#she told me to be Sandy for Halloween so I wouldn’t have to straighten my curls and I didn’t listen LOL
boundtobreakk · 2 years
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Final round of HSLOT for me was Harryween and I’m glad I ended my tour run with my favorite holiday running around the pit and dancing until my feet literally started hurting. Last night was one of the best nights 💚🖤
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maluminspace · 5 years
Any Other Way
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Genre: dad!michael
Pairings: Michael Clifford/Reader
Word Count: 1479
Requested: By anon for spooky!sos 2019
Trigger Warnings: n/a
A/N: Jex and I agreed to start posting these early as we’ve started getting ideas for them! We’re still accepting requests, so get your thinking caps on and send some in... Spooky!sos2019 is officially underway, lovelies! 💖
Halloween had always been one of Michael’s favourite times of year. You’d know this from very early in your relationship with him and yet, he’d managed to surprise you this year by being more enthusiastic than ever.
Despite his excitement, your husband had also been suspiciously secretive in recent weeks. When you’d questioned him about the various packages arriving in the past couple of weeks, Michael had simply replied that it was for the very special ‘father/son Halloween costume’ he’d had planned.
You’d gotten the hint that Michael wanted to surprise you with whatever he’d been working on and so you’d resisted questioning him any further.
Of course, you’d tried bribing your son with ice cream for more information but even he had kept his mouth shut on this. 
It was safe to say you were more than a little intrigued and excited as the moment of the reveal drew ever closer. You’d spent all day busying yourself preparing for the annual party you and Michael always insisted on throwing. It had turned into more a of a kid’s party now, since you and all your friends had all settled down and started families.
All of that was finished now, though, and Michael had disappeared upstairs with your son some time ago. Just as you were about to call up to them, you heard your son laughing and Michael hushing him gently before shouting down to you. “Are you ready to see our costumes?”
You picked up the tea you’d made for yourself, intent on appearing casually interested. If Michael knew just how eager you were to see what he’d put together. “Sure, boys...” you called back as breezily as you could.
The two of them were still giggling as they traipsed down the stairs, playfully jibing at each other as they shuffled ever closer to the living room where you were sitting.
“Okay, are you sure you’re ready?” Your nine year old shouted from behind the wall separating the living room from the hallway. There’s clear a smile in his voice and it makes your heart swell with love.
“I already told you that I was, little mr!” You replied, giggling into your mug. “You’re really overdoing the suspense thing now...”
You heard Michael huff indignantly. “We’re not overdoing it!” He insisted. “This will totally be worth it, I promise!”
Before you could reply, your son yelled again. “Close your eyes and we’ll come in!”
The excitement in your only child’s voice was almost enough to bring a happy tear to your eye. You’d always known he’d be a huge Halloween enthusiast just like his dad. “Okay...” you replied disguising the break in your voice as a little cough whilst you placed your tea back down on the coffee table.
“Are they closed?” Michael checked. He was obviously taking this costume reveal very seriously and it was more than a little endearing.
You covered your eyes with your hands obediently. “Yes, I promise!” You replied.
Seconds later the sound of excited footsteps traipsing into the room signalled that your husband and son were getting into position. It was hard not to giggle at the way your son bossed Michael about. “You stand there dad!” He commanded, obviously exasperated at his dad’s incorrect position or stance.
Judging by the fresh footsteps on the hard wooden floor, it was safe to assume Michael was obeying your son’s command.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” You asked after a moment of silence.”
“One minute!” Michael replied. “Can you straighten my hat please, son?” He added and your heart melted as your nine year old giggled.
After another short moment, your son finally said; “okay! You can open your eyes now...”
It was probably a little stupid of you but you couldn’t deny the nerves in your tummy as you lowered your hands. The sight that greeted you filled your heart with more love than you could have imagined was ever possible. This was definitely one of those family moments that you’d treasure forever.
Michael and your son had been plotting all this time to put together two costumes that really meant a lot to you all as a family. “Look at you two!” You gasped, the biggest smile on your face as you leaned forward in your seat. “You both look incredible!”
They were dressed as Steve Harrington and Dustin Henderson from ‘Stranger Things’. Their costumes were perfect replicas of the characters in your favourite show to watch together.
Michael’s ‘Scoops Ahoy’ uniform was virtually flawless. The shorts were a little baggy on him which just made him look even more in character. The dark brown wig he’d decided to wear beneath the sailor’s hat was also a great choice. All-in-all, he looked completely recognisable as one of your favourite characters.
Your son was smiling widely beneath the yellow and green cap he was donning. It finished off his ‘Camp Know Where 85’ uniform perfectly. Unlike your husband, your nine year old had no need for a wig. Your son had inherited Michael’s sandy locks and they’d somehow exaggerated his curls to help him resemble his favourite character from the show.
“Your costumes are absolutely perfect!” You exclaimed, getting to your feet and crossing the room towards them to get a better look. It must have taken a lot of work to get them exactly right!”
Your son nodded proudly. “It took Dad a while but he got it exactly right!” He looked up at Michael with the most beautiful admiring smile you’d ever seen on his little face. The pretty green eyes he’d inherited from his father sparkled happily as he wrapped his arms around Michael’s waist, hugging him lovingly.
