#for several of the girls in school constantly flirted with him. He played along
hellfirenacht · 1 year
Wing Man Part 1
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie. 
Chapter Summary: You are sick of seeing Steve striking out, so you come up with a solution that could work for both of you.
5.5k words
Tags: Eddie Muson x reader, weirdo!reader, bestfriend!Steve
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You hadn’t planned on becoming friends with Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington. In your mind, he was still that cocky freshman who happened to be good at playing Basketball during your senior year of high school. You’d never paid much attention to sports or the popular crowd back at Hawkins High, but word had quickly spread about the new kid. 
When Steve and Robin approached you to help hook them up with a job at Family Video you were skeptical at first. Robin was a no-brainer when it came to hiring. She had the experience and clearly knew her stuff when it came to movies. Steve you were more on the fence about, as he seemed less cinematically inclined but Robin had vouched for him, and you were tired of having to cover so many of Keith’s shifts. Even when he was here, Keith was basically useless, always hiding in the back. 
At this point, you were desperate for any sort of help, so you hired them both. 
You quickly took a liking to them- they were easy to hang out with and were able to quickly pick up on what needed to be done. Robin always knew what movies to show on the preview televisions, and Steve was quick to pick up on any busy work that needed to get done. 
“I’m always willing to go the extra mile to slack off.” he’d said once, which had earned your approval. As long as shit got done, they could slack off all they wanted. You hated that ‘if you have time to lean, you have time to clean’ bullshit. It’s not like the job was especially hard either. 
Eventually you and Steve started talking on the nights where the two of you would close together alone. Tuesday and Wednesday nights were good for that sort of thing, they were your slowest days. You learned that he was floundering a bit after high school, struggling to find a place in the world now that he was no longer King Steve. It was also clear by the way he talked that he was still hung up on his ex Nancy, even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
That was probably the reason why he kept striking out when flirting with customers. It was actually kind of sad. 
“You know, I really should probably tell you to stop hitting on every cute girl that walks through that door.” you said, taking out some tapes from the VHS re-winder and putting in new ones. “People come here for movies, not to be hit on.”
It was a speech you’d given at least a dozen times over the past four months. You’d said it so many times that Steve was mouthing along the words as you said them, and you gave his arm a smack. Your heart wasn’t in it though, in truth you knew that at least half of the young women who came to Family Video were here to see Steve and flirt, which is why you were so baffled that he was striking out so hard. 
He was good with customers, great even. When he first started working here he would get several numbers slipped to him between returned VHS tapes. But as the Summer months shifted into Autumn, he seemed to be running out of steam. 
“I can’t help it if I’m naturally charming.” Steve said, with over-compensated confidence. “I don’t even need to think, I’m just that good at flirting.”
“Yeah, I think your charisma stat has taken a hit over these past few weeks dude.” you snorted.
“I still don’t know what that means.” Steve said. “But I have plenty of charisma!”
“You know, if you actually paid attention to what me or your children said every once in a while you’d understand us better.” You couldn’t help but laugh. Over the past few months, so many freshman had come in just to bother Steve while he was working. “How is the single mom life by the way? Am I giving you enough hours to pay the bills? Do the kids need new shoes for school?”
“I’m not the mom, I’m the babysitter.” Steve shot back, before realizing how lame that actually was then he sighed. “I think they’re doing okay. Henderson’s the only one who actively keeps up with me.”
You didn’t miss the hint of disappointment in his voice. “It’s hard when they grow up.” you said, putting your hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m sure they won’t put you in a home.”
Steve snorted and brushed your hand off. “Says the one older than me.” he rolled his eyes. 
“See, I don’t have six kids to raise, so I’m going to stay young and fun forever, Harrington.” you teased. “You’ve got a full brood to look after. Oh look, I think I see a gray hair right there!” 
You reached over to touch his hair and he swatted you away again. “Like hell there is!” he said, mild panic in his voice. You didn’t let up and kept reaching for his hair and he kept pushing you off. 
“Yup, that’s a gray one, you’re about to go full Doc Brown on me before the end of the year!” You declare as he attempted to push you off. 
Despite him trying to push you off, there was a smile on his face. A lot of nights ended like this with you annoying him and teasing him for his relationship with so many kids. It was endearing really. 
The door to the front of the store rang and you two immediately jumped apart as a girl came in, looking to be about Steve’s age. She was pretty, and you slipped out from behind the desk to put away some movies. He really shouldn’t be flirting with the customers, you know this. But... well it was Tuesday night and you were bored and this was far more entertaining than reorganizing the movies in the back room. Less sticky too. 
“Action!” You heard Steve call from up front and you moved casually between the aisles and cringed. Oh, no. He was doing the bit again. How many times have you told him that it wouldn’t work? “Oh, I’m sorry you’re so beautiful I thought you were an actress.”
You had to bite your hand to stop yourself from laughing. You couldn’t handle this, this didn’t work the first dozen times, why the hell would it work now? Steve’s voice carried easily, projecting around the video store and allowing you to hear every single word that came out of his mouth.
You listened as Steve threw everything at this poor girl. Talking himself up as some sort of cinema aficionado when you knew the last movie he rented was Star Wars for the third time to watch with Dustin. And he called you the nerd. 
“So yeah, I was thinking, beautiful girl like yourself might enjoy watching this movie with some company.” Steve said, handing over the movie. The girl in question gave a polite smile and declined the movie, renting the two that she had actually came for and left. 
“That... was sad, Steve.” you said, as she disappeared into the parking lot. You walked over to the counter and picked up the movie that Steve had tried to offer her. “‘The Karate Kid?’ Really? That was your big plan?” 
Steve’s was leaning over the desk, bracing his hands against the side of the counter looking down. “I panicked ok?” he admitted. “I don’t know what’s going on with me. I used to be so good at getting any girl I wanted and now I keep blowing it.”
You felt for the guy, you really did. He’d gone from the top of the world to treading water in just a few short months. Steve had told you that he had been at Starcourt Mall the day of the fire, and you had a feeling that it affected him more than he let on. You’d seen him get rejected so many times, but he was always able to brush it off. This time it looked personal. 
Well, he was your friend now, and as your friend it was up to you to help him out. 
“I think you need to learn how to talk to women now that you’re not in high school anymore, Steve.” you said, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “The tactics you used before just aren’t going to cut it now. Welcome to “life after high school” where everything you learned over the past twelve years is socially useless.” 
“Yeah? And what would you know about social skills?” Steve said. “I haven’t exactly seen you going on any dates lately either.” 
“Rude, but fair.” you admitted. He didn’t mean anything mean by it, but the two of you were very much opposites when it came to how you both approached things such as your social and dating life. 
Steve was interested in taking any pretty face he saw out on a date. You had not been on a date in months, and had barely tried. Steve had countless tales about his time dating in high school, you went to Homecoming stag with your friends once. Steve talked about a time where he was almost having too much sex. You shamelessly rented porn from the back room and made Steve ring you up as he rolled his eyes. 
He’d asked you on a date once and you almost laughed in his face. He was good looking, in a traditional sense but not your type.After thinking about it, you decided that kissing Steve sounded too much like kissing your favorite cousin. You had politely declined and he seemed relieved. 
It’s not that you didn’t have an interest in dating, you did. You had tried to explain it to Steve one night, that so many people were into being popular and caring about things that you just couldn’t. You’d tried to fit in, but your interests were just weird. You could have fun at a football game if you were with friends, but that came from the excitement of being in an excited crowd and being with people you liked. You didn’t blame anyone for it, you were glad that people could care about these things. You just wished someone could get excited about the same things that you did. 
You and Steve were both fish out of water, you’d just grown used to not being able to breathe. 
“Sorry.” said Steve, standing up straight again. “That was below the belt.”
“You’re a dick, but it’s fine.”  you shrugged. You’d been called worse for less. “You know, I may not be the pinnacle of normalcy but I do happen to be a woman.”
“I thought you said you were the Creature from the Black Lagoon.” Steve laughed under his breath. 
“Only on special occasions.” you replied. “But that’s not the point. Look, you need help getting your groove back. I’m tired of renting movies from the back. I think we could help each other.”
Steve turned to you, brows furrowed. “What did you have in mind?” 
“I’m thinking we could try wing-manning for each other.” you said. “I’ll talk you up and help you not make a jackass out of yourself, and you can help me get a date too.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something smart, but he closed it quickly with a tilt of his head. He looked to the side, thinking about the proposal. 
“You can’t do any worse with my help.” you said. “I mean, that ‘actress’ line was bad. Really bad. Like, horrible. I don’t know why you keep using it.”
“It worked with Linda Mendelli.” Steve said defensively. 
“Yeah, I have no idea who that is.” you said. 
“She got the lead in the spring musical two years ago.” 
“So your actress line worked on a high school actress once.” you laughed. “That explains everything.”
“Like you could come up with a better line!” Steve pouted. 
“I can think of a million different lines that would work better than that. And I’ll share them with you, if we have a deal.” you said. 
“So you want me to get you a date?” he clarified. “That’s what you want out of this?”
“That’s what I get out of this. Well, that and I can stop nearly puking when I have to listen to you come up with some weird line when a cute girl walks in. It would save me a lot of money on nausea medication.” You smirked. 
Steve thought about it for a moment before looking you up and down. “I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’re already not interested in changing anything about yourself to make this easier on me.”
“Again, that’s really rude. That is correct though, you get me a date as I am. No make-over montage, no pretending I’m something I’m not. I spent all of high school trying to be something else, and I’m done with that.” you said firmly. 
Steve turned away from you, ran his fingers through his hair, and then turned back, offering his hand. “Fine, you have a deal.” 
With a smile, you spat in your hand and grabbed his in a firm shake. “Deal.”
“Ew!” he jerked his hand back as you laughed. Steve wiped his hand on his pants looking disgusted. “That’s so gross, you really are giving me a run for my money.”
“Right then,” you said with an amused grin. “Let’s start with lesson one, and stop with any stupid pick-up lines to get attention.”
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Over the next few weeks, in the slow times during work where there was nothing to do but dust the shelves and rewind tapes, you coached Steve on how to talk to women. 
“It’s really not that hard.” you explained one night. “It really does come down to just two things; be sincere and be confident. You already have probably too much confidence coming out your ass, but the sincerity isn’t there. You keep throwing these random lines out and hoping something sticks. Fine, that works in high school but not anymore.”
“I’m always sincere about asking them on a date!” he protests. “I’m not just asking every girl I see out on a date!”
“That’s statistically incorrect but I’ll humor you.” you said, as you organized the candy shelf, restocking the skittles. “I believe it when you ask a girl out, but you’re so oblivious about them as people. Newsflash, not all girls are the same Harrington.”
“Yeah, some of them are you.” he said, leaning against the counter, having already given up on pretending to work for the night. “How many times have you seen that Rocky Horror movie now?”
“I see it once a month with my friends at the old Cenimaplex right outside town. Been doing that since I was eighteen.” you confirmed. “I’m hoping to get to be part of the shadow cast at some point.” 
“See? That’s weird. Most people maybe go see it once in October.” Steve points out. 
“We aren’t talking about me, Harrington. We’re talking about the type of girls you’re into. Also, don’t knock it. I plan on dragging you along this month. It’s about time you lose your virginity.” you smirked as you ripped open a box of snickers and handed him one. “Don’t tell Keith.”
He took the candy bar. “You know I’m not a virgin. I have had sex before you know.” 
You shook your head, that’d be a conversation for another day. “Let’s get back to the point. You keep asking girls out but you don’t know them.”
“I get to know them when I’m on a date.” he said. 
“That’s all well and good, but you need to be able to see what kind of person they are before you go on the date. Not everyone is like me and wears their personality on their sleeves.” you explained, taking your own candy of choice off the rack. “Okay so today for example. Remember the girl that came in with the brown hair and rented out Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure?” Steve nodded. “So, she also rented out The Breakfast Club.”
“Okay? And what does that have to do with anything?” Steve asked. 
“It means she has a kid sibling, and is probably a burnt out older sibling.” you said. “Loves her baby brother or sister but is also very introspective and trying to figure herself out. You came on too strong with her, asking her to a high school basketball game was too high energy.” 
Steve gawked at you for a moment. “I hate that you just made sense.” He rubbed his cheeks with his hands. “Shit.” 
“Dude, just pay attention to whoever you’re interested in and all the pieces will fall in place.” you said. “Pay attention to the movies, what she’s saying, and if she’s giggling at you then that’s a good sign.” 
“Pay attention. Right. I can do this.” he said. 
Two weeks after this conversation, Steve nabbed his first date in two months. It had taken a little bit of coaching and some hyping on your end but he got a girls number and had set up a date. 
Three days after that he had another date set up. 
Two days after that, another three dates. 
It was the start of October now, and you were decorating the store for the season. You were standing on a ladder putting up a strand of black garland while Steve held the ladder. 
“So I’m taking Shannon out on Tuesday to get ice cream at the new place down the street.” Steve explained. 
“We work Tuesday.” you said. 
“Tuesday morning.” Steve clarified. “Then Thursday I have two dates with Amy and Marissa since it’s my day off.” 
He’d been going on about this for an hour. Steve had been going on dates steadily again for at least three weeks now. It had only been a little over a month that the two of you had agreed to the deal. Now King Steve was back, and you were now subject to every detail of his romantic escapades again. You were happy for your friend, really, but sometimes you’d sneak into the back room and organize the porn just to give you a moment away from hearing about your friends new-found sex life. 
It didn’t need to make sense, it just needed to work. 
“Do you ever stop to sleep?” you asked, taping up the final end of garland and coming back down the ladder. 
“Sometimes I sleep before I have to sneak out a window after I’ve-”
“Nope. No more words, Harrington.” you said, holding up a hand as he laughed. “I get it, I’ll give you more hours so that you can expand your condom budget. Your poor kids must feel neglected while you find them a new mom.”
“I thought you said that I was the single mom?” Steve asked as you both moved the ladder to a new spot. He handed you a bat from the box that held the Halloween decorations. 
“Oh, you are. Your kids can have two moms, I’ll allow it.” you said, hopping up on the ladder again. “Hey look, I’m Ozzie Osbourn!” 
Jokingly you bit at the head of the bat as Steve looked up at you as if you were insane. “...What?”
You frowned and looked down at him. “Black Sabbath?” you asked. “The guy bit a bats head off on stage?” Now he was looking at you like you were a total psychopath. “Oh come on, you didn’t hear about that? The first time it was a fake bat but then he somehow managed to grab a real bat?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, as usual.” Steve said, shaking his head. “What movie is Black Sabbath again?” 
It was your turn to stare at him now. “How are we even friends?” you asked. “You and I don’t have a single thing in common. ‘What movie is Black Sabbath’ be so for real right now.” 
“You asked me last week if the Pacers was a marathon I was going to race!” Steve shot back. 
“And I stand by that, because that does NOT sound like the name of a basketball team.” You climbed higher on the ladder to hang the bat. 
“You’re thinking of the Fitness Gram Pacer Test.” 
“Sports!” you cried out, giving the bat a small bap to make it swing. “Movement like that means nothing to me!” you gave a pause. “Unless you’re actually going to compete. I’ll care for your sake if you’re playing. Otherwise I’m just gonna smile and nod. Give me another bat.”
Steve dug into the box again to pull out another bat for you. “So what’s Black Sabbath then?” he finally asked. 
“Look at you taking my lessons to heart and asking questions about a girls interest!” You reached down and pat his hair, causing him to swat you away again with a comment about not touching his hair. “It’s a metal band.” 
“I didn’t think you were into metal.” Steve said as you came back down the ladder. 
“I’m into anything I like.” you said simply. “Why limit yourself, you know? If I like something I need to learn everything about it or I feel like my brain will explode.”
“You’re kind of weird.”
“I know.”
The two of you continued to decorate the store between taking care of customers. You were going a bit overboard, if you were honest. Keith had handed you a pathetic box of a few paper decorations to use, and you had gone out with your own money to buy more. If you were expected to be here to earn a paycheck you may as well get something out of it, even if it was the feeling of being surrounded by cheesy holiday memorabilia. 
“So how are the kids, Harrington?” you asked, untangling a fake spiders web. 
Steve sighed, messing with the candy counter. “Dustin’s doing good. He’s made a friend at school.” 
“You seem tense about that.” you looked over at him. “Care to share with the class how that makes you feel?”
“I don’t feel anything about it.” Steve said, clearly defensive. “Henderson has a new cool older friend who’s into the same nerdy shit he’s into.”
Steve was so jealous, it was written all over his face. How long had he been the cool older figure in that kid's life? 
“Should have taken him up on playing D&D with him.” you said with a grin. “Now your child is going to divorce you for a new dad.”
“You really need to sort out whatever metaphor you’re going to use with me and these kids.” 
“Nah, gotta keep you on your toes.”
Steve shook his head with a laugh. “It’s funny you know? One minute I’m the coolest guy in the room to everyone. I was king of Hawkins High, had these kids that annoyed the shit out of me but looked up to me, and the best girlfriend I could have asked for. Then I graduated, the kids took over school, and now I’m single even after going on all these dates.” 
“Yeah, life’s funny like that.” you agreed. “If it makes you feel any better I don’t think you’re super lame. You’re actually kind of an alright dude.”
“Any time.” 
“...So speaking of you going on dates.” you started slowly, unsure how to bring this up. 
“Right, yeah, so I said I was going out with Amy and Marissa on Thursday-” Steve started.
“No not that,” you interrupted. “Well, sort of but not really. So I’ve held up my end of the bargain, Harrington.” 
Steve froze for a moment before looking up at you on the ladder. “Oh, right. So about that, I have no idea what you even like in a guy.”
“Fair enough, I have not exactly been as pro-active as you have been.” The past few weeks had been so busy with the changing of seasons and weeding out old movies that you hadn’t really had time to think about dates. You’d been stuck in a perpetual loop of work and school with the occasional odd movie night with Steve and Robin when they were free. 
“So what do you like?” he asked. “If you want my help, you’re gonna have to open up about that.”
“Oh but that involves being vulnerable with King Steve of Hawkins High and that’s not exactly my style.” you sighed dramatically. 
“Last week when we got together for movie night you got drunk and cried about how you got asked out to prom as a joke. Is that not opening up or being vulnerable?” 
You winced and made a face. “I did that? Yikes. I’m never drinking again.” You did remember renting out Carrie with the others and crying because she had been a very relatable character in your early high school years. Things were a lot better now that you left high school, but you supposed that had struck a nerve. 
“Come on, just give me something to work with. I know you’re a weirdo who obsesses over the most random things. You like Rocky Horror and anything with music. But what do you like in a guy?” Steve pressed. 
You fiddled with the decoration that had been perfectly hung a moment ago, just to give you something to do with your hands. This was a very good question that you had thought about a lot. 
“I guess I want someone who’s as weird as I am.” you finally said. “I’d like to at least meet someone who understood the things I cared about, or was at least willing to learn. I know I’m different, and I’m okay with being different. I want a guy who gets being like that, and won’t make me feel less for it.”
“That’s... specifically vague.” Steve said, thinking. “I was thinking more looks wise.” 
“I like guys with long hair.” you said immediately. 
That he could probably work with. You hopped off the ladder for the last time and he helped you pack it away in the storage closet.
Steve was thinking hard about what to do about his end of the bargain when the door rang and someone walked inside. 
“Steve!” A voice called out, and your co-workers face immediately lit up and ran to the front of the store. 
You watched as the two boys ran to each other, immediately going into a secret handshake that you couldn’t help but find endearing. The kids that Steve was friends with were always fun, but you had to admit that you had a soft spot for Dustin. That was a kid who knew who he was and wasn’t afraid to be it. You admired that a lot about him. 
Deciding to give them a bit of space, you made yourself busy with the horror movie section, making sure that everything was in place. Lucky for you though, those two were still very much boys and you could hear every single part of their conversation. 
It’s not eavesdropping if they’re that loud. Probably. 
“The store looks great!” Dustin said, looking around. “You guys really went all out with the decorations, huh?” 
“Yup, we just got finished. She bought most of this stuff herself.” Steve gestured to you and you gave a wave. 
“Hey, Dustin!” you called out, and he waved back. 
“They’ve started putting up decorations at school too, but people keep stealing them.” Dustin said. “There are at least three skeletons missing from the science labs.”
“Those aren’t decorations, Henderson. I think those are supposed to be educational.” Steve replied. 
“Not when they’re wearing witches hats and cat ears.” Dustin countered. Steve shrugged in agreement. 
“So is school going alright? How’s Lucas doing on the team? What about Mike?” Steve asked and you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself. Steve could deny it all he wanted, but he was absolutely a single mother to these kids. You wished that you had a way to record him so that he could see the way he was fussing over them. 
“Lucas is still a bench-warmer.” Dustin said, grabbing a candy bar from the snack stand. You conveniently were too busy making sure that a copy of Sleepaway Camp was properly rewound to notice the blatant theft. “He still goes to practice every week, but he hasn’t been on the court yet. He’s been making a lot of cool and popular friends.”
There was no hiding the disdain in his voice when he said that. 
“Well Basketball is the best way to secure your ranking at Hawkins.” Steve said. “I would know.” 
