#she's a redhead cause in ancient times redheads were considered evil
honeymilkbubbletea · 4 months
The sexiest mom in all Hell
Ladies and gentleman, Lilith Morningstar! 💕🐍
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novamirmirsblog · 3 years
I am not a woman, I'm a God (17+)
If I can't have love I want power pt 2
If I can't have love masterlist
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Word Count: 1640
Genre: dark I guess?
Request: no
Warnings: none? (atm anyways)
A/N: I'm not too happy with this chapter so it's subject to change BUT the next couple chapters should pick things up a little :3 OH and the next chapter might contain smut (Idk yet - I'll try to edit this when I've written the next chapter)
1737 - The middle
The revenge was sweet and drawn out. The redhead and her long-time friend had made sure of that. They let you finish the duke off but not before they had their fun. The two women were gorgeous, both with red hair that would make any woman jealous. The green-eyed woman had hair like a wildfire and the blue-eyed woman had hair the colour of a deep red sunset. Liking women was wrong but you weren’t sure these two counted as women – they certainly weren’t human. Wanda, the one with sunset hair, tortured your husband mentally, angry whisps the same colour as Natasha’s hair crawled in through his ears and buried themselves deep within his brain. While this was happening, Natasha was peeling layer after layer of skin off him with her razor-sharp nails. You weren’t sure if you could even call them nails – not when they looked so much more like claws. While Wanda was exploiting your husband’s deepest darkest fears, Natasha was calmly explaining to you which tools to use where so you could cause the most pain. Apparently pain and torture was an aphrodisiac for them because the two demons decided to show you what you had been missing out on due to your husband’s lack of skill.
That was almost 200 years ago. Wanda and Natasha had given you great gifts, allowing you to have a much longer life, giving you cat-like reflexes and godlike powers. Perhaps your favourite was the enhancements they gave to your voice. People were suddenly compelled to do whatever you suggested they do and the rush it gave you was unexplainable. These gifts were not free however and yet the price was one you willingly paid repeatedly. Especially because it meant spending extra time with your two favourite demons. You were there to cause chaos and have fun which was ironic considering Wanda was a chaos demon and Natasha was a succubus but perhaps that’s why you did what you did. Perhaps it was because you were made by them and therefore must serve them in every way imaginable.
You had watched your siblings grow from afar and made sure every single villager who ever even looked at them wrong suffered. When you were with Wanda and Natasha, it felt as if everything just fit into place. It was strange and you felt as if you shouldn’t miss them – they killed and tortured your husband in front of you, gave you gifts that meant you couldn’t live a normal life and coerced you into sex that you weren’t sure you wanted; yet you still wanted them.
Your story was told countless times and the more times it was told, the deeper the truth was twisted into a legend, a tale mothers told their children to keep them away from the forests late at night. You were turned into a martyr, a victim of the horrible cruelties the evil creatures of the world could bestow onto innocent girls.
You were anything but.
If the storytellers could see you now, they would burn all mentions of your story. You were a problem child, a bad example and you had two of the most powerful demons wrapped around your little finger.
A few years ago, you had mentioned to Natasha and Wanda one evening that you were bored. That’s how you found yourself currently being shot at.
“Natty I’m bored.” You whined, throwing yourself dramatically over the bed. History was going through a dry spell; people weren’t doing anything interesting and there weren’t enough opportunities for you to wreak havoc.
“Natty” Wanda mocked “Our princess is bored.”
“Well, we can’t have that now, can we?” Natasha moved to hover over you, Wanda placed your head in her lap. Natasha’s tail flicked with a cat-like manner before it slithered between your legs.
You grabbed her tail and she let out a moan “Not now Natasha. I’m serious. If I knew living forever was going to be this boring, then I wouldn’t have done it.” That wasn’t quite true, you enjoyed being theirs to use but you were getting restless.
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning up to kiss Wanda instead. You waited a few moments for the two demons to stop their make-out session, but it didn’t look to be ending any time soon. You rolled out from underneath Natasha and untangled Wanda’s fingers from where she was massaging your scalp.
