#sheamus o'shaunessy
south-of-heaven · 1 year
sheamus x fem!reader where reader tells him she wants to marry him one day?
One day || Sheamus x Reader
Summary: You tell Sheamus you want to marry him one day.
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The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the countryside. You and Sheamus had taken a leisurely stroll through the rolling green hills, hands entwined, lost in each other's company.
As you both reached a tranquil spot with a picturesque view, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the beauty of the moment. The wind whispered through the grass, and the world seemed to slow down.
You turned to Sheamus, a fond smile playing on your lips. "You know, Sheamus," you began, your voice filled with sincerity, "I can't help but think about our future."
Sheamus raised an eyebrow, a curious glint in his striking blue eyes. "Our future, love? What's on your mind?"
You took a deep breath, your heart pounding as you summoned the courage to say what had been on your mind for a while. "I want to marry you one day," you confessed, your gaze never leaving his.
Sheamus blinked, his expression shifting from curiosity to surprise. His hand tightened around yours, and his lips curled into a warm smile. "Marry me?" he repeated, as if savoring the words.
You nodded, your heart swelling with love for the Irishman beside you. "Yes, Sheamus. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to be your partner in everything we do."
He didn't say anything for a moment, but his smile grew wider, lighting up his rugged features. "Aye, that's the best thing I've heard in a long time," he replied, his brogue accentuating the sentiment. "And I want nothin' more than to spend my life with you too."
You felt tears of happiness welling up in your eyes as Sheamus leaned in, capturing your lips in a tender kiss. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you, lost in the embrace of your love.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, you knew that your future together was destined to be as beautiful as this moment. With Sheamus by your side, you felt like the luckiest person in the world, ready to face whatever adventures lay ahead, hand in hand, and heart to heart.
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ledamemangociana · 5 years
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i??? meT SHEAMUS???!?!?!?!?!
i won that twitter contest which is HUGE in and of itself because i never win things like that lkasdjf
when we got set-up in the queue in the venue, i was just lucky enough to be positioned in such a way that when Sheamus entered the venue, he literally walked right past me. i saw the photographers getting ready right beside me and i still wasn’t able to prepare myself. he walked by and i just stared like the thirsty idiot i am lol. i turned to my friend (who came with me because i won two passes, yay) and just mouthed “holy fuck he’s beautiful” because of course i did and because of course he really was. is. geezas fokk.
the meet and greet went pretty fast (i expected it to, and also they were behind schedule lol) but it was still pretty fuggin great. i got to tell him that i’ve been a fan of his since 2009, to which he said “noooo waaaaay” and then he said he liked my shirt (i was one of only two people who i saw that was wearing this shirt, or ANY The Bar shirt lol), to which i was just BARELY able to stop myself from answering that i had three of it in different sizes coz that would’ve been too creepy :P i just told him it was the first WWE shirt i bought after he got me back into watching WWE a few years ago, which he seemed to appreciate. he signed my Funko Pop, then we took the picture then he asked me if i wanted him to sign my shirt, which fuggin BLEW MY MIND because we had a one item limit, but i had my shit together just long enough to emphatically say “YES PLEASE” and managed to not offer him my boob when i offered him the shoulder to sign lol. i tried then to get him to do a quick video shout-out for one of my closest friends (we became friends in 2010 because we were both sheamus fans), but the handlers couldn’t allow it anymore coz of time constraints. so sheamus just turned to me and said “hey, as long as i got to meet you :)” which was the last straw in my I’M-NOT-FREAKING-OUT-AT-ALL coffin, so i had to just quickly say again “I’MSOGLADIFINALLYMETYOUAFTERALLTHISTIMEOMGOKAYBYETHANKYOU” and then go away before i completely lost my shit in front of him lol. 
