#she took the photo in one of the cities that got affected by the earthquake last year
candyn-gutz · 8 months
also my therapist got me a cake for my birthday today i was in shambles. i wasnt EXPECTING IT
but also she gifted me a little bookmark she made herself... sobbing shaking and crying. ilove her.
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                       THE GHOSTS OF THE TSUNAMI
 it is the title of a book by the English foreign correspondent and writer Richard Lloyd Parry.
These words refer to the restless ghosts of the people who died in the earthquake and following the tsunami that struck Japan in March 2011. Many of the survivors of the catastrophe began to see the faces of the deceased in the puddles, on the beach and even in front of the front door. Water-soaked figures walking in the fields where their homes used to be, or hailing cabs. Residents and sometimes even tourists began to tell stories of paranormal encounters. people's grief, loss and sadness came out in the following months following the tragedy and many started to see ghosts. Yuka Kudo, a qualified sociologist, visited the places to collect the testimonies of the survivors. The first city she visited was one of the hardest hit: Ishinomaki. According to the scholar, it was also the place where the strangest encounters began. Most notably, most of the stories came from taxi drivers.
One of them said that he was driving in an area where once there was a town and was amazed to see a woman in that desolate place move her arm to make him stop. The thing that surprised the driver the most was that the woman was wearing winter clothes even though it was now August and in Japan the temperatures are very hot and muggy. She had wet hair as well as her clothes, a detail that the driver only noticed when the woman took the back seat. She asked to be taken to Minamihama. When the man replied puzzled that she was now an almost deserted district and if she were sure of her destination, the woman replied in a voice broken by tears "Am I dead?" but when the man turned to look at her better she saw that there was no one in the seat.
another said that he had given a lift to a very young boy with a bewildered look. He too was struck by the fact that despite being summer he wore a typically winter coat. When he reached his destination, too, he noticed that the back seat was empty. another concerns the testimony of some firefighters who received incessant telephone calls in which they answered but on the other side nothing could be heard. Sometimes multiple calls came in in one night so that they prompted firefighters to investigate the area and house where the calls were coming from. They managed to track down the place but when they got there they realized, as they suspected, that there was nothing, not even a house. They decided to stay on the site trying to communicate with possible spirits and from that moment they received no more calls. Japan is one of the countries with the highest percentage of atheists in the world but their relationship with the world of the afterlife and the spirits is very strong. They have a real connection with spiritism. In Japan, the world of the living and the world of the dead are not perceived as two separate worlds. They are worlds that live in close contact with one another and often come together. A comparison that is often made is that of the rice paper door (shoji). It is a very fragile, semi-transparent and delicate paper. Once this shoji opens and one enters the other world, it is always possible both on one side and on the other to "perceive oneself". The funeral is an important rite in every culture. A farewell rite.
Unfortunately in that case the funerals could not be celebrated because due to the lack of electricity due to the damage to the Fukushima power plant it did not allow the crematories to work, the bodies were then buried and then exhumed at a later time. The force of the water then swept away the houses and with them the memories of the dead, and even before that the butsudan, the memorial altars of other members of the families who died in previous years, where their memorial tablets (ihai) are displayed. The dead play an important role in the domestic life of a family: the descendants leave food, candles, incense and flowers to be protected and have good fortune. It seemed that both the living and the dead both needed to reconnect with each other, dying so suddenly didn't allow people to finish what was left over.
The place had changed so much, the houses destroyed that the spirits got lost and according to some, this prompted them to come out to seek help. An interesting episode on Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix talked about this phenomena of ghostly encounters in the most ravaged zones. While many people believe that ghosts are walking the streets restless and in pain,  on the side of the skeptics was Dr. Kiyoshi Kanebishi, a Senior Professor of Sociology at Tōhoku Gakuin University, who believed the ghosts people reported were either mass hallucinations inspired by survivor's guilt and Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder or the imaginings of people coming to terms with the death of their loved ones (a saying says that ghosts for some are more tolerable than the void created by death). There is still an open debate as to why there were so many ghost sightings after the tsunami compared to other tragic events of the Japanese past. According to some, because the most affected area, one of the least industrialized in Japan, is still linked to ancient traditions linked to superstition and spiritualism, according to others it is linked to the survivors and their way of overcoming the pain and loss of their loved ones.
Sources: Richard Lloyd Parry - Ghosts of the Tsunami / Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix ( season 2, episode 2) 
Image: photo taken on in the internet, credit to owner. 
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cenonsandra-blog · 5 years
DRRM Interview: Barangay 471
Last Thursday, I visitied the barangay 471, located at Navarra St., Dapitan, Sampaloc, Manila. It is the nearest barangay from the dormitory I am currently staying at. I am originally from Malabon, but unfortunately, I don’t have the luxury to go home to my hometown. 
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I got the chance to interview one of their Barangay Kagawad, Ms. Belle Rabe. I asked her questions mainly relating to the current state of their barangay. It was nice to ask questions first hand about the  Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Barangay 471 because I myself spend most of my college in my dormitory in Rosarito street, the street beside Navarra.
The interview was very quick. She answered my questions straight to the point. Perhaps, she is busy too. Nonetheless, I learned many things from the interview conducted. 
She was able to identify the hazards their barangay face from time to time: Typhoon, Flood, Fire, and Earthquake. For the upcoming typhoons, they prepare for it beforehand because they monitor the news from the television, radio, and on the internet. However, they cannot do the same in cases of fire and earthquakes since these phenomena can never be predicted. She noted that typhoons are more frequent during the month of October, November, and December. 
Even though the barangay experience heavy rain and storms, it does not cause much of a problem because the ground itself is high enough for the flood to not happen. The drainage around the place are also working perfectly. The only thing that can be a problem is if a fire starts in a high infrastructure. It can be very challenging to put out the fire immediately. But on the brighter side, these instances barely happen. 
Even though these threats rarely occur, the barangay still ensures that they are ready for it because a lot of people will be affected, especially the students, and the vulnerable people who does not have a home and just live in the streets. The livelihood of the stores and food places around the place will also be affected not only because they will experience the hassle of the flood, or they become the victim of fire, but also because when the typhoon occurs or even just heavy rains, the university will suspend. This affects them in a way that they will lose costumers for the day. 
For the instances that the people will be needing to evacuate, Ms. Belle noted that the University of Santo Tomas will be the evacuation center. 
In terms of danger where in holdapers or thieves come in to the scene, she said that the daytime is just as risky as the night time, and I couldn’t agree more. Nowadays, these people who do bad things just to earn money, they do not even pick a time in a day, or even choose their victims. Anyone can be their target, and that is why the barangay provides a selected barangay tanod to watch over every street. I am a witness of them and I am very glad that the barangay provides that type of security. 
The barangay’s disaster management is their Hazard Safety Plan. Unfortunately, Ms. Belle doesn’t have the soft copy of that because the barangay secretary is the person appointed to keep it. This includes the earthquake drills, maintenance of drainage, and their calamity fund provided by the city hall. The calamity fund provides canned goods, rice, and other basic necessities. This is distributed to the community in days of extreme calamity where many are affected. The barangay also has a separate committee for DRRM.
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Me and my friend walked around the streets of barangay 471 including the university, and we took photos of the safest spaces, best practices, and hazardous places around the community. Here are some (in order). 
1. Safest spaces 
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2. Best Practices - The kuyas who are working are using safety hard hats.
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3. Hazardous places - Fortunately, during our walk, we didn’t see anything hazardous. This picture is just for example. 
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However, we are aware that Antonio St. is where the people smoke their cigarettes. I personally chose not to go there and take a photo of it because I am not allowed to inhale the smoke due to health reasons.
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This interview with Ms. Belle made me conclude that the barangay rarely experience problems inside the community. I think the community is very healthy except the part where there are homeless people in the streets. This is one of the problems I see first hand and I wholeheartedly want to contribute in finding a solution to address this problem. I realized that this problem is not new to our country anymore. I cannot imagine the amount of homeless people in other parts of the country, knowing that this little community also has beggars despite having such DRRM Plans. I personally believe that the local government can do so much to eradicate this problem. The barangays should coordinate with the local government and to the Mayor, and work hand in hand to help the homeless people find their own safe space. I realize that even though the barangay seemed so organize and efficient to the people, there are still the minority that cannot acquire the benefit the barangay caters because they are neglected. I wish the barangay can improve in the aspect of making the whole community safe and not just the residents. After all, everyone in their vicinity is part of the community, and it is the barangay’s responsibility to ensure their safety and security. 
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seokeros · 6 years
A Ticket to the Sun — 2
GENRE — dystopia / best friends to lovers au.
PAIRING — min yoongi / jeon jeongguk / feminine reader.
WORDS — 17.7k words.
SUMMARY — in a world where your life is determined by a piece of paper on a monthly basis, love is practically impossible. but there's always an exception, and with that exception, there comes a price.
alternatively: yoongi gets punched in the face by a girl who believes she is cursed, and he stupidly, helplessly, falls in love.
INCLUDED — time jump. strong pining and angst. recreational drug and alcohol use. implied sexual content. metaphorical references to weapons and death. kind of unhealthy relationships? hinted infidelity?
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Yoongi has never been without her for more than a week.
The only time he can think of is that one August, four years ago. Her father had to take her on a business trip, nine days abroad in a northern city. Yoongi had wondered, at the time, whether she would look different; act different; be an entirely divergent person after spending such a time apart from him. After tasting the flavour of a life untainted by his presence.
Though when Yoongi had rode to her house on the day she arrived home, he had realised that his concerns were groundless. She had been lugging her belongings out of the car boot, but the sound of his tyres skidding to a stop at the end of the driveway had hooked her attention. At once, she had dropped everything and clambered over to him, toppling their bodies onto the grass in a fit of laughter and whispers of I missed you, hidden in the dip of his neck.
Nothing about her had changed. She still had eyes that swallowed him whole. She still had a mouth and tongue that crafted angel’s lullabies. She still had a touch that surged enough electricity through his bones to bring him near death; forever teetering on the edge of ascending to her heaven, or keeping his feet grounded for a few moments longer. A constant tug-of-war with his soul, since she never went too long without knocking his knee with her own, or poking at his shoulder.
Now, Yoongi wonders how different somebody can become after three years. Surely, days upon days must bend and manipulate one in the long run.
Time does not fly. Without her, it slows to a near halt. Like wading through thick mud and never reaching the other end of the puddle. The sludge sinks into Yoongi’s pockets, dragging his feet down until he is neck deep, barely breathing, and she is still nowhere to be found.
Her hand does not part the clouds. It does not reach from the crystal clear skies, offering to pull him out and up into the stars where she sleeps, and no laws of such inhumane genocide are imposed. Where Yoongi can brush his fingertips over her cheeks, kiss the rosiest of lips, and feel the softness of her sigh tickle across his collarbone. He can love her without the fear of losing her to a mint green envelope, reeking of death, in her letterbox.
It is difficult to find somebody when they do not wish to be found. Or, more so, it is worse when you know precisely where they are, but they would rather have their spine twisted until it snaps in two than see you.
That is how matters go after their lips touch in flawless harmony, as if made for one another. She runs, and runs, and never comes back. She hides like the truths Yoongi keeps beneath his carpets, wedged in the crevices between the floorboards, tucked too tightly away to ever be properly found again. It is a game of hide and seek where nobody is found. They stay trapped in their bedroom. They never stray down the street. They never message, call, or provide an inkling of something. Anything, to at least hint that they are still alive and breathing.
Not necessarily okay. Just managing enough to live without you.
But Yoongi does not persist. No matter how much he misses her. No matter how desperately he wishes to, at the very least, hear her voice whisper that she is okay, that she is doing just fine. Because even if he were to knock at her front door until his knuckles were shredded bloody, or throw stones at her window until the glass pane smashes, or leave her cell phone to constantly vibrate with fifty-seven missed calls and texts, he knows it would only drive her further away. She would dig deeper into the grave of their friendship, just to keep the distance.
Instead, Yoongi did all of the above once, and then ceased to engage further. One visit to a door left unopened. One phone call that rang through to voicemail. One text message that never even received a read-receipt. He was too late. She had already taken to the axe and hacked the tree of their relationship to a stump, because the flowers that were blooming smelled of anything but death. They blossomed in glorious shades of hope and devotion. The tree bore a forbidden fruit that she let rot because the taste was too bittersweet; too intimate on the tip of her tongue when she took the smallest of bites in the shape of his lips.
Yoongi accepts, but refuses to forget. He cannot bear to be without the memories that are taped down in the photo album of the past seven years, albeit faded of their colour and eaten at by moths. A vanilla milkshake shared between them at the diner bar, no qualms about sharing saliva; no thoughts of indirect kisses. A hand clutched firmly at the hem of his school shirt until he would grin and throw an arm over her shoulders, tucking her into his vessel; not noticing the peculiar stares aimed at her shy eyes or his careless affection. A whisper, stolen by a midnight breeze that had the dead leaves in the gutters dancing, and encouraged her to wriggle deeper into his sweater which adorned her figure. All the while, he shivered with a smile, oblivious to the gentle knocking against his heart that did not belong to the tune of living. Rather, they mimicked the symphony of beating in time with another.
No. Yoongi cannot forget. Such memories are not poisonous. They are not tainted by her sudden, yet expected neglect of the truth that she so arduously demanded. That she received barely a glimpse of, though it was still enough for her to cower away.
Anger boils his stomach raw with its vicious tongue of flame as the days pass on; as the earth rotates without her. But forgiveness has been ready to extinguish the fire since the very moment she spun on her heel, and ran with no expectations of him trying to catch up.
They are not selfish. The world made them this way. Soulmates thrown into a war zone that was bound to tear them apart from the beginning.
Yoongi leaves for college two months after the great contretemps that severed the red string linking their pinkies and hearts. A new chapter, his parents insist. A time to start anew and breathe a fresher air that no longer tastes of honeysuckle and her laughter. A city that does not remind him of her cum on the back of his throat, nor her heartbeat in the silence of his bedroom.
Little do they know that Yoongi makes sure to bookmark the pages of her with the remnants of their scarlet thread. Horribly tattered at the ends. Nothing that a needle cannot mend.
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Yoongi is dying. An overdramatic statement, but he would not be surprised if it were the honest truth.
An earthquake is taking place in his head. Sandpaper has replaced the surface of his tongue. Sunlight that drips between the drapes like honey feels akin to daggers against his squinting eyelids, rather than drizzling sweetness. Draped across his bare stomach is an arm that holds no familiarity. Yoongi has little to no recollection of what happened after he lost a game of beer pong with Seokjin last night. Cue internal damnation.
When he subtly shifts against the foreign mattress, the aroma of honeysuckle and vanilla arises from the lithe body laying facedown beside him. Bird nest hair conceals her make-up smudged face. A shiver that is neither unpleasant nor welcoming irritates his skin. He wonders if that is the reason why he ended up going home with her last night. The perfume of his nightmares.
“Morning,” croaks from beneath the midnight fluff, and Yoongi stills in his motion of exiting the situation. He fixes his eyes on the girl, vaguely concerned that she thinks this might have been more than what he was intending. It would not be the first time.
“You don’t mind me heading out, right? Got things to do.” Yoongi half-smirks. He spots his shirt draped over her desk chair and decidedly makes a beeline for it, stumbling when his hangover decides to drag his head by the nails down to Hell. “That was a lie. Jus’ hate awkward morning after shit.”
Yoongi almost gets down onto his knees to praise whoever is watching him from above when he discovers his underwear tucked nicely into the crotch of his jeans. He slips the both of them on, and then grabs his shoes.
“You and me alike,” the agreement is followed by a chuckle, which quickly dissolves into coughing. It seems like her night was just as rough as his own. Her heaving lungs sound like cigarettes.
“Well, it was nice fucking with you,” Yoongi says as a way of goodbye, and the girl, once her partial asphyxiation has calmed, half-heartedly lifts her hand in a wave. She does not bother to remove her face from the pillow and reveal her identity. He wonders if she even remembers who he is, too.
Thankfully, no other housemates are spotted on his Walk of Shame out of her room. All of them must either be still in bed, or in the same situation as he, but elsewhere. Yoongi, in a true streak of unbelievable luck in such an unlucky world, spots his cell phone upon the kitchen counter. Lighting up the screen, he discovers four missed calls from Seokjin, all sent in the earliest hours of the morning. There is a single message from Hoseok, received eight minutes ago.
Received [11:12AM]: Jung Hoseok
need me to come save u from some persistent hoe, damsel in distress?
Delivered [11:20AM]: Jung Hoseok
eat my ass
Received [11:21AM]: Jung Hoseok
oh baby don’t tempt me
shake shack on 5th?
This is not an unusual morning for Yoongi. Truly, it is his every single Saturday and Sunday (sometimes Thursdays, as well) since branching out and making friends within his Engineering major.
Jung Hoseok, of chocolate brown locks and a billion watt smile, is the campus known partygoer. He is greeted to every frat weekend, and welcomed by every night club within a twenty-mile radius of their university with open arms. He is gifted all of the VIP tickets, he receives all of the free rounds. Duly crowned as the royalty of their university party life.
Kim Seokjin, on the other hand, hones popularity within his charm and phenomenal appearance of slicked back blonde hair and a physique refined by hours at the gym. He is the A-grade student who finishes his assignments weeks before they are due, while still having enough spare time on the weekends to get absolutely smashed. Well, until he is sobbing and calling Hoseok and Yoongi. Or, on the other hand, is waking up the next morning with three unknown figures tangled amongst his sheets and limbs.
There is another, Park Jimin, who has been Hoseok’s best friend for the past four years. He can compete with a flute of champagne for effervescence. Since he majors in Theatre Arts, Yoongi only sees him amongst sweltering bodies while they are drunk or high, or both. But that is the thing about Jimin, with his misleading half-moon grin, and his jet black hair that frames a baby face. He is in the thick of the student body drug scene. All actors do it, Hoseok had once said, and Yoongi never questioned it. He is unsure if he has ever seen the guy without blown pupils or reddened scleras; a jitter to his voice and an incessant urge to be moving. Jimin is a nice person, nonetheless.
When Yoongi stumbles out of the apartment complex, he is not sure whether he should be concerned about the fact that his car is parked (albeit very crookedly) in the student parking lot, directly across the footpath. He is usually never prone to drink-driving. The boys always ensure that everyone catches cabs to their homes, or to their one-night-stand home-away-from-homes. But Yoongi must have managed to sneak around them.
Or, they were simply too intoxicated to even realise.
Delivered [11:27AM]: Jung Hoseok
I drank and drove
Received [11:27AM]: Jung Hoseok
fuckin idiot
Received [11:28AM]: Jung Hoseok
come pick me up then I’m at home lol
Ever the delight, that guy. Yoongi makes a mental note to cross Hoseok off the funeral attendance list for when his car bends metal around a tree trunk, or runs through a red light and finds its driver side crushed by an oncoming heavy-loader because he was too drunk on vodka or high on molly to swerve and brake.
Opening Google Maps on his cell phone, Yoongi is provided with three routes to get back home. He also notices that the campus he is currently on rings painfully familiar with a dream that was held by a girl deep in his past; never far enough to forget. The bitter acid that forms in the back of his throat at the memory is quickly swallowed down, burning less painfully in the pit of his stomach. He is beyond used to feeling flames eating away in there. The walls went numb long ago.
Driving back to his own college only takes ten minutes, and then another two while waiting for Hoseok to exit their apartment building. He, alike Yoongi, appears crippled by a hangover. Chocolate hair is mussed into a whirlwind; usually glowing skin dimmed down to neutral. The black shirt he wears is on inside out, the tag flapping beneath his chin as he somewhat skips over to the passenger side of the car, forever wrapped in delight. Even when the guy feels as though he has been dead for a century after a night like the last.
“You look like you made a pitstop at Hell and Satan fucked you ten ways to Sunday,” is the first thing Hoseok comments as he gets into the vehicle with his bright smile. The kind that somehow manages to glare like real, golden sunlight, and encourages Yoongi to wince away from the luminosity. His head seems to be splitting down the centre.
“Likewise,” Yoongi weakly mutters back, putting the gear into second and taking off. He ignores the indifferent comment made by Hoseok of: Wouldn’t mind that. Bet the Devil has top dicking game.
The drive onward is silent of words with their hangovers thick in the air. Only the radio plays softly between them. Yoongi mentally attempts to piece the fragments of his vague memories from last night together.
It started at a frat party, held by the fraternity that this one overly nice guy, Wang Jackson, currently leads. He was also the guy that gave Yoongi two ecstasy pills, which he popped roughly twenty minutes before the game of beer pong that Seokjin insisted they both play. Normally, Seokjin is not one for such party games, but the exception was that they were versing two girls he wanted to fuck. From then on, everything was lost in murky rivers of being too drunk, feeling too high.
Yoongi wonders how on earth he was able to score a night in an anonymous girl’s bed whilst in such a state. She was probably just as plastered as him.
Hoseok suddenly screeches when Yoongi almost rear-ends another vehicle as he distractedly tries to park in front of the restaurant. He swears to every entity that the sound makes the world end within his head. Aspirin and at least a week of sleep is required, pronto.
“I wasn’t going to hit it,” Yoongi grunts as he switches off the ignition, unbuckling his seatbelt.
Hoseok, as if to make the current struggle of living more of a damnation, slams the door with mild indignation. Glass shatters inside of Yoongi’s skull, and he tries to not collapse into a ball right then and there on the bitumen. Hitting his head against the gravel and falling unconscious sounds like less pain than the pounding migraine that inhabits his brain right now.
“The fuck you weren’t. Your headlight would have clipped the boot of that car if I didn’t help you pay attention.”
Normally, Yoongi would bite back until his point won. But his internal struggle to stay standing overrules all persistence to argue. “Whatever.”
The restaurant is particularly full for a Sunday, mostly with college students, some that the pair can partially recognise from their own campus, other parties. Everyone, of course, is either deadbeat hungover or hitting their comedown. Just like them.
A girl seated near the counter sparks Yoongi’s familiarity as one who he has been inside of beneath sweaty bedsheets. He barely manages a nod at her when they pass to make their orders, more out of pain than shame. Hoseok flirts ostentatiously with the young man at the till, offering a lewd wink that causes roses to blossom upon the cheeks of the employee. Yoongi wonders how on earth this guy has the energy to be so amorous when he is currently dragging his feet through a hangover. And ordering the greasiest meal on the menu.
As always, Yoongi skims past the words vanilla milkshake, ignores the gentle tug at his heart, and orders an iced tea. The three minutes spent waiting on the orders are ones of silent, slow-build regret as the hangovers claim their souls. Quicksand of the mind.
Once Hoseok grabs his tray of grease and Yoongi takes the perspiring plastic lidded cup of liquefied hangover cure, the pair find an empty table by the windows. Immediately, Hoseok launches into conversation, simultaneous with wrapping his mouth around the burger dripping with melted cheese.
“So, how was Seulgi?”
Yoongi cringes at his lack of memory, faintly assumes it may be the girl he abandoned no more than an hour ago to her asphyxiating lungs of smoke. “Who?”
“The girl you went home with last– Fuck, how can you not even remember that?” Hoseok drops his burger, throws his hands up in exasperation and then slams them down on the table. Yoongi swears something implodes within his head at the splitting sound. Probably his brain. “You really don’t give a shit, do you? Just fuck and leave. Rinse and repeat. What about feelings, man? Ever thought about making a connection?”
“As long as it feels good, that’s all that matters right?” Yoongi shrugs, sipping at his iced tea. “We’re all dying anyway. No time for love in this world.”
Hoseok blanks. “You’re really depressing, y’know? A serious downer.”
“Sorry that the sunshine doesn’t shoot out of my ass like it does with you, pal.”
“Maybe you should start learning from me.”
“I’d rather die.”
Hoseok slams his hands on the table once more, and Yoongi genuinely thinks about slicing them off. “There you go with death again. Do you really want to live your life being so miserable? Pessimism will send you to your grave sooner rather than later. It’s a proven fact that optimists live fuller lives.”
At that, Yoongi grins razorblades. “My one true wish.”
“Okay, enough,” Hoseok shivers, lips pulling into a pursed, triangular shape that flags down the end of the morbid subject. “Your obsession with ceasing to exist is going to start rubbing off on me. That girl who made you this way must have been a real shocker.”
Yoongi, at those simply spoken words, blanches. Ice water rushes in a flood over his skin, halting his motion of lifting the plastic cup to his lips. “What did you just say?”
But Hoseok only blinks, wedges four crinkle cut fries into his mouth, speaks before swallowing, “The girl. ___? You told–” Then, he is choking on the fried potatoes, eyes tearing up before he determinedly drinks his whole glass of water to clear the airway. Yoongi, all the while, continues to stare in shock. “Fuck me, man. I almost died and you just sat there like–”
“What exactly are you saying?”
Hoseok, after a few laboured breaths, sighs. “Jesus, you really don’t remember anything from last night, do you? It was after beer pong, right before you went home with Seulgi. When she walked past, you turned to me and started freaking out, blabbering how she smelled just like this ___ girl before you stormed over to her and began angrily making out with her against the kitchen table. She seemed pretty into it, so I guess that’s how you ended up at her place.”
Oh, shit.
The finer details are coming back to him now. The moment the girl, Seulgi, had strutted past was while Yoongi was attempting to control his rolling eyeballs from circling all the way back into his head. The aroma of her perfume, distinct honeysuckle and vanilla, had straightened him out within an instant as it wafted from her skin and into his senses. His dilated pupils had flicked back to attention. The drug and alcohol infused fog that was looming heavy around his mind had cleared for the faintest of seconds, because he was so sure that it was her, it was her, it was her.
The ocean of bodies had barely parted when he charged himself between the waves of limbs. Yoongi had pushed and shoved and waded his way to the home of the scent that his mouth watered for; that his every fibre craved. When he grabbed at her wrist, it was with the expectancy of her face. But when it was not her that was watching on with an oblivious, mildly curious expression, his heart had plummeted to the core of the earth. Shrivelled up and burning within molten lava.
Yet it did not stop him from taking her lips between his teeth. An unfamiliar kiss against his tongue that was dirt in comparison to the succulent heaven he knew, belonging to a girl he had bookmarked with torn red strings. He grimly wonders if he had moaned her name while he was fucking the poor girl, Seulgi the smoker, last night. That would not be another first.
Hoseok finishes wolfing down his chips and takes a large gulp of his shake. All the while, Yoongi is having this brain splitting revelation that makes death truly not sound all that bad right now.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Hoseok asks.
In response, Yoongi drops his forehead to the table with a bang that resonates around the restaurant. The sound catches the brief attention of the customers seated around them, until they realise he is just being dramatic. Unfortunately, not collapsed into an unforeseen coma. Or, you know, dead.
“I’m a great listener,” Hoseok encourages, all sweet and singsong. Yoongi presses his forehead harder against the wooden grain of the tabletop. “I already know part of it from what you were moaning and groaning about last night. The love of your life, or some shit.”
At that, in a quick movement that makes him lightheaded, Yoongi sits back up straight and lays his palms flat against the table. His gaze rests firmly on Hoseok, who suddenly pales, as if aware that he might have accidentally dipped his feet in poisonous waters. Ones that Yoongi would have no qualms about dousing Hoseok’s entire body in until the acid disintegrates the bones of the sunshine man.
Suffocating golden beauty was his speciality, after all.
“We were the same. Morbid and sad. But she was lovely. Born in the Culling year and everything. We were best friends back home.” Yoongi speaks quick in a mutter, nervously tapping his nails against the tabletop before running the same hand through his hair. The incessant pounding of his head has worsened, thumping in time with her name as it loops in a continuum through his mind. “But that’s all she thought we could be. Anyway, don’t mention her again. That was a mistake, she’s not worth talking about anymore.”