“Awe come back baby.” Wanda broke the kiss and made grabby arms at you. For a supposed demon, she sure was soft. “I promise we’ll make things more fun.”
Natasha rolled her eyes again “You’ve gone soft Wands.” Although Natasha huffed and puffed about how ‘soft’ Wanda had gotten, she seemed to have a slightly less hardened heart when she looked at you.
You were no longer bored but you were being shot at and while it couldn’t kill you, it sure did sting. Perhaps going after Dick Turpin’s loot was a bad idea but what can you say? You wanted to live a little. All you had wanted was a pretty horse you had seen him steal but nooo – he had to keep them all for himself. You had managed to escape Mr Turpin himself but one of his lackeys just wouldn’t give up. Rather than continuing to run, you decided you may as well get a quick meal.
“Hello darling.” Your voice echoed from all around, you watched as the man trying to kill you frantically whipped his head around.
“Who are you? Come out now!”
You let out a low, predatory chuckle.
“I’m the poor little martyr in all your stories.”
“No. You can’t be- that’s impossible! You should be dead!” You watched as the man continued to spin around and around in circles, watching him trip before revealing yourself.
“I am ancient. I have seen empires rise and fall. I have seen kings and queens and holy men enter the world and I have seen them leave; and yet I am nowhere near as old or as powerful as the women who made me the person I am today. While I watched preestablished civilisations crumble, they were reminiscing the time they created them, all while burning them to the ground. Some call me the end but they are mistaken. They are the end. I am your warning. I am the only kindness they will show you. Trivial things such as death do not concern me.” As you finished your speech, Natasha and Wanda’s comforting aura surrounded you, the dark mist embracing you before forming the two women.
“Couldn’t let you have all the fun now could we dove?” Natasha’s voice rumbled out against your neck, biting it lightly.
“You have to share.” Wanda cooed, lifting your chin up to face her as she captured your lips with hers.
The idiot who you were about to kill and feed on decided now was a good time to make their escape. Luckily, Wanda had other plans as her red magic bought the squirming meal back to you.
“Go away. I want to eat. It’s been so long.” You pouted, making your way back to your meal. It was a little annoying that to continue living in your young body that you had to drain the soul from another person, but it was worth it.
“But if we leave then who’s going to do all the heavy lifting?”
“And who will dig the hole in your garden?”
“Or put the body in the hole?”
“Okay! I get it. Fine. But just hush, okay? I like to eat in peace.” You grabbed the man and kissed him hard, feeling his soul merge with yours before it was consumed by the darkness.
“I don’t know why you always have to kiss them to feed” Natasha bit out, moving away from you with Wanda, voicing her unhappiness at you kissing someone else when only she should be kissing you- her and maybe Wanda.
“Well, it wasn’t me who made her feed that way.” Wanda whispered back
“Are you suggesting this is my fault?” Natasha’s voice got low and dangerous, and you felt the forest drop about 10 degrees.
“Well that’s how you feed isn’t it?” Wanda’s eyes glowed and a wind picked up.
You pulled away from your meal, the faint glow of his soul swirling around your mouth and eyes. “Want to share?” The forest rose back to its original temperature and climate as Natasha kissed you, absorbing small remnants of the soul. Wanda wrapped one arm around your waist while the other snaked up to your neck, her teeth lightly biting and sucking along your shoulders.
“I think you forget dove” Natasha broke the kiss to growl at you
“We’re in charge here. If we wanted to share, then we would share.” Wanda finished off for her.
It dawned on you that perhaps this was about more than just the meal. They were jealous.
“Are you two jealous?” You laughed, not at the situation but at their reactions. Wanda bit you harder and Natasha just glared at you.
“Of course not. Why would we be jealous of some silly insignificant dum-”
“Baby…” You reached up and placed one hand lightly on Wanda’s horn and the other on Natasha’s cheek, effectively stopping Natasha’s rant about how unjealous they are. Wanda moved from where she was standing behind you to stand next to Natasha. “You both know that if I could live off Demon energy then I would, but I can’t.”
Natasha and Wanda shared a look, having a silent conversation in the space of seconds before turning their attention back to you. “That’s not necessarily true love.” Wanda said.
