#shes always paying tribute to her in the sweetest little ways
dynamitekansai · 1 year
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0221giulia: HBD🌸 9.3
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Twenty Questions (Part 3)
Summary: For Y/N’s 20th birthday Haymitch gifts her 20 questions, that he has to answer honestly, no matter what. Mentions of sex/forced pregnancy. Moves & Countermoves companion piece.
Part 1 | Part 2
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Y/N lies there, on the bed of her house, in victor’s village. A room they only pay visits to when required. The cameras fold down on their own, showtime is over.
Haymitch presses a kiss to her temple. “I’m gonna hit the shower.”
“K,” Y/N nods, feeling the mattress dip as he rolls away.
When it is just them, no cameras, no envelopes, no instructions, he stays with her. Peaceful and sated. Whispering the sweetest of nothings; that she is special, that she is safe.
Maybe he thinks she doesn’t want him…after. Or maybe he cannot bear the sight of her.
A steady stream of water can be heard from the ensuite. Y/N stays there until she can’t anymore, a thousand thoughts whirling in her mind. She moves for the bathroom, pulling open the shower door to assault Haymitch with a burst of cold air.
He wipes the water from his eyes, staring at her in perplexed amusement.
“I wanna be with you.” It’s silly. And she hates how small it makes her feel.
“Come here,” Haymitch breathes.
I want to be close to you. I want to kiss you and nuzzle your stupid nose. I want you to hold me and never let go. “I’m sorry.”
His forehead rests against her own. “I wanna be with you too.”
Five weeks later, change comes in the form of a single word. Pregnant. Y/N’s hands shake from the second story bathroom, down to the living room couch.
Haymitch is sprawled out, not quite sleeping.
Y/N tosses the test down onto his chest.
He lets out a puff of air, reading the result. Then sits up, guiding Y/N around the front of the sofa.
She stares down at him, helplessly. Say something.
Haymitch leans forward, resting his lips against her stomach, unchanged by the life growing within. He pulls her down onto the cushions with him. Letting her cry, listening as she pours out her rational fears, and the ones that don’t make sense. Her hopes and dreams for their family, filed away deep in his heart.
I love you, Haymitch.
“No matter what happens, we’ll figure it out. Just you and me.” He promises.
When Snow catches wind, they are transported to the Capitol. Only the finest doctors are fit to attend such a child. A child born of two victors, genetically engineered to reflect their ideals of strength and valor.
A heavy burden to bestow a child. A boy.
Caesar and his audience learn, at the same time they do. But Haymitch only has eyes for Y/N.
Is this a chore? Am I a chore? She smiles, just the way she’s supposed to. Allowing Haymitch to dip her back and kiss her. Is any of this real? Am I real?
When it is over, they are left alone, in their guest room, until morning. From there they will return home, long enough to collect their freshly reaped tributes.
“How are you feeling?” Haymitch asks, shrugging out of his jacket and kneeling down to remove her shoes.
“I’m ok,” she shrugs. Allowing him to fuss over her, although she is only three months along and more than capable. “Just tired.”
Y/N dreams of a boy that night. A little Haymitch, with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Are you real?
Am I real?
She startles awake and Haymitch is there, because Haymitch is always there. Solid and steady beneath her fingertips. He is real. So long as he breathes life into her, she is real too.
“I wanna be with you forever.”
He stiffens a bit, then relaxes into her. “I wanna be with you too.”
Part 4
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the-wardens-torch · 3 years
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Falerin Arcita reverently holds an open book.  Its aldgoat leather binding is worn smooth, and its stack of pages yellowed by time and the touch of countless fingers..  
“This, my friends, is Among Stones and Stars, masterpiece of the N tribe, originally penned by its greatest storyteller, N’mehta Ubiq. It may be small, but hidden in its pages are a great number of tales.  So many, in fact, that its hard to pick just one to tell you.
Suddenly, a fly lands on one of Falerin’s slim hands.  To your surprise, he does not immediately shoo it away, but regards it with a cold, disapproving gaze until it flies away again.
“And it looks like this little flying shit-eater has made my decision for me.” he says, snapping the book closed.
“There isn’t a sane and pure soul in this realm who doesn’t hate flies.
When I trudged through the desert, they landed on my face, their vile little mouthparts finding a way to slake their thirst on my tears no matter how hard I shut my eyes.  They settled on my wounds and blisters when I rested, and I knew that if it weren’t for the bandages I wore, they would be wallowing in my blood like hogs in a mud pit. Why would a loving creator even make such an abominable thing?”
