#shiji niangniang
orangetubor · 1 year
I get that they're heavenly beings but do they ALL have to be HOT
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kojiandrew · 4 months
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After the customer pays her and leaves, *pulls out another same pair on display*
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ryin-silverfish · 3 months
Hello again! I was wondering if you had any information on Shiji Niangniang AKA Lady Rocky? She seemed really interesting, so I wanted to know her story as a demon (heard she was formally one; please do correct me if I am incorrect), and her powers/abilities.
Lady Shiji first appeared in the Yuan dynasty Grand Compendium of the Deities of the Three Religions (三教搜神大全, hereafter shortened as SJSSDQ), as part of Nezha's entry.
After Nezha killed her son with the bow and arrow of the Buddha, she sent an army after him, and was, too, slew by Nezha using his father's demon-subduing club.
This, however, drew his father's ire, because Shiji was the leader of all of demonkind, and Nezha's killing of her had kinda painted a target on his entire family's back. Because of this, Nezha was forced into suicide and later resurrected by the Buddha.
In FSYY, Shiji was a member of the Jie Sect. According to her, when Li Jing realized that he just sucked at the whole cultivation thing, she was the one who asked his master to let him go and enjoy a worldly life.
After Nezha killed her disciple, the Verdant Cloud Boy (碧云童子) in his archery accident, Shiji angrily came after Li Jing and snatched him up with her treasure, the Eight Trigrams Hankerchief, since Li Jing had, well, carved his name onto the arrow (…).
Back at her place, Li Jing pleaded that he really didn't do it, since the Qiankun Bow was a mystical ancient weapon no one could use in a long, long time, and Shiji released him back to Chentang Guan to find the true culprit. At which point he put two and two together, found out it was Nezha again, and told him to go answer to Shiji together with him.
Nezha, who did not think this was his fault, smacked Shiji's other disciple, the Colored Cloud Boy on the head when he came out of the cave on his master's orders. Shiji was even less happy about that, and caught Nezha's Qiankun Ring & Huntian Sash with her bare hands + sleeves when he tried using them against her, then chased him all the way to Taiyi's place.
Taiyi's response was basically "Sorry that your student died in Nezha's archery accident, Lady Shiji, but it is literally Fated to Happen, which means you totally shouldn't be mad at me or him."
Shiji did not take that well and they fought. Taiyi blocked her hankerchief when she tried to use it, then threw the Nine Fire Dragon Bell Cover over her head, burning her to death and reverting her to her true form——a rock born outside of Heaven and Earth (a meteorite, perhaps?)
At the end of FSYY, she is deified as the Wandering Moon/Monthly Wandering Star (月游星).
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deadshadowcreature · 2 years
I would love to have some vanilla Nezha please
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earl-of-221b · 3 years
Other than directly linking Nezha Reborn to Nezha 1979, there’s another cameo for one of Nezha’s other villains. For those who’ve seen Nezha 2003, this assassin character, Caiyun--
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--masked monkey calls her ‘shiji’s houren’ -- which means she’s either a disciple or descendant of The villain in Nezha 2003. Shiji is this abominable character here:
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Caiyun openly says she’s here for Revenge! Meaning little Nezha also dealt with her 3000 years ago along with the dragons, or some part of Nezha 2003 was another past life. 
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luminouslumity · 2 years
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I'm really hoping these two interact at least once before the series ends, if only to see what their dynamic is like today and what the show's take on their history is, or if they even have one in this world at all. And for those who don't know, yes, according to Chinese legend, Nezha and Ao Guang have a history, but it's never really portrayed accurately in adaptations, which usually have Ao Guang come off as evil while Nezha gets to play the hero.
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Don't get me wrong, Ao Guang isn't exactly a saint either, but Nezha?
Okay, storytime for those who don't know! So, their beef is brought up in only two chapters of Fengshen Yanyi (封神演), often translated in English as The Investiture of the Gods or The Creation of the Gods, a 16th century Chinese novel by Xu Zhonglin (許仲琳) about the rise of the Zhou Dynasty and the gods who help make it happen (you can read the full bilingual version here and a summary of the events chapter-by-chapter here).
