stainedglvss · 4 years
hello everyone! my name is kate and this is my take on a modern, non-magic cinderella! i hope you like her, damage and all, and i can’t wait to rp with you <3 see below for the basics on ella!
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✦ — [ jenny boyd. 22. she/her. cinderella ] ELLA TREMAINE was just spotted coming out from SOCIOLOGY CLASS, with LORDE, LIABILITY; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their CALLOUSED HANDS, FARAWAY LOOK, LONELY SMILE. CINDERELLA is not one to be forgotten.
abused/neglected as a child thus wants to become a social worker
has finally escaped her step-family and is paying her own way thru college
on scholarships & work study after her mentor (fairy godmother) encouraged her to continue her education
doesn’t do study groups but organizes collaborative Google docs and always helps others who don’t get the material
has a tattoo across her collarbone honoring her late father
she has trouble with messes—a product of her traumatic childhood, everything in her dorm is tidy and clean
she is somewhat a fashionista and dresses up for every occasion, no matter how small
she very much values her alone time as time to recharge and unwind
she’s a bit of a daydreamer and sometimes thinks too far into the future
very punctual
she is very generous but knows when she’s being taken advantage of and will not stand for it
she has built up massive walls and doesn’t let many people close to her though she is always friendly and kind to others
she can come off slightly cold or standoffish because she shies away from personal subjects
wants nothing more than to become a social worker and save children from what she went through as a child
not a naturally gifted student but works very hard to do well
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charmiingprince · 4 years
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𝓚𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓵 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷, 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓾𝓷 𝓗𝓪𝓲𝓵 𝓽𝓸 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓚𝓘𝓝𝓖
✦ — [Sam Corlett. Twenty-Three. He/him. Shrek ] CHAD CHARMINGTON was just spotted coming out from THE DRAMA CLASSROOM, with JONATHAN GROFF, YOU’LL BE BACK; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their SELF PROCLAIMED DASHING GOOD LOOKS, OVERALL COCKY ATTITUDE & FAKE CROWNS. PRINCE CHARMING / CHARMING is not one to be forgotten.
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
alright so Charming is very much still Fairy Godmother’s son (she works on the uni staff but that’ll come into play later probably) - and of course we’re keeping his drive for musical theatre that was on full display in the third movie (even if he is atrocious at it). as for the whole Fiona situation, in this version he was never really ‘betrothed’ to her like in regular canon, but he has openly admired her beauty and attempted flirting with her on numerous occasions for as long as he’s known her.
and I’d imagine at some point or another he’d have met Shrek and developed a burning, scorching hatred for the man.
✦ — personality
Chad is utterly selfish, arrogant and uncaring about most around him, classing most if not all people that don’t directly affect his life as ‘less than him’ and wastes of his time. he sees himself as a prince despite the lack of a tie to royalty and he will proclaim how much better than you he is on a very regular basis.
he can however truly care for specific people when they offer him something that he would deem worthy to care enough about, but other than that he’s almost entirely fuelled by self-love and determination to prove his worth.
✦ — your characters schooling
Charming basically only studies well in his drama classes, which totally doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that his mother is the drama teacher and he can get away with anything that he desires. he doesn’t really attend his other classes and spends more time just flirting with the other students on campus, or trying to impress them regardless of their interest In him.
He’s currently housed in the Clumber House
✦ — two connections
( Sam Corlett ) our CHAD CHARMINGTON is looking for UTP to fulfill their DRAMA CLASS RIVAL. They would be 20-26 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @charmiingprince.
( Sam Corlett ) our CHAD CHARMINGTON is looking for UTP to fulfill their ‘TUTOR’. They would be 20-26 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @charmiingprince. Description: essentially, this is just someone he’s paying to do all his work for him. so like, be smart and do his work and he’ll pay you a very large sum of money.
✦ — three head canons
- Chad has a sizeable collection of fake, but realistic looking, crowns on display in his dorm room which he will frequently just wear as a casual accessory.
- Despite the constant gloating about being physically and mentally superior to all he comes across, Chad wouldn’t be caught dead playing any kind of sport as he simply cares too much about his good looks to potentially cause any damage to it.
- Charming? Overly defensive about his sexuality to mask the fact that he’s one hundred percent pansexual? you know it. absolutely.
✦ — ooc.
JD. 19. GMT. male & he/him, no triggers.
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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✦ — [ jessica vu. 21. she/her. pixie hollow/disney fairies ] VIDIA PHAM was just spotted coming out off THE TRACK, with MARINA, OH NO!; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their TOP OF THE LINE ATHLETIC WEAR, LIGHTNING FAST REFLEXES & UNSHAKABLE AIR OF SUPERIOIRTY. VIDIA is not one to be forgotten. 
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" i am a fast-flying fairy, a true rare talent ”
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
i’m keeping as much as i can from the movie canon, really, though there isn’t that extended a backstory for her anyway. i’m keeping her snooty attitude, her tendency to distance herself from others and place herself above them, her skill at speed and agility, all that. her modern day counterpart is going to be a track star instead of a fast flier.
✦ — personality
“ my wife is a bitch and i love her so much ” asgh
vidia is ... in so many ways, unpleasant to deal with. proud, condescending, secretive - just overall prickly and a nightmare to handle. her need to compete and be the best is a barrier to a lot of otherwise positive relationships. a clever and driven girl no doubt, but it’s not like any bodies getting close enough for long enough to experience it. she’s extremely talented and accomplished and unfortunately she’s let that go to her head a little ( see: a lot )
but much like her film counterpart, i think she does have quite a lot of insecurity and loneliness in her. there’s probably some regret lingering there for all the times she lashes out or pushes people away. she has an incredible capability for kindness and a soft streak in her, although buried deep deep under layers of judgement and selfish tendencies ... she just needs someone to drag it out asdf. definitely the kind of person that could be greatly influenced by the people around her - a more kind and openminded friend group would probably see her softening her iron grip significantly
+ self-assured, strong-willed, independent, assertive, strategic, clever, protective, alluring, charming, confident 
- sly, vindictive, sarcastic, jealous, vain, competitive, short-tempered, guarded, condescending
✦ — your characters schooling
her main reason for being at sherwood is more as a high performance athlete and less so for an actual degree - she spends most of her time training on the track and in conditioning as opposed to actual classes. a sprinter and runner more than a student, really. as a result her coursework is slightly reduced as compared to a regular student. as dislikable as she is, you have to admit she’s pretty good at her sport. an olympic contender, even
her interest in her studies is not as high as her interest in running, but she aims for high marks regardless because vidia is just like that: always has to be the best. her attendance really just depends on her whim of the day; she doesn’t purposefully skip class often, per say, but she also has no guilt about not going if something more interesting crops up
she’s studying business half because she just had to pick something and half so that it will be useful later in her career in a sports management kind of capacity
she doesn’t really have any time for clubs aside from participating in track meets and maybe the relay team
i would love for her to room at clumber house x
✦ — two connections
( JESSICA VU ) our VIDIA is looking for UTP to fulfill their OLDER SISTER. They would be 22-26 and would most likely look like LANA CONDOR. You DO NOT have to contact the player. description: vidia doesn’t have a sister in the movie obviously, so the disney character you choose could be anyone you have muse for, but i thought it might be interesting for the two sisters to be complete opposites ? vidia is ... kind of a bitch i’m going to be real, so if they actually get along or not is open to plotting
( JESSICA VU ) our VIDIA is looking for UTP to fulfill their EX GIRLFRIEND. They would be 20-23 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. description: for all that vidia is charming and attractive and passionate, she’s probably not super great girlfriend material unless you’re into someone constantly pointing out your flaws. while she was genuinely into this person, there’s a solid chance it was also her fault they broke up .