SO. YEAH. THAT HAPPENED. it was barely two minutes, if that, but it was some of the best two minutes i’ve ever experienced in my life. i’ve had so many downs, was held down by them so much in 2018, that it’s so GOOD to just have the universe give me a break and throw me a bone for once, even tho it was almost a struggle just to get to this moment (i had a mild gout attack in my foot all day yesterday that threatened to get worse today but thankfully did not, and then i was nearly late to the event because of fuggin TRAFFIC). still. important thing is - THIS HAPPENED. and i may honestly never be the same again lol (but also not lol, i kinda really mean that)
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ofhouseadama · 7 years
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i referred to Dean as "chaotic ginger" instead of "chaotic good" and then i committed to it
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wrestlingmgc · 7 years
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FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion Sheamus O'Shaunessy
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S.P.D. team competition (Au) (Sheamus and John)
Sheamus have been on Earth for 2 month and received a much needed training. On this day, he was told to relax. Which he would become of the competition. He found a loop hole and Randy to find John and his team. He had on he basic pant and a black shirt. “There ya guys are! Have ya came up with a team name? Mind if ah joined?” He asked with a smile.
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews… WWE Ride Along (S01E02) Northbound to Newark Airdate: February 8, 2016 @wwe Ratings: WWE Network Only Score: 5/10
**********SPOILERS BELOW**********
Since WWE is continuing with ‘Ride Along’, we thought we’d go back and brush up on any episodes of S1 we hadn’t seen yet and give them a proper review… Starting with this one. We’ve been promising our readers who are of WWE Family more than just #SDLive & PPV Tweets for ages now and this is the first way of many we plan to deliver. 'Ride Along’ has proved to be a rather fun way to gain a bit of real insight to who these men and women outside of their 'WWE Superstar Personas’ and get a better sense of their real personalities, thoughts, opinions, and plain old witty car trip banter.
Now this is an older episode from the 1st season, so it’s kind of wild to go back and see Wade Barrett going back and forth with Sheamus, especially since Barrett is no longer with the company. Already here, you can hear Barrett talk about never holding the WWE Title. At this point in his career he’s accepted that he’s probably never going to hold it and that’s actually a bummer to hear. There were a few times Barrett really had some serious momentum building up and moving forward to great heights, but each time he was met with a disappointing injury that literally killed everything he’d worked to up to that point.
On a lighter note, it’s amusing to hear the two European Born Superstars talk about that gap when it comes to understanding and grasping American Pop Culture… Even going as far as saying that to them, Michael Jordan is more of 'that guy in Space Jam’ than he was the athletic legend and almost untouchable entity he is here in the states. These men both agree that they’ve carved out a nice little niche in the WWE (especially Sheamus, who is undoubtably the most successful Irishman to ever touch a WWE canvas), but it’s cool to hear them both have such high hopes for Neville since they both remark that no one from England has ever held the World Title (Should’ve been William Regal, y'all). At the time of filming, Neville was having trouble connecting with crowds but was still razzling and dazzling them with his skills and his patented 'Red Arrow’. Now Neville is holding Gold and literally is a Cruiserweight Beast, but I can definitely see the man take it even further and I truly hope that he does.
Cant have two guys from the U.K. in the car without them swinging to the subject of Europe’s favorite pastime. Their banter when it came to what most of us in the states would refer to as soccer, but is actually (the real) football, was endlessly entertaining! You can tell it’s something these two are incredibly passionate about, as at one point I had no idea what the other was saying… They were so excited they were basically talking over each other. Also gotta take the time to point out that old footage WWE dug up of pre-WWE Sheamus vs Barrett match in 'Irish Whip Wrestling’. Believe it or not Sheamus was actually using the Sheamus name before his WWE run, he just had the last name O'Shaunessy… And most likely Barrett was using the name Stu Sanders at the time. IWW is still throwing shows today, tho you aren’t likely to see Barrett (Stu Bennett) back there anytime soon as he is attempting to focus on his acting career. Good luck with that one Stu, maybe your buddy Sheamus can help you out with that one. Whatever happens in the future for either of these men, I really appreciate that WWE went out of their way to find that type of footage to bring it to a wider audience! I’m sure IWW was happy to sell them the footage as well!
