smorpher · 7 months
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Guys, help. My autocorrect thinks I want to go to Indiana.
I'm just trying to type shitshow. It changes it to Shipshewana every time now
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whatodoo-usa · 2 years
Our Christmas Dinner - Shipshewana, USA | 3 Dec, 2022.
Find out more / Get Tickets.
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whatodoo-canada · 2 years
A Salute to the Stars - Shipshewana, USA | 6 Oct, 2022.
Find out more / Get Tickets.
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amishmennoman · 8 months
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Amish man with team of three Belgian draft horses.
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More To Do in Shipshewana!
Davis Mercantile is a fun stop I have enjoyed several times in town! I have been to Shipshewana, and the Elkhart County area of Indiana several times. You may think I couldn’t find any more to do. But, you would be wrong!  Shipshewana is a small Midwestern town. It is filled with history, culture, and fun. In the last few years, the population of Shipshewana has almost doubled. Today there are…
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mollyvega · 2 months
This magical girl is Agatha. I got this fabric a couple weeks ago in Shipshewana and it worked out even better than I imagined. I love a busy pattern that has many different focal points. 💜🦉💙
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leasstories · 11 months
Nothing else matters (part 1)
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
TW : Eating disorder
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You and Eddie have been dating for two months now, you met thanks to your little brother Dustin Henderson, who asked you to replace Lucas at a DnD game. You've been part of the Hellfire ever since then and Eddie and you slowly grew closer, until one day he confessed his feelings towards you, afraid that you would laugh to his face or friendzone him. But everything worked out perfectly as you were feeling the same way, and the two of you started dating. You've been planning your road trip for a month now. You're really excited but also really nervous, Eddie doesn't know that you struggle a lot with food. You always find an excuse not to eat with him or not to eat at all, but now you're going to spend an entire week with him and hiding your eating disorder will be really complicated. Deep down, you know that you could tell Eddie, that he wouldn't judge you, but you still fear that he won't want to be with someone like you, someone "broken", well that's what you think of yourself at least. You think you're broken. You also know that this will sadden him and even maybe hurt him.
You're in your room packing when you hear Eddie's van pull over in your driveway. You finish packing quickly before heading downstairs. When you arrive you can hear Eddie and Dustin having an heated conversation about DnD, you smile at the sight of your brother and your boyfriend getting along so well, it's like a dream for you. When he sees you, Eddie walk towards you and kiss you on the lips. As soon as his lips touch yours you hear your brother mutter "gross".
After saying goodbye to your brother and mom, you take Eddie's hand and walk towards the van. He opens the passenger door for you, before heading to the driver's seat. He pulls out of your driveway and the holidays can finally start. You're going to a city named Shipshewana, it is 4 hours away from Hawkins. When you arrive on the highway, Eddie takes your hand, you spend the ride listening to the new mixtape you've made for him.
After 2 hours of the van ride, Eddie stops for lunch, he stops next to a forest, you take out a blanket and lay it on the floor, while Eddie takes out a basket full of food. Only looking at it makes you sick, but you don't know how to tell Eddie and you know he probably spent hours making this, so instead you sit on the blanket, hoping that Eddie won't notice that you're not eating. Eddie starts eating before noticing that you didn't take any food.
"Don't you like anything I've made" Eddie says with his mouth full
"It's not that..." you say, trying to put your thoughts into words "You know I never ate in front of you."
"And ?" Eddie asks, clueless of where you are getting at
"And... I... I have eating disorders" you say hesitantly but also ashamed, you don't even dare to look at Eddie.
Eddie takes your hand in his and look at you "I don't know what to say YN, but I wanna help you, help you eat properly. We can start with a small thing, what do you think about a cherry tomato ?"
You nod and Eddie hands you a cherry tomato, you stare at it for agonizing minutes.
"You can do it YN, I know it" Eddie says, trying to encourage you. At his words, you end up eating the cherry tomato, but right after you feel guilty and Eddie can sense it.
