#she should’ve been allowed to have a taser from the beginning
babygirlgiles · 2 years
I’m sorry, but was no one going to tell me that Dawn Summers, the physical representation of Buffy’s innocence, of Buffy’s innermost vulnerability, just casually carries a Taser? Were none of you going to tell me that?
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New Life Pt.16
Word Count: 1,371
Characters: Derek Hale, Laura Hale, OC Characters, Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: angst, cliffhanger, alcohol, insecurities
A/N: gif from google
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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“Are you fucking stupid?! Why would you tell him?” you shouted across the room, Derek standing a distance away from you. 
Laura tried to calm you down, yet failed as you continued yelling at Derek.
“Why didn't you tell me to begin with? How was I supposed to know that you were going to force him to drink human blood?” Derek yelled back.
“The second he got confused you should've just shut the fuck up! Jesus fuck, Derek, what the hell is wrong with you? A-Are you that stupid that you can’t fucking hold back on anything?!” Derek clenched his jaw, you noticed his eyes water slightly.
“Are you fucking serious right now?” 
“I'm sorry, (Y/N). I didn't know,” his voice softened.
You ran your fingers through your hair, pacing around the Salvatore House.
“(Y/N), you need to calm down. I know you're upset, but-”
“This is all his fault, Laura!” you yelled.
You watched as Laura walked in front of Derek, crossing her arms.
“Stop,” she said.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you glared at Derek.
You saw Laura clench her jaw, turning to Derek.
“Go upstairs,” she said.
He nodded softly, before walking to the stairs. He glanced at you one last time before walking upstairs.
“(Y/N), you need to stop-” Laura started.
“Forget about it, it’s too late now,” you heard your phone ring while you looked at it.
“Don’t answer that, I'm talking to you,” Laura said.
“Are you gonna take my phone from me?” you answered the call from Emily, while Laura sighed.
“Hey, Em.”
“Spend the night?” she asked softly.
“Yeah, is everything okay?” you frowned slightly.
“I don’t know. I feel like shit,” you heard her cry, feeling your heart drop.
“I’m on my way,” you replied.
“Thank you,” you hung up the call, crossing your arms as you looked at Laura.
“I love you, but Derek is my brother, and protecting him will always come first-”
“I’m not telling you to pick a side-”
“Shut up and let me talk!” Laura’s eyes flashed red as you sighed, nodding.
“We all make mistakes. You made a mistake giving Dean blood in the first place, there are only a few people who can handle becoming a vampire and he isn't strong enough. Deep down you know it too,” she walked over to you, sitting on the couch before pulling you with her.
“Can’t you tell Derek already feels like shit about all of this? Here you are, trying to make him feel worse. He made a mistake, (Y/N). We all make mistakes.”
You could feel sharp tears rushing to your eyes, your heart beating in the back of your head as you wiped your eyes, resting your head in your hands for a second.
“(Y/N)-” Laura started.
“You know you don't always have to hold it in, right?”
You let out a shaky breath, before sighing.
“Just tell Derek I’m sorry. I have to go to Emily's,” you stood up, wiping the tears from your face before getting your keys, driving off.
You sighed deeply, walking into Emily’s room, instantly freezing. You saw Dean standing across from Emily, seeing tears in her eyes.
“What are you doing here?” you tensed.
“You didn't tell me he was alive.”
You saw the sadness in Emily's eyes as she wiped her tears, giving you a look.
“You knew. You both knew he was alive, and you didn't tell me,” she raised her voice. 
“Why didn't you tell me? We’re supposed to be friends. I have been grieving for days, and the two of you just watched me be in pain.”
You froze, unsure of what to say. You didn't know how to explain that Dean was a vampire, he needed to stay away from everyone until he learned to control, until he was better.
“You have nothing to say? You always have something to say, (Y/N). Why didn't you tell me?” 
“Her and Derek both. They’re shitty people, we should've realized it by now,” you clenched your jaw, glaring at Dean.
“You piece of-”
“I want you to leave, (Y/N),” you felt your heart drop, while you ran your fingers through your hair.
“Emily. You don't want to be alone with him-”
“He’s the only one who hasn't lied to me, I can trust Dean. I want you to leave.” 
Your heart was beating in the back of your head, you felt everything around you go blurry.
You nodded, a soft apology escaping from your lips before you ran out of her house, to your car.
Your head was aching, as well as your chest. It was night, it was cold out, but you didn't care. You didn't want to go back to the Salvatore House, especially not after how you left.
You could feel guilt in your chest, thinking of Derek and Dean. Now Emily as well.
Everything was good, and now everything is getting worse.
You had a bottle of whiskey in your hand, tears fresh in your eyes as you sat on the edge of your car, staring at the empty field. Being alone in the middle of the night in a shady place was never a good idea, but you didn't care.
You are weak
More and more insecurities rushed to your mind as you drank the whiskey, sniffling.
Everything is your fault
Jay was right
You paused, feeling a tear slip down your face before you wiped it away.
Your hands were shaking, you hugged yourself tightly, feeling a sob racing up your throat as you tried to stop it, breathing heavily.
“Ma’am, you're not allowed to be here,” you got off your car, stumbling slightly as you scrunched your eyes, making out a police officer in front of you.
“What?” you said.
“Are you drinking? How old are you?” you saw the officer notice the bottle in your hand before you put it behind your back.
“I think you’ll need to come with me,” you scoffed, shaking your head.
“I’ll get rid of the whiskey,” you walked to a nearby trash can, tossing the bottle in before you gave the officer a sarcastic smile.
“What’s your name?” the officer asked.
“Why does it matter?” you raised an eyebrow.
“Kid, where are your parents?” he asked.
“My mom’s dead, I’ve never met my dad before,” you shrugged.
Your vision blurred slightly as you stumbled back before you shook your head.
“Any relatives or family that you live with?” he asked.
