sillymuses Β· 1 year
"Listen, if I want to eat an entire tub of ice cream out on a bench then I'm going to do that. Judge me and I'm flicking globs of this at you."
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She'll have no regrets either because her mood is currently rock bottom. "I'm just...going through a rough patch, okay? I deserve sympathy points, not judgement."
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monmuses Β· 1 year
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"Y'KNOW, IT'D BE PRETTY FUNNY IF I ENDED UP DYING IN THIS MURDER MYSTERY. BE THE VICTIM FOR ONCE. I'LL HAUNT EVERYBODY." He's planning do to something stupid for this event, and he won't tell anyone.
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galaxofmuses Β· 1 year
Moved into thread for @shermphibia
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Wren raises a brow at this Sonic and putting his hands on his hips. Something about this mobian seems so off for him. He has seen and heard so many Sonics from other Zones and Universes. Unfortunately he had never met anyone from the EXE zone, until now. He has no idea what is in store and he remembers Skyler going through a lot of recovery from the war to being tortured by dark entities.
Taking a deep breath, Wren looks at his communicator watch and with no time to spare. He has no open icebreakers for this.
"I think I'm good."
Then he proceeds to walk away without knowing the consequences.
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"Wow, that's like 06 all over again..."
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pcrplevenom Β· 1 year
hands soldan a knife.
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"Crimess! The besst kind are bad people causin' havoc, and I sstop 'em!" Soldan, no. Don't overdo it, this is going to be increasingly getting worse if more stabby-implied weapons are involved.
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strebcrarchivess Β· 1 year
πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ // you can do this for any muse dkdhdkd
Send πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ for a shit post edit of your fucking muse!
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lyriccl Β· 1 year
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"I'd been thinking about joining an idol group, but... I'm still not sure."
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sonicprim3d Β· 1 year
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The duality of man.
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erthlyheavn Β· 1 year
@shermphibia liked for a starter with Candy!
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"Awww! Aren't you the cutest little...whatever you are!" The succubus cooed, reaching down to pet Jibanyan on the head. There were many strange creatures in Hell, but she had never seen the likes of him before. "Got a name lil' guy?"
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chosenshepherd Β· 1 year
Closed starter for @shermphibia!
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"Ah, aren't you cute...?" He can't help the smile that escapes him, crouching down next to the tiny red cat, before stopping himself to add. "...Sorry, we have cats sort of like you where I'm from. I just couldn't help but be reminded of them when I saw you,"
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fstbmp-a Β· 1 year
@shermphibia replied to your post β€œHonestly this just feels like the usual S&M club...”:
It's so scary to me and I don't even have a fear of clowns .. he might be the reason why I'll start to gain one -
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Please don't gain a fear of clowns, they've done nothing wrong and the smear campaigns against them are so bad... John Wayne wasn't even an actual clown...
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sillymuses Β· 1 year
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Making a trip across the globe was pretty easy when you were a giant kaiju! Of course, during land travel Ruby made certain to keep a constant eye on the ground. Had to be careful of hikers and travelers after all. Speaking of which, she sees one right now! She takes a moment to stop before giving a friendly little wave from up above.
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monmuses Β· 2 years
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this is canon. no i don’t take criticism. its hilarious β™₯
(credit to @flyatahighergame​ for editing the icons and making this 10x better, ilysm)
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galaxofmuses Β· 1 year
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He ain't gonna hesitate to chuck a chaos spear at Akio lmao.
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lxrdboxmxn Β· 1 year
@shermphibia liked for a starter
For some odd reason , P.V has specifically instructed that he and K.O try some of this -- BONDING stuff .
And well , technically , sure , Boxman was the boy's step-father now . But what does he have in common with the kid he's tried to destroy for so long ?
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Why not try the "Cool parent" approach ? Kids loved cool parents , right ?
´´ K-dawg ! How about you and the B-man go -- Ride some skateboards ? ´´
Clearly he hasn't been young for a hot minute .
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"Have you always felt the crushing weight of responsibility upon your shoulders?" // Dragged from my own ask memes , Ai for Miku ?
hey thanks for making me write this tear jerking response hope this long arse answer is to your liking! :')
"Ever since I've met new friends in Lawain City...When it comes to contractual obligations..? Yes."
Contractual obligations.. Hearing made her heart sink already.
"Ever since my early idol days I didn't have to deal with that, not before, not after I joined MEIKO-san and KAITO-san's team, the team of my biggest idols."
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"Even if we are talking about other kinds of obligations I didn't feel the weight back then. I had fun performing in front of the crowd and I didn't think much of the future, mostly because I didn't have anything outside of my idol life. My idol life gave me something that I could call my own."
It was an experience she really hoped didn't turn the way it's going now.