“It will be painful but…well demons aren’t born. They’re made.” Natasha explained.
“And if you wanted to…”
You didn’t even hesitate before giving your answer. “Yes.”
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Well... I did finish the second chapter, so I better revise this shit before it gets uploaded to a fitting site...
As for what this is, here, a link for clarification’s sake.
“Sorry again for the inconvenience.” she sighs while awkwardly standing around in the girl's room with Nami, who's been cleared up on the situation a minute ago. Usopp and Chopper, along with Carrot who was with the navigator at the time, are on their way to give a briefing to the rest of the Strawhat crew. She already feels like a burden, and is not even wearing her own face, which makes this already so much easier. Having another body is one thing; being the cause of even the smallest problem is... another animal altogether. A scary, ever-looming nightmare animal that silently bares its teeth all the time, but never gets to bite.
Shachi and Penguin offered her to get Ikkaku's help, but the only women she ever talked to past a 'hello' were Nami and eventually Robin. As such, it would have been especially awkward and uncomfortable to ask elsewhere. Ikkaku also was... a tomboy who partied alongside the guys all the time, and Kat likes her good night's sleep. The submarine manhole as a whole wasn't exactly inviting. The other ship was only one notch better, but she saw enough to know that the guys did not dare to anger the girls, so chances were that it's a quieter place to stay at.
“Never mind, it's not an issue. Nor your fault. Really, though... I can't believe Torao did something stupid like this.“ The other woman answers, pulling out covers from a cabinet for her to take, then proceeds digging into the back for the stray backup pillow they should have.
“Not that I know him that well, but I agree. Didn't think him to be the type to pull stunts like this. Like... if I suck, we could be stuck like this forever.“ She gives the material a quick stroke; a little rough from the sea air, but smells nice enough. She considered going down to the aquarium to sleep, the place was nice and the bench cushioned, after all. But damn if the chances aren't higher to be woken up in the middle of the night. Had enough of that during the brief year spent at college.
Floor of the girls' room it is.
Nami gives a chuckle. “He does have his own brand of dumb, but generally? This is not his style... oh, this should be it.” she murmurs, pulling out a fluffy pillow. And a bunch of other stuff along with it...
“Um... can I help?” If Kat didn't feel out of place till that, she sure as hell does now.
“Yes- you can take this.” Nami says, shoving the pillow into her face, then sticks the bulk of fabric as-is back to where it came from. Kat cracks a half-smile beyond the feathery boundary and feels a little better about the situation. She's also happy that there's no reason to hide it here- keeping a straight face when seeing something she finds amusing is always hard. And because of her sense of humor, sometimes just a wee bit inappropriate.
“I'll just... huddle up in a corner, then.” she states, considering ways to include an armchair into her hopefully short-lived resting place.
“Are you honestly expecting me to be okay with that?” comes the expected question with a side of crossed arms.
She knows what Nami has in mind- they caught up to her and Carrot when latter mentioned being on the lookout for the night. In conclusion, there'd be enough space on the beds, but...
“Not really, but, uh... it would be pretty awkward to sleep right next to you guys like this, right?” She alludes to her “state”, and can see that Nami leans towards agreeing a second later- after a long enough pause Kat assumes that she'll keep that to herself. “If it's any consolation, I haven't slept near another person since I was a baby girl, so I probably wouldn't be able to rest anyway. Actually, sometimes I fall asleep on a single pillow, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.” Apart from, you know, being quite a bit bigger, needing two metaphorical pillows.
A sigh of a small defeat is all the redhead can muster, followed by Kat's suppressed sigh of relief. She wasn't lying about being uncomfortable with the idea, after all. Well, she probably would care much less than Nami and Robin would, even with the high likeliness of her being woken up by their movements. Either way, she's really trying not hide her opinions- less lies just come with less and quicker pain and fewer misunderstandings.
“Let me get that chair out of the way, then,” Nami offers, pulling the object to the side and suspiciously checking the floor for wild dust bunnies. Seems clean enough. She steps aside and Kat plops down the one too many blankets and one pillow into a rather inviting pile. She does like making and sitting around in these, alright.
