#shikana and kawaki next generation our lives were written in stone lore
kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
Honorable Mentions
Tematen: Libin
Kankiba: Dogs
Suigaa: Shinki (adopted) Lo (biological)
Sasoobi: Rei and Toko
Yahikono: Kaido
Kaurcho: Chomi
Nejisai: One (Neji still dead, but Sai adopted a Hyuga girl and taught her his jutsus)
Yamairu: The academy
Kakuhidan: Unknown
Kisadei: Unknown
Hashimada: Makiko
Rouge experiments
Itashika: Yoko
Irushika: Kemi
Shikahina: Kagemi
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
The experiment kids
The Experiment
Orochimaru wanted to see if two males or two females could have a baby together, 4 females join in order they were Karin, Ino, Sakura, and Hinata. 4 females, which in turn gave 6 kids.
Kouta Harumaki~He lives in the Uzunaka household. The son of Karin and Sakura. The eldest out of the six. He's the normal uzumaki red-head. He has light green eyes. He's calm but a bit brash. He has Sakura's strength and genjutsu skills and Karins sensory smarts despite bit being a sensory type. His Sexuality isn't disclosed yet, but he is in a situationship with Kaido. He is currently 20
Inoli Uzunaka~Lives in the Uzunaka household. Daughter of Karin and Ino. Looks like ino, but her hair roots are red, and her hair is a bit more shaggy. Inoli's sensory skills are amazing as both of her parents are great sensory types. She is energetic but observant. Finds herself in a weird relationship with Chomi. Currently 18
Syouma Hyuno~Lives in the Hyurame Household (supposed to live in the Harulee household). Son of Hinata and Sakura. He had dark hair as a baby, but as he grew, his hair got lighter until it was a lavender color, he has very light green eyes, it looks like hyuga eyes but it still is regular green eyes. Has Sakura's genjutsu smarts and the byakugan with hyuga techniques. He's quiet, determined, and very dedicated to whatever he does. He's in a relationship with Toko. Currently 18.
Sari Harunaka~ Lives in the Harulee household. Daughter of Sakura and Ino. Sari, Inoli, and Syouma are considered the triplets out of the six because they were all born 5 hours apart (Inoli oldest, Syouma Middle, and Sari Youngest). Sari has a pink and blond color mixture in her hair as well as green eyes. Has Sakura's brute strength and Ino's mind transfer jutsu. Boisterous, irrate, and dramatic but can be kind and fun to be around.In a relationship with herself (single). Currently 18.
Himawari Hyunaka~Lives in the Hyurame household. Daughter of Ino and Hinata. Had bright yellow hair, but it dulled down to a strawberry blonde color and the trademark hyuga eyes. Her mind transfer jutsu is weak, so she relies on her byakugan. She's quiet, kind, and thoughtful, but she can be brash and energetic. She has a crush on Lo. Currently 14 (1/2)
Rinku Hyumaki~Son of Karin and Hinata. He's supposed to live in the Hyurame household but sleeps wherever he feels. Which is mostly the Narmaki household. Surprisingly, he has the brown hair most hyugas have. He has the hyuga eyes but with a red tinting to them. He's has great sensory skills as well as the uzumaki chains, but since he doesn't have the hang of sealing, he uses them for regular restraint and aerial combat. His go-to is the byakugan and aerial combat. Like Yosho and is currently 14.
The reason Himawari and Rinku are younger than the others is due to complications, and Rinku had long complications than himawari, which is why he was born 6 months after her even though they were supposed to be twins
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
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Prolouge 1: Part 1
Here is part one of the prolouge one, there are two prologues.
For anyone who reads it in a different language, here's what they are saying, so you can put it in Google translate.
"If you touch those kids, Hisashi Hyuga! I'll personally make you hurt !!!" (Said by Hinata)
"I'm sorry, Hinata. But we must follow/continue tradition" (Hisashi chooses to disregard what Hinata said)
"Syouma, being the eldest, takes him out of the equation."
