#poor Triss tho
doli-nemae · 9 months
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I am your blood, child. You can't run from me.
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rebouks · 1 year
The BOLD THE FACTS tag by @helenofsimblr The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
tyyyyyyyy for the tag @ladybugsimblr ask for Triss and you shall recieve!! 💙
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Tristen Burks
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty (parents are wealthy tho) ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children ??? / wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable /naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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mywitchcultblr · 2 years
The Witcher did 'grey morality' better than DA, it's not perfect but at least unlike DAI it doesn't hide the darkness and shittiness of powerful people like Radovid.
If Radovid is in DA ( particularly DAI ) the centrist narrative will try to paint him like:
"He's a monster but he's sad :("
"Dont you see that he has a humanity because he fed a chicken? Yeah he hunting witches, mages and non humans but those people goes too far when they rebelled. Can't you think of this poor ruler feeling? Oh the poor powerful man :( we just gonna brush all kind of atrocities he did under the rug and paint people like Triss as dangerous and the bad guy :("
And then in the next Witcher you'll see someone fanboying over Radovid and how he's such a great admirable man UWU
Bioware tried to whitewashed the templar, chantry and Celene (failed tho).
Heck Celene did what Radovid did and she has 3000+ body counts. But how the narrative treats her? "uwu poor sad #girlpower queen only want to get back to her elven gf"
The chantry and templar? "Look they are slavers and they are brutal but we gonna uwu them, don't you feel sad for Roderick? Awww look at Giselle... UWU templars sad."
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billiewena · 3 years
the witcher for the blorbo fandom ask game!
I had to look up so many names for this, my roommate who is obsessed with the games is gonna KILL me. anyways this is just based on the netflix show so:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): YENNEFER <33333 also FRINGILLA, especially after that dinner scene in s2. this is probably not shocking to anyone (powerful & dangerous woman apologist likes the powerful & dangerous women, more at 11)
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is so shaped): ciri omg, ESPECIALLY in s2. jaskier fits here too I think. and triss!! (at least for most of the season haha)
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): vesemir and also nenneke from the temple, they’re just so...nice??? also lambert & coen!!! they just seem fun, I liked their banter with ciri.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): RENFRI, I would watch a show just about renfri. what do you mean she's only in the pilot. also, that deaf elf who helped them the sewers. barely knew him :( I've been told by my roommate that I will probably enjoy the Owl Girl in S3 and she did have a great 0.2 seconds so.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): jaskier is of course the truest, purest definition of poor meow meow so he is my pathetic fave and my very important bad bisexual rep. he literally wrote a break-up song about his boy bestie. I don't know what characters are hated enough by the fandom. so if there's a woman character that's hated, go ahead and assume I like them.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): I guess I haven't listed geralt himself for any of this but look, I do enjoy him (he's a good guy!! he's a dad!!!!) I just have no original thoughts about the guy. so let's say him since it'll spice things up. how's that song go? 🎵 I love it when hot guys cry 🎵
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): the knight dude, mawwr? hate that guy. everyone in cintra was doing FINE and living PEACEFULLY and then he came and ruined everything. there were some guys in S1 that that definitely deserved to go too (like that guy who was responsible for renfri), it’s been a second since I rewatched that season tho.
blorbo ask game (send me a fandom!)
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11quillen11 · 3 years
About Netflix's the Witcher Season 2
It is there at last! I'm not sure that I am going to post more on this show because I don't dislike it in a way that makes me want to talk about it; I dislike it in a way that makes me wish it just did not exist. I still might tho, because I am the kind of person who needs to write her thoughts down and let them out into the world.
I finished watching season 2 of Netflix’s The Witcher a few weeks ago. Although my initial reaction at the last episode was burning rage, I have since calmed down and am now left only with disappointment. Now, even if the show was not an adaptation, I am not sure I would have enjoyed it anyway because it has a lot of flaws that have nothing to do with poor adaptational choices. On top of that, having read the books, I am aware of the many decisions this show chose to make to adapt them. Let me be clear that what I dislike and what angered me as I was watching is the implications behind these changes rather than the changes themselves. Let me explain.
There is a lot that I could complain about but the single most anger-inducing change that the show made in my opinion concerns Yennefer and Ciri’s relationship. Yennefer losing her magic, being forced to betray Ciri and Geralt to have it back but ultimately choosing to sacrifice her life for Ciri is not a bad premise at all. In fact, if well executed, it could make for a very good story, which is why I was legitimately curious and excited to see where this storyline was going up until the latter half of Episode 7. Not only is this storyline not executed very well, in the context of the show being an adaptation, it is downright offensive. Because it feels like this whole plotline was meant to humble Yennefer so that she could prove that she was not only able but also worthy of being Ciri’s adoptive mother and Geralt’s co-parent. Does Geralt go through such an ordeal to prove that he can be a father to Ciri? No.
In the books, Yennefer and Ciri meet, live together for months, and form a beautiful bond with each other independently of Geralt. During this time, Yennefer still can use magic. She does not need to be humbled, she does not need Geralt’s approval, she does not need to prove anything to anyone. Yennefer becomes Ciri’s adoptive mother because Ciri loves her and grows to see her as such. If Yennefer and Geralt did not know each other, if Yennefer had been chosen as Ciri’s mentor because Triss and only Triss had recommended her, Ciri would still think of her as her mother because of the time they spent together and the bond they forged with each other regardless of Geralt. Because Geralt wasn’t there. Just like Yennefer wasn’t there when Geralt developed his bond with Ciri.
The show made the decision to portray Geralt as a naturally fitting parent and Yennefer as someone who had to prove that she could become one, and prove it to Geralt in particular. The show chose to elevate the character of Geralt (male) in regards to his book counterpart, and demean the character of Yennefer (female). I think you understand what I think the deeper issue is here.
Mainstream media already lacks representation of good mother-child relationships, especially in comparison to their father-child counterpart (just to cite a few: Wolverine & Laura, Booker & Elizabeth, Joel & Ellie, Kratos & Atreus, more recently, Vander & Vi and Silco & Jinx, of course the video-games’ version of Geralt & Ciri, and many, many more). The best recent example of a good mother-daughter relationship I can think of (and that is not just a background reality but central to the overall story) is, ironically, Tissaia & Yennefer in season 1. Sadly, Tissaia becomes irrelevant and forgettable in season 2 and has very little time on screen with Yennefer.
Season 1 showed that Netflix’s the Witcher could do Yennefer and Ciri’s relationship right. Season 2 proved they just don’t care to.
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In a way the whole "Izuku is the Dragonborn" fic would need to leave most of the backstory of Izuku the 4-14 years old dragon slayer on luck or Inko doing all the work while Izuku is, like, put in a position of safety (he still needs to eat dragon souls tho, same for Miraaks... How would that work even?) So I might need to move things around a bit.
Basically here's the backstory on all major shit:
Helgen: Inko and Izuku run away with Hadvar. They are not scheduled for execution because, you know, Hadvar might not go out of his way for a stranger but there is a small kid involved, younger than his cousin dammit, way younger than your usual Stormcloak Child Soldier Conscript from Dawnstar (an actual canon thing believe it or not) so he puts his foot down. In the keep Hadvar does most of the work obviously, even if Inko does, in her desperation, cut down people getting dangerously close to Izuku. She is a better lockpick than she expected, especially with her Quirk, and Izuku in his curiosity ends up pawing off the book and a strange, mysterious ring inside the Mage's cell. They then go to Riverwood with Hadvar, where they are directed to both Farengar and the College for matters regarding magical space travel, so to speak.
