#shes so old. should i just. not bother. look for a new car. idek anymore
at a certain point is it even worth doing anymore
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jiqri · 4 years
A Ghost of the Past
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A/N: Gif by me. Yugyeom was giving me major vampy vibes in NBTM and I came across this post, which resulted in whatever this is. This is my first fic and I finished it at like 4am so please excuse any mistakes. Enjoy~ 
Words: 3387
Genre: Tiny amount of angst?? idek, fluff
You turned and twirled in the small dressing room, trying to catch a glimpse of yourself from every angle. They say you can never go wrong with the ‘little black dress’, yet you struggled to recognise the person in the mirror looking back at you. You were way out of your comfort zone putting this tiny piece of fabric on, because that was literally what it was; tiny. Okay, maybe not tiny but small enough.
There was a knock on your door. “You okay in there, Love? You’ve been in there for 15 minutes already.” Your boyfriend’s voice came from the other side.
“I’m fine, I’m just getting changed again.” You puffed your cheeks, quickly getting changed back into your casual wear, putting the dress back on its hanger. It was a habit of yours to always keep the hangers of whatever you were buying.
You opened the door to find Yugyeom sitting legs crossed on the pouf outside, eyes buried in his phone. He looked as stunning as ever, a marble sculpture shaped by the most skilled artist. His full, black hair laid perfectly as always, a tiny freckle right under one of his eyes. God, you loved that freckle. You would never understand how you managed to catch such a stunning creature.
Yugyeom wasted no time putting his phone away the moment he saw you stride towards him. You reached the pouf where he was sat, standing in front of him, the black dress draped over your arm. His hand quickly found yours, stroking the back of it.
“You ready to go?” Looking up at your face, Yugyeom placed a soft kiss on your hand.  
You pulled your hand from his lips to the back of his neck, gently running your fingers through his hair, careful not to mess it up. “Yes, I’m so over this shopping trip.” You pouted.
Shopping was one of the things you hated with a burning passion. You were only here because Yugyeom had dragged you, claiming he wanted to take you on a nice date, and that you needed a new outfit. He smiled as he stood up, a laugh rumbling in his chest.
You sighed. “I still can’t believe you’re making me buy a dress. I have plenty of other suitable clothes at home.”
Yugyeom moved forward to cup your face in his hands. “You do not own a single dress, Y/N. Can you blame me for wanting to see my beautiful girlfriend wear one, just for one night?”
His eyes focused on your lips, caressing his thumb over your bottom lip, his face only inches away from yours. At this point you were tip toeing, desperate for only a small taste of this intoxicating man, a small taste of heaven. He never failed to leave you breathless, and for a second you forgot you were standing in the middle of the fitting area of a small boutique.
Snapping out of your trance when another couple entered the fitting area, you exhaled. “Don’t do that.” Your voice was barely a whisper as you pulled away from the male.
“Do what exactly?” Yugyeom’s eyes were dark, lustful.
You gulped down the saliva that had been pooling in your mouth, letting your eyes wander to anything but him. “Seduce me. It’s unfair, you promised you wouldn’t use your powers on me.”
He hummed, a smirk plastered on his face. “I did no such thing, Love. The emotions you were feeling were all you.”
Needless to say, you knew in your heart he wouldn’t manipulate your emotions to his advantage. You just weren’t ready to admit you were head over heels in love with this marvellous man, who also happened to be a vampire.
Rolling your eyes in response, you grabbed his hand, leading the way to the till so that you could pay for this damn piece of fabric.
You had both made your way out of the boutique after bickering over who was to pay for said piece of fabric. Yugyeom, the gentleman that he was, was persistent on paying for the dress, much to your annoyance. After bickering in front of the poor cashier for a good five minutes, you had finally given in, letting the man pay as he was the one insisting on you getting a dress in the first place.
You were heading home, now excited to get ready for your date. You had been on dates before, but it usually didn’t involve you having to dress up. If Yugyeom wanted you in a dress, it meant he wanted the night to be different from the others; special. In the midst of walking down the crowded street, lost in your own thoughts, a voice croaked from behind you, pulling you back to reality.
“Yugyeom?” The husky voice questioned.
You saw confusion written all over Yugyeom’s face before he turned around to examine the owner of the voice. Curious as to who would know your boyfriend’s name in this town, you followed his movement, turning around to see what was going on for yourself.
Yugyeom’s confused face had now turned into stone. In front of him stood possibly the most gorgeous woman you had ever laid eyes on. Her hair was long and dark, wavy but also so smooth. Did she advertise for Pantene or something? It certainly looked like it.
She had a face straight out of a magazine; big eyes, a small nose, lips a sultry red colour. She was about the same height as Yugyeom, possibly because she was wearing the highest stilettos you had ever seen, yet she made balancing in them look so effortless. Any other human would be wobbling around like Bambi on ice wearing those heels.
And that’s when you realised, she was too perfect, much alike the man standing by your side, because she wasn’t human at all.
She had taken off her sunglasses and placed them on top of her head to get a better look at the man by your side. Maybe if she had kept them on you wouldn’t have felt so incredibly average in her presence.
“It really is you! I have not seen you in-“ She paused as she gave you a glance, obviously unsure of how much you knew about the man and his being. Her eyes quickly wandered back to your boyfriend. “A lifetime.” She finished, shooting him a big smile. Ironic.
Yugyeom gave her a polite smile in return. “Indeed, it’s been quite some time.” Taken back by the sudden reunion, he seemed unsure of what to do, which was out of character for the composed man you were used.
He turned his head to you, placing a steady hand on your hip to pull you closer to him. “This is Y/N, my partner. Y/N, this is Genevieve, an old friend of mine.”
The woman, Genevieve, now shifted her focus to you, taking you in from head to toe. “A pleasure to meet you.” She reached out her perfectly manicured hand to greet you and you took it, giving her possibly the measliest handshake of your life.
She gave you a small smile, retracting her hand. “I didn’t know you had,” she paused again, taking you in once more, “settled in this town. It’s…cute.”
You weren’t sure if she was referring to this town or you, but you decided you didn’t like the sound of either.
Yugyeom shrugged. “I suppose I have a thing for cute.”
She gave him a hum in response, cocking her eyebrow. “It’s been so long Yugyeom, we should catch up. We could go for a meal, like old times.”
You could see her tongue gliding over her subtle fangs, smirking at Yugyeom, carefully observing his reaction. It was like she didn’t even notice your presence anymore from where she was standing in front of you, looking like she was ready to eat your man up like he was a three-course meal.
Something told you she wasn’t implying going for a steak dinner either, unless the cow was served still walking.
Yugyeom hesitated for a moment. Was he actually considering her offer? You awkwardly cleared your throat, hoping your boyfriend would take the hint. You could name a handful of other things you would rather do than to spend time with his old friend.
He squeezed your hip reassuringly, taking a sharp breath in. “Maybe another time, we already have a reservation so we should get going.”
If Genevieve was bothered by this, you wouldn’t have known, as her expression didn’t falter. She clicked her tongue. “That’s a pity, I suppose I will have to hunt someone else down.” You were pretty sure she meant the last part of what she said literally and shuddered by the thought.
Pulling the sunglasses from the top of her head back to her face, she signalled she was leaving. Passing Yugyeom, she put a hand on his arm. “I’m not in town for long so don’t be a stranger, darling.” She smirked whilst eyeing him over the rim of her glasses, retracting her hand from his arm, vanishing into the sea of people behind you.
You felt uneasy to say the least, and surprisingly pissed off. Why didn’t he just decline her offer at once? Who even was she? Jealousy is ugly and it was slowly creeping in on you.
“Are you coming?” Yugyeom’s hand pulled on yours, ushering you to continue on your way home. In the corner of your eye you spotted a particular shop you suddenly felt the urge to visit, just what you needed to complete night’s look.