“Well, N’mehta Ubiq provides the N tribe’s answer to that question. She says that flies were not always associated with filth and death, and that they were once noble servants of  Nophica, brought forth to watch over the most beautiful of her creations.”
Crossing his arms protectively over the book, he straightens his back and wills all of his power and concentration into his deep, velvety voice.
And appropriately enough, it is with Nophica that the story begins. Credit for the creation of life upon this star is rightly given to Her, but in Her humility, She dutifully pays tribute to the rest of the Twelve within much of Her handiwork. Nowhere is this more obvious than among the kingdom of flowers, which counts among its number Halone’s gerberas, Althyk’s lavender, Nymeia’s lilies, and countless others.  But none among these is more beautiful than the Azeyma Rose, made by Nophica from sparks of Her mother‘s sun. The N tribe considers it the queen of all flowers, and it is because of its command that all flowers turn their faces to The Warden, no matter which god they were created to honor.
Azeyma was proud, and in Her gratitude She helped Her daughter mold a race of creature to tend Her roses, and all of the other flowers as well.  Tiny but swift, these creature flew about on humming crystalline wings in the pure light of day, carrying pollen across the land on their backs, insuring that flowers would be plentiful and fertile all across the land. These were the bees.
However, not all among their race were righteous.  Some looked jealously upon the other insects, who spent their days lazing about in the sun rather than toiling in it.  Angrily, one bee buzzed down from its flowery canopy and landed on the ground, seeking to confront the worthless creatures. “Why” it said, “are we working so hard when you are permitted to do nothing?”
A grasshopper answered, waving its antenna and rattling its wings in annoyance. “But you are the beloved of the goddess, and in exchange for your work, you are nourished by Her sweetest creations, the flowers.  Would that we were so well-fed… We have nothing to sustain us but the wretched dirt and empty air,” it huffed.
Humbled, the bee flew back to its hive and related the story.  “I had not realized how blessed our kind were. We may work hard, but we receive the sweetest nectars as our thanks, and surely that is enough to be happy with.”
But some of the others did not agree, and still tired of their sacred duty.  And so, those wastrel bees hatched a plan, to be carried out in the dead of night, when Azeyma turned Her gaze away and Nophica rested. Sneakily, they flew from their hive and sought to speak with the other insects
They were at first skeptical. “Why do you taunt us so, bees?” They said. “You are favored by the Creator. Surely that is enough to keep you contented? Why do you not leave us in peace?”
“You misunderstand me, friend.” the most evil among the bees hummed.  “Mine is hard work, but my kind and I are tired, and there are more flowers in the world than we could possibly hope to visit. Why not do us both a favor and start eating them? They give us the sweet nectars we need to make our honey, after all… Surely that which begets honey must itself be sweet and delicious. And you require better nourishment than dirt and air.”
The other insects thought upon this, and when next Azeyma and Nophica looked upon their world, they found their precious flowers ravaged.  Delicate stems were gnawed raw by hungry jaws, and dainty leaves  bruised and broken by trampling feet.  Worst of all, dainty flowers lay all over the ground, as horrific to the goddesses as severed heads. The evil bees reacted with mock horror and plead ignorance, believing that the other insects would take the full blame for committing such an atrocity.
But woe be it to one who tries to lie to Azeyma.  She in role as The Warden saw the bees’ guilt immediately, and knew which among them had been the traitors. Her divine justice came swiftly, in the form of a curse upon them and all of their descendents. They, who formerly were permitted to feast upon the sweetest things Her daughter Nophica offered, would now be forced to eat nothing but the foulest things on Nophica‘s earth - carrion and dung.
Azeyma might have seen fit to punish the flower-eaters as well, but Nophica stayed Her mother’s hand. Realizing that she had not been kind to her other insect children in forcing them to eat naught but dirt and air, she permitted them to continue eating her flowers, as long as they never ate more than they needed. And thusly did the curse levied upon the wicked bees hurt them all the more. And their grief is heard in every whirring whine of their wings.
And this, my friends, is why we have flies.  And even though bees are still beloved of Azeyma and Nophica, they are still called “vilekin” for their association with their treacherous brethren.
((This is what I get for trying to write something Fal-related while knee-deep in my patch of wild California poppies… Something that has very little to do with Fal. Also thanks to @adeat for letting Fal pose in front of Reo’s house/store in the Lavender Beds.))
