#shield bash used to work! and then it stopped working in November
corgiteatime · 7 months
look the new animations are cute and all but i just want shield bash and a couple of the broken feats to actually work
i'll enjoy new stuff but i'd also like the game to function correctly too
i guarantee most of that giant ass patch is going to be bug fixes and not new content
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mysweetestcreature · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Knows (President!Harry) Chapter 8: Head Over Feet
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(Banner by the wonderful noblewomankat!)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In the heat of the blistering summer just before the start of ninth grade, Y/n had experienced her first kiss. It really isn’t anything she would brag about –– she might say that it doesn’t count at all –– just a measly three seconds of her nervous and shaky lips grazed against the red Gatorade doused mouth of Zachary de Gala during a harmless round of spin the bottle. Not much of that night was memorable, maybe with the exception of the cheesiest pizza she’d ever had the pleasure of stuffing down her throat (but that’s an entirely different love affair to be discussed at a later date). 
Her second kiss...well, it was more of an almost second kiss, one that had been interrupted by a cute little six-year-old with an addiction to Neapolitan cupcakes and a knack for capturing the attention of every soul in the room. From the top to bottom of her smallest nail, that’s how close their lips had been to touching. If her brother had only interrupted them two seconds later, or if she’d been even the slightest bit more audacious with her actions, she’s almost certain that it would’ve happened. She still thinks about it quite often, even though she knows that she probably shouldn’t. After all, past is past. Right? 
But every time Harry’s cheeks would dimple, or his eyes would light up at the mention of particularly historic play by the Green Bay Packers, all she can do is sigh to herself because he really is so darn handsome. She just wishes she could do more with how she feels than keep these thoughts so kept that it’s only a matter of time until she loses her mind. 
Her dad, on the other hand, has no problem talking on and on. The way they intrigue about football and World War 2 (she had no idea that Jeremy was so knowledgeable on anything besides computers and NFL players), an outsider would think they’ve known each other for years. And maybe she shouldn’t be feeling a slight pang of jealousy with how easy the two have gotten on. After all, Jeremy had been ready to shut the door in his face when all Harry had wanted was to apologize to her for that pesky misunderstanding. 
Taking that into consideration, she would have never thought they’d be in this place not even a month later. She’s completely torn about how to act with Harry sitting so close beside her with her parents (and Mason) surrounding them at the dinner table. 
“You know, the Packers are playing on Thanksgiving this year,” Jeremy starts, twirling the seafood linguine around his fork. Y/n pauses just as her own utensil clinks between her teeth, eyes darting to her father as he continues to speak. “If you and your family aren’t doing anything, we would love to have you join us. It would be great to have someone to watch the game with who isn’t under four feet.” 
“Really?” Harry gasps, and the crevices in his cheeks concave once more. 
Y/n chokes down a gulp of water, just barely able to stop herself before she spits all her mouth’s contents onto her mom’s plate across from her. Three pair of eyes land on her –– the fourth and smallest pair staring intently at a noodle as it shrinks away through his lips –– and Harry is the one to lightly pat her on the back until the fit of coughs whimpers down. 
“Are you alright?” his eyebrows lift up in concern. Unable to say anything in return, she simply nods and strokes down on his arm as though to tell her that everything is fine. 
Olivia doubles up in amusement but shields it away with the use of a napkin. As if anything could ever be kept from a mother, it’s a lesson every parent will come to understand once they have kids. “That sounds like a great idea!” she elates, but she remains glued to the image the two teenagers exchanging bashful grins as they recoil touches under her husband’s watchful eye. “What do you think, Mase?” 
Face covered in an abundance of marinara sauce, the little boy perks up and displays his teeth for everyone to see. His mom rolls her eyes, taking a napkin and giving him a good wipe down until only the dried streaks remain. Mason grunts, pouting as he tries to break free of the attack. She turns back to the rest of the table. “Hard to say no to a face like this, huh?”
“I knew you were into art and stuff, but wow,” Harry stares in awe at all the sketches and paintings that adorn the walls of her bedroom. From pieces he’s seen her work on during lunch, to new and surprising scenes decorated on canvas, he can feel a part of her in each one. “Hey,” he smiles, stopping to admire one in particular. “You finally finished it.” He’d never say it out loud, but something about it makes him feel nostalgic, brightened. It’s almost like he’d seen this image in a book, or maybe in person if he can only remember when and where. 
He looks over his shoulder, only to find her in a complete daze as she stares ahead without true intent. “Y/n?” No answer. Only the sound of gentle inhales through the nose is what keeps the room from drifting into barren silence. The look on her face is far too serious, like all her energy is being channeled into such deep and unwavering concentration. Slowly making his way towards her, he ducks his head lower, trying to intercept the line of her gaze. 
“Wha-” her eyes blink furiously as she snaps out of her trance. For a moment she almost forgets where she is. She shakes her head as to rid herself of the confusion, suddenly becoming aware of all that’s around her. As she meets Harry’s eyes, her lips turn up ever so delicately. “Did you say something?” 
A cheeky smirk spreads across his face. “Only the plans for my next murder,” and he taps the underside of her chin, then curls his finger along the edge. 
“As long as you don’t make me dig up the grave, I won’t say a thing,” she says with a tilt of the head. They hold the gaze, finding comfort in the silence that falls between them. 
Would right now be the best time to ask her? After all, he’s rehearsed it over a dozen times in front of Maxxie (and Cici when she’s not in one of her moods). There’s just an overwhelming desire that blasts through him like lightning, only this keeps occurring whenever he’s able to hold her or even just be a few inches away. He’s pathetic, he knows that, and maybe half of their grade knows it as well. But he could care less what anyone thinks because he hasn’t felt so content ever in his life. 
“I wanted to ask you something,” he begins, slowly lowering his hand from her face until it’s relaxed in his front pocket. 
She cocks an eyebrow as she falls back to sit on the bed. “And what’s that?” she wonders, crossing her legs under her bottom. He lets out a nervous chuckle as he sits beside her. It feels strange to him, the mattress beneath him is almost too soft under his weight. He bounces a bit, as though to test its form as a possible cloud. To be honest, he’s never really stayed so long in a girl’s room before, let alone make himself comfortable on her bed. 
“So, you know how there’s this...you know, this thing next month,” he blushes, already feeling his nerves begin to startle him. 
“Go on,” she prods, doing her utmost best to hide her eagerness. 
