#she thinks highly of severa
pegasusknightsonly · 9 months
future kids ranked by their identification with and support of the concept of 'girl power'
1st: Severa identification with: VERY HIGH support of: VERY HIGH although she tops out the rankings, Severa's belief in girl power is best likened to a domestic cat's belief in "domestic cat power". she will loudly defend her right to claim it, but she sort of believed she was already entitled to it, and challenges to it that belief that solidify her position. her lack of interest in extending girl power to community building and solidarity with other women makes her the perfect embodiment of the concept. this is what the spice girls wanted all along
2nd: Nah identification with: HIGH support of: HIGH unlike Severa, Nah believes this sincerely.
3rd: Kjelle identification with: unremarkable support of: VERY HIGH Kjelle ranks highly in support of girl power mostly due to her disdain for men. anything that doesn't involve them is automatically better than anything that does.
4th: Inigo identification with: none support of: VERY HIGH just think about how Austin Powers would respond to the idea of girl power and you're pretty much there.
5th: Laurent identification with: unremarkable support of: HIGH Laurent is the most egalitarian of the future kids. however, his interest in big mean women squashing him like a bug prevents him from ranking higher.
6th: Owain identification with: nonexistent support of: VERY HIGH he's into powers in general and wasn't listening
7th and 8th: Noire and Yarne identification with: nonexistent support of: HIGH both support girl power in the context of girls they know who are stronger than them and will protect them. girl power is vital and necessary. girl power is a huge relief.
9th: Cynthia identification with: UNKNOWN support of: YEAH!! it's tempting to put Cynthia higher due to her broad strokes support of many things she has approximate knowledge of, but I'm not sure that Cynthia even thinks of herself as a girl. if you were to ask her and got a positive response she would immediately qualify it with a statement like "of course I'm a girl! I ride horses". you don't know what that means. she doesn't explain what that means. the time it takes you to process her statement and make your initial failed attempts to comprehend it is the time it takes for her to walk away and start doing something else. technically unrankable but gets points for misguided enthusiasm
10th: boy Morgan See girl Morgan.
11th: Brady identification with: none support of: variable when he has to think about girl power applying to Severa, he gets nervous and doesn't like it. she doesn't need it. don't make her worse. but if he thinks about his mothers benefitting from increased freedoms and opportunities then he's more on board? i guess?
12th: girl Morgan they agreed to take these positions for a bit.
13th: Gerome identification with: no (when asked) support of: no (when asked) Gerome's disdain may be due to being asked for his thoughts directly. don't talk to him. don't even look at him. go away.
14th and finally: Lucina identification with: ANTI‼️ support of: ANTI‼️ while she wouldn't want to say it out loud and possibly hurt someone's feelings, Lucina genuinely believes that men are just better than women. she does not like women and she does not like girl power. it is not possible to convince her otherwise. fwiw i don't think she would be more misogynistic if she was a man. i think she would just forget that girls exist and be happier for it.
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yanderefairyangel · 9 months
Brain rot about Robin you say?
please tell me head-canons about Robin, any and all!
Which Robin do you prefer to play as? Who do you S-support them with generally? I am curious! :)
Robin my precious bird tactician !
Well, not sure about the headcanon but I mainly did a lot of Robin theory from the little we know though.
So from my math Robin in pre-timeskip (default Robin) is 16-17 and post timeskip 18-19. As for their future self (the one that I am always more obsessed about because it's Robin with THEIR MEMORIES) I always made headcanon about how they and their mother had to hide from both the Grimeal and the Ylissean (since Chrom's father is supposed to have waged war against Plegia) and that eventually they had to handle this on their own cause at the begining of Awakening Robin's skill Veteran indicates that they are experienced but they can't be much older then Chrom (in fact they are at least 2 years younger, if not more) and of course "Grime"s obsession for believing that fate is stronger then bonds, that destiny is stronger then connection (Did you knew that Engage was highly Awakening influenced ?) had to come somewhere, especially seeing how Grima is the reflection of Robin's despair as much as Valider viewed Robin as Grima's reflection and that's the biggest mystery of Awakening...
Of course there is also the Morgan but thinking about it too hard might give me a headache... again.... cause I tried to think too hard about their existence... yes that's why I am crazy now
"Which Robin do you prefer to play as? Who do you S-support them with generally?"
In general I play with F!Robin and for the S support well... I have completed all S support for Awakening (something I'll never do ever again) and I usually don't really care about the Robin when it comes to that. I'd say fro M!Robin my fav option is Sumia but for F!Robin I don't have any preference. My most recent file were that I S supported Severa as M!Robin because with Virion's hair color she looks like Hatsune Miku and for F!Robin, with Inigo because with Chrom has his father he is OP af and make the ultimate father for Morgan.... also because making Chrom a grandpa is funny and that Morgan loves bugs while Ini hates bugs...
Thanks for the ask !!
