#she'll help as much as she can by offering advice and guidance
erthlyheavn · 1 year
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Anonymous said: Liv whats your advice to someone that wants to pursue a career in science?
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"Well, first of all, you have to be willing to put in the work. Intelligence and natural talent will only get you so far. Second of all, don't be afraid to fail. I cannot even count how many of my own my projects have failed. But don't let that discourage you! Failure is the best teacher in my opinion.
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"That being said, explore your options! If one field isn't working out for you anymore, try something new! You don't have to give up pursuing a career in science completely. Maybe you just aren't in the field that works best for you. It might also help to broaden your skillset by learning about other fields that might interest you.
However, you can't just study science. You need to be able to at least understand other subjects that will help you in your respective field; like math, computer programming, and even English!
And above all else, be curious. I know it sounds silly, but science itself was born simply because someone was curious about how the world worked."
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audrey-carr1 · 2 months
The Heiress and the Lady of the House (part 3)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
A/N: I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out where I want this story to go. I think I have an idea now. I have also decided to switch to first person, I find it way easier to write that way and hopefully you all find it easier to read. I am going to switch over the other parts as well. We even have two new characters to join the fun!
word count: 3k
warnings/tags: fem!reader, original characters, usual shenanigans, mentions of hetty/trevor
End of November- end of month 1 
Hetty's been avoiding me. It's been two weeks since we danced and kissed, and she hasn't spoken a word. Now she'll barely look at me, and if she does it's like she sees straight through me. I notice her hang around Trevor more. Whilst at first, I thought it was Hetty being her usual cryptic self, I notice that her touches on him linger more than she usually does. Recently, thought I saw Trevor checking her out. Yet again it’s Trevor he checks every girl within the Woodstone property line out, so I’m not sure I can look into that entirely. 
“What is wrong, you have long face like horse,” Thor asks.
“Oh nothing, just silly girl stuff,” I say 
“Would you like to talk about it? Thor really good at listening and giving advice. If you have enemy, I show you how to crush skull. Very easy,”
“She’s not having enemy trouble, she’s having love trouble.” Sass interrupts
“Shush!” I say hoping he lowers his voice. 
“Am I wrong?” Sass says with a know-it-all all smirk.
My lack of answer causes his smirk to grow into a smile. 
“I appreciate the concern, but I feel like I should talk to Het-” I catch myself, “I should talk to the person who is giving me a long face before I go sharing my feelings,”
“Nice save,” Sass says before leaving with Thor. I groan inwardly. 
I don’t have much time in the day to talk to Hetty as I'm constantly tied up with guests. The upcoming holidays have brought a larger amount than what I had initially thought, so I feel like I’m being pulled in hundreds of directions. I barely have time to spend with the ghosts, let alone any time to myself. Thankfully Sam and Jay had the insight to allow me to hire a little holiday help. A couple of friends from university have been wanting to meet up with each other, so I offered them seasonal positions. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. Before they arrive, I sit the ghosts down to tell them of the upcoming changes. 
“Everyone I want to let you know that I will have a couple of friends helping me to keep this place running. They do know that I can see ghosts, and they as of recently know about you. They will only be here until after the New Year, then it’ll be just us all over again,” I explain, “My friend Nadine is going to stay with me in my room while my friend Riley will be staying at my house. This way we don’t lose any rooms, and I do not have to have any shenanigans from trying to bunk you people up. Nadine is a chef, so she’ll help me with the cooking. Riley is my jack of all trades so he’ll do anything I ask.” 
The ghosts nod their heads in agreement and simply go about to milling around as they usually do. 
“y/n can we help with decorations? Now that we have you around, we can help get the house all festive since we can touch things!” Flower suggests.
“I love it! That’s a great idea Flower!” I say.
“What is?”  Flower questions
Oh, Flower. “Alright, I should have expected that,” I say before going off to the basement.
Soon the ghosts and I begin to bring out the holiday decorations. Instead of putting up a commercial tree, Thor and I went out to the forest to cut down a pine on the property and brought it back to the house. Pete and Trevor string the lights while Flower begins to sort through the ornaments under the guidance of Sass. Alberta and Isaac string together the popcorn garland, and Hetty oversees the entire operation. 
“Aren’t you going to help Hetty?” Isaac asks
“As Lady of the House, I am helping! By supervising,” Hetty says nose slightly in the air
The front door chimes before a familiar voice yells out “Hello!” 
I gasp, quickly leaving my post at the popcorn bowl to go to the lobby. 
“Nadine! Riley!” I practically squeal. 
I first run to Nadine, we exchange kisses on the cheek before embracing in a hug. Then I go to Riley who picks me up and spins me with ease. 
“Oh, it’s been too long!” He says squeezing me in his arms. 
“Alright, you can put me down, stronghold,” I laugh as he places me back down on my feet. As he puts me down, I happen to look in the direction of the room I just left. I see the ghosts peering their heads around the corner like children before quickly going back into the room. The only one who does not move positions and stands in full view is Hetty with an unreadable expression. I assume it’s Hetty being curious, and I shoot her a wink before I take Nadine and Riley into the kitchen.
“How have you been since graduation?” Nadine asks while she and Riley sit at the table
“The same, honestly just trying to find my place in the world. Now that I’ve become a heiress, I feel as if I’ve been operating on autopilot,” I reply. I grab a snack tray from the fridge before making my way to them
“Yeah, how come you never knew your grandmother was super loaded?” Riley questions before popping a grape in his mouth. 
“Honestly, we never talked about it. She always made sure I knew the importance of hard work probably so when I became an heiress I wouldn’t act like an entitled one. My parents said they saved for me to go to any school I chose. The money I received from their death went to an account I only used to pay for my car and rent. Now I work to keep myself busy, and this isn’t bad gig. I have 8 forms of entertainment plus guests to keep me busy ” I say
“Speaking of 8 forms of entertainment, what about that ghost you said was cute,” Nadine asks.
“Can you keep your voice down? They’re dead, but they hear everything. They would never let me live that down if they found out,” I say feeling a blush on my cheeks.
“Have you told them how you can see them yet?” Riley asks.
“I haven’t spoken to anyone about it, besides my two trusted friends,” I say referring to them. 
“They don’t ask questions?” Nadine questions
“Oh they are plenty curious, but I tend to avoid the subject as much as I can. We just figured out that I can do more than see them. Anything I touch, they can also touch,” I tell them. 
“Oh, so they can eat and drink now?” Riley asks now sitting up in his seat. 
“Not necessarily. We tried that, and it ended with a lot of food ending up on the floor,” I say remembering the memory of Sass trying to eat pizza and failing miserably. 
“I guess you can say it goes straight through them,” Riley says knocking his head back in laughter. Nadine and I look at each other and roll our eyes. 
“Oh come on guys, that was funny!” Riley says trying to get us on his side. 
“Sure it was,” Nadine mocks. 
“But back to before, how is it exactly that you can see them? We know that you had that drowning incident, but that doesn’t really explain how you can see them,” 
“Well, it’s not like exactly read up on it. I just know that I had a near-death experience, and I guess since I was in between two worlds, I can see both sides,”
“Yeah, but you’re saying only the ghosts have powers. Your boss Sam sees ghosts, but she doesn’t have a power,”
“She was only clinically dead for 3 minutes. I had a full-blown Meredith Grey incident, and I was dead for a while,” I say. 
“Well “Meredith Grey” maybe a part of you is still trapped on the other side, you never fully returned,” Nadine says
“I don’t know Nadine, like I said I don’t really read up on it. I just accepted that it happened. In fact this is the longest I’ve talked about the incident outside of therapy,” 
“Sorry, we don’t mean to push,” Riley says putting his hand on mine
“No, I understand, I would be curious too,” I say turning my hand over and giving her hand a squeeze. 
“Are any of them in the room now?” Nadine asks looking around for a sign of them
“No, in fact, I don’t hear them either. Let me check that they haven’t fallen in some hole or have been ghost-napped again,”
“Again?” Riley asks.
“Long story,” I say getting up from the table.
I turn the corner exiting to be met with 6 guilty faces. It’s like watching children getting their hands caught in the cookie jar.
“Oh, this is the kitchen guys, not the living room. Onward men…and women,” Isaac says as they hurriedly leave. 
“I thought we were going to the kitchen to eavesdrop on the living to see if we could get any hot gossip,” Flower says before Alberta drags her along with the rest of the group. 
“They were eavesdropping weren’t they?” Nadine asks.
“Oh most definitely,” I say chuckling to myself.
“Were they all there?” Riley asks.
“Most of them, Trevor and Hetty were missing, but they tend to go off a lot more often as of late,” I reply walking back to the table.
Riley and Nadine share a quick look before quickly returning their gaze to me. 
“How about I give y’all a tour?” I ask. 
Beginning of December - month 2 
I turn the corner to go towards the lobby, and I almost trip over a left-out decorations box. Before I fall to the floor, Riley is there to catch me. Thor was right, I really need to watch my step around here. 
“Watch it, Princess, would hate to break the merchandise,” Riley laughs as he steadies me on my feet.
“Oh, you two get a room already!” Nadine teases from the top of the stairs having seen the scene from the top of the stairs. She descends the stairs and goes out the front door. No doubt going on her morning run. 
“Oh my knight in shining armor, you couldn’t afford me if you tried. I’m quite expensive with the most expensive tastes,” I tease back. 
“Oh you wish,” Riley says picking the box and taking it to the basement. 
I roll my eyes. “Oh, I most definitely do. I’d take a night with those muscles any day,” I say before he’s out of earshot. I turn back to my task, and I see Hetty.
“Hey Hetty,” I say giving her a smile.
“What is the relationship between you and this Riley?” Hetty asks looking me in my eyes. 
“Um friendly? I guess,” I say raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“You guess?” Hetty’s eyebrow also raises in question. I try not to focus on the warm feeling I get when she looks at me like that. 
“Riley and I are just friends, and we have been since my freshman year of university,” I tell her. 
“So you recently saying you "wouldn’t mind a night with those muscles" meant nothing? ” Hetty questions
“Meant nothing,” I assure Hetty. 
Hetty purses her lips, pondering my answer. She lets out a “hmph” before going on her way. 
“Hetty?” I ask before she leaves completely
“Sorry, I have to meet with Trevor,” Hetty says without missing a beat
“Oh, I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a walk. The guests don’t check in for another couple of hours and-” I begin. 
“Sorry dear, I simply must go,” Hetty says before trotting off. 
I try to ignore the burn in my throat. I shake my head at the feeling of loss and jealousy. 
I try to keep my mind focused on the guests and running the B&B as efficiently as I can. “No use crying over spilled milk,” I tell myself. 
Riley, Nadine, and I work quite well together. Riley is a great fit at the front desk charming the guests as they check in. Nadine has been a great help in the kitchen, she always seems to know exactly what it is that I need. I dip my tasting spoon into a new pasta sauce recipe I’ve been wanting to try. 
“How does it taste?” Nadine asks
“It’s fine, I think I’m missing something,” I say. 
“Here let me taste,” Nadine says. I hand her the tasting spoon. 
“Taste like you need just a pinch more garlic and maybe a dash more of the red wine,” Nadine says handing the spoon back to me
I do as she suggests, and I moan in delight as I taste the now-perfected sauce.
“Oh this should be bottled,” I say. 
