smolartdork · 1 month
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My singing monsters art from 2022! These are some of my favs in my style.
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notpandi · 3 months
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Shellbeat comes out (this is a parody/skit/joke/satire)
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
heyhey !! love your stuff !! i was just wondering if you have any info on the non-fire natural quads ?! (like entbrat, deedge, riff, shellbeat and quarrister) i'd really like to hear what they are like in your au............
Yeah uh sorry about kinda lying about answering my asks um I got bit by the programing bug but for games this time, but yeah. I only have drawings of some of them because lazy.
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I'll be talking about all of them though, and a bit about monster maturing. The natural quads are only found in their elemental lands/islands as the elemental energies in those areas allow for eggs of their species to be formed in the first place. They can only have an elemental dominance of their respective element due to their connection with it.
Entbrats like woods, which plant island has an abundance of, and the woods they grow up in is the one they stay in whenever they have the choice of where to go, making it so the castle of plant island doesn't actually have a room for a boss monster due to how unlikely it is for the current boss entbrat to live in the woods near the castle. The castle of course was originally built to have a room for the quad, but it's been converted into another storage room. Castles serve mainly as storehouses in this universe.
Deedges are very strong and protective monsters. Their semi-serrated tusks and extra wide-opening jaws are perfect for defensive offense against the predatory critters of the cold lands/cold island. They are surprisingly mobile for not having any legs, their strong arms allow them to move, often they will fully support their body with them being the only things touching the ground allowing them to run as fast as most other monsters and also fling themselves to jump. They can get around well.
You may notice the extra speaker on the deedge skull in the drawing I made. Older monsters commonly develop enhanced versions of their younger form's body parts, making it so unlike humans, monsters actually get better at surviving the older they get. To a point of course, about a month before they die they start physically degrading similar to earthly creatures as they age.
Riffs like most air land dwelling flighted monsters are scavengers that soar the lands looking for anything edible. They are just a bit more so scavengers than most, they can eat anything primarily organic, like dead wood, limestone, etc. It's weird. Of course they prefer the more palatable normal food stuff, but if they needed to they could eat most of a house. As for ockulo trees, the small short lived ones grow from large piles of riff feathers left around during molting season. The larger longer lived ones come from dead riffs. When a riff is about to die it has a natural instinct to fly over to this one location in the air lands and bury themselves, the extra nutrients form the body allow for the tree to grow stronger. The place is simply called The Ockulo Grove and it's usually avoided due to how morbid it is.
Shellbeats are the most elementally in-tune of the quads and have very small amounts of control over their element. They can shift water around to move things, usually their drum sets. Speaking of their drum sets, they are primarily made of the shells of shellfish they eat. Water monsters love their shellfish, standard fish are for the cold monsters. Also they have the ability to spit "ink". People like to say it's just ink, but similarly to a lama's or alpaca's spit, it's much worse than it sounds. As babies they need the defense, so to make the ink as repulsive as possible it's mixed with half digested food from their second stomach and then spit out at a very high velocity at whatever is offending them. they can also just spit the ink by itself, shellbeat ink is commonly used for writing.
Quarristers hatch with all those heads, I know it ruins the unity concept the monster has but the quads are very rare monsters in this universe so like eight of them existing at once in the modern era is impossible. Each head has it's own consciousness and identity, but it's common for at least adult quarristers to all go by the same name. The heads can pop off and become their own organism whenever they please, and occasionally they do. But most often they realize that they need the other heads and come back after a bit.
Nowadays the previous quad trains up a younger one to fill their role after they retire, but in the early days of the modern monster world the natural island's societies were a mess with very little order. Monsters that aren't like three feet tall have a natural instinct to listen to anyone taller then them. This makes it so larger monsters often get unintentionally pushed up the social ladder as the one guy everyone goes to for advice. These so called boss monsters are often the quads as they are some of the largest standard monsters. After a while they generally learn to fill their roll, monsters naturally never have the urge, let alone the skills to lead.
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soona-kit · 1 year
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I must confess... i love them all very dearly
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sapphiretheharpy · 1 year
everyone has those monsters in msm that chose YOU instead of you choosing them, mine are rare congle, grumpyre and rare shellbeat😭
(I used to have 4 rare shellbeat in storage but I just sold em)
rare oaktapus too but I don’t have evidence of him terrorizing me
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that being said yool hates me
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milathefox1384 · 1 year
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Shellbeat and Riff piggyback
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Shellbeats have two tails.
If they want to hit their shells on each side,it’s reasonable.
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fixer-mixer · 1 year
Still Here (3)
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Exerpt from They the Wubbox, Chapter 15.5 : Still here, on Wattpad
Shellbeat sat at his drum set. The island's water had completely drained, and he knew he had little time left. He, Sponge and Parlsona were left in the dry abyss of the sky.  "Par, why didn't you go with the others?" Shellbeat asked.
"I had to. I couldn't live knowing i left you guys here to die alone. I know one day we'll meet again. I'll live much longer than you two will." She said. He never knew she thought like that. Was she always that compassionate? Spunge them whistled the tune Parlsona and Magpi would sing. "I'll Make It somehow, I'll Go with the flow like water." is what they would sing. Parlsona giggled. It was nice knowing that they had each other until time would pass by. After moments of silence, Shellbeat stood up, and to his drum set. He began to play a beat, trying to feel something good like before with the others. Desperately tapping them to feel something inside. Parlsona wondered if she should join in, maybe she and Spunge could sing with him.
Read, They the Wubbox, at :
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ivymo · 1 year
Jane the monkey: pizza!
Shellbeat/kitsune/moon rabbit/psyduck: PIZZA!!!!!!!! Jane the monkey: (pizzas are missing) shellbeat: (obese appeared) (BURP) I regret nothing! (Stomach growls) wait? no thank you! (He’s Rolling to the bathroom) Whoa!!!!
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coreaflame · 11 months
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sorry for the lack of posts , ive been party rocking . have these doodles , some are older and some are more recent
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17314 · 1 year
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a galvana redesign(?) i uploaded to youtube. i like this enough to post it separately
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notpandi · 7 months
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Hello. I am alive.
This is an art trade for someone not on tumblr
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melodiousmonsters · 1 year
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Doodles from today and a little bit of yesterday
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eggsandghost · 8 months
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i got a random burst of inspiration to make something for one of my low-key interests, so have this volcanic snail grandma
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jurgen-task · 1 year
Color wheel challenge with MSM monsters!
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boodubious07 · 2 months
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Spent 2,722 diamonds on this guy. Looks pretty good next to Yellow Prismatic Shellbeat
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