#shiritorizawa headcanons
wonderwomanfantasy · 3 years
omega manager for shiritorizawa
ay yo part four 
some links for those who are behind part one  part two  part three
-Unrelated to the ABO aspect of this but you use a sticker chart with the boys
-Like if it’s a good day at practice you add a little gold star and if they aren’t good
-  Shirabu and some of the others pretend it’s stupid but will be fucking devastated if you take one of their stars away
- Tendou, Reon, and Goshiki aren’t ashamed to admit they love the sticker charts
-  Washijō thinks the whole thing is childish but it gets results so he can’t complain
- Side note I feel like Washijō ONLY recruits Alphas because he’s weird and old
-So of course he’s glad to have an omega in a serving position
-Most people are already intmindated by Shiritorizawa
-but they are definitely terrified of the team when they are protective of you
-Ushijima tells Oikawa he can only hit on you if he goes to Shiritorizawa
-Oikawa and all the Sejho guys really, NEVER leave you alone it’s the worst.
-Because like yeah Oikawa is cute but he never takes no for an answer
-But usually, Iwaizumi comes and deals with him before any of your alphas have to get involved.
-but this time Iwa is busy and can’t save you.
-also good fucking luck scaring Oikawa he gives no shits
-Not even Ushijima scares him lmao
-That doesn’t mean the boys don’t try.
-Goshiki goes first, because even if he is small he is still an Alpha and If he wants to be the future Ace than it’s his duty to protect the cute little manager!!!
-Oikawa basically laughs in his face
-then the big guns come out
-Tendou Satori
-Look me in the eyes and tell me Tendou doesn’t think of Goshiki as his little brother you can’t
-And like hitting on you is bad enough but making fun of Goshiki???
-Now he’s crossed a line.
-Before Tendou can even pounce with his scary act (and trust me it’s scary scary) You act.
- you grab his arm and say  “Sorry I can’t go out with you because Satori is my boyfriend”
-The entire team is frozen because holly shit is that true??????
-you could knock Oikawa over with a feather he’s so stunned.
-Tendou is also too stuned that you said “Satori” and “Boyfriend” in the same sentence to correct you.
-by that point Iwa comes back and snags his problem child.
-After the game your boys croud you and demand to know when you started dating Tendou
- “We aren’t dating, I lied to scare him off”
-”We could be dating,”
- “No we couldn’t”
-”but mayb-”
- “Satori i will take a way a star if you don’t shut up,”
-But now you’ve got to deal with “If you had to date someone on the team who would it be” questions and SIGHHHHHHHHHH
- “none of you,”
- “that doesn’t answer the question Omega”
- “nope I don’t want any of you,”
-  “okay but would you go out with me-”
-a lot of gold stars were lost that day
-RIP to the boys.
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Ushijima + cockwarming
Ushijima + cock warming
Character + Kink requests are closed 
Ushijima is not the type to directly tell you what he wants, instead he likes to pull you down on his lap where you feel his hardened member twitching below you. You smile at him and immediately know that he wants you to cock warm with him, whenever you sink down on his length he loves to kiss your neck and rests his hands on your hips as he gets comfortable and once you are comfortable he goes back to focusing on his book, resting his free hand on your waist as you wrap your arms and legs around him getting to breathe in his smell and be super close and comfortable with him. Ushijima also loves cock warming first thing in the morning when the two of you first wake up, he pulls you on top of him and kisses you sweetly as he slides inside of you instantly relaxing, some mornings you lay like this for what feels like the best kind of forever, sometimes only a little bit and sometimes you end up falling asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat. 
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goshi-kun · 4 years
Semi when his s/o’s cat doesnt like him 🤧
in conclusion: unless he’s a shiritorizawa boy- listen to your cats ya’ll. 
Note: y/c/n = your cat’s name
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“it dont bite. yES IT DO-”
This dude- i swear
He’s the type of person to just stare at an animal, baby, ANYTHING! if it looks at him the wrong way- 
A fucking plant is looking at him sideways? Starring contest. 
So you can only imagine what happens when your cat starts playin games
When he first came over to your house, your cat was laying on the couch in it’s usual spot
You were gonna grab a jacket so he just decided to yknow sit on your couch, like one does
But ohoho your cat was NOT having any of that. Not today random hot topic man
Semi was a little awkward about just sitting on your couch. And it didn’t help that your cat was giving him all kinds of dirty looks
But- what does one do when they're nervous? They pet animals 😌 it’s a simple fact. 
Semi reached out his hand to pet your cat on the back of it’s head when it just atTACKED HIM 😱
The cat only bopped him in the hand with it’s paw but Semi SWEARS it took six years off his life
You come out of your room with a jacket. Only to find Semi and your cat on complete oppisite sides of the couch 😭
“Oh you met y/c/n” You go and pet your cat on the top of it’s head. Earning an astonished look from Semi. 
