#she told me that I’m too mouthy and it’s my way or the Highway and I have a habit of bringing out the worse in people of pushing people to
rose-tinted-nostalgia · 10 months
nothing like disassociating in the kitchen while your drunk mother goes on and on about your wasted potential & how difficult you are to love.
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dumpsterd1va · 5 years
continuation of my neil and andrew finding a kitten on the road AU. more under the cut!
It turns out kittens aren’t very good at following directions. The little monster had peed and pooped in Andrew’s sweatshirt nest. She didn’t puke per se, but whatever she coughed up smelled just as bad, if not worse. Or maybe it was the combination of excrement that was making Andrew dizzy. It had been better on the freeway when the speed they were going at was enough to keep the air circulating, but here in the city everything was stagnant. He couldn’t even bury his nose in his sleeve because in his rush to get out on the road this morning, he hadn’t bothered changing out of the black tank top he always slept in. He was grateful he’d at least had the presence of mind to put on his armbands.
Andrew tugged at the fabric cocooning his forearms as he grumbled, “You are a menace,” to his ungrateful passenger who only emitted a high-pitched whine in response. “Yeah, yeah, I’m miserable too. Tough shit.”
As if he could hear him, Neil turned back around and waved. Andrew could’ve sworn he was laughing too, the bastard. Thankfully, the next turn was their last one as they pulled into a parking lot.
His car was barely in park when Andrew jumped out and approached Neil. “You’re getting the sack of shit out of the car.”
Neil was shaking his hair out when Andrew reached him, setting his helmet down on the seat. He ran his fingers through his hair and grinned. “Had a little accident, did we?”
“Not little. Not me. Go.”
“Fine, fine. Didn’t clock you as a squeamish one.”
Andrew would take any insult Neil threw at him as long as he didn’t have to touch the mess in his car. He was going to have to throw all those clothes away. This was already turning out to be more trouble than it was worth.
“Fuck, you’re a little stinker aren’t you?” Andrew heard Neil grumble as he pulled the soiled heap and its maker from the car. He was holding the kitten like a football in the crook of his arm but the sweatshirts he held out in front of him like they were poisonous. Andrew was pretty sure they were.
“You can toss those.”
Neil grimaced. “Smart move.”
They walked alongside each other into the clinic. It was surprisingly busy, but Andrew supposed animals were good at being an inconvenience, no matter the hour.
When they made their way up to the front desk, Neil leaned on the counter and said to the receptionist, “Hey, I called earlier. Neil Josten?”
Barely glancing up, the receptionist nodded. “Found a stray?” Neil nodded. “Someone will be with you shortly.” His eyes flicked up to Andrew. “Will he be joining you?”
Neil started and darted his eyes over to Andrew who didn’t react. “Uh, yeah he will be.”
“Andrew Minyard,” Andrew answered before Neil could process that he didn’t know his name yet. The receptionist dismissed them and they sat down with their shared burden.
Neil broke the silence first. “We didn’t introduce ourselves, huh?” He stuck his free hand out. “I’m Neil.”
“You’re crazy if you think I’m touching that hand.”
Rolling his eyes, Neil retorted, “They were your clothes.”
“They were covered in something that was definitely not mine.”
With a sigh, Neil dumped the kitten into Andrew’s lap before going over to the hand sanitizer dispenser in the corner. He locked eyes with Andrew and dispensed several pumps of the liquid into his hands before making a big show of rubbing his hands together.
When he sat back down and offered his hand again, Andrew took it.
They settled into their chairs and Neil’s fingers lazily ran through the kitten’s fur. He had to lean towards Andrew to do it, giving Andrew the perfect view of his curls. They danced in the sunlight and reflected impossible shades of sunset red and honey gold.
“So,” Neil began. “Any reason you were out on the road so early in the morning?”
It took Andrew a second for him to realize Neil was talking to him. “No reason.”
Neil hummed. “Same here. Sometimes I just need to get away.”
Andrew’s eyes fell to the scars lining Neil’s face that made him seem at once stronger and more delicate. His thoughts wandered to the scars that marred his own arms, hidden under his armbands, and the lengths he went to try to escape the thoughts that made them. He wondered if Neil was trying to do the same, but something told him Neil had a different kind of demon lurking over his shoulder.