“This kinda feels like a sleepover.” she states, having nestled herself into her one-pillow-fort. The bag which she brought along today is now behind the closet as to not be in the way of anyone. “Haven't had anything remotely similar since... well, some school excursions.”
Nami sits into the other armchair, in case Kat would consider joining her in the one she just moved. “That sounds nice... our village did not have a school. Me and my sister were taught the basics at home... and most books we had were either ancient scraps, or, well... *cough* stolen.” Kat chuckles. “I was pretty bad at the time and got always caught, though, so they were paid for in the end.”
“All I ever stole was some chewing gum or straight-up change, because mom wouldn't buy us treats... eventually I got found out, too. The shitstorm, man... Anyway, what you had sounds way better to me.” She says, eyes pasting the unidentifiable distance. “I wasn't exactly a fan of school... being bully target extraordinaire and all. Then the one new girl I made friends with in second grade left another two years later.”
“I see... being alone like that is no fun indeed.” She also stares a hole into the wall for a moment. “Meanwhile I was the one to beat up every kid who pissed me or Nojiko off.”
Kat can imagine the scene very well. “Heh, I wish I had a cool friend like you. Wouldn't have helped with the actual problem at home, but it would have been really nice nonetheless.“
Nami raises an eyebrow, and Kat catches the look she's being given.
“Um... how to put it... home wasn't exactly... better, you know. The older I got, the more I realized how much worse it made everything that happened at school. Everybody always screaming... abusing... and being wrecks themselves. At one point... I just stood in the house while everyone was away, and it just hit me. I realized I had no love left for anyone in there. Haven't had an actual conversation with them for years, either... then, after I dropped out of college and got my last load of being a disappointment, I got a job in the cafe. That’s been maybe two years back already... haven't called since. Nor visited.“
Nami stays still for a bit longer than comfortable. Kat thinks back to what she just said, and... whoops, did it again, didn't she.
“Ah, sorry, I... keep getting way too deep into personal stuff when I can relate it to a topic.” she apologizes, red with embarrassment.
“It's fine, I like how honest you are.” Her eyes light up, which makes Kat feel that whatever Nami is saying is as honest as her outbursts. “I can see why your manager keeps you around- talking clear text when something's wrong... that's a healthy business principle, if you ask me. The place is fabulous and comfortable, and I bet you had your hand in quite a few changes since you've been there. The people of Fumei love it, too!”
“Ah... thanks...” She's got another reason for being embarrassed now, and her color shows. “Sometimes I'm really afraid I get obnoxious with that. It adds nothing to the point, after all. The long list of places I didn't get into were on the same page about that.”
“You really shouldn't care.” Nami nods. Then looking at the flustered Kat, she also cracks a big smile. “By the way, you make an extremely adorable Torao.”
“I do?” She asks, squishing her face. This is silly, but that's her middle name- or would be, if she had one. Nami starts laughing and Kat couldn't be happier- that's a success if she's ever heard one.
“I hope it takes a while for him to get his body back... weird fever dream Trafalgar Law won't get old any time soon.”
“Will do, ma'am~” she states proudly. After a minute of silent laughter she gets an idea; “Oh my god, you know what I should do? Law impressions. When people least expect it.”
“... you are an evil mastermind.” Kat almost expects Nami to start rubbing her hands together. “If you can pull it off, that is. Doesn't really make sense otherwise.”
Kat nods. She needs to be seriously serious when the time comes. Only... “Too bad I cannot keep a straight face to save my life.”
“See, that's indeed a problem.” comes her new confidant’s answer. “You almost laughed when dangling in front of the blind guy who had no qualms killing you when his subordinate made that unfortunate pun about eyes, too.”
She shrugs. “Couldn't help it. High quality situational comedy is always a godsens, even if I literally have to stuff my fist into my mouth. Not even the errand guy saw that right hook coming.”
Nami groan-cackles, and Kat starts laughing at her amusement, too, which in turn makes Nami laugh again because of the dissonance between what's the usual Law and this current mess of a not-Law. This self-fueling nonsense goes on for about five minutes, until both of them are out of breath. After another minute, Nami breathes “...you're horrible.” And so was the double pun at the expense of a very seriously injured man.