“Yeah, and IT ATTACKED ME!” You can almost see the betrayal in his eyes. How dare your cat do such a horrific thing 😔 
You examine the hand that was oh so viciously attacked by your little bean of a cat
“You are fine.” You laugh with your words
Semi argues his fact a little longer and the situation seems to be over with
You and semi’s realtionship begins to become more serious and Semi finds himself at your house more often. Meaning he has to be around “the cat”
He had many names for y/c/n. Mostly being along the lines of, “the cat”, “the thing”, or even “little demon”
He tried to give the cat food and treats, but nothing would work out. Your cat would simply ignore him or mock his attempts with strange looks
That is- untill the fateful day, your cat had let Semi pet theyre head ✨
It was short-lived and seemingly nothing to be take a second glance at, but Semi was BEAMING- TO THE GODS-
Thanking them for gracing him with this cat’s presence
smh semi calm down
He tried to hide his excited from your cat’s sudden allowance of affection, but he was doing a horrible job
He would constantly try to pet the cat again, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t lmao
Over time Semi seems to have built up a solid connection with y/c/n
Sometimes it seems like Semi loves your cat more than you
But in reality Semi just never had much luck with animals
So now he has a little buddy to sit with him while he’s at your house
There has been multiple occasions where you walked in on Semi and y/c/n snuggled up on your bed or on the floor of your room
yes you have many pictures, no semi doesn’t know about it
and he never will
Semi most deffienetly comes over to your house JUST to hangout with your cat 😭
And you allow it because 1. your a simp. And 2. Semi looks so soft gently petting your cat so cautiously it almost seemed like he was afraid of hurting it 
soft boi best boi
IN CONCLUSION- Semi with cats is just ✨✨✨
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Bruh Girls Edition (HQ)
so i was having a very lovely chat with @kunimimycat​ about which haikyuu characters would be attracted to bruh or hii girls, so this is the result
{disclaimer this is just our personal opinion the hq boys would love you no matter who you are} 
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Sugawara Koushi
Nishinoya Yuu (Leader of the Bruh girl fan club)
Kinoshita Hitashi 
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Oikawa Tooru
Hanamaki Takahiro
Matsukawa Issei
Kunimi Akira
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Yaku Morisuke
Fukunaga Shohei
Kozume Kenma 
Yamamoto Taketora
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Konoha Akinori 
Bokuto Koutarou
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Semi Eita 
Ohira Reon 
Kawanishi Taichi 
Futakuchi Kenji 
Miya Osamu 
Miya Atsumu 
Suna Rintaro 
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deadfloweremojii · 3 years
Shiratorizawa boyfriends catching their S/O masturbating
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: Shiratorizawa x Reader
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: NSFW Headcanons
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: NSFW 18+ F!Reader, Post timeskip, voyeurism, slight overstim
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 437
Part 1: Karasuno || Part 2: Nekoma
Got another request! This time for the Shiratorizawa boys! I might have gotten a little… carried away on uh Semi… I’ve just got a thing for setters oops
Please feel free to send requests or even just message me!
NSFW under the cut
Ushijima would be like ‘oops’ and just leave the room
He wants to respect your privacy, but it would just make you laugh; it's not like he hasn’t seen you like that before
You would call him back in and ask him to help, which he would oblige; in fact he’d help too well
Ushi while gentle, also goes very hard, and he would be sure to hit all the right spots so that you can be satisfied this time
Ushijima basically takes this as a personal challenge to make sure you cum, and cum, and cum...
We all know this man is sneaky, but in a good way; Tendo would definitely watch you for a while before entering your shared bedroom
He would be slowly palming his own cock in anticipation to ‘surprising’ you, you would be too far in your own bliss to even notice him
Tendo would playfully knock on the door, his hard on prevalent through his sweatpants
You knew you were in trouble once you say his face; that smirk practically made your insides do a flip
Semi would be all over you before you even realized that you were caught
He is more on the possessive type, and he feels that if you aren't satisfied he’s not satisfied
Semi’s hands were like magic, always knowing exactly where to be and how to move to make you gush all over him
You would be fucked out before he was even able to slip himself inside of his pretty girl
Goshiki never really thought about it; ya know, you masturbating, he was more than happy to help you out whenever you were in the mood
He would get way too excited to even move at first, he thought you were the most beautiful person on the planet
Goshiki was not one to particularly initiate sex, but if he knows you’re in the mood he is down for it anytime of day
Even though he could be shy, oh my god did he figure out every way imaginable to make you melt in his arms (virgins luck)
Shiribu can be a bit of a hot head, and he was not having a good day; walking in on you however would change that
He would be a little stunned, not expecting you to be there waiting for him like a good girl
Shiribu was one to take care of you normally during sex, but this time it was a wild ride for you
Don’t worry, he would make sure that you got that orgasm you were searching for… and some
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Haikyuu and pronouns!