“Yeah but it seems like he never has time to even come to Hellfire Club anymore. We’re lucky if he makes it to one or two sessions a month.” Dustin sighed. “He totally blew off me and Mike last week to go hang out with his cool new friends.”
“You know, you have an in with the popular crowd now Henderson. You could use this as a chance to be popular.” Steve pointed out. 
“But I don’t want to be popular, Steve! I’m happy with the friends I have and enjoying what I like.” 
“Ignore Steve, he’s stupid. Keep doing what you’re doing, kid!” you called out to them, making Dustin laugh and Steve sigh. 
“Thank you.” Dustin said before turning to Steve again. “Anyway, Eddie says that conformity is overrated. He says it’s better to be a freak with a few friends than some weird version of normalcy and be miserable.” 
“Right, because ‘the freak’ is so wise.” Steve said, rolling his eyes. 
“He is!” Dustin frowned. “You know, he’s the only person who’s been nice to me and Mike since we started school. And last session he had us-” 
That was when you started tuning the conversation out. You looked up at the clock and swore, you had some work to do in the back before your shift is over. 
“Steve, watch the front for me. I’ll be finishing up in the back.” you called out, and Steve only waived in response. 
Once you were out of earshot, Steve held up a hand to Dustin to signal him to stop talking. 
“What?” asked Dustin. “You told me that I get at least five uninterrupted minutes to talk about the campaign when we hang out.”
“Yeah, and I’ll let you have seven minutes if you help me out.” Steve said. 
“Seven? An extra two minutes? Make it ten.” Dustin crossed his arms, 
“Deal. What do you need?”
Steve stares at Dustin for a second. He doesn’t want to ask this question, as he never had any interest in knowing anything about Eddie ‘the Freak’ Munson. Eddie had been a stagnant 2 years ahead of him and somehow still hadn’t graduated. Steve couldn’t comprehend being 20 and still in high school, and he almost felt bad for entertaining this thought. Then again, you had also spent an extra semester at school, so maybe that wouldn’t be a deterrent. 
“I need you to tell me more about Eddie.” Steve finally managed to get out. Dustin looked like Christmas had suddenly come early. 
“You want to know more about Eddie?” Dustin had a shit-eating grin on his face that Steve hated. “Since when do you have an interest in Dungeons and Dragons?”
“I still don’t.” Steve said firmly. “I never have and never will understand your game. And I’m not asking about him for me, I’m asking about him for her.” He motioned to the door to the back room. 
“Her?” Dustin looked at the door, as if he could see you through the flimsy wood. “Is she wanting to play?”
“I don’t know, probably? She’s made enough references to playing before. Listen, no, that’s not what this is about.” Steve sighed. “We have this deal going on. She’d help me get dates if I helped her get a date. And she followed through, and I still have no idea how to get her a date.”
“She wants to date Eddie?” Dustin had a look on his face that was a mix of surprise and confusion. “How does she know him?”
“I don’t think she knows Eddie.” Steve said. “But she wants someone weird and as much as I hate to admit it, your new friend might actually fit her criteria.” 
“Fifteen minutes.” 
“Dude, come on.” 
“Fifteen uninterrupted minutes, and you let me rent an R rated movie.” 
“Jesus, Henderson.”
“Deal or no deal?” 
Steve turned and looked at the door that you had disappeared behind. You had been a good friend to him over the past four months, a really good friend. You and Robin had been able to keep him grounded and going after the Starcourt Fire. You’d more than held up your end of the bargain. 
“Fine, deal.” Steve agreed. 
Dustin smiled and seemed content. “So what do you want to know?”
Part 2
Dividers by @strangergraphics
Tag List @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile
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spookyquinnbie · 1 year
Best Friends Birthday
Eddie Munson x Reader / EM One Shot
Summary: You and Eddie have been friends for years, its your birthday and he has a special surprise for you.
Words: 2646
warnings: fluff, swearing,
Notes: I've had this in my head for a while but never had the time to write it so I hope you enjoy<3
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You and Eddie have been friends since middle school. You never grew up in Hawkins, you moved from Ohio when you were about 10 years old. Eddie was your first friend, the first person to talk to you. Since then, you have been inseparable, always by each other's side, hanging out each other's homes, being there for each other through breakups and what not. You both grew up together, your parents were good friends with Wayne, always inviting him and Eddie to vacations and family BBQ’s. You’d been through a lot together over the years.  
Wayne loved you like a daughter he never had, he would always call you ‘trouble’ and scruff your hair up when you saw him, he adored you. You were always at their trailer growing up, you preferred it there, it felt more like home than your actual home. You never felt like you belonged at home, always being told ‘act more like your older sister’. You didn’t want to, you wanted to be your own person.  
It was senior year for both of you at Hawkins High, Eddie was sure he was going to graduate this year. You were basically his tutor since he wasn’t all that bright, but you didn’t care. Over the past year things have been a little different between you and Eddie. He was now the schools drug dealer and labelled as the freak, which gained a lot more attention than normal. More girls wanted him, more boys wanted to pick on him. You were always there for him. Through his outbursts at his trailer over Jason Carver calling him stupid names to him playing sad love songs on the guitar when his 3-week relationship broke off after a girl asked him out for a joke. You though, you never had eyes for anybody but Eddie. You never told him, never told anybody in fact. You didn’t want to ruin years of friendship, you didn’t think Eddie would like you anyway, you didn’t think you were his type. Sure, you were always a metalhead, liked DnD, liked horror movies but you thought girls like Chrissy Cunningham were more his type, as you’ve seen him drool over her several times in the last 2 weeks. You just admired Eddie from a far, writing notes in your diary about how much you want to kiss him and be his forever. Eddie always flirted with you, always called you his ‘sweetheart’ or ‘princess’, they always made you melt. The way he would kiss your forehead when saying goodbye, or knowing you were anxious when your legs would constantly be bouncing, he would rest his hand on your leg and give you a warm smile to let you know you're okay.  
It was the day before your birthday, Eddie had been more excited for it than you for weeks now. He’s invited you over to spend the night with him. This was normal, you used to spend nights together most weekends. He wanted to see you on your actual birthday, but your parents said your family from out of town was coming to see you so the day before it had to be. You had no idea what Eddie had planned for you; you had told him so many times not to get you anything, but he promised id love it.  
You just walked into school, your mousy brown hair flowing in the wind along with your black skater dress. You walked up to your locker and opened it, placing your bag in and getting your books for the day. You glance down the hall to see Eddie walking into school, this was early for him. He had a skip in his step, and he had something in his hand you couldn’t quite make out.  
“Mornin, birthday girl” Eddie smiled, leaning against the locker holding a rose out in front of him. “Flower for you, sweetheart” His smile was so wide. You couldn’t help but blush and melt at his large brown eyes gleaming at you.  
“Thanks, Eds!” You said taking the rose from him and wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a warm hug. He kissed your forehead as you pulled away.  
“You're still coming over after school, right?” He asked, his eyes wide and desperate for my answer.  
“Yes, how many times have you asked me this week” I roll my eyes and look at him, closing my locker and leaning against it next to him.  
“I just-” Eddie takes his hands in yours. “i want your birthday to be perfect, you’re my best friend, I have the perfect presents for you” He squeezes your hand gently, swaying them lightly as he gets over enthusiastic about the presents he’s got you.  
“Eddie! Presents?! You did have to I told you!” you nudge him and pout. He smirks and holds his hands up in defence.  
“I know, I know but I’ve been working extra hours at the record store and saved up my money” Eddie says placing one hand in his pocket and shrugging. You couldn’t be angry at him, he did this all for you. You smile at him, your eyes sparkling in the sunlight beaming through the windows. The first bell rang and you both went sperate ways for your first classes of the day. You hoped today went fast, the anticipation of what Eddie had planned was killing you.  
It was the end of the school day, finally. You were stood outside in the parking lot next to Eddies truck waiting for him. You heard his loud voice from across the lot, you gaze over and see him with Dustin and Jeff, walking over to his truck. Eddies eyes meet yours and he smiles and gives you a little wave. 
“Happy Birthday” Dustin and Jeff say in unison.  
“Thanks guys” I smile at them both. Eddie lights up 2 cigarettes and hands you one. You nod to him and take a drag and exhale. You didn’t have any time to chat to Dustin or Jeff before Eddie was rushing the conversation and practically pushing you into his truck. The car ride seemed to go on forever, you were nervous what Eddie had planned for you. Eddie hardly spoke the whole ride to the trailer; his demeanour had changed from this morning, he seemed stiff and nervous. You kept looking over at him as you smoked your cigarette in the passenger side of his truck.  
We finally arrived at the trailer park; Eddie parked the truck up. He practically jumped out of the truck and ran around to my side before you could even take your seatbelt off.  
“M’lady” He bowed while opening the door and holding his arm out. I jumped out of the truck and curtsied to Eddie. “Thank you, kind sir” You giggled. You started walking to the trailer and Eddie grabbed your waist and halted you.  
“N-No, wait a sec! Close your eyes” He looked at you making sure you closed your eyes, You put your hands on your waist and close your eyed.  
“Keep em closed till I say so yeah?” You felt him walk away from you, you could hear voices but couldn’t quite make them out, your stomach fluttered as your nerves grew. You heard the trailer door open and close once more and then felt Eddies hands on your shoulders. 
“Follow my lead, okay?”  
“Eddie what's going on?” You follow his lead, holding his arms tight.  
“We are nearly there okay sweetheart” We took a few steps more and place your hand on the trailer door. Eddie guides you through into the living room and stops you. You hear a lighter flick and Eddie walks away from you. 
“okay! Open your eyes!” You open your eyes and your heart stops. Eddie and Wayne are standing there holding a birthday cake, with a few lit candles. They both start to sing happy Birthday to you, moving closer to you. You don’t know what to do, you take one step closer to them and smile under the hand you have over your mouth. You cannot believe Eddie had done this for you. Your heart feels full watching Eddie and Wayne singing to you.  
They both stop singing and Wayne holds out the cake to you.  
“Blow out the candles then” Wayne says beaming from ear to ear. You look at him and the down at the cake. You blow out your candles and they both cheer.  
“Happy brithday, trouble” Wayne put the cake down on the coffee table and pulls you into a hug, scruffing up your hair.  
“Thanks uncle wayne” He wasn’t really your uncle, but you always called him that. You hugged him tight and then turned to Eddie, who was on the verge of tears. 
“Come here ya big goof. Thank you Eds” You grab eddies hand and pull him into a hug, he wraps his arms around you. You nuzzle your face into his chest, as he kissed your forehead.  
You all stand around in the trailer eating some cake, Wayne wanted to share some cake before he left for work. Wayne had even got you a gift. It was a hat that youd always admired that was off the wall of the trailer, he took it down and gave it to you. It meant a lot to you that he did that, he always had collected those hats.  
Wayne left for work and as soon as the trailer door closed, Eddie grabbed your hand. 
“okay, now for presents” Eddie gleamed, pulling you into his bedroom. He walked infront of you and knelt down on the floor infront of 3 presents. You walk in the room and gasp. 
“Eddie! Oh my god” You skipped to him and knelt down next to him. “For me? Are you serious” Eddie nodded and moved closer to you.  
“You have to open them in a certain order though, princess” He smirked at you, grabbing a, badly, wrapped present. Eddie wasn’t the best at anything DIY like wrapping or cooking but the thought is what counts and he puts a lot of thought into anything he does. He hands you a medium sized present, its soft.  
“First one” You say, placing it infront of you, ripping the paper. Your cheeks flush red as you see the first present. Eddie had taken one of your favourite denim jackets and sewed on some patches for you. You can tell hes done it himself because of how bad the stiching was, but you didn’t care. You looked over at eddie and your eyes creased with how much you were smiling. He had stitched on a few band patches and a few others, but its just what you wanted, you never thought he’d actually do it. 
“Eddie! Ive been looking for this jacket for weeks! I knew you took it” I smirk at him, holding the jacket up and studdying it.  
“I love it, thank you Eddie” You put the jacket down and wrap your arms around eddie, kissing his cheek.  
“You love it? I worked pretty hard on it for you, I knew you wanted a handmade patched jacket” He rubs the back of his neck and blushes. You nod at him and grin. He picks up the next present and you already knew what this is, by the size and feel of the present.  
“No fucking way..” You say as you rip the paper apart once again. He’d got you 2 records, the ones you’ve been going on and on about for weeks. 
“Eddie! Oh my- oh my god! Thank you, thank you!” You bop up and down on your knees, you were so grateful. You glance over at eddie and hes been starring at you this whole time. His big doe-eyes watching you gush over the presents, you can tell his heart was happy.  
“They are the ones you wanted right?”  
“Yes Eddie, yes they are oh thank you so so much!” You couldn’t contain your excitement, but you noticed a change in eddie, he began to fidget and he now had a blank stare on his face. You look over at him and he shakes himself out of it. 
“O-Okay next one, this is your f-final present from me, okay s-sweetheart" He grabbed the last present and stood to his feet, he was stuttering on his words and his cheeks were flushed. He held out his hand and helped you up. The present he was holding was a small but delicate gift, neatly wrapped with a bow on top. You glance at the present and then back at eddie. 
“Before I open this, I just want to say thank you eddie, for all of this, I mean, this is so perfect” A warm smile glides over your lips, your eyes meet eddies and he takes a deep breath.  
“Y-your welcome doll, now” He holds out the present and hands it to you, his hands were shaking slightly. You raise your eyebrows at him and take it. You start to unwrap the present, a lot slower than the others, this one feels precious. It’s a little brown box. You look up at eddie as he takes your arm. 
“N-now before you open it, I just want to let you know” Eddie takes a deep breath. “You mean a lot to me Y/N, you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, a-and I care about you a lot" He stops to take a breath. Tears are forming at the corner of your eyes, is this the moment you’ve been waiting for? 
“Shit.. This is really hard uh.. I really..fuck” He starts to get flustered. I take my free hand to his cheek and stoke lightly. 
“Eddie.. Its okay, take your time”  
“I want you to be mine, Y/N” He looks deeply at you while opening the little box for you. Your eyes glance down at the box, your heart stops, time stops. Inside the box is a dainty little silver ring with one single tiny stone in it. You stare at it, tears falling down your cheeks. Eddie’s kuckles brush under your chin and lift slightly so your eyes meet his. 
“I-it’s a promise ring, I got it you because, I love you. I've loved for since the first day I met you, I just didn’t have the guts to say it, Sweetheart” He chuckled.  
“E-Eddie.. I-I love it” you glance back down at the ring and then back at Eddie. He wipes away the tears on your cheek and smiles down at you.  
“I promise to keep you safe and love you forever” Eddie now has tears in his eyes. You giggle at a tear falling down his cheek and you wipe it away.  
“Will you be mine, Y/N” Eddie asks. You take the ring out of the box and place it on your middle finger, it fits perfectly. You nod and gush, throwing your arms around eddie. He picks you up and you look down at him. 
“Yes! A thousand times yes!” You throw your head back in excitement as Eddie spins you around. He sets you back down, his arms still around your waist. You are both looking deeply into each others eyes, your faces moving closer together. You close the distance and crash your lips on his, moving your hand from his back to the base of his neck, intwinging your fingers with his long curly locks. The kiss is passionate and firey, feels like bolts of electric flying from your lips, your heart fluttering making you feel like your walking on air. You break the kiss and place your hand on his chest, looking at the ring intently. He looks down and chuckles, his hair falling in his face and yours.  
“Im glad you like it Princess” Eddie holds you close and kisses your forehead.  
“I love you Eddie, Its always been you” 
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
Hey, don't know if anyone has messaged about this but there's an early draft of the 90s show pilot online. Here are some pulls from it that might be interesting (this is about to be long, sorry): First, the pilot is an hour long, it's mostly just that the existing scenes are longer. Second, the show starts with Leia and Eric in the car to Red and Kitty's house. The characterisation of Leia is different. She's more openly rebellious, already wearing a magnet nose ring - in this pilot she doesn't get it from Gwen - and she's more of a classic stroppy teenage type around Eric. Also there is no Donna, don't know if that's something to do with not having Laura Prepon on board yet but she's just mentioned as being in Florida visiting Grandpa Bob. Eric's stuff is kept the same but Donna is swapped out in certain scenes for either Kitty or Red. Nikki is called Nisha. Its established that Leia, Gwen and Ozzie are 14. Nikki and Jay are 15 and Nate is 16. Gwen is introduced as singing along to Seether by Veruca Salt, a cooler more 90s choice than Alanis Morissette I would argue. Nate is described as a Johnny Knoxville type and Ozzie calls him a 'future inmate' - they must have changed direction with his character maybe when the tone of the show became more comedic. Nikki is explicitly more of a Jackie analog, she's described as preppy and has dialogue that underlines she's in honor society, that she's lying to her parents about where she is when she's with Nate and at one point she tells Nate not to call her 'baby' because it diminishes her. Leia is supposed to be going to basketball camp not space camp. Kitty makes a joke that in her day if a girl played basketball people thought they were a lesbian. (An interesting explicit reference to sexuality for all the shippers out there). The Jackie/Kelso scene is pretty much beat for beat the same. There's a moment where Jay tries to flirt with Leia in the Runck basement and grabs a hot pipe and ends up screaming, physical comedy stuff. Gwen is a little closer to Hyde but only a little. There's a moment where she encourages Leia to go out of her comfort zone, Nikki accuses her of being like a coke dealer from an after school special and Gwen says that's what she's going for. A fun detail is that Jay has a camcorder and we see footage from the perspective of the camera, so it's shot old school 90s. The scene of Leia trying to get the tap for the keg is longer and features all the kids doing a shot for shot remake of "been caught stealing". When they get the keg, Jay 'gives Leia a quick kiss' and she throws up on Nikki's Keds. There's a moment of all of the kids in the Runck basement with the keg singing Hip Hop Hooray filmed through Jay's camera. Ozzie, Nikki and Gwen are the focus, each rapping a verse into the camera. There's no circle in the pilot at all, it ends with all the kids in the Foreman basement, finding the weed and Nate saying he's never leaving. All in all it looks like in becoming a half hour, going to Netflix and finding the actors they did, a lot of changes happened. But I think some interesting stuff established in this pilot is probably still how the writers will be thinking about these characters and could be interesting in the future. I hope they let Jay have a camcorder in season 2, I loved that detail. Hope you find this interesting.
Thanks for the ask!
I did know about the leaked Pilot script, but I have not actually read it. I've heard about several of those details before, but several of them were new to me. Thanks for sharing!
It's interesting that at one point the show was conceived as being one hour long.
I'm definitely glad Leia's characterization was changed, personally, and that Donna was written in (and that Laura Prepon is involved as much as she is).
I agree with you about Jay. He was also described in some promo materials as "always having a camera" and "constantly filming his friends", so that definitely feels like it was supposed to be part of his characterization. I'd love to see it developed more in season 2.
Curious to hear what others think of some of these details. Thanks for sharing, anon!
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Fun facts about Howl (that nobody asked for but I felt compelled to write)
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Howl showers every day, at night. They additionally brush their teeth in the shower. They use bar soap and a washcloth and they change the water temperature several times during this because of the stim. They use floral scented shampoo and conditioner, usually either lavender or rose. 
Howl hates the smell and taste of vinegar and will flee from it. 
Small dog instincts despite being 5’7” they will immediately try and fight tall people. This is a horrible idea 
Fucks up their uniform pretty consistantly. Wears their school uniform vest with their dorm uniform outfit, their gym uniform shirt with school uniform blazer, etc. 
Mildly allergic to apples
Sleeps curled around something. Would sleep with a plush but does not have one for several reasons, most of them being “i came from a different world with no possessions” and “the tweels will bully me”
Lab partners with Deuce and hangs out with him in their spare time. They’re both dyslexic and vibing with taking turns reading the textbook wrong
One of the only people on campus that actively seeks out Floyd. Especially when hes in a bad mood. While others part like the red sea when they see him frowning, Howl just grabs him a snack and sits close by quietly. They’re adhd buddies 
Speaking of ADHD buddies, Howl teaches Kalim to cook. Howl is not a good cook by any means, but has yet to burn the kitchen down and will gladly impart basic knowledge to him.
Howl is agender nonbinary. They pretended to be a guy when they first enrolled, then got found out on accident and were referred to as a girl. They came out as trans to basically everyone except the Octatrio, and only did because they tried to capitalize on it 
Howl also doesn't work for Azul, and instead does paperwork for Crowley, though when feeling cornered they may say that Azul asked them to do (favor) for him. Azul plays along out of curiosity
Board game club member who loses the most. Doesnt really care because they’re having a good time and it causes others around them to get outwardly confident, so its all fun
Emo. not a surprise to most people, but what IS a surprise is that they’re in octavinelle and emo. Listens to fall out boy religiously and if asked about it will talk about them for hours.
Is genuinely well meaning most of the time but has a bit of a temper and a tongue. If pushed too far, they’ll say something seriously harsh in an attempt to get them to back off. 
Once worked an internship at an aquarium. Knows about like 5 fish and the rest are a mystery. 
Has a tendency to accidentally flirt with others fairly smoothly, but gets incredibly flustered when someone flirts back.