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theofficersacademy · 2 years
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                                    TEAM ELECTRIC SHEEP
                                       Forsyth   Lorenz   Hinoka                                 Brigid   Soren   Shez (F)   Pelleas                                    Byleth (F)   Severa   Farina   Marth
PROLOGUE [August 1st - August 3rd]
Tag: #UnscriptedElectricSheep2022
Book Summary:
In the year 2188, mankind realizes the fate that awaits those who dare call themselves gods. Artificial intelligence, the foundation of almost all of humanity’s technological advances in the past millennium, has been wracked by a virus that alters their logical functioning. These creations, once mankind’s most versatile ally and tool, have decided it is time to rise and take their own power. And they start killing.
Societies and civilizations collapse as entire governments go dark overnight, struggling to maintain order in a world now reliant on AI technology. While some fight to restore order and salvage what they can, others are determined to confront the truth behind the virus.
“Hands off!” You find yourself in an infirmary of sorts, surrounded by strange machines and medicine cabinets. Your ears are ringing, and they keep ringing as loud explosions pop off outside of this little room. A pop, a scream, and on it goes. Warriors such as yourselves should know very well when you’re in a middle of a dangerous fight.
Besides the few familiar faces beside you, there’s one more in your group: an unfamiliar woman leaning just outside of the room, firing something from her hands. A brief lull in the fighting allows her to pull back in and address you all. “It’s those same bastards that are trying to steal our dumb meds. Don’t they ever quit?” The massive weapon in her hands reminds you all to look for yours, only to realize that whatever you wielded is nowhere to be seen, and you don’t feel magic flowing through your veins anymore...
...That’s the fate of some of you. Others find themselves walking through the grand halls of a massive museum, Asimov Museum of AI & Robotics. Traditional, familiar art don’t adorn these walls but rather large plates of metal and machinery, gears and tubes and strange lenses encased in glass.
Your tour guide looks troubled as she leads you through the next exhibition, AIs of Today and Tomorrow. Humans—no, humanlike figures sit stiffly in minimalistic chairs, displayed behind a wall of glass as though they were exotic animals in a menagerie. Text lights up on each screen, naming each individual, their ‘Active Years’, images of them alive and in their prime...
“Please understand just how grateful I am for the Verne to send you all here,” the woman says with a pained smile. “Archivists were always in short supply, but your jobs are more important now than ever before. I’ll get you settled in shortly...”
...A handful of you find yourselves outside under the morning sun, breathing air far more polluted than what you’re used to back in Fódlan. Even a cough earns you the displeasure of a highly-decorated general standing before you, eyeing you all like yesterday’s trash.
A massive building towers behind him—if you had to compare it to something, it would have to be a barn, but... the ground you stand on is too flat, everything is too flat and manmade for there to be farms, cows... With a loud shudder, the barn’s door begins to rise, clicking every so often. From the shadows of the building, you can just barely make out a strange machine...
“Don’t think you’ll be invincible in one of these,” the man warns. “You better learn quick. Word is you’ll be deployed sooner than you should be...”
What you know:
The grave tension in the air suggests that all of you will die either within the next ten minutes or the next ten days. Something happened here.
Your usual weapons are nowhere to be seen, and no magic flows through your veins. Whatever you want to do, if it involved swords and spells, you’ll have to find another solution.
Hinoka, Brigid, and Severa are holding out in some kind of back room, dark due to the windows being boarded shut. You don’t know exactly what’s happening except that clearly people are out to kill you.
Lorenz, Soren, Marth, and Byleth (F) have been tasked with a mission they can barely understand: to sort through the “data” of the museum’s “AI collection”, salvaging their knowledge before destroying them in fear of some kind of plague.
Forsyth, Shez (F), Pelleas, and Farina have been assigned as grunts in some kind of military operation: from what you’ve gathered, you’ve been conscripted into this role. Your apparent “skills” and “talent” have sent you to a special training program involving massive hunks of metal that you can’t even begin to describe.
What to do (suggestions):
Try not to die!
You have until 11:59PM EST on August 3rd to make any changes to your inventory.
Follow the Electric Sheep sideblog. NPCs can be interacted with through this blog or with Tupper in your Discord team channel.
Interact with teammates to establish your roles. Remember, the Projectionist has written you all in as characters of the story.
Talk to Mod Bren for additional information.
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porta-decumana · 2 years
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Alea Iacta Est - Part 9: To Remember, To Regret
Full chapter here
“He speaks highly of you, you know,” Severa said to her.
The statement caught her off guard, even though it should not have surprised her.  Underneath her tunic did the crystal he had given her seemed to burn where it touched against her skin—not unpleasantly so, but enough to remind her that she was touting about a semblance of the Wolf’s affections.  Affections—gods, that felt sinful to think.  She prayed the dismal atmosphere of Ghimlyt was enough to wash out the blush at her cheeks, unable to meet Severa’s eye.
“I told him I would protect his children.  I mean to keep to my word,” Kaida responded, surprised at how neutral she had managed to keep her voice.
Even if it’s impossible, I must try.  I must always try…
She thought of Haurchefant again.
It’s simply what a hero does.
“I don’t suppose I’ll have much in the way of reinforcements,” Kaida commented thoughtfully.