Note: this is just for something fun :P as an AFAB person with 2 sets of pronouns I find a lot of comfort in assigning what pronouns I think hq characters go by :D I doubt this is necessary but: homophobia, queer phobia, transphobia and the like will NOT be tolerated <3
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Daichi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Ennoshita, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamamoto, Kai, Yaku, Lev, Inouka, Shirabu, Ohira, Iwaizumi, Kindaichi, Aran
Sugawara, Yamaguchi, Kuroo, Fukunaga, Goshiki, Mattsun and Makki, Yahaba, Kyoutani, Akaashi, Futakuchi, Miya Twins, Sakusa
Tsukishima, Kenma, Kawanishi, Kunimi, Komori
Yachi, Kiyoko, Yukie
Any pronouns
Asahi, Semi, Terushima, Ushijima, Tendou, Oikawa, Bokuto, Konoha, Aone, Kita, Koganegawa
Ushijima and Bokuto —> do not understand the concept of pronouns and quite frankly don’t care :P (volleyball for brains type beat)
Kita and Suna—> like the above, do not really care. They refer to themselves as he/him but he won’t mind if others use a different set of pronouns
Feel free to add your own!
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nsjdiidj tendou general fluff plsplsplsplsplspls just domestic and tooth-rotting things like y/n helping tape his fingers, y/n singing and doing his baki baki song🥺, them making their own songs with tendou and all that cheesy stuff hhhhhhhhhhhh i beg for any cute tendou content pls
anywhoo, i was thinking of how i could make this soo fluffy it’s nauseating soo i decided to compile a bunch of cute lil relationship hc for our bby :)
this is my first time doing a head canon without any structure so I apologize for how messy it is
regardless, i hope you enjoyyy !!
•Relationship HC w/ Tendou•
warnings: none
genre: fluff, like an insane amount of fluff
character: Tendou
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tendou could not believe you reciprocated his feelings 
he had liked you for such a long time but honestly he thought he was just leading himself straight into heartbreak
he didn't believe you could like someone like him
I mean sure, you two were good friends but he was always waiting for the day you would tell him you were just sticking around out of pity or you were using him to get to Ushijima
so, when he finally said screw it and confessed the last thing he was expecting was for you to wrap you arms around him and say you liked him too
safe to say that one of the happiest days of his life
you two were as close to the perfect couple as anyone could get
if someone were to look at you two they would think you had been childhood sweethearts
you two had a connection that just flowed, never uncomfortable or awkward
anyone could see just that just by the way you two interacted with one another
you we’re very affectionate towards each other not the face sucking butt grabbing in public type of affection, don’t worry
he would tend to sneak up behind you when you were doing something or talking to someone and wrap his arms around your waist, placing his chin on your shoulder
you tended to do the same, clinging to his arms or playfully hugging him from behind and burying your face into his back, allowing you to inhale his calming scent
when you would walk with one another he would always be attached to you in some way
didn't matter if it was an arm around your shoulder or waist or having his fingers intertwined with yours, he just liked feeling you right by his side
you didnt mind any of this one bit, you loved being so close to him
occasionally people would give you two strange looks or mumble something under their breath but you didn’t care one bit
however, this bothered tendou from time to time so you always let him know how much he meant to you, usually pulling him in for a hug or a quick kiss whenever you noticed his expression falter
you also attended every single one of his games, no matter their importance
he loved seeing you up there in his jersey, cheering just for him
when he would sing his song on the court he would always turn to you and you would mouth the words along with him with the brightest smile on your face
he always played at 100% when you were there
you would run up to him after games and give him a tight hug, occasionally pulling him to the nurses office after to wrap his fingers if he happened to get injured that game
a very fun part of your relationship was your very spontaneous dates
you didn’t do the typical dinner date or go to a theater to see a movie
you two went to the park to push each other on the swings or took a road trip to a new place while singing your hearts out or had movie nights at home that ended in you two cuddled up on the couch
that was more your type of style
tendou was a very loving s/o and he showed it in his own special way
occasionally at school he would give you rocks or leaves or flowers he found on his walk there and as you two would walk he would tell you all about what had led him to that very object you had a shoebox full of everything he gave you
as for presents like birthday or christmas, every gift you received was homemade. he believed that things made from the heart held more meaning and it gave him an opportunity to show you how much he really loved you
his usually expressed his love through the little things
he did your hair when you had ran late to school and forgot to do it yourself 
he would make stupid jokes and do stupid things whenever you were upset to try and cheer you up
he always moved you to the inside of the sidewalk when you two walked home
he gave you his food when he noticed you forgot yours and always checked up on you in between classes
every single thing he did, he did with love and you knew that
you two spent a lot of time at each other’s houses, usually reading manga or watching movies
watching movies during the day usually ended in a pillow fight,  initiated by tendou of course mans had way too much energy to sit down and watch a movie unless it was a date night
he loved to hear you laugh and watch that lovely smile pull at the corners of your mouth
just looking at you made him fall in love all over again
he loved doing all of these things but his favorite time with you was when your eyes had fluttered shut and your chest rose and fell with each soft breath
just being able to hold and admire the person he cared so much about allowed him to shut the whole world out and just focus on you
you were his world and he was so hopelessly in love with you
he promised himself that you were the one he would build a life with
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akascow · 3 years
ushijima will be supportive but like from a distance lol
he’ll always congratulate the team members when they hit cool spikes and stuff but he wont actually verbalize it
just from across the court he’ll stare them dead in the eyes,, then give a silent lil thumbs up
or a teeny tiny *clapclapclap*
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kaaytea · 4 years
Physical affection
⤷Includes: Suga, Nishinoya, Ushijima
This boy, lemme tell you
Very touchy!!