"So that leaves" (As Hisashi walks down the hall)
"The twins" (in front of the twins' room)
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kitsunekura2010 · 3 months
Here's the actual main character of Shikana and Kawaki Next Generation Our Lives Were Written In Stone
Rinku Hyuga Uzumaki (Hyumaki)
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Muscular but slim
Brown hair
Fair skin
Hyuga eyes (with a tint of red)
Main outfit
White sweater with cut-off sleeves, pink crop 6 black sweatpants (black sneakers)
Side oufit:
Pink sweater and boker (socks)
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kitsunekura2010 · 4 months
Lore about my Shikana and Kawaki Next Generation Our Lives Were Written In Stone (part 2)
Sasuke liked Naruto since the chunin exams, Naruto never liked Sasuke he just wanted a fuck. He doesn't care for the kids he has with Sasuke either. He likes them but doesn't really like to acknowledge them as his own. Sasuke knew he was being a homewrecker but thought Naruto lived him cause of how much he chased him, but Naruto only did it for Sakura, who in the end fell out of love with Sasuke. Sasuke loves his kids but believe they're the reason his and Naruto spark is gone
The last name for the kids Uzuchiha
Their kids
Masuke & Masaki, these two were the only ones Naruto wanted/agreed to have. He showed affection to them until the other two were born. (The only reason the other two were born was Kurama's way of fucking Naruto over for cheating on Shikamaru) they are currently 14. Masuke is bisexual while Masaki is a (raging) lesbian.
Miso is practically this au's Boruto, but he hates everyone, not just Naruto, He's like past Sasuke. He is arrogant and pranks like Boruto/Naruto, but his pranks actually hurt people. He is currently 11, and his sexuality is unknown but probably straight
Miko is the best person in the whole Uzuchiha family, He apologized to the Nara Uzumaki kids for his/their father infidelity. He isn't snobby like the rest, and he gets along with all the other kids and families. Miko is actually trans (ftm, dead name-Mikoto) his older brothers joke around about how he'll never be a real boy, which hurts him. Making Miko despise his family more. He is 8 and is straight (though he's still young)
Next up, KarinIno
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kitsunekura2010 · 4 months
Lore about my Shikana and Kawaki Our lives were written in stone au (Part 1)
So, in my Au Naruto and Shikamaru, I got together after the chunin exams, but they both liked each other since the academy. They married at 21. They had 4 kids together, and only two of them were biologically theirs, and another kid was forced upon them. Separated but still married at 29. Shikamaru still loves Naruto, but he still can't forgive Naruto since Naruto cheated, and that would go against his morals. Naruto still wants Shikamaru but still fucks around with Sasuke
Their kids
Mirai was their first kid after Kurenai died suddenly. She was given to Shikamaru when she was 3 and officially adopted by Shikamaru and Naruto when she was 10. She is currently 22, when the events of our lives were written in stone, take place. She was 12 when Naruto and Shikamaru separated. She's Pansexual and mutually pining on someone
Shikana (older by a second)& Kawaki (younger by a second), they are Narushika's only biological children. They were born when Narushika was 22 and were 7 when they separated, After figuring about the separation, Kawaki ran out of the house, which led to him being kidnapped for the next 4/5 years, making Shikana despise Naruto cause she associates him with the fall of her family. Kawaki is indifferent to him. Kawaki is genderfluid ever since he figured out of the sexy jutsu he switches regularly between male and female. Shikana is Omni in a relationship with Libin (Son/Child of Temari and Tenten). They are currently 17
Yosho was adopted by Narushika he is a pureblooded uzumaki, which is rare, he was left on the doorstep of Narushika's house by his mother, cause she heard new uzumaki generations were forming in Konoha and she thought he'd be better of with them not knowing they were all half breed or 1/4 uzumaki with no actual uzumaki training! She gave him to Narushika because when Nara has a child, they are overprotective just like they would be with their fixation, and Naruto is Hokage. Because Yosho wasn't named Shikamaru named him the equivalent to his mother's, Yoshino, name. He was 4 when Narushika separated, and he is currently 14. When he was taken in, he was 6 months old. He is in a relationship with Rinku. He likes Rinku, who is a boy, but doesn't know what his sexuality is
Kousei was a surprise in Shikamaru's words. He and Naruto didn't want any more kids after Yosho. But Naruto and Hinata got drunk and slept together. She thought about getting an abortion but that went against her morals (I don't care what people do with their bodies, okay I'm just saying I feel like Hinata wouldn't want to kill a child no matter what) She also didn't trust the adoption system, so she gave him to Shikamaru. Kousei was 1 when Narushika separated. He is currently 11. He was too young to remember any of Naruto's wrongdoing he is indifferent to him while also wanting to get his approval, and since Naruto is his father, Kousei goes between Shikamaru's house, then hinata,'s and then he goes to Naruto. Every 2 weeks.
