#shirasu kinjou
foundfamilyhq · 8 months
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blu-moon-art · 3 months
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I'm working on some fandom photocard designs but these are probabily the best ones I made so far :)
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lady-byleth · 9 months
Random fandom switch of the day brought me back to Donten ni Warau and I realized just how fucking shitty the situation is the twins are born into and what especially Isuke (I like the names the movie gave them sm) has to live with
The Fuuma are weakened and in hiding, shinobi having grown mostly obsolete since the end of the Sengoku period and since the story plays at the start of the Meiji period there's the whole Edo period between these events so the Fuuma probably aren't doing great in general even without the ceremony whittling their numbers down cuz work is nonexistent for shinobi
So the Fuuma are a dying clan, desperately clinging to life
And into this the twins are born
But as twins they're considered bad luck and Isame is supposed to be killed but their parents refuse and hide Isame away
They probably manage to get by at first cuz the twins either switch places without anyone noticing until they get caught and Isame has to stay in hiding indefinitely or cuz Isame is always kept hidden and never really has any freedom
Isuke grows up watching his brother suffer cooped up in a cave while he and his parents have to pretend he doesn't exist so despite clearly adoring each other they have very little time together
Meanwhile Isame lives completely shut off from the world and watches his brother lead the life he's always wanted too
All they want is to live openly as a family and be useful to the clan
At the same time the people around them have to constantly kill each other off cuz of the ceremony demanding each potential Fuuma between the ages of 4 and 10 kill someone they care about
Then the ceremony comes around for Isuke and he's forced to kill his own father so now his mother can't look at him anymore
As a chosen candidate for next clan chief Isuke vows to change the Fuuma so his brother and mother can live in peace and cuz no one should have to suffer through the ceremony the current chief insists on
Of course it doesn't take long for Isame to be discovered again, he and their mother are captured and sentenced to death
She tries to save her son but is set on fire and falls off a cliff, Isame tries to save her but Isuke cuts off her hand to save his brother...which is when she smiles at him for the first time since he killed his father
So now Isuke has personally ended the lives of both his parents and is still looking at a clan chief who wants him to kill his brother
Then the chief also kills his best friends for talking back
Anyway, he and Isame kill the chief and now they're the chiefs but the Fuuma are still hanging on by a threat, shinobi are still obsolete, the Orochi is still gone, so what do two deeply traumatized teenagers decide to do?
Bring back the age of shinobi
Because, as the series likes to remind us of, shinobi don't know how to be anything but shinobi, they have no other purpose and were never thought to find another purpose for themselves
But in a world where shinobi are needed, necessary or even in charge there is absolutely no need for the ceremony, no need to hide away from the world, no need to watch their own clan fall apart in obscurity
They'd be free
Isuke, as the driving force in his and Isame's duo, comes up with a plan that will restore everything for the Fuuma and Isame of course happily goes along with it
Except Isuke inserts himself into the Kumo clan and spends 10 years living the way he's always wanted to, with a family that he can openly dote on and he begins to waver
Isame meanwhile has to once again watch his brother live a life he can't be part of
The 4-koma about them really shows he's just a needy little brother who wants Isuke's attention
Isuke gives up everything with the Kumo brothers because his biggest desire is still to give his brother and clan a good life but instead of getting that the Kumo destroy not only his plans but also the very reason the clan exists in the first place and the one thing Isuke had to actually make his dream come true
The Orochi
And to avoid that from happening Isame sacrifices himself
So now Isuke has killed his parents to survive and keep his brother alive, given up on the peaceful life he always wanted for his brother, made himself into the villain and cut all ties for his brother only for his brother to die
And he can't go back to the Kumo either cuz if he leaves the Fuuma to fend for themselves...they, without guidance, will die out for real and everything he's done would be completely in vain
Isame's sacrifice would be in vain
Everything he's ever done since the ceremony, where he was at most 10 years old, would have been completely pointless the second he goes back to the one place he was ever even a little bit happy in
The twins, especially Isuke, were born into a time and place where everything was falling apart around them, a time and place they could not be happy in and had no way out of because thinking as anything other than shinobi was not something they were ever taught, and in trying to fix things they lost what precious little they had instead
In his own words, Kinjou Shirasu is dead and Fuuma Isuke will never smile again
And this is why the twins make me cry every fucking time
The End
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group D Round 4: The Heike Story (Heike Monogatari) vs Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau)
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#D7: The Heike Story (Heike Monogatari)
Girl who can play the biwa and see the future. 1180 CE Japan.