You rummaged through your bag. “I think I forgot my sunglasses in the fitting room at that boutique, I’ll quickly run back and check. Go back to the car and I’ll met you there, yeah?” You let go of his hand, turning back in the direction of the shop you had been in earlier.
Yugyeom muttered an ‘okay’ and you parted ways, the man oblivious of your true intentions as he headed towards the car you parked a few streets down.
When he was out of your sight you hurriedly made a turn in the opposite direction, doorbell chiming as you entered your shop of choice.
 The dress you had chosen were a perfect match for your newly bought jewellery. Well, it was black, of course it would match, which is why you had lots to choose from when you entered the jewellery shop earlier. You had picked out a pair of earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, even a ring or two, all now carefully attached to your body. You had put on a full face of makeup, a rare sight for you as you normally didn’t have the time to. Putting your heels on, because heels were the only option fitting for tonight according to Yugyeom, you made your way out of your bedroom.
Yugyeom was leaning on your kitchen island, dressed up to match your own outfit, scrolling through his phone yet again. For someone always complaining that people in today’s modern age are always on their phone, he was consistent on putting his own nose in it too.
“These mortals really have no respect for their own limits anymore. Why on earth would you willingly throw yourself out of a moving aeroplane thousands of feet above ground? Their bodies don’t heal if something goes wrong and they hit the ground! Do all mortals subconsciously have a death wi-“
His voice trickled off, the sight of you standing in your doorway all dressed up made his thoughts go foggy. He didn’t need oxygen, he was immortal after all, yet he couldn’t stop the feeling of needing to take a deep breath to collect his thoughts.
For a moment he thought all his sins had been forgiven and he had been lifted to the gates of heaven, God having spared him from being dragged down to the doomed gates of hell for his eternal suffering.  You couldn’t possibly be anything other than an angel.
“You look heavenly.” For once in his life he had no other words to describe your beauty; no words could possibly do you justice.
You noticed how intensely he focused on you and you could feel your blush creeping up, tinting your cheeks a rosy pink.
Yugyeom pushed himself off the kitchen island, eager to get his hands on you. “The dress fits you perfectly.” He was about to pull you in for a kiss until he noticed your jewellery and came to a halt. “And so does your accessories.” He eyed them all, a questioning look taking place on his face.
Remembering that you we’re still not happy from the situation you had ran into earlier during the day, you straightened your posture.
“I saw this cute little shop on my way back from the boutique and I thought, ‘Hey, I don’t have any accessories’ and here we are. Do you like them? They’re all real silver.” You reached out your arm, your boyfriend flinching to the side.
His eyes trailed from the jewellery on your arm up to your face, back to your arm. “They’re nice. What made you go for silver?” He asked cautiously.
You let your arm down, walking over to the couch to pick up your bag. “You know, just thought they would look nice with the dress.”
Yugyeom stood still in his spot, brows furrowed. “So would gold, which also wouldn’t burn my skin off.”
You smirked, your face out of sight from your boyfriend. “Oh, I didn’t think about that. Sorry.” You shrugged.
Your boyfriend let out a sigh, now pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed. “Love, come on. What’s the reason behind this?”
You looked at him with your doe-eyes, feigning innocence again. “What do you mean?”
Yugyeom crossed his arms, glaring in your direction. You could tell he was getting impatient by the way he puffed. “You got rid of all your silver the second I moved in, and you want me to believe you got all of this silver jewellery because ‘It would go nice with the dress’? Do not take me for a fool, Y/N.”
A near mocking laugh escaped your lips. “Maybe if you’re so afraid of a tiny amount of silver you should have invited Genevieve instead. I’m sure she would be more than happy to go for a blue steak with you.“
Yugyeom’s eyes narrowed at your comment. You didn’t normally start petty arguments over anything, so something was bothering you enough for you to lash out like this. He didn’t expect you to be throwing a tantrum over bumping into Genevieve, the past was the past, his story with the woman was buried decades ago.
Then it clicked in his mind.
“Are you jealous?” He asked carefully, his eyes now softer.  
You gaped, slightly offended. “I’m absolutely not jealous of your drop-dead gorgeous old friend. I’m just saying you probably have more in common with her than me when it comes to your choice of food.” You crossed your arms as well as your legs, staring into the darkness outside the window.
“Y/N, please.” Yugyeom sighed. You had to pick a fight, today out of all days.
You on the other hand had never felt this type of rage and the adrenaline that came with it.
Both of you fell silent for a moment, trying to read the situation.
“Who is she to you?” Breaking the silence, your gaze still outside, afraid that if you so much as glanced in Yugyeom’s direction your walls would come crumbling down, exposing you, your weakness on full display.
Yugyeom continued to stay silent, worry building in your chest. This couldn’t be good.
“I’m not buying the old friend crap. She was looking at you like you were a meal but as far as I know, vampires don’t survive off of each other.”
You wanted answers. You needed answers.
Yugyeom’s arms dropped and he made his way to the couch you were sitting on. He sat down next to you, placing a hand on your exposed knee, his touch sending a tingling sensation up your thigh, straight to your spine. Damn this man and how he affected you.
“We knew each other a long time ago. You could say we were partners in crime, we only had each other to rely on. It can be hard out there on your own, not to mention lonely.” His voice was soft, back to its silky-smooth self.
You took a deep, shaky breath.
“So you were lovers, is that it then?”
You couldn’t bear the thought of Yugyeom with someone else. It was ridiculous of course, the man had a life before you, decades before you were even born, he was bound to have been involved with someone. But it didn’t hurt any less hearing about it.
“We were involved with each other in various activities.”
Your heart was beating so hard you could hear your pulse in your ears, and you were sure Yugyeom could hear it just as well, if not better than you.  
“Did you love her?” You weren’t sure if you wanted to hear the answer to the question you just asked, your voice a mere mumble as you were now staring at the floor.
Yugyeom could hear your heart racing, the protruding vein in your neck pulsating, your breathing irregular. His hand squeezed your thigh, just above your knee, drawing circles with his thumb.
“I cared for her in multiple ways, but no, I didn’t love her. It was the reason she left me to my own in the end, I couldn’t love her the way she wanted me to. The way I love you.”
Yugyeom paused, trying to read your face before he continued.
Was he doing the right thing telling you this? It wasn’t unusual for you to ask questions about the past, how things used to be around the world as he had lived to see it unfold, but you never spoke about his past like this. There were uncountable things he could tell you about his past, but he would rather not go near that subject, burying it in the deepest, darkest part of his mind.
“I didn’t think I would ever see her again, we parted nearly a lifetime ago. I didn’t care for her like I care for you. I never loved her. I have never loved anyone like I love you.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you were sure it was going to pack it’s bags and run out of your chest at any point now. Your arms were still crossed over your chest, afraid of hurting your boyfriend with your jewellery as you didn’t actually intend to use them against him. More than anything you wanted to wrap your arms around Yugyeom’s frame, bury yourself face in his chest and smell that familiar scent, his scent.
Voice a mere whisper, you stared into your lap. “Say it again.”
Yugyeom squeezed your thigh once more, firmer this time. He grabbed your chin, gently nudging your chin up so he could tell you straight to your face. “I love you Y/N. I adore you. I crave you. You’re all I could ever want, and I will cherish you forever, even if my damned soul does not deserve you. I won’t let anything in this mortal world part me from you.”
It was all you needed to hear.
A sheepish grin spread across your face. “I love you too, Yugyeom. And I’m sorry about all of this.” You gestured to yourself and the dumb jewellery you were wearing. You were going to throw it all out by morning, not caring about the money you spent on it.
Yugyeom let out a breathy laugh, smiling because you were smiling.
“I know.” He pushed a strand of hair out of your face, careful to avoid your earrings. Soon enough he smirked, eyes just as dark as they had been in the little boutique.
“Now Love, would you please take all of this shiny garbage off of you so that I can kiss you before I go insane?”
A giggle erupted from your lips, throwing every piece of stupid silver on your body across the room, lips finally colliding with your love.
