#she's playing nurse to my grandma now though so. just gotta deal
orionangeline · 2 years
I'm such a girl who's a guy who doesn't get much sleep. Also I sleep all the time
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
Block Party (2/2)
Title: Block Party (2/2)
Pairing: Francisco “Catfish” Morales x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007
Words: 1,825
Warnings: Fluff
Author Notes: The happy little fluffy ending to my Catfish story. I loved writing for this character so much it gave me such good feelings about the whole little story. Thank you so much everyone for reading I greatly appreciate all your love! Feedback is always welcome.
Taglist: @fioccodineveautunnale​
Gif Credit: @ithinkwehitametaphor​
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         The sounds of laughing children filled the air as the sun slowly set on the block party and dusk settled in around the block. Frankie laughed in amusement as Benny stuck his tongue out at Rosalie from across the table. Rosalie was standing on Will’s lap and laughing at Benny as tried to mimic him. Frankie sat next to Benny and watched as Will shifted his hands on Rosalie’s waist as she tried to climb across the table to Benny. Santiago laughed delighted as he leaned over to Rosalie and blew a raspberry on her cheek making her shriek in glee.
         This was the life. Sitting around with his brothers and his little girl just enjoying the summer night together and talking about anything and everything. Just then he heard the beginning chords of I Can’t Get No Satisfaction by The Rolling Stones playing on someone’s radio speakers and he laughed with the boys as Rosalie began to slap her tiny hands on the table. A bright honeyed laughter filled his ears and Frankie looked up to watch you sashay your hips over to Rosalie who looked at you as well an shrieked in joy.
         “Can I steal her Will?” you asked with a wink sent to him and he grinned handing the toddler to you. “Will be back boys, a girl’s gotta dance.” You called over your shoulder as you walked over to the group of kids who were dancing by the speakers. Santiago, Will and Benny all cheered and laughed after you as you made Rosalie wave her hand at them before turning around and rocking her in your arms.
         Frankie’s eyes followed you as danced with Rosalie in your arms and he couldn’t keep the smile off his lips. You were so good with Rosalie that he was gonna be sad to see you go at the end of the summer. Sighing softly he turned from watching the two of you to look back at his friends who were all watching him expectantly.
         “What?” he grumbled knowing that they were going to bring you up again.
         “Dude, where’s that confidence you had earlier?” Benny asked nudging him in the shoulder.
         “Yeah man. You’ve totally got a shot with her she was throwing all kinds of signs at you during dinner and you weren’t picking them up.” Santiago said lowly as he took a swig from his beer. Frankie shook his head in disagreement with his friends.
         “Nah, she’s not interested in me.” Frankie grumbled softly as he leaned back in the fold up chair and crossed his arms over his chest and rested his chin in his hand.
         “Frankie, be real here man. That woman is totally head over heels for you.” Will said adamantly as he tilted his head over to you where you were now bouncing around the other kids with Rosalie in your arms as Let’s Groove played in the air. He smiled softly as he saw Rosalie scream with excitement and fling her arms out as you bounced with her. “And we all know you’re head over heels for her too.” Will added and Frankie saw the three of them watching him with knowing smiles.
         “Lay off guys.” Frankie said frowning and he watched as Santiago leaned into the table giving him a serious furrowed brow look.
         “Listen Frankie. That woman over there holding your daughter is head over heels not only for you but for little Rosalie, she even has a nickname for the little girl and you don’t have a problem with that. I know you think she’s not into you but we’re telling the truth Frankie. She’s into you and if you let this chance pass up then you’re a fool.” Santiago said seriously and Frankie stared at him unsure.
         “But-“ Frankie began but was cut off by Benny.
         “The worst she could do is say no, and while that might feel like the end of the world right now it won’t be. Plus I highly doubt that woman will say no to you. She’s been giving you bedroom eyes since she watched you start drinking that beer you’re nursing.” Benny said easily with a shrug before he drank from his own beer. Frankie jolted in disbelief as he snapped his head to look at Benny and the others laughed knowingly and hummed in affirmation.
         “He ain’t lying.” Will said softly as one of the many parents passed by their little group to go over by the children who were dancing and the boys all chuckling perceptively. Frankie let his eyes drift over to where you were still swaying with Rosalie in your arms and felt his heart swell with affection. You were leaning close to Rosalie who was watching with rapt attention as you whispered words to her and swayed and twirled in a circle to the music. “C’mon Fish make a move.” Will said softly to him and Frankie nodded as he stood from his chair. The boys all grinned at him as he turned and began walking over to the two of you.
         Just as he got over to you All Shook Up by Elvis Presley began playing on the speakers and a bunch of cheers from other families rang out and Frankie smiled as he watched couples started dancing together. He laughed as he watched as you dance with Rosalie and then twirled and spotted him. You grinned and turned Rosalie to see you.
         “Look who’s here to steal you back Rosalita.” You said with a grin and Frankie shook his hand as you danced around him with his daughter shrieking in laughter. “But I don’t wanna give you up. So tell him no, huh?” you teased as you swung Rosalie close to Frankie and then farther away making the little girl laugh happily. Frankie turned his head to continue watching you as you danced behind him again and he laughed as you started to sing along to the song imitating Elvis’ voice. As the song came to an end you ended your little dance in front of Frankie grinning widely as he laughed at your antics.
         Frankie’s breath is stolen from him as he stares at you. You’re flushed from dancing and you’re panting a little bit as you come to stop, your eyes are sparkling with happiness as they stare into his and Frankie feels the pull in his gut as he moves closer to you, you’re absolutely beautiful to him. He moves so close to you and Rosalie that you have to look up at him and he moves to cup your cheek. He watches your eyes widen slightly and then that sparkle seems to brighten in your pretty orbs as your lips part silently.
         “I think I might be falling in love with you and I’m terrified of what’s gonna happen when you eventually leave.” He says lowly as he stares down at you, it’s almost silent but Frankie hears your quick intake of breath and watches as your eyes warm as they stare.