"You know, tomatoes are basically almost only water, and they don’t have a lot of calories, I don't know if it helps you to know that but I wanted to let you know" he says reassuringly while lightning up his cigarette.
"Thank you" you say "Thank you for taking it so well, I had never opened myself this way, to anyone."
"Did you think I'd run away for something that's out of your control" Eddie says amused.
You shyly look at the ground before answering "You deserve better than someone as broken as me"
"You're not broken YN, you're going through something tough, yes, but I'm here, I'm always here, by your side, no matter what. I'll be here every steps of the way and we'll go through this, together. It doesn't matter how long it takes. I love you and nothing else matters"
You smile at Eddie's words before kissing him, a tear roll down from your cheek and fall on Eddie's, he pull away and wipes your tears. "Don't cry Angel"
"It's... it's just what you said... It's so beautiful Eddie, thank you, thank you so much"
Eddie pulls you in a hug before putting the food back in the basket. You both go back to the van and Eddie drives again, he think about the fact that he booked a restaurant for tonight. What should he do, cancel ? Ask you if you're okay with it ? Keep the surprise and pray that it won't trigger you ? Eddie ends up telling you "I had made a reservation in a restaurant for us tonight, do you want me to cancel given..." he looks for the right words, knowing it is a sensitive topic. "Your relationship with food" You wince at how he put it which makes Eddie apologize right away "I'm so sorry I didn't know how to put it into words"
"It's okay" you answer, you then take a deep shaky breathe before saying "Don't cancel the reservation, I wanna try. Thank you so much for the kind gesture"
"Are you sure baby ? I can cancel, it's no big deal" he answers
"I'm sure" you answer
You spend the rest of the ride listening to first the mixtape you made him for your two months anniversary and then the mixtape he made for you before you even got together. The mixtape you made was mostly filled with songs from The Rolling Stones, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Bon Jovi while the one he made was mostly Dio, Black Sabbath and Metallica.
After 2 more hours of driving, you finally arrive at Shipshewana, Eddie parks the van at the edge of a forest.
You head out of the van and go for a little hike in the forest, at some point you start feeling dizzy and being pale, Eddie can see it. "You want me to piggyback you ?"
You smile at the gesture "Are you sure you can? Am I not too heavy ?"
"You're far from heavy, and I can, I promise" Eddie piggybacks you and you head back to the van.
You put the blanket in the back of the van and you lay in the back, cuddling.
"At what time is the reservation?" you ask
"9 pm, in 3 hours" Eddie answers
"Oh my God !" You say
"What ? Do you have second thoughts ?" Eddie asks, concerned
"No, not at all, I just didn't bring an outfit to go to the restaurant, or even to go out at all !" you answer
"That's fine angel, don't worry about it. You can just wear your jean and that black Metallica crop top I made for you" he answers
"But it's not fancy enough to go to a restaurant" you say
"It is for me" Eddie says grinning
You go through your stuff in your bag and pull out the Metallica crop top, you take off your shirt and put the Metallica t-shirt on, you then look down at yourself, self conscious of your curves and start being anxious. Eddie can tell you are anxious and looks at you concerned before saying "What's wrong baby?"
"Don't I look fat in this, I mean we can see my tummy and-" you're cut off by Eddie
"You look beautiful. Life is ours, we live it our way, nothing else matters. Please never care for what they do or think, you are beautiful to me. Besides, I really love your tummy" Eddie says while kissing it. You giggle at his touch.
"Stop it" you say in between laughs. Eddie stops after five good minutes and says "Do you wanna do your makeup ?"
"Yes please" you answer out of breathe from all the laughing.
"I'll be right outside if you need me"
You do a nude makeup before heading out of the van, Eddie stare at you in awe before kissing you on the lips. "I love you" he says
"I love you too" you answer.