#D5: Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau)
Three brothers work together to stop an ancient evil
Details and poll under the cut!
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#D7: The Heike Story (Heike Monogatari)
The Taira clan, also known as the Heike, holds immense authority over Japan. When a young girl, gifted with an odd eye that allows her to see the future, foolishly disrespects the clan, her father pays the price of her crime with his life. Soon after, as fate would have it, Taira no Shigemori—the eldest son of the clan leader—stumbles upon the same unfortunate girl, who now calls herself "Biwa." Biwa informs him that the downfall of the Heike is imminent. After learning of the great injustice Biwa suffered at the Heike's hands, Shigemori vows to take her in and care for her rather than let her be killed.
In an era of rising military tension, the Heike are in the midst of a cunning struggle for power, and bloodstained war is on the horizon. Shigemori, whose eyes allow him to see spirits of the dead, is both anxious and hopeful to prevent his clan's demise. Biwa, however, is reluctant to reveal the future to him and must adapt to her new life filled with both happiness and sorrow in this pivotal chapter in Japanese history.
It’s based on historical events, so one can already know the ending before watching it, sort of like the main character Biwa. But seeing those events, getting attached to the characters as they have both fun, simple moments and difficult, painful moments and seeing the humanity in the characters and watching them grow up with the underlying promise that things won’t go well for them, and accepting that… themes of impermanence and grief… but also the art style is unique and bright and the music is great and fits the scenes, and I highly recommend watching this if you haven’t already !! It’s only 11 episodes!
Trigger Warnings: Suicide
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#D5: Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau)
In the 11th year of the Meiji Era, the end of the samurai shogunate and the prohibition of swords has left Japan with lasting scars. Displeased by these recent changes, many former samurai plot against the new government, inciting a wave of bloodshed. To counter this movement, the government constructs a colossal prison in the middle of Lake Biwa.
Unofficially assigned to help the police arrest criminals, Tenka Kumou also serves as a ferryman to the Lake Biwa prison with the help of his two younger siblings: the ambitious Soramaru and the enthusiastic Chuutarou. Together with the former Fuma ninja Shirasu Kinjou, the Kumou brothers live a frugal and joyful life mostly dedicated to studying and training.
However, behind this relatively uneventful daily routine, the specter of the “Orochi” curse is starting to spread its shadow over the city of Oumi. According to legend, every three hundred years, Orochi reincarnates in a human vessel—and it is believed that this is the harbinger of an imminent catastrophe. As various groups clash in search of Orochi’s vessel, some aim to seal the curse, while others have darker plans in motion.
I found this series absolutely entrancing when I originally watched it, the portrayal of the characters and themes is really interesting to watch.
It tells a fantastic story about trying to defeat a legendary evil that can corrupt those around it to do its biding, all the while mixing in comedy and really heartfelt moments between family. For a 12 episode series they did a really good job of tying up any loose ends and finishing the plot, some things could have been expanded upon a bit more, but for what it is they producers did a wonderful job.