Your husband nodded tearfully, obviously enjoying this father/son moment as much, if not more than you were. He hugged his son close and offered you a watery smile. “Come on then, Mr!” He sniffled, “Let’s go trick or treating before all the good stuff’s gone!”
The nine year old giggled excitedly as he pulled away from Michael and made off towards the hallway.
“Hey!” You yelled, pouting a little. “I need some pictures of my awesome ‘Stranger Things’ boys before you go!”
Your son rolled his eyes as he plodded back over to you. “Hurry up, though!” He whined, “I wanna go to Mrs Morris’s house before she gives the other kids all of those cool chocolate eyeballs she always gives out!”
“Oi, Mr.” Michael reprimands, his voice a little sterner than usual. “What have we talked about respecting your parents, huh?”
Your son’s cheeks reddened as he muttered an apology and offered you a hug to sweeten you up. You accepted it gladly, assuring him that you forgave him before ushering him back over to his father. “Okay, do a pose for me.” You grinned, pulling your phone from the back pocket of your jeans.
Michael and your son obliged easily, adopting a pose that they each felt their character would be happy with as you snapped as many photos as you could.
After a solid minute of picture taking, your son grew impatient, asking again if they can leave now. You nodded, still smiling. “Don’t eat too many of the sweets, though! I’ve made a bunch of party food that needs eating...”
Your two favourite boys in the world agreed that they wouldn’t- Michael knowing full well that the comment was aimed just as much at him as at it was at your son. “Our guests are due to start arriving an hour or so, can you be back by then please?”
“Of course we will.” Michael assures you. “We wouldn’t want our lil guy to miss out on greeting his new crush...”
“Dad!” Your son pouted, cheeks turning crimson again. “I don’t have a crush!”
“Michael, stop teasing him!” You smirked, knowing that Michael had a point. You’d noticed how your son’s behaviour had changed whenever the Irwin’s brought their kids over. You were sure that he was crushing on their eldest child but he’d tell you in his own time if he was.
“We laid your costume out upstairs, babe.” Michael smirked as your son opened the front door and disappeared outside. “We decided that Steve and Dustin needed a monster to fight so we made you a ‘shadow monster’ costume.” He laughed mischievously.
You rolled your eyes, “thanks, I guess...” you laughed. “Now go on, I’ll see you both in an hour!”
Michael pressed a brief kiss to your lips before jogging down the driveway to where your son is waiting.
You can’t stop yourself from lingering at the doorway for a little while, watching Michael guide your son to each of the houses on the opposite side of your street. Your husband was as much of a child as the nine year old he was supervising but you wouldn’t have him any other way.
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snake-eyes-11 · 5 years
The Christmas Fiasco || Part 3 || The Mayor’s House
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Speaking to the Mayor, Icelyn uncovers a crucial piece of the Christmas mystery puzzle...
Halloween Town's Residential Area was as gloomy and monochrome as the rest of the town, with narrow alleyways, crooked doors and windows that jutted out from up high and down low. With its winding paths and dead ends, it might have been considered a labyrinth to anyone other than a familiar citizen; luckily, Icelyn had grown up among the perplexing roads and pavements, knowing the inhabitants of each home and manor.
Passing the grand abode of the four Vampire brothers, she considered stopping to ask them about the Christmas mystery first, but decided against it. The Vampires could be snappy during the daytime and the last thing she wanted was a pain in the neck.
Continuing through the stone arches, she passed a group of ghouls as she came up to the entrance to the underground sewer slums. No matter how many times she travelled there, she would never be able to stomach the stench. She held her breath, prompting a look of confusion from the ghouls. She gave them a timid wave.
Once she was far enough away, she let her breath go and pushed open the next set of gates leading up to the Mayor's House. 
The home of the elected official was the perfect reflection of the politician. A winding, cone-shaped building with a mosaic of his face on the pavement beneath his front door; and Icelyn thought some of her Dad's decorations were bad. 
Stepping up to the front door, she pressed the buzzer. After a few moments, the sound of scuttling feet and a muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door.
"Jack, I wasn't expecting you for another hour!" The peachy, pleasant face of the Mayor chirped with a grin. However, as soon as he saw who he was really addressing, his head spun around with a click and the pale, bug-eyed despairing face shrieked. "What are you doing here?"
Icelyn placed a hand on her hip. "Nice to see you too, Mayor." she droned sarcastically. 
"I-I swear, I never said anything! The citizens are always saying such mean things, but I never believed them!" he whined, taking a few steps back. "You and your brothers have such horrible talents for Halloween, I told them, but they wouldn't listen!"
Icelyn furrowed her brows. "Have the citizens been talking about me?" she asked, somewhat apprehensively.
The Mayor looked panicked all over again. "No, no! Of course not! Why would they ever be talking about you? Except to say how terrible you are, of course!" he babbled, wringing his tiny hands together. 
Despite how much Icelyn wanted to interrogate him to find out what the other denizens of Halloween Town had been saying about her and her brothers, she knew she had other problems. Reputations could be salvaged later.
"It doesn't matter," she dismissed through gritted teeth. "I actually came to ask you about something else?"
His panicked face remained firmly on. "You...you did?" he whimpered.
Icelyn nodded. "Can I come in?" She looked around the space behind him.
"Uhh…" the Mayor hesitated. "O-Of course! Step...right in." He stood aside, allowing her past.
