alliswell21 · 6 years
Happy belated birthday @shellibug!
A small gift for you, because you’re one of my most loyal readers and an awesome beta to boot!!! Love you!!!
“Let’s talk about this for a moment,” he said frowning in confusion, absently rubbing his forehead with the pad of his fingers.
“Let’s not.” I glare directly at him and he has the good sense to avert his gaze.
“But I want to understand!” He almost begs.
“What else is there to understand, Peeta?” I ask annoyed with his insistence. “It’s pretty self explanatory. I came in to the bakery after my hunt, and helped poor Fern serve a few patrons that were giving her grief. You need to give that girl a raise just for putting up with some of your customers.” I say curtly.
“O… kay. I think I can manage to give my employees a few extra coins a month. I still don’t understand why were my employees giggling uncontrollably about a spooked customer you were “helping”?” He says with air quotations.
“It was nothing, really.” I wave him off and try to go back to slice vegetables for supper, but he leans forward so I’m force to acknowledge his presence. Lousy bastard knows me so well after all this time.
“Elaborate?” He says with a hand gesture.
I huff and drop my knife on the cutting board. “That awful woman ‘asked’— more like, demanded— to be served by you personally, again! I stepped up relieving Fern so I could serve the lady myself. But the woman tried to get cute with me, explaining as if I was a five year old, that she needed to see the owner, to thank him properly.
“I told her that she was talking to the owner’s spouse which amounted to the same thing at the end—“
“Wait a second!” He interrupts my story grabbing my shoulders and turning me so we’re face to face. “You told some stranger you were my spouse?” He asks and the muscles of his face twitch unable to settle on one emotion.
“Well, yeah! The stuff we do behind closed doors is exactly the things that married people do in the privacy of their bedroom… so...” I try to shrug nonchalantly but my whole face is burning up. We’ve been feeding the hunger for a few months now, but I still get mortified when the subject is brought up openly.
There’s a goofy smile starting to take over Peeta’s face, so to prevent him from commenting further I suddenly snap defensively, “Plus I seem to remember someone fibbing about some secret toasting on national TV.” I try to not over do it, not wanting to trigger any episodes, though those come far and in between and he can manage them better now, there’s no reason to poke the bear.
It does however cause the effect I was after, when Peeta shuts his kissable mouth and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah… I guess so. Please, by all means. Continue?”
“There’s nothing else much to it. The woman gave me this dumb look before feigning surprise at the realization that she was talking to the Mockingjay in person, because apparently she didn’t recognize me without my bow and arrows— like the fact that she’s in 12, at Mellark’s bakery with the huge picture of us holding hands hanging on the wall behind the register wasn’t enough to clue her in—“ I roll my eyes, “Then I apologized for the confusion, and brought my bow and arrows from under the counter where I’d put them earlier, and for some reason she got pale and shaky and left after babbling some nonsense about what a great honor it was to meet me, and she was an admirer of the two of us, but she'd just remembered she was gluten intolerant.”
“For some reason?” He eyes me suspiciously repeating back my earlier words.
“What can I say? She seemed to be a newly relocated capitolite. And you know how weird those people are.” I shrug.
“Katniss?” He drags out the Ss at the end of my name. He knows there’s more.
“I may have loaded the bow and aimed it above her head just to confirm my identity.” I say offhandedly.
“You what?” Now he looks chagrin and pulls his hair with both hands.
I wonder if it’s crazy that watching him so flustered and worked up is making me warm all over? If I don’t look away the hunger will come back with a vengeance and who knows what will happen then. For all my prudish ways, I’m usually the instigator in our relationship.
“Okay.” He finally says on a exhale. “First of all, we can’t threaten the customers. Can you imagine if I had come out of the back room brandishing a piping bag to attack Gale every time he showed up without you on tow?”
“What? Are you serious? What were you planning to do with a piping bag, frost him to death?” I want to sound outraged but my retort comes out with an amused snort completely ruining the effect.
Peeta shrugs. “Hey, I didn’t have the same resources you had in weaponry.” Now we are smirking at each other. “So, this is what’s gonna happen,” he says turning serious. “You’re gonna let me come up with a sappy, romantic way to propose… for real this time around,” he glares at me and all I can do is raise my hands in surrender trying to hide my smile.
“Then,” He continues, “we’ll get married, for real, either by Justice Building or a simple toasting, is up to you and I promise I’ll make you the most decadent chocolate cake you’ve ever tasted,”
“Tempting.” I say bringing my arms around his neck as he coils his around my waist.
“Yeah. I mean, it’s high time you make a honest man out of me, miss Everdeen.” He kisses my nose with a goofy smile and I just snort a chuckle at his antics, because if anything, he should be making an honest wife out of me, but I guess this is how’s always meant to be.
“And what if any more women come after you annoying me?” I pout.
“Then you’ll deal with them… without the bow?” We are both laughing now, and I truly treasure this moment that has been so hard fought for. I will never stop loving this man.
“So, you just agreed to let me propose to you. Real or not real?”
I know the old game is not really necessary since his eyes are clear as day and he’s smiling brightly, but I follow suit because giving him reassurance won’t ever hurt. “Real!” And then, because I’m stupidly giddy when he spins me around I yell, “We’re getting married!”
“For real!” He amends before sealing the deal with a kiss.
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Dear @shellibug,
I made you this Mellark family photo collage. I hope you like it.
Your Secret Santa!
Fanart sources:
1. http://promptsinpanem.tumblr.com/post/105687321815/by-solesofwind
2. http://promptsinpanem.tumblr.com/post/105838338410/i-was-following-the-pack-all-swaddled-in-their
3. http://everlarkimages.tumblr.com/post/69410785625/merry-christmas-dear-by-22dreamofmidnight22
4. http://everlarkimages.tumblr.com/post/62248349087/fur-snowflakes-and-lipstick-by-yorinarpati
5. http://porchwood.tumblr.com/post/155331364565/everlak-snow-by-soles-of-wind
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mega-aulover · 4 years
You Can't Gobble Me
HAPPY Thanksgiving I know not everybody celebrates this but I can pretty much see Peeta spamming Katniss with cookie songs like this because he would say that no one really sings Thanksgiving songs... So he would do things like this.... But we also know that our girl Katniss is a total Christmas person and starts listening to Christmas songs in July.