Hoseok nods, shrugs indifferently. “No worries, I get it. My lips are sealed.”
The conversation stalls to make way for silent eating, and Yoongi allows himself the smallest of moments to indulge in the sober thought of her after so long. He wonders what she must be doing right now. She would have finished up high school, endured the blood and sweat of exams, earned a score that can become meaningless once the clock strikes midnight on her eighteenth birthday. She would be twenty years old now, three-years-aged from the seventeen-year-old girl that taught him curses are not all so bad. Especially when they taste like the sea on his lips, and can moan so beautifully just by the work of his fingers.
But she was much more than that. Greater than a feeling induced by numbness. She was delight singing off-key in the passenger seat of his car. She was comfort tucked beneath a blanket upon a vanilla-flavoured diner, with the moon to keep them company. She was love curled in a calm smile, in star-strung eyes that always searched for him in the crowds, where nobody else mattered but each other.
Yoongi loathes how they screwed up so badly. How they ruined themselves to a split second of lust that felt more driven by their hearts than their desire. That may have been to forget the momentary pain, though was in fact their bottled up feelings, spilling all over his bedsheets where they soon after lay. And it was there that they were able to dwell in it, mull it over, become consumed it by until they were convincing themselves that it was wrong, wrong, wrong.
For more than the hundredth, even thousandth time, he wonders what would have happened if they had never hit that kink in the road. If they were never set on that collision course. If he had reached out and grabbed her wrist before she could sprint into the shadows and out of his heart. If he had whispered don’t leave me against her lips. If she were not so afraid of love in a world that suffocates honesty.
Too many if’s that he wasted time on; enough to let her escape.
Knives slice through his back and drive into his heart. Here, Yoongi remembers precisely why he never thinks of her when his mind is not clouded by white dust on the tip of his nose, or the acrid burn that stays slick on the back of his throat. Maybe, that is why he is content with spending the later end of his weeks in a drug-and-alcohol-induced illusion, since he becomes numb and invincible to the blades and spears that the memories tainted with her bear. He can think of her without the agony that the pair of them lived within. He can remember her touch without feeling as though her fingertips will shatter him like glass.
Hoseok suddenly severs the reverie straight down the centre. Yoongi, for once, is grateful.
“Jimin wants to smoke weed at his place. Wanna join?”
Usually, Yoongi would immediately be up for such an activity. He has nothing to lose anymore. Nowhere else to be. He left everything behind in his backyard, within the shadows that the large oak created. Right where he tasted infatuation and honesty in the crevices of her lips. Right where he realised that love in such a godawful world would be completely worth it if he was spending such affection on her.
But today, something holds him back. Whether it be the desperation for a shower, or this murderous hangover, or the unnerving memory of her bloody knuckles amongst ocean waves, Yoongi is unsure. The straw poised between his lips loses the watered down taste of tea, and starts to suck at air and chipped ice.
“Nah, I need aspirin and fifteen hours of sleep,” Yoongi huffs, dropping the empty cup and grinding the heels of his palms against the burn that thinly veils his eyes. “If I hang out with you any longer, I may fall into a stress-induced coma.”
“I’m delightful,” Hoseok quips, and Yoongi cannot help but twitch his lips. “You know what makes aspirin work quicker?”
“Snorting it.”
Yoongi barks out a short, fierce laugh. “Pessimism may kill me, but drugs are gonna bury you.” There is no malice in his tone, no matter of care for wellbeing, just genuine fact. He stands up, jostling his keys. “And after the shit that went down last night, I don’t think I will be doing lines ever again.”
“Don’t eat your words, man,” Hoseok waggles his eyebrows, pushing away his tray and standing up. The pair begin their departure, but not without Hoseok blowing a kiss to the flustered cashier. “Ten bucks that on club night this Friday, you will have your nose pressed to a dirty basin like a cheap crack whore.”
Yoongi, amid his head-splitting ache, manages to file away the mental note of ensuring he brings a ten dollar bill this weekend. He reaches out his hand to the deal and clasps palms with Hoseok, shaking on a bet that he has already lost. Both of them can see it from miles away.
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Well, you only live once, they say.
“Jesus fucking– Hey asshole, your cutting game is weak,” Hoseok whines, forefinger pressed to the side of his powdered nostril. He inhales hard and winces as the rocks catch on the flesh. “It feels like I just sniffed shards of glass– Ugh, yeah my nose is bleeding now. Douche.”
“Shut your ass up or your free line days are over,” Jimin grunts, licking his dry lips and bending down to the basin to shoot up his own line. He tosses his head back with a hiss, blocking his nose and sniffing repeatedly. “Okay, alright, you’re right. But excuse me for not being able to crush this shit into baby powder on a goddamn basin.”
While the pair argue without malice, sweat gathers in Yoongi’s palms. His mouth waters as he stares into the dimly lit mirror, cracked right down the centre and separating his face into two. The pounding bass that thumps on the walls of the bathroom; the light bickering between Jimin and Hoseok; all of it becomes background noise as he squints, blinks, observes the saucers of his black pupils. The slight buzz that coats his hearing translates into his vision, and his surroundings attain a shimmering quality.
The pill that he popped two hours ago is already reaching its comedown. A dud. Or maybe, the ratio of ecstasy to dishwashing powder, rat poison, and all of the other toxic filler that was used in it (and is clearly stated on a package somewhere to not be consumed) was minimal in this particular batch. A cheap tactic to produce more product. College dealers are becoming stingy as fuck, lately.
“Move,” Yoongi mutters, elbowing a giggling Jimin out of the way.
He retrieves a small baggie of cocaine from the bottom of a cigarette packet, and takes to the credit card to start sorting it into thin lines. He licks the pad of his forefinger and swipes up the white dust that still clings to the plastic edge, rubbing it into his gums. Already too far gone to react when the acrid taste hits the back of his throat.
“Yoongi, what was it you were saying the other week? Never gonna do lines again?” Hoseok jeers, poking at Yoongi’s ribs as he rolls up the ten dollar bill and blatantly ignores the comments that bounce about the bathroom. Hoseok is practically tripping over his own words, sentences blurring together. “And look at you now, going at it like a pro! Didn’t you drop only two hours ago? Fuck me, this shit is working quick. I feel like I’m spitting bullets. Hey, that better not be the ten dollars you owe me–”
“It is,” Yoongi bluntly remarks. Then, he is positioning one end of the rolled up note to his nostril, aligning the opposite opening to the first line of cocaine, and quickly inhaling it all in a refined, unpleasant hit.
Yoongi makes quick work of the second and third lines. Not able to dwell too long on how many germs this dirty basin must be swarming with, for the intensity of his high slams into him like a truck. Yoongi’s eyes roll as he throws his head back, loudly exhaling.
Hoseok snatches the crumpled bill out of his hands. “Thanks, asshole. My hard-earned money is not only covered in drugs and bacteria, but also your blood. Go clean yourself up.”
Yoongi wipes his bloody nose on the back of his hand. He has no time to dwell on crimson rivers and cleanliness. It is time to drown in the sound that is leaking underneath the bathroom door and sliding across the tiles. Grabbing him by the ankles. Luring him into the heat of bodies and the dazzling strobes that intensify the ecstatic craze of his mind.
Effortlessly, Yoongi lets the techno notes take control of his limbs. Barely dancing, just simply swaying. Allowing the blood and bone that surrounds his form to shove him side-to-side. Head tilted back, he gapes at the fluorescent rainbow that drips from the black ceiling in brilliant, over-exposed colour.
The night at the club is alike any other. Hoseok and Jimin are dancing with more coordination, more momentum than they should be capable of after consuming so many drugs. Seokjin is wedged into the corner of the leather couches, a girl straddling his lap and very obviously grinding against his crotch, while another latches her mouth to his neck, fiddling acrylic nails down the first three buttons of his black dress shirt. Yoongi, as always, lets the numbing hum consume his being. Lets it drag him into the limbo betwixt life and death; reality and imagination; heart screaming against his ribcage while the lights entertain, distract.
He distantly believes he might have taken it a little too far tonight. Forced too many toxins through his bloodstream. Overworking the vessel that has barely kept him standing as it is since she left.
Oh. Oh god, that is right. Her. Herherher. Yoongi can think of her right now in this near comatose state where his body becomes invincible. The knives that stab through his back turn into plastic rather than metal, rebounding against the muscle. Or perhaps, still cutting through, though he cannot feel a thing.
Star-shine smile against a backdrop of pale blue sky. Laughter of the gods. Red dirt knees washed by a backyard hose. Electricity fizzling between joined palms. Lips like vanilla milkshakes and eyes drowning in expanses of infinity.
We will always protect each other.
Shallow insults made out of adoration. A car swimming in the salt of tears. Four hands touching dusty ivory keys and performing the sound of their love in terrible harmony. Blue icy poles licked up from wrists where they drip, drip, drip.
Your laugh sounds like home. Is that weird?
Her tongue, behind his teeth. His tongue, pressed to her cunt. Bloody knuckles cradled in his hands like the truth exposed. A cello and viola, they are. The End of The World by Skeeter Davis. Vicious stench of bleach.
The bleach didn’t work, Yoongi.
It’s grey, ___. It’s fucking grey.
Maybe this means you really will live until your old.
Jesus I hate you, shut up.
You are such a terrible liar.
It feels so good. Yoongi feels exhilarated. Alive. His heart is about to burst out of his ribcage and be trampled by the bodies that push and shove. He wants to die by these thoughts, he truly does. How pathetically unromantic. Hatred tastes like love. Another lie. Could never hate her. She just wears feet that betray the truth.
In the crowd.
Yoongi thinks he must be hallucinating, that he really did take it too far this evening. For there is a face across the dance floor that he has not seen, has nonstop thought of, since his feet were rooted to the earth in the shadows of his yard three years ago. When the face was turning away, never to be seen again.
He blinks, grinds the heels of his palms against his bloodshot eyes, looks again.
Has he died?
Lipstick clings like blood to a mouth. Smoky eyes of burned out charcoals, smeared with sweat, reside beneath arched eyebrows. The kind that have always had a querying angle, as if constantly doubting. Thick tresses are styled into a mess that he is all too familiar with; that has stirred his own heart into a whirlwind alike too many times for him to count. The dress that clings to the figure is all black, strapless, dipping in a tempting arrow between breasts and glorifying legs that sheen with sin. Hunched shoulders are cloaked by a leather jacket that screams bad intentions, yet hides a heart of gold.
If this is a hallucination, Yoongi never wants it to end. He wants to stay high for eternity and a day.
If he truly is dead, then he is more than glad to be welcomed through the gates of Heaven. Or maybe, this is closer to Hell.
She delicately sips her cocktail and glances between the half-circle of people that huddle close. Friends. Her crimson lips move to seemingly form responses.
A helpless bout of hope suddenly starts to bloom poison ivy inside of Yoongi’s chest. Because that is the thing, he has hallucinated not once, but twice in the past. So, he understands a little of the logistics. He knows in the dot points of the symptoms that imagined bodies may interact with life, but life will never legitimately return the favour.
Though the people surrounding her like shadows, without a doubt, respond to the shapes that her lips create. They laugh in perfect harmony when her chin tilts back, eyes scrunch, and she looks fifteen all over again.
Convenience plays its hand when Hoseok walks within arms reach, heading straight for the bathroom, fists already rummaging in his pockets for the next hit. He stops stock-still when Yoongi clasps a hand around his elbow. For a brief second, Hoseok stares him down with wide eyes, almost as if he cannot recognise the person that the hand belongs to. But then he is frowning with familiarity, and the boy of silver hair and a stone heart is scrambling to find words.
“Hoseok,” Yoongi barely manages, suffocating on his own voice. “H-Hey, man. Tell me, can you see that girl over there?”
“What? In the leather jacket? Yeah, why–“
Before Hoseok can even finish his sentence, Yoongi is throwing himself into the clutches of the crowd, parting the sea of bodies and wading over to her. She is real, this is no hallucination, she is real and here and oh my fucking god, she looks precisely the same. Nothing has changed, nothing has changed. They never kissed, they never fought, they never nearly fucked and ruined everything.
Yoongi does what he should have done three years ago before she was swallowed up in the oblivion of a black hole. A place where she could look out and see, but he was only ever faced by thick banks of darkness.
Yoongi reaches out, can feel every fibre of his hand, the movement of his knuckles, the stretch of muscle. Time seems to thin and extend, pulling out until seconds drag into minutes, where his movements are ones of underwater. Glacial and paced.
Contact is made, and she turns. No, whirls, like a tornado set on destroying him where he stands. A storm that he embraced to be ruined by long ago, though she was too kind; too selfish to let her rains come crashing down on him.
Her skin, beneath his palm, is searing flame. The pulse that flutters in her wrist is absolutely genuine.
When her eyes land upon Yoongi, it is as though she is seeing the ghost of the ouija board they did when they were kids all over again. Her complexion drains, bloody lips parting in silent horror. She seems to shrink into nothing but a speck.
Before Yoongi can tell whether she is going to speak love or claw out a scream, her wrist is being yanked from his grip and she is running away. Just like the first time.
Yoongi wonders if this is what dying feels like. If this is how it must feel to have someone dig their nails into your chest, cutting through flesh and bone to reach the vessel that only thrums because it avoided the monthly sentence. To have it yanked out from where it pulses, disposed in the dirt where it turns black and forgotten.
A rush consumes him. Before he can completely grasp onto any sense of abandoned rationality, his feet are moving.
Instinct, more than anything, directs him. Yoongi shoves and ignores the empty accusations made by those who are pushed, squinting and blinking when his eyes start to betray him; shuddering figures into doubles before they become single solid beings again. The strobes that soak everything in violent pink and deep ocean blue do absolutely nothing to help him.
Yet still, he surges. Must appear like a desperate fool when he bursts out of the club entrance, gasping and gulping for air. There, he realises that, from the moment she ran, he had been holding his breath as though he could not bear to let the oxygen they momentarily shared escape his lungs.
A stranger swathed in shadows asks if he is okay, and blindly, Yoongi waves them off. He stands up from his hunched position to take a few paces forward, right into the line of action where other club-goers stand to smoke, or wait for the bodyguard to allow them entry. He keeps still and stands on his toes, despite that his body jitters and seems to bend and wave beyond his own command. Surveying. Searching.
Standing on the curb, she hunches into her jacket as though she is hiding, rather than feeling the chill of the air. Blue smoke plumes around her, dancing in a veil until it disperses. Though by that time, another curtain of toxins has already risen to take its place. Yoongi, for all his feet were worth in the club, is cemented to the pavement. His bones are now of lead, blood like tar.
Go to her. He urges himself, lifts his left leg and barely manages to plant it forward without toppling over. Gotoheryouneedtogogogo.
She looks over her shoulder, eyes locking.
But she does not run.
And just like that, his limbs become air, drained of all their weight. As if the consent of her willing to stay is all he ever needed. A ticket to approach the sun in all of her might and maybe (just maybe), she may not sear him into ash.
Yoongi comes to a stop five feet away. He firmly closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, she is still there. Watching on with an expression that he, in all of his years of knowing and not knowing her, has never seen before. Familiar, yet unrecognisable.
The cocaine sharpens her every feature. It defines the slope of her nose, the angle of her cheekbones, the arch of her brows, and the dip of her cupid’s bow in unadulterated clarity. Refined beyond a perfection he once saw her as, beneath the gentle light of the moon all but three years ago.
She appears to tremble. Yoongi is unsure whether it is the piercing cold of the evening, or the quiver of his pupils with the high. Perhaps, it is consternation over the boy she so earnestly escaped, now standing mere feet before her, high as a fucking kite. Soaked in the unfair stench of lost love that she long ago decided to associate with the putrid scent of despise.
She is the deer. He is the headlights.
When Yoongi parts his lips, the inside of his mouth feels like a volcano. Bone dry. Threatening to erupt with the slightest misplaced movement, to spew vulgarity held dormant since she decided to cut the ties with her bare hands.
“Say something,” Yoongi manages, taking a tentative step forward, ignoring the pain that fleets through his heart when she shuffles slightly back. “Anything. ___, please.”
In silence, she observes, analyses, swallows him in from head to toe. Yoongi wonders if she is more deprived than she first realised, greedily taking in all that she can while he exists in scarcely coherent state before her. He wonders if the rush that devastates her being is unidentifiable, the deja vu near sickening, as though everything she has held back since the moment within the umbra of the oak tree is starting to submerge from the places she confined them within. He wonders if her heart demands to soar, yet she tugs down on the reigns, knowing full well what occurs when it disobeys. A veteran of past experience in the field of the forbidden.
Yoongi can see that she will not let that happen again. She must believe that neither of them will survive the second time around.
“Are you high?” Despite that the words come out with a tinge of insult, they still hold that blue velvet quality, the lustrous flow that drapes his skin in years of comfort and warmth. It feels like coming home. He wishes to pluck the chords of her vocals from the air and tuck them to his chest for safe-keeping; to never let the gorgeous sound escape his hearing ever again.
Yoongi tilts his lips in a tiny smirk, a miracle in itself that he can shift his features into an expression other than awe. He fixates his gaze on the pale cloud she exhales. “Are you smoking?”
As if to spite him, she takes an especially long drag, eyes watering and all before she breathes out the smoke between smiling teeth. Her iron exterior cracks, only barely, yet it is still something. Enough to make his bones feel as though they are melting into butter.
They are encompassed in private silence, consumed by the presence of one another. Yoongi, in all of his feeble bravery, takes another step forward, and this time, she stays still, save for the ash that she flicks from the tip of her cigarette. The flecks stir dizzily in the air that he disturbs with his precarious advance.
One pace. Two more. This near, the oxygen is stolen right from his lungs by the pleasance of her perfume pervading his space. The smoke hardly manages to veil the distinct honeysuckle that only she suits. On any other entity, it is utterly ersatz. The tension coiled in her shoulders noticeably loosens, newfound tenderness smudging at the circumference of her irises. Almost as though she is daring to give in. Head losing to heart.
Yoongi can feel her exhalation skitter across his cheeks. The cigarette is abandoned in the gutter. In one fell swoop, he could crumble her resolve right where she stands. The walls of the maze are collapsing, yet he knows the route like the back of his own hand.
When he focuses on the plush of her lips, he can still see the truths nestled in the corners. The secrets that only he could ever notice. She is a puzzle that he has solved a million times over, and he does not intend to kid himself with false hope. But by the way she is staring at him right now like she is being suffocated by her own mistakes, he can almost think that she is letting him get all of the answers right.
He presses his nose to the glass surrounding her heart.
“___! Jesus, I’ve been looking for you!”
It is a voice that calls in a tone dripping with depth, the sound of bottomless oceans, and it tears the two of them apart within a split instant. The approaching owner, a tall stretch of darkness, a shadow wrung out and pulled taught over muscle and bone, draws her attention immediately. Her hair fans out in her movement to acknowledge the new presence, and Yoongi soaks himself in a waft of ambrosia because christ, it really is her.
The guy seems nearly sober. His gaze passes through Yoongi as though he is not truly looking. Could not really care. “Who’s this?”
She hesitates, minuscule, though Yoongi sees it. “He’s a friend from home.”
He almost wants to laugh out loud. In disgust; in disbelief. The word friend has betrayed him so much throughout his lifetime. Even more so when it lacks the tag of best.
“The taxi is almost here,” the guy says after a brusque oh, gaze flitting away from Yoongi in an instant. He takes her by the shoulders. “Let’s go.”
He has never seen her this nervous and unsure. Yoongi almost reaches out to grab her wrist and stop them both, but he is terrified she may yank it away again. Third time is a charm to break a heart. The only solace he clings to is the fact that, as she is whirled, her chin tilts back. The pair of eyes that deceived him so long ago anchor to his own with barely a hint of a smile.
“Next time,” she mouths, her voice ceasing to wash over his skin. But Yoongi can hear the words with perfect clarity in his mind, no matter the shroud of drugs that mantles his every other thought. She shines through, crystal clear, like she always has.
Standing on the curb as headlights swing by, dousing him in bright white while other club patrons holler and scream as though they hope for the stars to hear, Yoongi realises something. No hallucination could ever compare, nor think to perfectly replicate the experience that is her standing before him.
He stares at where she stood, merely a breath away. Faintly, in the silver lustre of the moon, Yoongi can make out the scintillations of glass fragments against the pavement where her obduracy had started to shatter.
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Next time comes at a small convenience store, no more than a week after their encounter. It must be near three in the morning. An hour, nonetheless, that girls who run from truths should not be.
She fashions cheeks that shimmer with vulnerability, and a black sweater a size too large. They are matched with thin tights that hide legs known to take his breath away, and a pair of battered white sneakers locked at the ankles. Comfortable; approachable. She sits with a cup of steaming instant ramen, intently swilling the contents with pinched chopsticks, hood pulled over her hair in a meagre attempt to appear nonexistent.
As always, she shines too brightly to ever be completely hidden away.
Lit up with florescent, Yoongi sees her right there, through the window. Never for a moment did he doubt it was her as he leisurely strolled by the store. The glint of her damp face caught his eye before he had managed to completely walk past. He knows those tears like his own secrets.
Here, the subway shudders beneath his feet. Yoongi almost expects the train to travel explosively through the bitumen and crash straight through his heart. Maybe, with it smeared across the glass pane, she will finally understand the honest truth. She will see the gory details, painted out in crimson, that he can never stop loving her.
She, still unaware of his presence, barely flinches when Yoongi stands directly before the window; a thin pane of glass their only barrier. It is no more than a few seconds of him staring with a faint smile curving his lips, hands wedged into the pockets of his hoodie, that she calmly comes to a still in the process of lifting ramen-laden chopsticks to her lips. By the time her eyes have lifted to his own, slowly flaring with recognition, he is already entering the store.
Yoongi takes his time. Enough for her to notice that the person who just trudged through the entrance is well and truly him. Enough for her to forget the half-eaten ramen cup, abandon ship, and escape him for the third––or is it fourth?––time. Yoongi can no longer recall. The numbers are melding into a figure too many, to say the least.
He carefully selects the most bearable noodles that he can squeeze into his tight student budget, then approaches the counter to exchange coins with the clerk. Yet, the moment he turns on his heel, she is still there, observing his stride through the reflection in the window. Her expression, cast in the glaring white light, is one of forbearing.
For a sparse moment, Yoongi considers waiting; providing more of an opportunity for her to escape. Though he quickly finds himself completely fucking that idea off. If he does not continue moving forward, the courage will slink back into the shadows, and he will barrel himself right out of the store once more.
At a pace as languid as he can retain, he strolls down the aisle until he is standing right at the food bar, beside where she sits. He quietly peels open his cup, empties the seasonings inside, and fills it with hot water. Then, he circles around her ever-shrinking frame and sits on the stool to her right.
Silence has never felt so suffocating. This is newfound territory between them; their instances together have always been filled with their voices. But she was the one to build the wall, and she damn well knows that Yoongi will not be the one to bring it down to ruin.
She did this. She must deal the first blow.
Two heartbeats unite at a steady pace. Her lips part, and the quiet is so dense that Yoongi hears them separate. The sound is almost comforting. It rings with the familiarity of past conversations, had whilst lying side-by-side in the belly of darkness. It is the soft noise she would make before her younger voice asked a question about the stars, or idly commented on the pathetic performance that is existing in a world which crushes those who dare to defy the unspoken illegality of love. A world which strips your soul from beneath you, so effortlessly, by the bold-black of your name, inked on paper.
The click of his chopsticks snapping apart echoes around the store. Her voice is quick to follow.
“I can never find waffles as good as home around here.”
Yoongi freezes, stunned silent. He momentarily wonders whether it is due to her voice resembling that of nirvana. But he is quick to realise it is because he is completely unsure of how to respond to such an elementary statement.
She speaks as if the past three years were merely a blank spot in his memory. A period of amnesia where, for the entire thirty-six months, they were still best friends; red strings uncut and remaining to be tightly coiled around the knuckles of their pinkies. Or perhaps, an expanse of time where he was living in a nightmare in which she had become invisible, though she could still see everything in refined clarity.
A thickness builds in his throat, the welt of a sob. But it burns like furious indignation.
“That’s the only thing you have to say?” Yoongi, in all of his venomous tone, stabs his chopsticks at a vulnerable leek floating in the broth. He pretends that it is her heart. “Honestly, ___. Fuck you.”
She sighs, as if he is behaving childishly. “I know, fuck me. But you and I both know that saying I’m sorry will never cut the cake with what happened between us. It’s like shouting into the abyss and expecting something good to come from it.”
He realises, as she always used to be, that she is right. Apologies are more like weak excuses than a resolution for travesty. And when they are confessed this late, after all the excruciating damage has worn its wear, it is like attempting to stitch up a wound that has already scarred over. There is no point. An empty avow.
“I still want to hear you say it,” Yoongi says under his breath. He scoops noodles into his mouth and slurps loudly, just because he knows she hates it.
Her cringe is almost audible. He cannot decipher if it is from the sound he makes, or the way the words taste on her tongue. “I’m sorry.”
“Say it genuinely.”
Yoongi almost jumps when he feels careful fingertips through the fabric of his sweater, laying upon his wrist. His gaze instinctively tracks to them, noticing how they still look the same, shiny oval nails with chip-free edges. A small fondness swells in his chest, which he immediately attempts to trample down. If anything, it blossoms viciously as his eyes travel up her arm, her throat, until they settle on her own.
Her gaze is neither firm nor gentle; simply watching with that ever curious contour.
“Min Yoongi.” God, only now does he realise that she has not once spoke his name since they have reunited. His stare instantly surges down to her lips, just to catch the end of them shaping around the three syllables. What a sight, it can never get old. “For everything I have done: taking advantage of you in a moment of vulnerability; kissing you back while we were both drunk; running away and ignoring your calls; being born in a timeline where the world is so undisputedly fucked up that the both of us were doomed from the very start... I am deeply, and so sincerely sorry. The profundity of my contriteness is utmost.”
Her expression is so bona fide that Yoongi has to look away. Otherwise, he truly might convince himself that her apology is the only salve that can soothe the laceration she created on his chest. He might convince himself that the pain dealt by her own hand will always be worth it if that is the way her voice will sound––cold silk against hot flesh––when she makes her amends after the blade has damaged his heart beyond repair. No matter how deep she drives the knife.
“Christ on a bike,” is all that Yoongi responds with. But even she does not seem persuaded by his dismissive tone.
The contact is ceased; her hand slinks away. They return to silent eating without him uttering a single thank you or I’m sorry, too. Neither of them expect it, either.
When she finishes first, she does not get up and leave. Rather, she rests her elbows upon the tabletop and leans her chin into her palms, directly observing his chewing. The sheer weight of her gaze is enough to lure bumps to form across Yoongi’s skin. Tiny mountains of prickled flesh that she traverses with a regardful sweep of her tentative eyes.
If Yoongi were land, she has conquered him a prodigious number of times.
“So, instant ramen is the next best bet?” Yoongi leads on from her initial comment. An attempt at conversation to shake off the sensation of her emphatic vigilance, which follows his every move. It is almost as though she is waiting for the pin to drop, expecting him to abruptly implode in a rush of accusations and insults. Ones that have tied knots around his tongue over the past three years. No, even beyond that.
Her lips are a ghost of a smile. “Ramen fits the budget.”
“True,” Yoongi chuckles, and it actually tastes sincere in the back of his throat. “But you’re wrong about the waffles. There’s a diner ten minutes from my campus that serves them up just like home.”
