#shin bb
missyandthemisfits · 3 months
waka is hotT but shin’s personality 🥺 makes him so much more of a catch
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a7estrellas · 1 year
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PEDRO PASCAL ⌙ HBO's "The Last Of Us - Los Angeles Premiere
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dead-end-street · 1 year
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Who do you think will end up living with me forever? It's me. Myself. So you need to take good care of yourself and fix yourself whenever something breaks. I really want to get along with myself. I don't want to love myself too much, but I don't want to be too hard on myself either. I think it's important to work hard on keeping a good balance.
↳ Shin Se-kyung as Oh Mi-joo in RUN ON (2021)
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bubble-bobble · 7 months
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shinssabine · 8 months
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House Hati how are we feeling today???
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pharawee · 7 months
I already love Chef Shin so much for making gluten-free cake 🥰
(But also the fact that at one point the subs said "comPeach" instead of compete. Genius. Give this series an award!)
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k-pop-lovers · 11 months
top rated songs will compete for the best k-pop song of the first quarter of 2023
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alog4 · 1 year
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(『シン・仮面ライダー』【公式】さんはTwitterを使っています: 「【毎日 #シン仮面ライダーオフショット シリーズ】 カメラチェック中のルリ子さん。 #浜辺美波 さん #シン・仮面ライダー 公開中 劇場一覧↓ https://t.co/HQvPlmQFnV 御期待ください。 https://t.co/GhF59NoLXD」 / Twitterから)
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dykeza · 2 years
I love bleach mobile games and their tendencies to release Kisuke and Shinji units together.
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imaushiji · 2 years
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lonewolflink · 6 months
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ryvjinnies · 1 year
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happy birthday, ryujinnie 🥺❤️‍🩹
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baccan0pe · 1 year
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motherofdogs1010 · 2 months
A Jedi in Arrakis II (Paul Atreides x Reader)
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Summary: While on the run from Empire troops, Jedi padawan Y/N comes to find out that hyper-driving in a compromised craft can have some major setbacks when she discovers not only is on a new planet but a whole new galaxy as well...
Warnings: eventual 18+, eventual smut, pinv!sex, currently FLUFF, eventual NSFW, jedi!reader, simp!Paul, Bene Gesserit ideology, Bene Gesserit breeding ideology, spoilers for Dune I and II, angst, talks of questioning the Force and teachings
A/N: I am changing the timeline of the Dune plot and certain events
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Dividers by @firefly-graphics Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part I
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A total of one month had passed since her arrival on Arrakis, the Duke have been kind enough to allow for her to stay with them. And during these few days, she had found Paul's company to be welcoming with the way he was intrigued about everything from the Force to her home on Naboo. It made her feel warm inside but she tried to ignore it, but she knew if Anakin was here, he'd been teasing her about it.
"What was that you did with the sandworm?" Paul asked, she looked at him.
"I used the Force", she answered with a frown. "Have you not heard of the Force?"
"No, never", Paul breathed, "it was... amazing. And what is that you carry?"
"It's my lightsaber", she answered as BB trailed next to her. "This is all so confusing, we are only a universe away and yet it's so different. This planet is really similar to Tattoonie and is very strong with the Force"
Paul let out a light chuckle in agreement, "it is. I would like to know more if you don't mind and tell you about Caladan, it's where I was raised."
"Of course", she said with a smile. "I'm only a padawan, if my Master was here, he'd probably get a big head and I'd love to hear more about your planet later."
"So, I'm assuming you're a student?"
"An apprentice, I don't become a Master until I am found ready to conquer the trials by the Jedi Council."
As she continued talking about the Force, the teachings, about Naboo, Paul seemed more interested as he listened intently and hanging off every word of hers. He did look over anxiously over at BB a few times before they came to one of the many loading bays at this compound as Paul asked, "can you really understand it?"
"BB? Yeah, anyone where I'm from understands basic droid language", she answered with a shrug. "BB's just a big goof, he's a prototype I was given."
BB let out a little offended noise and she patted his head.
"We have A.I. and robotics banned after we had a war with them", Paul said, she nodded.
"Atreides!" a booming voice declared and she saw a tall, tan skinned man with a big grin coming to Paul.
He looked like a warrior but the way Paul was excited to him let her know of the friendship the two had.
"Duncan", Paul said with a grin, "you're back from the South."
"With barely my life and oh! Who is this, Paul? A lady friend of yours", Duncan joked, she laughed. "I will say that those Fremen fight for blood."
"My name is Y/N and I... crash landed here when I hyper jumped", she said, BB whirled. "Oh and this is BB."