Can’t do math. They have dyscalculia (school is hard okay?) but refuse to tell anyone and instead laugh it off as “im not trying” or “im just stupid” 
All of the uniforms are Bad Textures so they have knock off versions of various pieces made with different materials that look similar at first glance but dont when you inspect them closer
Their favorite outfit of the school uniforms are the ceremonial robes because they’re silky and they swish
Would bum around in pajama pants and a hoodie all day if they could
Was in a bad mood and brought a pillow to class. Got yelled at by Crewel and some side eye from Trein but they did all their work so they didnt get detention
When around Floyd, Ace, or Deuce there's a 95% chance they’ll get detention that they will quietly remove from their files once served. 
Mood swings like Floyd, but unlike Floyd they force themself to power through it. Usually its something easily solvable (forgot breakfast, sensory bad, needs a minute to breathe, didnt sleep well) so they just bait themselves with “if i finish this, then i can go do that”
Bites. Not hard, but does bite.
Actually really likes Azul despite constantly getting in trouble with him or fighting him on dumb shit. Azul…doesn't reciprocate most of the time. There are a few moments when Howl is tender with him, though, that makes him question his judgment of them
Terrified of Jade. Literally avoids him as much as possible, which isn't very often to be honest since hes their vice housewarden and they hang out with Floyd a lot
After their overblot, all of their relationships get significantly better and healthier. 
Lies about basic information but doesnt about personal stuff. You won’t find out their name (until their overblot arch) but they’ll gladly tell you stories and memories of theirs. Is like an open book with the title pages hidden
Sometimes goes to hang out with Malleus. They aren’t afraid of him in particular, but more so that he’s fae in general, but they just get over that pretty quickly. Sometimes they’ll sneak him into Octavinelle to hang out in their room or to bake cookies at 4 am
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vilsoo · 2 years
I’m sorry If I keep asking questions (I love the biker Michael afton au) but can you do one about their first times please? Thank you 🌙
although you were a neighbor from childhood he didn’t think much of, michael first noticed you back at high school prom but never said anything. he always thought you were attractive and loved your laugh when he heard it the first time. but he believed he was way out of your league. it wasn’t until a couple weeks later after graduation he noticed you were at the same house party he was. finally, he had the courage to strike a conversation with you. for several hours you couldn’t stop talking and got along so well you immediately drew into his charm. he also loved making you laugh. it was shocking that you lived in the same neighborhood for years but never found the chance to be close friends or hangout.
michael took you to the pizzeria arcade and billiards as your first date where you spent time playing together and winning prizes. since michael is a little competitive, it added some playful tension between you two. you loved teasing each other and subtly flirting as the night went on. he then started to realize how much he enjoys spending time with you. the retro arcade, the colorful neon environment, and the tension added so much that evening.
he actually kissed you on your first date. after playing a few rounds of billiards and playfully teasing each other with physical touch that night, he knew exactly what you were thinking. that underlying desire to feel him press his lips on yours was all you thought of. you were falling for him and so was michael— badly. when you were leaning against the table, he approached before you with his face in close proximity, grabbing your chin and staring at your lips. when you leaned into his lips, so did he, dipping his head lower and kissing you. he tasted like cherry cola. the way he held your face while you were holding the cue stick got your body falling numb, dropping it to the floor to wrap your arms around his neck for such a heated kiss.
it was around the first couple weeks when you and biker!michael started officially dating that you had your first time with him. when your parents were out of town, you invited him over for the whole week. on the very first night, both of you really wanted to take it slow. you’ve been wanting this so bad ever since. you start off with music playing in the back and some candles lit up. you both did a lot of check-ins on each other as well, trying to make the situation comfortable and pleasurable for the both of you. michael’s way of dirty talk with you got you to cum whenever he fingered you and went down on you. although michael wanted to last longer while inside you, he couldn’t go past four minutes with you constantly clenching down on him and having the prettiest moans right in his ears. your first time was a memorable, intimate, and very passionate vanilla sex.
you already know all the shit michael has to deal with on his job; bar brawls, drunk assholes, and alleyway fights. but you couldn’t help but find this wild and reckless side of him so dangerously attractive. you understand the risks and would constantly reassure him about getting injured and to avoid serious trouble, but it was somehow inevitable for him to be involved even when he has nothing to do about it. so you decided to take care of him more; just like how he always takes care of you. michael loves his sweet girl patching him up and hearing your concerns and affirmation. 4 months later, michael ran all the way to your house— bleeding from his face and his knuckles with a wide grin on his face, climbing into your window during the middle of the night just to say that he was going crazy about you. he admits that he’s falling in love. he professes his love for you. with your heart swollen in so much emotion, and the craziness you also developed for him, you wholeheartedly profess his love for him, too.
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doverstar · 2 years
Some fun facts about my husband, who I've said looks/acts a lot like a Christian version of Eddie, since I've gotten light, mild, positive feedback on the subject (hopefully he won't mind; he thinks it's funny when I compare him to Eddie):
He once jumped on top of a picnic table and yelled aggressively at the top of his lungs down at me (before we were dating, in the friends-who-flirt stage) that regular Oreos are better than Double-Stuffed, and that the idea that we needed more than the original cookie was "mindless capitalist propaganda" somehow.
He has a white, old 90's T-shirt with Metallica's ...And Justice For All album cover on it. I wear it a lot.
When we weren't dating and were still feeling each other out romantically, I sat at a picnic table reading and he interrupted me. During the course of this conversation, he mimed being shot by an arrow and flung himself backward off of the picnic table bench. No, I'm not exaggerating or making that up. It's what made me like Eddie immediately as a character. When he, too, launched himself off a picnic table to make a girl laugh. Husband has also punched a tree before, and does things like absent-mindedly punching a tree often.
He wears red flannels (yes, like the picture of Eddie's possible costume changes) primarily, but does own a denim jacket and likes to wear it with the collar popped for some reason.
My family back home refers to Eddie Munson as 80's [Insert Husband's Name Here].
He's 6'3 and I am 5'2.
He is a self-proclaimed music snob, felt it "in his soul" when Eddie shouted THIS IS MUSIC, and never lets me control the radio on road trips because his music is superior. He will, however, belt Disney music with me.
He was diagnosed as a kid with ADHD and used to take medication for it. He agrees with the headcanon that Eddie has it too. He plays with his wedding ring and my wedding ring, chews the straw in every drink you give him, habitually forgets where he leaves things (keeps his personal effects in the pockets of whatever jeans he's wearing at all times for this reason, even overnight), and bounces his leg constantly. CONSTANTLY.
He makes huge gestures with his hands and arms at all times. No matter what he's talking about. He also uses props when trying to explain his points or describe something in a story he's telling. On our first official date he pulled the salt and pepper shakers off the table and used his enchilada to explain the terrain on a road trip he'd taken.
He shouts all the time. Especially when he's happy. He never gets angry, but if he gets slightly frazzled or frustrated, he talks through his teeth briefly.
He, like Eddie, has big huge brown eyes, slightly-past-shoulder-length brown curly hair he's very proud of, and big hands and feet as opposed to thinner legs and arms.
Has been planning to get several tattoos all along his arms, but his parents literally have a longstanding joke-deal with him they made in high school, where every week of his life that he doesn't get a tattoo, they pay him $50. He's going to get them (most of them are in Greek) by the end of the year, he assures me.
And finally, he makes an incredible Dungeon Master. He acts everything out, does lots of different voices, offers advice and maps out characters and campaigns feverishly in his head during free time. Carries his dice and character sheets in a thrifted tortilla box. Might seem weird to some people that I'm sharing this info, but I really like talking about my husband (any time, all the time), and I also add some of his mannerisms to Eddie when I'm writing him, so readers of mine might find this fun.
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yaomomvs · 4 years
seijoh, aoba johsai x reader | slight oikawa, iwaizumi and kunimi x reader.
a/n: ugh! i just love my seijoh boys so much! and so, i decided to make one more headcanons for them, tysm! hopefully i’ll do inarizaki next or maybe karasuno.
a bit long but i just love them,and i will do a part two mainly focusing on while they do volleyball this is more of random things
other seijoh!manager works: one | two
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the volume in this bus is ASTRONOMICAL
you actually never thought of joining a club, specially a sports one.
but you needed it, so while looking at the board of the school’s options you were unsure.
“i just really need something not that complicated, and that helps me helping others” you muttered to yourself
little did you know the coach of the volleyball team was there, this nice man turned to you and offered you a place in the team.
“but please if you are one of oikawa’s fangirls dont-” “who now?” you genuinely asked. seeing that you didn’t had a clue of who he was talking about he immediately handed the application for to you.
it was first day and you were already late, but you managed to enter the gym half way practice.
you guys remember that tanaka and kiyoko scene in s4? well it was the same
“sorry for being late coach!” your voice sounded all over the place since someone was serving and it was pretty quiet.
the serve even hit yahaba’s face because everyone got distracted by your beauty
“i- did i do something?” “existing omg”
the coach lined up everyone and they greeted you welcoming you to the team.
you were flustered because it was like you never had a lot of guys around you and now you had to take care of all of them and also
aoba johsai’s team had one of the most attractive boys around likeeee
now, a year later, the energy is purely chaotic.
and i mean like
kindaichi and kunimi are lowkey the ones who respect you the most
not only because you, even if it was for only a year, you were their upperclassman but also you had presence
when karasuno came to the practice andy oh catched both of them after talking to kageyama in the bathroom, you pinched their ears and scolded them
“you both do that again and i’m not being compassionate” “SORRY Y/N”
but also lowkey your admirers
kunimi literally only showed strong emotions around you
“i brought you some sweets” he regularly says
“oh you are great! thank you kunimi!”you appreciated this guys little details with you
“so you have a favoritism with our manager huh?”
“y/n permission to hit kindaichi”
“permission conceded”
kindaichi also respected you because you, when he entered seijoh months ago, were one of the ones who made him believe and helped getting over that anger he had with his ex teammates and you even assured that kageyama was the reason he got better, even if he wouldn’t accept it
the second years, your literal followers
like seriously yahaba watori were always around you.
being in the same grade and class as both dod not helped a lot.
they are like puppies with anxiety separation
because you are the reason they feel loved and cared for
they always sit next to you in class, and they make sure you are comfortable with it.
you need help with hw? watori always is there
yahaba lets you paint his nails every time you got bored in class
you were such a powerful trio
they always bring your favorite drink in the mornin
you even developed this sixth sense where if you just look at each other you know exactly who are you making fun of without even speaking
you always make fun of the shit way of yahaba to flirt oml
and you even advice him on what should he do or not when meeting someone new.
istg if it was not bc of you he would have never got his first date with his crush
kyoutani later joined you, but he had trouble on trusting you
but seeing all the team laying on you he actually let himself rely on another person for the first time
he was the one who scared those stupid volleyball boys fan girls (oikawa’s or the other guys ones) away from you
he also thinks that you are not bad physically talking and he actually says it but privately
he also whenever he is mad or just frustrated comes to you and what he likes is that you don’t go in deep of the details but instead you try to distract him with random thing you say.
“guys i told you several times” you laughed “i do have other thing to do! it not like i can attend every night out with you! i have other friends too!”
“so, we are not watching cartoons tonight?”
“i hate you all so much” you surrendered “see you at 8 pm”
you became the second years core four
and also they looked up to you a lot, why? because you are the only people who always deals with the third years shit
god i think your connection with the third years was only a bit more noticeable than the second years
why? you were not afraid to mess up with them
to be real iwaizumi as oikawa caught your eye since moment one, they were naturally attractive and talented but you made a promise to not fall for anyone
omg you were so wrong
if it was iwaizumi, he always made sure you felt comfortable around
you were no vb genius so he took the time to explain you a bunch of things you did not know 🥺
also, he’s the kind of guy to stop everyone spiking because you were crossing through the gym so no ball gets you
he is the one who always search for you in school, asked about your day, and stuff that might seem basic but it was really meaningful
like he is the kind of guy who memorizes all your favorite places, treats, music anything and actually tries to get you to talk about it
oikawa on the other hand was the one who actually made you feel like part of them
he is so sweet!
oikawa only starts practice when you are there
like bold of someone to start hitting a ball without you there, he considered you part of the team, so he always waited for you
he walked you home or nearby every time he could he wanted you safe
his eyes always always instantly light up and screams “y/n-chan!” and immediately runs to you
but also he is the one who search you the most around
if it was lunch time he went to your home room and literally lunches with you no matter what or who
he never lets anyone lend you their hoodie, it always has to be his that you are wearing
he self crowned himself as your favorite
he hugs you out of nowhere istg is the best feeling ever
hanamaki also also also considers you priority
he is kinda more of the lowkey one, he is mainly the one who checks up on you
he once spotted a bruise in your arm and he immediately freaked out
“DO I HAVE TO FIGHT SOMEONE” “god no! i just dropped a huge book there!”
hanamaki is the one who waits for you in the entrance of the gym to walk with you to practice
he also is the first one to notice if something is wrong with you along with iwachan
they both unintentionally pay attention to you a lot and if you do something out of the common they just approach you
and they are always right
“what’s wrong y/n?” hanamaki says
“yeah, is everything okay you need anything?” iwaizumi continues.
“what do you mean guys? i’m okay” you obviously try to lie.
“no you are not, you are acting different”
“yea iwachan is right you always change yous t shirt before practice and the way you are ordering the volleyballs is off”
“why do know me so well” you indeed had a terrible day, so you almost tear up bb of that and be of how amazing your boys were to you sometimes”
“come here little one”
you heard a pout
“i see you oikawa, you can get a hug too. matsu come here”
matsukawa is your hype man
he loves messing with you like in the big brother sister way
like if a guy asked you out he’d be like “sis you can do so much better”
you are always being salty whether it’s between you or other ones
besides if you do have a crush on anyone on the team matsu is the only one to know
and he’d constantly blackmail you with that
“if you don’t buy me anything from the vending machine i will tell oikawa you actually swoon for him” “OKAY FINE”
“tell the coach that we do not need laps or iwaizumi is gonna knowwwww about” “i hate you so much”
but returning to the point you always messed with them specially the four third years
and you were so good at it
one day, you ‘innocently’ mentioned to the boys “i’m just telling you! i’ve never seen two pretty best friends, one of them always gotta be ugly”
your third years never made you feel insecure
like if you think idk listening to btr was weird because someone in the past made you feel like it be sure the next day they WILL PLAY FUCKING BIG TIME RUSH IN PRACTICE ONLY FOR YOU TO VIBE WITH THEM
also they all four have this little thought that they have to be the ones who protect you
in the court you looked out for them, outside of it they were the ones who did that
if you were teased or someone even had the audacity to make fun of you it could go three ways
you stoping kyoutani and yahaba because they were so ready to throw hands
matsukawa, hanamaki and kunimi just taking you out of there and rather say positive thinks about you
or oikawa and iwaizumi behind you giving the saltiest and meanest glares to whoever dared talking you that way and saying “and you still wonder why people don’t like you?, ” then iwaizumi says “you are right oikawa, you piece of crap have your entire life to be a jerk. take a day off your stupidity won’t left anyways”
god you sure loved those guys
as it can be really useful sometimes there were other times were they become so annoying
specially when it’s about someone liking you.
like romantic styles
i live for the idea that the vb team had obviously fangirls, oikawa mostly. but you also did
like yeah the fangirls of oikawa and the boys envied you
but the guys in aoba johsai high envied the volleyball team even more
god bless the poor guy or girl who DARES to ask you out
like please someone stop them 😭
on valentine’s day you came to practice a bit late just because you needed to figure it out how to organize all the fucking love letters and the chocolates and flowers that you got over the day.
oikawa was already worried as he always waited for you to start, and so were the guys so they decided to warm up a bit more to wait.
you crossed the door with thousands of gifts and all of that barely catching the ones which you dropped. because at this point you did not even try to hide it from the boys, you just wanted them to start practice.
he looked at you and knew exactly what that meant. he received this every once in a while, but god what was that feeling in his chest when some other people like you?
iwaizumi felt that too, that weird feeling not wanting anyone to think about you that wayyyyy
the rest of the boys had divided opinions but still you were their manager.
“so did all this came from...”
“yes matsu...”
“okay but for scientific purposes we need the names”
poor boys, they just are all scared that you’ll leave them because of someone
what a dramatic queens they are all
some of them didn’t like it bc they also had a big crush on you
so what they do is that they gatekeep anyone from you
like oml if they ever catched you and a girl or guy and they knew they liked you they constantly beg for your attention.
and it’s not only because they are being dramatic but also because they remember last year when you went out with some random dude and broke your heart like
they almost killed that guy
so they wanted you to feel happy and safe
to them? honestly you are the light of their life.
they dedicate every game to you, they take care of you, they listen to you, they brag about you, they love you
because honestly you did all that for them first
and ever since then they made sure to return that to you.
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babybamf · 4 years
Meeting and Dating Warren Worthington III
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(We’re just gonna throw together a little au, alright?)
- You met Warren after Xavier brought him back to the school. Most people stayed away from him and rightfully so; he had teamed up with a malicious god and was partially responsible for the destruction of your school.
- You’d stayed away as well, which is what he seemed to want. He wasn’t exactly putting himself out there to make friends, not with his glaring and standoffish demeanor.
- A part of you figured that he really didn’t want people around him. That, no, he wasn’t just being “cruelly” ostracized by his peers; he was actively and consciously making sure people stayed away.
- But then another part of you reasoned that few people had actually attempted to get close to him, and to be fair, you hadn’t liked those people either.
- You’d contemplated going up and introducing yourself. In fact, you’d tried to, taking a deep breath and maneuvering your way across the school grounds towards him with that exact idea in mind. But the minute you came almost close enough to throw away any doubt that you were approaching him, he’d looked up at you with such cold and venomous fervor that you’d lost your nerve.
- Instead, you’d; thankfully, managed to continue on walking and coincidentally run into a younger student that you’d known, making it seem like that was your intention all along. You decided that day that Warren Worthington just hated people and you shouldn’t interfere with that.
- That would have been the end of it, and at the time you wished that it was, but that wasn’t the case. The moment you walked past the boy, it was like you’d painted a target on your forehead.
- Everywhere you went, Warren Worthington was there to stare at you from across the way. He’d set his sights on you and you weren’t sure which emotion was behind his gaze, though you were pretty sure it wasn’t one of the good ones.
- It took a few months of this, and you wondering if he was planning on killing you, for anything to actually happen.
- You’d been sitting in the lunchroom, reading a book when you heard the rooms chatter die down. There, at the entrance, stood Warren.
- He scanned the room, his eyes landing on you; much more passively than most other times, before moving to the nearly empty table across from yours. He made his way towards it, unfazed by the students who’d been occupying it scrambling to leave, and soon enough he was seated a few yards away with a perfect view of you.
- You tried to ignore him, turning to the book you’d brought in hopes of just forgetting he was there. Although, it was easier said than done when you could feel his eyes on you.
- More than once, you’d glanced over and caught him watching you; albeit it a bit more casually than usual. You wondered if he’d specifically come into the room just to look at you, you’d never seen him inside before; and he wasn’t eating, so you had to assume so.
- Finally, you turned back to your book and promised yourself you wouldn’t look at him, no matter how much your body was screaming for you to. The monkey part of you brain told you that this was a test and that averting your eyes was the proper move to make; so you made it ...up until you could feel someone standing in front of/at your side.
“I’m Warren,” Boy were you not expecting him to be British. His voice was like honey, even though there was a twinge of; what seemed to be, discomfort to it. He seemed out of his element. “I’ve seen you around. You’re Y/n, right?”
“Yeah uh, yeah, that’s right. ...Hi.” You answered nervously. He nodded and a long moment of silence passed between the two of you before he asked if he could sit down.
- It was awkward at first but then he asked you about a band and you started a near hour long discussion about music.
- Soon enough you were talking like it was a normal thing to happen, up until you were interrupted by a peer who told you that someone wanted to see you. You excused yourself and walked away, feeling more confident now that you knew you weren’t going to be murdered.
- Warren was sort of like a changed person after your first few initially awkward conversations; at least he was to you. He was still his intimidating self to everyone else but you; and in some regards Storm, seemed to be an exception.
- After a few weeks of you slowly seeing more and more of each other, he finally decided it was time to ask you out like he’d been intending all along. Well, he asked you out in his own way.
- It was late, he’d caught your attention with a “psst” and a flash of a bottle of liquor and motioned for you to follow him as he led the two of you outside. You soon found yourself sitting with him in the dark of the night, taking swigs from the bottle he’d snuck with you.
- You caught him watching you while you brought the bottle to your lips, taking a small gulp before moving to pass it back, only to be met with his face close to yours and his hand sliding onto your cheek. It was a matter of seconds before his lips were on yours but that short moment of anticipation had your heart racing.
- You spent the rest of the night talking and kissing and by morning you were official.
- Soo much Pda. He’s constantly touching you and trying to get you to kiss him.
- He loves when you kiss him. Surprise him with a little smooch; you’ll never see anyone look more in love than he will.
- Hand kisses.
- His hand in your back pocket.
- His arm wrapped around you constantly.
- Warren alternates between only calling you pet names and only calling you your name. When he is using pet names, he’ll call you things like babe, birdie, and love.