"By the time our team crew big enough to the point contracts were officially needed, I wasn't bothered by it at first-- heck, I don't think most of us were bothered by it at all. It all seemed fine so far... Some time later, we grew so big that we had been doing world tours. It went nice thus far, even with the tiny slip ups here and there, but it bother us...And then we find out our next couple of concerts were being held in a city we thought didn't exist. Lawain City...It sounds strange-- almost out of this world and it was... But we chose to do it anyway."
When it came to talking about it she had to take a few seconds to think of a way to say it without making her tear up.
"...At first it was like our life was going mostly normal, with some unique oddities here and there. Like in that city those who are under the age of 18 who are working are required to at least go to school to study, but we get financially compensated by it's government. So I thought that it was just another thing I need to get through so I can do concerts until we're done..." She started clinging to her own legs, wrapping her arms around those while still making eye contact.
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"...But man, I wasn't ready for the reality I faced at that point. Back when I was just an ordinary girl I wasn't much liked by many-- not that they hate me, it's just that they were not interested in being friends with me. In that other school in Lawain city however, the difference was night and day even if I went by another alias I can't deny that people were more willing to make friends with me, with my first friend there making the biggest difference."
Remembering these experiences, Miku's trying to be stoic enough to continue the conversation.
"...I have classmates there who became friends. I wasn't the most popular kid there but I had friends. That first friend of mine treated me like I was just his friend, even if I basically revealed to him who I really was. He didn't see as just another idol, but a friend who he can have fun with, share experiences, talk to. You know, like friends are. It was at that point where I had the realization that I cared about being here-- cared about staying in that city. The contract was somewhat in my mind, but it was many months till we have to deal with that."
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"Halloween came and...I decided to dress up as myself for the Halloween party at school-- I did it because I wanted to be myself for a moment while people won't think a second that they really had a famous idol at school. There was supposed to be a performance there too, but the one who should be there wasn't able to come so the party almost ended up in a downer. As an idol wanting to keep the mood up, I decided to perform, not as my alias, but as myself-- as Miku. I thought revealing my identity was a mistake because I might get too much attention. In the end I felt like it was a mistake, but not on that part. My schoolmates were enjoying and they still treated me as their equal. These days after that party I enjoyed school a lot more than back in my early days..."
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"...I was liked for once, I had people who genuinely cared instead of just either being nice for gains and that party just amplified that...A month later, Rin and I found out it was just months away till our last concert in Lawain City. After these concerts, I will have to leave my classmates, my new friends...M-my first friend who I gotten close to."
"...Okay me, don't cry..."
She had to wipe a few of the tears that were falling from her face.
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"B-by then I wanted to stay there-- outright wanting to make that city my new hometown, but I can't cause I am still contractually obligated to go back there. It hurt but I thought I wouldn't be alone...Then I found out Rin and Len were arrested for causing trouble, but instead of being imprisoned or something, the police officer who arrested them knew of their status as orphans and adopted them, since they knew that the officer was my first friend, who he was also good friends with them at that point. I was happy for them, but the realization that I had to leave my close friends at that point stung more. I didn't want to leave that city even more now..."
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"...So here I was, realizing that...I-In after a few months, not only will I have to say goodbye to the city, to the people, friends, but also close friends and colleagues...And by then, I realized that I regretted having that contract, b-But by then I can't go back...So all I can do is to push on, even if it hurts.. Then the next day I brought the two to their new home, they even let me stay here...W-with him too...By then I wondered why it's hurting me that deep still.. But then I realized the biggest reason why it hurts the moment I tried to say what was in my mind to him..."
"I...Couldn't say it. It was like my voice was gone the moment I wanted to say it, b-but I can't...But I needed to say it..." She now couldn't stop herself as she let those tears she held back flow.
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"...I couldn't do it-- I couldn't leave this place, I couldn't leave him-- I'd miss him TOO MUCH. If he wasn't there we wouldn't have parents for Rin and Len to finally be raised under, we wouldn't have had the fun stupid times that teens should have, we wouldn't have found out what our life could be life outside of idol life-- I wouldn't have felt like my wellbeing mattered without him! YES I know that there must be people who care in our team but STILL!....With the pressure of obligations, pressure to meet the fans' expectations.. I'm just a girl with a limited mental capacity to deal with these things-- a girl who wants someone in her life to have someone who supports me and he's there to ease this burden, to enjoy life together-- and it's only a limited time till I have to leave him!"
"But we're idols, right? we can't have these things like a normal private life with someone who we can go on a date and marry and even if we do our life gets ruined because of it by some of the worst of our fans and even our bosses."
"So why is that when we're doing our best to lift everyone's spirits--"
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"That we can't have anyone who can lift ours!?"
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