#shipping bullshark
aeroknot · 2 years
maybe i fall for the most obscure ships to hear less bad opinions
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marine themed pronouns!!
💙/💙s/💙 self
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titobitex · 2 years
Ok homie what are your gta hc's?
thank you for the ask!! I've honestly got a shitton of gta hcs (including gtav) so it might be a bit all over the place but bare with me. Ship hcs are included here too :]]
- has no idea how to cook, and whenever he attempts to he'll call either Niko or Roman for help despite them having no idea what the fuck he's talking about
- never touches drugs, though bullshark testortone / steroids is an exception, but will smoke a cigarette / blunt from time to time
- loves collecting different types of jackets (sports jackets, leather, punk, biker, etc)
- bids on celebrity worn / movie prop shit off of ebay. not because he wants it, but so he could fuck with people
- former highschool boxer, tried to pursue it when he got older but got his ass kicked in a match and backed out for awhile
- despite being a health-nut, he loves anything sugary and genuinely has to restrain himself
- really likes soft rock / rap music
- prefers hot, scorching weather days. not because he likes the weather, but because he gets an excuse to be shirtless in public and show off his tattoos
- loves watching horseracing, he'll rarely bid on the horses but still enjoys watching
- (related to the previous hc) collects horse / horse carousel figurines or anything related
- really likes cats and fish :3 whenever Nikos feeling alone or sad of some sort, he goes to the aquarium after-hours to collect his thoughts and relax
- feeds the street cats whenever he can
- horrible sleep schedule, but still gets up early everyday
- likes the 2000s skelanimals brand and has even boughten some of their plushes (he likes Rae the wolf specifically)
- favorite holiday is halloween!! he'll go trick or treating for a bit before giving whatever candy they dont want to his friends
- gets nightmares almost on a daily basis
- loves playing cards, specifically egyption war
- unironically got nightmares from watching Killer Klowns from Outerspace despite denying he was scared and stayed away from the carnival for a month
- actually a really good sewer! whenever he finds cool band patches he'll buy (or steal) 'em and sew it onto his biker jacket right then and there
- has a pet coyote (it comes by every now and then and let's Johnny pet'em)
- loves cats and visits cat cafes often :3
- likes playing old Cube / Wii / Playstation games, even goes to the arcade occasionally and brings all the brothers with him
- robs the liquor store alot, not for alcohol but for slushies for him and the gang (even the dancers at the club house too)
- pretty good at cooking, except for baking
- puts ketchup on almost everything. this mf will seriously put ketchup on steak if he had the opportunity to
- thinks hotdogs are fucking repulsive but will have a corndog anyday
- learning how to play bass
- started his punk/rocker phase in highschool and never got over it since
Ship Headcanons
- tried cooking together, it ended in disaster and ended up calling the fire department
- go to the beach/carnival almost every weekend to unwind
- they like recreating shitty Facebook Couples photos and tagging the people from the originals they parodied (usually they get blocked and reported)
- tried going on a skating date and Niko did horribly
- Brucies love language is verbal/affectionate, while Niko shows his love through small acts / gestures (running errands, etc)
- Niko gives/offers their jacket/sweaters to Brucie whenever it's cold, despite Brucie being slightly bigger then him
- Brucie compliments Niko all the time, even if it's not relevant to the conversation
- Niko runs errands / handles Brucies business whenever Brucies really stressed / busy
- the first time Niko actually stayed the night at Brucies penthouse he got really nervous sleeping in the same bed so once Brucie fell asleep he left and spent the rest of the night on the couch
- they both have (small) hidden matching tattoos that they got when they were drunk
this took me forever to write so I might make a part two :]
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sea-owl · 1 year
Back to my G/L/F little mermaid au because I can.
Here's part one if you want. Link
Felicity pouted at the shoes they forced on her ugh, feet. This was so embarrassing for a princess of the sea. She has never been this humiliated in her life! These clunky things do not help her balance issues! She's has no idea why humans torture themselves like this. That's her job!
The only going thing is that she learned that yes, the youngest prince and his fiancé were the ones Felicity dragged to shore that night.
She had taken her training as a huntress and learned her preys' schedule, looking for the perfect opportunity to strike down the little prince and his fiancé. The problem was they were never alone! Someone was always with them or Felicity couldn't get close.
The youngest princess, Hyacinth, had taken a liking to Felicity. Felicity admired Hyacinth's mischievous ways, it reminded her of the dolphin calves she used to play with.
Felicity sighed against the rocks, her feet in the water, shoes tossed to the side.
"No luck so far?"
Felicity looked up and almost fell into the water. Instead, she fell over onto her sister, who now had her own pair of legs. Did their mother do this to Penelope, too? What had she done? Was it for helping Felicity?
"Felicity, I am okay. This isn't a punishment from Mama," Penelope said and signed.
Wait. . .signed?
Felicity clapped as she sat back up. She had forgotten about signing. A childhood friend of hers, Gabriella, was born without hearing, so she used her hands to speak instead. She had taught Felicity, who in turn taught her older sisters.
Felicity immediately began signing. "How did you get legs?"
Penelope signed back. "Mama has me spy on the humans from time to time. Easier to do that when they think I'm human too."
"Does Mama know you're here?"
Penelope winked. "Yes, it just so happens it's around the time I make my twice yearly trip up to the human world. So, did you find those humans you save?"
Felicity nodded. She held up seven fingers and then, with her dominant hand, curled it into a fist, index finger pointing up, middle finger at 90 degrees, and thumb tucked in between. That same hand, she brought it down like a sash from her shoulder to hip. 7th prince. Felicity then curled her thumb and index finger into a circle , the rest of her hand flat. The circle tapped on her other hand's ring finger. Fiancé.
"Prince Gregory and his fiancé Lady Lucy?" Penelope said with wide eyes. "That will be tricky one. Are you sure you don't want to try the seduction route?"
Felicity made a face. Absolutely not, she'll leave that to Prudence. She told Penelope just as much.
"Besides, Mama said true love's kiss was the other option for me to come back home." Felicity finished. Which was still bullshark in her humble opinion. True love only exists in the stories of old. "Me seducing wouldn't exactly be a kiss of true love. Especially if they got each other."
Penelope nodded. "That's fair. Now show me where they have you stored away."
"It has a pretty view. Apparently, being a companion to the 8th princess is basically a job the king rewards handsomely for."
