#she's the epitome of adorkable
waitingonavision · 7 months
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🦋 It's March 6th! Happy Birthday, Mirabel! 🕯️
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diary-of-deadweight · 4 years
could I get a ZOMBIES Addison x reader please? ❤
Yes. Yes you may. I love how everyone thing Addison might be an alien but this is a gag theory but I think she might be an angel 😇
“Hello? Is anyone there?” A dainty, delicate, soft and soothing voice, a females voice, reverberated through the darkness of the room. “This isn’t exactly how I wanted my first day back at school to start off honestly.” You responded back to her in hopes of enlightening her spirits and easing her nerves whilst overlooking your own nervousness with a shaky laugh that was immediately reciprocated with one of her own as if she herself was trying to put you at ease also in attempt to repay your kindness.
“Me neither, all I’ve been meaning to accomplish today is to come out those double doors as a cheerleader, it’s been my dream to become one ever since I was a little girl.”
“A cheerleader huh? Wow I hope you have a better equilibrium then the time I tried to attempt a backflip only to pussy out halfway through in fear of injuring my neck due to landing at a weird angle.”
That made her laugh wholeheartedly and it sounded what you imagined an angel to sound like...innocent, elegant, soothing, genuine and overwhelmingly pure. “I hope your okay from such a fall like that, I wouldn’t exactly believe you if you’ve told me that you walked away unscathed.” The angels sympathetic too, if she’s dating someone they better treat her right as they must be the luckiest bastard alive to have such a significant other as her by their side or you were gonna throw some fucking hands at the ungrateful swine.
“I was bedbound for god knows how long and had made many failed attempts of escaping, what I presumably considered at the time, prison only to get caught in the act by my already greying mother, I swear I do more harm to her health then good.”
She laughed once more and this time you couldn’t hold back your own anymore, laughter is contagious after all but her laugh had to be the most contagious, most beautiful thing to ever grace your ears that you could’ve swore your cheeks began to heat up because of the mere sound alone; you could care less what she looked like or what her body type was because you bet she was just as physically beautiful as her pure untatined soul is.
“You’re hilarious you know that? By the way my name’s Addison.”
“Thanks, my name’s (Y/n) (l/n), I hope to put the name to the face once we get out of here or if the lights would Oh most generously turn on anytime soon that’ll be great also.” You sarcastically stated, getting quite sick of tripping over shit whilst the lack of light within the spacious room took away your sense of sight for just a minute longer the necessary thanks to the actions of one stupid student who pulled on the Z alarm because she saw a zombie not even two feet away from her and panicked like cornered pray. Almost as if your request was heard, the lights snapped on, illuminating the lifeless room making you flinch at the sudden action, taking some time to let your eyes adjust with some continuous blinking and eye rubs before the dainty, elegant, soft, melodic voice spoke out to you from behind.
You looked to where to voice was to be greeted by a pair of doe eyes of a golden locked goddess with a flawless complexion, dressed to the nines in the obnoxiously vibrant school colours of pink and green that asked seemed to have been bleached in glitter beforehand but it fitted her like a glove, like a second set of skin, it was almost as if it was tailor made for her specifically to her precise measurements.
Time skip
“Awww you guys are so cute together and your meet cute is even cuter!!” Wynter squealed in her seat as Addison snuggled further into you, hiding a grin of her own whilst hiding her candy red cheeks, you smiled at your girlfriends reaction comparing it to that of a puppy hiding their face in their paws, absolutely adorable. You pressed a kiss to the crown of her head, rubbing her arm in comfort while Wynter coos over your wholesome relationship going so far as to ask where she could have one all in the spam of a minute until Willa presses a firm hand upon her shoulder, halting her ramblings to a stand still.
“How did you two officially get together?” Wyatt asked, bouncing in his seat with anticipation of another longwinded story as his boyfriend Zed only shook his head ait his excitement with a small love sick smile.
“You wanna fell them honey?” You asked Addison who let her face emerged from your side after giving a little nod, “go on then since it’s your favourite memories of me.” Addison sits up straight in her seat as she begun the story of how you walked up to her with a bag full of limes that had pick up lines tapped on them with the most cheesiest of things before saying that they were “pickup limes” the last of the limes had the words “will you go out with me?” Scrawled across the taped paper to which she obviously said yes to. It was an embarrassing moment for you but a memeorable one for Addison as she’s never seen you that adorkable before with your cherry red cheeks to your constant wringing of your oversized jacket sleeves as your eyes kept glancing up from the floor to the goddess sat before you.
As she was telling the story you couldn’t help but admire how natural she looked underneath the golden sun that beamed down on the white haired goddess beside you who had the widest smile you’ve ever seen. God she’s beautiful inside and out. Addison, truly a goddess in your eyes. She turned her head towards you mid laugh, only to that you were transfixed on her face with soft eyes and a even softer smile, the epitome of lovestuck.
“You alright seeetheart?” She said in that dainty voice you’ve came to love over the years, you shook your head slowly before replying to the love of your life, “I’m absolutely fine darling just starting at the love of my life, the most beautiful person in exsistance, the most-“ your love stuck ranting got cut off when a pair of plump strawberry glossed lips came in contact with your own, lingering there for a second or two before pulling back, “Shut up you dork.” She said teasingly before getting, somehow, pulled in closer to you by your arms as you shot back, “I don’t think I will” before smothering her faces in a million tiny pecks you knew would make her laugh wholeheartedly like she did back in the Z room.