Riverwood: However, they are pennyless and alone in a foreign world, so Inko tries first to make money by working at the local lumber mill as she sends a courier to Whiterun for the Dragon Thing. Assume we are playing with my modded version of the game, which means Riverwood is currently the home of one Triss Merigold from the Witcher. She is also spacially displaced as of late, and is searching for Yennefer, Ciri and Geralt, with whom she jumped into this reality before getting lost from them. Dorthe and Frodnar will direct the small Izuku to her, since Dorthe is the one "babysitting" Izuku while his mother works so he's playing with the slightly older kids. Basically, they know she is a mage of some sort since she showed them some sort of light show, and Inko still needs to make money if she wants to leave with the proper equipment so they can't even go to Farengarym yet.
This allows us to 1) Set up the Triss Merigold X Midoriya Inko endgame and NO I AM NOR FUCKING STUTTERING and 2) Give Inko a competent bodyguard of sorts before she actually does get used to the unforgiving land of Skyrim and starts giving people heart attacks with her Quirk.
Of the Major Guilds:
Companions: Inko Joins as a way to make money for Izuku. With the mercenary work she manages to buy the house in Whiterun, so now Izuku can be left in a safe location, with "Aunt" Lydia as his babysitter. Whiterun Shenanigans ensue with Izuku befriending Lucia and Lars. Also Braith but, like, after lots of character development. Lucia is obviously the first to be adopted.
Inko is the one who becomes a werewolf and the Harbinger in the end, Izuku is not involved in this Storyline outside of some encounters with "Aunt" Aela and "Uncles" Vilkas and Farkas. Inko renounces her condition in the end.
College of Winterhold: They move to winterhold together since Farengar can't help them. Izuku is actually a quick study, as exemplified to that one spell book he found in helgen that thought him within seconds how to shoot lightning from his hands, much to his mother's worry. He ends up killing a bandit in self defense that way when he's barely 5. It was either do that or let them get to his mom.
Anyway, Inko is enrolled, but so is Izuku, the two now living on College Grounds. Triss is also there as an honorary lecturer. Anyway, Whe most of the adventuring is still done by Inko, is Izuku who receives the visit of the Psijic Order and, ultimately, he is the one to kill Ancano and close the eye of Magnus. Inko becomes Archmage still, even if she tries her hardest to have Toldfir step up instead.
The way Izuku kills Ancano is actually more based on guile than actual magical prowess. He is the only one not paralyzed in the boss fight, so what he does, is grab one of J'Zargo experimental Scrolls, summon a Skeleton Minion (Oblivion spell he was recently taught so to have someone protecting him in times of crisis), and then run with it against Ancano, too busy as he is being a megalomaniac, suicide bombing himself. He survives, but only thanks to the Restoration Professor quick intervention as Ancano dies and the paralysis falters.
Restoration magic did save the day in the end.
J'Zargo, who is usually aloof and snarky over his experiments, is actually horrified his rival's son almost got killed because of him, so he pledges he will do everything in his power to find a way to help them with their issue. He is a great magician after all, and his class is one of the brightest to date, they can find a way out for them.
Dragon War: Since all they can do now is wait for the College, Inko returns to Whiterun with Izuku and Triss, but on the way the watchtower is attacked, Mirmulmir is slain, and Izuku absorbs his dragon soul. This jumpstarts the events of Skyrim, with Izuku and Inko having to go on a pilgrimage to High Hrothgar to better understand what is happening to her son, who is now terrified of talking least he blew his mother apart with his voice.
A 5 years old kid makes a poor warrior, so the Greybeard offer to train him for his destiny, but Inko refuses. They don't need her son to kill dragons, just to eat their souls, so what she can do, is do the actual dragon slaying, and then have Izuku eat the souls. This still forces her to bring Izuku on her adventures, which isn't ideal, but only the dragon related ones. Izuku still learns the shouts of unrelenting force and whirlwind sprint as well as Dragonrend, but is Inko the one wielding the blade.
As a side note, Paarthurnax, for once not having to deal with a 4th era Nord, can finally give the unadulterated lore of the order rather than the imperialized, akatosh centric one, which leads Izuku to grow interested in Kyne, Warrior-Widow of Shor, for how much she reminds him of his mom.
Anyway, Inko is the one doing most of the stuff, Paarthurnax isn't killed, and Izuku gets two dragon buddies, one a wise and aging mentor war criminal, the other a brash and snarky red dragon he can call with his voice.
Izuku and Inko go both to Sovengarde. Inko meets back Kodlak, but also Ysgramor, who she now recognizes as a war criminal bastard, and she is the one dealing the killing blow on Alduin. Inko, Breath of Kyne, is the one sand in the songs now, the mother of the dragonborn who delivered them from evil.
Thieves Guild: Inko also does it all, but is the start of Izuku's involvement with Daedras. Inko takes the pledge to Nocturnal, so her soul is now bound to her realm, but is her son that catches the Prince's eye. Inko also tries to reform the guild back to its old robin hood ways, with divergent results.
Explorer Guild: This is the Legacy of the Dragonborn Mod. Inko founds the explorers guild and moves to the now bigger home in the Museum in Solitude. Proudspire manor has been bought by Yennefer, now advisor to Queen Elisif, who thanks to her influence has grown more confident. Girlboss helping Girlboss prosper and all that. She lives there with husband and daughter, and there's a reunion with Triss. Usual angst about "is she going to leave me? Are our adventures over?" But Triss stays because she cares about Inko and shit.
Anyway, inko is the one doing most of the stuff here too, but she now has a big enough home to adopt more than just Lucia.
She adopts every orphan, as well as Sissel and Britte in Rorikstead after murdering their abusive father. She then kills Grelod in Riften, so to also be able to adopt the orphans at the orphanage. To do so, she catches the attention of the Dark Brotherhood since she just stolen their contact. She of course adopts Aventus Aretino too.
Dark Brotherhood: All Inko. Unlike thieves guild, Izuku isn't even aware she's doing this, since he's back in Solitude with his new siblings.
Izuku does Sheogorath. He's playing in the streets with his siblings and the other Solitude kids, when he finds Sheogorath abandoned follower. So he sneaks in the blue palace, gets to the forbidden wing, and meets Sheogorath, the Hero of Kvatch. Does his quest since it's a pretty easy quest even for a 5 years old kid, and then gets the Wabbajack in exchange.
Inko does Sanguine. The sham marriage is actually to Triss this time, which leads to more angst obviously.
Inko also does Vaermina (destroying the staff), Dagon (Destroying the Razor), Hircine (Gets the Ring), Malacath, Namira (Saves the priest and kills the cannibals), Molag Bal (Just... Never completes his quest and leaves the bastard hanging), Boethia (sacrifices one of the two racist dudes in Windhelm after trucking him into following her), Azura (Uncorrupted Star) and Peryte.
Izuku finds Meridia's Beacon but it's Inko who does the quest.
Izuku is the one meeting Barbas and they have "A boy and his dog" adventures together before he manages to bring him back to Clavicus Vile and convince him to take him back without needing to do his quest. He gets the Mask as a Result, but also a dog in the form of Styx, the spectral wolf, another mod.