The back of his hand brushes along where her knee touches the side of his thigh like a feather. His mouth quirks to the side as he looks up from his actions.
Her eyes gleam with an innocent curiosity, as she gnaws on her bottom lip. She bops her head in anticipation. “C’mon! Don’t just leave me hanging!” And she nudges playfully pushes on his arm. 
“Well, I just wanted to know if you’d maybe consider–”
“Hey, I just packed your bike in the trunk. Are you ready to go?” 
His eyes squeeze shut as his head drops in mild annoyance. They turn to Jeremy leaning coolly in the doorway, his keys dangling from his pointer finger, legs crossed at the ankles. Harry is almost positive that he’d been listening in the hallway, there’s just no chance that he’d be so unfortunate to get interrupted, now of all times. But he’s also become exceedingly paranoid since spending so much time home alone. 
Y/n looks between Harry and her dad. “Um...” she sounds, “Just tell me tomorrow in Algebra?” 
Friday, November 14, 2008
“Do you want to go to the dance with me?” 
“There’s a formal in a few weeks, right? Would you want to go...as my date?”
“I was thinking that it would be pretty cool if we went to formal together. What do you say?”
“If you were planning on going to the dance, maybe you’d want to go with me?”
Harry doesn’t think he’s ever hated himself more than he does right now. It’s bad enough that it started raining halfway on his bike ride to school (and that’s not even mentioning how damn cold it is outside), but he thinks the worst part is being put in an all too familiar position. The last time he’d hesitated with Y/n, she hadn’t spoken more than a few words to him over the course of two weeks. Of course, he has a certain red-headed cheerleader to thank for that, but he won’t mention her name at this time. Except now it’s like every single word to leave his mouth makes him want to knock himself over on the head.
The goal is to be straightforward, but he also wants to make his proposal at least somewhat romantic. That’s what every girl wants, right? To be treated well and make this kind of thing memorable? He’d seen a few of the seniors with posters and large bouquets of flowers for their girlfriends when they’d ask them. Does Y/n expect that kind of gesture? Or would that be too much considering he still hasn’t told her that he likes her beyond the boundaries of simple friendship? 
“Just end me,” he groans, banging his head against his locker door. “Put me out of my misery.” The cool metal will at least soothe his aching head as he comes up with a better way to ask her to the dance. How hard can it be, really? It’s not as though he hasn’t had any experience at all. There have been at least a few times where he’d asked a girl he liked to the mall or ice cream or a middle school dance. Why is this any different? Actually, he knows why, but he refuses to say it out loud in fear that he’ll end up jinxing it all. 
“There you are!” 
“Shh!” he hushes, covering his eyes with his forearm. Now really isn’t the best time, not when he’s desperate to get himself together by second period. “Not too loud, aye? I already have a migraine.” 
Maxxie retreats a few steps back, shifting his weight from side to side. “Okay then...” he says unsurely, digging the toes of his shoes into the freshly waxed floor. “I was just going to ask if you were ready for today? Because the bus is leaving in like twenty minutes so...”
“Excuse me?” Harry’s jaw drops, snapping his head up to look at his friend. “Why am I getting on a bus?” 
“Debate with Bayview? Literally all Mr. G’s been talking about for weeks? Pretty important?” 
Harry rummages through his bag for his planner. “That’s next week, though!” He swears he has it marked on the twenty-first of the month! This just can’t be right! He’s usually so on top of these things because of all the activities he’d been taken on since the start of the year. The competition isn’t meant to happen until the... “You’ve got to be shitting me...” Next time he’ll be sending alerts to his phone. 
“Don’t tell me you forgot! You’re literally the best one on the team! Dude, tell me we’ll win this!” Maxxie begins to panic as he brings his fingers to his mouth and bites anxiously on his nails.
“Chill, will you? It’s not that I’m worried about,” Harry sighs heavily, closing the book harshly and tossing it aimlessly into his bag. 
Maxxie pats his friend on the back. “No luck, I’m guessing?”
“It’s like her family knows when I’m about to do something! First when I wanted to kiss her, then when I was going to ask her to formal,” Harry shakes his head as he shuts his locker. He checks the time on his watch, another heavy sigh puffing out of him. “Hopefully we’ll get back before lunch.”
“The U.S. Supreme Court has legalized gay marriage, but the issue is still widely debated across the country. At the center of the debate are what the true definition of marriage is and whether gay couples are permitted the same rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples. Some question whether this is a legal issue or a religious issue.”
Harry stands at the podium that oversees the entire auditorium. So many eyes watching him as though he were a caged creature at the zoo. To his left, he sees his teammates, all signaling him their signs of encouragement. The papers in his hands contain all the factual evidence he’ll need to support his argument, but it doesn’t make the constriction in his chest feel any less prominent. 
*** She hadn’t thought much of it when Harry hadn’t been at their lockers before homeroom, although, she had been a bit tardy this morning since Mason had come down with a sudden case of the sniffles. When he hadn’t shown up to Algebra and then Spanish, she started to worry just a bit –– okay, a lot –– but only because he’s usually quite punctual.
It’s just after eleven, and he’s usually here watching her while she bakes whatever goodie Miss Genevra has challenged her to make, or at least doing some last-minute homework on the bench. Yet, here she is, all to her lonesome self, mixing her cookie batter by hand because all the electric mixers are in use. Her arm feels a bit achy, but it’s a pain she can ignore as she continues to think about where on earth her curly-haired crush might be.
There’s one thing that’s been really bothering her since last night, and that’s all to do with the unsaid question she already has an answer for. Because of course Cici gave her the hint that Harry has been meaning to ask her to the dance. (More like sent her a long and detailed text about how Harry had forced her to pretend that she was her while he practiced how to go about asking her.)
“If he doesn’t grow a pair and just do it, I swear I’ll shave all that beautiful hair off,” she had written in conclusion.
Harry studies his notes one last time. “What is the definition of marriage? According to Merriam Webster, it’s the “state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law,”” he reads, then looks up, scanning the room with regard for the genuinely intrigued faces. “Nowhere in that sentence does it indicate a specific gender-gender requirement, nor does it exclude any individual of any background. Now imagine this, not being able to fully commit to the person you love because there are some people that say it’s wrong.”