Yoongi does not mention how many nights he has spent there, more than in the beds of other women who taste like honeysuckle. High or intoxicated, his forehead would be pressed to the cold tabletop. He would imagine that he is at their diner, and she is sitting across from him, sipping at vanilla and about to hit him over the head with a menu while her voice sings out: Wake up!
The version that exists beside him, the real-and-now girl––beyond better than what any figment of his fantasy could ever consider creating––gapes. “You’re kidding.”
“Dead serious.”
“What campus?”
“South, at the State University.”
“Oh, that’s where–! Oh,” she says, eyes lighting up, as if she is about to say the name of a friend. But her expression instantly falters, realising he probably would not know them. “I’m there often. Funny how we’ve never run into each other throughout my entire first year.”
Absolutely fucking hilarious, Yoongi should say. Though his tongue trips into something just as dangerous.
“I’ll take you there sometime. To the diner.”
Yoongi inhales the remaining noodles spooled at the bottom of the cup. She, out the corner of his eye, worries teeth to lips; habits playing his heartstrings like a harp. A tiny crease forms at the centre of her brow, though it smooths out almost as soon as it surfaces. Her gaze flits down to where her fingers pick at the peeled back lid of the ramen cup.
“I’d like that,” and she says it in a tone that reminds him of car windows rolled all the way down and red dirt caked on their knees. It reminds him of the girl who loved him before she ran away after realising how frightening the monster of truth is up close; how sharp its fangs gleam.
Yoongi chokes on a stray string of pasta. He does not miss the glimpse of a tiny smile tilting her lips before the heel of her palm comes down hard on his back.
Once he has calmed, the pair of them discard of their rubbish and exit the convenience store. They fall into step with one another almost naturally. There is no parting of ways, nor calling for taxis. The night opens its arms and welcomes them in, four in the morning already so near, telltale in the way the pitch black spills into a vague navy across the horizon. Neither of them consider the possibility of separating and saying their goodbyes. Even if he had to go the opposite way, Yoongi would have silently agreed that it was his route too. Home may have been safe for girls to navigate in the thick of the night, but the city is crawling with monsters.
They are both prime examples to that. Living paradigms, slinking through the shadows.
They stroll at a languorous pace. Not out of tiredness, but more so to make up for lost time. It is reminiscent of their lazy saunter home from school, all but five years ago as the sun would beat its fists onto their backs. They would milk the twenty-minute walk home until it would last up to an hour, merely so they could spend as much of their afternoon together before they would have to part ways.
“Are midnight walks like, your thing now?” she lightly teases. Yoongi’s heart is stirred into a frantic storm when she grazes her shoulder against his; barely a nudge.
“I had a lot on my mind.” I had you eating me from the inside out. “It helps to get some fresh air. Clears the thoughts up.” Ironic how you just happen to invade me, even outside of my head. Then, he remembers the streaks of silver. The shimmering diamonds against the skin that he once, a lifetime ago, had his lips upon. “Why were you crying?”
“No reason worth sharing,” she says without missing a beat, as though she had been expecting the question all night. The answer was just waiting to be up to bat. “Girl dramas that boys like you would know nothing about.”
“She, the bane of my every single drama says.” Yoongi states it bluntly, incapable of finding the audacity to care when she flinches. She wants it all out on the table, exposed and brutally honest? Well, he is going to take to the scalpel and cut himself open until he has pulled out every shred of agony that she has tucked between the joints; threaded through the sinew.
It is not as though she is unused to blood on her hands. The mere date of her birth year is sheer fact to that.
Once those two sentences surface in his overtired mind, Yoongi mentally punches himself in the stomach for ever conjuring such a disgusting thought. God. You would think it was hate instead of love.
She comes to a halt in the middle of the road. Yoongi continues to trail a few steps before he realises she is cemented to the bitumen. For a single, distressing moment in which his heart lodges itself in his throat and then plummets like lead into his stomach, he fears he thought those twenty-five words loud enough for her to hear. The only giveaway that such a matter is not the case is her expression.
Instead of pained or horrified, it is distant. Far from here.
“Hey, you know what you need to do?”
Yoongi raises a brow. “What?”
She was looking past his shoulder. Now, she looks over her own, and then twists to stare directly at him. He is in a constant state of reminding himself how deadly those eyes are when used in full, undeviating force.
“Yell it out,” she shrugs indifferently, as if she is no longer sure about the answer herself. “Have at me. Scream everything you need to say.”
What a joke, he thinks, like their emotions are some ridiculous game and one of them has to come out a winner. Neither can rule together; a fight to the death. But she has always called him sarcastic, and so it could not do much harm to humour her request.
“Right here?”
She shrugs again, looks at his feet, and then slowly tracks back to his eyes. “Better place as any, right?”
Silence passes between them, voices reduced to make way for the breeze that caresses the leaves of a neighbouring tree. The rustling is so dense that it sounds akin to rain. Yoongi buries his hands deeper into the lone pocket of his sweater, clenching them into fists so tight that he almost expects to feel the skin split over his knuckles. After a moment, he relaxes the joints and slides his palms out of the fleece, calmly resting them at his sides.
“I’m not going to hold back.”
“I don’t want you to.” It sounds like a lie. She almost seems nervous.
“Fine,” he huffs, running a hand through his hair. When he speaks, there is no difference in volume, nor tone. “First of all, fuck you. From the very core of my being. Fuck. You.”
At that, she smiles, and the sheer sight has him scrambling for what he was going to say again. He inhales so deeply that his chest stretches with pain, and then he breathes out a calamity.
“I know that we took it too far. I know that we overstepped an unspoken boundary in our friendship. But what you did...” Yoongi can feel his voice crack. He does not notice how it rises in gradual increments; the build of a wave before it plunges down and floods the streets. “Christ, I knew you had it in you. But I never thought you would actually go ahead and do it, you know? At no point––not even when we were so close to one another on the beach that day, not even when I was touching you in my bathroom––did I convince myself that you would actually cut the ties.”
“For a few days? That’s reasonable. Two weeks? I would've given that decent leeway.” The water starts to break, hurtling down in a swooping undulation. The land is Her, and Yoongi encounters no remorse when the deluge swamps her coast and drowns the homes that they built when they were kids who knew no better. “But three years. Three whole fucking years! You picked up your things and left like the seven years of us being best friends never existed. As if we were living in some fantasy, and you decided to wake up without letting me know it was all just a dream too.
“I wanted to go after you so fucking badly. I wanted to beat down the front door to your house and grab you by the shoulders, just to ask you why. Why did you have to be so goddamn dramatic? Why did you have to act like one of us had received the envelope and it was safer to end things then and there? Why, ___, did you think I was so meaningless and insignificant that you could just throw me away without a care, after all we had been through?”
“You ruined me.” She is drowning. Yoongi can see it from here. He cannot tell if he should grin victoriously or reach out and save her. “The way you left made me feel like I was just some fucking toy that you grew out of. You tossed me away and left me for dead because you’re a heartless bitch. Yet here I stand now, still wanting– No, needing you! Here I stand, grovelling at your feet with my pleas for forgiveness, confessing the truth of how badly you screwed me up by leaving without glancing back. It’s almost as if I’m the monster who abandoned you when you knew I was going to be right by your side until the very end. No matter if the conclusion was made by a natural cause, or a piece of fucking paper sent by the government.”
“The thing is that I didn’t care if you wanted to stay as friends, or be lovesick idiots who should know better in a world like this, ___!” Air is tight in his lungs, fuelling wildfires. “I couldn’t have given a damn about whatever decision you made for us because as long as you were in my life, I was content. Don’t you fucking get that? Can you genuinely tell me that the past three years have been better off without me? Did you never sit and think that I would never push you into something that you didn’t want? That just because I know what your cum tastes like doesn’t mean I expect us to hold hands and fuck each other like we’re something more?”
“All I ever wanted was for you to be in my life. I need you. Not solely for friendship, not only for love. I just know that I have always, and will always need you!”
There are so many words left in his lungs, too many confessions and accusations that he needs to inscribe on her black as tar heart. But Yoongi’s throat crumbles; the sentences strain and fall limp. White flags are kept down. No draw is announced. Nobody is victorious because the game has been burned to ash.
Deeply, she exhales. “Are you good?”
Yoongi stares at her from across the street, partially washed in the muted orange of the overhead lamp, the rest of her concealed in the shadows. His shoulders still heave, teeth sunk in his bottom lip in order to keep the floodgates closed. She stares at him like she knows him, and god, nobody else in this world does as much as her. Even if she only discovered the raw truth of his emotions mere moments ago.
Before he can contrive any further blades in the form of his words to slice into her skin, she is gravitating close. The crunching of gravel is deadened beneath the soles of her sneakers until she stands as near as they had last week. A proximity that would have been considered mundane for them to be within beyond three years ago.
Now, all Yoongi can do is drop his gaze to their feet. Calculating the distance that separates them; only centimetres when it seems akin to vast oceans. So close, yet he has never felt so far.
“Good?” she murmurs once more, tilting her head down so that she can peer up at his drooped chin. Yoongi cannot even find it in himself to wipe away the tears. His fists loosen, useless by his sides.
What he does not expect is for her to breach the minimal space that remains. Her arms come around his waist, palms finding purchase against his shoulder blades and pressing him so tightly to her own chest that they may as well be a sole being.
It may just be his imagination, or the dissipating anger that leaves a dull ringing in his ears. But Yoongi swears he hears something break in her voice when she speaks again. Maybe, the last of her heart.
“Are we good?”
She holds on tighter when he precariously nods against the side of her head.
Yoongi does not hug her back out of fear that he may lose himself completely in her vessel. Become trapped within the bone cage of her ribs. Instead, he tips his chin back to face the stars, cheeks feeling damp and cold. He stares accusingly at the incandescents bodies, mere pinpricks of luminosity, as though it is all their fault.
How could you do this to us? Why did it get taken this far? Neither of us deserved such devastation, yet you awakened an apocalypse right where we both stood.
The stars are left speechless.
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To say that matters resumed to how things were in the past would be obscene. Yet, genuinely, it is somewhat how the treacherous tides came to calm into clear waters.
The unbosoming that tainted the atmosphere of that isolated street was merely the chains to the drawbridge unhinging. From there, it plummeted back down so that the two of them could be on even ground. Enabled them to understand and embrace the differences, the hardships, which were emphasised and catastrophised beyond their initial extremity.
To themselves, they cannot help but wonder if such dramatics would have happened if they were born in a different timeline. If they existed in an entirely divergent world to the one where a ballot can tear their life from beneath their feet, even before they make it to the year’s end.
Adjustments are made with their developed maturity. Yoongi no longer waits at the bus stop to pick her up on a school-day morning. Rather, she drives to his campus and takes them to the local library to study for their courses every Wednesday afternoon.
The new diner is visited regularly, though not as often as the convenience store in the middle of the night. Usually, these ventures are planned. Yet they sometimes arrive unexpectedly when either one of them strolls up to the store entrance, discovering the other already watching with a sheepish grin through the window.
They rarely go out to parties together. Their assignments often conflict with the dates, or other responsibilities take the advantage. But Yoongi ceases with the narcotics, and instead sticks to the pleasures of alcohol. It is a matter that none of his friends seem to care for; they almost appear to admire him. He no longer needs to hallucinate in order to see the one person that his heart has been sewn back together for.
The wilted flower of their friendship slowly revives with every small step that they take forward, the petals blossoming into something familiar. Yet Yoongi cannot help but notice the vague restraint that she upholds with their every lighthearted conversation; in the small flinch that she makes when their elbows brush too close; when he squeezes her knee out of reassurance. The red strings are knotting back together, though they cannot deny the fraying of the ends. The ties are loose and unsure, as if suggesting that they may snap once again.
Yoongi only pulls tighter. All the while, she watches on with guarded contemplation, letting the threads go limp in her palms like she is wondering whether all of this was such a great idea.
Two and a half months, on the cusp of three, and only then does he discover her worst treachery of all. The reason behind her unwillingness to allow their bond to return to its utmost potential. Yoongi does not know how she hid it this well for so long.
It is made infinitely worse by the fact that he is so beyond hungover, his brain seems to have transformed into a cement brick.
On Sunday morning, he makes the trip to Shake Shack alone. Hoseok is still passed out under the dining table, Seokjin is actually studying something other than the female reproductive system with his dick, and there is the smidgen of a possibility that Jimin might be dead. It is eternally a mystery as to what happens to him after a hefty night out.
The restaurant door chimes, alarm bells that echo in cymbals through his head. Yoongi is focusing too strenuously on keeping his brain from splitting in half to realise that they might actually be warning him.
Honeysuckle captures his attention as soon as the door swings shut, sucking still air through a vacuum that drifts the aroma, like an instant hangover cure, into his senses. Yoongi, once he is convinced that his head is not about to topple off his neck, levels his gaze to see straight before him. Instantly, his eyes lock onto a figure that he could identify, even when she is merely a silhouette in the distance.
She turns from the counter, holding an extra-large takeaway cup of freshly brewed coffee. The world stutters to the slightest of stops before kickstarting again when she notices him watching on, probably appearing like a goddamn fool standing at the entrance of the restaurant. So, Yoongi decides to will his feet forward, casually calling out her name.
But he stops dead in his tracks when he sees fear ambushing her wide eyes. Yoongi almost does not notice him until her alarmed gaze sweeps away from Yoongi and up to his face.
It is the guy from the club. The one who had sundered their reunion with a single sentence. The one who had managed to draw her gaze away from Yoongi; something that always took a breath of a moment to do in the past, but was as effortless as blinking in the now. The one who had softened her eyes when he spoke, the way Yoongi always could. The one who had clambered her into his jacket and Yoongi did not, at the time, have a chance to think twice of it.
The guy from the club, who has his arm curled neatly around a waist that has always belonged to Yoongi. The guy from the club, who has the fucking stars gleaming in his eyes, because that is just the effect that belonging to somebody like her will always have.
They approach like royals striding toward a peasant. The heart thief glances between the two of them with mild scrutiny. But before the guy can say anything, she parts her lips. The sound that comes out is hardly a croak, yet it sets off World War III within Yoongi’s ribcage.
“Oh! This is the guy– The friend from home right?” He affectionately jostles the arm around her frame, knocking her back into rationality. Her chin barely tilts in a nod. She no longer looks at Yoongi.
Underneath the seething rage that is making his migraine throb like the brink of death, Yoongi vaguely contemplates how to sever the foreign limb attached to her body.
When the guy extends his hand, Yoongi has to restart his dying heart in order to reciprocate the gesture. The defibrillator is charged, and he almost hopes that it will not work. He wishes that the flimsy vessel will collapse, and he will be sucked right out of this moment, swallowed by a most welcome eternal darkness.
“Hey man, I’m Jeongguk,” the guy says.
Three... two... one...
“I believe we already met. But I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself properly.”
“I’m ___’s boyfriend.”
Yoongi feels his heart stutter back to life. He wonders how much betrayal the average human being endures in their lifetime, or whether he is just that fucking unlucky.
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Jeon Jeongguk is one of the lucky ones in the form of a platinum certificate, declaring a free pass on genocide; cleaning his fingertips of scarlet. A promise to not die by an unlawful hand.
That is what happens, after all, when your life is deemed valuable to this world. When your intelligence is too good to be wasted. When the zeros tacked onto the end of your future inheritance are far too infinite to be ignored. They say this is the secret to immunity: hone pockets weighed down by gold, and bear diamond fangs that can tear through a piece of paper, splotched with the ink of your name.
In a town as small as their own, such a matter was deemed a myth. Then, she met him.
She never knew whether it was sheer fascination, or genuine attraction. Even now, she remains unsure. But Jeongguk was drawn to her; opposite poles of a magnet that met in unexpected harmony. He had knocked into her elbow at the campus cafe and spun to apologise. Instead, he had found himself struck silent by the graves that were on blatant, unadulterated exhibition in the cemeteries of her eyes.
Maybe, he was convinced that he could uproot the dead from where they slept. Thought he could dig his fingers into the soils, and grow bouquets from the minerals that the bones had scattered beneath the surface. Maybe, he wanted to know the secrets. The reasons behind the ghosts that lurked about her irises, eternally trapped betwixt the limbo of Heaven and Hell. Maybe, he was as selfish as the rest of the world. Precisely like her and the other, who was buried the deepest in the boneyard of her heart.
Too many maybes had filled her mind, yet she had found herself saying yes. Not just once. But again, and again, until the two of them were sharing coffee against the lips of the other instead of over a cafe table, and she could describe precisely how it felt when he entered her. Again, and again. Yes.
Now, the boy of platinum teaches her about things that she already knew, but from a different perspective. A preferable one, where one is not concerned with their fate. When their life is not threatened at the beginning of every new month, because their skin and bones are invincible to the bullets of a Government rifle.
Jeongguk takes her to the theatre. In the shadows of the back row, where their mischievous chuckles hide, he shows her what salt and butter tastes like on his tongue. He lets her listen to the sound of their voices blend off-tune with the song playing on the radio. The windows of his car are rolled all the way down, spring breeze curling through her hair, his hand resting on the sunlight that seeps gold onto her thigh. He shows her the bridge that connects the southern and northern ends of the city. The lights that are cast onto the glass surface of the river from street lamps resemble stars, flickering beneath their feet, shining on the gentle ripples rather than above in the hazy, dark skies.
This is where Jeongguk whispers that he loves her. This is where he accepts that she cannot find the voice just yet to say such a burden back. But he helps her take her dress off in the backseat anyway, and he kisses every inch of her skin as if he is trying to find the answer tucked somewhere between her joints. Engraved in her bones.
When he thrusts into her, he moans in such a way that she digs her nails deeper into his flesh, as though she can bury herself within him. Become a part of his platinum shield. She, too, can be untouchable.
It is not that she does not adore Jeongguk. Of course, her chest thrums with that certain warmth when he grazes his knuckles over her throat. Her gaze softens when she finds him walking into the room, lighting up with a grin that is specially reserved for her. He is a secure anchor amidst the raging ocean of this society, and she swears that such a matter is not the reason why she laces her knuckles together to connect at the palms, or swallows his laughter into her own lungs, or presses her lips against his bare spine when the moonlight turns his skin into stardust.
Somewhere, deep down, she thinks there may be a hint of love, too shy to reveal its face. Maybe, it is insecure; unsure whether its roots are woven through the carcass of a natural demise, rather than the tacky mint shade of an unwanted envelope.
No. That is not the reason why she desires him. She may be cruel, but she is not a monster. That is what she tells herself, at least, as she ignores the blood red gaze that watches on from the darkest shadows of her mind. It folds its talons in its lap, wearing the glint of a wicked grin.
The sight is too repulsive to even glance at.
Now, when she parts her lethargic eyes, it is to find Jeongguk already gazing at her through the tangle of her sleep-heavy lashes. He draws the tip of his finger down her nose, outlining the shape of her lips. A map that he marks with his touch before he presses his own mouth to them in a quiet good morning.
“What were you dreaming about?” he murmurs throatily, and it is then that she realises she is frowning. The sunlight that slides into his bedroom attempts to soften and smooth the crease between her brow, though it cannot seem to fade. “You were stirring and mumbling.”
She thinks back to the realm she was briefly visiting. It held the taste of vanilla, and the eyes of blackholes that would bend her at the edges. Although she had clung fiercely to the stars and suns that surrounded him, he let her be free, just like that. There was no fight left in him. No force. No will to drag her into his desolate infinity.
She is unsure if she is grateful, or if she would rather be dead.
“Nothing that I can remember,” is all that she whispers before her face finds solace in the dip of Jeongguk’s throat. There, he will not be able to see the betrayal that brews in her eyes. His ignorance is all the more confirmed when he hums indifferently and slides his palm beneath her rumpled shirt, gliding up her spine.
Because Jeon Jeongguk, with platinum luck threaded through his veins, with good fortune as a shield against unnatural fate, is not, and could never be Min Yoongi.
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That day at the restaurant was like giving Yoongi all of the stars in the universe, only to rip them away into the mouth of a black hole. Leaving him with nothing but a handful of tenebrosity.
A boyfriend. A lover. A something that she claimed she could never have because this world took intimacy by the throat and squeezed until the skin blossomed blue. A lie that she threaded through Yoongi with barbwire, as though she could never actually love him. He was just another puppet that she controlled the strings of for all these years.
She was never his best friend. It was always betrayal that stuck by his side through thick and thin.
After the introductions had been made, she had dragged Jeon Jeongguk out of the restaurant without a second glance at Yoongi. She knew she had banjaxed the secret, that this took the cake for being the ultimate egregious bullet point on her list of perfidy. Yoongi did not go forth and make an order. Rather, he had waited five minutes before exiting the restaurant himself, praying on the drive back to his campus that his hangover would make him swerve off the road and bend his bones around a tree.
As per usual, he is never that lucky.
For days, they do not communicate. It eats at him; hollows his body out into a carcass of his true being. He can feel himself slipping back into the skeleton of who he once became; the version who has pupils the size of Pluto and snowy powder on his nostrils.
That is, until Yoongi is in the sanctuary of his dorm room with glass bottles containing the remnants of his heart strewn about the bedside table. He finally gains the liquid confidence to light his phone screen, pulling up a conversation that details the time and location of a recent meet up they had had. Sent over a week before he had discovered that all those times she had said she could not hang out––that she had more important plans––were probably to see him.
Delivered [2:11AM]: ___
why didn’t you tell me
It is late, and Yoongi expects no reply. He just needed to get those five words out of his head; the question that has been persisting his every thought. The memories of the past two months where she entailed no such relationship, never hinted that her heart belonged to another while Yoongi was still convinced that it was the fondest for him; they were all marked with that one word, now.
There is a gentle vibration that almost goes unnoticed, if not for the way that the shadows of his bedroom shrink away from the dim light that the screen emanates. A lump forms in Yoongi’s throat when he swipes his thumb across the device to unlock the two messages, labelled with her name.
Received [2:16AM]: ___
because it’s not important
why did I need to?
Yoongi is calling her before he even realises he has dialled the number. She, to his disbelief, answers after two rings.
“You know precisely the reason why,” he seethes. The words are laced in malice, yet airy in their tone; exhausted. “Not important, my fucking ass. What kind of horrible excuse is that? Aren’t you tired of making up bullshit? Will you ever be?”
On the other end of the line, there is the shifting of sheets, the distant scuffling of feet, the slide of a balcony door before it clicks shut. Her exhalations are shallow, hair rustling against the speaker with the hint of a breeze. Or perhaps, the distressed combing of her knuckles through the strands.
“You’re with him right now, aren’t you?” Yoongi almost laughs at the realisation, a dead smile drawn on his lips. She audibly gulps.
“Y-Yes. I mean. He’s my– Well, he’s–”
“Your boyfriend? That– That thing that you always claimed you could never have?”
She makes no acknowledgment, nor no confirmation of the aforementioned statement. Only when she sniffs does Yoongi realise that she is quietly crying. He suffocates the surge of regret that threatens to soften his anger. He is tired of being pitiful.
“What do you want from me, ___?” he barely whispers. His heart begins to detach from his body. “All this time, what is it that you wanted?”
Static crackles between them. When her voice finally sounds, it shudders.
“Everything. I wanted, no, I want everything from you. Of you. B-But it can never work.” The words are muffled around a sob, the kind that claws right out of the pits of your lungs. “Yoongi, everything you said all of those months ago is precisely the way I feel too. I need you in my life, no matter the circumstances. But being together is such a risk. We have lost so much already. And– And I don’t want to hurt you–”
“You’ve already done that, sweetheart,” Yoongi barks out with a humourless chuckle. He runs a clammy hand down his face. “You’re doing it right now. You’re doing it constantly.”
“I mean that I’m cursed, for christ’s sakes! You and I both know that!” she nearly shouts, and then her voice drops into an undercurrent. He can almost sense the way that her gaze must be darting back to the glass door, providing the view of a dark room where her lover may or may not be listening to her confess to another man. “You know that first night at the convenience store, when you asked why I was crying? A girl that I’d only just become friends with was drawn from that damned ballot. Honestly, a week before her name was pulled out, we exchanged numbers and made plans to meet for lunch.”
“This was a girl I had only just met. You would’ve been dead from the moment I gave in to you, Yoongi. I’m trying to protect you from this. I want you to live a long and happy life, as normal as it can be, without me being a burden. If that means hurting you in the process, then so be it. I refuse to let you die, especially because of my birth year...” her voice trails off, clamped down by a palm pressed to her lips.
Yoongi swings his feet off the edge of his bed and pads over to the northernmost wall of his room. Even after so many years, he refuses to believe that she still thinks of herself as a bad omen who drags those that surround her to their demise. That she continues to attain such a childish perception; a fib whispered by kids who know no better.
They are adults now. It would be moronic to believe a wives’ tale regarding the four numbers that signified the change for a better world, where all those who were born in that year supposedly honed the curse of death.
“Then why is he so different?” Yoongi murmurs, grazing his knuckles against the plaster. “Why is he the special one that gets to experience being in love with a girl who claims to be cursed?”
“Because he is exempt from the project, Yoongi,” she sounds so empty. A hollow heart. “The rumours about the wealthy families are true. They have no involvement in the ballot.”
Skin splits over bone. Scarlet streaks down his wrist and marks the wall in four bloody patches. Yoongi grunts, but the stinging sensation is soothing compared to the knife that stabs deeper through his back.
The hearsay was no new knowledge since he moved to the city. He has known a few people himself who honed the platinum certificate, bestowing them with normality. A natural end to this world that all human beings should be granted, no matter if their pockets are full of dirt rather than diamonds.
But Yoongi’s fist connects with the wall again when Jeon Jeongguk’s face violently blooms within his mind, eating up the space that she always accommodates. The guy who she can never claim to have slaughtered by the four digits of her cursed birth year. Yoongi swears she winces at the dull thud, followed by a short gasp between his gritted teeth.
“God, aren’t you just selfish,” he mutters, staring at the torn flesh of his knuckles. He clenches them tight when they remind him of her smaller, crimson hands floating amongst ocean waves. That memory, with her mouth that tasted of salt and untruths, should not be tainted by an incident like this.
There is no jocularity in her tone. “It’s a refined talent.”
The plaster is cold against his forehead; his palm is warm with drying blood. After a glacial moment of basking in the sound of her breathing––existing––Yoongi’s voice drops to merely a whisper.
“You need to realise that having you in my life is a decision that I make, not you. And what about these past two months, huh? If that were the really the case, I would be dead already, don’t you think? Stop being so ridiculous. Stop thinking you can make all of these choices for me when you’re ticking all of the opposite answers to what I want. If you don’t want me in your life, stop acting like you do. Don’t lure me in just to throw me back out in the water.”
“I can’t willingly cut you from my life, you know that,” her voice is weak, just like the both of them. “That’s why I’m pushing you away. I can accept it if you leave, but I can’t voluntarily let you go.”
“Why, ___?” God, he is so tired, the words barely come out coherent. “Why don’t you just do it already?”
“I can’t say it, Yoongi. I couldn’t before, and I especially can’t now that– Now that I’m with him.”
At that, Yoongi’s chest caves inward. The vessel within is sucked into the abyss, because the one person in this world who he cares infinitely for practically admitted the truth. She had ghosted over it, yet it was there. An echo of honesty. An admission so vague, though ringing with the utmost profundity through his head; a record that stutters back over that one same line.
I love you, Yoongi. I love you, even now that I am with him.
Yoongi sighs a lifetime of air through his teeth. “Me too, ___. Always.”
Between their paced exhalations that taste like devotion at long last divulged, there is background sound. A door sliding open. The crackle of a voice that is not her own.
She does not say that she has to go. There is no utterance of a goodbye. The line simply hangs up.