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janiedean · 7 years
danny sees a little cat (or a puppy?) while coming to colleen's and it was looking sad so obviously he brings it home but colleen is not a cat person. but they keep it anyway and colleen starts to like the cat slowly but pretends not to.
HERE WE GO, cat because I like cats. this is the most ridic self-indulgent fluff in existence. idek anon hopefully you like it here we go /o\
There’s rain pouring down hard as when Colleen glances out of the window after having checked the time and noticed that Danny’s late - he was supposed to be here some ten minutes ago and he usually is on time. Maybe it’s because of the rain. She finishes sweeping the floor - he offered to get someone to come and do it for her at least in the evenings but she refused and he hasn’t pressed - and puts away the broom, wondering if maybe it’s the traffic. It’s always worse when it rains -
Except that he doesn’t use the company car any more, if he ever did.
She’s about to call him when he’s twenty minutes late, but then she hears a door opening downstairs and then slamming closed. Right. Has to be him. She gets a couple of towels from the bathroom, most probably he’ll have forgotten to bring an umbrella because it never used to be an issue in the other dimension he lived in for fifteen years, and she’s ready when he finally comes into the room.
The first thing she notices is that he’s drenched. The second is that he left with just his suit jacket - really?, she needs to remind him that he might be the Iron Fist but getting unnecessarily sick because of pneumonia isn’t a good idea, and the third is -
“What is that?” She asks, staring at the equally drenched kitten he’s hiding under his soaked jacket.
“Oh, that’s - found it along the road. It was stuck, I had to make sure it wouldn’t drown.”
Danny moves the kitten fully out of his jacket and - right. One of the paws is wounded, it was probably caught under a piece of concrete or something of the kind.
When did she ever fall for a guy who saves wounded kittens from certain death and happens to be a some kinda superhero? This can’t be her life. At least he didn’t save the kitten from a tree or something equally corny.
Though, admittedly, the most ridiculous thing isn’t even that he was late because he saved a kitten, it’s that the kitten’s fur is sort of the same shade of honey brown as Danny’s hair so in between being drenched and the sort of pitiful expression they look… eerily alike.
“… How about you get dry. Both of you.”
“Uh, right, can you take it?”
She takes it because he doesn’t even wait to push it into her hands and the kitten goes with it. At least it’s not scratching, and patience if some blood from the wound on its paw is getting her palms dirty.
Meanwhile, she looks back at Danny who’s taken off his shirt - listen, a woman has needs and they haven’t seen each other for two days, she’s allowed to look, thanks very much - and thrown it in the corner along with the jacket.
“Nice,” she says, not even trying to hide her appreciation.
“Er, thanks,” he stammers, his cheeks blushing slightly, but he’s also smiling at that - good. “You mind if I hit the shower?”
And leave you alone with the cat, he doesn’t say.
Any other day, she’d have joined him.
“Go for it, I’ll deal with it.”
“You’re the best!”
As if, she doesn’t even bother replying, and brings the cat to the kitchen.
At least, it doesn’t try to scratch or bite at her as she disinfects the paw and wraps it up in a bit of gauze. By the time Danny comes back wearing some of those old clothes of his that he keeps in her wardrobe, Colleen has found out that the cat is a she, that she’s most probably finding it painful to move around because she doesn’t try to walk away from the place on the kitchen table where Colleen had put her, and that at least she has an appetite because she’s almost through with the small bowl of milk Colleen had found her. Good thing she had some left in the fridge.
She’s absolutely not surprised when Danny starts petting the cat and she more than happily lets him.
“So,” she says, “now I guess you’re official superhero material.”
“… Sorry?”
“You just saved a kitten from drowning, I think it more or less equates saving one stuck in a tree.”
“Oh, that. Well. I guess. But isn’t she cute?”
Colleen, who never was an animal person in the first place, agrees because well, objectively, it’s not an ugly kitten or anything. She’s about to ask him where he plans to keep her, when -
“By the way,” Danny says, sounding somewhat regretful, “I realized, uh, I’m off to LA for two weeks tomorrow.”
Right. Some company thing Ward couldn’t get him out of. “And I mean, no one’s at my apartment, not that I’m there much anyway, so I was wondering… would you mind keeping her until I’m back?”
Colleen almost replies no, but then she doesn’t. First, because Danny’s pulling on her that face that makes his eyes somehow look bigger and makes him also look way too similar to the almost-drowned kitten, which automatically makes it fairly hard to say no. Second, because he’s actually right and it’s not as if right now she has much on her hands. Most of her pupils don’t come anymore, not after she left the Hand, and while Claire still does come fairly often and she has a few other people coming in regularly, it’s not as many as before. Never mind that she doesn’t have to pay rent now, so it’s not as if she’s too busy to look after the cat.
She sighs. “I can look after her until you’re back. Then you take her. And I will want compensation for it.”
He stands up from the table, entirely too smooth for his own good.
“I think I can compensate you starting from now. Half now and half at the end of the job?”
“I can work with that,” Colleen replies before kissing him and dragging him towards the bedroom.
Admittedly, it’s great sex.
If she had needed an incentive, it’s working.
The next day, some guy with a Rand Industries badge on his jacket comes to her door and delivers a bag full of… cat stuff. Litter, a few toys, a basket lined with pink cushions, and enough food to last for two weeks.
Colleen wonders where the hell she managed to find herself a guy self-aware enough who’ll ask you to keep their cat and pay for it in advance without you needing to remind him.
In Central Park while you were advertising your activity, she replies to herself, and then shrugs before taking all that stuff out of the bag and spreading it out in one of the unused smaller rooms she has around. Hopefully the kitten will just stay there and out of the way until Danny takes her back.
The first evening, Colleen gives the cat some food and doesn’t even stay to see her eat it. Then comes back to get the empty blow. The kitten is curled in her basket, looking up at her somehow pitifully.
Colleen, who never was a cat person, takes a picture and sends it to Danny. Your protege looks fine, she adds.
How adorable, he texts back, with… a couple of hearts emojis next to them.
Well, he’s taken to texting, indeed.
A couple days later, Claire’s over for training when they’re interrupted by a fairly pitiful meow.
And then the cat walks into the room.
“Did you get a cat?” Claire asks.
“Er, Danny found her in the middle of the road during a storm. I’m keeping her for him until he’s back from Cali.”
“Danny found her, obviously. What’s her name?”
“… She doesn’t have one?”
Colleen shrugs. “It’s his cat. He didn’t name her, so.”
“How long did you say you’ve had her?”
“Four days or something.”
Claire stares at her for a good half minute. Then -
“You two have issues. Give the poor thing a name already, and cuddle her some more.”
Claire leans down and takes her in her hands - the moment she starts petting the cat, she purrs happily and curls against her chest.
“See? She’s happy, I’m happy, I’m cuddling an adorable ball of fur, everyone wins. Try it sometimes.”
Colleen doesn’t even know what to reply to that because now she feels bad for not having done that, so - she says nothing.
That evening, she text Danny - Claire says the kitten needs a name.
Well, she’s right, but I dumped her on you, it’s only right that you choose it :)
… Seriously?
The kitten is sitting on the sofa opposite Colleen while she’s watching the news. She doesn’t come closer, but she’s making a face with a look she recognizes even too well and -
Damn it. She reaches forward, pets the cat’s head and she purrs. Contentedly. In between that, the fur’s color and everything else about how they ended up on the same sofa…
“I think I know how I should call you,” Colleen sighs, and keeps on petting the cat for the next hour or so.
It’s nice.
The next morning, she wakes up with the cat staring at her from the opposite side of the bed. Before her brain can actually connect properly and completely, she’s taken her phone, snapped a picture and sent it to Danny, and then she realizes what she’s just done.
Fuck, Colleen thinks, I’m turning into one of those obnoxious cat people who share pictures of their damned cats on Facebook all the time.