The series might not be the most groundbreaking anime ever, but it does have some lovely moments and explorations of its characters. I really like the themes of family, and wanting to do anything you can to help the people you love, it’s always nice to see and I think it’s done really well in this anime.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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astarab1aze · 7 months
➥ The White Wyrm
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⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Shirasu Kinjou   [ Donten ni Warau ]  &  Rin    [ Kami-sama no Uroko ] 04. Voice Claim. TBA
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Furie Night   [ Fuu, Fury, Furious (after great-grandpax30) ] 02. Alias. Euphony of Mausza, The White Wyrm 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male 05. Age. 26…?  06. Birth Date. December 7th   [ Saggitarius ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type WWB+ 08. Race. Were-wyrm, American by nationality ; French-Japanese by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single, formerly engaged to Yule Z'raza   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Demisexual   [ Biromantic / no preference ] 11. Residence. Enfurious Night’s Estate in Belle Valley, Southern Crossroads
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Furie’s hair is stark white, thick, silky. More akin to that of a mop than anything else, he does occasionally pin it all out of his eyes, though this is rarer than you might think. His hair is very soft and easy to comb through. His eyes are a soft, pale lilac in color. Gentle though very guarded, revealing very little. He has a lean and narrow body type featuring some toning, standing at an odd 5'7". His skin is a pale but neutral tone, unblemished aside from a scar in his left side in the shape of blackwyrm’s jaws, many rows of teeth having bore into his skin, and some old nicks, scrapes, and cuts from less than ideal transformation cycles. There are patches of iridescent scales in various places on his body. He has a tattoo of a spacial summoning circle split between both of his hands in enchanted white ink. He wears a black and purple modified hakama and a dramatic high-collared sleeveless shirt, forgoing the theatrics of a robe or cape, as well as a shortcloak made of starlight. 
13. Equipment. He keeps a blackwyrm whistle to call his Bluebird, an infinite pocket, fragments of a fallen star, a pair of singing stones, a wand made of meteorite, keys to the estate, a traveling mirror, and a Mauszan scrying glass. 14. Occupation. Cryptic fortune-teller ; An Oracle of Mausza in the Mauszan clergy 15. Job Performance. Beloved, but how much of what he says is true? How could he possibly compare to the likes of his predecessors? 16. Parents. Fraya Sinclair & Fallow Night ; Both living, but are no longer together on account of how utterly insufferable Fallow is as a person 17. Siblings. None
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Flying, iced coffee, cottonmouth cakes, FrankenLeeches, natural settings, stargazing, night walking, spending time with Bluebird, perusing nightmarkets, meandering Bell’s Hollow, collecting art & small shiny objects, reading the stars, etc.  19. Dislikes. Self-destructive types, human arrogance, vampires, the Red Hand, the Belegerande family (especially Spira; Simone’s okay), scarbuncle cheese, his relation to Enfurious and Sortia, being patronized, being compared to other oracles or family members, granny Ageha, most of the Mauszan clergy, Sanguinarians (worshippers of Sanguinach), the DRS, criminals, etc. 
20. Positive Traits. Gentle. Steadfast. Rational. Emotionally intelligent. Diligent. Generous. Thoughtful. Wise. Forgiving. Merciful. Questions authority. Determined. Resilient. Knowledgeable.  21. Negative Traits. Closed-off. Cold. Opportunistic. Avoidant. Distant. Impersonal. Cryptic. Chronically late. Does not forget. Secretive. Bitter. Uncertain. Hoarder. Difficulty letting go. Selectively caring. Territorial. Prefers to be hands-off. Cowardly. Fickle. 22. Goals. To keep the likes of Sortia Morgana and Loux Garo from ever finding the sanguine star, to find it himself and prevent the destruction of all the world and protect it from selfish whims and further death. 23. Desires. Salvation from his grief, for the grace of Mausza to replace his anguish with comfort and peace.  