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treeni · 4 years
Necessary quiet
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Fanart of the absolutely lovely story as the birds love the sky by peachsneakers / @candied-peach​. 
Summary:  Janus is just feeling down. His boyfriend comforts him.
Honestly if you’re feeling down and you need to be cheered up, I suggest checking it out. If you’ve seen any of my posts recently, you probably know I can’t praise peach enough, but their work is honestly amazing if you’re looking for suggestions.
Story time:
I had just tried to go to sleep at 6:30 am on Saturday. The sort of existential dread has been setting in recently and it was the first day I had sort of been able to fight it off and feel like myself in a while. In fact, I felt so good that I was overridden with ideas and spent the whole night jotting them down and organizing them all so I could maneuver them later. I had just laid down and at 6:45 I get a text asking for my help. Our dog Natalie needs to go to the vet. Without hesitation I got back up, threw on some clothes and my partner readily joined me. I was ready faster because I had clothes ready for the early morning walks I take the dogs on everyday. I rushed from our basement apartment to the main house as my partner finished getting ready to find that my aunt’s worry had gone from moderate to extreme. 
Natalie, who looked like hell, but had been still walking around that morning, suddenly went toward her favorite room to rest. When she found the door closed, she just...collapsed against it and made no move to get up. Something was very very wrong.
We knew in the past few days she seemed a little sick with something that seemed like no more than a stomach bug. We also knew she was in decline, but was diagnosed with kidney failure, but it wasn’t complete failure yet. The vet predicted we would have a while yet because of the nature of the diagnosis. She was dying yes, but just Tuesday she had raced up the hill on our walk and scarfed not only seconds, but thirds at dinner time. 
I know that every pet is important to their family, every pet is important, but Natalie was uniquely important to me in a way no other pet had been. You see just a few months after my aunt adopted her, she offered me a place in her home, a sanctuary away from the toxic situation I was in within my parent’s home. Natalie was there to welcome the hollow, broken teenager who had been barely stopped from committing suicide just months prior by a stranger. When my aunt had gotten me a special welcome dinner at my favorite bbq restaurant, me and Natalie went halvsies because she had the biggest, sweetest puppy eyes that were impossible to resist and she spent the entire day by my side, acting as the anchor as I was absolutely turbulent and lost. I was in a state where I was afraid of myself, of being in the way, afraid my existence itself was somehow a bother. Yet, Natalie sensed my hesitation was a constant source of comfort, leading me at every turn, every struggle and heart break, and admission of my past trauma, she was always there. Whenever I was upset, and I truly mean whenever, she would simply walk up to me, hovering close and patiently. She understood my touch aversion when I was distressed and so she would always wait, with big soulful brown eyes and a sweet smile. When I was ready and reached out to pet her, she would inevitably lean into the touch, then stretch her neck out in a way that was an invitation for a hug. She was absolutely brilliant and deeply empathetic.She absolutely considered herself to be as good as a human and honestly I have to agree. 
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She started showing GI symptoms, late Tuesday night, but we didn’t think much of it. She had been at the vet the day before and it honestly wasn’t that uncommon for one of the dogs to pick up something during their visits. Our other dog stopped eating too on Wednesday, which just confirmed the diagnosis in our minds. Thursday my aunt called the vet and couldn’t get an appointment. They said if she got worse to take her to the emergency vets. 
She seemed to be doing better on Friday. She spent the day smiling and hanging around everyone. She ate a little bit and generally seemed to be back in her usual spirits. Then Friday night somehow she started getting sick again. The tropical storm was passing over us at the same time too, making rushing off that night dangerous. She was vomiting again and my aunt asked me if I’d go with her to the vet the next day, either the regular or the emergency depending on if she could get an appointment. The text asking for my help came long before the regular vet even opened.
My partner came up only two minutes after me and carried the collapsed dog into the car. To make it as easy as possible for the vets to get to her, the front passenger seat was pushed all the way forward while me and my partner drove behind. When we left, I wasn’t certain we would be coming home with her that day. I feared the vet would give us the terrible news that they would recommend putting her down. The drive was less than 20 minutes. She was dead before we arrived. They think she had undiagnosed cancer.
I didn’t even get to say goodbye.
Returning back, most of the day was spent comforting our other dog, Juno, who seemed absolutely convinced we were getting rid of her next. It didn’t give a lot of time to process.