The phone buzzes a moment later.
Adorable, the text reads. But can’t I see the two of both, or is that asking for too much? ;)
Colleen groans, and thinks about it for a moment, then -
She can’t believe that in the span of ten minutes she’s taken a picture of a cat who lives with her and put it online before even having coffee and she has also taken a damned selfie with the cat when she hasn’t ever taken a selfie in her entire life.
She tries to not think about what her grandmother would have said about this.
(She’d have said, if you don’t marry this guy I’d be surprised.)
A week later, she’s too worried trying to get the cat to come down from a fairly high shelf to remember that Danny was supposed to come back around this time.
“It’s too high,” she repeats for the third time, and feeling ridiculous because she knows cats can’t fucking understand English, “just come down. Danielle, damn it -“
“… How did you just call the cat?”
Oh, shit.
She turns at once to see Danny standing on the doorstep, with a fairly dumbfounded look on his face - blame him -, but at least he also looks… pleased?
“Well, you said I should have named her. I thought about it. She looks like you in cat form.” And behaves the same way, truth to be told. “You can change it if you don’t like it.”
She shrugs a tiny bit - it really wouldn’t matter if he wanted, because really, it’s lame and ridiculous and fairly embarrassing, fuck’s sake -
But then Danny’s thrown his backpack in the corner and walked up to her and now he has his arms around her waist and he’s looking at her in that ridiculous way of his that makes you feel like you’re the center of the world, or his world at least, and he’s grinning like it’s his birthday and Christmas rolled into one.
“Thanks, but I think I’m keeping it,” he says, and then they’re kissing and her hands are in his hair and she’s forgotten about the cat, the shelf and everything that’s not get the clothes off him now and let’s find the bedroom.
She wakes up to some more pitiful meowing coming from - in between them?
“What,” she says, not too coherently, as she blinks her eyes open and sees that the cat - Danielle - has crawled right in between the two of them.
“Hm,” Danny says, reaching out and petting her - at least the pitiful mewling stops for the moment -, “I guess we were horrible neglecting parents.”
“Don’t you ever say that again, and you were the one who dumped her here and left for California the day after.”
“Point taken. Guess I’ll stick around to make up for it, shouldn’t I?”
He’s grinning in a way that’s entirely too satisfied and smug for Colleen’s liking, so she drags him in for a kiss again, if only to shut him up.
She’ll deny to the end of her days that her free hand had found his as he kept on petting the cat, though.
No one needs to know that.
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waitedforgarridebs · 8 years
I just remembered this part of that 50k fic that I never finished or published (yes, damn me, but I completely changed my mind about that Moriarty business since then, I can’t write it like this anymore lol), and idek, but... 
Okay, so basically everything starts after the tarmac (HLV), Jim comes back, it’s revealed that Mary was working for him, but Jim now feels betrayed by her because she didn’t kill John after it became clear that Sherlock had only faked his suicide (and doing this would have been her job), so Jim ends up “kidnapping” her, and then having the pregnant (!) Mary executed by a couple of snipers right in front of John and Sherlock’s eyes - which is when it also is revealed that there never had been a baby, that Mary had faked it entirely. 
Subsequently, John is hospitalised because of a car crash - nothing serious - and due to the fact that Sherlock failed to rescue / protect Mary and “the child” (dear past me: why), they are currently not talking to each other (why²), which is why Harry is the one to pick John up from the hospital when they finally release him. 
And yeah... holy shit, what the hell is wrong with me??
[insert John being annoyed and impatient because of the incapable hospital staff] 
John would simply leave the hospital at his own risk. There was nothing they could do about that. And if this drove Mycroft's minions (who obviously were bustling about outside in the hall and trying to convince the doctors to make John stay rather longer than shorter) up the wall, all the better.
With every passing minute, John grew more and more eager. It had been some time already since a nurse or a doctor had made their way into John's room to check on him, bringing up nothing but more of those flimsy excuses why he just had to wait a little longer, so someone should pop in any second. The next person to walk through this door would have the honour to fetch the waiver for John's discharge – and even if it would say "against medical advice", John did, in fact, know better.
Almost as if on command, John heard the doorknob turning and didn't even wait for the person to properly enter the room to vent his anger, not even bothering to sit up or even to look at the poor fellow.
"Listen, I know you're just doing your job, but if you were really doing your job, it would be obvious to you that there is no need for you to keep me here any longer. So, if you didn't come in here to tell me that my discharge papers are on their way, you can go straight back through that door and get me the bloody forms so I can do that myself, because there is no point for you to–"
"You might want to shut your grumpy cakehole now, Johnny. What happened to you is not the fault of the people who work here."
A flaxen-haired, stocky woman, wearing jeans, and a long, dark blue coat above her burgundy cardigan, had appeared behind the corner of the wall parting the two beds from the bathroom, and now stood there, hands akimbo and loaded with several, rustling plastic bags.
Against better knowledge, John – almost out of panic – jolted into a sitting position and was rewarded with a stabbing pain between his temples.
"Harry!?" He burst out and hissed, rubbing the side of his head in frustration about his current deficiency, "What the hell are you doing here?"
Harriet Watson frowned at her older brother and, deciding to act against her spontaneous desire to air her opinion about John's (almost) rude behaviour, refrained from giving a lippy reply and sighed, "What do you mean, 'what am I doing here', they called me. Told me what happened and said that I should come to pick you up, because you are to be discharged."
"You shall pick me– wait, what do you mean, 'they told you what happened'?"
Now it was definitely panic that was showing in John's face.
Were they, whoever "they" were, beyond help? To tell Harry Watson, of all people, what had happened the night before, that John's assassin-wife had been executed by a henchman of the probably most dangerous and surprisingly not-dead criminal masterminds out there, who had, by the way, also been said wife's employer, and did you know that this whole marriage-and-baby-thing had been nothing but a ruse only because she had been supposed to carry out a job and that job, by the way, had been to kill John?
John needed to explain, needed to clarify this.
"Listen, Harry, whatever they told you–"
"Shh, it's alright, I know..." She dropped her bags at the end of John's bed and hurried over to sit at her brother's bedside, and as she faced him, John spotted the tears she was bravely trying to hold back. "I don't even know what to say, John, this is just horrible. What a terrible accident. They told me the driver of the other car had been drunk a-and…"
John's eyes widened as he saw his sister break and burst out in tears, and she couldn't hold back but hug him and started sobbing into the collar of his shirt. He hugged her back, not knowing what else to do, because first of all he needed to catch up with what had just happened.
So they hadn't told her what happened, but that Mary had died in that car accident? John almost felt relieved about this, but this of course changed the whole situation.
Patting his sister's shoulder, John suddenly realised that for everyone else he, now, was a widower. Well, technically that was in fact what he was. His wife had died. That was the basic definition of being a widower. But why did he not feel like one? Moreover, how was he supposed to act now?
Harry squeezed John tightly and sniffed one last time, before she loosened her grip again with a hiccoughing sob and wiped away her tears using the back of her hand, "I am sorry, I shouldn't," she backed off with an apologising laugh, "I am the one who should be there for you, not the other way round. I'm just… glad that you are okay – sorry, not 'okay', you know what I mean…" She faltered, trying to regain her composure, pondering about what to say for a moment while staring out of the window and then teared up again.
"It's just… it's so unfair that you have to go through all of this – again – and now your child as well... You just don't deserve this, Johnny."
"It's… okay," John replied and surprisingly enough really meant it.
"No, it's not okay."
Harry looked at him almost reproachfully, but John couldn't help it. He was bad enough at talking about his real emotions, how was he supposed to put something into words he didn't even feel?
But thankfully Harry didn't push him any further and conspicuously inconspicously changed the topic – nothing new to John. That was what she always did. This time, however, he really didn't mind.
