eyes darken and he runs his tongue over his lower lip with a grin.
His grip tightens and his laugh deepens so that you can feel the vibration of his voice.
“Good idea.” He places a small kiss on your cheek before saying goodbye to the others. The question marks are written all over your face. You really just wanted to tease him, but you could have guessed what is about to happen.
You barely managed to wave goodbye before you found yourself back in your room on the Polar Tang. And well, you know it's obvious what will happens next… ;)
[throwback end]
“All right, so far so good. Now just a small blood check and then we'll be on the safe side.” His words bring you out of your memory and you look at his back. At a small table, he prepares a syringe to take some of your blood.
With concentration, he turns around and traces along your arm to locate a suitable vein.
“Could you make a fist?” You do as he says and he nods in response. When he had found a suitable spot, you were allowed to relax your hand and he smoothly drew the blood into the tube.
You watch him in complete devotion as he looks attentively at the syringe. Your eyes meet for a moment before he quickly returns to his task and presses a band aid onto the needle mark.
“That's it.” Again, he turns away from you to dispose the materials properly. A little disappointed, you slide down with your butt from the stretcher. You wish you could have watched him a little longer. He always looks so handsome when he's fully concentrated on his work.
“When will the results be ready?” you ask curiously as you look over his shoulder. By now you're feeling much better, you're sure it's nothing serious.
“Give me a few hours and I should have something out.” - “Hardworking as ever.” You gently stroke his shoulder as you went to turn around and Law quickly reached for your hand.
He gently pulls you close to give you a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes always have a powerful effect on you and your cheeks turn a soft pink.
“We should go for breakfast, you should regain your energy. Go ahead, I'll clean up and come straight away.” Your heart softens at his care.
“I'll make us some coffee then.” Satisfied, he nods at you and lets go. In a good mood, you walk along the corridors of the cold Polar Tang, humming a bright melody.
The day went on as usual, the work on the Polar Tang was pure routine. A few small repairs here and inspections there. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just as you were about to leave the engine room to write your report, you bump into your friend.
“Heyyy y/n, already done with work?” You look up from your notes and have a chat with Ikkaku. After an waaay too short talk, you part ways as her beeper has gone off and she quickly went back to work. Apparently she has a lot to do... Your eyes go back to your list. You need to talk to Law, because you're slowly running out of materials for the maintenance of your submarine.
You've been underwater for quite a while now and you should be ascending soon. Ikkaku could probably use some materials too, maybe you should do a general inventory and make a supply list with Law. Just as you were about to turn around to go to Ikkaku to start with her, your beeper sounds.
A quick glance at your black device tells you that Law wants to talk to you, so you turn around again.
So, then you'll start the list tomorrow. After all, you'll be traveling for a few more days before you reach the next island...
You can't quite believe your ears and you stand in front of Law with your mouth open, completely frozen. Your pretty brain has to process this information first. You actually want to say something but don't quite know how to start the sentence.
“Y-you say I'm pregnant?!!!” You automatically reach for your belly.
“How could this happen?!” you look up at Law, unsure of how you should feel. To be honest, you're a little overwhelmed, but it's not actually a bad thing. You're actually at the age where it's appropriate, aren't you?
Law, who is leaning against his table in front of you, takes a breath to explain to you HOW this could have happened, in a physical and medical sense.
With knitted eyebrows, you shake your hand in front of Law in order to stop him. You know how, but somehow you're surprised. You often hear that the birth control failed here and there and the woman got pregnant, but somehow you think it would never happen to you and now it's happened to you.
Surprise, surprise.
You drop into a chair and look a little defeated.
“Shit…” you mutter. Law takes the results of your blood report and tries to change the subject.
“But hey, judging by your results, you're perfectly healthy and have the best possible condition for the baby." He turns the page to check a few more things.
“We should probably just get some more sun and fresh air for your wellbeing. Your vitamin D levels are a little low… No wonder down here…” In his head, he makes a mental note to talk to Bepo and Hakugan about surfacing today.
That sounds as if…
“Do you want me to keep the child?” You look up at him, a little surprised. A pleasant excitement spreads through your chest at the thought that Law will be the father of your child.
His eyes peek over the edge of the paper, looking down at you. He examines your glazed eyes, places the papers on the table and crouches down in front of you to be closer to you.
“Do you want to keep the child, y/n?” he notices that you're a little unsure, but that's okay. That's normal... but he will follow your final decision. No matter what you decide, he will stand by you and make sure you are both safe and happy.
Somehow it all feels surreal. You and Law are having a baby. That will change everything now, but you're longing to find out what it's like. You shrug your shoulders a little sheepishly.
“Uh-huh… kind of, yea.” Somewhat embarrassed, you smile at him. For you, getting together with Law has always been like hitting the jackpot, but you'd never thought about you two becoming parents.
But dear, if you only knew how Law sees you… He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy about becoming a dad, but right now you're coming first, since you're feeling 'a little under the water'. [sorry but I couldn't help myself, lol]
“Well, I guess we have something to celebrate, don't we?“
Law's grin makes you smile. Somehow he always pushes the right buttons with you. With his charming looks, his cunning manner and clever little head, he always manages to mess with your feelings. You've never felt this way about anyone before and you weren't exactly a virgin before… Now that you're becoming parents, you feel like you're starting to really mature with Law.
“How are we going to tell them?” Parties are not his thing, you know that, but as soon as the others find out, they want to throw a party anyway.
He seems to be thinking deeply as he plays with your fingers.
“Maybe we'll just throw a party…” you look down at him in surprise, but he explains why.
“I know for a fact that we won't be able to avoid it…” a small giggle slips out of your mouth and you gently squeeze his hand, but Law breaks your eye contact.
“Well, I won't be able to get around it…” You're never against a fun party, but after an hour Law's social battery is usually drained and he disappears into his study.
“Not a bad idea, actually. If we plan the party, we can be sure that it won't be too chaotic. Let's keep it simple.” Law is pleased that you share the same thought. Well, it's probably because you can't party as hard as usual, but it doesn't make you sad. Somehow the joy slowly sets in.
Law gets up and pulls you up with him while you both hold hands. Without saying a word, he takes you in his arms and you breathe in his calming scent. At this very moment you just feel so good, even though you were so scattered until a few moments ago, you are sure that everything will work out with Law by your side.
You're kind of excited. The crew thinks you're throwing a party because you're resurfacing today and they believe that cheap lie, but what pirate crew needs a reason to throw a party? They probably don't give it a second thought and are happy to have food and booze under the sun.
In a good mood, you hum a little tune in the kitchen while you prepare a few treats in the kitchen. At some point, Shachi comes by and you tell him that he shouldn't be snacking, but he just laughs cheekily at you and stuffs a filled onigiri into your mouth. You hum contentedly as you taste the tuna cream.
“You're getting better and better y/n, the shape is a real triangle this time too!” you smack him on the back of the head and huff in offense.
He's used to it and your blows don't even really hurt so he just laughs as he rubs his head.
“I'm sure Law will be more than pleased.” Without a care in the world, he picks another treat from the little buffet you've set up and disappears into the corridor.
Your gaze rests on your bitten onigiri. You are secretly thrilled that he thinks Law will be happy. You wonder if he is looking forward to your current situation in general.
After you surfaced with the Polar Tang, Law and a few others set up the deck. Tables and benches were set up and you and Ikkaku hung up some hanging garlands to make it look more festive. After putting the finishing details on the final appearance, you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction while Law stepped to your side.
“They really don't suspect anything…” he whispers in your ear.
You just smile to yourself. After all, it just seems like you're having a party as usual. The buffet, the decorations, the festive lights and a small bar on the deck are just the same as usual.
Law doesn't know it, but you couldn't help yourself and had to tell Ikkaku about it immediately. After all, she's your best friend. You can definitely trust her not to spill the beans and it shouldn't be too difficult because you're throwing the party today anyway. She even offered to prepare a few desserts. With hearts in your eyes, you accepted her offer, of course.
All in all, it was an evening like any other with your crew. There was laughter, some dancing, a lot of goofing around and singing. Avoiding the alcohol was quite difficult, but luckily Ikkaku was your knight in shining armor. She always swapped your cup with hers, with only water inside, in an discreet fashion.
As the sunset glowed over your submarine and the atmosphere on deck calmed down allowing everyone to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, Law decided that now was the perfect time to spread the news.
He raised his glass and tapped it lightly with his fork so that everyone's attention was drawn to him by the clinking sound.
A few of the pirates look up at him in surprise. It's not that unusual for Law to make a speech from time to time, but there shouldn't be any special reason for him to make one today. Or maybe there is?
Glances go round among themselves. You smile knowingly to yourself as you watch the confusion on their faces.