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Top 10 Women Characters
I was tagged by @dracoimreh​, thanks for the tag! 🖤🖤 (love this shit!)
1. Sansa Stark - “From porcelain, to ivory, to steel.” The growth this character goes through is staggering. You start off being so annoyed with her, then feeling sorry for her, only to finally root like hell for her in the end. My Queen in the North! 🐺
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2. Hermione Granger - I came for a story about a boy wizard but stayed for the whip smart muggleborn witch. 
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3. Yennifer of Vengerberg - A beaten woman who finds strength and power and becomes the best of them. She owns herself and makes no apologies and is just a muthafuckin BAMF!
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4. Lagertha - Wife. Mother. Shield-maiden. Earl. Queen. The BAMF of all BAMF. “You couldn't kill me if you tried for a hundred years.” 
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5. Margaret Hale - A gently raised naive Lady who falls on hard times and learns her own strength.  She learns to appreciate hard work and to understand the struggle of lower classes and to admire their pride and dignity, all while her own struggle only worsens and yet she still comes out stronger, braver and kinder for it.
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6. Elinor Dashwood - The epitome of gentle grace. She cares for her family and puts everyones happiness before her own. She is a mistress of herself. 
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7. Fleabag - She is me. She is a self-sabotaging, dry-witted, angry, no filter fleabag and I would die for her. 
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8. Miranda - The BEST person in the whole world! She is silly, unapologetic, hot for boys, all about self acceptance and body positivity. She is adorkable and I would die for her too. 
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9. Morticia Addams - The Queen of Zen. An icon for witches and goth girls alike.  A perfectly wicked wife and mother. #relationshipgoals
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10. Martha McKay - The epitome of chaotic energy, Martha is a quirky, slightly manic, go-with-the-flow, weirdo and I love her. Listen, I know its slightly problematic but I just don't care. I love her, I love Mr. Right (Francis), and I love that they become a crazy assassin couple by the end. #relationshipgoals
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So what I'm seeing is that I admire woman who can kick ass, who are smart, who don't apologize for who they are, and who survive life’s harsh struggles and come out stronger, kinder and more resilient in the end.
I tag @sassyeggs74​ @orangetabbywrites​ and @supernovadragoncat​
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
A ship edition of make you choose, my friend! Klaroline or Bangel? Lorelai/Luke or Rory/Jess? Anne/Wentworth or Emma/Knightley? Mondler or Benslie? Rachel/Ross or Rachel/Joey? April/Jackson or Lexie/Mark? And I always love your analysis, so please feel free to explain the reasons behind your choices if you want to! XO
I am always so excited to receive these even though answering/picking means ripping my soul into shipper Horcruxes haha. Love your new icon, btw! xx
Klaroline or Bangel? 
Although Buffy and Angel are arguably my favorite forbidden love couple on TV - their longing for each other is an eternal, visceral, soul-encompassing thing - I have to go with Klaus and Caroline on this one. They’re the ship that brought me to Tumblr. They’ve yanked more fic out of me than I can believe. They’re the reason why I have so many amazing friends and mutuals. More importantly that all that, I am trash for them and always will be. 
Klaroline have such tangled history, such rich possibility for the future. I get lost in the labyrinth of goodness and darkness unspooling between them. The qualities that clash. The emotion that sparks. The resistance that builds and builds, binding uncomfortably before it snaps. The enigmatic ‘something’ that scrapes between them like teeth until it comes away infected, bloodied, marred in chunks that are beyond reconciling with any chronology. They have the kind of connection that digs under the skin with claws. It’s neither painless nor pretty, not always happy nor healthy, but it pervades. It permeates until possession becomes nine-tenths of the law in their conquered hearts. Inevitability coils like like a living thing between them--and breathes.
I love the malleability of time that surrounds them, too. Part of that comes from their status as vampires, as supernaturals, but it also has something to do with how they punch through it as well - individually, together - both of them finding new ways to love eternity as it continues to stretch before them, bending it to their will whenever necessary. 
I don’t know, it’s fun to imagine the enigma they pose to the world. To each other. What will a new year bring? A decade? How about a century? 
Despite their lack of heartbeats, there’s change on the cusp of every word they utter to one another, on the fringe of every kiss they almost share but swallow before they reveal too much, not enough, everything all at once. It’s a dizzying, dangerous, and intoxicating “thing” they share, you know? 
I suppose...well, I suppose I just like how there’s nothing easy about who they are or want they want. 
Lorelai/Luke or Rory/Jess?
This one was difficult because JavaJunkies and Literati are top tier ships for me. *cries* I went with Luke and Lorelai mostly because I’ve been a shipper since I first saw them in the pilot episode back in the early 2000′s, and--I haven’t looked back since. They had me rushing home from school to watch re-runs, hightailing it from after-hours sports so I could catch new episodes on the WB. I haunted message boards. I scoured the Internet for spoilers. I tumbled into fanfiction before fanfiction was even a thing. I watched the seasons over and over again until I nearly memorized every moment they had, every bit of dialogue they spewed; until I analyzed subtext until I made my own head spin.
