#bad boy remake
s0ap-bubbles · 4 months
Sometimes I go to the Leon S. Kennedy tag on here and every time I leave disappointed and upset like what the balls is “fuckboy leon”. The last gf that man had was in 1998 and she broke up with him and he cried and drank about it and went to his new job hungover cus of it. Like he is utterly pathetic and hopeless with girls no matter how hard he tries, and when a girl DOES like him he doesn’t even notice
Also like it’s literally canon
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cherium-meadows · 3 months
I want y’all to know I’ll be back once I’m done having my fill w/ the new update LMAOO
In the mean time why did he do this when I gave him an egg😭😭😭😭
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willowcrowned · 9 months
bonus points if you say in the tags why the fic is on anon
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seraphzrequiem · 11 months
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I love Leon and I love how capcom actually gave Leon and the people around him so much character development and underlying trauma in the remake. Also, apologies if the last to panels look vastly different than the first, i actually finished this today and the first one i did it like 5 days ago cause i had camp :(( i havent drawn since sighs
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z-ackfair · 1 year
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FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE ♡ magni replays ➟ ( 8 / ? )
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tekitothemagpie · 1 year
Alongside with his trauma, Leon's hair is also growing
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catboy-bride · 1 year
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some leons
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snarky-art · 26 days
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Daphne coronation day fit idea
Not sure if I’m totally happy with it but it’s a start at the very least
She went through this ceremony before she died when she was 4 and started working with The Flame, but she wasn’t wearing the front headpiece with the cyan gem in it that time. She was wearing the other one with the additional flares on the outside of it and the purple gem, the one used for the heir that’s using the flame. The cyan one is simply for an heir for the royal family. She wears it this time since she is no longer the holder of The Dragon Flame.
This ceremony is done this time after Marion, Oritel, Bloom, and Daphne have a long and serious conversation after Daphne is healed and in a much better place mentally and physically about what Bloom and Daphne would like going forward for their positions. It’s decided Daphne shall remain heir and next in line for the throne and Bloom shall remain holder of The Dragon Flame and second in line, allowing her more flexibility to visit between Earth, Domino, and wherever else in The Magical Realm she’d like to go.
Ceremony details below the cut!
Before the ceremony starts she steps into a fire at the beginning of the hall to mark her feet.
She'll have her eyes painted with soot and her forehead and the center of her lip will be marked with it too during the ceremony by an elder who has worked and trained with The Flame.
She will then dip her fingers into flame and bury them into the soot at the bottom of it (Dominions have decent fire resistance don't worry, and Daphne is especially resistant, virtually immune. The reason she got burns before dying is a mix of her body struggling to function without The Flame by focusing on the most basic functions needed to survive and because that fire wasn’t regular fire. It was imbued and caused by such potent magic with a great ill intent and want for destruction)
The ceremony is then completed and she is given a staff made from The Great Tree's wood with foliage wrapped over it and a gold egg with imagery of The Great Tree (pictured in the second image in this post) and is declared the heir proper.
Soot in different places mean different things
For the eyes, the visions of The Dragon, showing It’s will
The mouth, to speak It’s will
The forehead, to give the being It’s ideas and wisdom
The hands, to enact It’s will
And the feet, to follow It and go where It wills There's other options too for people with different disabilities, but those are the basics and the ones Daphne is doing.
For the order the 3 circles symbolizing birth, life, and death, are meant to be read in that are shown in repetition throughout the imagery, they can technically be read either way, but typically the cycles of birth, life, and death are read from bottom to top
For The Tree, it shows how life begins at the roots, where The Dragon is said to be sleeping under it, then the trunk, life as it grows, and the leaves, death, since they are the thing that wither and fall
Same on the face paint. When people die, their last breath is said to return to the dragon. So for it to be on the lips, as that's where the last breath is taken, it's typical for that. Life continues so long as breath passes through the neck, and the base of the neck is where that breath is shown to start, or at least that is what older customs believed and dictated when these ceremonies first started as remembered in Dominion history, and it has stuck ever since.
And then for it to be on the top of the old Flame symbol, it starts in the tinder, lives with the body of the fire, and then death at the top where it withers and flickers faintly.
I explain more in depth some stuff and other bits of symbolism found in Dominion culture in this post about Bloom’s Mythix also if you want to check it out!:)
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3moonfree · 2 months
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my poopoo peebee silly baby
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random-meme-bot · 1 year
My Nintendo Direct Impressions
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Pretty freaking fantastic!
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zappedbyzabka · 7 months
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Shout out to baby
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crabussy · 8 months
one of my friends deactivated without saying a word and I have no other way to contact them
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mitchmotch · 3 months
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day 10 of sketch mondays w @revalito! didnt have time to do a dedicated drawing for today so have a wip thats still in the sketch stage x(
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joltning · 8 months
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please come out and play with us now!
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absolberts251 · 2 months
>////< hes so cute
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maykitz · 8 months
all cheerleaders die managing a 49% on rotten tomatoes has to be the most unserious rating on that website i remember it was the first time i got angry while watching a movie because it was so bad and trite i was thinking how can you dare show me this shit actually aren't you ashamed
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