#she said be gay do crime
baconpncakes · 1 year
The thought I was trying to communicate: House loves Wilson in an all-encompassing way that underlies almost every decision he makes and even manages to change the way he thinks of himself some days. House loves Wilson to the point that he actually does change. House loves Wilson so much he's nice to him. House loves Wilson so much he sacrifices for him time and again. House is willing to lose everything except Wilson. Lose everything so he can keep Wilson.
What I actually said: House loves Wilson so much it makes his tummy hurt
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xxweyussyenjoyerxx · 3 months
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@jeffrey-combs-smash-or-pass here she is!!! Indigo, my queen!
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sanguineweave · 4 months
neurotoxic > sanguineweave
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liebelesbe · 17 days
I miss my Berufsschul-Klasse 😭 I was finally like. a tiny bit out. about to come out. comfortable with the possibility of being out. and then the universe said "haha I have given you a taste of something you've always wanted! now watch as I take it away!" *makes me get sicker*
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alexjcrowley · 11 months
I am not saying that I love you Philip Morris could single handedly cure homophobia but I am saying that my mother, who doesn't call herself a homophobe but already struggles with the concept of bisexuality, said that Steven should have been freed from jail because he was just "a man in love"
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ebisuslizard · 2 years
stop calling bylers delusional oml they’re getting unfathomable amounts of evidence to support the idea that they’re end game u guys are just mad that they’re probably right
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faenixx · 7 months
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Ami Five (she/they), my netrunner (more like net skater amirite)
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coconut530 · 11 months
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gregmarriage · 2 years
“stay with me.”
“where else would i go?”
goodbye, i am going insane.
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tenok · 2 years
#sometimes I think that twitter is detached from realities of russian-ukrainian war#and then I go to tumblr and see takes from chronially online americans#who don't even read news only listen to what their (also american) friend said#and want to scream#like we there volunteer in three-five separate organisations#to help ukrainian refugees AND help to flee as much man which can be drafted as we can AND help our comrades arrested for the crime of#being against war#day ago they took three people from the street#for the crime of reading poems for each other#they raped one of guys with baton#recorded it on video and forced his girlfriend to watch it while using superglue to shut her mouth#they still at police station we just can't get them out!!#another girl was forsed to strip and 'make moves' for policemans while they joked about how they will rape her with a bottle#another girl head was cracked with baton (she's alive but has a hasty problems with head)#that only things I personally monitored since it was someone close for someone I care about#I can't monitor everything and god know how many torture and rape polce do right now#another guy set himself at fire to not be drafted#or did I mention that while all this happening they also making it to be illigal to be gay? HELLO#so yeah!! of course I'm not comparing it to suffering of ukrainians#they have all the rights to hate us and laugh at us#but americans? people from one of the most racist countries in the world? people from country that mess with others countries politics#so much? people who's last presidend made literal concentration camps for migrants and you as people did nothing with it?#come one#and YOU had the luxury to vote asshole out#WE don't have this#fuck americans tbh#(not every american ofcourse but that type I'm talking about)#you know who I fucking love?#I love georgians#who made it legal for several days for people who flew the draft to cross border by foot
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theorangerangers · 2 years
I talked to the head of community and she filled out the forms for the outlet full of paint and offered me multiple left over unopened boxes of pizza from the community building event in the basement to just drop it since the school doesn’t care about the breaker box.
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jumping-jackalope · 2 years
one time I read this tweet thread of people who had stories of family members that were obviously queer but in the way of "great aunt Tessie has lived with her Best Friend for 20 years" or "Jim never married but was rly connected to the community", whatever. I thought that was pretty neat so I asked my mom if there were any people in our extended family like that. and she went 'hmm. no. there's my cousin Tom, you've met him. and my second cousin Greg who died young from drugs; the family didn't always treat him well. and then grandma's cousin who was brutally murdered when he was 17 and everyone thought he was gay." and I just. well. think about that sometimes. think about them.