“The United States has claimed to implement equal rights into the everyday routine of its citizens, and that includes gender, race, religion, and sexuality. And yet, how can a country that defines itself by its desire for equality be so willing to stunt that privilege for a certain group?” he pauses momentarily. “We throw the phrase “freedom of speech” around so liberally, it’s a basic right that we as citizens of this country heavily agree on. Yet, when it comes to same-sex marriage, there’s still such a heavy dispute, and conservative bias becomes the dominant factor in its opposition.”
Just as she’s just balled up about a tablespoon of dough, her ears perk at the door swinging open behind her. Excitement takes over her, and she swiftly pivots on her heel in anticipation. 
“I’ve been looking for you all day!” she exclaims. It’s then she realizes that she’s made the same mistake she’d committed once before. She frowns, expression faltering as quickly as her shoulders. “Oh...” she hums, trying her best to hide her disappointment. “Hi, Jasper.”
The older boy smiles at her, placing his book bag on an abandoned bench before making his way towards her. 
“Why do I always feel like you’re always expecting someone else?” he teases, then snags a finger’s worth of cookie dough from the rim of the bowl. “Is this peanut butter?” he asks, face twitching just the smallest bit. 
“Yeah,” she replies, ignoring the first part of his spiel, gently placing another ball on the tray. Her goal is to make all her cookies as identical as possible, which means she had weighed each spoonful beforehand. “These are my brother’s favorite.” She just knows that Mason will gobble all these up when she brings them home at the end of the day.
Jasper slowly nods, bracing both hands on the surface as he leans forward. “I see,” he shrugs. “I’m more of an oatmeal raisin guy, myself.” 
She has to stop herself from grimacing, considering how Mason absolutely refuses anything with raisins in it. Once Jeremy had accidentally put a few in his oatmeal, and her baby brother had cried for ten minutes straight. Sometimes she can get away with putting a few in her carrot cake, but otherwise he’ll absolutely have a conniption. 
“The idea of a “normal” marriage only existing between a male and female has become flawed and out-dated. Marriage isn’t the same as it was a century ago, even fifty years ago. We as a society have evolved to become more and more accepting of the changes within ourselves and our peers. The American Psychological Association has continually shown its support for homosexuality and same sex marriage. It is to their belief that same sex marriage is perfectly natural, as opposed to the unnatural light that those in opposition to these rights choose to cast.”
“Anyway,” Jasper starts again, and he adjusts his tie around his neck and pulls his beanie down over the tops of his ears. “I actually stopped by to ask you something.” He inches closer until their arms are just barely touching. 
“What’s that?” 
“The debate of same-sex marriage stems from the words stated in the Bible. However, we must be reminded about the maintained separation between church and state. We have the right to practice our religion, but that does not extend to dictate how others choose to live their lives. It is the reason why such a demarcation exists. Who is one to tell another what is right from wrong? What is natural and unnatural? Love for another, whether that be between family members, friends, or lovers, is a force beyond the dictation of any religious belief. We are the so-called ‘melting pot,’ we take pride in the diversity that surrounds us, and we accept our neighbors for who and what they are. What doesn’t and what should never have variation, however, are the basic rights that each individual is entitled to.”
*** Her hand is suddenly encased by his much bigger one, and she inspects it with furrowed eyebrows before looking up. Only now does she notice the rose as it sticks out of his back pocket. 
“Y/n Y/l/n,” he announces, and all the other students in the kitchen stop what they’re doing to stare at them. He reaches for the rose and holds it in front of her. “Will you go to the winter formal with me?”
Harry steps off the stage, feeling much at ease. The looks on the judges faces as he was reciting the final lines of his argument looked very promising, and Mr. G had congratulated him as soon as he’d rejoined the others.
“Never doubted you for a second!” Maxxie cheers.
“Yeah, okay,” Harry chuckles. He glances down at his watch and smiles. “I think we’ll make it back in time.”
120 notes · View notes
katwriting · 7 years
Fic: It’s the little things
My Malec secrent santa gift for the lovely @mel-iorn - she requested some wintery Malec fluff, so that’s what I wrote :)
When Magnus has to go on a business trip to wintery London just a few days before christmas, Alec makes sure he won’t get cold.
Word count: 3817 | Read on AO3
Growing up in the Institute had taught Alec a lot of things. Most importantly how to fight, go on missions and be a good shadowhunter. But there were also plenty of other things he’d learned without his instructors teaching him. For example, that trying to sneak in through the main entrance when Jace and him had been out late was of no use – no matter how small the noise, it would still echo off the old stone walls. Or to not even try and get a decent Wi-Fi signal in the infirmary wing – it was completely pointless.
However, the most important thing he’d learned was to always have warm clothes at hand as soon as the weather became chilly. The concrete walls of the Institute may be a perfect shield against the heat during summer, but they absorbed every bit of warm air inside as well. Moreover, the heating pipes in the Institute were ancient and didn’t help with heating up the rooms.  And the electric heaters most of the Institute’s permanent residents set up in their bedrooms as soon as November rolled around could only do so much.
So warm clothing during winter it was. For Alec, that didn’t really pose as a problem, he had long gotten used to the quite chilly temperatures in the Institute.
Magnus, however, was an entirely different story.
Ever since they had made up after defeating Valentine, Alec had spent most of his nights at Magnus’ place. The warlock joked about Alec having practically moved in by now, and if Alec was being completely honest with himself, he was right. He rarely stayed at the Institute anymore, only when he was too tired to get to Magnus’ place and the warlock was already sleeping and thus unable to portal him over.
On even rarer occasions, mostly after late night cabinet meetings, they would refrain from going back home altogether and sleep in Alec’s room at the Institute instead.
It had been during one of those impromptu Institute sleepovers that Alec had found out how utterly sensitive Magnus was to temperatures. He had never noticed, since Magnus liked to keep his loft rather warm in order to walk around barefoot or with just a light shirt and sweatpants on (thank the Angel for floor heating). But the first time Magnus had stayed at the Institute, Alec had quickly learned that his boyfriend did not like cold temperatures. He downright despised them.
As soon as Magnus had gotten out of Alec’s bathroom, a cloud of steam trailing behind him, and set a foot onto the floor, he had breathed in sharply and then sent Alec his most judgmental look. “Seriously, Alexander, when will the Clave finally see the necessity of floor heating in a place like this.”
Alec had just chuckled before getting up from where he’d been sitting on the bed checking his notifications and dropped his phone on the nightstand. “Probably the day installing it in here will not cost a fortune anymore.”