“The heiress is going to start a sauce company? What will Ragu do?” Nadine laughs as she finishes dipping the dessert fruit in chocolate. 
“You want some of the leftover chocolate?” Nadine asks dipping her finger into the bowl. 
“Is the sky blue?” I ask turning my sauce off and putting it off the heat. I wash my hands and also dip my finger in the bowl. As I bring my finger to my mouth, a bit of chocolate falls on my chest. Before I can get to it, Nadine has reaches her finger over to grab the missed chocolate and brings it to her mouth. 
Hetty enters the kitchen at the exact moment Nadine's finger swipes the chocolate from my chest and to her lips. 
“Oh I see we just let everyone eat off of each other,” Hetty says in annoyance before exiting the kitchen. “She might as well just lick it off you the next time,” 
“Nadine, excuse me for a moment. Ghost duty calls,” I excuse myself placing the dish towel in my hand on the counter. 
“Oh yeah, of course, I’m going to finish putting up the small decorations if you don’t mind,” Nadine says untying her apron. 
“No you go ahead, I’ll finish in the kitchen once I’m done,” I say leaving the kitchen to catch up with Hetty. 
“Save me some chocolate!” Riley calls from the lobby.
I find Hetty upstairs living room. 
“Hetty, what is going on? Your temper with me seems to be at a short fuse,”
“It has not,” Hetty says avoiding my gaze. 
I hear Riley call for me, and I wish he had better timing. 
“You might want to go see what your muscled desk boy wants,” Hetty says. 
I nearly scream in annoyance and frustration, but I decide not to.
“This conversation is not over,” I say before I storm past Alberta heading down the stairs. Alberta heads into the living room with Hetty and blocks Hetty from exiting. 
“Hetty what is going on?” Alberta asks
“I haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talking about,” Hetty says 
“You are driving that girl up a wall, and not in a good way,”
“I have not. I have been simply-” Hetty begins.
“Ignoring her,” Isaac says cutting Hetty off as he enters the room. 
“Oh great another gossip,” Hetty says as she sits on the couch,” Please tell me what my other grievances are.”
“Hetty we are worried about you. When she first got here, you were so excited to have as you said “another woman of high status” to join you. Then you walked around like the cat who got the cream once you finally kissed her,”
“I did not,” Hetty says fidgeting with her hands. 
“You most certainly did!” Alberta laughs, “ She must be some kisser because it was almost as if you sat on the washing machine again. 
Hetty blushes at the memory, she hates her how her friends can see through her facade.
“Hetty what is it that makes you act like this?” Isaac says sitting next to Hetty
“That’s the issue, Isaac. I do not know! I haven’t felt like this since I tried to run off with that painter,”
It dawns on Isaac,” Hetty do you know what it means?”
“Obviously not,” Hetty says waiting for Isaac to enlighten her. 
“Hetty, you two were practically inseparable. The two of you were practically finishing each other’s sentences, going on walks, and having movie dates,”
“Oh remember when you told me that you enjoyed how the sun made her eyes sparkle on your walks,” Alberta chimes in. 
“Remember that one time, we caught them cuddled up watching Bodices and Barons?” Isaac adds.
“Oh, how could I forget they looked so cute! (y/n) draped over Hetty with Hetty’s arms possesively wrapped around her,” Alberta says. 
“The both of you are absolutely incorrigible,” Hetty says in defeat.  
“And you’re blushing and in love!” Isaac says kicking his feet in the air. 
“I most absolutely am not,” Hetty says snatching her hands away. 
“Hetty and (y/n) sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G,” Alberta begins to sing. 
Hetty simply puts her face in her hands. Hetty was so out of sorts even her mannerisms were becoming too unladylike for her. Hetty decides it’s time to grab the bull by the horns.
“If you two are done acting so childly, I am going to go and find and talk to (y/n),” Hetty says rising from the couch. She blames the butterflies in her stomach on the sudden change of posture rather than nerves. 
“Finally! Have fun and don’t come back until you look like you’ve had fun with the washer,” Alberta calls. This sends Isaac and Hetty in a fit of laughter. 
Hetty leaves the room and goes to enter your bedroom. Hetty begins to debate on whether she should enter or not, and then on a whim decides to enter the room. Upon entry, she has to fight to keep down a gasp as she watches Nadine kiss you. She quickly leaves the room and feels the butterflies in her stomach turn to lead.
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rain13121 · 8 months
FF:MoBW Hisoka x Yuri headcanons (mostly fluff and a little bit of angst, sfw)
Because I need to get them out of my brain. I may add more at some point. They've been building up for a while so there's a lot of them.
Looooong post below
(a lot of these are present in my fics but I'm putting them here too)
Hisoka 💙
Stubborn little thing with the warmest, most generous heart. Sensitive and tenderhearted, but far from weak-willed or timid. Incredibly resolute at times. Leads her life heart first. Fiercely protective and devoted to the people she cares about
Always trying to take care of people so Yuri makes sure she's taken care of in return.
Hard worker and struggles with saying no to people in need. Will overwork herself past the point of exhaustion if allowed so Yuri is often dragging her away from cases and pinning her down so than she'll get some well deserved and desperately needed rest
Strongest love language is acts of service, followed closely by touch and quality time
Gets really anxious and overcome with self doubt more easily after the events on the mountain. It takes quite a while for her to regain her former confidence. She's not sure it will ever fully come back but she's trying. It helps having Yuri with her
Has a hard time asking for help or healing, used to being the caretaker and doing everything by herself. It's been a learning curve, allowing herself to be taken care of because while Hisoka is stubborn, Yuri is more so, insistent on caring for her. Even if, so help her, she has to hold Hisoka down to do it
A bit aquaphobic for a while, but it eventually fades. The claustrophobia however sticks around.
Occasionally has intense panic attacks (mostly frequently when Yuri's safety is being put in question, but the aquaphobia gets her a few times before it fades and then the claustrophobia after that.) Yuri is very skilled at calming her through these and tends to be the only one who can
Starts being able to see spirits like Yuri after everything. Her abilities still aren't as strong as Yuri's though. Gets intense shadow inundation migraines if she uses them for too long
Has been living in the village at the base of Mt. Hikami for a long time, having moved there by herself from a young age after emancipating from her not-so-great relatives. She had traced her ancestry to the village and was hoping to find her cousin Rei, whom she was very close to when she was little, living there (Rei wasn't there of course, but the locals took her in and taught her to shadow read and all that)
Morning person (somewhat more out of habit than naturally), finds comfort in the daybreak light
Turns into a grumpy, yet cuddly cat when teased (will 100% pout and sulk but hide herself against Yuri when picked on). Gets uncomfortable when lots of attention is put on her. Is incredibly stubborn and will push down her own wants and needs if she feels like she's inconveniencing someone or if she feels like she can be more helpful to them by ignoring herself. More than a little self sacrificing.
Has a strong blushing impulse and can be rather bashful (both of which occasionally get good-naturedly taken advantage of by the people who care about her)
When Rei comes back into her life, she takes on a supportive older sister/mom role to Hisoka, offering guidance and advice on life, their endeavors with the supernatural (which Rei unfortunately has too much experience with), and, on occasion- unsolicited- her relationship with Yuri. And Rei loves to tease her relentlessly
She's had her glass bead charm (the one we track her with in game) for a very long time, one of the few things that's been constantly with her in her life. She receives it back from Yuri the final night and then uses it to track Yuri to the lake at the end of the game, since Yuri held it for the majority of the time the events on the mountain take place
Crossing her arms across her chest and fidgeting are nervous habits. Makes it easy to tell when she's nervous, uncomfortable, upset, or apprehensive (she does it during the First Drop because she's nervous about having brought Yuri to the mountain plus it's Yuri's first time taking the lead on a case and she wants everything to go well... She does her best to mask her nerves and teach Yuri with confidence and then when the case goes wrong, she really beats herself up over it, as we see both at the end of the Drop and a little bit in the Lost Item Case Files note "Should have gone alone. Must warn Yuri to stay away from the mountain")
Very particular about the way she takes her coffee. Yuri is the only other person who has been able to replicate the way she likes it
Has a knack for tinkering, can sometimes be found trying to restore/repair various antiques around the shop. The old radio on the cafe counter was a pet project but she eventually left it as is since the white noise it emits became somewhat of a comfort. The grandfather clock too, but it requires very special parts that she just hasn't been able to get her hands on
Intelligent, resourceful, and excellent at pathfinding, both with and without shadow reading. Remembers where Yuri leaves her things for her. Often.
Starts researching ways to protectively ward the antique shop with Ren after everything. It disturbs her how badly the house was compromised that week. Ren showed her the surveillance footage and the images of violent spirits looming over Yuri while she slept haunt her. She's so grateful that Ren was there to try and protect everyone
Hoodie/jacket thief. Repeat offender. Only goes for Yuri's jackets and hoodies. Partial to the oversized hoodie that reads 'Kozukata' on the back
Yuri 🤎
Quiet and gentle, but far from meek. Always thinking. Attentive and observant, picks up on things most people wouldn't. Can't say no to helping people, much like Hisoka (which is often how they get themselves in trouble)
Impulsive little thing, has what I call "chivalrous himbo intrusive thoughts" that she occasionally just lets win (like immediately trying to pick up and carry every girl she rescues on the mountain in the game, even if they're the same size or taller than her which is why they end up promptly falling over).
A true gentlewoman though, protective and kind-hearted and gallant (it always caught my attention the way she stands protectively between the other girls and the spirits and takes charge of the situation. For example when Ose appears to her and Miu at the Shrine of the Ephemeral or when the power goes out while they're riding the tram. Very brave and resolute for someone who was said to hide away from people most of time)
Didn't have much control of her glancing ability when it first developed, which was why she shied away from people. Often when her abilities activated when she was younger, it felt like she was having a seizure and they only improved by the time the events of the game take place due to Hisoka's gentle guidance. She gains better control of them after the end of the game after helping Ose. Still shies away from most people because holding her abilities back is taxing but doesn't mind physical contact with people she's close with (she can touch Hisoka without worrying about her ability, she's the exception. She can still feel her but doesn't need to worry about being bombarded or overwhelmed)
Still battles with depression and PTSD (flashbacks are rough when you have psychic abilities, oof) on occasion, even after the events of the game, but never mentally dips as low as she did. No more precipices for her, she's made up her mind about staying
Came out of the week on the mountain with a lot of bruises and gashes (those blades were no joke!) Hisoka distraughtly tends to all of them
Was reluctantly and briefly put on a softball team in high school due to her doctor wanting her to not be so reclusive and thinking a team sport would help. It didn't end well (it's partly a contact sport after all) but she didn't mind pitching or being far out in the outfield since it meant she didn't have to touch anyone. Did not get along with most people at school though due to rumors that she was either cursed, crazy, or both
Still really enjoys cycling. Likes to go really fast but it stresses Hisoka out watching her so she slows down to safer speeds for her sake.
Doesn't much care for doctors, too many bad experiences in their care, especially psych doctors. Doesn't like talking about her time in care. It was pretty awful. ("I'm not sick anymore, I'm not sick anymore, I'm not sick anymore...")
Night person, likes the stars and the peace of a sleeping world
Occasionally extremely clumsy and ends up with scrapes and bruises that she can't remember how she got (also why it's Hisoka's job to clean the tea cups at the cafe).
Sometimes gets a bit awkward when dealing with people since she avoided them for so long, especially when she starts overthinking. Will internally panic and lock up if you put her on the spot.