         “Finally.” You whisper and suddenly Frankie’s confused his eyebrows pulling downwards and you laugh softly as you stepped back one step making his hand fall to his side, the laugh is more breathy than anything and it makes Frankie’s whole body heat. “Rosalita you think I should tell your Daddy that I’m gonna be moving into an apartment just down the road to be closer to my Grandma and Grandpa?” you ask softly still staring at Frankie even though you addressed his daughter. Frankie sucks in a breath as your words process through his brain and he realizes that he’s going to get more time with you. But then you’re continuing with a soft smile directed up at him. “Y tal vez estando tan cerca de mí, haré crecer las bolas para invitar a tu papá a una cita finalmente.” (And maybe with me being so close I'll grow the balls to ask your daddy out on a date finally.) You spoke in mediocre Spanish that managed to catch his attention and he grinned down at you.
         “Since when do you know Spanish mi querido?” Frankie asked feeling himself falling more in love with you. He watched you shrug your shoulders as you blushed softly.
         “I started learning once I decided I would out here at the end of summer.” You admitted with another shrug of your shoulders. “What does querido mean? I haven’t learned that yet.”
         “Dear.” He said softly as he stared at you knowing he was falling deeper in love with you. He smirked softly down at you suddenly. “You know if you ever did ask me out on a date I’d say yes.” He teased softly at you and you grinned up at him.
         “Is that a deal?” you asked teasingly.
         “It’s a deal.” Frankie responded warmly. Suddenly you stuck your hand to Frankie while you shifted Rosalie onto your hip. Frankie looked down at your hand and then back up at you with a furrowed eyebrow in confusion, also noting how at ease you looked with Rosalie on your hip that image did something to him deep in his gut.
         “Wanna shake on it?” you asked grinning good-naturedly up at him. Frankie smirked and gripped your hand and tugged you up against his body as he wrapped an arm around both you and Rosalie.
         “I’d rather seal the deal with a kiss.” He crooned to you in a low voice that made your eyes widen before he leaned down and kissed you softly. He hears your little surprised noise as it escapes and he smiles as he deepens the kiss. When he pulls away you’re breathless and looking a little dazed, which does wonders for Frankie’s confidence as he grins boyishly at you. Loud cheers and hollers are heard from behind you and Frankie shoots his friends a death glare as they dissolve into laughter. When Frankie hears your soft laughter he looks down at you and see Rosalie touching your face softly and he feels his face melt.
         “Your Daddy is good kisser Rosalita.” You say softly before darting your eyes up to Frankie who’s grinning proudly.
         “Is that right?” he asks teasingly and you grin before tilting your head to the side.
         “I think so but I could always do with a reminder.” You tease back and Frankie grins before leaning down to kiss you again. As Frankie kisses you softly the two of you feel a tiny hand on each of your cheeks and happy giggles. Frankie pulls away and grins at his daughter before sweeping her out of your arms and up into the air as a firework goes off in the night sky. Rosalie shrieks in amazement and Frankie smiles as he catches her and then hugs her close before wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you close to him as well so the three of you can watch the fireworks together.
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spamtonsbigshot · 4 years
So I’ve got a possible Vento Aureo AU that i started thinking about a lot last night and i just kinda wanna post it here to have it all in one place.
Gionro - Vampire (for obvious reasons)
Fugo - Werewolf cuz i love him
Abbacchio - Probably a fallen angel, similar to how he was thrown out of the police force he was thrown out of heaven
Bruno - Probably human too, just a man in the cryptid woods who fell in love with an angel
Narancia - im tempted to just say catboy cuz im out of ideas
Mista - Satyr. Hairy.
Trish - cross between demon and human, has some demon features but otherwise can pass human
Diavolo - probably a demon
Background: Pannacotta Fugo
one of fugo’s grandparents (grandma) are definitely a werewolf that married into a wealthy family at some point therefore making Fugo a decendant. the werewolf genes skipped his parents’ generation and of his siblings, only Fugo got the werewolf genes. Fugos grandmother is the og werewolf i bet. Which is why Panni loves her so much and feels he can confide in her cuz he keeps his werewolfness to himself otherwise. idk how it managed to avoid his parents as he was young so lets say the genes kick in around like puberty age or something, as in he cant fully transform till later. so following VA lore he goes to college n shit right? and following phf lore he gets mad at his professor waving away his grandmas recent passing as she was the only one he was close to and goes feral in a literal sense. he calms himself down before anyone can come in and be like “wtf” so when hes found back in human appearance, holding a big school book, thats what people think happened and blamed it on that. After that, Fugo runs away into the woods and later would find Bruno in his cabin in the woods. Bruno’s a social outcast who used to be a fisher but after his dads passing he moved into the more wooded areas and settled there. Became a farmer maybe cuz he has to make money somehow. Because brunos lived in the woods for a few years he's befriended many supernatural creatures that live there in part just to get buy, he even has a sign that says "supernatural friendly" or something. So With fugo having run out into the woods, Bruno finds Fugo while on a walk probably and takes Fugo in after Fugo explains he has nowhere else to go. So Fugo becomes a farmhand basically and Bruno has some werewolf acquaintances explain sorta how being a werewolf works cuz fugo's only werewolf relative he knows of is dead.
Background: Leone Abbacchio
Leone WAS a guardia angel for a man of which goes unnamed. At one point, Leone took a bribe of sorts from a demon. The bribe was to keep the demon business in the area unnoticed by Angels. Later, said same demon and Leone’s human get involved on some way, and it ends up in the death of Leone’s human. Because of Leone’s neglectfulness and possible corruptness, he is cast out from above and thrown down below to earth. Abba probably breaks a tree nearby on impact when being struck down from the literal sky. Bruno goes to investigate and finds abbacchio in what looks like a meteor crash sight of his own making, theres also probably the imprint of angel wings its like a really cinematic shot probably. So bruno takes him back to his cabin and nurses him back to health. Abba was probably someones guardian angel and took a bribe from a demon that eventually got his human killed. Bruno, being all wise with supernatural shit, feels bad for him as Abba has nowhere to go. He teaches Abbacchio how to be a human and function in society that way theyre both earning something. Though, abbacchio is still an angel by blood and being and does not require stuff like food or water and therefore doesnt take up too much valuable supplies.