✦ — three head canons
you know those gymshark girls ? that always seem to be rocking a new perfectly colour coordinated athleisure outfit every day of the week with their sleek ponytails and shiny sneakers and somehow manage to look impeccable even though they’re supposed to be working out ? yeah that’s vidia
she’s definitely more of a sprinter than a long distance runner - she’s all about going as fast as possible and crossing distances in the shortest amount of time. hence her events are more along the lines of the 100m or 200m. also, her teamwork skills are shit so that basically kills any chance of professional relay
she definitely has no qualms about stringing along guys for a bit of fun or a no strings attached hook up here or there, but romantic wise she’s much more into women ( not that she’s the committed monogamous type anyway ). there’s a 90% chance that if she can ever get over her emotional vulnerability issues or someone can ever stand her for long enough to be her longterm partner, it’s probably going to be a woman
big slytherin energy
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ianlightft · 4 years
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‘The clear path is never the right one’
Name: Iandore ‘Ian’ Lightfoot Age: 20 DoB: May 18th Major: Literary Arts Year: 2nd (started late due to some personal issues) Dorm: Clumber House
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
Ian’s family dynamic is much the same; supportive older brother, mostly having been raised by a single mother until his teens when she started dating again, lost his father to cancer before he was born. Grew up in the suburbs outside Detroit in a moderately comfortable home life with his dog Blazey but not a lot of friends between his brother’s antics and his own tendency to be shy as a kid.
Obviously his magic is gone but that’s replaced with an exceptionally sharp creative streak inherited from his dad, and a lot of pressure to be like him. His family always expected him to become a talented computer programmer like Wilden, a real tech ‘wizard’ but it wasn’t what Ian wanted and led to a lot of doubting himself.
✦ — personality
+compassionate, +curious, +intelligent
-scattered, -anxious, -withdrawn
Ian has lived much of his life in a careful sort of way, being born very soon after his father’s death from a long-term fight with cancer, his mom was very protective of her youngest child and it affected him. A bit on the neurotic side, he very much wants to connect with people but is awkward in the attempt.
Most of his life he’s depended on his family, especially his big brother, to encourage him and give him that sense of safety. Unfortunately, they’ve also always projected how much he reminds people of his dad in a well-meaning way. Ian has struggled with the idea of longing to have known his father but weary of being compared to the memory of someone he cannot connect to.
He can be bold, but more for the sake of others than himself, and he tries hard but falters more than he likes to admit. He’s earnest and charming in his clumsy way, loyal to a fault, but also rather stubborn and doesn’t always see the bigger picture at times. He’s also a bit dependent on others so far as being vulnerable to manipulation in his eagerness to fit in somewhere.
✦ — your characters schooling
Ian is majoring in Literary Arts, surprisingly, since everyone expected him to take to tech like his dad. But he writes, that’s what he wants to do; most of his classes reflect that, along with some standard classes. He enjoys learning, very focused and fixated on details; his organization skills are great.
Unfortunately he’s less adept in physical classes and basically avoids sports teams for that reason unless he’s on the sidelines. Even then he finds it dull, honestly.
He’s a bit too withdrawn to be overly involved in clubs, but he does hang around the theater club at times to watch them. He wants to be much more social than he seems to accomplish being and drifts from one idea to the next without having yet found any club where he’s wanted to stick around long.  
✦ — three head canons
Ian’s only recently discovered his interest in other people, earlier efforts having been a disaster and resolved to the idea he was asexual.  Turns out not so much. He figured he wasn’t straight but being gay took a while to come to terms with. And that’s awkward. He’s not even told his family yet, even though he’s pretty sure they’d be okay with it. But now he has something else to add to the list of things to figure out about himself, apparently. Which is just great, oh yeah, he’ll just work that whole self-affirming sexuality thing in between classes and studying, sure.
Dorm Life. 
Let’s just say Ian is an interesting roommate to have. Because while he’s at times a typical college student in some ways; he’ll wear his favorite hoodie or flannel overshirt for a week straight and live on vegetarian pizza, he has just as many odd habits. Like a time limit to how long he can live in messy chaos before he has to clean the entire room and organize things; about a week or so before he gets twitchy. And expect post-it notes to be everywhere, he lives by them. He’s easy enough to get along with, but his roommates really aren’t thrilled that he binge-watches old sci-fi movies all hours of the night and has two alarm clocks just to drag out of bed in time for class.
Ian is never without a notebook, or a few of them; he writes to-do lists and scrawls down memories with an avid determination. All he ever had from his dad was an old picture or two, so he’s determined to commit the things he wants to remember to paper to save them forever. It gives him a sense of control over a life he’s always felt lacked that, lists and notes to give him confidence, life penned so that it’s always there to look back on. He thinks like a writer and finds a sort of calm in the ability to capture his days with words.
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terrixporter · 4 years
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✦ — [ diamond white. 21. she/her. Hercules ] TERRICKA “TERRI” PORTER was just spotted coming out from THE DANCE STUDIO, with KEKE PALMER, TWERK N FLIRT; playing as a constant tune inside their  head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their DANCE BAG WITH THREE DIFFERENT PAIRS OF SHOES, CONSTANTLY CHANGING HAIR, 120 UNREAD TEXT. TERRI is not one to be forgotten. 
