spellcasterlight · 2 years
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Hi there @random-rave!😊
Right in at the last second for ShikaTemaMonth. I did it again. This got quite sweet. I can’t help myself, apparently! 😂 Also, Temari is a very independent character, and I definitely wanted to touch on that in this story 👍
Hope you like it! ✨
Mirror Mirror On The Wall - [Shikamaru x Temari]
@shikatemamonth - Day 30 Prompt: Free Day
@kinky-things-happen - Tile 14: Embarrassment
Warnings: Graphic Sexual Scene. Mild Swearing. Mirror Sex. Feelings of Embarrassment.
Story Link: [Ao3🔗]
Ao3 ✨ | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Ko-Fi ☕
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eeveleon · 2 years
irreplaceable, indispensable, incomparable
pretty proud of this one <3 inspired by real life princess mako and her husband this is my last contribution for this wonderful month
ShikaTemaMonth 2022: Day 13 
Read here on AO3
“I can’t believe Temari’s getting married.” 
Ino sighed dramatically, her long hair skimming the floor as she leaned back. “I can’t believe it’s a courthouse ceremony. For a princess.”
“Former princess.” Sakura corrected as she pushed her aside to get a seat on the couch. “Besides, do you really think Temari of all people would enjoy one of those big, fancy circuses? This is much more like her.”
“The Europeans always do it.” Ino grumbled. “Why can’t our princess?”
“Alright, alright, we get it.” Tenten complained from her spot on the floor. “Put the channel on already! I don’t want to miss anything.”
Kiba and Naruto walked in from the kitchen, arms full of snacks, and took seats on either side of the older girl. “I tried to earlier,” The former claimed. “But Sakura’s TV makes no sense - how old even is this thing?”
Their pink-haired host huffed. “There’s nothing wrong with my TV. It works perfectly fine.” And she proved her point by snatching up the remote, switching to the news channel. 
While the image was fixed on the front of the building, the steady voice of an unseen Japanese reporter filled the room. “We are outside the Imperial Household Agency, awaiting the arrival of Princess Temari. Here, she will be met by her future husband, whose identity is still unknown, to sign their marriage papers. Even without the traditional televised events, the marriage of the princess is highly anticipated by many.” 
A few figures were shown standing out front, though it wasn’t clear enough to make out any faces.
“Ugh, I forgot this channel is so slow.” Ino groaned, rolling her eyes. “Forehead, put on the Western news - they always make it more fun.”
Sakura scowled. “I told you guys before, I don’t have any Western channels-”
“What! You have got to be-”
“-but even if I did, they’re showing everything tomorrow.” Sakura continued to speak over the complaints. “You wanted to watch the announcement live, and this is the only way. So shut up and watch!” 
“Ugh, fine!”
Both girls sat back with a huff, though their tension was quickly forgotten when there was a knock on the front door before it opened to reveal the Hyuuga cousins. 
“Sorry we’re late,” Hinata apologized with a small bow. “Some of the roads have been closed for the imperial family.” 
“You haven’t missed anything yet! Where’s Lee?” Naruto called.
“He had to work, though I’m sure he is setting up a radio as we speak.” Neji explained as he carried over a chair from Sakura’s dining table.
With their addition, Sakura’s small living room was packed - though the host didn’t mind at all. It had been a while since the friends had gathered like this. “I’m glad most of us were free today.” She said, “It wouldn’t have been as exciting if we all watched the event separately.”
“Isn’t it weird that we’re obsessing over Temari’s life like this?” Neji asked. “None of us have spoken to her in years - other than Shikamaru, that is.”
He was met with silence and wide eyes. Neji leaned away from his weird friends. “...What?” 
Tenten narrowed her eyes. “I didn’t know you gossipped. They’re still friends?”
Neji looked at the others for support, but everyone looked like they desperately wanted an answer. “I... believe they keep in touch? Shikamaru mentioned it a while back.”
“Boo.” She crossed her arms, pouting. “And he’s not even here? He probably has details, too.”
Sakura looked around, counting heads. There was a noticeable gap next to Chouji. “Where is Shikamaru? I thought he was back in town.”
“I invited him,” Ino shrugged loftily. “But he ignored all my texts - again. I don’t blame him, though. Remember he had that huge crush on Temari all through university?”
“And high school.” Kiba interjected. “No way he’s gonna want to watch this, poor guy.”
Naruto threw his head back, filling his entire mouth with popcorn. “We should go see him after this.” He somehow managed to speak. “Can’t let him be depressed all weekend.”
“Here arrives the princess now.”