“I live with my mom’s ex-boyfriend. Is there a point to all these questions?” you said.
“I'm going to take you home,” you scoffed loudly, crossing your arms.
“I’m good,” you leaned against your car, seeing the man get slightly worried.
“It’s either your house or a holding cell. I can't leave you here.”
You walked to the car, opening the door.
“I’m not leaving. You’re gonna have to drag me out of here,” you took a seat before the deputy rushed to you.
“Kid, I don't want any trouble,” he started.
He reached for your hand before you pushed him away.
“Kid,” he grabbed your arm forcefully, pulling you out of the car before you clenched your jaw. You curled your hand into a fist, punching the officer away from you as you heard him groan.
“You bitch,” you smirked to yourself, hearing his strained voice.
“You're arrested,” he stood back up, reaching for your arm before you kicked him back, kicking his stomach as he stumbled back.
“You son of a-” you didn't process as he grabbed his taser, aiming at you.
You felt shock run throughout your body, followed by an overwhelming feeling of pain as you cried out, falling to your nests.
“You’re under arrest, underage drinking, assaulting an officer…” his voice drifted off, you could hear ringing in your ears as he pulled your wrists behind your back, putting handcuffs around them.
He pulled you into the police car, your vision blurred as more tears rushed to your eyes. You closed your eyes, leaning your head against the window, feeling a tear slip down your face.
You deserve this
All of this shit is your fault
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
Amira Wayne - Chapter 7
I exchanged @biodad-bruce-month‘s Day 7: Fashion Show with Fight!
Chapter 7: Fight
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan
Tag: @vixen-uchiha @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords
Amira looked at the white board inside her walk-in closet, reviewing the new information she got last night. During last night’s patrol, Amira took a break halfway through, using the time to ask Tikki more questions regarding the miraculous. 
They were earrings, which thankfully, can shift in design but can’t change its original form: earrings. 
So here was Amira, sporting all black studs. Simple and hidden in plain sight. Amira also found out that the appearance of the earrings can always be changed as Tikki doesn’t have to use too much energy to do so. Therefore, Amira has been planning on changing its appearance after every akuma attack, an easy tactic to see exactly how much Hawkmoth himself knows about the Ladybug miraculous.
Next up, her yo-yo. Turns out that it’s more than just that. While it works as a tracker and phone, it only works when Amira is transformed. No yo-yo, no way to communicate with Chat. Because of this, Amira decided to get him a burner phone to make sure the two can communicate outside the suit. Will also help in case they have to communicate during an energy break while there is an akuma. 
Her costume. Thankfully, Tikki had told her that it morphs into whichever design the holder has in their head. With more concentration on the design, the more the costume will have what the holder would want. After patrol, Amira made it her mission to get the utility belt in her design and after plenty of trial and errors, Amira got it. 
Now she had smoke pellets, a taser, a small utility knife and a first aid kit at her disposal. Of course, the belt came with a price - her dagger.
Brushing out her hair, Amira looked at her reflection. She always hated having long hair. While Dick always told her that he liked her hair when it was long (because he liked braiding it for her), Amira never took a shine to having long hair. 
It was a hassle to brush out, to clean. During track (even though she was only on the team for two years), Amira hated seeing other girls have their lucky amulets in their hair. A special pin or hair tie from their fathers and sometimes from their-
“-to Marinette!” Tikki yelled, snapping Amira from her trip down memory hell.
“Tikki, I live across the school. I won’t be late.” Marinette stated, continuing to stare at her reflection.
“I know that, but your phone has been buzzing nonstop!” Tikki said, showing her the multiple texts she was receiving.
Marinette took it, smiling when she saw they were from Wally and Dick, telling her to have a better day at school than yesterday’s disaster. “Are they from your friends?”
“You can say that.” Marinette said, tucking her phone into her pocket, looking at her reflection once again. “Tikki. Can you grab my fabric scissors on the table near my monitors?”
“It suits you.” Alya randomly told Marinette after the end of their first class. “Your hair, I mean. Don’t think I didn’t notice it.” Marinette simply blinked, wondering why people always said a compliment before bringing up their actual motives. “Name’s Alya-”
“-Cesaire. I know. Now if you excuse me, I have a class to get to.” Marinette filled in, getting up to leave, only for Alya to grab her wrist. “Let go.”
“Sorry!” Alya apologized, letting go of Marinette. “I just...I just wanted to tell you that you were a bit too harsh on Mlle Bustier yesterday. You should apologize.” Alya didn’t expect a scoff from Marinette.
“I’m not going to apologize for standing up for what I know is right.”
“Mlle Bustier-”
“-should’ve done her job correctly instead of enabling, especially now that Hawkmoth is a threat. But even with Hawkmoth out of the picture, Ms.Bustier shouldn’t have just assumed it was Ivan who instigated the argument. There’s always two sides of a story and we should always make it our job to figure out who is right. Sometimes, we even figure out why things happened the way they did. Sometimes, we find out we are wrong and when that happens, we have to accept it. If not, how else will we grow?”
With those words, Marinette gave Alya a little bow before going to her next class. Hopefully Marinette can find M. D'Argencourt during her break to try and convince him to let her join the fencing club...again.
“Well, that went easier than I thought.” Marinette told herself, walking down the school steps. M. D'Argencour had happily accepted her into the team, proceeding to tell her the team’s schedule.
While it took a while to hunt the coach down, Marinette was about to find him towards the end of the day.
“Why exactly do you want to know fencing?” Tikki asked her from the pocket inside her sweater.
“I just found it...interesting.” Marinette lied, knowing she couldn’t tell Tikki that her father never let her take up the hobby. While Bruce had allowed Jason to learn how to use a sword, Jason quickly dropped it. Dick was also taught how to use a sword, but he complained how annoying it would be to carry it around, hence the reason why he carries escrima sticks.
While fencing wasn’t the same, fencing will help her gain more skills she can use during her fights. You never know after all.