What I love so much about them is that they’re friends first and foremost. They genuinely like, trust, and respect each other as people beyond all else. They’re opposites, of course, but in a complementary way that just works. They also come to know they can depend on one another in good times or bad, and it’s that ‘unconditional’ element in their dynamic which draws me in hook, line, and sinker because it’s the kind of quality that preserves the longevity of a relationship. To be honest, over the OG series, we do see Luke and Lorelai veer farther away from each other romantically more than we’d like: *side eyes s6-early s7 specifically*; yet, at the same time, there’s a Permanence about them that never fails. Never fades. They’re simply THERE in whatever capacity the other wants or needs. No matter what, no matter when, no matter the emotional crap that’s already pooled between them.
Call me crazy, but I think steadiness and devotion of that caliber is beautiful.
Luke and Lorelai evolve together in such a way that it’s impossible for me to imagine them with anyone else in the end. They belong together like coffee and donuts.
Anne/Wentworth or Emma/Knightley?
Ask me this same question tomorrow and I’ll probably give you the opposite answer. However, today...today I am all about the angst and pining! 
Eight-and-a-half years worth of regrets and broken hearts that never mended, looks that scorch because they were held a moment too long in front of company, secret longings that are whispered into pillows before the candle on the dresser expires and they tuck their weary limbs into bed, dreams that feature that one face impossible to forget--LEAVE ME HERE TO SING “KILLING ME SOFTLY” because that’s what Anne and Wentworth do to me!
Mondler or Benslie?
Look, I will love Monica and Chandler until my dying day but Ben and Leslie are so unbelievably adorkable together that anytime I think about them my heart is instantaneously flooded with warm, sunshiny, politically active, eats-waffles-for-every-meal-and-regrets-nothing fuzzies. I just--*melts onto the floor in a puddle of Pawnee rainbows*
Rachel/Ross or Rachel/Joey?
Ross-hatred is pretty embedded in the Friends fandom these days so I am sure many are or will be tempted to jump down my throat for this choice but...BUT...I do not care! *laughs maniacally* Ross and Rachel always had that boomerang spark, that “we’ll find our way back to each other” ellipsis at the end of every break-up or missed opportunity, that kissing-each-other-in-the-rain passion that could not be weathered despite the number of years or marriages or ‘almosts’ they had with other people, and I cannot get over them. I cannot give them up. I won’t, I won’t.
SHE GOT OFF THE PLANE, OKAY?  She. got. off. the. plane. And, controversial though that might be for some (trust me, I get all the arguments against it; against them, really), I can’t help but be gleeful they got their happy ending. I wanted it then, I’m still satisfied with it now. *shrugs unapologetically*
April/Jackson or Lexie/Mark?
This last one cut me deep. 
However, with Slexie, at least it’s canon that they were each other’s true albeit last *cries* loves and I can pretend that they reunited somewhere in the afterlife. But Japril...Japril was done so. stinking. dirtyyyy by Grey’s Anatomy. I will never forgive the writers for ending them the way they did. Never!
JACKSON AND APRIL ARE THE EPITOME OF SOULMATES. Their relationship was predicated on the purest, most wholesome kind of love because it blossomed from mutual respect and admiration as well as understanding. They invested the time. They put in the work. They peeled back the layers slowly, carefully, learning the magic of caring by opening their ears first then offering their shoulders when hurt swooped in to snip at pieces the other had left undefended. It was only later, with time, with trust that had turned conversation into a balm of contentment, that arms became a refuge, too. A harbor. A place of comfort and affection where they felt seen. Heard. Known. Loved in a way that wasn’t free from tears - oh, no - but was embracive of them as they fell, cushioning their remnants on thumbs as if they were more precious than pearls. 
They loved everything about each other, vices included. They were best friends, lovers, something more intimate that defies definition but wraps itself around the sentiment of “having a favorite person.” 
There’s an ethereal quality to what they are--what they mean to each other. You can’t quite touch it, can’t quite capture it, all you know is their atoms continue co-mingling whether or not anyone else notices it’s happening. 
There’s no ending to a love like that, only another beginning.  
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morning-revival · 4 years
( zendaya, female, she/her, bisexual ) check it out, i totally just saw VIOLA HASTINGS! some people say they remind them of VIOLA (SHE’S THE MAN), but that’s just hearsay. it could be because they are WITTY but can also be a bit CLUMSY on a bad day. either way i heard the TWENTY TWO year old is working at TRICKY TATTS and is studying BUSINESS. if only they could stop playing COME ON EILEEN (DEXY’S MIDNIGHT RUNNERS) on repeat so they could actually focus, then their neighbors in HOLLYWOOD might get some sleep. all i know is that they remind me of BRUISED KNEES, CONVERSE  AND MESSY CURLS and can be seen as THE ADORKABLE.
