vinxus · 2 years
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my-anime-cloud · 2 years
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love Obi from SWWTRH but people seem to forget when they first met, he shot an arrow at her.
It was an order for sure, but it doesn’t change that.
But again, I love him. He’s such a great character, he’s funny and I like that he is protective of her and scared of her in a sense.
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lil-writer-523 · 1 year
I NEED HELP!! Which sounds better for a Character Idea, cuz I like both, but I dont know who I should write out in this story I'm working on.
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cozymoko · 3 years
hey, i just found out about your blog and i saw you write for shirayuki and my mind instantly went 👀👀
can i ask general headcanons for izana and zen? 😳😳
btw, how many characters can we ask per request? your list is making me have ideas and id like to know your boundaries before requesting more as not to bother you 🥰
NOTE: I'm assuming it's relationship headcanons? I usually write for relations. If I'm wrong, correct me. Also, I'm happy you found me I've been itching for some smaller fandom requests. Perhaps 5 per request? I've never thought about it, but ask away! Sorry, this took so long!
By the way: I just wrote Zen for this since I haven't seen this anime in a while, and this has been sitting in my ask box for a while.
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Zen Wistaria • ゼン・ウィスタリア
All around loveable boyfriend. Sweet, loyal, optimistic, and quite protective might I add. It appears difficult for the prince to leave you in the care of anyone but his best soldiers. As he constantly checks on your well-being and whom you've been interacting with. Call it creepy if you must, but I assure you his intentions are nothing but pure.
People pleaser times ten, and his lover is simply no exception! Whatever you want, you can have. Whatever you look at, it's yours! Saying, "no" was never easy for him anyway. Sometimes you have to put his acts to rest or else he'll work himself to death.
Spoils you rotten. Bury you in jewels of the many countries he's visited, outfits made of the finest cloths. There's no use in trying to reject any gifts from Zen. You should know how persistent the prince can get!
A downside of dating him would be his clinginess. The prince tends to procrastinate just to be by your side and to help you with your work. Sometimes it feels as if you don't even have your own air to breathe in.
Another is clinginess, if you cannot handle that then Zen isn't the one for you. Just being around you makes his heart swoon. After his day has been plagued with work coming home to your tender embrace is euphoric!
Zen does tend to feel bad whenever he cannot make time for you. No matter how much you reassure him, "Zen, it's okay! I have my own duties as well!" It does little to put him at ease. As the simple thought of someone taking his place still lingers in the back of his head. Although nothing beats returning to your shared room, being tackled to the ground as you shout out a joyous. "Welcome back!" That remains the same.
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⭐🌟⭐ Sirius and Jennie(former name: Jessica) STARlight Original art by me. The concept is not by me however. I wanted to do a redraw from a scene that was in the manga Snow White With The Red Hair. So, in the manga they are not talking about a confession(of love per-say) (😑as some people may think -_-). They are talking about INSPIRATION. And how they INSPIRE each other. So yeah. I didn't write the text, I just switched the main characters to Sirius and Jennie from Zen and Shiriyuki. I might do more, I don't know. I have a lot of art to draw online, since I HAVE been drawing a lot over winter break. And yesterday I had to redraw this two times because I didn't like how the first one came out. So I experienced a slight start of severe carpal tunnel. Gotta draw some more. 🙃 Okay, that's all. 안녕.
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tickotaku · 4 years
Tag Game!
Thank you @chanelblossom !
Answer questions and then tag people you want to know better! 
Tagging: @reijisama, @sickdazai, @semii-chan, @dl-subaru-sakamaki, @ask-kino-sakamaki, @reijiswhore, @mukami-ruki, and anybody who follows me/wants to do this! 
My answers are below, I am indecisive and talk a lot so I’ll try to keep this short but no promises. >~< 
Name: Kris (Technically based off my middle name)
Nickname: (All of my nicknames are super specific, so I don’t know if I should put them.) My best friend calls me “angel” and “love” sometimes.
Gender: Female. 
Sexuality (This is mostly just me joking around): Heterosexual (Demisexual, Sapiosexual, Fictophile) 
Height: Around 5′5″ (165.1 cm)
Nationality(adding ethnicity too): American (African american mixed with Austrian, German, Swedish, Hungarian, etc.) 
Languages: English. And some Spanish although I’m not even close to fluent. I’m trying to learn some others too, my goal is to someday be able to at least get by in Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Japanese, Korean, and Swahili. Hopefully others too. 
Favorite Season: Autumn! 
Favorite Scent: Freshly cut wood, My moms hair (I know, its weird. But I’ve been addicted to the smell of her hair since I was a toddler. Call me gross but my family forced me to stop so now I’ll just cuddle with her pillow because it smells like my mom and it soothes me) My best friend's perfume (She’s been using the same one since we were kids and I have so many memories and emotions wrapped up in that smell OK?) Libraries, Books, Petricor, Forests (Especially on mountain/hiking trails), Morning Dew, Tilled dirt, and Horses. 
Current Time: As of writing this sentence, it is 1:42 PM. 