The side door leading to the rest of the clinic swung open and a tall woman stepped out. Neil glanced up at the sound of his name and gestured for Andrew to follow him.
“Hey Abby,” Neil greeted. “Thanks for letting us come in on such short notice.”
Abby smiled. “No need for that. You’re doing us a favor. Come in.”
They followed Abby to a small room and on the way she explained that she would be examining the kitten for fleas, worms, or other kinds of lesions. Her hands moved at an impressive speed but the kitten still made her discomfort quite clear.
“Well,” Abby said at last. “Nothing looks out of the ordinary, but she needs to put on more weight before we can put her up for adoption. We’ll probably keep her quarantined for a while, give her a good bath, and do a more thorough examination. She’s surprisingly clean for where you found her, so she probably wasn’t there for very long. She got lucky.”
“Wouldn’t call that luck,” Andrew mumbled.
Abby’s gaze fell on Andrew and she smiled that same pleasant smile. “I meant she’s lucky you found her. It’s Andrew, right?”
“Well, thank you Andrew. You helped save a life today.” She scratched the kitten’s belly. “Are you considering adopting her?”
Andrew recalled his bold words out on the highway when Neil wouldn’t shut up and shrugged. “Maybe.” At the look Neil gave him, he clarified, “I’ve never had a pet before.”
Neil hid a smirk behind his fist but Abby didn’t seem to notice. She nodded. “Fair enough. Cats are great for first time pet owners, but they’re still a lot of responsibility. Think about it while she’s holed up in here for a few days and if you have any questions, you can always call in and ask for me or even talk to Neil. He’s had Sir for years so he’s a regular cat whisperer.”
Andrew’s eyes flicked over to Neil who arched an eyebrow at him as if to say, “That’s news to me,” triggering a ghost of a smile to flicker across Andrew’s face.
Oh this was bad.
Andrew pushed off the wall he was leaning against and headed for the door without another word. Neil trailed behind him and Andrew could feel those annoyingly blue eyes boring a hole into the back of his head.
“What?” he hissed when they finally exited the shelter.
To his credit, Neil didn’t flinch at Andrew’s tone. “Are you really going to adopt her?”
“I said I didn’t know, didn’t I?”
“There’s no reason to be scared.”
Andrew blinked. “Excuse me?”
Neil tilted his head. “That’s why you’re hesitating right? You’re afraid you won’t be able to take care of her.”
“Fuck off. The little asshole making my clothes her personal toilet made me have second thoughts.”
“I already told you I think you’ll make a great cat mom,” Neil continued, undeterred. “You should take her. I’ll help you buy all the stuff you’ll need.”
“Really tempting offer, but no.”
“C’mon, one trip to PetSmart and you can wash your hands of me forever and have a cute kitten instead.”
Andrew stopped in his tracks and glared at Neil. “Why do you care?”
Infuriatingly, Neil looked confused. “Because you do.” Andrew wanted to punch him. “And I want to make sure she has a good home.”
“Then you take her.”
“I will if you won’t.” His mouth twitched into a half smile. “But I have a feeling I won’t need to.”
When they stopped in front of their respective vehicles, Andrew leaned his head back and groaned. Snapping his fingers, he grumbled, “Give me your phone.”
Andrew almost threw the phone Neil handed to him onto the asphalt but instead he punched in his number and called.
Tossing the phone back to Neil, he picked up his phone and said as calmly as he could into the receiver, “As soon as Abby gives the okay, we meet here. We get the cat, buy the shit, then you leave me alone. Got it?”
Neil was fully smiling now. “Has anyone ever told you you’re kind of dramatic?”
Abruptly hanging up on someone standing right in front of him was not nearly as satisfying as Andrew wanted it to be, but he settled for getting into his car, rolling down the window, and flipping Neil the bird.
“Drama queen,” Neil called back, still grinning.
“Mouthy bastard,” Andrew muttered as he rolled up the window.
“Heard that.”
Then, it was Andrew’s turn to smile. “Good.”