Miu, as Yuri's self appointed best friend, takes on a bit of a younger sister role to her. Their powers are extremely similar which helps bring them closer (Miu has better physical control which is why she has no qualms with them in her work in acting and modeling) Miu, much like Rei to Hisoka, takes great joy in being a nuisance to Yuri, though Yuri is just as quick to return the favor and they often get in banter matches. They both also have very similar slightly twisted senses of humor, given all they've been through, and will often go anywhere from gently ribbing to full on roasting each other. They're very protective of each other though, so don't anyone else try it.
Doesn't really have a preference for how she takes her coffee as long as Hisoka is the one to make it
She's surprisingly strong. Way stronger than she appears (hence why she was able to pry open the cable car doors by herself and hold the reliquary door open when she was nearly captured)
Also really intelligent and resourcesful, but despite her powerful psychic abilities, she occasionally still has things that go right over her head. Only rarely and mostly due to her impulsiveness and inexperience. Always has the best of intentions though.
Notices and can remember very fine details about things and people that most people would never even notice but will forget where she puts her things. Often. Thank goodness for shadow reading and Hisoka
A little messy but has been trying harder since everything happened, making sure to make her bed (on the rare event she's not sharing Hisoka's) and better organize the little bit of things she has for Hisoka's sake
Will always drape her jackets around Hisoka if she notices that she's cold. It's almost instinctual at this point.
Both ☕
They're both pretty introverted, Yuri more so than Hisoka, which can make running the cafe and their shadow reading business taxing at times if it gets too busy. Luckily their village is small so they don't often get overwhelmed
Both like to read a lot and will often swap books if they think the other will like it better (Hisoka likes historical fiction/nonfiction and cozy mysteries while Yuri leans towards action/adventure. Hisoka occasionally picks up one of those pulpy romance novels and Yuri will gently tease her about it)
They have the TV in the office but they don't often really watch it. If it's on, it's usually there for background noise unless they're having a family movie night
Not a fan of horror movies, even though they're not really that scared of them. Cheap jump scares and fake blood have nothing on seeing real life horrors on the near daily
Making each other coffee was their love language before they even knew they were in love
Sleep? In this economy? No but for real, these girls got some serious nightmares, their sleep schedule is in ruins for a long time after everything
Hisoka goes cycling with Yuri on occasion. She isn't particularly skilled at riding bikes so Yuri goes slow with her.
Gentle girls, will carry bugs outside and let them go, even though neither are terribly fond of them. Will pick up and care for stray and injured animals until they can find them homes, though they've considered keeping one or two. (Miu to Hisoka: "I mean you already kept Yuri, do you really need another sad, lost puppy?")
They end up sleeping in Hisoka's room most often after everything since it was the least affected room in the house. Eventually they give Yuri's room to Miu, since it goes unused most of the time
Their little found family, all of them (Yuri, Hisoka, Miu, Rei, Miku, Ren, Rui, Kei, Mio) are all ride or die together, you can't change my mind
They both always sleep with a night light of some sort, whether it's a desk lamp or something else (I'm like 50/50 on whether Hisoka was being serious or not when she told Yuri they keep the cafe lights on because she's scared of the dark, but they both sleep with their desk lamp on so night lights is the headcanon)
Together 🤎💙
Almost everything is so soft and tender with these two. They've been through enough, they just want each other
Hisoka falls first without realizing it and then it hits her like a freight train after Yuri pulls her out of the casket. She's a bit of a mess about it, trying desperately to bury it, afraid of risking their relationship, but everytime she thinks back to why she was willing to stay in the casket, to sacrifice herself and give herself over to the dark water, her feelings hit her all over again. She did it all for Yuri, to keep her safe.
Yuri realizes her feelings for Hisoka when she is pulling her out of said casket after glancing into and feeling Hisoka's feelings and devotion to her, and nearly losing her to the spirit right after just amplifies her own. She takes her first step away from that precipice she stood on then and there, realizing that her pain and fear had blinded her to seeing what was in front of her all along: she's not alone, she has Hisoka (she still ends up going to the Shadowspring anyway of course because Ose calls to her, but she uses the strength from this realization to save Ose from the curse and return back safely to Hisoka)
Yuri also realizes the exact nature of the feelings Hisoka has for her first (Hisoka's not very subtle despite her best efforts, wearing her heart on her sleeve as she does) but tries to wait for a confession, wary of pushing her away. Hisoka is a stubborn little thing though and eventually Yuri just has to rip the band-aid, kiss her, and hope for the best. The best comes true and then some.
Whipped. They're both incredibly whipped, just completely wrapped around each other's fingers.
Separation anxiety separation anxiety separation anxiety, these two are just riddled with the stuff
Hisoka's nightmares are essentially Yuri's bad ending on loop, whereas Yuri's are getting to the Shrine on the Water too late (Hisoka was sinking when she found her after all). It gets easier over time, but right after everything, more often than not, they wake up crying and calling out for each other
Yuri heard Hisoka whimpering for her, begging her not to leave her, in Hisoka's unwaking sleep that final night. It breaks her heart and haunts her to this day. She also read Hisoka's journals while trying to find her (Hisoka knows and is both understanding and embarrassed) and knows one of Hisoka's greatest fears is Yuri leaving her behind and so she consistently reassures her, gently reminding her every time she's anxious that she's not going to leave her. That's she's got her and she's not going anywhere.
Hisoka will 100% of the time zonk out when laying draped on Yuri's chest listening to her heartbeat. Yuri takes advantage of this if she notices Hisoka hasn't slept in too long and will drag her down on top of her for a nap.
Hisoka is the best and warmest weighted blanket though so Yuri ends up falling asleep most of the time too. Likewise, Hisoka is easily soothed by Yuri's weight on top of her, keeping her safe and holding her down
It's not uncommon to find them both asleep like this on the office couch. They take a lot of naps to make up for all the bad and non-existent sleep they get when they're not working. Sleepy girls
Constantly taking care of each other. Making sure the other eats and drinks and sleeps and has everything they need to be okay. Lots of silent conversations through eye contact and soft touches. They quietly hold each other tight through the anxious and rough days
Hisoka gets really grumpy if someone flirts with Yuri and will pout forever about it but mostly tries to let Yuri handle it, trying not to be jealous and possessive (even though she totally is but in the gentlest of ways). She did actually quite viciously growl at a guy for doing it once though, but in her defense, she was shadow inundated from overuse of her abilities and wasn't as composed as she usually is. Yuri drags her to the back when it happens and kisses her until she's soothed and feels better
Yuri, on the other hand, having seen death most her life, is the absolute queen of the death stare and will just glare at whoever tries to flirt with Hisoka until they get the point and back away slowly. She's just as possessive. They both wholeheartedly trust each other though, so it's never any cause for strife between them.
Always have to be touching in some aspect. Both are a bit touchstarved but only for each other. Clingy and cuddly little things
They share Hisoka's tiny bed for longer than necessary, unable to sleep without each other even before they officially got together. They eventually replace it with a bigger one after rearranging the room and Hisoka quietly sulks about it, thinking more space meant they won't sleep as tightly intertwined. They end up sleeping just as tightly intertwined which means the extra space goes to waste... Most of the time. ;)
Yuri's protective of everyone she cares about but none so much as Hisoka. Having to fight so hard to get Hisoka back- from the mountain, from the spirit possessing her, from the rift between life and death- really altered her brain chemistry and instincts. She finds she can only fully relax when Hisoka is pressed against, on, or beneath her, and in her arms. Hisoka isn't much better off, which is why they sleep so tightly intertwined.
Hisoka's body temp always naturally ran a little cold to begin with but it's more so now after her time in the dark water and she's particularly sensitive to when it gets chilly out. It's fine though, Yuri's body temp runs naturally hot so they balance each other out. When winter comes, you can bet to find Hisoka curled up under layers of soft blankets and warm, oversized clothes tucked safely in Yuri's arms somewhere in the house
Subconsciously always following each other around the house. Where one is, the other is sure to appear as well shortly after. They don't like being without each other, even in the same house.
Hisoka goes out with Rei and some of their other friends for drinks on rare occasion. She's extremely lightweight when it comes to alcohol and will come home to Yuri tipsy or sometimes full on drunk and just tearfully spill her whole heart to her, about her feelings for her and her wants and wishes and the things she wants to do and try together. Yuri just holds her, amused and nodding along as she calmly helps her change into sleep clothes, because she already knows most of it. She's been surprised and left blushing a few times though and Hisoka is always mortified after she sleeps it off.
Yuri frequently draws softly over Hisoka's bare skin- her sides, her back, her hips, her stomach- with her fingertips, slipping them up just barely under her shirt. It's not always necessarily sexual (though it definitely can be), it's just comforting and soothes and calms them both. A good portion of the time, she doesn't even realize she's doing it, it's just her body's ingrained response to having Hisoka close and in her arms. Hisoka does it sometimes too but not nearly as persistently
They frequently use each other's heartbeats to soothe and ground themselves, listening to and feeling for the steady rhythms beating in their chests. Proof that they're both still here and together, despite everything that tried to pull them apart (I heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness too, so I stayed in the darkness with you)
Annnnnd I think that's a good amount...for now lol
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dilucids · 3 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤLove in cameras ━━ Genshin idol! au
newbie! idol!reader collaborating on a photoshoot together with idol! genshin characters
includes beidou, rosaria, childe, zhongli, diluc and xiao
( back on that idol au grind. also, the sheer amount of 'male reader' shit on this app that involves incest makes me genuinely tear up and take a shot everytime i say 'shot', you'd be drunk enough to hook up with zhongli dragon form. )
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━━ one of the most nerve-wrecking things ever because she's simply so intimidating and good at what she does.
━━ you're literally shaking in your seat as she takes her solo shots, watching her lean on one leg, placing the other by her side, stretching her arms all the whilst making eye contact with the camera.
━━ she just looks so professional and you're afraid you won't be able to live up to her and ruin the entire shoot since even though you're both idols, she's been in more magazines as a senior group compared to you.
━━ when you switch for your solo shots, she seems to sense how nervous you were ( although you weren't really hiding it much with your shaky knees and annoying tapping your foot. )
━━ she places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a smile and a thumbs up, telling you you'll be okay.
━━ you realise she wasn't as menacing and stoic as she was in magazines and slightly relax.
━━ helps you relax by offering support behind the camera!!!
You lean sideways a little, allowing the thin material to fall off your shoulder a little as you glance back at the camera, lips slightly apart. Your stoic facade is broken almost immediately when you hear Beidou hollering and clapping in the background. You begin to laugh in suprised shock as the staff around the set follow her example, the shuttering of cameras now longer heard as it is replaced with clapping and whooping.
You grow a little embarrassed, glancing over at Beidou for help but she seems proud, stood there with hands on her hips and a satisfied grin. You realise she isn't going to help you out so you attempt to calm the set down with thanks and bows until you're continuing with the shoot.
━━ beidou has a very large presence, so it's very hard to have magnetism next to her but you somehow make it work.
━━ compared to your solo shots, your duo shots have a pirate/knight theme.
━━ with beidou in a pirate getup and you in a knight getup, it was obvious to see that this was some type of old ancient rivalry between the two groups and you two were meant to potray that anger and tension.
