#shiki fūjin
valtiels-darkness · 7 days
What do you think Orochimaru's top 5 favorite jutsus would be 🤔
Oh, this is fun! Okay... I believe the extent of his knowledge and what he truly is capable has been.... Lacking due to writing. Still. Here we go! Some of these may just be like "Really? These are your top 5 faves, really?" Yup and that is okay!
I am rather fond of necromancy and so the perfected Edo Tensei is just *Chef's kiss*
Yamata no Jutsu. Giant eight headed hydra serpent? Yes. They really slept on that one and it is annoying.
Shōshagan no jutsu. Face stealing? Heh. I do enjoy some creepy psychological shit.
Saisei Nōryoku. Regeneration.
Shiki Fūjin Kai. Don't fear the reaper, baby! (Not my favourite Blue Oyster Cult song for ref. I do like Veterans of a Psychic War though. I digress.)
Annnnd just because I now have it stuck in my head, have some music!
Totally read the question wrong... Sort of.... I still stand by my choices and mistake xD
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mizumi-uchiha · 1 year
Headcanon and character overviews
Madara and Mizumi had a relationship bordering on friendship, love is not eternal but what if it never happened? absurd, they both have differences for which they complement each other, he is an extremist and perhaps she is the fatalist, she accepts the fact that dying is part of life and that hate and pain are an everyday thing while that he sees in this a repulsive image, the Uchiha clan is the clan of love lol, we don't have much information about the convictions, hobbies, ideals and history of the Uzumaki Clan, although my headcanon tells us that they were the clan in search of knowledge, The experimentation and research was the passion that the members of the clan shared in addition to the spirit and the will more than power. Mizumi Uzumaki was curious to death, in fact this very curiosity led her to her death. She seeks knowledge that will take her to the stars, metaphorically. Madara Uchiha gives his entire life to a single goal, so he shows dedication, perseverance and self-confidence, on the contrary, Mizumi is inspired by curiosity, the desire to experiment, the satisfaction of developing a new technique. The Uzumaki clan have forbidden techniques, sealing techniques, they have a powerful Chakra, the knowledge and use of these techniques were acquired through experimentation, study and a degree of ambition and this is just what Mizumi did, even taking it beyond the limits of his own life, well, both carried their goals to death, it is not a specific case, the life of a shinobi advanced day by day under the shadow of death, many ninjas had enough strength to give their lives with the aim of protecting or sacrificing oneself for something. both feel a great passion for their own ideals. Maybe the black zetsu manipulated him but the willpower, the spirit and the passion belonged to Madara, we were always puppets. All his life he was unaware of the true plan, the stupid plan that ended his life. she hadn't had the best of endings either. he had been developing a sealing and pact technique with Shiki Fūjin, which went wrong, it was predictable but he still decided to take the risk. both trusted too much in themselves and had their end...
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animepsixzxc · 7 years
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kokodrawings · 4 years
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Shiki Fūjin
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kratosiniesta10 · 4 years
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(死鬼封尽, Shiki Fūjin)
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fox-mother · 5 years
Crimson Shards
Kushina has no doubt in her mind that Minato would murder her thrice over for even trying this but what choice did they have? She wasn’t strong enough to subdue the fox, Minato wasn’t strong enough to weaken him enough for her to subdue him and both of them were risking a lot just by being near the raging bijū.The Uzumaki knew that this would be her final stand, her body wasn’t strong enough to survive without the fox now. She had time though and she intended to use that time to its fullest to- at the very least- save the two loves of her life from certain death. 
While Minato was distracted by shushing Naruto, Kushina struggled to her feet. Blood dripped down her chin and sweat beaded on her brow but she didn’t give up, standing tall as she stared down the demon fox that she had been holding onto for almost 10 years of her life. With a dramatic flourish, she flung her arms out to the side while her Adamantine Sealing Chains tore from her back and buried themselves in the ground. This caught the attention of her husband, who stared in concern as she shook where she stood. All was silent for a moment, the fox even stilling as he stared at the petite female, internally laughing at her feeble attempt to capture him. 
Then, with a mighty noise, the chains ripped up from the ground and wound themselves around the fox, immediately dragging him to the heated Earth beneath him and pinning him there. No matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t break free. More chains rose from the ground after he was downed, forming a sealed dome that allowed no one past that she didn’t allow. It would cut down the damage the fox could do if he managed to wriggle free. 