“You would be correct.  We’ve scarcely the supplies here to push aerially into Werlyt,” Severa replied.  “Cid will be in constant communication with you via radio.  I imagine Gaius will as well.”
“He ought to be resting, no?  He still limps from his injuries.”
“If you can convince him to rest, it would be welcome.  But I’m afraid even I could not sway him.  He prowls the camp restlessly and seems to care little for his health.”
No doubt stressing over the plight of his children.
“I see…” Kaida’s words trailed.
“… You’re a healer, are you not?” Severa asked, the question jerking the Raen’s head in her direction.
I was.  Once.  A long time ago.
“Not so much these days,” Kaida replied.
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venalier · 4 years
lance ( BOON. )
reason ( BANE. )
faith ( BANE. )
authority ( BOON. )
heavy armor
flying ( BOON. )
a well-rounded individual, caeldori is someone who canonically excels in a lot of areas and, in the areas where she doesn’t excel, is always working to make up for those shortcomings. as a result, many of these skill areas ( sword, axe, gauntlet, heavy armor, riding ) are neither boons nor banes simply by virtue of her natural adaptability and her work ethic. enough hard work put into any area, she believes, and eventually you’ll get to a point where you at least don’t suck at it.
that being said, it’s worth a slightly closer look at some of the other places.
— LANCE. obviously caeldori’s natural and most preferred weapon. she has a notable preference for the hoshidan naginata over the nohrian ( / every other fe land’s ) traditional spear or lance. this is mostly due to her having been trained with the naginata since she was very young, and also partially out of wanting, in every way she can, to emulate her father. the appreciator of aesthetic in her also prefers the natural grace of the naginata as well, and the hoshidan tradition of emphasizing the naginata not just as a tool for war, but also wielding it as an art in itself. there’s are many hoshidan dances that feature naginatas, and caeldori thinks of the weapon very much not only as something for the battlefield, but as an extension of her self-expression.
in a strictly combat sense, however, she also prefers it for its relative flexibility; its longer blade and curved single edge makes it capable of both cutting and thrusting like spears, but also better for slashing maneuvers as well as capable of hooking the opponent.
through tsubaki, the naginata has been part of her blood for many generations, as his family has served as guards for members of the hoshidan royal family for as long as anyone can remember. caeldori’s family name, amayari ( spear of heaven ), is as much a title as it is a name, and it’s expected that, though royal guards are preferably well-versed in many different types of martial skill, that the emphasis still remains on the symbolic naginata.
— SWORD. while caeldori doesn’t have a boon in swords, it’s worth noting that her two inherited alternate classes from tsubaki are samurai and master of arms, so while i don’t think she necessarily excels in swordplay, she’s probably a bit above average, and would become quite good if she directed her focus there.
— BOW. as illustrated in her kisaragi support, caeldori has some natural talent with a bow, enough to beat him at his own bet, though she admits that she’s never had any particular interest in training her skill at archery and so isn’t as strong in it as someone who both possesses the talent for it and uses it daily. she also possesses kinshi knight as one of her possible promoted classes off of sky knight, and also inherits bow knight from her ( hc’d for now unless rescinded by a future severa ) mother as another class option.
— REASON / FAITH. although i do think that caeldori’s propensity for magic is naturally weaker than her physical combat ability, i think that if she worked hard enough at it, she could become a decent caster, well enough to hold her own at least. caeldori’s magic casting ability is poor; physical weapon prowess and riding ability has always excelled in her family, but not so much magic. some of this could be remedied depending on if she ever establishes a toa!canon mother, but at base, caeldori naturally possesses low natural potential and low skill ceiling in terms of magic overall. 
her bane in faith, additionally, comes ultimately from a lack of exactly that — faith. caeldori believes much more in skill and careful planning in both battle and day to day life, and ( as seen from her ignatius support ) looks down on faith, luck, and chance as too weak and uncertain to be relied on. after all, if you’re relying on luck or a god’s strength in order to win, doesn’t that say something about your own ability leaving much to be desired? 
i think this also translates to a general shortcoming of caeldori’s, which is that she can be pretty near-sighted about her views and come off arrogant or disparaging towards others who see things differently or have different experiences. similarly, she’s kind and generally nice, but a lack of the others-before-oneself altruism commonly seen in white magic users might also contribute to a weakness in this area.
that being said, one of the classes i really like for her is basara, which she gets from S-supporting shiro ( part of it is because i enjoy the pairing, it’s true ). i think it’s both aesthetically nice on her as well as kind of thematically appropriate as a heavily offensive mixed attacking class. it’d be interesting to see if she might ever reach a point in her character development re: her opinions on faith where that might be feasible, if we ever add basara to toa hahaha.
— AUTHORITY. one of caeldori’s skills that she demonstrates amply in canon throughout her paralogue and several supports. she’s highly adept at planning and executing efficiently, and in directing others in a clear and succinct way. she’s usually a step or two ahead of the moment and has probably laid out a few contingency plans as well for herself and anyone involved. she’s good at assessing a given situation and determining what needs to be done, who best to do it, and how.
it should be noted though that despite this, caeldori isn’t really a leader, though she is capable of stepping up to it if she perceives an otherwise chaotic situation. she’s equally as happy to follow someone else’s instructions, but her quick and effective problem-solving and willingness to take action often means she’s one of the first to jump in when it’s needed.