Ino shushed them loudly. “Quiet! We can talk about Shikamaru later; it’s finally happening!”
A sleek black car pulled up near the front. The camera zoomed in on the rear door as someone reached for the handle. 
“Wow, she looks beautiful.” Tenten commented.
Temari stepped out, looking effortlessly gorgeous in a knee-length white dress and matching heels. Her sandy blonde hair was tied up in a neat low bun, and her sea-green eyes shone brightly, even through the television screen.
Ignoring the crowd of cameras and reporters, Temari smiled and took the hand offered to her, her mouth forming words none of them could make out.
Kiba took a large gulp of his soda, ice and all. “Aw, c’mon, show us something good already.” He groaned.
“The princess will walk to the front of the IHA where she will greet her brothers. Assumedly, the Emperor is waiting inside, though the location of the supposed fiancé and family is...”
The camera panned out slowly just in time to show their friend, Nara Shikamaru, bend down and kiss Temari’s hand, the smiles on both of their faces growing even wider as she laughed.
For once, it was completely silent in Haruno Sakura’s apartment. 
“We have just received word that this man is the princess’s fiance, Nara Shikamaru, a commoner she met during her school days.”
Half a dozen ice cubes dropped from Kiba’s open jaw. “Holy shit!” He yelled, whipping around to see the rest of his friends in equal amounts of shock. “Holy shit!”
“Is this real?” Ino asked the TV. “Is this seriously real?”
Tenten scrolled frantically through her phone. “I don’t believe it... there’s nothing on social media about them from before today. Not even a single tabloid article!”
“Hey... does Shikamaru have a brother we don’t know about?” 
“Naruto, you idiot!” Sakura slapped her own face in frustration. “That is Shikamaru!”
Ino nearly fell off the couch onto Kiba and Tenten in her rush to grab the remote off the floor. “Everyone, quiet! I need to hear this!” She ordered as she furiously smashed the volume button.
Somehow, the reporter was able to keep her voice level, even after such an incredible revelation. 
“Princess Temari and Nara Shikamaru are to be married today, at the registry office inside the Imperial Household Agency. We are told there are witnesses inside to validate their marriage, though their identities are still unknown.”
Everyone watched with full focus as the couple held hands on their way to the doors. Just as the reporter said, Kankuro and Gaara, the latter who had also attended school with them, were standing outside under the large awning. Shikamaru bowed to them first, followed by Temari. As soon as she straightened up, Kankuro was quick to pull her into a hug, while their younger brother shook hands with Shikamaru. 
“Following the marriage signing, both Princess Temari and her husband will be answering questions from the press. A representative of the imperial family has stated that when they return, the couple will answer a maximum of five questions only.”
Sakura tore herself from the television screen when she heard a phone ringing right next to her. She did a double take. “Oh no, don’t tell me you’re calling-”
“Pick up, you asshole!” Ino yelled at Shikamaru’s retreating back. “Pick up, pick up, pick up!!”
“He’s about to get married, Pig!”
“I can’t believe this.” The phone abandoned, Ino’s next target was Chouji. “You! How much did you know? And if you try to lie to me right now, I swear - !”
Chouji leaned back, arms raised to ward her away. His eyes darted between his two oldest friends, one right in front of him and the other still on the television screen. “I knew as much as Neji, I promise!” He insisted. 
Just like the rest of their friends, Chouji could only imagine what was going through Shikamaru’s head right now. 
For their entire time in the IHA office, Shikamaru and Temari never left each other’s side. 
Only briefly did they let their hands go, just to sign their names on the marriage license, and the dozen other papers and forms to officialize Temari’s departure from the imperial household.
The proposal didn’t come as a surprise - they had been dancing around the idea for ages - but Temari’s final decision to leave did. 
It meant moving out of her family’s residence, changing her name, and foregoing all of the benefits that were given to a princess of Japan. Temari was also eager to bypass all the drawn-out events a formal engagement and wedding would include. Whenever he felt that she was sacrificing too much, and that was often, she was quick to remind him that she always did only what she wanted to.
When they had announced to their families that they wanted to get married, Shikamaru’s parents had been quick with their approval and good wishes. Emperor Rasa had glared at him with what could only be described as contempt. 
Although Shikamaru had a stable career as a lawyer, and his family did well for themselves, even owning a large amount of land outside of Osaka, it wasn’t enough for Rasa. He also held a passionate hate for the way Shikamaru always wore his hair. Even as they signed their marriage license, Shikamaru could feel the eyes burning through his head.