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
Lee was finally able to wear Skaura down, and they started a relationship. Lee fell first, but surprisingly, Sakura fell harder. Most believe that Sakura isn't happy in the relationship, BUT it should be Lee they should be worrying about...
The kids
Katashi (Haru)Lee~ Oldest out of all the Haruno kids. Sakura and Lee merged his name, Sakura wanted to name him after her second father, Kakashi, while Lee wanted to name him something that was a solid like metal, so they picked Katashi which is Kakashi but replace the second K with a T and it means Hard or firm. Dyslexic and on the spectrum. A sweetheart and overall joy to be around. Age: 22
Hayami (Haru)Lee~ A miniature Sakura, she is just like her mother in every way. The only difference is that her eyes are a bit darker, and their shape is a bit more round, not a lot, but enough to be a noticeable difference. Hayami and Sari get along cause they are practically the same person, replicas of Sakura, and they are close in age. Age: 16 (3/4)
P.S. Every female of the experiment was supposed to have 2-3 children in their household, including their own children. Syouma was supposed to go to the Harulee household, but because they already had Katashi and were pregnant, Sakura only took Sari because Sari looked and acted more like Sakura than Syouma
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
Somehow, they clicked fully while teenagers and have been hitting it off ever since. Shino is infertile, but they adopted a child, and Torune had a son that they love to coddle as much as their own. When Kousei was in the womb, they talked about what they were going to do since everyone knew that when hinata can no longer hold her liquor, she passes out, meaning that she was either taken advantage of by Naruto or was way to out of it to realize what was happening. But they worked threw it and have come out of it stronger
The kids
(Syouma, Himawari, and (suppose to) Rinku)
Chika Hyurame~ Shino and Hinata's adopted daughter. There's not much about her as she is still a baby, but she does bring her family happiness. Age: 4 months.
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kitsunekura2010 · 2 months
Before the experiment took place, they were crushing on each other. After the experiment and they confessed they decided to raise Inoli together. They knew they loved each other so much and made each other so happy they married after only three years together, but were engaged for two of them. They rarely argue, or fight, but when they do its about Naruto's infidelity due to Karin being Naruto's sister and Ino being one of Shikamaru's best friends, they have two kids that are biologically there's and one cause of the power broken strategy
The kids
Inoli and Kouta (you already read about)
Aki Uzunaka~ is the youngest in the household. They hold the same place the original Himawari holds, never forgotten, always cared for but never really seen. Loves both of their parents but never seems to get the amount of effort from them as they give Inoli and their jobs. Aki is Non-binary and has a small crush on Yosho. They are currently 13.
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kitsunekura2010 · 3 months
hello 😊could you make a family tree because Naruto who fucks Sasuke, Shika, plus Hina uh I really understood well 😭😵
Of course, i was just thinking about making one for everyone
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