Icelyn stepped across the black and white checker board flooring, casting a glance at the cabinets of trophies on the wall that were given out each year. She smiled to note her brother's names on the: "Top Scarer" award, along with her father's and Jack's for several years before that. 
"P-Perhaps you should come through to my study?" he suggested timidly, gesturing towards an open door to the back of the circular room. "Only if you'd like to, of course!"
Icelyn agreed, following him through the room and into his study. Unsurprisingly, everything in the Mayor's office was immaculate; not a cobweb astray or a speck of dust misplaced. She wondered what he must have thought of her father's office.
There were papers neatly stacked in a tray on a short, dark wood desk, a portrait of the Mayor and Jack in a black and white striped frame gleaming on a sideboard. Lining each wall were glass cases filled with rolled up scrolls and cylinder tins, just like the one Icelyn had seen earlier.
"Are those old plans?" she asked, pointing to one of the scrolls on a middle shelf.
The Mayor's face finally twisted around to his happy expression. "Oh, yes! Those are all the plans of successful Halloween's past!" he admitted with pride.
Icelyn nodded thoughtfully. "What about Christmases?" she asked carefully.
Before she even turned, she heard the whir of the Mayor's head spinning around. "Christmas?" he squealed. "Whoever said anything about Christmas?"
"Well," Icelyn shrugged. "We celebrate it every year in town, so there must be some plans."
The Mayor bit his fingernails. "No, no! There are never any plans for Christmas."
The Mayor toddled over to his desk and began rearranging some papers nervously. In his anxious haste, he dropped one on the floor and it slid across to Icelyn. Picking it up, she glanced at the writing and paused.
It was a simple letter from Jack to the Mayor, but the handwriting was familiar. It was the same hand as the one that had written the calculations she'd read earlier. Her Uncle Jack had concocted those strange experiments? Why?
"What about the first Christmas?" Her voice was slower and sweeter than before as she handed him back the letter. "I saw some old plans, you see." 
"Y-You did?" He gulped, skirting around the edge of his desk to sit in his spidery black chair. “Where?”
“In the Town Hall,” She tiptoed up to his desk, placing her hands in her lap as she stood a few feet from the edge. “Did my Uncle Jack have something to do with it?”
He picked up a fresh sheet of paper and drew out an ink pen. “I-I’m not sure it’s my place to say...why don’t you ask Jack, yourself?” he suggested nervously, scrawling some notes on the blank page, ink spots smearing under his sleeve.
Of course, it had crossed Icelyn’s mind to ask her Uncle about this; but if Christmas upset her father so much, what was to say that it didn’t upset Jack too? And the last thing she wanted was to make her Uncle unhappy as well. 
“Well…” Icelyn drew out, shoving her hands in her pockets. “I thought you might know a little more about it. I mean, you are our dearly abhorred Mayor. Perhaps you’d know something more about it?”
The Mayor paused his writings, his head spinning around so that his face beamed at her. “Dearly abhorred?” he repeated proudly. “Yes...yes, I suppose I am!” He straightened his spider tie and sat straighter. “Well, Jack’s Christmas was a long time ago...longer now than it seems-”
“Wait...Jack’s Christmas?” repeated Icelyn. “Yes!” the Mayor exclaimed. “It was Jack who discovered Christmas in the first place! He brought it to Halloween Town and we tried it for ourselves!”
“But...I thought Christmas was an age old tradition?” “Which Jack discovered!” The Mayor smiled triumphantly. “Of course, the first time around things didn’t go very well...apparently, the humans just didn’t like our Pumpkin King in the role of Sandy Claws.”
Icelyn’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. “What? Are you saying that Jack took over Christmas?”
The Mayor gave her a bright smile. “Why, yes! On the year that Jack discovered Christmas, Halloween Town took it over and we made it our own Holiday!”
Icelyn could already foresee where this was going and something in the pit of her stomach told her that it hadn’t ended well. Perhaps it was better that she hadn’t asked Jack about this.
“Uhh...I think that answers my question,” she babbled, untucking her hands from her pockets and pushing up her hood. “Thank you for your time, Mayor! I should really get going now!”
As she spun on her heel and barrelled for the door, she heard his head spin around again. “Wait!” he yelped. “What did I say? Did I say something good?”
Icelyn didn’t answer, rushing from the room and out of the front door. She had to find her brothers and uncover the rest of this mystery. Hopefully they’d have something for her back at the Lair.
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theslasherchild · 5 years
Michael Myers love story part 1
Hi guys!, this is a story I've bine thinking about writing for a while the characters in this are my own, except for obviously any characters from John Carpenter's Halloween 1978- which is wear the story is being based from (I'm also ignoring every film from after 1978 + this version of Michael is what I think of him to look like BUT I don't wn tis character at all).
hope you enjoy it x
chapter one ~ beginning
As a sun beam shined through the small gap in my curtains I look over to my alarm clock 7:00,”CRAP” I thought as i rushed into the bathroom to take a shower and quickly get dressed I pulled on a white blouse, black pencil skirt and some tights with some kitten heels. I rushed down to the kitchen t make myself some coffee. minute later Ellie come bursting in waving a newspaper article in my face, “ILEEENNNEEE LOOK LOOK ITS HORRIBLE LOOOOOKKKK”, my tired eyes took a moment to focus on the hovering paper in front of me. 