Alec had grinned when he passed Magnus on his way to the bathroom and stopped to drop a quick kiss on his boyfriend’s lips. “Exactly.”
However, several minutes later, that smug smile had left Alec’s face quite quickly. As soon as he had gotten into bed, Magnus had cuddled up to him – and shoved his ice-cold toes underneath Alec’s calves.
Alec had hissed at the feeling. “Angel, Magnus! Your toes are freezing!””
Magnus’ voice had been muffled from where he had tucked his head into his pillow. “So is your floor. And this entire room, for the record. So hush and let me warm up.”
Alec had snorted. “Fine by me, but will you let me get comfortable first?”
Magnus’ hair tickled Alec’s face as he’d shaken his head firmly. “No. You suggested we sleep here, so it’s your fault that I’m cold in the first place. Now live with the consequences, darling."
Alec had rolled his eyes, but turned his head to kiss Magnus’ forehead anyway. Who was he to deny his boyfriend something as simple as this – especially when he sounded so adorably cute from where he was hidden underneath a good 70% of Alec’s comforter.
After that night, they had gone back to sleeping at Magnus’ place for most of the time again. That way, Magnus didn’t have to worry about getting cold anymore, and Alec didn’t have to suffer through the consequences of his boyfriend being cold. Moreover, they both enjoyed this arrangement way too much to change it – Magnus’ spacious, but comfy Brooklyn loft beat the Institute at any time.
On the few occasions they did sleep at the Institute, Magnus soon found a way for himself to avoid being cold, besides always having at least two pairs of fluffy socks stored away in Alec’s closet: borrowing Alec’s clothes. Or, in Magnus’ case, taking them from Alec’s closet and never returning them. It became a habit which soon expanded to beyond the Institute’s walls.
It started out innocently enough, when Alec came home one evening, only to find Magnus standing in front of the stove, stirring the pumpkin soup he’d promised Alec for dinner. Alec had had a rough day at the Institute and was so happy to finally be home that he didn’t even pay attention to what Magnus was wearing. He only got suspicious when he had already wrapped his arms around the warlock from behind and found that the sweatshirt he was wearing looked a) slightly too big on him and b) was so well-worn that Magnus would have gotten rid of it months ago if it had been his.
When he asked Magnus about it, the warlock just shrugged.  “I was cold and it was lying over the back of the couch. So I borrowed it. You don’t mind, do you?”
“No, not at all. It looks kind of cute on you, to be honest.”
Magnus chuckled and turned his head so he could softly peck Alec’s lips without having to let go of the pot and the spoon. “Thank you, darling. You know how much I love a good compliment. Especially if they come from you.”
It wasn’t until another few weeks later that Alec realized why exactly Magnus seemed to love wearing his clothes so much.
They had gotten through another cabinet meeting, but this time, it had gone anything but well. That was mostly due to the Seelie Queen being present and making everybody feel uneasy, but there had also been some quite touch subjects on Alec’s agenda – topics that none of the downworlders had taken all too well. They’d had to negotiate every single point and as soon Luke was satisfied with the outcome, Raphael had thrown in a concern, which had Magnus go through the roof and so on.
They had ended up yelling at each other, until Alec had ended the meeting, resulting to his guests storming out of the Institute, Magnus included. Alec stayed back there for another while, trying to sort the tiny amount of results the meeting had brought despite the fighting, and got some paperwork done.
When he finally got home (after a very firm hint from Izzy that she would kick him out if he didn’t leave on his own really soon), the loft was quiet. Most of the lights were switched off, save for their bedroom, where Magnus was lounging on his side of the bed, legs crossed and reading glasses on, flipping through an ancient looking book. When Alec entered the room, he looked up and smiled at him. His voice sounded soft and relaxed when he spoke. “Hey.”
“Hi”, Alec sighed as he toed off his shoes and left them at the doorstep. He walked over to the bed and laid down on his own side. “Quite a day, huh?”
Magnus huffed out a laugh. “Quite a day indeed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Luke and Raphael be so angry at each other.”
Alec cringed at the memory of the vast amount of shouting and insults that had filled the Institute’s meeting room just a few hours earlier. Or the one of Magnus storming out of the Institute, absolutely furious. “Don’t remind me of that. Magnus, look, I –“
Magnus closed his book and put it on the nightstand, then turned on his side so he could face his boyfriend. “Alexander, I’m going to stop you right there. I know things didn’t go the way you wanted them to tonight and that I got a little…agitated, but I’m not mad at you. Today was just a rough day at work, nothing you have to worry about. Okay?”
Alec smiled, then leaned over to Magnus so he could give him a soft kiss. “Thanks for not being mad.”
Magnus didn’t reply, just shook his head and smiled at Alec. He leaned back against the headboard and pulled Alec into his chest, carding his fingers through his disheveled hair. Alec cuddled into him all too gladly, resting his head on his chest and draped an arm over his torso. He started playing with the half-opened zipper of the faded gray hoodie Magnus was wearing, until he suddenly stopped and frowned.
“That’s my hoodie again, isn’t it?”
Alec craned his neck so he could look at Magnus, and was met with a downright bashful smile. “Uh…no?”, Magnus tried and brought up his free hand to fidget with his ear cuff. However, when Alec just sent him his most unimpressed glare, he sighed. “Okay, yeah, it is. I borrowed it again because…” He paused and bit his lip. “If I tell you, do you promise you won’t laugh?”
“You know I would never laugh at you.”
Now it was Magnus’ turn to tilt his head to the side and look at his boyfriend with one eyebrow raised, his eyes flickering with a silent, sarcastic Seriously?.    
“Okay, sometimes I do”, Alec admitted. “But not when it’s serious. Which this seems to be. So go ahead.”
There was a small pause before Magnus answered. When he did, his voice had an odd, guarded tone to it, which Alec hadn’t heard in a long while. Magnus had sounded like that back when they had started dating and he hadn’t been sure about what to tell Alec and what rather to keep to himself.
Magnus sighed. “I suppose I always steal your sweaters because they make me feel…safe. I don’t really know how to describe it.” He breathed out and paused again. “But when I put them on, it feels like you’re there with me, even when you’re not. And that makes me feel better, especially after situations like tonight.”
“I make you feel safe?”
Magnus closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief. When he opened them again, his gaze met an impossibly soft look from Alec’s hazel eyes. “Alexander, I love you. Of course you make me feel safe.”