Their relationship had always been kept very low-profile, the preferred course for two private people - especially when one was a princess - and it had kept the tabloids away, too.  It was Shikamaru’s idea to just keep it a secret until the date of their marriage, as that was the best plan he could come up with that would keep any intrusion, whether from family, friends or the public, to a minimum. 
Unfortunately, it did mean that once the date of the princess’ marriage was announced, the entirety of Japan would be waiting and watching to see who she was marrying. Having a secret relationship was one thing, but for the significant other to be a commoner... it was a scandal waiting to happen. 
Their families were staying behind, waiting for the crowd of reporters to disperse before they left. Shikamaru and Temari headed out the hall together. The two had prepared their words for the press extensively, but sharing a secret they had kept for the past five years with the world was a daunting task. 
He gave her hand a squeeze. “Ready for this last troublesome bit?”
“I should be asking you that.” Temari bumped his shoulder with a small laugh. “Sure you don’t want to turn back around? It might be quite a drag.”
Shikamaru sighed, glancing at their hands. “For once, I think I’ll be okay with that.” 
With that, he pulled open the door, and the couple was met with flash after flash. 
“Princess! Princess Temari!” A half a dozen reporters called, desperately hoping to get their question answered.
But Temari had her own plan - she gave a stern look that quieted them down instantly. She stepped up to one of the two microphone stands and said. “Thank you all for coming. I would like to be clear right now that I no longer want to be known as Princess Temari of Suna. As of today, I am not a royal, but Nara Temari.” She held up a hand for more silence. “I have fulfilled my duties for the past twenty-seven years, and now it is time for a more peaceful life.”
Shikamaru forced himself to turn to the crowd as he explained. “We will be moving to New York, where I work, and Temari will be able to pursue her passions, both in art and politics. I plan on doing everything I can to support her, to have a family. Through the good times and bad, I would like to be by her side.”
“I want to apologize in advance for any problems my decision may have caused, as I will always care for the people of Japan, my birthplace. But this was a necessary choice, because for me...” Temari turned to Shikamaru, their eyes locking. “For me, Shikamaru is irreplaceable.”
He took that as his cue to step forward. “I love Temari. And I only have one life.” Shikamaru could barely look away from her. “I want to live that life with someone I love.”
Temari flashed him a wide smile, squeezing his hand gently before she leaned into the microphone for a final comment. “Thank you, no more questions.”
The cameras flashed as the buzz of the reporters evolved into an uproar. Immediately, they were hit with dozens of questions but Baki, the bodyguard assigned to Temari, was quicker. He held them off, not only blocking them from view of the cameras, but also giving them a chance to escape. 
There was a black car waiting for them off to the side, and the newly married husband and wife wasted no time in driving away, eager to start the rest of their life together.
With the news release over, the channel switched over to some of the usual advertisements. Everyone watched quietly, lost in their own thoughts. 
“Man, that was...” Naruto broke the silence. “Shikamaru... and Temari...”
Tenten sniffed. “I can’t even be that mad anymore.”
“I can.” Ino muttered as she furiously swiped at her eyes. “What a sentimental jerk!”
Chouji didn’t even bother to hide his outright sobbing. “I always knew he had it in him - all those feelings!”
Sakura half-heartedly patted their backs. “There, there.” She comforted. “I’m sure he’ll give you guys a full explanation when he’s free- wait, is someone at the door?”
And there really was a soft, persistent knock at the door that only stopped when Sakura called, “Come in!”
“I was waiting for you to hear me. Why? Because it would be rude to just walk in.” Shino greeted as he stepped in, slowly taking off his dress shoes.
He was dressed in a full black suit, with a tie to match. The symbol of his family - the Aburame clan - was pinned to his lapel and stood out in a contrasting silver. “...Why are you all staring?”
“Where the hell were you?!” Kiba was quick to ask.
“I was asked to be a witness to the marriage. Why? Because as a friend of both of the families, I was trusted.” Shino explained, then his brow furrowed behind his glasses. “I knew it. None of you noticed my absence.”
He would soon regret that complaint, though, because with a yell, all of his friends descended on him like a pack of very, very, hungry wolves. 
Day 13 - Marriage
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shikatemamonth · 2 years
💜 ShikaTema Month - THANK YOU 💜
Thanks to you, #ShikaTemaMonth2022 has been a huge success! We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have and look forward to future events like it 😍
With the end of #STMonth22, our zine GIVEAWAY with @shikatemazine is now also officially CLOSED! Winners will be announced tomorrow, October 2nd 2022 - best of luck to all who entered!