━━ due to you being new to this type of scene, she'll take the lead, making sure that her pose allowed you to fit in perfectly, whether it be far away, close, a sword to her throat, you splayed on the floor and her leaning in with her sword next to your head. ( thank god that shot was meant to focus on beidou cause with her that close to you, you couldn't keep a straight face. )
━━ of course even with such a theme, fan service is everything! so some of the poses are a little more touchy touchy and if she can tell you're nervous, will immediately lighten the mood and assure you you're doing well.
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━━ like beidou, will naturally exude professionalism and skill.
━━ unlike beidou though, she'll probably ignore your nervousness or bluntly tell you to toughen up if you want to make it, it sounds harsh but you know it's her own way of advice giving.
━━ her poses are less showy than beidou, more elegant and graceful as she rests her hands on her waist or cross her legs over each other over the arm of the chair and look back at the camera.
━━ will watch you, probably assessing your style, as you take your solo shots and if she notices your embarrassment ( she definitely does ), well she doesn't stop.
━━ will somehow converse with the photographer about poses she thinks will bring out your potential and it works, she has an eye for these things apparently and a lot of photographers like her style of modelling.
As you step back, allowing the staff to move props around, you glance back at the director of the shoot and Rosaria stood before the screen, showing off the photos. They seem to be deep in conversation, the only giveaway about the tense conversation however was the director's furrowed eyebrows and lips pressed into a tight line, Rosaria had no expression on her face.
The director seems to give up after Rosaria says something, pointing at the screen with her arms crossed, walking away with a shake of his head albeit the smile of being challenged. You immediately look away when she peers up at you, catching your eyes for a split second; you knew she had been shamelessly staring at you but it was quite embarrassing to be caught yourself.
"Here we go," snaps you out of your embarrassment and you're back to sitting on a black throne lined with gold, posing for the shoot.
━━ it's awkward before the camera is on you two as you stand on the set but once the camera is on? you two flow so perfectly together.
━━ rosaria would allow you to take the reins, allowing you to do what you felt was natural and would simply follow. ( another one of her ways of easing newbies into the modelling scene. )
━━ if your pose is a little awkward though, she'd quietly tell you to move certain ways and try not to overpower you ( but if you were overpowered, that'd be your own fault and you should try harder. that's her motto. )
━━ it actually surprises you how good she looked with a spear in hand and how well it suited her.
━━ it was kinda nerve-wracking to be working with rosaria but you absolutely loved it and would kill to work with her and have her guidance again ( deffo should ask for her number for future guidance!! )
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━━ looks professional on camera but is surprisingly childlike off camera.
━━ why is his little brother on the set wearing a pj mask costume again? right, he had to pick him up from school earlier than usual cause teucer said he was sick and wanted childe to come so he got use his older brother's reputation to get closer to that female teacher he liked. as for the pj mask costume, he wanted to fit in with the shoot theme so the poor stylists had to pull out some slightly too large, dusty halloween costume they found somewhere for him. great.
━━ other than that, childe is great at what he does, amazing at facial expressions like *whistles*, terrifyingly good at making the expressions asked of him. ( can cry on command actually (( learnt to entertain his younger siblings. )) ).
━━ you're intimidated by him at first but when you guys are taking a small break between his shoot and yours, you get to see him play around with his teucer and oh my god.
━━ he's literally carrying teucer above his head, teucer posed as superman with one arm sticking out and the other on his hip as he carefully runs throughout the set.
━━ when it's actually your turn, he will secretly hype you up with teucer.
"Pretty," Teucer mutters under his breath as prop flower petals are being thrown up as you pose under them. Childe smiles a little as he ruffles his younger brother's hair, "isn't my partner the prettiest?"
You're oblivious to these comments, focusing on the camera that was following your every move but your eyes glance over to the two brothers ever so often, finding their closeness rather endearing.
"They're prettier and nicer than your last partner," Teucer huffs, thinking of the previous collaboration he had attended with another celebrity, although she was a little too flirty with Childe for Teucer's liking. "Momma said you have to find a good person, big bro" Teucer reminds aa Childe smiles amused. "Are they a good person?" Childe thrusts his thumb over in your direction.
Teucer hums, thinking carefully with his chin in hand before nodding, beaming at Childe. "I'm sure they'll fit in nicely with everyone!" Your future had just been planned and you had no say in it at all.
━━ as for duo shots, it's another enemies theme but it's more of an assassination theme with childe holding a bow, perched on a higher stage than you.
━━ took ten minutes for childe to figure out how to look good with a bow in hand, with an eye scrunched up like he was actually aiming at you. ( of course he wouldn't have succeeded if not for teucer shouting advice at him off set with his hands on his hips. )
━━ he swears he almost feels the adrenaline of the scene as if his life was actually on the line when you shoot him a glare like directed.
━━ you two get on pretty well off set as well! you joke around as props are being moved around or make up is being fixed for either of you.
━━ you feel bad when you actually stab him with the fake sword, but he plays through with it, acting like he was dying.
━━ play fighting with teucer as an evil overlord ( still wearing his pj mask costume ) mind controlling childe's lover ( you ) into thinking he was the enemy ( teucer came up with the plot ).
━━ slipped his number into your pocket as you two were posing.
━━ teucer also got to keep his pj mask costume!!
━━ posts a picture of you messing around with teucer on his instagram.
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━━ probably the most professional out of them all.
━━ his poses are quite simplistic as he models the suit, hand in his pocket, fixing a cuff link, checking the time, simply casting his gaze to the side but he still holds a very large presence on set.
━━ would calmly converse with you as if you two had been friends for a long time, with a small smile on his face.
━━ if he can tell you're nervous, he'll tell you small anecdotes about anything and everything. when it's your turn, he give your shoulder a small squeeze and nod at you.
━━ talks to the director about poses as well, has a keen eye about what prop should be used and the positioning of them; you're suprised he isn't the director of the shoot.
━━ when you thank him for his help on the sidelines, he'll shake his head and tell you it was due to your talent and that he was only creating opportunities for them to naturally shine.
━━ was literally made for the camera, just the way he poses, the way he holds himself; god, it would've been a crime if this man had never been placed front page of a magazine.
You're entraced by the way he moves━━ subtle ways, like placing one foot ahead of the other, a hand in his pocket, looking down at the watch on his wrist. He's amazing. You could watch him for ages; he was like a sculpture made by the Gods, their most prized possession. What else could explain his sharp jawline, the bangs framing his face, his long hair pulled back into a low ponytail?
"You're staring," a staff member nudges you with a small smile, you snap out of it right away, slightly embarrassed at being caught. She laughs however, waving you off, "it's okay, we were all like that at first." You nod awkwardly, her words not helping at easing the embarrassment filling you.
You're talking with a staff member when he comes striding towards you, appearing behind you and scaring off the makeup artist with a mere smile and gracing you with a hand on your shoulder. "You're up next, good luck."
━━ mentally prepare yourself to be within a five metre radius of this man for the next hour or so.
━━ whether you're weak to pretty faces or not, i assure you, this man will honestly be the death of you if your guard is down even the littlest bit.
━━ the theme of this shoot? ceo/secretary and it does make sense━━ no it would make sense, if you were the secretary, not the ceo. but apparently fans like this type of power dynamic ( assuming you're shorter than him ) and so for the future of your careers you persevere.
━━ zhongli stood clad in a suit, next to you with his hands behind his back and you sat down at a desk, eyebrows furrowed like you're examining paper work or zhongli pouring you a cup of tea. you're pretty sure this is some odd dream at this point.
━━ you only persevere until zhongli has to pose as if he was fixing your tie.
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━━ intimidating. intimidating. intimidating.
━━ did you wrong god in some type of way in your past life because being watched so openly as you pose for the camera for such a man, naturally exerting power, with eyebrows furrowed was one of the most terrifying things ever.
━━ his poses are similar to zhongli's but he puts a little more back into it, dignified aura as he crosses his leg, or one hand holding his hair up into a high pony as the other is near his mouth, using his teeth to pull the bobble off his wrist.
━━ also more open to differing hairstyles! unlike zhongli who only keeps his hair in a low ponytail, diluc can comprise with a low pony, high pony or even a messy bun.
━━ good balance of praise and constructive criticism; will tell you if you're doing good but will also tell you if you could improve in certain areas or even help with poses.
━━ diluc has amazing chemistry with everyone, he fits naturally into other people's style of modelling and can alter himself or his partner to fit if necessary, he also has a large presence on camera and sometimes accidentally overtakes when he gets too into the shoot.
"Calm down," you step back in reflex when you hear Diluc's voice just behind you, "your nervousness is plastered all over your face." You make a sound of acknowledgement and bow your head, "just take a few breaths and imagine you're at home in your mirror bathroom." It scared you that he knew infront of your mirror bathroom, you were the most confident but thanks to his help, you were able to ease yourself into modelling.
"You did well," he smiles at you when you come off the set, patting you on the shoulder. You smile back, "thanks to your advice," you redirect the compliment back at him. The short interaction ends when you two have to change into your couple costume.
━━ unintended sexual tension 👫
━━ was supposed to be casual poses, really easy ones with you two sat on steps with a respective cigarette in hand as friends but somehow,,,,, you two looked like y'all had fucked a second before hopping onto the set.
━━ so, the director took the inherent sexual tension and put it into use; changing just seeming like you were smoke buddies into poses where you two leaning into the same flame to light up your cigarettes. ( close ups of you two staring into each other's eyes over the flame! )
━━ kept lesser tension packed photos though and the one above^^ just as a small treat for the fans.
━━ he definitely posted a picture of you ( tagged ) behind the scenes on his instagram with no caption though.
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━━ more reserved, if he has a problem with the way you do things, doesn't say anything and just makes a certain expression with his face.
━━ his poses vary, he's able to adapt to each and every theme that's given to him and usually plays it safe with poses. he's usually modelling for makeup brands so he's very good with close ups, or hand and face poses; also is very used to working with many people but often never attempts to befriend.
━━ if you initiate conversation, he'll use dry replies or even attempt to leg it out of the conversation, only because he's a little shy or doesn't really understand social rules after a while, he'll given into your conversations and try to reply normally.
━━ i feel like he has mints with him no matter where he goes so expect a "do you want a mint?" halfway into your conversation.
━━ definitely is trusted with the music that plays in the background as you guys work. xiao is literally globally known for having one of the best music tastes and often makes songs hit the 'top 100' even if it's been out for years.
━━ it takes him a little while to get used to a new partner so give him a few test shots to get your vibe checked and he'll adapt!
You try hard to ignore the song in the background, but it's stuck in your head. Watching Xiao placing his fingers gingerly on his face as he peers to the side, the camera zooming into his face, you tap your foot along to the beat━━ you've never heard this song before but it really suited your tastes.
"Excuse me," you call out to a staff member who was walking past, he stops and nods at you, pulling down his headphones, "do you know what song this is?" He shakes his head however, leaving you with disappointment but not before he tells you that this was Xiao's Spotify playlist. You nod and thank you, immediately finding Xiao on Spotify to see all his different playlists for different moods.
You never understood why fans chose to listen to their idol's playlist because some of their music tastes was just trash but Xiao had genuinely good taste and it kinda suprised you.
━━ close proximity poses since you two are modelling for a makeup brand; some shots are just headshots with you two practically sat ontop of each other.
━━ some poses are torso shots, where you're both holding the product. there was a pose where you got to act as if you were applying eyeliner onto xiao's eyes and there was definitely a period of time when xiao couldn't stop blushing.