“I know... phew. And I'm also done for today.” She sighs, then yawns a bit after. “Surely you also wanted to do something else before we stormed you and Carrot?”
“Right...” she says, also with a hint of exhaustion in her voice. She looks at the clock then towards the ceiling. “Wanted to write a log entry before bath... then go to sleep.”
Kat groans, massaging her temples. “If Law keeps to his hissie fit for another day or two, I'll also have to ask you to let me bathe over here.”
“Hey, consider negotiations done.” Nami flaps a hand nonchalantly.
“Thanks. I'll wait the time limit out, though.” With that, she falls to the side and drags out one of the covers from under her. Be it freezing or cooking, can't sleep without a partial blanket at least, this one.
“Whatever you want, Kat. Willing or not, you are the guest here.” With that she stands up, and walks to the exit. “Want me to turn the lights off?”
She hums and the room gets dark. Maybe even half an hour passes as she's listening to the creaking wood, distant shouts, the faint thuds of occasional footsteps and the muffled sound of the sea outside before she drifts into sleep.
Another thirty minutes later Nami tiptoes back and turns on the nightlight. She takes a peek at her, and can't help but breathe a silent 'aww'.
As she's turning around, the door opens with Robin coming through. The navigator starts to point at the corner with great enthusiasm. Taking a look, the other smiles gently.
“Curled up like a kitten.” she states.
“I knew you would appreciate it.”
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anti-twili · 5 years
Three things: 1- My little opinion about TP!Zelda’s skill and looks. 2- My deep hatred towards ‘Ganon’s Puppet Zelda’. 3- My expectation about why is Lady Arkham missing after the final battle in the first season of “Batman The Telltale Series”.
Funny…I thought TP!Zelda was the one who is pretty lousy and unskilled with the sword and was the one who needs to be taught by TP!Link. In fact, the only moment I saw actually saw her wielding a sword is when she get possessed by Ganondorf, because anyone (including Cia from “Hyrule Warriors” presumably) who became possessed by him would end up fighting with the same energy ball, same triangle force-field and same rapier that should or could have been called ‘Ganon’s Puppet Sword’ rather than ‘Zelda’s Royal Rapier’!
But if TP!Zelda has truly been possessed by Ganondorf, she would have become an ghoulish practically deformed raving lunatic and a unhygienic dimwitted vulgar masochist who brutally mutilating herself (carves off her own face and chewing her her own hand off, Ganon would’ve made her seriously damaging her own body just for his own amusement), drools like a mad dog, and her three main range attacks would have an the spitted-out Sword of the Six Sages (not that puny Royal Rapier), and tennis-ball of sticky black slime (not of pure golden light magic) and the triangle field explodes in oily splashes of black fire and acid like the whole sewer been over-flooded (not sparkling rays of golden light)…all of which would have been more fitting for the chaotic-evil version of her former self like it should be. And believe me, 'demonic possession’ is not made of 'sugar, spice and everything nice’ and the it’s not a pretty sight, it never ever was and it’s not supposed to be and it’s supposed to be strive for 'carnage’ and 'savagery’ in a good old fashioned “The Exorcist”/“Evil Dead” logic, not 'perfection’ and 'luxury’ for a stupid “Beauty & The Beast”/“Sailor Moon” spoof!
Is Ganondorf too fucking lazy, too stupid, too cheap, too gold-feverish, too shallow, too hung up on appearances, too obsessed with 'perfection’ to do any of those to Zelda other than making her float in midair and given her a set of yellow eyes and pale grey-green skin with dark rune-like tattoos, all of which is only worth as an icing–made on the frying pan of melted dog turd that is the 'dark rune-like tattoos’, buffalo puke that is the 'pale grey-green skin’, and cat piss that is the 'yellow eyes’–on the Dingo-Pictures/Good-Times/Golden-Films cartoon shit cake?! Did the game designers really think Princess Zelda is a incompetent idiot who can’t take care herself even during the entire imprisonment? Did both they and Ganon really think that the ‘most serious’ incarnation of Zelda is just a lazy coward, a doofus and weakling who doesn’t know when or how to wield her own weapons or cast her own magic spells, didn’t they?! I consider the fact that TP!Zelda is many things...but being a boss or a 'puppet', the very word which does not make her an hero because it's upright absurd and offensive, and while it's more fitting for a mean selfish traitor, a sleazy greedy vacillator, a lousy spoil-rotten second-rater and a mangy vain coward (look at Holli Would from "Cool World", Azula from "Avatar: The Last Air-Bender" and Azshara from "Warcraft: War Of The Ancients", they're most definitely traitors, vacillators, lousy second-raters and mangy cowards).