“Sometimes there are unexpected twists and turns on our travels and sometimes it's the best thing that could have happened to us. In the end, everything always turned out well and that's only because we trusted and helped each other. We may be pirates, but we are also…” - “A FAMILY” Penguin and Sachi cry and shout in unison.
Law's words are unexpectedly touching. His words are always wise and uplifting… but this time he not only speaks from the heart, but with it and everyone is moved to the core.
You could cry because you know why he uses such beautiful words. With a satisfied grin, he agrees with the men.
“Exactly. We are a family and today y/n and I want to announce something to you.” Little by little, questioning glances wander to you and Law nods to you with an encouraging expression on his face. He now leaves you the honor of continuing.
“I'm pregnant!” you blurt out in a squeaky voice.
The looks go back and forth between you two in a rather funny way while the surprise is written all over everyone's face.
All of a sudden, the group erupts into a joyful roar and congratulations are given to you. Ikkaku can finally take you in her arms, her eyes overflowing with tears. A few of the men are shaking hands with Law while Bepo rushes up to Law and almost crushes him in a hug.
Your heart bursts as you watch the cheering crowd and stroke Ikkaku's back in a soothing manner as she utters some incomprehensible words of joy…
In the chaotic happiness, your and Law's eyes met. He seems as happy as you feel.
The atmosphere were already great before, but now it's just amazing.
They raise a toast to both of you and your little one, while Penguin and Shachi fight over which of them gets to listen and feel your belly first. You have to laugh at their goofiness, because there's not much of the typical pregnancy belly to be seen yet.
Bepo comes running towards you with cute beady eyes and gives you a warm embrace. He snuggles up to your head and you brush against his soft fur…
You hear his soft sniffle and in a low voice he whispers to you how happy he is for you guys.
“You're going to be great parents!” You wipe a small tear of joy from his face and pull yourself together so that you don't burst into tears yourself, but you're just too emotional. Your walls collapse and the tears roll down your cheeks.
The rest of the gang decides to come up to you and engages even Law in a huge group hug. It touches you more than anything how happy your friends are for you.
You can hardly wait to tell your friends the Straw Hats. You wonder how they will react. You secretly hope that it will be the reason you'll see each other sooner than you thought.
You really want to go shopping with Ikkaku, Robin and Nami for the baby!
You let the evening fade away together until at some point it was just you and Law.
The evening got a bit chilly and before you could even get cold, Law put his coat around you. Thanking him with a quiet smile, you can still see the joy on his face… And you? You can still hardly believe it. You're going to be parents… but you're still thinking about how Law really feels. He's obviously happy but you wish you could hear what he's thinking.
“Law, tell me, how do you feel?” Your eyes are fixed on the sea. You watch the glittering reflection of the moon in the water, while his gaze rests on you.
“I don't know. I kind of feel everything. Excitement, joy but also some fear.” Your gaze quickly goes up to him, but his eyes are now on the open sea.
The fact that he feels the same as you is somehow reassuring. You're a bit jealous of him for always keeping such a cool head, because unlike you, he seemed so calm and confident the whole time.
“You know y/n, when I went through the results today I could hardly believe my eyes when I realized why you were feeling bad.” With his arms leaning against the railing, he smiled down at you.
“I thought my heart stopped working and when it started beating again, a new feeling was born...” The glimmer in his eyes is as calming as a fire, that is about to fade out.
You are not used to so many touching words and your heart starts beating quicker with each word. The way he says everything is saved in your brain like a video and you dare not to speak a word.
He turns his upper body towards you and moves a little closer to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face. A little hesitantly, he begins to speak again, as if searching for the right words in your eyes.
“A feeling... that I thought I had long lost… The feeling of having a family.”
Okay y/n don't cry. Don't cry!
Law kisses your forehead as he wipes a tear from your face. The feeling of his warm lips disappears faster than you'd like, though, and Law takes a step back to get down on one knee.
With his gaze fixed on your eyes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You know what this means but you fail to move or say anything. Wide eyed, you follow Law's movements.
“I wanted to do this much earlier… but somehow I didn't find the right time… or maybe I was just waiting for this very moment?” Law isn't quite sure himself where he gets these words from, but so much has changed after today. He opens the box and your gaze falls on the sparkling ring.
“Y/n will you marry me?”
With quivering lips, you nod at him while tears flow like a waterfall and you throw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You usually have a lot to say, but this time Law has left you completely speechless.
You could have said yes a thousand times but it would never be enough to make it clear how much you want to be his wife.
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A/N: Oh well… Law. I bet you'd be great as a dad.
I hope you enjoyed it ♡
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starlightrosa · 1 month
LEE JAX lers pomni and rags pleaseee ur fics are amazing
Jax's Downfall
Summary: Jax has played one too many mean pranks, and Pomni wants revenge.
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Rather intense tickles, Jax is an asshole but he gets his just desserts, swearing (haha censored though)
A/N: Jay! Thank you for the wait! And I'm happy to hear that you like my work! I'm sorry you have had to wait so long, but I do hope this one is good. Enjoy!
Jax snickered to himself as he hid in the corner of his room. It was rather early in the Digital Circus today. While everyone was still asleep, Jax had found the key to Pomni’s room. Pomni was relatively new to the circus still, having been only there for a couple days. What kind of person would Jax be if he didn’t give the new girl a nice housewarming present, right?
Except the housewarming present may or may not have been a sack full of cockroaches. And maybe Jax knew that Pomni had a fear of cockroaches. Apparently the little jester hated the way they moved.
Jax had also been extra kind and put cleverly made fake cockroaches around as well, so the jester would have a hard time telling which roaches were real, and which were not. Jax giggled to himself as he heard the noises of Pomni stirring awake. He didn’t even need to check if his prank had gone to plan, as he heard a hair-raising shriek from behind the door.
Jax slammed his hand over his mouth and he snickered as Ragatha raced into Pomni’s room and got her out. Caine popped into view, rubbing his eyes.
“Pomni, its most early…” Caine complained, but then he saw all the cockroaches and both sets of teeth that also made up his head comically fell open. “Oh goodness.”
Ragatha hurried Pomni out of the roach-filled room and consoled her. “Hey, hey. Pomni, calm down. I don’t know how they got in there. Don’t worry, we’ll get rid of them all.”
“Hey. Bugs matter just as much, you know.” Jax cut in with a drastic eye-roll. Ragatha sent Jax a look. Oh, if looks could kill, Jax would be a pile of bones by now. Her eyes were hateful, as she comforted Pomni.
“Jax, what the (HONK!) is wrong with you? Why would you do that to Pomni?!” Ragatha accused. Jax scoffed and held his hands up.
“Don’t be blaming me, Ragdoll. I didn’t do anything.”
Caine went closer to that door. “Well, I’ll put this right in a jiffy.” the ringleader responded. One simple click of his fingers and these digital bugs, both fake and real, disappeared at one simple snap, making their little chirping noises even as they dissolved into pixels.
“Thank you, Caine.” Pomni murmured, even as she pressed closer to Ragatha, the jester refusing to look at her room even as the last roach disappeared. She had woken up to find one of those on her bed. Granted, it was a fake one. But then she looked up and saw real, moving ones, which had caused her initial scream.
“No problem, Pomni. Well, I’m off to touch some grass.” Caine excused, the ringleader vanishing with a pop. Jax scoffed and walked by Ragatha, who still sent the lilac bunny a very angry look indeed. He bent down to Pomni’s level, whispering into her ear.
“You know, Pomni… fun fact. Female roaches can lay eggs after like sixty days.” Jax teased, loving Pomni’s whimper of fear as he left. God, he loved messing with her.
Pomni growled once Jax had left. “Ugh… I hate him so much.”
“So do I, Pomni. I don’t know why he’s the way that he is.” Ragatha said, doing her best to sympathise with the upset jester. Jax was unfortunately like this. Just the other week, he had done a similar prank to Ragatha, only with centipedes, which happened to be Ragatha’s fear. Seems she and Pomni were on quite a similar wavelength in regards to their fears.
“I want to get him back.” Pomni hissed, at her wits end with this stupid rabbit.
Ragatha wasn’t sure. Turning the other cheek sounded like a better option, but Jax was the kind of person to never get bored, and his pranks tended to become much more mean if he got a reaction he didn’t want, as it was blatantly obvious that because of life in the circus, Jax either had little or no regard of consequence coming to pay its dues to him.
“I want to do that as well. But we don’t even know how to get him back.” Ragatha reasoned. But Pomni was dead set on paying the rabbit back, and then some.
“Then we ask Caine. Let’s go.” Pomni said, leaving no room for excuses as the two girls ran off to go find the ringleader.
Caine was outside the tent with Bubble. He was doing what he said, at least. His mismatched eyes were on the lush, digitally-created green grass, and his gloved hand was stroking up and down the green blades, them swaying softly in the wind.
