#she’s still doing the scrapbook i think….. v curious to see how that turns out
tealmoth · 5 months
very important update: after wrapping up season 3, she decided that she was going to binge-watch season 4 in one go. so, uh, she finished it!! in one day!!! yesterday!!!!
and after the usual routine of squealing any time zeb and kallus were on screen together, saying “oh i love this” about kallus being a badass towards pryce, and ofc mourning kanan and screaming about ezra, we got the reach the epilogue (!!!!!) which she watched in total silence, before pausing the tv, making the MOST dying-animal-esque noise of all time, and yelling “THAT WAS SO CUUUUTE.” like, she didn’t care about anything else. jacen? whatever. ahsoka being back? could care less. the only thing that matters is that, in her words, “ZEB AND KALLUS GOT TO RUN AWAY TOGETHERRR.”
she’s since made up her mind that they adopted several lasat babies and lived happily ever after, and i could not be more thrilled by this development.
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theodosia-cipher · 7 years
Just One Summer (3)
↠Chapter 3, Connections?↞
⋯⋘Y/N pov⋙⋯
I just sat on the chair while reading Journal 3 again. I looked up and watched Dipper and Mabel having a syrup fight... Or is it race? Mabel won but she ended up coughing it out, cause, you know... Syrup and all. Dipper was a little upset that he had lost, but then proceeded to look at a particular page in the newspaper on the dining table.
"Woah, ho.. No way! Hey, check this out! Dipper said to Mabel. I was curious so I got up and sat beside him, looking at what they were looking at.
"Human-sized hamster ball?! Omg! I'm human sized!" Mabel exclaimed after looking at it. I giggled at her.
"We're all human sized, Mabel," I told her, while trying to hold in a few giggles.
"No, no, no. This. We see weirder stuff everyday!" Dipper said, pointing at a page. Oh hey, a page on a photo contest on weird creatures. This is gonna be fun! I clapped my hands cheerfully as I nodded.
"Eh, and I have his beard hair!" Mabel said, taking out Jeff's Beard's hair. Dipper backed away in disgust.
"Ugh, why did you save that?" he asked. Mabel replied with a shrug.
"Oh, give that to me!" I said, reaching out for the beard hair.
"Ewww, why do you want it, Y/N?" dipper asked me, making a face while Mabel gave it to me.
"For further investigation, silly!" I said as I kept it in a small zip lock bag.
"Oh well, kids, do you know what day it is?" Grunkle Stan asked us. I replied with a shrug.
"Uh... April fools?"
"Squakle top!(I think that's what she said :v)"
"Eh, it's family fun day, genius!"
"Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be like our last family bonding day?" Dipper asked. I shivered at the memory.
We were all sitting around a table, painting fake money on green paper. Until the police caught us, that is. We were thrown in the county jail.
─Back to present─
Mabel shivers.
"Ugh... The county jail was so cold..." she said. I nodded in response.
"Eh, I know I haven't been the best summer caretaker but I'm sure you'll be okay. Now, who wants to put on some blind folds and get into my car?!"
"Yay!" all three of us exclaimed.
"Wait, what?" Dipper and I asked. We put on some blind folds and actually get into Stan's car.
⋯↣Time skip cause idk and I can't seem to catch the words that they are saying in the episode... This video quality SUCKS↢⋯
"Grunkle Stan, are you wearing a blind fold too?" Dipper asked, as the car was bumping around. After a while, the car crashes into... Something... And we all scream. And not long after that, we were pulled out of the car with our blind folds still on.
"Okay, okay, you can take them off now," Grunkle Stan says and we take off our blind folds.
"Oh my gosh! I had forgotten all about fishing season!! I still remember the last time we came together, grunkle Stan," I said as I tried to stifle in a giggle.
"Ahh! Y/N help! I'm sinking!" grunkle Stan yelped as he tried to swim back up. I just stared at him a started to laugh, then I threw a life bouy (how the crap do you spell it..?!) at him. I watched him struggle as he tried to get back up. I then pulled the string which was tied onto it and I brought both of us back to land.
"I didn't know you couldn't swim!!" I said as a laugh escaped my mouth. Not long after, I found myself rolling on the ground, laughing and crying while clutching onto my stomach. Grunkle Stan watched me, unamused. He then went into the car and I rushed in. We both went back to the shack.
─End of Flashback─
"Hey, it wasn't that funny. And you're still doing the same thing as if it had happened again," he said to me, giving me a playful death glare. I was rolling on the ground while remembering the entire scene, laughing my eyes out. Dipper just looked at me and Mabel, weirded out while Mabel just laughed along with me with no clue on what's going on.
"So, who's up for a day of family fun?!" Grunkle Stan exclaimed, while holding 4 fishing rods in his hands. Dipper, Mabel and I looked at each other, unsure if we should go or not.