✦ — Some wanted plots
good friends
party buddies
eh honestly anything I’m an open book just come plot with me
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
Terpsichore is one of the Muses in Hercules (the one with the bantu knots). She is the muse of dance and Terricka’s major is going to be dance. Her personality isn’t really shown too much throughout the movie so I get to build one for her.
✦ — personality
Terricka has a very big personality, she has ever since she was a kid. She’s always been on the move which prompted her mom to put her in dance classes at the youth center by their house. Her family was not really well off so Terri learned how to take care of herself since her mom ALWAYS had work and be very independent which can sometimes be her downfall she never thinks she needs help.
Terricka is one of those people who is really the life of the party when she walks in the room her presences is known whether she’s dancing around or just talking to everybody. You’re going to see her. She walks around like she’s THAT GIRL, her confidence is really through the roof but she’s still really friendly. If you’re nice to her she’s going to return that but if you aren’t she can be hot headed and isn’t afraid to go toe to toe with someone.
+ confident, creative, outgoing
- hot headed, overly independent, busy body
✦ — two connections
please,  give us here two connections. or if there’s any connections that you  wouldn’t mind who played them, feel free to add them here. ( please use the connection form )
( Diamond White ) our Terricka is looking for one of The Five Muses  to fulfill their sister/cousin. They would be 18-27 and would most likely look  like UTP as long as they look similar. You DO NOT have to contact the player.  
( Diamond White ) our Terricka is looking for UTP to fulfill their DANCE TEAM MEMBER. They would be 18-27 and would most likely look  like UTP . You DO NOT have to contact the player.  
✦ — three head canons
Name pronunciation (TEAR- ICK- UH)
Terricka has over 100 unread text because half of her group chats are muted they stress her out.
If there’s a dance challenge for a song she knows it and will burst into dance whenever it’s played no matter where she is.
To get a little extra money Terri party promotes and host for anyone who wants her to. She figured she’d be there anyway she might as well get paid to have fun.
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starliiits · 4 years
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✦ — [ sophie simnett. twenty two. she/her. the great mouse detective. ] SCARLETT ‘LIV’ FLAVERSHAM was just spotted  coming out from WELBECK MANOR, with THE REGRETTES, SEAHORSE; playing as a constant tune  inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by  their WORN SNEAKERS, A CAMERA HANGING AROUND HER NECK AND  SUNFLOWER SYMBOLS DRAWN ON HER SKIN. OLIVIA FLAVERSHAM is not one to  be forgotten.
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
there’s not much to take from canon but i’m planning to keep her father as one of her only living relatives and will expand on this with a little twist. as well as keep her close relationship with him.
✦ — personality
+ charismatic, driven, intelligent.
-  ambiguous, stubborn, indecisive.
scarlett is charismatic and driven. she doesn’t like to give up easily when she’s passionate about something. she’s intelligent and creative but she can also be ambiguous and stubborn. her conflict with herself and who to be in life  subtlety   revealed through the cracks of her usual friendly demeanor.
✦ — your characters schooling
aside from the standard curriculum, scar is currently enrolled in photography. she’s your average,  everyday   student; trying to keep track of school, work, her own things and what’s left of social life. Her grades are fine. (she makes sure she’s worth walking down these halls.) but her passion really lies with photography. it’s something she’s picked up at the age of sixteen and has loved ever since.  she’s quite happy to further her education in this direction. she lives in welbeck manor.
✦ — two connections
( SOPHIE SIMNETT ) our SCARLETT FLAVERSHAM is looking for UTP to fulfill their CONFIDANT. They would be UTP and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @starliiits. Description: someone she trusts and confides in about her suspicions and fears regarding her mother’s past.
( SOPHIE SIMNETT ) our SCARLETT FLAVERSHAM is looking for UTP to fulfill  their BEST FRIEND. They would be UTP and would most likely look  like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player.  @starliiits.
✦ — head canons
scarlett’s mum passed away when she was fifteen. after a long year of silent hospital visits and the empty spark of hope, she’d had to say goodbye to the most important person in her life. it’s hard to fill the void of grief after that and both scar and her father try to deal with it. grateful to still have one another while overcoming the pain of losing someone else. they leave london for a small city near wiltshire; her father claiming a fresh start will do her good. and scar doesn’t leave the quirky town until she’s nineteen and given the chance to go to sherwood.
sherwood looks like everything her mum had described and more. and scar spends some of her time there re-reading through the old and withered diary she’d found in the attic upstairs. what’s funny though, is that she notices things she hadn’t before. like the crossed out lines that have her question the meaning and names she’s never heard her mum mention. It isn’t until she actually finds some old documents and photo’s on campus that scar really decides to dive  a bit more into her mother’s past.
now,  at twenty two, having been trying to gather more information about her mum’s time at sherwood for over a year, she’s becoming more and more wary of her own heritage. there are things that aren’t adding up and pieces that don’t fit with the family story she’s grown up with.  she’s starting to suspect her mother might have had some secrets she didn’t want revealed. but what scar doesn’t know is that some things are better left unsolved and that her mother’s secrets will impact everything. including that of two men. 
true to her english roots, scar loves tea. she even has a watercooker installed in her locker.
while it started out as something only her dad used to call her by, starlet now seems to have earned its place as go-to nickname for scar. her friends going even as far as shortening it to star.    
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inthewiings · 4 years
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𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓻𝓾𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓬𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓮 𝓞𝓾𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓻𝓾𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓷
✦ — [Camren Bicondova, Twenty-Four. She/her. Tangled ] CASSANDRA STRICKLAND was just spotted coming out from THE FOREST, with THE OFFSPRING, YOU’RE GONNA GO FAR, KID; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their DECORATIVE DAGGERS LINING THEIR BEDSIDE, OVERLY DARK EYELINER & A TIRED GAZE FROM SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. CASSANDRA is not one to be forgotten.
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
So, for Cassandra’s backstory I’ll be keeping it mostly the same - she was Gothel’s biological child but for the simple fact of her mother being quite frankly the worst person on Earth and presumably not ready to raise a child - she abandoned her in their home at a very young age, but luckily enough, Cass knew how to call the local authorities and when they arrived she was taken in by the police chief and raised, which in this scenario will be replacing the guard captain who took her in.
✦ — personality
being raised by a police chief is enough to toughen someone out, but not to the point of being completely closed off, Cass has a dry and deadpan sense of humour so don’t expect much out of her in the ways of reactions and the similar. however she does communicate in the ways of snark and sarcasm so be prepared to deal with a lot of jabs and remarks at your own expense. She’s admiring of those in higher positions of power than her and respects anyone with a high enough drive to better themselves.