Favorite Color: A darkish rich purple, Cobalt blue, black. 
Favorite Animal: Most all of them. Foxes, dogs, cats, horses, capybaras, rabbits, mice, bats, dolphins, manta rays, etc. 
Favorite Fictional Characters: *Cracks Knuckles* This has no particular rhyme or reason, I’m just naming some: Subaru Sakamaki, Azusa Mukami, Kino, Shin T, Yui Komori, Tamaki Suoh, Kaoru Hitachiin, Takashi (Mori)nozuka, Tamaki-kun, Shiraishi, Atsushi Nakajima, Chuuya Nakahara, Higuchi, Ranpo Edogawa, Kyouka Izumi, Lucy M, Kenji, Fukuzawa, Kishu (Don’t judge me), Mew Lettuce, Dipper Pines, Sokka, Zuko, Toph, Suki, White Blood Cell, Orion, Ukyo, Heiwajima Shizuo, Chiyo Sakura, Mikorin Mikoshiba, Karma Akabane, Yuma Isogai, Manami Okuda, Itona Horibe, Keith Kogane, Violet Evergarden, Benedict Blue, Obi, Shiriyuki, Raji, Ryu, Kyo Sohma, Momiji Sohma, Hatsuharu, Tohru Honda, Todoroki Shoto, Shinso Hitoshi, Tamaki Amajiki, Eijiro Kirishima, Tsuyu Asui, L Lawliet, Matt, Gareki, Nai, Yogi, Shinah, Zino, Jae Ha, Yato, Iki Hyori, Ishigami Yuu, Chika, Auther Doyal, Issac Newton, Theo Van Gogh, ETC.
Normal Amount of Sleep: Average of 5 hours. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Half Hot Chocolate, Half Coffee, French Vanilla Creamer when available. Otherwise, just some milk and sugar. Anything Mocha is excepted unless its a cappuccino.
# of blankets I sleep with: 0-1
Cats or Dogs: Both, Friar Tuckers. 
Dream Trip: Japan, Holland, maybe Scotland. 
Dream Job: Vet with stuff on the side like writing and Babysitting. 
Followers: 39(as of checking) THANK YOU GUYS SO SO MUCH!
Blog Established: To reblog and interact with ask blogs, possibly to write my own stuff but I’m still uncertain. 
Reason for my URL: I made puns all the time and sent in nicknames. 
Random Fact: I have the power of God and anime on my side, my feet are huge, I like acting, I can rap (I haven’t done it in a while tho) and I’ve never even held hands romantically with a guy, so I’m as single as they come. 
Thanks for reading! 
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23, 24?
23. Unpopular character that I love is probably Hiyori lol and oh also shiriyuki from Snow White w the red hair! Oh oh also Jean from aot? Idk if he’s really unpopular but I don’t hear that much ab him anymore I love that dude 🥺
24. Popular character that I hate is Eren from AoT 😒
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vellestella · 5 years
★ → @pasttorn || Starter Call || Verse: TBA
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“Mitsuhide! There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Shiriyuki had a particular bounce in her step as she made her way over to the knight. Once she was close enough she pulled a little glass vial out of her white coat and presented it to him. “Someone told me you weren’t feeling well, so I brought you this! You can brew it into a wonderful tea and it should make you feel better in no time!” 
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ruddcatha · 2 years
C, L, W!!!
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just cant.
Hmmm, I think for me it would have to be KogKag, yes I know I am writing it in Sense and Sensibility and the pairing works there for the story, but I don't think it is a pairing that I would be comfortable writing really :(. It seems like a fun dynamic between them, but it's not one that I myself can get behind, even though I know tons of people who do!
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
A moment to squee? lol. It would depend on the request, I would probably ask some questions, get a full picture of what they are looking for and then start writing (because my art is no where near good enough to gift to anyone lol).
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Hak from Yona of the Dawn
Shiriyuki from Snow White with the Red Hair
Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss
Aoi from Kakuriyo: Bed and Breakfast for Spirits
Usagi from Sailor Moon!
Thank you for the ask hun!!
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Fandom Related Asks
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midnightlie · 6 years
You’re not the only one I love Zen so much he’s my fave anime character tbh. I love how he likes shiriyuki in the beginning while she acts nicer to Kiki and Mitsuhide than him.
oh my god yes its so cute ;a;
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spookingxinxsilence · 6 years
I started watching Snow White with the Red Hair, and I love it so much!!!!  I’m only on episode three and I’m in love! <3  Shiriyuki and Ren forever!