After greeting Tom and Sabine and squishing Bridgette’s cheeks, Marinette made her way to her room, only to find him in there...again.
“If it’s about the Miraculous, I’m still not giving it to you.” Amira said, throwing her school bag to the floor. She whispered the renouncing spell before reaching into her jewelry box, where countless dupes rested. Oh how she wanted to cackle when she saw her father look at her with wide eyes. 
“Amira, hand them over.” Bruce ordered, stretching out his hand in hopes of Amira doing the correct thing.
“Why won’t you trust me?” Amira gritted, balling her fists. “Why don’t you trust me to do the right thing?”
“I do trust you.” Bruce said, taking a step forward. “That’s why I expect you-”
“I can’t just hand earrings over! The people need me! They need Ladybird to-”
“You don’t need to be running around Paris playing hero, Amira. Let Diana-”
“Must I remind you that I was given the earrings? It’s me who they want! Me! And no! I’m not playing hero! Hell, I’m not even a hero! I’m a vigilante! I’m doing what’s right by being Ladybird, by protecting the people the only way I can.” Amira reasoned, looking at her father. “And trust? Doesn’t that go both ways?” Amira set out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding in. “After all, when were you going to tell me about Batgirl? About...the new Robin?”
How Amira wanted to scream when Bruce remained silent. 
“How did you find out?” Amira scoffed.
“Find out? The whole internet was talking about it! My class was talking about just earlier today!”
It happened during break. Just as Marinette was leaving the class, she bumped into the second surprise of the day in the form of teen model Adrien Agreste. 
Adrien apologized for the accident when Chloe pulled him into the class and began to ‘teach’ him what it meant to be part of a school. The only reason Marinette even remained in class at that point was because she heard Adrien talk about this being his first time in a school...meaning that up until now, he had been homeschooled all his life.
Kinda how like she was up until she was around seven to eight years old. But to be homeschooled until 13? How lonely he must have been. Especially when she heard he was the only child at home.
You’re really ungrateful.
Marinette stiffened, feeling her heart pick up in pace upon remembering Jason’s words. She already knew that...she knew, but was it wrong of her to want something else? To want to have something different than what she currently had?
As Marinette was fighting off the beginnings of a breakdown, Alya’s sudden burst almost triggered it.
“Since when did Robin come back to Gotham?!” Alya yelled, rising from her seat. 
Marinette didn’t need to hear any more, running out of the classroom and locking herself into one of the girl’s bathroom stalls. While she hated having breakdowns, Amira was glad to have had one, as it helped her gained more insight on how Hawkmoth’s powers worked.
He can’t control you if you’re in the middle of an emotional breakdown and can’t register his words. In other words, he can’t control you if you’re already out of control. 
Guess it’s good to know that if Joker were to ever come to Paris, Hawkmoth wouldn’t be able to take over him. 
Amira looked at her father, awaiting for his response. “Under different circumstances, I would have forgiven you for replacing Jason with another guy. But it hasn’t been a year since he died and you’ve already replaced him. 
You know how Jason felt, you know he lived with the fear of doing a single thing that would give you a reason to kick him out of the manor. And while you always assured him you would never do that, here you are, doing just that.” Amira watched as her vision went blurry, wiping them away as she collected herself again. 
“I wasn’t replacing-“
“You were. You are. And not only have you replaced Jason, but it seems you’ve also replaced me.” Amira looked at herself. “Batgirl? Really? You know that was the name I wanted to use if you ever let me fight crime alongside you. Of course, that never happened.”
“At this point, I don’t care what you do.” Amira gripped all the turmoil inside her. “Right now. I just want you to leave.”
“Leave! I don’t want to see your face Bruce!” Amira yelled, shocking herself at her outburst. 
Bruce? Why did it feel so wrong, yet so right? She tried it again. “I don’t want you anywhere near me Bruce, so leave! Just leave!”
And he did.
As she watched Bruce leave her room with a heavy heart, she slumped to the floor, standing back up when she felt something approach her. “Tikki!” Tikki appeared before her. “Spots on!” A second later, an akuma appeared before her, Amira quickly capturing it. Before letting it go, Amira quickly searched for a glass jar and a box in her desk.
She let the now purified butterfly go into the jar, surprised to see that it didn’t phase through the jar. So it was just a normal butterfly after all. When coated in magic, the magic allowed it to phase through whatever it wanted to to ensure that it made it to its target.
Calling off her transformation, Amira quickly got to work, carefully placing a tracker on the butterfly’s wing. 
“Are you alright, Marinette?” Tikki asked, looking at her holder with worried eyes.
“I’m alright Tikki. I’m alright.”
No, she wasn’t alright.
The next day at school, Chloe tried to stick gum in her seat as a revenge plan for once again chewing out Mlle Bustier for allowing Chloe to interrupt the classroom with another one of her stupid excuses. Not to mention Chloe using her father’s position to get away with said excuse.
It didn’t help when Marinette was stuck with Alya trying to ask her about her past in Gotham and Alya claiming to be her friend.
They barely knew each other and this girl was already clinging to her like a newborn chick. 
While Marinette tried to avoid her at all costs, Alya always found her, Marinette hating it. Didn’t she know about personal space?
Her week got worse when Chat accepted the burner phone but refused to be trained by her. Something about him not needing it.
Thankfully, she was able to vent to Dick and Wally, although more to Wally since Dick was busy with university. 
Days went by and even then, Amira knew she was never going to adjust to life in Paris.
It’s only been four akumas and this city already thinks they saved the world. 
While technically they saved Paris, Ladybird and Chat have yet to fight off a Victim that can become a potential threat to the world. Bubbler and Mr.Pigeon weren’t exactly the worst to deal with, but they weren’t the easiest to take down either. As for Stormy Weather and Lady Wifi, Ladybird realized that it was Victims like them who posed a threat to France. Victims with intangible powers were a force to be reckoned with after all. 