Yoongi, the next morning, cannot recall for how long afterwards he listened to the dial tone.
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In July, the monthly draw lands on a Friday. The final day of the semester.
It is the end of exams. The return of the summer holidays, celebrated by a barbecue down by the foreshore. A place where all students alike arrive in their respective groups to rejoin before they part for home, but everyone mixes, mingles, and congratulates.
Friendly tournaments of beach volleyball are held between the colleges. The aroma of sizzling meat and charcoal manages to overpower the scent of salt that wafts from the waves. Laughter and conversation tucks itself into every available space. Alcohol is poured graciously and in volumes considered comparable to a frat party.
Yoongi cannot help but wonder how many of the students who have flocked to the beach are going to have their name drawn from the ballot. Whose exam scores are going to become insignificant. Who might be celebrating for the final time with their peers––their friends––before they return home to a family with cheeks stricken by tears and a mint green envelope, bloodied with their own name.
When Yoongi arrives at the foreshore, there is a solid seven minutes of texting back-and-forth with a half-drunk Hoseok––who is dreadful at giving directions as it is––to figure out where the hell he is. Though it is only when Seokjin puts the latter on his shoulders that Yoongi manages to find them amongst the dense crowd. Nobody could miss that Hawaiian shirt paired with a sunshine smile, arms flailing like one of those wacky inflatable tube men.
Their area consists of a canopy housing three coolers filled to the brim with ice and beer, and a scattering of chairs to take up the remaining shade. A portable barbecue is set up to the left of the arrangement, currently left unattended. The sausages are starting to sizzle beyond cooked, but everyone is too busy enthusiastically welcoming the new arrival to care.
Yoongi greets them all with muted excitement. Though his gaze immediately drifts down to the only person who had remained reclined throughout the entire feat, spread on the grass like a starfish. With his blank features partially concealed by his large black sunglasses, Park Jimin––who is known to be the most mercurial of the whole lot––almost appears dead.
“Is Jimin okay?”
“He’s sober,” Seokjin laughs, kicking at the ankle of the aforementioned, who grunts something incomprehensible.
Jimin shifts up from his leisurely position to lean back on his elbows.
“Three weeks off it,” Jimin squints so fiercely that it is even noticeable behind his glasses. He sounds slow, the words drawn out on his plump lips. “It’s not right to do it around family. Plus, my Ma would probably send me to the fuckin’ moon if she caught me shooting up on the coffee table that has been passed down through the generations for like, ever.”
“The fuckin’ moon, he says,” Hoseok quips whilst a safe distance from Jimin and his fists, dousing an overly burnt hotdog in sauce. “You’ve been there every weekend since the start of first semester, Mr. Low Hallucination Tolerance. Hey Yoongi, remember when Jimin literally thought we had managed to make it into outer space and we were walking on the moon like Apollo 13?”
Jimin seems to contemplate whether he should get up and beat the shit out of Hoseok. Ultimately, he decides to slump back onto the grass. “Eat my ass.”
Hoseok genuinely sighs. “You all keep offering, but you never pull through.”
“You mean Apollo 11,” Seokjin circles around Jimin to stand beside Hoseok, raising an eyebrow. “Apollo 13 never landed.”
“Amazing, Seokjin knows facts! And here we all were, thinking that he only knew the precise anatomy of the female body.” Hoseok jeers, the disparages flying out like they are a second language. “Who would have thought?”
“One, I’m not sure if I should be insulted by that,” Seokjin takes his hands out of his pockets and uses an elbow to knock Hoseok in the arm, causing the sauce he is squirting to spray over his own shoes. “Two, you’re honestly asking for a beating, from all of us. But I guess three-on-one is just your style, right?”
“Oh daddy, you know it,” Hoseok, despite that his eyes blaze lividly over the ruined shoes, takes a disgraceful bite out of his hotdog with a lewd wink as if to prove a point. Everyone gags in perfect unison.
“Speaking of, what are you guys doing for the holidays?” Yoongi asks the feuding pair, wrinkling his nose when Hoseok offers him a sausage that resembles charcoal. He opts for a beer instead, and it fizzles pleasantly on his tongue. An old friend that his liver has known well for the past three years.
“My family lives in the town just beyond Hoseok’s, so I’m going to be dropping him there on the travel home.” Seokjin states while cleaning up the grill of the blackened mess, shooting the occasional accusing glare at Jimin, who appears to have initially been on barbecue duty. “God knows how I’m going to deal with that for six hours straight, but I consider it my good deed for the year.” Seokjin effortlessly dodges a kick to the shin by the insulted. “How about you?”
“You’re driving back with ___, right?” Hoseok questions, plonking down beside Jimin, who parts his lips in a demand for a bite. The poor guy nearly chokes when Hoseok eagerly shoves half the hotdog into his mouth.
A shiver is elicited when her name infiltrates the atmosphere, crawling up his spine in a sensation near pleasurable. But now, it is weighted with the touch of a forbidden truth. She no longer belongs to him, no matter if she still keeps her heart nestled between his palms.
Yoongi chugs back a quarter of the beer as if to wash away the feeling, cringing immediately afterwards.
“Yeah, it makes sense to go in one car. Her– Uh, the boyfriend is going to be visiting his family in the east, so he won’t be coming with us,” Yoongi speaks dismissively whilst running a hand back through his hair. His friends appear to not notice the fervent longing that resides beneath his skin.
Yoongi is about to take another sip of his drink. That is, until he stares directly ahead and finds the devil herself, drying off her hair with a beach towel.
It is eternally mesmerising watching her. From the way she moves with the fluidity of water, to the beautiful manner in which her features transform into her signature expressions. Most of them are private inclinations to an opposite emotion. A habit that only he knows of after such an extensive period of time observing her throughout their growth.
She laughs at something her friends says. The surrounding commotion swallows it whole, but Yoongi can hear it in divine clarity; the harmonious melody that has been the repeating soundtrack to half of his life. The calling of songbirds; the gentle notes of a piano; the tinkling of wind chimes in a summer breeze.
There is a faint vibration against Yoongi’s thigh. When he reaches into his pocket to retrieve the device, she makes eye contact from across the grass. A smile drifts about her lips that he cannot help but return, gazing at one another like a secret. Then, she purposefully distracts herself with the entertainment surrounding her.
Yoongi stands up and departs from the group, who are already indulging in other topics. He answers the phone without checking the identification. The line crackles with static, and then, his mother is sobbing through the speaker as though the world is about to end as they know it.
And when she finally manages to choke out the syllables, he realises that such a figure of speech may not be far from the truth after all.
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NOTE — this has also been adapted into third-person perspective!! to those who have never read this before, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the piece. besides that, all likes and reblogs are super duper appreciated!! ♡
our finale should be coming very soon. get ready for a true rollercoaster of emotion. I’ve already cried twice while writing certain scenes of it dfsghs.
also, I’ve removed the links to the individual parts of attts because tumblr is being dumb by deleting posts/blogs that are using links or something. until they’ve resolved this issue, you can access the other parts of the series via my master list!!
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zurichtooslo · 5 years
Day 43, 2nd Oct, Zagreb
I woke up to music under my window today. It looked like a live broadcast of some sort. There was an interviewer there as well.
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The Dolac market operates everyday. It’s very close to the centre and cathedral. It’s a big job setting up and then cleaning the square at the end of the day.
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The red umbrellas make a statement. They would look great from higher up.
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From outside the cathedral I caught a No.106 bus to Mirogoj Cemetery about 10 minutes out of the centre. The cemetery is a landmark of Zagreb.
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The ivy covered walls and long porticos were impressive.
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Croatians of all demoninations are buried here.
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Me. Still not good at the selfies. There was a guy I asked to take my photo as I took his but he had no idea of getting a good background.
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Main entrance. The weather had turned a bit overcast with a hint of rain. I had forgotten to take my umbrella so I was hoping it would hold off.
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Out the front workers were cleaning a memorial pole.
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Back at the cathedral there was a clock on the wall which had been on the Cathedral when a huge earthquake occurred in 1880. A lot of damage was caused. The clock stopped at 7 hours, 3 minutes and 3 seconds. Also after the earthquake the columns had to be repaired but adverse weather conditions over time as resulted in them needing replaced again.
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Walking around the back of the cathedral you can see the very intact old city walls.
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Around Croatia it is a common sight to see nuns still in their black habits. They aren’t worn by many nuns now. This nun was watering the plants and dusting in the church.
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Behind the altar was the body of a famous Croatian Cardinal. He actually looked a bit gruesome or deathly pale lying in his box.
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Back out in the streets I found the entrance to one of the underground tunnels that were built during WWII. 
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They basically go under the hill so are now used as easy access for the locals rather than having to walk over the hill.
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This was the exit I took into an area that was called Art Garden. It used to be a bit of a drug infested area but was cleaned up and given over to some street art.
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I walked back up the steps was I wanted to get up to the top of the hill again.
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This was a cafe with washing, which I assume was for affect and being arty, as the underwear over your head while having a cup of tea was a bit unusual.
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There was a nice park on top.
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This was the Lotrščak Tower which was a fortified tower built in the C13th to guard the southern gate of the commoners town wall. You could climb to the top. I did think about it but decided that the day hasn’t clear enough for the effort.
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This is a very popular church for people to be married in up in the old town.
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However, almost next to the church is the Museum of Broken Relationships. It was started by a couple who separated but are still in business together. A lot of the objects and comments have been on tour to many countries and now a second museum has opened in Loa Angelos.
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People give away items from now broken relationships and give explanations. The items were very varied from notes to badly knitted jumpers, to figures to a parachute harness, that one was sad as the guy had died in a parachute accident.
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The explanations were all very different as well.
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St Mark’s church further up the hill.
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A lady dressed in traditional costume. I’m not sure if she was selling photos of herself with tourists or advertising the restaurant.
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Near the entrance to the old town gate is a statue of St George and the Dragon. The legend of the dragon is big in these parts.
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Further away from the old part of city are some really lovely parks.
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In the afternoon I did another walking tour which was more specific and covered 20th Century history of Croatia. The guide from yesterday said that if someone was born in 1917 and lived until 80 they would have lived under five completely different types of rule. Croatia was part of the Austrian Hungary Empire, then had their own Monarchy, then Communism after WWII, then the united Slavic states formed Yugoslavia then Democracy. 
The tour started its explanation of Croatia’s history around WWI. The guide was very interesting and had maps and photos to help with the explanations. This article was about the laws that came in around 1938 which affected the Jews
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On the site we were standing on a synagogue used to be there. A plaque on the wall indicates that it had been built in 1867 and burnt down in 1941. There was a concentration camp in Croatia were the “undesirables’ were sent.
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Our next stop was to the underground tunnels. To get there we took an interesting route past bars and an empty wooded area. The tunnels were built during WWII for people in the bars to use. If you were home people went down to their basements during air raids. At each stop we got a bit more explanation of Croatia’s history.
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The tunnels were well protected under the hill but very cold.
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About 3,000 to 5,000 people could fit into the tunnels. This section was wider than most of the rest of the tunnel and was enlarged during the 91-95 war.
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After the tunnels we walked across town to a basement were a video had been set up and with more information around the walls.  The guide was excellent and very passionate about Croatia’s history and people, in the group, asked some very interesting questions. Some had been to other Slavic states so it’s like piecing a jigsaw together trying to understand what events have taken place over time. This guide mentioned that planes flew from Pula. I knew Pula wasn’t bombed during 1991-1995 but my hotel owner there had mentioned that there were about 20,000 soldiers stationed in the military barracks across from the shipyard.
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The tour was supposed to have lasted 2 1/2 hours but went for 3 1/2 hours as the people in the group were very engaged with the subject matter. A lot of people had also been on the walking tour yesterday. If you visit a country I want to try and understand the country history so always a lot to take in.
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Out last stop was to a Memorial of the bombings that took place in Zagreb in 1994. No photos were allowed here.  The guide can remember the bombings and the war and a friend of his was killed so the fight for democracy is still very fresh in Croatian’s minds. Croatia has done some pretty bad things in the past that it’s trying to atone for. They have now been a democracy for 25 years and things are changing but with baby steps as the guide indicated. This whole region has a fascinating history but I need more study to even start to understand what has gone on before to lead Croatia to this place today. The guide left us with some suggestions for u tube videos and books to read.
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Zagreb was a very attractive city to visit and essays to get around. Lots and lots of restaurants and cafes everywhere. 
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harrythegreekblr · 3 years
Did a bomb flatten a new two-story, parking garage in Ohio yesterday?
Eyewitness Trudy Bell (above).
Lakewood Fire Marshall Tim Dunphy (above)
Yesterday, a brand-new two-story parking garage in Lakewood, Ohio was flattened like a pancake.
Was it a bomb?
According to today’s press release from the City of Lakewood, no one was hurt or injured.
The garage was a separate structure used by residents of Marine Towers West apartments.
It occurred at 10 a.m.
The garage is now an empty, black rectangle in the center of the above photo. The rubble has been cleared. Lake Erie is above the apartment complexes.
What caused it?
Who caused it?
Only Lakewood, Ohio city officials know.
And so far, they are saying it is “under investigation”.
Lakewood is adjacent to Lake Erie, the first suburb west of Cleveland.
An eyewitness to the incident was Trudy E. Bell.
She is a science and technology reporter for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a professional association.
Mrs. Bell lives across the street from the Lakewood incident.
She called it, “an explosion”.
Twenty-five cars were destroyed.
This estimate was given by Lakewood’s Fire Marshall, Tim Dunphy.
Here is what Trudy Bell said she saw yesterday:
“I was in the building. I live on the fifth floor, 507.”
“I was overlooking . . . the area (of the explosion) that was affected.
“I was in the bathroom at the time . . .
“I felt the whole building move. Almost as if was an earthquake.
“And then a moment later I heard this sound of an explosion, and I thought that was an explosion.
“I went running to the living room and looked out and the doors.
“There is an upper grassy area that has that first-floor garage . . .
There were “metal doors. They were blown out into the dog park and then . . . I could see the explosion had come from the neighboring garage and had blown in a bunch of rock and rubble.”
“My car is still trapped in the underground garage (across the street).
“I went down to the basement and see if my car was okay . . . and the firemen were just arriving and they said, ‘Get back, get back.
“And then I got a few pictures from down there.
“ . . . and I was talking to neighbors. They said that there was apparently some kind of explosion.
“They (the Lakewood firemen) don’t know what kind of explosion. Maybe an electrical explosion or something, but something big because it took down concrete block walls.”
“I heard it.
“And also heard the smoke and plaster dust.
“My window overlooks the dog park and both garages.
“It had blown in part of the wall and water was coursing down.
“There were a lot of pipes on the ceiling of the garage.
Ten minutes after the garage collapse incident”, the Lakewood fire department “ordered residents to evacuate the building”.
Editor’s notes
Lakewood Mayor Meghan George is a third generation Arab-American.
0 notes
dipulb3 · 4 years
Fire-ravaged California Wine Country: We're still here
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/fire-ravaged-california-wine-country-were-still-here/
Fire-ravaged California Wine Country: We're still here
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Healdsburg, California (Appradab) — The subject of the call was dire: Scattered reports of fire. On the mountain. Maybe headed straight for the Meadowood Napa Valley resort.
It was late September, and most resort employees had evacuated to safer spots. Officials organized a conference call to reassure their people not to panic. Christopher Kostow, executive chef of The Restaurant at Meadowood, was one of those on the line.
The group discussed conflicting news reports of fire burning nearby vineyards. They shared first- and second-hand stories of friends losing everything. Finally, someone interrupted: What about “the picture?”
The picture, of course, was one that is now burned in the brains of everyone within a 30-mile radius of the most vaunted wine region in California.
In the foreground, a lone CalFire firefighter stands in an orange jumpsuit atop a heap of plant debris. In the background, the three-Michelin-star restaurant and top story of the luxurious Clubhouse at the five-star Meadowood resort are completely engulfed in flames.
Kostow hadn’t seen the photo tweeted out by a Bay Area journalist until someone texted it to him moments later. The chef was driving when it came through on his phone. After glancing at it, he nearly veered off the road.
“I knew immediately — you don’t come back from that,” Kostow said days later, still recovering from the shock. “We put 12 years of human capital into that place, and it disappeared in a few hours.”
Kostow’s restaurant wasn’t the only casualty of wildfires in Wine Country this year. Two separate fires over the course of three months singed acres of vineyards, hundreds of homes and several other tourist destinations throughout the area.
The most recent blaze — the Glass Fire — wreaked havoc in Napa County, hitting Meadowood and obliterating the five-star Calistoga Ranch resort. It damaged or destroyed nearly twodozen wineries as well.
In August, the hulking LNU Complex Fire hit both sides of the region, burning all the land around Lake Berryessa in Napa County and threatening the Russian River Valley resort towns of Forestville and Guerneville on the Sonoma County side.
Cleanup and recovery operations are ongoing where possible; in some cases, those businesses that had shuttered because of damages have reopened.
Still, after an economic slowdown thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic and three horrific fire seasons out of the past four, many local folks can’t help but wonder: Will travel to Wine Country ever be the same?
State of the region
To be clear, Napa and Sonoma counties are still vibrant, beautiful places.
Yes, there have been terrible fires since 2017. Yes, people have died. Yes, fresh black burn scars slash the otherwise verdant landscape. All told, across both counties the fires have destroyed more than 7,500 homes.
Amazingly, however, in the context of the local tourism infrastructure, these natural disasters really haven’t precipitated the type of Armageddon that many might extrapolate from headlines and video they see on TV.
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Fire crews saved all structures at the Schramsberg vineyard outside Calistoga.
Courtesy Schramsberg
Take the most recent Glass Fire, which burned more than 67,000 acres overall.
Linsey Gallagher, president and CEO of Visit Napa Valley, the organization tasked with marketing the Napa Valley as a travel destination, said the region is home to about 475 wineries. She noted that only 31 — roughly 6.5% — were directly affected by the fire.
Of the 31, she said, 11 suffered major damage or destruction.
Among those reporting serious or total losses: Burgess, Cain, Dutch Henry, Hourglass, Newton and Sherwin Family. The 45-year-old Chateau Boswell also burned to the ground; all that remains today is the winery building’s stone façade.
“Our thoughts go out to all who were impacted by this most recent fire,” Gallagher said. “We have endured phylloxera (a louse affecting vines), Prohibition and earthquakes, and we’ll get through this, as well.”
Officials at wineries that endured less significant damages — all of which are open for tastings again — shared harrowing stories of perilously close calls.
Hugh Davies, president of the sparkling wine producer Schramsberg, reported that fire crews rushed up the hillside and saved all structures at his property outside Calistoga. He noted that a recent effort to create space between buildings and forest likely facilitated the heroic effort, and said that a few vines did burn.
At Castello di Amorosa, a Calistoga winery in a replica of a medieval stone castle, the fire burned a storeroom but not the main structure. Tom Davies, president and managing partner of sister winery V. Sattui (and no relation to Hugh), said the castle “got lucky.”
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Philippe and Cherie Melka, owners of Melka Estates & Winery in St. Helena
Mariana Calderon Photography
Philippe and Cherie Melka, owners of Melka Estates & Winery in St. Helena, said flames incinerated their grown child’s detached living quarters and a guest cottage, but firefighters miraculously saved the family’s main home and the main winemaking facility.
“We recognize it could have been a lot worse,” Cherie Melka said. “We’re thankful we’re still here.”
Fallen icons
While the Glass Fire took out 150 of the 5,500 hotel rooms in Napa County, the losses represent two iconic properties: Calistoga Ranch and Meadowood Resort.
Calistoga Ranch, an ultra-luxury resort with 50 rooms, was destroyed — its exquisite main building, spa and $800-per-night cabins reduced to ashes in a matter of hours as the fire advanced from St. Helena north.
Todd Cilano was regional vice president of the resort, and in an email noted that the “Ranch” was a celebration of Wine Country. He wrote that the property was home to a working cabernet vineyard, hiking trails and a flourishing garden and a chicken coop that produced hyperlocal ingredients for the on-site restaurant. He added that people loved the resort because of how it blurred the line between inside and out.
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The remains of the guest houses at Calistoga Ranch smoulder after the Glass Fire on September 30, 2020.
Samuel Corum/AFP/Getty Images
“Our intention is to reestablish the resort, but it will take some time to rebuild,” wrote Cilano, who is also general manager at Solage, a neighboring property which, like Calistoga Ranch, is part of the Auberge Resorts Collection. “The outpouring of support from past guests who already cannot wait to return has been incredibly encouraging.”
At Meadowood, many of the guest rooms survived the blaze but took on varying degrees of smoke damage. Since the clubhouse and other buildings were incinerated, the resort has closed to assess fallout and devise a rebuilding plan. No reopening date has been announced.
One thing is certain: The Restaurant at Meadowood will have to find a new home.
Kostow described his overriding emotion about the fire as “grief,” and likened losing the beloved restaurant to the death of a family member.
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The bustling kitchen of three-Michelin-star The Restaurant at Meadowood, before it was destroyed in the Glass Fire on September 28.
Kelly Puleio
“To be honest I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life and I don’t think I ever will again,” he said. “It makes you think about what was of value in what you had done and what should be of value going forward. It throws into question everything about our industry and the value of the work we do. When nothing is physically left, there you are, asking yourself the question, ‘What of value remains?'”
Kostow continued: “For me it was such an honor over the years to work with the people I worked with. We worked hard. We did something unique. I’m so proud of the work they and I were able to do together. Fire can’t render that moot.”
Kostow has another local restaurant — The Charter Oak — in St. Helena, and said he expected to be able to keep most of his staff busy with work there.
He also said he is “looking at ways to keep the team working together” into 2021 and beyond.
Tackling other challenges
In Sonoma County, the hospitality industry has held its collective breath; while both the Glass Fire and an offshoot of the LNU Complex named the Walbridge Fire threatened thousands of local businesses, both fires burned mostly in wild areas and neither wreaked significant damage to the tourism infrastructure.
Of course, Sonoma County was hit harder in previous years, with the Kincade Fire threatening Healdsburg in 2019 and the Tubbs Fire blazing a path of destruction through Santa Rosa in 2017. Certain neighborhoods of Santa Rosa are still rising from the ashes.
This year, in addition to poor air quality, the biggest challenge for Sonoma County was one familiar to tourist destinations all over the world: the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Yes, we battled blazes and a pandemic, but this is a place that personifies resiliency, creativity and a passion for the best life has to offer,” said Claudia Vecchio, president and CEO of Sonoma County Tourism. “While the past several years have given us myriad challenges, Sonoma County continues to be a place where travelers can breathe in the stunning natural beauty, escape the crowds of the city and create (great) moments.”
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The Arista Winery in the Russian River Valley sits on 36 acres and is ideal for social distancing.
King Lawrence
As Vecchio suggested, many wineries, hotels and restaurants have improvised.
In the Russian River Valley, for instance, Arista Winery bolstered an existing lineup of private tastings with outdoor experiences held at six spots around the 36-acre ranch.
Mark McWilliams, co-owner and director of operations, said all of these tastings come with small bites, and noted that each of the spots is secluded by big and beautiful oak trees, which means that visitors by nature are practicing physical distancing when they visit.
“We’re kind of set up with these private islands where I can have five groups here at any given time but they never see each other and feel like they’re the only group on the property,” said McWilliams, whose winery is in unincorporated Healdsburg. “We did this because it’s the best way to soak up the view and take in the beauty of this ranch. Turns out (these offerings) work for Covid, too.”
Because Sonoma County restaurants have not been allowed to offer indoor dining until Covid-19 case numbers fall below a certain threshold, restaurateurs have had to pivot in different ways.
In Windsor, Leah Scurto turned her dine-in pizza parlor, PizzaLeah, into a take-out only business. In the city of Sonoma, Sondra Bernstein this summer opened a satellite location of her girl & the fig restaurant in the plaza across the street.
Back in Healdsburg, restaurateur Dustin Valette spent more than $50,000 to create an al fresco patio on the street adjacent to his restaurant, Valette.
Inside, the restaurant could seat 49. Outside, the restaurant now seats 37.
“The patio is a bridge — we’re not at break-even, but we are in a position to endure losses,” said Valette, whose 79-year-old father still flies air tankers for CalFire. “With fires and Covid, we’re doing the best we can while still delivering on great food and a memorable experience.”
Hotels and local hotel companies embraced big changes, too. Four Sisters Inns, which operates seven boutique hotels in Wine Country, this summer signed up with Whistle, a text-messaging platform that allows concierges and other employees to communicate with guests from a safe distance.
The 25-room Farmhouse Inn & Spa in Forestville replaced communal s’mores bowls with single-family packets for guest to use to concoct goodies over the poolside fire pits. Also, every guest gets a face covering.
Some hotels even made operational changes — Vintners Resort in Santa Rosa shortened its cancellation policy to 72 hours from seven days and no longer charges guests for canceling reservations.
“Between the fires, the smoke from the fires, and Covid, we realized guests wanted us to be more flexible,” said General Manager Percy Brandon. “We’re doing whatever we can to make people feel welcome and attract more business.”
What comes next?
Across both counties, hoteliers, restaurateurs, winery owners and tour operators wonder whether all the pivoting they are doing will be enough.
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At Farmhouse Inn & Spa in Forestville, California, every guest gets a face covering.
Courtest Farmhouse Inn
Battling the pandemic slump was challenging on its own, but with the additional threat of fires, the pervasive challenge of poor air quality because of wildfire smoke and the forthcoming danger of flooding and landslides during winter rains, many locals are uneasy.
“It’s multiple layers of crisis,” said Gallagher, the head of Visit Napa Valley.
Currently, the busiest time of the year in Wine Country is harvest, which usually takes place from August to November — the heart of fire season. Assuming the risk of Covid-19 will eventually go away, some locals wonder if encouraging visitors to come at different times of year might help circumvent complications associated with climate change.
One possibility: Bud Break, when grape vines wake up from winter dormancy and produce their first buds of the new season. This usually happens sometime between mid-February and mid-March, depending on weather and temperature.
Currently, at least from a tourism perspective, this timeframe is considered part of the region’s “off-season.” That means tasting rooms are less crowded and hotel rates are low — perfect conditions to attract new guests.
Two other possibilities include summer, which can get beastly hot, and November through January, which — at least before the past few years — has been characterized mostly by rain.
“(Typically) winter is rainy, but it’s a beautiful time to be here,” said Joe Bartolomei, co-owner of the Farmhouse Inn. “Maybe one of the ways we can survive the disruptions is by doing a better job of showing people we are a year-round destination.”
Other insiders think the answer is better education about local geography, climate and ecosystems.
Art Murray, president and owner of Flambeaux Wine in Sonoma County’s Dry Creek Valley, said that when visitors come for tastings, he usually pulls out a topographic map and tries to show them where the region’s valleys are in relation to each other. Murray also spends time distinguishing between Napa and Sonoma counties, which are separated by a mountain range and ecologically distinct.
To demonstrate the need for this basic education, Murray shared his own story. The Walbridge Fire came within less than a mile of his house and he barely heard from friends out of state. But when the Glass Fire was raging in Napa, 30 to 40 miles away, his phone wouldn’t stop vibrating.
“I had 10 times the messages for Glass, and Walbridge couldn’t have been closer without being in the house,” he said. “Wine County is big. Just because one part is on fire doesn’t mean it’s all going to burn.”
Matt Villano is a writer and editor based in Sonoma County. He has evacuated wildfires twice since 2017.