✦ — your characters schooling
since Cass is working on continuing in her ‘father’s’ path - she’s been taking her classes in physical education and criminology. Anything that would benefit her when she eventually continued on into that field.
She’s very diligent in her studies and takes them all incredibly seriously. absolutely does not tolerate any kind of messing when it comes to schoolwork.
She’s currently housed in the Welbeck Manor
✦ — two connections
( Camren Bicondova ) our CASSANDRA STRICKLAND is looking for FLYNN RIDER to fulfill their RIVAL. They would be 20-26 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @inthewiings
( Camren Bicondova ) our CASSANDRA STRICKLAND is looking for VARIAN to fulfill their TOLERABLE ACQUAINTANCE. They would be 20-26 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @inthewiings
✦ — three head canons
- The whole ordeal with her birth mother is a bit of a sore subject for her, she chooses not to bring it up ever and as far as she and anyone else is concerned, her adoptive father is her true family.
- Cass is about as ‘model student’ as you can get, but of course that leads to quite a few sleepless nights as she stays up studying for hours and hours on end.
- She spends most if not all of her spare time (when she isn’t studying) in the nearby forest as it feels like one of the only places she can get some peace and quiet.
0 notes
hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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✦ — [ josephine langford. 22. she/her. peter pan ] WENDY DARLING was just spotted coming out from the LIBRARY, with ALESSIA CARA, SEVENTEEN; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their DELICATE BLUE RIBBONS, HAIR TUCKED BEHIND THE EAR, & WIDE DOE EYES. WENDY is not one to be forgotten.
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✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
i’m keeping a majority of the canon information that you get at the beginning of the movie - wendy comes from an upper middle class family from london, where she lives in a fairly respectable home in bloomsbury with her two younger brothers, her parents, and their family dog, nana. the family has a decent amount of wealth and privilege and as a result she grew up with pretty firm expectations of what a ‘ respectable lady ‘ looked like
also similar to the movie, she was pushed into a maternal role in raising her two younger brothers from a young age, and due to the fact their parents were constantly out at various work events and charity functions, she had a heavy hand in looking after them. i’d imagine they’d still be quite close, but from wendy’s side at least there’s always that barrier of feeling like a parent not just a friend or sibling
i think the main place her backstory would differ from the movie is in the lack of visit from peter pan and adventure to neverland - that was kind of the one thing that helped her cling to that love of stories and childhood whimsy and not wanting to grow up, and without that happening she much more quickly caved to the pressures from her father to grow up and abandon frivolous pursuits. this modern day wendy is a lot less inclined to dreaming and flights of fancy
✦ — personality
squeaky clean, bright eyed bushy tailed girl next door. in general just gives off the clean cut aura of the perfect all american girl ( or i guess in this case british girl? ) – sweet and innocent and golden. her parents raised her incredibly well, to the point they were almost forcefully overbearing, and that polite demeanor definitely shows
as the eldest and only daughter, her parents were very preoccupied with raising her to be mature and responsible and grown up, and to help take care of her younger siblings. she really took this to heart, and as a result can come across as a little ( a lot ) uptight. she’s lowkey way too formal even in everyday life and holds herself very prim, very proper. manners on point ( read: looks like she’s never had a day of fun in her entire life ). everything is about presenting herself as capable and respectable and perfect, and while she means well, she can come across as a little judgmental. she would probably rather jump off a cliff than break the rules or do anything remotely risky like … ever
to go with this, she’s also probably a little naïve. circumstance has left her pretty sheltered – the definition of book smart with 0 street smarts. experience outside her own very structured and suffocating upbringing has been fairly limited, and i don’t even think she recognizes how naïve she really is, she’s definitely the type that thinks she knows everything and yet could easily get fooled in 2 seconds flat. very mom who thinks they know best, sometimes condescending without intending or realizing
however, as much as her family has tried to squash and mold her into more practical and respectable pursuits, she does retain an almost lifelong love and appreciation for storytelling and the fantastical. beneath her more stern and buttoned up persona, there’s more whimsy and imagination than you would probably expect, it just needs to be teased out. i think that’s something she’s grappling with - her more innate dreaming side versus the mature expectations being thrust upon her
i just really want to play on scenes from the movie like when peter is trying to get her to come to neverland and she’s all “ but i need to pack! i need to leave a note! i need to do x y z !! ” or when the mermaids are teasing her and she gets all indignant and stuffy. or even when all the lost boys are jumping here there and everywhere and she just plops down in the middle, entirely unwilling to participate. just that tight laced inability to let go
+ mature, maternal, poised, eloquent, responsible, meticulous, organized, rule abiding, kind, imaginative
- uptight, perfectionist, sheltered, naïve, stubborn, judgmental, self critical, pretentious
✦ — your characters schooling
currently wendy’s major is education, which her parents strongly advocated for. she enjoys it to an extent - there is something to be said for sharing the things she enjoys with a new generation, and she’s quite good at it teaching, if she does say so herself ( all those years looking after her siblings paid off ) she could see herself being content with that. but her true passion is really creative writing and fantasy literature; the only reason she’s not pursuing it is that she’s been told time and time again by her parents that it’s not a useful or adult degree and that she needs to pursue something more practical and mature. she does still try to take as many literature electives as possible, though, despite this
she’s an okay student, fairly clever but not overwhelmingly naturally gifted, but she’s incredibly earnest and tries to make up for it through hard work and dedication
wendy’s also involved in a fair amount of extra circular activities - again, at the urging of her parents. a lady must be well rounded, after all. student council, tutoring, and orchestra are all things i can see her being involved in. she probably also pops her head into the book club when she get’s the chance, more for her own enjoyment than any perceived obligation. she is a BUSY lady  
i can def see her being roomed in welbeck manor because her parents are afraid of the co ed dorms haha and are convinced it’s the more respectable option
✦ — two connections
( JOSEPHINE LANGFORD ) our WENDY DARLING is looking for JOHN DARLING to fulfill their YOUNGER BROTHER. They would be <22 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hvnriks. description: i would love for this to be a fairly close relationship, at least outwardly, but that carries maybe an underlying tension between them ? wendy loves her brother, of course she does, she literally helped raise him, but i think she may hold some jealousy or bitterness under the surface for the expectations that she was forced into as the oldest and the mother role she was expected to fill while he got off a little more scot-free
( JOSEPHINE LANGFORD ) our WENDY DARLING is looking for PETER PAN to fulfill their BAD INFLUENCE. They would be UTP and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hvnriks. description: i just really love that dynamic of good girl responsible wendy trying her damn best to be a grown up and peter crashing in there and ruining it all. there’s definitely a part of her that wants to rebel and experience all the things she never got to so i can see her very easily being lead into bad decisions, no matter how much she may complain about peter’s so called immaturity. or even getting her heart broken if that’s a route we wanted to go  
✦ — three head canons
definitely the proper little lady in more than just demeanor - wendy went to an all girls private school growing up, as well as was educated in a lot of the more formal arts, such as ballet and violin and even etiquette. her parents were very dedicated to raising her as a  ‘well rounded and well adjusted young lady ’, for better or for worse. ( they’re also the ones that basically picked sherwood for her on the basis that it was a highly respected institution with a good reputation ) she’s also picked up a lot of the more homely skills, such as cooking and sewing and the like, as a result of looking after her brothers and filling in as an almost second parent
has 100% never dated or even really had a crush on anybody. absolutely naïve and misinformed about the perils of romance and going to get taken advantage of
dresses a little … stuffy. a little boring. for all that she’s actually quite adept at sewing, she tends towards the safe options. a lot of soft cardigans and peter pan collars ( ha ) and plaid skirts in soft colours. just another facet of her proper british lady persona that i don’t think she’s even crafting intentionally. just exactly how you would imagine a good private school girl to dress
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dcrlingbluebird · 4 years
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✦ — [ natalia dyer. 23. she/her . Disney ] WENDY DARLING was just spotted coming out from CLUMBER HOUSE , with BISHOP BRIGGS, TEMPT MY TROUBLE; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their CURLY BROWN HAIR, SAPPHIRE-BLUE EYES , LACE DRESSES. BLUEBIRD is not one to be forgotten.
