#she wanted to punch Dorn after his quest but NOT LIKE THIS
doli-nemae · 9 months
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I am your blood, child. You can't run from me.
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ginmo · 8 years
I'm new to the books and I wanted to ask. What do you make of the fact that the show drastically changed the Jaime/Cersei dynamic in season four from the books? Knowing now that in the books Jaime rejects her and she treats him horribly, the season finale is a bit of a punch in the stomach for me now.
Having Jaime fuck Cersei on that table was basically the writers taking a fat dump on all of his season 3.
There is honestly no excuse for the table sex at the end of season 4, considering they took a canon scene and wrote the literal opposite of how Jaime Lannister reacted to Cersei’s advances.
Actual Scene from ASOS Jaime IX:
“No,” he said, “not here.” They had never done it in White Sword Tower, much less in the Lord Commander’s chambers. “Cersei, this is not the place.”
“You took me in the sept. This is no different.” She drew out his cock and bent her head over it. Jaime pushed her away with the stump of his right hand.
“No. Not here, I said.” He forced himself to stand.
She then harrasses him and he kicks her out.
Not only do they make Cersei not give a fuck about anyone knowing, they then have Jaime PUSH THE BOOK -HIS FUCKING CHARACTER ARC - OFF THE GODDAMN TABLE AND REPLACE IT WITH HIS TWIN. 
Look, I get that the scene in the show is supposed to be Cersei manipulating him to choose her over Tyrion, and her approach in the books is manipulation to get him to negotiate with Tywin to have her stay in KL with Tommen. So yes, they adapted the manipulation. But did they adapt the outcome? Did they adapt his arc? How did they go from, “No. Not here.” to “-pushes the symbol of his fucking identity arc off the fucking table to fuck his twin-” I JUST…….?????????????????
“But you have to look at the bigger picture, gin.” YEAH, he ended up freeing Tyrion anyway, but he still disrespected WST and he still acted like a oathbreaker in the worst place imaginable, especially after verbalizing being pissed at her for imprisoning his brother, which could have easily been used as the perfect catalyst to turn him the fuck off but NO. The adaptation should have used the Tyrion shit to progress his character in the JC department.
Wtf was even the point of showing him skimming through the book at the beginning of that specific scene? They even made Jaime send Brienne off with his honor BEFORE this scene, instead of after in canon, to set up the idea that Jaime DOES want to keep his oaths and he IS a changing character due to his season 3 awakening.
“But ending his relationship with Cersei early on wouldn’t have been good TV”
That argument is weak. There are many many ways Jaime could have been written while still maintaining the drama of Jaime and Cersei, like I DON’T KNOW, adapting the dramatic ass shit that’s there in the actual source material? The complete destruction and fall out of Jaime and Cersei is what makes their relationship exciting. Here is an example of what could have been:
S4E10: Jaime rejects Cersei after sending Brienne on a quest that helps to restore his honor and directly goes against his sister’s wishes, showing that not only is he separating from his twin by making his own choices, but their relationship is physically changing. The finale of season 4 = the beginning of the slow end for JC, setting up the next season. 
S5: This is the season of Jaime’s fantasy of Cersei getting more destroyed. While in Dorne Jaime learns that Cersei hasn’t always been telling him the truth. Maybe Cersei manipulated him to go to Dorne to get Myrcella by using the locket and making up a lie that the Sand Snakes sent it. Maybe Jaime hears some things from Bronn. Maybe Myrcella lives and Jaime, seeing her happiness, chooses to return without her. Maybe then Cersei goes nuts, throws shit at him, harrasses him about his stump… you know, stuff that she actually does frequently in canon. Idk about you, but I’d grab the fucking popcorn over a raging Cersei and screaming JC scene.
S6: Jaime is sent to Riverrun on Tommen’s orders. Instead of having Jaime give these speeches that imply he’s obviously trying to convince himself he still loves his twin, they could have simply cut out those fucking lines and it would have been just as effective and entertaining, and we still would have gotten our JB scene with the UST and denial. He then returns to KL to Cersei’s mess and voila, we’re where we left off, same amount of drama unchanged.
S7: The final fall out. The bouncing the fuck out of KL early in the season before any threat arrives, leaving his sister to her fate - ie, the adapted version of the letter burning, and the running off with Brienne to help Sansa. And then, Idk, in S7 he could actually be useful and the pacing of the JC split wouldn’t have left the viewers frustrated beyond belief. 
My rant is over. Sorry anon. Long response to something that could have been answered in one paragraph. 
I hate that scene. 
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