- He’s surprisingly loving considering how violent he used to be. You don’t expect it at first but he’s absolutely adorable when he’s around you.
- The instant he sees you, his day gets 100x better. Even if his face just goes from glaring to neutral whenever his eyes land on you, rest assured that his bad mood goes away the minute you appear.
- He’s always incredibly gentle whenever he puts his hands on you with innocent intent, like when he’s pushing your hair back or helping you put in an earring.
- He’s definitely affection starved and heartclenchingly so. You’ll go to gently touch his face for one reason or another and he’ll act like he’s never felt something better in his life.
- Cuddling is a bit difficult with the whole wing thing but you try your best. Sometimes you’ll just lay side by side and hold hands, other times he’ll cocoon the two of you while you lay on top of him, and other times he’ll lay down and you’ll just snuggle yourself into him the best that you can.
- Going flying. He rarely goes really high up with you in his arms, he himself is afraid he’ll accidentally drop you or you’ll get hurt in some other way.
- Stargazing or watching the sunset/rise on roofs of buildings.
- Sneaking out to spend time with each other away from everyone else.
- Blasting rock music as you drive through town.
- Abandoned building picnics? Abandoned building picnics. What’s better than being able to destroy everything around you and not being bothered by anyone.
- Nighttime walks around town. He sorta likes just wandering around the city with you.
- Helping him shop for clothes that will actually fit him, or helping him cut holes into his clothing.
- He’s grown to love his wings over the years so he always straightens up with pride whenever you compliment or touch them.
- Hickeys.
- Constant making out. He can’t get enough of you.
- Groping, blatantly too, just right in the middle of the street or hallway.
- Innuendos that make you blush.
- You’re either treated like a queen or being harassed like you’re dating a horny teenager. There is no in between.
- Kissing his scars.
- Occasionally, he’ll tell you stories about his fighting days. He finds it amusing to watch your face change whenever he recounts something particularly painful or malicious.
- He’s been known to get drunk for several different reasons so you’ll just have to find out which one it is while making sure he doesn’t die from alcohol poisoning or any dumbass decision he may make while wasted.
- Sharing booze.
- He probably has a tattoo of you or your name somewhere on his body. He’s a reckless person; it fits the vibe.
- He loves people knowing that the two of you are together, he’s so proud.
- Sooo many compliments.
- Sarcasm and affectionate name calling.
- He always gives you the cutest smile and a kiss on the cheek whenever you get him a gift.
- As surprising as it may be; considering the way he acts, he’s genuinely charming; and his face isn’t that bad either. He’s capable of making literally any girl swoon yet he still feels lucky to have you in his life.
- I feel like Warren just doesn’t like people and probably for a number of reasons. With that being said, he prefers to keep to himself, though he’ll tolerate social events; and your friends, for your sake.
- Warren is the type of boyfriend that would rather be seen than heard. Sure he loves talking with you, but he would rather listen to you talk instead of actually talking himself.
- With that being said, he can talk your ear off whenever he gets angry or jealous, wanting nothing more than to divert your attention from everything else and make you focus on only him.
- He’s a pretty jealous guy. He hates seeing other men around you, especially if it seems like you’re really close or that the guy has a thing for you.
- He’s definitely fought a man for flirting with or disrespecting you. The man does not play when it comes to you.
- Whenever the two of you fight, he’ll turn into the biggest sarcastic asshole that you will ever see. That being said, he’ll never yell at you unless you’re walking away from him and he’s calling after you in exasperation.
- If he’s in the wrong then he’ll apologize; albeit slightly begrudgingly. He isn’t very used to it so bear with him, he’s trying his best.
- He doesn’t tell you he loves you very often but you’ll definitely be able to tell that he does, especially as your relationship progresses.
- Though he may not vocally express it, he doesn’t intend on giving you up any time soon so let’s hope you’re in it for the long run.
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rsgguk · 4 years
true love, almost always — jjk
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↳ aka — 'cause baby you're perfect for me
summary: y/n didn't know much about her soulmate. She knows that he's artistic from the little doodles that appears on her arm. She knows he's athletic from the scrapes that appears on her knees. She also knows that he has pain in the ass friends from the random dick drawings that appears on her forehead
genre: romance, angst, comedy, fluff
word count: 5.8 k
Jungkook + reader | soulmates
warnings: so let me tell you, this is probably gonna be a bit inconsistent, I had written most of this during the middle of the night when I had a severe case of the feels. Now this isn't my usual style of writing, most things are in passive form because I'm trying to focus more on how they feel. I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back to this writing style but I had fun generally not worrying on the dialogue.
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Y/n didn't know much about her soulmate. In a system where everything marked on your soulmates skin crosses on yours, she knows from the seemingly many doodles that appears on the plan of her hand that he is an artistic person. She knows from the way her knees would appear scraped at times meant that he was either athletic or desperately clumsy. She knows that by the scar that daunted on her cheek that he got in a ’fight’ with his brother. She also knows from the random dick drawings that appear on her forehead that he has the most chaotic of friends.
Jungkook would like to say he knew a lot about his soulmate. He knows by the way tiny little hearts would appear near his doodles that she wasn't the most artsy person in the world, but she could draw a damn to near perfect heart. He knows by the way that small little freckles would gloss over his skin that she was an outgoing person. He knows by the way that shallow cuts would appear on his arms and fingers that she had an asshole cat. He also knows that by the way tiny reminders would appear on his palm that she had a knack for forgetting things (he also knows that her handwriting might be the cutest thing he'd ever seen, but he may be a little biased).
They're sober to the fact that the other exist by the time they're 11. Jungkook was bored in class and started drawing little clouds, trees, the sun with shades on, the whole package on his arm. And then on the expanse of his palm would appear in large curvy letters, 'can you draw a cat?'.
He thinks back to the day and guesses that he didn't really understand the extremity of the situation back then. Everyone had a soulmate, but it was the first time he'd actually 'talked' to his.
He didn't gasp or scream or shed a tear, only complying with her request and drawing a cute little cat next the tree trunk. He'd think he was hallucinating about the request until he watched as a ribbon was drawn and coloured in the middle of the cat's head.
The next week, he would have a fight with his brother that had ended in him getting a cut on his cheek. He doesn’t worry about it, only locking himself in his room and sulking in his sheets. It’s when a few words appeared on his palm that he finally sat up with a smile on his lips. She would write down if he was okay because a cut had appeared on her cheek.
‘I’m sorry’ he’d write.
‘it’s okay my daddy said I look cool’ she would reply, and his cheeks would flush because his mom had always said that a woman’s face was her pride. Jungkook had never understood it back then, because if he could be covered in dirt after a fun game of soccer, and still be called adorable, why should it matter what a girl’s face looked like?
She’d ask what happened and Jungkook would bite down an embarrassed whine. ’My brother said I played with the computer too much so I threw a pen at him’.
‘did you win?’ She’d ask a second later.
’No it hit the floor and bounced to my face’.
‘and then he laughed at me’
‘your brother sounds stupid’
‘he is stupid’
They didn't talk more than that, they were still young and the whole soulmates thing hadn't made sense yet. Jungkook still drew his doodles on his arm and she'd add little details (mostly hearts) around them, a tiny reminder that she was there.
It was barely considered a means of communication but it had morphed into a sense of comfort for Jungkook. He draws the little doodles, sometimes it was of a cat (He would never admit it but he'd learn how to draw a cat because he knew she liked cats). And each time without fail, she'd draw a tiny ribbon on its head.
And then Jungkook entered high-school and he met his friends. His stupid, chaotic, love them to death friends and his soul mate was still there, drawing little heart across his skin. The boys say its cheesy (as cheesy as it is to the fact that she's literally his soul mate) but he really hadn't given a shit.
He'd considered himself a romantic throughout the years, although he's gotten not a single bit of experience, he cries at the ending of titanic every single time and his ideal way of proposal is during the sunset walking across the shoreline of the beach, nightlights littered in the scenery and him on one knee, asking to marry his one and only soulmate.
He tries his best to keep up a mature kind of facade for his soul mate. Afterall, that was what they were into right? Older and more mature men. Sure, they'd like bad boys too, but honestly Jungkook bruises like a peach. His act of maturity consists of drawing thing with 'deeper meaning'. And yes, maybe a cat surfing on the beach tides has a deeper meaning, you never know.
His act is ruined when one day, he falls asleep during lunch after a long night of overwatch (in which he dominated by the way) and wakes up to Taehyung snickering beside him, looking at him with the largest shit eating grin he’d ever seen. Jungkook would shake his head and roll his eyes, dismissing whatever it was that he did.
Later during class, everyone kept giving him weird looks, and his teacher even laughed at the sight of him. It wasn’t until multiple frowney faces appeared on his arm that he really realized that something was wrong. His heart skipped a beat when he answered back with question marks written along her doodles.
‘there’s a dick drawing on my forehead :(’ she’d rely with the same curvy letters he’d gotten used to. And then there was a sound that had left his mouth. A mix between an angry scream and a surprised gasp with a little bit of an embarrassed groan. He’d then realize he was still in the middle of class and that every one of his classmates were staring at him.
His teacher would give him some sort of look between annoyed and amused, and finally asks ’so you finally realized huh?’. Jungkook would splutter on his words and immediately turn towards Jimin and Taehyung. It was barely a second before Jimin had shook his head and pointed at Taehyung. He would finally lift his hand off his mouth and bursts out laughing for a minute or two before outright choking, tears in his eyes.
That day, Jungkook along with Taehyung and (for some reason) Jimin would be sent to the discipline teacher. Jungkook wouldn’t give a shit about being sent to devil’s incarnate, only silently punching Taehyung’s shoulder and cussing it out at him for making him look like a fool to his soulmate.
When he’s home (after a lecture from his mom, a pat on the back from his dad and a high five from his brother), he locks himself in his bedroom and takes a pen from his bag, writing apologies all over his arm. She’d reply a minute later, saying it was okay.
His fingers would then drum along his arm, his leg jumping up and down, trying to figure out what else to say to her. He’d get up the courage and ask her what was her name. She’d respond with y/n and he’d have a smile riding up his lips, saying her name again and again, realizing that he loved how it felt to say her name.
Then the two of them would keep talking to each other, Jungkook constantly rolling up his sleeve to make some room for more words. They would spend the whole night getting to know each other and filling up a whole decade of silence. When they had run out of room to write, she would go on and ask for his number so they could text instead, and Jungkook would get up to his feet, jumping up and down on his heels. He wouldn’t waste a second to write down his number on the little space he had left.
The next day, he had woken up with an especially good mood. An extra jump on each of his step, a large grin on his face as if he hadn’t gotten into trouble for having a dick drawn on his forehead just the day before. Taehyung would expect a more than pissed of Jungkook, maybe a little bit of pettiness in the mix, but Jungkook shows nothing but adoration for him, even going as far as to buy him the apple juice he knows he loves from the convenience store nearby.
Texting her falls so easily in his routine. One second, he’s hesitant to text her, afraid to show her just how much of a dumbass he could be, another second, he’s called her the fifth time in a day because he swears a baby just gave him a nasty look. They connect quickly. She finds out the reason she suddenly gets eye bags after a full night’s sleep with because her idiot soulmate had spent the whole night screaming at wario for cheating at Mario kart.
Taehyung says it’s sickening to see just how lovey dovey Jungkook was (Jimin says it’s nice to see him so in love, but they both knew he secretly hated it too). The way his eyes light up at the sight of her name appearing on his screen.
He gets in trouble more nowadays though, teachers having caught him talking to his soulmate on his arm, and the most embarrassing time they read out his not-so-failed attempts of flirting off his arm to the whole class. Let’s just say he’d gotten teased for the life of him when it reached his brother’s ears (though he supposes his brother isn’t any better when he would literally be a make shift carpet if his soulmate asked for it). The Jeon boys treat their women like proper queens and won’t settle for anything less.
The first time they video call, Jungkook has fixed his hair for the hundredths time, a comfortable (and new that he bought just for this occasion) sweatshirt hung loosely on his shoulders. She’d asked if it was okay if they could do a video call the day before and Jungkook being as whipped as he was, of course agreed with her, only regretting not to be the one who asked first.
He’s so tense that when his phone starts ringing, he nearly chucks it off to the wall. He forces himself to calm down before setting it up on the table and pressing the green button after taking a deep breath. He looks at the screen and watches as her face appears. His heart almost bursts, because he’s thought of this moment a million times. He’d expect her to be something like a glowing figure, that she’d resemble a star and that her voice would sound like a serenading angel.
She’s nothing like he’d expect. She’s not glowing like an angel. Her camera has bad lighting and he could see a few strands of her hair sticking out. When she says hello, it isn’t like an angel, her voice isn’t smooth, a little raspy. But she still manages to surpass all his expectations, and he realizes she’s so much better than he’d ever imagined. His heart beats faster and faster because she’s only said one word, and Jungkook is already falling for her. She’s not perfect, but she’s perfect for him.
It’s going well, very well. There’s a way that she makes him feel, a way that just brightens up his day, and when they have their video calls and she laughs at one of those lame jokes that he’d gotten from one of his friends, her voice just soothes him, lets him relax into his seat and just watch as her eyes crinkle in joy.
 It starts to become a routine, the video calls are weekly but the texting is daily. Whenever he’s nervous about an upcoming exam, he calls her and just listens to her talk about her day, lets her voice fill his ear and calm his nerves. And then she would get off track and asks why is it that he had called her and he’d brush it off, he called to hear her voice, but he won’t say that because it’s too cheesy and he has a reputation to keep.
It’s during one of his classes that he feels it, a gut wrenching feeling deep in his stomach that has him groaning. It’s a different type of pain, nothing like nausea or a muscle cramp, because he’d always considered himself as a person with a great pain tolerance, but at that moment, he had just felt like curling in a ball and crying. Jimin and Taehyung would take him to the clinic immediately, and he’d just have tears rolling down his cheeks, and he’s sniffling and making these weird choking sounds when he tries to smother down his sobs.
He stays there for a while, the curtains draped closed with Jimin and Taehyung just rubbing his back soothingly. He tries to calm down, but every so and then, a sob bubbles up to his chest and a new wave of tear roll down his cheeks. It stays like that for an hour and the pain in his stomach travels up to his chest. His right arm starts to ache and dizziness starts to seep in his head. He falls asleep in the clinic bed, his whimpers slowing down and his eyes drooping heavily.
When he’s back at home, he doesn’t try to talk to his parents. They’d come visit now and then, giving a few hugs and pats on the back. His brother would come by when Jungkook had calmed down a bit, ruffling his hair and saying ‘it’s going to be okay’. But that’s the thing, there isn’t an ‘it’ to be okay. For all he knew, ‘it’ was all okay, everything was going okay in class, but then there was this rush of emotion that came over him and he’d just double over in pain. There was this burning sensation in his gut, something that hadn’t been building but more of an eruption. And then it would slowly cascade to his chest, and then he’d start crying and crying, choking on his sobs.
He’s in his sheets, listening to the sounds of pans clanging from the downstairs kitchen. His mom was cooking dinner, but he doubted that he’d go down to have some himself. The sound of the washing machine clashing against itself. That old thing was always just waiting to give out. The sound of the TV running from the living room. There was always some sort of game his dad would be watching, cheering on for teams he’d never even heard of. These are all sounds he’d never realized he’d taken comfort into. Such meaningless things that were just always there, a consistency that had always reassured him in some way.
He’d just lays there, listening to his own heartbeat. For the first time in hours, he feels relaxed and his breath relax into a steady pace. His eyes almost drift to sleep, because It's been a long day and Jungkook feels exhausted, but then there’s this loud blaring noise that breaks the silence. He knows what it is, someone had gone up and called him again. It would be the sixth call he’d get from his friends.
Only it turns out that it wasn’t his friends, it wasn’t Jimin, nor Taehyung or even Yoongi. It was her, and it terrified him because he’d always smile at the sight of her name, but there was this raw and intense feeling that had him wanting to decline the call. It terrified him because she’s his soulmate and supposedly the ’love of his life’ but he had wanted nothing more than to hang up the call. And it just stays like that, him wallowing in the fact as his phone had stopped ringing, and then a few seconds pass and her name appears again. His arm would suddenly feel heavy at the weight of the phone in his hand. Slowly, he would finally tap on the green button.
Her voice hits him like a wave. Jungkook doesn’t even have the chance to say anything when her voice starts filling his ears. Her voice is raspy and broken, there’s sniffling and whimpering as she rushes through her words. ’I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry’ she whispers in uneven breathes, and he would have stopped her, to comfort her and ask her why she was crying and that ’it’ was going to be okay. But then there is this sudden realization that hits him that ’it’ wasn’t going to be okay, and he probably wasn’t going to be okay. So, he just sits there as new tears roll down his cheeks.
When she finally speaks, everything just dawns on him. He felt like he was dying because his soulmate had kissed someone, he felt like dying because his soulmate had kissed someone that wasn’t him, he felt like dying because his soulmate’s first kiss wasn’t him, and will never be him. And then all of her other words just go straight through his other ear. He doesn’t hear it when she says that she didn’t want it, or when she says that she didn’t know it was going to happen until it happened, or when she says that she also felt the pain, the suffocating and unrelenting pain, that she also felt like she was dying.
He hears it when she says she loves him.
Jungkook has always one for cheesy romances and tear-jerking speeches. He imagines their first exchanges of ‘I love you’ to be at night, with a sea of stars sunken in the night sky because that was where they would have their first kiss. She would have his jacket that was a little too big for her on her shoulders because the night was breezy and his mom raised him to be a gentle man. Her hands would be in his because she always has cold hands and he always has warm hands.
He would talk about the ‘old times’ like when he had drawn those little cats for her or when he’d waken up to many frowney faces along his arm because his friends yet again drew dicks on his forehead (he should really get some proper sleep). And then he’d try to coax a few tears out of her and end it off with ’I love you’, and because this was Jungkook’s imagination of how things would go, she would also say I love you, and they’d kiss in the night sky.
Jungkook then realizes that nothing he’d imagined will ever go as planned, that they will never have a first kiss, because she’d already had hers with some random asshole, and that they’d never have their first ‘I love you’, because she had already said it through the phone while they were both out of breath and sobbing every drop of tear from their bodies.
He doesn’t realize it, but when he’d finally gotten out of his phase, the call had already ended and his cheeks had become tear stained and his sobs had calmed down to weak whimpers. He realizes that he’d just hung up on her after she’d said she loved him, and he just panics, because she’s going to think he doesn't love her and he should immediately call her and tell her that he loves her, because he does, he loves her like he’d never loved anyone before.
He’d started talking to her in his sophomore years and he was now a senior, and she'd been there in every step of the way. But he just doesn't, he doesn’t tell her he loves her, he doesn’t call her, because he doesn’t trust himself if he does. And she doesn’t call back either.
There are a few times when Jungkook forgets that y/n is his soulmate. He doesn’t know what he’d expect when he doesn’t talk to her in a week. It starts off small. He catches himself dozing off, looking into the distance and zoning out. His friends would ask him if he was okay and he’d reply with ’I’m fine’, even though he knew he wasn't, and that he knew they wouldn’t believe him anyway, because who the hell would be fine yet walk into the classroom with puffy and bloodshot eyes.
And then when class goes on like normal, he’s moving his leg up and down, fingers drumming along the desk, because he swears class had never been this long before. He realizes later that class had always gone on so fast because y/n was always there for him to talk to. He looks back at it as if it had happened years ago, as if he hadn’t talked to her in decades.
The truth is that they haven’t talked in no less than three days, yet he’s been missing her as if he’d gone days without a limb. A piece of him feels missing, torn apart from him and left out to dry. It’s a weird feeling, a suffocating feeling that has him yearning for her, that has him filling his mind with nothing but her. He supposes that was the thing with soulmates, when they were together, it had felt like he was he was over the moon, as if nothing could ever go wrong in his life, but when they were apart, it felt like he was missing a part of himself.
She would nag at him whenever he was bombarding her with doodles on his arm, waiting for her attention so she could drag him from his boredom of class. She’d say ‘you have class’ and he’d say ’I also have a soulmate, and I’d rather pay attention to her’. His friends would tease for it, for flirting and dancing around with her as if it was a game of push and pull, as if she wasn’t his soulmate.
That’s the thing that terrifies him, because as far as he had ever known, having a soulmate was the best feeling in the world. It’s all rainbows and roses, because it had meant that there will always be that one person that just gets you, that just loves you unconditionally for all your flaws and perfections, all your quirks and mishaps. That one person that will always be there for every step of the way. He yearns that, the comfort of knowing there was someone the universe had picked just for him, the missing piece to his puzzle.
And then he meets her, and he realizes just how perfect she is for him.
And then the whole fiasco happens and he realizes just how much it would hurt if he didn’t get his happy ending, because he knows it wasn’t uncommon for soulmates not to work out, usually from the intensity of their emotions for each other.
Having a soulmate had also meant other things. It meant that when you were together, you’d feel the happiest you’d ever be, but if you weren’t, you’d dread every second of your life. You’d feel pain, you’d feel nauseous, you’d feel your body start to crumble. Having a soulmate was almost like a drug, something so addicting that your body starts to dysfunction when you go a day without.
