#she'd be too scared of what falin would think of her
breegadey · 7 months
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i see... i see...
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toudencestyay · 26 days
Thinking about falin shaving laios's beard after she follow him to the caravan.
Falin is so close he can feel her breath. Her fingers are soft, holding his head in place. Her rosy lips curved into a tiny smile. As he gaze into her adoring eyes, time becomes an illusion. All that matter is her touch. Even the stroke of the blade feels like a caress with how carefully Falin is handling it. The feeling of being taken care of by the only person to love him unconditionally, laios can't help but sink into that sense of security. No matter how rough the wake up call might be. What was he thinking, letting her follow him into this mess anyway? But right now, he doesn't want to think about it. Right now, he want to be selfish and focus on her eyes and her touch. Like a dream that he never wants to wake up from.
Falin doesn't miss the opportunity to take a good look at her brother either. When she first saw in this state, she could barely recognize him. His sunken cheeks, his dirty clothes, his unkempt hair, it all made her terribly scared. She decided that whatever put her brother in this state, she would face him by his side.
But the moment she cut his bangs and gazed into his eyes, those all too familiar eyes, she started to feel at ease again. Sure, they have dark circles under them and they're not quite as lively as she rerember but she'd recognize the way her brother looks at her among thousands. He was still the same underneath the hair, she was convinced. So the next logical step to get her old brother back was to shave his beard.
So as she's busy making his face all smooth, she takes the time to gaze into his eyes, again and again, in-between strokes. And into those eyes, she see a world of emotions staring back at her. Yearning, guilt,shame, happiness, sadness, love. And these feelings that mirror her own, she risk to get lost in them. It becomes more and more difficult to detach herself from those pools of emotions and focus on her task.
And as said task finally get to an end, she softly run her finger along his smooth jaw.
"there's the handsome face I rerember!" she exclaim joyfully.
Laios feel his chest burning.
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possamble · 6 months
Okay please, I just adore how you talk about Marcille!!
I feel like a lot of people don’t like her as much, or more like they don’t like her as a character or just completely ignore her character growth etc. So it’s so sweet to see someone who GETS IT. Haha
AHa thank you so much!!! I get what you mean. Marcille is like... because she's written so well, I think she can induce polarizing reactions in people. On one hand, you have the people just dismissing her as a prissy uptight girl who's overly mean to the boys.
On the other hand, her fans unfortunately can have the tendency to be too charitable about her. Like, they kind of don't see the fact that she can be so horrendous sometimes? So hypocritical? that she absolutely should not be allowed to date Falin until she gets her shit sorted?
I think she shows an insane amount of complexity that changes and grows throughout the story. The Marcille at the end of the story is so much more mature than the Marcille you meet at the beginning. I kind of just want to wave her around like... isn't that wonderful, that she started as such a close-minded and scared child, only to very nearly cause the end of the world and then grow immensely from it? that she is so deeply flawed and damaged and lets fear rule so many of her actions, lets fear poison the way she treats Falin (almost like a beloved pet than a full person), but ultimately decides she'd rather learn how to be brave than die scared? That the audience is genuinely unsure if she would have been able to be truly brave without the love and support of those around her? That beneath all the immaturity and prissy hysterics, she is fundamentally motivated by unfathomably deep love--for better and for worse?
She is still cringe in her most profound moments. She is still profound in her most cringe moments. She contains multitudes beyond what can be explained in so many words and I really really really let this post get away from me
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