#she turned crazy right after we did it“ Dewayne replied finally setting his drink down. ”She wanted my jacket that night and got huffy when
fredorepetto · 2 years
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#Yeah#I fucked that bitch. Jesus#she turned crazy right after we did it“ Dewayne replied finally setting his drink down. ”She wanted my jacket that night and got huffy when#she started in about marriage#how many children did I want and how I could work with her daddy on their farm#even live with her parents until we could afford our own place. It was blah#blah#blah until I thought I would kill myself#Dewayne said#and he leaned over closer to Rusty lowering his voice#“but I don't know if it was worth it. I would have been better off just...ya know...jerking off.”#They both laughed easing back into their seats#Dewayne sliding down in his seat with his legs outstretched to the side.#Rusty looked at his friend#the way he found himself doing a lot in recent times#studying his features and feeling an attraction he kept to himself. Dewayne was so naturally dark skinned with dark brown hair and high che#broad shouldered with muscular arms that stretched the too small T-shirts he liked to wear for the way they showed off his body. He worked#played sports and worked at the grain elevator in the seed warehouse. It was back breaking work but it kept him in shape.#Rusty let his eyes scan down Dewayne's body till he was looking at the bulge in his jeans#jeans that fit tight and rode low making the bulge more pronounced. Rusty knew Dewayne had the cock and balls to fill it. He'd seen his fri#in P.E. or him changing in his room when Rusty was there or like last summer down on the lake swimming naked at night when everyone else ha#Dewayne was a couple of months younger but he looked years older than Rusty who was lean to the point of being skinny and being tall accent#not an eighteen-year-old man as he thought of himself. But he knew he was being silly#just feeling sorry for himself#for several of the girls in school constantly flirted with him. He played along#even dated a few times one girl or another but he knew#had for a long time#what he really wanted was a relationship with another boy#someone like himself in some ways and time and time again that person kept manifesting within his mind as Dewayne.#“It would be nice to find someone that liked the same things we do and would have sex” Rusty stated
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