My partner forced me to eat dinner that night and we returned to our apartment after. Having been up for the greater part of 36 hours, I finally sort of collapsed into my bed. Still absolutely shell-shocked and not completely in my own head, I messaged @candied-peach​ with a request for a story. The request was... generic at best with no real details beyond hurt/comfort and something I can’t imagine I would have done in a different frame of mind. I am absolutely awful at asking for things even with all of the progress I’ve made. I knew they were working on several WIPs and had several requests to plow through. I thought at best mine would be pushed to the back of the list and handled... eventually, maybe after they got through with the others? Then I closed my tablet and sobbed until I finally fell asleep.
I woke up to it already in my inbox.
It was just lovely. I read it and left a comment, that I’m sure didn’t mean much because I was trying to type through crying (I’m still trying to type through crying). A few hours later I went back to it again and then again that night. Mind you, they had also released the first chapter of a large fic we had been discussing for ages, so they absolutely must have dropped everything to write it for me and that realization just... knocked the air out of me.
It was one of the sweetest gestures anyone has ever done for me.
The picture above is the result of my overwhelming need to do something in return and pay tribute to the little story that is now my absolute favorite story.
I honestly don’t know how to say thank you enough peach. Your kindness just blows me away.
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notapaladin · 4 years
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down
I had the reasonably evil idea of writing something with Teomitl becoming Emperor and concurrently becoming much darker and more ruthless, and then this fell out. I honestly think I could go EVEN DARKER, and might actually revise this later. (yes, of course there’s still teocatl in this, who even do you take me for)
Also on AO3!
He thinks it should frighten him, how easy it is to be Emperor.
The Turquoise-and-Gold Crown is not meant to sit lightly on a man’s head. The throne is not supposed to be comfortable to sit upon. His turquoise-beaded cape, his turquoise-netted hip cloth, the bracelets and armbands and legbands of beaten gold—they are made to weigh heavily upon him, to remind him at every step of the responsibilities he has in running the Empire. He should not bear them as though they are a bundle of duck feathers.
But men bow to him, and his army respects him, and even the supercilious Quenami is appropriately terrified of attracting his attention. But he smiles and waves his hand, and the people cheer. Even his coronation war brings new lands into the Mexica Empire, brings thousands of captives to feed the gods. It is easy to let his name rise like smoke, like mist, until only the stone his brother raised in his own honor even bears the name Tizoc. It is easy to rule.
It is terrible.
He performs many of the sacrifices for the Great Temple’s rededication himself. Blood slicks his hands, his arms, his finest regalia, and his face is appropriately grave—but oh, oh, Huitzilopochtli’s power burns in him like a flame, like a second sun, and it is all he can do not to smile. It is not only the council that chose him. The gods, too, see him as worthy. With this...ah, with this he can be great. Greater than Tizoc, greater than Axayacatl—greater even than Moctezuma, the first to build an empire out of their little island city.
And so he marches to war again. He is a seasoned warrior now, dozens and dozens of captives fallen to the flat of his blade—but then, when he took those captives he was not yet fully invested with the power of his patron god. His armies sweep the field before them, and when he returns home in glory, Mihmatini is waiting.
Another child, she tells him. They have two already, twin girls, and he loves them. He does. And he rejoices in this one too, watching with pride the way Acatl’s eyes light up when he’s told he’ll be an uncle again.
He misses the birth. There is a city on their borders that has announced it will not be paying tribute this year, and he is all too glad to convince them otherwise. In the midst of the carnage, the blood and screaming and broken feathers, he doesn’t even think of those he left behind him.
After that, it’s easier to miss more. His son’s first steps, Acatl’s birthday, Mihmatini successfully not strangling her Texcocan Guardian counterpart when the woman purportedly insinuates that she cannot possibly be an effective Guardian, mother, and Imperial Consort all at the same time. Does he feel bad? He supposes he does. But more and more, Tenochtitlan feels...flat. He sits upon his throne, holding sway over his court, and it does not fill his heart with joy.
He is happiest on the campaign trail. No—he is happiest conquering. Bringing rebellious provinces to heel, leading his army to take new ones with fire and the sword. He stands where fire meets water, where the jaguar feeds and feathers are crushed, where blood dyes his turquoise sandals red, and he laughs for the sheer joy of it. This place, and no other, is where he belongs—the staging ground from which he will build the glory of his reign. Peasants in far-flung villages and kings upon their suddenly-precarious thrones curse his name, but his army cheers and grows fat upon its spoils and really, isn’t that all he could ask for?