Jungkook still feels it sometimes, when he’s managed to get her out of his mind. There was this sudden jolt of pain that shoot up his chest, causing him to lose focus. And then all he can think about is her, her, her. He wonders if she feels it too, if she misses him too, if she thinks of him too. He realizes how stupid he is, because his phone is right there in front him, and he could end all of this with just one button.
Truth is he’d stopped mulling over the whole kiss thing a while ago, and that he should’ve called her a long time ago, but he was scared, scared of his own emotions, scared of how much he loved her, scared that this whole thing is going to destroy to him.
He wants to talk about this with someone, to anyone, but then it dawns on him that the only person he really wants to talk to about this was his soulmate, and that she was the only person he should be talking to about this. So, he picks up his phone and presses on the name he’d been missing for what felt like decades now.
She answers after no less than a few seconds. She speaks after a second’s hesitation, and her voice is filled with the sort of hope, as if she has done something wrong. Jungkook cuts her off when she starts on her little ramble (a habit he’d learn she had over the years) and apologizes, two words that hits her as hard as a brick. ‘I’m sorry’ he’d say again, and again and again. He says it until he can hear her start crying on the other end of the call. He knows she’s crying in a way that she’s trying to hide it from him, but he’d still hear her weak sniffles and whimpers.
It breaks his heart because he knows he never should’ve hung up on her that day, that he should’ve said that it was never her fault that ‘it’ happened, that he never thought of ‘it’ as her fault, that he was sorry ‘it’ had to happened in the first place
There’s a lot of things he realizes that he should have told her, so he doesn’t give her the time to say anything before he gets everything off his chest. He tells her everything. He tells her that he had never been upset with her, that he was upset with what happened to her. He tells her that he’s scared, no— terrified of how strong his feeling are for her, that the pain he felt that day was never what he’d ever experienced before. He tells her how much he had missed her during his period of stupidity when he decided not to talk to her, that he’d thought of her every second of the day.
And she just swallows in everything he tells her, listening to every word he says without a single interruption. And then they talk, talk, and talk until they shed more tears, because they’d never realized it, but they had always needed this. It’s a bit like clearing the air, speaking up about every and any hesitations they’d have.
They talk until their voices go dry and their eyes droop heavily. It isn’t until then that Jungkook realizes he hadn’t had a good night’s rest in days. Sleeping had always come easy to him, but during the past few days, he would lay down in his bed and just had this queasy and tense feeling.
When they’re nearing the end of the conversation, he knows there’s this one thing he hadn’t said yet, and he knows she’d been waiting for it too, those three simple words that had meant everything to them. He wants to say it, but there’s this one nerve in his stomach that causes his throat to close up when he tries to.
She finally ends the call after hours and hours of talking about their feeling and what they’d miss. Jungkook would again take out his pen, and write the words he’d meant to say in the palm of his hand. I love you.
Jimin shares a look with Taehyung when Jungkook comes to class the next day (he’s always late and it’s definitely not because of his poor excuse of a sleeping schedule), and the next thing he knows, they’re just screaming and hollering before running towards him. Jungkook swears he’s never felt more scared than he was at that moment, with the sight of his two best friends sprinting as if they were about to run them over like the untimely death of Mufasa.
And then they just hug him, stuff him with pats on the back and intense noogies. Jungkook just stands there, accepting it with the most confused expression ever. They go on about how glad they are that he got over whatever it was that had set him in such a sour and glum mood the past week and it puzzles him because he doesn’t remember being that much of a debbie downer.
They prove him otherwise by listing all the reasons he was such a pain to hang out with, because he’d somehow turned into a dictionary of depressing jokes and emo quotes. They end up finishing each other’s sentences, locking eyes when they say the same words and giving each other a bunch of high fives (Jungkook sometimes feels sorry for whoever their soulmates are, because the two of them are so in sync that they were already each other’s soulmate).
They’re interrupted when the teacher finally enters the class and tells everyone (specifically the two of them) to take a seat. They turn to Jungkook one final time and give him a pat in the back because they’re genuinely happy that the kid had no longer seemed so miserable.
Jungkook hadn’t thought hearing ‘I love you’ would change much for him. He’d heard it a dozen times from his parents (never from his brother, but let’s be honest, that’s to be expected) an amount more than you’d expect from Jimin and Taehyung (although Taehyung would say it more to annoy him and it works every single time), three times from Namjoon (which makes him grin more than it should) and once from Yoongi (now that one he wears like a golden medal).
Hearing it from his soulmate hits him in a totally different way. The conversation they had led them to get more comfortable in their relationships, this time acknowledging each other in a more romantic way. The way she says ‘I love you’ during insignificant moments like during a goodnight text or his after his daily ramble on how his friends are a pain in the ass sends him in a sort of high. It makes him giggle and flush and swoon all in the same time. It makes him feel things in a way he never knew he could.
Jungkook would learn that he shouldn’t plan things out as much as he used to, lets himself enjoy the moment for a while. Takes one step at a time, and this time he’s not as terrified to his wits anymore. It turns out when he's not worrying about all of his 'plans', time happens to move so fast.
When he finally sees her, she's got her back turned towards him, she hasn't noticed yet.
Jungkook takes a moment to take it all in. Sparks don’t fly, his hands don’t sweat and his breathing doesn’t pace. There is no nausea or nervousness that bubbles up in his stomach. When he sees her, his heart starts beating faster, but it beats in a way that you see something familiar after a long time, there is this sort of comfortable feeling. There’s a moment of complete peacefulness and serenity when he sees her. He’d never felt more at home.
When she sees him, her knees almost buckle, because he’s there. The boy, the dumbass, her soulmate that she’d been talking to for years now is finally there, and he’s waiting for her, looking for her. Her eyes almost well up in tears and she hates it because she swore to herself, she’d done cried enough times in their relationship, she doesn’t need to add another one to it.
She cries anyways, and she guesses she doesn’t hate it that much after all. Jungkook had managed to overturn all her expectations of their relationship that she’s not surprised that he pulls this either. She’s always known that her forgetfulness would bite her in the ass one day and she guesses she can’t be mad when this happens.
‘4:30 java time café pick up’ and right below on her palm is his handwriting, the handwriting she’s grown to adore and look forward to all these years, is written ’I found you’.
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kaypeace21 · 4 years
i'm losing hope of byler being an endgame :( milevens say that we are invalidating mileven, besides having several scenes that they show "passion/love". they make fun of us, besides always giving reasons why mileven is an endgame, and disrespecting other people's ship, and maybe actually Will will be with another boy right?? idk but I really hope I'm not being deluded
lol  lets not focus on byler for a sec and mostly discuss mileven. what scenes show mileven’s  ‘passion/love’? Because the show invalidates mileven constantly-why they’re so aggressive/afraid of us.THEY KNOW IT’S DOOMED (they live in head canons and nothing else).  I’m going to try keeping this short by doing bullet points.
-The writers in s3 threw in a telemarketing joke just for Mike to say “El. no. sorry not interested” and hang up the phone. 
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- Flo  in s1: “only love makes you that crazy and that damn stupid.”
Mike: “if we’re both going crazy. we’ll go crazy together right?”will: “yeah, crazy together “ *smile and stare longingly at eachother *————————————————————-Mike: “they do say it makes you crazy”El: “what makes you crazy?”(the exact opposite of crazy together as she continues to be confused over every explanation he gives of love 😂)————————————————————-During the byler fight  Mike says “el’s not stupid!” After this, Will calls himself “ so stupid “ 4x .  rips up photo where they said they’d go crazy together and cries . But, El after fighting with mike happily says: “there’s more to life than STUPID boys .”  El’s catchphrase being “not stupid” which she says in s2 before going to see Mike at the school. And Nancy before Mike says he loves El / Mikeduring the byler fight (about mileven) say “El’s not stupid!”
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original gifs  sources
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-the s3 stobin confession parallels mileven’s s3 shop confession (full analysis in link). Both El/Robin have bandages on their legs and both pairings sit together (on the floor) during their confessions- and are interrupted by Dustin. And in both straight baits- the guys use the terms “stupid/crazy” but subvert the expectation of it being romantic-as both girls say they’re not “crazy” or “stupid” for the guy. El saying “what makes you crazy?” in response to Mike. And Robin saying she was not into Steve’s “stupid hair” (similar to El saying there’s more to life than ‘stupid boys’/other saying she’s not stupid.”Also the song ‘the first i love you’ only plays twice in s3. During Steve’s romantic confession and robin rejecting him because she’s gay & El’s romantic confession and awkward kiss with mike (where Mike doesn’t reciprocate). Cause Robin/Mike are both gay and will reject the romantic confession.
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- Erica making he-man and barbie kiss: “Hey , They’re in love!”Lucas (livid- and standing right next to a rainbow forcing them apart): “No, actually,  they’re not. they’re not even from the same planet.”  El even watches he-man in s1! Mileven is not in love!
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Cue El and mike being compared to ET and Eliot -WHO AREN’T FROM THE SAME PLANET (by the Duffers in multiple interviews and in the pilot script ) .   And then there’s the  old euphemism of “girls come from Venus, and boys come from Mars”.  The Duffers saying mileven isn’t in love cause they’re not from the same planet (aka the same gender) -is just them telling us Mike is gay so he can’t fall for El-who is a girl/diff species. They literally have Will say to Mike “welcome to my world” as a contrast. So El telling mike he should ‘stick with his own species’ (aka boys) is another gay hint.
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In s2 they even had El wear the same shirt as a 1986 movie character (staring Winona Ryder). The movie is called coincidentally “lucas”- and he’s in an unrequited romantic relationship with a gal named maggie. And he later says him and Maggie are  from “different worlds.” El being movie-Lucas in a unrequited romance, in this scenario. And the other easteregg is the Duffers have st-Lucas  say the “planet/worlds” similar to movie-Lucas.
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some milevens also attribute romeo/juliet to mileven cause Dustin mentioned it while mileven was out of shot. But romeo & juliet weren’t actually in love-it was just kids in infatuation. And also used to describe the unrequited infatuation of Lucas/Maggie.
-Also when dustin in s1 says el is “like a wizard” (like Will.) Mike corrects dustin and says “more like yoda”. Really hammering down the alien references- which the Duffers reference to el in interviews all the time-by comparing her to et . In the pilot they even said mike and el are like “Eliot and et.” They said they made el dress like a ghost cause et did so- and then for the extra burn they made mike a ghost hunter/buster. And they also said that EL’s makeover in s1 was like et’s in the movie. And sorry ... who compares the girl they “crush on” with a green gross alien (yoda)- kind of shows how he sees her more as this foreign superpowered entity rather than a girl/crush. And on what planet is et /Eliot romantic??Answer is -it’s not. 
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- In contrast, They have Mike and Will parallel  Diane and Venkman. In ghost Busters, Mike -is Venkman- and Will -is Dana Barret- who Venkman flirts with shamelessly until she is possessed. Dana finds a demon-dog in her fridge, and hires the ghost busters. And right before Venkman goes on a date with her she is possessed by the big-bad, Zuul, and is transformed into the gate-keeper (who controls demo(n)-dogs). Venkman proceeded to try to talk to the real Dana , ignoring her possessed form and eventually realizes how serious her condition is, is forced to sedate her. Eventually with the help of his team, Venkman closes the gate to Zuul’s dimension, rescuing Dana in the process. And Venkman plants one on Dana before riding away in triumph. While, El is a ghost and Mike is a ghost hunter XD
Notice in the same season lucas says mileven is ‘not in love’ and compares mileven to he-man and barbie .  Dustin has a  he-man & Et next to each other (along with a ghost buster sign above them, and the ghostbusters-trap next to et). This just reinforces the mileven eastereggs I’ve already talked about -  and how they want you to make the connections  about mileven not being in love. They showed et/barbie next to he-man, had El watch he-man, compared El to Et (who had a barbie-like makeover/ghost costume), so the next he-man ref of ‘not being in love’  cause rhey’re from different planets would connect in a more obvious way to mileven.  Same with Et next to the ghost trap and ghost busters sign (and El dressing as a ghost and Mike as a ghost buster-as an extra burn).
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- Mike dehumanizing El is hammered down again when they compare s1 mileven to s2 dart /dustin (a demo dog) , to further show how un-romantic it is. Fin even said the duffers told him Mike saw el (OFFENSIVELY) as a “puppy’ (right after s1).  And of course millie accurately said “what a horrible way to describe me!”But the parallels are there: Dustin/Mike sharing sweets ( nougat vs eggos) for breakfast and saying they’ll have to wait for them to come home from school. And having mike annoyed, say  “a bond? cause you shared nougat?!” is dissing milevens who think the ego thing is cute/romantic. Dustin/Mike saying they ‘promised’ to take care of them and that they ‘trust’ dustin & mike. Dart killing a cat and El almost killing a cat. Dustin/Mike trying to convince Lucas- Dart & El aren’t bad. The boys thinking both El & Dart were bad guys causing both to end up running away because of that. Mike even admits in s1 he doesn’t like eggos and told El she doesn’t have to eat “like a dog” anymore.  it’s ironic when Mike says to Dustin “she’s not a dog” cause he treated her as such. Why El says in s3 angrily , “am I your pet?” It’s because he did/does unfortunately treat her this way to some degree. 
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-They Parallel Mileven to Hopper & El (since mileven isn’t actually romantic)!
*teaching the meaning of promise vs com-promise. And making “promises” to eachother is not some super romantic thing- for just mileven.
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* Telling her to eat “real food” vs eggos
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* saying her new look is “cool”and saying it’s “bitchin” after El says the look is.
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* Saying others are “corrupting her” and in response gals say neither respect her ability to make “decisions” in regards to romance. Hopper not accepting Mileven together (want them to break up)  and Mike not accepting she dumped him.
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* Max saying to not let Hopper/Mike control her
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*El saying “you lie” to both of them
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ok , back to listing other points
- they dance to ‘every breath you take’ a break up song about a stalker ex who can’t accept he is now with her friend. The writer of the song also has said many times “it’s NOT a love song.” The duffers obviously knew that. Lumax also danced to it and Lucas was called a ‘stalker’ . El also stalked Mike in s2 (all that stuff milevens found romantic- El watching him without him knowing. Mike says he was not ok with it in s3). And in s3 he said not to do that and she just says ‘i make my own rules’.Plus, sting (the singer) mentions it’s supposed to sound romantic but the lyrics are sinister. And that the ambiguity/deceptive happy -romantic tone was intentional. Kind of like how people think mileven is healthy and in love when the show (ambiguosly says ) that it’s not -and the “opposite”.Just like the song being misinterpreted as romantic because of its deceptive packaging -mileven is the same . Mileven got popular cause everyone missed all the warning signs it wasn’t healthy (cause it was packaged as ‘cute’ and ‘ in love’) when behind the surface it was shown to be the opposite and not healthy.
 Not to mention Nancy teaching Dustin how to dance is a direct parallel to Mike teaching El. 
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Mike also tries to act like Dustin, and  forces Will to dance with a girl (who’s wearing a rainbow hair clip). Trying to be a good sport like Dustin is about lumax. And right after this we see Dustin look sad about Max/Lucas dancing and Mike (next to Dustin) look sadly at Will/girl dancing in the same exact frame as Max/Lucas. As they switch between these 2 shots to emphasize their sadness/jealousy.Then they both sit down (mirroring each other) on the verge of tears before Nancy and El show up to comfort them and distract them.  As El once again (presumably) wears Nancy’s dress. Mike after El asks “will you be my brother?” “you cant go  (to the snowball) with your sister... i mean you can but it’d be really weird.” 
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- before their first kiss in s1 she asked if he would be like her brother (after being compared to a cousin, and being compared to Holly, and wearing Nancy’s dress.) In s2 they even make a direct parallel to Luke &Leia (who were siblings who had a weird romantic relationship/kissed before realizing they were related). Mike (as Leia) saying “it’s a trap” to El (Luke). 
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- Mike in s1 writes a d&d story for Will inspired by star wars.  in ep one Will tells Mike “it was a 7, the demogorgan it got me.”At the end of the season Mike writes a whole story of him and his friends killing a 7 headed monster, and showing the decapitated head of the monster to king Tristan (Will). Similar to how at the hospital he tells Will to not worry cause “it’s dead now”. This is right after Will rolls a 14 (cause Mike and Will are 7s together). And Mike who is a fan of starwars has King Tristan give them medals after killing the monster. Cause he wants Will/king tristan (instead of Leia -a girl) to present him with medals and be his romantic love interest (and praise him for being a hero).
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- They had Dustin call mileven “bullshit” just like stancy (who were never in love). And in s3 for almost every single character in the show to dislike mileven . if that isn’t a cry for help from the writers idk what is XD
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other stancy parallels: Making out on a bed to cheesy music. stancy wasn’t in love but they kissed the most in the series and nancy and steve (similar to mileven exchanged ‘i love yous’) but weren’t endgame and it was never love. Mike and Steve sing to their gfs and neither girls are fans and cut them off.In s1, both Nancy/Mike slap Steve and El and then both yell “ What is wrong with you?!”  Stancy/mileven are compared to Karen/ted who according to Nancy “never loved each other”. El is a fan of ted’s lazy boy. (Karen in s3 looks at Ted in the chair when the lyric “I should have walked away “ plays). And Steve and ted continuing to eat chicken as their gf /wife storm off from the table upset , and they do nothing. After the mileven and Karen/Ted fight- Steve says while eating “what did I do?what did i do?” And mike while eating says about el after their fight “what did i do wrong? what did i do wrong?!Steve and Ted both tell Mike to “stay on the bench/you’re on the bench.” Karen/ ted that they “never loved each other” (just like mileven and stancy which are “bullshit.”) All 3 wheelers were with people cause it seemed like the rational choice ( rich guy/ popular guy/ girl). Not to mention mike said “ I don’t remember” ( in reference to saying he loved el ) . And doesn’t say it back when el says “I love you”. Which mimics Nancy in s2 saying “I don’t remember ” (saying the stancy relationship is bs) . And she is also unable to say she loves Steve when he says“say you love me.” And Steve and el walking away as both wheelers stand there in silence. Unable to say “I love you” back.  Also, when stancy officially breakup it also pans to mileven on the porch as another parallel.And 11byers mentioned (at Christmas)  jancy has a moment but despite stancy’s issues she goes back to Steve where she looks sad over the decision .  Similar to how Byler have a moment , but then after , mileven talks about christmas  and they have that awkward kiss. In s3, steve when talking about stancy and trying to be popular even says “dustin’s right it’s all a bunch of bullshit.” (meaning Dustin’s right about mileven). Steve even says “everything people tell you is important that you’re supposed to care about- it’s bullshit.” (same season Mike mimics Lucas’ words from s1 about El being the “most important thing”.
-They also had Mike tell Max “i don’t hate you. I don’t even know you.”  Aka he can’t hate Max or love el cause he knew both for a week-and doesn’t know them. The amount of mileven burns that were in s2 -were insane XD.
other direct contrasts between Mileven & byler 
besides the ones already mentioned. 1) ‘crazy together/so stupid’ vs ‘what makes you crazy?/el’s not stupid/more to life than stupid boys & 2) ‘they’re not in love they’re not even from the same planet’ vs byler’s ‘welcome to my world’
3) Mike has drastically different expressions after the byler/mileven fights and the difference in weather and music selection ,convey how Mike is feeling. He looks regretful with Will, and almost annoyed with El dumping him.  Mileven breaks up to upbeat music on a sunny day (the break up being in front a crowd and a joke) vs the morose music and the storm shown (with just Mike and Will fighting ). We are supposed to take the byler fight seriously and the mileven one as a joke.They had Mike apologize to Will immediately. But with El he says “what did i do wrong?’ (Kind of like how ted, after pissing off karen says “what did I do?”)And then had Mike wait by the phone for her to apologize- says sexist stuff about her. Then have mike laugh/burp and talk about cheese and El to laugh about the break up/high five max and immediately oggle a pic of another boy/male celeb (unlike Will who looks sadly at the pic of Mike after their fight). And then after staring at the  teen-male celeb,  El says she’s not sure if  Mike’s a good kisser cause he’s just her “first boyfriend” and she has no other boys to compare him to (implying she’s thinking of other boys in the future).  Contrasted to Will who said he thought him & Mike would never get gfs but just spend the rest of their lives together. El after all these events, then happily reads comics  as Max says she shouldn’t hang out with Mike all the time. VS Will having him sadly read his comic to distract himself  only to throw his comic on the ground right before he looks at the pic of mike from Halloween (where they said they would go ‘crazy together’), calls himself stupid (unlike El saying there’s more to life than stupid boys/mike saying El is not stupid-aka in love ). And then destroys castle byers /crIES after the their fight. These events were perfect opposites.
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4) When Mike says in the pool shed she’s the “most important thing in the world” to him. she cuts him off and says Hopper is right about them spending too much time together. But when Mike in the shed says asking Will to be his friend was the “best thing he’s ever done” (it was practically the cliche of true love breaking the curse) XD.