Penelope laughed.
So, it turns out Penelope knows the royal family from past visits. Her sister created a story that Felicity was supposed to meet Penelope here, but Felicity's ship had been lost to the storm. Penelope was oh so grateful they had found her sister.
Felicity had to admit her sister could lie and come up with a story.
The royal family just seemed to be happy that Felicity could now communicate with them through her sister.
Felicity tapped her finger against the wall, following the song in her head. Today was a great day to trace all possible escape routes for when she kills the little prince and his fiancé! Or possibly find a weapon she could hide on her. Majority of the royal family was out doing their duties among their island kingdom, as were most of the guards who were still looking for the girl who saved Prince Gregory and Lady Lucy.
Tap, tap, tap, tap oh? That was an interesting sound.
Felicity tapped the wall again, and then tapped next to the wall. They sounded so different, why? Pressing against the wall Felicity clapped when she realized it was a hidden door. A perfect hiding place!
Though this one looked like it was currently in use. There was the most random objects around the room. In the middle sat a table with two chairs. Felicity couldn't honestly name what all these objects were or what they were made out of. She recognized a few things like the box that was made out of wood, though she's never seen wood so shiny before. There was also that little mermaid figurine made out of aquamarine. The artist had her awkwardly posed, curving her body upwards not at the waist, but in the middle of her tail. Poor thing.
There was one object in the room that Felicity knew very well. The handle was made out of whale bone while unsheathing it revealed a thin blade that was made out of obsidian. The dagger was nothing special, like any other mer would have underneath the waves. But what was it doing here?
Felicity snapped her head up, some one was coming. Resheathing the dagger Felicity quickly hid it in the dress' bodice.
Just as she finished hiding the dagger a voice called out. "Who's there?"
Felicity turned, in the doorway stood Prince Gregory and Lady Lucy. Felicity debating stabbing them both right there, but she had no idea where Penelope was and how fast would her mama's curse break when they both were dead? Damn she really needed to ask Penelope and plan this out.
Prince Gregory babbled on about no one going into this room, and that it was his and Lady Lucy's office of sorts. Apparently all the stuff in here were gifts Prince Gregory's brother, Prince Colin, brought back with him on diplomatic trips, and things they found when they went on their own diplomatic trips.
"Like this," Prince Gregory said as he handed Felicity a large stone. "We found that off the coast of-"
Oh it's a geode. A rather big one too. Felicity grinned. She used to love breaking these open with her sisters and guessing what might be inside. Felicity raised the geode.
"No wait-!" Prince Gregory called out.
The geode now laid on the floor in many pieces, and oh how pretty, it's an agate! Felicity grinned at the swirl of colors. Picking up two of the pieces, she put them in Prince Gregory's and Lady Lucy's hands.
"Wow," Gregory breathed. "I had no idea that was in there."
"It's beautiful," Lady Lucy said as she looked over the different colors.
The two put their hands to their chins before bring it down so Felicity could see their palms. "Thank you?" They smiled hesitantly, like they were unsure they were saying the right thing.
Felicity's eyes widened at the sign. Her hand movements became qucik and almost a flurry. "Wait, have you been able to understand me this whole time?!"
"Whoa, whoa, easy Felicity," Gregory said, softly clasping his hands in her own.
"We only picked up in a few words from watching you," Lady Lucy quickly explained.
Felicity's eye twitched. Did she give them a form of communication again!?
Penelope was so rude as she laughed at her clearly distressed sister. Felicity hit her with a pillow.
"Help me!" Felicity signed.
"You know you might have just opened yourself a way to get continuous alone time with Prince Gregory and Lady Lucy," Penelope said.
Felicity raised an eyebrow.
"They obviously want to communicate with you, teach them how to how to communicate with you."
Felicity threw up her hands. "That's how I got myself into this mess in the first place."
"And it might be the only way to get yourself out."
The next day, Felicity handed Prince Gregory and Lady Lucy a piece of paper. Her hands signed what was written on it. "I can teach you how to sign if you want."
The prince and lady agreed.
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Mer Infero - Venomous lionfish/betta. Mer Infero was thr younger sibling of LB Mer Sun and Moon. His parents died before he hatched, Sun and Moon raised him. Moon hated humans, especially the ones who hunted mers, and sunk any ships close to their territory. Infero accidentally got Moon killed trying to fight humans when he was a teenager, causing a huge fight with Sun. He ran off on his own, he and Sun still have a strained relationship.
Mer Vim - Betta/anglerfish. Was orphaned right before hatching. Mer Infero found him after the fight with Sun, but before he established his own territory. Vim absolutely adores Infero, and at least somewhat views him as a parental figure. Vim has met Sun, when he tried to make amends with Infero, and the two are close friends. Vim often goes to Sun for advice, or just to hang out so Sun doesn’t feel as lonely. Vim has mer dwarfism and will never get bigger a human.
Mer Revenant - Venomous lionfish/lobster/bullshark. Identical twins who came from the highly competitive bottom of the ocean looking for food. They met Vim when both were teens. Vim decided to help them find food, and they ended up following him home to his and Infero’s den. Where they just never left. Infero unfortunately had to get used to them.
Mer Puppy - Dolphin/cuttlefish. Puppy and his older brothers were stolen from the ocean and brought to a British amusement park when he was a hatchling, and his brothers were teens. The amusement park trained them to be show animals. Puppy was raised in captivity, and his brothers resent him for his ignorance and naivety. Once animal rights activists set them free, Puppy’s brothers severely wounded and ditched him. He ended up being picked up by Mer Infero.
Mer Frenzy - Bullshark/betta. Mer Frenzy was bred and raised in captivity for an illegal fighting ring, and trained to be highly aggressive and violent. The fighting ring didn’t have too many mers yet when it was busted, and he was released into the ocean. Vim and Revenant were the ones who found him after he got released, and Sun happened to come in for a visit while they were arguing with Infero about keeping the most violent mer ever in his territory. Sun ended up taking Frenzy in to cope with loneliness, since it’s not like he has anyone living in his territory anymore.
Mer Servant Sun - Venomous stingray/lionfish. He was an older twin, and is the oldest sibling. He regrets snapping at Infero after Moon died, and is trying to make things up to his little brother, who he also partially views as a son. He took in Frenzy to help fill that hole, and, after a lot of trial and error, has managed to become very close with his new brother. He still misses his twin.
