#she’ll either go for ranger or rogue idk???? but i was like the way she would THRIVE and now she has an au <3
thedeadthree · 1 year
i made lhysa in the bg3 character creator and now she has a b*g3 verse 🥀🗡️🌿✨ !!!!!!!!
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werewolfdays · 5 years
OC questions meme
so I decided to roll some dice to get random numbers and take some questions from a few oc questions posts because why not. also sorry. some of the answers got kinda long... (answered for Jayde and Nadya)
-In a dungeons and dragons game, which class would your character be? 
Nadya would be a ranger. Jayde would probably be a fighter or a rogue.
-Does your character like coffee better, or tea?
For both of them it depends on their mood. I’d say Nadya leans more towards tea and Jayde leans more towards coffee.
-Is your character ticklish? 
Nadya is more ticklish than Jayde is. She has a particular spot on her side that’s the most ticklish and Jayde loves to poke her there sometimes. The most ticklish spot on Jayde are the bottoms of her feet, otherwise you have to catch her in the right unguarded mood (which Nadya tries on occasion)
-Has your character ever struck someone in anger?
Jayde? Yes, all the fucking time. Nadya? I’d say she’s capable of it, but someone would really really have to piss her off on a bad day. 
-Is your character and optimist or a pessimist?
Nadya is usually an optimist or at the very least she tries to be. With the life that Jayde’s lived she’s prone to pessimism, but Nadya’s optimism occasionally rubs off on her. 
-Who steals the covers the most?
No question, its Nadya. Jayde doesn’t mind though cause she rarely gets cold and if Nadya is comfortable then she’s happy.
-Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
I don’t think I have to say Jayde is the kind of person to remove a problem/threat rather than herself. Getting rid of problems and threats is kinda what she’s good at. For Nadya she would rather not get violent or forceful if she doesn’t have to. Removing herself from a bad situation is the most peaceful way to end things in her eyes. 
-If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Jayde has some survivors guilt and is so hard on herself sometimes. If something bad happens she’s the easiest person for her to blame. Nadya is kind of the same way. With how she grew up, she struggles a lot with believing in herself so there’s always that “I could’ve done something more/better” voice in her head. 
-How does either member of your otp know they want to have sex/make love?
Being a werewolf makes it pretty easy for Jayde to tell when Nadya is in the mood because she can always sense it. For Nadya it usually isn’t too hard for her to tell. Jayde is always pretty touchy, but when she’s in the mood Jayde gets even more touchy and flashes the “Do me” eyes. Jayde is really good at eye-fucking.  
-What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Jayde was very close to her parents, her father in particular. He was a very musical person and taught Jayde how to play some instruments and sing (the piano is her favorite). Jayde was very open with her father and talked with him about pretty much everything. Nadya’s relationship with her parents is a little complicated. When she was really young it was good. She went on camping trips with just her and them and had some fun fishing with her dad. As she grew older and grew into herself and realized she was a lesbian, she grew distant from them and lost whatever connection she had. She talks with her father every now and then but it never really gets past small talk. 
-Who gets jealous the most?
I’d say Jayde gets jealous the most. Nadya can be a people person and likes talking to everyone and is SUPER nice so sometimes they’ll take that the wrong way and start flirting with her and she can be kinda oblivious to that, but Jayde isn’t. Jayde always notices when someone is flirting with Nadya and she’s super protective so sometimes she has to do the “deep breaths, count backwards from 10…” but Jayde rarely acts out on her jealousy because she doesn’t want to be like one of those possessive douchebags. If the person is being pushy/aggressive towards Nadya then she’ll definitely step in, but if they’re harmless then she’ll just like stare daggers at them and hover a little closer to Nadya.
-Who is more likely to want to have sex in public? Who is afraid of getting caught?
Jayde is pretty okay with some PDA and she certainly isn’t modest, but when it comes to intimate things she prefers to keep that private. It’s not because she’s ashamed or embarrassed, she just thinks of it as its no ones business besides hers and Nadya’s so if they were to get caught in public it would really annoy her. That being said, it isn’t something that’s completely off the table for her. Nadya wouldn’t always want it, but she would occasionally be into the thrill of having sex in a public place. Of course if they were to get caught she would be mortified. Still, doesn’t hurt to live on the edge every once in a while. 
-What do they find the most sexy about the other?