"Well," she spoke up, unable to decide what to do with her hands and rose from John's bed, "they told me you can leave whenever you're ready, so I guess we better pack your stuff–"
"There's nothing to pack," John interrupted, and this was absolutely true. The pajama he had been wearing at night had been borrowed from the hospital (and the first thing he had done in the morning was putting on his actual clothes anyway), as had been the toilet articles and everything else. There was only his wallet and his phone, and both things were neatly waiting on the bedside table and ready for John to pick up.
"Except," he frowned at the bulk of bags lying on top of the blanket near his feet, "all of your stuff. Harry, what is that?"
She looked at him in exasperation, "I've been at the store when they called, and you know I don't have a car anymore, so what was I supposed to do with it?"
Suddenly realising that their usual tone wasn't quite appropriate for this situation, she added a rueful "sorry", but John shook his head and added with an almost not annoyed warmth in his voice, "Oh, for God's sake, stop apologising."
Harry pressed her lips together and gave him a conciliable smile.
"Quite right."
She grabbed her bags indicating that she was ready to leave, "Shall we then?"
The fact that suddenly he almost felt like any other, normal patient, told John that Mycroft's minions finally must had returned to their damp and dingy basements. He was handed his papers, urged into a wheelchair – hospital policy – and wished a speedy recovery, before the hospital staff reclaimed his now empty bed again to prepare it for the arrival of their next paying customer. Harry nonchalantly dropped her bags onto John's lap and wheeled him downstairs through the main entrance, where a chilly January wind was greeting them and a taxi was already waiting.
The question of where they were going now never arose. Of course they were going to Harry's place, and not only to drop off her shopping.
John didn't know how exactly this had happened, but somewhere between his regular visiting Sherlock in the hospital and his trying to ignore that he was neglecting his back then very much pregnant wife, Harry's still stubborn attempts of rapprochement hadn't gone unnoticed and they had started seeing each other again more often.
And, it hadn't been bad. In fact, it had been very welcome, and John slowly started to wonder why exactly their relationship had fallen apart years ago.
Of course, there had been Harry's drinking problem. But she was dry now, and very successfully so, keeping herself occupied with work and hobbies, therapy and support groups, bringing about her responsible adult life in ways John never would have dared to imagine. 
But that's probably the thing about little sisters. Always ready to surprise you when you least expect it.
Just like old times.
Although, now and for once, in the most positive way.
After a mostly quiet ride, and John was thankful for Harry being that considerate, they arrived at a not very modern, but decent block of flats in Wandsworth.
While John paid the cabbie, Harry hurried around the car and fumbled for the keys in her handbag – a task which by itself was difficult enough already – the heavy bags, however, did not make this any easier.
“Shall I–“, John started, about to close the door of the cab and almost amused at the sight of his sister taking two of the lighter bags in between her teeth to at least being able to actually see what she was doing. Exclaiming the sound of success only moments later, she finally held the keys up in the air and gritted past the plastic in her mouth, “Nnpe, gott’mm!”
The rest of the day passed surprisingly quickly and if John hadn’t seen the sun set with his own eyes through the window in Harry’s living room, he wouldn’t have believed that he already had spent the whole afternoon at her flat.
After their arrival Harry had stored her groceries and put the kettle on – chattering on about that if she had known that John was to come here, she would have bought more, especially of this cake from this new bakery that had just opened recently and which certainly was responsible for certain pairs of her trousers not wanting to fit anymore.
Sitting across each other at Harry's small table next to the window, they drank their tea while Harry did most of the talking, but God knows John was used to that already, updating him about her everyday life, complaining about all the small nuisances, gossiping about her neighbours, talking only to fill up the empty space between them, telling trivial stories just to pass the time.
Until mid-way through their third cup of tea, which mysteriously had come accompanied by a slice of aforementioned cake, when Harry suddenly seemed to have worked off all of her usual topics, unusually enough a state that John didn't welcome today. Because, no matter how annoying her concerning herself with other people's business normally was for John, right now it meant that at least he wasn't the subject of their conversation, so he was keener than usual to just keep her talking.
"Oh, by the way, how's Clara?" John threw in, casually enough, before he took another sip of his tea.
Harry, who had just shoved an almost a bit too big bite of cake into her mouth, needed some moments to chew, before she could reply, using her fork as part of her performance, "Last thing I've heard is she opened up a café or something."
John frowned at her, "I thought she was a teacher?"
But Harry only shrugged and finally gulped down the cake, tried to sound indifferent, but failed, "I think she had sort of a mid-life crisis and finally found her personal fulfilment in making soufflés for her boyfriend."
She shoved another bite in her mouth and chewed agitatedly.
And if it hadn't been for the fact that she had become unusually silent almost too suddenly, John wouldn’t have been aware of her now mustering him in astonishment.
Almost automatically, John raised his hand to his mouth and wiped away the stain of cream that was probably bothering her, “What? Do I have cake on my–“
“You haven’t even touched your cake,” she simply observed, and John had to admit that she had a point there.
“John,” she spoke up with a doubting question mark in her voice, “are you alright?”
John knew that she implied more than his current physical state, and more than all the circumstances which should have made this question unnecessary anyway.
He hastily shoved a piece of cake into his mouth and frowned at her, talking and chewing at the same time, trying too hard to avoid this topic, “Yeah, why?”
“Because you’re not supposed to be. And because you aren’t, but not in the way…”
She faltered for a moment, contemplating about whether she really should bring it up, but her curiosity prevailed.
“It’s just… John, it doesn’t look like you’re grieving. I know, it’s probably too fresh and you’re not someone who talks about this sort of things,” she tried to relent, “but still. Somehow it looks like this doesn’t affect you at all, and it just strikes me as odd. Correct me if I’m wrong. But suppressing it is not a solution.”
“I’m not suppressing anything”, John gritted through his teeth, averting his gaze from his sister and cursing himself for actively joining this discussion.
"Obviously not," she huffed, not holding back on the sarcasm in her voice. He gave her a most dangerous glare, but she wouldn't have been Harry Watson to let herself be intimidated by the angry stubbornness of her own brother.
"This is just not like you, John," she continued with her I-know-that's-actually-none-of-my-concern-but-I-want-to-help-anyway look, "I know you've never been the most emotional of all people, but you've just lost your entire family -- yesterday", she emphasised as if this had been necessary to drive her message home.
"I mean, God knows it wasn't always easy with Clara, but even now I would shed a tear or two if she died, especially like this…" She knocked three times on the wooden table they were sitting at before she continued, "And then not only Mary died, but--"
"But I'm not you, so can you just shut up?" John snubbed her, not quite raising his voice, but the anger he conveyed with it even more, as she was biting away the "your child" bit together with a salty tear.
Realising what he just had said, she frowned at him in dismay and shook her head, expressing what was starting to look like condemnation.
"What made you like this? This is not the John Watson I know. This is not my brother."
"Well, then I've got news for you. This is exactly who I am."
He hauled himself out of the chair, slamming his palms against the table, making the cutlery and the tableware clang against each other, and reached for his jacket without another word.
John had enough. This was a conversation he didn't need and most of all didn't want to have right now. This was so Harry, he almost cursed himself for having expected anything else from her. Meddling with the affairs of everyone who was within her reach, trying to solve them, trying to fix not only the problems, but the person going along with them as well, persuading herself to be the solution and, if it ever should happen, ultimately the cause for world peace if someday it came to it.
And apparently changing her profession and actually being paid for doing this, had made her desire to do it constantly even worse. And, sadly enough, alongside with this her skills had improved as well. Because her next objection actually made John reconsider what he was about to do.
"Would you please stop running from everything as soon as it becomes a bit difficult?"
John stopped dead mid-way between the table and the door to the hall, clenching his left hand around the fabric of his jacket.
"A bit," he exhaled, but remained short on an explanation for his exasperation. Nevertheless, even if he was still facing the door and not Harry anymore, he had stopped and just stood there, while his rage slowly made way for genuine contemplation.
Because -- as much as he didn't want to admit it to himself -- Harry was right.