Name: Wendy Moira Angela Darling Age: 23
Birthday: May 2nd
Gender: Female
 Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'2
Zodiac: Taurus  
Parents: George and Mary Darling
Siblings: John and Michael Darling.
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
I’m keeping the fact she grew up in London with her parents and two brothers but I’m making it so that her father is the CEO of the company Darling Industries since I think it makes sense for Wendy to come from, more or less a privileged family that places expectations on her with a lot of responsibility for what she does.
✦ — personality
Wendy radiates warmth and kindness as her mother taught her the basic “ treat others the way you want to be treated” rule and a few other life lessons.
She likes being on people’s good side by charming and helping them in whatever way she can to gain their friendship.
Wendy at times can be a little manipulative or deceitful when she’s trying to dodge responsibility for something she’s done by turning the situation against a person or point the blame on someone else entirely.
Her more sarcastic comments will hurt depending on how well she knows you and Wendy track down the thing you’re most sensitive about and point it out to you in a even more negative light. again, this depends on well she knows you.
✦ — your characters schooling
Wendy is studying international relations and political science but loves subjects like chemistry or geography and doesn’t exactly understand physics but she wants to get better at it for a good grade in the class.
The clumber house is her home away from home.
✦ — two connections
( NATALIA DYEE ) our WENDY DARLING is looking for KILLIAN JONES to fulfill their ENEMY. They would be 25-27 and would most likely look like UTP. YouDO NOT have to contact the player. @deannahartsworld. Description: I just love a good rivalry tbh
( NATALIA DYER ) our WENDY DARLING is looking for TIGER LILY to fulfill their BEST FRIEND. They would be 24-26and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @deannahartsworld. Description: Wendy and Tiger Lily friendship is super underrated and I need it.
✦ — three head canons
let us know more about your character, and how you’ll be playing them
• Wendy got the nickname Bluebird from getting a bluebird pendant from her grandfather but what really drove it home was her falling out of a tree after it and flailing her arms out like a bird would when it flys.
• Wendy has dozens of shoes in her closet even though she claims not to be the materialistic type and hoards most them until they get too small for her.
• Wendy wished she could’ve brought their family dog along but he’s a little too old now and her brothers would miss him around the house.
✦ — ooc.
ooc anna. age. est. female & she/her, mutilation and clowns.
WANTED CONNECTIONS: all of em’. I don’t care whether it’s friend, rival, or lover.
make sure to check out our CHECKLIST !! and ROOMMATES have now been updated !
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diavalcorbeau · 4 years
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Diaval Corbeau was just spotted coming out from the tree near Thoresby house, with Cage the Elephant, Ain’t no Rest for the Wicked; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their sharp smirk just waiting to surface, scrutinizing eyes trailing and nearly silent steps. Diava is not one to be forgotten.
Name: Diaval Corbeau Age: 23 DoB: April 11th Pronouns: He/him Sexuality: Vastly questionable/apparently raging pansexual Distinguishing features: Several tattoos, scars across his ribs left side, tends to squint his left eye to focus it from an old injury.  Hometown: None, was born in the Boston area though.  Studying: General law (2nd year) Housed: Thoresby 
+quick-witted +observant +loyal +adaptive -Vain -sneaky -sarcastic -unpredictable
Diaval is a creature of chaos, or so he's been told. His very birth an ill-planned result of happenstance, his place in an already strained family not a welcome addition. And starting out on shaky ground it's little wonder he depends on little else but himself. When the ones biology itself encouraged to look after you always had their own agenda how does a person ever learn to have faith in anyone? Once there was a little girl who was kind to him, she was an almost-friend, but that was a lifetime ago.
He's no tragedy though, and will tell anyone that in no uncertain terms; he's a creature of his own design. A gorgeous design, all in all, brilliant and with such sharp claws. Sharp tongue too, if you ruffle his feathers. If you make the mistake of asking why he's so blunt, didn't his parents ever teach him any manners? He'll laugh because that's not what parents teach; they teach you to lie, steal, cheat, they teach you to survive so they don't feel guilty walking away. 
Find him admiring himself in the mirror, sure, but mention it and he'll snap back with a sarcastic remark, you're better off just leaving him to his own devices. Unless something comes up missing, or you might need something a bit questionable because Diaval has an eye for shiny things. 
His soft side is trapped fluttering in the cage of his ribs; never cross him or the few he nests with. He's a possessive one, with his trinkets and his people, and every underdog recognizes their own. Love him or hate him, it makes no difference, but don't ever lie to him about it; nothing earns his torment more than false intentions. 
Once upon a time he wanted to be more than he thinks he is now. He stares at the raven tattoo across his shoulder and wishes freedom came that easily. He might just envy the people whose family speak of them with kind words, or even at all, those with siblings still alive and homes to return to. But it's fine, he's fine, in fact he's better than fine. Because he doesn't need any of that. Diaval grew up too fast and was far too old for fairytales long before he was alone in the world. 