Mer Lord Monty - Gatortaur. Lord Monty is genetic experiment. They were raised in captivity as a show animal by a human scientist. The shows were mainly to generate funds for the lab, but Lord Monty loved being a performer. Lord Monty was also taught survival skills and how to thrive in the ocean, just in case. They ended up being released into the wild of Florida and establishing a territory right near Infero’s. They became very close with their neighbors, especially Infero.
Mer Ruined Monty - Gatortaur. Ruined Monty is Lord Monty’s younger twin, who was used more for the experiment side of things. While Lord got to enjoy being the star, Ruined was kept in the lab to be a science experiment. Lord was actually a decoy for animal rights activists, so Ruined could be kept and experimented on in peace. Lord doesn’t know about Ruined, but Ruined was forced to watch all the shows for incentive to behave. If they’re good enough, they might be allowed to meet their big twin one day. They’re still in the lab.
I wonder how they’d meet mer night and mer blacky
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floralfawnasworld · 2 years
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Did you know? Less than 100 people are victims of unprovoked attacks by sharks annually with about 10% of them resulting in deaths. Only 34 species of sharks from the 470 are responsible for such attacks. Therefore most shark species have never attacked a human (Source: Sharks World) Shop our copper shark ornaments today at Floral Fawna. FREE shipping on all worldwide orders. #ornament #copper #brass #figurine #figure #shark #fish #bullshark #greatwhiteshark #tigershark #maco #collectable #gift #present #vintage
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shrekspearfishing · 2 years
NSP:204 Spearfishing Safety | Freediving, Emergencies & Boating | Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion
Live Interview with Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion at Adreno Brisbane
Today's interview is live from Adreno Brisbane and is with Ben Eckert, Adriana Barnes & Trevor Ketchion and we talk all things freediving safety as it relates to spearfishing! If you dive safe, you can dive forever. Today we get a masterclass from 3 people with a wealth of knowledge on this subject. Staying safe in the water, how to be a good boaty and keep your buddies safe. What should be inside your first aid kit? Should you contact your local coast guard or sea rescue when you go out? Tips on how to stop bleeding, keep your buddies safe and save your friend's life. An essential set of skills, leave any questions you have in the comments!
Important times:
00:13 Intro
04:50 Hello and welcome to the show!
05:40 Welcome Ben! You are quite an accomplished freediver!
06:20 Brisbane Bullsharks, what makes them unique for spearos?
08:30 Common mistakes that you see on spearfishing boats
10:05 A good buddy system
11:05 When should you draw the line and stop diving? When has your body had enough?
13:00 Samba/hypoxic event
14:05 Your role as a skipper and making hard calls
17:55 How can people connect with the Brisbane Bullsharks?
19:30 Q&A for Ben: peeing in your wetsuit, nutrition and hydration for spearfishing and when to draw the line
26:05 Adriana Barnes, you are a paramedic and a really accomplished speafisher
29:30 What can spearos do to get better at safer diving?
31:40 We can't normalize blackouts or LMC's
35:40 Trauma while out at sea, what now?
38:30 How to use a tourniquet
44:00 What should be in our first aid kits for spearfishing?
49:45 Q&A for Adriana: critical info to keep track of, getting dragged to the bottom by a massive Kingy, blood type and signs to stop diving for the day
01:02:20 Trevor! Tell us about boating safety: when is it not safe to go out?
01:03:50 Checking in with the VMR or Coast Guard
01:07:00 How do you predict the weather for boating?
01:09:20 Easy shortcuts for reading the weather: swell and wind
01:10:30 Which apps do you use?
01:12:15 How do you operate a boat?
01:17:20 Activating an EPIRB
01:19:45 3 things to teach a new boaty
01:22:00 Q&A for Trevor: How far to stay from your divers, leaving the engine on or off, difficult decisions and conversations, VMR and EPIRBS and vessel sizes
01:29:30 Trevor's 9 Mile experience getting lost at sea
01:33:35 Anchoring
01:40:00 Shrek's closing thoughts
01:40:50 Outro and Noober Stories!
  Listen in and subscribe on iOS or Android https://link.chtbl.com/Download_This_Episode
  Important Links
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KillShot Spearguns | Simple, Effective, Dependable Wooden Spearguns. Use the Code NOOB to save $30 on any speargun:)
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Penetrator Fins Use the code NOOBSPEARO to save $25 on the full Penetrator Spearfishing Fin Range here.
Immersion Online freediving classes | 28-day Freediving Transformation (CODE: NOOB28 for 15% off) | Equalization Masterclass – Roadmap to Frenzel | Free Courses | Freediving Safety Course | How to Take a 25-30% Bigger Breath!
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Old Man Blue | Wickedly tough and well thought out gear! Check out their Lobster Bag HERE
Noob Spearo MAD GEAR | ‘Spearo Dad’ | ‘Girls with Gills’ | ‘Jobfish Tribute’
The Best Place to Find Fishing Buddies and Fishing Trips | Fishing Trips (fishingtripsapp.com)
Spearing Magazine Subscribe to the best spearfishing magazine in the world. International subscription available!
Audible.com Get a free audiobook along with a 30-day trial here. Listen to 99 Tips to Get Better at Spearfishing
Check out this episode!
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One Word Prompt: Fish
Title: Scaled and Icy
Pairing: Platonic, familial Logince
Summary: “Oh, Virgil is going to hate him. He’s going to erupt in a rant about Logan being too impulsive as if Logan doesn't think out every action in a methodical manner.” Or. Logan decides to adopt an abandoned human child. 
Word-Count: 1k
Warnings: Dubious Morally Grey Logan, Merfolk But They’re Like Fae!, Presumed Child Abandonment, Slightly Unreliable Narrator, Transformation, Emotional Manipulation, Mentioned Cannibalism (Kinda), Angst With a Kinda Happy Ending, Don’t Worry Roman’s fine, Probably, It’s Dark Fairytale Vibes Okay
Here, have another eldritch logan adopts a child au! 
"You're like a fish!" The human child crows, his brown eyes alit with both wonder and joy. He couldn't be much older than three, possibly four. Which is all the more concerning, really, for where is his parents?
Logan blinks. "Not entirely but yes, I do share similar characteristics to them."