KILLER HAD DISAPEARED OUT OF SIGHT AFTER HAVE BEENING SHOT OUT OF WINDOW BY CHILD PSCHOLOGIST “oh my god that's awful” I said as I read the article. “ I know right, and he went after that little strode girl, remember her we used to babysit her when we were in university and she goes to the school we both work at you know, I teach her English”. ”yeah I remember she’d be 17 now, poor thing she must have been terrified”, “right, anyway well chat more about this later, lets get too work, if you want we’ll pass by her house to see if she alright after work” , “okay, yeah well do that”. 
during the car ride to work I realised I was still clutching onto the newspaper, I stared at it for a few moments my eyes kept running over the word ‘killer’ that word it so dangerous..yet oddly sexy to me. “Ilene hey, Ilene wakey wakey were here” I look up from the paper to see the school, I worked at the local school in Haddonfield, I was a chemistry teacher I taught in the secondary grade 6-10.
we walk into the school and I said goodbye to Ellie and started to walk to my classroom, I sat down at my desk when I noticed a man standing outside the school on the side of the road from the big window at the back of my classroom, at first I thought he might be a parent for one of the infants or primary kids...but the drop of was at the other side of the school and he was staring at me, the anxiousness crept up my back slowly the feeling was so strange I got up and swiftly made my way to the exit door at the back of my classroom next to  the big window to go  and ask this strange man what he was doing and if he wasn't dropping off a child he needed to leave immediately, but the second I exited the door and look around to see the man again he wasn't there.” how strange I thought” and that maybe I just imagined him I mean I was pretty sleep deprived.
just as I was going to walk out and look around to see if I could see him, “ miss Johnson what ae you doing?” I turn around to see Jennifer Williams a 8 grade student how always tended to turn up earlier then others to my lesson. “n-nothing sweetheart I just thought I saw someone, please sit down and wait for the others to come in”.
Finally it was lunch break I tiredly walked to the staff room where I saw Ellie sitting next to the window and slumped my way across the room to sit next to her. “hey Ellie, how your day bine so far”, “ it was alright, unless you are trying to teach Shakespeare to a bunch of 15 year olds” she said half laughing.
“so I've bine thinking”, she began making me look at her curiously look at her, “how do y feel abut having some fun this weekend” I didn't say anything just gave her a annoyed look, “oh come on Ilene it'll be fun I promise, besides...” she lowered her voice and looked me right in the eye, “how long has it bine since you got any”, “Ellieee” I half yelled at her, “wwhhaaatt” she said laughing at m cherry red face. “Ilene come on you haven't done anything fun since Peter, loo I promise itll be fun and you now we don't have to even talk to any guys it can just be us too...and David ”, I sad nothing, “Ilene you know David doesn't technically count as a guy you know he gay”. ”fine” I said whilst watching her face light up.
~ time skip ~
As I dismissed my final students for the day and started to make my way up to Ellies classroom I suddenly got this strange feeling I was being watched, this feeling similar to his morning crept up my back making my spin crawl as I walked along the long corridors, finally I made my way into Ellies classroom, she must have notice the anxiety on my face because she immediately asked me what was wrong, I told her I was fine and we walked back to her car, “do you still wanna go to the strode house to see if Laurie there” she asked “ yeah, lets go see if she there”, I said franticly still feeling this strange feeling.
once we got to the house there were still swarms of policemen scoping the area, we got out and began walked t the house but we were stopped by a policeman, “sorry no more reporters” he said sharply “oh no were not reporters, we were just wondering if Laurie was still here and if she is can w see her please”, Ellie asked hopefully “sorry ladies, but miss strode bine taken to the hospital poor lass” the policeman said “you ladies should probably get home, you must have read the news, crazy bastards still loose you should make sure your keeping safe”, as Ellie continued to talk to the officer I walked off back to the car to wait for Ellie there, suddenly the feeling came back but lot stronger, I spun my head around to scope the area but all I could see was police men and a few neighbours talking to them abut that night.
ugh, I thought, pull yourself together Ilene your being ridiculous, you don't even live in this area there's no way your being stalked. after about five minutes Ellie came back to the car and took me home just before I got out the car she grab my arm “Ilene are you sure your okay” she asked with worried tone “ El honestly I'm fine I'm just really tired”, she let go of my arm an we said goodbye as I started to unlock my door this dumb feeling came back again, I fumbled with my keys and finally unlocked my door slamming it shut and locking quickly a wash of relief came over my body as I went upstairs to get a shower.
after I had showered I walked into my bedroom I caught myself in the mirror and stood there for a moment as I studied my body, I had always bine small I think I around 5,0ft 5,3ft in the heels I wore for work I had a body type sort of like a triangle I guess I had most of my weight on my hips and bum, pear shape is what Ellie always told me considering I had small shoulders and smaller breast .my thought were interrupted by a loud crash coming from my kitchen, I quickly threw on a oversized shirt and a pair of baggy pj pants and grabbed the only thing that I cold uses as a weapon, my straightener, and as quietly as I could I made my way to my kitchen.