But just because the duo saved Paris four times, it didn’t mean their work was done. They had yet to find out who Hawkmoth was.
Oh, did she mention the ridiculous statue they made in her and Chat’s honor because of the four Victims they took down so far? Long story short, she didn’t go to the ceremony and Chat must’ve told the artist something stupid because here they were. Fighting a Victim all thanks to Chat and his loud mouth.
“Chat! Stop trying to regain your honor and let me-” Ladybird yelled, only to get pushed back by his bo.
“No! This is my fight!” Chat hissed, attempting to land a hit on his copycat. Copycat grinned as he parried all of Chat’s hits, flinging Chat’s bo to the side when he saw an opening. 
“He’s good.” Chat said, landing next to Ladybug as he retreated. Ladybird scoffed, gaining an arched brow from her partner.
“He’s good? Got some pretty low standards there Chat. Have you ever seen Nightwing in combat? This guy is nothing compared to him.” With that, Ladybird charged into the fight, picking up Chat’s bo and using it against Copycat.
The two fought, Ladybird noticing Copycat starting to hit her with less force, more sloppily. He was starting to become more aggressive, half of his hits missing. 
“Chat! Switch!” Ladybird yelled, knocking Copycat’s staff from his hands and throwing Chat his own back to him.
With Chat distracting Copycat, Ladybird waited for the perfect- there!
Chat had launched Copycat into the air, Ladybird using this to wrap him with her yo-yo and slamming him down. Holding him down, Ladybird turned to Chat.
“Where’s his akuma?”
“Here!” Chat said, taking out a photo from Copycat’s pocket. Ripping it, it released the akuma, Ladybird unwrapping her yo-yo and capturing the akuma. Now purified and having the tracker implanted, Ladybird released the butterfly. 
“Miraculous Ladybug!” Ladybird watched as everything was returned and fixed. Turning to Chat, she glared at him. “I’ll be done here in a few minutes. Meet you at the rendezvous in a few.”
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celestialflamesme · 4 years
| KARMA AND CRAZY MIDGETS | A Venai One-shot Modern AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Raidyn Dreyar x Venetia Redfox
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs (Lol, I can't believe that no-paragraph breaks worked😂 I fooled Tumblr, y'all!😎😆)
You'd think having a town overtaken by the mafia would make people more apprehensive, if anything. But if Magnolians were anything, they were huge (and he simply could not stress this enough) idiots.
Raidyn prided himself in not partaking in anything Fairy-esque which was more than what he could say about some of his colleagues (Yes, they named themselves Fairy 'Tail' of all things! How no one in this town even got the spelling right was beyond him....)
"Did you hear about Fullbuster and that Fernandez chick? They're together now!" Some red head he'd forgotten the name of (What! It was too late to ask her now!) stage-whispered.
"Who? Storm?"
The entire cafe burst into laughter. "Like Storm would even look at a girl that's not Nashi."
Point proven. They!! were!! on!! first!! name!! basis!! (He bet no one in this room even knew his last name, let alone first. Not that it mattered. He liked slinking in the shadows, although it was practically impossible with his snow-white hair)
Geez, did these people have no lives? They were talking about delinquents for Pete's sake! And ones that sure loved messing up the town in their infamous brawls. But did the people care? Nooooo.
Ugh, one more year and he'd be out of this whacked up place. Wiping a tabletop, he forced a smile on his face and pretended to be interested in the topic.
"Cass, I'll have a black and a burger with fries," a voice interrupted. A voice he was very familiar with.
Did he happen to mention that the most annoying one of them all had made this her hangout spot?
At 5'1, you'd think Venetia Redfox would be the least intimidating person ever. But with crimson red eyes and a Devil-may-care attitude that made up for it, no one dared mess with her. She also caused 75% of the fights in town and had a smirk straight out of a Wattpad Bad-boy fanfic.
Boy, did he hate her.
"You're gonna chip it off with that grip, Blondie."
Oh my god, she did not just-
Raidyn shot her a glare and strode to the back of the register, faintly registering a chuckle (Who the hell did she think she was?) before picking up another order.
Little Miss Redfox however sat at a corner table and continued doing whatever the hell she usually did every Tuesday and Friday for 3 hours in a row (he should know, he was there glaring at her at closing time).
But the kicker this time was, at that moment, her phone rang. You have never really seen your world end right before your eyes if you haven't seen a 5 foot psychotic looking delinquent decked in leather that drove in a motorcycle there by the way (How does one willingly ride on a metallic death-trap like that?!) mumble the words 'Cha cha real smooth' and pick up a call with the most deadpan look ever.
Raidyn almost cried. Almost.
"Are you kidding me? Do it yourself! I swear to God, you always do this shit, Dragneel!" She got up from her seat and walked out, just like she looooved doing smack dab in the middle of her classes back at Magnolia High.
Good riddance.
He jinxed it. Karma was such a bitch.
Though no sort of karmic revenge could explain the shit he had to go through that week.
First off, he had 4 assignments due in by the end of the week. And turns out that was the exact week his dear red-head colleague decided would the perfect time for a vacation (It's the middle of September, where in hell's name was she planning to go to?)
Guess who had double shifts now?
This clown.
Ugh. Talk about chivalry and all that loyalty shit.
And yes, of course his car had to break down, and the local bus had to change it's schedule, which left him with his last resort: walking 4 and a quarter miles to school (Oh, he found that out the hard way all right) to college. Nashi and the Fullbuster kid (He sure loved walking around shirtless a little too much) decided to brawl (again) and bam, his locker got caught in the crossfire.
In fact things were so overly shitty that he became skeptical come Thursday when the day seemed relatively normal.
"You've been scowling all week, Dreyar. Anything the matter?"
Raidyn snapped out of his reverie and groaned. "Dad, why not just call me by my name like any normal person would?"