It’s not fair! That is the stupidest idea the Nintendo game designers have ever came up with! An very idea that gotten me all confused and pissed off! It’s even a proper boss fight, it’s cheap shot, a sissy-villain porno gag, a ‘fuck you’ moment, absolutely beyond disrespectful, beyond disgusting, beyond annoying! What were they thinking? What wrong with those Japanese schmucks! What kind of drugs they taken when when they wrote the story for the game? They ruined one of their own iconic characters for everybody! I feel like I see that “Here lie Princess Zelda, born in 1986, died in 2006” written all over that game! They upper-decked her, they made her to looked more like a goddamn traitor, vacillator, a lousy second-rater and a mangy coward! Thanks for that cheap-shot, you ASSHOLES!
You know what? I fucking hate ‘Puppet Zelda’ with every fiber of my being because an sleazy abomination that’s psychologically scarred me for life, it’s a total twisted pointless parody that made me sick to my stomach and is an miserable pathetic worthless excuse of the legit Zelda incarnation that is only there to insult the honer and intelligence of all other 1986/2005 previous Zeldas! And what the hell did the First-4-Figures company insisted to include ‘Puppet Zelda’ as a collectible instead of choosing Ilia?! I fucking tired of seeing a ‘Ganon’s Puppet Zelda’ being in “Twilight Princess”, and besides, I wished that abomination should never exist in “Twilight Princess” at all! What’s wrong with you people, why do you like ‘Puppet Zelda’ so much? You all just couldn’t just couldn’t leave that nasty part out, could you? You’re addicted! I’m not joking around, ‘Puppet Zelda’ is equivalent of the One Ring (it means you refuses to destroy it every time you actually trying to do so), the “Star Wars 8” mad cow’s blue splooge (means you’re porn junkies who don’t care it’s lame/suck), and the upper decker (it means it’s a turd that was dumb into the upper-tank your toilet, therefore when the toilet is flushed, the bowl is filled with shit water and afterwards it’s the shit that keeps on giving), you do realized that it’s not cool...not cool at all! And I also hate Akira Himekawa’s manga adaptation of that game! Oh I swear to god, next time I see one ‘Puppet Zelda’ image, I’m gonna spit it right in the face, give both of my middle finger at full force and then ran my fist right through it! Oh, I’m also gonna tell you something else from “Batman The Telltale Series”! Because, guess what its version of Poison Ivy looked like?
Though, personally, I never liked the Telltale version of Vicki Vale because the Vicki Vale I know and love was the helpless blonde screaming queen from one of Tim Burton’s only two “Batman” movies.
On the other hand, I have a theory–a very long, very late one, that is–about what really happened to Vicki Vale (real name Victoria Arkham) a.k.a Lady Arkham after the final battle in the first season…only reason why her body was never found ever since she was last seen being crushed to death by fallen rocks from the catacomb ceiling. Well, she quickly revives as something worse/deadlier than she already was known as Poison Ivy hence the new alias except with yellow eyes, grayish green skin and rune-like black veins (all which is perfect for Poison Ivy–instead of TP!Zelda, who always looked so stupid/inappropriate with that corrupted eye-and-skin color-scheme on, the very concept of which Nintendo should have canceled and handed to Telltale Games–and besides, Telltale has enough four green-eyed DC villains already without one more added) and yet she still is a harden shorter-haired warlike brunette instead of becoming a flowing longer-haired fey-like redhead…I guess this Vicki Vale is a composite character of all three…herself, Scarecrow (because of her full brown-and-grayish-black leather steam-punk armored suit, her white skull-like gas-mask and her use of madness-inducing drugs) and Poison Ivy.