"I still don't understand how that is possible without Spice", Paul said. "You said Spice doesn't exist at all where you are from."
"I'm assuming my galaxy's technology is more advanced", she answered, "since we use droids and such, even our medicine is more advanced."
"Well, it is nice to meet you, Y/N, BB", Duncan said with a knowing grin, "I'm heading to my room to get some much needed rest."
Duncan turned and left with a grin as Paul watched as BB approached him, a finger poking BB on the head who let out a little war cry and began to bump Paul in the shins.
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Paul had training to do and he had lend her to a quiet spot where she and BB could be, where she could focus on strengthening her Force training. Y/N had already done her lightsaber training, making sure she was still honing her skills even while on this odd planet.
"Ok, BB", she said, "let's get to it."
Sitting down with her legs crossed and her eyes closed, Y/N sucked in a deep breath and began to let her mind clear, remembering everything Anakin had told her and Ahsoka about being one with the Force. She had to empty her mind, allow herself to fully feel for the Force and as she evened out her breathing, she allowed for her mind and breathing to lull her...
The Reverend Mother had come earlier than expected and Lady Jessica found herself trailing behind her old teacher as the woman was scolding her for having birthed a son.
"What is this of a newcomer?" Reverend Mother asked. "I have heard whispers of a woman from another galaxy who possess odd abilities."
"She is no one", Jessica answered, "merely a lost traveler."
Jessica could feel the older woman's glare from behind the cage veil and felt like a student all over again.
"A lost traveler who held back a sandworm with a unseen power", Reverend Mother spat.
Jessica held back her emotions as she watched as a sudden thought passed over her mentor's eyes and Jessica felt unsure as to what she was thinking, but she held a hope it wasn't what she was thinking.
Had Paul been born a girl, he would have been married to na-Baron Feyd-Rautha of House Harkonnen, but Jessica had never intended to fall for Leto. It had been her greatest failure in the eyes of her Sisters when she chose to give Leto a son, that she chose to give her dearest love what he wanted: an heir.
At the time, her pride had made her even think Paul could become the Kwisatz Haderach, but now, she wasn't so sure and with the arrival of this strange girl, Jessica wondered.
She wondered if the Reverend Mother was plotting once again, she recognized that glint in the old woman's eye when she found a new individual to add to their growing breeding program.
Jessica tried to push down that curiosity and that anxiety that always seem to come when she thought about Paul's future.
"C'mon, Paul", Duncan encouraged, "focus. You need to always keep an eye on the enemy, it could mean life or death."
Paul nodded, "my mind was wandering, sorry."
The girl he had been dreaming about was here, he had first thought she could have been a Fremen with her garbs that she would sometimes be in the dreams, but no, she was from beyond their galaxy.
Paul sucked in a breath as he tightened his stance, trying to listen to Duncan's advice despite the way his mind was recalling the dreams.
The dreams where he could taste a unique drink as she smiled at him, it was a blue drink with the consistency of milk; another dream where they were here in Arrakis, the Spice in the sand glittering as they sat on a tall dune, watching a sandworm pass them by...
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Arrakis was beautiful at night, Y/N concluded as she looked at the dark horizon; the air was cooler as she stood on the balcony. BB was in his hibernating mode to charge as Y/N was dressed in a thin nightgown meant for this weather, her robes folded up neatly as her hair hung loose from its hairstyle.
A knock came from her door and she sensed it was Paul, she walked over to the door and opened it.
"Paul", she greeted with a smile. "Shouldn't you be asleep? Being a Duke's son and such?"
"I wanted to talk more", Paul replied with a smile. "I decided my beauty sleep could wait a little longer."
"How kind of you", she joked, letting him in.
"I wanted to ask about your saber thing", Paul sheepishly said, "I've never seen anything like it and I wanted to ask more about you."
Y/N felt her eyes widen at Paul's statement about her, it made her heart thump in a way it hadn't before and she sheepishly looked away before moving to grab her lightsaber.
"It'd be too heavy for you to hold", she softly said, moving a bit aways so the heat of the saber wouldn't startle Paul. "Ready?"
Paul nodded with a boyish grin as she pressed the button, the hum of the lightsaber coming to life and the bright white of its color showing.
Paul looked at it amazed as she twirled it to show-off.
"How is it not heavy for you?" Paul asked.
"They train us from when we were young", Y/N said, "they give us little ones to get us used to the weight."
She shut the lightsaber off and put it on the dresser.