I noticed footprints that definitely weren’t mine, they were much bigger than my feet and the footprints were dirty, my anxiety was high and the fear of who was in my house terrified me. as I as only a steps away from my kitchen I stay there for a few moments before swinging around in the kitchen ready to put a fight...but there was on one there.
suddenly I felt a pair of big hands grab my waist firmly and fight or flight kicked In and I swung around waking the stranger In the face with my straighteners, the man flew back slamming himself into the wall behind him, I stood there panicking on what to do...when suddenly he just fainted and I thought damn how hard did I hit the guy considering I’m the legit height of a child. I dropped my straightener and ran to go get the phone to call the police, but...something was compelling me to check him out in a sense, I walked slowly to this strange man. it was then when I noticed how tall this man was, he looked strong and stocky but he wore a mask. I kneeled down and slowly tugged of the mask which revealed such a handsome face even despite the filth it was covered in, he had sandy blonde hair that brushed past his shoulders and such strong feature that together made him so attractive, as much I didn't want to admit it,he look...sexy.
I don't really know what compelled me not to call the police but for a odd reason I wanted to help him. Then I notice the reason real why he had fainted, on the right side of his body he had a large gash, bleeding heavily. I remembered the newspaper article, he had bine shot, I ran back into my kitchen grabbing towels and the first aid kit in my kitchen, luckily I had been trained to clear this up, before I became a teacher I wanted to be a doctor but i dropped out because it wasn't what i really wanted to do.
I started to clean the wound and a relief strangely came over me when realised the bullet only grazed him and didn't go into him, after a while I had clean the wound out as well as disinfecting it I couldn't bandage it with him lying on the floor, I had to move him but the only problem was I tiny he's not so these are definitely problems for me.
after I dragged him to my sofa and force him to sit up and started to wrap a bandage around his torso to cover the wound, I couldn't help myself I couldn't stop blushing, he was very well built I wouldn't say he was ripped but there were definitely sign of muscle, he look like one of those statues you'd see in a museum. I cursed myself for finding this criminal sexy, for the love of god Ilene what are you doing, i thought as I finished bandaging him up. 
I went up stairs to grab some cloth's for him because I cant have him sleeping in a dirty jumpsuit all night, I still had some cloths from when my ex-boyfriend used to live with me but honestly I wasn't sure if Peters cloths would even fit Michael definitely the shirts wouldn't. I pick out some pj pant in hope that they would fit him, I remember Peter always complaining they where too baggy on him.
luckily they fit him, even though I was blushing like teenager through out changing his cloths. for some reason hiding a killer in my home and letting him sleep in my living room and giving him clothing seem completely fine and dandy as I tiredly dragged my body to bed thanking it was Friday and I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
Thankyou so much for reading my first chapter and hope you are okay with me ignoring pretty much all the other Halloween films
I’ll most likely be writing another chapter pretty soon so if anyone does read this thankyou and I’ll have the next one out as soon as I can x 
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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader 
Description: Riverdale AU x Supernatural 
Warnings: It’s a Halloween fic, need I say more?
Word count: 3551
A/N: Happy Halloween! This is and will forever be the only holiday I acknowledge :) Since Reggie has a thing for Midge in the comics, I wrote her in as his girlfriend because I didn’t wanna have to deal with a love triangle between her, Moose and Kevin. Y/A/C = Your Activity of Choice. This will have another part, but only on next year’s Halloween...
Y/N’s in her room getting ready for the Drive-In’s double feature and Cheryl’s costume party afterwards. A folded Register newspaper lays on her bed with a large headline on display. ‘Series of murders terrify Riverdale.’. The article contains some details Alice Cooper probably bribed out of someone. ‘Four parents have been found dead by authorities. The only ones present in the crime scene are their offspring, with bloody hands and Ouija board with a blood-red planchette in their rooms. It goes deeper than that as the teens who’ve been aprehended swear to have no memory of the happening.’. The girl brushes that out of her mind and takes one last look at her reflection in the mirror, sliding the small strap from her bag, which is filled with add-ons to her costume, her wallet and mints, across her chest. Her belly feels as if a thousand butterflies were flying inside her. The girl finally leaves, after her parents sermon on staying safe inside the car and enjoying her time sober. She tries not to look too weirdly amused as she arrives at her best friend’s house.
She’s greeted by the spitting image of Sandy Olsson. “You look amazing!” Y/N looks at her friend head to toe, the sweet image fitting her personality. “As do you.”, Betty hugs Y/N tightly and their ride honks in the driveway. To no surprise, Archie is dressed as Danny Zuko, with a funny black wig he probably got from Amazon for $1, still looking good, though. “Why, this car is Auto-matic. It’s System-matic. It’s Hyyyyydro-matic. Why, it’s Greased Lightning! “, the fake dark-haired boy sings and dances getting out of the car to open the passenger door for them, making Betty giggle. “Come on.”, the blonde instructs and they get in the truck he borrowed from Fred. FP lent his truck to Jughead, but since he works at the Twilight, Arch was kind enough to offer to drive Y/N there.
They enter the Drive-In, pay for their tickets, and Archie parks on the first empty spot he can find. Y/n thanks him for the ride and leaves to give the couple their privacy, but also in order to find her company for tonight. She waves at FP arriving in his Honda CB 550 and parking near the other Serpents bikes. He waves back with a smirk. His son and her have been friends forever and she also gets along with the man quite well as she loves hearing him reminisce about his High School days. 