Izuku does Mephala, pretty early on too. He befriends Baalgruf's bastard son while still living in Whiterun, who tells him about the whispering door, and after a couple of deceptions he gets the blade. He never charges it tho.
While is Inko the one getting the Ogma Infinium, she can't open it, and is Izuku the one opening it and gaining the boost in knowledge, as well as becoming Herma Mora champion.
Dawnguard and Dragonborn are also done by Inko, but is Midoriya who is sent to Apocrypha when she opens a black book. There he has a odd "Older Sibling trying to murder Younger Sibling" relationship with Miraak, and is ultimately forced to see him get killed by Herma Mora. Aunt Serana becomes a permanent fixture in the house.
Bard College is done by Inko but Izuku is also part of the college now.
Most quests are done by Inko, but the misc quests that require either speech or guile are done by Izuku, especially if they involve children. This includes stuff like paying for Erik the Slayer armor in Rorikstead, or cheering up that girl in Solitude whose uncle was executed for aiding in regicide.
Speaking of which:
Civil War: Inko does it obviously, and she sides with the empire, because 1) Hadvar, 2) Baalgruf, and 3) Elisif.
And also because she went to Windhelm one time to stop a serial killer and gods she couldn't believe how racist those fuckers were.
Modded followers are obviously Inigo, Lucien and Shirley Curry, to name a few.
Forgotten City is done by Inko, Izuku is not even in the time loop. Project AHO is done by Inko and ends with her freeing the slaves and murdering every single slaver in the settlement. Most modded quest mods are done by her honestly.
Izuku obviously keeps himself up to date with his magical studies, which means around 8-10 years old he moves back to winterhold, still waiting for a way home, so J'Zargo can study him to reverse engineer his quirk, and he can learn more spells. Most of his siblings are almost of age by now too, and his mother has started calming down in her worry, since she trusts her old coursemates and teacher to keek Izuku safe...
Ok, no, she trusts Onmund and Toldfir to keep Izuku safe, in this order, but it's still more people she would trust if he started living with any of her other guilds.
Anyway, can't think of much else.
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hyunjilicious · 5 years
Kaer Morhen. Geralt of Rivia imagine
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A/n: This contains 0 spoilers for the TV shows. However, it contains mentions of smut and violence. Also a tad bit of angst.
Summary: Geralt and y/n and a few others prepare for a battle. Losing Yn is one of his biggest fears, and tried to do everything in his power to make sure that won’t happen. 3.7k
Warning: i was too lazy to edit. i will tho, soon. Tell me what you thought please!!! I loved writing it and i love hearing your opinions!
"And what happens if the shield falls?" Triss asked, roaming around the room with her arms crossed, carefully studying you up and down.
"The shield won't fall unless I do" you spoke with confidence, dead set on doing everything in your power to keep the castle, Ciri and everyone else involved, safe.
"Then, no" Geralt commanded, pushing himself off the wall, "No way we're doing it this way"
"It's already settled" you countered, knowing that was the only way you could help. Even as one of the most powerful sorceress the Continent has ever seen, with elven blood running through your veins, in combat, you were still a weak link. You needed space, and safety to recover your stamina, so standing on top of an isolated tower and casting spells from there was the best option.
"Nothing's settled" Geralt huffed, "There's no telling how long the fight will last or how strong their army will be, you can't keep that shield up on your own"
"I can" you said with confidence, "And I will"
With that you stormed off. After years of going through this on again off again wannabe relationship, Geralt knew better than to bug you when you clearly wanted to be left alone. The night was done, yet he decided he'd get a head start of the roof work that was scheduled for the next morning, as something about your attitude was obviously making him rather uncomfortable. You stood in front of your bedroom window, projecting his image on the glass in front of you. Dangerously close to the edge, he made his way tile by tile across the roof, and despite noticeably giving his best, he failed at giving the structure the stability it needed. You chuckled, a silent sigh also escaping your lips - you wished he was inside the castle, in the same room as you - yet your pride didn't let you admit it, even to yourself. His raspy grunt reached your ears, and it wasn't from your projection - he had realized on his own that he did a piss poor job, and shouldn't have even tried to being with. Seeing as he would soon be making his way inside, you killed the spell and moved to your bed.
When Geralt passed through the door, you looked up from a book you had just opened, "Nice of you to finally join me"
"Y/n" he sighed, unbuttoning his black shirt and sliding it off his shoulders, "I-"
"Yes, yes" you cut him off, "You're mad at me, but to be completely honest with you-"
"I'm not mad!" he yelled, voice all hoarse, proving his words wrong. He walked to the foot of the bed and leaned on one of his legs, "I'm not mad" he corrected himself, this time on a much more reasonable tone, "It's just that I get the feeling this is a sacrifice"
"If it means it will keep Ciri alive and far away from The Wild Hunt, then call it whatever you want"
"You love her, don't you?" he asked, for the first time in days, avoiding your stare. However, he did it for you. He knew how much it would take for you to admit such a thing, even to him. He kept looking away, willingly giving you the upper hand and allowing you to believe you were strong enough to face him. After all these years, you still came first, no matter what.
"Geralt-" you sighed, the pain in the pit of your stomach making your voice sound weaker, "I-"
"Decades ago-" he cut you off, "When we first met, everyone said you were power driven and ruthless, when all you wanted was a child. All this time-" he said, shaking his head in disbelief, "I thought you gave that up"
"I never give up" you said, clearing your throat. Tears were coating your eyes, but no matter how much a weakness sign you considered it, you didn't turn away, "Let alone on a child. Especially Ciri"
"Y/n" Geralt said softly, grabbing your elbow, "We can still find other ways"
Not at him, but you were angry. The situation, and especially the wait, the calm before the storm, were driving you crazy, and with controlling your emotions, you never had a good history. "I don't care who comes, however many mages they may have, how big their army is or how revolutionary their weapons are, if they can do it, so can I. I'm not gonna grab a sword and try my luck, or cast spells in the middle of the field, it's a sure way for me to die. I will do everything I can to keep this castle and everyone inside it safe, and no one can stop me"
With that you walked past him, and opened the door, "Now come, Lambert and Eskel promised us some extravagant Toussaint wine and they're waiting downstairs"
Geralt followed you without fighting back this time. You were all expecting to have at least two days until the fight, so whether he did actually give up and accepted the fact that you were going to have your way, or if he just decided to post pone the argument, was above you, and to be fair, at that hour, you didn't even care. You all drank, and had a good time, well, as good as the times allowed. There was a strange atmosphere in the air, giving the impression that you all sat down to make sure no one would be taken away without a proper goodbye. None of you would have admitted it, but you were all thinking it. Crach an craite turned out to be the soul of the gathering, Dijkstra's never ending stories seemed much more appealing after a few glasses of wine, and at about 5am, almost everyone was back in their rooms, sleeping or making up for lost time.
Earlier that evening, you had no intention of joining the others in drinking, you wanted Geralt all to yourself but after the talk you had, you needed some space. However, the alcohol washed out the bad taste his words left in your mouth, and now, as you two found yourselves all alone in your shared bedroom, your initial intentions were starting to show again. He welcomed your lips against his with longing desire, holding onto your waist harder than you would have normally accepted. Your weight was as none in his hold, and he carried you effortlessly to bed, laying you down gently before climbing on top of you. His muscular body towered over your fragile frame, and as always, having him wrapped around your finger aroused you to no end. There wasn't time to waste on foreplay, even if you were sure he enjoyed it as much you did. Geralt lewdly hurried to explore the skin your black leather attire showed, dragging his lips along your collarbones, before biting down into your shoulder, for the sole purpose of hearing your moans.