9/10 times he will be touching you in some way at all times
Walking to class? He's holding your hand
You visit him during practice? He's got his arms wrapped around your waist and his heads on you shoulder
Watching a movie? You'll be lying down on his chest and his chins resting on your head
If you get nervous is public spaces he absolutely loves!! when you grab on to the back oh his shirt or his sleeve
It makes him happy knowing that you trust he'll keep you safe
He'll give you a reasuring smile and pull you closer to him 🥺
As much as he loves to cuddle, he cannot stand cuddling while he's doing something
Like if he's studying don't even try
He has a hard time concentrating and staying focused on his task
Will 100% cuddle with you once he's done tho!!
Spooning is his go too cuddle position ✌️
He has trouble falling asleep without hugging something
He usually hugs a spare pillow but when you're over 👀👀
Yeah he's surprisingly strong, so good luck trying to escape his hugs
Also very touchy but in a less cuddly way
Loves loves loves to put his hands on your shoulders!!!
Like you'll just be walking down the hall and then suddenly he'll sneak up behind you slam his hands down on your shoulders and yell your name.
He also likes to walk behind you and direct where you're walking by turning your shoulders
If you boop his nose he will self combust
When you visit him during practice he will, and without fail, yell out an embarrassing nickname he has for you, bounce over to you like a puppy, then grab your hands and swing them back and forth
Yeah, whenever you visit him it's an event
Please run your fingers through his hair when it's down 🥺 he finds that action very calming
Yo you got social anxiety?? Don't worry one bit bc he will take such good care of you!!
Noya is vEry perceptive and in tune with his surroundings so he notices immediately if you start to get overwhelmed
He'll usually link your arms together and take you to a quieter less populated area where you can calm down. Once you're feeling better he always gives you a bright smile and kisses you on the nose
Now, he's a very fidgety, energetic person so full on under the covers, hugging cuddles only happen at night when he's burnt all his extra energy up at practice
If you "cuddle" during the day it's probably you lying on top or next to him while he plays with you hair or your hands; he can't be stationary during the day time, he's got to be moving in some form
When this firecracker is finally tired he will literally hang off of you.
Anywhere you go he is right behind you with his arms wrapped tightly around your waist and his face pressed into your back.
When sleeping his arms and at least one of his legs are wrapped around you
Nishi would just give you all his love man, 1000/10 thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
Not overly affectionate, but also not devoid of affection.
I'd say he's in the middle
He's very gentlemanly, ie he's not all over you.
Public affection usually takes the form of small gestures.
He'll always hold your hand when the two of you are walking together. Ushi just enjoys being in your presence and holding hands makes him feel very connected to you.
You walk him to practice everyday and he always kisses your cheek goodbye.
Whenever your anxiety is acting up or you're really stressed he tends to run his hands up and down your arms. You don't really know why he does it but it's honestly so comforting.
Ushijima cuddles are top tier.
He's always really warm and he's got a really broad chest and shoulders that just make the cuddling situation feel so nice.
He has two favorite cuddling positions: you lying on top of him with your face pressed into his chest and his arms wrapped around you OR lying on your sides facing each other with his arm thrown over your waist.
Cuddling with Ushi is very loose, it's never constricting. In his mind cuddling should be quality time enjoyed by both parties, not just one person hugging the life out the other.
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haik-choo · 3 years
tendou making you chocolate and feeding it to you <3
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ukai-simp-services · 3 years
hq character’s favorite lip smacker flavors
warnings: none, just slight cursing
a/n: wow the way this was one of my best ideas... anyway some of these are kinda repetitive so bare with me 😭
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i feel like hinata would be down for one of the really fruity flavors, like watermelon or mango sunrise. forgets it at home or in your car a lot so you always buy him extra.
kags is def giving me the classic strawberry or cherry vibe, like the one that ALL stores sell. they’re the easiest to find and he likes the flavors.
ok i feel like daichi would use the peppermint flavor a lot, but i can also seeing him use the cinnamon flavor every now and then too, spice things up a little.
i can see suga using some of the sweeter flavors, like strawberry as a daily chapstick and maybe sugar cookie when he wants to switch things up.
mans got the whole berry pack. uses them pretty frequently throughout the day, has a different flavor in different places. like one in his school bag, one in his gym locker, one at home, etc.
ok tanaka probably doesn’t use use them that much, but when he does, he fucks w the soda flavors. like coke and sprite.
i don’t even think he knows what lip smackers are....but let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he would use one of the sugary ones. like the skittles one.
vanilla. no pun intended. i just totally see him using the vanilla flavor, probably the coconut one too.
i can see bby using the pink lemonade,,,maybe the cucumber melon too mmmm. applies them a lot.
he uses that lime flavor (i forgot it’s exact name) but that and probably some fruity shit like tropical punch.