@norbertsmom @alliswell21 @mandelion82 @amazinglovers747 @starsmahogany @stjohn27 @jlalafics @b-boop5 @arbyeatscheesebuns @mandelion82 @endlessnightlock @beckyike @animekpopxx @sunsetsrmydreams
@wendywobbles @notanislander @xerxia31 @hijacked-victor @justajjfan @eiramrelyat @jroseley @deinde-prandium @madamemarquise @ombradellaluna @helianthusaureum @everybirdfellsilent @sherlollyandspoilers @blackholesoffandom @louezem @awhiskeyriver @booksandchocolatesmears @booksrockmyface @everlurked @hutchhitched @sohypothetically @oakfarmer12 @safeinpeetasarms @geekymoviemom @elricsister @bookgirl318 @gabzep @awkwardeverlark @old-lady-here @kleeklutch @shesasurvivor @shellibug @honeylime08 @bandathebillie @am2c @ghtlovesthg I wanted to tag more but Tumblr has a limit...
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littleevilisa · 7 years
shellibug replied to your photo: So yeah… I’m a doctor now. No biggie.
Congratulations :)
 Thank you @shellibug, I worked very hard on it :)
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twin-books · 5 years
Here it is. Thanks to all the people who liked my post about wanting to post this fan fic. Seriously, I really appreciate it and the person who reblogged it. So, I just wanted to shout you guys out so you can read it if ya want.  @ouatpancakes @peterstarkparkerskywalker @shellibug @lenacraft Basically, the whole reason I wrote this was 1. For fun. 2. To kind of display how I think Adrien would react in this situation vs. what everyone else seems to think. Anyway, it ain’t much but enjoy.
"I-I... I like you!" Adrien stood staring at one of his best friends, shocked. Pieces suddenly seemed to be fitting together. It was so obvious now. He could feel his heart flutter a bit, his brain filling with thoughts of "I can't believe it" and, "she likes me. Me."
But it all quickly shattered when he realized, someone he considered a true friend didn't actually know him. She didn't like him, as his true personality, she liked the persona he displayed.
Thinking about it like that disheartened him. Of course, it wasn't Marinette's fault. He never did have any true free time, per say. What little time he had with her was mostly awkward and now he knew why. He never did get much opportunity in school to display who he truly was or maybe, just what he wanted to be.
The girl in front of him, brave as she was to admit her confession was quickly losing her confidence upon the silence that befell them. "I knew this was stupid. Sorry for wasting your time." She mumbled, and it snapped Adrien out of his thoughts
"No!" Adrien cried, more complications filling his head. It hurt him knowing he was unable to return her feelings. He awkwardly scratched the back of his head, sheepishly smiling. "It actually explains a lot of things..."
Marinette looked about ready to collapse in on herself. Adrien quickly realized his mistake. "I mean, I can't believe I didn't notice the signs earlier, is all. Now it just seems, kind of obvious."
"It was stupidly apparent." Marinette giggled at her expense, avoiding eye contact with him. Intense guilt started filling Adrien's soul. He wondered; Was this how Ladybug felt? "It's okay if you don't really like me..."
She looked... So dejected. Adrien placed his hand on her shoulders, prompting her to face him. He gave her an awkward but comforting smile. "Hey, Marinette. You're awesome. One of my best friends. I am so... honored you would even display such feelings for me, I just... Wish I spent more time with you."
"Oh... Yeah. I suppose that would be helpful." Mariette looked to the side and half-heartedly chuckled. "Maybe if I wasn't such a walking disaster it would have made that easier on us- I mean you!"
Adrien held in a chuckle, his regret and empathy overwhelming him. "No. That's... That's not it. I'm incapable of sharing those same feelings for you right now. I really value you, Marinette. You mean a lot to me but... Right now, maybe we should just get to know one another as friends?"
Adrien held his breath as Marinette's eyes glossed over but with a swift blink it was gone, and she smiled comfortingly. She pulled his hands off her shoulders and held them. "I would like that very much." She then released his hands and looked to the side again before looking him in the eye. "You... Like someone else, don't you?"
Adrien pulled her into a hug. "She doesn't matter right now. Marinette, please don't be sad because of me. I appreciate you so much and I don't want to lose you before I even get know the true Marinette. Before you even get to know the true... me."
Marinette smiled, wiping a single tear from her eye, pulling away. "Me neither. Getting to know you and being your friend is enough." Adrien wanted to believe her, but the guilt was heavy in his heart. Then soft hands grabbed his. "Thank you, really. This may not have turned out how I dreamed but... I say, maybe it was even better." She pulled him back into an embrace. "Let's start over."
Adrien smirked and pulled away, making a charming bow. "Adrien Agreste, pleased to meet you." Marinette burst out into laughter, lightly punching him in the arm.
"Not what I meant, and you know it, Chat!" Marinette covered her mouth once she realized what she said. Adrien was taken aback. "So-Sorry. You just... reminded me of Chat Noir. I've ran into him a couple of times." She rubbed her arm awkwardly. Adrien burst into a laughter and Marinette soon followed.
"It's fine. It's really a compliment." Adrien said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Hey, for a minute there, you had me thinking of Ladybug. Guess that means were a duo, now?"
"Really?" Marinette giggled, before considering the comment and smiling brightly. "Yeah. I suppose it does." ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ever since Marinette's confession, Adrien had felt strange. He was happy but sad at the same time. He felt bad for wishing it was Ladybug but felt good that it came from Marinette.
Plagg was certainly no help, by any means. He kept blabbing on about how awkward the interaction was and how the floating cat wished so much not to be there. Adrien only rolled his eyes. How could anyone expect anything else but awkward in such a situation?
Still... He didn't feel good. It felt like guilt was drowning him. He couldn't shake how sad Marinette seemed when he refused her. No. Worse. Friend zoned her. It was exactly what he never wanted to do. He could only wonder if Ladybug ever felt that awful about how she handled his confession.