ShikaTema Month may have come to an end, but that doesn't mean the fun is over! Works will be shared on this account until 2023, and we encourage using the prompts for whatever you'd like going forward 💜
Thank you for all your support & contributions - we'll see you all again soon 💜
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xanketori · 2 years
Shikatema Month 2022
Day 8: Kiss | Hotel Room | “I wanted to say goodbye”
Rating: T
Summary: The night before she's due to return to Suna, Temari gets an unexpected visitor to her hotel room. Perhaps there are advantages to having a boyfriend, after all.
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bakapandy · 2 years
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ShikaTema Month 2022 Submission!
Day 1: Rematch || Seasons || “Show me what you’ve got.”
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Shikatema Month 2022
Day 3: Celebrity
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ilcerbiastrelloarts · 2 years
Day 4: Forest
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Naruto Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nara Shikamaru/Temari Characters: Nara Shikamaru, Temari (Naruto) Additional Tags: ShikaTema, ShikaTemaMonth, ShikaTemaMonth2022, STMonth22, Fluff, Smut, Arranged Marriage Summary:
Temari had long accepted her fate of an arranged marriage. It is just what their family had done for generations. What she wasn’t anticipating was the man that she was destined to marry.
Happy Shikatema Month my Deers!  I’ve absolutely loved all of the submissions for this month.  Here’s my tiny contribution. It’s longer than my usual one shots but this prompt was everything.  It’s fluffy, smutty, and chock full of ShikaTema goodness.  Enjoy it, babes!
Prompt: Arranged 
Temari took a deep breath waiting for her fiancé.
It was still such a foreign concept. She should have been anticipating this day. Arranged marriages were just what their family had done for generations. Marriages were business arrangements solely done to garner more wealth and influence. It had been the case for her parents. The respect and love had come eventually. Still, as much as she knew that it was going to happen she wasn’t prepared for reality. 
After the deals were made and contracts were signed her father was strangely vague about who her betrothed was. He just assured her that he was from a good family and this was the best scenario for her and their family.  She wasn’t allowed to be a part of any of the proceedings. Her father and brothers were her representatives. Temari just accepted her fate and hoped that her family had done their best for her.  Her father was a lot of things and being a shrewd and calculated businessman was one of them. She wasn’t going to be married off to a family that wasn’t worthy of her.  In the end, whoever she did marry had to be enough in the eyes of her father and that was a tall order. 
Temari took another deep breath before sipping her tea. Her…fiancé had asked that their first meeting occur at his home without any chaperones. It was a bit unorthodox but her father had agreed and so she’d made her way from Suna to Konoha. She’d been there so many times that she could name all the roads and buildings they passed.  She pushed aside certain memories that the scenery attempted to invoke. When at one time this place had been like a second home it was now just haunting scenes from her past.  She’d avoided returning there for years now but her destiny couldn’t be put off any longer.  They drove past the city to a beautiful neighborhood with large homes and the grandest one of them all was the one they’d pulled up to.
She was quickly ushered inside and everyone that she met welcomed her kindly. Excited at her presence there. There was something oddly familiar and comforting about this place even though she was sure she’d never been there. Upon coming to the room she was asked to wait in she was surprised to see a table filled with her favorite tea and snacks. Her future husband had done his research. 
Temari tried to relax in the gorgeous room. It had a wonderful view of the gardens.  Warm and inviting it was easy to pretend she was in a different place instead of her fiancés home. Now her home. 
At least her cage would be a beautiful one. 
When she heard the door open her breath caught. The air in the room had shifted. This was it. 
He took the chair across from her to sit and silently stare. 
Temari’s eyes widened as she tried to maintain her composure.  This was a turn of events. Once Temari got her wits about she spoke,  “I can’t say I’m not surprised.”
The arrogant yet handsome grin that crossed his face sent a bolt of electricity through her. Years later he still affected her like no one else. 
“You shouldn’t be.”
He leaned forward placing his chin on steepled fingers to bring them closer together.  He seemed annoyed by the space between them.  Temari wondered if from this distance he could hear how loudly her heart was beating. 
She leaned further away from him.  “You’re right.  Given our families' shared histories I should have figured that my father would want to make our alliance stronger.  What better way than a marriage?”  
The Naras were one of the most powerful and prolific political families across the five nations.  Her family had been there from their early ascent into power.  Providing money and clout.  The Naras in turn ensured that her family had exclusive control over the production and distribution of military arms and weapons.  A marriage between their two families would only tighten the stranglehold and influence that they had in Suna, Konoha, and across the other nations. The press would have a field day once news of their engagement broke.
Shikamaru noticeably clenched and unclenched his fist. “Do you believe that this is about something as frivolous as money, power, and political influence?  I could give a fuck about all of that Temari. I have all of that. All I care about is you.”