Background: Narancia and Mista
Narancia probably likes to absentmindedly stroll through the woods and sometimes isnt seen for a few days as he is a cat and can hunt for himself. Nara was probably abandoned and became an ally cat at some point and was bullied for being a catboy, people called him a freak and for him to go eat out of the trash and stuff like that. Fugo found him in an alley when in town, and when he looked at the cat in the dumpster, he saw intelegent purple eyes instead of feral cat eyes and new that this malnourished, injured cat was probably supernatural in some way and took him with him to bruno's cabin, later, nara just kinda becomes a housecat thats also a helpful energetic boy And on one of nara's long day long strolls, he encounters Mista, who is a satyr therefore he's pantsless (furry goat legs) and shirtless (cuz why not) narancia kinda keeps his distance for a while and comes across Mista a few times over the course of maybe a few weeks to a month, but eventually Mista gets into trouble and uses a pan flute to use some epic firest magic to kill off some harmful spirits. After witnessing that, narancia, now catboy and not cat, jumps out of the bush he was watching from to exclaim how "totally sick!" That was. They kinda talk and become friends after a while, narancia becoming less and less afraid to approach him and talk to him. They later become really good bros and nara invites Mista over to play games but since Mista has no clue wtf those are as he's a satyr that lives shirtless in the woods, Narancia teaches him how to play and thats when mista realizes he's catching feelings :) Also as a lil hc of mine im bringing in the possum i draw narancia with called Tutti Frutti Juul Pod (aka Tutti/Tutti Frutti) and theyre Nara’s friend basically and occasionally he brings Tutti home but Tutti remains wild for the most part 👀
Background: Giorno
Giorno grew up in the city with his shitty mom and step dad. No gangster saving this time. Eventually, lets say, Giorno's parents decide they dont wanna deal with him anymore and put him in an orphanage and so giorno just kinda lives a sad life for a while. Eventually, he gets adopted by Jonathan and Erina, (his ov dad still being dio but hes dead because its my au and i said so) so Jonerina adopt Giorno and stuff starts getting a lot better for him. After vampire puberty or whatever, giorno isnt going to be killed by the sun or anything it just kinda stings his skin and he'll get burned bad if he stays exposed to the sun longer than an hour or so. So he starts taking night walks. Eventually, on a night of the full moon while giorno's out on his walks (cuz hes gotta do something it gets boring in the house at night after a while) and giorno comes across fugo like, as he's transforming into a full on wolf. Fugo's kinda embarassed by the fact giorno caught him and upon seeing giorno watch him transform, he sprints away. Giorno thought fugo and his big ol white fur coat were really pretty and doesnt chase after him, but thinks about it. A month later, the next full moon and he sees him again, transforming. Giorno just kinda ponders who this pretty stranger is and this time stays more hidded and approaches him slowly. Fugo growls at him at first, but giorno's opener is "Hello, your fur is very pretty. I'm Giorno, Giorno Giovanna" and fugo gets all flustered at being called "pretty" so he decides to approach him, carefully circlin him and gathering his scent to familiarize himself with it. He decides giorno is not a threat, and decides to shift back to his more human complexion, though his wolf ears and tail are still very present, as well as sharp claws and teeth. Fugo gets all nervous and eventually introduces himself and they kinda continue walking at night. Gionro also explains hes a vampire and prefers to thrive at night. Fugo asks to meet up another night and giorno agrees. They continue like that for a few weeks till fugo eventually gives giorno his number, that way they domt have to just walk and talk at night, and their relationship grows from there.
Its such a long Post omg 💀 but thats what i have!
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moonanagames · 6 years
Good and bad news, CHECK THIS OUT PLZ
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(are... are you ready)
Haro my fellow earthlings and interplanetarian folks!
Today I bring good and bad news altogether, so please bear with me for a bit! Firstly, I wanted to talk about how development has been going since the very beginning, so let us go to our nice time capsule :D
This is a timeline of the development up until now, I tried to be the most accurate as I could, but it can be a bit difficult when I don’t remember many things anymore lol
The game is in development since January 2017. The timeline goes like this:
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From January to May, 20, I developed on my own my first public demo of Virgo Vs The Zodiac. It took longer as I was all by myself.
Then my Grandma said she wouldn’t be able to support me anymore if I was going to quit college to develop games. From May to August, I prepared the Crowdfunding Campaign to help me fund the project and my EXISTENCE. The Campaign was launched in September 2017, I think.
After the campaign ended, I could finally get Anglerman onboard! Ay! He does animations for enemies and some party members animations too and is also the greatest deity of our lives. A legend. He helped me a lot with the Game Design Document I was working on because new people would join and I needed to make the things in my head to be a bit more concrete.
From the end of the Campaign until October we were working with a another programmer, but that didn’t work too well since they had another big project they were working on at the time. We had to change the programmer. It was when I found Ben here on Tumblr, current lead programmer. Our lord and savior.
After that I was browsing tumblr randomly and I found Veyerals among asks sent to this tumblr and thought his work with menus was pretty cool (and I liked his game as well, played a lot of that back then). Veyerals joined the project too as the UI programmer and would also be working with the SHMUP mini games, which he had experience with. Bless the UI G.O.D.
From that point on we had to basically rebuild the game from scratch from the moment we got the new programmers. Not only develop the game from scratch, but doing everything RPG Maker already had built in for us into the new engine because that was the only thing I knew in terms of “programming”. That and adding everything new I thought for the project. It was a huge amount of work, and we only had a battle system working fine in December, where we started developing a new build.
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(concept art of lady nurse)
In this year things got a bit complicated!
At first, when the battle system was mainly “complete”, as we thought back then, we delivered a 15 mins build for ID@XBOX to be shown at the Game Developers Conference, on January 2018.
We had billions of problems from january to august with the development and also unrelated to the development, like dealing with US taxes. A lot of things weren't working as we wanted them to be, this time was mostly spent on making the timed hits to feel nice, rebuilding the base systems and trying to make the game to have the same feeling as the RPG Maker build had of it being challenging. Also, overall asset production. That was demanding as heck. In RPG Maker the enemies didn't move, while in Game Maker they were animated. I had never worked with Game Maker before, so me and Anglerman (the animator and fellow game designer) had to learn the engine from scratch while developing the game, that resulted in a lot of set backs, but lead us to where we are now. We're confident with the overall game's scaling, difficulty, battles and systems. In Game Maker the maps are also bigger and have way more polishing, so that took a lot of time to get used to on the new engine.