"He really wants to go fishing with us," Mabel said, looking at Grunkle Stan.
"Well, I think he d-" I said before I was cut of, rudely, by someone.
"I'VE SEEN IT! I'VE SEEN IT AGAIN!" Old Mcgucket exclaimed.
"Seen what?" Dipper asked.
"I've seen the Gobblewonker again! This time I've got proof!" he said, doing a small jig... Dance... Whatever...
"Aww! He's doing a happy jig!" Mabel said.
"It's not a happy jig! It's a jig of terror! I will show you proof!" he said, leading us to a broken boat.
"Behold! Its mighty tail has crushed my jiggly boat apart!(lol I made this up cause I don't remember, and I don't care LOL)" he exclaimed, pointing at a crushed boat.
─Time skip to when they are at Scuttlebutt Island cause Author Chan here is a lazy butt with a forgetful memory─
(Btw, it's still your POV)
"Woah... This... This is incredible!" Dipper said, as he stepped out of soos' boat, walking around with a lantern in his hand. We took Soos' boat to come to Scuttlebutt Island.
I hummed in response, nodding a bit with my head in journal 3. I was trying to look for a page with information on the Gobblewonker, but sadly not finding anything. I snapped the book shut and looked up. We were on an island where everything is foggy and we could barely see. Dipper was the only one holding a light source. I sighed and rummaged through my bag, looking for a torchlight of some sort. I managed to actually find 3 in my backpack. Huh. Actually, it was just one torchlight, a flamethrower, and a lamp... I don't even know where I got the flamethrower. I took out the lamp and zipped up my bag. So now we have 2 light sources on us.
"You never told us you had a lamp on you too," Dipper said, his eyes narrowing at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on where we were going.
"Haha! Look, if we cover out Scuttle, you can see Butt! Butt Island!" Soos said, covering the "scuttle" from "scuttlebutt". He and Mabel laughed at that little joke.
"Guys! Take this seriously! We can split the prize up to 3 parts! WE are doing this TOGETHER!" I yelled at them, which shushed them up. We then made our way, aimlessly walking forwards.
"My name is Mabel, it rhymes with table. It also rhymes with.. Able. It also rhymes with... Shmabel!" Mabel said, as we all walked. Soos was behind her, making some rapping noise(idk what that is :T).
"Dude, you should be writing that down!" Soos said before we heard a noise coming from the distance.
"Guys... Shush. Listen," Dipper said, as he grabbed my lamp, since his one was taken by a squirrel earlier on the way.
"Hey! That's mine!" I said as I took the lamp back, and shone it at where we had heard the noise coming from. I stepped in front of the three of them and headed closer to the noise. We managed to see a figure which looked like a monster. A smile twitched on my mouth as we got closer, but slowly changed into a frown as we got close enough. It was just a wooden structure, with beavers on it. They must be made this.
"B-but... What about the sound that we heard...?" Dipper asked, a frown on his used-to-be excited face. We heard it again and turned to see it. But it was just a Beaver with a chainsaw. The chainsaw was making all the noise. Dipper and I sighed in defeat, at the same time. And that's when I heard something in the water. My head shot up to look for where that came from and that's when I was Dipper looking at something in the water. My eyes sparkled in excitement as I took out my camera. I quickly took a good pic of it and I hugged the camera. Dipper was taking multiple pictures of it. That's when we turned to look at Mabel and Soos.
"Guys! I've got a good picture of it!!" I exclaimed, jumping around.
"U-uh... We... We have to g-go..." Soos said as he gestured Dipper and I to follow him. Dipper and I looked at each other and made a face saying what-why-what's-wrong? That's when we felt the ground Shake.
"Dudes, we gotta run!!" Soos said, as he and Mabel started to back away, eventually running. I turned around and saw the Gobblewonker ON LAND, about to EAT us. I quickly shot up and grabbed Dipper's hand. His hand is so soft.... No! Do NOT like him! He's so rude to you!! I shook the thought off my head and I dragged him while I ran. He was struggling to get my hand off his, yelling at me to let go. Well, does he want to suffer? He seems like he wants to. I let go of him and stood there as I watched him fall. The Gobblewonker got closer to us as I just stood there and watched Dipper blankly. I started to space out when I heard the gobblewonker growl, that's when it snapped me back to my senses and I freaked out a bit before helping Dipper out and both of us ran. Well, I ran. I was carrying him on my back for some reason.
"Soos!! Help me out here!" I yelled over to Soos. He turned and picked both of us up. My camera was starting to slip out of my pocket.
"No!" I pushed Dipper off me and he responded with a groan, then ran beside us. I managed to keep the camera with me and a sighed in relief. I saw Dipper was far behind us and he was near the Gobblewonker, so I jumped out if Soos' grasp and helped him.