Finding that just lying on his bed, staring blankly out his window didn't seem to help, he sat up. He realized the sun was going down. Now was the perfect time for a heroic outing.
He looked to Plagg, whom was mindlessly munching on some more camembert. Was that all the tiny cat cared about?
Plagg looked back at Adrien. Realizing what he wanted Plagg groaned and swallowed the last of his cheese. "Just say it already." Adrien chuckled a bit before summoning Plagg back into the ring and letting Chat Noir out.
Feeling a bit more rejuvenated already, Adrien escaped out the window. He was delighted by the feeling of the wind rushing through his scruffy Chat hair. Nothing beat the feeling of freedom. Nothing beat being Chat Noir.
Then his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure sitting on one of the many roofs of Paris. A very familiar figure. He came to a halt and quickly headed over to said figure and took a seat beside them. "Good evening, M'Lady. What brings you out this evening? Shouldn't you be getting your beauty sleep, not that you need it." He smirked.
Ladybug turned her head, rolling her eyes. She had an unamused smirk on her face, but he knew she liked it. However, something seemed off about his lady. "Good evening, yourself, Chaton. Shouldn't you be getting your own beauty sleep, since you clearly need it?" Her smirk became more mischievous.
Adrien faked being offended, hand on his heart for dramatic effect. "Mmm... That burns." Then he smiled, and it only grew bigger when Ladybug laughed. However, he sensed the lack of sincere joy. He stayed silent for a few seconds, contemplating whether to ask or not. He eventually gave in. "Is something wrong, M'lady?"
Ladybug seemed a bit surprised by his sudden concern, as if she expected him not to notice. Really, she should know better by now. "Why, whatever do you mean, kitty?" She giggled, awkwardly, an emotion she didn't often show around him. He had to admit, it was cute.
"Ladybug... It's me. You can tell me anything." Adrien said. Ladybug's gaze fell to her lap, clearly contemplating. He smiled and wiggled his cat ears, making sure she would notice. "I'm all ears." He chuckled and felt a sense of accomplishment as she playfully pushed him, groan escaping her.
She was quiet a few more seconds before looking him in the eye. "If you must know, kitty... I did something I never thought I would be able to do today, and it didn't end up being any of the millions of scenarios I imagined it turning out to be."
Adrien didn't have much to say to this, but he related. His experience with Marinette was one he never expected. "Oh?" He inquired.
"Yes. I confessed my feelings to my crush."
"Oh." He tried not to sound too disappointed. "What happened?"
Ladybug continued to stare out into the distance, not looking at him. He just watched her lips move. "Well... I imagined he would be disgusted and never want to see me again-"
"Pfft... Who could turn you down, M'Lady?"
"Or he would just scoop me up in his arms and admit his undying love for me..." She blushed, "Or something."
Adrien looked to the left then back at her. "So... what happened?"
"He apologized for not returning my feelings and said he wanted to get to know me first and he wanted me to get to know him. I... I asked him if he liked someone else and he said she didn't matter, that I was important." Adrien teared his gaze from her lips and looked out into the distance. Her story seemed so... familiar. His ears perked when she laughed. "And, you want to know what else he said?"
"What?" Adrien mumbled, feeling a bit jealous.
"That I reminded him of Ladybug." She wiped a tear from her eye. "If only he knew..."
And for the second time today realization hit Adrien like a ton of bricks. That guilty feeling swarming in again. Of course. It was just his luck. How did he not see it? How did he not see any of it?
"And you want to hear something funny?" Adrien turned his head to look at her and found her staring right back at him.
"What?" He nearly whispered.
"It only made me love him more." She said, tears brimming in her eyes.
By that point, something so swift, like an arrow, pierced his heart. Sound was lost to him as he gazed into her eyes then turned his head out to the open. That burden of guilt lifting off his chest, replaced by a heavier feeling of knowing. Knowing and loving knowing.
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I'm trying to find this really amazing modern day high school AU where johanna tries to set katniss up with gale but she and peeta are best friends who haven't admitted their love and then at gale's party katniss kisses him by blowing weed smoke into peeta's mouth lol
Best Laid Plans by atetheredmind
Thank you @shellibug and @branchan​!
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shellibug replied to your photoset “Made it!  Happy Thursday, y’all. :) ”
Happy birthday :)
Thank you! <3 
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alliswell21 · 5 years
Everlark Self Interview:
Hello all, here is my contribution to this exercise, lol.
I’m going to feature my story “A Pixie for the Mellark Children” on this self interview, because is the one kicking my butt right now, and it’s my most sincere dream to finish it like I envisioned.
Here goes!
-Did you do an outline, brain stormed or did you start writing?
I did, actually. I outlined the story to be 14 chapters long and each chapter was detailed-ly mapped out, with a few choice dialogue notes here and there, and a whole list of web pages with pixie folklore info I used to consult.
-How long did the story take to write, and did it went through changes in the process?
Yeah… it’s been like 3 years at this point? *sighs* I moved houses, then had a baby, and now I’m trying to catch up.
-Where did the story come from? What inspired it?
We were getting ready to buy our new house, we’ve been saving for a couple of years, because we needed a better school district, and then one morning my husband got a call from the bank from fraud prevention, somebody had stolen his debit card number— thank goodness they weren’t that smart— they tried going over the limit and the bank blocked the card right away. We could’ve lost all of our savings then… bye-bye house.
I was completely stressed out about the whole thing. I was angry and very disappointed in humanity.
So I started writing a story as opposed to my situation as I could. I had recently read about pixies riding ponies in the English countryside, and I decided that sounded kind of lovely, so I did some research, and took some creative license in creating the world of the pixies and how they interact with children and senior adults that need help. By the way, Fairies are totally mean, they will kidnap your kids! But Pixies are cool, they watch out for animals, children and old folks.
-What was the hardest part of the story to write?
I wanted to write an a-hole Peeta for whatever reason. So, sometimes I have to sit and think “what will sweet, kind, generous Peeta do/say in this situation?” And go in the opposite direction. The readers hate him :)
-What was your favorite part of the story?
Researching the Pixie traditions. Writing about Devon, England— I’ve never been, but I printed pictures of it and the wild ponies because the place is beautiful. I hope to visit someday.