━━ he absentmindedly hums the song in the background as you two wait on set for the director to finish their conversation with the photographer.
━━ posts a picture of himself that you took whilst he was asleep and tagged you before the photoshoot was released so fans started speculating the weirdest shit and he never bothered to clear it up, just waited until the photos were released and hoped someone in his fandom was smart enough to connect dots.
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deareststars · 3 years
Could we please get some relationship headcanons for Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, and Sumire?
i was super excited when i saw how many characters you requested! hahaha i thought i was going to finish this in two sittings, but i actually busted out all 5 within an hour or so. thank you so much anon, i hope you enjoy. cheers! <3
(minor spoilers for the last headcanon. also, REALLY long post under the cut!)
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- ann probably has the most faux confidence when it comes to relationships.
- she gets a lot of her relationship advice from magazines and hallmark movies. be prepared for lots of over-the-top romantic gestures, like a bouquet of roses every other day and declarations of love in the middle of doing menial tasks, until she realizes that life isn't a hallmark movie and you're just fine with her being herself!
still, she does find a few of these "tips" to be helpful. maybe not every day, but she quite enjoys seeing how much it takes to catch you off guard. after she drops the hallmark-esque performances, you still need to watch out for sudden bursts of energy that result in her practically professing her love for you on the spot.
- dates tend to be whatever the two of you have time for. she prefers outings to places where you can people-watch and eat sweets, but she'll enjoy staying at home and watching movies just as much! whatever it is, make sure that she's the center of your attention, otherwise she might get a little (re: really) jealous!
- with trips into the metaverse, ann takes every chance she can get to watch you. your fighting style is such an inspiration for her, plus you look amazing in your phantom thief outfit. however, if you ever take a hit for her, she'll be absolutely pissed--both at you for putting her over your own safety, and at the shadow that dared to touch her significant other. even joker and makoto would be terrified.
- actually, speaking of the metaverse...it takes a while for mona to come around, after you "dared to steal his beloved lady ann!" ann finds it hilarious if you ever decide to tell her, and the two of you regain your standing with the cat once you treat him to some well-deserved and long-awaited sushi.
- i think she's pretty well-rounded when it comes to love languages, but she absolutely prefers quality time. since she never got to spend a lot of time with her parents, it means so much to her when you give her your undivided attention, or take time out of your day to take her on a date. she almost never leaves your side, hoping to repay everything that you've done for her. make sure to remind her that you've done it all out of love; the smile would definitely be worth it.
- she's super easy to fluster, but her blushing cheeks always come with a big smile no matter the occasion when she's with you.
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- makoto acts like a totally different person around you.
- even before your relationship, just the slightest touch or smile in her direction would make her brain go haywire. now that you two are official, she's calmed down, but it'll take a lot of "learning" for her to understand how to function.
- she finds most of her advice from those clinical-sounding websites that describe romance like a business relationship. try not to tease her too much! with some guidance and love, she'll break through her own walls and become an incredibly sweet and caring girlfriend.
- dates end up being academic. study dates at leblanc, outings to jinbocho, anything that will help you both better yourselves. while it seems strange to some, makoto expresses her affection through things like this; she wants to make certain a good future.
if you don't have plans to go to college, makoto still thinks that being knowledgeable is key for success. but she's understanding if it grows to be too much, and goes along with whatever you suggest.
- makoto gets the least distracted during fights in the metaverse because she needs to focus on everyone in order to offer the best advice. however, when the thrill of battle gets to her head, she's comfortable with setting up wagers on who can take out the most shadows. (she usually ends up winning, if only because you let her.)
- makoto uses acts of service as her primary love language. from remembering to pack a lunch for you because you often forget, to helping you out around the house--it's the easiest and most effective way for her to show how much she cares about you. return the favor by getting her food and water while she's studying, or bringing her the homework she forgot in the student council room; she'll practically be at your beck-and-call for a day or two after these simple acts.
- as little experience as she has with people her age, she's willing to thrust her insecurities aside and take your relationship step-by-step.
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- you have not seen "flustered and confused'" until you get into a relationship with futaba.
- this poor girl has no idea what she's doing, mostly because she practically blue screens if you show her any sort of affection. it takes a long time (re: a few months) before she's even able to reciprocate, but give her some time and she'll absolutely try her best.
- futaba researches the hell out of relationships because she's so scared of doing something wrong. however, most of her pickup lines and suave movements end up with stuttering and clumsy falls...but you usually manage to pick up the slack/catch her, so she guesses it's not all that bad?
- until she gets really comfortable with going outside, dates are limited to her room or leblanc, mostly the former. when you're around, she actually puts effort into cleaning her room...only for it to get absolutely demolished in the process of playing video games and watching stupid videos on her phone. it's not much, but it's honest work.
- since futaba has access to anything and everything in the metaverse, she panics if your health dips below 3/4's. she's accidentally used "active support" out of sheer anxiety, resulting in a few close calls later on in the fight. as she grows to trust joker and the other phantom thieves, though, she forces herself to take the backseat, and instead pumps your head full of praise and encouragement.
- it takes a while to figure it out, but she eventually realizes that she falls on words of affirmation to express her love. since it doesn't require physical contact, she only needs to worry about breaking down like a crappy computer if you smile a little too wide. she lavishes you with praise for the littlest things, and if you do it in return, she's a happy camper!
- for futaba to grow fully comfortable around you takes a lot of work because of where she came from. however, in time, she trusts you so much that she'd be willing to jump into the fray, knowing that you'll always have her back.
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- haru knows what to do in a relationship through a simple process: take what sugimura did to her, and do the complete opposite.
- all jokes aside, haru is probably the most experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to relationships...or she's the best at faking it. she loves casual touches like hand holding in public, or cuddling when you're home alone. her whispered nothings are sweet and come straight from the heart.
- dates fall under one of two categories: lavish excursions to upper-class restaurants and stores, or simple outdoor walks in areas with plenty of flowers. you always return home with her since she can't bear being alone in her own home for very long, and occupy yourselves with simple chores. dish-washing, vacuuming--anything, so long as she gets to spend as much time as possible with you.
- after some time with her, haru quickly grows disenchanted with coy looks and hidden motives. she openly stares at you during fights in the metaverse, her reflexes fast enough to protect herself from oncoming shadows. you've scolded her about it before, but her simple response ("i know that you will be able to protect me, should anything attack!") was enough to stop you in your tracks.
she does promise to cool off on the staring, which really meant that she only limits herself to quick glances.
- haru's love language is giving and receiving gifts, particularly anything handmade if she's receiving it. haru hates spending her father's poorly-earned money on herself, but for you, she does not mind spending her entire fortune on your happiness. when it's the other way around, she appreciates it if you take the time to make something. should you be the creative type and give her something like a drawing or a piece of pottery, it quickly becomes her most treasured possession--and don't even get me started on plants!
- after coming out of such a terrible relationship, it takes a long time for haru to grow comfortable around you, because she fears you might be like sugimura. however, at the same time, it doesn't take long before haru would trust you with her life.
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- sumire actually might have futaba beat for "most flustered girl to ever enter a relationship."
- despite how little she knows about this, and how easily ruffled she gets when it comes to you, she chooses not to look anything up and trusts you to lead the way. since she's a fast learner, lead by example and let her know what it is you like and dislike, and she'll quickly become an excellent partner.
- maybe a little too excellent...sumire doesn't quite know her own limits, especially if it comes to your well-being, so make sure she doesn't burn herself out trying to care for you. given enough time, she'll learn to strike a balance between caring for herself and showering you with affection.
- dates tend to be anything that requires movement. this could mean simple outings to the protein lovers gym in shibuya or a walk around inokashira park, but she'd also love it if you asked her to go to dome town or destinyland. really, if you asked her anywhere, she'd follow; but as an athlete, she prefers it to be physically strenuous.
of course, a relationship is give-and-take; if you're too tired to go out that day, then she'll gladly commit to a simple sit-in date, like eating at a restaurant or catching a movie.
- since she's a newbie when it comes to the metaverse, her watching you is mostly figuring out how things work. she tries not to stare because she doesn't want to embarrass herself in front of you, nor does she want anything bad to happen. still, if you perform a fancy maneuver, or take out a whole bunch of shadows in one fell swoop? she's by your side, talking about how amazing that was and if you could teach her how to do that.
- "kasumi" and sumire are different when it comes to expressions of love. if you were to date "kasumi," i think she'd be a jack of all trades, switching between love languages without much preference so long as it makes you happy. for sumire, i think it'd be more concrete; she'd fall on quality time first and foremost. since she wants to rediscover what it's like to live as sumire, she'd want the ability to talk and have you listen wholeheartedly. this also means that she'd be more than willing to do the same, so don't be shy; it would mean everything to her if you trusted her enough to confide in her.
- sumire has obviously been through a lot. but when it comes to your happiness, she's willing to fight through everything if it means that you will be waiting for her with open arms.
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Who's gonna ramble about the fact that Violet is always asking Benedict to make sure Anthony is alright? 👀
Hi, Nonnie. Apologies that this took me a couple of days. As I'm sure you've read on my other posts: real life, shit storm, taking one day at a time. But I'm here now! And taking my time has allowed me to cultivate some thoughts...
Because you're not wrong. However, I don't think it's done maliciously. It's the actions of a mother being pulled 10 different directions. Violet is a mother of 8 children - "one less" now that Daphne is married - and she has to shepherd her girls out in society, help her sons find matches, AND play the games of the Ton. Because the Ton is a monster all on its own. Throw in the Queen every once in a while, because why not. And the most important thing we have to remember is Violet is doing this all on her own. It's A LOT of pressure, and I think we can tell from the show, Violet can get overwhelmed quite easy. I'm not saying it's dramatic, but when the image of that perfect family gets shaken up, you can see her panic level start to rise. If Edmund were still alive, Violet would not only have help, but also the presence that calmed her the most.
NOW. Back to the question at hand. None of what I just said is an excuse, but it may explain why she turns to Ben so much. Violet knows her children, quite well, and recognizes when she can't push Anthony any further on a topic, because either he'll start to resist or completely end the plan and go a different direction. Anthony made it known he wanted to find a wife this season, and Violet definitely wants that to happen. So, during those moments when Violet feels like she can't pry, push, or "meddle" any more, who does she turn to to check on his brother? Benedict. Why? Because - knowing her children so well - Violet knows the friendship, and the tight bond her two oldest have. Remember, Benedict is essentially the only true sibling Anthony has. As we saw in S2 during the flashbacks, Anthony very quickly had to become the father figure for most of his siblings, and this created a different dynamic between Anthony and the 6 youngest Bridgertons. His relationship with Ben probably didn't change that much. So, when Violet feels like she needs the assist, she'll turn to Benedict.
Is this fair for Benedict? In this situation, no, because it's only fair if Benedict is offered the same support from others when it's needed. And I think that's why we're going to see Benedict pull away from his family in the coming season(s). Sooner or later the rest of the Bridgertons are going to have to come to terns with the repercussions of their actions. They've unintentionally pushed him away and they'll have to find a way to rebuild that relationship. The only sibling Benedict has had any connection/understanding with is Eloise, but even that isn't a balanced support. Eloise is younger, less mature, and very focused on her own ideas currently to really give Benedict the support and guidance he needs. Ben needs adults.