The ringleader looked up to see Pomni. She looked most irritable, and her arms were crossed.
“Pomni, dear. What’s wrong?” Caine asked. Pomni sighed, one hand twirling at the stray strands of hair under her hat.
“Jax has been playing such horrible pranks. I want to get him back.” Pomni stated, looking at the ringleader, even as he played with the blades of grass idly as he listened to Pomni air out her singular grievance against Jax. Oddly refreshing, considering that the other members must have had a list of grievances against Jax that was about three miles long by now.
“Hmm. Well, I suppose there is one way that you could pay Jax his dues. I found out some rather valuable information about Jax, and he doesn’t know that I know. Care for me to spill the tea, as it were? Though I don’t really have tea. Just a teacup.” Caine rambled, a flowery teacup popping into his hands. Caine pretended to drink tea from it to sell the illusion.
Pomni grinned as she nodded her head. “Spill, Caine. Spill every drop of information.”
Caine chuckled. “Well, Jax is actually rather ticklish. More than he wishes to admit. If you give him a good tickle, he should back off for a little.”
Oh, Caine had just helped Pomni strike a gold mine head-on. She smiled, an evil glint in her eye. “Oh, Caine. I don’t think you know how happy I am right now. Thank you.”
“You’re most welcome, my dear. Oh, and Jax can’t stand nibbles on his stomach.” Caine added.
Pomni rubbed her hands together, the way a cartoonish villain would. She chuckled lowly as she began to plot with Ragatha.
“We have our plan. Ragatha, you’re gonna help me.” Pomni said.
“Sure. Jax has been more annoying than usual. I’d like to see him laid out and screaming like a baby while we tickle him to tears.” Ragatha stated, winking her real eye as her button eye focused upon Pomni, content to listen to the jester explain her plan.
Pomni chuckled a little mischievously, as she and Ragatha assumed their places. They waited in Jax’s room, because Jax had so foolishly left his door unlocked while he went to go wreak havoc on Gangle again.
Gangle’s muffled cries were cut short at the snarky laughter of Jax slowly growing louder as the rabbit walked back to his room and closed his door. Perfect. Ragatha and Pomni took their chance and they both jumped on Jax.
Jax shrieked like a little girl as he was taken to the floor. Ragatha gathered Jax’s wrists and yanked them sharply above his head as Pomni straddled his waist, and she smirked down at him.
“What the (HONK)?! Pomni, get off! You little-!” Jax yelled, trying to struggle, but then Pomni traced Jax’s underarms. Jax clamped his mouth shut faster than he ever had, trying to swallow down the laughter steadily rising in his chest.
“A little birdie told me you were ticklish, Jaxie-Paxie.” Pomni cooed, the jester never losing that mischievous look.
“Jaxie-Paxie? Oh, cohohoHOHOHOME OHOHOHON! P-POHOHOHOHOMNI!!”” Jax deadpanned, but then his sarcastic remark was cut off by a loud shriek and laughter as Pomni stuck her hands in Jax’s armpits and started off tickling.
“Yes, Jax?” Pomni asked, in a sickly sweet tone that made Jax squirm. But Jax couldn’t even say anything, overwhelmed by laughter as he couldn’t even wriggle, Ragatha holding him down easily like he weighed nothing.
“POHOHOMNI, STOHOHOHOP!!” Jax wailed, the rabbit’s legs kicking as he tried to find purchase to escape the jester and her tickles. But there was nowhere to go, and not like Ragatha would let him get very far.
“Stop? Aw, but I barely started!” Pomni responded, moving her hands slower than a snail’s pace to Jax’s stomach, pulling his shirt up.
“WAHAHAHAIT, WAHAHAIT! NOT THERE, POHOHOMNI!” Jax begged. He hated how ticklish he was sometimes, especially when other people found out about it. Well, hate may have been quite a strong word. Like hell he would tell anyone how he really felt about getting tickled, though.
“Not here? But why, Jax?” Pomni asked.
“B-Becahahause no!” Jax lamely responded through his laughter.
But Pomni didn’t listen and vibrated her fingers into Jax’s stomach. Jax had no chance at resisting, as that was his number one tickle spot. He fell into loud, wheezing cackles near-instantly.
“Aww, is the wittle wabbit all ticklish on his tummy-wums? Ohh, poor baby.” Pomni teased, not letting up on her tickles one bit. She grinned, letting Jax see her teeth. “Such delicious giggles, little bunny-bun. I’m hungry for laughter. And I think I could go for a snack~”
Pomni dipped her head down and began to softly scrape her teeth against the ticklish skin. Jax screamed and thrashed at the feeling, loud and boisterous laughter leaving him.
“Just give it up, Jax. Let me hear them giggles.” Pomni encouraged, before going right back to nibbling Jax’s belly, and Ragatha laughed along with Jax. This was the best entertainment Jax was involved in, by far.
Jax screamed and wailed like a baby as his legs kicked out. Pomni was so mean.
“Have you learned your lesson yet?” Ragatha asked. Jax cried out as Pomni was now kneading Jax’s stomach with her fingers.
“NOHOHOHOHO!!” Jax screamed, but Ragatha tutted from above him.
“You haven’t? Oh, dear. Well, you need another lesson. Pomni, give him some good raspberries.” Ragatha instructed. Jax swore he saw God for a minute.
“NOHOHOHO! DOHOHOHON’T YOU (HONK)ING DARE!” Jax yelled. Once again, Pomni didn’t listen as she ducked her head down and her lips met Jax’s stomach as she inhaled and blew a raspberry right over his bellybutton. Jax shrieked at such a high pitch, that if the circus tent had windows, Ragatha was pretty sure that Jax would have shattered the glass.
And Pomni didn’t stop there. She blew smaller raspberries and moved her ticklish little raspberries all over Jax’s tummy. By the time she had enough, tears were flowing down Jax’s face as Ragatha finally released his hands. The girls chuckled as they high fived each other. Jax held his stomach with one hand as he pressed the other against his mouth to muffle his remaining giggles.
“Don’t you dare prank me like that again.” Pomni said, as she and Ragatha left him to his own devices. Jax watched them go as he flopped back on his bed. Jax made a note in his head even as his exhaustion from such intense tickles took him to a nice nap.
Way more roaches in Pomni’s room next time.
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cwritesforfun · 2 months
The Bear: Carmen 'Carmy' Berzatto x Fem!Reader: The Walk
Part One is linked here!!!
Part Two is linked here!!!
(YES, the plot has changed. I do not own The Bear characters.) Y/N = Your Name
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You throw on your cozy walk outfit and walk outside to meet Carmy. He should be here any minute. What he doesn’t know is that you packed a small little picnic for you both.
You wait on a bench until you see Carmy’s car pull up and he walks toward you. He’s holding two coffees and he exclaims, “I didn’t want to show up empty handed, so I brought you a coffee the way you like it.” How does he know what coffee you like?! You reply, “That was sweet of you, thank you.” He opens his arms to hug you and you hug him back. He’s so warm right now and he doesn’t smell like smoke. He smells really good. Shut up brain this is your boss that you are thinking about.
You both start walking around the park and you reach the area near the pond. You ask, “Fancy a picnic?” Carmy says, “Sure.”
You both sit on a bench and give Carmy a food haul from your tote bag. He seems excited about the burritos and after he takes a bite, he exclaims, “Holy shit. I swear if you were not employed already, I would hire you. This is so good.” You reply, “Thank you, Carmy. I don’t like cooking for more than like 4 people though. It really stresses me out. When I cook or bake, I feel more in control when I do smaller portions.” He replies, “I used to feel that way. Then I kept practicing and cooking, so it’s a way of life. If you ever want it to be yours, then it could be.” You reply, “Your way of life? Haha! I’ve always wondered, do you ever get super burnt out cooking for yourself because it’s your job every day.” He answers, “Haha wow we’re getting deep now… I do get burnt out cooking for myself. If I don’t want to cook, I will make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then call it a day. I also have several quick recipes I know how to make in under 10 minutes if I am still in the mood after work. It depends on the day.” I ask, “What was yesterday?” He answers, “2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with milk.” I answer, “You’re getting a little crazy there.” He laughs then says, “Thank you so much for yesterday. I feel like I didn’t thank you enough for how you helped me. You really helped me not have a complete mental breakdown and ruin my relationship with my employees. I appreciated it and needed it." I reply, "I believe you said and I quote the light in the darkness of my mind. If I'm ever not at work, I'm only one call or text away. I do work and have class, but I also have time where I can be on my phone." He replies, "Thanks." You both talk about your anxieties for a while then sit in silence staring out at the pond.