Alec looked at him for a long moment, his expression turning impossibly soft. “I love you too”, he murmured as he pushed up on his elbow so he could lean in and press a gentle kiss against Magnus’ lips. “By the way”, he added when he pulled away, “you can totally borrow as many sweaters as you like. Whether you need them to make you feel safe or not.”
“Well in that case, I think I’m going to take you up on that offer”, Magnus chuckled and then leaned in for another kiss that made his heartbeat fasten and both of their skins tingle.
As Alec soon found out, Magnus was a man of his word. Alec didn’t really mind it, though – he always knew where to look for his clothes if a piece of them went missing. And to be fair, he quite liked the sight of his boyfriend wearing his clothes.
December had been quite cold this year, and more often than not, Alec came home to Magnus dressed down to sweatpants, a loose t-shirt and one of Alec’s hoodies, his face free of makeup and all the product in his hair removed so the black strands would fall softly into his eyes. The shadowhunter loved Magnus’ sense of style and tasteful outfits, but he enjoyed even more coming home to this relaxed, toned-down version of his boyfriend. Especially since he was the only one who got to see him like this.
As much as Alec enjoyed sleeping at Magnus’ place, he didn’t really like it that much when the warlock wasn’t there. Unfortunately, that was precisely what he was going to deal with for a little while. Magnus had been invited to a warlock conference in London and would be gone for a couple of days. Which meant that Alec was going to have the place to himself. And which also meant that Magnus needed an entire afternoon to pack.
Alec always thought that to an outsider, watching Magnus pack his stuff must be hilarious.  Magnus strode around the loft, transporting whichever objects he deemed necessary for his trip into the suitcase using his magic. While doing so, he made a point of dragging other warlocks he was going to see at that conference, and whom he couldn’t stand if his life depended on it. Alec was folding laundry in their bedroom and smirked as Magnus’ voice resounded through the apartment, going through tale after tale, sometimes louder, sometimes softer, depending on how far away he was.
After a while, and many different shirts and pants magically appearing in the opened suitcase on their bed, Magnus stopped dragging other warlocks and went on to complaining about warlock conferences in general and London in particular, how it was “way too cold there, right now. I mean, New York is no better, but still. Why couldn’t they do this in California? Could have been an excellent opportunity to check on my beach house, which reminds me – Alexander, how do you feel about spending a few days in California soon? If I don’t freeze to death in London, that is.”
Alec chuckled and shook his head as Magnus appeared in the doorway and went on to drop a bag of toiletries into the suitcase – without any magic this time. When Magnus had sauntered out of the room again, Alec blindly reached into the laundry basket and paused when he realized what he had just pulled out – it was the light gray, well-worn hoodie Magnus loved to steal.
He held the piece of clothing for a moment, looking at it, and after a split second decision, put it into Magnus’ bag. He managed to hide it underneath a few shiny silk shirts just in time before the warlock’s steps got closer to the bedroom again.
Busying himself with another sweatshirt that needed to be folded, he tried to make his voice sound as unsuspicious as possible when Magnus walked in with a pair of shoes in hand. “You got everything?”
“Yeah, I just need to put these in there and I’m not sure if I packed my purple belt”, Magnus replied, his voice trailing off into a low murmur towards the end. He bent over the bed and started going through the suitcase. “Have you seen it?”
Alec bit his lip and watched the warlock as he suddenly stopped rummaging through the suitcase and stared at something inside it, his brows furrowed and confusion written over his face. He pulled out a folded piece of clothing Alec knew all too well. “What’s that?”
“Uh…my gray sweatshirt. The one you always steal?”, Alec offered, a smirk already pulling at his lips.
Magnus rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I know that. What I was aiming for with that question – how did it get into my suitcase?” He raised an eyebrow and looked expectantly at Alec.
Alec sighed and discarded the pair of jeans he’d held, so he could walk over to Magnus. He reached out and threaded his fingers through Magnus’ belt loops so he could pull him in. “I put it in there”, he admitted, eyes soft and voice barely more than a murmur. “So you won’t get cold in London. And so you won’t feel alone there.”
“So I won’t get cold in…”, Magnus repeated, and then just looked at Alec, speechless. The shadowhunter smiled at him, his gaze calm and sure. Magnus, however, seemed like he had frozen on the spot. He stared at Alec for a moment, his features being a neutral mask, before his lips pulled into a bright smile and he crashed into Alec, hugging him as tight could. Magnus hid his face in the crook of Alec’s neck and planted a kiss on the delicate skin there. “Thank you”, he mumbled and practically melted into Alec when the shadowhunter started rubbing his hands up and down Magnus’ back. “You’re the best. I love you so much.”
It took Magnus another hour to get the packing done – which was partly Alec’s fault – but eventually, they stood in the hallway, Magnus with a sharp black coat on and the gigantic suitcase next to him – and Alec wrapped up in his arms.
“And you’re sure you will be back in time for Christmas? I know it’s…mundane, but I’d love for us to celebrate together.”
Magnus silenced his boyfriend with a sweet kiss. “Alexander”, he muttered, looking at the shadowhunter with an impossibly soft glance, “of course I’ll be here. It’s our first Christmas together. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Alec’s lips pulled into a soft smile. “Okay then. Have fun in London, don’t annoy Ragnor too much and make sure you’ll come back to me soon.”
The hallway got lit up by a soft purple glow as Magnus pulled up a portal. “Well, I obviously can’t make any promises about Ragnor – that old British grump hasn’t returned my calls for weeks, he’s due for some pestering.”
He turned towards Alec to kiss him one more time.  “I love you. See you next week.”
“I love you too. Now go, before I change my mind and make you stay.”
A few days later, Alec realized that being without Magnus not only made him miss the warlock like crazy, but it also made him grumpy.
Sleeping at the loft without Magnus there felt odd, so he had resorted to moving back into his old room for the week. As a result, people started realizing that Alec was back at the Institute 24/7 and that they could annoy him with silly requests and questions all day long again (which applied especially to Jace, who seemed to enjoy barging into Alec’s room at whatever day- or nighttime he deemed necessary).
This resulted in Alec getting hardly any sleep and being in a bad mood most of the time, snapping at everyone who dared as much as ask him something he was not responsible for.
By the time the day of Magnus’ return rolled around, Alec was a sleep-deprived, grumpy mess and couldn’t wait to get back to the comfortable, relaxed, Jace-free calm of Magnus’ apartment. He couldn’t wait for the place to feel like home again, and not just like some place that was missing its most essential piece. Although Magnus and him had texted and called each other throughout the week, it just had not been the same.