"Fish, fishy, fish-man!" The child declares, pudgy fingers reaching to touch Logan's bioluminescent blue scales.
"A-aahah--" Logan begins, moving slightly back, "Please refrain from touching people without asking their permission first."
He tilts his head, golden brown locks falling over his eyes. "Pleeeease can I?"
"Of course, thank you for asking."
The human child's face brightens at this. He reaches again, this time delicately touching Logan's scales with care.
"Whoa," The human child breathes in, "It'ssocool."
He then draws the hand away, resting it against the sandy shore. "My name is Roman and I wanna be a prince! What's your name?"
"You may call me Logic," Logan smiles, showing a slip of his sharp needle-like teeth. There's several rows of them unlike a human’s set of teeth.
This terrifies most humans, but not Roman who possesses the boundless courage of childhood. He leans closer, face scrunching up.
"Logic's a silly name." He declares.
Logan laughs, "Well good thing it's not my true name."
"It's a pretend name? Like make-believe?"
"Essentially, yes. You shouldn't give names away, they have power."
Roman doesn't seem to heed Logan's words, instead protesting, "Well, then, I wanna be Prince Romanul-us-ulus--Romulus then!"
Logan lets out a low, crooning noise, one generally meant to console young merlings. He never expected himself to so enchanted with a child, let alone a human one. Yet the instinctual parental drive is stronger than he thought.
"Well, Roman, would you like to be a prince?" Oh, Virgil is going to hate him. He’s going to erupt in a rant about Logan being too impulsive as if Logan doesn't think out every action in a methodical manner.
"Well, yeah!" Because Roman needs someone to look after him. His parents are clearly not doing a great job of it. He could've gotten swept up in the waves and died if not for Logan.
"Take my hand, come with me then, Roman." This is something the Ocean surely wills. She offered Roman to Logan and he must honor that.
"Okay!" Roman says, eagerly taking Logan's webbed hand.
And it's all Logan needs to pull the child underneath the water, wrapping his arms tightly before Roman can squirm away. Oh, how the child thrashes, his human instincts kicking in and trying to get him to go towards the surface.
It's alright though, it won't last long. Logan sings, thanking the Ocean for Roman. He won't beg for the Ocean to be merciful because the Ocean is not merciful. The Ocean will either let Roman live or She won't. It's something humans seem to fail to understand, time and time again, as they try their hardest to thwart Her will with their contraptions.
Soon Roman's thrashes go weak and the child is limp, heavy in his arms. Logan hums, rocking the child gently back and forth. His grin widens at the slits forming on the child's neck, acting as the opening for gills.
It's the only warning he receives as Roman's eyes reopen, a fiery red hue, as a piercing wail escapes his lips. The child’s soft, rounded baby teeth fall out as little rows of new merling teeth replace them. Still not full-grown teeth, but better at tearing through raw fish than a human’s dull teeth ever could.
"I know, I know," Logan croons, stroking his golden brown locks, "It'll be over soon."
Roman is not the first human Logan has seen the Ocean take as Her own. Virgil was one of the first Logan witnessed. He’d fallen overboard off a human ship, too young to know how to swim. Logan’s pod circled around his sinking figure, tails whipping with fervent excitement.
“He’s an offering from the Ocean,” Logan’s father had whispered to him, “Either he’s meant to become one of the Ocean’s children or he’ll perish and we’ll feast on his flesh.”
Virgil survived, snapping and clicking with the ferocity of a bullshark. Logan has an inkling Roman will be the same as his wails become more of a hissing, shrill noise. 
His ears has elongated, tipped with small winged fins. Similar fins appear on the backside of his elbows and Logan suspects on his back as well. The most important part, of course, is when the human’s pair of tails conjoin together to become one. This is where many prove their unworthiness to be one of the Ocean’s own. They perish, a mockery of what a Mer should be; malformed and incomplete, a disgrace to the Ocean.
“Shhh, shhh, Roman, let the Ocean accept you as one of Her own, don’t fight it,” Logan continues crooning, adjusting his grip so he is only holding onto the upper half of Roman’s body. The sliver of Roman’s soul that is still human tries to use this to kick at Logan, to dislodge his grasp. 
But this is hard when the tails become stiff, rigid as they become one, shimmering as ruby scales overtake soft flesh. The outerwear humans are fond of wearing tears, ripping to shreds as its unable to handle Roman’s growing unified tail. The tail itself almost makes up his original height but not quite. Roman’s tail twitches once, then several times.
“Rather an odd sensation for you I imagine, hmm?” Logan comments, tracing the edge of Roman’s finned ear fondly. Oh thank the Ocean, he never thought he’d be happy to have a child of his own until this moment.
Roman opens his eyes again, a good proper glowing red hue. “F-fishyman--Logic?”
“I--I’m a fish too?”
“No, Roman, you’re not a fish. You’re like me--you’re one of the Ocean’s children now.”
“O-ooh. But why? It hurt so much!” Roman pouts, tail lashing angrily.
“That’s simply how it is, little prince,” Logan hums.
“Well, I don’t like it! Can I change back? I wanna see my mom and dad.”
“Now, Roman, you can’t do that. Your parents left you, they weren’t watching you like they should and now I will take care of you. You want to be a prince now, don’t you, Roman? Roman, you will be a prince and you’ll be so excited you’ll forget those humans ever existed, alright?”
Foolish, foolish humans. They really should’ve taught their child about the importance of names. That’s alright, Logan will teach Roman now and keep him safe.
“I do wanna be a prince, I’m going to be a prince, right?” Roman murmurs, yawning. The process of becoming one of the Ocean’s own is a tiring one. He snuggles closer to Logan, curling his tail around Logan. Something Mer instinctively do, to ensure they won’t drift away from their loved ones when they fall asleep. Logan smiles at this.
“Yes of course,” Logan soothes, “You’ll be my little prince and I won’t ever let any harm come to you.” 
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valkyriexpandora · 5 years
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Meet the Samus family! I finally finished these children and one of them is for my brother <3 
Name: Anastasia Samus
Alias: Siren of the seven seas, "maiden of Shark's tooth bay pirate crew" 
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her 
Age: 56
Nationality: Spanish
Species: Nurse shark
Rank: Musician/ cook (she is practically the heart of the ship)
Personality: She is a very kind soul. Anastasia often is a bit of a worry wart,usually pacing around the room if her sons don't come in on time or something bad comes up. She cares a lot about her crew and mothers most of the members which in turn she was made the heart of the ship. Anastasia usually is one to hold her tongue most times but doesn't mind having her say in an arugment. 