"Because that doesn't build-"
"CHARACTER!! WE GET IT!" His mom, Mirajane mimicked with a scowl. "Well, we're just going to get two Happy meals and then we're off, honey!"
He faintly registered Hunter snickering in the background (How immature. Raidyn wasn't one to get embarrassed by his parents. Plus, none of it would ever compare to the Disco Fiasco of 2001. How else do you think he got his car? Sweet, sweet guilt-tripping....)
The day buzzed past but his suspicions only intensified tenfold. (Call him a pessimist, he didn't care) And like a bull in a China shop, a tiny midget Redfox (the one and only) strut in.
Now, he was behind the counter at that moment handling the red-head (he really ought to learn her name someday) so he didn't notice 5 feet of brute strength that climbed up behind him and dragged him (poor, unsuspecting him) into the supply closet.
Oh no, he was not kidding. The supply closet. Of all the places the perpetrator could've-
The lights flickered on and he screeched (What? Any human would!) at the red irises staring determinedly into his own non-red eyes. (Seriously, were those even real?) Raidyn wasn't scared of no judgement, what did scare him (maybe not that much, now that he knew who those belonged to) was Satan's minion and her RED AS FUCK EYES! LIKE SERIOUSLY-
Clearing his throat and trying to salvage some faux dignity after that dramatic display, he grunted, "Touch me one more time and you're-"
"Yeah, yeah I get it, big guy. Look, I need a favour."
Venetia Redfox crossed her arms and stood threateningly in front of the entrance.
Who was she kidding? "Nope," he muttered and swerved right around her and made his way to the counter. (Pipsqueak. She really should've seen that coming.)
And right as he turned right towards the display case, he found her leaning against it with her shoulder, looking bored. "Yes. And now."
"Parkour." She deadpanned.
Raidyn gave Venetia a long, long look and sighed, striding towards her. Her smirk widened in anticipation as-
He picked her up like a sack of potatoes and tossed her over his shoulder.
"Technically, you cornered me first," he stated matter-of-factly and dropped her on her feet (she looked like a hissy kitten, hmm.) Then proceeding to close the doors at her, he picked up a poster of her (he kept posters of all of them for a day like this. Ah, foreboding luck. He could feel it.) and pinned it onto the front door.
(Was he even allowed to do that, you might ask, but bah, who cares? Rabid girls are a nationwide threat.)
As he wrapped up and prepared to leave, Raidyn had a niggling feeling he forgot something very, very crucial. Uh-
A body collided onto his own and climbed (I kid you not) him (THE FUCK KIND OF ANIMALS DID MAGNOLIA OWN?) before a tiny, rough hand muffled him. Oh no.
"Yoph kiphing mmph!" Raidyn groaned.
"I need you to teach me how to solve a Rubix Cube."
What. Excuse Raidyn for not knowing, but was Rubix cube some mafia codeword for mafia stuff? Stealing a car, fighting goons, skipping classes or drug dealing? Raidyn Dreyar had a long jail-free life ahead of him, mind you.
(Some might say he really had to stop reading those novels his mom bought. Some might be right. Whatever.)
Back to the topic on hand, he mumbled inaudibly. Her cropped hair tickled the sides of his face as she squinted at him, "What?"
Was she kidding right now? He pointed at her hand covering his mouth and her eyes widened as she let out a nervous laugh. (Geez, talk about stupid.)
He took in a deep breath and shook her off him. She stood there patiently (As patiently as a Redfox could, anyway.) as he straightened his shirt.
"First things first, NO!" And he stalked away.
He registered a groan from behind him and quickened his pace. However, the midget in question managed to propel herself at break-neck speeds and no joke, TACKLED him.
Karma was such a bitch.
Macao, the guard standing by the parking lot, huffed, "They don't pay me enough for this."
The only reason he was doing this was because she offered to fix up his car. (How did she even know it wasn't starting?) Also because it had been a while since he brushed up on his Rubix skills. Also because he wanted to get rid of the midget before she followed him home. (He figured his mom and dad would ENJOY her presence and replace him with her. He had crazy parents.)
Everyday she'd make sure to meet him (mostly by cornering him in the hallways) and in exchange for these classes, she'd work on his car at the weekend.
The first time she came over to his house (to work on his car, but he didn't know that) was rather embarrassing because he kinda sorta thought she was a burglar and locked his garage, yelling at the top of his lungs. His dad, Laxus came out with a taser (Dad sure loved his tasers.) Of course, when he finally opened the garage doors, he was met with an unimpressed look from the Redfox in question. (God, he was such a drama queen.)
The midget had a lot of trouble twisting her hands at the beginning of her sessions and he loved teasing her about her 'butter fingers' every time she accidentally flung the cube across the room or out the window in one rare occasion.
You know, she was kind of fun to have around.
"And that's the algorithm! You're all done!" He cheered, glad to have this behind him.
"Geez, you don't have to sound that excited to get rid of me." Venetia teased.
"What? No....." He feigned innocence.
"D'aww, admit it, you enjoyed my company."
"Please, more like I was scared for my life." He mumbled. She snorted.
"Catch you later, alligator."
Did she just- "NO WAY, JOŚE!" (That was lame even for him. Gosh dang it, she was laughing at him....)
Fricking Redfox.
That weekend, Raidyn thought he deserved a good ol' evening out with his friends/colleagues (technically it was the manager that suggested it and he tagged along for the heck of it. He wasn't much of a social person, per se.)
He guessed Karma was still on a streak when Venetia Redfox entered the very same place they'd chosen for karaoke night and sat herself on one of the tables in front of them. And proceeded to order nothing.
The raven-head didn't even have her notebook (that always made her look disarmingly tiny) or her phone. Oh well, she must've been waiting for someone.
As the hours passed, he found himself exceedingly irritated for no reason.
"Who in their right mind would stand up The Venetia Redfox?" His colleagues whispered (rather loudly, according to him) and she just tapped her fingers away, oblivious to it all.