Death tw, child abandonment tw, child neglect tw
The world is a strange place when you live on borrowed time. It's not any looming grim visage that Diaval knows lurks though, simply the past; because he has always been the master of his own destruction.
It didn't start that way. But when a person is born into nothing, meant to be nothing, how can they reach beyond it? His mother and father already had a brood of two when he arrived, he was a mistake. But a mistake with big eyes and a sweet smile, a beautiful child. The perfect distraction really. When the family legacy was grifting it only took some creative thought to turn a mistake into a profit; who could say no to an innocent little boy when he was lost? Couldn't find his mommy?
He was taught to lie, to lure, long before he learned to read. Because his mother couldn't curb her want for a drink other than when she had a child on the way and his father had wild ambitions of great wealth that he was certainly going to take more than earn and a weakness for gambling. For all the early years he never knew anything else existed. It was fun, never staying anywhere long, living in hotels and cars; it was an adventure.
The shine wore off as he reached his youth, when the teachers he saw for classes a few weeks until they moved on stopped bothering to keep track of him. While his peers, never friends because friends lasted longer than a month, played games and talked about their excitement over upcoming holidays Diaval loathed the coming cold and sparse days it brought. He'd go to bed hungry often and he knew that. His little sister was born in the winter, that was the nearest to ever feeling like Christmas he knew.
It was a few summers later that his elder sister left the nest, an old family saying for the truth that the family went on without her. Some little town in the middle of nowhere was the home she picked, and he never spoke to her again. The next year his mother and father disappeared in the early morning hours, only a note left behind and a trio of their puzzled offspring. Sometimes he still hopes things turned out better for them than it did him.
His older brother was realistic, having both a teenager and a toddler in tow made life more difficult. But it was all any of them had left, all he had left; big brother Dainial and little Maeve.
They came to an unspoken agreement. Diaval stepped in and turned a blind eye to his brother's increasingly risky actions; Maeve became his focus. He likes to think he did well enough keeping her happy, teaching her what he could, watching her grow with an increasing amount of pride. Then one day Dainial didn't come back to the hotel, one day another life ended and two left behind never said goodbye, one day Diaval was seventeen with a six-year-old looking at him like he knew all the answers.
He spent their last day together visiting her favorite places, bought her everything he could, then he left her standing in a hospital waiting room with the promise of the best surprise ever. He hopes it was, he hopes people were kind and the family she found was enough to forget the one she began with.
The years afterward Diaval survived, just as he was taught. It was the only gift his parents had ever really given him. He thrived, actually, but it wasn't a lifestyle made to last. Tiny crimes built up, small arrests began to trail him from state to state. The irony that the breaking point was in the crime he didn't commit is a bitter one. The shock that followed came just as swiftly in the form of an uncle he never heard mention of. Some rich guy related to his father that managed to track him down by police records? Diaval didn't really buy it but the alternative was much more abysmal, so being bailed out? It could have been worse.
Except he didn't think the guy was going to toss him into some high-class, preppy university and expect that to make up for the family's blind eye all those years. It's by no means ideal, Diaval knows his uncle's good graces are more a threat than an offer of help; make something of himself or he'll call off the lawyers working on his pending trial. Shape up or be locked up. He's not sure what the guy's angle is yet but college is still marginally better, while it lasts.
He's already a ghost, chains wrapped tight and just waiting for the lock to shut. But how is that anything different than what it's always been, his wings have always been snared but they're certainly not clipped yet.
Diaval doesn't want to be at Sherwood. But he wants less to end up on the bad side of the uncle who gave him the ultimatum of school or airing his transgressions. Birds don't do so well in a cage; he'll take classes to prison any day. Mostly. 
Since he has to study, and he enjoys the irony of it, he's studying law. At least until his uncle finally gives him up for a lost cause. Might as well know how the other side lives, right? Those lawful, useful sorts; it must be dull.  So he drifts through class, far too smart to fail but far too bored to put up more effort than needed to get by. He could excel but what's the point? It all ends up the same place in the end, an education isn't going to change his past. And that always catches up. 
But he's a common sight in the social spots, networking, because everyone knows if there's something you need to get your hands on? Diaval is the one to go to. 
He resides in Thoresby, again thanks to his uncle, but it suits him just fine. Some of his housemates aren't the brightest crayons in the box so they're fun to get stirred up. But it's all harmless, usually
Diaval would be a loner if he wasn't so determined to prove he's not limited to any label. He settles himself right in the middle of any situation that catches his eye and makes himself at home. If there's a bigger dog in the fight? He's got teeth. But, honestly, for the most part he feels like life is just going through the motions anymore. When it comes to most people he's hardly malicious. Snarky? Without a doubt. But he's rarely out for blood without a reason. 
Maybe it was his upbringing but he's not a fan of the dorms. He has a bed and his collection of trinkets lying around, his stash of possessions that is in constant change, but Diaval is rarely there at night. He might hop to whomever might hold his interest and invite himself along to their room for the evening, in either a platonic sort of way or not depending on his mood, or he might wander outside. He enjoys sleeping in trees, loves that high vantage point on the world.
He never felt much in the way of honest kindness growing up so he covets it more. With his intense amount of confidence he could be a real jerk to those who aren't as bold, but he tends to mother hen them. Maybe they remind him of the little sister he'll never see again, or maybe he just hates the way the world destroys good people. But for all his snapping commentary he'll step in when it's obvious someone isn't fighting fair, he might not care to be involved in most of the foolishness around him but he's not a bully, nor does he like them.
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rxnwild · 4 years
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✦ — [ sophie turner. 21. she/her. brave. ] MERIDA DUNBROCH was just spotted coming out from THE GYM, with BRUCE SPRINGTEEN’S, BORN TO RUN; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their WILD RED HAIR, AURA OF MISCHIEF AND BEAT UP COMBAT BOOTS.. MERIDA is not one to be forgotten.
✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
The main aspects of her character and her family are staying the same (tense relationship with her mum, big fan of her dad, always mildly annoyed by her triplet younger brothers, has a horse.), she still spent her childhood running wild through the highlands and shooting arrows and being anything but a ‘proper little lady’. She’s not the heir to a clan but instead the supposed heir to a multi-million pound whiskey company (Dunbroch Whiskey, Scotland's Finest since 1809), but she doesn’t want to be because she’s scared of being stuck in one place for her whole life.