-Were there any parts that related directly to your life?
Not really. Most of this story has been written out of research and second hand experiences. My beta @shellibug did such an amazing job describing some of the landmarks of London, it felt as if I was there with her. She’s also help so much with “Britishism” and dialogue, is one of the best parts of the story I believe.
-Which are the easiest and hardest characters to write?
Peeta has been hard to write, because he can get so OOC. The easiest I think has been Prim and Haymitch. They pretty much write themselves.
-Any OCs?
Not quite Original. Unless the pony (that’s just a pony without any anthropomorphic abilities) counts?
I do have Mrs. Mellark and Peeta’s brothers; while they’re canon, we never see/hear the brothers in THG trilogy, so mostly they are characters I’ve half made up for this story.
-Did you learn anything about yourself as a writer with this story?
I’ve learn a lot with each of my stories. This one is no different. I did learn that things change and mutate from what you envisioned and I can cringe at my own choices at times.
I’ve decided to cut a few things out of the story from what I wanted in the beginning, because now they look redundant or too ambitious, and having a toddler again has seriously made me reconsider everything around me. I hope I can write a good ending for this story I hold dear to my heart.
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Dear @shellibug,
Today I should reveal my identity. Since I was a little lazy Secret Santa, today I send you a special Advent Calendar, to make up for the missed days during our YIP month! I hope you like it!
I wish you and your family a pleasant holidays and a happy and successful New Year!
Your (not-so-Secret) Santa, @florence68blog!
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mega-aulover · 5 years
Inspired by the favorite movie ask game! Attach 10 Gifs from 10 of your Favorit TV shows without naming them, and tag 10 people.
I was tagged by my bestie @norbertsmom the ultra talented @historywriter2007 the amazing @honeylime08 & at the lovely and talented @bookgirl318
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@alliswell21 @lovely-tothe-bone @dandeliononfire @iliveilaughiloveiread
@shellibug @winegirl65 @justajjfan @sunsetsrmydreams @starsmahogany
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notanislander · 7 years
shellibug replied to your post “One Condition”
I enjoyed this a lot :)
Thanks so much @shellibug! I had fun writing it!
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Sunday Stumped Day 18
It’s another Sunday Stumped Day.
Sometimes we straight out get stumped.  So each week on Sunday we’ll post of a list of asks that we need your help on.
If you have an answer to any of these shoot us a message/ask/reply with the Post number and the fic number and we’ll add it and give you a shout out with our thanks. Any links you can provide will also be super helpful.
Post 1 , Post 2 , Post 3, Post 4, Post 5, Post 6, Post 7, Post 8, Post 9, Post 10, Post 11, Post 12, Post 13, Post 14, Post 15, Post 16 and Post 17 can be found here - and there are still fics we need your help with.
210. keenwolfstudent-3c51c42e said to everlarkficquestions:  
Hey! Do you know the story in which katniss and peeta were best friends growing up and peeta broke his leg and lived with her
POSSIBLY Love Is... by annieoakley1 or Middle School by hey_you (part of the Star-Crossed Lovers Series)
Thank you @shellibug @jennagill @nightlock-89 and @alex1vazquez!
211. keenwolfstudent-3c51c42e said to everlarkficquestions:
Hey do you know any stories in which katniss is at dinner with the mellark and she sees mrs mellark being mean to peeta
Behind Blue Eyes by maxwellandlovelace
Speed Date by Everlark_Pearl
Thank you @nightlock-89 and @jennagill!
212. amazinglovers747 said to everlarkficquestions:                                          
Hi are there any fics where Katniss and Peeta are getting married and Katniss is nervous?
213. themaiahblr said to everlarkficquestions:
I’m looking for a post Mockingjay fic, where Katniss gets kidnapped by rebelling peacekeepers and they keep her in like a shed behind their victor houses and I think Peeta’s the one that finds her. And that’s pretty much all I remember, thank you sooo much for your guys help!!!
FOUND! chapters 74-76 of Much Worse Games to Play by panskiss123
Thank you @florence68blog @the-alwayseverlark and @bandathebillie!
214. honoro23 said to everlarkficquestions:                                                        
Do you know of a fic that is set in the growing back together timeline, it starts off with Peeta walking in on Katniss laughing at buttercup falling, later on Katniss has on new boots and falls out of a tree I believe?  
215. pantsless-wonder said to everlarkficquestions:                                            
Looking for a post-MJ fic where Katniss has just found out she’s pregnant and then Gale comes to visit and he immediately knows and tells Haymitch, who comes to the bakery after she’s spent the day with Peeta. Then later, Katniss punches Gale in the face for telling and he tells her he’s getting married to some chick from 11. Sound familiar? I think I found it on one of your pregnancy masterlists, but I have no idea which one.  
216. elaine-spades said to everlarkficquestions:    
I’m trying to find a story where everlark are married via Capitol, but Katniss treats it like it’s a real marriage
Have Heart, My Dear by monoreslittle
Thank you @sunsetrmydreams!
217. countingthestars said to everlarkficquestions:                                            
Any fics where _katniss, peeta, gale, Johanna and finnick_ Are trapped in a forest but not in the games. Thank you.
218. faithandcertainty said to everlarkficquestions: 
Is there any fics where Peeta has powers and uses them to protect Katniss in the Games, or anything similar? I came across a fae!Peeta fic that was amazing but it wad incomplete with only a few chapters.
219. marvelous-taytay said to everlarkficquestions:                                             
HI!! I love your blog ❤︎ i want to know if there are any fanfics  where peeta is insecure about his prosthetic leg?
FOUND! Talking Body by atetheredmind
Thank you @florence68blog!
Do any of these fics ring a bell, please let us know!
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Hello my birthday is on 15th November and I would love a drabble. Everlark being passionate would be great! The author can determine in what way please. Thank you all for providing us with new stories to read :)
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Wishing you the very happiest of birthdays! And to help celebrate, the amazing @katnissdoesnotfollowback has come through again for us with this delightful bit of Everlark passion. Enjoy!
Between the Covers
RATED T/M: for mild sexual content, a handful of curse words, and shameless references to multiple fandoms.