"Geralt" you sighed, grabbing the sides of his face so you could look into his eyes.
His teeth sank deeper, making your cry out his name again.
You felt his chuckle tickle the skin at the base of you neck, just before he looked up, "You're so beautiful" he said in awe.
Wanting to keep your composure, you controlled your facial expression, but your cheeks still reddened. The smile that materialized onto his lips proved that he knew exactly what kind of effect he had on you. When your lips connected, it felt more electrifying than ever. Unlike times before, you allowed him to take full control. Geralt didn't question it at all, but you knew he sensed something.
Everytime it was you on top of him, riding his cock into the depths of the night as his longing stare burned your skin. It was always you the one who pushed his buttons and never allowed him to finish whenever he needed. You always had to push him, even just the tiniest bit. You rarely ever did what he asked you without making him beg for it. You saw him on his knees in front of you, calling your name in what was probably the most needy tone he was capable of. The sight of him squirming under you, with his eyes squeezed shut, head thrown back, fists clenched and thighs convulsing, was your favourite of them all. However tonight it was quite the opposite. He had you on all fours, crying out his name. He kissed away the tears of pleasure that ran down your temple, and smiled proudly when you, for the first time begged him to let you finish. Three times. That night was all about what he wanted; he loved you in all the right ways, sending you on pleasure spirals with every chance he got. After ruining the sheets while he went down on you, lapping away at your core, you clenched your thighs on each side of his head in some pathetic attempt to control yourself. With a smirk, Geralt's lips moved from your clit to the skin of your left inner thigh, leaving inflamed purple marks all over your warm skin. When it came to the second orgasm, he had you panting on all fours as he clutched a fistful of your hair into his hand, pulling your head back. His lips treated the your shoulders and neck in all the right ways as he pounded deeply into you from behind. Your moans decorated the night, and it ended with another round, this one slower and more passionate than anything before. He was laying on top of you, moving every so gently against your now sensitive body. When his lips weren't longingly loving yours, his cheek was pressed against yours, his breath fanning onto your ear.
After that, after you both came down from the heights of pleasure he worked so hard for, you just collapsed into each other, and tried to get some sleep, "I love you, Y/n" Geralt said, right before dozing off.
"And I love you" you answered, with deep honesty.
You would have never admitted it to him, but as you both laid in bed, you realised this sudden change of character was coming from your hidden fear of not ever seeing him again after the battle that was to come. As he feel alseep with his face tucked deeply into your neck, you knew he was thinking just the same. Your mind didn't allow you to rest without taking a quick peek at his thoughts, and the taste of blood engulfed your senses as you bit your lower lip in order to stop yourself from crying. A small cottage, quite poor and mostly empty, with a strong fire lighting up the main room was what you saw first. Then you saw yourself. And him. Snuggled into each other in a dark corner, sleeping, and with definetly less worried looks on your faces than you had now. You couldn't pull away from his thoughts just yet, you kept watching as Ciri with Vesemir came moments later. The four of you sat down at a table, eating ridiculously festive food. Geralt's left hand was on your thigh, and when he kissed you, even if it was just a dream, he imagined you tasted like garlic. That thought alone watered your eyes. Back when you two had just met, in unknown circumstances, you mentioned to him that you couldn't expect people to take you seriously if you smelled like garlic, despite it being one of your biggest pleasures. At that time, he laughed it off, kissed your lips and with a shake of his head, continued the conversation. Never again had you two talked about this, or had you eaten garlic, yet this was on his mind right now. Damn him. You didn't want to die. You lived a long life and achieved more than most people could even dream of, but for Geralt and Ciri, you wanted to live.
You stormed down the stairs of the castle, screaming at the top of your lungs, "They're coming! Everyone wake up!"
In a matter of seconds everyone rushed downstairs, strapping their swords and getting ready for a fight you were most likely destined to lose. Ciri's life was at stake, and none of you was willing to back down. Previously, you had pondered, and came up with the best defence strategy.
"Remember," you said, facing each of your allies in turn "Aldair albeeh mirva. Anything happens and you need help, chant this"
Shortly after revising the plan, everyone went to their spots, waiting for the attack, while you rushed to the tower. Knowing the Wild Hunt wouldn't come rushing towards you from a distance, you counted on a locating spell, that even though couldn't pin point their exact location, was able to let you know how close they were. When crystals of ice appeared in the air around you and you were able to see your breath due to the drop in temperature, you put up the first shield. This was the easy part, keeping the frost away. Now, you gathered all your power, and worked on locking a second shield, one that was designed to force the armies to come in in waves, giving your people time to fight them off without getting surrounded.
Struggling with this task, there wasn't anything more that you could do. It was draining your powers at an alarming rate, but you were dead set on keeping the shields up until you could no more. The fight went on for almost two exhausting hours, there was no way for you to know if everyone was alright and no way to stop and check. Everything around you was a blur, the sound of the fight going on below you was muffled as you concentrated every inch in your body to make sure your defence wasn't cracking. Despite being all in, body and soul, you still heard it.
"Aldair albeeh mirva"
Fuck. It was Eskel's voice. As you tried to figure out his exact location, you heard it again.
"Aldair albeeh mirva"
And again. And again and again. Muffled. Unclear, and screamed by different voices. Triss, Keira, Dijkstra, Geralt. They were all losing their battles.
"Um, Geralt?" Lambert huffed as the two of them fought side by side, "Is Y/n ok?"
"Why?" Geralt called with exasperation, turning to his fellow witcher, "What happened?"
"Look around you, man" he wailed, pointing to the sky, "The force shield is down. We're surrounded"
They retracted to a more isolated corner, speaking to each other just above a whisper, "We called for her, she knows what she's doing!" Geralt said and despite not showing much emotion, he said it more to convince himself than his friend.
"Brother, she didn't answer" Lambert spoke dramatically, breathing heavily. Silence settled as he didn't want to say anything more, afraid he'd set Geralt off. He was too late. In a fit of manic rage, Geralt sprung forward, rushing straight into the battle.
"Cover my back" he yelled over his shoulder, "I'm heading to the tower"
Eskel sighed knowing how bad of an idea it was, but after shaking his head, he drew his sword, ready to jump back into the action. They were surrounded, casting signs after signs, their stamina running out and muscles starting to cave. With every passing moment and with each of the wild hunt's knights killed, they were closer and closer to caving. Their blows weren't as precise anymore, not as strong, and nowhere near efficient enough to keep up with the enemy's army. Following a heavy blow into the small of his back, Geralt fell to the ground, sword slipping out of his hand and landing meters away. Before he managed to regain his composure, Eskel threw himself on top of him, and generated a shield, held in place by the sign of Quen, strong enough to keep them alive for just about 30 more short seconds. Each blow received weakened their defence, and once Eskel couldn't hold the shield anymore, it exploded with a blast, throwing the knights and their hounds just a few steps behind. It was no where near enough. All this stunt did was buy them about a minute more, as before they knew it, their throats were surrounded by countless of sharp sword tips. Incapable of feeling emotions, Geralt's eyes still watered, Ciri's and Y/n's faces being the only thing on his mind. Realizing there was no way out, he gritted his teeth, and the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes were the merciless fangs of a ghostly hound, jumping towards his jugular at full speed.