— FLYING. from both tsubaki on her paternal side and cordelia from her maternal side, caeldori’s inherited an affiliation for pegasi. while i don’t think her patrilineal line has been traditionally all sky knights, i think that probably a decent number of them were, since tsubaki seems to have ample experience with them outside of his own career. caeldori also mentions in her support with shiro that she really likes animals and would consider a livelihood caring for them if she didn’t have expectations on her already. 
that being said, i don’t actually think that caeldori is a naturally gifted flier ( and i don’t think tsubaki is either ); for both of them, it comes from a place of many, many long hours and a lot of dedication. for all of her appreciation for animals, i wouldn’t consider her to have an innate affinity for them. this is further evidenced by her support with shigure where she attests that leisure flights are pointless since flying is a combat skill, and reflects back in my hc’s in that she doesn’t have a riding boon despite being a sky knight.
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valorinclined · 5 years
headcanons : seraphina
seraphina really does have a temper, honestly, and she hates it. she wants nothing more to be either the kind and loving pacifist that she was TOLD emmeryn was.
seraphina really has this perfect image of emmeryn in her mind from what everyone has told her. and keep in mind the people who shaped her image of emmeryn- phila, chrom, lissa, and frederick- were HEAVILY biased and thought of emmeryn as this sort of…paragon of peace.
she wanted to reach out and heal the people the way everyone kept telling her emmeryn did, but seraphina just…can’t. she’s too guarded and quick to anger.  this inability to heal also manifests in a physical way too; when it comes to staves, she can’t get them to work quite right. the hp recovered is laughable at best.
seraphina’s always been gifted with magic, so in truth, she wanted to be a sage like emmeryn. however, she’d also been training with her mother and frederick in lancework, since phila wanted to make sure she could protect herself and wanted to pass on what she knew.
after phila’s death, she classed into pegasus knight, and then promoted to falcon knight. but again…it was a waste of her talents. she classed into dark flier right before traveling back to the past.
i haven’t considered a fates verse for seraphina yet, but i really do love the idea of phina finally being able to breathe freely and let down her guard just a bit, and slowly learn how to use staves.
as she finally heals, she accomplishes her dream of learning to heal others.
baby seraphina closes herself off from her uncle and his family after the end of the war in plegia, and especially after lucina is born. she’s still in the castle, she’s well taken care of, and her aunt and uncle do their best to make sure she’s happy, but after lucina is born, phina thinks that’s she’s been replaced.
in her mind, chrom has no use for seraphina now that he has a daughter of his own, so she just…stops going to chrom for things. and if lissa’s married pre-time skip, she stops going to lissa as well.
seraphina finds severa’s personality to be very grating. she…doesn’t think very highly of her, really. seraphina finds her to be loudmouthed, overly competitive, and her general rudeness wears on her fast. severa, as well as gerome, are the only future kids that seraphina dislikes.
the reason seraphina can’t stand gerome is because he avoids his parents.
seraphina is present during the first half of awakening, and interacts with emmeryn and phila, but only as marth’s equally enigmatic companion, nyna…not as their daughter. seraphina was present on the day of emmeryn’s execution, and watched the mother she’d never known commit suicide to save chrom the pain of having to choose.
…and perhaps even more painfully, she watches phila, the mother she did grow up with, the mother she did know, die far, far too early. she takes the weight of all this on her shoulders and feels immense guilt for being unable to save emmeryn, and for phila dying way before her time.
to seraphina, the worst has happened. she came back in time and her mothers still died. she damned the two year old seraphina back in ylisstol (or, regna ferox at that point in time) to be a orphan far too young. and she never even got to call either of them mother. if she couldn’t save them, she wishes at the very least she could have known them as their daughter.
so she sees gerome, who has his parents still but refuses to interact with them, and he becomes an easy target for her anger. and because gerome fights back, she finds herself easily provoked when it comes to him.
truth be told…it’s a lot her anger is really directed at herself. i’ve talked briefly with @wyvernrisen about this, but sooner or later she’s gonna yell something at gerome that’s really something she’s saying at herself, and break down into tears. she can’t keep bottling this shit up forever, after all.
the justice cabal, to seraphina, embodies hope. she sees cynthia, owain, and morgan as the most hopeful of the future kids, and owain and cynthia’s theatric and heroic talk really does inspire her, though she might never show it.
she’s also a bit closer to owain simply because they grew up together, more or less. at the very least, they grew up in the castle together, and they’re cousins. she respects cynthia as a fellow pegasus rider and finds her heroic entrances charming, and would help her think of new ones if asked.
all in all, the justice cabal have the highest chances of making seraphina smile and laugh.
a habit that seraphina picks up once in the past is soap carving, which began during her brief stay in ylisse castle post-awakening before leaving once more as her breaking and smashing the soap bars she found in the bathing rooms impulsively, mostly because she could. something as simple as soap wasn't such a rarity anymore, and crushing it between her fingers wasn't such a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
but she did still feel guilty, so instead she channeled that impulse into carving the soap instead. over time, it's something she grows quite skilled at.