I do hope we get a scene somewhere down the line where Anthony pulls Benedict aside and has a meaningful conversation with him. Allows Benedict to speak his mind fully and then offers some sage, adult advice or even just a shoulder to lean on. Flip the script, and mend the bonds.
I hope my answer helps or offers maybe a different perspective, Nonnie...??? Maybe? I'm not saying we excuse Violet, but maybe understand where it's coming from?
Thanks for the ask, Nonnie!! I do enjoy discussing the Bridgertons 😊.
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asking-jude · 4 years
Hey Jude, i think,i think my mother might be abusive. I'm not sure but sometimes she gets angry and she yells a lot. She's also hit me on multiple occasions(kicked me, pull my hair and tried to bashed my face) told me to kill myself(and handed me pills that i did end up taking)and that she'd kill herself if i didn't leave forever. And shes called me mentally upset I'm a minor. But like she's also incredibly nice at times??? And she's not majorly homophobic (I'm queer) am i over reacting?
Hi Friend,
I'm sorry you're experiencing this type of behavior from your mother. What you're experiencing is not OK, and you aren't reading too much into it. Anytime someone hits, kicks, or even tries to use suicide threats to manipulate you into harming yourself is not a safe person. It does not matter if the abuse happens only sometimes, and she can be nice. It is still abuse. It is common for abusers to jump back in forth between loving and harming to keep their victims in a constant state of confusion. It sounds like your mother may be experiencing some serious mental health challenges, and unless she gets help for them, she'll be unsafe for you.
I don't know where you live, but you most certainly are not safe where you are and need to find a place where you will be protected. If you live in the USA, you can call child protective services in your county. If there is an equivalent in your country, please call them. I'll share a link below for CPS in the US. I know that it will likely feel scary calling CPS and you may even feel like it will get you into more trouble than it's worth. I can't make you do anything, but I want to encourage you to call. Their job is to try to help you have the life you deserve—one of love and respect. Sometimes that means finding a new place to live, but other times it may be mandatory therapy, medications, or parenting classes for your mom so she can be a healthier person. 
You can also try to reach out to a trusted friend or adult, such as a school guidance counselor, teacher, religious leader, or relative. Tell them exactly what is happening and that you are afraid to be at home. They may be able to call for you. Alternative many shelters cater to helping youth escape from domestic violence situations, and of course, the police is always a viable option. They will usually get child protective services involved to check up on you if your mother is physically harming you.
Again, I cannot force you to do anything, of course, but I truly want to encourage you to take this seriously. You don't have to put up with being someone else punching bag. You deserve so much love, and no one should be doing those things to you, whether you were queer or straight as they come. Your homosexuality does not make you deserve this kind of mistreatment. I'm truly worried about your well-being. 
I'll leave some additional resources below to help you along the way. Please check-in if you need more help.
Resources for finding CPS number in your area:
Identifying abuse:
24hr Hotlines:
http://www.thetrevorproject.org – help for homosexual youth.
Asking Jude will continue to offer free peer counselling services on askingjude.org—a faster, more efficient alternative to Tumblr. Please, create your account and receive 24/7 support from the Asking Jude Team and fellow community members. Support our breathtaking transformation!
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gb-50-blog · 5 years
If GAYLENE is a thing (flower, food, animal, etc), what would she be and why?
A Sunflower you've been
Bringing warmth and Gay
Definitely we can see
What a way to start my day!
Kind and true
i appreciate in you
Whatever you do
Apparently CHRIST in you!
Memories of friendship
Maybe rare and few
But this I can tell
They're enough... Gay, thank you!
*mommy chinnih
A Rose, petals would represent her soft and kind hearted person, while the thorns will represent her toughness as a woman.
A flower, because flowers are nice, fragrant, colorful and cool.
- tiger (fierce✌)
- She would be a banana plant. In spite of her busy schedule, she always has plenty of hands ready to help others. She also has a big big heart!
*cath siy-tan
"Before Christ you were Lion fierce and protective of your territory/self. But, when you experience CHRIST you became Dog indeed that is your year you're not only man's best friend, you are protective and loving and most of all loyal, someone who can always count on whatever age difference you have in between." 😍😘😍
*wenn laohoo
Red Rose. It's stands among the rest because of  her beauty😊
*grace paming
I would say she is a bear. Looks fierce on the outside but a cuddly bear on the inside (softy).
*gorgeous emy
If she were an animal, i’d say she’s a lioness. She’s independent, fierce, brave, strong, and is a good mother that tends well to her children, and even those of her relatives like me.
If Gaylene is a flower, food, animal, etc, what would she be? - Banana, because like a banana that is a staple fruit in the table that most people would like to have after a meal for dessert, to remove unpleasant taste in the mouth, also good source of potasium, and sometimes to help regulate lbm.  Dami purpose and easy to find, available all year round, unlike other fruits that are seasonal.  Gaylene, like a banana, dami purpose in life, always accessible and available and when she's not there, you would be looking for her. Gusto mo lagi syang anjan.  Kasi comfort buddy mo sya, like a banana na comfort food ng marami. 
*ailyn anzures
If she were an animal, I’d say she’s a dog. She may appear as scary and stern, but inside she’s very warm, caring and motherly towards those around her.
If she were a flower, she’d be a peony. She is one of a kind and beautiful inside and out. She has a great heart and she listens well to people who are in need of help and guidance.
*Marl & Stephen
~gerbera flower, as it symbolize happiness n joy. Gaylene is gorgeous n give brightness to other people.
*lorry lim
-She would be a FLOWER, because she continues to Bloom in any situation. She makes sure to be always Beautiful no matter what.
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- A Sunflower because she could brighten everyone’s mood with just her presence and especially her laughter!
What do you appreciate most about her?
Her being superwoman, for taking good care of our family.
Generosity, Selfless. Not only to her family, but also to her love once (friends). She constantly giving of herself to others and sacrificing of her time (and sleep!) if there is a need.
I appreciate the suffering she been through in giving birth to me.
-her prophetical advise to me on marriage.♥️
-Her availability & generosity. Always ready to help.
*cath siy-tan
"Before Christ you were hesitant and reserve. But after growing in the LORD you become overflowing non stop out pouring of your love towards others. . . regardless, if your under the weather or it's out of the way for you... imagine mag drive to CCF na high blood dala-dala mo pa yun pang BP mo... what an experience." 😍😘😍
*wenn laohoo
-Her kindness and Generosity
*grace paming
- Her generosity, her big heart, her warmth and support as a mother, her faith in me (strenghts and abilities) kahit i could not see it anymore.
*gorgeous emy
Her sincerity and her advices. She’s always so sincere in giving people life advices that may be godly/religious or not. She’s also one of the realest person I know.
Gaylene is a lot to many people but to me she is a sister that I never had.  I appreciate her big and generous heart that is always ready to offer anything to those around her.  Whatever na kaya nya ioffer, whether her home, her car, her possessions, information, people she knows and even the bumbero pag may sunog or may baha at mahirapan ako umuwi, iaalok nya! I can't see a limit to Gaylene's generosity and it is sincere and not selective to people.  Sabi nga a true test of character is how you treat people that can't do or give anything to you.  I've witnessed and experienced that up close many times with her. 
*ailyn anzures
I’m grateful for her being a great aunt to me,  for being generous and caring. For as long as I could remember, she cares a lot for those around her and the people she loves.
Her thoughtfulness because she would always offer to give us pickled mangoes and dinuguan. Whenever she goes to marikina for work, she drives to my place to drop off the goods before heading home.
*Marl & Stephen
~ she is super generous on her time with people, humble n lifetime of service.
*lorry lim
-Yung Beauty ni Achie Gaylene, and yung pagka strong personality nya. Yung   matapang pero super kind heart.
        Another thing is yung Pagiging Generous and especially saTime nya. Very caring, yung       sure ka na makakauwi ka ng safe if may gatherings coz she will volunteer to drive you home.
I appreciate how strong her personality is. With everything that she’s been through, she continues to he a positive person amidst all the negative things in life.
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What is your most memorable experience or time with her?
“THE BENCH” that’s when all our journey started, and every occasion that I got to surprise her. Like when its her first time to eat blue lobster!"
When we were looking and watching at old pictures and videos.
-I remember when I was a lil girl,, she won’t let me borrow her animal stuffed toy.. haha!
-She let me work a summer part-time in her store (GMK) before. Well another thing is,, I just really admire her driving all the way from Manila just to go to Marikina and visit Auntie Lily and Uncle Joe.(even when GMK was closed.)
-I was new to the group and if I remember it right, we are on all on our way home coming from Tiendesitas (Don Moen Concert?). Di pa uso Waze noon and I needed help with road directions. While we were on a convoy, I had a hard time keeping up. She was a very fast driver! I tried my best to stay close and there was a time when I was successful in staying next to her tail. However, I was not familiar with the width of a particular street. When she swifty changed lane, I was not able to shift immediately and was surprised to see an island a few meters away!  I had the shock of my life! God is good to have provided good brakes and no car was closely behind me. Whew!
*cath siy-tan
"Before i feel she's not that approachable... after developing deeper friendship-in-Christ my most memorable time with her is in her car going to CCF or a seminar or any errands or simply just taking me home and we would talk for hours our concerns and forgot the time and usually Mae-Mae would be checking on us. . . appreciate ALL the time well spend with you whether good or bad we embrace them well for GOD is with us!!!" 🙏😇🙏
*wenn laohoo
-It was 2017 when we go to Korea. And when she accompanied me and introduced me to Dr. Ko
*grace paming
Definitely, the Korea trip where she allowed me to get to know the real Gaylene, as a mother, wife, daughter, child of God, friend, as in LAHAT.
*gorgeous emy
Whenever she tells me how sweet I am to the people around me. No adult family member outside of my own immediate family has ever recognized my good traits, qualities, and that gives great life advices except for her. This is why I consider her one of my favorite aunts because I usually sense her genuinity and how much she appreciates the people around her just by talking to her.
With all the years and time I have spent with Gaylene, I can mention so many of my memorable moments with her.  She just makes her mark with people the moment one gets to know her deeply.  If I am to choose, it will be the intimate times of conversation I have with her every time she drives me home including the time we will stop na sa NHA or Jollibee (where she drops me off) because di pa kami tapos magusap.  We have those short heart to heart convos pag lahat naihatid na and it's just me, her and Wenn.  Her sincerity I can feel from the look in her eyes kapag nakarating na kami and we would still have our moment of bonding (usually just to catch up).  There were also a few times we talked over the phone and it's usually long conversations, and usually when she has a problem with Jerry that she'd like to unload.  She's very honest and open when she talks about her frailties, her fears, her agonies, and burdens.  But after that long talk, like an obedient disciple, she'll accept her shortcomings and would promise to try working on some of the godly advice given to her.  During those times, kahit matagal kami hindi nagusap, we easily connect like real sisters.  And I cherish those moments with Gaylene. 
*ailyn anzures
There are many times that I am grateful for her. But one that sticks in my memory is how she and her family never miss to greet me on calls every time it’s my birthday and my family’s as well. It feels nice to have someone greet you personally even if they're far away.
It’s always a funny and memorable experience with her whenever I encounter cockroaches and she encounters lizards. Whenever I see cockroaches, I call out for her help because she isn’t scared of them.
*Marl & Stephen
~ fitflop slippers, she let me borrowed her slippers when mine was broken when she drop us off to tayuman after BS. Even shes driving, still prioritized other concerns n needs.