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mingyus-noona · 6 years
My niece renames Kpop groups
**With my notes, because sometimes they’re needed to make sense of what’s going through her mind. She definitely repeats things, so there are a few people with the same name (but that already happens in Kpop, so it fits) or part of the same name, even within the same group. Twice has two members named Pool in my niece’s version. She also asked several times afterward if the name she said was Korean lol. She switches between saying random sounds and objects after I asked her to do shorter names so I could write them down and to say actual names, so she started naming objects. FIRST UP: Some Highlights: Big Bang Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Twice Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush (f)x Luna: Kiss the Beach A.C.E. Wow: Sunny Side Animal Got7 Jinyoung: Trashcan Monsta X Minhyuk: Skeleton Winner Taehyun: Bedroom Mamamoo Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose 24k Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words 2PM Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Block B P.O.: Drinking Boyfriend Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion BTOB Sungjae: I’m lemoned out B.I.G. Benji: Logo Beast Junhyung: I want Treasure And then she kind of just gave some names to other idols: Shinee Key>>B1A4 Gongchan Astro Sanha>> Block B Kyung Some of the names she chose weren’t that bad and I could actually see them as idol names, given that some are a little odd: Big Bang G Dragon: Song K Monsta X Shownu: Zucka Za Red Velvet Wendy: A-talk Red Velvet Yeri: Boxy A.cian Seulgi: Taeko The full list: BTS: Jin: Chun-gu [this is a character from the Lion Guard] Suga: Chung-who J-hope: Kissy [she said like a Hershey Kiss] RM: Huggy Jimin: Hat [Jimin was wearing a hat] V: Hershey Kiss Jungkook: Lovey Lovey
EXO: Xiumin: I Pig Luhan: Passa Pass a Suey Butt Kris: A Koosa Koosa Wah Suho: Eye Coo Soak Lay: Paper Paper Color Snow [there was snow in the picture] Baekhyun: So Kay Chen: Coal Kah Kushe Chanyeok: Hairy Hair Hair D.O.: Kissy Kissy So Tao: Silly Butt Eye Kai: Koko is a Bobby a So Su Sehun: Koko Ih Ih E A Chacha
Seventeen: S.coups: Steppy Jeonghan: Coosy Joshua: Here We Go Again Jun: Phoney Hoshi: Grass [grass in the picture] Wonwoo: Cuppy Closewa Woozi: Laying Down in Grass [grass in this picture too] DK: Sleepy Sleepy Slook Mingyu: Wordy Cosa The8: Icy Koos Seungkwan: Standy Call Vernon: Heart [she saw a gif of him holding a cut-out heart] Dino: Coosy Got (funny that this goes with Jeonghan's name: Coosy Got is the equivalent of Dino being Jeonghan's aegi 😂)
Got7: Mark: Silly JB: Silly Butt Soup Jackson: Mouthy Kahs Jinyoung: Trashcan Youngjae: Rotten Fish Filled with Trashcan [and not the other way around] BamBam: Pirate Kite Yugyeom: Eye Lip [she was trying to say eyelid lol]
Astro: MJ: Huh? JinJin: Kooka Wappu Deh Eunwoo: Sorry Moonbin: Fan Rocky: Light Sanha: Koosa
Monsta X: Wonho: Eye Sooka Soak a Soaka Shownu: Zucka Za Minhyuk: Skeleton Kihyun: Soaka Soaka a Bassa Hyungwon: So Bae Jooheon: Cossa Cossa Oh Bae Doo Doo Wah I.M.: Kiss the Go Bae Soap Ooh Wah
Winner: Yoon: Table Jinu: Bottle Hoony: Ice Water Minho: Floor Taehyun: Bedroom
Pentagon: Jinho: High Hui: Low Hongseok: Right E'Dawn: Left [creative, huh?] Shinwon: Koos Yeo One: Took Yanan: Keet Yuto: Keep Kino: Eye Wooseok: Love [if there was another member, she definitely would have named him You because the last three would be that Eye Love You gesture people show kids]
Blackpink: Jennie: Kussah Jisoo: Kass Bwi Bway Rose: Bob Wah Lisa: Toosedah
(f)x: Victoria: Pizza Amber: Kayswah Luna: Kiss the Beach [I don’t know if it’s what she said, but it sounded like it and I asked her and she said yes] Krystal: A Kassa Wah Sulli: Jees
Mamamoo: Solar: Peesagwa Moonbyul: Blah Blah Blah Wheein: Bowl Hwasa: I am your favorite star of the world Rose [I think she was trying to sing nursery rhymes and then saw the rose in the picture]