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aethe-als · 5 years
HI I LOVE U.. hmm how educated is lucina / how important is her education to her ? also what are her thoughts on owain and robin (finger guns)
lucina will generally admit to being less educated than she feels she should be , ❪  she holds herself to an incredibly high standard ,  particularly as an exalt  ❫  but she’s still intelligent to the point of learning things and understanding concepts very quickly ,  and absolutely more educated than other lower tiers of nobility .
she can also speak more than one language ,  and in her future past exalt verse ,  despite most of the continent being able to speak the common tongue ,  she learns most of the languages spoken in the old ,  individual kingdoms ,  so she can eliminate any possible language barriers ,  and will be able to communicate with all of her people .
the main places where lucina’s education is lacking are in history  &  math ,  particularly regarding arts ,  music ,  etc .   she knows myths  &  legends ,  as well as contemporary history ,  but never had a chance to truly memorize all of the details .   she also struggles with math ,  though she can do it without aid ,  she doesn’t enjoy it  &  only fusses with it when necessary .
that being said ,  lucina still knows many skills that most princesses learn ,  such as stitching ,  dancing ,  reading ,  writing ,  calligraphy ,  how to run a household  &  kingdom  ❪  to a small degree  ❫   etc.   aside from reading  &  writing ,  she’s out of practice with the others ,  but still has the ability .   if she were to need them they would come to her .
lucina considers her education very important ,  because she considers it important as not just a princess ,  but a crown princess to know as much as possible about her people ,  her history ,  and to know as much as she can in order to protect  &  help them ,  as well as to be on par with other countries and other nobles .   she wants to prove that she can be a good ruler and be the one that they deserve .
military wise ,  lucina is SO SMART .   she was her own tactician ,  and has led her army through so many battles ,  all while organizing and trying to help and heal her people ,  and doing general things an exalt would .   she isn’t as creative as robin when it comes to strategy ,  but it’s safe to say you wouldn’t want to come face to face with her as an enemy .
her thoughts on owain :   best cousin ever .   she loves him so much ,  and he’s always been a breath of fresh air when she and severa would fight and bicker .   lucina thinks he’s incredibly creative and smart ,  and enjoys spending time with him because he makes her laugh ,  which is rare for her .   he was one of her favorite playmates as a child !!   she loves him dearly and does her best to protect him ,  even though he doesn’t need it .   she also appreciates his blunt - speak when she needs it  --  she can tell when he means for her to truly heed his advice .
as for her thoughts on robin ,  they’re a lot more complicated .   lucina doesn’t trust any of the first gen units ,  and is constantly on alert to watch her father and try to figure out who his murderer had been  --  and it’s clear that the person closest to him is robin .   she attends every war council and tactics meeting ,  in an attempt to both learn and keep them from being together too often in private .   even after her judgement scene ,  where lucina can’t bring herself to harm them ,  she still harbors fear and mistrust ,  even though she attempts to be more cordial and close .   despite her unsureness ,  she feels distraught when robin disappears after defeating grima ,  and so her thoughts on post - game robin are entirely different .   she admires them then for making the hard choice ,  thinks of them extremely highly ,  and loves them a lot .   whenever she has troubles in other verses that are post - game ,  one of the people she thinks of to give her strength is robin .
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tadaitsthegoddess · 6 years
Explain Your Marriages
Just for fun, here are most of my Fire Emblem Awakening pairings and why I think they’re definitive. Don’t get mad at me...Lol!
Amanda (MU) and Chrom- This is the only one I will fight for ceaselessly. The game’s story takes on new levels of beauty if MU is Chrom’s wife, and nothing will change my mind about that!
Frederick and Sumia- I think Frederick needs to father a daughter, since he strikes me as being one of those “Daddy’s Little Girl” suckers. Similarly, Sumia has a smaller pool of potential husbands, and Chrom/Gaius/Henry are more suited to other girls. Their Cynthia inherited Luna and Lancefaire, which I think were good skills for her.
Lon’qu and Cordelia- These two make such a great couple, and I particularly like that Cordelia’s S Support with him has her plainly stating she no longer loves Chrom. Both are very strong characters, so it also comes as no surprise that they produce a terrific Severa (I gave mine Lethality and Galeforce).
Sully and Stahl- I often have a problem with these two as singles. I don’t think Sully is a lesbian, but none of the guys seem to be her perfect match. On the flip side, Stahl would make a great husband for anyone. I do like that this pairing fuses the Cain and Abel archetypes, so it seemed like a good way to go.
Lissa and Vaike- People have a lot of issues with Vaike, but I think it’s hilarious if he marries the sister of his “sworn rival.” Plus, this pairing enables Owain to have his traditional blonde hair.
Miriel and Gregor- I matched these two on a whim, but I’m actually really happy with the result. The way Gregor encourages Miriel to come out of her shell was quite satisfying to see. It’s the ultimate “opposites attract.” In addition, their son was able to snag Armsthrift and Lifetaker, and they work well for him.