"Your galaxy seems so amazing", Paul softly said, walking in front of her. "I hope to see it one day."
"And Caladan sounds beautiful", Y/N replied back.
They were silent as they stared at one another, a small smile gracing Paul's lips as he said, "you look different with your hair down. I've never seen it."
"Oh", she said, flushed a bit. "Space Puffs are very popular on Naboo."
A strange feeling was in her chest, one that seemed to make her feel fuzzy and light as she stood in Paul's presence and she wondered if this is how Anakin felt when he saw Padme. One had to be a idiot to not see the glances the two gave one another.
"I better go back", Paul said after a minute, a boyish grin on his face. "If anyone saw me, they'd throw a scandal."
Y/N bite her bottom lip as she watched Paul leave and sucked in a breath as she contemplated these new feelings.
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andy-wm · 3 days
Jikook - The Fan Service Professionals
These two are such pros when it comes to fan service, they even practice behind the scenes. Dedication with a capital D! Even during the height of Covid, when there were no performances on the horizon, they were diligently keeping up the charade.
The newly released Bangtan Bomb of the BE Skit recording is a great example...
It is 2020, JK's birthday, and the Billboard #1 win for Dynamite has just been announced. Five of the guys file into a recording studio and sit down. Namjoon leaves an obvious gap next to Jimin.
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JK arrives a few minutes later and takes his place... next to Jimin.
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The group discusses the fact that the Billboard win was announced on JK's birthday and that he clearly needs no more gifts. What happens next is interesting...
JK tells them he received the best gift of his life and Jimin speaks for the first time since JK entered the room, jumping in to say "We're recording Skit, right?"
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I've never seen anyone change the subject with such haste as this. In fact i might go so far as to say the way Jimin interrupted was ...almost rude! (But not really rude, because.. .he's Jimin)
But I digress...
The producer tells Jimin they're already recording and Jimin glances furtively at the microphone to confirm. Yes, the red light is on, it is indeed recording.
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He laughs and slaps his thigh. Something must be really funny because he continues to laugh behind his hand, which is SUCH a tell for when he's embarrassed.
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Long after everyone else has moved on, Jimin is still smiling to himself.
Maybe it's because JK just announced to the world that he got the best birthday gift OF HIS LIFE.
But he didn't specify what it was. He didn't say it was the Billboard win. And it looks like that birthday gift went on all night because the boy is clearly exhausted.
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Anyway, moving on...
They start practicing their "fan service routine" at this point:
Without a word being exchanged between them, Jimin stands up and gives JK space to change his position. He then sits down next to JK and adopts the exact same position, with folded legs. Tick the box for mirroring behaviour
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The next part of routine is connecting through touch - you know - how genuine couples touch each other as a way of checking in? Yeah like that. (Somehow I see caressing a person with your knuckles as more intimate than using your palm, but maybe that's just me)
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And then there's a different type of touch - that body contact that comes with intimacy and familiarity. When you're a new couple this type of thigh touch can be very titilating but when you've been together for a while it's more comforting than sexy (although there's definitely an element of sexy too). At this point they are barely interacting, aside from Jimin's arm draped over JK's thigh and his fingers resting casually on JK's shin like it's his own personal armrest... he's certainly covering all the bases on that leg.
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uuummm... okay, well played Jikook...
10/10 fan service here I guess.
Anything else that might have happened in this 'practice session' was lost on the cutting room floor, but one thing is for certain... neither Jimin nor JK got a wink of sleep on the night of JK's birthday.
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Some may say it's because of the BB #1 win but I don't see any of the other guys in such a state of disarray as these two.
One thing that is obvious though:
Whatever the two of them were celebrating, they went at it all night long.
*cue Barry White*
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somewillwin · 5 months
can you give me a quick explanation of the Shin Tano au? Im new to your page lmao.
Yeah sure!
It’s super simple. Basically it’s a “what if” the premise is:
What if it was ahsoka the one to find shin instead of baylan
SO. The story has plans for now of 4 acts
Act 1 is currently being written and it’s in ch 4. It goes basically since shin is 8 to 18. For Ahsoka the timeline is right after her novel.
Act 2 starts right after rebels when ahsoka takes Sabine in so here is where the wolfwren begins but it’s very rivals to begrudgingly friends and kinda flirting with secrets crush (very complicated shhshshs)
Act 3 is the ahsoka show no spoilers how we get there
And act 4 would be anything after the show. No spoilers either.
And that’s it! Very simple ♥️
Some bb shim sketches. Also here is the link to the fic if you are interested written by @kalevalakryze
Shin Tano au
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