The younger of the two hastings twins ( though not by choice, as she will continuously note ) viola is definitely the epitome of the youngest child. bratty, stubborn, and always willing to prove a point, viola loves being right. but more than that, she loves winning. since the twins were born, viola had a penchant for competing with her brother. 
after high school,viola took on an apprenticeship at a local tattoo shop while she got her bachelor’s in business. it was fun, and surprisingly she was really good at it. and then seb said that he wanted to move. vi couldn’t stand being away from sebastian and honestly he was a good influence on her. so naturally, vi allured that the golden coast seemed like not a half bad idea. vi started college ( again ) and ended up taking ownership of a small tattoo shop downtown. it started off as something fun to do but during one of her business classes it dawned on her that she really does love tattooing. 
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sternenteile · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:  @battleshell​  ;  we all care blue, u do, i do, we all do tagging:  holy shit my whole dash because exorbitantly long memes are the BEST. i aint even sarcastic when i say that, i love this kind of shit. u GOTTA do it.
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my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ he is in two fandoms, in fact. he is both a fan-favorite from super mario rpg, the very first in the line of mario rpgs we’ve gotten over the years, and a pretty popular smash bros. request. he even got a mii costume in 4 and a spirit in ultimate as a result of the love. he’s very beloved, to the point that i’d, even as a geno fan myself, deem him a bit overrated. why? b/c where is all the love for all the other smrpg characters!!! they are all good. i love them all. ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mean ?? i’ve met and seen many people who have/had crushes on geno so ??????? but i don’t think it’s like. that. ghfskjhgsg??? ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ oh yes, he is undeniably very strong, both in personality and in battle. he is often seen as the level-headed straight man of the party in smrpg (which, in the case of my geno, is... semi-applicable LMAO), a star spirit with unwavering bravery and confidence. his in-battle stats are also pretty crazy, favoring geno as a glass cannon and enemy sweeper. he is also the only character in the game to have a move that will insta-kill any enemy besides bosses. well, and exor. idk why exor, but there ya go. needless to say, pretty much everyone in the fandom agrees that geno is a powerful mfer. why wouldn’t a literal, living star be? ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ as i mentioned before, there is no shortage of him being underrated in the fanbase. i’d even say he’s a little overrated. some people treat smrpg as ‘that game with geno in it’ rather than everything else it has going for it. i love star boye as much as the next gal, but pls appreciate smrpg as a whole. it’s such a vibrant game with a colorful world of characters to love. ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ he is actually, completely central to the plot. the subtitle of smrpg is legend of the seven stars, which directly relates to geno’s core mission: to find the seven star pieces and restore star road. the rest of the gang had different ambitions, but they all ended up banding together over geno’s objective. one could argue he mostly is the exposition-granter and could be replaced with anyone else, but i feel he’s irreplaceable. smrpg would be so different without him, like it or not. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ i wouldn’t say he is the protagonist, obviously, as that is very much mario’s spot. that being said, he is a pretty obvious deuteragonist for smrpg, given how much the plot revolves around him. he’s relevant to mario, for sure, as well as peach, mallow, and bowser. he’s relevant to many characters beyond them. he represents the fight for everyone’s wishes to be able to come true. he’s, uh... very relevant rofl. ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ the star spirits are somewhat known in the mario universe as entities capable of granting wishes, kinda like fabled gods with a tinge more evidence and reality to them. geno himself isn’t a known name, not like the seven star spirits of star haven, but his people are decently known. he, however, is not. ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ he is basically the epitome of ‘good’ until you overthink star society like i do lol. not all wishes can be granted, what constitutes as a ‘good wish’ is subjective, why some good wishes still can’t be granted anyway, etc. it puts him more towards neutral good with a dash of lawful and an undercurrent of chaotic, given his rebellion against his superiors. ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  i mean, it isn’t hard to be strict to mario canon when there isn’t that much of a foundation to work with anyway lol. it’s all rather simplistic until you get into the nitty gritty of it ??? that said, geno is built on a lot of headcanon. like, a lot a lot. star society and its rules for star spirits of his kind, his relationship with rosalina (a matronly figure), his relationship with the seven star spirits, the fleshing-out of his basic personality traits shown in smrpg, etc.? headcanon upon headcanon.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  a star possessing the form of a children’s toy, like toy story but with more cosmic pew-pew. a chill and sassy guy still learning the ways of how earth (and other planets) work on a more intimate level, meaning there will be lots of adorkable moments as this curious one makes discoveries. sometimes attempts to innovate with what he learns to be ‘ahead of the curve’, leading to interesting results. (he likes to sip bubble tea, but replace the tapioca pearls with star bits. good result. mopping a counter-top because it would be ‘more efficient’? not-so-good result, got him lots of stares.) straight outta the 90′s, so be ready some of that rad 90′s slang and know-how from back in the day. (what do u mean they’re bringing back dunkaroos? that’d mean they stOPPED MAKING THEM?!?) very intrigued with new technology, became stuck to his smartphone upon discovering them, fell into the time-sink that is animal videos on youtube. he’s humble and likes to relax, have a good time, and relax w/ the squad. video games, netflix binges, the whole nine yards, he’s gotchu. he is a hell of a fighter and loves to fight, as well. help him push his abilities, and he’ll help you with yours.  likes being a little shit for fun, only to an extent (harmless moments of impishness, not serious, hurtful pranks). has a sense of humor that is easy to tickle, even with stupid dad jokes and classic puns. the brother-friend that will fire lasers at ur enemies for u. likes to play violin. cute. super cutie. v. tiny in his star form. almost five whole feet of sparkly, twinkly fun. likes super soakers.