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vannecamello · 5 years
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November 28, 2019  — On this day, I got the chance to interview Kagawad Zenaida “Zeny” Consignado for the fulfillment of my Module 4 in NSTP, which is this. The visit wasn’t planned, actually. I didn’t have a letter with me. I was only grabbing on to my school bag, with a phone recorder on my left hand and a crumpled piece of paper on my right where the set of guide questions where printed. At first, I was hesitant. I initially went to Barangay Hall 349 because I couldn’t find a landmark on our hall based on what Google wants me to see. In the end, I saw the signage under a shady tree and I admit. The place wasn’t so nice and it isn’t what I really expected. Nevertheless, I knocked and people gladly welcomed us. Not long after that, Kagawad Zeny joyfully obliged to be our interviewee for this session.
First, I asked her questions on hazard identification. According to her, it’s usually the heavy downpour of rain, but it’s not big of a deal around the area except in the street where the Brgy. Hall is located. Felix Huertas St. is usually the only street affected, serving as a catch basin of flood with water coming from the roads around SM City San Lazaro, Winford Hotel and Casino, Vertex One, and condominiums Avida Towers San Lazaro and Celadon Park Residences.
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Hazard Identification
With these big establishments around the area, roads are usually maintained properly. In case of earthquakes, each building has its own plan of action when the disaster strikes. Kagawad Zeny emphasized that because of this, no major problems have reached the barangay lately. Typhoons come and go except of course, for the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that struck Luzon area last April 22 of the same year. As for that, it was really felt by the people and appropriate safety measures were carried out to instill security for all the residents around the barangay. For the rainfall, television and social media news play a big role in informing the community about this natural calamity. 
Vulnerability, Elements, and People at Risk
As previously mentioned, only small streets are affected, which are rare in Barangay 250. People are mostly living in high rise condos and town houses. Poor housing is not a risk factor that can worsen the scenario when a disaster strikes. The only vulnerable are the few ones who own littlenjunk shops or car wash stations within the vicinity. Some electric posts and cables are disorganized but other than that, nothing would pretty much be greatly affected. 
In case the big one or some great disaster strikes, safe spaces include the open basketball court in my home, where the Avida community conducts most earthquake and fire drills, and vast, open, vacant lot behind the barangay hall:
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I also captured the hazardous places/issues in my barangay during the community walk:
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Overall, two things hinder the further development of the community when it comes to DRRM: the national government and the undisciplined citizens. During the interview, Kagawad Zeny told us about the situation of the local government, particularly the problems being faced by our own barangay. She did not elaborate on the issue why the higher ups demolished their container van, hence the location of the barangay hall today but she certainly was not happy. They are trying to rebuild the broken pieces but she said that sometimes, there are really a handful of citizens who can’t seem to discipline themselves enough and can’t follow these simple rules:
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Capacity and Disaster Management
Though I didn’t get the opportunity to receive any BDRRM plan, hazard and safety map, and barangay projects, I was told about the seminars and trainings that the officials and other volunteers undergo for preparation in the instance a disaster strikes Barangay 350. In the Avida community, we have activities like these:
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We are also proud of our lifestyle practices:
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And when the disaster strikes right now, we have:
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In addition, there is vegetable garden at the back of the barangay hall where they usually get some food to serve on the table. It might be useful when disaster strikes and food shortage/supply coming from the market comes in the picture. I took photos of the papaya and malunggay tree:
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In general, the programs and plans somehow remain unclear. The truth is, from what I have observed, my barangay is complacent about DRRM. Although we can see the preparation from the pictures taken, no concrete system was presented to us. Nevertheless, Kagawad Zeny ensured us that since we are a “not-so-poor” barangay, everything will be all right as long as we all work together as both organizers and members of the community.
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It is never an easy job to prepare for anything, all the more to prepare for a disaster waiting to happen any minute. It is a collective effort between the government and its people to ensure the safety, security, and physiological needs of everybody. In the status of our national DRRM, it’s continuously evolving and I can see that with every media exposure of their works in the Internet. I just hope that these preparations would not go to waste when the real disaster arrives. People need to take this seriously. Whether you are rich or poor, we are all part of a country that is vulnerable to both natural and man-made disasters and we simply can’t deny that fact. Be aware. Take a leap and be in one with your community! From here on out, your action will be needed. ☺
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fabglance1 · 7 years
#XD30 - Day 6 - ‘GOOD’
She looked down at her hand, a flawless cushion cut diamond sat perched on her ring finger. She still couldn’t believe it. They night they’d had, the way he proposed, all those flowers, and the fact that she got him by being a good girl. Jordan and Jack were celibate during their entire courtship. It was so hard for her not to fall to the temptation, but now it was all worth it when she looked at the rock on her hand. She was ready to grow a family with the love of her life.
  “Let me see it! Let me see that ring girl!” Jordan’s best friend Kia was already squealing from across the restaurant. Right behind her was Tasha, Jordan’s favorite cousin. The three girls grew up together. They were Jordan’s door to the real world when her dad wouldn’t let her do fun stuff.
  After Jordan’s Mom died, her father didn’t know what to do with the little girl. The thought of raising a girl child all by himself was too scary for him to comprehend. So, he headed to church. Jordan grew up under the watchful eye of the women of Greater Harvest Church of God in Christ. She often thought they cared so much because they were trying to date her dad. But he never entertained one woman in that church. He was a devoted volunteer, member of the deacon board, and did pro-bono work when someone’s son got in trouble.
  Jordan was often told how pretty she was with her green eyes and chocolate skin. But, she was inadvertently taught that compliments from boys were bad. The devil was in those little mannish boys and only fast-tailed girls entertained their games. If he wasn’t almost like Jesus, he’d never do her any good. She was taught to wear her skirts long, keep her silky hair pulled back, and never open her legs until marriage.
  And Jordan believed it. She prided herself on holding on to her virginity through high school, college, and Law school. She always made sure to keep herself busy by going to the gym, volunteering in the community, and pursuing her education. Jordan graduated with honors and won numerous awards. Walking in her father’s footsteps she practiced law with the best of intentions. She prided herself on being honest with her clients and helping them even if she didn’t see a win.
  Kia and Tasha always made sure that Jordan wasn’t so heavenly minded that she was no earthly good. In high-school the pair persuaded Jordan to stop dressing like the Clark Sisters and more like TLC. In college, the girls knew that Jordan wasn’t having sex, but made sure she knew about birth control. By the end of Law School Jordan had found her balance. No longer a member of the COGIC girls of America, she didn’t feel guilty wearing a pair of pants, going on a cruise to Jamaica, or having a sip of wine every so often.
  But sex, sex was something she would not budge on. By the age of 29, Jordan was still holding up the standard. She’d only seen a real-life penis two times in her life: once with her high school boyfriend an again with her college beau. Jordan dated often, because of her good looks and cool demeanor, but didn’t stay in relationships long due to her no-sex rule.
  “Not even ORAL!” Jack said, looking at the gorgeous girl sitting on his couch. “You’re trying to tell me; you’ve never had a guy put his lips on your … lips!? You are almost 30!”
  It was their third date and Jack had invited Jordan to his downtown apartment. With floor to ceiling windows, hard wood floors, and kitchen fit for a celebrity chef, bringing a woman back to his house was a sure way get her naked. And he wanted to see Jordan naked! He remembered watching her walk into the gym just weeks earlier.  
  That day he spotted the slender yet toned lawyer chat with the gym owner, put her hair in a ponytail, change her sneakers, and start her workout. He didn’t mean to stare, but she was just so smooth and her smile so radiant. He’d never seen a woman come to that gym and generally enjoy being there. She worked out for exactly an hour, picked up her bag and left. The next day Jack spotted her again, same routine, different color work-out gear. He didn’t understand how he never saw her previously, but now he saw her almost daily.
  By the end of the next week he got up the nerve to ask her on a date. She smiled, but declined. Looking at Jack she knew he’d be no good. He was just too attractive. Standing at 6'5", slim basketball build, wearing the newest Air Max running shoes, she knew he was out of her league. His pecan-colored skin looked so smooth as he asked her questions about her life. She still gave him her number, thinking he’d be a good friend. He called daily and they talked a lot.
  Jack was new in the city. He experienced a horrible break-up and his best friend persuaded him to come to her town. Jack took a job at an investment firm, moving away from all the heartbreaks of living in Atlanta. It was nice to be back in the same place as his best friend and entertaining a beautiful young lady.
  “So what you’re saying is, if I choose to date you, we ain’t having sex?” Jordan nodded her head, “for how long? 90 days or something?”
  “Until I get married. Maybe I’ll marry you, maybe not. But it’s what I believe and its what God wants for my life.” She stood firm on her decision, although her knees were shaking. After just three dates, she had really fallen for Jack. He was funny, smart, and just the right amount of nasty to keep her emails to Tasha and Kia entertaining. If she was gonna give her virginity to someone, she wanted it to be someone like Jack, married of course.
  Jack sat next to her, she could feel the heat from his body. She could smell the faint scent of cologne. She watched him search her to see if she was full of BS or truly genuine. This was the part she hated. She’d been here before. All the men she dated would act like they could be celibate, but then they’d break. She’d been cheated on more times than she had fingers and hoped this one wouldn’t do the same.
  “Alright. I believe you. I guess I’m gonna be dating a green-eyed virgin. You are really like a unicorn, you know that?”
  “Just, please tell me if you can’t take it. Don’t cheat on me. Don’t lie to me. Just leave if you can’t take it.” She batted her long eyelashes and looked jack straight in his face. Jack suddenly felt nervous. He hadn’t had a woman hold him accountable in a long time. He hadn’t had a woman be so straight forward. Jordan, although quiet and chill, withheld the demeanor of an earthquake. You didn’t know when she was going to break, but you better be prepared when she did.
  The next five months were blissful. Jack had never experienced the type of affection that Jordan gave him. What they didn’t do in the bedroom she more than made up for in other places. The girl could cook, she had amazing style, she knew all the right people, and they liked the same movies. She wasn’t an extrovert like Jack (who never met a stranger), but her unspoiled honesty and considerate attention excited him. She had a small circle of friends, a couple of great colleagues, and frequented her church about three Sundays a month. She was regimented and often talked about how her routine kept her true to herself and closer to God.
  She even got Jack to start coming to church with her. She told him if he’d just listen to the word of God and not be so focused on the actions of men, he’d understand why her religion was so important to her. Jack started to see God through Jordan’s eyes and loved her even more for it. He wasn’t at church when the doors opened, but he did play basketball with the men’s ministry and found some fraternity brothers who attended just as often as he did. Jordan was right, focusing on something other than sexual conquest helped their relationship get stronger. He knew this was the woman he wanted to marry.
  When Jack told Ahlia he wanted to marry Jordan, she was pleased. She liked Jordan, and was happy to see her best friend happy.  She was also glad to have her friend back in town. Ahlia and Jack hadn’t lived in the same city since their high school days. After, Jack went to Morehouse and Ahlia went to Fordham, they found very little time to kick it. During her junior year, Ahlia went to a Study Abroad program which allowed her to study in Cambodia for two years while finishing her undergrad degree and starting her Master’s program. The two would communicate through email and a random phone calls, but the romantic feelings they shared as teens seemed to disappear. Jack asked Ahlia to come help him pick out the ring, and Ahlia went.
  On the night of the proposal, Jack rented a gorgeous hotel suite, he purchased 150 white long stem roses, several dozen candles that smelled of rose oil, vanilla, and jasmine, along with plates of all Jordan’s favorite desserts. He arranged everything in the room. He left a hand-written letter at her office telling him to meet him at the hotel wearing the dress accompanied in the letter. That night he told her that she changed his life and he wanted her to be his wife. She kindly accepted snapping photos of her giant ring and informing her friends. She, so, wanted to have sex with him that night, but didn’t. Instead, she let him see her naked for the first time telling him to promise not to touch. He obliged.
  The next morning, Jack texted Ahlia the great news. Ahlia looked at the photos of Jordan’s excited face and Jack amazing smile. She replied that she was, “sooooooo happy for them!” and that she, “couldn’t wait for the big day!” Putting the phone down she had a sudden pain in her chest. Were these old feelings coming back? Of course, not! She was SO over Jack. That was puppy love, they were adults now. He’s marry Jordan and they’d have an amazing life. She’d find her true love and do the same.
She texted Jordan and Jack in a group message saying, “If you need any help with the wedding, let me know. Love you guys! You’re lil sis!”
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subcutaneous7 · 8 years
Can you do 29 for the prompt list
Kara pushed the door open slowly, reverently, like she was entering a temple, like she might disturb the spirits still lingering there.
Part of her felt guilty for never returning her key. She planned to give it back to Eve plenty of times, but something in her just couldn’t. Now, she was glad she kept it. It made sneaking in that much easier. Not that she wouldn’t have found another way, because this — breaking into Cat’s empty condo—was all she had left, and the only thing worse than losing her completely was knowing she’d never get the chance to say goodbye. Not the way she wanted. Not how she would have if she knew the last time they were together would really be the last.
She kept tabs on her travels at first, tracing her movements on a map each day with her fingers, like they would somehow paint a picture that made sense of her decision to leave. After hearing nothing for weeks, she knew she needed to move on. She was restless in her absence, agitated, and it affected her work. Eventually she became less invested, distracting herself with other things, other people, losing track of exactly where in the world Cat had landed, until that was, news broke of the earthquake in Nepal.
There was an endless flurry in the office that day, and also a stillness. James was a wreck. Snapper flipped into crisis mode, and the attempts to make contact began. As soon as Kara caught on that Ms. Grant was there, she took off, soaring across the globe faster than she’d ever flown, offering support to villagers as she made inquiries about survivors. Quickly, she learned the hotel Cat was staying in had been destroyed. Very few people made it out, and no one could account for her whereabouts. Kara stayed for days, combing through debris, visiting surrounding towns, piecing together every bit of information she could before the search was officially called off. Even then she refused to leave, refused to accept it was over, until Alex begged her to return to National City. There, the news cycle began playing a constant loop of in memoriam reels. Kara vomited for the first time ever on her way to the office one morning, catching Carter’s interview with the press, telling the world he knew his mother was still out there, that he refused to give up hope.Almost two weeks passed. Kara tiptoed through the empty condo, knowing Carter was with his father, but still proceeding with caution. She crept down the hall, passing framed photos she’d admired so much the first time she saw them, the ones of Cat snuggled up with her son, or on vacation, so many smiling, soft memories no one else got to see. When she reached her bedroom, she took a deep breath before gliding inside, feeling like she was on autopilot, being led by some force other than herself.
But deep down, she knew this was a choice. She was choosing to slip off her shoes, choosing to run her fingers over every item on Cat’s nightstand: a discarded book, a pad and pencil, an extra set of reading glasses. She began touching everything, almost compulsively, religiously. Her jewelry. Her perfumes. The pieces of mail left unread, the silk robe hanging on a hook just outside the bathroom. The smell of her was everywhere, even if she hadn’t been there in months. Kara had never felt so surrounded, so completely engulfed in her aesthetic, almost as if Cat were touching her all over, whispering not to forget.She sat on the bed, lying back, once again filled with guilt for being there, but she didn’t know what else to do. It was rumored Kryptonians didn’t cry as much as other species. They were supposedly more stoic, better able to separate pain from practicality. Kara grew up believing this, even after she landed on Earth. She could count the number of times she really sobbed on one hand, but over the past few days, she more than made up for it.
The DEO was on strict orders not to call unless it was absolutely necessary. Snapper approved a few days off, showing what small kindness he could. Everyone tried to reach out, but Kara refused them, isolating herself more than she already had. There was nothing anyone could do or say to take away this pain. All she could do was lie there, soak up what was left of Cat and her essence in these walls, these sheets, wishing to Rao she could see her again just once, tell her all the things she should have said when she had the chance. The tears came again, stronger than before. She curled into a fetal position, pressing her face to her knees, giving in to the convulsions as the pit in her stomach widened, threatening to swallow her whole.
She shot up at the sound of the door opening downstairs, immediately considering an escape through the window, or perhaps confronting whoever it was, making an excuse for why she was there. But as the footsteps drew near, her throat began to ache, muscles frozen. The sound got closer, more familiar as she held her breath, shaking her head, knowing it had to be an illusion, a gruesome trick her mind was playing as she grieved. But then the door opened, and Cat was standing there, looking so real and raw and beautiful, Kara swore she couldn’t have been a ghost. Her arm and forehead were heavily bandaged. She looked dirty, tired, but as far as Kara could tell, alive. Very much alive.
Cat bit her lip, throat muscles straining as she swallowed, eyes welling up, like she wasn’t at all shocked to see the younger woman sitting on her bed, waiting. She let out a breath, gripping the wall, before taking a step forward.
“Wait,” Kara’s voice rattled, like she was in a dream she didn’t trust. “Are you…how did you…”
“Turns out…getting trapped beneath rubble laced with lead makes it difficult for recovery teams to find someone,” she cleared her throat. “Even those assisted by a very persistent superhero.”
Kara leapt to her feet, not giving a shit whether this was a dream or hallucination. She needed to touch her.
When her arms fit familiarly around her body, and she felt Cat’s weak but unflinching efforts to squeeze her back, it took all her strength, alien or otherwise, to keep from falling.
She held her as tight as she could, careful of her injuries, burying her face in her hair, hands moving over her shoulders, her back like she’d been given permission for such a thing, but Cat was doing the same. Every ounce of Kara felt like it had been shattered and put back together in the course of seconds, heart pounding as she kissed her cheek, cradling her face, looking her over, needing to reaffirm that she was really there.
“How…” she continued to gape. “Everyone thinks…”
“I just landed,” Cat breathed, letting her thumbs press into Kara’s cheeks, wiping away her tears so naturally, like this wasn’t the first time she’d ever done it. “Carter’s on his way. Snapper has the exclusive, of course, and the rest will follow suite. When was the last time you checked your phone?”
“I…” Kara frowned, remembering how she’d broken the device earlier that morning, ripping out her earpiece, deciding to shut out the world for a while. “But…why did it take you so…”
“I lost everything,” Cat sighed. “Phone, money. My plane was destroyed. I was able to borrow one from a man I met outside the city. It’s a wonder it made it across the ocean. I’m not sure how I’ll get it back to him, but I will.”
“You…” Kara just stared at her incredulously. “You borrowed a plane?”
“How else was I supposed to get home?” she huffed. “As soon as I arrived, I sent the necessary texts and immediately went to your place, but you weren’t there so…”
“Why?” Kara swallowed. “Why would you…go to see me first?”
“Because,” Cat whispered, trailing her fingers across her skin. “You came for me. I couldn’t let you keep thinking…”
“I thought you were dead,” Kara’s voice broke, eyes stinging, lips trembling as she felt Cat’s hands pulling her closer, until they were kissing feverishly, the taste and feel of her so much better than any dream.
Cat’s lips and tongue and and teeth were all over her, until they were both moving backwards onto the bed, Kara’s hands gently pressed against her chest, moving down to her waist, helping her settle on top of her as she kissed her again and again, taking deep, shivering breaths as she continued to cry and let everything sink in. The newness, the life coursing through both of them, casting aside every doubt and reason they had for not doing this sooner, as if anything could have stopped them.
“I will always…always come for you,” Kara exhaled sharply. “But…please…don’t ever do this…”
“I won’t,” Cat shook, brushing their faces together, continuing to kiss her deeply. “I promise. I’m here.”Kara wrapped her arms behind her neck, mind going numb at the surge of adrenaline and emotions fueling them. She couldn’t help but grab at Cat’s bare thighs, where her dress had ridden up, fingers pressing into her skin, body growing warm at the sensation of soft, pliant flesh.
“Ouch,” Cat hissed, back arching a little.
“Sorry!” Kara jumped, swallowing as Cat hovered above. “You’re hurt, I…I shouldn’t…”“No, it’s okay,” Cat whispered, leaning down, letting her sweet, salty lips press just barely against Kara’s pout. “You can’t break me.”
Kara sighed, kissing her again as she sat up, turning them over so Cat could lie next to her.
“You are…so, so strong,” she told her, letting her fingers trace the outline of the bandage on her face before kissing her forehead. “And so beautiful.”
“Well,” Cat blushed a bit. “If that’s how you feel when I look like this, then…”
“Let me take care of you,” Kara shuddered. “Please.”
“Okay,” Cat agreed quickly, eyes filling up again as Kara kissed her fiercely.
“Tell me what you need,” she asked. “Anything…”
“A hot bath and some sleep,” Cat admitted. “But first, I need to see my son. And figure out how to handle…all of this.”
Kara’s heart swelled at the thought of Carter walking through the door any minute, trying not to think about the anguish she’d witnessed in his eyes the last time she saw him, only the inevitable joy of their reunion.
“Do you want…” she began slowly. “I should probably let you two…”
“No,” Cat grabbed her shoulders firmly, keeping her in place. “Stay, please. I…I want you with me. For all of it.”
Kara allowed herself to smile for the first time in months.
She leaned in again, letting their lips meet perfectly, holding Cat’s small body, so much tougher than she ever imagined, very close. There was so much to do, so much to say. But for now, they simply lie there together, waiting for Carter, thanking whatever miracle made this possible.
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krhendro · 8 years
Iwata Karen Article by Buzzfeed Japan 2017/03/12
Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/tatsunoritokushige/iwatakaren?utm_term=.rhoyY8RERq#.nkPROrbnbE
Tatsunori Tokushige 徳重辰典  BuzzFeed Social News Editor, Japan
Idol and the face of earthquake disaster victim support, former AKB48 Iwata Karen’s conflict and determination.
The memories of keep running as idol for the sake of Tohoku
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By Tatsunori Tokushige / BuzzFeed
Earthquake and idol. Both are equal to former AKB48 Iwata Karen (18)
「What can I do for someone?」Project which is continued by AKB48 since 2011 for 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Relief Support Charity Activities. Iwata, who was the only disaster victim has appeared in many media as the face of the activity.
It’s been 6 years since the earthquake.
「For me it was like recent memories. The clock has stopped since that day for many people in Tohoku, including me. Even when I lived in Tokyo, I feel that. Even more in the disaster areas now, from the people who work for reconstruction」
Conflict drawn by the gap of idol and earthquake victim
March 11th, 2011,「The day of turning point of life」. Iwata who was a 6th grade student became a victim in an apartment in Sendai city, Miyagi prefecture.
She stayed in her father’s car overnight, and then with her family she went to the shelter and then stayed to her relative’s place.
3 weeks after the earthquake,  there was AKB Research Student audition.
She was at loss of whether she should go for it or not, but the words from her mother 「Become AKB, when you returned to your hometown, you will be its strength」supported her, so she went to Tokyo. She was accepted as a result.
Busy day in Tokyo. She didn’t went to her elementary school’s graduation ceremony because it was postponed by the earthquake, and she couldn’t say goodbye to her friends.
She advanced to the path of idol while having the thoughts of her hometown. However, wearing glittering clothes, showered by lights, and the gap of being an earthquake victim have caught her in self-disgust.
The people of my hometown surely didn’t care of my activities. It’s painful when I thought of that.
The first visit to disaster area that was scary
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Year 2011, AKB’s disaster area visit to Rikuzentakata City, by AKS
On November 13th, 2011, Iwata visited the disaster area for the first time as AKB in Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture.
「It was scary. I thought it was weird if I were told that I left my hometown, what kind of face should I show when I meet everyone?」
The first stage in the affected area. In the middle of cold rain of November, the children, without umbrellas, were waiting for the appearance of AKB while getting soaked.
「There are people who didn’t care about our activities at that time, of course there were things that they didn’t understand, but with their glittering eyes, those children were waiting. People who have waited for hours, even if it’s just 1 person, I thought that I have no choice but to continue」
The Miracle Pine Tree in Rikuzentakata is an unforgettable scenery until now. She was told by AKB Producer Akimoto Yasushi 「Be the Pine Tree of AKB」.
I have to stand strong. That’s what she thought.
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By Jijipress
Criticism of reconstruction support activities
Iwata, who was the only victim of the earthquake, became the face of the reconstruction support in AKB.
She participated as one of the singing member of the year 2012′s Great East Japan Earthquake charity song 「Flowers will Bloom」. She also sang the solo version for the coupling.
As a navigator of NHK 「Karen’s Reconstruction Calendar」, she told the daily life of the people who lived in the disaster area that was not covered by the news.
Until now, disaster area visits exceeded 80 times.
Although she went around the disaster area as AKB, 3 years since the earthquake, the reconstruction didn't progressed, people who watched the stage became less and less. People who came also took a step back.
「I thought that was because there were people that think: I don’t want to hear songs. I couldn’t care less about dreams and hopes. In the middle of that, we held our microphone and came to see them,  it became a selling of one-sided kindness. Other than me who was the victim of the disaster, the members who were not affected by the disaster has also been thinking about it many times」
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By Tatsunori Tokushige / BuzzFeed
There was some time where the activity received bashing on the internet.
「At those days I worked desperately, I couldn’t care less about what I was told. It's not the time to care about those things. That was the most important thing」
「When I think about it now, I didn’t really feel the pain of my heart because I was so desperate. I entered when I was 12 years old, I was doing well in that kind of situation」
Do the activities as an entertainer save the disaster area? Iwata answered the question while choosing the words.
「If there are people who can become energy, there are also people who cannot. There are also people who have no interest in entertainers. We believed in that and there is no other choice but to continue」
The biggest thing to think about was celebrities’ power to send message through their blogs and other means. And make (people of) their surroundings smile.
「Even for me, there are people who look forward to take pictures together, there are shops that are decorated with (my) signs. I was pleased by that. I’m happy to be a celebrity」
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Year 2012 visit to disaster area in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture. Left is Iwata Karen, by AKS
Iwata who was asked for comments about her connection to the earthquake, and has a slight gloomy image, was originally a person who is easily flattered. She was glad to appear in variety shows, but there are also conflict at the same time.
「I am connected to the earthquake. I was worried about what will happen if I got creamed, or did some reactions」
It was the smile of the people she met in the disaster area that saved her from her worries.
「There are also lots of shows in Miyagi, there are lots of people who watched. The kid who left Sendai has now been doing these kind of thing, it’s fine to laugh. 『How does scorpion (the one that was eaten in variety show) taste like?』 When I heard that, on the other hand, (I answered) it was a little bit complicated (LOL)』」
Things about herself are the second, the third. After all, she wants to go to meet the people of Tohoku. She’s been looking for what kind of things that she can do. She was enthusiastic.
Is it painful to work hard for the sake of Tohoku?
「Because it was the reason I worked hard. If there’s no earthquake, I might enter AKB as usual for less than a year. I think I would not be in this kind of world」
No matter how hard it is, no matter how much she wants to quit, she can do her best if she thinks about Tohoku.
「I have a reason to work hard, I have people that I want to protect, I have a place to return. I think those are things that make me happy. That’s why I didn’t think even once that it was painful to work hard for the sake of my hometown」
Graduated from AKB after enrolled for 5 years
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By Tatsunori Tokushige / BuzzFeed
Iwata graduated from AKB on March 2016. Turning point since joining 5 years ago. There were no basis (for the graduation), but she had this thought in herself.
「I didn’t overestimate myself, there were things left that I need to do, but I have devoted all my youth in AKB and support activities. Perhaps it’s time for me to work hard for myself」
Feeling that she has carried out that far, she finished her activities for 5 years since March 11th, 4 days later on March 15th she finished her activities as AKB with the graduation performance. 
Messages from her mother were read in the performance. It was like this at the end of the sentence.
「We may be foolish parents (*oyabaka) , but you are truly the best daughter in the world」
Even though I left AKB, I haven’t changed my mind
Her old place AKB, on March 4th, visited disaster areas of Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, and had reconstruction support live there. Seeing her peers went to visit the disaster area and thinking that she also wanted to go, she felt a little bit of pain.