This was what he did.
This was what he had done as a child every time his father had torn the furniture into pieces and everyone who had stood in his way doing so. This is what he had done when his mother had found her feigned salvation on the bottom of a bottle and when his little sister had started to follow her example. This is what he had done trying to escape this hell and what in the end had brought him to the army, where he had found comfort in the fact that no one questioned his birth, where no one knew about his background, where the only thing that had counted and ever would count were his achievements, his performance, simply his "being" rather than his "had-been".
Until this one momentous day and the bullet in his shoulder.
"Listen," Harry tried to relent as she rose from her chair, "I don't know what exactly is going on, but I know there is something you decided not to tell me. This is fine, you've probably got a reason, I respect that. But I'm your sister, John. I worry about you. Something terrible has happened to you and even if you don't tell me details, all I want to do is help. So please, let me."
"I don't need your help," John mumbled and tried to sound convinced of what he's saying.
"Someone's help then," Harry exclaimed, almost unable to hold back her temper about his stubbornness. "Even you've got friends who care about you, John. Some of them maybe even more than I do."
"Why? I can really look after myself, thank you very much," he huffed as he finally turned around and added with a bit more spite than necessary, "It's not like I need to be rescued."
With an almost pitiful expression on her face, Harry gave her brother a warm smile and replied calmly, "We all need to be rescued sometimes, John."
He took a breath to prepare himself for a reply, but ended up realising that he didn't know what to say to that.
And the lump that had suddenly grown in his throat didn't make that any easier.
She really meant it.
And the conviction in her voice was soothing and unsettling in equal parts.
"Speaking of which," Harry suddenly spoke up, interrupting the silence between them and sliding in an almost apologetic, "and that might be none of my business, but why did they call me today? How come I'm suddenly your emergency contact?"
"How come… what? Seriously, Harry, I've got no idea why they called you. I've got no idea why they called anyone at all."
Acknowledging the second part of John's reply only with a pointedly raised eyebrow, Harry continued, "I mean, yes, right now I'm more or less your next of kin, but hasn't that usually been Sherlock? -- Your emergency contact," she added in order to clarify her almost a bit too ambiguous statement.
John averted his gaze and tried to signal very clearly and without being rude, that right now he didn't want to talk about Sherlock, of all people. He tried to hide the clenching of his left hand that he hated so much under the jacket he was still holding.
But Harry was undeterred.
"I was just wondering… the two of you. Are you alright?"
And John's stomach turned upside down.
He knew she only wanted to help.
He knew that it was wrong and he hated himself that he couldn't help it and that he would do it anyway.
But he also knew that there was no other option.
Because suddenly he just couldn't bear it anymore.
Because suddenly he wanted to be anywhere but here.
Because suddenly his whole body was in almost physical pain, every cell sore with dread, commanding him to end this, this conversation, this visit, this agony, cringing and screaming only one word:
"The answer is: Yes…"
And he ran.
"… That is none of your business."
@johnnlocked​ @jenna221b​ @studyinpink​ @victorianlovers​ @thepineapplering​ @cloakstone69​ @yume-chaaan​ @isitandwonder​ @the-7-percent-solution​ @loveismyrevolution @mylastvow @missmuffin221 @mollydobby 
11 notes · View notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
(OH NO I’m gonna miss you Queen ;-; hope you’ll have a good week, though! And looking forward to talking again when you get your laptop back <3)
I’m totally over my Hamilton obsession. It’s a fandom of the past for me now. I’m not going to finish those lyrics. You can’t tempt me with something as simple as that. I’ve actually forgotten the next lines-
(so in case you couldn’t tell, me having left the Hamilton fandom was a blatant lie and my tongue is now turning black)
The Queen couldn’t possibly have been a brat. I bet you were the sweetest kid ever :D
See, the thing is, when my sister gets whiny she can be really irritating.
Like, insisting that she’s only played a ‘tiny bit’ when she’s been at the playground for at least three hours now and it’s time to go home and have a late dinner, then continuing to complain about it the whole car ride home (“Evans is mean. Mom is mean. Daddy is mean…”) then refuses to get out of the car when there are other cars behind us (then she whines about how everybody was ‘dragging’ her out of the car when she was trying to put her shoes on), drags her feet as we go into the apartment, says she’s not going to eat dinner…like, not anything too big (most of the time, at least) but really annoying stuff.
And then sometimes it’s like the whole 'I’m not touching you *finger hovers centimeters away from other person’s skin*’ thing. When she’s really mad at me she’ll make motions like she’s going to punch/slap/pinch me and then when I ask her to stop (“hitting people isn’t nice!”) she’s like “I didn’t hit you though! Evans is being mean” and sometimes she starts to cry…OTL )
Evans + smol children:
Kid 1: “PLAY WITH US EVANS” *clings to my hand*
Evans: “-um-”
Kid 2: “Please?” *grabs my leg*
Evans: “I really need to-”
Kid 3: “Pretty please? You’re the best at tag and Monster games!” *hugs and refuses to let go* *puppy dog face*
Evans: “…how can I say no to this…”
*five minutes later*
Evans: “I know I shouldn’t back out of this but please hear me out I’m DESPERATE*
oh dear XD people don’t really bother to close their mouths over here, I think, since if you don’t think it’s rude then it IS more comfortable. It is considered more polite to cover your mouth with your hand when there’s too much food in there, though.
My parents really want to know why I love manga so much, but they don’t usually have time to watch/read anything with me (and besides, my dad doen't like violent stories so…).
Well, she doesn’t like the Rising Sun Flag at all (like I said, over here it’s a really bad symbol. Many people who were hurt by Japan during WW2 are still alive today, like the old ladies who were once sex slaves for Japanese soldiers, and for everyone involved that pain is never going to fade) but she’s still going to try it out just for the story :) she’d probably really have a problem with it if the flag was used in more serious situations, but since it usually appears in comedic moments in the manga I think she’s accepting it as ignorance(?) from the creator.
Yeah, I don’t really like Kissanime ^^;; I’ll try to find Re:Zero on the Korean site where I usually watch things. Or maybe a manga/light novel version, if there’s anything like that? Since the Manhwa Cafe might have a light novel or a manga.
LOL Fairytail is too intimidating. And you know me, I’m too angsty for that series XD True though, HxH is super long…
Killua isn’t QUITE a cinnamon roll (he was still raised by the Zoldycks and trained by Illumi) but he comes close. I mean, even after going through a hellish Zoldyck childhood he STILL doesn’t want to be an assassin and is capable of kindness and emotion towards people who aren’t members of his family. The MC Gon is probably the ultimate cinnamon roll though.
Illumi has issues. The fact that he willingly hangs out with Hisoka should prove that.
The Zoldycks are a BRUTAL family, ok, I feel sorry for all their children. Like, come on. The emotional abuse is just as bad, if not worse, than the physical abuse.
Idk if this was ever addressed in canon, though, but I wonder if Illumi also resents Killua in a way? Since Illumi is the oldest child and was trained since birth to become a perfect Zoldyck assassin, but when Killua was born it quickly became obvious that he was a prodigy and then he was chosen as the heir. Kilua doesn’t even WANT to be the heir, he stabbed his mother and one of his other brothers just to run away from home, and yet he’s still being chosen over Illumi, who was trained for a similar role since birth and just had to silently, obediently step side the moment this tiny baby brother was born.
True, I guess it’s like me shipping Queen Luna with so many characters LOL. Evans/Kimblee is still one of the weirder ships though, like what do we even have in common (answer: ruining lives. And we both….appreciate….art?). At least Scar/Evans had the potential to be awkwardly cute XD
(TYSM though Queen, you’re too kind to me <3)
What have we done now I’m imagining that fight between Kimblee and Ed, where Ed thought he won but Kimblee revealed he had another Philosopher’s Stone- but instead of the stone, it’s
Kimblee: *pulls ball out of pocket* PRIDE! I CHOOSE YOU!