Fine, whatever.
"Sup." He towered over her and greeted, moving to take a seat next to her.
She blinked at him.
Okay, you couldn't exactly judge him. She was a regular and tipped good and people were being annoying about her and oh, her tapping was distracting and he had a massive headache coming. That's all. Simple as that.
"Don't you have better shit to do?" Red irises stared at him impassively.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked coolly.
"Well, Nashi was supposed to-"
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M-" Both tilted their heads just in time to see Nashi ram into the glass doors. The now groaning pinkette was sprawled on her butt in front of the entrance. "Fricking doors."
"That's her." Venetia deadpanned. Raidyn shook his head sympathetically.
"Heyo Ven! Heh, kinda lost track of time beating Frostbite at Mario Kart," her doe eyes scanned him. "Raidyn! I didn't know you guys were friends!" She grinned.
Raidyn gave her a two-finger salute in greeting.
Nashi's eyes suddenly widened in realisation. "YOU'RE TEACHING HER THE RUBIX?!"
"Yup." Venetia smirked. "He's a great teach. His parents have taken me in as their own."
"Just like that, Blondie. What can I say? It's the charm," She grinned at his bewildered face.
"You guys are all ready for the challenge then?" Nashi wiggled, now nervous, "Ven, I didn't mean to drag you into this, but Clint was-"
"It's cool, dumbass." Venetia shrugged. "Ain't your fault that they're dipshits."
At his confused look, Nashi clarified, "People like picking on us just because we're Fairies and held to the same standards as our parents. This frat dude decided he had to prove he was smarter than the Fairies and decided to pick a Rubix cube challenge of all things." She rolled her eyes. "Bet he taught he was real original thinking that one up."
"Bet he did." Storm scoffed. (Wait, what?)
"From- the front door?" Storm scratched his head in genuine confusion. (As if Raidyn was the weird one that sneaked up behind people like a stalker!)
Nashi facepalmed. "Why the heck are you here, Frostbite?"
"Just like that."
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"Wanna say that to my face, Flamebrains?!" Storm yelled. (Oh, not again....)
"Guys, please don't...." Raidyn said, but both didn't seem to be paying attention to him.
"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING! FIGHT ME!" She threw a punch at him and before he knew it both were throwing napkin holders and vases at each other.
Venetia seemed to be enjoying the show, and pulled him to the back of the room, "This might take a while," she stated. "Wanna grab a milkshake?"
Well, he was kind of craving one. "Why not?"
Today was the day of Venetia's challenge and Raidyn found himself nervous.
"You sure they won't wreck the place?" He grumbled for the umpteenth time.
Venetia groaned. "Do you have no faith in my abilities, Dreyar?"
"Nope. None whatsoever."
She raised an eyebrow, "Shame on you, then. I wouldn't let a good friend lose his job on my behalf. Dally ho, now!" She cheered.
He blinked at her, giving her a small reluctant smile. "Kick ass, Ven."
She tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin that knocked the breath out of him. "Thanks, Raidyn."
Shit. When did- when did she get so pretty?
"Look who we have here. You sure you're in the right place, Redfox?" A voice condescended. The owner of the voice was a grimy looking kid that looked like one of those middle-school spelling-bee losers that bragged about it whenever they met someone new.
"Clint." Venetia deadpanned.
Raidyn broke out into a fit of laughter, making 'Clint' (What kind of sad name was that?) glare at him. (Oh please, Little Clint was totally quaking in his boots! Why'd he even bother coming?)
"Let's begin then! Pick a shuffler." Clint drawled.
Venetia picked Nashi while Clint, after a moment of deliberation, picked one of his gang-mates (What did they call it? The Math club?)
"You may begin."
Both Nashi and the grimy dude shuffled for the better of 15 seconds. Clint just scoffed and clicked like a pretentious know-it-all, making comments like, "You're making it easier by shuffling harder, you know. Make it tougher for me, Nashi dear."
Raidyn had to give it to the pinkette, he would've smacked the teen by now.
"Okay," the referee, Storm cheered, (even though he looked like he was ready to kill Clint) "Timer starts, NOW!"
Both twisted and turned the cube furiously, Venetia sticking her tongue out in concentration while the teen twisted his arms like a man possessed.
"I'M DONE!" Venetia dropped the cube with a thud onto the table. "How's that for a Redfox?"
"E-excuse me? That's insane! It's only been," Clint checked the timer like the sore loser he was, "31 seconds!"
"Too bad," she smirked. (Well shit, that was hot...)
"I demand a rematch!"
Nashi moved to protest, but Venetia silenced her with a hand, "Whatever you say, kid..."
"This time, we swap cubes!" He whined like the little weasel he was.
3 minutes later, the rematch began and Venetia plopped her cube on the table with a glare.
"You think you're smart giving me a faulty cube, don't you?"
"And I'm done!" The weasel had the nerve to say. "I don't know what you're talking about Venetia, I used the same cube and it worked just fine. Maybe it was a stroke of luck on your part the first tim-"
He couldn't finish his tirade because Raidyn took that opportunity to check the cube (He didn't have to though, he believed Venetia enough to know she wouldn't make up excuses.) and yeeted it at his face like he'd been itching to do from the moment he saw the turd.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Nashi growled, "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"
Oh dear.
Okay, maybe the fight wouldn't get too big, these were scrawny kids after a-
Yeah, Nashi Dragneel just flipped a table on them.
There goes his job.
"GO, NASHI!" His manager cheered. (Okay, thank God this town was crazy.) "Raidyn! You can take the day off, kid. Have fun!"
Storm chose that moment to enter after his momentary toilet-break. "I WAS GONE FOR 3 MINUTES, WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL?!"
Venetia, unbothered by the chaos behind her, pulled him by the arm, her eyebrows furrowed at him, "Well, I tried. But hey, looks like you still have your job. That's a win, right?" She scratched her neck, laughing.