Girls’ Generation: Taeyeon: Um, I don’t know Sunny: I don’t saw Tiffany: Dress [she had a dress on] Hyohyeon: Plug Yuri: Spoon Sooyoung: Call Yuna: Blah Blah Blah, I get it Seohyun: Hairy Jessica: Hug Kiss
Big Bang: G Dragon: Song K T.O.P.: Cooshy Coosh [close enough to kush, and we all know what he was caught with lol] Taeyang: Bowl of Soup Daesung: Hairy Hair Coso Seungri: Jerry Sook [this just sounds like someone’s American name]
Red Velvet: Irene: The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round all through the town Seulgi: The horn on the bus goes bing bing bing, bing bing bing, bing bing bing, the horn on the bus goes bing bing bing all through the town Wendy: A-talk Joy: Bubblegum Yeri: Boxy
I.O.I.: Nayoung: Hi Goodbye Chungha: The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again Sejeong: Light Cult [I found out later she tried to say lightbulb, but this is funnier] Chaeyeon: Good Bye Bye Kyulkyung: Toe Sohye: Hair Yeonjung: Bobobo Yoojung: Smiley Face Mina: Hershey Kiss Smiley Doyeon: I don’t know Suh Somi: Wall
Twice: Jihyo: Pool Nayeon: Water Jeongyeon: Fill Momo: Up Sana: Pool Mina: Pineapple [she was holding one in the picture] Dahyun: Flower Flower Chaeyoung: Happy Happy the Hop Tzuyu: Mulberry Bush [nursery rhymes again] [you can tell in this one that she was swimming at the time since she said pool water fill up lol]
Super Junior: Leeteuk: Polka Dot Heechul: Triangle Yesung: Square Kangin: Rectangle Shindong: Heart Sungmin: Circle Eunhyuk: Splash [she was in the pool] Siwon: Fly [she saw a bee] Donghae: Umbrella [same] Ryeowook: Porch [we were on the porch] Khyuhyun: Butterfly Zhoumi: I see butterfly, I like butterfly [she likes butterflies] Henry: I love you Hangeng: Coo Say Kibum: Bubbly a Way So Eh
24K: Cory: Emmy E [her nickname is Emmy] Kisu: Boolooloo Jeunguk: Ma Ba Ba Ba Ba Changsun:  Chair Jinhong: Pooly Pool Pool Pool Pool Pool Hongseob: Sun-who Kiyong: Aw, Bad Words Sungoh: Woo-ah Hui: Vacation [she was pretending we were on vacation] Daeil: Flamingo Seokjun: Water Water Byungho: Snow
2PM: Jun. K: Fish Nichkhun: Bird Taecyeon: Heart Lovey Wooyoung: Do you remember me? Junho: I We Oh We Chansung: I love bathing suits all day long in the pool [she really likes swimming] Jay Park: Ha Ha Ha
2AM: Jo Kwon: 444 Wa Changmin: Florida [she knows it’s a place that’s hot lol] Seulong: Sunny Wa Jinwoon: Wha’s that?
A.C.E.: Jun: Rolly Uh Gaygay Donghun: Bubble Bubble Floating in the Pool Wow: Sunny Side Animal Kim Byeongkwan: Haha Chan: Muh Muh Muh [she said this to the tune of Got7′s Just Right, as in ma ma ma ma ma]
A.cian: Jungsang: Pot Hyukjin: Dah Sanghyeon: D Jin.O: Ma UTae: Me Seulgi: Taeko Chanhee: Susu Waya Crooge: Highway Hidden: O Lo-J: Heh Heh Heh Sehee: I’m a PoPoPuh [she was being cute naming one person Dah and the next D (like daddy) and then Ma/Me (mommy)]
B1A4: Jinyoung: Pee CNU: Facey Bath Sandeul: Buh Baro: Goo goo Ga ga Gongchan: Key [she has no idea who he is]
B.A.P.: Yongguk: I love you E Ah Himchan: Helicopter [there was one outside] Daehyun: Plane Youngjae: Bathing Suit Jongup: Iwosa Zelo: Incredibles [she is into the movie right now]
Block B: Zico: Little Taeil: Bump Bump Bump B-bomb: Aisle Jaehyo:  Bubble Bubble Wawa U-Kwon: Boo Boo Kyung: Sanha [as in from Astro] P.O.: Drinking
Boyfriend: Donghyun: Bath Hyunseong: Water Jeongmin: Poggy Youngmin: Eggy Eggy Ah Gaygay Kwangmin: Oh hi Onion [I have no idea with this one] Minwoo: Armpit [the names carry over from Block B to Boyfriend: as in Drinking Bath Water]
Boys Republic: Onejunn: Mall Bah Sunwoo: Star Sungjun: Eggy Eggy Gosowah Minsu: San Hahaha [I got her to remember her “boyfriend” Sanha’s (from Astro) name by saying it sounds like San haha] Suwoong: I love you for the time
BTOB: Eunkwang: Here we go again Minhyuk: Dirty Changsub: Clean Hyunsik: Paper Peniel: Couples 2 Ilhoon: Water Out [someone let water out of the pool] Sungjae: I’m lemoned out [no idea?]