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grungled · 6 years
Tagged By @ymirstitan
What anime character would you want to be your:

Mother: Seshomaru (Inuyasha)
Father: Decim (Death Parade)
Older Brother: Atsushi Nakajima (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Younger Brother: Alphonse Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Older Sister: Shiriyuki (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Younger Sister: Megami Tadokoro (Food Wars)
Best Friend: Joeseph Joestar (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Tutor: Kuro-sensei (assasination classroom)
That one person you wouldn’t mind going gay/hetro for: Hirito Suwa (Orange)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Rurumu (The Adventures of Sinbad)
The friend you question why you’re friends with them: Ayame Kajou (Shimoneta: A World in Which Dirty Jokes Don’t Exsist)
Bodyguard friend: Takashi Shirogane (Voltron)
Pet: Maccachin (Yuri on Ice)
Seems simple, eh? Here’s the catch. You can’t name the same character twice, or a character from an anime you’ve already mentioned. Non-Japanese anime are allowed. You’re technically supposed to tag four other people but I don’t have that many friends so.....
I tag: @apinchofpaprika
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cozymoko · 3 years
BRO YOU WRITE FOR ALL THE FANDOMS NO ONE ELSE DOES- anyways, if you’d be willing to, could i get a scenario of Zen from Akagami no shirayukihime locking up his s/o (preferably female or gn, but whatever you’d like!) after they get hurt while talking a midnight stroll ? maybe it was an intruder or smth ? or maybe they just tripped,, either way, darling never had wide range of the castle so the fact they could even sneak out was a miracle.. but i guess they’re paying for it.
Yes, I try to haha, these animes need more attention. It's Gender neutral, But I hope this is good enough, enjoy :)
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You were never able to go outside after a certain time, nor could you go without your loving partner or countless guards. It was truly annoying you. It truly felt as if you couldn't even pee without being watched. You were annoyed.
Since Zen was busy away in the castle and you thankfully couldn't accompany him sparks were flying through your head.You gaze out the oh so tempting window, mindset on what you want to do.
You open the window, making as little sound as possible. Climbing out onto the roof you'd tiptoe as you avoid the eyes of the guards. Then jumping onto a large tree you slide down the rough bark as smooth as possible.
Your grip would loosen just enough for you to fall off the tree. Your leg getting caught on a sharp branch and head colliding with the solid ground. You couldn't help but let out a scream in pain, the feeling of warm liquid running down your neck making you panic.
Guards were immediately by your side, their faces just as frantic as yours. "We should tell his highness" "He'll have our heads for this..." You whimpered at the thought of your usually happy go lucky boyfriend being upset. But you were lifted by a guard and carried to a medical room.
You sat on your bed, fiddling with your fingers. Although you didn't have to wait 5 minutes for your angry yet worried partner to bust through the door. Hed fall to his knees in front of you, kissing your neck whole rubbing circles into your back.
You let out an awkward laugh, "Baby, I'm fine haha...Are you mad at me?" The white-haired teen looks down at you with those beautiful blue eyes, not losing his grip in the slightest. "{Name}, I've been much too lenient with you and look at what happened. You are far too precious for anything to happen to you and it's clear that I'm the only person who can ensure your safety."
You were better in a week, which the Prince was delighted by. Zen wasted no time taking you into his arms, bridal style and leaving the infirmary. He'd press sweet kisses all over you, hoping to sooth you in your panicked state. You didn't want to be locked up...you had no freedom as it is.
Tears would slip from your eyes, unable to keep them in. You were hyperventilating and becoming dizzy. "Zen, please don't do this!" The man would usually give in to your heartbreaking pleads but he gave you the cold shoulder. His voice was stern yet filled with love
"{Name}, I'm not letting you leave my protection anymore. We are forever one, if I lose you I don't know what'd I do. So accept it, accept your place here, only seen, and touched by me."
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I got tagged to do this by @cheshire-noir​, thanks bro, I really like doing these!
nicknames: Na, nana, la, lala (these are all things that my mom calls me, she says Ahna wan’t short enough lol) zodiac sign: Gemini height: Around 5′2″ish orientation: Straight ethnicity: I’m Russian, Polish and I think a little Irish. favorite fruit: Raspberries favorite season: Fall- you gotta love the food and the leaves and stuff favorite book series: Harry Potter favorite flower: Narcissus (i literary just looked up flowers on google images and picked one I recognized) favorite scent: Baked goods and vanilla favorite color: Light pink and black favorite animal: I think foxes are pretty cool coffee tea or hot chocolate: HOT CHOCOLATE MAN average sleep hours: Around 9 hours on weekdays and weekends cat or dog person: I really like both, as long as they are chill favorite fictional characters: Wow there are so many! Lets see... I really love Jinora from Legend of Korra (aka my avatar), Shiriyuki from Snow White With the Red Hair (I was just watching it and it is fantastic), and pretty much everyone from Yuri!!! On Ice number of blankets i sleep with: 2 number of followers: 267 (how did it get so high jesus- thanks y’all)
Tags: @insert-creative-pun​ @intrusivethot​ @vlad-the-moonwalker​ @keeper-of-the-grotto​ @prettymucheverythingforrealsies​ @dinocorday​ @kickassfu​ @joebobtheasian​ @avazentangle​ @hiddlesvenger​ and anyone else
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zhenyablossom · 7 years
Finally started watching akagami no shiriyuki-hime Holy. Fuck. I am in love
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vellestella · 5 years
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★ Like this for a starter for Shiriyuki ★
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