He sighed, putting caution to the wind. This was Ven after all. "Ice-cream date? My treat for today's win."
A smile erupted on her face, "Only if we take my bike there."
Bonus (That no one asked for):
"Okay, so you have to grip it right. Not too tight. Just enough to nudge it in the right direction." Venetia explained, from where she was seated in front of him on the death tra- bike.
Raidyn nervously laughed, "I've got this in the bag, I don't know what you're worried about." The tilt in his voice gave away his panic, however. She raised an eyebrow.
"Humor me then."
"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!!" Venetia screeched. She reached over and took over the handlebars just in time as they nearly crashed into a tree Raidyn was headed for.
He got off the bike and tripped, falling face-first on the ground. Fricking Jelly-legs. "I am never riding that death trap again." Raidyn groaned.
"What the heck?!" Venetia questioned, bewildered. "How'd you even get your driver's ed with such sucky basics?"
"Fight me Ven, I'm never getting on that thing again!"
"Too bad, I have to drop you back home too." The sneaky devil dared smirk at his plight.
Fricking Karma.
He wouldn't have it any other way, though.
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dragonnan · 4 years
Fic Rec Sunday
I think every day of the week should be a day to rec fics but I’m gonna start with Sunday!
Here are some stories I find myself reading over and over again!
Identity Theft by KitCat992 It's been months since the events of Civil War, and the Avengers are doing their best to remain a team, having promised to forgive and forget. Unfortunately for them, Tony Stark's latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear.  Meanwhile, in Queens, Peter Parker has two main priorities on his plate — complete his midterm finals, and track down a fishbowl wearing criminal that may or may not lead him right into the hands of the Avengers.  Somehow between all of this, Spider-man's identity is revealed to the Avengers, Steve and Tony's friendship may permanently be damaged due to continued hidden secrets, and Happy struggles to buy a youth-sized casket for Peter's funeral.  Things were a lot easier when they were fighting over Bucky Barnes. (Be sure to check out the in-progress sequel, Identity Crisis!)
Dawn of Red Skies by Aelaer The day started off as any other day for newly-minted Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange.  Then the flip switched and the next 48 hours were filled only with grief, anger, and pain.
Omertà by HanukoYoukai After chasing down the criminal that took Uncle Ben's life, Peter is found by James Wesley, the right-hand man of Wilson Fisk--a wealthy businessman trying to clean up Hell's Kitchen. Having left a strong impression on the man, soon Peter finds himself working for Fisk, doing an internship for his business projects by day, and catching bad guys at night. If Mr. Fisk wants a few specific criminals delivered to him personally, who is Peter to object? All his boss wants to do is talk, after all, and ever since this internship began, things were finally looking up for the Parkers.  Then Peter hears the whispers in the underworld about the elusive and terrifying Kingpin, and somehow there are rumors that Spider-Man is on the Crime Lord's payroll. When he decides to use his own judgement and go against Mr. Fisk's wishes, Peter suddenly finds himself neck deep in mob activity with no means to get himself out.  To make matters worse, now Iron Man has Peter in his sights.....
A Twisted Upheaval by silentsaebyeok (WIP) “I’m afraid, Harrison, you’ve awakened a sleeping giant.” Wilson said. “Tony Stark will do anything and everything to protect those he loves. And with your carelessness, it is inevitable that my criminal empire will be brought to its knees. This is your last opportunity, your last chance to get this right. He is on our radar now.” -- The Kingpin runs the criminal underworld. He is the mastermind and the puppeteer. Tony Stark has been trying to find the elusive gangster for years, but with no luck. But then Peter Parker is kidnapped by an agent of the Kingpin’s, revealing the cracks in an otherwise unshakeable organization. Unlikely alliances form and friendships are made as the criminal underworld begins to unravel.
Comrades by Nefhiriel Five times Thor defended his friends from people who should've been on their side, and one time his friends defended him.
9/11 by spockside Pepper Potts had only been working for Tony Stark six months when she found herself running away from the destruction of the World Trade Center.
The Least of All Possible Mistakes by rageprufrock (AU where the character of Greg is a woman named Lestrade. Utterly freaking brilliant!) If ever a people deserved tasering, it’s Holmeses. (Be sure to check out the sequel!)
A City on the Head of a Pin by Mad_Maudlin (Magical AU) Post-TGG fic. John, for once, sees something Sherlock doesn't.
Vendetta by avidbeader Sherlock must find out why Molly Hooper is one of a select group of people being targeted before the assassin can finish the job.  
Define Vulnerabilty by TheGracefulBlueCat Shortly after Sherlock's return John realises something is very wrong with his friend. He, Greg and Mycroft try to help Sherlock as he falls deeper and deeper into the abyss called PTSD. But Sherlock is not ready to allow anyone in, but then the events of the current case cause him to hit bottom hard.
A Sharp, Dressed Man 'verse by sgam76 A grand series of stories set in an AU version of Sherlock wherein the characters aren’t all, exactly... “human”.
The Precipice by takethesky87 “Sherlock,” he says, but his voice is smothered by the waves. “Sherlock!” He shouts it this time, straining his ears for a reply. Nothing. Twice more he calls, his stomach clenching as each goes unanswered.
Lost for Words by awanderingbard Sherlock is assaulted by an unknown assailant while John is away at a medical conference, leaving him with a severe brain injury. While his intellect and personality are intact, he's lost the use of his right-side limbs and his ability to speak freely. John suddenly finds himself as the main source of support, and possibly a caregiver, to a flatmate who is struggling to do the things he loves most. And Sherlock Holmes has never been the best of patients.
The Holiday by Scriblit (Warnings for rape) A month following an horrific, sadistic attack during a case, Sherlock is still physically incapacitated and emotionally damaged. A holiday is suggested, but even stuck out in the middle of nowhere, he and John happen upon a case that could make Sherlock begin to feel like his old self again - or could kill him.