On her way to the projection booth, she spots Veronica as Holly Golightly and Kevin as Kurt Hummel in his Warblers uniform. Cheryl and Jason as Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker, inappropriate as usual. Passing by the concession stand, she hears arguing and stops to make sure everything is alright. Storming out of a car comes Reggie. “Hey, Y/N...”, he says embarrassed she saw him get yelled at. “Sup, Reg?”, the girl asks sympathetically. “Midge wanted me to dress as Bob. But come on, from That 70′s Show I’m definitely a Michael, not a Bob.” The tall football player points at himself in a tight turtle neck and a rainbow vest. “Bob and Midge didn't have a good relationship, so best to do you, Reggie.”, Y/N supports his choice. “Yeah, try telling her that.” He points at the car and rolls his eyes. “Who are you supposed to be?”, the confused boy asks. “Mia Wallace.” She turns so he can have a full look since he’s so oblivious. “Right, I get it.” She knows he still doesn't. “Anyways, I better go get popcorn before she freaks out.” Reggie walks away with the empty bucket. “Good luck. See ya at Cheryl’s.” Y/N says.
The girl climbs the steps to the familiar projection booth and knocks at the door. Jug opens it with a smile as he knew it could only be her. “I’m just finishing up, then we can head down.”, the weirdly cheerful boy explains and continues putting the film roll in the projector. Y/N’s speechless at the sight of Jughead’s costume choice, Vincent Vega. The fact that they didn't plan to match dumbstrike her unexpectedly more. He only asked her out the previous night, so even if they wanted to, there wouldn’t be enough time to agree on something like that. However, seeing the boy beanieless for the first time, and with straightened hair to fit the character, leads her back to the butterflies-in-the-stomach state. She can’t help but biting the inside of her lips so she won’t sigh. That doesn't go unnoticed by Juggie, who’s now sporting the signature Jones’ smirk. 
The first movie begins and they leave the projection booth to the concession stand. Jughead orders them popcorn, sodas and gummy warms. “Perks of coming with an employee.” He laughs, as for him everything is free. Y/N carries their drinks while he takes the large bucket and pack of candy to FP’s truck. Jughead parked in the best spot, away from the building’s lights, in the middle of the field and close to the good stereos. He set up an air mattress, some blankets and one large pillow in the back, making them have to sit real close.
Y/N is using all her will power not to whisper every line from the movie, for Rocky Horror is one of her favorites. It’s not like he hasn't seen her doing it all the previous times she made the group watch it - somehow just the two of them seems different. Once Time Warp starts playing, the whole field begins to sing along like a huge choir. The costumed girl stands up on the truck and starts following the choreography, pulling Jug by his hand so she’s not doing it alone. The raven-haired boy never laughed so much at something before. This is precisely the reason he chose this film.
Although people could think two Tim Curry’s movies is overkill, IT got picked to make everybody cuddle as they get scared. Anyhow, the couple is already as close as possible and, to be honest, none of them is afraid of the movie. In fact, her one fear is that Jug disappears if she makes a single move, turning it all into nothing more than a dream. Jughead is fidgeting with the hem of his blazer, trying to work up the courage to wrap his arm around the girl. He finally does, using the old yawn trick, really smooth. His heart is pounding and he’s terrified of rejection, but she’s more than worth the risk. She simply rests her head on his chest, relieving him of all his worries, making him relax his grip on the hems and loosely hold her arm. “Jug...”, she starts. “Yeah?”, he questions. “Was the matching costume a coincidence?”, Y/N asks. “No... You told Betty your costume, she told Archie, who told me.”, he confesses shyly. “I knew it!”, she exclaims proudly. “In my defense, Tarantino is my favorite director. I just figured you choosing Mia was a hint of interest.”, Jughead says. “You guessed right, Jug.” She raises her face from his chest, looking at his blueish eyes, scenes from the neglected movies visible on them. He brushes his thumb across her red cheeks, taking her in, brain and beauty. Juggie leans in, slowly closing the distance between them, opening his mouth to meet hers in a kiss they have been jonesing about for ages.
Their moment ends as credits start to roll and car engines roar. Archie, now back to his original ginger locks probably because he couldn't stand the itchiness from the cheap wig, and Betty, showing a ‘I know what you did last summer’ look, come by just after they finish picking up the trash from the back of the truck. “Hey, guys. We’re going to Pop’s before Cheryl’s. Wanna join?”, the boy also dressed as a John Travolta character asks. “Absolutely. Just gotta close and we’ll meet you there.” Jug grabs Y/N’s hand, making Betty turn around and wink at her as they leave. They pack the film rolls back in their metal cases and put them on the shelves. Jughead stares intently at Y/N looking up the names on the other tins. “What?”, the girl asks when she catches his eyes locked on her. “You’re beautiful.”, he affirms and her skin flushes. “We should go, they’re waiting for us.”, she tries to deny the steam raising in the small room as Jug walks closer to her. “Let ‘em wait.” He pulls her firmly by the waist, making a quiet moan escape her lips before he smashes them together once more, in a heated kiss this time.
They lose track of time in that room. A couple tins fall from the shelves which he pushed Y/N against. After getting that out of their system they are ready to leave. Jughead drives away from the field and stops outside the tall gates to shut them with the chains and padlocks, not that it’s actually needed as that is Serpents territory. The car passes by kids trick-or-treating and they remember when FP would take them in a face-covered costume earlier and then run by the same houses in another costume and they’d get double the candy. “FP would always get the Skittles as his cut for being the master mind of the whole thing.”, Y/N says. “Those were the best of times until tonight...”, Jughead confesses. “Agreed.” the girl can help but grin.