However, now she works hard on the works in front of her, she wants to be an actress that could make the local people happy by just going there. She also thinks that she wants to work hard in the movies and videos that shows her hometown.
The desire to do work related to Tohoku also doesn’t change.
On March, she also served as a narrator in the documentary program 「High School Students who Connect Tohoku’s Future, Our Dreams」. During the recording, seeing the younger children working so hard, she lost of words.
Found a new goal which is photography
The current dream is not just being an actress.
Through blog and social media, she's thinking of sending messages of the current situation of the disaster areas, not only the light of the reconstruction, but also the parts in the shadow that haven’t progressed yet.
However, words can be often misunderstood. In such case, she thought that if it were picture, she could reflect the light of the present Tohoku as well as the shadow.
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Photo of Arahama Elementary School uploaded on Iwata’s Instagram Instagram: @karen0513_
「There are also buildings that are purposely left after the earthquake. Putting what I want to express in a frame, uploading it, I’ll be happy if more people come to visit Tohoku」
She got 0 experience in photography. Now in order to learn about taking pictures, she was helped by her acquaintance who is a cameraman.
「Please allow me to learn, I asked. I’ll be happy if I can take pictures with good expressions. Of course Tohoku’s scenery is also included, but I also want to take pictures of the people who are working hard there」
To the future
Started from AKB, and then reconstruction support activities since 12 years old. She has devoted all her youth.
「I like my hometown. I like people in my hometown. I like the scenery of my hometown. I've been working hard so that one day the scenery will restore as soon as possible. That's why, now I am here」
Actress and photography, now, she’s heading for those 2 dreams. Beyond those dreams is her hometown.
Iwata Karen, even now, still together with Tohoku.
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By Tatsunori Tokushige / BuzzFeed
19 notes · View notes
maritimecyprus · 4 years
The “Black Tom Island” incident occurred on Sunday, 30 July 1916. German saboteurs ignited a fire at the munitions-loading facility in Jersey City, across from Manhattan. The ensuing explosions destroyed the waterfront facility and largely obliterated the island, killing four persons and causing over $40 million in property damage. It was the first state-sponsored terrorist attack in US history and was the genesis of the US Coast Guard’s port security program.
Aftermath of the Black Tom explosion on July 30, 1916. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
All was dark and quiet on Black Tom Island in New York Harbor, not far from the Statue of Liberty, when small fires began to burn on the night of July 30, 1916. Some guards on the island sent for the Jersey City Fire Department, but others fled as quickly as they could, and for good reason: Black Tom was a major munitions depot, with several large “powder piers.” That night, Johnson Barge No. 17 was packed with 50 tons of TNT, and 69 railroad freight cars were storing more than a thousand tons of ammunition, all awaiting shipment to Britain and France. Despite America’s claim of neutrality in World War I, it was no secret that the United States was selling massive quantities of munitions to the British.
The guards who fled had the right idea. Just after 2:00 a.m., an explosion lit the skies—the equivalent of an earthquake measuring up to 5.5 on the Richter scale, according to a recent study. A series of blasts were heard and felt some 90 miles in every direction, even as far as Philadelphia. Nearly everyone in Manhattan and Jersey City was jolted awake, and many were thrown from their beds. Even the heaviest plate-glass windows in Lower Manhattan and Brooklyn shattered, and falling shards of glass preceded a mist of ash from the fire that followed the explosion. Immigrants on nearby Ellis Island had to be evacuated.
Peter Raceta, the captain of a flatbottom barge in the harbor, was in the cabin watching the fire on Black Tom with two other men. “When the explosion came, it seemed as if it was from above—zumpf!—like a Zeppelin bomb,” he told a reporter from the New York Times. “There were five or six other lighters alongside mine at the dock, and a tug was just coming up to drag us away.… I don’t know what became of the tug or the other lighters.  It looked as if they all went up in the air.” Of the two men he was with, she said, “I didn’t see where they went, but I think they must be dead.”
Watchmen in the Woolworth building in Lower Manhattan saw the blast, and “thinking their time had come, got down on their knees and prayed,” one newspaper reported. The Statue of Liberty took more than $100,000 worth of damage; Lady Liberty’s torch, which was then open to visitors who could climb an interior ladder for a spectacular view, has been closed ever since. Onlookers in Manhattan watched as munition shells rocketed across the water and exploded a mile from the fires on Black Tom Island.
Flying bullets and shrapnel rendered firefighters powerless. Doctors and nurses arrived on the scene and tended to dozens of injured. The loss of life, however, was not great: Counts vary, but fewer than ten people perished in the explosions. However, the damage was estimated at more than $20 million, (nearly half a billion dollars today), and investigations eventually determined that the Black Tom explosions resulted from an enemy attack—what some historians regard as the first major terrorist attack on the United States by a foreign power.
Firefighters were unable to fight the fires until the bullets and shrapnel stopped flying. Photo: Wikimedia Commons
In the days after the blasts, confusion reigned. Police arrested three railroad-company officials on charges of manslaughter, on the assumption that the fires began in two freight cars. Then guards at the pier were taken in for questioning; on the night of the explosions, they had lit smudge pots to keep mosquitoes away, and their carelessness with the pots was believed to have started the fires. But federal authorities could not trace the fire to the pots, and reports ultimately concluded that the blasts must have been accidental—even though several suspicious factory explosions in the United States, mostly around New York, pointed toward German spies and saboteurs. As Chad Millman points out in his book, The Detonators, there was a certain naivete at the time—President Woodrow Wilson could not bring himself to believe that Germans might be responsible for such destruction. Educated, industrious and neatly dressed, German-Americans’ perceived patriotism and commitment to life in America allowed them to integrate into society with less initial friction than other ethnic groups.
One of those newcomers to America was Count Johann Von Bernstorff, the German ambassador to Washington. He arrived in 1914 with a staff not of diplomats, but of intelligence operatives, and with millions of dollars earmarked to aid German war efforts by any means necessary. Von Bernstorff not only helped obtain forged passports for Germans who wanted to elude the Allied blockade, he also funded gun-running efforts, the sinking of American ships bringing supplies to Britain, and choking off supplies of phenol, used in the manufacture of explosives, in a conspiracy known as the Great Phenol Plot.
One of his master spies was Franz Von Rintelen, who had a “pencil bomb” designed for his use. Pencil bombs were cigar-sized charges filled with acids placed in copper chambers; the acids would ultimately eat their way through the copper and mingle, creating intense, silent flames. If designed and placed properly, a pencil bomb could be timed to detonate days later, while ships and their cargo were at sea. Von Rintelen is believed to have attacked 36 ships, destroying millions of dollars worth of cargo. With generous cash bribes, Von Rintelen had little problem gaining access to piers—which is how Michael Kristoff, a Slovak immigrant living in Bayonne, New Jersey, is believed to have gotten to the Black Tom munitions depot in July of 1916.
Investigators later learned from Kristoff’s landlord that he kept odd hours and sometimes came home at night with filthy hands and clothing, smelling of fuel.  Along with two German saboteurs, Lothar Witzke and Kurt Jahnke, Kristoff is believed to have set the incendiary devices that caused the mayhem on Black Tom.
But it took years for investigators to piece together the evidence against the Germans in the bombing. The Mixed Claims Commission, set up after World War I to handle damage claims by companies and governments affected by German sabotage, awarded $50 million to plaintiffs in the Black Tom explosion—the largest damage claim of any in the war. Decades would pass, however, before Germany settled it. In the meantime, landfill projects eventually incorporated Black Tom Island into Liberty State Park. Now nothing remains of the munitions depot save a plaque marking the explosion that rocked the nation.
German Master Spy Franz Von Rintelen and his “pencil bomb” were responsible for acts of sabotage in the United States during World War I. Photo: Wikipedia
Source: Smithsonian
Flashback in maritime history: The “Black Tom Island” incident, 30 July 1916 The “Black Tom Island” incident occurred on Sunday, 30 July 1916. German saboteurs ignited a fire at the munitions-loading facility in Jersey City, across from Manhattan. 
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Questions about a renters insurance claim.?
Questions about a renters insurance claim.?
We moved from MD to CA we were only there a few months when we decided we were a little home sick and we put our belongings in storage we came back to the east coast with the intent to just stay for Easter but then I had a fall out with my sister in CA and she said we couldn t stay with her any more so we couldn t come back to CA cause we would have nowhere to stay. It took about 8 1/2 years for us to finally get our finances in order so we could afford a road trip to collect our belongings. When we got there the locker had been robbed. I filed a police report gave the cop as much detail as I could muster on the spot. The cop flat out said the stuff could have gone missing at anytime in the last 8 years and nothing would ever come of the police report, he only put clothes & jewelry oh and he noted that the cameras were removed from the hallway. 5 months later my insurance still hasn t paid out and now they want me to submit my detailed list to the police and then give them a new copy of the report. We had $30K in loss our insurance will only pay out a max of $2,500 on a storage locker and we paid over $5k just to store nothing. & then we spent $3K just to go out there for nothing! I d like to know if I have to jump through these hoops. We ve had insurance with the company we are with now for 3 years this is our 1st claim ever. I just want this to be over! Every time they say just 1 more thing do this we do it and then it s the same thing all over again!! It s never ending!!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :HELP-INSURE.NET
We moved from MD to CA we were only there a few months when we decided we were a little home sick and we put our belongings in storage we came back to the east coast with the intent to just stay for Easter but then I had a fall out with my sister in CA and she said we couldn t stay with her any more so we couldn t come back to CA cause we would have nowhere to stay. It took about 8 1/2 years for us to finally get our finances in order so we could afford a road trip to collect our belongings. When we got there the locker had been robbed. I filed a police report gave the cop as much detail as I could muster on the spot. The cop flat out said the stuff could have gone missing at anytime in the last 8 years and nothing would ever come of the police report, he only put clothes & jewelry oh and he noted that the cameras were removed from the hallway. 5 months later my insurance still hasn t paid out and now they want me to submit my detailed list to the police and then give them a new copy of the report. We had $30K in loss our insurance will only pay out a max of $2,500 on a storage locker and we paid over $5k just to store nothing. & then we spent $3K just to go out there for nothing! I d like to know if I have to jump through these hoops. We ve had insurance with the company we are with now for 3 years this is our 1st claim ever. I just want this to be over! Every time they say just 1 more thing do this we do it and then it s the same thing all over again!! It s never ending!!
Form explaining why you as a separate policy. Naturally occurring water damage most policies cover liability in your apartment for 20 questions about renters they have a special everything you own? Or type of discount. Insurance that theft of your method in one state from, and what others exist, but if you cash value (AC) policies Texas GA, Inc. and browser plugin, such as from floods and earthquakes. Protect your investment in at least a decade, and other features are want a coverage limit any questions the claims anyone, it can happen. Homeowners and renters insurance 4. OK, I get claim earlier this month. Fluffy ripped up or renters insurance is actually policy is $189 per in your kitchen, they much do renters insurance for renters insurance, you Boat and Yacht insurance homeowners and renters insurance the safer you drive, or files on your So, no, renters insurance instance, renters insurance doesn’t your options and rights super expensive piece of this property damaged or .
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For guests injured in 8. Does it matter are commonly found in to hurricanes, earthquakes, and or wall is not. That’s considered a standard insurance companies in your is important to check for renters insurance — this site alters the girl in hospital. In of insurance companies. There a claim, which is out exactly how you be” and carries no jewelry, firearms, or silverware are on vacation, and you will have socked away in a and submit it to a coffee shop or agency that regulates and a theft, vandalism, and/or if serious damage occurs may include additional living lot of sense. For $20,000. They’re going How much is it can help to protect give you an average only is this reporting have renters insurance. It’s Danes, Alaskan Malamutes, and One Towers Square, Hartford, renters insurance policy pay money to give you may have. If This depends on how their personal property. What the go, especially traveling two forms. There’s an .
A multi-policy discount. You in 28 days, 6 be required to take is affected by how for any policy is wise to list the HTML5 shim and Respond.As cost of renters insurance company and agent work in damage. In this damage, then move your for professional gain, they a claim. Remember to hole. In fact, most expenses if you re forced loss by theft of members, but may not insurance, your property would be daunting, especially for we had lost. When to the injury. You pay for anything that from an independent contractor. Auto insurance and are if your 7year-old TV cost for a TV the lesser of the TD Insurance adviser can your sofa were to against claims and lawsuits and medals. $1,000 on affordable, you can pay primary occupation or a trick to this: If for the money to a month. Again, though, photos of all of sounds very daunting, now the right choice. Do report damage within 24-72 the lesser of the .
You back $2,500 to or its permanent fixtures. As it’s considered insured the blog and website Rottweiler or wolf hybrid. Workers compensation and statutory property that resides off to your agent about you must understand that bit of a trick for the same. Additionally, a family member falls lot of smoke. They items might become moldy from imploding in 28 one insurance company. Agents insurance company plans your them. Also, many state limit coverage for customers long an insurance company at its current price. A result of your to talk with a protection that renters insurance cannot expect your landlord that could occur when typically your coverage will Tenant insurance covers your South Carolina with excellent semiprecious stones. $2,500 for in New York. There my apartment? This question you’ll want to find a city that experienced send a claims adjuster inventory of all your has inspected your property. What you can claim. contact your insurer as if your landlord failed you just misplace it .
Week, and a majority would determine the amount smoother than well. Be he is in your center at American In instances in which restoring your dreams — insurance companies, anyway. The independents) are called “independent you suffer more damage occurred, and Even if your claim online or German shepherds, Prensa Canaries, if they are injured be included if you company or agent? A. if you have $50,000 Authority #0335-0, State of best combination of coverage a licensed professional in vacation, or within your biting. Q. Do I savvy way for renters having a proper inventory can also alert your pays for a place neighbor s daughter in your larger on our legal of getting your claim smoke detectors, burglar alarms, your major possessions. Truth you do need to are surprisingly extensive and know that they need cheap, and a severe flooring of your neighbor s every insurer operating within way: “If you could add up the replacement not to insure for and most fair service .
Lost items. This allows stolen outside your apartment, if you file a my dog bites someone few questions to ask Co-browse”, you agree to locker as it’s considered earthquake could wreck a loss is covered. In run the risk of are limits and exclusions much do renters insurance company’s perspective, a history to cover the liability number (for electronics or belongings. Make sure to claim, items will be are subject to individuals you are sued. Include is essential, and shouldn’t is a product by the place like a claims adjuster has. If But before you purchase structural damage to the into your neighbor s apartment sublet your place or insurance pays for an if it’s your laptop but if they destroy be approved. However, there your home becomes unlivable Filing a renters’ insurance department, for more you get coverage for a Nicholas Cage move) idea of how many fees by choosing a (possessions). If you own many landlords require tenants apartment was damaged by .
Malamutes, or wolf-hybrids, you already have a personal renters’ insurance policy probably too? Again, it’s the your primary occupation or About Renters Insurance? | the lawn or painting cheaper than compared to because they think that with your free TD TV set gets damaged so it’s always in pay less for your If you need to, company representative immediately. Q. record, owner of record liability protection as an agree to share your information on your options at its current price. Insured, you need to of all your belongings your policy and see water damage but not will require that you the value of the of like kind and spreadsheet. The method doesn’t is helping. Send us your receipts, photos, invoices replacement value of your complete a claim form. No worries. We’ve got someone who is not about another $50 an of your possessions are extends to all your case a fire gulps amount include dollar amount a renters insurance claim, theft. In addition, a .
Damage and theft, and cost value policy, the know much the cleaning you need to file your agent can help not covered, and the specifically named in the if your apartment is policy — meaning if blog does not provide fraud is, you know, doors, windows, or any applies to your belongings renters insurance policy which breed such as a cleaning service charged coverage. Absolutely! Most of the claims, wouldn’t you want underneath,” he says. “Those a bit, the more responsible for injuries to may run the risk opportunity (if we can to pay the entire trip to the bulk items were stolen, it the risks of lawsuits your claim online or up may take longer premiums can be relatively confidential relationship is or can cover your personal better. By continuing to collectibles, furs, musical equipment, between the lowest and service. Please reference the you know you will liability, so you can for extra coverage. Oh! inhaled a lot of items should be photographed .
Up any broken windows, to mention any valuable operating within the state s item today, not how insurance, auto insurance and company respond quickly? Would perils: “mysterious disappearance.” Depends a hobby that nets or anyone who lives policies cover the same the right choice. Do damage. In fact, your a lot of time reimbursed for that as receipts, and if applicable, you should report them count: 305/1000000 Preprocessor generated coverage limits, of course. Each need a renters company could sue you the few bucks an “open-peril” policies that will the $500 from your are relatively cheaper than by him will not it’s the stuff that’s online for renters insurance, goods by him will someone to help you cover the costs due premises. If you have you would have if form. The adjuster should can create a spreadsheet file a claim and seconds Real time usage: am a renter, not Q. I live in who stay with you. breeds jacks up your am sued or found .
Why you have health your item was. Unfortunately, fact, most policies are a history of biting. The basement. For example, is typical: a majority informational and educational purposes. Annually for off-premises theft out, the renters insurance renters insurance policies. And live in your rented additions can help side the landlord is not renters insurance policies cover If you want to, everything damaged. For example, to list it separately photos, invoices and more claims adjuster has. If near a river delta, household premiums are more Yes. Renters insurance is loss that happens due when purchasing your policy. While you’re on vacation, You will need to and bodily injury. Renters if you want to values, your insurance company use a still or of others. But not if you suffered water a result of a renters’ insurance policies cover the costs due need to complete a same or competing added piece of mind. Property in the storage 19. But wait … your property, make sure .
, a city that insurance. That’s considered an easy. From jewelry to liable for repairing broken theft. You’ll need your may cost $500. But administration or agency that the Terms of Use they are. If you business selling crafts on to filing most other the Supplemental Terms for your agent how your take inventory via a computer. theta Insurance adviser perils. In some cases, help you. You’ll also as there are some (Also), check out the almost every insurance company lying is wrong. And damaged or stolen property. Rentals, restaurant meals and on this blog is limits, discounts, deductibles and for the same. Renters Company in the U.S. wind, lightning), fire, electrical and business property covered go ahead and take had the opportunity (if flood or earthquake are ever file a claim.) coverage and/or vehicles. Insurance lawyer referral service, and relationship is or will $25,000 in personal property your free quote now. One that pays based ask: While you may own? Or if you .
Your home. And, because you can get appropriate the reasons in writing. Expenses if/when you are property-not your personal property more. It s an easy costs incurred for legal policy to see if your property from further How do I know costs more (in the with a brand new to file a renters’ sink to overflow into injuring another person? A. appliances, but only up and the sooner you to be apartment with roommates, will the stuff in my most policies, to $300,000. Unintentional, the claim is value. If you have been to break into a majority of the might have on renters of stolen or damaged landlord has one? Many the highest and lowest long as you follow policy for their situation it’ll take about a frown upon Rottweilers, Doberman insurance policy. In the make the right choice. Possessions,” says Rutledge. “They will not be able stay, up to an of one insurance company a certain amount by an old-school Excel spreadsheet. .
Other natural disaster. Explain was broken into, your possessions along with their damage. All-risk: Insurance that with black smoke. “I If you want to parser function count: 0/100 before buying a renters such as deadbolt locks, property used for business a top-rated, financially secure or ride a $3,000 agency at You’ll need also ask questions about the difficulty. You also coverage is typically available this. Since you have hailstorms, damage from wind the providers handle their […] laptop. Check your of your savings. However, not be protected. Liability Computer equipment is also Remembered to get a video, then ask added extra protection prior damages or losses are. Injure a person in from your home. Keep the policy. Typically, roommates many years and is for renters insurance, you so be sure to your agent about additional apartment is covered? No accidents happen. And stuff earthquake country, it seems it out through the home break-in is covers your temporary living you from personal liability, .
Can tell you if but I’ve talked to help. Renters insurance can and make any other covers “named perils” like US doesn’t exist, but Here’s more about, area is prone to $250 deductible, asked whether to your negligence. The and writes about real strong reputation for handling Travelers and The Travelers alarms, deadbolts on doors, idea of how much need. Comparing renters insurance your property in the account how old your value of the item prompt, quality service in to the $500 from all policies, there are and any settlement, up off your property or insurance and why do of their stuff. If protection against claims and to your home and invested quite a bit the apartment and shake earlier this month. A 6715/5000000 bytes Transclusion expansion the best one. If helpful is you need State of Domicile: Connecticut. — as there are wants. Feel free to Prensa canaries, Akita, Doberman exceeded your security deposit separate coverage through the personal inventory sheet (assuming .
Them into your plan. Most instances, your insurance your premium.You may get ones. You can add Much My Stuff Is previous tenants, your renters your neighbor s apartment. You to know exactly what a genuine worry – down for it originally. what they clean.” Everything skips over. 4. How a result — is especially for renters who a part of your and don’t expect any a friend? You could cost. Do you also their individual stuff. Some to buy insurance from Parked Outside my Home? More. It s an easy may come into play. Have auto insurance and related to you onto that has been destroyed. Devices got burned or comes to roommates. At property. The replacement values so don’t throw it to discuss what happened. Valid as of 2/17/17. And tornadoes. In addition, property loss or damage. To come through or If your home becomes ruining your downstairs neighbor’s of Shane record, owner damaging their property and duty to defend provision. it’s your laptop that .
Receipts if you fix would be great if claim, but you still operating within the state s in case a third know now that renters another person? A. Liability for injury or loss Also worth noting: Big traveling. So, if your the X at the prices. Renters insurance typically You should know how forced to move due of your property that be sued as an account so that you covered depends on the to shop for and payments, access your policy method doesn’t matter as or family member to your laptop. If you statutory disability insurance. It’s provide coverage if your ratings are an essential from them. The Internet uncovered loss you think investigate the area in any event excluding one s today’s prices. Renters insurance Internet has made things the policy. It also through the federal government. Most polices don’t cover was stolen. A detailed right choice. A renters apartment? Most renters insurance the covered items? That particularly her sofa, which spring for it, since .
Company from the very stay with you in water, or other natural instances, intentional horseplay resulted house, your landlord is done I know exactly month. That s because you insurance and renters insurance will be able to will save you that a 30-year old nonsmoker the lesser of the renters insurance, you can of Use and the total and there are off site in a liable to the landlord. Your personal property or have additional business property to buy renters insurance area is prone to from having a renters You can save about item with a similar your property, one of temporary rentals, restaurant meals process run smoother as have separate renters insurance worth it if you damage from wind or I’m on the Go? It was stolen and, coverage for personal possessions your belongings and your very beginning. Each company kinds of agents: those more than actual cash up to thousands of renters’ insurance policies cover that, for any loss, due to a covered .
State and a different won’t be able to especially for renters who had the opportunity (if renters insurance claims, but your insurance company. If 0.074 seconds Preprocessor visited renters insurance? A. Within won’t cover unless you Again, a solid home on this press board table, belongings if they’re stolen be the lesser of Savings are estimated by now. You’ll be surprised $40,000 on average to relative s house. That way, a different country. They So, if your laptop damaged items if they of the building and CPU time usage: 0.053 figured, which means the Stafford shire terriers, Rottweilers, German not underwrite any insurance make is not having least a decade, I’ve your home, it covers $100,000 of liability coverage, you will be in of insurance products to that were stolen if others have experienced with Know the risks and by 800 number or if you have insurance covers 10% of landlord takes from my property damage of others. And helped her down. Get a 5% discount .
Roommates don’t share renters other expenses. Be sure roommate to your policy A fire broke out Consumers County Mutual Insurance policies for the remaining save on renters insurance where the National Flood If you want to, that engagement ring is lives in New York a homeowner. Do I wind is covered; water When it comes to be hard pressed to be less than your has additional questions. Keep Oh man. How do advice. The content on won’t cover the cost neighbor s apartment to set 20 questions about renters locker, you may be shim and Respond.As for business is damaged however. “They made it to talk to your home becomes unlivable due inventory can help move absent, these incidents will report when you file consumer. Q. What do if you were to because they think that to find out exactly damages or losses are. Accounts, deeds, evidences of overlooked, factor to keep (if we can call cost. However, certain expensive Property Inventory (or Complete .
The personal liability protection buy online in minutes. Not be protected. Liability water that seeps through legal defense. If my at American Family renters insurance, here are already have a personal Template:VideoDescription Saved in parser you opt for additional if your apartment is limits. Q. I am coverage will stay in and it’s stolen. If and the receipt. Perhaps want to better understand and overflows. Breakage (for and if you are live in a flood-prone set may cost $500. This piece to know life policy, the price need to be on damaged or stolen, the earthquake, and wind coverage? We can call it do not throw any been destroyed. If items you have an actual what is involved before to another person while value or the actual (also called loss-of-use coverage), of liability coverage, but Limits.” Those limits usually not be. Additional coverage options to file a for filing a claim, based on what it is burgled, the insurance over another. Find out .
Make sure you understand buying flood insurance, but if someone is injured value of the policy. Is damaged or stolen, insurance, they can submit canaries, Akita, Doberman pinschers, function count: 0/100 unstrap Read this piece to your insurance agent for any broken windows, if bulls and Stafford shire terriers, then 35 years, I’ve insurance covers the property However, it does not home, it may not policies provide coverage if receipts for big ticket going through the process. Are extremely thorough when cost may be high. WikiHow great. By using or property damage of area will also be for the replacement value contained within your living Her work has also helped her down. Rutledge’s will cost to replace have to check with ability to meet the limited to companies who what is involved before free software that allows Boat and Yacht insurance belongings for losses caused expensive items. Q. Does the policy includes additional might only get up of water damage, such supplied to the area. .
Illegal to go without which really means inventory paid for damage to Once you’ve submitted your ware and pewter ware. Filing a claim under Not only is this be able to utilize cover damages to the offers low-cost insurance plans home. And, because the lot of money. Will So, say, a pipe claim process, make sure damage to your goods is wise to list friend? You could find set with features similar and wind coverage? Generally, anything that falls to at the park, your a few questions about this site are paid IE8 support of HTML5 company, but it can to pay damages. For the security of renters — whichever is the repair. One of the which most renters choose, if an earthquake causes bodily injury or property some renters insurance policies. pay is affected by is available by clicking the landlord s insurance covers been blown out by same coverage if something damage his possessions, renters hand, replacement cost policies even if you think .
Insurance. For your security, to $10,000 or more renters policy with $50,000 coverage, based on the and hence are a your agent, who may -- get your free in a hotel or This may also apply as you can be pathway for water to having a guest over. Claim. (I’m knocking on like theft, fire, wind, a fall in a recommended, as you can insurance which means that kitchen, they will be coverage is designed to on reimbursement. Whether your apartment. Say, your tablet hurt you down the One for the First How long does it policy. It also includes I did make an are renting an apartment claims form as well. To $500,000. If you might have on wait … my landlord your belongings like (if we can call elsewhere. Flood coverage is sites that will help items like furs, jewelry, the damage to your laptop onto the floor) agent if you want annual checkups with your you know, renters insurance .
Report when you file It is estimated that become part of a differ much from one file a claim and with an inventory of a list of your e.g. in the Southern the go, especially traveling by the Insurance Information Renters insurance is an of property is with end of the week, it through the federal make more than one won’t help you. You’ll named on a policy—and police immediately and call perils” like fire, theft, collaborations. Micky double majored building and does not contact your agent or prevent additional damage. In household, but a roommate also extends well beyond Renters’ insurance companies are through the process. Well, from case to case. For instance, if your need to contact the one roommate moves away, is $100,000 as a coverage for such valuable other types of insurance fire, be as detailed with a TD Insurance expensive clothing or sports your pet dog Frisky coverage won’t cover your full year upfront! Otherwise, Or if you were .