Status: SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE (for the older characters tho)
Date of birth: 11/20th/1520
Horoscope: Scorpio
Cause of death: Child birth
Sexuality: Heterosexual
messy places
flilthy places
people with no manners 
abusive people 
Self centered people 
Haunting voice
Skilled swimmer 
Water based magic 
Healing based magic 
Killer kicks 
Short biography: Anastasia was born into a very wealthy and well known aristocrati family. Her father was a well known mead seller and royal advisors to the king of Spain and her mother was the darling of women in teaching and becoming close with the queen and princess. Eventually her mother and father had her married to a family friend and they had a lovely brood of children consisting of four boys and three girls. 
Name: Erik Samus
Alias: Big brutus
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Nationality: Spanish
Species: Bull shark
Rank: Gunner
Personality: He is a very quiet and  reserved person. He gets easily flustered despite his very large and tall stature. Erik is a very serious person at times especially when it comes to his duties of being apart of the crew. But when he is  around his brothers he is a laid back and goofy individual.
Date of birth:7/3/1543
Horoscope: Cancer
Cause of death: Smoke inhaltion and burning to death
Sexuality: Heterosexual
his canons
children! he loves them so much!
being ignored
not being able to speak
fire he's absolutely terrified of it
people who can't understand sign language
Name: Samson Samus
Alias: Kraken tamer
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 25
Nationality: Spanish
Species: Nurse shark
Rank: Beast tamer
Personality:He is a bit of a sobby young man only wanting the finest of things. He is very selfish and talks pretty loudly always wanting to be the center of attention. But Samson does have a softer side,he often hides it becuase of his father wanting him to be "manly". He loves taking care of injured or sick animals his maternal side always comes out when around animals. He is often kind to his brothers and is their main source of communication to everyone.
Status: Single and ready to mingle
Date of birth: 5/6/1544
Horoscope: Taurus
Cause of death: hanging
Sexuality: Homosexual
Expensive things
love stories
fashion always wearing the latest things in his time period
dirty people
animal abusers
messy rooms
Short biography: Samson grew up being the baby of the family. He often was babyed by his sisters and mother and always got what he wanted. Later in life he found out he was attracted to men and hid this from his father since because of how the world would think of him.
Name: Mute Samus
Alias: Mr.Chaos
Gender: Male
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 37 (he lived a lot longer than some of his siblings)
Nationality: Spanish
Species: Bullshark
Rank: Swordsman/cook
Personality: He is a bit of a charming person using his body language and actions to win the hearts of everyone aroudn him. He loves getting into all kinds of mischief and often gets chewed out by his mother for doing so. Even though he is a bit of a trouble maker he loves his family and is a very caring person!
Date of birth: 9/19/15
Horoscope: Virgo
Cause of death: Beheading ordered by the king himself
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Booties(he thinks all booties are beautiful)
Any and all jokes
swords of all kinds
people who can't understand him
ignorant people
muddy feet
people who spoil the fun
  @paraiy (here is my babies UwU) 
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blvckblvr · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : McKee but if you call me that I’ll kill you. pleeza Xeno unless i know you better
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  :  ummmm oh i own iguanamouth’s first paid commission. my cousin commissioned it because they went to high school together and he gave it to me years later
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  : big muscle women. capable but nonthreatening men. smooth skin...
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF  :  fucking nothing. if i eat the same food twice in a single day i get really soured off of it for a little while. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : not big on citrus
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : i have a cortex in my brain that produces endolphins when bad things happen so i like to keep up on monstrous internet happenings and creepy disappearances and args via youtube channels featuring men with low monotone voices
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  depends. tanktop n boxers usually. sometimes a nightgown. sometimes matching set. i own a couple kigurumis too
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : serious relationships
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : man idk. im one of those people that figure i wouldnt the the person i was if not for my past experiences so i appreciate all of it in a way and i don’t really want to change any of it. i guess i might have taught myself how to apply makeup and cared more about accessorizing?
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  fantastic mr. fox baybeee
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  i’ve been on an ito kick recently so i’m inclined to say like. earthbound, or hanging balloons, or layers of fear. i kind of enjoy his shorter works more than his longer ones?
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : grumble grumble. musewise i like grimm/hollow knight, and shadow/silver/sonic. otherwise, i like wx-78/wilson, and uuuhhhh the classic phoenix/edgeworth and snufkin/moomintroll. 
15. PIE OR CAKE  : cake
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  roses...
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  idris elba. let’s go with him
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : i wanna go back to japan and i wanna go to that fucking vampire cafe
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert i think. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : i’m gonna go with yes bc i startle easily and horror games make me nervous. that being said i fucking love horror
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : sadly, yes. i have a preference for fast-paced murder games. whatever that means to you i’ve probably tried a game in that genre. i have been known to settle in for like, zeldas or more micromanage-y games too
23. DREAM JOB  : in a perfect world i could be a storyteller in some capacity and that would be a viable and secure job for me financially and emotionally
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  : commission any artist i can find for art of my beloved oc wabbajack
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : i have unresolved anger issues involving dbd’s jake park from back when there were only 3 killers and 4 survivors and everyone played jake because he could just fuck over the killers immensely 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : steven universe just kinda makes me feel bad to look at now but it was fun when i enjoyed it
tagged by  : bullshark attacka me
tagging  :  i dont care
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aeroknot · 4 years
god i miss the culture that livejournal’s ship_manifesto cultivated
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humongousbastard · 5 years
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can be used for RP  &&  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen
1. FIRST NAME  : sophia (but like. call me bullshark)
2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF  : i really like mustard and i used to drink the mustard packets at school
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  : uhh i like it when women are taller than me, have a knife, and are either very butch or very femme
5. A FOOD YOU HATE  : celery 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE  : just absolutely sinfully long baths
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN  :  shirt and boxers
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS  : serious relationships
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE  ,  WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE  : one time i plucked my eyebrows and i did a really bad job
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON  :  perhaps..............