Sometimes he is less than successful, of course, but those times are few and far between. Huitzilopochtli guides him and Chalchiuhtlicue protects him, and so his Empire continues to grow. He returns in glory, bearing vanilla and quetzal feathers and precious jade, and they cheer his name.
And then the victory speeches and the banquets are over, his obligations discharged, and he, the Emperor of the Mexica, slips from behind his screen and—
Well. He has a private celebration. Sometimes he goes to his own chambers, all gold and furs and precious stones, and fucks Acatl there amidst the spoils of war. Acatl is yet more radiant even than these, his hair like spilled ink over the spotted pelts and his cries the sweetest music to Teomitl’s ears. My lord, he calls him, and Ahuitzotl, and it thrills him to the core. But other times...other times he sheds his finery and walks the streets of the Sacred Precinct to Acatl’s own house, cool and gray and dim in the moonlight, and they have their hands in each other’s hair and their mouths on each other’s skin and Acatl only calls him Teomitl.
In the moonlight, he thinks he prefers to be Teomitl.
But in sunlight, in torchlight, under the burning gaze of the gods, he will and must be Ahuitzotl.
It is Ahuitzotl who makes the hard decisions, who turns his heart to stone and his eyes to the heavens. It is Ahuitzotl who razes temples, who shackles women and children as slaves, who invites the ire and the retribution of those who see his conquests and think to stop him. It is Ahuitzotl who does these things, even if it is Teomitl who wonders if it is possible to stretch too far, to exceed the limits of his reach—
No. Doubt leads to fear, and fear leads to weakness.
He will not be weak. He will never be weak.
Mihmatini withdraws from him, and he lets her. She has her children, after all. She no longer needs him. He thinks he should miss her more than he does, but...well. Things between them have never been easy, even before he was crowned. It only grows more strained when he has their daughters wed to foreign kings, sealing alliances with their hands and the children they will bear. They leave, and he knows he’ll likely never see them again.
Acatl stays. Acatl always stays.
The shadows rise. There are those who whisper that he listens too much to his Priest for the Dead, that he has forgotten how it is to live, that perhaps—perhaps he ought not to be Emperor. He feeds them to his ahuitzotls for the insult. There are others who do not whisper, who never even attract his notice, but they must have done something for one day there is a space in the palace where they once were, and a lingering haze of dry bone-dust, and Acatl walking the halls in somber and careful reflection. Once—just once—he spies a man speaking to Acatl from a distance. The man is sneering. Acatl is smiling. He never sees that man again. Rumors later say that the Wind of Knives took him from his mat in the middle of the night and left only blood behind.
There are very few complaints after that.
Besides, he has not forgotten how to live. Life is in the blood that spills over his hands, the teeth clenched in pain when he takes a wound in battle. Life is in the smooth order of his glorious city, shining like a jewel on the lake. Life is in Acatl’s fingers twined with his own.
But...there are dark days. Days where Tizoc’s specter looms large over his reign, days where anger rises up in his throat and choke him, choke him until he has to spit it out. On days like that, it doesn’t matter who’s in his way; he’ll cut them down like so much tall grass, and only feel bad about it later. Even Neutemoc is not spared. His brother-in-law speaks out of turn once on a day that’s already going bad, and Ahuitzotl doesn’t think before ordering him stripped of his rank for the insolence. Even Acatl draws back at that, and for a moment he thinks he’ll lose him too.
He remembers fear. It takes real effort for him to hold his tongue until they’re alone—until they’re in his own chambers, the guards dismissed, and he can take Acatl’s hands in his. Teomitl would have apologized. Teomitl would have restored Neutemoc to his proper place. Teomitl would have promised to keep a better hold on his temper and a firmer rein on his tongue.
But Ahuitzotl says none of that. He squeezes his lover’s hands too hard, but Acatl doesn’t flinch. Acatl has never flinched from him. “Am I your Revered Speaker, Acatl?”
Acatl closes his eyes, and does not smile. “Always.”
“...Good.” It is all he can find to say.
The day shines bright around them when they leave the room, and for a moment Ahuitzotl finds himself smiling. Acatl believes in him as he always has. Even now, even in this, Acatl believes in him and in his reign. Long fingers brush against his arm as Acatl draws away, and he feels his strength restored.
He watches Acatl’s retreating back and thinks, in what is left of his heart, I love you. He thinks, I will give you the world.
He only has to claim it, first.