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(a really weird, but solved, bug)
From that point on we built Capricorn, and started working on Taurus and other realms at the same time. After some time we determined that doing several realms at the same time, even though we knew which level the player would be wouldn't work well, and we decided to finish the realms before heading to other realm.
Billion lines of code later, in october we started development of the first 2 hours and a half of Taurus. All of it took one month and a half. It was a significant improvement from the previous 5 months to develop the same amount of gameplay! We determined that we can finish the game on the first half on 2019 upon seeing the progress of the development in Taurus. Now we have a stable work flow, as our lead programmer only has to work on random tiny things, for example, "I would like for Virgo to throw Alpacas for an event, can you add that?". Those are small details that Ben can do easily. Everything that was promised on the campaign, like SHMUP minigames and the crafting system is also all working nicely and well.
That brings us to the bad news: The release will be delayed, for all the reasons exposed before. At first we thought of keeping with the date announced in the Crowdfunding Campaign of December 4th and release the game in Early Access. However it all seemed unfair to the Beta Backers who donated first to get access to early builds of the game. Other than that, a save system of something like a RPG such as Virgo Vs The Zodiac wouldn’t work well with the early access system of Steam. Just imagine your save messing up every time the game is updated. That would be just bad. xD Unfortunately I didn’t know that back then when I announced the date, and I didn’t know the amount of hassle I would go through to learn the engine while developing the game. I can only blame my naiveness, honestly. Other than that, December isn’t a good time to release games because of the Steam Sale that makes it harder for new games to be noticed with so many games on sale.
With that being clarified, I can say now that the game would most likely be released in the first half of 2019, around Q2. I apologize deeply and am extremely sad, I was even avoiding saying this here and avoiding social medias in general due to anxiety attacks <_< I’m sorry for that as well! For anyone who said their birthday was in the same day as the game’s release, I apologize immensely, and please send me a message and I’ll send you a card of Sagittarius wishing you a happy birthday. It’s the only thing I can do now, to be honest. S O R R Y =(
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New possible release date: Q2 2019.
As for the good news now:
Taurus Realm Build For Backers
The Taurus build I was talking about will be sent to backers this week! :D You can expect a bossfight with a Zodiac, millions of new characters, around 1800 new lines of dialogues, new equipment to check, new fellows to beat or spare, quests and the SHMUP minigame, now implemented on the game! Also, as seen on the trailer, you can throw enemies off screen now :3
Kinda Funny Games Showcase
We’ll also be participating on Kinda Funny’s Games Showcase that’ll be happening in December 8th! You’ll be able to see a new trailer of Virgo Vs The Zodiac on the stream that’ll be happening on Kinda Funny’s Twitch. That’s a really cool opportunity for us, so eternal thanks to Greg Miller for chosing VvtZ. That got me by surprise! xD
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Date: Saturday, December 8th
Time: 10am PT
I think that’s it! Basically we had a lot of setbacks, but we’re in the right path again now and I can say doing anything is faster as is! The game’s quality improved and the development became more demanding of our skills, but it’s also a nice challenge for everyone. I’m glad to have started this project, my life was pretty dull back then, I had lost many important things before and VvtZ brought sparkle back to my life. That’s important, as even in the most difficult times I can remember I’m creating something I have so much fun with. I’m blessed to have all the people who support me on Virgo Vs The Zodiac discord, who supported me in the campaign and everyone around social medias. It’s what makes my days happier, tbh.
Ever since I began development I lost contact with many of my friends from the other city I lived in, but I also made many other precious friends who helped me along the way! All the good and bad memories on my life shaped this place I created for myself in the world. I like this place, it’s comfy :3 Again, I’m sorry for ruining your expectations to have the game up on Steam this year, it’s a first delaying the development like this. As a Taurus I can say it pains the most to not have things done when I need them to be despite the hard work going behind this game. Damned Bugs. I want the bugs to die. Gotta work even harder from now on to extinguish bugs the maximum we can!
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 26)
“She okay?” Wei signed as Ruby passed by, a worried expression on his face.
Ruby shrugged, but gave him a reassuring smile before she headed back to the sound-proofed room.
Aqua was still there and idly looking through her scroll, perking up as she Ruby slip back in. “Oh, hey, welcome back!” she said, smiling. It fell slightly as she asked, “Is Weiss okay…?”
“Ah, I’m not really sure,” Ruby said as she closed the door behind her. “She said she wanted to be alone for a while...”
Aqua frowned. “Oh. Alright. Fair enough.”
“So…” Ruby started.
“You want to know how me and Weiss knew each other...?” Aqua asked flatly.
“Actually, I was going to ask you if you had any of these parts that Yang needs for repairing Bumblebee…” Ruby said as she pulled out her scroll. “It’s a total replacement job for a LOT of vital components, like the entire engine.”
Aqua blinked. “Oh. Yeah! Sure, I can help you with that! You looking for any parts specifically, or do you want to give me a budget and a spec range?”
“Little bit of both, actually,” Ruby said as she sat down and projected the list over to Aqua. “Ideally, it’s exact replacements for everything, but she’ll be happy with downgrades, so long as Bumblebee starts running again, period.”
“What did she do to her this time? Spin out of control while she was making a sharp turn going downhill, and sent her sailing off a cliff again?”
“Nah, Bumblebee got shot up with bullets while Yang was making a getaway, and afterwards she boosted her to total failure to lose the people chasing her, Amanda, and Jaune.”
Aqua’s eyebrows rose, the fins on her arms and on the sides of her head flaring up in fear.
“Don’t worry! They weren’t shooting AT Yang or anyone else, she just thought it’d be a good idea to drive through a back-alley gun deal while they were test-firing—you know, make them think twice about following her.”
“… Oh, well, I guess… that’s... not as bad...?” Aqua forced a smile. “… Anyway, let’s go see what we have, and what it might cost you!”
After a good fifteen minutes of banter, bartering, and checking with their suppliers, Aqua gave Ruby a digital list of parts, what they might cost, and how soon they might be able to acquire them. “Wow, any way you paint it, this is going be really expensive, isn’t it?” Ruby said as she looked at the estimated totals.