B.I.G.: J-Hoon: Incredibles I Benji: Logo Gunmin: I Woo-eh Minpyo: Robot Heedo: Sun tea Gah [my sister just made some sun tea] [Incredibles I Logo: I told you that’s her movie right now]
Beast: Doojoon: Treasure [we were playing pirate/buried treasure earlier and she agreed to name these if I gave her more stuff to use for the treasure lol] Junhyung: I want Treasure Yoseob: Sangha Kikwang: Em Look [I told her this right before] Dongwoon: I don’t know [she couldn’t think of any more names] Hyunseung: Okay [I told her this was the last one]
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feralbangtan · 7 years
Paranoid: Part 5
Tumblr media
Member: Jeon Jungkook Genre: Angst AU: Witch/Soulmate Warnings: Blood and death Word count: 2.3k Series Masterlist
It’s been about a week since Jungkook and I started staying with Taehyung, they have gotten along fine, which I found surprising, mainly due to the fact that well Taehyung is my brother and Jungkook is now my boyfriend instead of just my house mate. Being with him didn’t make him any less awkward than he normally was, in fact he got more awkward, but in a cute way. We spent the last week spying on Jimin as well, and we had enough proof that he was in fact working with Syndicate, Tae was getting everything set up for his conviction, but since he would be executed in the end of it all it was taking longer than normal and it was only just today that his notice was sent out. It kind of scared me when it came to busting Jimin, but it also made me sad, I thought Jimin was my best friend, but finding all of this out changed my mind, I haven’t talked to him since the mall incident, I’ve ignored all his calls and texts, he has to be getting suspicious by now, this long without talking is absurd. Currently Jungkook, Tae and I are sitting on the couch playing board games, Jungkook was cheating at half of them, I didn’t care that much, but Taehyung takes his games seriously and has been calling him out after everything he did, we were taking a small break from the games, so I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and leave the boys to argue about cheating at the games, but when I got in there and did my business it got way too quiet and it wasn’t just that they were being quiet, there would still be noises because Taehyung basically never shuts up, this was an eerie kind of quiet, something was wrong. When I finished I grabbed the curtains and the curtain rod down from the window. I stripped the curtains off the rod and put them in the bathtub, I kept the rod to use as a weapon because I was sure something was wrong, I didn’t hear Tae sniggering over the fact that I was going to be scared, I didn’t hear Jungkook agreeing with him. When I walked out there was a true sight to see, Jungkook was on the floor face first, Jimin had Jungkook’s hand pulled behind his back, Taehyung was still standing, but he had his arm pulled behind him by a man that I recognized as Yoongi, he had his hand over Taehyung’s mouth. I hid in the hallway to prevent myself from being spotted by the others.
“Where is she?” Jimin asked angrily.
“I don’t know, she left this morning- ouch!” Jungkook started before Jimin pulled Jungkook’s further.
“Bullshit, she’s here, I can smell more sulfur, now where is she?” A booming voice asked.
“Ah gross, he licked my hand!” Another screamed.
I had to hold in my laughter because Taehyung finally learned something from me.
“Deal with it bitch.” Taehyung said.
Okay he needs to watch his mouth; they might just kill him there. I peeked out to see if I would be seen if I move, there was one right by the entrance to the hallway, he wouldn’t be able to see me. The others would only be able to see me if they looked over in my direction, it was then I pulled something very stupid. I switched sides, I went to the ran out and hit the one that I knew as Hoseok with the curtain rod. It staggered him momentarily, but before I could try to hit him again he put me in the same positon as Taehyung.