✦ — personality
Merida has always been known as the wild child of the family, never backing down from a competition (or a fight, much to her mother's annoyance), always looking for something new to do and willing to try anything once. She’s never met a person she can’t have a conversation with, even if the other person ends up finding her annoying they’ll always come away from it remembering her name. Despite being a little wild, a little free spirited, a little loud, she’s always incredibly caring about the people she lets into her inner circle - it’s small and restricted, she doesn’t let many people full in, but when she does she’ll defend them for life. Merida has been known to get into situations without fully thinking them through first, often resulting in her having to call her parents for help and sitting through a lecture of proper etiquette for an ‘heiress’. It’s never stopped her from repeating the same mistakes. 
(+ outgoing. adventurous. compassionate.)
(- oblivious. argumentative. impulsive.)
✦ — your characters schooling
It came as much surprise to her family when Merida had declared she was going to be studying history, with a focus on her own Scottish heritage. It wasn’t that they didn’t think she was smart or that she wasn’t interested in, it’s more the fact she’d never really shown much interest in school at all. Always slacking off, putting in minimal effort and avoiding things if she could. Her grades are never going to be perfect, but Merida has perfected the art of the average grade. C’s across the bored with the occasional B thrown in, just to mix it up sometimes.
Her real love is the archery club that she started, lugging targets across the grass when it’s dry enough and setting them up inside when it’s too windy. Hitting a target has always been something she excelled at and is often happy to teach others her skills too.
She’s housing in Clumber House. 
✦ — two connections
( sophie turner ) our MERIDA DUNBROCH is looking for UTP to fulfill their ARCHERY BUDDY. They would be 18-22 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @yoururlhere. Description: just someone that she hangs out with, shooting some arrows and egging each other on. either competitively or as friends. they could also just be friends outside of archery i honestly don’t mind!
( sophie turner ) our MERIDA DUNBROCH is looking for UTP to fulfill their ENEMY. They would be 20-22 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @yoururlhere. Description: this is based loosely on the witch in the woods from brave, the one who gives merida the bear potion. it’d be someone who pretends to have here best interests at heart but is actually just trying to ruin her life/reputation. possibly someone from a rival company and/or clan.
✦ — three head canons
Merida has been competing in archery competitions since she was old enough to hold a bow up by herself, at first they were just friendly things between friends at school or family members. But when it became apparent that she was beating them all each time, and not being shy about it, her dad signed her up to the Scottish Archery Club and let her loose on them instead. By the time she was fifteen Merid had won four world competitions and been banned from seven different clubs/locations around the country. Ever since turning eighteen and taken to drinking in pubs, Merida has started playing darts too, finding it a fun pass time and also making extra money via bets.
Though there is a pretty big age gap between her and her three younger brothers, Merida is very close with them. She knows that they’re all different and all equally as entertaining. While they don’t talk on the phone every day, she makes a point to text all of them intermittently throughout the day and they have a group chat that is mostly full of homemade meme’s about their mum. 
When she was eighteen, after a bad fight with her mum about her future, Merida had stormed up to her bathroom and cut off half her hair. The curly red locks had once reached the middle of her back but when she was done they settled unevenly above her shoulders. Her mum had almost fainted when she’d gone back downstairs an hour later, while her brothers and dad had stared in a mix of horror and amusement. It was a truly terrible haircut, and had taken nearly two years to even out a little (mostly because she had refused to go to a hairdressers to fix it). Now Merida keeps her hair shorter, the longer strands reaching the top of her spine but when wet reaching the middle of her back. She thinks it’s much more dealable. Her mother is still upset.
✦ — ooc.
rosrioe. 24. gmt. female. she/her. none. 
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hallcweentcwn · 4 years
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ᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴀɴ, ᴊᴀᴄᴋ, ɪꜱ ᴋɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴍᴘᴋɪɴ ᴘᴀᴛᴄʜ -                                                  ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ ʜᴀɪʟ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴜᴍᴘᴋɪɴ ᴋɪɴɢ!
✦ — [ penn badgley. twenty six. he/him. the nightmare before christmas ] JACK SCELETUS-KING was just spotted coming out from THE LOCAL COSTUME SHOP, with MITSKI, CARRY ME OUT; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their IMPRESSIVE SHAKESPEARE COLLECTION, ALL-BLACK ENSEMBLE, AND THE CHRISTMAS BELL-ESQUE JINGLE OF HIS ASSISTENCE DOG – ZERO’S - COLLAR. JACK SKELLINGTON is not one to be forgotten.
back to basics;
name: jack anthony sceletus-king
name significance/meaning: ‘god is gracious’, named after the classic jack-o-lantern
gender: cis male, he/him pronouns
age: twenty six
sexuality: bisexual
birthday: october 1st
zodiac sign: libra
place of birth: salem, massachusetts
ethnicity: caucasian 
everything up to now;
Jack is very passionate about Halloween, and even more so about Christmas. He was raised the only child of two lesbian mothers - that the local children 100% believe are witches – who earned a living by running an all-year-round Spirit Halloween-esque store that sold everything spooky and bloody 365 days a year. Jack was raised on horror movies, but not as a means to scare him, as a source of comfort. The monsters under his bed growing up weren’t to be feared, by encouraged. There was something always protecting him while he slept, how cool was that?!
Every Halloween was an occasion. The house was always decked out in the scariest decorations they could get their hands on and Jack always had the creepiest costume out of all the kids at school. His teachers had given their fair share of concerned eyebrow raises at his more…graphic costumes, but it never waivered Jack. He loved getting to dress up and eat candy until he got sick. October was the best time of the year as far as Jack was concerned.
Christmas wasn’t really a thing until Jack started middle school. Sure, his moms put up a Christmas tree and gave him a couple of cool toys each December, but it wasn’t a whole event like it was for other kids. That was until he was dragged along with his cousins to a Winter Wonderland experience at the local mall. There was something about the lights and the fake snow and the glitter of the baubles and overall warmth that drew Jack in. Christmas was almost as beautiful as Halloween, just in a different way.
His love of both holidays clashed to nearly comedic effect most of the time. A Christmas wreath covered in cob-webs, a glass of Eggnog served in a black and orange mug. But Jack loved that even more. He had always been a ‘why not both?’ type of guy, why should he have to chose between the warm toned reds and oranges of fall and the cool air and glistening snow of winter? Jack’s indecisive nature, however, did make things a struggle when high school came to a close. He settled on earning a degree in Literature at Sherwood University. He did love Shakespeare. 
After a few long nights with little sleep, Jack had a seizure in the middle of class one day during his freshman year of college. After a few days of testing and a few more seizures, Jack was diagnosed with epilepsy. A few months later, in order to help make things at school less of a stress, he got Zero; a small, white poodle who served as his seizure alert dog. As the years have passed, the two are almost never seen apart. Zero is a big fan of attempting to dig through people’s bags during classes in search for snacks but the bell on his firetruck-red collar more often than not gives him away.