Renee Young and Summer Rae are joined by R-Truth in their ride, making for a entertaining combination. Apparently Truth has gotten Dean hooked on taking Epsom Salt baths, (/enter witty Bath Salt joke here). 😋 This is actually the first time I ever noticed that the back window is blacked out with a curtain… That has to be illegal right? If that doesn’t make you nervous enough, Summer is clearly not the most attentive driver… Several times she’s shown messing with the GPS, driving with one hand, and constantly taking her eyes off the road. I kept thinking, 'Protect Renee at all costs!’ Truth makes a Archie Bunker reference and neither of the girls know who he’s talking about so he bets Renee that if she called her dad and asked him who he was, that he’d know. She calls and to no ones surprise he does know… R-Truth, baby, that’s because you are one of the oldest active men on the roster! 🤣 I’m just happy these three made it to their destination in one piece and that Summer didn’t land them in a ditch in Jersey somewhere. Hopefully in S2 they won’t be tarping off that back window… People kind of need that to drive!!!
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whipclip · 9 years
Sheamus debuts a new trend in beards.  Let’s hope these don’t get ripped off in the ring!
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Sheamus x fem!reader showering together after reader has a brutal match?
Warrior || Sheamus x Reader
Summary: Sheamus helps you shower after a brutal match.
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The arena had cleared out, the fans had gone home, and the adrenaline from your brutal match had worn off, leaving you feeling drained and battered. Every muscle in your body ached, and it was a struggle just to move. Your limbs felt heavy, and the throbbing pain in your back was a constant reminder of the fierce battle you'd been through.
Sheamus, your boyfriend and fellow WWE Superstar, had been watching your match from ringside. He'd seen you take hit after hit, enduring a level of punishment that would make most people cringe. And now, he was determined to take care of you.
As you limped backstage, Sheamus was right there, his strong arms wrapping around you, supporting your weight. "Easy there, love," he said in his deep Irish brogue, concern etched on his face. "You did great out there, but now it's time to look after yourself."
You could hardly muster a smile as he led you toward the locker room area. The pain was too intense, and you were beyond exhausted. All you wanted was to get out of your ring gear and into a warm shower.
Sheamus carefully helped you undress, his touch gentle as he eased off your boots and ring attire. He didn't rush, taking his time to make sure you were comfortable. When you winced from the pain, he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead.
"Shhh, it's alright, darlin'," he murmured soothingly. "I've got you."
With a warm and considerate touch, he helped you into the shower, adjusting the water temperature to be just right. The warm spray cascaded over your tired body, and you couldn't help but sigh in relief. But as the water hit your sore muscles, the pain intensified, and you found yourself choking back tears.
Sheamus, always attuned to your needs, noticed your distress immediately. He stepped into the shower behind you, his strong arms encircling your waist, pulling you close against his chest.
"Let it out, love," he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. "You don't have to be strong right now. Just let it all out."
The tears came in a flood, your body trembling as you cried. Sheamus held you close, his broad chest a comforting presence as he gently stroked your back. His soothing words and warm embrace provided a safe space for you to release the pain and frustration that had built up during the match.
As the minutes passed, your sobs gradually subsided, and you felt Sheamus press a tender kiss to the top of your head. "I've got you, and I always will," he murmured.
He helped you wash, his hands moving carefully over your body, as if you were the most fragile thing in the world. It was in these quiet moments, the two of you standing under the warm shower, that you realized how lucky you were to have him in your life.
When the shower was finally done, Sheamus wrapped a fluffy towel around you and carried you to a nearby bench. He gently dried you off, his touch deliberate and loving. Then, he helped you into a fresh set of clothes and cradled you in his arms.
"You're my warrior, love," he said softly, brushing a wet strand of hair from your face. "And I'll always be here to take care of you."
You looked up at him, your heart overflowing with love and gratitude. Despite the pain and exhaustion, you couldn't help but smile. Sheamus was your rock, your protector, and in this vulnerable moment, you knew that there was nowhere else you'd rather be than in his arms.