24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Furie is bit of a difficult nut to crack, being a reserved and quiet individual with no straightforward or truly personable inclinations. He presents as unreadable as physically possible, hiding himself beneath layer upon layer of carefully interwoven threads of polite neutrality, cool professionalism, and placidity. There’s a quiet determination about him, a hidden and unwavering steadfastness that anchors him to life and heroic pursuits, but just as this, he’s equally as regretful and deems himself unworthy of the atonement he seeks. He blames himself for the accident of his fiance’s death and is ever and constantly searching for a means of redeeming himself. On top of this, he doesn’t feel he has anything of value to say beyond his divination, harboring some resentment toward Mausza, the clergy, and Mauszan worshippers. All anyone wants from him is his service, not to know what he thinks, feels, likes, or dislikes, so he gives it to them and keeps silent about all else (though this is in part due to the trauma of Yule’s death), putting as much distance as he can between himself and others. Generally speaking, he’s understanding and careful, thoughtful and wise, but he’s not above violence or sneaky tricks, lying, manipulation, or other such things to further his own ends - he will always try the non-violent route, though because of Mausza’s favoritism towards him, he’s given special permissions to use force if necessary during his search for the sanguine star.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Spacial, Blackwyrm Soporific, & Necrotic - creation root & moderate control. 27. Shapeshifting. Innate monthly transformation into a white-violet blackwyrm - may transform outside of this, however, but it makes him sick and runs the risk of a permanent transformation. 28. Utility. Wards, curses, blessings, summoning - highly skilled. 29. Specialization. Divination & Prophecy - highly skilled due in part to both practice and raw talent. 30. Graduate School. Belegerande’s School for the Arcane, House Bell - the first of 11 total sorcery-centered schools established in North america in the 1500s; Quite a prestigious institution despite its current reputation. 31. Classification. Oracle ; Respected member of the Mauszan clergy, the Euphony of Mausza, working in conjunction with the Fateweavers of the Sightless Eye
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present.
    He was born into the Night family, to a sorcerer and a were-wyrm with dominant genes. As both, he was born possessing a natural affinity for gravitic and necrotic schools of magic, inheriting the spacial abilities of a blackwyrm and the Night’s close relationship with necromancy. From birth, he had many doors open for him, but he chose a religious path early on in an effort to break away from the dark and dour nature of his family (especially his father), though this really only replaced one abusive group of people with another slightly more palatable one.
    But it was there he met his beloved, Yule, who showed him the beauties of hope and faith, pure and kind no matter the hardships she faced. He fell in love with her good-natured charm, adoring her so completely, he proposed. She accepted, of course. Tragically, however, tensions were running high as ever between the Red Hand, DRS, Sanguinarian extremists, and other factions, which coalesced into an all-out skirmish in several nightfolk cities throughout the United States. At the time, Furie and Yule were vacationing in Salem’s Crossing when a hoard of blackwyrms were unleashed into the town center. Buildings were destroyed, hundreds of people were killed or injured, and he and Yule were separated amid the chaos. He was swept away, caught in a blackwyrm’s jaws and nearly chewed in half; She was overpowered and killed, shredded to pieces. Surviving this without her left a hole inside him that could never be filled.
    Once he recovered from the attack, he dedicated himself to his work as a diviner of Mausza, going so far as to earn the Starstitcher’s Favor. Insodoing, he was given a special task - informed through communion with her that a sanguine star has fallen and must be retrieved before bad actors and violent retributors can get their hands on it, reduce the world as they knew it to ash and sow endless death. He was shown Loux and Sortia’s faces, along with the likes of Elluvius Black, Lilith Morningstar, Cedric & Claire Montgomery, Deadeye, and many others - promised the removal of his pain and grief, the serenity and grace to keep living, the courage and drive to continue. Because of his direct communion with Mausza, he was dubbed Euphony, her voice, among the clergy. This all put a whole new set of pressures and expectations on his shoulders, thrusting him into oracle status and all that comes with it. His position turned into something of a curse, testing his relationship with Mausza as well as his resolve.
    He is used as little more than a service, rather than sought out for genuine inquiries - taken for granted among his apparently graceless and faithless fellows, time and energy abused as both a man and a clerical leader. At this time, however, he has not wavered in his work despite his now shaky beliefs. He searches tirelessly for the star in an effort to please Mausza and achieve his peace, even though it’s costing him much more than he ever thought it would. 
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kouxiiao · 2 years
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hbd tenka i love you 
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thecrazyanimegirl · 3 years
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kyuuhinajinchuuriki · 3 years
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Shirasu/Kotarou, Nishiki, Tenka and Chuutarou〜 😪😅💐
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Incorrect DnW ― “...because that’s your name???”
