#ship: Dhurke x Amara
indefensezine · 3 months
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Thank you all for your patience! We are so grateful for the positivity and feedback we've received from you. Here are the results of the interest check!
We will be proceeding with the creation of both a physical zine and The Great Ace Attorney mini-zine add on! Contributor Applications will open on July 12th, so stay tuned 🥰 CARRD 💛 INFO DOC
Read more to see your requested ships ✨
Interest Check Listed Ships: Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright x Iris/Dahlia Hawthorne, Phoenix Wright x Kristoph Gavin, Phoenix Wright x Professor Hershel Layton, Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin, Apollo Justice x Clay Terran, Mia Fey x Diego Armando, Mia Fey x Lana Skye, and Athena Cykes x Juniper Woods
Most requested ships: Gregory Edgeworth x Tyrell Badd, Phoenix Wright x Godot, Apollo Justice x Simon Blackquill, Eddie Fender (Ray Shields) x Katherine Hall, Athena Cykes x Pearl Fey
Other Requested Ships by Attorney
Phoenix: Larry Butz, Zacharias Barnham, Rouge (PLvsPW), Dick Gumshoe, Shi Long Lang, Jake Marshall, Herman Crab Mia: Aura Blackquill
Apollo: Ema Skye, Wocky Kitaki
Athena: Sasha Buckler, Trucy Wright, Robin Newman
Gregory: Manfred von Karma
Calisto: Aura Blackquill, Dee Vasquez, Yatagarasu Throuple, Shi Long Lang
Dhurke: Datz Are'bal, Amara Khura’in
Jill Crane: Jack Cameron
Poly Ships
Phoenix x Edgeworth x Gumshoe, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Larry, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Lang, Phoenix x Edgeworth x Kristoph, Mia x Aura x Lana, Apollo x Klavier x Ema, Apollo x Klavier x Simon
These ships were sent in to us by you, and is no way a definitive list. Please do not hesitate to pitch other ships! ⚓
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eyedelater · 2 years
ace attorney spirit of justice post
i was going to play the whole game without bothering to post about it, but now i've had enough thoughts that i have to put them somewhere. they are disorganized and out of order and include full spoilers.
the game would have been $30 on switch but it was like $16 on iOS. what did i miss out on for saving my $14? i don't care. there's only so much you can miss out on when it's a visual novel. also, i remembered the reason i didn't play this game when it came out on iOS several years ago. it's because the app is very careful to list which iOS versions and devices the game will work on, and it will warn you not to purchase content if you're on any other version or device. and that was before i had gotten my first job, so i didn't have ~$16 to spare on a game that might not work. so i forgot about it. anyway i took the plunge this time and it worked fine on my ipad whose iOS version is not on the supported list.
i didn't start writing this post until the middle of the 5th and final case. i think we're about to defend dhurke in court and i have to note that i love that idea. and there's the fact that the justice minister was such an evil son of a bitch and now he's dead and that's kind of objectively good. also, the character designs in this game are quite good, especially the outfits.
red flag: when mere bailiffs in your "peaceful" country are carrying assault rifles at all times. they don't even do that in america. as of 2023.
i liked apollo's near-drowning cave adventure. and dhurke saved him with his left arm, which seems to be fine and only lives in a makeshift sling for stylistic reasons. on a gut level i'm displeased that the solution to the puzzle box requires one of the panels to be half-turned, even though i know puzzle boxes don't have strict rules any more than any other kind of brain teaser.
datz is so cute for a 46-year-old insurgent. he has the biggest mouth ever. that one face he makes strongly evokes enel one piece's big moment, but that's fair. now listen closely to me. up until recently, an important personal policy of mine has been as follows: "NO HOT DADS!" it's a hard-and-fast rule related to my personal taste/distaste and nothing else. but i think a really fun and good ship would be the dilf x dilf ship of datz x dhurke. so i can make a small exception. they can have a revolutionary ossan love that is perfectly righteous, true, and appropriate. maybe. (i do know that datz is no one's dad.)