Aqua chuckled. “We don’t call the shop the ‘Arm And A Leg’ for nothing! It’ll cost just an arm or a leg if you convince her to lower the bar for a ‘downgrade,’ though”
Ruby smiled and shook her head. “I know Yang: it’s at least Orochi, or nothing at all.”
“Oh well, her choice,” Aqua replied. “Anything else you needed today, Ruby?”
“Nope, that was it!” Ruby replied as she stood up. “Thanks, Aqua, I’ll probably be back here in a couple of weeks once Yang finds a new hustle—might be longer, now that Bumblebee’s out of commission, though...”
“You’re welcome, Ruby!” Aqua said, smiling.
Ruby put her hand to the lever doorknob, stopped when Aqua suddenly rolled up to her, and grabbed her other arm. “Wait, Ruby!” she cried. Ruby looked at her, Aqua hesitated for a moment, before she quietly asked, “Can you make sure Weiss is okay…?”
Ruby smiled, and gave her a thumbs up. “I was already going to do that, don’t worry.”
Aqua sighed, and smiled back. “Thank you. I seriously owe you one,” she said as she let go.
“You’re welcome!” Ruby said, before she stepped out out to the shop, and back to the cart. She frowned as she didn’t hear much of anything except deep, slow breaths. “Weiss…?” she called out. “You okay in there?”
“No, not by a long-shot...” Weiss replied, her voice low and hoarse, but at least it sounded like she’d stopped crying.
“You want to head back to Haven now?” Ruby asked.
“No… let’s get your chores over first, I don’t want to be any more of a bother than I’ve already been...”
“I don’t mind, Weiss—I actually really like having you with me while I do my chores,” Ruby said as she climbed back on her bike. “It’s nice to have someone to talk to, and just hanging out with you in general.”
Out of sight, sprawled out on the cart with her head below the level of the sides, Weiss smiled, if only a little.
“You ready to go hit our last stop?” Ruby asked.
“You need some help drinking some water first?” Ruby asked. “You sound like you could really use it.”
“Yes, thank you...” Weiss mumbled.
Ruby climbed into the back with Weiss, put her hand to the water bottle. “Man, real glad we borrowed that umbrella earlier; this’d have probably been undrinkable if it’d been out in the sun,” she said as she cracked open the cap.
“It’s been undrinkable since you were gone...” Weiss grumbled. “Why’d they have to give us such a big bottle without a tap or anything?!”
“Dunno! But just drink up, Weiss, you’ll feel a lot better,” Ruby said as she held up the bottle up for Weiss. “It’s one of the very first things they teach us at self-care class at the Bunker, actually!”
“Heh...” Weiss said as sat up, held her hands over the edge of the cart. “It’s funny… Grandma always did go on and on about the importance of staying hydrated.”
Ruby poured some out onto Weiss hands for her to rinse them off, before she drank the rest or splashed it on her face, soothe the stinging of her eyes. “Enough!” Weiss cried as she pulled her hands away, wiped the excess water off her face. “That’s enough… thanks, Ruby.”
“You’re welcome, Weiss,” Ruby said, before she put the bottle away and climbed back on her bike. “Just tell me if there’s anything else you might need! We could even get a snack again, in case you’re hungry, or just need it to feel better.”
Weiss sighed, and shook her head. “Like I said, let’s just go… you don’t need to fuss over me this much!”
“Do you want me to stop?”
“Till we get back to Haven, please.”
“Okay,” Ruby said as she started pedaling again. “Sorry, it’s just that I did this all the time back at the Bunker.”
“Oh? Did your dad rope you into being his little teacher’s assistant?”
“Nah, I just want to help! Though, coincidentally, he is one of the staff who got opted for extra training for emotional crises. Depressive episodes, anxiety attacks, delusional moments—he’s pretty much handled it all, and so have I, and generally we never needed to elevate to one of the psych nurses.
“Guess it really helped we already knew a lot of those techniques from when we went through our own dark stuff.”
Weiss’ eyes widened; she hesitated, all manner of expressions playing out on her face. “Do you… do you mind if I pry…?” she asked, quietly and carefully.
“Sure! Gotta warn you though, it’s really heavy stuff.”
Weiss sighed. “I’ll be fine, Ruby, it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Okay! But just speak up when it gets too heavy for you, okay?”
“You want to establish a safeword while we’re at it, for future use?” Weiss joked.
“How about ‘Oatmeal’?” Ruby suggested seriously. “Alongside OJ and whatever was in the greenhouse, it’s what we were guaranteed to have at the Bunker whenever a food delivery happened to be late for whatever reason.”
“Have a thing against oatmeal?” Weiss asked.
Ruby shuddered. “You have no idea.”
“’Oatmeal’ it is, then,” Weiss replied.
“Okay!” Ruby chirped. “So, I guess you could say it all started when my mom died.”
Weiss blinked. “Wow. Straight to the point, huh?”
“Yeeep. She was a huntress, and Dad thought it was just going to be another extended mission, until she never came back; never really found out what happened to her, either.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
Ruby shrugged again. “Eh, I was two at the time, didn’t really remember much of anything… Yang said I was really broken up about it, though. If there was one thing for sure, though, it was that after the Lodge sent the official letter saying they’d stopped looking for mom, Dad pretty much just...
“… Shut down.
“He was always the kind, caring, goofy friend, you know? Everyone’s new best friend, brightens up a room just by walking into it, always ready to crack a joke, or offer his shoulder to whoever needed it. Yeah, he was weird, like how he always sent our dog Zwei through the mail whenever he needed someone to take care of him, but it was a good kind of weird.”
“Wait… he sent your dog through the mail…? How is that not animal cruelty? No, wait, scratch that, how did he survive…?”
“Dad unlocked Zwei’s aura a long time ago, and he always makes sure to pack in plenty of dog food plus a can opener, the manual kind, so he never needs to go looking for batteries or a power outlet.”
“… I… see… please, go on.”
“Alright! Anyway, after he got the letter, it was like you’d just flicked the off-switch on everything that made Dad, well... Dad!