About an hour before Magnus would be back, Alec cleared his desk at his office, said goodbye to Izzy and then, finally, headed towards a certain glamoured loft in Brooklyn Heights. He was just about done setting the table for dinner when he finally heard the familiar whoosh of a portal opening in the loft and then the soft thud of feet stepping onto carpet. Dropping the cutlery he had been holding onto the table and ignoring the terrible noise that motion made, Alec turned on his heels and headed towards the living room. He let out a breath of relief when he stepped into the room and saw Magnus right there, in person and finally back home.
Alec didn’t even get the chance to huff out a greeting when he already had his arms full of warlock. His own arms looped around Magnus’ back on instinct, and hugged him back as tight as he could. The warmth of Magnus’ body seeped through his clothes as Alec closed his eyes and breathed in the familiar scent of cologne, sandalwood and laundry detergent. His heartbeat thumped against his ribcage rapidly and warmth bubbled up in his chest, as if his body wanted to let him know that, just in case he had forgotten, Magnus was finally back where he belonged.  
When Alec opened his eyes, Magnus had pulled away from him and looked at him with a big smile on his face. “Alexander”, he said, the name tinted with affection.
“Hey”, Alec replied and tilted his head down so he could finally greet his boyfriend properly. He let the kiss linger, and it turned a bit more passionate than he had aimed for, but Alec was perfectly fine with that.
His voice sounded slightly breathy when he spoke again. “How was London?”
“Cold. Rainy. Ragnor is an old, boring man. I missed you. How was New York?”
“Terrible. I missed you too. Jace is an idiot.”
“Tell me something I don’t know”, Magnus teased and Alec let out a hearty laugh, feeling a weight lifting from his chest. The past week may have taken its toll on him, but now that Magnus was back, he could feel all the stored-up tension slowly fade away and leave only a light, happy mood in its wake. It was ridiculous, really, missing Magnus that much even though he had been away for barely a week, but Alec could not care less.
What he did care about though, was when he (quite a while later) found out that Magnus had brought him a gift. A purple Christmas sweater. The ugliest purple Christmas sweater Alec had ever seen, to be precise.
Alec snorted when he’d unwrapped it and held it out in front of him. “Really?”
Magnus smirked. “The color suits you. And it’s about time I start making up for stealing so many of yours, don’t you think?”
Alec laughed and then let the sweater slide back onto the comforter. He turned to Magnus, put one hand against his neck and let the other rest against his ribs, using the leverage to push him back onto the mattress. “Thank you”, he breathed against his boyfriend’s lips before closing the tiny bit of distance between them for another languid kiss. “I love it.”
The sweater may be one of the ugliest things Alec had ever seen in his life. But it was a gift from Magnus – so what did he care? It wasn’t that bad, and he was slowly starting to warm up to the idea of Christmas anyway.
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lostsolsdestinyblog · 6 years
Weisnewski and The Interview
November 25, 2017
So the topic of the day is Crucible thanks to the Weisnewski appearance on Crucible radio. So with that in mind and all the dialogue it's sparked, I think it's a good time to really reflect on how we got to today.
Destiny 1 was a very different experience when it released than D2. It was a Bungie game, so we went in expecting top notch gun play but I know I was shocked when I loaded into my first Crucible match at level 5 or 6 and realized that I had the same green weapons I had equipped in PvE.
It was something so different from any other fps if played that I was genuinely stunned. My first thought was that I was going to be severely outgunned and maybe I should wait to try PVP until I had better weapons; but my second thought was "Holy shit, any great weapons I find in PvE, I can use here''
And I was hooked. I hit level 20 and got Suros and was having fun using it but then something happened here on these forums. People started bashing anyone who used Suros. It wasn't fair and had to be nerfed. It took all the fun out of the gun because no matter how well you played
you suck and just need that crutch
So I switched to MIDA, doubled my kills per game and shook my head as the cries persisted.
Just call it Iron Suros
Then TDB dropped and gave us truly great Pulse Rifles like Coiled Hiss (the OG Grasp). ARs like Up for Anything and Vanquisher VII. Scouts like B-Line Trauma.
HoW saw the disappointing AR nerf, but with reforging we had a golden age of overall balance. Already great Pulse Rifles got a 9% damage buff to weapons like Coiled Hiss and Hopscotch Pilgrim. Exotics were buffed across the board. Scouts could be rolled full auto. Hand Cannons were awesome. Fusion Rifles were the badass reliable weapons of Destruction we finally see again in D2. Shotguns were glorious. Truth, Gjally, Corrective Measure. Icebreaker. LDR 5001.
All balanced in an ecosystem with truly great abilities, supers and grenades.
Blink! Shoulder Charge! Flame Shields! Lightning Grenades! Fusion and Firebolts!
OHK weapons and abilities. DoTs. Rock, paper, scissors balance in a beautiful complex dance.
It was truly a golden age and everyone looks back and says D1 was so good, why can't we go back?
But it's ignoring that these forums that now ache for those days despised them at the time.
Thooooooooorn! It's not fair! It's op! It's a crutch!
Reforging sucks! Everyone just rolls Felwinters with shot package
DoTs aren't fair! I have to leave the action to regain health!
Shoulder charge is op! It's not fair! It's free kills!
OMG Blink is bullshit! All anyone does is Blink+slide+shotgun!
And on. And on. And on.
So what happened?
Bungie didn't have the conviction to stand behind this unique experience they created and they read all the posts demanding change and they capitulated.
TTK saw the death of Thorn, Red Death, Full Auto Scouts and Reforging, which led to the rise of Nirwens Mercy, which led to the great Pulse Rifle nerf, which led to MIDA, which led to its nerf, which led to Snipers, then nerfed, shotguns again, nerfed, special ammo nerfed, heavy ammo nerfed, shoulder charge nerfed, blink nerfed, melee nerfed, and every single change to the ecosystem just threw it further out of whack and did it stop the complaints? Did it ease the call for nerfs?
Abilities are op. PvP is just ability spam!
OHK grenades are bullshit!
It was so FUBAR, players actually begged for and got AN ARTIFACT nerfed. There was no going back and even if you suggested that HoW was the model, people still screamed about "Thorn" and "Reforging sucked!" as we were left with a game devoid of primary play and ammo for specials and heavy.