i love apollo justice. he's the best and the cutest. i love his forehead and his vest and his antennae. but in real life, people with naturally very loud voices are unpleasant to be around <3 tone it down <3
when we see that photo of dhurke looking like apollo's spitting image with little apollo and little nahyuta and datz is like "yeah there he is with his Biological son nahyuta (Zero resemblance Whatsoever) and his Foster son apollo (clone)" it's like (everyone in the audience side-eyes each other) uh-huh… that being said, i don't remember anything that was said about apollo's family history in previous games apart from lamiroir being his and trucy's mother. also dhurke's eyebrows are trifurcated while apollo's are only bifurcated. that's plausible deniability. maybe jove justice is dhurke's brother or something? [he's not.] and if queen amara was dhurke's wife, was she nahyuta's mother, and then, were her genes 100% dominant so that nahyuta looks like a clone of her and not like dhurke at all? [note added in later: it seems that was the case.]
ace attorney games sure do include characters' ancestry as twists a lot of the time. maybe it's unavoidable in a human drama?
i think 35-year-old miles edgeworth has glasses because they couldn't think of any fun talky animations to give him so they had to give him some glasses-adjusting poses
how much taxpayer money is nahyuta spending on international flights for ema skye every 2 days
the idea of channeling an ancient figure like the founder or kee'ra is so fun and cool. i can't help but feel like it probably won't come to that, though. also, the fact that they preserved her true face not on any flat painting but on a mini sculpture in the round inside a tricky snowglobe thing was really cool. now they just need her name and maya could totally channel her. or i guess the queen could. [note added in later: of course they didn't channel her. ace attorney always has to step right up to the plate and not even swing.]
the high priestess carries on the rich tradition of being a smug know-nothing, a tried-and-true charming character archetype. i can get behind it. she's doing her best. her english voice actor was no good, though. are there no little girl voices available?
it's very interesting to have a revolution subplot (or rather, underlying main plot) where we the audience can and should eventually be like, "oh. the revolutionaries are very clearly and obviously the ones who are correct." though in the end, even after the revolution succeeded, it's still a monarchy.
i wonder how people with dissociative identity disorder feel about uendo in the fourth case. the story didn't go into the fact that in order to end up with DID, someone generally has to go through a staggeringly traumatic childhood. though you could kind of get that impression from owen… i don't know. i heard about a case where a victim with DID testified as many of her different alters in a court of law, in real life. is it disrespectful to portray DID in fiction at all? it's fair to say that in most cases, they do a shit job. i didn't feel like it was really played as a joke in this case... except for the way he used it conveniently for his rakugo characters... i guess that does count as playing it as a joke.
the 4th case must have been fun to localize, huh? you can't pretend rakugo is anything but rakugo.
you know, i thought that maybe i had been imagining it and that i was longing for something i shouldn't have expected, but after comparing nahyuta's reactions in court, i really do think van zieks's reactions in DGS were not as satisfying as they could have been. it's like, he's the most stoic prosecutor we've ever gone up against and there was absolutely nothing silly about his reactions (except throwing glasses of wine all over the place, which, like i said, gets old. and it's not that funny in the first place. it's more... aggressive.) like at least nahyuta's most drastic reactions are a little bit humbling, a little bit humiliating, you know? he loses his composure. van zieks doesn't lose his composure in that way.
they certainly did a good job of making nahyuta a lovably aggravating opponent.
is any ace attorney case NOT a locked-room mystery? good grief
nahyuta says, "Her Eminence thinks highly of my prosecutorial skills." but didn't you lose 3 or 4 cases in this game already? and one guilty verdict you got was nullified the next day?
when we were opposing phoenix in court and he got really upset and put his head in his hands… that was so alarming! it's like, we're not him! ah! we can't go over there and be him to fix it! for once, we don't know what he's thinking when he's breaking down like that! though it was easy enough to figure out.