Then nothing.
Nothing happened. Nothing bit him. No blade pierced his body, and filled with confusion, he creaked his eyes open only for his jaw to drop. The hundreds of fighters that were surrounding them were now hanging in the air, slowly rising to the sky.
"What the fuck-" Eskel muttered, turning from side to side.
Geralt paid no attention to him, and in the distance, between the floating bodies of his enemies, he spotted Y/n, high up in the air. With her head thrown back and arms raised horizontally, she levitated about 10 meters above the sea of still warm corpses. Her fingers moved slowly within a ball of purple gas. Geralt was too far away to see, but her veins pumped rage and chaos forming little sparks of fire all around her frame - her lifting the soldiers off the battlefield being just the beginning. Looking to the side, it wasn't hard for him to spot his allies.
Keira was in a trance, on top of the castle's wall. Before Geralt got a chance to rush to her, Triss came running, ushering everyone inside, "Shelter, now!!" she screamed, voice cracking.
"Y/n?" Dijkstra who had just joined them asked.
"Yes" approved Geralt, "And Keira. We can't leave them"
Triss was in no way in the mood for their antics, "She's gonna burn them to ashes and we're gonna fucking die too if we don't move! And now!"
Somewhat relieved, Geralt, along with every other still standing member of their group, ran into the castle. "Are we even safe here? And Keira?" he asked.
After catching her breath, Triss looked at everyone in turn and explained, "Keira is keeping the frost away so y/n's spell won't be as difficult to cast. And yes.." she sighed, "We're safe here, y/n will redirect the flames upwards"
He didn't like this. Not one freaking bit. Rushing to the window, he saw y/n now fully surrounded by that violet gas. Every piece of glass in the castle was trembling, the floor shaking as bits of cement and stone were falling from each of the corners of the room. He wanted to object but he knew going out there was not an option. After a few difficult breaths, everything before his eyes went white. Everyone was thrown off their feet as a loud explosion pushed them meters back, all slamming into the walls behind them. Nothing was audible except for a loud plain ringing deep inside his ears. Geralt found himself literally paralyzed for what he thought were a few seconds, but as soon as he found himself able to stand, he rushed outside. It was now way past dusk, meaning he'd been out for at least a few hours. Once again, and harder this time, panic enveloped him tightly.
Outside, grass was no more. The walls were black with ashes, with Keira standing in front of them, her back towards the castle.
Geralt stepped over burnt corpses, making his way to her. As the sorceress heard him approach, she turned to him, face white and a few too many layers of unshed tears covering her eyes.
He opened his mouth to speak, but she beat him to it. "She's gone"
Heavily bleeding, your feet trembled one in front of the other, carrying your weight the last thousand of feet before reaching the nearest location you could only hope was safe. Around you, laid a deserted village at the foot of the Baarg mountain. At this point you couldn't afford being wrong, so you trusted your gut and walked through a gap in a fence, circled around the cemetery, and followed a path that led you to an empty cave. You sighed with relief, and felt a tear roll down your cheek as you pushed through the darkness, using the last bits of magic left in your body to light up a torch you found laying around. Tens of years ago, this cave used to belong to an elven mage, the only one in history to ever manage to control not only space, but also time. His legacy was so infamous and controversial, that his names was banned from use. This however, didn't stop tens of hopeful magic creatures from trying to learn his ways. It relieved you to no end to see that no one had actually reached this point. Having a story this famous; errors and fake facts were destined to be spread. If not for Geralt and his many connections, you wouldn't have known about this place either.
The entrance to the deeper levels of the cave was guarded by a pack of rock trolls, which took very little magical effort to convince to obey you.
"If any one comes looking for the elf's cave, this isn't the right one. If any one comes looking for me, I'm not here unless Geralt of Rivia asks. Geralt of Rivia, in flesh and bones, not anyone else" 
“Trolly knows, this cave not good”, the creature groaned, "Geralt of Rivia good. Everyone else bad. Trolly likes not if you not Geralt are"
"Perfect" you sighed, and walked further into the cave. Seconds later, you had made it. All the knowledge you ever needed was inside there. Every potion, herb, recipe, crystal or spell book, everything was at arm's length. As soon as the door slammed behind you, you fell to your knees and crashed onto the floor. After 13 days of walking through dangerous unknown woods on the exact other side of the continent, you were happy to finally close your eyes within safety.
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witcher-ot3 · 4 years
Iorveth/Roche Porn WiPs
So, I noticed that 12/30 of my published Iorveth/Roche fics are Explicit, and frankly, that number should be at least half. Then I remembered all the poor WiPs on which I’m stuck in the middle of porn and felt like listing them. These are the ones where I am, quite literally, in the middle of the sex.
Glory hole fic aka Roche finds a way to explore his curiosity about elves. And gains a reputation that even the head of the Scoia’tael needs to check out.
Tittyfucking fic aka Iorveth has a thing for Roche’s chest
Pining and Poignards aka the fic with stabbing and thirsting. Literally, at the moment, as Iorveth is accidentally spying on Roche having a looooong session with himself.
Every Kiss Begins With Kayran aka the Kayran/Iorveth/Roche fic lmao. In which Roche accidentally finds Iorveth during his monthly fuckdate with the Kayran. Rn Iorveth has Roche bound in tentacles and held at check level and there’s definitely gonna be some cock worship coming.
Don’t Cry for Me, Temeria fics
Earning Your Stripes first time fic. Rn Fenn is getting his face fucked by Ves while Finch fucks him. Roche is petting PT and Thirteen’s hair while watching. 
break (v /brāk/): to destroy someone's resistance aka the torture with pleasure cnc fic. Rn Iorveth has finally gotten some cock and Roche has finally broken Iorveth down to the point where he’s following instructions.
Dragonfucking aka threesome with Saskia. Rn Roche is watching Iorveth get eaten out by a dragon. Then he’s gonna discover that elves are perfect for a dragon’s two cocks.
Come inflation + piss play aka the “let’s fill Iorveth as much as we can” fic. I mostly just don’t know where to end it??? I think Roche might fuck Iorveth again?
Baby Mama aka the egg fic. Rn Iorveth is giving his eggs to Roche and Roche is really enjoying it.
Love Shack fics
Better Part of Valor ch 2 aka praise kink sex with Iorveth claiming Roche.
PWP Ovi fic aka uh... I literally just wanted to write ovi for the first time. That was like months ago and now it’s expanded a good amount. Rn Roche has challenged Iorveth that he can take all the eggs Iorveth can give him.
Piss fic aka Roche comes when Iorveth pisses on his crotch. I... have no idea where I’m going with this. Rn Iorveth is getting hard again.
Cum dumpster Roche aka I just wanna ruin him, okay? This is more fragments of paragraphs than a fic, but uh... Roche as "tribute” at a peace conference with elves?
Tentacles + Breeding. This is actually getting close to finished, so I need to come up with a title, but uh... tw dubcon a vine plant needs to reproduce, so it stuffs Roche full of eggs and then he begs Iorveth to fertilize him. We are currently in the “fertilizing” stage.
Pleasure Slave Dream aka Roche really wants to be full, all right? He dreams of being the pet toy of an Iorveth who sits on a throne, because why not? Rn he’s warming Iorveth’s cock as Iorveth shows him off in front of court and milks his trapped cock.