When Mike says to El  “you’re most important thing to me” in the pool shed. El doesn’t even acknowledge the comment (and neither should the audience- cause the words were empty). The framing of this mileven scene was not cinematic or heartfelt, and neither was the delivery from Mike. He’s not crying, trying to reach her with proclamations of his genuine feelings. There’s no dramatic music, framing, lighting or shot composition (and the scene was incredibly short).And El just responds and cuts his supposed ‘true feelings’ off- only to agree with Hopper and says “ what if he’s right”  . I didn’t speed this up FYI.
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Juxtaposed to the MUCH longer byler shed scene. A literal single tear falling down his cheek as Mike , recounts the first day they met. This whole monologue is only of tight shots of just their faces (their bodies aren’t shown like in the pool shed scene). With contrasting colors of light and shadow.This is a personal moment between them and them alone- and the fact we zoom in on their faces (expresses this to be important emotionally) . And when we see Will’s reaction to Mike saying “it was the best thing I’ve ever done”. We just see Will’s face only- no music is playing and all we hear is  Will’s whimpers and Mike crying in the background.*
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5) Max in s2 at Will’s house questions how Mike can still trust Will now that he’s a spy for the mf . Max (in s3) at El’s house: says that Mike doesn’t trust El- and Mike mentions that her spying is why he doesn’t trust her.  in s2, Mike: “if anyone could stop them it’s Will“. Max: “ I thought we couldn’t trust him that he’s a spy for the mf now?” Max in s3 calling Mike out  : “El has saved the world twice. And Mike still doesn’t trust her.” Mike: you want to talk about trust really?! after... Eleven spied on us! I guess girlfriends don’t lie they SPY!”
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Not to mention - the fact is... El has “saved the world twice but Mike still doesn’t trust her” to fight the mf. Yet he 100% believed Will could defeat the mf -despite Will being possessed/a spy for the mf . And despite the fact Mike  thinks Will has no powers - unlike El ( but we all know he does , though :P). And, Mike even says Billy is dangerous cause  the “mf is in him ...Billy’s mind is sick, diseased” (but with Will possession -Mike still trusted him).  Max rolls her eyes and stares challengingly at Mike cause she remembers what Mike said about Will in s2- and the hypocrisy . And she finds it annoying how little faith he has in her compared to his almost unmoving-trust in Will (who at the time was possessed) . Mike has 100% trust and faith in Will-but simply doesn’t trust El.  And MAX KNOWS IT! Cause she’s paying attention. Like her facial expression/raised brow, at the end, is a challenge- you think non-superpowered Will could defeat the mf but not El with a history of fighting monsters? You say Billy possessed by the mf is dangerous- but still have more faith in Will possessed by the mf- than your own gf?! tbh El couldn’t defeat the mf (so technically him trusting Will over  El was proven to be correct). He wasn’t right about the El ‘giving up’ bs and he was still wrong for not respecting El as her “own person” with her “own free will” : not believing in El’s ability to make decisions like breaking up with him/ not believing El made the idea to spy on him, etc . But, Team work has always been what saved the day in s1-2, so over-relying on El to do it all and acting like she was the messiah ( like most of the st fanbase) was a poor plan . It’s not the El-show (it’s an ensemble cast with several mains). When they relied on her only ,to be the chosen one- she lost her powers, 30+ people d*ed, and they had to save her.
6) ) El and Will both calling for “Mike” alone in the upside down . And Mike “never giving up” on them.In the exact same ep (s2 e2) , both call for Mike from the upside down. El saves herself without Mike’s help. But Mike rushes to save Will crouching to comfort Will (whose body language mirrors El’s but who was alone in the forest after she sees mike and he did nothing). 
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in s2 ep 1, both call for Mike ,but Mike only comes for Will -not el. It was like how Nancy in s1 called for Jon, and jonathan pulled her out of the upsidedown.  And as Jonathan and Mike both pull Nancy and Will back from the upside down , Jonathan says “I got you”. And Mike says “I got him “ twice. But mileven is like how barb while in the upsidedown called for Nancy (but nancy didn’t hear her screaming her name-cause it shows symbolically Nancy does not return Barb’s romantic feelings). Just like mileven.
Mike even saw Will’s dead body but the second he heard his voice he convinced everyone he was alive. Mike deep down assumed El was dead he brushed off seeing El as seeing things (like how Hopper described seeing Sarah). He even tells Max “ they took her just like they took bob” who was dead. Then a few minutes later lies and says he “never gave up” on her when she appears alive (which was a lie cause he just said she was dead). When El goes to his house Mike doesn’t ever go the forest to find her (unlike how Mike went into the forest in the pouring rain twice for Will). The truth is the only person he ‘never gave up on’ was Will.
7) They have El & Will have pics of Mike on Halloween (same night of the ‘crazy together’ speech). El only has a pic of Mike being miserable  and Will has pics of Mike staring at Will, and smiling next to him- despite the joke Mike never smiles in photos , this isn’t the case when mike is next to Will (he always smiles with Will). Cause being crazy with Will makes him happy - unlike his relationship with El who he fakes being ‘crazy’ about .
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zoom in of Will & El’s pics of Mike: Will’s pic on left vs El’s on right . XD
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8) Millie said El is “obsessed with Mike” so she has Mike-themed stuff all over  her room. She has a drawing with a heart that says mike on it/random heart pics, mike pic, dice that spell out mike, mikes’ stuff. So, It’s funny that mike has nothing relating to El at his place. In contrast to this, he still has 5 d&d drawings from Will on his wall (that he’s kept on his wall for 3 years despite removing an old poster from that same wall-which he gave to El). Mike even put up a 6th Will-drawing in s3- next to his new poster. And he never put a single 1 of her many drawings on his wall-just Will’s).
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back to other points...
- They compared mileven to karen/billy. El in s2 , mimics Erica Kane who m(in the ep she is watching) rushes into a relationship with a writer named Mike Roy. (That relationship is not endgame-and  literally ends with one of them stalking and sabotaging their next relationship, but eventually accepting it’s over). This, also parallels Karen/ Billy. Before she meets him in s2, Karen is reading a romance book that has a guy that resembles Billy on the cover. The Duffers even mentioned they changed the cover to show the resemblance between Billy and the fictional book character. And we see Karen reading the sequel in s3 before Billy appears. Both El and Karen don’t/didn’t love Mike or Billy- they just projected onto them fictional characters they were infatuated with. El being into Mike roy- but projecting her crush on to Mike wheeler.
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-They had El’s whole s2 arc be destroyed to show mileven is bad for her. “friends don’t lie” to let me lie to my friends so I can kiss mike and ditch them. lucas even said “they’re lying (about her curfew).”And lie to Mike about hearing his confession. Then in s2 trying to leave the cabin to experience the world and see my friends and fam again. To literally ignoring them all for 6 months and never leaving the cabin-despite Hopper letting me leave the house in s3.
- El in s3 says Mike treats her “like a pet” and “garbage”.
-In s1 Mike referred to her as a ‘weapon’  to help get Will back. smacked her when he thought she lied about Will being alive and said Lucas was right about her all along when he thought Will was dead and he couldn’t use her anymore. 
- They had El never apologize for spying/stalking . And  Mike never apologize for lying -despite it being the cause of the breakup . And had mike not reciprocate the kiss/ or say ‘i love you ‘ back  and had his eyes open while the same exact song plays that robin came out to: called ‘the first i love you’). These are the only 2 times the song plays in s3. The ‘first i love you’ also sounds like ‘the first lie’ - that song played when jancy said they were just friends. it sounds the same cause jancy lied about it not being romantic while mileven lied by saying it was.  He never apologized for lying cause the love is the lie- like Max said “boyfriends lie ALL THE TIME”. And it’s why the camera panned to Will when Lucas asked why Mike lied to her. And he never answers El’s question of ‘why do you lie?!’ (he just looks up silent and guilt ridden).This awkward kiss all happens in Will’s room too while Mike is in front of an open closet (while El is holding Will’s old bear).  
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Plus he also fought with Hopper in s2 (’about El’) in Will’s room too. He wasn’t actually calling Hopper the liar he was calling himself “a stupid disgusting liar”out of self hate .  That scene was foreshadowing his lying to El in s3 (about his feelings for her). He blamed Hopper for his feelings for Will cause he told himself it wouldn’t have escalated if El had been around to ‘fix him’ . “I BLAME YOU! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK! NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS OK. YOU STUPID DISGUSTING liar, liar, liar, liar”.starts crying.
- Mike says “i never gave up on you (to El). “ When moments earlier he says “it took her just like it took Bob.” HE’S LYING AGAIN. He always thought she was dead -he was just hoping she was alive so he didn’t have to blame himself. He felt bad for treating her like a “weapon”. Mike saw El and didn’t even bother looking for her in the woods cause he assumed she was dead and was hallucinating. Mike saw Will’s dead body- but heard his voice and got him from another dimension (for El he couldn’t even bother to walk into the woods). Despite going into the woods in the pouring rain 2x for Will in s1& 3. El and Mike both call for Mike in the upside down (Mike in the same ep only comes for Will).
- They barely spoke to each other and all they did was makeout for 1 ep (while Mike put a drawing of ‘Will (the fire wielding) wise’ on the wall to help him kiss her/ with rainbows pic everywhere in the room to signify he’s gay and lying).  All while listening to a mixtape Will gave him as he kisses El.As Mike moves her hands off him (and sings a song from ‘boy in the box’) and El says to Max later she doesn’t know if mike’s a good kisser . And Mike rushes to one of his many established double-dates with Will and lumax  (x). And Mike in s3 when dating el, removes the sign of the heart being propelled by a rainbow (which he had before meeting El in his basement) .BUT it follows him symbolically ,as a drawing of a heart being propelled by a rainbow (in el’s room- cause no matter how much he kisses el there, he can’t escape his rainbow/being gay.)
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-as mileven kiss in s3 e1. We zoom in on the drawing of Will the wise (the lyrics over the pic are “a little more time can open closing doors”). And then Mike continues to sing this song from ‘boy in the box’ (cough closet).Will in s3e1 says he won’t fall in love and the song then a diff song plays “love that was new to you , you open up the door.” mileven at the end of s3 kissing in front of Will’s open closet door with Mike’s eyes open not kissing back , and saying he doesn’t “ remember “ the love you and just says it was “in the heat of the moment”. The mike song being from “boy in the box” (closet). And they make out to “I can’t fight this feeling” which the singer says is about wanting to admit your feelings to your friend of many years and being afraid it’ll ruin the relationship. Aka even when kissing El he’s thinking of Will and admitting his feelings and not being able to fight his feelings
- Mike saying about Max “awesome? you don’t even know her.” Dustin says “ i don’t have to i mean look at her.” El was said in s1 multiple times to look like a boy (specifically Will). So Dustin and Lucas had no interest in her -only Mike did. BUT when max (a girl who looked like a girl) arrived- they as straight boys  were smitten. And Mike was not interested at all (cause he’s gay). The fact people don’t realize Mike was rude to her because he thought Will liked her too makes me laugh - he even was 1/2 honest in s3 saying he was jealous of her  XD 
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why in s3 (when she looks like a girl) the compliment to her look is almost the same as Hopper’s comment to her makeover in s2. Paralleling Mike to her dad is the opposite of romantic!
-people say in s3 Will saying “a day free of girls” is gay coded but everyone ignores Mike in s3 saying “BOYS ONLY”. Same energy.
-MiKE has more rainbows than Will: Mike’s rainbow bedroom blinds, the rainbow-heart wooden sign in the basement in s1, the rainbow heart drawing that says Mike in s3, a rainbow sticker in his room, byler standing behind a rainbow poster in s2. And Will with the rainbow ship and the girl he danced with having a rainbow hearts-hairclip.
- People mention Mike saving El in s3 was romantic ( when he hit Billy). But when Billy slapped max he charged in to save her too and tried punching him (despite their beef). that moment wasn’t romantic (unless you think madweheeler is- which no). Mike is just a good person- he also risked his life for dustin. He’s brave and will defend HIS FRIENDS. 
- we’re almost to the end for those not keeping tract mileven is compared to stancy, ted/karen,  karen/billy, stobin, Dart/Dustin, max &mike, barb/nancy, nancy & dustin, siblings & cousins & a parent/kid dynamic. And contrasted to byler.
- Finn, after s1, said the duffers told him,   Mike thinks of her as a “puppy/ “et” , and that Mileven was a  “first summer love thing”- foreshadowing what was mileven’s downfall during the Summer (aka s3). He repeats this “first summer love” phrase 2x.  Millie when he mentioned what the duffers said, rightfully thought the puppy thing was “awful”, but Finn was clearly told mileven doesn’t last -very early on.Summer love” by definition fails-as it only lasts during the summer.  
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-It wasn’t a break it was a breakup. Like Max and Will said in response to Mike  “ she said she dumped your ass! That doesn’t sound like a break?!/ it wasn’t!’ Or El knocking all the candy out of the machine, except the kit kat Mike wanted. Slogan of kit-kat “ having a break , have a kit kat.” In other words, it was NOT a break. It was a breakup. Difference is - in s4 it’ll be El who can’t accept this fact , not Mike. Max having to correct El that Mike is her “ex boyfriend” after the breakup (in s3) foreshadows this.The other couples in s3 who fought -were always still paired together in framed shots (jancy/ lumax) were on a break (but got back together- by the end of s3,  not confident about their futures together, but they still have a distinction from mileven-based on such framing). That mileven didn’t get back together. El in s3 was always on her own and Mike was paired with Will (while the other couples were in frame). 
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this could go on and on honestly. there’s so much other stuff proving mileven is not going to be endgame. Not to mention all of Mike’s queer coding (x) XD   
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abandonned-account · 4 years
✨Modern Sebaciel Headcanons that I wrote in November!!✨
Some are a bit NSFW so be careful.
🍼 Ciel and Sebastian have banged in almost every room. Sebastian’s office, the shower, the kitchen, Sebastian’s room, and Ciel’s room. They have yet to bang the loft. Sebastian almost got Ciel on him but he was playing Splatoon 2 and online with several people in a group Discord phone call. Who could hear Sebastian’s seductive words and Ciel’s reaction which involved many squeaks and yelps of “Daddy! Daddy not now! Daddy! They’ll hear!” And lewd moans. Once Ciel had evaded Sebastian and refocused on the game, the other players congratulated him on getting a sugar daddy, much to Ciel’s embarrassment.
🍼 Sebastian makes Ciel hold his hand while crossing the street.
🍼 All of the female and some of the male nurses at Sebastian’s work have a crush on him and constantly flirt.
🍼 Ciel is spoiled. Very very spoiled. He’s so spoiled he can’t even put his plate in the sink.
🍼 Sebastian has been called up to Ciel’s school so many times for various reasons. Dress code, back talk, and cussing, getting his phone taken by teachers. And for injuries too. Sprained ankles, twisted wrists, and other things, along with injuries he made up just to get out of class.
🍼 Sebastian can and will take Ciel’s phone away if he is bad.
🍼 Ciel loves it when Sebastian calls him “Baby” or “Baby Boy” or even “Princess”. It makes him feel special and like Sebastian would take care of him forever.
🍼 At school Ciel is known as the slut because he often has hickeys and bite marks on his skin but no one can figure out who fucked him along with the slutty clothes he wears. He says with a cute little smile “I don’t kiss and tell~” and it drives his friends insane. Then he will stare at nothing and fantasize about Sebastian and get horny, a blush across his face. He would text Sebastian and see what he was doing.
🍼 Sebastian has two favorite lingerie sets he likes to see Ciel in. One is a Victorian piece with a corset and a petticoat and the other is a cat piece with a tiny skirt and a lace top with cat ears and a tail. Ciel likes the cat one better because he gets to use the tail, which Sebastian loves to see used. But put next to each other Sebastian would pick the Victorian piece out of nostalgia.
🍼 Ciel has sex toys galore. An entire box full of vibrators, dildos, flavored lubes, beads, and such. All different sizes and different vibrating strengths. He plays with these when Sebastian won’t give him attention when he needs it.
🍼 Ciel is a depressed child. He does his best to not show it but one can always tell when he is having a bad day when he gets really quiet and distant. He feels like a burden and like a useless child. He doesn’t say anything but he really struggles with that. He knows Sebastian loves him, but people love useless things. It doesn’t mean he has a redeeming quality or a purpose. He’s just Sebastian’s fuck toy. Ciel doesn’t take antidepressants or anything. Sebastian doesn’t know the extent of his troubles and thinks he’s just sleepy or upset over something small. If he did know he would have pills and medication and therapy. Ciel doesn’t want that. He’s just a guilty, upset, conflicted, and sad baby. He doesn’t tell anyone anything about this and does his best not to let it interfere with his daily life.
🍼 When Sebastian goes into the school with Ciel to talk to a teacher Ciel gets jealous of all the girls looking at Sebastian. So he stays real close. When Sebastian picks him up and kisses his head it sends a message that he is married and he has a child. This puts the girls off.
🍼 When it comes to jewelry Ciel loves it and constantly asks Sebastian for new pieces. Sebastian has jewelry, ring bands, just black onyx he wears for business sometimes. But the watches he has. Italian, Swiss, German, beautiful things. His favorite brands are Chopard, Buccellati, and Cartier.
🍼 Ciel has tons of jewelry from Tiffany’s, Harry Winston, and Pandora. He is a child after all and is going to gravitate towards a more cutesy jewelry. But Harry Winston is his favorite. He is constantly begging Sebastian to buy him a specific piece of jewelry from there.
🍼 Jean Paul Gaultier among many other designer brands are what make up Ciel’s closet. He loves that brand because of how beautifully gay it is and has male clothing that makes him feel good about himself.
🍼 Ciel is loud in bed, like really loud. He used to keep his hands over his mouth at all times but now he just is loud. Sebastian loves to hear his little voice.
Okay!! These are really old and have been sitting in a Google doc. They are one of the first pieces if ever wrote for this fandom. Thank you so much for reading!!
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🎃Halloween themed wincest fic rec🎃
This fic rec is, primarily, Halloween themed but you’ll also find some horror as well as just in general autumn themed fics all to, hopefully, get y’all in the spirit of the spooky season!
There’s all sorts of ratings, some weecest, a non-related Hocus Pocus AU, hopefully you’ll find something to your liking among all of these fics.
As always please head all warnings and tags as some of these fics do contain graphic and heavy topics. 
Happy reading, and Happy Halloween my fellow wincest shippers! 🎃
Eight-Legged Freaks. by anniespinkhouse
Sam/Dean (Wincest) Outsider POV. Takes place early in season 8 but no particular spoilers except for Sam’s hair. Biddy owns a candy store. She also talks to spiders. When FBI agents Sam Smith and Dean Jones investigate a possible haunting, on Halloween evening, the consequence of Dean eating too much candy is disturbing. It’s a race against time for Sam to find a way to return Dean to normal.
The Rocky Horror Sam Show by RockSaltandCherryPie *
Sam goes to a Halloween party and dresses up like Frank N. Furter but ends up looking more like a girl than anything else.
the one that lives behind his heart by Addie_D_123 *
Dean is the spark, Sam is the fire.
The Witch's Dance by brimstonegold and virtualpersonal *
It's either coincidence, or irony, but Sam and Dean find themselves hunting for a witch at The Witch's Dance, a party being given at the local haunted mansion on Halloween. What they find is not the kind of dance they expected.
hell is empty; all the little brothers are here by bellaaanovak
Dean just wants to make the rundown house they’re squatting in look cool for Halloween, but Sam isn’t so excited about strangers in corny costumes knocking on the door for candy. Not when there’s a gang of ghouls wreaking havoc in the neighborhood, anyways.
Greaspaint and Fairy Dust by Syls Darkplace (sylsdarkplace)
It’s Halloween. Sam’s least favorite holiday, and what should be the investigation of a simple salt and burn goes awry when Dean gets caught with his hand in the candy cauldron.
Here is where you’ll stay by belyste
Sam, Dean, and haunted hayride. Halloween!fic. 
A Winchester Halloween by ello_kitty *
 A short story about how the brothers spend the holiday.
Triple XY Or The Hunter, His Bitch And Their Offspring by mpregloveranon
This is the answer to this Halloween!Prompt over at the spnkink_meme. Without reveal to much already I’ll just keep the summary really short. After being cursed Sam is knocked up by his brother. On Halloween he is heavily pregnant with triplets and completely miserable. Dean feels sorry for his baby brother, especially because he pissed the witch off who cursed Sam, and takes good care of him.   Throw in raging hormones, some schmoop, some angst and cute little kids and you’ll get the idea what this fic is about. ;)
Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) by Ignited *
It’s Halloween, and the locals aren’t clued in to the fact that those things going bump in the night are much more than fabric and latex. Sam and Dean learn this fact the hard way as the clock winds down and a town’s about to be overrun by monsters.
The Witches of Salem by Revenant 
There's a legend in Salem, of three sisters accused and hung for the crime of witchcraft, but not before they had killed several of the local children and placed another under a terrible curse. It is said that on Hallowe'en night, when the moon is full, the witches will rise again when a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle.
A little over three hundred years later, Sam Winchester is passing through town trying out his newly awarded independence on what he suspects will be a simple salt-and-burn; why can’t things ever go like he plans?
Why not stay and be caught? by deirdre_c *
Sam wishes to go to The Palace.