One of these gods is Nezha (哪吒), son of Li Jing (李靖) and Lady Yin (殷氏), who was pregnant with him for three years and six months. He's also the youngest brother of Jinzha (金吒) and Muzha (木吒) as well as the reincarnation of the Lingzhu (灵珠), or Pearl Spirit, who was a disciple of Taiyi Zhenren (太乙��人), or True Man Primordial (called Fairy Primordial in the English translation).
Also, Nezha was born at about four in the morning! And if I may remind everyone, the number four in China is associated with death, and Nezha—even according to his own mentor—was destined to kill because of this!
Oh, boy.
So, what does Ao Guang (敖光) have to do with all of this? Well, Nezha killed his best investigator Li Gen (李艮) the Yaksha (a nature spirit) as well as his third son Ao Bing (敖丙), who isn't always really portrayed in the best light in adaptations, either. And contrary to what some portrayals of this story may state about Nezha killing them for noble reasons, this is what happens according to FSY:
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Obviously Ao Guang confronts the Li family about it and this is what Nezha says in response:
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Shouldn't be considered guilty? Nezha, whether you did it deliberately or not, you still killed a yaksha (albeit in self-defense) and a dragon prince and then wanted to turn the latter's tendon into a belt! Keep in mind that Nezha is also seven at this time, which may help explain some things, supernatural being or not.
Afterwards, Ao Guang decides to go to the Jade Emperor about this and Nezha goes to ask for his master's help in the meantime:
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Minor matter, he says!
So this is what he does to Ao Guang:
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And here's Nezha comforting his parents:
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I know it's because of the political circumstances, so yeah, Nezha can't afford to be punished, but the fact that he considers killing the dragons a trifling matter is almost hilarious! Not necessarily for the situation, but for the reactions!
And after that, guess what! This seven year old—again, seven!—kills again! Specifically, he accidentally shoots down a disciple belonging to Shiji Niangniang (石矶娘娘), or Lady Rock, but Fairy Primordial helps Nezha deal with her and the child returns home just before his parents can be arrested for Li Gen and Ao Bing's deaths. Taking responsibility, Nezha decides to go through reincarnation again, eventually helping bring about the fall of the Shang, as destiny ordained.
As for Ao Bing, he—like so many other characters in the book, both who'd died and survived over the course of the story—eventually gets deified at the end, becoming the god of the Huagai Xing (华盖星), or Imperial Canopy Star.
And if you wanna know what happens next with Nezha, read here!
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Do you thinks Nezha’s anti-Caster append skill is also refer to her other enemy, Shiji Niangniang aka Yellow Stone Goddess?
I don't feel like they went as far as deciding classes for every mythological figure.
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earl-of-221b · 7 years
The story of Nezha from Fengshen Yanyi/Investiture of the Gods (ming dynasty) is deeply rooted in ancient and traditional chinese culture — namely that of patriliny (importance of the father’s line) and the notion of ‘filial piety’ (a child’s duty to parents). I will bullet Filial Obsessions: Chinese Patriliny and Its Discontents to show the corruption of both of these pretty much ruined Li Nezha’s seven year old life, and how the Right, Good, Confucian, Mediated versions of these resuscitated it.