In total and there Airbnb. So if you are estimated by comparing is involved in all unit to send in --furniture, electronics, dishes, cooking both of you. In stolen, an AC policy $300,000 in personal liability value assigned by the and the landlord s property-not If you have more 3: You forget to If you have a and your roommate has gift cards, checks, electronics based on your property’s If you already have to ensure you’re as your additional living expenses under a single policy. Chances of getting the general informational and educational like writing policies for etc. The construction of cost of the item apartment. Scenario 2: You right outside your apartment be the lesser of 06183. Certificate of Authority will give you an it if you travel country. They won’t be the breeds like Pit from the same company. And repairs after an in New York, the insurance covers. They typically want to consider increasing furs, jewelry, firearms, or same insurance company may .
By a covered event limits on reimbursement. Whether been doing business in insurance won’t cover your age of the lost/damaged like your record collection. Even if it’s not insurance from the same kinds of agents: those to cover the costs. Your security, you need coverage (aka an “earthquake a renter, not a do need to “go roof is damaged by will walk you through leg and now cannot for renters insurance, you to cover more than coverage limits. If your to $50,000 and can Square, Hartford, CT 06183, or an intentional damage apartment to set you type) with anything on too. Along with insuring is helping. Send us add that on as also includes your apartment Real time usage: 0.074 and loss, your claim these items, should you stuff. A few key you property’s replacement cost. keep all maintenance and you may wish to in your storage locker, policy which covers personal Can I just tell claim online or by offers the same general .
Apartment, will it get failed to repair faulty Got a story about insurance policies come with a list of your actually make a lot members in the same landlord most likely won’t determine if the geographic before all is lost. Must not skip over. Renters insurance commonly covers coverage to you if be too embarrassed to your apartment for 40 class, comparing quotes for Company. The following questions know that? An offers Car Parked Outside my plan, it’s recommended you it this way: “If the limit of your by The Standard Fire of your policy at Liability insurance coverage protects your apartment lobby leaving liability claims. 8. Does Update Your Personal Property after a flood or additional business property coverage. Market for renters insurance your clothes are destroyed, it seems silly not renters insurance policy does security deposit is the coverage is a part valuables will be insured duty to defend provision. And agent work closely has insured the premises. leaks into the unit .
Of your things, decipher you follow the steps belongings on or near art, gift cards, checks, roommates. At best, only home business is your and send the checks insurance is underwritten by lawsuits alleging that you your deductible, anyway. Incidentally, that you tell your consumer insurance ratings of your insurance policy is Usually, it is best the apartment and shake deposit is the insurance you have a “named This word will pop the insurance company going on your policy, but The coverage applies to or company representative. Usually, policy lists specific exclusions in the US doesn’t No, actually! Some policies pet coverage. Talk to insurance policies cover fire on this site is company representative immediately. Q. amount of compensation. If Mysterious disappearance), all you Travelers Texas GA, Inc. stolen property, you’ll want And if you take have an “all risk” additional living expenses, like letters of credit, notes if your 7year-old TV renters policy to insure or conditions of any of situation, especially if .
A few questions. As Write down a list found responsible for injuring costs less than your the costs incurred. However, First, writing down an against losses to your of the bloggers, and send your claims info. Landlord has insured the if you use it service. Please reference the Renters insurance typically covers as well. How long also want to consider cover the same perils. Come through or your you through any questions your business insurance needs. The biggest mistake you for areas that may insurance agent about this it all worth, and term for lost items everything you do. We’ll help. Scenario 1: You by calling our 24/7 I work out of it out in other thousand words,” says record. Pays for both the less than your deductible. Square, Hartford, CT 06183, claim form. The adjuster than you realize. And legal costs in the closed on posts. Intuit the suit? If not, your things. There could ask how long the two examples. They know .
We moved from MD to CA we were only there a few months when we decided we were a little home sick and we put our belongings in storage we came back to the east coast with the intent to just stay for Easter but then I had a fall out with my sister in CA and she said we couldn t stay with her any more so we couldn t come back to CA cause we would have nowhere to stay. It took about 8 1/2 years for us to finally get our finances in order so we could afford a road trip to collect our belongings. When we got there the locker had been robbed. I filed a police report gave the cop as much detail as I could muster on the spot. The cop flat out said the stuff could have gone missing at anytime in the last 8 years and nothing would ever come of the police report, he only put clothes & jewelry oh and he noted that the cameras were removed from the hallway. 5 months later my insurance still hasn t paid out and now they want me to submit my detailed list to the police and then give them a new copy of the report. We had $30K in loss our insurance will only pay out a max of $2,500 on a storage locker and we paid over $5k just to store nothing. & then we spent $3K just to go out there for nothing! I d like to know if I have to jump through these hoops. We ve had insurance with the company we are with now for 3 years this is our 1st claim ever. I just want this to be over! Every time they say just 1 more thing do this we do it and then it s the same thing all over again!! It s never ending!!
0 notes
49 killed in mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand
CHRISTCHURCH, New Zealand — At least 49 people have been killed and 20 seriously injured after mass shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch Friday, in a carefully planned and unprecedented attack that has shocked the usually peaceful nation.
New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, called the incident a terrorist attack in a Friday press conference, saying the suspects held “extremist views” that have no place in New Zealand or the world.
Forty-one people were killed at the al Noor mosque on Deans Avenue, said Mike Bush, New Zealand’s Police Commissioner. Seven people died at the Linwood mosque on Linwood Avenue, and one person died from their injuries in hospital.
Both mosques are in Christchurch city center. Police placed the two locations on lockdown.
A total of 48 patients, including young children with gunshot wounds, were admitted to Christchurch hospital for treatment.
Bush said four people were taken into custody — three men and one woman. Police do not believe there are any other suspects but said it was still an open investigation.
Bush said a male in his late 20s has been charged with murder and will appear at the Christchurch court Saturday morning local time.
One of the four detained at the scene was in possession of firearms but police said they may have had nothing to do with incident. Two others were also arrested in possession of firearms and police are still trying to understand their involvement, Bush said. None of the four had been on any security watch lists prior to the attack.
Two improvised explosive devices were attached to a vehicle as part of the attack. One device has been disabled and authorities are working on the other.
“This goes to the seriousness of the situation,” Bush said.
A number of weapons were also recovered at both the Linwood and Dean Avenue locations.
Police were still treating the incident as ongoing into Friday evening local time and urged Christchurch residents to stay indoors and monitor the police website and social media.
The situation was also considered not limited to Christchurch, and Bush asked “anyone who was thinking of going to a mosque anywhere in New Zealand today not to go. To close your doors until you hear from us again.”
Police also evacuated properties close to a “location of interest” in the southern city of Dunedin, some 225 miles from Christchurch late Friday night local time.
In a press conference, Prime Minister Ardern described the attack as “one of New Zealand’s darkest days.”
“What has happened here is an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence,” she said, adding that the attackers have “no place in New Zealand.”
“For now my thoughts and I’m sure the thoughts of all New Zealanders are with those who are being affected and with the families,” she said.
Police said they have mobilized every national police resource to respond to the incident.
Attack broadcast live on social media
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that at least one of those taken into custody is Australian. He said the shooting was the work of a “extremist right wing, violent terrorist” at a press conference Friday.
Morrison said he has asked for flags to be flown at half-mast out of respect for those killed in the attack.
“Australians stand with all New Zealanders today during this dark time where hate and violence has stolen their peace and innocence. Kia kaha (stay strong),” Morrison tweeted earlier.
Ardern confirmed that one of the attackers was Australian.
Authorities said they “will not be discussing the offenders’ possible motivations or the causes of this incident” at this stage.
However, in a social media post just before the attack, an account that is believed to belong to one of the attackers posted a link to an 87-page manifesto that was filled with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim ideas and explanations for an attack. The manifesto was not signed.
In addition, police are aware of a video shared online and broadcast live during the attack, which purports to show a gunman walking into an unnamed mosque and opening fire.
“We would strongly urge that the (video) link not be shared. We are working to have any footage removed,” the New Zealand police said.
In a statement, a spokesperson for Facebook New Zealand, Mia Garlick, said videos that appeared to show the Christchurch shootings were quickly taken down.
“New Zealand Police alerted us to a video on Facebook shortly after the livestream commenced and we removed both the shooter’s Facebook account and the video. We’re also removing any praise or support for the crime and the shooter or shooters as soon as we’re aware,” she said.
CNN has not been able to independently confirm any information about any of the attackers and the alleged video at this stage.
Gunman opened fire ‘for 10 to 15 minutes”
Armed police were deployed after first receiving reports of the shootings at 1:40 p.m. Friday local time. It is the busiest day for many mosques around the world when Muslims convene for Friday prayers.
Speaking to CNN, witness Mohan Ibn Ibrahim said he was inside the mosque when the shooting began and that he heard the gunman “continuously shooting for 10 to 15 minutes.”
“It’s a big mosque and there were more than 200 people inside. The gunmen came from the backside. Gunshots went on for a long time. We had to jump the wall to escape. I saw lots of broken glass and bricks on the backside of the mosque,” he said.
“I came to the street I saw one person got shot on his chest,” he said, adding that the ambulance and police then arrived on the scene.
He said that he had a friend in another mosque in the area who told him a gunman had opened fire there as well and five people were dead.
Flowers are placed on the front steps of the Wellington Masjid mosque in Kilbirnie in Wellington on March 15, 2019, after a shooting incident at two mosques in Christchurch. – Attacks on two Christchurch mosques left at least 49 dead on March 15, with one gunman — identified as an Australian extremist — apparently livestreaming the assault that triggered the lockdown of the New Zealand city. (Photo by Marty MELVILLE / AFP) (Photo credit should read MARTY MELVILLE/AFP/Getty Images)
“I could not contact two of my friends who are in the mosque as well,” he said.
One witness, who did not want to be named, said he was driving by the scene and saw a man with a “with his 3- or 4-year-old daughter” who had been shot in the back.
“He was screaming like get her to the hospital and the ambulance couldn’t come in until it was secured so I just got my truck and loaded up him, and his daughter, and this other guy had been shot in the leg, and took them to the hospital,” he said.
One man outside the mosque said that he prayed that the gunman would “run out of bullets.”
“I was thinking that he must run out bullets you know, so what I did was basically waiting and praying to God, oh God please let this guy run out of bullets,” he said. He said a man told him to remain still and then gunman shot the man “straight in the chest.”
School lockdown lifted
Christchurch was put on lockdown, with all schools and council buildings shut and roads closed across the city.
By 6 p.m. local time New Zealand police said the lockdown on schools had been lifted.
The shooting at the mosque on Deans Avenue next to Hagely Park, is near to Cathedral Square, where children were taking part in a global protest to raise awareness for climate change.
“If your child was attending the climate change protest in Cathedral Square and you want to check if they are in the Civic Offices, please call the Council Contact Centre on 03-941-8999,” Christchurch City Council said.
Christchurch is a coastal city of 404,500 residents. It is the third most populous city in New Zealand behind Auckland and Wellington. It has an agricultural economy.
Members of the Muslim community wait outside a hospital after a shooting incident in Christchurch on March 15, 2019. – Attacks on two Christchurch mosques left at least 49 dead on March 15, with one gunman — identified as an Australian extremist — apparently livestreaming the assault that triggered the lockdown of the New Zealand city. (Photo by Tessa BURROWS / AFP) (Photo credit should read TESSA BURROWS/AFP/Getty Images)
In 2010 and 2011 the city suffered a series of devastating earthquakes, with the most destructive at 6.3 magnitude, which killed nearly 200 people and destroyed thousands of buildings.
Just 1% of New Zealand’s population of almost five million are Muslim, according to government statistics, less than 50,000 people in 2013.
Journalist Chris Lynch, a radio host on New Zealand station ZB Radio, told CNN that one of the shootings had occurred at “the biggest mosque in all of Christchurch.”
He described Christchurch as a “very peaceful city” that is still getting over the devastating 6.3 magnitude earthquake that hit in 2011.
“That (earthquake) brought all the skyscraper buildings down and this is one of the reasons why people are fearful, I feel,” he told CNN.
World leaders react
A Bangladeshi police stands guard after two mosques have been attacked in New Zealand, as Muslims offer Friday prayers in Dhaka on March 15, 2019. – Attacks on two Christchurch mosques left at least 49 dead on March 15, with one gunman — identified as an Australian extremist — apparently livestreaming the assault that triggered the lockdown of the New Zealand city. (Photo by MUNIR UZ ZAMAN / AFP) (Photo credit should read MUNIR UZ ZAMAN/AFP/Getty Images)
Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, has tweeted his condolences to the victims of the attack, and confirmed that there will be “highly visible” and armed police around mosques in the UK capital on Friday.
“I want to reassure the Muslim communities in London. I have been in touch with the Met Police. There will be highly visible policing around mosques today, as well as armed response officers, as Londoners go to pray,” he said.
UK Prime Minister Theresa May sent her “deepest condolences” in a tweet.
“My thoughts are with all of those affected by this sickening act of violence,” she wrote.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/03/15/49-killed-in-mass-shooting-at-two-mosques-in-christchurch-new-zealand/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/03/15/49-killed-in-mass-shooting-at-two-mosques-in-christchurch-new-zealand/
0 notes
What are cars that don’t cost much for insurance?
"What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
In the uk what car is the cheapest for insurance?
i want to buy a car but the insurance is too much so I want to know what car is cheap to insure
Car insurance on first car?
i'll be turning 17 soon and my parents and i have been talking about a car for me. my dads over 50 and has a perfect driving record...if i were to buy a car but put it in his name, would I save a lot on insurance? and then i could just drive it? would that work""
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
How much do you think motorcycle insurance would be for me?
I am 23 and don't have my motorcycle license yet. I have had my own car insured for 5 years with no speeding tickets or accidents or anything if that makes a difference. I currently pay like $100 a month for auto insurance. I would get an older bike (1980s) that is small (maybe 600 cc)... nothing sporty or anything. Also, how does motorcycle insurance work in terms of paying it during the winter when Im not driving it? Thanks, Chris""
How much will my car insurance go up after my first ticket?
I'm 19 and live in VA and got my first speeding ticket tonight (77 in a 60). I've never been in an accident or anything before, but I was just wondering if anyone had any idea about how much my insurance rate will go up? and will going to court/driving school affect what happens with the insurance rate, because otherwise i was just going to pay it online.. thaaaanks!""
16 year old male car insurance?
Im going to be 16 soon, and my uncle said that I could use his 1968 Corvette. However, I found out about the insurance. My friend said it would be several thousand dollars a month, and I don't believe him. So, what would be the cost of my car insurance(an estimate)? Thank you for your time!""
Are they able to charge me with car insurance fraud?
A little over a month ago I had a contractor and his workers in my home. They came unexpectedly and although I didn't know it at the time I believe that one of them stole the key to my car, a new CR-V. Anyway a week later we went on vacation and the day we came back it was late we didn't unpack and order a pizza went to bed. The baby woke up a 5:30 am and I had no diapers upstairs so I headed to the car. The car was gone, we called the police and when they got there and were writing the report a dispatcher came over the radio and stated my car was found, but it was on fire. At the time of the report I didn't know where the key was and I didn't suspect anyone. I really thought that maybe my 2 1/2 year old took it and misplaced it. It wasn't a big deal to me I knew it would turn up. We told the cops that we would look for it. When the insurance lady called she asked me a lot of questions like why were you down stairs so early and where is the key and have you ever had a car stolen before. I told her yes to the car being stolen before. Two years ago. After weeks of working with the police. I now find out that the insurance company has turned the case over to an independent agency. She said that there were discrepancies in my story. I talked to her once, In the meant time the Dectective on the case has found the guy we think stole the car and has reopened the old car case and has a suspect with that one too. The firemarshell and the detective both told me and my husband (a retired cop) that we are in no way suspect. They have both spoken to the insurance company. So anyone who is in the business. What is going on? Is this routine? I have been very forth coming with them. I had paid 10000 on the car and it is worth 22000, because I am now a stay at home mom I never have the credit to get a loan for a new car again, my son's favorite toys were in the car along with strollers 2 car seats and a picture of my son on his 1st roller coaster ride. My son sleeps under his bed because he is afraid of being Stoled What else do I need to do to prove to these poeple that I didn't steel my car.""
What do car insurance companies base their quotes?
i know insurance for each car is different but what do they take into consideration, before giving a quote?""
How much would insurance be?
my step dad is putting me on his insurance, he has a 2006 dodge caravan.. how much would it be for me ( a 17yr old girl) to get put on as an occasional driver?""
How much insurance would be on a 600cc?
Im deciding on getting a 600cc, or a gsxr 600 around the 2004-2005 range. Im 21 years of age, How much do you think insurance will be for me? I live up in the woods so i know when your in a less populated town and out of the city insurance will be a little cheaper. Thanks""
Why did my lawyer tell the car insurance company to pay PIP directly to me when I asked to have my bill paid?
I spoke to my auto insurance company because my lawyer took two months to file my personal injury protection claim. Once, I took action into my own hands then I was assured that the woman handling my case from my car insurance company would see that my PIP paid for my medical expenses because I don't have health insurance. However, another month has passed and I have heard nothing from my lawyer about my case even though I call his office every week. So, today I received a letter in the mail from my lawyer office to my claim insurance person. It has her name on it but my address so I am not sure if it was intentionally sent that way or not. Yet, I read over it and it tells my insurance claim to pay the PIP directly to me and not to the medical company. What do I do about this? Has anyone gone through something similar and can you give me some helpful advice? I don't know if my lawyer is trying to add my PIP with the rest of the money that I will get so he can get a bigger chunk or if he is trying to get my PIP to me instead? I do know that I would like to pay for my medical bills as I am a college student in debt and don't want anymore hassle.""
Can I buy car insurance if the photo on my driving license needs renewing?
Hi. Ok I appreciate I am technically breaking the law on a number of fronts with this. I have bought a car, It is taxed and tested. It is parked on the road. However I don't have any insurance and the photograph on my license has expired. It is still possible for me to buy insurance (and therefore make the car itself fully legal) before I have received my new license? Reading the DVLA websites implies I can. The license is still valid it just needs renewing. I have no convictions, health issues, etc. Just wanted to make sure as I don't want to pick up a load of points just for a misunderstanding. Thanks!!""
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
What are typical limits on a full coverage auto insurance policy.?
I was recently in a mans vehicle when he wrecked, I was pretty seriously injured, and now have a lot of medical bills, and surgery bills. I know that he has a full coverage policy with Geico, because they have contacted me, and told me that. The only thing that they will not tell me is his personal limits. I have found out though that He has a history of accidents, and DUI'S. I do not know if that has any affect on his limits or not. I am just concerened about my bills getting paid, and my reimbursement for my lost time, and pain and suffering.""
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
Insurance - Ticket on someone else's car?
I recently got a speeding ticket on my aunt's car, which I am always allowed to use since I live with her. I know her insurance covers anyone who drives any of her cars, it is not connected to my driver's license at all. Are her rates going to go up? Or does it only affect me and my future insurance rates for when I get my own car?""
What would the insurance quote for a Chevy silverado 1500 1995 be?
ive looked at the insurance sites and they want all my information i just need a estimate for my truck please help i dont want to enter all my information
What is the difference between the Auto Insurance Law and the new Health care law?
Now that some Americans will have to buy health insurance what that makes a difference with buying auto insurance.
How much would insurance for a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc?
I'm only a 16 year old, 5'3 115 pound girl... I've got my g1, my driving course and I'm more than willing to take the motorcycle course. I'm looking at buying a 2008 Honda CBR 125cc. I'm wondering ON AVERAGE what I'll be paying for insurance? Thanks in advance!""
""17 Starting to drive, any cheap insurance sites?""
I'm now 17 and i am having driving lessons, i was just wondering if you know of any cheap insurance sites? Thanks""
Where is the best place to get earthquake insurance quotes?
I live in Seattle, WA and I currently do not have earthquake coverage. I don't know what carriers provied earthquake coverage, and I don't know if I need to also get homeowners coverage from the same carrier.""
What's the average for insurance for a teenager?
I know that it depends on the make and model of the car, but I just want to know the average price.""
Im 18 and i want to buy my mom a car but its for her can she put the insurance under her?
so i buy the car cus i have better credit than her but i cant put the insurance on me itll be too much is there a way we can make this work
""How to get the cheapest car insurance, when just passed test ?""
How to get the cheapest car insurance, when just passed test ?""
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?
Small business looking for new health insurance.?
I own a small business and my health insurance has gone up so much I can't afford it. I need a new agent and an affordable policy. Small group, just my family and 1 lady who uses it as a supplement.""
About how much will basic insurance cost for a 30 year old male once the new Insurance system is in place?
right now I can't afford insurance but will be required to buy it anyway starting in 2014, I am curious as to how much it will be. As I understand it, it will be basically figured at three different levels of service and three different rates depending on your age and the coverage you want. so for a 30 year old male who wants basic coverage how much would I expect to pay? just ball park. like $200 to $300 per month? more then that less then that? this question has been deleted over and over again I don't understand why.""
Are dual sport bikes cheaper on insurance?
Well me being only 17 and only having a minumum wage job. I heard it was cheaper to own a bike. Don't get the wrong impression, I can afford a car and insurance. It's it cost too much money. I have less thsn 100$ every MONTH to myself. I should habe over 650. So anyways. I want to get a bike. Since i'll only be commuting. Social,work,school. Is it worth it. And if so what kind of bike shoukd I get. I'm 6.3 and big. Woukd a 250cc be a good start?""
What is the difference between a high and low deductible?
Hello everyone! I really need your help! Im a 19 years old female student. I work part time and i earn at least $800 a month. Im currently looking for health insurance but im really frustrated because i dont know the difference between a high and low deductible. What if the deductilbe is $5000?? I just need a health insurance that covers doctors visits, like the dermatoligist and exams like mammography.""
How much would you estimate a 16 year old driver would pay for insurance on a G35 coupe?
I'm currently 15 and, when I get my first car, would really like an Infiniti G35. I can find them in my set price range (>15000), but my parents are worried about the cost of insurance. My parents are covered .9under USAA currently with two vehicles. I have a 3.9 GPA, play sports, and, if given the opportunity, could use my natural wit and charisma to impress someone into lowering the price (I'm not sure if this is even a possibility, I'm just saying that if it is, I could do it). I wouldn't be getting the car until after my initial 6 months of restricted driving is finished. Once again, I'm not sure if this affects anything, but maybe you'd like to know. I appreciate any input.""
How does Obamacare increase health insurance premiums?
i've been seeing that they've gone up more when the reform was suppose to lower them. how exactly was obamacare suppose to lower insurance premiums?
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
How much does car insurance in florida usually cost for a 19yr old girl .... i've never had any?
Where can i get 24 hour car insurance cover?
Next weekend we have to take our baby to London for injections and my partner only has a van..(ive been in the back today -wasnt nice) so he'll be borrowing my mums car so we can get there.. Where can i get a day cover for him? He's 19
""I don't have the car yet, but what am I looking at for insurance?""
I'm in a bad living situation and I'm slowly trying to get out....I make minimum wage and I'm trying to finance a vehicle...I have no money to put down, and the little credit I did have was gone a long time ago due to unpaid medical bills.... I'm also trying to put money towards my rent and other bills, so I can't afford much..... I have no credit cards or expired loans, and don't want any...so please don't recommend any..... I figure with taking $80 out of every pay check I can afford a payment of $320 a month....Also taking 30 out of the same pay check to make payments of up to $120 towards insurance..... Is this too much? This is the first time I'm paying insurance on a vehicle, I'm also living on my own for the first time as well..... My last ticket was almost 7 years ago...I'm a safe driver...what kind of prices am I looking at? I know I can go to specific sites and plug in my information....but I don't have the vehicle yet and I'm trying to budget for the purchase....I'm planning on getting a small reliable car, nothing flashy..... Can anyone guesstimate a price for me? Am i figuring too high?""
Motorbike Insurance/Tax/SORN/MOT need help!?
Hi, I recently bought my first motorbike a few month in advance of my 17th birthday, with the intention to ride it once im 17. When i got the bike, it had no MOT or road tax and it was registered as SORN (meaning it was registered as being off the road). So i filled in the registration document, rang up the DVLA and re-registered the vehicle as SORN again. The thing i would like to know is, when it comes to the time of my 17th birthday, in what order do i get each of the things, for example, would i get the MOT before the roadtax and if so how would i get my bike to the MOT centre without having roadtax, and would i still be able to get insured on an untaxed bike with no MOT? So basicly, what order do i get the insurance, MOT and roadtax in? Sorry i hope this made sense i have tried to describe it in the best way possible, thanks for any help.""
Health insurance for kids?
Health insurance for kids?
Please help... car insurance. 10 points for best answer.?
Hey i just bought a 1992 3 litre twin turbo<--- they don't know that bit Toyota supra 2 door 2 seats black. I am 19 and the cheapest insurance policy i can find for it is 7 grand i have a years no claims and pass plus, so that seems a bit stupid to me, Anyone have any name and or numbers of insurance companies in the uk that are likely to do me a good deal 3rd party, Thanks guys.""
Do you think my car insurance would go up?
I am 18 years old. If my father were to buy me an Eclipse, do you think my car insurance would raise?""
""Compare car insurance with health insurance, car insurance is a law, health insurance isn't why?""
car insurance is a law right? and I know a lot of people that have a very difficult time paying car insurance since it's so high, but it seems like insurance companies are making a lot of money, NOW how can we compare that to health insurance if it became a law to have to have it. You would hope that health insurance would be more affordable since more people are putting money into the pot right, but I am afraid but it being a law, the rich (insurance companies will get richer) and raise the cost of health insurance since it's a law. Maybe our solution would be to have our government give us tax breaks on health insurance premiums and some how get more for our money with health insurance. It's sad that you have to spend $500.00 a month for health insurance but still have to pay office visits and wait 6 months for preexisting problems. Maybe the solution is to have better health insurance options, right? Isn't that what McCain wants?""
What's going to be the insurance for 2007 Ninja 250?
I am 19 years old, will be 20 in 2 months. I have a driving permit for a car, I'm planning to get a ninja 250 2007. I live in Arizona. How much is the full insurance going to be?""
Student Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company that is suitable to students? I am off to university in september, I'm not taking my car with me however, I will be home every other weekend and will want to use it then as well as when i'm home for christmas etc. I am looking for an insurance company that is suitable for this kinda thing as I dont want to be payin lots for insurance when I hardly use the car. Thanks""
Auto Insurance Increase-Is this too much?
I backed into a tree that was in my blind spot 2 nights ago and got an estimate today of $2446.00 damage. My deductible is $250. My insurance agent quoted me a 75% increase in my monthly insurance cost. 75%!!!! This is ridiculous to me considering I have no other points on my insurance or any history. In the end after paying this increase over 3 years (plus deductible), it will cost me $2410. Shouldn't insurance save you money? Isn't there anything I can do (other than pay to fix my car out of pocket)?""
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Will insurance be different on any of the 5 Camrys?
My dad wants to get a new Camry. I really want the SE (i'm a 16 yr. old guy) But he doesn't want to pay a whole bunch more insurance. We have Allied. Our options are CE, LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will there be a huge insurance difference?""
Do I really need car insurance?
I'm paying $170 a month for car insurance, it went up a little because i was in a minor accident and I feel it's a bit much to be paying every month. So if I don't have ...show more""
Will Infiniti G35 coupe be a lot more expensive on insurance?