PLEASE. he wouldn’t sell lip smackers at his convenience store so he’s like ?? tf is that babe ?? but, once you show him he’d definitely be down for the rootbeer or coke flavor, he’s a soda man what can i say. BUT i imagine he’d keep it simple most of the time w peppermint. (u also make him start selling them so he ends up trying the fruity flavors~)
god, i wanna say the cherry flavor bc of the mf katy perry song (pls tell me if yk what im talking about) BUT i can also see her using the mint one and the coconut one too. queen has multiple flavors, as she should.
100% one of the candy flavors, like bubblegum. definitely the cotton candy one too. yachi’s lips always taste good period.
another cherry chapstick lover, but he spices his shit up with the cherry cobbler flavor. wants to taste good at all times for you~
doesn't use it often, but when he remembers or you remind him, he'll usually use a fun soda flavor like from the fanta pack,, or even just regular grape.
giving me grapefruit delight vibes...idk why but he just is. i can see him whipping it out in the lockerroom before practice starts, quickly applying it before any of the other guys come in.
omg ok so i feel like similar to some of the other guys, he’d shy away from using it in front of anyone. but i can see him using the tropical punch flavor ??
tell me lev wouldn’t use the vanilla icecream one...like i can just see it. i feel like he would lowkey take pride in it too, like he knows that shit taste good.
this mf uses peppermint religiously. but this is oikawa we’re talking about so i think he definitely would have multiple flavors; definitely watermelon, probably chocolate mint, and for sure starburst.
he’s kinda shy about using them so he sticks to the more lowkey flavors, probably like blue raspberry or kiwi. (pls gimmie a blue raspberry kith haji)
i feel like he wouldn’t use it much, but he’d use the lemon drop flavor. loves using it during the winter bc of the weather.
another soda lover. i feel like he sticks to the coca cola flavors, like vanilla and cherry. (i love the cherry one omfg) maybe the root beer one too.
bubblegum. that’s it. that’s the flavor. it’s always on him at ALL times. like that shit doesn’t leave his pocket, he once even accidentally washed his pants with it still in the pocket.
mmmm i think he’s definitely a berry guy, likes mixed berry or wild raspberry.
mad dog
yes i just labeled him by his nickname instead of his real name what about it- anyway. why do i think he’d use orange creamsicle on the LOW. like mf HIDES that shit. can never catch mad dog applying mf orange creamsicle chapstick. nope.
omg ok bby definitely uses strawberry cheesecake or sour apple. ik they’re like two totally different flavors but, he just DOES. and he’d pucker his lips towards you every time he applies it like “BABY GUESS WHAT FLAVOR MY LIPS ARE” like ok bo c’mere then.
he’s a simple man, he enjoys a nice strawberry banana lip smacker on his lips. maybe even pumpkin latte (during the fall of course) bc he’s festive <3
mans is using the dragonfruit flavor (i forgot if it’s just dragonfruit or if there’s another flavor combined in there) but, he literally just uses that flavor. like idk what to tell you. he just does.
ok i love her sm, i just know she would have strawberry kiwi and probably strawberry banana too. mmm yummy.
i feel like kageyama, he would only buy the ones he sees at most stores...so a classic like mango or kiwi.
ohmygod, mans has a whole mf collection. like first of all, he has the fanta soda collection, obviously. then, there’s the candy pack with nerds, fun dip, laffy taffy, jolly ranchers, etc... he also fucks w any sour flavors. basically, everytime you kiss this man you’ll be tasting something different.
another blue raspberry mf, but also i can see him using the dr pepper flavor LOL....i wanna taste>:(
he’s a sucker for the grape flavors, regular of course, grape jelly, grape fanta, etc.
mmm i can see him using pineapple. it’s a subtle flavor, but its the one he likes best. i don't think he'd use it all that often tbh, but when he does his lips taste absolutely ~fresh~
date tech
PLSSS i just know mans wouldn't even know what a lip smacker was, would probably just be using normal burt’s bees like most people - till you introduce him to the wide range of flavors that lip smackers have to offer. he'd be like “hm, banana.” LIKE. either THAT or piña colada, he’s really trying for y’all.
cake donut?? do i have an explanation?? nope. i don’t even know what that would taste like, but i can imagine pretty sweet? just give him a mf kiss.
PLEASE. he’d use the strawberry flavor ALL the time. like ok maybe occasionally the vanilla icecream too. but im so soft rn for ‘tsumu’s strawberry lips T_T
omg he’s such a cheesecake mf i just KNOW, so he’d have the strawberry cheesecake flavor. probably use chocolate moose sometimes too if he’s in the mood.
this is NOT up for debate, he’d 100% use berry pie all the time. kita get ur ass here rn, we’re bouta smooch.
pls bc he’s another one that’d only use it on the low. i’m feeling watermelon,, he’d always apply it before he sees you too.
ooooo i can see him using cinnamon swirl, but also grape on a more common occasion. yummy....