"Your welcome, now I just wish we are at the boat already!" I said, then suddenly, all four of us were at the boat. Before anyone could speak, I cut them.
"Soos! Move, now! GO GO GO!!!" I said, pointing at the other direction as the Gobblewonker got closer.
─Another time skip cause Author Chan is so lazy haha─
(you guys have to watch the entire episode cause I'm not gonna write a lot on that, but about something to do with the teleportation thingy. So... Ye. Now, the time skip is skip to when everyone is back at the shack)
"Haha! That was a LOT of fun!" I said, plopping on my bed.
"I have SO many pictures! Still have one pic of the Gobblewonker machine tho. I know exactly where to keep it!" I said, as I took out a scrapbook. I flipped to an empty page and pasted the pictures on it.
"Oh hey! I have a scrapbook too!!" Mabel exclaimed as she took out hers. Mine was filled with lots of memories from my previous summers. The first summer with Grunkle Stan, and many with my.. Parents. And a few of me having fun alone after the little incident. Mabel's was filled with a few pictures of when they arrived here. It's quite new to be honest. Mine is an old one. I had it since I was six. That's when I started to go on monster hunts. I gave a happy sigh as I flipped through my pages, tearing up at a few. Mabel noticed my tears.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Mabel asked me. I looked up and she had a concerned happy face. I decided that it was about time I told them.
"Well... I guess I have to tell you everything, huh?" I looked down a bit. When I looked up again, Mabel and Dipper were sitting next to either side of me. Dipper was much closer to me now. My face flushed a bit red as I started to tell them my life. I flipped through each page of my scrapbook as I told them.
"Well, I've lived here in Gravity Falls all my life. My parents were monster hunters. They were extremely enthusiastic about it. It was their main job. Of course they had their own jobs to earn money and all for us. When I was six, they decided to take me on my first monster hunt. Back then, I was a girl who is full of mystery. I was a good schooler to be really honest. I still have my trophy collection in my old house before I met Stan. My most prized possession was this.." I said, walking over to under Dipper's bed and took out a box. They watched me curiously as I opened it. I took out a small mechanic. It looked like a camera, and it kinda was.
"This... This was my first invention. It was for my school science fair when I was 9. I was the so called smartest kid in the school and everyone adored me. My parents were really proud. It's called a camera bag. It's a camera which you can put the pictures that you take with it in. Heh, I still use it even now. I don't want to bother to throw it away," I put the camera bag away as I went back to telling them about my parents.
"My parents were really kind people. Our family was called 'The Mysteries' cause the three of us would go into the woods at night for monster hunts. One day, when I was 11, we were out on a monster hunt again. We were looking for that bear with lots of heads. Heh, it was a nice creature. That's when we bumped into a three headed dragon. It started attacking us. My father had given me a crossbow and arrow, a sword and pepper spray. I brought all three items along that particular night.." Dipper's eyes widened at the part where I mentioned a three headed dragon.
"The dragon... He... I was the only one of the three of us who survived... M-my parents were killed and eaten up by it... I watched the Dragon eat them. I watched them... I saw that they had dropped their things and the most important thing that we always brought on each of our monster hunts. The magic dust. I quickly sprinkled some on me and I became invisible, so I took the chance and took my parents things and ran back home. I locked every door, every window. I came home and I was really bloody because... The dragon.. Yeah.. You know... I had wounds on my body. Heck I still have a number of scars from that incident! I never went on another monster hunt after that. That's when your Grunkle found me..-" Mabel cut me off.
"That.. That was terrible! Wait, grunkle Stan found you?"
"Yeah.. Now. You want me to continue or not?"
"Yeah, go on."
"Well, I was sitting by the Gravity Falls Lake, thinking about the incident AGAIN. That's when I saw someone heading my way. I approached him and I asked him if he had any food. Apparently, I had used up all the food supplies I had at home so I needed to eat. It had been 2 weeks since I had eaten. But I still had water. Water from that lake that is. He was like "eh" and brought me to the mystery shack. He asked me what I was doing out there alone and I explained the whole thing to him. He took me in as his great grand daughter. Ever since then, I worked and stayed with him. It all happened last year. Heh.. And now that you two came, I can finally feel like I have an actual family..." I said, closing my scrapbook with tears in my eyes. I looked at the twins who were on at the verge of crying and Mabel gave me a tight hug. Dipper stayed there and he didn't have anything to say. He just turned and didn't look at me.
"I-i'm so sorry, Y/N.. I never knew..." Mabel said, who was now bawling on my back. I pat hers and tried to shush her.
"Hush, Mabel. It's okay. I'm over it now," I said, as a tear rolled down my cheek. Guess I have something to look up to now.
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