Iorveth Gangbang aka Welcome to the Stripes. Roche directs the Stripes to take Iorveth apart. Rn he’s at the last stage of all the Stripes using him before Roche steps in and claims him properly.
Age Kink fic that has really turned into a painplay fic. Iorveth and Roche are both captured and imprisoned somewhere. When Roche wakes up with a leg cramp, Iorveth massages him... and then handjobs and blowjobs happen lol. Rn we gotta move into the handjob.
Devour What’s Truly Yours fics
Part 2 of the series aka Fisting fic. Rn Iorveth needs to tonguefuck Roche
“Human Bootlicker” aka where Roche licks his own mess from Iorveth’s boots. First Roche has gotta come while he gets his face fucked tho.
Accidental Proposal aka the Elven Baths fic. In which Roche gives Iorveth a rose of remembrance when Iorveth takes him to the ruins for a bath. Rn Iorveth is trying to enthusiastically show his appreciation and Roche needs to get him out of his wet clothes.
Identity Porn fic aka the fic where they have a meet cute in Flotsam just as the Scoia’tael is forming and neither knows the other is an enemy yet. Rn they’ve just gone to Roche’s inn room
And, not Iorveth/Roche, but I started a lil Triss/Geralt/Roche/Ves - or more Geralt/Roche and Ves/Triss fic?? Based on Geralt saying “want me to sit in your lap” to Roche within like 5 seconds of officially meeting him.
Idk if anyone actually read this, but idk, I like listing things out sometimes. So yeah, this is some of what you’ve got to look forward to on the porny front.
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aro-attorneys · 3 years
People have poor taste and yennifer in netflic series is WOC so I think it's also racism
I agree that ppl have poor taste, especially considering she's a much more rich character compared to the books, and all ppl who read the start of the books didn't really dislike her i think?
Idk abt the racism part, i like to think that the ppl i hangout with dont think like this (afterall, they dont have strong opinions abt Triss or Fringilla (but then again they didn't get a storyline).
I think it's more sexism, since Geralt is also very dislikeable at the start, with his martyr complex and his scoffing. But when Yennefer does the same it's regarded as bitchy. (and honestly i like the witcher characters BECAUSE they show flaws like this. Even characters who i claim to dislike are rich characters with depth) (Vilgefortz can die tho)
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whumpbby · 5 years
Why do you dislike Yen?
Cause I read the books and she was never a character that particularly appealed to me. My girl of choice was always Milva;] 
In general, Geralt's and Yen’s romance is written... awkwardly, in the source material. They are supposed to have this big great love story, but I could never buy it, because apart from sexual compatibility (she has a big appetite and he has stamina and experience to satisfy it) they had very little in common day-to-day or even liked about each other. Yen, as all sorceresses, was always self-serving and manipulative - she wasn’t a cold bitch, mind, but she was used to working in the shadows and not sharing her plans with anyone - what she enjoyed about Geralt was that he could stand up to her, their trysts usually ended up in arguments - and that is a poor relationship marker>> 
Not to mention the SUPER shady way they became an ‘item’, with Geralt making a wish and all=_=
As for being Ciri’s mother... I think that Yen always loved the idea of motherhood more than the practice. She was, well, decent? Tho Triss was more motherly towards the girl out of the two of them so this sudden influx of “Yen’s such a great mom material!” that is based 100% on the show is strange to me. 
So, yeah, It’s not that I actively dislike Yen - it’s that she’s a character that I can easily ignore. Believe me, the show did more to flesh her out and make her sympathetic in that handful of episodes than the books did >> 
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mooniie · 6 years
So... The Witcher 3. What. A. Game. 
Okay see, I haven’t even played it through but I need to talk about it. LIKE A LOT.
Getting into the Game So didn’t know aaaanything about the game, like nothing. I haven’t played the games before and haven’t read the story either, so when I told my roomie, what a game I wanted, he gifted me The Witcher 3. 
I started this game 3 times, I think. I just couldn’t get used to the fighting system at all, tbh. I’m not good at fighting... In any game... Poor, stereotypical girl .__.
Anyways I left the game over and over again, before the game even really started. But then I missed another Game - Kingdom Come Deliverance - so much, that I decided to try the witcher again, because it seems to be a bit similar. (Didn’t want to start KCD again, since I hated the ending)
You need to know... If I start liking a game, I won’t stop playing it, so thank god for semester breaks!
Playing the Game/ Yennefer and Triss
I love games with sidequests so, obviously, I tried to make them all. At first I obviously met Yennefer... at first I thought she was cool - then I just thought that she is too mean. Don’t get me wrong, I love bad ass women, like, A LOT. But this woman was just disrespectful and simply unscrupulously. Remember - I don’t have ANY IDEA of the backstory of ALL characters aside from what we are given in the game itself. SO I didn’t have any connection to her at all, apart from the fact that Geralt clearly liked her... 
So I met Triss. I fell in love with her right away. Such a pure and nice person, but also able to kick your ass if she wants to. My girl. SO in the end I decided to take her! Until now, it seems I do.
I ofc also did the quest with Yennefer, about beating the djinn. And even if I felt sorry for her, I decided to tell her, that I don’t love her anymore. But before that I googled the relations with Yen and Triss just briefly. Turns out, Yen is the canon girl for Geralt, but I couldn’t help it. I loved Triss just so much so I stayed faithful  towards her. 
It may changed my opinion about it, if I had played the earlier games, but based on The Witcher 3 only, I made my choice.
And that beats my mind, honestly. The game made me cry three times now. Like REALLY CRY! I don’t know a sh*t about the characters, I feel, but the moment I told Triss I love her and she seems to leave, I freaking cried my eyes out. I cursed my PC to the point my roomie came in and asked what the hell happend, I couldn’t even pay much attention to the talk with Dijkstra - until he told me to turn around - and there she was. My Love!! I was so happy! 
Yeah the moment Yen told me she still had feelings and I needed to turn her down, I struggled, took a few minutes to decide, talked about it with my roomie and even shed a few tears. But Triss was my love. 
First time I cried.
Second time was when I thought Ciri had died. See I didn’t know ANYTHING about the game - it might have been, that she just didn’t make it. And I didn’t know a thing about Ciri, but the way Geralt was hurt just made my heart break. She is his daughter... in some sort. SEE I DON’T EVEN KNOW THAT. And then that stupid asshole light came and brought her back to life. Could’ve made that earliner...! Haven’t stoped crying yet, tho. So I was glad for the talk with Ciri and were able to calm down. Also my roomie just came home, heard me crying again and needed to calm me down a second time because of this game!
And then the third time... uncle Vesemir died... what the actual fuck... I thought about it the whole fight, who will die!? I just knew someone was about to die. I just hoped it wouldn’t be Zoltan, because I really liked that dude. BUT IT NEVER came to my mind that Vesemir dies!! UGH I just finally stoped crying when I talked to all persons at the funeral. That’s basically where I stand now. Don’t know yet how the game continues. But again, my roomie just came in the room to get something and he saw me again crying like a little girl - again because of this game! 
And that just blows my mind. I thought I haven’t build any connection to the characters, but obviously I did! And I don’t know how and when. So the game did a really great job on that!