You turn to Carmy and ask, "Random question, what did you tell Sydney that made her give you my address so willingly?" He asks, "She didn't tell you?" You answer, "No, she refused to answer it. She seemed really nervous about it though. I had to reassure her that it was okay that you visited and that you brought me a dessert." He nods and asks, "So it was okay that I came over? I didn't know if we were crossing some kind of boundary or if it was okay. I was also worried at what you might think, but I wanted to make sure you were okay." You reply, "And for that, I am very grateful. That caramel tart was all I ate that day besides an apple." He replies, "Then I guess let me know if you ever need a caramel tart any other night you get really bad anxiety. I can always drop it off after work." You reply, "Ok, yeah I might just take you up on that offer." He smiles. He has a cute smile and it makes you smile. You say, "You should smile more, Carmy. You have a nice smile." He smiles widely and says, "It's only for you these days, Y/N." Is he flirting with me or being nice to me?!?!??! You ask, "What do you think of the walk and the view of the pond?" He smirks and says, "I can think of a better view." OMG OMG OMG is he flirting with me again!?!!?!??! You laugh and say, "Oh... thanks." He exclaims, "I think I should tell you what I told Sydney. I told her that I cared about you and I wished I didn't because you're my employee. She gave it over once I told her that my feelings for you weren't going anywhere anytime soon... When Richie made that workplace romance joke yesterday, I was worried it would wreck anything we could've had together. I didn't want it lingering in your mind without knowing for sure. So, yes I like you. I know we just started bonding and we're both dealing with a lot of anxiety, so I'm okay if we wait to date. But, when you want to, I would like to be your first choice if you like me too." HOLY SH**!!?!??!!??!?! I'm freaking out on the inside. You say, "You're my first choice to date too. I'll admit that sometimes the thoughts of what we could be have come across my mind at work. I try to not focus on how attractive I find you while I'm working as the host or talking to Sydney in the kitchen as you cook." He smirks and says, "I find you attractive too, for the record." ok ok teehee this is it!!! LMK if I should write more of their story like the first date? first kiss? idk... also... pls be gentle with yourself and ily
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stories4thepack · 2 months
Hi! This may be a little weird but I think I’m obsessed with the concept of Carol Danvers x vampire reader 😂
Do you have any thoughts about it you'd like to share?
You have gotten me thinking……I may possibly write another fanfic about it later, but for now here’s some ideas:
Carol does not trust you at first, of course she doesn’t, you are a creature who literally drinks peoples life force to survive
Originally, she was going to quickly drop you off at another planet. But when you jumped in front of her to protect her from a shot from one of the planets angry inhabitants. She pulls you back into her ship, ready to patch you up. She’s down right frustrated that you didn’t know she was immune to those kinds of weapons.
While she assumed you were too daft to successfully do anything to her, your cunning in combat is what made Carol wary, she knew that (physically) you were a match for her. Even without your enhanced abilities, you were skilled and sly enough to be able to endure a fight
She watches the way you treat others, with such compassion and empathy that makes it near impossible to believe you are a monster
One night, she jolts awake, screaming from a nightmare and immediately your cold arms are gently placed around her. Holding her close to make her feel secure and needed. From that night, you began to sleep in her bed, allowing her to subconsciously snuggle up to your cool chest
Carol begins to open up to you more about her past, her regrets and finds that, in the centuries you’ve been alive, you’ve suffered similarly to her
You have your first bite before your first kiss
You were hungry, but also stubborn, refusing to tell Carol what was wrong until she figured it out herself
She convinced you to bite her and promised she would always be there to play the role of “blood bag” as she so kindly put it
(she will never admit that the feeling of your lips against her neck, fangs grazing her skin and tongue lapping at her blood was all she would ever desire)
Your first kiss is on a solitary moon, overlooking the beaming stars and the three grinning suns surrounding a vast, golden planet. In that moment, she was more desperate for you than you are for blood
Carol Danvers is extremely dominant in a relationship, but, you can make her a whimpering, pleading mess the second you pin her against the wall, fangs deep in her throat
Kamala immediately senses something between you two the second she sees you in the same room together, even though you both desperately tried to convince her otherwise. (The amount of fan fictions the girl would write later…..)
First date: You cook Carol a steak, with a dressed salad and a glass (or two) of red wine. And in return, she flips her hair away from her neck so you too may eat. (dessert however, allowed both of you to eat the same kinda food😏)
Carol is always worried about you, though you are immortal, you can still get hurt, even with an increased healing factor. Her concern is sweet, but often ends up with the situation getting worse than it already was
Carol would kill for you and you would be there to prevent her from doing so
if you have any suggestions about what should happen in a Carol Danvers x vampire reader fanfic, please let me know
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danganphobia · 1 month
hey. hey. if any of you watched/watch community, there's this episode where the gang build a giant pillow fort that takes up the whole college campus. so you get the idea, the campus throws a sleepover where everyone can just come inside the fort with their pajamas, pillows, plushies, food, whatever you want. laios tells toshiro about this and asks if he wants to come hang with his friends and he politely declines and says he has to study all night and he's tired from kendo and aikido so he doesn't want to. laios bemoans about it but decides to just let it go.
then later in the night kabru and mithrun come to their dorm and start grabbing blankets and pillows and stuff. toshiro's neck deep in studying and he turns back like "what are you guys doing?" and mithrun says "we're going to the fort." and kabru says "yeah we're going to the fort." and toshiro just stares at them like ? and when he follows them outside he sees everyone coming out of their dorms in their pjs with their belongings.
like shit is THAT SERIOUS it's like a campus tradition. toshiro calls namari on the phone and when she picks up she says "oh me and kiki are chilling in the fort in the west hall you should come" and toshiro is like "how many people are at this sleepover???" he gets a text from falin in the gc, her and marcille are surrounded by seal plushes. laios sends a video of him having pillow fights. toshiro shuts off his phone. HE NEEDS TO STUDY and everyone is slacking for a sleepover! how ridiculous!
he tries to focus on studying then he gets back pains. he can't really focus anymore. he has muscle soreness. his head slightly hurts. he should go to bed, but he hears people laughing and talking outside, dorm doors closing, everyone else seems to be awake while he's struggling to stay awake.
giving in, when it's literally three in the morning, he gets changed in one of those satin robes because he's classy, puts on his bedroom slippers, and gets a blanket and pillow in defeat. then his favorite rhino beetle plush laios got for him their first date.
this is stupid, he keeps telling himself. this is so stupid. he's been studying for 7 hours straight yet he remembers the exact location laios said he was setting up camp in. he's awkwardly crawling through the fort and excusing himself. just to be on the safe side, he's asking his peers if they've seen laios and they guide him closer to where he is.
when he gets there, he hears laios whisper "pssst hey toshiro!" and toshiro sees laios there in his shark onesie. he looks so silly in person toshiro can't help but giggle uncontrollably.
laios doesn't care though because he's so happy to see toshiro here. he says "you were studying forever, we thought you'd never come!" and toshiro asks, "we?" it just so happened most of their friends were still awake because they were all waiting for toshiro to come. toshiro's at a loss of words and says they really didn't have to, but they insist and say laios refused to give up until he comes and joins them.
in the knick of time, senshi and chilchuck come back with freshly baked desserts for the whole party.
everyone digs in and toshiro is the last to do so because he feels kind of bad about keeping them waiting. then senshi offers him a chocolate chip cookie. toshiro eats it, and notices they're all looking at him.
he's not really used to people doing such acts of kindness, so it makes him cry, and laios panics "TOSHIRO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" and toshiro laughs as he wipes his few tears, saying, "yes, it's just really good. [the cookie] thank you everyone, for waiting for me."
it's a sappy moment, they don't tease toshiro or make him feel embarrassed for getting emotional, because they get it. it makes him feel more closer to them than before. they have snacks, do a DnD session, and end up falling asleep.
laios curls up on toshiro's lap and rests his head there. toshiro gives laios head-pats until he falls asleep. he's not sure if he'll get any rest here tonight but he's really glad he came.
the sleep catches up to him in the morning though. when laios wakes up he makes sure to sit up and lift the blankets over them both so toshiro can lean on his shoulder.
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lakesbian · 1 year
btw here’s what i think the undersiders would get when i take them all out for ice cream because they deserve it:
taylor: i forgot if her general dessert tastes were stated anywhere or not but i think she would get smth kind of niche like idk pistachio ice cream 
lisa: she’s a chocolate ice cream w/ fruit type of girl to me but i could see, like, butter pecan as well
brian: classic vanilla for this guy. maybe blueberries on top. bravely telling himself that he is going to refuse for when aisha inevitably asks for a bite despite already having her own, is inevitably going to cave and say yes anyway
rachel: also plain vanilla, but specifically because dogs can have vanilla ice cream & she’s going to feed them under the table the whole time
aisha: bowl with whatever the 3 brightest flavors are + a scoop of chocolate + sour candy toppings and a bunch of other shit. scariest part is that she is actually going to manage to finish eating it
alec: raspberry + white chocolate shavings (+ gummy worms he intermittently steals out of aisha’s bowl)
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Hunger makes me
To desire effort from a man, we are taught, is to transgress in several ways. (This is true even if you’ve never had or wanted a romantic relationship with a man.) First, it means acknowledging that there are things you want beyond what he’s already provided — a blow to his self-concept. This is called “expecting him to read your mind,” and we’re often scolded for it; better, we learn, to pretend that whatever he’s willing to give us is what we were after anyway.