Drumming her fingers on the table, Katniss stares down her aggravatingly placid boyfriend. He lifts a spoon from the bowl to his mouth, thoughtfully crunching the cereal as his eyes skim steadily over the page. She finished her meal several minutes ago, but it’s not the food she’s interested in right now. It’s the book in his hands – the one with the glossy red cover and the shimmering onyx bird stretched across both sides – that interests her.
His spoon clanks as he sets it on the rim of the bowl and calmly turns the page. One corner of his mouth twitches and then rests. It’s infuriating. She needs to know what’s causing that half smile on his face.
“Are you done yet?” she snaps into the quiet of their kitchen.
A growl rumbles in her chest as his blue eyes lift at a glacial pace to meet hers and his pink lips curve into a smile that she usually finds adorable. Not today. There are lives at stake here. Granted, they’re fictional lives, but that doesn’t make the urgency any less potent.
“Almost,” he says and she fumes silently as he returns to reading, his mouth quivering in suppressed laughter. Insufferable.
She crosses her arms on the table and glares daggers at him, willing him to just this once, forgo his usual methodical and thorough reading habits in favor of speed. They were lucky to get this one copy from the library, although his reading pace may convince Katniss to fork over the exorbitant price for a hardback just so she can blaze through the book at a more satisfactory pace. She’s not sure how many more times she can read “Praise for ‘Game of Crows'…” off the back cover of its sequel while she waits and fights the urge to break something. By now, she’s got all of the reviews for the first book of the series memorized and has come up with at least fifty possible reasons from the obvious to the obscure for why the author chose to title the second book: ’Taking Flight.’ If only she’d picked rock instead of paper, she’d be the one inching ahead in the book by one chapter.
“My offer to read aloud still stands,” he taunts before opening his mouth for another bite of his cereal, eyes fixed on the page.
“You use weird voices,” she accuses. And there’s also the fact that Peeta is enamored with one side of the ridiculous love triangle the author has shoe-horned into the books. In an attempt to sway her to his side of things, he puts emphasis on the romantic bits between the protagonist and her forced partner in survival.
“That’s so you can tell who’s speaking,” he says with an exaggerated roll of his eyes.
Katniss snorts and rests her head on her crossed arms, bouncing her foot in impatience. With the way Peeta spins words, he could probably convince her to want those two together despite the actual plot of the story. She’d rather make up her own mind on the matter, thank you very much.
They fall silent once more as Peeta continues to read and Katniss mentally runs back over the last chapter she read when it was her turn. She reads so fast compared to Peeta that she could probably squeeze through two maybe even three chapters in her next turn with the book, but that would violate the agreement they have of one chapter per turn. It’s a strange custody arrangement and she swears she’s gonna hit him with legal fees for hoarding if he doesn’t finish soon so she can move forward from the cliff hanger the last chapter ended on.
“Done,” Peeta announces, carefully marking his page and closing the book.
“Finally!” Katniss leaps up and snatches the book out of his hands before he can lay it down on the table. She races from the room and flops onto their bed, vaguely telling him to have a good day at work as she immerses herself in the story and Peeta leaves their home for his shift at the bakery. Since she doesn’t have to leave for her own job for another thirty minutes, she’s confident she can power through at least one chapter.
“I love you, Aliyana. I always have,” Jasper asserts, his grip on her arms tightening. “We could leave all of this behind us. Start that life we always talked about.”
“I don’t know. Maybe we could if we left, but–” the weight of her actions and their unintended consequences crushes her. She cannot abandon those who depend on her. “It’s not just me anymore, Jasper. They’d torture the others if I left. I have to bring them with us.”
Jasper glowers at her and she feels her hopes for a rapid escape fleeing.
“And I suppose we’d be a happy little family, huh? You, me, and Rohan?”
Indignation burns on her cheeks at his insinuations. Of course she can’t leave Rohan behind. They’d destroy him to get to her and she’d never be able to live with herself. Not after all that they’ve done for one another.
“It wouldn’t just be him. It’d be all of our families too,” she insists breathlessly. Jasper shakes his head, his stormy eyes growing angrier by the second. But in her desperation to convince him, she loses mastery over her words. “I’ve told you. I did what I had to do. And I needed him at the time. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Now we have to go before things get worse–”
“Get worse how?” Jasper interrupts.
“What’d ya think?” Peeta asks before clenching a slice of toast between his teeth so he can pass her the marmalade. It slides across the counter and she stops it with her palm, shrugging in response to his question.
“I still think the romance is ridiculous,” she hedges and Peeta scoffs. “It’s not needed in a dystopian story.”
“Sure it is,” Peeta argues around his toast and Katniss playfully rolls her eyes. He grabs a plate and places his breakfast on it before continuing. They’ve already had this discussion a hundred times, but until the final book in the series comes out next year, they probably won’t agree on it. Maybe not even then. “The love story is the emotional heart of the story. It shows us that no matter how bad things get, humans are still capable of great love and great sacrifice in its name.”
“Maybe,” Katniss shrugs again and smiles at her flustered boyfriend. She admits to herself that she kinda likes riling him up like this. It brings out a passionate side to him that he usually tries to keep locked down, releasing it primarily into his sketch book, or into his work, or – her favorite – in their bedroom. But they’ve both been so engrossed in reading the book that neither one of them has had the energy to initiate intimacy. For now, though, the story rests in a brief lull and she’s craving just a bite of his uncontrolled passions. Nearly the entire last chapter was the protagonist waxing poetic about one of her unfortunate love-interest’s eyelashes. Pssssh. As if people in love actually do something that corny. Besides, Katniss still thinks the romance between Aliyana and Rohan feels contrived.
“I just don’t think it feels real between them,” she argues.
“He’s unfailingly loyal to her, always there for her, has become her confidante and partner in more ways than one,” Peeta argues as they move with their loaded plates to the table.
“Okay, he is now, but why would he love her in the first place? He barely knew her until a few months ago.”
“I think he’s more observant than you’re giving him credit for.”
“Creepy,” Katniss shudders and Peeta looks away from her, focusing on his toast.
“She makes him stronger,” Peeta whispers and Katniss swirls her sugar in her tea before adding milk to both their mugs.