Story and facts
BUT - I have the feeling like I still don’t know what the hell is going on. I’m to lazy to read all the books in the game and all the character sheets. But I don’t know if Ciri is really the daughter of this king or anything about her powers or her mother. I don’t know the history of several characters like Avallac’h or Dandelion (I play the game in german so excuse me if I get a name wrong or anything) and that annoyes me a lot. Is it okay for me to don’t know 100% of what’s going on all the time?! I don’t know. But I heard that The Witcher 3 is the best and most popular games of all the Witcher games, so shouldn’t they like... I dunno... make it that you understand everything without playing the first two games? I know, they could not know that before the game launches, but non the less, it shouldn’t be based of the other two games, am I right? Like I never have heard of them! So... well... I really like this game, since I do enjoy  riding around the world and doing sidequests, but the lack of history input annoys me a little. Maybe I would understand a lot more if I read all the books and stuff, but that’s just to much. Maybe it even is the goal of the game that you don’t understand anything, but well, what do I know. 
And yes, I nearly always choose all options in conversations.
That’s a least my point of view. I don’t know how the game made me feel so much for the characters, I know so little about, but the lack of history input is kinda annoying to me.
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gaynarutodude · 6 years
okay ily2 triss but u made a submission and i didnt know what to do with it so here’s the answers lmao!!!!! ((tysm and ilysm even tho you’re a rockkinnie))
45. Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college?
-Learning a language, fucking a college boy, and winning the hearts of my professors
74. Top 3 cities you want to see?
-Uhhhhhh Miami, New Yark City, and LA ((im a poor boy who doesnt have the funds to dream big))
91. Top 3 meals you love?
101. Top 3 school memories?
-Losing the beauty pageant, writing n directing a musical with my best friend, senior week in OC ((all my cool fun shit happened senior year so))
105. Top 3 Taylor Swift songs?
-Shake it Off, You Belong With Me, Look What You Made Me Do ((The first two are just undeniable jams, the last one just because I want every outfit she wears in the music video esp that lacey black one and her velma cosplay))
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30-33, 47-51! :)
30. Ciri or Geralt?
Oooohh…this is really a hard one, so I’m gonna cheat :D Ciri AND Geralt, I live for the relationship between these two :) Had to pass on both Yen and Triss in second playthrough to get Ciri at Corvo Bianco, and it just..felt so natural, both of them resting under that tree, discussing contracts (and obviously missing Yen) :) 
31. Regis or Dettlaff?
Regis! I loved him in books so much, and luckily managed to avoid all the spoilers about Blood and Wine, so his reappearence was such a great surprise! Special adoration for “I am very tired and fuck it all.” :D  It really breaks my heart when he leaves in the end of DLC no matter what :( 
32. Olgierd von Everec or Gaunter O’Dimm?
Hm..If I’m to choose between one evil and another… Can I choose Olgierd: Reborn Edition from the very end of DLC? It’s kinda the only ray of hope in all that darkness?.. i really can’t and don’t want to excuse Olgierd’s actions and choices, but O’Dimm is like..pure chaos? So that’s a definite NOPE for MIrror Man. I wonder what he actually is tho
Ok I secretly dream that Olgierd’s brother will rise from the dead and kick both Olgierd’s and O’Dimm’s butts, because obviously he didn’t deserved it! :D
33. Olgierd von Everec or Iris von Everec?
Iris, obviously, this poor girl..Still don’t understand how Olgierd dared to leave her when she was the actual reason why he made a bargain with O’Dimm. 
In the game I bought Van Rogh painting at the auction (it’s her alias, right?) and hanged it at Corvo Bianco with abcolutely no regrets, so let it be my tribute to this wonderful woman :)
47. Crossbow or fists?
Crossbow. Especially after Geralt gets his own crossbow in the tournament :DAaaand I always mess up the fist fights (poor Geralt), so..yeah, definitely crossbow :)
48. Settling down or staying on the path?
Petition for Geralt of Rivia to become the first witcher to die in bed :D He deserves some rest, doesn’t he? Plus he finally got that real estate, so..time to drink some wine with dear people and enjoy the quiet life :) 
49. Gwent Cards or Swords?
GWENT CARDS! MORE OF THEM! ALL OF THEM! I mean I have nothing against swords, I even tried to collect them when I played the first time, but there’s kinda no point? There is not enough place for all of them at Corvo Bianco, and to keep them in the chest? Nah
50. Beard or no beard?
Beard. Gonna second Yen on this point - must say it suits him :D
51. “Puss Peepers” or “Mutant”?
Ugh..I really dislike that woman and this nickname she gave to Geralt, so let it be “mutant”. Kinda states a fact + Geralt is already used to it :) 
Thanks a lot! :)
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witcher-ot3 · 4 years
List of Iorveth/Roche WiPs
Because somethings I like to torment myself by showing how many fucking things I’m working on. Doesn’t help that lately, I’ve started a new WiP every time I get stuck in another fic. So, in no particular order (literally just how the tabs are ordered in my window lmao), here are all my Iorveth/Roche WiPs
2 fics in the Petals and Stripes ‘verse - one with Roche’s POV straight after and one of the Stripes’ POV as they deal with the aftermath... and try to help their boss woo Iorveth. Surprising no one, they’re terrible at it.
Curse breaking WiP where True Love’s Kiss strong emotion for one’s enemy saves Iorveth’s life. And then he, Roche, and Triss team up to go save the Scoia’tael.
Roche’s POV WiP set before they first meet. Includes some nice knife and blood kink during a face off between Iorveth and Roche. No idea where this one is going.
Eye On You Chapter 3, for which the plan is thigh-fucking. That’s it, that’s all I got.
Fake dating casefic (The Curious Case of the Murivel Resort for Couples). rn they’re playing strip gwent and I somehow signed up to write 5 different gwent games for this 😢
Competitive makeouts (The Chase) rn they’re spiderman kissing, but there’s gonna be a conspiracy plot that Iorveth has to reveal.
New ‘verse involving Iorveth/Roche/Kayran and Roche/Foltest lmao. First WiP is Roche running into Iorveth during his monthly fuckdate with the Kayran... and then joining in. Second WiP is a comparison of Roche’s two relationships and how they make him feel. For some reason, I framed it around the Chivalric Virtues from Blood & Wine and made it a 5+1 lol
Pining and Poignards, a WiP in which there is pining and stabbing lol. A poignard is a type of knife, which Iorveth generously “gifts” to Roche. rn Iorveth is sneaking around the army base and has just caught Roche masturbating. I...only sort of know where I’m going with this one.
Tittyfucking. That’s it, that’s the plot lmao. Iorveth is a lil obsessed with Roche’s chest and attempts to fuck it.
Gross Gremlin Man aka Iorveth prefers Roche nasty and sweaty. Uh... I just started this one and somehow it went from “huh, why do I not mind Roche when he’s all sweaty” to “hmm, I think I’m gonna steal his clothes and smell them while I touch myself” and I’m still working on the transition from one to the other lol
Red is the Rose Chapters 3+4 - Ch3 is about ready for posting, but I’m trying to figure out how much of the events of W2 to cover or if I should just skip all of them and get to the post-W2 plot.
Fun fact: all of those WiPs above are in 1 document because I like to make life difficult for Google Docs. But the other docs are all specific ‘verses (or themes) and these ones are theoretically standalone. Theoretically.
More standalones
Letters - a post-W3 WiP where Roche is running Temeria and hates it and starts receiving letters from Iorveth (sealed with a forget me not in wax).
WiP where they both get captured and imprisoned in a magic cell and whoops, sex ends up happening... and then their teams come rescue them.