*lorry lim
The very first time I invited her at Banawe Siok-Siok, then I felt at ease to share with her my struggles then she gave me a very truthful advises as well. Kaya doon nagstart yung closeness namin ni achie.
I think all of my memories with her are memorable and eventful, but something that I will always cherish in my heart was when she always used to sleep in our house together with my cousins. It was like a family vacation everyday because of all the laughters.
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4. Short message on her 50th bday.
Hi Ai!!! Happy Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the happy memories and for always being there for me. You always give me life advices and I will never forget how you always make  me feel whenever I am feeling down. You are one of the few people that I genuinely admire. I pray for you to be happy in life because you deserve it <3 Love you Ai! ❤️
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Dark Enough- Amanda Lopiccolo
TW: Self harm, suicide
I walk into class, and there sits my best friend of eight years. She's the kind of easy-going girl who laughs at pretty much everything. In fact, I believe that's all I've ever seen her do.
She's one of the smartest girls I've ever met. She makes all As on every report card, and she always offers tutoring sessions before each test. She's not just smart though, she's also beautiful. She's tall with long, curly, ginger hair cascading down her back. She has bright emerald eyes brought out by her round glasses and massive amount of freckles. She never wears makeup either, she says it'd get ruined when she played volleyball. Above all else, however, she's kind. She always offers an ear or a shoulder to cry on if anyone needs one. She gives amazing advice, and it's usually taken in the highest regard.
She's perfect. Always happy, always sweet. I don't know how she does it everyday. I'd crack under all the pressure.
Over the course of a few weeks, I notice her eyes get duller. She still acts bright and happy, but her eyes never quite show it. Nothing has slipped through her cracks. She's still making perfect grades, she's still doing amazing at volleyball, she's still helping everyone out, so what can I really say to her?
I believe she's perfect. I wish she did, too. It's so hard to see her doubt herself. She has so many expectations. I wish I could say she was the only one.
Soon after, I see her begin to become less bright and happy. You rarely see her smile anymore. Her laughs seem forced. Jokes that used to make her light up the whole room suddenly don't amuse her as much. I notice her grades are starting to fall, but I don't say anything. She could use a break. I'm almost happy to see that she isn't trying to help everyone anymore. I just wish she was happier.
I though she was perfect, until I saw her scars. She told me they were nothing, but I worry. I'll pretend to believe her for now, if it'll make her feel better. Maybe she'll tell someone if I let her work up the courage.
A few more weeks go by, and she no longer smiles or laughs. Not only that, but she rarely talks anymore. Jokes fly past her. She usually just closes her eyes. Her grades are really dropping now, and she isn't talking to anyone. I contemplate asking her what's wrong, or at the very least telling the guidance counselor, but I know she'll do the right thing.
I guess she's not so perfect after all. I saw the cuts, the burns, the endless self inflicted injuries littering her skin. I don't want her to hurt anymore. I miss my best friend.
One morning I walk in, and there's no one at her desk. Simply a pile of notes. I sift through and find my name. As I read it, tears began streaming down my face.
'To my best friend, I'm so sorry. I wanted to talk to you, to tell you everything, but I couldn't. It doesn't matter though. To be honest, I was really messed up. No one could have saved me anyways. I'm sorry if I ever let you down. I want you to know that I love you. Please move on with your life. Don't allow my death to impact you in a detrimental way.'
When I finished, I had so many questions. How could someone so perfect feel so insecure? How does someone so loving learn to hate her own guts? Why would she scar her skin with cuts and burns and still want to hurt more?
That was the day I realized that no one is perfect. Everyone has something going on, whether you can see it or not. Even the people who seem like they have it all together can have deep scars. Maybe if I had asked her, I could have prevented this. But that begs the question, has anyone ever asked her if she was okay?
So this is to the girl in the back of the class. The girl who always has her head down, the girl who never raises her hand, the girl who never speaks up, the girl who sits alone at lunch, the girl who has random injures show up but no one to ask her about them, the girl who seemingly has no one on her side. I have a question.
How are you?
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frogsandfries · 5 years
To follow that up
I'm over here getting all angsty because my sister is isolating my nieces, treating them like dollies, trying to convince them never to leave her side and she doesn't want them to go to school, and I'm on tenterhooks to call CPS because I think there's a million and seven ways she's treating my nieces poorly and she's just not being a parent and as soon as possible, I want those girls to know better and be treated better. More than that, I want my sister to get help.
The fucked up thing about mental health is, if you don't think there's anything wrong with you, no one can force you to get help. The best example of this that I know of is narcissism. A narcissist doesn't see anything wrong with the way they have to be the center of everything; they think it's fine to treat people like servants and use them the way they see fit. I see a facet of our womb donor in each of us: The self-isolation and narcissism, at least/ especially about having children, in her; the entitlement to take what you want in my brother. I look like her, and I have excuses for everything even when I'm asking myself why I'm making an excuse, and Ihave trouble keeping a job. My younger sister, I don't know yet. Maybe she's actually the only one who takes most after our dad.
My friend asked me if I think my sister might take my parental advice if I was a parent. For a split second, I thought she might, but honestly, my sister would think I was copying her by having a baby at all, and beyond that, she would think she knows better how to raise my child than I do because she took classes (but somehow can't refer to these classes when half-assedly trying to potty train her daughters) and she's been a parent for three years, and she's been a parent of two for two years. And even if I'm frivolous about it and get pregnant from some random fling or FwB, which is the only way I see myself getting pregnant before she has too much of a headstart over me, she'll only become more and more convinced that I'm copying as time passes. She'll only become more and more convinced that she's better than me as time passes. Obviously, while I was off alone with my aunt and cousins, being the physically youngest child (my severely autistic cousin is definitely mentally younger), being the second born, she took over the mantle of eldest when they were all in foster care together. It definitely fucked up our family dynamics in a way.
At the same time, she's always had middle child syndrome. She couldn't beat me academically and let her reading disability get in her way. I think the heavy focus on tackling her speech impediment first was a poor move, but as a kid, I obviously had no idea and there's nothing I could've said. She's also suffered a lot with feeling neglected and unloved by her parents, leading her to seek love from boyfriends, starting in third grade.
My friend obviously wants her child to maintain her innocence as long as possible, and wouldn't let her "date" in third grade. On the one hand, I can agree. On the other, I think these little pretend relationships can have a lot of benefit. I think, if a parent offers a lot of guidance, a child can learn that it's natural for relationships to come and go. It can offer the child very innocent ways to learn about different kinds of people and what kind kid person they do and do not like to be around and what kinds of behavior to tolerate and reject. If you learn young to put yourself first in a healthy way, you can learn to sidestep a lot of damage when you start exploring your sexuality.
Obviously my sister didn't get any of that kind of guidance. She did it "secretively"; she knew our dad didn't approve, but he couldn't stop us going to school or hanging out with friends. She somehow got these boys to give her gifts, which has definitely led to some unhealthy behaviors.
Honestly, I can't contact CPS before my elder niece is even old enough to go to school, so that's really frustrating. On the other hand, it should offer even the tiniest bit of hope: It gives me two or three years to get my life on track and save the money, if I need, to get a stable housing situation under me. Or, or gives her two or three years to come to grips that she has mental health issues that demand more than some happy pills, and that it's cruel to keep her children tied to her, to keep them from an education and being social and forming bonds with other people.
I think my sister is bringing her daughters down with her on a folie a deux, and I'm scared about getting my shit together in time. I lived with my aunt from first to third grade, and even though that's definitely when I developed a lot of my core behaviors, my dad was also definitely a strong influence on me. I hope I could be either one for my nieces. I would embrace my sister taking her mental health in hand enough to take her daughters back, if things go that way.
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duanecbrooks · 8 years
Patton General     Remember how I've talked--and more than once--how one of the coolest things about having a DVD player is that it enables you to see--and re-see and re-re-see and re-re-re-see--pictures that you dug when you first saw them in a theater? Well, the fact is, I recently, thanks to said--and fantastically-regarded--DVD player, caught a theatrical film that I saw and dug through watching its trailer on YouTube. That flick, by name, is Baggage Claim, and I can say unequivocally that it's just as stylish, just as qualitative as its trailer--which, again, is on full display thanks to YouTube--wants you to believe. It is indeed a picture that is near-to-bursting with snappy dialogue, attentive direction, and, above all, lively performances--in point of fact, one such performance is easily the highlight of the picture; there'll be more about that as we go on. Indeed, I'll go so far as to say that said cinematic rom-com has worked its way onto my list of Most-Cherished Theatrical Offerings (The others: Body Heat, Boomerang, the great writer-producer-director Garry Marshall's final creative object Mother's Day, and my gal Robin Givens's classic made-for-television film The Penthouse).         Now to the picture in question.             Claim kicks off with a shot of a church that, after around one minute, has a group of happy, celebratory, greatly well-dressed black folks, having obviously attended/participated in a wedding, bustling out of it. Included, of course, are the bride and the groom--and this quite spirited adolescent, who, we learn, will grow up to be Claim's lead character, Montana Moore (Paula Patton). Through voice-over we hear Montana ruminating on her Mom's, ahem, busy romantic past ("Marriage has always been a big deal to my mother. She loves marriage. Especially hers [Cut to another group of spiffily-attired blacks happily emanating from the same church, the same bride and a different groom included]. And hers [Same scene, only with a different groom]. And hers"). From there Montana lays her cards on the table concerning her own romantic life ("A easy as it is for Mom to get married, my relationships have never been cleared for takeoff"). Cut to a mega-busy airport, where we see planes taking off and landing, folks bustling along in a hurry to get to their planes--and where Montana, still in voice-over, discloses to us her lifelong ambition ("I've always wanted to be a flight attendant...You get to travel around the world, meet interesting people"). We're then taken to our heroine's apartment complex, where before she enters her particular abode she runs into her longtime buddy, William Wright (Derek Luke), to whom she further discloses her hopes regarding her romantic situation ("I don't want to spend my life listening to my mother telling me how she could find five husbands and I can't even find one"), whereupon William tells her what his wife Taylor has cooked up ("She planned a trip to Rome to celebrate our one-year anniversary").         Moving forth: We witness Montana rushing through the airport, anxious to catch the flight she'll be working, and, as she races along, we hear yet another voice-over of hers, wherein she gives us some Mom-originated words of guidance ("According to my mother, you're not a woman until you're married on or before your 30th birthday. And you're not a lady until you've had two kids"). We then see Montana having made the flight she'll be working, and we're also introduced to two of our girl's closest working buddies, brother flight attendant--and card-carrying homosexual--Sam (Adam Brody) and sister flight attendant--and frequent Sam adversary--Gail (Jill Scott). Right away we're given a look at the aforementioned Montana buddies' dueling relationship (Sam: "Gail, I seem to have misplaced my badge. Could you check your cleavage for me, please?"). Later, as the three are congregating in the plane's food-preparation area, Montana lets her friends, and us, in on this guy she's been seeing and how it seems to her like the guy is going to pop the question. Gail, for her part, bluntly hurls cold water upon said scenario ("Montana is not getting married. If she was, as her best friend, I would know first"). Shift to Montana with this guy, a smoothly handsome dude named Graham (Boris Kodjoe), where the two of them are affectionately pressed against each other during a cruise and Montana is absolutely over the moon about it all ("Graham, you have talked about [us taking this cruise] for so long...