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  despite intrigue to learn more about the world around him, there is only so much that he does know. societal norms are often beyond him, and there are just so, so many earth hobbies he is not aware of. without handing him a bone, it makes him a little more limited than someone who’s more savvy. he is prime slice-of-life material, but that may also make things rather dull in an rp without an extra twist to spice things up. (thankfully, his being a total SNOT sometimes helps with that.) in canon and strictly in canon, geno doesn’t really have much personality, something that this geno has plenty more fleshed out. a good chunk of fandom finds him to be incredibly boring and droll, to which i personally disagree, as there are little things in smrpg that hint towards him having more to explore.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  funnily enough, seeing smash bros. fandom railing on geno fans + hyping him up all at the same time made me revisit smrpg after having only played it as a teenager. i expected geno to be a boring slate of nothing like fandom often portrays him, but i found that i was terribly wrong. with a newfound perspective on him, noting little details that defied my expectations for this li’l guy, i decided to give him a geno whirl and see what kind of expansion i could do with his character. the amount of lore i came up with him and started wondering about piled on and on and on, and i realized that he had so much more potential than what nintendo and square properly tapped into. (some of it is also a matter of being timely, though, meaning later mario materials such as rosalina, star haven, etc.) i wanted to flex out that potential and see how much i could fill this little doll up with, and lo and behold, i rp him today with extensive amounts of development poured into him with love. to put it simply, there was so much untapped potential that i wanted to share with the world, to show geno the love and in-depth exploration that he deserved, to show that he was more than what he was given.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  chattering about mario lore with pals, whether it relates to geno or not, reading, watching shows or videos that remind me of him, learning more about cosmology and the universe we live in (and boy, i’ve learned a lot of neat stuff!), revisiting my childhood (the 90′s) since it’s very geno-appropriate, drawing The Boye, literally anything to do with playing, watching, or doing ANYTHING with smrpg/paper mario 64/smg1&2, and probs a lot more. i’ve got a lot of fuel in me for this guy lol.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ on one hand, of course i hope that i do! on the other hand, i mean... nintendo and square don’t do jack for him, so i think almost anyone can do him more justice than they have, lbr. it’s... not hard... :’) ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ ok i gotta just copy-paste what blue said in her response because my god, she nailed it: “you know when you have a concept and in your own mind you can see it clearly, without fuzziness or confusion, but you can’t seem to put it clearly into words without it turning into an essay because you need to connect all the other points that’s in the single concept you envisioned? yea.” basically, this but in spades, because i have a huge amount of headcanon and lore that i’ve either not gotten around to writing about yet or am purposefully staving off (wink wink). i have written a lot for him, though! it’s just... comparatively so little to what all i’ve thought up over-time. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ not! often! enough!!! ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ all i know is fine dining, breathing, and adorkable starman. ]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ funny enough, i’m pretty damn confident in my portrayal, albeit still very modest. i mean, i am at least confident that i give depth to a character that had so little, and i feel like geno is just... real. (not literally ofc i mean like, he FEELS realistic.) he’s got character perks, character flaws, strengths, weaknesses, personal issues, ongoing obstacles, relatable themes where appropriate, interests, knowledge (or lack thereof), daily routines... i could go on. if nothing else, i at least feel good about trying to make geno feel less like some exposition character and more like a person. considering he wants to achieve personhood that most of his kind never gets to find, it’s oddly poetic lmao. ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ eehhhhh. i mean, i guess it’s fiiiIIINE, but i often feel like i lack a certain pizzazz, something that’ll keep people interested and intrigued with what i write, giving enough material for them to adequately bounce back. on the same token, i like to babble with my prose, so i often worry about going on and on and on way too much. stale, quantity over quality, substance-less writing is what i fuss over the most. ;; ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ sensitive to empathy and other peoples’ emotions, yes. i’m an insanely empathetic person, and i have a lot of love to give. that said, with only few exceptions, i have a pretty iron-clad skin. sometimes, i daresay it’s to the point that i often misjudge what other people can take, and i feel i can end up being too harsh and forward. that being said, it is also a good thing at times. harsh or not, if i feel a certain way about something, i make that shit known and i make it known as loud as it necessarily should be. i don’t beat around the bush; rather, if i have a beef, i will make that beef known. consequently, if i have love to give, you damn well better be ready to swim in a pool of hearts and your favorite kind of cookie (if applicable). ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  as long as it isn’t complaints with lack of substance/reasoning, yes! even if i may not always agree and may take things with a grain of salt, i am insanely receptive to criticism, even over the pickiest things. it’s something i’ve grown used to due to prior rp venues being particularly harsh. i will never throw a fit or act like a child if there is something i could do better with geno. in fact, there always will be! i’m not perfect, and i love to hear about ways i can improve and do better. it’s paramount in a hobby like this.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —  LET’S-A FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  sure, i’d love to know! it can make for some neat conversation!! c:
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  that’s a’ight. i’m sure there are things about my geno that won’t resonate with everyone, especially given he’s a very sentimental character for old fogies like me lol. as long as there is no disrespect thrown this way, it’s all good. this stuff is subjective, after all.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  —  oh, a lot of people really hate geno lol, but i’m guessing this means personal portrayal only. in such a case, i would be curious as to why, admittedly, but i acknowledge that i am not owed anyone’s reasoning. if they really, absolutely hate my geno, then it’s their prerogative, whether they want to give a reason why or not. again, it’s all good unless immaturity and disrespect rears its head. i won’t tolerate that and will ignore any such behavior.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  sure, it happens to the best of us!