The Chock'lit Shoppe is full. Families with their kids in cute costumes counting the candy they got. Adults imagining when they’ll have babies to dress up for the holiday and teens just enjoying themselves. Betty waves at them entering the diner and they sit in their regular booth. Y/N next to her cheerleader friend and Jug makes his football player friend move so he can sit by the window and in front of his date. Pop comes by with a smile, as those are his favorite customers, no doubt, to take their orders. “I'll have the Douglas Sirk steak.”, Jughead quotes. “What?” Pop is looking at his own menu, confused. “I'll have the Durwood Kirby burger, bloody, and a five-dollar shake. Martin and Lewis style, please.”, Y/N continues Jug’s acting, making the old man even more disoriented and the boy in front of her in awe. “Don’t mind their nonsense. They’re just being A-class nerds.”, Archie teases. “We’ll just have the usual, Pop.”, Betty laughs at her friends matching so perfectly.
The couples eat their delicious meal and share milkshakes. Jughead even lets Y/N have the cherry. He tries to get the check but she’s faster. They've been friends forever. She knows he doesn't earn much working at the Drive-In and won’t have his “manhood” hurt by the girl paying. Betty asks for them to be excused to the bathroom before leaving. Once there, Y/N unbuttons her shirt, exposing her bandeau top, grabbing spirit gum, a needlessness seringue to glue on her chest and fake blood to splatter over her. Then it’s Betty’s turn to transform her costume. Her blonde curls get styled in an 80′s updo with lots of bobby pins and hairspray. She darkens her makeup and slips in a shoulderless leather top, changing from her long skirt into high waisted skinny pants. Y/N can’t help but admire the accuracy of her friend’s costume. She’s innocent and sweet, but also dark and dangerous. Sandy represents her perfectly. The finishing touch to her new outfit is heels. “Had to watch a video on how to walk in these.” Both girls laugh at that. “Ready?”, the blood covered girl asks. “It’s now or never.” They hold hands and leave the bathroom.
They walk out confidently, all eyes on them as they stride through the crowded diner. Both John Travolta costumed boy’s mouth agaped, perplexed as the girls reach the table. “DAMN, Y/N/N!”, the ginger thinks out loud. “Archie!” Betty slaps his strong biceps. “Oh, yeah. You look awesome, babe.” He stands up to kiss her. Jughead is too hypnotized to even hear his friend’s comment. The Greese couple starts leaving. Jug stands up from his spot and Y/N walks in front of him. The boy gently leans in close to her ear. “This is undoubtedly the best Halloween ever.”, Jughead whispers, making Y/N blush uncontrollably. The freckled boy has to discipline himself to keep his eyes on the road.
The first spooky thing so far is arriving at Thornhill’s gates. A place so spine-chilling that doesn’t need decorations for the holiday. Y/N grabs Jug’s arm as he drives in and the temperature drops 100 degrees. They join Archie and Betty who just rang the doorbell, which seems futile giving the blasting music playing. However, the giant wooden door falls open shortly after. “If it isn't the Sad Breakfast Club. Come in.” Cheryl stares at both girls coming in from head to toe. “Just in time for our game. Follow me.”, Jason instructs and the group does as told, walking the ghostly halls of the Blossom’s mansion, filled with drunk teenagers dancing. They arrive at a wide room, lit only by a couple of candles on each corner, with the strong scent of incense and a circle of pillows on the floor, some already occupied. Reggie and Midge are still bickering over something so trivial as a Halloween costume. Chuck with Ginger and Tina at each side of him and his arms around them, the girls sporting an annoying smirk. The newcomers take their reserved seats by Veronica and Kevin. The Star Wars twins take their place in the two large red pillows at the edge of the circle. 
Cheryl pulls out a large thin-timber board with the alphabet, numbers from 1 to 0 and YES/NO written in. She enigmatically sets it in the center. “A Ouija board? Seriously? Have you not read the news?”, Kevin questions in panic. Everyone’s eyes fall on him, some mockingly, others in support. “If you’re scared, you’re welcome to leave.” Jason points at the exit. Midge looks like she wants to take the offer. “We just don’t believe in that crap.”, Veronica defends her GBF. “Then you’ll have no problem playing.”, Cheryl spits, even though secretly she’s hoping it works. The group remains seated. “Come one, what are we? Kids? Let’s play 7 minutes in heaven.”, Chuck suggests with an annoying smirk. “Can you even last 7 minutes, Clayton?”, Betty teases and the rest laugh. “Focus!”, red-haired cheerleader’s captain demands. “The rules are simple. Maintain contact at all times. Start on HELLO and wait for the planchette to move. Ask only yes or no questions. Don’t ask for physical signs. Don’t be disrespectful. And don’t move the planchette on purpose, Chuck... End connection on GOOD BYE.”, ginger Skywalker explains. “We need a mediator to ask the questions. I nominate moi. All in favor raise their hands.” Ginger Leia stares at the hands going up, too scared to disagree. “Shall we?” She pulls out a blood-red planchette and everyone's hands follow hers.