We got to D2 together. Bungie and the community and to anyone who says they don't listen, maybe we wouldn't have seen all the slow death of rotating metas if they just hadn't.
So here we are today and the talk is Weisnewski and The Interview.
And here's the funny thing. D2 had to change and as much as a lot of us would've liked year 1 crucible back, they weren't going back to that and they've been justified to a degree by the fact that we've already seen movements to nerf MIDA, Last Hope and Pulse Grenades and now players are asking for HCR to be nerfed because apparently a perk that every single player has access to is "unfair"
So we as a community can say all we want that we want random rolls or vanilla PvP back, but it's just not true. Players want to win and when they die, they want to feel it was something outside their control and not admit they maybe got outplayed, so they blame the gun. Blame the ability. Blame the team-shooting. Blame the connection.
And the truth of D2 PvP is that it's the closest to HoW this game has been since. It's the first time since before TTK where you can go into PvP and know EXACTLY how your gun is going to perform and not only do primaries matter, they each have their own unique personalities and feel that make finding THE ONE tantamount to the perfect reforge of old.
For the first time since HoW and the challenge of facing and beating opponents using Thorn, Red Death or TLW with a perfect scout, that feeling is back outgunning Uriel's, MIDA and Last Hope with Cuboid, Armillary, Martyr's Make, Origin Story...
And outside of Crucible it's the most diverse kill feeds I've ever seen in Destiny.
Mistakes were made. Many and horrible. Some things still need improved. Melee, grenades, abilities.
Some things still need to be answered for and changed like only 4v4 and random playlists. But we asked Bungie to communicate and whatever your opinion of Weisnewski and whether you agree or disagree with his views, he showed up and he was forthcoming and honest.
My reaction and feedback I gave is to not nerf HCR and if they're going to do anything, give more rock, paper, scissors counters. The game needs work. A lot more than it should, but D1 weapons and balance were a dumpster fire.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
gears of war 2 xbox 360
gears of war 2 xbox 360
Gears of War 2 cheats & more for Xbox 360 (X360)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Gears of War 2 cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, achievements, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Xbox 360 (X360). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Xbox 360 cheats we have available for Gears of War 2.
Also Known As: GoW2
Genre: Shooter, First-Person Shooter
Developer: Microsoft
Publisher: Epic Games
ESRB Rating: Mature
Release Date: November 7, 2008
Kung Fu Back Flip
You get in cover then you press A, then up + A, then wait and then press down + A on (any mode).
Day One Get Ammo Quick!
When above the arcade and you need to get ammo quick, or need to get off the balcony quick, set a shield on the edge of the balcony and climb (jump)over the shield. You will land on the ground below the balcony.
Sniper Practice
In act 2. When you find carmin, the is a bunch of grubs running. Get your sniper rifle and shoot them. Do this 5 times and he will say : Thats 5 Mother f***ker.
Skorge Superjump
When your on any map, and on the locust team, pick Skorge. When you start the game you have a smoke grenade, throw that smoke grenade at your feet, and right when its about to blow up, roll (A button). You should be flying in the air. But if your not scared of heights, check this out, you can keep taping the A button to go higher but the thing is when you go a certain height you’ll die. It sounds stupid but its fun try it. It may take a few tries to get it right and it mostly works on avalanche near the wrecked trucks.
Chainsaw Laws
On your chainswa gun, you can usually cut threwregular locus, but diffrent types of locus can’t be cut threw. I’ve tried this many times, and you can only cut threw regular locus solders, and what I like to call, the locus Jr. (grunts) So if you’re going up aganst a boomer or somthing like that, eather A, shoot till’ he drops, or B, bash him with your shotgun.
If you want to survive horde’s 50 waves, try this:
1. Teamwork/reviving. Every life is sacred and you can’t go alone on high levels.
2. Camping. You’ll need to camp and shoot locust down in HIGH levels or be shot down. Boomshields are recommended to be planted, and any grenades.
3. Full teams – Try a private match with friends that are guaranteed to play for a few hours of horde. Also, hosts in public matches might start leaving, idle people aren’t helping out as well.
Try to beat horde! Dangerous, dangerous horde.
Friends And Explosions
In gears 2 in horde/campaign, try to keep tickers and flamethrowers away from down friends. If you shoot a ticker or flamer, flame boomer, and your friend is nearby, he will die along with the enemy, and it counts as you killing him, which gets people (me) mad. Flamethrowers on fire are the worst for a friend.
A Wheezing Butcher
Take a boltok pistol, and shoot a boomer 2 times, the first time in the shoulder, and with shot number 2, you need to knock his helmet off. Now until you kill him, when he inhales he wheezes. This can be heard better when you are too far away from him to hear the footsteps. Pathetic, but funny.
Killing Locust
When killing locust make sure that if they have a sniper keep your head down till after they fire. If the have a shotgun blindfire them and if it’s the big guys like maulers, boomers, and grinders you might want to find some cover fast but if its a butcher, don’t be afraid go at them hit wait till after he swings then repeats 3-4 times then nail him with your shotgun. If it’s wretches just melee (B)them but for tickers melee them then shoot them. (Note:when meleeing tickers if you hit them twice they blow up right away.
Better Hord Wins
Go to main menu and go to hord. Then pick Palivion as the map you are playing in. Then when you start in Palivion, there would be a big hole and an ammo box near the hole and a shield inside the hole. Get the ammo and get inside the hole and get the shield. Then place the shield near the hole and no one can go inside (unless if the little guys kick it down. ) And then when the Locust appear, hide inside the hole with the shield placed and no one or the big guys can come in. Just kill the little guys before they kick it down. And if you run out of ammo, there’s an ammo box outside the hole. But make sure the area is safe before you go out. TIP: If you die, the shield will not be inside the hole on the round you just died. You’ll have to wait on the next round to get it back. So don’t get yourself killed a lot or you’ll end up dying a bunch of times. Have fun and tell you’re friends or cousins about this, it’s fun.
If you are playing a mode like wingman, when you down an enemy grab him instead of executing him unless he is the last enemy, if that’s the case curb stomp him, pummel him, or my personal favorite the torque bows “can opener”.
Keeping Your Xp After Quiting
After the fourth update, when you quit a online matchmaking game you normally lose xp, but I realized if you play hoard online or a private match, you don’t lose xp. You may no get a lot of xp since you only get 150 xp, but play the full 50 rounds you get a whopping 7,500 xp.