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  i’d like to think that i am! i’ve often had people tell me that i’m very nice and mature, but of course, i have no right to say how i come off to other people. that is not in my territory to judge, only theirs. that being said, it’s not easy to upset me or anger me, and i’m more often willing to listen and pal around than not. i’m the living embodiment of (shrug). i am just (shrug).
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
I know I said I probably wouldn’t be writing, and that’s still true, but while I have the heart to do so, here I go again with another thing that probably won’t get finished. I initially mentioned this in the HDGC to @henryhearts and @henry-p-fart IONKNOW if I’ma keep up with it. Real life been beating the breaks off me. But, here’s at least what swirled around in my mind.
@chenoahchantel and @adorkable-blackgirl on principle.
Henry was extremely excited to finally be paired up with a super roommate for his superhero advancement tests. From the way that he understood it, his only possible roommate options would be either another sidekick, seeking advancement, or someone who had worked in a group, seeking other leadership options. Most of the reasons were the same - being in the lair or home of a superior hero made it hard for them to advance, but not having a superhero’s salary made it difficult for them to remove themselves from the situation. So, a collective of sidekicks, vigilantes and disgraced heroes moved into a lair together, helped each other rebuild themselves and their names, and out of the fruition of that, they started an agency that helped others to do the same: Share-A-Lair.
Share-A-Lair was still pretty new, but everyone who went into the program SWORE by it. Getting some space from your hero to become a hero in your own right was priceless, even if you continued to work with or beneath that hero. Henry wasn’t interested in leaving the Man Cave. In fact, he was to inherit it someday… But, his boss, Ray was pretty overbearing and honestly only seemed to want him to have responsibility in the form of hard work, not in authoritative situations. Henry’s goal for this move was to advance to superhero status and become Captain Man’s PARTNER, instead of his sidekick. 
He arrived at his new place in one of three vehicles, accompanied by his two best friends. Charlotte had gotten there first, luckily, because whenever he jumped out of the van, she held her hands up to stop him. “There are booby traps all over this property, Henry,” she said, observing a scanner that she had brought along. He furrowed his eyebrows and she said, “Either your roommate isn’t expecting you, or they’re testing you to see that you’re actually a hero.”
“But… Being a hero wouldn’t make me resistant to booby traps!” Henry fussed. He searched his contacts for Share-A-Lair Roommate and whenever the man on the other end cheerily answered, he scoffed. “Hey, yeah. It’s your new roommate. This place is booby trapped. Any way that you can help me inside? I’ve got an overgrown child and a woman with me.”
The roommate sighed and said, “Wow. I am underwhelmed before even meeting you. You can go through the tower entrance without a problem. I’m not deactivating my alarms for unauthorized visitors.”
“I live here, now!”
“Your overgrown boy and hot lady friend don’t.”
Henry looked around and wondered, “Are… Are you WATCHING us and refusing to let me in???”
“I’m in,” Charlotte said, working on her tablet. “Go! I have to deactivate some of these upon impact. You’ve gotta move towards the door.” Henry listened and Max raised an eyebrow, watching her work. He pressed a few buttons and booted her out of his system. “Dang it!” She fussed. They were both working on coding to gain the upperhand of the system’s security, but by the time Henry made it through the front door, Max simply smiled at let her in. 
He glanced up at Henry from a spot on a hammock in the common room and said, “Welcome,” as though nothing had just happened!
“Sure doesn’t feel like a welcome!” Henry complained, catching his breath. 
“Don’t… You have super speed or super reflexes or something? Or am I thinking of some other kid?” Max asked, not getting up. 
“I used to have hypermotility, but I’ve been without it for a while.”
“Hmmm… Then you really need to work on being the epitome of physical perfection.” 
Charlotte and Jasper came inside and now, he sat up and reminded them, “I never approved additional company!”
“They are here to help me move in!” Henry fussed. 
“I know you,” Charlotte said, pointing at Max.
“Yeah, I’m a pretty big deal,” he said and smiled.
“You got swung off of the Man Copter for being a snitch,” she said. “Max Thunderman.”
He frowned. He was definitely WAY MORE than that one run in that he’d had with them years ago. She… looked different. They were older, now. Adults. The dudes seemed to just barely be, but she had been a little more mature, even back then. “Yeah, well. That’s not a company approval. Per lair rules, no unauthorized guests in the common areas.” He stood up, “Meaning this common room, the kitchen, dining room and all passageways. Long story short, keep your friends in your tower.”