Soon the candlelight starts to flicker and the planchette moves frantically. Instinct makes Y/N want to take her hand off, but, almost as if Jug knew, he intertwines his pinky to hers, reassuring the girl everything will be OK, that this is just a distasteful joke. Everyone starts asking all kind of crap. “ENOUGH.”, Cheryl shouts. “Are you a good spirit?”, the ginger girl adds and the planchette finally moves - towards ‘NO’. Midge runs out of the room in tears. “This is fucked up, Cheryl.”, the blonde cheerleader curses, going after the girl with a fake-blonde wig. “I’m out of here too! Anyone wanna join me?”, Chuck says and both Ginger and Tina walk away behind him, making Cheryl death-stare at them all the way. “I have a question. Who’s rigging the game?”, Veronica challenges. “You’re not supposed to ask the questions, Lodge.”, Jason spits. The planchette moves again, spelling something slowly: Y. O. U. At that Ronnie stands up. “Let’s go, Kev. This is stupid.” The boy does as told, as he wished to do all along. “Laters.” Reggie is the next one to go. Y/N doesn't say anything. She just grabs Jughead’s hand and heads for the door. “Archie!”, Jug calls out for his friend, who’s apparently fine with the whole ordeal, also happy to follow them anyways. The ginger twins face is just as red as their hair now. 
The group is climbing down the stairs when there’s a blackout. Some unaware teens start screaming in joy of the new mood setting between them now that no eyes can fall on them. But the ones that were in that sinister room have a different reaction. Jughead pulls Y/N close to his chest. Archie and Reggie run down to find their girlfriends who left before them. “Should’ve played the game.”, both twins speak in a creepy voice. “Only those who play till the end survive.” They raise their hands in synchrony and all the doors in the house are closed shut. Both football players made it out in time, but the writer and the Y/A/C are locked in. 
It becomes obvious that those aren't Jason and Cheryl anymore. There’s something possessing them. Jug instinctively launches himself in front of Y/N, to shield her from harm. But, to their surprise, two men burst through the main door. One tall and moose-like, the other... not. Both with shotguns in hand. ”RUN!” They don’t even have to say twice before the crowd dissipates. Furniture’s flying everywhere, until the possessed twins remove their firearms from their grips. The not-moose one runs towards the Blossoms but he’s forcefully pulled against the wall by an invisible force before he can even reach the first steps. Y/N has to drag Jughead down the stairs as the boy’s most likely in shock and can’t move on his own. The taller one, with a longer dirty-blonde hair, uses their evac to his advantage as Jay-Jay and Cheryl are distracted with the running teens. He manages to slit their arms with an iron blade, and, as blood flows from the cuts, a transparent-white shape is forcefully released out of their bodies. The less tall one is released from something that was immobilizing him, running up the stairs to the room, salting the board and burning it along with the planchette, ending that once and for all. Y/N is flabbergasted, holding Jug’s hand, barely breathing, both trying to process everything that just happened. 
The twins are now back to their usual selves, which isn’t much different from the spirits as they angrily throw out their saviors. “Come on, Tarantino’s couple.” The men carry both the astound teens out with them, as they were the only witnesses. The one with shorter dark hair searches Jughead’s pocket, finding his car keys and tossing it to the taller one. “Ok, Sammy. You take the girl in the truck and I drive Travolta in the Impala.”, he instructs. “Where to, Dean?”, the moose asks, sitting the girl on the passengers seat. “That diner we passed by on the way here.”, the older one rapidly responds. “Of course.”, the hairy guy agrees with some cynicism.
The two Riverdale natives are led back to the Chock’lit Shoppe. They sit across from each other. Now that shock is almost completely worn off, the tallest man on Earth introduce themselves as Sam and Dean Winchester, hunters. “Wait, so you hunt... things, monsters?”, Y/N asks as Jughead chews his burger nervously. “Spirits, demons, vampires, werewolves... the list goes on. It’s a complex job.”, Sam explains while his brother is happily swallowing his milkshake. “Do you get dental with that?”, Y/N asks, as quoting 80′s movie lines is her way of coping with the world. “No.” Sammy laughs. “So, Cheryl and Jason were...”, Jug starts. “Possessed, yes. As those other kids who got arrested.”, Dean cuts him off, speaking with his mouth full. “We shouldn’t have played that stupid game.”, the girl says angrily. “Oh, no! The game is a hoax. In this case, it was because of a cursed object, casually the planchette.”, Sam explains. “All of the teens who were arrested were telling the truth then, when they said they didn’t do it.”, Jug concludes. “Unfortunately.”, Dean says in between chewing, like this is just another day for them. “This is the BEST burger ever!”, he now shouts to Pop, who smiles brightly. Juggie and him eat their burgers with side of fries and onion rings till the last crumble, downing every bite with a free round of milkshakes from Pop Tate for the compliment. Sam is just picking at a salad as Y/N simply watches, amazed at how much her date can eat, since they had dinner no more than an hour before. By the end of that meal, they all feel kinda glad for being alive, Jug and Y/N mostly, for the Winchesters give them their phone numbers in case something like that happens again.
Halloween is about to end for those involved with that particular planchette, teenagers who were too naive to understand the powers of natural and supernatural, twins who wished their parents were killed, two friends whose relationship just had a great development, and brothers whose job is to protect all of them. At the strike of twelve in a small town diner, a special couple starts to notice there’s way more to crime than what meets the eye. 
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