Second, and greater, it means acknowledging that there are things you want. For a woman who has learned to make herself physically and emotionally small, to live literally and figuratively on scraps, admitting that you have an appetite is a source of cavernous fear. Women are often on a diet of the body, but we are always on a diet of the heart.
The low-maintenance woman, the ideal woman, has no appetite. This is not to say that she refuses food, sex, romance, emotional effort; to refuse is petulant, which is ironically more demanding. The woman without appetite politely finishes what’s on her plate, and declines seconds. She is satisfied and satisfiable.
The secret to satiation, to satisfaction, was not to meet or even acknowledge your needs, but to curtail them. We learn the same lesson about our emotional hunger: Want less, and you will always have enough.
A man’s appetite can be hearty, but a woman with an appetite is always voracious: her hunger always overreaches, because it is not supposed to exist. If she wants food, she is a glutton. If she wants sex, she is a slut. If she wants emotional care-taking, she is a high-maintenance bitch or, worse, an “attention whore”: an amalgam of sex-hunger and care-hunger, greedy not only to be fucked and paid but, most unforgivably of all, to be noticed. […]
The attention whore is every low-maintenance woman’s dark mirror: the void of hunger we fear is hiding beneath our calculated restraint. It doesn’t take much to be considered an attention whore; any manifestation of that deeply natural need to be noticed and attended to is enough. You don’t have to be secretly needy to worry. You just have to be secretly human. […]
When I said “I don’t like romance,” it was the equivalent of a dieter insisting she just doesn’t want dessert. I did want it—I just thought I wasn’t allowed.
People frequently claim that eating disorders, like anything common to adolescent girls, are just “a cry for attention.” As someone who was once an adolescent girl, I suspect they are at least partially the opposite: a cry against hunger and need, an attempt to kick away that profoundly human desire to be paid mind. To shut the door on the void.
Fearing hunger, fearing the loss of control that tips hunger into voraciousness, means fearing asking for anything: nourishment, attention, kindness, consideration, respect. Love, of course, and the manifestations of love. It means being so unwilling to seem “high-maintenance” that we pretend we do not need to be maintained. And eventually, it means losing the ability to recognize what it takes to maintain a self, a heart, a life. […]
Women talk ourselves into needing less, because we’re not supposed to want more—or because we know we won’t get more, and we don’t want to feel unsatisfied. We reduce our needs for food, for space, for respect, for help, for love and affection, for being noticed, according to what we think we’re allowed to have. Sometimes we tell ourselves that we can live without it, even that we don’t want it. But it’s not that we don’t want more. It’s that we don’t want to be seen asking for it. And when it comes to romance, women always, always need to ask.
There’s a YouTube video I’m fond of that shows a baby named Madison being given cake for the first time. The maniacal shine in her eyes when she first tastes chocolate icing is transcendent, a combination of “where has this been all my life” and “how dare you keep this from me?” Jaw still dropped in shock, she slowly tips the cake up towards her face and plunges in mouth-first. Periodically, as she comes up for air, she shoots the camera a look that is almost anguished. Can you believe this exists? her face says. Why can’t I get it all in my mouth at once?
This video makes me laugh uproariously, but it’s that throat-full-of-needles laugh that, on a more hormonal day, might be a sob. The raw, unashamed carnality of this baby going to town on a cake is like a glimpse into a better, hungrier world. This may be one of the last times Madison is allowed to express that kind of appetite, that kind of greed. She’s still young enough for it to be cute.
This is Madison’s first birthday. By the time she’s 10, there’s an 80 percent chance she’ll have been on a diet. By high school, she’s likely to have shied away from expressing public opinions; she’ll speak up less in class, bite back objections and frustrations, shrug more, stay silent, look at the ground. She’ll worry about seeming “good”—which means not too pushy, not too demanding, not too loud. (Only bitches want better. Only sluts want more.) Boys will treat her shoddily, and she will find ways to shrink herself into the cracks they leave for her. She will learn to assert less, to demand less, to desire less. She won’t grab for anything with both hands; she won’t tip anything towards her face and plunge in. And that transcendent anguish, that stark gluttony … well, at least we’ll have it caught on video.
What would it take to feel safe being voracious? What would it take to realize that your desires are not monstrous, but human?
Imagine being Madison, grown up but undimmed. Imagine being the woman who is unabashed about needing food to survive and pleasure to be fulfilled and care to be happy. Imagine prying open the Pandora’s box where you hide your voraciousness, and letting it consume indiscriminately, and realizing that the world is not destroyed. Imagine saddling up the seven-headed beast of your hunger and riding it to Babylon.
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vanilla-c0c0 · 1 year
William Rex route - ch. 5 summary
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All possible disclaimers are valid! I'm not a mother tongue speaker and I'm doing this for fun. 100% accuracy is not guaranteed. GUYS OMG WILLIAM’S SERIOUS EXPRESSION IS SO COOL🫣🫣🫣
Liam: "Ah, I found a sweet that Harri could like. Why don't we all get some?"
Harrison teases him, asking if he's in the mood for a picnic, but once he gets to smell the dessert he goes back on his word. Liam and Harrison already know what to get, but Will asks the former to decide for him; MC asks one portion of whatever Will is getting. While Liam and Harrison go into the shop, MC asks William if the "hard mission" he was talking about was going to collect information in a major bank in London. Apparently, she's right; but before the conversation can continue, the other two come back with the food: two portions of berry pie for William and MC. Apparently, MC has been so nervous (ever since William has told her it would be a hard mission), that she hasn't eaten breakfast nor lunch today. Liam tells her not to force herself (he's worried about her because he noticed she hasn't eaten any meal yet; MC comments that he seems to observe others more than he is observed by others), but the pie's smell is so good that she cannot help but devour it. William also seems to really enjoy it, and when MC sees him stuffing his mouth with the sweet, she gets this strange feeling; she realises that William is a human just like her.
Despite eating one slice of pie, MC still feels hungry, but before she can say anything, William asks Liam to go buy another one. When MC says that it's too selfish of her to ask for another one, William doesn't seem surprised. "...Really?" [Player choice: "Though I would like to eat it again" また食べたいけど +4 +4 points]
MC: "It was certainly delicious, so I'd like to eat it again. But it doesn't have to be now..."
William: "Mhh? As always, you're very patient."
MC: "If I feel like eating it again, I'll come buy it one day!"
By dusk, they arrive at the bank, and MC feels calmer with a full stomach. The bank president asks William what the requirements are this time, and the latter replies that he'd like to confirm the full details of a certain fund transaction. After saying this, he takes out an envelope and shows it to the other man, making him fall completely silent. William stares at the president, observing him in search of any change in his stance/expression. The envelope is the one with the sealing wax of the golden butterfly that they found at the mansion on the night of the killing. The bank president refuses to disclose any information, saying that he cannot say anything due to a trust issue.
William: "Could we say that your very important bank is involved in matters of money laundering? In order not to lose your customer's trust, it would be wiser to cooperate with the investigation."
But why isn't the police directly investigating the matter? Oh well, simply because someone of even higher rank than the police might get involved, William explains. The president sends a signal to the secretary, who impiles a huge quantity of materials on the desk; however, no one moves to take them or investigate them.
Harrison: "Is this all?"
The president confirms.
Harrison: "Yes, that's a lie. If you don't give everything over to us, don't you think you'll get in trouble later on?"
President: "E-excuse me for a moment... I just remembered there is something I need to do."
William: "Take it easy. We'll be waiting here."
The man leaves the room in a hurry and MC asks Harrison how he knew that the materials weren't what they needed; apparently, his curse allows him to tell truth from lie by simply looking at someone's face. Then, what kind of information did they come to find about? It's all about the letter they found that one night. Inside, there are requests for donations to a certain charity, but this charity doesn't exist (note: so the man from the mansion paid money to a nonexistent charity, and the money passed through the bank they're at). The golden butterfly on the wax seal is the symbol of a certain organisation that has been dormant for a while, but it appears that lately someone had been trying to bring it back to life. Today, they're trying to find out who's behind all this. When MC asks what kind of organisation this "golden butterfly" is supposed to be, William's face displays an unnatural cold anger as he stares down at the wax seal.
William: "As I have said before, they're people who trample on the liberty and dignity of England, and exploit her sweet nectar... they're vermins."