“He never got too drunk too many times like Uncle Qrow, never got into drugs, didn’t go disappearing for long times going who knows where, didn’t go bringing strangers back to the house, he was still good to cook food and do chores around the house, just generally kept me and Yang alive, clean, and healthy, but you could tell that his heart just wasn’t in it anymore.
“Didn’t have the words for it then, and it took a while for Dad to admit it himself, but he became depressed; not as bad as it could get, but still not good by a long-shot, either.”
The conversation paused as they reached the line between the commercial districts areas and the industrial areas; traffic officers started to point them away from the more secretive and secure factories, they started riding on the sidewalk as more and more delivery trucks and heavy industrial equipment started taking up all lanes of the street.
“It’s a big part of why we moved from Patch to Mistral, actually!” Ruby continued, raising her voice as the hum and groan of traffic and whirring machinery filled the air. “The doctors said it might be good if he had a change of scenery, started afresh, got away from all the memories. Well, that and he’d have much better, easier access to mental health services and therapy here in Mistral than back in Patch.”
“But why not just move to Vale, or one of the other cities? Too close to home still?”
“Mom, dad, Aunt Raven, and Uncle Qrow all met while they were studying in Beacon. They were in the same team together actually—STRQ—and they’d pretty much been everywhere there was in Vale.”
“Ah. That explains it.”
“Anyway, Uncle Qrow’s and Dad’s benefits from teaching or being an active huntsman technically could have let us move anywhere, but they both decided it might be best if they chose someplace dad was already familiar in.
“Sure, Mistral changes from day to day, but some things about it just always stay the same, and he had plenty of friends who were still here or moved back themselves, and were ready to help, even after all these years; Dad’s the kind of guy that really leaves a lasting impression on you, you see.”
Weiss smiled. “I don’t doubt that.”
Conversation stopped again as Ruby headed down another series of winding paths, to the older, quieter half of the industrial section—saw mills, quarries, factories that still produced hand-crafted weapons made of traditional materials like wood and metal, with a handful of more modern establishments that used the same raw materials.
“Yang and a lot of the adults said it was all the love and support that got him out of his depression, and yeah, it is super important, having a strong support network, but even back then, I knew it also had a lot to do with the pills he had to take on the reg, the visits to the therapists over at the Lodge.
“It was actually why Yang and I started working as couriers—Uncle Qrow’s drinking and getting in trouble sometimes made it… difficult for us to claim family benefits.”
Weiss winced. “That’s unfortunate...”
Ruby shrugged. “It happens. And it’s what we had to do, to help him get better. That’s why dad and me do a lot of things, actually—someone needs help, we can give it, so we do. Doesn’t matter if it was hunting down Grimm and keeping people safe, someone to help haul their groceries in, or get better when they were sick, whether or not you could tell from just a look.
“It’s actually one of the reasons I really liked the Bunker—there was no shame about whatever it was about you, if it was in the DSM, a medical manual, or you just couldn’t fit in with all the other combat schools, we just helped each other out, when we needed help.”
“Well, that’s the end of my story—oh, neat, we’re almost at the paper mill, too!”
“Huh! That’s convenient!” Weiss said, sitting up. “Where is it, anyway?”
“Just past the Bunyan Logging Co. mills!”
Weiss blinked, the blood draining from her face. “… Wait… did you just say Bunyan Logging Co….?” she whispered.
Ruby stopped, slowed down as she looked over her shoulder. “Uh… yeah! Should I have mentioned that earlier…?”
As if on cue, a pickup truck with tinted windows and the logo of the Timber Wolves gang came roaring up a side street, swerving to a stop right in front of them, its tires squealing and leaving feet-long skid marks on the road as it jumped the curb and came onto the sidewalk, Ruby and Weiss bracing themselves as the car almost hit the bike.
It stopped just inches away, the first-rate suspension and brakes jerking the car to a complete stop, but Ruby and Weiss stayed tense as the gangbangers started climbing out of the back, and stepping out from the car, picking up or being given wooden weapons like baseball bats, Arnis sticks, and staves.
They started surrounding them from all sides as the driver stepped out of the car, and Weiss’ worst fears were confirmed.
“Well, well, well… lookit what we have here...” said a muscular teen in a black-brown-white flannel shirt, the stubble on his square jaw well on its way to becoming an impressive beard, a wicked grin of mostly metal on his face as he rhythmically thumped his baseball bat in his palm.
It wasn’t hard for Weiss to notice that he’d shaved the side of his head since she last saw him, so everyone could see the massive, stitched-up scar there.
“What do you want, Woody?” Ruby asked warily. “Last I heard, Yang didn’t have any beef with you.”
“That she doesn’t, Little Red, ‘cause your sister’s smart in that respect, at least…” Woody pointed his baseball bat at Weiss. “Snow White and her Fish Fry ex, on the other hand...” he muttered, his eyes narrowing.
Ruby looked at him, then back at Weiss in confusion and worry. “Weiss…?”
Weiss sighed as she sat up, resting her hands on the edge of the cart as she looked at him. “Woody, just let us pass… I’ve got money, I can pay your ‘toll,’ or whatever it is you want to call it.”
“Oh, I’m not interested in your moolah, Weiss,” Woody growled, Ruby tensing up as he came right beside her, Weiss’ knuckles turning white as his face came level with hers. “You see, there was a reason we went for Aqua in the middle of that rainstorm all those years back…”
The rest of the Timber Wolves began to close in, raising their weapons up threateningly.
“She thought she could get away with fucking with us like that, and we wanted to show that even if you’re literally a fish Faunus surrounded by water, you can’t get away from Saul Bunyan’s crew, use her to send a clear message to everyone else who was thinking they could screw with us.”
Woody grabbed the edge of the cart with his free hand, brought his face right up to Weiss, fire in his eyes and a snarl on his lips. “Your coming to her rescue did the exact opposite of that, and then some.”
“Fuck off, Woody!” Weiss spat, scowling right back.
“And how about I don’t?!” Woody snapped. “The Wolves rep took a BIG hit that day, Weiss, and I’m still struggling to get the respect I used to, back before you gave me this lovely souvenir on my noggin ‘fore you we thought you left the lower levels for good.”