Cuddles with the Commander - continuation of Pride of Temeria, where Roche wakes up cuddled up with Pillow Tits and his team.
Fire Breathing - a Meet the Family WiP where Iorveth is hanging with the Stripes and PT decides to demonstrate how to breathe fire. Iorveth is more than slightly freaked out that humans have this ability.
Iorveth gangbang - uh yeah, what it says on the tin. The Blue Stripes take Iorveth apart under Roche’s guidance.
Different first meeting identity porn WiP - they meet in Flotsam just as the Scoia’tael is starting to get formed. Neither knows who the other is, but they have amazing sex and every time they’re in Flotsam together, they meet up again. But Iorveth, of course, leads the Scoia’tael, and Roche has been tasked with hunting them down.
Crones WiP - Roche went to the Crones to plead for his men back. He gets them back - but as ghosts. He also gets assigned to help work on a cure to the Catriona plague, and it turns out one of the people already working on it is Iorveth. I literally just want Blue Stripes ghosts laughing at Roche’s bad flirting, but somehow it’s mostly angst rn ooops
Love Shack WiPs
First Time WiP - this one is so close to being done dammit. It’s actually the first WiP I ever started for this pairing and it just needs like 2 more orgasms aaaaahhhhhh
Medicine WiP - morning after their first time, they have a discussion about scars and medicine and how elven medicine is way better than human medicine. Not at all based on the billions of medical procedures I’m going through or anything.
PWP Ovi WiP - uh yeah, this one is just pure porn. rn Iorveth is giving Roche his eggs and Roche is loving it.
The Picture Says It All - next is gonna be a sketch of Roche hard at work hunched over a desk and Iorveth is all “no, this is wrong, he’s meant to be wielding a sword and fighting me”
The Haunting of Barrack 8B - Adda!! Adda is officially getting introduced in the next part, which is good, ‘cause she’s important in this ‘verse (and in my heart)
Roche builds Iorveth a home WiP - oh yeah, I stalled out because I realized I had to establish Roche and Rinn’s friendship before she could give him a hint about making a nest for Iorveth
Long Live the King - WiP about Roche’s relationship with Foltest, some of what he’s done for the King, how Iorveth feels about it, and then the big finale for this ‘verse, which I will leave secret for now.
Don’t Cry For Me, Temeria WiPs These are only the ones that have actual WiPs started, because believe me, I have a LOT more ideas
(Im)Perfect Strangers ch 27 - time for Roche to step up his wooing. Featuring dinner, dancing, and gift giving. And, of course, it wouldn’t be me without misunderstandings lol.
Between Two Fools Ch 8 - I’m working on getting this out as soon as I can. Just gotta finish writing their sex from the end of (Im)Perfect Strangers ch 26
Unlucky Number Thirteen - I want to write about how he starts spying for Roche and their developing kinda mentorship relationship
Silas’s story - he’s literally JUST joined the Stripes and I need to write how he and Thirteen work closely together but also this poor anxious boy is like 3 seconds from a heart attack at all times rn. It will get better tho.
Earning Your Stripes ch 2 - the first time. This chap will actually have porn! But first I gotta finish writing it lol. Rn Ves and Finch are double teaming Fenn and PT and Thirteen are in subspace cuddling with Roche, but soon they’ll get to join in too.
break (v /brāk/): to destroy someone's resistance - cnc WiP where Iorveth asks Roche to break him - and Roche has a lot of fun doing so as they pretend to fight like they’re still enemies.
Bath House - this was SUPPOSED to be a porny lil thing where Roche talks dirty to Iorveth while they’re stuck being proper for the kids, and then finally they get some alone time. But what it also turned into is that Anais and Thirteen equally hate baths lmao. Boussy loves them tho. He’s a hedonist, while Anais is just bored and Thirteen is like a cat with water.
Tutti Ch 2 - Iorveth begins to compose a symphony for Roche about their love story.
Daggers, Dumplings, and Dresses - the Elihal/Hattori side story. Not gotten much written so far - mostly just Elihal reflecting on his friendship with Iorveth.
The First Rule of Fight Club ch 2 - Ves now has time to think about what Ciaran said about Roche not being worthy of her loyalty. And also about how Ciaran’s skin tasted when she bit him.
Dragonfucking - another PWP WiP featuring a threesome with Saskia... except Roche still doesn’t know about the whole dragon thing, so he’s in for a surprise.
Water Balloon Fight - silly lil WiP where the Scoia’tael and the Blue Stripes have a water balloon fight. PT is the ref.
Baby Mama - lmao yes that is what it’s listed as in my doc. Not gonna say a lot about this, but will probably be a longer piece. Set in the distant future in DCfM,T.
Tempt Not a Desperate Man ‘verse Yeah, does anyone know what this is? It’s the ‘verse that started with Devour What’s Truly Yours and so far has nothing else published oops
Part 2 - in which they actually have to face each other again and figure out where they stand. And then there’s some fisting.
The Chaperon - Iorveth decides to make Roche a chaperon since the last one was sacrificed as a cum rag
Human Bootlicker - Iorveth makes a joke about Roche surrendering on his knees when he gets the upper hand in a fight between the Blue Stripes and the Scoia’tael - and then Roche actually does.
Elven Baths - so it’s kinda a thing in this ‘verse that they end up meeting and fucking in the elven baths in the Flotsam forest. As in, the legend about “if you’re in love, you can still hear the lovers’ sighs in the garden” came to being because Roche is fucking loud lmao. Also, roses of remembrance. 😉
Sort of series fics, but technically stand alone. AKA apparently I decided I wanted to do Themes. 
Theme 1: Possessiveness aka all the kinky sex kinda embarrassed to admit to these which is dumb because fuck shame
Piss fic - uh, kinda what it sounds like? Roche decides to be an asshole and refuses to move out of the way when Iorveth tries to get to the bathroom - and somehow this turns into Iorveth pissing on his crotch.
Come inflation + piss fic - Roche gets a potion that makes him come a lot. Iorveth likes it and wants more.
Possessiveness - Iorveth has feelings about his nemesis and Roche does not know how to feel about this.
Tentacles + Breeding - a tentacle/vine plant instinctively tries to lay its eggs in Roche. Iorveth is not okay with this plant going for his enemy... until it turns out Roche is very much here for it. And also for Iorveth fertilizing the eggs after they’ve been laid.
Dream - Roche dreams about Iorveth being an elven king and himself being essentially Iorveth’s plaything, to use and to show off
Theme 2: King Roche aka hey, wouldn’t it be funny if he ended up in charge? He would hate it so much
Murder husbands - Iorveth breaks into the palace and finds the very unhappy “King” Roche, then they go run away and kill war criminals together. But of course Roche could never abandon Temeria, so he’s still in charge by day. But by night, it’s murder time.
Okay, technically this has like a line written for it, BUT bodyguard AU where Roche knows he’s gonna get assassinated without protection once he becomes king, and only Iorveth is allowed to kill him. So only makes since for Iorveth to become his bodyguard. 
Arranged Marriage AU - inspired by softestpunk’s The Gift, I literally just want cracky fun where they are forced to get married and they hate it but also fall in love. That’s it, that’s the story.
Holy fuck, I have a lot of WiPs. But I think that’s all the Iorveth/Roche ones. Which is not to say I don’t have more, but rn, I am hyperfixated on these idiots, so these are the ones I am actively writing.
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