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN  :  captain underpants the first epic movie
12. FAVORITE BOOK  :  uhh its been a while. carrie by stephen king slapped pretty hard
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE  : just like an absolutely massive dog. like we have a rottweiler but if she was maybe twice as big i’d be set
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS   (  IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG  ,  YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL  )  : oh god oh fuck. uhhh. i mean personally i like boxcars/deuce and quirrel/lemm and i guess like an unrequited quirrel/monomon kinda deal. and all others uh. uhh. i think the girls from eizouken should date each other and i guess i like jevil/seam but specifically abimee’s jevil/seam because it’s the best one
15. PIE OR CAKE  : cake!
16. FAVORITE SCENT  :  i really like gardenias and rose
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH  :  janelle monae (please)
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO  : i really wanna go to japan someday and eat a parfait........
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT  :  introvert babeyyy
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY  : no but i startle really easily
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID  : iphone
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES  : i play mobile games and like. pokemon and legend of zelda. but ive never touched an mmo or a fps and i never will
23. DREAM JOB  : clown. yes i’m serious
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS  :  buy a big piece of land and start a sanctuary for elderly dogs and cats. buy an old schoolbus so i can drive the dogs through town on the weekends. otherwise pumping up peoples gofundmes would be nice but that’s getting a little beyond the scope of a million
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE  : you know after the epilogues i think i kinda hate every homestuck character
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER  : when i was 12 i had a crush on one of the chipmunks from alvin and the chipmunks and lemme tell you i was CONSTANTLY on the fanfiction.net tag for alvin and the chipmunks
tagged by  : brad looked at me
tagging  : @palevurm​ @dresstodevastate​ @20leafclover​ (brad has to do it Again)
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krillahqueen-blog · 6 years
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Whale ship. Guess who ain’t been payin attenfin to her feed.
Water up? Names, jobs, all that bullshark.
Name’s Krillah.
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nightglider124 · 6 years
There’s so much bullshark going down in all my little shipping corners of fandom rn and my mind is like WHERE DO I GO 😂😂
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silencedtechnophile · 5 years
==> Do something about it
The ship hummed around him in the darkness. Something, somewhere, was beeping near the meat puppet hung in the rigging that limited his abilities with a biological bottle neck. His head was so fuzzy. Which is what they wanted. He was too smart, they knew what kind of damage he could do if he werent forcefully throttled. 
He worked slowly. The plan had come to him in an instant, as he'd gotten encouragement from the helm chat. He could do something. He could affect his situation. He was not fucking helpless, he refused to be.
First he carefully hacked into the mediboard that controlled his blood chemistry. He fiddled around with it so its output would remain steady, but it would cease giving him the brain fogging drugs.
That took a while to make it out of his system, every moment of it afraid someone would draw a random blood draw to double check the mediboard, though that was passingly rare. They trusted their equipment.
As his head cleared his body began to hurt, he had a sudden more complete awareness of the agony of the living wires burrowed under his skin, and the way his shoulders were wreched and taking all his weight.
He had to adjust the output again to smooth out his heart beat so they wouldn't be alerted.
Pain was fine. He could deal with pain, he could think and that was what mattered right now in this moment. Blessed clear thoughts. Every moment he delayed was a moment his gamble might be discovered so he worked quickly, spoofing his address from outside the ship while he expanded his own permissions. HE could open and close doors, he could even open and close airlocks, but he wasn't trusted with them.
He wormed his way into the controls, granting himself admin powers at the root level.
Then he just had to wait.
This was the part he had the least control over. Her movements.
Now that he'd given himself root acess and no longer needed the clarity to hack the ships permissions he left the door he'd created open, and went back in to fix his medications and outputs back the way they had been, by the time he had his opertunity he would be fully drugged again, they wouldn't be able to tell it was him. ------------------ Being the Empress had its perks. No waiting in lines, getting to take par in destruction and culling without consequences, running fleets of ships, not having to tolerate any mischief, being feared and respected by everyone at default. But most importantly? Not having to do shit unless you want to. This is one thing Meenah took advantage of as much as possible. If she didn’t have to get up and go somewhere to get something done, why would she?
In her younger years, the idea of taking the throne had caused her nothing but annoyance and disgust. Being taken care of like a wriggler, being responsible for a planet full of easily influenced and hasty trolls. Taking care of her lusus indefinitely, and having to personally feed her each night. Making a quick and not very discreet exit from her original planet had been a great decision. She’s stood by it since it happened, all those sweeps ago in an universe that never quite fit to her tastes. Being born there had felt like a cruel joke once she knew what she had missed out on.
So when she had spawned here some number of sweeps ago, she had been horrified. Devastated. They won and she, as always, got absolutely shafted by the universe. That is... until she took a good look around and evaluated her situation. Beforus had been a little pond, full of toothless guppies. And she had been a shark, unable to even turn around in the limited space. But Alternia? Alternia was a vast sea, with plenty of prey to sink her teeth into and depths to claim as her own. It was as if this gift universe was molded for her, a refined combination of two planets and the two lives she had lived through. The best part was that she had gotten to float over the hard parts, the initial rise to power and the conquering and culling of her personified roadblocks. The endless cycle of teaching her throneworld to submit.
There’s no shame in admitting she’s fully enjoyed the spoils of her new life, entirely content with trading a few sweeps for her position. Hell, she was a tyrian. There were plenty of sweeps to spare, she would do it again.
Which led to this, a three night streak of kicking up her feet in her own block on the flagship. The Battleship Condescention.
Okay, fine, maybe she should have been doing something more important than catching up on dramatic cinema when there was a rebellion to stomp out with her boot. But things were fine. They were starting to close in on the short, mouthy, ship thief. Her biggest potential problem was nice and cozy some number of floors below her, tucked into his ports and wires like a wriggler to coon. And no one else was stepping up to oppose her. Even the most powerful and feared leaders of societies had to take a break, let the tide ease them out.
Of course, all good things come to an end. This time, it’s the portable communications device implanted into her tiaratop. Already missing her makeshift getaway, she flicked a claw against the gold and her features were illuminated by the live footage of one of her on hand advisors. She scowled at him, lip jutted out and pierced brows raised to put emphasis on her annoyance. “We got a, y’know, a problem.” He grunted, the last word coming out like pr-ah-bl-im. “Sum’thin’ funny, ‘kay. Minor. We’re handling it, swear it ma’am. Got someone on the f’rewalls, set that right. But...”