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mahaveernegi · 5 years
Top 10 Mother's Day Gift Ideas from Daughter
Mothers are undoubtedly God’s gift to mankind who embodies love, compassion, and warmth in the greatest measure. This self-sacrificing nature of hers may seem a little over the top when she coddles you incessantly in front of others or fusses over you when you are sick, however, it is the definition of unconditional love that sometimes pars over a a romantic one. This giving spirit can only be understood when you become a mother yourself and have to deal with the pressure of performing different roles at the same time. Perhaps, this multi-functional ability is what makes them a supermom and needs to be felicitated in true fashion for their superhuman efforts this Mother’s Day. This auspicious occasion held on the second Sunday of May is the perfect occasion to make this day all smiles and sunshine for the precious lady whom you call mom. No matter where you are, these trending mother’s day gifts online in India are the perfect excuse to relay your love to your mother the respect and affection you have for her and make her proud of what you have become.
 Customized Jewelry
 A jewelry piece that is specially customized for them is a gift that will be covered by many. This special bobble can be anything from a necklace, bracelet, earrings or a ring and becomes more precious when you have it customized personally by engraving her initials on it. Your gift need not be very expensive but can also be from wood, black metal or even semi-precious metals to adorn her whenever she steps out.
 The sweetest gift of all- Mother’s Day Cake
 Your mother may have an iron will but she also owns the sweetest disposition of all. To celebrate this endearing quality of hers a mother’s day is definitely in order. Along with the sweet taste, the gesture itself is a very sweet one which can be made possible with Mother’s day gifts delivery in Bangalore. A cake in your mother’s favorite flavor will be a sweet addition to your Mother’s day tradition.
An elegant flower bouquet
 Flowers with their sophisticated elegance and charm are a gift befitting a lady. This mother’s day, gift your mother a charming online flowers bouquet that is fit for a queen. You can gift anything from a classic bouquet of roses and orchids to an extravagant arrangement of a number of colorful blooms that will lift her spirits this Mother’s Day.
 A gift card from her favorite store
 Everyone’s in need of a shopping therapy from time to time but time and money may not always allow us this luxury. This mother’s day indulge your mother with a shopping trip to her favorite store with a gifts card to shop to her heart’s content.
 Plant gift
 Plants symbolize rebirth and prosperity and the color green is a sight to sore eyes. This eco-friendly gift is a great way to celebrate Mother’s day which also pays tribute to the caring nature of your mother. Indoor plants like bamboo, money plant and bonsai are very apt to send mother’s day gifts to Hyderabad.
 Framing memories
 Every relationship in your life tells a story consisting of memories both good and bad to portray the bond you share with your loved ones. Over the years you may have created some special memories with your mother which you can reminiscence together with the help of framed photographs that track your journey together as a mother and daughter.
 ‘Like Mother, Like Daughter’ coffee mug
 The most serene picture you may have of your mother growing up is early morning ones where she calmly drinks her coffee in her special mug. You can contribute to this picture with a personalized coffee mug that is printed with mother-daughter quotes like the one above. To make sure that this cup makes an appearance on your mother’s threshold, order one with online Mother’s day gift delivery in Pune and surprise her.
 Personalized cushion and throw pillows
 Throw pillows and cushions are a trending home decor item that your mom will love when you gift it to her. You can have these customized cushions with pictures and quirky facts and sayings to make her smile whenever she looks at it.
 Chocolaty treat
Chocolates are one habit that adults never outgrow and are one of the best gifts for mother on Mother’s day and not only for its taste but also for the various health benefits it provides. You can send these assorted sweets to your mother so that she can indulge in the decadent taste with every bite.
 Gifts baskets to pamper her
  A gift basket performs multiple functions as a gift and also as an assortment of various utility items so that she can treat herself to some TLC. These gift baskets contain anything from edible goodies, bath products, essential oils, and healthcare products etc
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ihositalianbread · 8 years
Rites of Passage
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As we approach our finale in just a couple of days, we come to the fallen colosseum, though deteriorated by ware, it has been the site of marvelous battles for the entertainment of the crowd, just like you all have been this season.  So lets pay tribute to the many housemates lost this season...
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Elijah-Leah I didn't expect you to leave the game this early? You're very well liked and extremely popular but I am sad I didn't get to work with you that much in this game bc we were in Trashy4 together and obviously we clicked there so I wouldn't see why we wouldn't work together until you started becoming a bit inactive in the community which I completely understand bc irl shit comes first but much love to you hun <3 I just couldn't help getting you out bc you're popular as fuck and the combo of you and Luke felt like a threat to me and my allies
Logan-Leah! Robbed icon! I have no clue what happened here because I never got to know you, but I’ve heard you’re pretty rad. I hope you’re doing good!