Temari was sure her gasp of shock was audible.  It had been years since they’d seen one another face to face.  She only knew what the rest of the world did. He’d made a name for himself while expanding the Nara name and influence.  The Genius Nara.  He was known far and wide for his political skill and was on his way to being second in command for the Konoha government. How he was doing personally was only garnered through information from his mother. Also, from shamefully stalking a rarely used social media account.  It hurt that after having become so close it was nothing but silence for years. As far as she knew the person sitting across from her was a stranger.  
No, her fiancé.
Nara Shikamaru had grown up. He was finally taller than her with lean muscles encased by a well-fitting expensive suit. His hair was still in that familiar style but it suited him well. Where at one time he’d been awkward and lanky he now sat in front of her confident and handsome.  
Despite knowing very little about his current life she did know that Shikamaru was considered one of the most eligible bachelors. Handsome, rich, powerful, and from a storied family.  He would be quite the catch.   Despite his status, he was never seen with another woman. No one had ever been found to be associated with him. Women would kill for the chance to be in her position but it seemed like all he wanted was her. 
Shikamaru stared at her deeply.  Those eyes she’d known so well set on her sure and steady.  His heavy gaze left her speechless. 
“You sealed your fate that night you kissed me. From that second you were mine.”
Continued Here
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bakapandy · 2 years
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ShikaTema Month 2022 Submission
Day 3: Legacy || “And then there were three.”
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bakapandy · 2 years
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ShikaTema Month 2022 Submission
Day 2: Thunderstorms || “I loved you then and I love you now.”
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bakapandy · 2 years
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Follow up to THIS
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shikatemamonth · 2 years
We are thrilled to announce the prompts for ShikaTema Month 2022, running from September 2nd - September 30th 2022! ♥
Be sure to tag your creations for this event with the tag #ShikaTemaMonth2022 or #STMonth22 for us to share here and on Twitter, for all fellow ShikaTema lovers to find!
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Thank you to all who contributed prompts during our interest check for helping us build this vast prompt list - we couldn't do it without you ♥
Please find larger images and a written list below the cut, and check out our FAQ for any questions!
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Day 1: Rematch ♥ Seasons ♥ "Show me what you've got."
Day 2: Thunderstorms ♥ Fantasy ♥"I loved you then and I love you now."
Day 3: Legacy ♥ Celebrity ♥ "And then there were three."
Day 4: Forest ♥ Historical AU ♥ "I would've come for you."
Day 5: Bodyguard ♥ Love Language ♥ "I did it for you."
Day 6: Paint ♥ Games ♥ "I'd love to see you try."
Day 7: Reunion ♥ Drunk Confessions ♥ "There were times I hated you."
Day 8: Kiss ♥ Hotel Room ♥ "I wanted to say goodbye."
Day 9: Arranged ♥ Broken Promises ♥ "Just say yes."
Day 10: Hourglass ♥ Roommates ♥ "Friends don't fuck on weekends."
Day 11: Bookstore/Library ♥ Everybody Lives ♥ "Happy Birthday."
Day 12: Bewitched ♥ Band ♥ "Love me like you want to be loved."
Day 13: Burn ♥ Marriage ♥ "Spit it out."
Day 14: Crime ♥ University ♥ "I'm not drunk."
Day 15: Free Day ♥
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xanketori · 2 years
ShikaTema Month 2022
Day 2: Thunderstorms | Fantasy | “I loved you then and I love you now”
Older shikatema is really really comforting ya know.
Rating: T
Summary: Shikamaru has big plans for his 30th anniversary with Temari, but the fates aren't kind to him, trying to draw up as many disasters for him as possible. He berates himself for not planning adequately, but Temari won't let him.’
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xanketori · 2 years
ShikaTema 2022 Month Day 1:  Rematch || Seasons || “Show me what you’ve got.”
I managed to mash all three of those together into one fic lol.
Rating: T
Summary: Shikamaru, Shikadai, and Temari spend some family time together as they ponder the sacrifices made in the name of love.
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Shikatema Month 2022
Day 8: Kiss | “I wanted to say goodbye”
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shikatemamonth · 2 years
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Did somebody say giveaway? 👀
To celebrate ShikaTema Month and the incredible creatives within the fandom, the @shikatemazine is offering digital copies of the whole trilogy to one lucky contributor! 💜
To enter, all you need to do is:
Submit at least one piece for ShikaTema Month under the hashtags #STMonth22 or #ShikaTemaMonth2022
Follow us @shikatemamonth
Like & reblog this post to notify us you want to be entered!
Good luck, and happy ST Month! 💜
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