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Suddenly, an alarm resounds throughout the bank, and William notes that it came later than he expected. The whole bank is immediately thrown into chaos: there's been a burglary on the ground floor, and everyone needs to be evacuated. All Crown members are as calm as one can be; the president must have reported to his "customer" that some people were looking into the golden butterfly, so the guy who was informed immediately staged a robbery to kill them under the cover of chaos.
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William calls out to Liam, while hiding MC behind him. Men in banker's clothes rush into the room with guns, but before they can do anything, Liam, who is nowhere to be seen, takes them all out while using the power of invisibility (note: William says "leave it to our cat").
Liam: "Hah... How was it? It was really cool right?"
Harrison: "Don't overdo it. Just say that that you were scared.
Liam: "Huh? These guys were the ones who were scared, they suddenly shot at us!"
MC: (There's no time to be scared when you're with these people...)
William proposes to go find the president of the bank, he must be hiding somewhere so as to confirm their death before the police arrives. They move through the empty corridors of the bank, until they encounter several armed men who try attacking them with knives. MC steps back and clings to the wall as to not get in the way, but in that moment...
With a wobble, her feet shake and her body sinks into the wall.
???: "AHHH!?"
MC is now in a mysterious room, and the moment she looks around, she's grabbed by her shoulders by a strong force; it's the bank president, whose complexion is so pale he's nearly turning blue. He starts firing questions at her, such as how she got into the room and where they found the envelope. He's panicking so hard, he's yelling, and his grip on MC's shoulders is so tight it's basically gripping her bones.
Bank president (piece of shit): "Ahah, does it hurt? This is all you women's fault for getting involved in men's work! What a shame it is for you, working-class women! Well, you don't look so bad; there's no reason not to take you in, right? You can betray those guys who put you through such a painful experience. Be obedient, please your master in bed, and I'll buy you delicacies, dresses and whatever you want. It'd be a comfortable life. It's a happiness you couldn't even wish for, right?"
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MC feels nauseous, anger and sadness boiling deep inside her, to the point where she could throw up. And yet, she cannot speak. After all, this kind of contempt abounds in England, and even if you speak out, nothing will change. Sadness and anger are commonplace, and around the city, there's those who have it even worse. No one will help her. If she can endure it... But then... why? Why do people have voices?
"You're the only one who can listen to your heart and turn it into a voice"
For some reason, she remembers William's words.
MC: "....don't."
MC: "Don't decide my happiness on your own!"
The words spill out of her mouth. The president charges at her, throwing her to the ground, hands to her neck. As she struggles and resists, "death" comes to her mind as if it was someone else's problem. Even if you plan for the future, the end only comes suddenly. That is the truth, we only have "now". If this was to happen now....
William: "Raise your hands."
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MC hears a cold voice, and suddenly air flows into her lungs. As she's heavily choking, she looks up.
William: "I will begin the interrogation now."
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Darker than the looming dusk, the evil king's eyes are looking down on the president.
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timeless - 11
PAIRING: medieval!james “bucky” barnes x reader
WARNINGS: mentions of war and wounds, fire
A/N: i’m so so happy to be back!
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Some time in the past
     - You’re late. 
Bucky looked up to see her standing there, in the elegance that every single people of high birth carried whenever they entered a room. Although, comparing her to anyone of her peers was an insult in his eyes. She was much too ... extraordinary to be compared to the high class he had grown accustomed to. Perhaps it was the infatuation talking, but he thought her different from everyone else, with her tricky smiles and pale colours of her gown which almost dimmed her from the rest of her family in jewel tones. There were many words he could use to describe her, actually, he could write a whole saga on the loveliness of the woman who stood in front of her. However, whenever he did stand in front of her, all he could do was gawk at her like a small child at a dessert. 
    - I apologise, your Highness. - her curtsied. 
    - I had to dance with the Viscount Williams. Twice. And my mother said you didn’t even reply to her answer. Surely you know how incredibly unpolite it is to ignore the Queen. 
    - Ah yes, I heard her daughter gets ... impatient. - he smirked. - Unless you’re tired from you two previous dances, I’d love to have your third. 
She smiled, her face bright as she took his hand and joined him on the dance floor. Bucky always enjoyed these, the parties where she was present, in her baby blue dresses, dancing around like any nymph from mythology. He specifically liked it when she took his hand. She’d first taken it during a Spring festival, before even knowing his name; ever since, she would wait for him, wait to teach him some new dancing or to tell him of what her lecturers had taught her. 
    - Your Grace, if I may be so bold ... how much longer will I have to wait for you to make me an offer?
    - What kind of offer, your Highness?
    - Firstly, Duke Barnes, I have told you countless times I do not like to be called your Highness. I am no higher than you and considering I’m my father’s second child, I have less power than you.
    - Shall I call you Elizabeth then? 
    - No, not Elizabeth. That’s my mother’s name. - she smirked. - It’d be very odd to call me by my mother’s name, don’t you think?
    - Then I believe I’ll have to stick with your Highness. 
    - You could always call me Duchess Barnes.
    - But you are not the Duchess Barnes. 
    - I am merely waiting for your offer. 
    - And would you accept it, if I were foolish enough to propose marriage to a princess?
    - You’ll have to ask it and see. 
Y/N was curious, she’d always been curious but now her curiosity, she dreaded, was due to some sort of inherent ... jealousy. She didn’t want to describe it as jealousy, after all she couldn’t be jealous of something that wasn’t hers. She refused. Yet again, if he had been so entranced by his wife, how come he’d kissed her the night before? Maybe he just did not care. After all, her mother always said men lied and perhaps she had been right, perhaps she had been ... deceived. She didn’t know. All she could think about was his wife and how he spoke of her as she walked back inside with him. 
      - Tell me more about her. - she blurted out, stopping him before he could open the door for her. - About your wife. 
      - My lady ...
      - Won’t you satisfy my curiosity, your Grace? 
A sad smile was painted on his features as he let go of the door handle. He swore tears gathered at his eyes as he took another look at her. Time never passed, at least that’s what the folklore told, not when she was not in love, and so there it was. Time didn’t pass. He struggled keeping his hand from reaching out and touching her, feeling the touch of her skin against his hand. 
      - I have nothing left of hers anymore. Her family demanded all her possessions after she ... I wasn’t even allowed to say goodbye. Everyday I try to remember what she looked like when I first met her, how she sounded ... but every day more, I forget small things. Like the shade of blue of the sky during our honeymoon or the colour or the colour of her dress when we first met. 
       - Blue. - she blurted. - It may ... it’s just a guess. Pretty women always wear blue. 
       - Is that why you’re wearing blue, my lady?
       - Don’t change the subject. You have barely spoken of her with me. 
       - She was mine and I was hers. What else could there be?
       - Do you have any children?
       - We were going to ... then the ... - he cleared his throat. - The fire happened. She always wanted children, she said it would make the house livelier ... although she constantly lost herself in the estate so I worried. 
       - Is it beautiful, out there in your estate?
       - Not anymore, but it used to be. - he opened the door, wishing for this conversation to be over. - I don’t wish to finish our conversation but I have to go. I have other businesses to attend to.
     - I know you’re gonna play a role in how successful Odette’s marriage to William will be. I beg of you to please be considerate of my princess’ feelings.
     - I don’t particularly dislike the alliance. 
     - It’s a good marriage. She loves him. 
     - Is love enough?
     - Is it not?
Some time in the past
The new Duchess found herself lost in the estate yet again. It was not her fault really. Every wall and every painting looked the same and the past few days had been spent in the comfort of her bedroom, with her beloved husband and his skilled hands. She sighed, turning another corner and expecting at some point to get back to where she had started but instead she found yet another new area of the estate. 
     - My darling, have you gotten lost? - she heard her husband’s voice echo through the halls. 
     - No. What makes you think that? - she spoke loudly enough for him to hear.
     - You’ve been going in circles, my love.
     - I have not, I keep finding new places. - she continued walking until Bucky appeared in front of her, exiting from one of the doors. - That’s cheating. 
     - How’s it cheating? 
     - You did not advise me upon our marriage that you lived in a labyrinth. 
     - And you never told me what name to call you, my love. I’d say we’re equal. 
     - You haven’t even been kind enough to provide your wife with a map. - she dodged one of his kisses, playfully smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. - Besides, if I tell you what I’m called other than Elizabeth, you’ll never call me those beautiful names. 
     - I could never not call you beautiful names. I’d rather be punished than not constantly tell you how beautiful you are.
     - I could exchange it for a map of this place. 
     - Darling, it’s not that big of an estate. Besides, the only thing you really need to memorise is the path to our bedroom. 
     - My offer is expiring. 
     - Alright. - he chuckled. - I exchange it for what others call you. 
     - Y/N ... but you must only use it in dire circumstances. 