Nick-You are an exceptional player in the games that youve played and it was sad (yet refreshing) to see you become a target so soon. I really wanted to have another chance to get to know you a bit better this time around. However, when I saw Christine walk through that door... I knew that everybody was going to be royally screwed with two of the most well liked people in the whole community in a popularity contest. All in all, I hope we eventually do get another chance to play together in an ORG and maybe in a situation where we can work together. Love you girl ♡
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Elijah-I wasn't really surprised when you were evicted I think you're fairly new to the community and it's really hard for people to get to know your name , but honestly ngl I thot you were kinda fake to me (lkflqkdkw sorry if I'm assuming) being that you wanted me out in (not using this an an excuse) this org and a different one which made me really question working with you this entire game but you fell short and I would've be willing to work with you and Casey at first but I don't really remember you speaking up other than asking for my vote to stay soz , I just couldn't risk me doing a favor for you for you to turn on me last minute and nom me/vote me out it was in my best interest to evict you
Logan-We all know. That’s all.
Nick-Although I worked with you for the short period of time you were in the game, it has came to my knowlodge that youre basically the worst entity in this entire community. Not only do you perpetuate hate online, but you also bring it to the real world. You need a reality check, because if you think that any Ivy league is going to take a racist, transphobic, misgendering, problematic biggot to their university... you are strong mistaken. Do you really think that this world needs more hate and bullying than it already has today? You being a member of the LGBT+ community should be a beacon of acceptance and hope for everybody. I hope you wake up and start loving yourself and the people around you... realize that people actually have feelings and that your words do you have reprecussions.
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Elijah-Luke king! I'm super sorry you got evicted early in the game I really did enjoy talking to you even tho you backstabbed me in a different game (not an excuse to target you plus you're forgiven bc I like u as a person) alfkwkfjwj that was a long time ago so I forgot about it I honestly just tried my hardest getting you out due to the simple fact you were probably one of the most well liked out of this entire cast ,you would have an extremely amazing chance at winning this game if you were sitting where I am
Logan-LUKE! MY LOVE, MY LIGHT, MY STAR IN THE DARKNESS! So you know how much I love you, and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you and be your friend - you are so amazing, and you’re gonna get a man who loves u to fucking death mark my got damn words. You kept me going and kept me playing in this game. Thanks for that, sweet pea <3
Nick-Working with you was both really messy, but really fucking fun. Now looking back, I really do think the only reason I wanted you gone is because youre gameplay reminded me a bit too much of myself. You appeared to talk to everyone and have many connections in the game. The one week where you legit gave Sam and I five different names of people that you wanted to have nominated for eviction not only allowed me to build trust with every person's name you threw out, but also let me see how much of a wild card you were going to be in the game... something I did not need. Overall, I had an amazing time playing with you and I hope we will eventually play again some time down the road.
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Elijah-MOM... that vote was so close for you to stay :( I wish you could've stayed longer bc I really enjoyed our talks (whenever we did talk lol we were both rly inactive) but honestly you're the sweetest and kindest person I've ever met in an org willing to put your BB life at stake for mine not 1 person I know would do that for me in this game other than you and I want to thank you for always being nice to me and helping me thru the game while you were here <3 love ya 
Logan- I never knew you, but you were sweet!
Nick-When I saw that you were cast for this game I was ECSTATIC. Not only are you one of my favorite people in the community, but you are also incredibly cute, funny, loyal, and smart. I was so happy that I finally got a chance to play with you in a game and I really do wish you made it further. You are fucking RAD. Also, can you do youre hair pinkish-purple next time?
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Elijah-I'm super sad we didn't get to work together in this game bc I know we're played other orgs together before and we did manage to work in those before and I was a bit iffy on whether or not to message you and offer you an alliance bc I wasn't sure if you trusted me or not in this game due to me backstabbing you in a different one but overall I'm super happy we got to be in another game together !
Logan-A sweetheart, a child, the face of young innocence. I adore you even though I never really got to know you.
Nick-You were one of the people I trusted the most in this game. I had an amazing time working with both you and Emily this season and I promised you when you got evicted I would watch out for her. You leaving in turn started the best alliance of the season..  the "Queef Queens" which included Samantha, Emily, Elijah, and I. I really wish we could have had this alliance start before you left, but you leaving deffinently drew some lines within the house and let me better secure Emily and Elijah's anti-Christian/Victor mentality... something that helped me and Samantha get further in the game without getting nominated every week.