“I get the tower?” Henry wondered, excitedly. “Come on, Guys. Let’s get to the tower.”
“Wait. Why do you have to be in the tower?” Charlotte wondered.
“Because the underground is taken,” Max told her.
“Was it assigned or did you just TAKE it?” She asked. 
“Char… Jeesh… Let’s just unpack…” Henry said.
“No. The tower is the least safest place here and you’re a less experienced hero, with zero superpowers, to his literal lifetime of superness and what 3 superpowers? 4, if you count that twin thing.”
“You’ve researched me?” Max asked.
“I’m not just letting Henry bunk with anybody,” she said.
“Lucky Henry, to have a girlfriend doing his adult work for him.”
“I’m/She’s not my/his girlfriend,” the entire trio insisted, Charlotte most vigorously. Max’s eyes widened.
“Whatever you are, you’re right. I am a better hero.”
“She said more experienced,” Henry inserted, but max hadn’t stopped.
“I’m a better fighter.”
“She said has superpowers…”
“And, I can defend myself and my home safer than he possibly could, and therefore reasonably, should probably be in the tower. But, I’m not gonna do it, because I want the underground. If he has any incident that compromises his safety in the tower, that’ll be good learning experience for him.”
“Unless he dies!” Charlotte fussed.
“Obviously. You can add “unless he dies” to any sentence and turn it into a negative.” Max gathered his laptop and pointed at Charlotte and Jasper, “Contact Share-A-Lair to register as guests, but know that my background checks are more extensive than theirs. Anyway, Welcome to your new home, Henry. To the tower with them.”
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saintslips · 3 years
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@fulcrcm​ :     6.   name  3  things  you  love  most  about  your  muse  /  muses.
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i.     she’s  the  epitome  of  ‘ don’t  joke  about  murder ,     i  was  murdered  a  lot  once  and  it  offends  me ’ ,     like  she  will  be  genuinely  upset  and  something  about  that  ??     is  so  goddamn  funny
ii.     she’s  just  super  cute  . . .     like  that’s  a  more  shallow  reason  but  i  love  how  adorkable  serena  can  be  on  occasion. 
iii.     but  cute  isn’t  all  serena  is  about ,     she  can  make  wrong  decisions ,     be  messy ,     she’s  terribly  tragic  and  sometimes  brings  about  her  own  destruction  because  of  her  own  trauma  loop.
iv.     she’s  complex  and  dynamic ,     which  makes  putting  her  in  different  situations  and  verses  is  really  easy.     she’s  very  much  shaped  by  the  people  she’s  with ,     and  that  means  her  interactions  can  have  a  profound  effect  on  her.
v.    she’s  intelligent.     serena’s  so  smart ,     so  perceptive ,     because  she  has  to  be.     she’s  been  burned  so  many  times  and  she’s  learned  from  it     -     but  what  i  love  about  her  is  that  no  one  expects  her  to  be  so  intelligent.
vi.     i  support  serena  rights  but  more  importantly  i  support  serena  WRONGS
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vmheadquarters · 6 years
Here’s this week’s Ask the Fandom question:
At Shelly’s party, Luke gave Dick two doses of GHB. Did Dick slip BOTH in Madison’s drink? If he did, then Veronica was given twice as much as the recreational “go to a rave” dose Logan gave Duncan - does this change how people view Duncan’s actions? And if people give Duncan a pass because “he was drugged too” - what if Dick did NOT put both doses in Madison’s glass? What if he took the second dose? Does Dick get a pass on his actions because he was drugged?
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And here’s what you had to say:
@ktbugee--That’s a really excellent question. I could be wrong but I seem to recall there being a very short second where you see dick take the dose. If that’s the case, I still don’t think he gets a pass. 1) he knew he was taking drugs and was therefore prepared for it (ie hydrated, eaten, mentally ready, whatever sort of preparation one does before taking GHB). 2) he is a much larger person than Veronica. She is teeny tiny. That same dose would have a much stronger affect on her than it would on him.
@lessawildmoon--The size of the dose that either of them got is irrelevant. Double or single they were both under the influence enough to remove their ability to consent, this was clearly shown (Duncan actually more so than Veronica, as he knew they were 'siblings' as still went ahead). Describing choosing NOT to blame a rape victim for being raped as 'giving them a pass' is despicable, and exactly why so many rape victims are too scared to come forward.
@kerali --I tried to stick to the questions, but I think I failed.  I’m a clinician that works with adolescent sex offenders, so this is one thing I can go on and on about.  My group of kids also talked in their group this week about responsibility for their decisions and not blaming outside influences or experiences, and I’ll be honest, my mind goes to this scenario when my group talks about this topic.  I think Dick is capable of using two doses on Madison, but no matter what, he wanted to use her for sex and when she was sober, he targeted Veronica and likely other vulnerable girls.  But even wasted, he knew not to have sex with Veronica himself (even though he still wouldn’t see it as rape), and that was probably more about feeling that she was beneath him.  I can’t excuse Duncan’s actions, because although he was drugged unknowingly, he still made a choice and still was responsible.  The fact he was drugged might lessen his consequences, but not his responsibility.  I think characters in the show let him off the hook for their own reasons, often to make themselves feel better, Veronica included.