Eddie goes to the passenger side and open your door for you, before heading in the driver's seat, the drive to the restaurant last 10 minutes. Eddie parks and you get out of the car. Eddie insist on putting his bandana as a blindfold on your eyes so you don't see the restaurant before arriving inside, after complaining for 5 good minutes you finally give up. Eddie leads you to the restaurant, the walk lasts about 5 minutes, he then sit you down on a chair before removing the blindfold, you look at your surrondings and see that it's a fancy restaurant.
"Eddie you shouldn't have..." you say
"I wanted to surprise you, and looking at your facial expression it worked" he answers playfully.
A waiter hands you the menu before heading back to the kitchen.
"You can eat anything you want sweetheart" Eddie says
"Eddie this is too much... You can't afford this" you say
"I've been saving money for it, don't worry Sweetheart, take whatever you want."
You go for the caesar salad while Eddie orders a Beef bourguignon. While waiting for the dishes to arrive you can't help but bounce your leg, stressed about the idea of eating a whole plate, and Eddie can tell what's bothering you because he says "You don't have to finish your plate Sweetheart, besides, you got this, I believe in you"
"What if I disappoint you" you ask, self conscious
"It doesn't matter if you eat one fork or the entire plate, either ways I'll be proud of you" he answers honestly.
The waiter brings you the plates. Since your plate has been in front of you, you've been looking at it with a frown.
"Would it help you if we share your plate" Eddie asks
You nod before saying "Yes please, I think it would help me"
Eddie grab a fork and start eating in your plate, you imitate him but once the fork is in front of your mouth you stop, with teary eyes "I'm sorry Eddie, I can't do it"
"Of course you can sweetheart, this is delicious, please give it a taste. Let's do it together" Eddie offers
Eddie takes a fork of your salad before saying "One, two, three" he then puts the fork in his mouth and you imitate him. You take your sweet time chewing before swallowing. You're on the verge of crying but you hold it back. Eddie put his hand on yours before saying "I'm so proud of you, you did amazing baby"
He finishes his dishes and offer you a dessert even though he already knows the answer is no. Instead he then asks if you want a coffee to which you say yes. Eddie orders your coffee and some chocolate cake for himself. When the dessert arrive you ask "Can I taste your dessert"
Eddie look at you proudly before feeding you a bit of his dessert "I'm so proud of you" he says once you swallow. Then Eddie goes to the counter to pay and you both head back to the van.
"My tummy aches" you say
"It's gonna be find angel, I promise" Eddie says reassuringly. He knows how hard it is for you and is as supportive as he can, without pressuring you too much, and he is so proud of you for tonight.
Eddie parks back to your spot before getting out of the van and opening the passenger door for you, you both head to the back of the van and cuddle, Eddie whispers sweet nothings as well and expresses how proud of you he is for tonight in your ear and you fall asleep in the arms of your beloved.
The next morning when you wake up Eddie isn't next to you, you start worrying until you hear him cursing, you get out of the van to see what's happening and you see Eddie struggling to make some fire.
"I'm sorry I woke you up" he says, mad at himself
"You didn't wake me up" you answer while stirring.
You sit next to Eddie before asking "What are you up to?"
"I was trying to start a fire, 'cause I don't want you to freeze, it's a little bit cold this morning"
You smile at the gesture. "You don't have to baby"
"Of course I do" he answers
"Okay so let me help". You help him starting the fire and after 20 minutes of struggling it's finally done.
Eddie clears his throat before saying "I know it's a sensitive topic, and you don't have to accept but do you want to go grab some breakfast at a diner ?"
You know that if you answer no Eddie won't eat this morning and you don't want him to starve so you nod before saying "Sure, I'll just grab a coffee though"
"As you wish" Eddie says before climbing on the driver's seat. You climb on the passenger seat and head to a diner.