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Elijah-tbh I didn't see myself working with you this game bc I hosted you in Johto and knew you weren't a person I could align myself with and depend on when I needed something ... you were expecting me to save you US week of this game but little did anyone know I had an alliance with Nick, Emily, Sam and myself and we diverted a major plan for your own alliance members to backstab you and somehow we managed to pull thru with it , I do love ya as a person but game wise I couldn't keep you!
Logan-Jay, honestly, you are one of my #faves. The week you went was so messy but it was sooooo much fun. You were sorta robbed but you gotta give Christine credit for the #moves she pulled.
Nick-Sadly, you just ended up being one of those people I straight up never spoke to. I found out partly throught intuition and party through Christine that you were somebody who was close to Christian and Victor... an asset if duos were to end. I worked with Christine and through her and Logan to make sure Jaiden put you up that week instead of people in my alliance (Emily and Elijah). I am truly sorry that we never spoke, something which is partly my fault. I hope that we may have another oppurtunity to play with one another because Ive heard good things about you.
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Elijah-icon? I think yes. TBH I wasn't sure about working with you in this game due to the simple fact I know you're so good at them and needed to get you out as soon as possible with the least amount of blood on my hands . I hope you can understand I'm super sorry :(
Logan-I like you as a person, and you were so strong in this game. #hateu in festive though. You scare the fuck out of me if I’m being quite honest.
Nick-ROBBED. I was soooooo beyond glad that I had a chance to work with you in this season and it was really sad to see you leave the way you did. However, without you leaving nobody in this game really had a shot at winning (or getting second because that's the new first place this season). I hope we can work together in another game. Also, I am super excited to watch you come back for Ultimate.
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Elijah-mom you wanted to work with me this entire game but you truly knew where my loyalties were . Again I'm super sorry for "backstabbing" you and Victor even tho we were never an official alliance . I am really just a loyal hoe and I couldn't backstab nick, Emily and Sam bc they had my back more than anyone else did. You tried getting me out but better luck next time ! Love ya 
Logan-YOU SCARE ME but you’re really cute and I guess you like me? So? Yay for that? I love friends.
 You are rude as fuck, get over yourself.
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Elijah-king ilysm even tho others hate you , I waned to work with you but then again I did you dirty multiple times I'm so sorry I'm messy af qofjwofbajjd best of luck to you outside the house and I like you so much as a person you're funny and messy aka me 
Logan-My duo. All I have for you is love. Game wise, I’m glad you finally kicked that bucket, cuz I got farther, and I’m sitting at finales. I hope outside the community is treated you well, say hi to Kat for me.
Nick-I really do have no hard feelings torwards you. You played the best game you could and we just ended up on opposite sides of the game. You really should not say thigs that could possibly be misunderstood, such as calling a certain somebody a "sexual harassing hill billy", but I like to think youve learned your lesson. At least you arent an asshole to Logan.
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Elijah- queen of floaters? I think floating is an excellent strategy no matter what anyone says it got me my first and probably only ever org win! I honestly can't thank you even for the small talks we had about boys and weed it was quite fun and ngl if I ever go to Maine I'm chillin w you and Logan icon !
Logan-Queen! of floating truly iconic for making it as far as you did barely submitting anything at all. My 16% both votes I was up against you? Truly iconic.
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Elijah-another mom? Yes. TBH my loyalties were to you nick and Emily the entire length of the game and I wanted to thank y'all for being my meat shields! Y'all were so much fun and that was the best alliance in org history that ever lived we pulled big moves and all that mess! Either way gotta love ya Sammy <3
Logan-Also my love, my light, my star in the darkness. You were the most surprising evictee - I thought I was going to be here, at finals, losing to you. I can’t wait to talk to you tonight and hear all about your camp experience. I can’t believe you put points on me twice and admitted it so soon. Icon.
Nick-I fucking love you so much. We were such a power duo in this game and ended up being not only the last duo nominated, but also the lest dup standing. We worked and fought through every twist and turn Steffen laid out for us and prevailed. You should still be here in the finale and im really sorry that you had to leave like that. But I cant wait for you to comeback for Ultimate and win :), hopefully Christian will have finally retired by then. Love you tons.
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Thanks housemates evicted and finalists for making this such a great season, we will be posting the finale vote momentarily.
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