With her preparations out of the way, Kushina brought her hands together to rapidly form the hand seals required for the Shiki Fūjin jutsu. With a great roar, the shinigami appeared, his chilling laugh permeating the surrounding area. Kushina knew she couldn’t move, it would disrupt the chains too much if she did. A way around that was something she had to find and find one she did. Crossing her pinky fingers, she was able to produce three clones that she instructed to carry out three simple tasks. One was to get close enough to touch the fox, drawing his spirit out. The task was completed and the clone was dismissed while the other two clones moved in to take the soul while the shinigami split it in half. 
Two halves in hand, the clones ran back to her and she instructed them to place a hand on Naruto and one on Minato. She would have taken the fox back but she knew that Konoha would need him, so she gifted him to her newborn son and her husband in the hopes that they could grow together and wield the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox better than she ever could. Kushina knew that she would die here today and Minato seemed to understand that now, once a searing pain seemed to stem from his abdomen. He tore his gaze from his baby son to his wife, who stood on trembling legs with her hands held together while the shinigami completed his sealing. 
Heaven knows how the fox escaped his binding, maybe when Kushina was distracted by the tears forming in Minato’s blue eyes or when Naruto began crying from the heat of his seal. Nevertheless, Kushina saw him move to strike down her family and she had to act. She broke into a sprint, managing to get to them before the fox. With no time left with which to shove them out of the way, she flung herself between him and them. Almost at once, the foxes sharp claw tore through her torso, sending her blood flying all over her husband where he lay curled around their son. The tip of the foxes claw was inches from him, only held back by the sheer strength of his wife. If she hadn’t moved, they’d both be dead. 
Now accepting that she was nearing her end, Kushina managed to catch the attention of her beloved husband. With a bloody smile, her breathy voice could barely be made out over the loud roaring screeches of the fox, “Arigato... Minato. You showed me what it was like to be loved again... You helped me realise... That maybe the world isn’t such a bad place. I love you... I love Naruto... Tell him... Please... Tell him his mother loves him so much. Gomen'nasai, Minato, I won’t be coming home this time...” 
Two simple hand seals later and the sealing was done, the fox being banished in a large cloud of smoke to begin his confinement again. With nothing supporting her body anymore, Kushina collapsed at once. The life was draining from her eyes very quickly and she knew she only had a matter of seconds left. Her senses were dulled, her breathing slowly but in her last moments she was able to smile as she saw the blonde hair she loved so much. “Itoshi teru, Minato...” She whispered with her final breath, indigo eyes finally closing as the life left her. Her Adamantine chains shattered into beautiful shards, signifying that she no longer walked the Earth with a beating heart. Uzumaki Kushina was gone, having given her life to protect the two people that she loved.
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thecreativen7 · 3 years
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Shiki Fūjin Naruto SVG, Uzumaki Naruto SVG, Naruto Anime SVG
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kairoswrites · 5 years
what can the harvest hope for, ch. 1
Fandom: Naruto & Discworld (Crossover)
The Shiki Fūjin summons the god of death for a seal. Death usually doesn’t come this far Rimwards, due to this side of the Disc being unnaturally interested in wars, but he’ll make an exception for the most interesting thing to happen since, well, forever.
Read it on AO3.
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animepsixzxc · 7 years
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Shiki Fūjin
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liralees · 13 years
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fox-mother · 4 years
Talk a little about Shikei? Also, how old is Kushina in that drabble?
Shikei is who everyone who has used the Shiki Fūjin summons. The Shinigami was never given much explanation and so I took it upon myself to go more in-depth with it. For the last 6 months- and probably the rest of time- I will firmly headcanon that the seal's creation can be chalked up to none other than Uzumaki Kushina. It is never properly discussed when it was created and by who, only that it is an Uzumaki seal that uses the power of the Shinigami. 
Shikei was first summoned by Kushina when she was in the process of creating the seal. This was so that Kushina could create a contract with him for the use of his power. In exchange for his help, he gets to consume the souls of those who use the technique. All the souls, except Kushinas. Instead, he gets to have her soul once she dies and that would break the contract and the technique would no longer work. The only exception to this term would be if he doesn't or is unable to take her soul upon her death. 