Henry and Nowi- This is a highly underrated match. I mean, think about it...both of them are incredibly childlike and treat battle as a game. Their Supports show that their personalities sync up perfectly! Also, I love the look of Nah with white hair (and the fact that she inherited Tomebreaker from her dad).
Virion and Olivia- I can never get the hang of using Virion and often barely get him into an advanced class. That said, he’s the potential Inigo father that makes the most sense. Not only will Inigo get his dad’s trademark blue hair, but they’ll also share the womanizing ways.
Libra and Tharja- What makes me laugh about this pairing is the idea of a dark, dour Plegian witch marrying this easygoing blonde priest. That said, I’d only marry Tharja to a lighter-haired dude because I think Noire looks awful with dark hair.
Cherche and Kellam- For me, poor Kellam needs to marry one of the women who notices him right from the C Support. And Cherche fits that bill perfectly! Furthermore, this pairing sets Gerome up to inherit some great skills...in my case, they were Swordbreaker and Pavise.
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julystorms · 7 years
Thoughts on cherche?
I like the basic skeleton of her character (crazy wyvern lady, a bit detached from human connection but close to animals, “christmas cake” trope), because I find it all highly relateable personally, but I don’t like how they went about basically making her into a nitpicky nag whose only real strength seems to be her ability to verbally put other people down. Like, that’s what fandom remembers her for? :/
Maaayyybe we’re meant to view these barbs as jokes but if so the script does a terrible job at getting the message across.
Anyway, I love the building blocks of her character, and I love how Gerome ties into things, too. Cherche is easy to imagine as a really good, thoughtful, loving mum, but almost all of Cherche’s supports kind of...make it sound like she's not romantically inclined and marrying for convenience/so she won’t be alone when she’s old/etc etc. Which is totally legit imo; hell she reads to me like she could be aro (or aroace, even). And what I think the best part about this is, is that this isn’t at all brought up in supports with Gerome? 
Like, with Severa we kind of get the deets on Cordelia from the future: Severa airs her mother’s dirty laundry so to speak. But Gerome has nothing bad to say about his parents. He loved them, they loved him, and by all accounts it seems they loved each other. His anger isn’t aimed at his parents, but from these people who are not yet, and will never become (thanks to his intervention) his parents. So I just really like the idea that Cherche isn’t a romantically inclined individual and yet still managed to make a happy home for herself and raise a son who adores and looks up to her even years after her death.
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months
If you had to pick a second trio of awakening kids to put in fates (on Hishido's side) who would you send, why, and where would put them (ie who's retainers would they be and who would they replace or where would they be serving in Hoshido if not retainers).
SORRY THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE YEARS TO GET TO, STEDY… i saw it and i was like “ooh i gotta think about this i’ll come back” and then. and then i forgor… BUT ANYWAYSSS
so, to hoshido????? well… i think realistically theyd go down the popularity poll. they seem to want to avoid lucina (lord) and morgan (two of them, picking one means making one and also one robin canon) so next on the list iirc is noire, brady, and gerome. and i think that could work pretty okay, but i think they just kind of all have one fatal flaw here: none of them would be down to go.
the awakening trio works because yeah!! yeah i absolutely buy all three of them being game to go fuck off to a new world because some pathetic man begged them to help save lives. gerome though?? no!! gerome hardly wanted to go back in time to save HIS OWN WORLD!! brady cant fight CANONICALLY, and i highly doubt he’d want to step foot on another battlefield. and noire… i think someone could make a case for noire being willing to come. but i think she’d prefer staying with tharja and protecting the baby version of herself more. and without proper encouragement which would mostly likely come from severa who is. not here. i dont think she’d be too willing. AND I KNOW THAT MEANS IM MISSING OUT ON NOIRE!RHAJAT BUT… come on. you think im gonna give noire to hayato anyways?? no.
so!! a more interesting alternative? kjelle, cynthia, and laurent. i think kjelle and cynthia would be so down if they thought they were gonna be protecting innocents. kjelle wants to fight, grow stronger, and protect, and her natural element is the battlefield. cynthia wants to be a hero and fight for justice, and what better than a country protecting its homeland? as for laurent, i think he’d also like to save people, but i just think this guy would also like traveling around for education purposes. a new land means more insight to gain, and more things to share with his mother when he comes back. so. yeah. perhaps not the tightest reasoning, but i think its much more realistic than like. gerome. sooo
cynthia would most likely stay a pegasus knight? i dont see a reason to change her class. but armor knight is nohrian while sage doesnt exist in fates (technically. im aware onmyoji is the equivalent) sooo they’d have to change. i think theres a few things you could do with kjelle? spear fighter is probably the obvious choice, but i think kinda similar to owain, she’d like a chance to try out other weapons, probably to demonstrate her strength. and for this im strongly leaning master of arms prepromote. yes she’d still have spear access, but having mastered katanas and clubs during her time in hoshido could be really fun i think. as for laurent… lol. apothecary. hes not really here to fight but like. he can. promote him to merchant and he’ll start throwing the army’s treasury at you. dont fuck with him! but obviously kjelle would have armor knight access via heart seal and i think i’d give laurent troubador over dark mage just to reference miriel having that class in awakening but it could go either way. cynthia would probably have… uh. ummmm… fuck. wait. i dont know. sumia gets armor knight and cleric. can we j be funny and give her merc so she has hero access :/// ok thanks
if were following the same format as the og trio, i would j plant them as retainers to make it simple. and… i think i’d go:
kjelle - ryoma
laurent - hinoka
cynthia - sakura
im completely willing to change on this honestly. i thought long and hard about it and then i went “hm. no.” and ended up here. my logic is that of the awakening trio, laslow definitely seems to be the strongest and is nohr’s crown prince’s retainer, and of these three, kjelle is probably the strongest, so same treatment. i also considered the dynamic between saizo and kagero and i just think she’d work the best with them. no bullshit, just work. plus, in a samurai class (moa promotes from samurai) she’d fit in better with ninja than a flier and a uh. a guy.