Oh man this is a hard question cause they are so into each other it’s like asking them what their favorite candy is when they’re standing in a candy store, how do you choose just one? Also idk if this is asking for physical traits or emotional ones so I’ll do one of each? For Jayde, she really loves how dedicated Nadya can be. If Nadya starts a thing, she will stick with it, give it her all and finish it. And also Jayde finds her really fucking hot when she’s wearing glasses. For Nadya, she really admires just how much Jayde can love people. When Jayde tells someone she loves them, it’s pretty much for forever. With Nadya. With her family and her packmates. Jayde has a huge heart and she doesn’t even know it (A big heart is sexy!! -Nadya). And Nadya loves the abs, the arms, them muscles. Jayde doing pull-ups in a sports bra = Nadya found dead in Miami 
-What was the biggest hurdle in their relationship? 
This is a BIG question. To summarize: Nadya has a brother, Ruben, who is… not a great person. He abused her growing up and as soon as Nadya tells Jayde this it pretty much signs his death warrant. Even though Nadya is afraid of him more than anything and has nothing but negative feelings towards him, she tells Jayde not to kill him. In fact, she begs her not to kill him. And Jayde just doesn’t understand that and has to try really hard not to be angry with her because she knows that there’s something deeper to her reasoning and the fact that Nadya seemingly can’t come up with a good one. 
Eventually some things happen and Jayde does end up killing him. In front of Nadya. Even though Jayde was just itching for an excuse to end Ruben, he didn’t give her much of a choice. Still, it’s a traumatizing event for Nadya and she has a lot of conflicted feelings towards herself and Jayde after. The world will be a better place without Ruben and she can’t deny the relief she feels knowing that he’s gone, but in her mind it was still her brother. Nadya grew up with him. He’s been there for her entire life. All she sees when she looks at Jayde is the image of her killing her brother. Nadya knows that isn’t fair and she hates herself for it and yet she can’t stop feeling that way. 
Nadya decides that she needs some time away from Jayde. Jayde is incredibly hurt and frustrated with herself because she doesn’t regret what she did, it needed to be done, but it was something that Nadya asked her not to do and she hates that it happened right in front of her. So, Jayde lets her go. And even though Nadya phrased it as “taking a break” and not a break up, Jayde thinks that this is it for them. That she finally did something that shattered their relationship beyond repair. And it was because of something that Jayde just doesn’t see as wrong.
But after a few weeks Nadya misses Jayde way too much and feels terrible for leaving her so she goes back. The time away did help them. It didn’t completely fix the situation, but they both realize that they want and need each other to forgive, heal and move forward. 
-What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen?
Jayde: besides Nadya? Well it’s really hard to compete with her in Jayde’s eyes (sappy disaster bi) but as far as like scenery or something it would probably be the full moon when she turned for the first time. Her parents took her out deep into the wilderness. They hiked for days because there should be nothing to separate you from nature for your first turn. It was a cloudless night and the moon hung above her, full and enormous. Since they were miles and miles from civilization there were billions of visible stars too, more than Jayde has ever seen. It was a sight and a trip that she would never forget. 
Nadya: On the last camping trip she went on with her parents, before she left for college, there was a meteor shower. It was the first one she’s ever seen and Nadya loves the stars so it was just amazing to see. Whenever one is happening she tries to go out to see it and take pictures. 
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magicrobins · 6 years
please 13 for the dnd asks!!
I’m so sorry this took so long! Honestly idk why it took so long…
13. Introduce your current party.
Considering this was asked before the Eberron campaign was even planned and also the Eberron campaign hasn’t started yet, I’ll go with the Second Breakfast Club gang! Ngl my descriptions of these characters might be bias based on how my own character sees them.
So let me start with my character: I play the drow rogue, Valas Telenna. He’s nonbinary, pansexual/panromantic, and polyamorous. He has roughly one-hundred years of angsty af backstory ‘cause I’m a piece of shit like that lmao. He’s also a piece of shit. He’s a chaotic neutral assassin who has good tendencies, though he won’t admit it. The good tendencies mostly come from the influence of the previous party he was a part of, as well as his childhood best friend and lover. He’s reckless, suicidal and often depressed. He struggles with self-harm and low self worth. Despite that he’s also cocky and vain af. He’s good looking and he knows it. He’s also extremely protective of those he cares about even if he thinks he doesn’t deserve to have those people in his life.
Now onto the rest of the party!
Firstly, Rihiri Valtari, played by @jellyfishlovesloki. Rihiri is a fucking goddess. My sis and I have discussed it and we’re pretty sure Rihiri’s the heart of the party atm. She’s a tiefling druid and currently in a friends with benefits relationship with Valas - She was probs the first he’s allowed in the party to call him Val without getting pissy at them. But like I said she’s a fucking goddess and she’s so kind but she’ll fucking cut you with her scythe in a heartbeat if you hurt someone she cares about or threatens them. Val finds her immensely attractive, obvs, but also as a shoulder to cry on when needed. He didn’t want to form a friendship with her (he doesn’t want to form attachments in general ‘cause angst and he’s a shit), but now after roughly a little over a year of knowing her, he can’t imagine his life without her. She travels with a sunbear (I had to google it to make sure I had the right bear) named Paz who loves honey. She’s also very good at throwing halflings.