Li Jing as the embodiment of paternal discipline: 
- Nezha’s father was Li Jing, leader of Chen Tang Guan and subordinate of tyrannical King Zhou. Li Jing was loyal to King Zhou, but isn’t diminished because he’s in the service of a huge evil tyrant - Li Jing always sides with the authority figure, always. He’s fearful of disapproval of those more powerful than him. The sense of duty and order is all consuming   - He’s totally obsessed by the consequences of Nezha’s unconventional powers and general kiddish unruliness - So confused and disappointed that Nezha can’t be good like his other brothers, takes  heaps of issue with him - Pretty much people are expected to be unquestionably loyal and dutiful to the father — I mean Emperor — I actually totally do mean father, the head of the family. Filial piety expected of children was ubiquitous - Anyhow, good confucian fathers should be exhibiting heaps of ren 仁, humaneness and empathy, which Li Jing is kind of devoid of. - Li Jing is the face of authority, ‘society,’ reputation (面子) - Tries to murder Nezha in order to appease Ao Guang and save Chen Tang Guan, but his excessive concern for ‘face’ and propriety makes it look like he has no disregard for his son
Nezha’s shifu/ master, Taiyi Zhenren, has the role of paternal nurture and love - Sympathetic, understanding and genuinely loves Nezha - Powerful deity who appears at various point in the story to rescue Nezha from his own transgressions - Teaches Nezha lot of skills, is his mentor and confidant. Is the face of education and empowerment - Hands out hella lots of dangerous weapons because hey, Nezha needs some weapons amirite - Defends Nezha after he straight up killed rock demon Shiji Niangniang’s disciple, helps Nezha straight up lie and prevent the Dragon King Auguang from telling on him to the Jade Emperor - When Nezha commits suicide, Taiyi helps him preserve his soul and asks his mother to build him a temple - Uses his pro Daoist magic to create an even more powerful, near indestructible immortal body for Nezha out of Lotus flowers - Straight up raises Nezha from the dead - Gives him another bonus dangerous weapon
The deal with Nezha’s honour suicide and self sacrifice - Filial piety is ultimately underpinned by the sense that one’s body is a gift from their parents. - That your parents give you life and you have to honour this big debt - forever and ever - The plot goes people pray for some rain after a particularly dry period, like you do. The Dragon King answers ‘ok, but only if you give me some tasty adolescent human sacrifices to eat.’ - People go ‘ok, I guess’ - Nezha, playing on the beach, says ’nuh-uh, not in front of my shiny new weapons my master gave me you don’t’ - Basically, Nezha kills third prince of the sea, causing the Dragon King to call up his brothers, the other three Kings of the Sea, to get revenge on Nezha and his entire city. - This does not bode well for his entire city, Chen tang guan. It’s hit by giant typhoons and flooding. The dragons are laughing manically
- Li Jing is livid. He believes this, coupled with all the other wild stuff Nezha has gotten into, being a super powered boy, is the cause of all his family’s shame and dishonour - Li Jing and Nezha’s mother are threatened with celestial punishment for their son Nezha’s shit - He expresses willingness to kill Nezha and even takes up arms against him - Nezha, despite being understandably self centred for his age and very strong willed, Nezha still loves his parents lots and has always, always wanted nothing more than his dad’s approval. In fact, the reason he ripped out the dragon prince’s sinews was so he could ‘make a belt for father :)’ - Nezha takes his father’s sword and offs himself in front of Chen tang guan - Having shamed his parents, he commits suicide to return his flesh and bones to them. With his death, he has given back the debt to his parents and saved Li Jing from punishment - The dragons disband and hold a huge Nezha’s-dead party - Tayi Zhenren secretly helps Nezha preserve his soul etc etc and asks Nezha’s mother to build him a temple to do this
This deal with the temple destruction - Li Jing finds out about this Nezha temple and is furious. - He destroys the temple. After Nezha literally sacrificed himself for him, he still destroys the temple  - This. Was really Not Cool, because this pretty much amounted to attempted murder. Again, I mean. It was supposed to destroy his eternal soul and kill him for good. - But it doesn’t because Taiyi was already getting onto creating Nezha a new indestructible body. - Now Nezha’s alive as the Lotus Prince and Li Jing goes, "You vermin! When you were my child, you caused untold calamities. Why do you reincarnate and disturb the peace?" - Nezha finally snapped after his temple got desecrated by Li Jing and he goes on a revenge rampage. Literally tries to kill Li Jing back this time - But because killing your parents is like basically like the ultimate root of all evil incarnate in this world- nothing can justify attacking and killing your father - because Filial Piety and all that - It’s basically death to the soul - So it could be said that to rescue Nezha from this, Taiyi Zhenren saves Li Jing and phones a friend, another powerful immortal Randeng Daoren, to stop Nezha. This is where the giant tower comes in to crush him  - The reconciliation is forced but necessary to stop Nezha from doing an act he can’t come back from
Therefore, - when patriarchal authority deviates from the path of righteousness and overall common sense, things go crazy bad - Or, what happens when authority is misused and you don’t treat your powerful magical son right 
- There is huge cultural dissonance, but in modern terms, canon Li Jing is absolutely an abusive overall terrible guy lol
All of this is what I gleaned from what pages this ebook had: Filial obsessions 
@lasttimeladyofgallifrey to answer your question very late :O 
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