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ledamemangociana · 7 years
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Happy 40th Birthday, Baemus - part 1 of 2
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Comic Con? Female version of him? (Sheamus and Sheamus)
Assistance Commander Sheamus steps off of the ship and looks around. Something was not right as this was not the Earth he left 14 years ago. He sighs as he walks around. A even caught his attention as he tried to get something to eat but did not have the right currency. He heads to the even and learned it was Comic Con. Something he read about when he was a kid. He manage to swipe a all pass ticket from a seller and walks in. He had the pass around his neck as he was looking for free food.
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New theory: Dean will win his first World Heavyweight Championship off of Sheamus after Sheamus cashes in and wins it, because it’ll be an allusion to how Sheamus won the U.S. Championship from him after Dean broke the longest-reigning record with it. Rrrrrrevenge, sweet rrrrrrevenge.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
sheamus x reader where sheamus carries reader to bed after she falls asleep on the couch watching football and they cuddle?
Sunday || Sheamus x Reader
Summary: You fall asleep on the couch while watching football with Sheamus on a sunday.
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The sounds of a lively football game filled the room as you and Sheamus snuggled up on the couch. It was one of those cozy Sunday afternoons, where all you wanted to do was relax in each other's company. The Irishman's strong arm was wrapped protectively around you, keeping you warm and secure.
You had intended to watch the entire game with him, but the combination of a full belly from a hearty meal and the comfortable embrace of your partner soon had you feeling drowsy. As the game raged on, your eyelids grew heavy, and you found yourself drifting off to sleep.
Sheamus noticed the subtle change in your breathing and knew that you had succumbed to slumber. He couldn't help but smile as he continued to watch the game, occasionally stealing glances at your peaceful expression.
Finally, the game came to its exciting conclusion, and the crowd's cheers echoed through the TV speakers. Sheamus muted the television and carefully disentangled himself from you. With utmost care, he lifted your sleeping form into his strong arms, cradling you like a precious treasure.
Moving quietly, Sheamus made his way upstairs to your shared bedroom. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm ambiance in the room, and he gently laid you down on the bed, making sure you were comfortable.
Climbing into bed beside you, Sheamus wrapped his arms around your slumbering form, pulling you close to his chest. His heart swelled with affection as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your presence was like a soothing balm to his soul, and he couldn't imagine a more perfect way to spend his evening.
As you continued to sleep soundly in his embrace, Sheamus couldn't help but reflect on how lucky he was to have you in his life. He watched over you as you slept, promising to always be there to protect and cherish you. With that thought in mind, he closed his eyes, joining you in a peaceful slumber, content in the warmth of your love.
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buddhausen · 9 years
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effingloki · 10 years
i get to see sheamus next week in Manchester, i am soo excited can't wait been wanting to see him for years, the whole reason i started training to be a pro wrestler was cos of him and i can't wait to tell him that anyone got any expriance meeting him first time ever im going to see him
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Assistance​ Commander Sheamus home, Zultron
Zultron, Sheamus home from the age of 8 to 21. Zultron is like a sister planet to Earth but is on the other side of the Galaxy. It like Earth except a few things. Gay marriage is legal but straight marriage is illegal. Opposite from Earth views. Straights are frowned upon on Zultron as they don't have a place. Very few are accepted while most hide. Breeding, it much different then humans as they are not actually humans. They create clone, but the clone are mix of both parents. They have the same life span as humans. Even technology are the same. Unlike Earth, Zultron had 8 moons. On each moon, there is a base. The base job is to monitor any threats that wish to attack Zultron. When the threat is spotted, all 8 link together and active a shield that protect Zultron. Nothing have ever gotten passed the shield.
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zigglechipz-blog · 10 years
Question: Was it confirmed that the girl in those pics is Sheamus' girlfriend?
The girl looks absolutely gorgeous! But I'm just wondering how people are sure that it's not just a fan pic. 
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