“There’s the little princess we’ve been looking for.”
Hoseok took his hand off my mouth because he remembered the last time he did it; it wasn’t fun for him.
“Oh look it’s a prick named Namjoon.” I retorted.
“Put your hand over her mouth, what are you doing?” Namjoon asked angrily.
“No, she’s the reason I’m missing my middle finger on this hand.” Hoseok said.
“How’s life without that by the way?” I asked in a smart ass tone.
“If you won’t, then hand her over.” Namjoon sighed angrily.
Hoseok pushed me off of him and I landed on the floor because of the sudden push. Namjoon picked me up by my arm and put me in the same position again, but with his hand over my mouth, and you better believe I was going to try to bite his god damned finger off.
“See I’m fine, she’s angry, but she’s not going to hurt me.” Namjoon said in a somewhat creepy way.
Jungkook saw the look in my eyes, and smirked a bit.
“What’s so funny ass wipe?” Jimin asked.
“Just watch.” Jungkook sniggered.
That’s when I bit down on Namjoon’s pinky and because of powers I severed it from his hand.
“You fucking bitch!” Namjoon screamed in pain.
I was shoved to the floor by Namjoon so he could go find something to cover his bleeding hand.
“I told you she bites dude!” Hoseok exclaimed.
“Shut up, Jimin, get us back to headquarters, we’ve got some bitches to burn.” Namjoon said as he wrapped a washcloth around his hand.
Yoongi walked over to me and picked me up, they linked arms with each other and Jimin smoked us to Syndicate’s headquarters. It was just as I remembered, dark and prison like. The men lead us to one large cell, the ones holding us throw us into the cell, Yoongi stays in there to handcuff us to the wall, when the shackles were on I knew we the end was near. The door to the cell was slammed and locked as Yoongi walked away. Jimin and Yoongi sat on crates in front of the cell and they started talking to each other, but because I’m mouthy, I decided it was a good idea to bitch out Jimin.
“You know Jimin, you must have been born on the highway because that’s where most accidents happen.”
“Excuse me?” Jimin asked.
“You heard me bitch tits.” I said.
“Well Y/N, I think you need to go check up on eBay and see if they have a life for sale.” He retorted.
“Says the man who was supposed to be my best friend, says the man who has worked at a fucking café for seven years because he thought it was cute, says the man who hit his face on the toilet as an adult because the same man forgot to clean up his water mess from his bubble bath with a gigantic rubber duck.”
“You said you wouldn’t say anything about that!” Jimin exclaimed angrily.
“Oh it’s coming out now, you ratted me out, time to rat you out. Karmas a bitch isn’t Jimin?” I asked cockily.
Jimin huffed and stopped listening to me rant and rave at him, I eventually stopped after I ran out of dirt to spill on Jimin. Both Jungkook and Taehyung learned a lot about Jimin in a span of 15 minutes. I was almost surprised that Yoongi didn’t tell me to shut up, but I’, sure it entertained him as well because I caught him laughing a few times. We sat there for hours, Taehyung fell asleep when Hoseok replaced Yoongi’s spot, and because I can’t stay still my shackles had cut into my wrists and there was dried blood all down my arms, it obviously hurt because I had open wounds, but what made it worse was Jungkook accidentally bumping into me while simultaneously trying to break out of his shackles, his arms are looking worse than mine at this point. There was more sitting around after that, but both Jungkook and I were too exhausted to even try to break out of the shackles anymore, we wasted our energy on trying to break free. Right when I was about to fall asleep the cell door was opened and my hands were released from the shackles. I looked up to see who it was, I recognized him. Jungkook only knew him as the guy who caught us when we first started spying on Jimin, but he was Jin. He was the nicest one of the bunch, he had his moments, he could be scary at times, mainly when he’s angry or in a killing mood, but other times he was nice, he’d actually talk to me, well at least that’s what he was like last time. Jin had laid me down on the floor and he had a bucket and a clean white washcloth in hand. He got down on his knees and started cleaning my arms up.
“Hello again Jin.” I said tiredly.
“I knew it was you the other day, you’re lucky I like you and didn’t rat you out before your little raven friend.” He said.