Weiss felt Woody’s hand wrap around the front of her dress; too exhausted, she couldn’t stop him as he pulled her right out of the cart, threw her onto the ground. Weiss gasped as her back hit the pavement, she lay sprawled out on the road.
She opened her eyes, found Woody and the other Wolves surrounding her, so thick she could only catch a glimpse of Aqua running away through the space between their legs, before before they started bringing their bats, sticks, and staves down on her, over, and over, and over again.
“Weiss!” Ruby screamed as she jumped off the bike. “I’m—wha, hey! Let go of me!” she screamed as two more Wolves caught her, held her back as she thrashed and kicked at them.
Crack. Crack. Crack.
The blows came, one after the other, on her head, on her chest, on her arms as she tried to put up her aura and defend herself, pouring down like the rain assaulting all of Mistral, her blood washing away with the thick floodwaters coursing down the streets.
Unseen to them all, a glowing white glyph started to form right by Weiss, spinning violently and radiating brighter and brighter... but not to Aqua, rushing back to the scene with a harried and miserable police officer in tow.
The thugs shielded themselves against what they thought was lightning streaking through the sky, only to find a giant blue-white alpha beowulf standing right beside them. It casually brushed off the remains Ruby’s shattered cart, all the Timber Wolves stopped and stepped away, except for their leader.
Woody raised his bat over Weiss’ head once more, bloodlust and glee in his eyes; he brought it crashing down on her, blinked and looked up when he felt a strong, powerful force suddenly stop it in mid-air.
The alpha calmly pulled it out of Woody’s hands, gripped it itself in one claw, then smashed it sideways into his head, on the side opposite his scar.
The wooden baseball bat rang but remained unscathed, as was the Bunyan Guarantee, Woody’s skull was not quite as durable. As he hit the ground, the water near his head running red, his goons screamed, dropped their weapons, and tried to run…
… But unfortunately for them, the Beowulf was much faster, stronger, and angrier.
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maplemarcher · 8 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better.
Name: Adreanna! (please call me Addy though)
Nicknames: I go by Addy, which is actually a nickname. Others include Addsabelle (my grandma), Sir Stinksalot (my step-dad, he’s weird), Princess (my girlfriend), and...so fucking many weird ones my mom has given me. She used to call me Apple Jane a lot
Zodiac Sign: Taurus yo
Height: 5′ 5′ (I think?)
Orientation: Bisexual, with a heavy, HEAVY preference for girls. Like if you had a pie chart of how much I like girls vs how much I like boys, it would be like 90% to 10%. Idk why exactly. Probably has something to do with every guy I’ve ever had a crush on being a douche in one way or another (and rejecting me every time lol) But girls are soft and pretty and wonderful I love them so much. I love my girlfriend more than anything in the world. I wouldn’t trade her for anything.
Ethnicity: I am very white. Scottish, Polish, and German, though none of that really holds any significance in my life. I don’t have any family traditions except for unhappy marriages
Favorite Fruit: Pineapple probably. I really like grapes though and Pink Lady apples too. Oh and cantaloupe and clementines!
Favorite season: Autumn. All the way autumn.
crunchy leaves
beautiful leaf colors!!! like!!! where I live has a lot of trees on a lot of hills, so looking out the window at a hill full of red and orange and yellow and brown makes my heart go “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
brisk weather
fall fashion is the best (I don’t participate in fashion as I am a whale with legs but everyone else looks beautiful)
perfect weather for hot drinks
bugs start to fuck off right back to hell where they belong
summer is ending. summer can fuck off I HATE summer
no longer sweating and dying
overcast skies, gloomy days, rain!!!!!
gray, cloudy, rainy days are,,, my reason for living
Funny thing is I actually don’t like pumpkin spice anything except for pumpkin pie guess I’ve gotta up my white girl game
Favorite Book: What the fuck kind of question is this. You come into my house. And you ask me to pick between my children.
This answer is really, really complicated. I love so many books for so many different reasons. I love Harry Potter because it’s what got me into reading longer series. I love Binge by Tyler Oakley because it helped me be more open-minded and was a big part in helping me discover what my sexuality was and that I was okay. I love The Hobbit because it was a book that helped me escape life and that taught me that caring about home and hearth is a good thing to do. I love the Warrior cats series because I fucking love cats and it was one of my first introductions to more adult situations (in terms of violence, death, grief, and loss). I love The Giver because it made me cry my eyes out. I love The Martian because it made me laugh. I love every Shel Silverstein book ever written because they made me feel like a kid again and that being a child at heart is okay. I love Journal 3 because Stanford Pines is a character I love with all my heart. I love the Percy Jackson series and most of its spin offs because I love mythology and modern aus. I love the Septimus Heap series because it was such a different, wonderful, beautiful approach to magic and wizardry that made me feel warm inside. I loved Entwined because...I just loved Entwined. (It’s a twisted fairy tale kind of deal with The 12 Dancing Princesses and one of the best things I’ve ever, ever read, hands down). I love A Series of Unfortunate Events because I have a dark sense of humor and because it makes me feel better about my life.
Books were basically my only friends growing up. People didn’t like me because I was fat, or because I didn’t want to play outside very much, or because I had only ever really talked to and hung out with my mom and my step-dad, so I had a more mature sense of humor and personality overall.. Friends came and went, but books never went anywhere. Books stayed. Junie B Jones always stayed with me. Jack and Annie always went on magical adventures that let me learn about history. Every character I met along the way stayed with me, even if they died, because I could pick them up off of a shelf and read their adventures again. I don’t read as much as I used to, because I spend a lot of time on the computer, but I’m working to change that. Books have always been an escape for me, and I’ll continue to love their stories until I die.
Favorite Flower: Roses! It’s a tie between red and pink roses. I also really like tulips!
Favorite scent: My girlfriend’s perfume. I think it’s sweetpea or something? Idk, but it always smells really nice. And I just like the way my clothes smell after I come home from spending the night at her house. It’s like her perfume, laundry detergent, and something that’s either wood or stale cigarette smoke.
Favorite color: Pink. Soft, pastel pinks.