     - I do prefer Duchess Barnes. 
     - Me too. 
tag list: @lookiamtrying​​​​ @kmuir1​​​​ @anxiousdreamersworld​​​ @tinymalscoffee​​​ @navegandoaciegas​​​​ @cinnabanuxoxo @sideeffectsofyou​​​​  @krismeunicornbaobei
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byeol-ssi · 2 years
Hi Byeol!!! I'm Alizah, my pronouns are she/her and I'd like to request a #7 with Marius!
Also, huuuugggeeee congratulations on your milestone and u toooottalllyyyy deserve it. As a Marius simp, consider me well fed with the fic you released it is *chef's kiss* and i read it atleast 5 times each to feel mentally and emotionally stable I'm not even kidding 😂
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✦ SAVE THE DATE ♡ for @lalizah
✦ marius von hagen | tears of themis
✦ tags: attending a food tasting event together, established relationship
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looking up from your plate, you dreamily took in your surroundings for what felt like the hundredth time that evening. 
the entire venue was transformed to resemble a palace, as if it was conjured straight from a storybook, with a glass-domed ceiling revealing countless constellations. lush greenery, miniature trimmed trees, and blossoming flowers surrounded each table while clinging vines wrapped around tall, marble pillars. 
various food floated in like a never-ending river, carried by servers dressed in white tunics, who glided wordlessly to and from the banquet tables, ensuring that all the trays and glasses remained full. 
preparations for this event certainly spared no expense, and you glanced toward the man who'd brought you here tonight, curiosity overshadowing your daze-like wonder. 
"you never did tell me who planned and hosted this entire event," you comment slowly. 
MARIUS doesn't seem to register your remark — which only heightens your suspicions because he's always paid attention to whatever you said — and instead brings his fork up to your lips. "have you tried this? it tastes divine." 
you narrow your eyes, but he only smiles wider, nodding encouragingly as you take an acquiescent bite. 
he was right, of course. everything you've sampled tasted spectacular, and you finally understood what people meant when they likened the experience of eating immaculate delicacies to a symphony of music. 
yet, a nagging thought had taken root inside your head by the time you both settled in your seats to take on your third serving of the night.
so far, everything that was being served was food you particularly loved — simply heightened in class, technique, and spun into fine cuisine — and there were flavors that were not only comforting but familiar. 
and by narrowing down the people who were privy to this knowledge, it seemed only rational that the culprit was the same person who invited you here. 
your boyfriend. 
"marius," you call out, reaching out for his hand idly tapping the table. 
he takes your hands in his, almost intrinsically, brushing your knuckles with the pad of his thumb. "yes, my love?" 
"who's sponsoring or hosting this event?" you ask again, and your deduction proves itself justified when he slyly attempts to avoid your gaze. 
"we haven't gone over to the dessert section yet." he tips his head in a random direction, but you refuse to be sidetracked, even with the mention of tasty sweets. "would you like me to get a few for you?"
"you're avoiding the question."
he says nothing, however, and squirms slightly in his seat. finally realizing you wouldn't let go of this so easily, he sighs. 
"pax is," he reveals, and your heart flutters. the sensation transitions into a hurricane when he quietly adds, "i personally oversaw the menu and made sure they whipped up all of your favorites and some other stuff you told me you've been wanting to try." 
warmth spreads through your chest, and before you're able to notice it, tears prick at the edge of your eyes. "thank you. for everything." 
his grin grows impossibly bright, lifting your hand to kiss the inside of your wrist. "i would even give my heart out to you on a platter if you asked for it."
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✦ byeol’s notes: hello, alizah darling! thank you so, so much for being very kind, your message means the entire world to little me. i hope you'll enjoy this offering i made for you. always take care! ♡
✦ link to the event directory!
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ndostairlyrium · 1 year
10 things about me 🍰
Tagged by @greypetrel @shivunin @idolsgf and @demandthedoodles 💛 thanks guys for the free therapy session! ;u;
1 - Sometimes I feel like I don't have a personality, just coping mechanisms and a whole lot of reactions caused by anxiety, which is one of the reasons why I started therapy. Apparently I need to just sit down and ask myself "what do you need now / in general?" and it's helping me finding out who is the person I'm wearing << she's kind of an idiot but I'm starting to like her the more I connect to her.
2 - Huge cat person. They're the most communicative beings on earth, they have social cues and a plethora of personalities. Did you know they evolved to mimick the cry of human babies to attract our attention? They have a special "meow", basically. When they do that, we immediately turn our attention to them because our preservation instincts kick in and we're forced to respond. I just love cats so much omg 💛
3 - I can't remember shit, really. It's either a problem or a funny thing because my memory is very selective for no reason lol I know that you hate peas but I can't remember if you needed a lift to the airport or a pack of crackers when we talked yesterday. But when something negative happens... ooohboi! I'll somatize that for years and would remember every single detail, even the color of the sky in that specific moment.
4 - Never tell me that The Divine Comedy is a fanfiction. That's a major turn off. It's one of those things I take very seriously, tbh <<
5 - I don't vibe with horses lol I befriended a horsie called Carrot when I was 7 and horse riding was one of my favorite things ever, until the guy made me fly to the ground because something scared him :' I don't really blame him, but it was a painful experience - hopefully for me only. I tried to connect with other horsies later on but it never worked out.
6 - I horribly love chocolate based desserts. Big faves are sachertorte (of course lol), tiramisù, millefoglie (it's a layered cake with custard/chocolate ganache and puff pastry), and everything that comes with chocolate ganache. Carnival fritters give me so much joy too! Last time I had those I almost wept because they were so good lmao
7 - I really enjoy weird Medieval guys, the miniature style critters you could find on tomes. I'm fairly obsessed with them because they're so stylistically elegant but so dumb to look at 💛 A new addiction I found out I have is looking for creepy looking baby jesuses on Medieval and Renaissance paintings whenever I visit an exposition.
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I mean... Doesn't he make you laugh? He's glorious!! A Unit™
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Also HIM! The lovechild of Billy Crystal and Tim Curry 💛 yes I have more, yes I will post my collection somewhere <<
8 - I never had bubble tea, but I will - once I gather enough confidence to try this cute Japanese bar that opened around here << they have like 50 different options and options make me feel like I'm in front of an audience ready to hit me with rotten fruits. Hopefully it's worth it? Lol
9 - My body refuses liquorice. I thought I was allergic but you can't be allergic to liquorice apparently. But like, hear me out, whenever I ate it, I got the most horrific allergic reactions, no kidding! Even its smell, or a smell close to that makes me wanna run as distant as I can because my skin reacts to it o-o
10 - I did write more than 5 long fics (not counting one shots) in a span of 10 years, which they say it's impressive, considering the amount of chapters and the multiple revisions I always do. I tend to be overly critical when it comes to my writings, so I tend to avoid rereading what I do, except for my second mass effect fic about the Lazarus project, "In A Moment", which I'm very proud of. It's a "what if Shepard asked herself how she came back and if she really came back before the events of me3? And what would her reaction be if she found out reapers' tech was involved in her comeback?" kind of fic. Spoiler: she didn't take it well. I couldn't find anything like that in the mass effect section of the site I publish my stuff in, so I wrote it myself lol it's in my native language tho .-. Hopefully one day I'll find an editor and a translator to cover in money
No I'm not dense, it's just an impression << whoops! Sorry!
And since even my grandma got tagged in this, I'm tagging automatically whoever feels like doing it lol
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holidayvisa · 5 months
14 January 2024
Marie was hosting an extended family get-together. It was supposed to be kind of like the Christmas celebrations we had, but a little smaller and hosted at our house. Marie and Daniel came home after church, and Marie offered me some church bread, from the communion. That felt pretty special.
People showed up as early as noon until probably about 1:30 pm. Alex (Buba), his girlfriend (Mimi) & his mom, Alexandra (Sessi), Tetka Mira, Paul and his girlfriend (Kiara), Tetka Mara & Tetka Bosa. All together, we had twelve people at our house! We all hung out, chatted, and ate together. Marie made her famous gibanica (Serbian pastry with goat cheese and lemon), which was delicious! Everyone in the family has one dish that no one else makes because that one person makes it the best. It's like a badge of honor, having your one thing that everyone else loves to eat. Everyone else refuses to try to make it out of respect for your and for the desire to eat only your dish made by you because it's the most delicious. Anyway, Marie's dish is her gibanica; no one else EVER makes gibanica. It was delicious! I felt so much like part of the family because I was partly hosting. At the other extended family celebrations, I was told to sit down and be hosted because I was the guest. But today, I got to tell everyone else to sit down because I was (partly) the host. Marie brought out the desserts, a homemade cherry strudel (which I'd been fortunate enough to sample the night before) and some tiramisu. After we finished eating, Marie put all the leftover food (there was A TON) in take away containers, and she handed them out to all the guests. Everyone said their goodbyes, and we were left just the three of us.