You go sit on a booth while Eddie orders two coffee and a French Toast. When the order is ready, Eddie come back with it. You look at Eddie's French Toast debating in your head if you should taste it or no, you know it would make Eddie proud, and he didn't even force you to eat this morning, he is so understanding about this whole situation. After several minutes of huge thinking Eddie cuts your train of thought "I saw you looking at my French Toast, if you want we can share it" he offers
You look at it hesitantly before answering "I would love that", Eddie looks at you proudly and put his plate in the middle of the table so both of you can reach it. You start eating a little piece of the toast, it tastes good but as soon as you swallow it you imagine how much calories there is in there and start panicking, as if Eddie understood he grabs your hand for emotional support before saying "I'm so so proud of you baby, you don't have to care about the number of calories, I know how hard it must be but your body actually needs food in order to function correctly"
You smile at his word before sipping some of your coffee.
After breakfast, you start visiting the city of Shipshewana before stopping in a small restaurant. You order a salad while Eddie order an hamburger with fries. You manage to eat half of your salad. When you head out of the restaurant Eddie kisses the back of your hand before saying "I'm so beyond proud of you for this lunch baby, you did amazing". You then visit the city hand in hand. At some point of the walk, your tummy starts aching, you try to hide it from Eddie, not wanting to ruin the walk but Eddie knows you all too well and knows that something's up.
"Are you okay baby ?" He asks concerned
You force a smile before answering "Yes, sure"
"I can tell something's up baby" Eddie says, even more concerned
"My tummy aches from all the eating earlier. I'm sorry for ruining our vacation week..." you say feeling really self-conscious and sorry.
"You're not ruining anything, besides your health is the most important thing so please don't feel sorry" Eddie says while putting his hands around your shoulders and holding you close to him. You smile at him.
"Do you want to sit down somewhere so you can rest a bit" Eddie asks
"Only if it doesn't bother you, I want you to have a great time, not to have to deal with my crap you know..." you answer
"First of all it doesn't bother me at all, as long as I'm with you, nothing else matters, second of all your crap is my crap too now, I won't let you struggle alone, we're in this together, I'm here for you and I'll always be"
You smile at him with teary eyes while going towards a bench in a beautiful small park, you sit down next to one another and Eddie takes your hand in his after having kissed your forehead. You put your head on Eddie's shoulder and both look at the kids playing in the park, an old couple holding hands. Seeing this couple both you and Eddie are convinced that you wanna grow old together, you wanna experience life together and nothing else matters.
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Part 2 here
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exactly4spiders · 1 year
So in April I was up in Shipshewana IN (Amish country) and there were all these little shops in the middle of town selling antiques and crafted stuff. It’s very touristy. But I walked into one shop that had a shelf for sell and it was full of books. I asked the lady at the counter if the books were for sale, she said “yes they’re $5 each”. So I bought a 92 year old copy (from 1931) of The Picture of Dorian Gray. It’s not in the best condition, the cover is filthy. I’d like to get it cleaned up but I’m so scared of damaging it.
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I can’t wait to be the type of old person who collects books. The cool old lady with her own library. Now if only I had more shelves.
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ao3feed-byler · 2 years
by 0Soft_Moon0
After a big argument Karen and Ted Wheeler send their son, Mike to camp Shipshewana. All the way across Hawkens Joyce Byers decides to send her son, Will to the same camp.
when they both arrive, (and first meet). Mike and Will fight for the top bunk, Mike gives up and lets Will take it.
while kayaking the two get paired up by Steve Harrington a camp counselor, that then sparks and argument between the two new found enemies.