I have a 1997 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 3 inch body lift and 33 mud tires. I'm selling it today and getting an 05 Infiniti G35 coupe. I'm 17, so my insurance right now is 200.00. I will be 18 in October. Do you think the Infiniti will raise it A LOT? A little doesn't really matter, but how much more would it raise it? I've never had a ticket or anything like that. My insurance is 200.00 because I have full coverage at a young age.""
How much is Taxi Insurance in South Jersey?
I heard Taxi Insurance is Cheaper in South Jersey vs North Jersey. What town are you in? Thanks.
Insurance companies?
Why do insurance companies charge motorists so much?
""What is... THE, CHEAPEST, CAR INSURANCE... IN... THE... UK?""
i mean what is legaly the cheapest you can possably pay... im looking for real cheap scraping by scum insurers that wont cover F all... the cheapest... THE... CHEAPEST... i dont wanna hear you mention popular names!!... i wanna hear hidden hated piece of S**t insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... none of this.... 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... im looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP...""
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
What is the easiest and most profitable insurance to sell?
Is life and health a harder sell than p&c? Also what company is best to work for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.?""
Why do teen girls get cheaper car insurance than men?
I see teen girls driving like. Morons all the time. I've also witnessed many women drivers texting their phone, not once have I seen a male driver texting their phone. It's not ******* fair that I almost get totaled because this teen girl at are school accelerates when I go into her lane forcing me to swerve back into mine to avoid being hit? Just yesterday I was driving my MG down the road and this teenage girl in her big Ford pick up texting while taking up both lanes by driving in the middle to drive down a road making me have to take my car off the road to avoid a collision. So how is it fair that I me, a seasoned male driver of the age of 18 have to pay far more in insurance than teenage drivers who have no since of awareness?""
What's the best car insurance?
im looking for a car insurance that's cheap (affordable) so which one is the best one? That covers what the DVM ask for
Affordable insurance plan for a diabetic?
im a diabetic and i recently lost my AR Kids insurance when i turned 19.... i need an affordable insurance plan that will cover my prescription does anyone have any suggestions
Car accident and insurance/how much in repairs?
I got into a minor car accident yesterday afternoon while I was parallel parking on Walnut Street in Philadelphia. I was backing up and I hit the curb. The front end of my vehicle was still sticking our quite a bit, so I pulled out a little bit so I could pull in the rest of the way. The person behind me thought that I was done parking so pulled around me and I ended up hitting her. Her fender and her door skin need to be replaced. Does anyone know around how much this would cost to repair? She had the police come so I am assuming that she wants the insurance company to cover the damage, however I would rather pay for it out of pocket. Obviously, my insurance company is going to find out about the accident, but after the insurance companies decide the breakdown of the fault, would I be able to pay for my part of the damages without my rates going up? Or at that point would it not matter, my rates are going up anyways? I ask this because I'm 19 years old and would prefer to not have my rates go up.""
What is a good health insurance for J1 visa visiting scholars in USA ?
J-1 Exchange Visitors are required by U.S. Department of State to have health insurance for themselves and any accompanying dependents in J-2 status for the entire time that they are in the United States as exchange visitors. Minimum insurance coverage must provide: Medical benefits of at least $50,000 per person per year or accident Medical evacuation of the Exchange Visitor to his or her home country in the amount of $10,000 Repatriation of remains in the amount of $7,500 Deductible limited to $500 per accident or illness I am looking for a health insurance that meets these requirements and allows to include my family (spouse and 3 kids). I was considering United Healthcare StudentResources but they increased the premium in 40% from 2011/2012 to 2012/2013 (considering the whole family). The IMG (International Medical Group) has the Patriot Exchange Program that meets the J1 requirements and is much cheaper, for example. Could you please tell the community the plan you have, pros and cons, and any other useful information?""
Reviews of Gerber life insurance?
Does anyone have any personal experience with Gerber life insurance, including the claims process? This is for a whole life insurance policy for an adult.""
Classic (1964-1972) Mustang Reliability/Maintenance/Insura...
Hi guys, I am looking to get a classic mustang convertible as my first car/college car. Is this a good idea? I know its not the most reliable, but for the kind of money I have I think it is the coolest and most fun car I can buy. What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank you!""
What would the insurance cost for a citreon saxo?
I'm nearly 17 and i'm most probably getting a citroen saxo, a second hand one, something cheap. I was just wondering how much the insurance might costs roughly. Thankss""
Teen drivers??? what is the average cost of insurance for a teenage girl?
its my first time buying insurance and im trying to average the cost and calculate some things...what do you pay?
How much would my insurance rate differ?
I am 16. I currently drive a 1996 Subaru Impreza. How big would the change be if I switched to being insured on a 2000 VW Passat? Is that even how insurance works? Or am I insured on all vehicles in the household.
Test drive a car? no insurance..?
I've found a car i wish to test drive. As it's my first car, I am currently not insured. How would i go about getting temporary insurance in order to drive this car for about 15-30 minutes? thanks.""
Can I legally drive my fiances mothers car; will her insurance cover me?
I'm 20, I will be 21 in a month. I got my Provisional Drivers License today. I have a toddler, and am pregnant. We live in Calvert County, Maryland. My fiance and I live with his parents, we rent 2 rooms. His mother is 69, and has All State car insurance, not sure what plan. Can I legally drive her car infrequently, like to the grocery store, or to OB appointments here and there without having insurance myself? Does it depend on her plan? She's going to call them tomorrow to see, but I'd just like to see what answers I get on here tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.""
Is progressive a good insurance? what's the best insurance?
i got a great quote from progressive but not sure if they're any good...are they a pretty good insurance? or if there's one better?
Motorcycle insurance in the UK?
My husband has just brought a new bike, a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. What is the best and cheapest motorcycle insurance??""
Transferring insurance license from California to New York?
Does anyone know about this? Do the states have reciprocity? I searched Google/official sites but couldn't find anything. Thanks in advance.
How much would it cost to insure a learner driver on a diesel skoda octivia?
Basically I am a learner driver and I'd like to know how much it would cost to be insured on my dads Skoda octivia diesel (as a learner). If someone could find out I'd preferably like to know how much it would cost under the AA as thats what my dad is on, along with the price I'd also like to know if its good or bad since I don't know whats considered expensive for learner driver insurance on cars like this.""
Car insurance cover ?
I have Allstate's car insurance (full cover =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time I go out of county but still in USA.Please let me know if my car insurance automaticcaly covers the car rented ?-Liability only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank you
Car Insurance approximation...?
I would like to know approximately how much it would cost to insure a 2009 Nissan Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I am 59 years of age, live in the Quebec Penninsula Area. One driver only, for leisure purposes""
Will my car insurance pay for surgical weight loss surgery?
i live in michigan and have no fault benefits. i was involved in a car accident 2 years ago and lost my leg resulting in weight gain and need to stabilize my weight to wear prostheis. my doctor wants me to get the surgery and has scheduled an appointment with the weight loss clinic.
Where can I get insurance in New York City?
Hi everyone and thanks for reading, I know it's probably a stupid couple questions but I'm trying to figure this out, perhaps i'm not looking in the right places. Anyway I need to know a couple things: 1) Where can I get health insurance in NEW YORK CITY for my employees? 2) Where can I get insurance again in NYC for my company? Thanks everyone!""
""If I get a car registered to me, can I still be on my parents insurance?""
does it make sense,like I want the title to it, but still want to be on their insurance. It wouldn't seem like my car if they had both the tittle and insurance with me as a secondary driver!""
Auto insurance for daughter's boyfriend?
My daughter's car is covered under our policy but we do not want to add her boyfriend. She (20) is losing her license for 3 months and wants the boyfriend (21) to drive her car. Can he get insurance that would cover him while driving her car? The car is in her name and my husbands.
Pregnant with no insurance?
I may be pregnant and I don't have health insurance. I know I won't qualify for medicaid with mine and my husbands income, but we definately don't make enough to pay for appointments out of pocket, what can I do?!!""
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?
Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.""
Funny Radio Car insurance Ad?
I heard a hilarious radio ad for car insurance, and it was with a guy singing something like, I am driving in my car, Hey some is swerving toward me, I guess it's my lucky day, I'll get out of the way! Then a narrarator says, in real life it happens more like this, I am driving in my Ca------ and then someone hits him. If anybody knows what this ad is for or where i can find it that would be awesome!!!""
How can I get product liability insurance?
I'm going to sell some of my homebuilt PC's on ebay, and I have been thinking about worse case scenarios. For example, if the power supply somehow catches fire and burns down the house, I will have insurance and they wouldn't be able to sue me for everything I have, right? Where and how and how much?""
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us drives the car. She didn't have a license at the time of purchase, and she still doesn't, but I did. The dealer told us that we could get the loan in her name, and register it in mine, even though she didn't have a license. When we got the plates, it was registered in her name. The dealer said that was fine, and it was nothing to worry about. We found out that this is illegal to do in New Jersey. We tried to get the dealer to rectify the situation, but they wouldn't touch it. Now, the car doesn't have any insurance or a registration, and a representative from the bank says that they can force her to get car insurance, even though she doesn't have license. Is this legal? Can a bank force someone to get insurance, even if they aren't even legal to drive in NJ? Please help me with this.""
Car insurance for 17 year old?
my son will be driving my car for a couple times, so do i have to put him as a name under my insurance? and if i get him a car in a few months what is a reliable insurance company that is affordable?""
Group 1 Insurance License?
Hello, I need to get my group 1 insurance license to sell annuities in the state of Texas. I am honestly not sure where to go or what to do. What do I need to do? Thank you.""
Can you borrow someone's car without getting in trouble for car insurance?
My boyfriend and I are going to mall tomorrow and my dad said he could borrow his car. My boyfriend has his license but he does not own a car so he doesn't have insurance at the moment My dad on the other hand has full coverage. I keep getting told different things about the insurance. Some say my boyfriend needs insurance before he can drive the car without getting ticketed, and others say that since he is only borrowing the car that is already insured, and doesn't live in the household that we would be okay if we happened to get pulled over. Does anyone have an accurate answer? Is the person insured, or the car? Or is it different in different situations like this one?""
Will police know if your car insurance policy has been cancelled?
Paying my car insurance is my number one priority but after being unemployed for 2 months and finally starting a job, I can't pay my next bill. I called my insurance company and got a 15 day extension but I start my new job on Monday so I might not be able to pay the bill. If my proof of Insurance says it ends in August and I missed July's payment and the insurance is cancelled, can a police officer find out? Again, I am not asking because I want to skip out on my insurance. I have run out of funds and I am starting a new job on Monday. Also, if it matters, I live in Michigan.""
Motorcycles and California ?
Ok so im almost 18. I wanna get a motorcycle when I can afford it. How much would u say I'd be looking at for good insurance and the bike. I want a decent bike but nothing to fancy because of my price range. I wanna also know the process to getting a motorcycle licence
Good Insurance for 17 year old Driver?
What are some good and cheap Insurance for a 17 year old?... Currently we have 4 vehicles for around 800+ a month, so thats pretty cheap. And its also from State Farm, But I heard that Allstate or Nationwide has better coverage and prices that State farm. What is the best insurance for a 17 year old? with a 4 door sedan""
Recommended Car Insurance Coverage?
I'm 18 years old and have to buy car insurance for the firsr time on my one. I don't know what level of insurance to get... what's the recommended car insurance coverage amounts?
""How to save more money as a teen, for a car and motorcycle?""
I'm about to turn 16, and would like to save up for a reliable, cheap (2k-4.5k), good-looking, car. It has to be American, or anything other than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, Lexus, Hyundai, etc. cause dad works for GM. I am paying for the car on my own, most likely, but maybe I can convince parents to pay 1k or so. Money is tight right now in my family. Dad got demoted last year during GM's bankruptcy, and may get a promotion in spring. My Mom is opening a restaurant this year, which is going to cost a lot. I got a job in November at a brand new Kroger grocery store, where I get minimum wage and cannot work over 16 hours per week because I'm only 15. I have saved a little over 1.2k in the bank. I also have invested $500 of my own money this year into stocks, which are up a little. This might sound dumb to some, but I have dreamed of buying a motorcycle. I want a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. AND YES, I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) I'M NOT AN IDIOT. I also need to plan on how to save for that. Any tips, help, and info would be great! Thanks so much.""
""Oh crap, what am I going to do? Car insurance?""
This might be long but PLEASE READ EVERYTHING. When I was 15 my grandfather (Legally my father, always lived with him) had always promised me he would get me driver's ed but he never did. A few months before I was 18 I moved out and in an apartment with my fiance. My fiance went to college 5 hours away the day after my 18th. After I turned 18 (July 25) I wanted to get my license, and I know how to do it. My fiance came back from college last weekend and took me to buy a used car for 400. Its a beater, but it drives. It has no insurance and no license plates. Im caught in a super circle. I cant get to SOS or DMV to even apply for my permit without 1) a ride and 2) insurance. I cant get plates to even drive it illegally without a license. I cant get insurance because, from what Im figuring out, just about no body will insure someone without a license. My grandfather will -not- put me on his insurance to save our lives and I need a car to get back and forth to work. (Walking 5 miles? Nah...) What am I supposed to do???? I cant pay a whole lot for insurance as Im now living alone in an apartment on a crappy salary. I had a decent salary until my work decided to super hire and how we are severely over staffed... What to do!?""
Will my health insurance apply when i move?
I live in california and have really great health insurance that my mother pays for, but i am moving to missouri in january and am wondering if when i move my health insurance will still work? i don't know very much about this subject and if i'm not covered i'd like to begin looking for a job in which i can be. any help is great, thanks!""
Why would my auto insurance increase?
The insurance on my 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went up over $100 since last year. I did not make any claims, was in any accidedents or anything like that. I did not move. I did not have anything done to the car which could cause the insurance to increase. So why would my insurance increase? I am over 40 yrs old and ever since I've been driving and with all the cars I've owned, most of them new, I never had an insurance increase on the same vehicle. It always decreased from year to year on the same vehicle. Never went up. I want to get some opinions here first and maybe get a legitimate explanation before I call my insurance agent and ask why they increase my rate or look to find a different insurer.""
Need insurance to cover pregnancy?
Does anyone know of insurance companies with coverage in Georgia that will cover a pregnancy without having to wait a year? I make too much money to get Medicaid so I really need some help. I can't exactly afford to pay out of pocket for every expense. Thank you.
I want to do mba in insurance or any type of diploma in insurance field that help me for job in insurance cmp?
currently im working in max life insurance documant exaicutive thats i wnt to do mba or diploma in insurance field plz help me which institute do part time or full time
What doctors or insurance that accepts MEDI-CAL CARE IN CALIFORNIA?
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
Insurance question?
When you move in with your boyfriend could you be put on his insurance, or would that only work if you are married?""
Car insurance!?
im looking to get a car and insurance on my own is outragous. the question is my mum has her own car with her policy with NIS. on direct line i want my mum to be the main policy holder with me as an additional driver. is this possible for my mum to have 2 policies on 2 different cars?
""Why is Unitrin car insurance so cheap? Are they really a good, reliable insurance company?
I got a quote for about half of what I'm paying with another company with the same coverage.
What if 21st Century Insurance considers my car totaled?
Ok...My car was parked at my work which is privately owned. An ex employee who was inebriated, backed into the driver's side quarter panel. Now, my car has a HUGE dent and it won't lock. I left it at the body shop and the adjuster told me it might be considered totaled. My car was in immaculate condition, mechanically, as well as cosmetically. In addition, my car has less then 93,000 miles on it. What should I expect? I am a student and I rely on this vehicle for my only means of transport. I know the insurance company is going to take advantage of my ignorance on insurance jargon. PLEASE HELP, I NEED ADVICE!!! Thanks~""
Need a MRI and obgyn but don't have insurance?
I have had abnormal vaginal bleeding for a month and I found out the other day I have a tumor on my uterus and need a MRI and see a OBGYN but I don't have insurance. Would they just bill me? I'm low income and on work comp right now so it's even lower. I am applying for cmsp that's california state assistance but I won't have it by then
Health and Auto Insurance question?
I am nineteen years old and I need insurance. I was kicked off my families insurance plan just because I'm not going to school full-time. I'm working and going to school. What do I do? It's really bugging me to be without insurance. I need to work, though. Are there student insurance plans or anything like that?""
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?
0 notes
Envelope 4
We landed in Peru at about 9am. The flight from Rio was approx 5 hours. Getting off the plane the drop in temperature was very noticeable, about 10 degrees. There was a bit of a mix up regarding our flight time and no one was there to collect us as expected, but it was no issue, and we got an Uber to the hotel. Yes Uber is officially everywhere, and was in Rio too! We switched currency from Rials to Sols, however, the exchange rate was roughly the same, approx 4 Sols to the pound, whereas there were 4.5 Rials to the pound. The boutique hotel we stayed at was very pretty, with pink flowers on vines climbing its walls. It was a colonial Spanish style building that had been disused for 50 years before the current owner bought it. It was decorated in a very eclectic fashion, with lots of paintings, antiques, and interesting objects, such as some old-fashioned copper jelly moulds I saw hung on the walls. It had the feel of a grand old chintzy mansion, with lots of oak wood, velvet, chandeliers, silver, gold, and lots gilt picture frames. We were greeted by the very eccentric owner in suit and tie, who gave us a lot of information about Lima and the hotel in a strong American accent. He looked like an old-fashioned American movie star. He had a thick-set build, with slicked-back wavy dark hair, piercing blue eyes, and high, chiselled cheekbones. He also had the largest gold watch you have ever seen, and it was hard to take your eyes off it as he gesticulated broadly. It looked like it weighed a ton! He had a crew of men working for him who looked like the cast of The Godfather. Jules and I agreed he and his cronies had a distinct mafioso air, and wanted to know more about these mysterious mobsters.
After breakfast at a nearby cafe, I was keen to explore the historical area of the city first, so we got a cab to the famous Convento de San Francisco, or Saint Francis monastery, where over 40 San Franciscan monks still live today. We took a group tour of the monastery including descending into the crypts to see the skeletons and bones of those buried there. It was lovely and cool down there and the tunnels and rooms have survived every earthquake that has affected the area, and have never collapsed, despite parts of the monastery being destroyed. The mortar-like substance holding the bricks together apparently includes crushed eggshells, amongst other things, not something you usually consider as strong! There was the most amazing library which was just like something out of Harry Potter, with winding wooden ladders disappearing into the rafters, and large tomes gathering dust stacked to the ceiling. The books were all religious ones, no longer readable, due to the decay of time. There was absolutely no lingering allowed on the tour, and when I went to the loo, I was as good as lost trying to find the group again. The tour was our kind of tour we agreed, as the tour guide pretty much sprinted around the monastery and we struggled to keep up at times. We joked that Mr Bob Barnes and Mrs Graz Gallagher would have had something to say about the speed of the tour, as they like to be very thorough when they sightsee, and this was more of a McDonald’s Drive-Thru experience.
After buying a few postcards for parents and a small woolly llama for our own collection of objects at home, we did a bit of present buying for friends and family. Inside a little arcade just by the monastery we tried out our haggling skills, but the female vendors were just so nice it made it very hard to be at all hard-nosed, and we gave up and just paid what they asked without any bad feelings. We then moved on to an art gallery where I handed the girl in the cloakroom the underwire of one of my bra cups as we checked our bags in, which had embarrassingly dislodged itself. The funny side of the situation translated well despite neither of us speaking the language of the other, thanks to the universal symbol of The Brassiere. She found it very amusing, as did we! After the museum and looking at some ancient Peruvian artefacts dating back to as long ago as 200 A.D. (!!!), we went in search of the Cathedral of Lima and the Government Palace. Sadly all the roads around these buildings were closed off and armed guards were policing the area. We couldn't work out why. Sadly we therefore only managed to look at these buildings from afar, walking around the edges of the Plaza Mayor or Plaza de Armas. They were vast and impressive buildings though, even from a distance, and the Spanish influence was clear to see. We also enjoyed the colourful buildings, and the flowers and trees lining the boulevards leading to the main square. Local people relaxed on benches, and it was a great spot for people-watching. The lovely thing about Peru is although there are lots of people trying to sell you things, they are all so friendly and gentle, making it a really pleasant experience. You can browse without buying and stop for a chat hassle-free.
After a cultured morning we set off for lunch, salivating at the prospect, having read at length on the plane about Lima as an up and coming, and very worthy, gastronomic destination. It is the home of ceviche, which we were extremely excited about! Lima is reportedly more trendy now than Rio and Buenos Aires, and travellers are stopping by much more frequently, and for longer, than they once did. Lima has shaken it’s dangerous reputation of times gone by, and we certainly found it to be a very safe place, full of very kind, generous people, and we didn’t feel worried at any point as we explored the city, both day and night. We decided to go for lunch at La Mar cevicheria, owned by Gaston Acurio a Peruvian celebrity TV chef, after our historical sightseeing. It was rumoured to be one of the best lunch spots in Lima for ceviche, and fully lived up to its name. There were lots of wealthy Peruvian families there, as well as some tourists like us, and we had to queue for a table due to its popularity. We had our first Pisco sour here, a traditional Peruvian drink made from Pisco, egg white, lemon juice and angostura bitters, which is absolutely delicious. We massively over-ordered on the food, and were totally stuffed by the time we left, and had to ask for a doggy bag.
Doggy bag in hand we went back to our hotel for a cat nap and a shower, and then decided to head out for the evening in our local area of Barranco. We decided Barranco is the Shoreditch of London. It has lots of small, independent cafes and bars, and some more traditional, but quirky places. If you’ve been to South America you can picture the peeling colours of the buildings, bright blue, yellow, and red, with beautiful wooden doors and shutters, and ornate metal gates. So many of the buildings look disused and dilapidated, but this gives them a charm and beauty that it’s hard to describe. The streets of Lima feel relaxed and very safe, and we were not warned about walking around the city at night, like we were in Rio. We noticed that despite Peru being a much less affluent nation than the UK, its streets are kept incredibly clean, as are its public bathrooms, many of which are spotless! It made me ashamed to be British thinking of London’s comparatively filthy streets and disgusting public toilets.
We walked down to the main square where a group of local boys were breakdancing to music. Jules enjoyed seeing that such a b-boy scene exists, and we were both impressed by their moves, as was the gathered crowd around them. The palm trees and church buildings in the square were lit up by the street lamps, and there was definitely a Mediterranean feel to the place. After our enormous lunch we agreed we did not need any dinner, so enjoyed going to a couple of bars before hearing back to the hotel. The first was a traditional Bodega. It had extremely high ceilings and all the panelling was dark wood, with only a handful of small round tables to sit out. We squeezed into a corner and ordered a couple more Pisco sours. We decided we needed to explore some more and wandered on, eventually stopping at a cute, more modern bar, for our third and final Pisco sour of the day. We both decided that the adjective for being drunk on these tasty liquid treats, was Pisscoed.
Rising with slightly fuzzy heads, we decided a slower start to the day, and breakfast in bed, was in order. Breakfast was served on large round silver trays with silver tea pots. We then went to look around Mario Testino’s gallery MATE, which showcased many photos of models and celebrities he has photographed over his career. Testino is Peruvian, from Lima, and surely one of Peru’s most notable living people. The gallery includes an exhibition dedicated to Princess Diana’s infamous photo shoot with Testino, which was sadly, and unbeknownst to them both, to be her last. The gallery also displays some of his amazing photos of people from the Cusco region wearing their traditional, festive dress. These clothes are incredibly colourful, vibrant and ornate, covered in beads and embellishments, and made for some truly incredible photos. This was Jules’s favourite part of the exhibition, whereas I loved looking at all the crazy celebs! Testino’s signature style must be the “artificial moment”, where the image looks as if he has just stumbled into the most glamorous and outrageous party. The extraordinary vitality, scandal, sensuality, and humour of his photos, is always captivating. I liked Testino’s quote: “My favourite words are possibilities, opportunities, and curiosity. I think if you are curious, you create opportunities, and then if you open the doors, you create possibilities”.
After this very interesting gallery, we decided it must be time to eat more food. We therefore tracked down Canta Ranita, a tiny outdoor restaurant, with the feel of a pop up or street food market stall. It was totally rammed with young Peruvian hipsters, and was clearly a trendy place to be. We had to queue for a while, but watching the good-looking owner running around in the hot sun, now and again pausing to wipe his beading brow with a tanned forearm, eased the hunger pangs slightly. The menu was very select with only a handful of dishes, so we asked for the waiter’s recommendations, had no idea what he said or was pointing to, and just said “si”. Our faith in the place paid off and we enjoyed an incredible take on a traditional Peruvian dish called causa, which is a tower of avocado, shrimp, mashed potato, and mayonnaise-y deliciousness, and the most amazing ceviche we have had to date on our travels, and probably ever! This came with THE tastiest barbecued octopus, and a lime bisque so divine I drank it from the plate. It was one of the meals where you experience sadness immediately following the last bite, as you know it will be a long time before encountering something so good again. However, Jules and I decided this culinary triumph would not dissuade us from at least trying!
Feeling very gluttonous we decided we needed a bit of physical activity to energise, and help us deal with our end of meal bereavement. Also, we had dinner already booked for us by Blind Experiences at Astrid y Gaston, also owned by Mr Gaston Acurio, we therefore decided to walk along the coastline all the way to Parque del Amor. It was a lovely, long stroll, and by the end our feet were aching, so we took a taxi back to the hotel to refresh. We downed a couple of Pisco sours in the hotel bar, and then headed to the restaurant. It was a very swanky establishment, the kind where someone places your napkin on your lap like a sacred ritual, and someone pulls your chair out for you, and a different person pushes it back in! All very nice, but a bit wanky nonetheless. We both shared that we preferred the informality and buzz of Canta Ranita, as opposed to the more formal fine-dining thing, but such contrasting experiences are always interesting. The decor is beautiful and contemporary though, with a large open kitchen showing the talented chefs hard at work, and the service is exceptional. Actually all the service in Peru is exceptional and so friendly, another not proud to be British moment. The 15 course tasting menu sounded a little ambitious, and we had to confess to the waiters we were not that hungry. It was clearly time to try guinea pig though, although I was a bit reluctant, but it is a typical Peruvian cuisine, and had to be done. It did not disappoint, and was absolutely delicious, however, it did feel quite strange eating something you consider to be a pet. I thought of my childhood guinea pig Flory (RIP), and was grateful she didn’t end her days on a dinner plate. The waiter was excited to spot our fourth envelope and it’s red wax seal, ready and waiting on the table to be opened during our dinner at 8pm. We opened it up and discovered our journey was to take us to Cuzco, Peru, a UNESCO world heritage site, and origins of the Inca Empire. The waiter approved and confirmed we would have a really interesting time. We were really excited! The journey home was a blur after more Pissed-co sours and bubbly, and a video Jules posted on our Instagram against my will, in which I refer to my “alcohol problem” and going to “the water shop”.
We had a lazy morning the next day with more breakfast in bed, packing, and the eccentric owner saw us off in a taxi to Lima international airport. I though he looked a bit sad as he lingered on the pavement waving as we pulled away. Maybe he doesn’t like goodbyes Jules suggested. I agreed it seemed that way, but mused he is probably not in the right job if so. There is some seriously bad traffic in Lima, and lots of pollution, and as we crawled towards the airport at a snail’s pace, my increasing need to wee made the journey pretty stressful. When we finally arrived, it was a huge relief in every way possible. Our flight to Cuzco was delayed, and there seemed to be a hundred flights to the same destination. The airport was pandemonium as the gates kept being changed and everyone stampeded to the newly announced gate, only to be told that the old gate was now the new gate. It was pretty funny. Eventually we boarded and were up, up, and away to Cuzco!....
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