the fact that khura'in is totally a theocracy is glossed right over. like check it out! we're a deeply religious ethnostate where there is no line between church and state! but don't worry— everyone in the whole country agrees that it's ideal… right? like even if they bring back defense lawyers, there still might be some problems worth addressing.
edgeworth let out a Nghoooooooooh! and it was cravat-related! it was all worth it just for this.
i have to kick phoenix wright's ass and also apollo justice's ass because they climbed into a manhole and cave respectively without thinking to bring a light source with them. you can't tell me you didn't expect it to be dark. you can see that it is dark from the outside.
"Founder's Orb left with Datz." とても嫌な予感がする…
the way armie became agoraphobic as a result of a different phobia (in her case, fire)… that really hit hard for personal reasons… huegh
oh so datz brought us back the Orb after all. i am honestly shocked.
dhurke's tit shadow
ok so they had to kill off dhurke so he can't live happily with datz. and they had to go on and on about his everlasting het love with amara. maybe that dilf x dilf ship was a pipe dream in the first place. but what else am i supposed to do when i come across not one but two characters who make me want to bend my no hot dads rule?? give me a break.
i cried when apollo left the nest to start his own musty law office. make all your dads proud, apollo...!
in the great ace attorney, there was the sad ex-jailer who was wearing an implausibly perfect facial disguise in which even the shape of his nose was greatly altered, and that pissed me off due to its implausibility. in this game, there was another implausibly perfect disguise, which was queen amara posing as nayna, wherein her facial structure, eye color, nose, body type, posture, and weight were all perfectly disguised. there's a limit to how good disguises can be before it becomes BS. narratively.
now i'm in the bonus story and we're up against edgeworth and he took his glasses off for the trial. (slams table) what? why did they do that? what is the logic behind this? glasses aren't only a leisure time thing. glasses are an all the time thing if you need them. and whether you're near-sighted or far-sighted, you need them in the courtroom, as important objects and people appear at both near and middle distance. does this imply that edgeworth's glasses are cosmetic only? even then, there's no reason to take them off before a trial! if you're going to change his character design, commit to it! ahh but the edgeworth shrug, smile, and shake head movement is wonderful as always. ok, could it be that the glasses did not render nicely in a 3/4 view so they gave up and excluded them completely? i think that has to be it. they couldn't get glasses to work in a 3/4 view so they gave up. weak...
(you have unlocked: minor pet peeve: when characters with glasses take their glasses off without good reason. no one who wears glasses in real life would do that.)
edgeworth told the judge that he doesn't plan on getting married. of course this is because it's still illegal to get gay married in japanifornia :( so he can't officially get gay married to his common law husband of many years, phoenix wright.
i don't have any large overarching opinions to sum up about the game except that it's an ace attorney game as good as any other, and as such, it was worth playing. it felt a lot more similar to the older games than the great ace attorney chronicles did.
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hermercifulness · 7 years
I don’t know what says about me that the only man/woman ships from Ace Attorney that I’m actually interested in - Dhurke x Amara and Jove x Thalassa - are also doomed since a character from each pairing is already dead in canon.
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leniiva · 6 years
Ace Attorney (my own) relationships romantic or non
Athena X Juniper- romantically ships
Klavier X Apollo- Romantically ships
Miles X Phoenix- Romantically ships (isn't this Canon yet?)
Miles & Phoenix & Larry- Best buds relationship
Trucy and Apollo and Miles and Phoenix- Dad simulator
Dahlia X Phoenix- Please no, it's dead
Iris X Phoenix- dead
Maya & Phoenix- Best sibling relationship
Miles & Franziska- adopted siblings
Jove X Thalassa- Good romantic ship
Zak X Thalassa- Only here because Zak helps make best character ever
Trucy X Pearl- Asexually loves each other
Trucy & Apollo- Capcom TELL THEM!