“And he does nothing but cause problems for her. I mean, what about Jasper?” Peeta’s knife clatters to the plate and she looks up from her own food, startled at the wide, astonished gaze he’s giving her.
“Do not tell me you want her to end up with Jasper. The guy’s a meat-head. All bluster and no substance.”
“If you’re going to give Aliyana a love interest in the name of survival,” she continues, ignoring his analysis of the character, “why not someone she’s known most of her life? I mean he’s her best friend. They work together without speaking. It just makes sense. Aren’t you the one who’s always saying the greatest loves start as friendships?”
“Yeah,” he mutters and Katniss keeps going before he can say something eloquent to derail her arguments.
“I just think Rohan needs to do more than be a hopeless romantic before he convinces me.”
“He risked his life for her,” Peeta deadpans, his smile creeping back on his face and one eyebrow lifting. “Thrice.”
At this, Katniss falls silent. She’s got no argument for that. Her phone buzzes and Katniss picks it up off the table, grateful for the distraction from the discussion that was turning a little too serious for her comfort level. She smiles slightly at the name on the caller ID.
“It’s Gale,” she explains to Peeta and answers the phone, completely missing the strange look Peeta gives her as she hurries from the table.
“I’ll be right down,” she tells Gale, gathering her bow and gear from the closet.
She pauses to bend down and kiss Peeta, momentarily stunned when he wraps an arm around her to hold her close, his other hand winding through her hair as his lips coax hers into a deeper kiss. By the time he lets her go, she’s breathless and tingling and certain that her cheeks are flushed and her lips are swollen.
“See you tonight,” he whispers before letting her go and returning his focus to his breakfast.
“Yeah,” she breathes out, adjusting the bag on her shoulder. “See you tonight.”
Ice flows jagged in her veins as she halts just inside the shelter, the familiar red armbands of State Justice an ominous sign. She hopes Jasper was able to make it back to his own shelter undetected.
“There you are!” Rohan calls to her. “I told them you’d be back shortly, but they insisted on waiting. Problems securing the perimeter?”
Aliyana relaxes as Rohan throws an arm around her, the unspoken warning clear in his gaze. She yelps a little, and covers by pressing her lips to his cheek. When she pulls back, though, she can tell he sees right through her ploy. He knows that she’s hurt. But before they can take care of her injuries, they need to get rid of the State officials.
Closing the book, Katniss stares at the cover, the words of the last chapter playing over and over in her head. She wants to focus on the story, the mystery of who the government entity is that keeps getting in the way of revolution, and what game they’re playing by throwing Aliyana and Rohan back into danger so soon. She absently runs a hand over the cover and watches Peeta through the bathroom door as he brushes his teeth.
As much as she hates to admit it, she’s starting to see what he meant about love being the emotional heart of the story. She could do without the cheesy lines and the contrived romance, but love is plastered across the pages and lurking between every line. The love between family and between friends. Between comrades in arms. For the person who is your last hope in a world where there is no hope. And she’d be lying if her heart didn’t stutter when Rohan stepped up to protect Aliyana yet again, even after she’d basically told him she loved Jasper and Rohan no longer had anything to gain by doing it.
Peeta spits out his toothpaste and washes his hands, leans over towards the mirror to take out his contacts. She fixates on the soft glow of the lights on his hair, the blonde locks she loves running her fingers through, as it’s soothing to her. The brief shimmer of his lashes when he blinks to adjust his eyes to the absence of the contact lenses. Despite their disagreements, it’s been nice reading this book series together. There has, of course, been the stimulating discussions over breakfast, the commiseration every time Aliyana loses someone close to her, the teasing to read faster so they can find out what happens next. But more than that, she loves hearing him articulate his thoughts on a particular passage, gaining more insight into the soul she fell in love with.
He possesses such a way with words, she often wonders why he doesn’t write stories himself, but then he’s also so skilled with pencil and paper, creating worlds worth of words out of white space. She’s so lost in her thoughts that she startles when he snaps the bathroom light off and joins her in bed.
“Finished with the chapter?” he asks, gesturing towards the closed book.
“Yeah,” she says.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“No,” Katniss says and tilts her head, struck with a thought. “Actually I want you to read the next chapter. Aloud.”
“You just don’t wanna have to wait for me to get through it,” he teases and she shrugs, scooting closer to him, knowing that he’ll give her exactly what she wants. He almost always does.
“Maybe,” she admits.
“Alright,” he agrees and accepts the book from her.
He props up his pillow to lean back on it and Katniss shifts the covers so she can lay with her head in his lap. She holds the book while he slips on his glasses, snuggling deeper when he cracks it open and the scent of fresh pages wafts over her. She closes her eyes and relaxes into the sound of Peeta’s voice, and even though Aliyana and Rohan are once more fighting for their lives, the soothing touch of Peeta’s fingers as he toys with her hair lulls her into a state of bliss.
The wind howls over her voice, drowning out her warning. With a snap and a snarl, the wolves descend on Rohan. He slashes with his knife. She fires arrow after arrow into their midst, taking out the monstrously altered beasts, but it’s not enough. He’s still too far away from her.
“Rohan!” she screams as one of the wolves leaps onto his back and the two bodies tumble down the snow covered hill, out of her sight.
“I just don’t see the appeal,” Gale mutters. A red-faced Delly opens her mouth, clearly about to launch into another squeaking tirade when Peeta diplomatically steps between the two, suggesting that Delly help Annie get the sides organized and stop distracting Gale from cooking the meat. Once they’ve been separated, Peeta returns to Katniss’ side and shakes his head slightly.
“Thanks. I was starting to worry we might have a fist-fight between our best friends on our hands,” she says, planting a small kiss on his cheek. He flushes slightly and examines her. Embarrassed at her uncharacteristic display of affection, she averts her gaze, concentrating on getting the tables set with flatware and napkins. Peeta picks up a stack and helps her.
“One of the many dangers of shipping wars,” Peeta says and Katniss laughs.
“Guess we know which half of the triangle Delly’s rooting for. I’ve never seen her like that before,” Katniss whispers.
“And Gale too, apparently. Can’t say that I’m surprised by either of their choices,” he says.