Favorite animal: cats, red pandas, owls, wolves, penguins, cats, dogs (pugs in particular, I LOVE pugs!!!!), foxes, moose, narwhals, dolphins, orcas, eagles, hummingbirds, blue jays, orioles, lions, tigers, basically any big cats...I just love animals. If it’s soft, fluffy, or cute? Fuck yeah I love it
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: As much as I love coffee...tea, probably. It’s just so relaxing to sit curled up under a blanket with a cup of tea and relaxing. Plus my girlfriend and I make tea whenever I go over to her house, so it holds a special place in my heart :)
Average Sleep Hours: Okay, so...if I ever got up on time, I’d be getting like five hours of sleep a night, which is fine. But I oversleep. Every. Fucking. Day. So usually seven or eight.
Cat or Dog person?: Cats. I love dogs with all my heart and I want one someday, but if I had to choose between a cat and a dog I’d choose a cat because
2. purring
3. the kneading thing they do?
4. I love love LOVE the sound of a cat meowing. so cute. so gentle.
5. cat loaf
6. smaller and easier to manage
7. don’t have to walk them
8. if they need to pee in the middle of the night they just. use the litter box. you don’t need to get up and let them out
Favorite Fictional Character: 
Star vs the Forces of Evil: Star Butterfly, Marco Diaz, River Johansen Butterfly, Moon Butterfly, Ludo, Toffee, Buff Frog (I don’t know how to spell his real name :( )
Steven Universe: Pearl, Amethyst, Peridot, Greg Universe, Connie, Steven
Gravity Falls: Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Stanley Pines, Stanford Pines, Soos, Wendy Corduroy
Yuuri!!! On Ice: Yuuri Katsuki, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Phichit Chualont
Check Please!: Eric “Bitty” Bittle, Shitty Knight, Adam “Holster” Birkholtz, Wlliam “Dex” Poindexter, Derek “Nursey” Nurse, Chris “Chowder” Chow, Jack Zimmermann, Alexi “Tater” Mashkov, Justin “Ransom” Olransi
Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasely, Ron Weasely, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom, Molly Weasely, Fred and George
Sailor Moon: Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Moon, Sailor Chibi Moon, Luna
Fullmetal Alchemsit: Brotherhood: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Riza Hawkeye, Roy Mustang, Ling, Greed (when he’s in Ling), Olivier Mira Armstrong
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit: Bilbo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Pippin Took, Eowyn, Aragorn, Thorin Oakenshield, Fili and Kili, Aragorn
Disney princesses: Ariel, Moana, Rapunzel, Anna, Elsa, Belle
Homestuck: Terezi Pyrope, Dave Strider, Jade Harley, Jake English, John Eggbert, Vriska Serket, Roxy Lalonde, Karkat Vantas, Jane Crocker
Percy Jackson (among other Rick Riordan things): Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson, Nico DiAngelo, Leo Valdez
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie, Eeyore, Tigger (I know this one seems silly but Winnie the Pooh is such an important thing to me you don’t understand)
Voltron: Allora, Shiro, Pidge, Kieth, Lance, Coran, Hunk (basically the paladins and Allora and Coran I love them all)
Avatar: the Last Airbender: Katara, Zuko, Sokka
Miraculous Ladybug: Ladybug, Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste (don’t fuckin hate on me they’re the same person but different characters)
A Series of Unfortunate Events: Violet Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire, Sunny Baudelaire, Lemony Snicket, Uncle Monty
Hamilton: Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, John Laurens, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton
Stranger Things: Mike Wheeler, Eleven, Barb
i just,,,, have a lot of love for fictional characters,,,, there are more I’m sure, but I can’t think of any
I connected with a lot of these guys on a deep personal level. Like with Amethyst, I understand why she feels the way she does because I’ve gone through struggles of self-hatred and thinking I was a mistake. I love them all, but there are those few who I just feel like they were...made for me I guess.
Number of Blankets you sleep with: Just my comforter, but before I got my space heater in my room I’d sleep with two blankets, an electric blanket, and my comforter. My room used to be an attic, so it has like no insulation. Plus the heating ducts that go to my room are SUPER shitty, so barely any heat comes out of my vents. Now I’m just used to being cold XD But I don’t like sheets D: Even in the summer, I have to have my big comforter...sheets are too flimsy. Idk, I find the weight of a comforter or heavy blanket comforting.
When I was little though, I remember taking every blanket I owned and piling them on my bed in the winter...and I slept in a sleeping bag, on my bed, under those blankets! XD I miss that sleeping bag. It was a really pretty blue and was really warm...
Ideal Trip: going to New Zealand or England or the French countryside or somewhere with a lot of greenery. Staying somewhere where I can relax and stay in bed all day if I want to or go find things to do in the city or town or wherever is close by. My girlfriend being with me and being able to relax somewhere quiet with her where I can watch the sunlight stream across her face every morning and kiss her all over her face until she wakes up. Somewhere I can relax and not worry about what tomorrow brings; somewhere I can let my troubles float away.
Blog created: December 2014. I can’t believe I’ve been dicking around on here for almost three years.
Number of followers: 396. That may not seem like a lot to some people but??? That’s basically my graduating class??? And you’re all just here watching me shitpost about whichever one of my fandoms is relevant and cry about shit and post really fucking awful art and???? Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or just joined, thank you for hanging out with me through the internet! And if you’ve read all of this, thanks! You now know a lot more about me than I’ve ever said on here =w=
Okay now I have to tag people!
@97thebaluga @all-aboard-the-scream-train @ruled-by-jupiter @4899slayer @squirtlethosejigglypuffs @personalposting @universesinhermind @goddamnit-ross @awkward-fangirl-artist @youaremyrock-mydwayne-myjohnson @epic-leprachaun @save-me-grunkle-ford @civilizedhomosexuals @ninja-sparkle-party @assbutt-novak @howstrangeeveryonewas @not-what-everyone-seems @owlbear-dont-care @psychokumachan @2-many-fandoms-2-count
If I tagged you, don’t feel obligated! I realize some of you are mutuals and I like, never talk to y’all. I’m sorry :( I’m just bad at initiating conversations. Feel free to send me a message if you want to though! I love getting asks and IMs, it makes me feel good inside UwU
Thank you for reading! (and sorry this is so long jfc)
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