You remember Pamela Isley, the original 'Poison Ivy’ by source material, she did died when her experiments have been resolved by either accident or sabotage and became plant-humanoid hybrid and same thing happened in “Batman & Robin”… so how did Vicki (instead of Pamela) became Poison Ivy, exactly?
Simple, it’s a little similar to that in “Batman & Robin”, she has a dozen glass vials of the berserk drugs in her pockets, when the rocks landed on her they also crushed those vials causing the liquid drugs to spill all over her, and after that it make her body to immediately sink down to the earth. After Bruce and Alfred safely left the catacombs and before Lady Arkham was reported missing, she literally sprung up like a magic beanstalk and became a walking basket of deadliest poisons herself–however, unlike Pamela, she grows thorns on her shaved head instead of having a long wavy bright red hair and has no control over plants nor does even care about nature/plant-life for that matter--in fact she’s more like Hexus from “Ferngully”--though she does have genocidal toxic tendencies and can inflict people by merely touching them and breathing at them just like she did using a syringe, though she do it from afar using a dart-gun loaded with a ammo full of toxic liquid she extracted from her very own body..yeah she has toxic waste for blood run through her veins enhanced by those drugs. Her body appeared to be much thinner than she ever was but still strong--in a horrible rubbery way (pretty much like Gollum)--she also grow thorns on her shoulders, forearms and knuckles, palms of her hands have gaping mouths resembles a Venus fly-trap, her bare feet are deformed and twisted like roots, her mouth is larger like a snake and in it she had a long slimy black vine-like tongue and thin needles for teeth like those from a cactus or a Venus fly-trap. She can even now puke a tennis-ball of black tar and a force-field of foul-smelling black acid, and she still wore her old Lady-Arkham suit that is now tattered and trashy-looking barbarian-like bikini-shaped. That’s the ugliest, most disturbing version of Poison Ivy you will saw in the ‘fan-disservice’ fashion...don’t me wrong but the Telltale Game producers designed the usual short-fat Oswald Cobblepot a.k.a. ‘the Penguin’ as a tall normal-looking man (apart from his nose) who wore a skull-shaped mask no different than Black Mask except it’shaped like a bird’s skull....same way they designed the Riddler as a violent wiry 60-year-old man in the hood. So why not Poison Ivy--while she still is Lady Arkham--be the one who’s monstrous/ghoulish both on the inside and the outside for once awhile? Eh?
In the second season my sister suspects that Lady Arkham will return only as Poison Ivy…and after the first episode called “The Egnima” my sister expect that was her who murdered the Riddler with a toxic dart. Why would she do that?
Simple, just because the Riddler was one of the many criminals (next to the Vales, her abusive kidnappers who pretended to be her foster parents) who roamed free and unpunished on the time when Thomas Wayne, Carmine Falcone and Hamilton Hill were still alive and ruled Gotham, the same time when she had suffered as a child after they purposely orphaned her, that’s why!
While the game mainly focuses on John Doe on his journey to become the Joker (as either an unlikely vigilante nor naturally a villain), Poison Ivy spend the whole season lurking in shadows until the end just like Ganondorf did and pretty sure that both Bane and Catwoman will give her the brutal beatings to avenge the Riddler who was their closest friend, but it never happened when the final episode “The Same Stitch” came up–it instead reveals that the Riddler’s killer to be none other than the civilian named Tiffany.
Guess that why she did it because he indirectly murdered her father, Lucius Fox, and automatically send the rest of her once-happy family into psychological discord among themselves, so her one crime was justified…sorry for the spoilers. It would be possible that Lady Arkham could be the bigger bad of the whole series since the first season and if it was her, she would have show up and kill Alfred Pennyworth upright in the same way as how the Riddler died. But it’s shame that we never get see her returning nor would the Telltale version of Poison Ivy have ever officially existed, but both are the worthwhile.
Anyway… Isn’t that so hard for Nintendo to simply cancel that ‘Puppet Zelda’ a long time ago before “Twilight Princess” was officially announced and released?!
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