Shotgun N’ Shield
When picking up a shield you will normally switch to the handgun by default but if you switch to the handgun before picking it up, press B, direction of shotgun on the weapons list, X to pick up shield. Do it fast though. If done correctly you will pull out your shotgun instead of the handgun when picking up the shield.
Using the Shotgun Against Locusts
Always shoot locusts from close range to blow them to pieces.
Thanks For The Ride!
In horde mode, go on the Day One map (or any map of your choice that has a set of stairs). If you’re at wave 10 of horde there should be those bloodmounts and beastriders on them. Get a boomsheild then go on a set of stairs and set the boomsheild down in the middle of the staircase (A button). When a bloodmount comes up to the sheild, kill the beastrider, then jump over the sheild and there’s your free ride! But remember this, its hard to shoot when your on the bloodmount because it moves pretty fast and the only two ways to get off a bloodmount is if a friend kills it or if a locust kills you.
Help with Act 5 Chapter 1
While Riding the Reaver when Skorges King(Queen) Reaver grabs you shoot its arm to make it release you. Note: This is when your above ground. Do this 3-4 times and it will eventually die.
Beat the game once to unlock insane. On insane, goto act 1,chapter 3, Rolling Thunder. At thebeginning, there will be 3 cowboy hats for you toshoot. Switch your weapon to the pistol. Dizzywould start talking. Press back to shut him up.The first hat is on the wall of a building next tothe barbwire (on the left side). If you hit it,Marcus would say “that’s one. Move to the leftside and stand on the ramp. The second is inbetween the two wheels of the center you pass by.Shoot it and you would hear “that’s two”. Rememberto press back when Baird starts to talk. The thirdone is on the right side of the second fuel tankin front of the center with the earlier cowboyhat. Shoot it and wait 5 seconds and Marcus willbend over and say “Yee Haw!” and everybody wouldimmediately equip cowboy hat and it would staylike that for the rest of the chapter.
Boomshild Glich
When you get a boomshield drop it and take out your pistol and press B left (on your d-pad or direction of weapon you wish to use) and press X but you have to do it fast.
Dead Puppy
Shoot a locust until he tries to crawl to be revived. What you do is if you have the high-powered revolver shoot him in the head and his head will explode. Then you are free to say “Puppy”.
Infinite Sprint
During gameplay, you hold the sprint and after 5 seconds roll. Now you will not have to stop sprinting for a while and run through the whole game.
Cowboy Madness
Beat the game once to unlock insane. On insane, go to act 1,chapter 3, Rolling Thunder. At the beginning, there will be 3 cowboy hats for you to shoot. Switch your weapon to the pistol. Dizzy would start talking. Press back to shut hi up. The first hat is on the wall of a building behind the rig(on the right side). If you hit it, Marcus would say “that’s one. Move to the left side and stand on the ramp. The second is in between the two wheels of the tank you pass by. Shoot it and you would hear “that’s two”. Remember to press back when Baird starts to talk. The third on is on the right side of the second fuel tank in front of the tank with the earlier cowboy hat. Shoot it and you would hear “Yee Haw!” and everybody would immediately equip cowboy hat and it would stay like that for the rest of the chapter.
Toast Anyone
Make toast for the Delta Squad! After you pick up the “Trinity of Worms” in chapter 5, The best laid plans, encounter 6, proceed to the balcony where there are 2 ammo boxes. At the center edge overlooking the molten pit, there is a box on a pillar. Shoot the box and find a toaster inside. Press X to make toast for the squad!
Battling Skorge
Skorge, no matter how intimidating, isn’t hard to battle at all. When the battle starts, Skorge will saw down what looks like a light. Then he will have a chainsaw duel with you. Rapidly press B. You will beat him at that easily. Skorge will jump up behind the pillars and shoot at you. Don’t do anything except for take cover. After a few rounds of bullets, Skorge will rev up his chainsaw and saw at a pillar. Run to the end of the room opposite the end where he’s sawing or else you will get crushed by a pillar. Repeat a few times and eventually you’ll finish him off with the chainsaw and he’ll jump on his Reaver and then that’s it for that part of the battle.
If you ever get swarmed by wretches, DON’T shoot them. Just pull out your pistol and hit them. It saves you ammunition and its a lot easier.
When an enemy is down (not dead) you can use execution moves. All you have to do is stand on or near an enemy that is crawling. They are listed below.
X= curb stomp (smashes head with foot)B= quick kill (depends on what weapon you use)Y= extended kill (punching to death)
If you want to chainsaw a person, make sure you aren’t getting shot ,because if you are, the chainsaw will lower and your guy will move back. Also remember that you can chainsaw certain locusts
Killing Flamers
To kill flamers or flame boomers, shoot the tanks on their backs. But when you do, get away from them because they blow up.
Shooting Tickers
Keep your distance if there are more than 1, they will make a big explosion.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Gears of War 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Seriously 2.0
Get 100,000 kills online.
Unlock Anthony Carmine As An Unlockable LIVE Character
To unlock Anthony Carmine as an unlockable LIVE multiplayer character you must complete ACT 1 on gears of war 1.
Crossed Swords
Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode).
Unlock Insane Level
Beat the game on any difficulty.
Party Like Its 1999
To unlock the achievement Party like its 1999 play 1999 matches. (It doesn’t matter whether your on xbox live matches or custom matches. ) HINT:If you do custom matches put it on 1 min or the lowest you can go for the time limit, Then just keep playing 1 minute matches until you get the achievement.
Pound Of Flesh Achievement
Shot an enemy until he falls down walk over to him. (you need a frag grenade) stick him with it and real quick take him as a meatshield. He will blow up and it wont kill you. Do it 10xs and you will get the achievement.
Unlock General RAAM As Playable LIVE Character
To use RAAM as a LIVE multiplayer character you must have the “Dish Best Served Cold” achievement from Gears of War 1 (to earn this achievement you must defeat RAAM on Hardcore difficulty)
The Around The World, Again Achievement
Win a match at all multiplayer maps shipped with the game in any mode, online or off.
Friends With Benefits
Complete all missions on co-op campaign.
Organ Grinder
Get 30 kills with the Mulcher Minigun (must bemounted on cover)
Submit a spectator photo.
Pound Of Flesh
Use a meatsheild to save your life 10 times (any mode).
A Parting Gift
Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any mode).
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Gears of War 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Gears of War 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Gears of War 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no achievements or trophies for Gears of War 2 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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