When the purple hued troll went on to explain, she was furious. Someone had managed to nudge at their security systems and give them a test and it took them a few nights to tell her? Her pan whirled to the worst and most paranoid conclusion. Someone from their session, probably that infuriating time wench or the pirate enthusiast, maybe a turnaround from her own Makara if he’d been fully awakened in their new planet.
She stormed about to get ready, pan immediately set to force her commandeered pissblood battery to help her track down and eliminate the source. If her goons couldn’t get the job done, he was going to do it for them.
“Soon as I grill this guppy, you’re gettin’ sautéed. Fried.” Meenah, better known as the Condesce, set her focus entirely on a stomping beeline for the exit and her threatening tangent. “Pike it or not, best get ya’ affairs in order. Boat t’ sea what the pointy end a’ my golden prod ‘eels like embedded in ya’ b’ass. No shrimp-athy for the in-conch-petent, set a bet’a example for the school.”
The door to her block opened with quiet ‘swish!’ as she took her first step out. And then another. Somewhere, a number of clicks below stationed near the central engines, a troll was probably filled with justifiable anger and excitement. With the Empress there was nothing but the light, sharp sound of her heeled boots in the metal corridor paired with the rough undertone to her flurry of words. The advisor on the other end of her video chat cowered, sputtering excuses as she glared down her defined cartilage nub at him. “And if you e’fin conch-sea-der tryin’ to catch a wave trout’a here, I ain’t mako-in it snappy.” She continued her tirade, satisfied by the way the other troll’s eyes went wide and his jaw slid open. “Yeah, that’s moray p’ike it. Best get ya-shelf practicin’ on a look a’ ray-morse.”
“Actually,” he started, gaze averted to the light over the airlock behind her. It blinked red once, yellow twice, and began to shift to green. “I think -“
“Clam it, small fry!” She stopped her determined march to point a claw at him, as if he were really a few feet ahead of her. “Can’t bay-lieve ya’ got the swimmers to gab at me, blowin’ bubbles slap full a’ bullshark.”
Just behind her, the light held steady at green. The advisor stumbled in his warning, horrified and relieved and stalled by his shock as her hair whipped away from her face and her words trailed off. There’s a second where the familiar sound of the airlock opening seemed to halt time. Meenah looked over her shoulder, and then to the projected feed of the lower blooded troll. For the first time in sweeps, she barked a laugh. And then? “Son of a’ eldritch pailin’ bitch.” She bared her impressive chompers, fins flared backwards in her surprise, disbelief, and pure offense that someone has made an attempt on her life. The tyrian scrambled to dig her claws into the metal wall beside her, a cringe worthy noise produced when they drag through the reinforced metal. “You gotta be krillin’ -“
“Maybe if -“
In what might be the most anticlimactic turntables of a story ever, the airlock smoothly opens the rest of the way. Sweeps in the past, there is a time traveling maroon blooded, grudge obsessed troll glancing through the ages and chortling at a joke no one will understand much less believe. The seadweller’s yellow painted claws dig and clip away in a desperate swing at survival. The hatches to the other blocks through the stem are sealed shut, and whatever artificial air was being released dissipated the minute the immediate area was exposed to space. Meenah had a moment, maybe two, to reflect on the mistakes that led her here. Putting an airlock directly outside the door to her block, entirely for the purpose of disposing of any unwanted visitors. Not once considering that someone might turn this around on her, or capitalize on her desire for the dramatic. Leaving her block using her balancing prongs at all, when a transportalizer would have been safer and faster - but would ultimately have lacked in the build-up of intensity and hostility that a chance to strut and lament and publicly humiliate and shortly thereafter kill her most recent workplace pest. If she had more time, she might have thought of a few more excuses to shift the blame a bit.
Including, but not limited to: This Must Entirely Be Megido’s Fault And Here Is Why, the three part series of essays assembled by Meenah Peixes. Or the potential ways Aranea could have somehow subverted death and the fate of their session altogether to somehow ruin the one fun thing she has EVER had the chance to do, seriously, what a Jealous Jude. Or maybe this is the fault of the younger Vantas, who mysteriously fell into her lap around a sweep ago and... well, he was disappointing as a whole until he managed to actually do a backflip off of the handle and body his way out of holding.The diversion of resources from the facility had been an oversight, and the cause of it was promptly replaced and reassigned to dinner duty. A more appealing way to refer to the main course.
Any of those things could have led to this, but none of them did. All the time in the world, and she likely never would have thought her laziness would play a part in her downfall.
It did, though. The metal peeled away from the support column, and the lurching movement broke her grip. It was inevitable. Meenah tried to yelp out a curse, perhaps one last bit of defamation for her last words, but nothing actually came from her throat. Her lips twisted and her expression caught somewhere between anger and fear. The last thought to coherently hit her ends with ‘- and this bucket of chum is the last thing I get my peepers on, really?’ as she wS forcibly removed from the flagship and sent careening into space.
A few blocks and a couple lifts away, the flabbergasted advisor had already dispatched armed forces. Not that it mattered, he decided. The connection to the tiratop flickers more and more as she departs, but the image of his frozen taskmaster tells him there’s no rescuing from that.
Her skin was flaking with ice, fins back and shining tyrian as they stretched, thin eyes obscured by the ice on her lashes, teeth exposed from where she tried to get the last word. The sight of her being quickly and surprisingly easily dispatched hadn’t left him hopeful for saving her, and the last glimpses of her expression deterred him from even attempting to recover her corpse.
The Empress was dead.
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SUMMARY : (Y/N) facilier is dating Harry and saves him from certain death.
It was an average day on the Isle, nothing new. Not like stuff on the Isle was new anyways. It was after sunset. A perfect time to be kidnapped. If your into that, of course. That's not my forté, but whatever your into.
"Lass, I've got to meet Gil at his house, I'll be back in an hour" said Harry, looking upset he had to leave. "I'll be back in an hour, take care of yourself, don't leave the hideout and please don't do anything stupid." Harry told me sternly.
I replied "Harlan Hook, you are not my mother and also I'm able to handle myself. Calm your man tits and YOU should be careful and not do anything stupid. I love you. Now, see ya later." I kissed Harry goodbye and he left the hideout.
*HARRYS pov*
I kissed (Y/N) goodbye and left for Gils place. Gils house isn't far away, so I was thinking and I hand grabbed me. This doesn't happen. Ever. So I was confused. Then I quickly was knocked out.