Speaking of halflings: Bilbo Swaggins, played by @theoneandonlyfloozyjesus (tUMBLR WON’T LET ME @ YOU WHY). They’re… they’re quite interesting. They’re a halfling rogue - I believe an arcane trickster? I don’t really know anything about their backstory except they met Rihiri in a bar fight. Valas doesn’t know much about them either, which bugs him and makes him more inclined not to trust them. Though he had no real problem with Bilbo until Bilbo sTABBED him (and not in a fun way -wink wink nudge nudge- … -coughs- anyways). Bilbo’s also good at being thrown but not at landing lmao. They’re never gonna live that face plant down lmao. But yeah they’re quite the mystery. Val’s gonna kill me for admitting this but the fact that he knows jack shit about Bilbo actually really intrigues him and there’s moments when he finds that attractive but then Bilbo opens their mouth or gets drunk off their ass and the moment quickly fades lmaooooo.
Speaking of people Val is attracted to (the list is long): Zeager Steelheart, played by @nutellanewt. When I think of how quickly Val has fell for him, I like to think of him as Zaegar StealYourHeart. Y’get it? Lame joke but it forever makes me laugh. Zaegar is a shirtless half-orc monk. He’ll say he’s not attractive but Val very much begs to differ. He’s very kind, though I don’t know much about his backstory and him as a character. Valas doesn’t know much about him either and that bugs him but he’s afraid to ask, to get to know him better. He’s afraid to grow closer to him like he’s done with Rihiri because he swore to himself he wouldn’t get close to anyone again after some events in his past but oops he fucked up and grew close to Rihiri, he doesn’t want to fuck up again but gdi boy get some. -coughs- Imeanwut. Zaegar’s also like the king of flexing. It’s a guaranteed way to distract Val that isn’t used as often as it should be when Val’s about to make a bad decision. Zaegar and Rihiri are also basically the voices of reason or diplomacy in the group.
Then there’s Sefhana Brenlynn, a half-elf ranger played by my sis, @bxtgrl. While Zaegar and Rihiri are being diplomatic, Sef and Val are sassing the shit out of people, especially each other. Val doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like Val. It’s a mutual dislike. She’s become quite close to Rihiri (I ship it. I already multiship this fucking party guys send help I’m multishipping trash over here - as in the trash is me, not the ships or characters lmao). She travels with a white wolf named Echo that I’m surprised she doesn’t send to maul Val. I know Sefhana’s backstory only ‘cause I’ve read it, but Valas doesn’t know it. Again, he’s not inclined to trust people he knows hardly anything about but they’re breaking down his walls (I mean they also know jack shit about Val sooo -shrugs). He does trust Sefhana not to murder him in his sleep… At least while Rihiri’s around. Sefhana’s also badass. She killed a giant spider with her bow and arrows. She’s also an archer. So like instant brownie points there ‘cause I love archers ok. I don’t think she and Val will ever truly get along but I do hope they can come to some kind of mutual understanding of each other someday.
Onto the newest members of the party! (Both of these players don’t have tumblrs to @ that I’m aware of.)
Thursdorious Lightningborn (I hope I got that name right) is a dragonborn druid. I know… nothing about him? He owns a fat liger. I think he grew up with Rihiri. They seem like close friends which does spike some jealousy in Val because he wishes he could be that close to Rihiri without worrying about hurting her. Val also doesn’t like him strictly because he shoved Val off Rihiri’s lap. That was his first impression of Thursdorious and he hasn’t forgotten it. Val’s also not sure if Thursdorious is the sharpest tool in the shed, but Val’s a judgy shit sooo -shrugs-. Yeah I don’t know much about Thursdorious. He’s new to the party and while I hope he stays, Val doesn’t lmao. Sorry about Val.
Vox Forzare, the gnome wizard (please tell me I remembered that right. It’s late, I’m tired) played by the newest member of our campaign! He likes to light shit on fire lmao. I don’t know much about him because he’s fairly new. Val doesn’t know anything ‘cause they haven’t officially met but they’re not gonna like each other. Vox’s first impression of Val was when Val was under a wizard’s control and forced to attack his fellow party members only Vox doesn’t know Val was under a spell. I’m sure they’ll eventually become friends, but idk how long that might take. Definitely sooner than Sef and Val lmao.
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hitomishiga · 7 years
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