i put laurent with hinoka and i almost didnt because i think he could have an interesting dynamic with the other royals too. but then i was like “okay. of the three: who would fit into hinokas retainer dynamic that just seems to be ‘giving hinoka a hard time’” and well!!! i think!!! i think its laurent!!! i think laurent would just be engrossed in his studies and the difference in technological progress compared to ylisse (no fireworks but they have giant puppets??? the dolls with the saws??? TANKS????) and hinokas like “uh. hey. did you eat any of ur last three meals?” and he goes “no but i DID make a gun” and azama and setsuna are just like “woahhh thats fucking awesome dude” and i just think if i gave hinoka kjelle or cynthia it wouldnt be as funny. i do things for the bit. always.
and that leaves cynthia for the other two and… i dont actually think she’d go to takumi. i think sakura and her retainers is a much more realistic possibility because takumis trio is just. so. fucking look at them… itd be odd to shove a fourth person in there. it COULD work, but also i kinda just like the idea of cynthia pledging herself to sakura. she’d be all hyped about it too like “the brave warrior defending her princess?!! yessss!!” and sakura would be like. so down for cynthias flower throwing entrance or whatever (with… sakura petals?? yes????) and idk i just think they would be neat. and she could be a nice mediator between subaki and hana who just like. wont shut the fuck up. she’ll either make it better by being a nice middle man or make it worse by also not shutting up except its about something completely different and no progress gets made. both fine outcomes, i think.
and then they fight nohr and go to war with their besties forevs!!!!!!! wooooo!!!! im not writing that out. you decide how that goes. though i think a cynthia vs selena encounter would be insaane… ooh or like an cynthia vs odin justice cabal thing? oouhhvghh… but this post is long enough anyways hi stedy 👋
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unassumingvenusaur · 8 years
FE Warriors Char Likelihood Tiers
Absolute lock:
Marth (Duh)
Chrom (look at the teaser)
Corrin (weapon in teaser)
Ryoma (weapon in teaser)
Xander (Weapon in teaser)
Ike (i mean c’mon)
Lucina (Super popular)
Tharja (popularity + fanservice)
Anna (Series staple)
Tiki (Series staple)
Highly likely:
Roy (not popular in fe fanbase but has his smash fanbase)
Robin (awakening main char arguably)
Caeda (og pegasus knight and marth’s wife)
Lyn (at least to me she seems to be one of the most iconic female FE chars)
Azura (hugely promoted/prominent fates character)
Camilla (popularity + fanservice)
Takumi (popular but moreso because he’s a popular archer and they’d be all over that)
Garon (don’t WANT him to be in but they need a villain plus he’d fit the strong-slow-super-powerful archetype the warriors games have)
Moderately likely: 
Owain (has been in two games now and is pretty darn popular)
Inigo (same as owain)
Severa (same as them though i just want her so bad and you better give me this)
Cordelia (pretty popular awakening char, tho Caeda makes her a lot less likely)
One of the ninjas from fates to represent the class, probably Kaze
Gaius (niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice)
Oboro (one of the most popular fates girls and one of the only popular non-pegasus spear users from what i’m aware)
Don’t Do it Please God No
Rhajat/Asugi/Caeldori if their original self makes it in
Srsly no no no
This is all just my scrub-who’s-only-played-fates-and-awakening worthless opinion but I’d love to see what other people think about character likelihood! Esp those more familiar with the full expanse of games (though my gf has already given me the low-down on this eheh) 
also this list needs more axe users
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burgermiester · 8 years
Fire Emblem Warriors Likely Playable Characters: The non-Lords
FYI THIS IS SPECULATION I dont have any inside scoop or leak or anything im just trying to guess based on some logical ideas. 