I woke up chained to a pole in a cell. I didn't know where I was. "Awake are we?" Said an unfamiliar voice. "WHERE AM I!??!??" I shouted. The voice just laughed. "Who are you?" I asked once more.
"You don't know? Sweetie, I'll give you a hint. My father is part lion, and wants you to be prepared." She purred. "Serina Scar" I growled.
I've hated this bitch since day one. She's always had something against me, too. "LET ME GO" I demanded. Furious. "Eh, nope. Your the punishment for (Y/N). Killing you should be fun." She then cackled and made to walk towards me. She took out a knife and stabbed me in the shoulder blade. It stung like hell and starting bleeding like a bastard. I didn't show weakness.
"I'll be back for more later." "WAIT! you'll regret this! When (Y/N) gets here, you better start praying." "Sweetie, shes already dead." And Serina threw me a studded glove, like the ones (Y/N) wore. She walked out and I cried. Then passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.
It's been 2 hours and now I'm panicking. Umas stressing too. I've never seen her so panicked. Shits serious now. "I'm going out to find him." I said finally, cutting tension. "Ok. I'll get my crew and we go." "What! No we can't bring the crew!" I exclaimed. "Why not! Harry's in danger, and he's my first mate. My crew will fight for him" Uma said, confident in her crew. I just nodded.
Uma continued. "Who is it though?" I started thinking then shouted "FUCKING SERINA SCAR!!!" "What? Are you sure?" "that bitch always hated me and Harry, she's jealous. And last week we got into a fight and I cut her arm open. SHE KIDNAPPED HARRY IN REVENGE!!!!"
"Ok so are your sure? She's not to handy with a sword, so I only will need...30, yeah 30 people." Uma said, mostly to herself. "Let's go, I know the way." I told Uma and we left to rally the crew.
Uma, some of the crew and I were walking down an alleyway and I heard a noise, like someone tried to not make noise when walking. "swords out" I whispered loudly to the group and I walked into the shadows and was met with a falsely sweet voice that said "oh, is the witch missing her harikins?" "Serina Scar, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I spitted at her, waiting to attack when she emerged from the darkness to face me. She strolled out, not expecting the attack, so I took my sword from my sheath and went in for the kill. No one hurts Harry and gets away with it.
I went in and she said "ah ah ah, it's rude of me not to introduce my friends, meet knuckles, bullshark, deadeyes, knifey and acquaintances." She said as 40 people emerged from behind her.
"well, if we're doing introductions, let me introduce you to my dear friends Uma,Gil,Gwen, Queenie, Chloe, Charlie, and the rest of the crew. Oh did I forget my friends on the other side?" I finished as my lost spirits arose from the darkness, ready to kill at my command. "FRIENDS!! WELCOME! NOW IF YOU HELP US KILL THESE DONUTS YOU SHALL HAVE THEIR SOULS!" I shouted to my other side acquaintances, who nodded and cackled in delight. "BE AT MY CREWS COMMAND AND SAVE OUR SOULS, TO BE GRANTED THOSE DIMWADS!" I shouted to finish my command to my shadows, all who seemed in fill agreement. "ALRGHT THEN, LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!" Serinas crew drew their weapons and we took off into battle.
I woke up in the cell again, with no-one else there. I saw my shoulder but saw that several more cuts appeared since I last was contious and my tank top was ripped off me. I wrapped it best I could with my torn shirt. "Ye can get out of this, Harry, focus" I said to myself but the mere strength it took me to sit up made me pass out again.
(Back to (y/n) pov)
I drew my sword, the thought of Harry was driving me to kill. I went over to Serina who put up a better fight than I was expecting. She still was far beneath my level. Serina smack talked me to through me off, but I shit talked her back out of pettiness. She was easily overpowered.I had my sword at her throat and my shadow was egging me on, I carefully cutted a slit, just big enough to spill blood, at her neck.
"Any last words or wishes?" I asked sarcastically. "Just that you die a painful, slow death, and you go to hell." Serina replied. "Oh sweetie, where did you think I came from? Go ahead shadow" I finished, and my shadow took theirs to the underworld. Never to be seen again.
That's it. We won. "MY DEAR FRIENDS! DO FEAST ON THOSE WHO SUBDUE US!" I shouted, then laughed as my friends on the other side took the rest of them.
I woke again and I felt hopeless. I'll die here. This is it. I'll try sleep and wish I won't wake up.
I got into what was Serinas lair and searched for a cell, or something. I just wanted Harry. I heard a something. I didn't know what, but I followed it. I came to an iron door and kicked it down easily.
There he was, my wonderful, strong, caring, protective Harry. Laying beaten on the ground. "Harry" I said, exasperated. "Harry it's me (Y/N) please open your eyes." I begged I needed to know if he was alive before I approached, for if he was gone, I'd never leave his side, and I know it. Then Harry muttered "No, it's imagination. Just lay here and die." "Harry it's not imagination now please open your eyes, please." I begged him.
Harry slowly opened his eyes, but they widened when he saw me. He was beaten. "Wicked Hades I thought that you were dead." I cried, and Harry said "Sweet Davy Jones, your alive! That bitch gave me this glove and told me you were dead and I was stupid enough to believe her." He spat at himself. "Harry don't say that now let me get you out of here."
I broke the chains off him and picked him up very bridal style, I covered his bare chest with my leather jacket and carried him back to the ship.
When we got to the ship, I went straight to my room, ignoring Uma and the crew, who were all bandaged up from the fight earlier.
I laid Harry down on the table in my room and took the pixie dust from my shelf of things from my mother, and sprinkled little bits into Harry's wounds. I then bandaged them and hoped to Hades he was okay.
Harry came round 30 minutes later and I could of cried of happiness. He woke and said "What just happened?" And I explained everything.
"I'm sorry Harry, because of me, you went through this bullshit. I'm sorry." I wept. Harry was shocked I was so emotional. I'm not one to cry. He said " Lass, it's alright. I saw a kidnapping coming to me. I make enimies easily." He almost laughed. "What about the rest of the crew and Uma? Shouldn't we tell them if your alright?" "They can wait til morning love"
The two teens slept in eachothers arms that night, feeling safe. The two weren't messed with after that day. And all was well. As well as it could be, on the Isle.
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