(Imagine Pride making the Pokemon noises though)
I relate to that too. Probably going to relate to it even more when college starts in September(?)…;-;
BUT WHAT IF WE END UP TRIPLE-JINXING IT (idk what I’m even saying now)
I guess it’s just me and my fondness for mix-and-matching colors XD I get bored looking at something with too much of just one color so I like throwing in other colors too…I might get carried away with it sometimes though lol.
I’m really glad you liked the Olivier one though ^^
…wow. That was an amazing dream XD Weirdly enough I’ve never had a dream about a celebrity even with all of my fandoms (I did once have a dream involving a few K-pop idols but I can’t clearly remember if they were actually real idols or just characters created in my mind lol).
Don’t worry, Loki will distract you from the lack of long blonde hair with his fabulousness (once again, idek what I’m saying)
Hope you had a good time watching it :D (I’m personally not into Sherlock anymore, though ^^;; the sexist/homophobic stuff was just too much so I dropped it)
IF YOMO DIES- I CAN’T EVEN. He’ll be dying at the hands of the chacter I just don’t care about anymore (Mutsuki) for one of my not-so-favorite characters (Touka). NO.
And I watched S1 of One Punch Man on a react channel. I’m obsessed and now I’ve got to read the manga HELP ME
And I finally found real watercolor paper, I can’t wait to paint on it :D
Also, sorry for not sending any asks ;-; i got discouraged because asks get eaten so easily (plus I had so much to say lol)
FINALLY PLAYING CP! I didn’t get Steam though (after reading about it and thinking it through I just don’t think it’s for me ^^;;) so I ended up downloading it. I’ve played all the routes except for Waltz’s, but I’ve only gotten the Good Endings so far. (There’s actually a reason for this: Firstly, I was actively trying to get a good ending because I get weirdly obsessed when playing dating games…since it’s a romance, it feels like a major fail if I don’t get a good ending XD (I know, I’m really weird). And as for the second reason…you usually have to act like a jerk to other characters to get the bad endings and I didn’t want to do that ;-; (seriously, I know they’re just fictional characters and that it’s silly, but I HATE it every time I choose to do something mean and they look at me like they’re so disappointed ugh OTL)).
My thoughts so far:
-Art is amazing! It does look a little off at some points during the game but it’s not very noticeable and other than that, it’s great. The intro looks the best, I think, and the sketchy, simple style used during flashbacks really adds to the ‘fairy tale’ feel. It actually reminds me a bit of Kuro’s art.
-Idk about music, my family’s always around and having my earbuds in for so long hurts my ears so I just turned off the sound while playing ^^;; I did hear a bit of the intro though and it sounded nice.
-I like the history with the Great War and the crystals :)
-The whole concept of Fairytale Curses is really interesting! It was fun to try and guess how the curses worked for certain characters and how they could be broken.
-Rod’s route was probably the most boring because it was too predictable. I guessed that Alcaster(? is that his name? I’m talking about Fritz’s father) wasn’t the real villain, that Mythros was the witch, that MC’s mom was probably a witch, that Rod was in love with Viorica and that Viorica had something to do with his curse, that falling in love with MC would break his curse…yeah. The only thing I didn’t see coming was that MC’s mom was not just a normal witch but the Tenebrarum bearer. However, it was still interesting enough to make me want to play the rest of the game, the romance was cute, and I liked how they handled the whole ‘step-siblings’ thing.
-Rod himself was a bit boring. I don’t think he was badly written, but his personality was a mix of the typical 'stoic’ and 'tsundere’ types so yeah. I do have to give the writers kudos for not turning him into an annoying tsundere, though. I mean, Rod can be a jerk but he didn’t irritate me and I didn’t dislike him.
-Karma/Klaude’s route threw me off because of the whole rose motif. I thought that by 'Beauty’ he meant 'Sleeping Beauty Curse’ XD it didn’t help that he kept talking about being tired and not having had enough sleep.
-I liked his habit of calling people 'darling’; idk why but it’s cute. I also like that he’s the only character so far to actually address MC’s relationship with her mother and what it must have done to her (even if it was just a brief moment). Karma’s personality in general was charming ^^
-I also really, really liked his character design! Even though my favorite color is blue I think characters with a 'Red’ theme (like Grell from Kuro) always look good. It makes them pop and stand out from the rest of the cast.
-But I’m sad we didn’t get to meet his father. The glorious man who calls his children 'Karma’ and 'Llama’.
-I was also a little bit disappointed with Karma at first. From the art I saw before the game I thought he was this cool, powerful swordsman who liked to wear dresses and didn’t care what people had to say about that…turns out he just had to do it because of the curse ;-;
-(Karma’s curse was also a bit confusing to me. Idk, I just think they could have explained a little better why dressing as a woman helps…)
-Rumpel (or rather, Chevalier…but I’m never going to get used to that name. It reminds me of 'Chivalry’ or 'Chandelier’). People don’t seem to like him a lot but I was looking forward to playing his route…he just seemed like a fun guy.
-He turned out to be a very interesting character that I wanted to see fleshed out more. I mean, he started as a 'Shallow, Childish Flirt’ type character, then we found out he’s actually a nice guy, then we found out he’s a DOCTOR (I got spoiled for that before I played his route but still), then there’s the thing with him being too selfless for his own good…I like that they didn’t just turn him into a 'Playboy’ character.
-Tbh I thought he was sweet? *prepares for the hate*
-Also think the whole thing with Bria was handled well. I’m glad that neither she nor Rumpel was made out to be the only victim.
-I wish we got to see more of how Mythros’ death affected Rumpel, though.
-Fritz is a cinnamon roll :) a total sweetheart.
-His route might have been a bit boring, though, because MC spent so much time locked up in the castle..but it got a lot better towards the end, after MC got back to the Marchen.
-I also found Varg really interesting and felt a bit sorry for him. Wish we got to see more of him- especially since it was mentioned that he was created from some part of Fritz’s personality. We never really got to see the 'Varg’ side of Fritz :(
-(wonder if there’s more Varg in the Bad Ending?)
-Also I’m sorry but Fritz’s curse reminds me more of Jekyll and Hyde than Little Red Riding Hood XD
-(didn’t really care for the mother-daughter relationship with Delora and MC, though, because their interactions didn’t feel that way?)
-MC. I haaaated her at first and I hated her even more because I sensed she was going to get an angsty backstory that would justify her behavior. But she was actually really well written and I ended up liking her a lot!
-Emelaigne and Parfait are sweethearts. (also I like that detail with the shadows around Parfait’s eyes)
-wish there was some more diversity in the cast
-Also female love interests! With a little tweaking we could have Delora! Parfait! Jurien! And if we can date Rod, THEN THERE’S NO HECKING REASON WHY WE CAN’T DATE EMELAIGNE TOO
-It would have been nice if the love interests called MC out on her behavior at some point. I mean, we know why she acts that way but they don’t.
-And if they’d talked about her childhood with her…Hildyr was a terrible mother.
-Speaking of Hildyr, wow. Just, wow. I like that she’s not a flat, 100% evil character and that she does genuinely love her daughter (in her own twisted way), but…yeah.
-Mythros is a slimy rat who was probably aiming for Magnificent Bastard status and failed. (I do feel sorry for him, though. And his design looks good. It sorta reminds me of Vincent Phantomhive)
-Also, random: I renamed MC ever time I played the game. I love naming characters so in any game, if you can rename the MC, I always have to change the original name ^^;; I ended up naming her Theodosia once (sorry Burr, I’m sure your daughter’s nicer than the MC), and then Eliza just for how funny it was (because now I associate the name Eliza with Cinnamon Roll Queens and the MC is anything but).
-Delora, MC and Emelaigne are probably my favs. However…
-The Ultimate Fav is the one and only Mr. Broom. Such development. Much complexity. 10/10. Best character ever.