“I figured you did.” I said.
“So who’s the kid that Jimin was pinning to the floor?” He asked as he started wrapping my arms up in bandages.
“Since I know how this works and that I’ll most likely be dead tomorrow, he’s Jungkook, he’s my boyfriend.” I answered.
“As in Jeon Jungkook, the Jeon Jungkook, the same one who has witch hunter parents, and was going to become a witch hunter before he disappeared off the face of the fucking Earth?” Jin asked with a laugh.
“What?” I asked.
“If he’s your boyfriend, was he using you to kill you?” Jin asked.
“No, I got turned into a witch, you can shut the fuck up Jin.” Jungkook said angrily.
I went silent and rolled over on to my side, I didn’t want to look at Jungkook, I couldn’t believe he was going to be a witch hunter.
“Would you look at that, she’s mad at you, beautiful.” Jin said.
Jin cleaned up Jungkook’s arms even though the entire time he was helping he was slandering Jungkook. I rolled over suddenly to look at Jungkook.
“Were you using Yuri to kill her?” I asked.
“There’s no point in lying, yes, I was, I didn’t think she would turn me into a god damned witch.” He said.
“You lied to me.” I said slowly.
“I didn’t.” Jungkook said.
“You said you didn’t know she was a witch, you lied.” I said angrily.
“Did you ever think I didn’t want to scare you, you were a nice person who was taking me in and how was I supposed to tell you that I was going to be a witch hunter, how was I going to tell you I was going to kill a witch?” He exclaimed.
“I wouldn’t have cared if you told me the truth, I don’t think you realize that I’m not afraid of anything, I wouldn’t have been afraid of you, I would have understood you better when we met, do you realize how much easier this would have been on all of us?” I asked.
I had tears streaming down my face at this point, and Jungkook was trying to get himself near me to really talk to me, but I wouldn’t allow it, I ended up hiding behind Tae after Jin got him down. Taehyung had woken up just before Jungkook and I started fighting, he heard everything that was said between us.
“You two need some time to think. Jungkook, go sit in the corner over there. Y/N, you just stay here, you’ll be fine here.” Taehyung said.
“Oh come on it was getting good!” Jin whined.
“Jin, shut the fuck up.” I said angrily.
Jin scoffed and walked out of the cell. Namjoon was now on watch with Jimin, he was facing us and he beckoned me to get closer.
“I’m not getting closer to you, and I wouldn’t recommend you get closer to me, especially if you don’t want to lose another finger.” I said as I crossed my arms.
“Fine we’ll talk from here. Little girl-.” He said before I cut him off.
“Namjoon, don’t call me that, you’re not my boyfriend, I may be mad at Jungkook right now, but that doesn’t make it okay for you to start using pet names with me.” I said.
“Whatever. I’m just putting this out there, you’re definitely not coming back this time.” Namjoon said.
“What makes you say that, I don’t know if you remember, but we can reincarnate dumbass.” I said.
“Oh I know this; I’m just going to make sure you don’t come back this time.” He answered with a smirk.
I just scoffed and laid down on the floor and let some of my anger go away. I knew that Taehyung had brought Jungkook over to me, and I felt how awkward Jungkook was about trying to comfort me, and he was profusely apologizing to me mentally, I mean I ended up forgiving him because now isn’t really the time to be angry with him. We were quiet for a while, but I caught attention to Namjoon and Jimin’s conversation.
“Namjoon, I’d like to thank you for protecting me during this, I’m glad I could help you.” Jimin said sweetly.
“Oh yeah, about that.” Namjoon said.
Jimin looked up in confusion before Namjoon pushed him to the floor, I don’t think I’ve seen Jimin so scared before. I moved a bit to see what happened to him, and it seemed to have caught Jungkook’s attention too.
“It’s been nice knowing you Jimin.” Namjoon said with a dark chuckle.
Namjoon put some sort of liquid on Jimin and the next thing I knew, Jimin was on fire. He was screaming in pain, even though he did sell us out I felt bad about it, it left me shook up, I was clinging on to Jungkook in fear. Jungkook just blocked my sight and kept kissing the crown of my head until Jimin stopped screaming, he didn’t even stop after that, he stroked my hair and rubbed my back until I fell asleep, he was making up to me one last time before D-Day.
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