As his time as a Literature student came to a close, Jack still wasn’t satisfied. He never was. So he decided he’d stick around a little longer and test the waters, studying the aptly fitting mortuary sciences and minoring in theatre so he could put that Shakespearean knowledge to good use!
+ cheerful, ambitious, good-natured
- headstrong, impulsive, naïve
Jack is a textbook case of never judging a book by it’s cover. While almost always decked out in all-black and walking down the halls with his brow furrowed & muttering to himself about something seemingly deep and meaningful ('seemingly' being the key word), Jack is one of the biggest optimists he knows. He loves listening to people talk about their day and showing random acts of kindness to brighten his friends’ days whenever he can. He gets overly excited quickly and once he has his mind set on something, it’s almost impossible to slow his roll. Despite that, when Jack gets mad, he gets mad. He has no patience for bullies and people who try to make other people feel small and he’s not scared to show it.
Jack had been stuck in a rut in terms of what he wanted his future to look like for the longest time, and once he was in his finally year of majoring in literature, Jack decided that just didn’t fit the future he saw for himself, and headed back to school to study the much more suitable subject of mortuary sciences with a minor in theatre.
Jack is very passionate about his studies and is always attempting to boost morale amongst his fellow students by organizing study groups and movie nights as often as he can. He is currently housed in Thoresby Hall
 wanted connections;
 ( PENN BADGLEY ) our JACK SCELETUS-KING is looking for SALLY FINKLESTEIN to fulfill their BEST FRIEND/POTENTIONAL LOVE INTEREST. They would be 21-28 and would most likely look like VICTORIA PEDRETTI, ADRIA ARJONA, PATTI HARRISON / UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hallcweentcwn. Description: Sally has been most egregiously friend-zoned by Jack’s oblivious ass but he’s slowly starting to piece together his feelings for her may be a little more than just friendship.
( PENN BADGLEY ) our JACK SCELETUS-KING is looking for UTP to fulfill their ENEMY. They would be 21-28 and would most likely look like UTP. You DO NOT have to contact the player. @hallcweentcwn. Description: Jack’s oblivious nature has gotten him into plenty of trouble before and not all of his (or maybe any) attempts at party planning go to plan. Whether he accidently made someone’s kid sister cry because he overdid it with his Halloween costume during Trick-or-Treating or gifted someone jewelry made out of human teeth, they don’t seem to find Jack as endearing as he would like. 
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auroraxxrose · 4 years
Hello Guys~
Hello guys, Sunshine here~ For some reason tumblr terminated my account even though I'm sure I didn't broke any of their guidelines and policy. While I'm trying to get my old accounts back (terriblexdecision, alixababwa and snowxjunxwhite) I'll be using this multimuse blog and also try to finish the things I was pending, which includes asks, starters and more. Please be patient with me.
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hvnriks-archive · 4 years
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✦ — [ diana silvers. 23. she/her. beauty and the beast ] ISABELLA DUBOIS was just spotted coming out from the LIBRARY, with THE KILLERS, CAUTION; playing as a constant tune inside their head, it might as well be their song. easily noticed by their INK STAINED FINGERS, PIERCING OBSERVANT STARE, & BAG FILLED WITH MORE BOOKS THAN IT CAN HANDLE. BELLE is not one to be forgotten.
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✦ — what are you keeping from the original canon
i’m basing belles modern life on what we see at the start of the animated movie: she grew up in a relatively small french town that she was absolutely itching to get out of. she’s very close with her father, who is an inventor. they aren’t particularly wealthy but content with each others company. i’m also keeping the idea that her mother passed away from illness early in belle’s life from the live action
i’m not sure i would call this a change per say, but i’m not keeping the whole kidnapped / prisoner etc plot line in her modern backstory for obvious reasons bc yikes
✦ — personality
pretty poised, intelligent, a typical bibliophile content to keep to herself. doesn’t really go out of her way to socialize with her peers. probably a fair bit more mature and polite than half her fellow students.
i definitely want to lean way from the almost naive sweet outlook belle has in the movie though ( lbr that every princess has ) and more into her supposed “weird side”. she’s definitely equally as curious and driven as her movie counterpart, seeking more out of life, but in the movie there’s the idea that she’s been treated her entire life like someone kind of odd and an outsider and nobody knows what to make of her and i want to play into that feeling of not fitting in anywhere; she’s definitely that disarmingly smart weirdo that hovers in the background with a new book everyday. the school oddball
but she’s quiet, not shy - she’s extremely opinionated and headstrong and is happy enough to tell you to go to hell ( probably in the most well worded drag you’ve ever had the honour of experiencing ) if needed
+ logical, intelligent, curious, witty, assertive, driven, polite
- outspoken, headstrong, stubborn, opinionated, mistrustful
✦ — your characters schooling
i’d imagine she’s probably at the school on scholarship and one of their brightest students; unlike most people her age she actually enjoys learning and has a passion for her studies so it isn’t hard to keep her grades up. she’s studying english and literature but really anything along those lines - classics, history, linguistics - she’s all over. one of those people that absolutely crams their schedule with as many possible courses as they can
club wise, i can definitely see her a part of some sort of debate club or even student council. as deceptive as her oddly reticent demeanor is, she isn’t quiet due to any dislike of socialization or shyness and she has… a lot of opinions that she doesn’t mind being heard, you could say, so that kind of environment to assert herself she would probably enjoy
rooming in welbeck manor !
✦ — three head canons
she would never ever ever admit it because it would tarnish that perfect poised academic persona she’s going for, but she’s a total sucker for a good romance. whether it’s a novel, poem, or play, she just can’t help but be sucked in to a well written love story
basically lives in the library, save for the few times she dips out for coffee or to attend her actual classes. given that she’s the campus weirdo/recluse, there’s more than one rumor that she doesn’t even have a dorm room and just bunks down in the shelves
would - and has - thrown hands over shakespeare
she fully intends to stay in the academic world forever - graduate studies, research, the whole nine yards. writing and literature and all that is exactly where she’s supposed to be and where she excels. that being said - that’s not to say she doesn’t have her own writing and own novels stashed away in her own secret half baked attempts towards authorship
she’s on scholarship, it’s no secret she doesn’t exactly have cash to burn, but the second she’s able to fund it she plans on going on a solo trip around the world ( … or at least around europe if that’s the extent to which her purse will stretch ) she just wants to experience life and all the things she’s always read about firsthand.
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