“What do you mean?” she asks, an unintended bite to her tone.
“Nothing,” Peeta insists. “All it means is that they relate to one character more than another, so that’s the one they’re rooting for.”
As they work, Katniss tries to find holes in his argument, but she can’t. It makes perfect sense. So then how does that explain her? She’d stayed up late last night, reading while Peeta went to bed early to prepare for his morning shift. She’d only meant to read one chapter, but when things had gotten harrowing and mutation wolves had attacked Rohan, she’d sobbed for a minute and then torn through the subsequent chapter until she was certain that he wasn’t going to die. Katniss didn’t want him to die. Slowly, chapter by chapter, he’d worked his way into her heart with his patience and kindness and ability to make both her and Aliyana laugh in their darkest moments.
Not unlike Peeta.
The thought stops her mid reach to place another fork on the table as all of Peeta’s strange reactions in recent days suddenly make sense in this new light. When he glances up at her and gives her a sweet smile across the table, warmth flows through her.
“Katniss likes Jasper,” Finnick’s voice reaches them, shattering the moment as she looks sharply back over to where he and Gale are manning the grill. Delly scoffs loudly as though she can’t believe this discussion.
“I knew Catnip would be on my side,” Gale says with a smirk in her direction. She squirms uncomfortably, but not wanting to cause more drama amongst her friends, she doesn’t correct Finnick. Doesn’t tell him that she’s not so sure anymore.
“I’d rather there not be a love story at all,” she tells the group instead, falling back on her original complaint. “Poor Aliyana has enough to worry about in her life without adding the complication of deciding which boy she should be kissing.” Thankfully, that deflects the discussion in a new direction and she breathes a sigh of relief.
“We both know how this ends,” Rohan says softly, opening his waterproof packet and showing her the contents. “If only one of us can live, it has to be you. There’s no reason for both of us to take this risk. You have your brothers, your parents. And Jasper. You have a chance at a future. A real life after this revolution is over.”
Aliyana blinks down at the pictures hiding behind his identity papers. She can’t imagine how he got ahold of them, but her family smiles back up at her, bringing on a wave of homesickness so powerful, she nearly reels with it. She reaches out to caress their frozen faces but pauses, jerking her hands back. Isn’t this what she’s wanted for months? The chance to return to her family? But as she lifts her eyes to meet Rohan’s, she can’t utter the words to accept his offer.
“Why does it have to be you?” she asks instead.
“There’s nothing back home for me. No one waiting for me,” he says simply.
She tries to imagine it, her home without him in it. Unbearable pain shatters in her breast, the onyx shards of damage lodging in every part of her until tears prick at her eyes. The words slip out before she can second guess them or doubt them.
“Yes there is. I’d be waiting for you,” she whispers. He opens his mouth to argue, but she’s done running. All it’s done for her is make things worse. So before he can speak, she covers his lips with hers.
“YOU CAN’T END A BOOK LIKE THAT!” Katniss screeches and launches it across the room in a tantrum.
“Huh. It seems the book is aptly titled after all,” Peeta murmurs.
She looks up at his smiling face and grumbles an apology. He still hasn’t read the chapter and has no idea what she’s talking about. But to just end a book in a series that way? It’s cruel.
“How long until the next one’s released?”
With a shrug, Peeta sets aside the drawing he was working on and brushes some of the hair off her face.
“Six months, I think. Cliffhanger?”
“The worst.”
“Guess it’s lucky we were so far down on the waiting list at the library, then. We should probably get our names on the waiting list for the next one right now.”
“We’re. Buying. The. Next. One.”
“If that’s what you want,” he says as she struggles to sit upright. He stands once she manages it and walks across the room, picking up the discarded book while she fumes on the couch.
Unbelievable. She rages internally and tries not to scream anymore as Peeta settles back on the couch and starts reading. She would’ve asked him to read this last chapter aloud as well. Ever since the night she asked him to do so, that’s how they’ve been reading most of the chapters anyways. Today, though, their work shifts didn’t quite line up and Katniss had been unable to resist the temptation of finishing the final chapter, even though it was technically Peeta’s turn with the book. When he’d gotten home early and found her pages deep on the couch, Peeta hadn’t minded, instead lifting her head off the cushions and settling with it in his lap while he drew and she read voraciously.
She can tell when he’s getting closer to the end because his brow furrows and the pages flip faster and faster. He’ll definitely be going back to re-read this one to catch all the tiny details he loves to absorb.
“What the hell?” he asks, releasing the book and leaving it open in his lap.
“See?!” she complains, and Peeta looks up at her with his mouth twisted in disbelief. “I can’t believe Aliyana would leave his side like that. All that whining about not being able to leave him behind. Two chapters worth of her agonizing on how to keep him safe in the Tundra, and she pulls that shit? I can’t.”
Katniss stands and paces the living room. She needs to calm down.
“So it’s the inconsistency of her character you have a problem with?”
“No!” Katniss yells, exasperated. “She left Rohan behind! I don’t care how capable or strong he is; you don’t leave behind someone that you love!”
Peeta blinks, his expression dumbfounded. Katniss, meanwhile can’t get over the emotional trauma of the two characters separating. It manifests in a physical ache deep in her chest. She unwillingly relives that one time she and Peeta fought so horribly they almost broke up. They’d worked through it, but the searing pain of that night when she realized her stubbornness might have finally driven him out of her life forever remained in her memory. A visceral reminder of how damaged beyond repair she’d be if she ever lost him.
“Peeta,” she calls out tremulously, and he’s there, wrapping her in his strong arms. She sinks into the comforting warmth as his lips skim over her hair, her ear, and down her neck as she clings to him. Enveloped in his love, she gradually calms.
But the motions of his hands over her back awaken a different sort of need in her. Turning her head, she kisses along his neck. When she reaches his ear, he shivers. His fingers clench, pulling her shirt taut.
“Katniss,” he murmurs, his breath hitching as she winds her fingers through his hair and tugs to bring their lips together. Gentle kisses spiral quickly out of control until he lifts her in the air. Her legs wrap around him as he stumbles towards their bedroom. Despite his muffled protests against her lips, she doesn’t stop kissing him. She’s hampering his vision and doesn’t care, not even when they crash into a corner.