HHH sour apple for sure. he’d try to put on you all the time so you can taste like him too, he’s like “baby c’mere ;)”
bitch omg, why can i see her using the cherry cream soda one.... i literally don’t know where she could buy it but she’d fucking have it, like for SURE.
STOP bc he’d definitely reprimand you for using lip smackers instead of a brand like ChapStick or burt’s bees. like shut up bitch...but also if you’re persistent like me, then you’ll definitely sneak the lemon drop flavor into his jacket pockets whenever you have the chance. you know it’s his secret guilty pleasure <3
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Semi and Yaku first date hc
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Semi and yaku are both some of my faves so I did both. 
-Right this dude acts so tough but he is a hopless romantic
-He comes to your door with a bouquet of roses or some other flower that you like
-He also insists on meeting your parents and has them completely smitten 
- the two of you go to a duck pond
-he gets those little pelets you feed to the ducks and stat throwing them in hte pond together while the two of your chat idly. 
-there are a bunch of other people around the park too, other couples, families and a few people walking their dogs. 
-It’s really peaceful
-Semi brought a picnic dinner and a blanket so you could eat on the grass but as he watches the sun set he just wants to stay on this bench with you enjoying the view
-it’s perfect
-well perfect except for the fact that it’s freezing 
- you are having a good time but like uhh you're so fucking cold. 
- you shudder and finnaly semi notices that as cue as your outfit is it’s a little revealing
-he’s quick to give you his jacket instantly warming you back up
-He appoligies saying that he should have warned you that you were going to be outside
-but he wanted it be a suprise whoops
-but you really aren’t listening
- his coat is soft, still warm from his body heat and best of all smells like him
-now everything really is perfect/ 
-I think its cannon that Yaku likes shorter girls but also I don’t care
-He completely short circits when he sees a tall cutie 
-long legs make his brain go brrrr
-None of that Has to do with your first date with Yaku I just wanted to get that off my chest
-He takes you to see a movie!
-It’s a classic low stakes frist date 
-He doesn’t worry about having nothing to talk about like he might if you were eating dinner together or something like that
-then after the movie he can see how you liked it and gauge your tastes from there
-I think he’d chose an action movie because that’s what he’s into and there’s a good chance you’d like them too
-of course if you’d rather see something else he wouldn’t have a problem, he’d a pretty flexible guy.
-Like a true gentleman he pays for the tikets and the snacks and the two of you take your seats
-He has a good time watching the movie but he finds himself staring at you more and more 
-you’re so pretty and he likes you so much he can’t belive you actually agreed to go out with him
-you feel him looking at you so you turn and give him a reasuring smile nd take his hand
-His hands are probably all gross and coverered in grease and you’re just holding his hand like nothing
-he goes tesne but doesn’t let go for the rest of the movie or even while the two of you were walking out of the theater. 
- “That was a lot of fun Yaku we should do this again sometime soon!”
-You are really bad for his heart
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Riled up Ushijima x reader
WOrds: 1.3
Warnings: Lewd talk/dirty talk, implied sex and oral 
Request (roughly paraphrased): An imagine where the reader (gn) is always horny and has a lewd mouth who isn’t afraid to talk about his physique
Requests are open! 
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You and Ushijima had been dating for what seemed like forever like you two were a unit that people knew not to mess with, you two completed each other and where he fell short you were happy to strive in. One of those places is with your emotions, he is very quiet and shows you things through actions and you are very vocal with your emotions and you will tell him exactly how you are feeling. This can be super helpful because if you are feeling super disconnected on things and you just tell him hey I feel like this then boom your problems are a lot easier to solve. You also like to vocalize when you are horny (which is all the time) and lucky for you, you know exactly how to rile up Ushijima. Oh my gosh, you are going to kill this man like he is not a naturally super horny guy but around you, he gets turned on super easily and he hates that about himself.  You just look so cute and then you say such sexy things about him and you don’t care who you say it to. 
He tries to tell you no which is absolutely hilarious because he secretly loves it, and how it shows how possessive you are of him and how clearly you are his but you also can’t just say those things in public so he does actually need you to stop so most days you do after telling him how sexy his arms look in that shirt or how you want him to shove his cock so far down your throat that you gag but today, today was different. You were going to get him riled up in hopes that he actually tells you to stop and is serious. 
I guess he thought you were on the same page and knew this was coming because the first thing he said to you when you walked up to him was, “Yes Y/N my butt does look good this morning, thanks.” 
He had never said something like this to you before but that was also exactly how you were going to greet him so you played it innocent and told him, “Noo I wasn’t going to say that I was going to say ‘Good morning’ like a good person,” and you smiled and winked at him which caused him to smile because you both knew that he was right. 
You two talked some before classes and then went your opposite ways and before he could fully leave the conversation you told him that you turned on by him all the time and that you couldn’t wait to see his sexy self at lunch and he just looked at you frustrated before walking into his classroom. 