Kiiko: Hey, Tenka―?
Tenka: *sighs* Shirasu used to call me that...
Sousei (exasperated): ...because that’s your fucking name???
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utsuby · 4 years
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blu-moon-art · 1 month
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Me when two pretty men that could kill me (Fuuma twins) but make it genderbent 🙌🏻🗣️
(I am a disaster lesbian don't come for me pls)
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lady-byleth · 10 months
current mood: depressed over him but happy he exists even if everything about his story makes me think eating glass would be less painful
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ryohamu · 5 years
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trying to keep on w/the tradition of posting on shirasu’s bday
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group D Round 1: #D4 vs #D5
#D4: Two kids join in hunting monsters and uncovering secrets
While in search of his precious friend, a young boy named Nai falls captive to a beautiful woman, whose looks are matched only by her taste for human flesh. Meanwhile Gareki, a clever thief, is in the midst of robbing her luxurious home. After causing a distraction, Gareki agrees to help Nai escape, but they are discovered upon the woman's return. As she transforms into a ghoulish monster, the boys flee.
On the run, Nai and Gareki are found by “Circus,” a government defense agency that deals with criminal activity too difficult for the police to handle and protects civilians from “varuga”—terrible monsters that devour humans for sustenance. In the hope that it will lead Nai to his missing friend, he and Gareki decide to join Circus. On their perilous journey, they face dangerous varuga and begin to uncover the secrets behind a shadowy organization known as Kafka.
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#D5: Three brothers work together to stop an ancient evil
The story follows the Kumo brother, three well-known samurai brothers who send criminals to the secluded prison Gokumonjo in the middle of Lake Biwa. Together with the former Fuma ninja Shirasu Kinjou, the Kumou brothers live a frugal and joyful life, mostly dedicated to studying and training. However, the Kumo brothers soon learn how they are tied to the Orochi’s vessel, a human host possessed by a demon serpent from ancient times, and how they are destined to destroy it once and for all.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#D4: Karneval
Karneval has two of the best protagonists I’ve ever seen. Gareki is superior to every other teenage boy protagonist in anime. His character arc, even in this one season that covers just a fraction of the manga, is so well-developed. I like that his arc is an emotionally driven coming-of-age and not a power fantasy.
Along with the main characters, Karneval has fantastic characters across the board. There is not a single supporting character I don't love (even the ones who annoy me). None of the female characters are reduced to love interests and are all unique and interesting, which can be hard to find sometimes in anime.
It is made by a female writer, which is always great to see, and for people who aren't really interested in romance, the anime is extremely friendship and found family driven. The found family aspect is really at the forefront of the series as Circus is not a glorified group and they don't get to have families which makes the bond between members so important.
The tone balance is amazing. In one episode, you can go on an emotional journey from laughing to crying in seconds. The plot is engaging with wild reveals and compelling mysteries to follow. The fantastical world is unique with the contrast of the dark monsters in a bright and colorful world. If you watch it in Japanese, the voice cast is so good and the soundtrack is also really good.
TL;DR it’s an interesting story with amazing characters to whom you will get attached.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Misrepresentation of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
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#D5: Laughing Under the Clouds (Donten ni Warau)
I found this series absolutely entrancing when I originally watched it, the portrayal of the characters and themes is really interesting to watch.
It tells a fantastic story about trying to defeat a legendary evil that can corrupt those around it to do its biding, all the while mixing in comedy and really heartfelt moments between family. For a 12 episode series they did a really good job of tying up any loose ends and finishing the plot, some things could have been expanded upon a bit more, but for what it is they producers did a wonderful job.
The series might not be the most groundbreaking anime ever, but it does have some lovely moments and explorations of its characters. I really like the themes of family, and wanting to do anything you can to help the people you love, it’s always nice to see and I think it’s done really well in this anime.
Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Cruelty/Violence/Gore, Suicide.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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chiisanahoshi · 6 years
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