Words: 4, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Karen Wheeler, Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington, Joyce Byers/Jim "Chief" Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Dustin Henderson/Lucas Sinclair, Erica Sinclair & Lucas Sinclair, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Summer Camp, gay gay homosexual gay, Camp Counselor Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Lovers
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debbiechanclub · 2 years
Idk why I got a handful of new real followers but glad you're here, welcome to the Shipshewana
That is what my phone autocorrected "shitshow" to and I don't know why but I'm leaving it
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newmusicradionetwork · 2 months
Newsboys Release Uplifting New Album Worldwide Revival (Part One) Available Now
Revered Christian band, Newsboys, have released their anthemic new album Worldwide Revival (Part One). Featuring eight new songs, including the previously released “Heaven On Earth” and “He Lives,” the album was crafted with the intention of creating a collection of new songs deeply rooted in Biblical truth and driven by fervent prayer. Listen to Worldwide Revival (Part One) here. “Worldwide Revival is a project that we’ve poured ourselves into for the last two years. It’s a little bit surreal to finally be releasing it to the world, but this collection of songs has been prayed over and intentionally crafted to share the message we feel God has put on our hearts in this season, and we’re proud to finally be sharing it,” Newsboys shared. “Our hope is that this music meets exactly the person that it needs to, and that it will spark ‘tiny revivals’ in the hearts of many.” From start to finish, each track reflects a dedication to spiritual authenticity, aiming to inspire and uplift listeners with its faith-based messages. “How Many Times,” co-written by recently added bandmate Adam Agee alongside Jordan Sapp, Jonathan Conrad Gamble and Wes Campbell, explores themes of hardship and the everlasting persistence of divine guidance. Watch the music video for the song here. With the creation of this album, all five members, Michael Tait, Duncan Phillips, Jeff Frankenstein, Jody Davis and Adam Agee, have dedicated themselves to reinvention and inspiration in the midst of following their calling, as evident in other tracks such as “Color” and “In God We Trust.” Split into two parts, the second installment of Worldwide Revival will hit shelves in 2025. Over the last 30+ years, Newsboys have propelled countless hits up the charts, all while exploring the universe of books and film. Drawing inspiration from Newsboys and their revolutionary music once again, the fifth installment of the critically acclaimed film franchise, “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust,” will be released September 12, 2024. On the heels of the album release, the band will resume their Worldwide Revival Nights Tour tomorrow, July 20 in Denver, Colorado, with additional stops in Arizona, Wyoming, Montana, Indiana and Arkansas among others. For more information on show dates and to purchase tickets, visit www.newsboys.com/tour. Keep up with Newsboys on Facebook, Instagram, X and their official website. Worldwide Revival Nights Tour:  Thursday, August 15 – Marion, Illinois Friday, August 16 – Effingham, Illinois Saturday, August 17 – Shipshewana, Indiana Sunday, August 18 – Benton, Missouri Friday, August 30 – Russellville, Arkansas Saturday, August 31 – Wichita, Kansas Worldwide Revival (Part One) Tracklisting: - “Heaven On Earth” (Michael Tait, Seth Mosley, Daniel Bashta, Wes Campbell, Adam Agee, Tracy Campbell) - “Worldwide Revival” (Michael Tait, Adam Agee, Dave Lubben, Paul Duncan) - “In God We Trust” (Michael Tait, Colby Wedgeworth, Paul Duncan, Adam Agee, Wes Campbell, Tracy Campbell) - “How Many Times” (Adam Agee, Jordan Sapp, Jonathan Conrad Gamble, Wes Campbell) - “Color” (Michael Tait, Adam Agee, Michael Farren, Tony Wood) - “Eyes On Heaven” (Adam Agee, Colby Wedgeworth) - “Christ and Christ Crucified” with Lindy Cofer (Lindy Cofer, Dustin Smith, Mitch Wong) - “He Lives” (Chris McClarney, Anthony Skinner, Jonathan Smith) About Newsboys:  Newsboys is one of the biggest bands in Christian music history, having sold more than 10 million records across 23 recordings and garnering boundless accolades, including 1 RIAA® Platinum certification and 8 Gold certifications, 30 #1 radio hits, four GRAMMY® nominations, two American Music Award nominations and multiple Dove Awards. With signature songs like “We Believe,” “Born Again” and the unstoppable mega-hit “God’s Not Dead” — which birthed a film franchise of the same name — Newsboys have continued to collect career-defining accolades at full speed ahead. Reinventing and reinvigorating the sounds fans have come to love, Newsboys present their two-part album, Worldwide Revival, featuring 16 songs and a national tour to support. For over three decades, the band, with current members Michael Tait, Duncan Phillips, Jeff Frankenstein, Jody Davis and Adam Agee, have toured extensively throughout the world to present their unparalleled high-energy shows. From their formation in Australia to their current residence in the United States, and everywhere in between, Newsboys share the same unified message about their faith and the God they serve, a position they do not take lightly. Read the full article
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wheelsoflaughterblog · 2 months
Il Divo….No Tengo Nada… Shipshewana 7/24/24
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The Oak Ridge Boys! American Made Farewell Tour
Join Croswell for the Oak Ridge Boys' "American Made Farewell Tour" on June 26-27, 2024, in Shipshewana, Indiana. This tour package includes roundtrip transportation, one night's accommodation at the Blue Gate Garden Inn, three meals, and a concert admission. Enjoy the Oak Ridge Boys' legendary four-part harmonies and celebrate their final tour. The trip also features a guided tour of the Amish countryside. Prices start at $399 per person for double occupancy. Experience a historic musical event with Croswell's deluxe motorcoach service.