At lunch, you always sat on the bench next to Ushijima and ate with him and today was no different. Except, today you sat a little bit closer to your boyfriend and rested your head against his shoulder (you weren’t tall enough to fully reach his shoulder) and just idly joined in the conversation as you moved the hand closest to him to his thigh and rubbed up and down it slowly. He immediately looked at you with a glance that told you to cut it out and you couldn’t help but smile at him as you moved your hand away. 
IT was now the end of lunch and you couldn’t help but appreciate the fine man that is Ushijima, “Do you think that we can have sex tonight?” you asked him straight up. 
His face turned bright red and his eyes widened at your straightforward comment and he just looked down at you before continuing on to the rest of the school day. After school, you ran up to him and pounced into his arms hugging his muscular chest close to you. He looked at you with a tiny smile before telling you the details of today’s practice match and when he was expecting it to be over. You decided that you were going to go to the last little bit to surprise him by watching him play. It was something you did often but he never got sick of seeing you there smiling for him. 
You showed up to the practice game and sat on the bench next to Tendou (who got hit in the head twice and had to sit out because they didn't want him getting a concussion before a big tournament) and when you plopped down next to him he couldn't help but smile at you. You sat watching the game carefully as they continued the intense game. 
"Holy shit Ushijima could choke me with those big hands and fuck me senseless and I'd thank him," you sigh while looking at your sexy boyfriend. 
"Haha he does have big hands," Tendou cackles before leaning into you, "does his…" Tendou looks down at his crotch, "match his hands." 
You look at him with an unreadable face and for a second before you lean over to him and grin, "bigger," you smile. 
"NO WAY," Tendou shouts before smiling at you then turning to look at Ushijima's…. Face. He's staring at the two with an angry expression clearly upset that the two of you are so loudly talking about him in inappropriate ways but he doesn't have the time to stop the two of you as it is only a quick time out. 
"Soooo is Ushi silent during sex? Or is he a moaner?" Tendou inquires a few minutes later while his eyes are focused on Ushijima while he asks you a very intimate question about his friend.
"He's damn near silent when we're having sex but when you take him in your mouth he lets out the sexiest groans that turn me on more than anything else," you smirk as you keep your eyes on your boyfriend. 
Tendou keeps questioning all of your sexual experiences with Ushijima and you couldn't help but answer them all while admiring his muscular physique. 
The match is finally over and the first thing that Ushijima does after the thank yous is walk over to the two of you and tell you to stop. You give him an innocent smile trying to read his expressions and scary enough, you can't. He is completely unreadable and you have no idea what he's thinking right now. He and Tendou go back to the team for a full recap of the game before they both get let go and he walks back over to you as a sign that it’s time to get up and go. You smile at him meekly before you exit the gym with him. You start talking to him and telling him all of the amazing things you saw him do and asking about what he is going to want to work on next(because he likes to keep constant goals for himself and you like to help keep him to them) and he answers you in a Ushijima-esque fashion, unreadable. 
By the time you get to his house, you have no idea how he is feeling still but he is a little more talkative than usual which was a good sign. You go to his room and sit on his bed while he gets changed and showers after the match, you hear the shower click off and before you know it Ushijima is in the bedroom in only a towel looking fiercely at you. “I appreciate the compliments Y/N but if you are going to share all of the details of our sex with Tendou you will have no sex,” Ushijima says while watching you squirm. Unable to fully process what he just said before he sits on the bed next to you and harshly grabs your chin in his hands.
“Now show me how sexy you look with my cock shoved down your throat.” 
Soo low-key think that Ushijima totally digs you complimenting him all the time and helping boost his ego, but he isn’t a huge fan of you saying lewd things about him because he wants a professional career playing volleyball and having someone know all of the details of your sex could come back and bit him. So he lets you tell him he’s sexy all the time and lets you get away with it where other people can’t hear you whisper them in his ears because you increase his sex drive by about 1000% and he is happy to give it to you whenever you want it
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goshi-kun · 4 years
Haikyuu as Vines ✨
i was boredddd 👁👄👁 (didn’t do EVERYONE but like theyre here in spirit lmao)
Kageyama: who???...”i dOnT nEeD tO kNoW nO EnGLisH”
Hinata: i had a great time when i was trick or treating vine
Tsukishima: weather bOI
Yamaguchi: what the hec- fuck is going on-
Tanaka: gey fieri 69 vine
Noya: mt. dew past 12 pm-
Enoshita: go back to sleep- AND STARVE
Sugawara: what about NASCARR
Daichi: never say shut up to your latina mom
Asahi: nervous waiter
Kiyoko: i hate boysss
Yachi: fuckin study i guess-
Ukai: it’s vinegar pUSSY-
Takeda: CALL 911!!
Kuroo: cool guy syndrome-
Kenma: here he comes-
Yaku: wtf is a cHONCE??
Lev: hey Ron, hey Billy :D
Bokuto: Cracker Barrel
Akaashi: just gotta lift yourself up
Tendou: i have the power od GOD and SHONEN JUMP on MY side AHHHH
Ushijima: dacing old people vine
Goshiki: im 11 so stfu
Semi: WACK!