“Fuck,” Peeta curses and she bites his lip before sucking it into her mouth to soothe the sting, turning the harsh word into a moan.
Somehow, they make it to the bed and tumble onto the surface. Scattered kisses as they peel clothes from one another until they’re laid bare. Peeta lifts her once more, yanking back the covers before laying her on the cool sheets.
“So beautiful, you never fail to take my breath away,” he whispers before covering her in his warmth and tugging the sheets up over them. He reaches out to turn off the bedside lamp, but Katniss lays her hand over his wrist. He looks down at her and she blushes under his heated gaze.
“I…I want it on tonight.”
Peeta responds not with words, but with a caress over her cheek and a warm smile. Her toes curl into the sheets as he remains supported on one arm, the other hand painting down her body. As her lips part on a sigh, he kisses her again, making her request for light seem silly as she can’t seem to keep her eyes open. Not even when his lips leave her mouth to blanket her body in kisses.
She grips the pillow as he disappears beneath the covers, writhing and whining at the pleasure he incites in her blood. Her feet flex painfully as she reaches for what he’s pushing her towards with his hands and mouth, crying out when she takes flight, trembling as he returns to kiss her lips. Moaning around the taste of herself on his tongue. At the feel of him joining their bodies together.
They rock in a slow rhythm, hips and lips and quiet sighs providing all the discussion they need. As he caressed her earlier, so she does to him now, capturing his lips with hers to drink the sounds he makes before their movements separate them once again. His arms shake and hips stutter, and not wanting to let this end just yet, Katniss pushes against him so that he rolls onto his back.
Taking command, she’s better able to watch each tiny flutter of his expression as they move. To focus on the feel of him and his hands on her. She gets lost in the shadows cast across his features by the meager lamplight. The glow of his irises, impossibly deep and blue as he watches her with blazing awe. Unable to look away.
He grips her hands and holds her up as her strength begins to flag. Peeta’s strained moans and whispered words, the way he bites his lip to keep it from quivering, and then she’s soaring high, taking him with her.
Strong arms wrap around her as she floats back down to rest on his chest, her cheek absorbing the rapid thuds of his heart. They lay there, entwined, his fingers trailing random patterns on her back as she tries to catch her breath, thinking that this would be the perfect end to a chapter in their lives.
Midnight Release: The final chapter in the exciting ’Game of Crows’ trilogy… ’Corvid Rising’
Reserve your advance copy today!
He’ll never let her live it down if she admits to him that she’s completely changed her mind about the stupid love story. In preparation for the release of the final novel, Katniss rereads the first two books. The slower pace she takes on this reread allows her to notice all the little details, and the monumental meanings behind several of the grander gestures, that sway her to agreeing completely with Peeta. It isn’t just that she’s come to love Rohan as a character, although that helps. It was what Peeta had once said to her. They protect each other. Make one another stronger. Now that’s a love story she can get behind.
But she can’t tell Peeta that. He’s already suspicious, having suggested a bet on the outcome of the love story a few days ago, a knowing smile toying with his lips as he nearly caught her in her guilt. She refused to take the bet because she couldn’t bring herself to wager in support of a pairing she no longer saw as viable. When he pressed her for a reason, Katniss had hidden behind her stand-by argument, even though it rang hollow this time, and she swears Peeta could smell her lies.
“Sure you don’t want to take that wager?” he whispers and she clenches their receipt in her hands. Keeping her eyes focused on the line ahead of them, she nods.
“No!” someone in the bookstore gasps and Katniss peeks sideways. There’s a girl sitting cross-legged on the floor, a coffee cup next to her and the shimmering blue cover of ’Corvid Rising’ – the bird now golden with silver stars arching over one of the spread wings – opened and hiding her face. Katniss bites her lip and tears her gaze and her mind away from jealousy that there are people who already know Aliyana and Rohan’s fate.
“How about this instead?” Peeta says, his warm breath tickling her ear. “Since I still maintain that it’s not about who she should be kissing but about who she wants to be kissing – every time Aliyana kisses Rohan, I’ll eat you out. Every time she kisses Jasper, you suck me off.”
Katniss gasps as her cheeks and significantly lower areas warm. She glances around her to see if anyone nearby can hear his whispers. But no one’s paying attention to them, too focused on the line waiting in front of them.
“If she winds up with Rohan,” Peeta continues when she doesn’t immediately object, “you get to pick our sexual positions for a month. Reverse if she ends up with Jasper. Think of it as consolation.”
Licking her lips, Katniss finally turns to smirk at him.
“And what if she winds up with neither of them?”
Peeta grins and leans back over her to whisper in her ear.
“I’ll still make you come on my tongue.”
Delightful shivers run up and down her spine, and the potential of this wager far outweighs the much more tame one he proposed earlier in the week. That one involved the dishes and taking out the trash. This one, she figures, is an all-around win for her. A slow smile spreads over her face and she nods.
“You’re on,” she says.
It’s a good thing they both took the day off to catch up on sleep and to read, because by the time dinner rolls around, Katniss thinks her legs have turned to pudding and she’s not sure how Peeta’s able to still use his tongue to read the final chapter aloud. As he reaches the last words and smiles up at her, Katniss takes the book from his hands and tosses it aside.
“I’m assuming the terms of our bet are effective immediately. So…get on your back, Peeta.”
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archervale · 8 years
shellibug replied to your post:I’m really really tempted to buy a pikachu onesie...
I bought one two days ago for my son but I keep looking at it thinking it would probably fit me too and it looks so snuggly…
Oh really? Nice! 
It looks really comfortable! I’ll probably end up getting one haha 
0 notes
am2c · 8 years
shellibug replied to your post:I feel like I’m drawing my last everlark fanart :(
No! Please don’t let it be your last! I love your Everlark art so much <3
ooh  tahnk you, I hope it’s not my last one, but I don’t know I haven’t had a lot of inspiration lately :(
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andthisisthewonder · 8 years
@shellibug: I'm glad you are feeling better and life is good :) I'm really looking forward to reading your words too!
Thank you! I really appreciate the encouragement :)
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