-And now, the characters I ship Queen Luna with (yes, I absolutely HAVE to do this with every one of our shared fandoms): Fritz and Karma :D it would be so cuuute
-I’ll add my opinions on Waltz once I get the time to play his route :)
-TYSM for introducing me to this game, Queen Luna! I had a lot of fun playing it <3
I AM BACK!!  And I’m emotionally drained again XD Too much human interaction for 1 week. I had some friends over, so I was supposed to be the polite host (even though it was actually my mom’s idea to invite them, so I can ‘be more outgoing’.) 
Right, right, and I totally didn’t force my friends to listen to the whole Hamilton soundtrack and then totally didn’t get this close to singing along to everything. Both of us are over it
Same, same. I just have to think a thought that is also a lyric in the musical and I’m back in hell.
Nope, trust me, I was a little shit. Whenever someone tells me stories of baby Luna, I wanna curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. I’m not even joking when my parents wanted to take me to get tested for ADHD. And then, suddenly, I found the magic of books and you will not get me to move my ass unless my life’s on the line (and even then I’ll reconsider XD)
Ouch… well, most little kids are like that? I mean, I don’t interact with them a lot (we have a mutual dislike for each other :P), but there’s a reason why I don’t like them. They can be adorable and all, but I just don’t have the patience ^^;;;
I think I’d cry of cuteness if I ever saw Evans with little kids, because that sounds absolutely adorable!!! 
Tbh, the thing I have most problems with is the sound of it, because it gets on my nerves so much ;-; 
Still, it’s really nice they make an effort to understand you ^^ I finally told my mom about my idol obsession today,  and I was so happy when she wasn’t weirded out T^T The thing is, I’m so used to people giving me weird look when i so much as mention anime, and idols are a whole new level of that, that I just don’t wanna tell anyone about it. Hell, it took me 2 months to offhandedly mention it to my parents. 
I think Re:Zero has a light novel? I’m not sure, honestly ^^;;;
Dude, you would not like fairy tail AT ALL. It is 98% tasteless fan service, and I was able to tolerate it for the sake of plot, but in the recent chapters, the plot itself has also become really stupid. Like, if a character dies, no one is worried any more, cause we know they’ll be revived 3 pages later. It became really stupid near the end. But, hey, it’s over now.
In summary: HxH is messed up XD I’m still debating watching it… maybe a bit later, or maybe I’ll pick the manga up ^^ 
Art is a very wide term, so I guess you could say both you and Kimblee do have it in common? It’s just up for discussion which form of art XD I must say, I do like you and Scar better though, because I don’t really think Scar would potentially blow you up if you did anything wrong…
Pride, pride! Pika pride!
All enemies would be terrified of him.
IDK LETS JINX IT AS MUCH AS WE CAN SO HOPEFULLY WE END UP IN A JINX THAT KEEPS HIM ALIVE! And omg I honestly don’t remember anymore if it was a fan comic or an actual manga panel, but it makes me wanna cry every time I think of it (I think it was a comic…) But then again, I don’t wanna spoil anything for you (again ;-;). So, have you read what happened to Bertl last?
Seriously, it was so weird ;-; I usually remember all my dreams, so but I usually dream of anime and other fictional characters (help) and things I thought about a lot during the day. Most of my dreams are crazily bizarre. 
Well, I mean, Loki finally had the decency to wash his hair (I’ve waited 3 movies for that), so I’m more than happy about his part XD
Tbh, I’m not into it too much either, but I do enjoy detective/mystery shows, so why not.
I have one thing to say.
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Seriously, I brought the series with me on an USB to rewatch it during the summer XD
Oh, I hope you have fun with it! And don’t worry about not sending asks ^^
GUESS WHO ALMOST CRIED WHEN SHE HEARD YOU WERE PLAYING CP??? ((If you need more than one guess, I’ll be disappointed XD))
I can’t wait for you to play Watlz’s route. That guy is still my favorite, and I still wanna cry when I think of him XD Trust me, there are FEEELS. HE’s also one of my favorite tropes T^T
Don’t worry, I also always get good endings first and then the bad ones (tbh I do the bad ones for the CGs and achievements. I wouldn’t do them otherwise XD)
The art is honestly one of my favorite parts, especially the character designs! Some of the CG is a bit inconsistent, but it’s still admirable, especially for a free game! 
Trust me, the music is absolutely amazing! If you ever want to hear it, there’s a small sound room or something in the settings and you can always listen to it there ^^
I know the history of the whole world s so creative! I honestly never expected MC’s mom to be the witch crystal (forgot the name lol) bearer, but it was a nice twist!
Yep, Rod is a bit predictable, but it’s still a fun route ^^ He’s my 4th favorite, tho…  Or 5th, I honestly can’t decide…
Karma, my darling ;-; Tbh, I’ve always doubted that he was Beauty and the Beast (because it’s my favorite fairytale If i’m gonna be honest :P), but the whole ‘not now’ and ‘running out of time’ (haaaaamilton) thing gave it away.  The ‘Character calls MC a pet name (darling, love, LITTLE STAR (T^T)) is definitely one of my favorite things ever ^^ But I knew Karma was, well, Karma (aka Beautiful Lady) the second he appeared in the alleyway in the prologue. the hair gave it away tbh I think we should meet Llama in the fan disk coming out soon? I really wanna buy that disk XD
Rump is so much more than he seems. I mean, from what I saw in the prologue, he was my lest favourite, but I think he might be 4th? Still not sure if it’s him or Rod… ((also, don’t get me wrong, just because they’re last doesn’t mean I dislike them! It’s just that I like them the least (sounds equally horrible)))
I love Fritz, but I love Varg more, which is why Fritz’s bad end is the worst for me, personally (vaaaaaaaarg). And I was so sad when he erased himself ;-; Why you do that my dear wolf. 
I KNOW I ALMOST SCREAMED WHEN DELORA DIED WHYYYYYYYYY. Idk, in some routes it does feel like mom-daughter somewhat, but then again, i some routes, Delora is more of that sassy friend.
Yep, i mentioned it before, i really like MC’s growth ^^ It’s nice to see her go from total bitch to just slightly bitch XD 
A whole bunch of extra routes were considered, from what I heard, but they simply didn’t have the time or funds to include them…
Mythros is that guy i wanted to feel sorry for, but simply couldn’t. Especially not after waLTZ’S ROUTE. Fuck you, Mythros.
Oh, wow! Poor Eliza and Theodosia hahah Tbh, I always use Luna in otogames because it’s not my real name (so no embarrassment from the characters calling me by my actual name), but since i always, always use Luna on the net, I’ve kinda adopted it as a second name XD
Mr. Broom best boy 1000/10. I want a route for him.
Awe, thanks a lot!  My faves list looks like this: 1. Waltz (still crying) 2. Karma/Varg 3. Fritz (that’s right, Varg is above Fritz, despite being Fritz) 4. Rumpel, actually 5. Rod.
So I am very very happy to be shipped with (technically) both 2nd best hahah
Honestly, I see you with Fritz, bc cinnamon roll and cinnamon roll! He’d always be the one to makee sure you’re not uncomfortable with something and would melt when he saw you with little kids (despite the fact that you were pleading for someone to help you at the moment XD). Also, you can bet this guy will dedicate so much of his free time to watching you pain. HE’d also try to learn how to paint himself, so he could feel closer to you! Also, time to drown Evans in pastries, it doesn’t matter if she likes them or not, Fritz will buy more or less the whole shop so you can try it. He messes up so badly if you come watch his practice. He is dead. He can’t handle the pressure of you watching (even tho I doubt you’d give a flying fuck if he messed up a step or something) and will just turn red, turn around and call for a break.  Also, you can bet this guy is all about head pats. You learn to have a comb with you at all times XD
Enjoy Waltz’s route and the feels! 
Oh, and I also made Aesthetics for some characters, I’ll post them separately, cause they’re on my phone ^^))
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