#shhh I got lazy about his antlers? and arms
idl3lane · 2 years
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here’s a quick doodle of moros from hades 2 I will not finish this lol had fun doing this lil thing
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A splash of Saz's background and a splash of worldbuilding
Shhh yes I am typing straight into a tumblr post again from my phone at that. Call it dedication. Call it laziness.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @livums @vacantgodling (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
The bear morpher huffed, taking the drink from Ian's hand. Knowing he was drunk enough to not hit her hand away in time. She took a sip from it and pushed past her nerves to ask the other three morphers nearby a question.
"How long have y'all fought?"
Julie laughed at Ian's quiet grumbling as he stumbled off to get another drink. They'd been camping in at Julie and Ian's quarters for awhile now it seemed. The crickets weren't chirping when they had first entered but were practically screaming now. Saz was sure they'd been drinking for a few hours now. But it was one of the few things they could all do together with little animosity.
The hagfish morpher answered first, "Fighting under the elder morphers? Since I had enough strength to throw a rock and make it hurt."
"I was pressured into it awhile ago." Ian responded with a sigh as he returned.
"I was basically drafted by the elder morphers. I didn't have a choice. So a couple years now I guess." Elliot said, quiet for the moment after losing over who'd control the music.
"I've been a wrestler for awhile. But none of the war tactics stuff under your belts." Saz stated.
Ian shrugged, "Wouldn't call it war tactics just yet. You didn't know about anything building and you lived with the humans."
That ripped a collective sound of aggravation from the hagfish and smaller deer at the thought. All this work and the shit was going unnoticed.
Julie tossed the pocket radio to Elliot, more like at Elliot, so he could change it, "Thought you were a smuggler?"
Saz grinned and nudged Elliot, "Aw so he did talk about me." She scratched at her scruff and scooched a little closer to Julie, "I was both. Smuggling people in and out got me my money."
Elliot chimed in now, "It's how I met her too."
Julie looked up at the bear morpher, "That how you made it into one of those human cities?"
Saz shook her head. Swirling the beverage in her hand before taking a long drink. The bear morpher tilted her head away from Julie, her locs following the motion.
"Adopted by some humans actually."
Ian and Julie's face both twisted. They'd heard horror stories from morphers about it for years. So many bullshit reasons. So much death. The occasional win, just for a kid to be shipped off as a lab rat. Or someone's living trophy. Hell the elder morphers had whispered about it amongst themselves when they thought no one could hear.
Elliot's eyebrows shot up, "You weren't born in a human city?"
Saz chuckled and shook her head, "Born on a morpher base in the outskirts. When there were still multiple I guess. Seems like it's just one or two now."
"And a human felt bad and plucked you from a dying parents arms," Julie stated.
"Or they were looking for children to toss to the labs and you just happened to fit. So they kidnapped you and made bank." Ian stated.
Saz simply shrugged, "Don't know. Just know they took a gamble because I could've shown a very obvious trait in five years." She gestured to the two deer morphers.
Elliot scratched at the antler that remained. Ian flicked his ears and looked away. Julie stretched and rested a hand on the two deer morpher's heads. Shoving Elliot when he chose a station she didn't like.
"Still impressive that you dodged animal control for so long," Julie said, a smile finding its way to her face.
Saz looked down at her nose and then to Julie, "I was just a kid the first time, I busted my face the second time, and got saved by you guys the third. Don't really know if that's a good job."
Julie sucked her teeth, bringing a knee to her chest, "What do you call making it out of a place that hate's monsters alive? Typical day?"
Saz finished off the drink in her hand in silence and rested her elbow on Julie's head. Careful not to rest all of her weight on the hagfish morpher.
"Typical day. Routine. Same thing, yeah." Saz said simply.
She rose to her feet with a groan. She needed a stronger drink.
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