Dick was likely drunk, but still did not rape Veronica.  He was not responsible for Cassidy’s choice.  Dick bullied him, but he didn’t threaten him, and Cassidy was a budding sociopath that took advantage of the opportunity and that no one would suspect him.  I think the show gave Dick a pass in later seasons, because they liked Ryan Hansen and the potential they saw with the character, if only you get past him setting Veronica up to be raped.  I think the fandom is a varied group of people who approach the show and plots with their own thoughts and opinions and experiences that may influence how they see different characters and their actions.  I see the 09′ers as the epitome of white privilege and teenage entitlement, and the sexual harassment that occurred probably occurred at most of their parties.  I’m also not so sure that Veronica, Lilly, Duncan and Logan wouldn’t have been a part of it, or at least cheered it on.  Out of the male characters that played a role in Veronica being hurt at that party, Logan is the only person that I remember as expressing real guilt or regret over that night.  I think he doesn’t want Duncan to be responsible because he feels guilty for drugging him, even though he had nothing to do with the rape.  Veronica clings to her forgiveness of Duncan, because it gives her a resolution that she can accept.  It lets her feel like she is not a victim anymore and that it wasn’t that bad.  I have empathy for Veronica and can appreciate Logan’s ability to have empathy for someone he cares about.  Duncan can justify most things in his mind if it lets him get what he wants, and the rest just don’t really care, so I don’t have much empathy for them.
Adorkable Author‏ @AdorkableWriter  (via Twitter)-- I think she only got the one dose. If Dick is to be believed, he was going to take the other dose himself. The alcohol mixed with the GHB is what caused the blackout. And V had a lot of alcohol that night, between the first drink and the shots Logan and Sean were giving her.
As far as Duncan's actions, I don't see how he could perform with his "sister" and while drunk/drugged. I wouldn't have dated him again, but I'm not sure what he did was rape (since he was also drugged against his will). It's complicated, to be sure.
Dick does not get a pass because he intended to take advantage of Madison from the get-go. His intentions with the drugs were as impure as you can get. Duncan gets a bit of a pass, though it's uncomfortable, because he didn't know. I do believe V likely gave him a drugged approval.
Merrick Green‏ @MerrickGreenVM  (via Twitter)--Double dosage doesn’t seem pertinent-since Dick was pouring Vodka down V’s throat (and Duncan presumably heard/saw some of this) we’re already at point where V would be more impaired than Duncan (not to mention weight/size difference), and Duncan should have some notice.
Dick doesn’t get a pass if he drugged himself. He did that to himself on purpose, so even if he blames some actions on impairment, it’s his fault he was impaired.
Did Dick double dose (not that it matters), I think no. Double dose GHB likely makes “unrousable”, giving V dose that makes DICK happy would be significant OD for size/tolerance reasons. She was semi-conscious, so likely only one Dick-sized-dose. https://erowid.org/chemicals/ghb/ghb_dose.shtml
Isa‏ @Isazu  (via Twitter)-- I think Dick only put one dose on Madison's drink, the other he had for himself "to have some extra fun". Now about Duncan I think he was under the influence of the drug so he let all his reservations go, still he was (I think) in a better state than Veronica.....but the issue aside of what he did in the moment for me was the way he acted afterwards. Now about Dick, he sucks he was the worst human ever in this case, he tried to drug Madison so he could have sex with her.
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PLEASE!!! I need a friend to talk Hwarang with and fangirl over Sunwoo/Dog-Bird's adorkableness!!! You ship him and Ah Ro, right??? I've seen so many shipping with with Jinheung, but I agreed with what you said that he clearly makes her uncomfortable, and I really didn't like the fact that he forced a kiss on her in that one episode. She's comfortable with Sunwoo, so I don't get why she would want to pick a guy who she literally runs away from since Day one.
Hehe yas I got a new friend now XD Yes I do ship Aro and Sunwoo, since they feel so comfortable around each other (well once Aro gets over the brother or lover stage, they’ll get really close I’m sure of it XD) 
But it’s not like I don’t ship Aro with Jinheung though ;) I just think that from an analyst point of view, their relationship is VERY interesting and I’m the kind of person that likes to analyze these situations :) Aro is like the epitome of comfort and Jinheung is deprived from the kind of comfort he gets from Aro since childhood, so he latches on and tries to win her heart. But, being isolated for so long didn’t help him understand what Aro wants, and therefore he’s just not what Aro looks for in a love interest. 
When I realized at one point watching the drama that if Aro chose Jinheung then she’ll become empress, I’m like “OH GOD” 
Basically I’m biased XD because I love my baby Hyungsik who plays Jinheung and I like Jinheung more than I like Sunwoo (sorry Seojun :’)) I feel so sad for Jinheung that he couldn’t win the heart of the girl he likes, king or not. And I am so sure that Aro would not accept him at all, because firstly she does not want to be an empress and have her life threatened day and night, two Jinheung is not her type, three she likes Seonwoo already, and most IMPORTANTLY number four, Jinheung basically caused her brother to die. And that is quite the main reason Aro and Jinheung would never get together. Jinheung will be hated by her for life once she finds out. /sobs/
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