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happy points because maybe its not as bleak as it seems
i finished intensive mental health treatment and i made great supportive friends there! all of them made sure i felt loved and accepted me and my queerness and my arabness and my autism and it was beautiful
ive been to queer karaoke nights two times, during one of which i sung three songs! i shined fr. maybe i was made to stand on a stage bc not only i slayed the songs and impressed everyone (including myself), but i had so nuch fun singing in front of people. plus i made friends!
my best friend is truly just about the most amazing person ive ever met. i am an anxious clown, yet i genuinely am starting to trust that they will be here with me through it all. we've also had many serious conversations and whatever we're building together is beautiful. i wouldnt be here now doing what im doing without them.
i hung out with my muslim friends and ir was so nice! im struggling with my faith thanks to my clownass family, so having some muslim influence mixed in with arab influence was so fresh.
my guitar and singing skills are slowly improving. im trying hard to write songs. im used to writing poetry tho, so it's still kind of shaky. but we will get there! we will be starting to practice with the band soon and i cannot wait!! we also had music sessions with my best friend and those were also really nice
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rebellum · 2 years
Begging people to understand that homophobia doesn't mean "being mean to gay people because they're gay", misogyny doesn't mean "being mean to women because they're women," and transphobia doesn't mean "being mean to trans people because they're trans."
These are all intertwined systems of oppressive social control.
The whole THING is that gender policing of all types is used to keep people in line to make them act "normal" (to act as their gender should).
When a young boy doesn't want to play football and his brothers do, and they call him a sissy, they are being homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic. Even if he is straight and cisgender.
If a cishet woman is derisively asked "what are you, a lesbian?" For having short hair, she has experienced homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny.
One of the reasons it's so necessary to discuss them is because they are systems of control. The words aren't just describing types of hate crimes etc perpetrated against certain groups of people, it describes the violent aspects of cisnormativity, heteronormativity, and the patriarchy.
This post was made bc im mad about ppl being like "how would a person not lgbtq experience homophobia" (something I literally just saw) and "trans men can't experience misogyny and especially not transmisogyny" and "I'm a wholeass lesbian I can't be homophobic" (both sentiments I've seen multiple times before almost word for word). Those are just a few examples of the stuff I've seen said online from people who unfortunately don't understand how systems of oppression work to keep everyone in line.
Transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny are all inseparably intertwined because they come from the same place and have the same purpose.
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snarky-and-bitter · 1 year
The owl house really said “this white man is gonna try and colonize god” only for Actual God to say “no, this 14 year old is gonna be gay and do crimes actually. She’s going to stop you, and she is right to do so.”
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ghosts-and-glory · 4 months
My really stupid idea for a cult of the lamb modern au is instead of gods or anything the Bishops and TOWW are just YouTubers having internet beef.
I literally don’t have time to do anything with this thought but it won’t get out of my head.
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Narinder got his channel banned by his siblings mass reporting his ass. Instead of being representative of horsemen of the apocalypse it’s a YouTube genre. Obviously Heket as famine is a mukbang channel. I can’t explain why but with Leshy I know in my heart that chaos equals gaming channel. Kallamar as pestilence feels like a shitty health and wellness channel to promote his mlm. With Shamura as war all my ideas didn’t 100% fit but I feel with their wisdom, five hour video essays. Narinder as death, drama, has to be a drama channel.
Narinder just like hijacks channels to try an ban evade. Keeps “befriending” small YouTubers. Ratau used to have a little channel that was just low quality recordings of him and his buddies gambling. Befriended Narinder who just gives shitty business advice and got his channel banned. Narinder gets The Lamb to make carrier ending take down videos on the bishops.
Leshy def hacked and faked speed runs. Heket was probably just toxic, you know she probably gossips 24/7. I already said it but Kallamar, mlm, and not the gay kind. Shamura, plagiarism and “I made it the fuck up” (if you know you know lmao) The four horseman of YouTube crimes.
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