[The view is] absolutely beautiful!"). We get a marvelously-shot montage of Montana and Graham coming together physically--during which Patton shows that not only is she achingly gorgeous but has a BITCHIN' bod--then we see the latter dropping the former off at a hotel, claiming a need to attend to his professional life ("I got an emergency phone call. I got to fly to New York"). When our Montana gets to her room, she calls up gal-friend Gail, who right away demands that her buddy fill her in on the progress of her relationship ("Are you guys doing it?"). Afterward--after zipping down her exercise outfit so a nearby hunk who's also exercising can see her cleavage--Gail urges girlfriend Montana to go out to Graham's house and spy on him so she can ascertain for sure whether or not he's on the up-and-up. To which Montana, no surprise here, initially objects.                 We continue. Claim takes us to Graham's rather luxurious house and Montana sneaking up on said house--fully demonstrating that, pace her initial resistance, she's just dying to know whether or not Graham is playing it straight with her. Upon getting close to the aforementioned house, Montana rings up Gail, who, respectively, upbraids the former ("I didn't think you would do it [follow Gail's advice to spy on Graham]!") and instructs her ("Do not knock on that man's door! You'll look like a stalker"). Upon looking in the window, Montana, and we, see Graham in his living room going over some papers, which greatly eases her mind (Montana in voice-over: "[Graham] was preparing for his meeting, just like he told me he was. Gail was wrong!"). Alas for her, however, Montana, along with us, sees a stunning woman enter and Graham fondly helping her off with her coat--both of which clearly saying that Gail's suspicions were entirely valid; Graham indeed does not consider himself, and never considered himself, Montana's guy alone. Having been thus chastened, our gal makes a quick--and quite saddened--exit. In time we're transported to Montana's apartment and witness the drop-ins of Mom Catherine (Jenifer Lewis) and younger sis Sheree (Lauren London), both of whom bearing big, big news (Catherine to Montana: "We [she and Sheree] are so excited! We wanted you to be the first to know." Sheree to Montana: "I wanted you to be the first to know." Catherine: "After me"): Sheree is getting married. This, unsurprisingly, distresses Montana big-time and we next see her in a bar pouring her heart out to Sam/Gail ("I just can't go to my little sister's wedding alone! I'll be the laughing stock of the family"). Sam at first seizes upon Montana's predicament to stick it to Gail ("Why don't you take Gail? She never waxes her moustache. [Your family will] think she's Steve Harvey"), then comes up with the notion of Montana's "accidentally" encountering all of her exes until she finds the one who will accompany her to Sheree's wedding. Here we meet Montana's other working pals, among them Cedric, the fellow who checks passengers before they board ("First name, Cedric. Last name, take everything out your pockets! I need your pockets out your pockets!"). Since the scheme came from Sam, Gail balks at it, but he pushes on, citing the considerable, as he sees it, benefit to Montana ("[W]e can come to the aid of the sweetest, most fantastic human being alive").             Let's press on.Montana is at first resistant to Sam's ploy but then Catherine makes another visit, again guilt-tripping her oldest daughter ("I started thinking, my daughter is marrying a handsome, athletic young man. I may not be alive to see my oldest daughter do the same"), and, upon Catherine's leaving, Montana is on board concerning Sam's notion. As William is driving Montana to the airport, he comes up with some especially wise words--"You know, Mo, the magic isn't in getting married. It's in staying married." We get further introduction to Montana's charmingly loopy working friend Cedric as he's going about his business regarding passengers ("I have no life! Which gives me all day to ruin yours!"), then Montana boards this plane wherein she'll meet, according to Sam, her first prospect, one Damon Diesel (Tremaine Neverson)--who, let it be said, was initially dismissed as  prospect by Gail ("You gotta be kidding me! Damon Diesel can barely take care of himself, much less a family"). Montana is ready to dump the entire plan when, lo and behold, Damon spots her and lets her know that he has ("I'd love to see the stitches in that skirt"). Having discovered each other, the two get to be on friendly terms, to the point where Damon responds quite favorably when Mo enquires as to just how long he'll be in town (Damon: "Long enough to spend some quality time [with you]. If I'm allowed." Mo, smiling warmly: "You're allowed"). As they spend more time together, Damon becomes more and more enamored of Montana (The former to the latter, with clear-cut affection: "You could stay awake for the rest of your life and you'd still be beautiful to me"). In time Damon takes Montana to what he tells her is her place and she, along with we, find him taking a nice, warm bubble bath--in which he eagerly invites Montana to participate. However, trouble, big trouble in paradise soon comes, at first knocking on, then banging and, eventually, screeching at the door, in the form of Janine (Tia Mowry), a key executive at Damon's label and his current main squeeze to boot. Having met Montana earlier when she stopped by her and Damon's table to remind him of an upcoming meeting, Janine, her Spidey sense going full-blast, is well aware of the likelihood that Montana is inside with him and the prospect has her going flat-out postal ("Damon, I know you hear me! Open this damn door!...Damon, I know you ain't got that 'ho from the restaurant [referencing Mo] in there!...I'm gonna shoot you and that bitch!...Open! Open, open, open, open!"). Happily, and at Damon's urging, our lady manages to hide out on the stairwell outside while, inside, Janine continues hollering and ranting at Damon. Yet it soon goes from raining to pouring when Catherine calls, inviting her dear daughter to a pre-wedding slumber party ("We're all here in our pajamas, and we want you to come over"). Montana, for her part, winds up slinking away, having been thoroughly defeated and being totally dejected.               More transpires. On a flight she' s working, Montana happens upon two former  beaus--Curtis and Langston Jefferson Battle III (Taye Diggs), the latter currently running for Congress. Montana and Langston wind up together and the latter wasts no time turning his considerable charm on her, inviting her to a meeting he's scheduled to have with a hoped-for financial backer (Him to her: "Would you happen to know a young lady--gorgeous, intelligent--who would be so gracious as to join me?" Her, in a warm tone: "If I'm asked." Him: "Consider yourself asked"). Fast forward to that meeting, where we see Mo and Langston hook up with that hoped-for financial backer, one Howard Donaldson (Ned Beatty), accompanied by his wife. Right away Donaldson is warm and gracious toward Mo ("Young lady, I hope you can withstand this election [involving Langston] will surely bring"), then Langston tells their waitress what he'd like to have and...he orders for Mo, also. This of course mightily pees her off, so Langston takes her off to one side and "explains." ("[Financial supporters] want to know that the candidate they're backing is a take-charge man. A leader"). The evening continues and, to Langston's great delight, Donaldson strongly takes to him ("If you're not elected to Congress, it won't be because of insufficient financial support"). Yet the evening takes a fiercely uncomfortable (for Langston) turn when Donaldson raises the issue of just how "black" Langston genuinely is, eventually bringing Tiger Woods's alleged lack of real and true "blackness" into the conversation. Understandably wanting to lighten the increasingly grim mood, Mo quips: "What I think would make Tiger Woods black is that he drives an Escalade and his Daddy's name is Earl." Her humor, however, doesn't go over well with Langston and when the two get back to the latter's hotel room, he aggressively bawls her out. In the midst of his denunciation the phone rings and, when Langston picks it up, he discovers that it's Donaldson with good news: Being wholly enchanted by Mo's wit--after the call, Langston informs her, and us, that Donaldson told him that her wisecrack "was the highlight of [Donaldson's] evening"--Donaldson has decided to double his monetary contribution. Yet rather than recognize and express appreciation for the obvious fact that Montana was an enormous asset to the evening, Langston patronizingly tells her The Facts Of Life ("[S]ometimes being [the] greater [woman besides the man] means being quiet"). Here our Mo naturally becomes fed up and, after telling Langston off big-time ("New actions, new outcome. Same asshole, same outcome...You haven't changed a bit. Langston"), she angrily storms out, permanently crossing him off her list.           And so Claim goes, with Montana at last finally sucking it up and telling her assembled family that she doesn't have a boyfriend and that that fact doesn't have any negative impact on her ("Marriage doesn't make you a lady. Any more than standing in a garage makes you a car...I like me. A lot. With or without a husband"), at last finally discovering that it's her old and cherished pal William who's her real and true love--which brings about a cinematic-rom-com first: a woman (our Montana) rushing to and through the airport in order to intercept her male love object (William)--and at last finally William getting down on his knees right there in the airport, slipping an engagement ring upon our lady's finger, warmly proposing marriage, and our gal tearfully--and happily--saying yes, culminating in joining William on his knees and the two of them sharing a soulful and loving kiss while still in the airport--a scene which is just as moving and winning as when Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston did it at the conclusion of the former's legendary baseball picture For Love Of The Game. Claim ends with Mo pals Gail and Sam, relieved that their lady buddy's romantic melodrama is over, sharing a taxi and winding up battling with each other over a man that they previously didn't know they shared (Sam to Gail: "You bitch! That's my man! I had him first!").           So that's Claim, a flick that not only deserves high marks for being a black-oriented picture that to a greater degree than even Boomerang staunchly refuses to in any capacity shove race down our throats--the aforementioned scene with Montana, Langston, and Donaldson and his wife is literally the only time during Claim's unspooling that race is dealt with and, as was not the case with Boomerang, not in any victimization sense--but merits praise for being, on its own, a highly likable, warmly funny, and smoothly stylish theatrical rom-com. Ned Beatty, as said financial backer Howard Donaldson, is appealingly unctuous and, in time, appealingly race-conscious. Tia Mowry packs her role as "spurned" woman Janine with sizzling energy and rousing humor. Jenifer Lewis as Montana Mom Catherine is engagingly commanding and, in her confession scene with Mo, engagingly forthright. Christina Milian, as kid sister Taylor, wins us over with her dazzling spunk and her unflagging fizziness. Jill Scott and Adam Brody, as Montana compadres Gail and Sam are entirely warming with their steadfast loyalty and their graceful sparring. All of the men in Montana's life--Djimon Hounsou as a hotel magnate who is the deciding factor in Montana's eventual determination to absolutely refuse to allow a man to define her; Diggs, Kodjoe, Neverson, and Luke, the fellow our lady with whom she at last finally winds up--are all stylishly amiable and agreeably manly. David E. Talbert, adapting from his original book, provides the cast with spicily humorous and spicily sexy things to say and do. And Talbert the director deftly creates an air of tangy camaraderie and simmering sexuality that, to his great credit, he maintains throughout the entire picture.             Now to Paula Patton. She is, in a word, sensational. Starting off with the fact that her slender statesqueness--she's 5'7", to be precise--gives her a forcefully enticing valkyrie appeal, she's an honestly captivating blend of urbane beauty, Seven-Sisters-colleges charm, and Katana-sharp intelligence. Whenever she's in a two-shot, regardless of who the other actor is, her carefully-polished good looks and her runway-model sexiness have your eyes riveted upon her. You might remember that, in an earlier article, I discussed the sincerely depressing scarcity of contemporary big-screeners in which there is the emergence of a real and true female star, the monumental lack of modern-day pictures which feature the appearance of an honest cinematic diva who shines mega-brightly and who easily towers not only over her brother-and-sister theatrical-film actors but over us as well, such as Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman and Sandra Bullock in Speed and my lady Robin Givens in Boomerang. It is Baggage Claim that forcefully and proudly shows that Paula Patton deserves to be added to that woefully short list.
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