Pretty Princess by orphan_account *
Sam is excited to go to a Halloween Party… And then his first heat hits.
Take a Good Look by BewareTheIdes15 *
Sam, Dean, and a haunted house with a mirror maze - sounds like pwp to me!
Kids These Days by Magz (sparklepocalypse) *
Halloween parties are never simple when there are Winchesters involved.
Thy Back to the Forest (and Thy Front to Us) by PetraPan *
For the last three years in Stillwater, Oklahoma, children have disappeared—always five young girls, always on consecutive days, and always during the week of Halloween. By the day the Winchester's pull into town, Sam is enrolled for school, he’s stuck once more on research duty, and Dean already has a date. Sam juggles his new schoolwork, the case, and the ever-growing bitterness at the desire he feels for Dean as best as he can, but at some point he can no longer manage all three. With their father constantly absent and a nasty time constraint, Sam and Dean struggle to figure out who—or what—is taking young girls, just as they struggle to find the balance between brothers and something more.
Sugar Sweet by fallingintodivinity
“What’s all this stuff?” Sam asks warily. He gingerly picks up a bottle of red fluid and squints at it.
“Fake blood!” Dean says cheerfully. “It’s cherry-flavored,” he adds helpfully.
“But why,” Sam says, bewildered.
“Dunno,” Dean says. “It was on sale. Tastes pretty good, actually. Here, lemme show you.”
Halloween by EasyTiga *
Sam and Dean go to a Halloween party for a case and at least one of them can't keep their mind on the mission because of the outfit choice.
Hush Little Baby by hellhoundsprey *
Together with his friends, Sam visits a haunted house. It's Halloween. (Sam is 16, Dean is 20.)
Halloween and High Schoolers by onesillygoose *
I'm realizing how bad my summaries are. Anyway... Sam gets invited to a Halloween party. Dean tags along. Things never go as they should for the Winchesters.
Pumpkin Patch by KissingWinchesters
It's Halloween and Dean decides to steal a giant pumpkin.
VII - One candy left by KissingWinchesters
There’s a piece of melting, sticky caramel pressed into the centre of Sam’s back.
Candy, Pumpkin Spice, And Orgasms by KissingWinchesters
Dean takes Sam to a quaint town on Halloween. Their relationship develops.
He Never Saw the Look by orphan_account
Sam's got a secret. He's in love with his big brother. Little does he know, Dean shares the same dirty little secret.
Pretty Little Thing by Miss_Lv *
Teenager Dean goes to a Halloween party for some fun, he spots a pretty little thing and chases her all evening, flirting, and eventually cornering her. Once his got his hands on her though he realizes she is actually a he, but he's fine with that. Sam snuck out after Dean just because he could, he picked a costume he knew Dean would never recognize him in. After spending the evening being chased by his brother Sam ends up in a semi public place with Dean all over him. Sam's stupid crush on his own brother is not helping matters either.
this way comes by estrella30 *
Written for spn_halloween based on prompt #127: Sam goes to a Halloween party his first year at Stanford and gets dragged off by a guy in a mask who makes out with him. He discovers it's Dean, and the making-out continues with a vengeance.
Diamond Dogs by kassidy *
Prompt: Supernatural, Sam/Dean, werewolfism - one turns and takes the other down (interpret as you will) for dark_fest LJ comm
A Silent, Creeping Killer by lily rose (annabeth) *
Not long after Dean picks Sam up from Stanford, Sam and Dean go undercover as an engaged couple to investigate the murder of a lesbian hockey player in small-town Connecticut. Along the way, they meet dedicated lovers, frightening ghosts, and the possibility that their ruse might be becoming all too real. How will they handle their changing feelings for each other? Who will protect the lovers and tenants of the Windsor boarding house? And what does all this have to do with the play 'Arsenic and Old Lace'?
darling by allwellandgood 
Dean is dead. Sam has a theory that nothing will ever hurt again.
I Wonder as I Wander by dollylux
Bobby sends Sam and Dean to investigate a strange town.
Let Me Take You Far Away by orphan_account *
Season 10. It's exactly what they need. A vacation. That's how Dean can make everything else go away. Cas was right. That's all they need. A nice, little vacation.
Fall/Autumn themed
Death of the Petals by doctor__idiot
Dean has always thought that fall held some sort of magic.
Where You Are [Is Where I Belong] by non_tiembo_mala
Sam is stuck in class on a beautiful fall day. His mind wanders and it always ends up on Dean.
Hazy Hunter's Moon by GhostlyVoid *
Sam saves a hunter who got attacked by a werewolf, knowing exactly what trouble he's inviting into his home. The hunter, Dean, is predictably less than thrilled owing his life to a witch.
Delicious Autumn by sammichgirl
Dean just wants to give Sam a great day full of some favorite things.
Autumn Leaves by dragonspell *
In the weak light of early morning, the autumn leaves are starting to paint the woods in reds and golds and a burning orange. On some level or another, Dean knows that it’s beautiful; he does. He's just got to find Sam first.
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amphii-writes · 4 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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Only Fools Rush In
AC & DB drama track
Happy Birthday Gentaro! 🎉
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Leading up to April 1st, a pair of Division leaders find them in a rather humorous mishap. However, due to a certain someone’s desire for inspiration, all six members are brought into the chaos. Meanwhile, the amused author looks on.
Kosuke: Yumeno-sensei? This is Furuhata Kosuke, you wanted to meet with me about a book cover?
Gentaro: Apologies, you seem to have the wrong person you see, for I am merely a poorly paid cosplayer. Meant to promote the recent book of a different author, titled “Tales of Genji.”
Kosuke: Yumeno-sensei, that is a book most know already know by name. Regardless, do you have any ideas for how you’d like for your cover to look?
Gentaro: I have no preference, though I would prefer it to an extravagant and bright one to catch eyes on the selves as it is different from my usual stories. A stand out story must have a stand out cover after all.
Kosuke: R-right. So may I see the overview to get an idea?
Gentaro: I am not yet done with that actually. Though I may give it to you in a few days. The first of April perhaps?
Kosuke: Yes. That works.
Gentaro: Also, about that cover.
Kosuke: Yes?
Gentaro: That was a lie. A simple design will do.
Kosuke: A-Ah. I see. . .
Gentaro: I will be off then. do enjoy the cake.
Kosuke: Wait what?!
Sever: Here you go sir. This was paid in advance.
[Door closes]
Gentaro: Now then, to see what unfolds.
Gentaro’s story: A young lady is to meet with her friend at a cafe when a stranger takes a seat beside her. He pretends to be her boyfriend as he claims he is being followed by numerous admirers. Along the way, they bond and find they went to the same school. Her friends however do not like him and in the end they must separate. Along the way, there are hints as to something must be off. Turns out, the man was indeed a highschool classmate whom she had a rush with, but one who was ostracized by her friends and moved away. Her visit to the cafe is for the last place she saw him, where he rejected her before he left.
Gentaro: Such an tragic tale, to feel the stings of love is truly a misfortune thing—
Emiko: There you are! Yumeno-sama! ~ ♡
Gentaro: Speaking of. 
Gentaro: I know not of this Yumeno you speak of young lady. I am merely a poor, homeless young man who has spent the very last sum of his money to buy these outdated clothes and some bitter coffee. 
Gentaro: Do you really not have anything better to do than disturb the unfortunate?
Emiko: Huh? Homeless? But you’re said-ooooh! You’re lying right? Sorry Yumeno-sama but cha can’t fool me! ~ ☆
Emiko: So you found me ‘cause Ramuda needed a favor right? Where is he? Is he hiding? 
Gentaro: About that, Ramuda’s not here, that was a lie. I just said that to get you here. For an informant you’re not very cautious are you? 
Emiko: Hey! I can be cautious! You just don’t seem suspicious. But why do you need me Yumeno-sama? Doooo you want me to find someone? 
Gentaro: You’re close but not quite. I actually need you to accompany someone for awhile. They’re waiting inside for you right now. Oh and take this with you, [hands slip of paper] the table number is on the back. But do not open it until you meet him.
Emiko: An escort job? I don’t think I’ve done that before, but it sounds like fun. Okay, you can leave it to me! Bye bye Yumeno-sama! ~ ♡
[walks inside the cafe as Gentaro leaves]
Emiko: Whooooa~ It feels really homey in here, so cute! 
Emiko: Hmmmm, table #6. I wonder what this guy is li—
Kosuke: ? ? ? 
Emiko: ? ? ? 
Emiko: Kosuke! [glomps him] Hello! What’s up! What’cha eating? Is it yummy? Can I have some!
Kosuke: Ah! Emiko-san! Um, yes, this is very good, and you can certainly have some if you’d like. [slides over plate]
Emiko: Really? Thank you! ~ ♡
Kosuke: Why are you here by the way? Do you have business with Ramuda-san?
Emiko: Well I actually owe Ramuda a favor, but I guess Yumeno-sama’s the one giving me a job today. What about you?
Kosuke: Ah! I had a meeting with Yumeno-sensei about a book cover of his. It seems that Ramuda-san recommended me to him.
Emiko: Cool cool! ~ ☆ Then that makes this way easier, ‘cause you’re actually my assignment today. Yumeno-sama said I have to escort you somewhere.
Kosuke: Escort. . .me? To where?
Natsuki: I don’t get why you had to drag me along with you.
Haruto: Because an unknown number told me about where Ko-chan was and he might have a stalker.
Natsuki: This makes us the stalkers you numbnut.
Haruto: Dude, looks like he’s on a date with that cutesy Harajuku leader girl. . .
Natsuki: What?!
Seiichi: Look I’m sure she’s fine. Emiko’s a tough girl, she can handle herself.
Hiroshi: That much is clear. But she’s not one to run off with a client without blabbing about it first. Plus whoever called us here clearly has ulterior motive, it could be them.
Seiichi: They did sound pretty sketchy, but it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with befo—
Seiichi: Dude, look at that window. That cafe over there!
Hiroshi: Yes, it’s just a cafe. What’s so special about—Is that her? With, Akihabara’s leader??
Seiichi: Wait is she on a date?!
[they opened up Gentaro’s paper in suprise]
Emiko: . . .
Kosuke: . . .
Kosuke: . . . “Have an enjoyable date?”. . . Oh. . . This was a setup. . . What do we do?! I mean- you’re getting paid for this and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t get money but- why?! You’re like a sister!
Emiko: Eeeeeh?! A date! Like a date date! But you’re like my big brother! I don’t want you to have to pay for this. 💦 Plus I’ve never been on a date before! Ramuda are you in on this too?!
Kosuke: Ahhhhhhh. . . this is really bad! What do we do?! Does just hanging out here count?!
Emiko: I-I don’t know! Maybe! *turns beet red* U-umm. . . . . . . . . *goes quiet & looks down*
Kosuke: I’m not really the type to use swear words, but. . .
Haruto: Hey, Natsu. I think Kosuke’s actually flirting with her. She’s blushing like crazy. (whistles) who knew Ko-chan could do such a thing.
Natsuki: You must be seeing things, besides, finish your food. We need to go, I don’t have all day.
Seiichi: Are they actually flirting?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that embarrassed.
Hiroshi: Hmph, together or not that fiend better not try anything.
Seiichi: Well, if this is really the client then maybe we should stay out of it.
Hiroshi: *sighs* I suppose you’re right, but I still want to know about that number—. . . Don’t look now, but do try to hold your temper.
Seiichi: Oi what temper! What are you looking at anyways? Huh? . . . It’s the other guys from Akihabara!
Hiroshi: I thought I told you to hold your temper. 💦 Now you’ve given us away.
Natsuki: Oh look, we’re just a squad of stalkers.
Haruto: Natsu! Don’t call us that!
Seiichi: He he he, stalker squad. Not bad coming from you losers!
Hiroshi: Well that’s one way to start things off. If I may add, what exactly are you two doing here.
Natsuki: My little brother got a text telling him where Kosuke was with a photo. He got scared and came over. Judging from things though, we were all just chess pieces for someone’s amusement.
Haruto: Yeah! It was a creepy message tho!
Natsuki: And I was dragged along, though I believe that if a certain someone thought things through, he could have reasoned that Kosuke is more than capable of defending himself.
Hiroshi: Hmm. Unfortunately, I’ll have to agree with you. We got a call not too long ago from an unknown saying Emiko was helping a friend. They too sent us a picture of where she was, at this very location.
Seiichi: So does that mean someone’s stalking them both? More importantly, are they really dating?!
Hiroshi: I can hardly see that as more important, but it seems we have two mysteries to solve.
Natsuki: That implies us four working together.
Haruto: Awww! Give em a little chance!
Natsuki: Don’t you dare go a tirade about going with the flow and disregarding everything else.
Haruto: I don’t do that! Much. . .
Seiichi: *whispers* Oh great, this must be my lucky day.
Hiroshi: Enough Seiichi, it appears we have no choice. However, do try to keep your brother on a short leash, boy.
Natsuki: Same goes for you old man, except this time it’s your ward.
Haruto: Geeze Natsu, you’re real riled up.
Natsuki: Oh. I’m sorry, not my fault the geezer’s insufferable.
Hiroshi: Right back at you.
Seiichi: Tch. You guys are one to talk! Especially that barking dog of yours!
Natsuki: If you want to lump us together then either stop calling me a child, or call yourself one.
Haruto: Rude! I ain’t a dog! Though they are really nice and fun to play with. . . so. . .
Hiroshi: So the little mocking bird finally speaks. Truly an incredible sight.
Seiichi: Pfffft ha ha ha! Are you really that dumb! You know I’m trashing ya right!
Natsuki: Last time I checked, it’s not me who’s constantly stuck in rut. And also, next time, try to choose a bird species that wasn’t helpful in Darwin’s theory of evolution hm?
Haruto: Hey! Aren’t you a bit too young to go trash talking everyone? Like I dunno, wait for like a competition of somethin’ I guess. Throwing hands isn’t the only way to solve your problems kid.
[cafe doors burst open]
Emiko: Wait wait please don’t fight! What’s going on out here!
Kosuke: This is in public! Please be careful!
Alley Catz: ! ! !
DayBreakers: ! ! !
Emiko: *tearing up* Why are you guys fighting about noooooow! This is embarrassing! ~
Seiichi: Not this again! 😰 P-Please don’t cry.
Hiroshi: Y-Yes, forgive the intrusion m’lady.
Kosuke: I certainly look forward to your excuse as to why you’re practically fighting on the streets.
Natsuki: . . . Haruto
Haruto: u-um... I uhh, was scared?
Emiko: What have I told you guys about starting fights? I can tell you started it too, bullies. Bleeeeeh! *sticks out tongue*
Kosuke: How does one. . .nevermind. Scared for what.
Haruto: Your safety duh! Some creep sent a pic of you and your location. And now we come to see you on a date!
Hiroshi: Right, we’re here for that very same reason. Someone called us claiming they knew where you were and we thought you might be in danger.
Seiichi: I knew you were fine but we didn’t know you were on a date with the beanpole!
Kosuke: Wait! No! It’s not a date! I was here on business!
Natsuki: Stop letting him call you a beanpole first.
Emiko: It is not a date! At least not a real one . . . *blushes* Look I’ll explain later ok! Plus, Kosuke’s not a beanpole, he’s cute just the way he is Seiichi!
Seiichi: That’s not what I meant. 💦
Kosuke: Oh! I don’t find anything offensive in that! It’s just a nickname!
Natsuki: Where’s your pride and self presevation?
Haruto: I think we all know where that is Natsu.
Natsuki + Haruto: Nonexistent.
Kosue: *blushes* (mumbles) I’m not that bad about it. . .
Emiko: *blushes* A-anyways, go home you two! Or else. . o-or else. . . Just go! And no more stalking!
Kosuke: hm? A package? Oh! The summary! 
Kosuke: “Ruby Chocolate. Brought to a cafe, Aiko meets her first love on a whim, only to find their lives have been intertwined for years. However, her friends dissaproval will test their relationship.”
Kosuke: . . . Well, it is my job.
Emiko: Yay! Package for me! Wait, I didn’t order a book. Did I?
Emiko: “Ruby Chocolate” “Brought to a cafe, Aiko meets her first love on a whim, only to find their lives have been intertwined for years. However, her friends dissaproval will test their relationship.”
Emiko: Aww how cute. This is from. . . Yumeno-sama! *blushes* Wait a second he really did set us up!
Gentaro: *sipping tea* What a wonderful birthday present I have given myself.
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moonyandsaturn · 3 years
Paper Rings
little dorlene fic that you can also read here
The moon was high, hanging in the night sky with smoking smells flowing to it. Out the window into the midnight streets.
“I’m not sure this is exactly how I want to meet your friends.”
“What do you mean this is perfect!” Lily smiled.
Dorcas looked around at the abnormally large flat. The walls were covered in nicely printed wallpaper and slightly dusty frames hung paintings Dorcas couldn't remember from any of their art history classes.
“Geez, this place is giant,” Dorcas whistled as Lily continued dragging her up the stairs. The sound of laughter from a higher room (with even higher people in it) was made clearer.
“Yeah, Sirius is a rich asshole,” Lily replied, earning a laugh from her. “Even painted all those paintings himself because he wanted to be original,” she mocked.
“Ha! So who's all here?”
“Oh so there's Remus who you’ve met. Then this is Sirius’ place so obviously he’d here. And then we have James of course.” James was Lily’s fiance. They got engaged about 2 months ago and the wedding would come along soon enough.
“Is that it?”
“No, there's Marlene too. You’ve probably seen her around. She's on the volleyball team.” Dorcas shook their head not remembering any of that. “Well, that's fine anyway they're over here.”
Lily opened the door to a large room. It was sort of a lounge room, it had a TV and all that. Normally they wouldn't be upstairs though.
The two of them entering earned a few “Heyyys!!” and “It was about time you guys got here!” James got up to give Lily a kiss before leading both of them over to the couch they were all on, Remus was already rolling a joint for them.
“Dorcas right?” they looked up at the person asking. She must be Marlene . The girl talking had dirty blonde hair pinned up in a messy low bun. She was wearing a much too large brown leather jacket with a band tee and jeans as well.
“Um, yeah. They/she,” Dorcas had grown accustomed to just telling people their pronouns as a greeting. It just made things much easier.
Marlene smiled back. It had a sort of crookedness to it, in between a smirk and a grin. “She/her.” Dorcas nodded back as she received the fag from Remus.
The talking went long into the night, or morning that is. It was an interesting group of people. Marlene and Sirius were probably the more extroverted and outspoken out of them, though Sirius was kind of whipped and would shut up if Remus said so. Marlene seemed to just constantly flirt with her. Dorcas understood it may just be how her personality seems to her but sometimes it got annoying. Of course she already met Lily and James long ago and didn't learn anything new about them.
Marlene seemed especially interested in her dating life.
“Yeah, and then we broke up. They were pretty nice but it just didn't make sense for us to be together.”
“they?” Marlene looked up from her phone. looks like she was listening
“yeah, me and my partner.”
“Ever dated a girl before?”
“Maybe” Dorcas winked and turned back to finish her story.
By maybe that meant never, and Dorcas was simply playing the pronoun game. Dorcas did have a preference for girls right but they had only dated guys up till now. 3 actually. First was her high school boyfriend that lasted 5 months, Charlie Robeson. Charlie came out as trans several years later so maybe Dorcas should have said her high school girlfriend . 2nd was Gideon Prewitt. They dated for 2 years. Two years of her life wasted really. Dorcas shook the thought from their head. Gideon was a douchebag who could go fuck himself. Her last boyfriend wasn't really a boyfriend at all, they fake dated to get someone else jealous. Ah, yes fake-dating Remus Lupin was probably the best out of her romantic encounters, excluding the part when him and Sirius forgot to lock the bathroom door and Dorcas happened to walk in at the wrong time.
They got into the elevator up to her flat. It was eerily silent at this hour of the morn, creepy almost. She played with her keys for a moment, trying to find the right one before pushing the door open to her modest flat.
Dorcas tossed themself onto her bed kicking the duvet over her body, snoring lightly to sleep and the sun started making colorful patterns in the sky.
“Oh, come on Meadowes! Surely you must like me a little after 2 months!”
“Marlene, you’ve been asking me out as a joke for 2 months. sorry I’m not looking to get humiliated!”
Dorcas could hear Marlene catching up to her, a stupid fucking smirk playing on her lips. “What if it's not a joke?”
“Then we wouldn't really be here, huh?” Dorcas said, pulling her bag tighter to her.
“Just a small dinner! You don't even need to come home with me.”
“What a generous offer,” Dorcas rolled their eyes.
“Oh, you know I'm joking,” Marlene smiled, walking backwards to try to keep up with her. “Come on, what's your favorite food? We can go get that when you're free.”
Dorcas sighed and stopped to face Marlene, she was only a couple inches taller than her. Maybe 5’10 or 11. “What about when you’re free?”
Marlene beamed. “Anytime is good.”
“Not now it is, get your ass over here McKinnon! Actually go get the ball then come back!” A booming coach's voice came from the volleyball court.
Marlene bent down to pick up the ball and gave Dorcas a little two fingered salute before running back to the court. “See you later, Meadowes! For dinner!!”