After everyone left, we were all kind of tired and socially worn out. So the three of us just plopped down on the couch and watched the last half of some Julia Roberts movie. We didn't really know what was going on since we started over halfway through, but that didn't stop us. After Marie went to bed, Daniel and I played some more Star Wars Battlefront, and I got my ass whooped by Daniel again - no surprise there.
I'm grateful for my honorary position as part of the family. I'm grateful to get a chance to catch up with Paul (this was the first time I've seen Paul since 2014) and meet Kiara. I'm grateful for all the delicious food. I'm grateful for Marie's gibanica. I'm grateful for the opportunity to help out and host.
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im-feelin-sick · 2 years
Pokémon AU Devnny Drabble No. 2 As always, much thanks to @that-kangaroo-fish . In fact, I’ll go ahead and say any Pokémon AU stuff can be credited to her as much as me.
Content warning for JtHM typical content.
Johnny grins at her.
He has such a nice smile, Devi thinks. It’s too big for his face, and devastatingly earnest. She desperately wants to tell him how good it looks, but instead, she only offers one in return. Not even a moment later, Devi catches herself slipping in posture towards his direction, and she pretends to cough while straightening herself back out. There’s a moment where neither of them say a thing. Devi needlessly moves around a few books on the shelf, before a topic of conversation occurs to her.
“Oh, did I tell you about my fucking date last week?” Devi asks, hopefully before the silence went weird. “It went terribly.”
“No, you haven’t.” Johnny shakes his head. He jams his fidgety hands into the pocket of his black hoodie, settling in. One of his massive boots digs into the ground as he refuses to make eye-contact with her- Nny’s always been awkward in a charming way. Devi likes shy guys, especially when they’re dressed like they fell into a vat of ravens and black eyeliner. A muddy paw print adorns his black and white Shedinja print t-shirt, which is just the right amount of accidental grunge. He must have some kind of dog Pokémon.
Devi sighs, distracted but still pissed off about the aforementioned date, before she starts her story. “Well, he had a Muk that hung out with us, as though smelling fetid sludge would set a romantic mood. I should have known then. First red flag.”
At this comment, Graifaifai (sitting behind her) makes a very annoyed growl, and Devi sighs again. “I know, I know. You were right.” She tosses her hair and the ends of her a-line bob dance across her cheekbones. Nny chuckles.
“Anyway,” Devi continues, “the asshole kept trying to get me to go back to his place, even though I told him I didn’t want to do that kinda shit on a first date. We went out to dinner, and he wanted to have dessert at his place. Like, grab some ice cream and put on a movie. He promised me it would be just that. But, y’know. Guys. Let their penises take the wheel.”
“I never understand that,” Nny interjects. “I mean, why that would be the first thing someone wants? Or second. Or third. Or fifteenth, really. There’s a million better things to do with someone that don’t force a deranged swap of, ugh, body fluids. I’d rather just. Talk. I guess. With someone I like. And get really deep. When you open up a person, it’s so much more intimate and you get to really see what’s inside.”
Charmed again by his declared priorities, Devi corrects him with a giggle. “Open up to a person, you mean.”
“Oh, that too, I guess.”
Devi grins. “Where was I? Uhhh…. right, ok, so I did end up agreeing to go to his apartment to watch one of my favorite movies, after making it very clear that I wasn’t going to sleep with him. Don’t ask me why I went. Maybe I thought that for once, some dumbass would respect my boundaries.”
“How dangerously optimistic of you.”
“Oh yeah, of course the prick doesn’t- he keeps trying to slap his greasy lips on me, and stick his clammy asscrack hands damn near everywhere. And he kept trying to get me to drink. And that Muk! The smell! Sweet hell! I finally called a cab and left before we were even fifteen minutes into the movie. He offered to drive me home but I wasn’t about to let him find out where I live. I don’t need a stalker on top of everything else.”
Utter disgust spreads on Johnny’s face like spoiled milk spilled across a floor. “Ew! Men are disgusting, greedy, filthy little creatures full of shit and stupid and processed foods. I mean, most women are too, to be honest. But men especially so. Everyone’s like a microwave burrito. You think they’re gonna be warm and wonderful, but they all end up soggy and still frozen in the middle! Nothing worse in the world than a partially cooked microwave burrito or a person!”
“Oh Arceus, right? Don’t know why I keep trying when I hate pretty much everyone, and everyone’s just blinded by boobs or bullshit. Dating is like playing Russian roulette with a completely loaded gun.”
Grafaifai climbs onto Devi’s arm and chatters. Nny gives Grafaifai a crippling glare, and grits his teeth before hissing back.” While I am, on unfortunate technicality, a specimen of the male gender, don’t you fucking dare compare me to them! My dick is the last body part I’d ever think with, and I strive to have manners despite everyone else always forgetting them. I’m no saint, but I’m nothing like the masses of creeps out there. And if ever become anything like them… well, take me out back and blow my genitals and brains out!”
Devi frowns. Did he misunderstand her? “Huh?”
Johnny looks equally confused for a moment, and just blinks, before replying, “Wait! Not you. Never you. I haven’t told you that I can understand Pokémons’ language before, have I? Well, I can- I always know what they’re all saying about me, and your Grafaifai told me that I’m just as bad, if not worse, than any other man, and that I probably want something horrible too. Which is a very, very cruel thing to say to a person, as well as including some disgusting assumptions.” Nny’s hands are balled up into quaking fists. There’s a sudden darkness to him that makes Devi’s nerves itch, but she also feels guilty. Grafaifai can be mean, but she’s never done much to teach it otherwise. Especially not by example.
She quickly soothes him over with, “Oh, it just thinks that kind of thing about every guy I….” Devi pauses, teetering on the edge of admitting something she’s working up the guts to say. She falls onto the side of caution. Mostly. “Uh, meet. It’s protective and a bit judgey, that’s all. I think you’re very polite and nice, for the record. I like talking to you.”
Holy fucking shit, is he nice! Devi loves the delicate, too-polite sound of his voice. Johnny often rambles, and Devi’s always happy to listen, even when the shit he says gets bizarre and conspiratorial. It’s just one of many charming quirks- though she’s pretty sure Johnny would practically murder her if she called him quirky.
Despite her holding back, Devi’s answer/compliments must be enough, because Johnny’s mood goes bright as fast as it went dim. She even thinks he blushes, and his tongue sticks out between his lips as though he’s trying to think of what to say next. It must be a struggle. Devi continues speaking for his sake.
“So you can talk to Pokémon, right? That’s cool. I’ve heard of people who can do that, but I’ve never met one. I usually get what Graifaifai’s trying to communicate, but I can’t understand the language at all.”
“I can’t remember when I learned how. Or if I learned how,” Johnny admits, happy to have changed the direction of the conversation. “I’ve been able to understand them as far back as I can remember. Which isn’t much even on a good day.”
Devi laughs at his joke. “I totally get you. I can’t even remember what I did this morning.”
“Me too. But the whole talking Pokémon thing. I really don’t recommend it. Especially when you live in a gym full of asshole ghosts. You can’t even make a ghost die a second time. I’ve tried it!”
“Yeah, talking to most people feels like sandpapering my face. I can see why Pokémon could be the same way. I hope Sableye’s a little nicer to talk to- where is the little guy, by the way?”
Sableye’s usually out and about, chirping at Grafaifai or trying to read comic books. Devi hasn’t seen him yet. He might actually be inside of his Pokéball, for once.
“Oh! He’s napping.” Nny turns around. Inside of his hood lies Sableye, curled up and asleep. It groggily peers at her, before covering its face up with its arms and burrowing itself deeper into Johnny’s hood. Even Devi’s not totally immune to cute things, and she lets out a little, “Awww.”
After a moment, Nny turns right back around. “But I wanted to say, that guy you went out with? I keep thinking. What’d he look like? ‘Cause I’d gut him like a Magicarp if I found him. I’d take him home and serve him a dessert made only of glass shards and vinegar. He deserves it. It would be a worth a new ghost haunting the gym.”
Johnny’s got a wicked, fucked up sense of humor that’s right up Devi’s alley. They laugh together this time, and somewhere in that moment, Devi finds the courage to actually flirt with Nny.
“Your gym actually sounds kinda cool. Like a haunted house. I’d love to see it. I might even let you take me there after a first date.”
“Oh?” Johnny’s usually pretty easy to read, but emotions fly across his face so quickly that Devi can’t tell what he’s thinking. For a terrifying moment, she wonders if she crossed a boundary. Did she misread him? But finally a giant grin stretches from hollow cheek to hollow cheek, and he nods rapidly.
“I’d like that too.”
He has such a nice smile, Devi thinks.
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