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thefauxsport · 3 months
Shipshewana is known in the Midwest for being a predominantly Amish town. Which is what she said, that she was at his talk at an Amish church. Seems pretty unlikely to be a coincidence that she was right.
Except the dates. She said she was at the event on Sunday but showed he was there on Saturday. I am not saying Tim Tebow wasn't there. I am saying FootballQueen was not there.
She also stole the photo of him from his talk on Friday in North Carolina and passed it off as a photo of him from the event in Indiana from Saturday, that she claims she went to on Sunday.
She could not have been going to a work event on Sunday if the event was held the day before on Saturday. She cannot post a photo from an event on Friday and claim it was from the event on Sunday that actually took place on Saturday.
Is this making sense?
Here is the date from her post saying she was signing off for a work event to see him. It was posted on Sunday.
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logginspromotion · 4 months
Jo Dee Messina to Bring Heads Carolina, Tails California Tour to a sold-out Ryman Auditorium
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Multi-platinum country singer Jo Dee Messina is set to make her much-anticipated Ryman Auditorium debut on Saturday, April 27 to a sold-out crowd. Her wildly successful Heads Carolina, Tails California Tour has sold out shows nationwide and she’s finally making a stop in Music City. Due to overwhelming demand, fans who were unable to secure tickets will have the opportunity to stream the show live via Veeps, the premier streaming platform. All Access subscribers can enjoy the concert as part of their subscription, while individual show tickets for the live stream are available for purchase at veeps.com for $12.99. Jo Dee Messina: Live from the Ryman Auditorium promises an unforgettable evening of Messina’s iconic hits, deep cuts and new music. Scheduled to broadcast live on Veeps at TIME PM CT on Saturday, April 27 the event will remain accessible on the platform for two years following its original air date, with a 7-day rewatch period for individual ticket holders. For more info and to purchase your ticket, visit veeps.com. Heads Carolina, Tails California Tour Dates May 16 – Shipshewana, Ind. – Blue Gate Performing Arts Center May 17 – Rosemont, Ill. – Joe’s Live May 18 – Troy, Ohio – Hobart Arena May 31 – Stamford, Conn. – Palace Theatre June 1 – Webster, Mass. – Indian Ranch June 2 – Boston, Mass. – House of Blues June 6 – Sidney, Maine – The Bowl in the Pines June 7 – Hampton Beach – N.H. – Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom June 8 – Hyannis, Mass.
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Elkhart County and Shipshewana Christmas!
Elkhart County and Shipshewana Christmas!
Northern Indiana’s Elkhart County and Shipshewana is a beautiful and peaceful place. After visiting northern Indiana, a couple times this past year, I thought my husband Keith would enjoy a bit of the area for Christmas! A Stay At Essenhaus Inn This wasa great photo op for everyone coming into the Essenhaus Inn! The Essenhaus campus is just that, a selection of hotel, Amish style restaurant,…
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