Shirabu: all yall can suck a caterpillar dick-
Astumu & Osamu : man screaming with cat on his head
Kita: grandma...yeet
Suna: WOOF yknow?
Aran: Iradoesicly-whatever the fuck 
Oikawa: dean stop you look like a nazi
Iwaizumi: hanging myself with toilet paper vine
Kiyotani: get ur fucking dog BITCH
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
Where the Haikyuu Characters do their Food Shop
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So myself and Lydia (@lydzisanerd ) were discussing what supermarket the haikyuu characters would shop at the most. To all my non UK followers, which supermarket you shop at says a lot about you as a person. The most expensives one being Waitrose and M&S , the cheapest beinfg Aldi and Lidl. Sainburys, Morrisons and Tesco are the biggest supermarkets and are in the medium price range. ASDA is a different breed, like it is medium price range but like that supermarket is chaotic.  
So without further a do, let's get shopping
Daichi: Tesco - reliable and dependable shop, just like daichi
Suga: M&S - this is where all the wine aunt shop and suga is a wine aunt
Asahi: Waitrose - homie is a fashion designer he is not being caught dead in some cheap supermarket, plus he befriends all the rich old ladies
Noya: Aldi- this shop is chaos, noya is chaos, where else did he get that fishing rod (in the timeskip) if it wasn’t in the special buys aisle 50% off
Tanaka: Lidl- he tries to come accross as an aldi guy but is too much of a cinnamon roll to shop there, lidl is aldi younger sister 
Ennoshita: Morrison- the reason all three of them shop here is just like morrison y’all sleep on them, also ennoshia actually has the morrison card
Kinoshita Morrison - “”
Naria: Morrison- “”
Hinata: Lidl - him and tanaka go here at the weekend, the person who always talks about how cheap the lidl bakery is 
Kageyama: Asda- angry people shop at asda, kageyama looks like your typical asda shopper 
Yamaguchi: Sainbury’s- he don’t want to be causing any trouble, just wants to get his shopping and go, exacly what Sainbury’s is for 
Tsukishima: Waitrose - look me in the eye and tell this man doesn’t shop at the most expensive place 
Kiyoko: Waitrose - god is a women and her name is kiyoko, she only deserves the best
Yachi: Sainbury’s - her and yamaguchi do their shopping together, collect nectar points
Aoba Josei
Oikawa: Lidl - thinks he is a waitrose guy however once he sees that milk bread is 69p it is game over 
Iwaizumi: Asda- the only man brave enough to do it tbh, he is like the only respectable asda shopper there, took oikawa once and he (oikawa) had never been so scared in his life 
Kyoutani: Asda- is the scary person at asda
Kindaichi: Morrison - he has the haircut for it sorry
Kumini: Tesco - cheapest place to get redbull
Kuroo: Tesco - this is the place you go to at 2am to get some snacks ok and if you think this isn’t something kuroo would do then you are wrong. 
Kenma: Lidl - kuroo tries to get him to shop at Tescos but really he wants to be shopping around lidl with Hinata
Yaku: M&S- another mum deserves the shop for mums, hi yaku welcome to Marks and Spencers (also in the mum gang that goes shopping here)
Lev: Aldi- have you seen this child yeah, he get’s lost in the excitement of Aldi 
Inouka: Aldi - buys the aldi off brand stuff (like aldi’s pringle chips) and says without stuttering that it is better than the brands again he gives me aldi vibes
Bokuto: Aldi - if aldi was a person it would be Bokuto
Akaashi: M&S- a classy guy deserves a classy shop, he deffo uses those £10 dinner date for two offers as well
Konoha: Tesco - beer dads shop at Tesco and konoha gives me beer dad vibes
Ushijima: Waitrose- farmer boi here only uses fresh ingridents and so does waitrose (not an advertisment). 
Tendou: some wack ass connor shop- no comment
Semi: Tesco- another redbull drinker, yes semi you get that cheap alcohol 
Shirabu: Tesco- he is a hardworking student that doesn’t have the time to shop, Tesco is the biggest and has everything you need so of course he shops there
Goshiki: Lidl- wanted to shop at waitrose because ushijima shopped there saw the prices and died, he then treated himself to a 59p chocolate muffin 
Atsumu: Asda- this supermarket is for fuckboys so it is perfect for him
Osamu: Lidl- i feel like he has a sweet tooth so he would be all over lidl bakery 
Sakusa: Ocado- hates supermarkets as they are filled with germs living the dream with it getting delievered to his door
Suna - Tesco- again he is here for the cheap drinks
Kita- Sainbury’s- look this boy is a sucker for his grandma and sainbury’s is the meeting place for all the grannies, yeah he shops at sainbury’s. 
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hq chaos (#4)
Tendou once took an entire bagel out of his bag in class and just started eating it
he also brought a butter knife and cream cheese, just like, in his backpack,,
the teacher didn't bat an eye.
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