Kushina created a release jutsu for this seal as well. It did require them to have a mask that was designed with controlling the Shinigami in mind. How she accomplished this is unclear as she tested it once and promptly hid it, declaring the two jutsu Kinjutsu and as such, no information was ever written down about them beyond the location of the mask once it was brought to Konoha by Kushina. 
Shikei himself is capable of more than just sealing; he can change forms, make himself visible to humans, can change his density to allow for people to touch him properly, perform jutsu that are otherwise unusable by humans and he can dimension hop with ease. 
His normal form is not that of the Shinigami we're so familiar with but a young man with long white hair, pale skin, horns and yellow eyes. He retains the white kimono and the tantō is stored in a sheath on his hip. His personality is often described as him being irritating and sarcastic but friendly. He's close friends with Kushina and he is always there to listen to her problems. He also likes being an asshole to her and not doing something he's asked to do, resulting often in an embarrassed Uzumaki and confused spectators. 
Keep in mind that Kushina and he have been bonded like this for almost 20 years, her having first summoned him and having created the Fūinjutsu when she was only 4. So he's seen her at her happiest and her saddest, he knows Kushina better than she knows herself. It's normal for him to be a premier douche to her and for him to get away with it. To him, Kushina is still only a baby. He’s well over a thousand years old and Kushina is but a fraction of his age, hence him seeing her as a small child rather than the adult she is. 
At the time the drabble takes place, Kushina is 14-years-old. It is set a few months before the war starts, hence her and Minato being on friendly terms and her not wanting to be embarrassed in front of him by Shikei.
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fox-mother · 4 years
A List Of Jutsu Known By Uzumaki Kushina
Senpō: Ishi no tatchi (Sage Art: Touch Of Stone) Senpō: Shizen enerugī chūshutsu no jutsu (Sage Art: Natural Energy Extraction Technique) Senpō: Suichū kokyū-hō (Sage Art: Underwater Breathing Technique) Senpō: Yūdoku hifu bōgyo no jutsu (Sage Art: Poisonous Skin Defense Technique) Senpō: Numa no hōkai no gensō (Sage Art: Illusion Of Swamp Decay) Senpō: Uzu chissoku no jutsu (Sage Art: Whirlpool Suffocation Technique) Numaton: Suwanpurando no sōzō (Swamp Release: Creation Of The Swampland) Numaton: Ryūsa no jokyo (Swamp Release: Quicksand Elimination) Numaton: Ne no hokaku (Swamp Release: Trapping Roots) Numaton: Ōpunpāmu de sutoraiku (Swamp Release: Strike With An Open Palm) Numaton: Doromizu no kiken'na nami (Swamp Release: Dangerous Wave Of Muddy Water) Numaton: Shizen no fukyōwaon (Swamp Release: Cacophony Of Nature’s Music) Numaton: Jigoku no mon (Swamp Release: The Gate Of Hell) Aburaton: Oirureiku no futtō (Oil Release: Boiling Oil Lake) Aburaton: Abura Bunshin no Jutsu (Oil Release: Oil Clone Technique) Aburaton: Oirubīsuto no jutsu (Oil Release: Oil Beast Technique) Aburaton: Oiru ketsugō no jutsu (Oil Release: Oil Binding Technique) Aburaton: Nenchaku-sei oiru (Oil Release: Sticking Oil) Sōshō Tenchi No Jutsu (Wound Transposal Jutsu) Tōtsū Tenchi No Jutsu (Pain Transposal Justu) Uzumaki ichizoku no hōfuku (The Uzumaki Clans Retribution) Doton: Chika ryokō no jutsu (Earth Release: Underground Travel Technique) Josei no ikari: Akai kaibutsu, sakura, Senju hime (Wrath Of The Women: The Red Monster, The Cherry Blossom and The Senju Princess) Senpō: Shizen enerugī dangan (Sage Art: Natural Energy Bullet) Kuchiyose: Uzuki (Summoning: Uzuki) Kuchiyose: Gamaton (Summoning: Gamaton) Kuchiyose: Shikei (Summoning: Shikei) Shiki Fūjin (Dead Demon Consuming Seal) Kuchiyose: Shinigami no ikari (Summoning: Wrath Of The Reaper) Senpō: Ikimonogaku-teki narukoshisu (Sage Art: Biological Narcosis) Hiraishin: Kōsoku kōkan (Flying Thunder God: High-Speed Exchange)
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