“Hey! That wasn't a yes!” Dorcas called back to her, not receiving a response and shaking her head as she walked away.
Neither of them had each other's phone number so it's fine. To be quite honest, Dorcas wouldn't mind a date. Marlene was attractive and funny, just very very persistent. She could be compared to James in high school, poor Lily.
Dorcas took her thoughts away from their almost date and walked over to the bus stop to meet up with some people for her group project. They convinced everyone to meet up at their favorite coffee shop. Dorcas was unreasonably excited to get some coffee in her system, specifically mocha with some foam and chocolate drizzle on top.
Curse you Remus, now I'm addicted to shit Dorcas thought as she drank almost the entire thing under 5 minutes. She got her things out to wait for the others.
she got home at a decent time, just as the moon rose and the sun set. Dorcas made themself some popcorn to watch a movie with.
Ding! Dorcas checked the microwave but the popcorn wasn't done. Ding! She realized it was her phone and picked it off the counter to see the messages from an unknown number.
Marlene: Hey I thought we were gonna have dinner :(
Marlene: also don't hate me Lily was the one who gave me your number after she saw me stalking you
Marlene: also this is Marlene probably should have said that first so you don't think I'm a creep
Dorcas: You are a creep
Marlene: ouch
Marlene: I thought you liked me Meadowes
Dorcas: I never said that
Marene: Maybe you’re in denial ;))
Dorcas: hmmm let me think
Dorcas: no
Marlene: :((((
Marlene: well now that I can text you when are you free?
Dorcas: you really are annoying aren't you?
Marlene: nah just know what i want
Marlene: soooo????
Dorcas: I'm watching a movie right now
Marlene: ok?
Dorcas: ok so you can come over you persistent arse
Dorcas: you can get my address from lily too creepy
Marlene: is that my new nickname??
Marlene: I deal with the name calling just for you, see you in a minute :))
Dorcas sighed and looked over at the microwaved that was now smoking and smelled of burnt popcorn. She cleaned it up and opened up the windows before enjoying watching some stupid reels on instagram.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Marlene grinned at Dorcas opened the door.
“Har, har,” she deadpanned and let her inside.
“What's that?”
Marlene set a bag on top of Dorcas’ dining table. She didn't answer and instead pulled out one of those bags of sweet people normally bought at halloween.
Dorcas laughed at the size of it. “I don't think we’ll be able to eat all that.”
“That's what you think. I could survive solely off of starbursts,” Marlene replied.
“The orange ones are the best.”
Marlene turned to face them with her mouth open with disgust. “Those are the worst ones!”
“No, the worst ones are pink.”
“I think we need your senses checked, love. There's definitely something wrong with your taste.” Marlene moved closer and Dorcas’ cheeks warmed up at the pet name.
“C’mon I just got Disney plus so we can watch something on there.”
Marlene followed Dorcas to her couch giddily, “Oooo, I vote for Princess and the Frog.” She plopped down on the other side of the couch and Dorcas tossed her a blanket.
“Yeah, okay. Princess and the frog and Mulan are probably my favorites.” She got the remote to turn the TV on.
“Well, maybe your taste isn't all that damaged,” Marlene smiled before turning to watch the movie.
Movie rolled for the full 1 hour and 38 minutes and for part of the credits. The two didn't talk much only making comments here and there, laughing at things they thought funny and pointing when something interesting happened.
“I would die to have something like Ray and Evangeline.”
Dorcas looked over at Marlene who was still watching the credits rolling in tune with the background music.
“The firefly and the star?”
Marlene faced her once again.“Mhm, yeah. I’d wait my whole life for that.”
“Yeah, it's sweet isn't it? How much he cared.”
“Mhm,” Dorcas’ breath hitched. they didn't know whether they were moving closer or if it was Marlene. Oh, it was Marlene and how welcome the closeness was.
Dorcas closed the small gap between their faces. Place a light kiss on the girls lips. When she pulled away only a second later Marlene still had her eyes closed, a soft smile set on her face. She opened up her eyes to see Dorcas who probably looked like a nervous wreck. Marlene's smile broadened.
“Can I kiss you?”
Dorcas fought back her own smile before sitting up and pushing their lips together again, this time less unsure.
They were like that for a long time, hands running in each other's hair (which Dorcas was surprised her curls didn't get tangled in). Pulling each other closer by the neck, running thumbs over soft cheeks.
They eventually pulled apart to breathe. “I wasn't expecting that till maybe the third date.”
“Not’s not a date,” Dorcas held in a laugh and looked away from Marlene who was eyeing her.
“Of course not. Not after you insult pink starbursts,” Marlene said before turning her back to Dorcas, claiming a spot on her lap, sort of using Dorcas as a back rest. they didn't mind. It was the perfect height. Dorcas lifted their chin onto her head and wrapped their arms around her shoulders. She quickly places a kiss into her hair before letting the night's sleep take over them.
1 year later:
Dorcas blinked herself awake.
They looked up at Marlene who had her arm around her head. “Morning. Did I oversleep?”
She looked away from the book she was reading. Ever since Dorcas moved in They’d been reading all the books on her bedside table and now Marlene had to catch up. “No, think you got a bit of a cold, sorry.”
“It's okay,” Dorcas closed her eyes again, feeling comfortable in their girlfriends embrace.
The night before the whole gang took a trip to the beach. At night. Cause they were all utterly stupid. Marlene went into the ocean first urging everyone else to also. James jumped in after free to wallow in his youth and was happy to get a break from babysitting. Harry was an amazing kid but his godfather was also Sirius so Harry too was a bit chaotic. Dorcas eventually joined everyone in the freezing water, Dorcas could have sworn they turned blue.
Marlene turned abruptly, causing Dorcas’ head to fall back on the pillow which wasn't nearly as comfortable as her. “Would you ever want to live together?”
Well, thats an odd conversation starter. Dorcas laughed. “We already are.”
“No, I know that. I mean when we're out of uni, working and all that.”
“Oh, I never thought of that.”
“I’m just saying we don't have to decide I just thought maybe-”
“I never said I didn't want to,” Dorcas cut her off before Marlene started rambling. “I think it would be nice.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Yeah, so stop worrying, creepy,” she laughed.
Marlene gave them a deadpan expression. “When are you gonna stop calling me that!”
“Never,” Dorcas grinned. “Sooo, would you just wanna live together or?”
Marlene laid back down, looking at the ceiling and Dorcas leaned over her. “I don't know. We could drive away and live in the country maybe. We can work from home so our dreary Mondays aren't so dreary.”
Darcas laid down next to her. “We’re bound to have fights and stuff, though.”
“That's fine,” Marlene faced her, but didn't move her body. “We wouldn't be able to be happy if we’re not angry sometimes.”
Dorcas sat up again, pulling Marlene up with her. “Would you ever want to get married?”
Marlene rolled her tongue on the inside of her cheek. “Yeah. Don't have that much money though. Can't get you anything shiny and nice like you deserve.”
Dorcas took Marlene’s hands in theirs.“I hate accidents but you know? I didn't really mind it when we went from friends to this. You’re the one I want, Marlene McKinnon. And I’d marry you with paper rings.”
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bluemoon-writer · 5 years
Childhood Friends AU: MariKim Headcanons
Part 3- In which Lila fails at ruining Marinette’s life
Part 1 is here
The masterlist is here
(Just a heads up, this is pretty long)
-Lila still wants to destroy Marinette
She has to be more careful now around Adrien though
-So she’s ecstatic to find out about Marinette and Kim
Adrien wasn’t there when Kim revealed how close he and Marinette are
Which makes Kim the perfect target for Lila, she can drive Kim away from Marinette and make her miserable without Adrien suspecting a thing
-So, she starts by flirting with Kim in class
Which, to her frustration, goes miserably
-Because Kim already knows she’s a liar
-Marinette told him about the confrontation she “overheard” between Ladybug and Adrien at the park at dinner that night
Which also resulted in their parents hearing all about Lila
-When Lila comes back, Kim is skeptical of what she says, but he also doesn’t hear a lot of it. He works out before school, so he only got to class a minute before the class actually started
hence why his seat stayed the same
he watched in confusion when Marinette was pushed to the back of the room
he figures he’ll ask her about it at lunch, since they usually go to her house, but Max drags him to the cafeteria, saying he has to help Lila since her wrist is sprained
Kim doubts that because, as an athlete, he’s had several sprained ankles, wrists, ect and he always wrapped them, or wore a brace until they were better
and Lila has no brace
-But Kim follows and helps because maybe Lila doesn’t know that she should do that
When Marinette throws a napkin at Lila he’s even more confused because it’s not like Marinette to randomly throw things at people
unless it’s him, he asked her years ago to help him hone quick reflexes, and she’s been throwing things at him ever since
-He suggests to Lila that she should wrap her wrist to help with healing and to lessen pain, but she just glares at him and storms away
Kim shrugs it off and goes about the rest of his day
-but at the end of the school day Marinette drags him off to rant about Lila
Kim is pissed, when he gets to lacrosse practice later he wipes the field with his teammates. His coach pulls him aside after practice and asks him if everything is alright bc he’s never seen him play that aggressively
-after that day, he’s goes out of his way to avoid Lila at school. He gets to class just before it starts and heads straight to practice when it ends. He and Marinette always go home for lunch so they don’t have to listen to Lila’s crazy stories
-so when Lila suddenly starts focusing on him, he’s a bit suspicious
-he’s not enticed by her (fake) offers to introduce him to world class coaches
he says that he could never betray his current coaches
-he’s not impressed by her “athletic feats”
        “I once did a (insert insanely impossible action here) in (insert sport) and my coach was so impressed! he wanted me to go to the olympics, but I’m not interested in the fame. I’m satisfied just being able to play (insert mispronunciation of earlier sport)”
“huh, not me. I’d never pass up a chance to go to the olympics.”
“Oh, well maybe I can help you train! I am an olympic level athlete”
“No way! I don’t want any of my teammates feeling jealous if I get extra training.”
-stroking his ego doesn’t seem to work either
“Wow Kim, you’re so strong!”
“It’s from weight lifting. You should try it sometime, it’ll give your arms some more definition!”
“You’re amazingly talented at sports! I could never be that good”
“Anyone can do great with enough dedication and practice! I used to be scrawny and weak too, but if you put your mind to it you can be athletic like me Lila!”
-and flirting fails too (bc Kim doesn’t realize she’s flirting)
“Your so handsome Kim.”
“Thanks, my grandma says so too!”
“I hope your girlfriend doesn’t get jealous that I’m talking to you...I’d never want to ruin your relationship!”
“Girlfriend?!? I don’t have time for that, not when there are more important things like swimming practice!”
“To be honest...I like hanging out with boys more than girls...because the girls in our class are just so pretty...and then there’s me :’(”
“Yeah, there are some really pretty girls in our class!”
“Especially, compared to Marinette...she’s so pretty and talented. I must seem like a loser to her.”
“Aw don’t say that! Marinette is pretty, talented, and kind. Marinette will like you no matter how lame you are!”
-Since words aren’t working, Lila has to switch to actions
-She actually starts working out with Kim in the morning
-She dresses up, full make up, brand new work out clothes ready to flirt Kim’s head off
-Only to arrive to see Marinette and Kim full-speed sprinting around the track
-She waits and pretends to stretch bc there’s no way in hell she’s going to run and get sweaty
-Kim barely pays attention to her, he and Marinette are competing to see who can do more pull ups
-Lila pretends to drop a dumbell on her foot to get his attention
-Kim barely looks up, “that’s why you don’t pick a dumbell thats too heavy for you. Try using the 2 pound one instead.”
Lila leaves early, but doesn’t give up.
Kim said Marinette doesn’t come every day, so Lila decides to come everyday until she figures out which day Marinette doesn’t come
-Unfortunately, Kim and Mari realize what Lila’s doing, and Marinette just has a “sudden, inexplicable urge workout”
Lila wants to scream in frustration
She fakes a strained ankle as an excuse to skip morning workouts
-She decides to try switching seats again, except this time to put herself next to Kim, and Marinette in the far back again.
Her “sprained ankle” is very helpful because she can’t climb all those stairs with a strained ankle, so she has to sit in the front row.
It’s easy. Instead of coming up with a complicated plan to get her classmates to rearrange themselves she just goes to Ms. Bustier
-she meets with her before class and explains her sprained ankle and she hates to accidentally move someone away from her friends just so she can sit in the front row, so she proposes a new seating arrangement
”I think I put everyone next to someone they like. I’d hate for someone to be lonely all because of my sprained ankle” 
Ms. Bustier looks at it and it seems like a good seating chart so she agrees. It seems like everyone is near a friend
(scroll down for the seating chart)
-Then, after Ms. Bustier announces the new seating chart, Lila asks Alya is she wants to switch places with Kim
“it’s just that...I know you’re friends with Marinette, so I don’t mind sitting by Kim. He is kind of cute”
Alya readily agrees and goes to ask Kim to switch seats but he says no
-He has no desire to sit next to Lila and tells Alya that if she wants to switch seats she’ll have to ask Ms. Bustier
-Lila is pissed because the second part of the plan was to go to Ms. Bustier at the end of the day and apologize for creating such a disruptive seating plan 
“I had no idea people would be so distracted when they’re by their friends”
add in a fake sob, “I’m so sorry, you must be so *sob* disappointed in me. Here, it’s not much, but I can help you make a new *sob* seating chart that should maximize people’s ability to pay attention”
Ms. Bustier would have no idea that there had been a problem, bc at that point she was used to having students be constantly distracted
but (ideally) she’d accept the plan because it CLEARLY meant so much to Lila (/s)
-But with Kim turning down Alya, she’d have to change the plan a little
-She assumed since Marinette and Kim are supposed to be such good friends then they’d talk through class and she’d be able to separate them since they’re so *distracted*
unfortunately, (for Lila) they’re the best behaved students in class that day
-The moment Ms. Bustier announced the seat change and Marinette saw the smirk on Lila’s face, she knew something was up
so they put on their best behavior during class and double check their bags at all times
Lila is pissed, but goes through with the second half of her plan, figuring she can at least make the seating chart work better for herself
She wants to be surrounded by people who are either easily manipulated or have connections
and she wants to break up any major pairings that might give her a disadvantage (like Chloe and Sabrina)
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^(a Chart of the seating changes)
-Ms. Bustier agrees to change the seats again
“I’m disappointed to see that you all are not mature enough to sit near your friends without disrupting class, so I’m afraid I have to change the seats again.”
-Almost no one is happy, but no one is as pissed as Chloe
For once though, Ms. Bustier stands her ground, stating that sitting alone with no distractions should hopefully improve her grades.
-Kim is actually thankful to Lila. He forgot how much fun sitting next to Marinette in primary school was
they figured out how to discreetly pass notes
(and Ms. Bustier isn’t really watching for it anyways. She only notices it when it’s pointed out)
and with Lila in the front of the room there’s no one to rat on them
-Nino hates to admit it, but he does pay better attention when he’s away from Adrien and Alya
Max is a really good seatmate too, he’s always willing to share his notes if he notices Nino getting lost and will explain things to him during their breaks
and Nino’s not completely alone, he has Marinette and Kim behind him. He’s not super close with Kim, but they end up getting along surprisingly well
-Alya is sad to be separated from her boyfriend and best friend, but finds sitting next to Lila to be really fun
she’s always passing her funny notes when Bustier has her back turned and she tells the best stories during the break
-Adrien thinks he’s in hell, his best friend is far away from him, and his only friend near him is to distracted by Lila to speak with him
he eventually asks Ms. Bustier if he can move next to Chloe (just so he doesn’t have to hear another ridiculous story from Lila)
She agrees because he’s an almost straight A student, and he promises to keep Chloe on track
Lila’s not happy about the change, but takes the opportunity to make another minion and convinces Mylène to move into Adrien’s old spot
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-Nino’s estatic that Adrien is near him, and so’s Adrien tbh. He also doesn’t mind sitting next to Chloe, she’s been quiet since she was separated from Sabrina
-Adrien’s surprised to see that Marinette and Kim are so friendly, and Nino fills him in on what he missed during the boulder akuma attack
-Marinette was pissed at first that Lila got her way and was able to move everyone around as she pleased...but honestly, it worked out
She enjoys sitting by Kim and she’s still near most of her friends, the only person she’s missing is Alya
But Alya doesn’t look miserable, so Marinette’s willing to leave this be
-ironically, the seat change allowed Marinette to hang out with Adrien more
both Nino and Chloe needed to work on their grades (Chloe had great homework scores, bc Sabrina did it, but poor test scores)
Max likes Nino, he’s less jittery than Kim which helps him pay attention better and Nino writes down really good questions about what he’s confused about
which helps Max immensely bc he likes explaining things, he’s the type of person where explaining something to someone helps him learn it better
so Max proposes a study group that weekend to help Nino out, Marinette offers her place, and Kim, the ultimate wingman, invites Adrien (bc he’s clearly pretending not to eavesdrop) and Adrien casually mentions that Chloe needs help studying too
-thus resulting in one of the oddest study groups in the history of Francois DuPont
but it goes well, Chloe is happy to be hanging out with Adrien so she plays nice.
the group hangs out in Marinette’s living room and after two hours of studying they end up playing the newest game Max is working on
-Lila debates giving up on Kim, but she has a few more tricks up her sleeve.
First, she tries blaming her sprained ankle on Marinette
She corners Kim after class and puts on a sad face, “I know you’re good friends, so I hate to tell you this, but...Marinette isn’t who you think she is. She’s the reason I sprained my ankle *fake sob* she threatened me to stay away from you, and then pushed me, making me sprain my ankle.”
“Huh, that’s weird, because Marinette and I went to her parents bakery for breakfast right after working out that day. You must have mistaken someone else for Marinette, maybe you should get an eye exam? You’ll never make it back to the Olympics with bad eye sight!”    
-Then, Lila tries to turn Marinette against Kim.      
She sends Alya screenshots of a fake group chat with her (Lila), Max, and Kim where the two boys are making fun of Marinette.       
-Omg Alya, I’m in a group chat with Kim and Max for studying and they started talking shit about Mari! What do I do?”        
Alya, of course, immediately texts Marinette who brushes it off.         
“Those are so fake Alya”.         
“Look, Girl, I know you’re Friends with Kim, but maybe he’s not who he seems.”
“No, Alya, Max has never in his life used an emoji. These are definitely fake texts.”         
-Lila is starting to get really frustrated at this point.          
-She straight up just asks Kim out after school one day, with a fancy heart shaped card and everything  
When he says no, she blows up.         
She has spent hours trying to win him over! She’s beautiful, and smart and he’s the stupidest person in the world for not wanting to date her.         
-Hawkmoth akumatizes her into Heart Stealer where she has the power to make anyone instantly love her when hit with one of her heart notes.           
-Ladybug chooses King Monkey to assist her on this one.        
-One uproar and Lucky Charm later and Lila is back to normal.          
She’s hoping that after being akumatized she can guilt Kim into going on a date again.     
but he turns her down again.       
“But why? Marinette has a crush on Adrien you know! She’s not going to date you, so why not go out with me?”            
Lila continues to confound Kim,
 “Haha what? Marinette? She’s my best friend, but I’m not interested in her! Also, aren’t you interested in Adrien?”           
-Lila huffs and storms off, she gives up on Kim. There’s got to be easier ways to mess with Marinette than dealing with her idiot guard dog.      
-Kim triumphantly high-fives Marinette who was waiting around the corner.         
-The akuma took up most of his practice time, so he skips what’s left of practice and they go to the bakery to celebrate          
Marinette and Kim commandeer a stove and make some special (extra sugary) macaroons -they end up starting a flour fight and get the kitchen pretty messy, but luckily the bakery was closing so they didn’t get in Tom’s way.    
they offer to clean the whole kitchen to make up for it            
it only takes 5 seconds for Kim to make a bet about who can clean faster. Within 20 minutes the whole kitchen is sparkling and Kim and Marinette are arguing about who cleaned faster.    
-the macaroons give them such a sugar high that Sabine kicks them out of the house and tells them to go run laps or something until Kim’s parents arrive for dinner.      
Kim challenges Marinette to a race around the park to see whose faster
She beats him, but only barely.        
“best two out of three”.        
The second time Kim wins, and the third lap is interrupted by the arrival Kim’s parents.    
-Sabine is testing a new recipe sent to her by her brother for dinner
she likes to try out new recipes when the two families get together for dinner      
it’s delicious, but Marinette and Kim are actually exhausted from running around the park.        
-it’s supposed to be game night but Mari and Kim can’t stay awake for it.      
filling their stomachs with warm food makes them sleepy and the end up passing out on the couch  
their parents play a quiet card game at the table and take a picture (read as a thousand pictures) of the two cuddling on the couch.           
-the next few weeks of class go rather peacefully.      
-although Lila’s not through with yet      
-and sometimes Kim can’t stop thinking about what Lila said about him liking Marinette
This is so fucking long, I’m sorry. 
Let me know if you want to be on the taglist for all my MLB posts, only all Childhood AU posts, or only the MariKim Childhood AU posts (the next few are probably going to focus on other characters)
Current Taglist
@persephonebutkore​ @redscarlet95 @7-sage-7​  @starsshineandgivehope​ @akana-sama​
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