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taiblogcomics · 6 years
A Queen Barely Seen
Hey there, the twist at the end of M. Night Shyamalan's The Village. Well, I'm still waiting on that new shipment. We finished our last Suicide Squad story arc. Rather than start a new one, wanna do an issue of Red Hood real quick? Yeah, sounds good to me. Think we need the palate cleanser~
Here, a cover:
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Man, we were on such a good streak with Suicide Squad covers that this one just feels kind of boring. Who dares resist the H.I.V.E. Queen? Well, not these two, certainly. They look pretty in pain and not resisty at all. And if not for her ridiculous headgear, would you know she's a supervillain and not just, like, a pop star? All in all, not a bad cover, but certainly a silly one~
So the comic opens on a full-page splash of HIVE Queen, hereafter "Queenie", monologuing about the differences between Metropolis and Gotham. Notably, she looks somewhat different than on the cover. In the comic, she's blonde, for one thing. Her hair's not Rapunzel length, either. Her suit is less shiny black, instead being more a cobalt blue with Tron lines on the legs. The headgear is less gigantic and doesn't look like it's coming out of her ears. And the honeycomb design on the glowing yellow ports of her armour is more apparent. And her suit doesn't have heels, so maybe this is actually a good female supervillain design, especially for one that has "Queen" in the name. Honestly, it feels like they glammed her up for the cover to make it sell better~
Anyways, her monologue. The main difference, she mentions, is that there's only one Superman, so he has to be extra vigilant. But with so many Bat-people, they actually are less effective, so she's much more able to slip in and set up shop. Jason, the guy she's been monologuing to, tells her she can't stay, Gotham has enough crimelords as it is. They trade a few more insults and/or threats, and then Jason uses that taser thing in his suit to short-circuit all Queenie's minions and tech. She's really shocked because she should've read his mind, and even Jason's kind of impressed with himself. Actually, that's not unusual for him~
Meanwhile, in their flying base above the city, Artemis and Bizarro are watching these events play out on a computer display. It's thanks to Bizarro that Jason's taser was that strong, and he's pleased he could help out. However, he's being lectured at by a hallucination of his plush Superman doll, Pup-Pup. Once more, I love the sentences that reviewing comic books allows me to write. Bizarro chooses to speak aloud to his hallucinations, which just confuses Artemis. He makes some excuse to get her out of the room, and collapses into a chair. Hallucinating is hard work~
Back again with Jason and Queenie, he points a gun at her head. But it's no ordinary silly-looking handgun. It's a magic ray-gun that will "weld together all the synapses in her brain". And she knows he's not bluffing because she's psychic. But then she discovers something else in his brain that horrifies her. Before she can say it aloud, Bizarro suddenly flies in through the ceiling and decks her. She's knocked unconscious with one blow, and Bizarro explains that her power readouts suddenly spiked and she was about to erase Jason's mind. So, this sounds like total bullshit cover-up to me, but Jason believes it. Bizarro mops up, and Jason excuses himself to go pay Ma Gunn a visit.
On the drive out to Ma Gunn's place on his invisible supersonic motorcycle (again, comic book sentences are great), Jason monologues to himself about the main plot of the comic and more recent events. However, upon arriving, he notices that hasn't picked up her newspaper in--judging from the number on the doorstep--ten days. This makes him nervous, because not only is Ma Gunn an old lady, she's also a professional con-artist. Jason draws his gun--an ordinary one this time, not his magic mind-melder--and jimmies the door open. He wanders through her empty house, and then finds a note on the kitchen counter addressed to him. It explains that Ma Gunn has left on business for a few days. And neglected to tell her paper delivery service, apparently. Even Jason finds this anticlimactic~
Jason returns home to their floating sky base, and Bizarro greets him. His hallucinations again tell him to tell his friends before they find out on their own, but this is interrupted because Artemis has a gentleman caller. The guy seems like a real creep, though, and by that I mean he's the Creeper. He and Artemis immediately begin laying into each other. Apparently they have some sort of history that's not elaborated on. Turns out, he's not actually here to see Artemis, though; Bizarro's invited him to be a member of the Outlaws. Creeper declines, since he thinks whatever they're doing is too crazy even for him. Creeper sees himself out, having had even less impact on the issue than HIVE Queen.
Bizarro apologises to the others for trying a recruitment drive without consulting them, and then declares he has a headache so he can excuse himself. He goes to his quarters and strips down. He's monologuing to himself again, this time about how Artemis thinks he's regressing. He tells himself he's not, because if he were, would he have thought of this brilliant plan to use the Suicide Squad as a cover to steal thousands of gallons of liquid Kryptonite? He soaks himself in a swimming pool of the stuff, despite the protests of Hallucinatory Pup-Pup. After all, Pup-Pup's just a doll. What does he know? And as Bizarro tells himself "Me got this" (hinting he is, in fact, regressing despite what he’s telling himself), we see exactly where Ma Gunn is staying: shrunk inside a bottle on Bizarro's desk. And not, like, she’s angry and banging on the glass. Inside the bottle is a lavish, furnished house, and she’s reading a book by the fireplace. Bizarro’s secret is that he’s the little boy from the ending of St. Elsewhere~!
I actually like this issue. The whole thing with Bizarro’s intelligence and then subsequent breakdown is a slow-burn storyline, and this is when you really see the cracks start to form. Artemis has admittedly little to do in this issue, since besides the Creeper thing that’s not explained (seriously, there’s not even a little bubble calling out the issue it might’ve been in, leading me to believe it was made up whole cloth for this scene and therefore makes no sense), her role in the story is just to doubt Bizarro, as a contrast to Jason’s faith in the big lug. It’s a pretty interesting story, and its relaxed pacing is nice compared to Suicide Squad’s rapid-fire story arcs. It’s cool and I like it, even in spite of HIVE Queen’s uselessness as a cover villain~
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