Amara X Dhurke- Yes
Apollo & Trucy & Nahyuta & Rayfa- best siblings ever
Clay X Apollo X Klavier- Y E S
Clay X Apollo- Ehhhh?? Okay anguish
Nahyuta X Ema- Great 👌
Nahyuta X Simon Blackquill- The same as Nahyuta X Ema
Mia X Lana- Some good shit right there
Nahyuta & Rayfa- more of their relationship please ! I need more of these two being siblings!
Zak's face X A hard hit from a metal bat- Already Canon
Kristoph X Phoenix- Wtf?
Godot X Coffee- More Canon that Miego will ever be
Mia X Diego- Tried to like it but failed
If you like any of theses ships then props to you! Ship what you like and have fun.
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Really quick and lazy Dhurke x Amara because this line made me think of them.
Yes I’m aware that I used this line for Apollo and Clay but hey we’re allowed double up
Made by: Mod Yu
Fandom: Ace Attorney
Ship: Dhurke sahdmadhi x Amara Sigtar Khura’in
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hotel-japanifornia · 4 years
this fandom has some rabid shipping fans. Like boi it's deadly, be careful. I wish people wouldn't give you such awful labels just because you dislike one of the more popular ships. (in my case indifferent to them)
Yeah me too. It’s something I’ve never really understood because while Ace Attorney does have some canonical couples (Miego, Ron X Desiree, Magshoe, Amara X Dhurke), they’re never the primary focus of the games. Ace Attorney is much more heavily focused on providing close, healthy, platonic relationships and I love it for that.
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waiuld · 8 years
There's nothing wrong with dhurke either way. He's not even that dark, even for a Middle East character or any character. Pretty sure the anon was trying to "expose" you as a racist or something while acting friendly. On a side note, it's bad that Dhurke and his own wife is an underrated ship
Well it just shows that different people view characters differently and that’s fine by me. I should have given him a little darker tone after posting it (it’s too late now lol)
And yes Dhurke x Amara is surprisingly not as popular as I thought despite being canon :C They’re so lovely together aaa
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datzpose · 6 years
23, 28, 48
What is Datz’s shoe size? [x]
✨ Probably around US 13-14. Big hoofs, good for running with.
What is the most common lie he tells himself?
✨ That he’s satisfied doing things for the people he loves for nothing in return, and he doesn’t care if someone values him less than he values them.
✨To be fair, it’s true most of the time. He’s usually content just by making the people he cares about happy and keeping them safe, whether or not they see him as anything more than an obnoxious scoundrel. He only found out himself that there could be exceptions to it after Dhurke died, and he realized that the reason he felt so betrayed and hurt was because he thought that after 25 years of unconditional loyalty, he deserved enough of Dhurke’s respect and trust that he wouldn’t be kept in the dark about something so important.
✨He does expect some consideration in return and can be hurt very deeply by other people not appreciating his worth, and he’s still working on accepting that.
Who would he sacrifice himself for?
✨ Dhurke first and foremost, but that ship’s already sailed. Next would be any of Dhurke’s children or Amara (he doesn’t like Amara, but he’d still take a bullet for her in a heartbeat), and anyone else he knows is devoted to Dhurke’s ideals and/or has a better chance than him of making Khura’in a better place -- which is a very low bar, now that there’s no more revolution to make Datz useful.
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hermercifulness · 7 years
Since shipping Dhurke with Jove is a thing, I would like to present an idea: what about shipping Dhurke and Jove's wives with each other? Amara x Thalassa, anyone?
Amara and Thalassa would have a LOT they could talk about: as of the end of Spirit of Justice, both Amara and Thalassa have been widowed; each woman also have two children, with their sons knowing each other since childhood, and both were forced to be separated from at least one of their children for many years.
Also, imagine Thalassa perform and sing for Amara.
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