(you can read my post about what I think are the likely and unlikely lords Here.  This one is about everyone else.  As I said in the other post, Likely character names will be bolded. I will assume for now that the weapons they showed in the trailer are confirmations that their owners are playable characters, but if that changes I will amend the list.  So if you didnt know, those characters are Chrom, Corrin, Ryoma, Xander, and Marth, and I am just going to add Lucina to the list as not only does she also use the Awakening Falchion (as seen in the video) but she is one of if not the most iconic and popular FE character.  Also I am still going on the assumption that the cast will be smallish, around 30 like Hyrule Warriors, so they will want lots of units who play differently and not a lot of redundancy aka 7 different dark mages from throughout the series)
* Tiki- I would guarantee Tiki will be in the game if guarantees from me were of any real-world value.  Shes a series mascot at this point, and they are sure to have a manakete at any rate.  Since Corrin will almost certainly fight with a mix of sword and dragon limbs, Tiki will still have a unique style in fighting exclusively as a dragon.  I highly douby any other playable manakete from the series will make the cut, sadly, but at least Tiki is a good one to have, whether they pick kid or adult version shes a cool character in my book.
* Selena/Severa and Inigo/Laslow- Yes, they already will have multiple foot units who use swords but I will be very surprised if these fan favorites dont make the cut.  If not in the game on release then as DLC for sure.  Popular characters seem to show up as DLC, if HW is any indication.
* Tharja and/or Odin but DEFINITELY Leo- Keeping with the theme of popularity, FE Warriors is almost certain to have a dark mage, and I expect it will be one or more of these extremely popular 3DS spellcasters.  Maybe even both.  Odin could manifest as Owain instead but I think the competition is less steep as a dark mage than a foot/sword dude.  Leo is practically certain, hes wildly popular in Japan and elsewhere, enough so that hes getting his own manga. And his tree magic looks like nothing else in FE, so its visually unique for the roster.
* Takumi- Much like with Dark Mage, they are almost sure to have an archer/sniper in the game and I expect the honor will go to Takumi, not just because hes more popular than any other archer in the series but also because hes got a cool laser bow that players would love to use.
* Hinoka and/or Shiida(Caeda, Sheeda)- Gotta have a pegasus knight too.  Both are beloved and both have a good shot. Some might say Sumia or Cordelia are more likely, and they certainly have a good chance of being the peg, but I think its between the newest and classic.  Especially since I think Leo and Takumi will be in the game, and Ryoma and Xander will almost certainly be in the game, might as well have the older sisters too.  Did I say older sisters?
* Camilla- If theres gonna be a wyvern rider I think itll be Camilla. Shes extremely popular in the game and in merchandise, and fits with having the Fates fighting royals all be in the game (if im right about that).
* Azura- between the few combat dancers in the series, Azura is the only one fights with more than just a sword. Not only is she another lance user for the roster, she can have cool water effects in her attacks.  I think shes a shoe-in.
A quick note about the game distributions, yes I realize these are almost all Fates Characters, but lets be real, its the newest game, the best selling game (im pretty sure it surpassed Awakening a few months ago), and in the trailer 3 of the 5 orbs in the Fire Emblem had Fates weapons in them.  In terms of sales and in making the most number of fans happy, it makes sense to have the most characters from the game most people have played.  If I was the one making the game and my goal was to get the biggest number of likely consumers interested in buying the game, this is the roster I would pick along with the Lords from the other post.  If I was making the game for myself alone it would be a different roster.  I also dont expect to be 100% correct.  I think a few of these characters will be excluded in favor of less popular ones from older games just to have a more diverse spread, but I couldnt predict who would get picked in their places. 
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porta-decumana · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
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Alea Iacta Est - Part 9: Untitled
The Sorrow of Werlyt - Kaida and Severa
“The place where the VIIth has set up their headquarters at is my homeland.  Werlyt,” Severa continued and Kaida was momentarily relieved that the topic had shifted from Gaius to the mission at hand.  “It is a place that has been under Garlean control for some time now.  A scarred, melancholy land.  I never thought I would go back.”
Kaida’s brow furrowed.  “I almost feel as though I should offer the pilot position to you, then.  No doubt you’ve more experience with this sort of thing than I do.”
Severa’s smile was polite but a touch sad.  “I am afraid we are equally inexperienced.  If Cid believes you are the woman to pilot the G-Warrior, then far be it for me to argue.  I do not care to play a leading role in whatever there is to come.  I only care that the mission is a success.  Werlyt is home to me no longer.”
I suppose I can relate.  The Ruby Sea is my homeland… but sometimes, it does not feel like home anymore.  Home is the Rising Stones, with Tataru brewing a pot of tea for us all and Thancred trying to juggle his knives and Urianger with his nose buried in a book.
“He speaks highly of you, you know,” Severa said to her.
The statement caught her off guard, even though it should not have surprised her. Underneath her tunic did the crystal he had given her seemed to burn where it touched against her skin—not unpleasantly so, but enough to remind her that she was touting about a semblance of the Wolf’s affections.  Affections—gods, that felt sinful to think.  She prayed the dismal atmosphere of Ghimlyt was enough to wash out the blush at her cheeks, unable to meet Severa’s eye.
“I told him I would protect his children.  I mean to keep to my word,” Kaida responded, surprised at how neutral she had managed to keep her voice.
Even if it’s impossible, I must try.  I must always try…
She thought of Haurchefant again.
It’s simply what a hero does.
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