#shirtless gino
innertyrantcat · 8 months
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Nadeshiko and I think alike (in some things tho...)
nth time playing and I finally get blessed
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skinskisurf · 3 months
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Gino Pasqualini
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teebabygril · 1 year
woo 👀
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pearlsephoni · 2 years
Shinkane Week 2022, Day 5: Wrath
Can also be read on AO3!
Rating: T
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Shinkane (Kogami/Akane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami, cameos from Hanashiro, Ginoza, and Sugo
Word Count: 967
Summary: When Kogami ends up on the wrong end of a revenge mission, Akane ends up dealing some revenge of her own.
A/N: Written for @shinkaneweek! cw for mild descriptions of injuries/blood. Further author’s notes can be read on AO3.
The scene was chaos: the sirens of both the SAD and PSB blared, there was a crowd gathering outside of the holo-barriers, and splatters of blood were trailing out of the building.
And there, next to the ambulance, laid out in a stretcher, was Kogami. As soon as Akane’s eyes landed on his shirtless, heavily bandaged form, she ran over, not bothering to keep up a facade of professionalism when she reached Kogami and stood next to Hanashiro. “Oh…welcome, Tsunemori,” Hanashiro greeted her. Her cool eyes and pretty features managed to stay blank, but Akane still caught a flicker of surprise. “You got here quickly.”
“The situation was urgent,” Akane explained distractedly, attention fixed on Kogami as he winced and began opening his eyes, “so I got here urgently.”
“...I see.”
Before Hanashiro could continue, Kogami’s eyes found Akane’s, and a small smile warmed the pain out of his face. Still, when he spoke, Akane couldn’t ignore the low, pained tremor of his voice. “Ah, Inspector. We can’t keep meeting like this.”
“Don’t joke, Kogami-san,” Akane ordered, her quiet voice sobering Kogami instantly. She was distantly aware of Hanashiro giving them some privacy, too focused on taking in his injuries. The edges of wounds and dark bruises were visible from behind the bloody patches. He was lucky, in a twisted way: he’d only been shot once. The rest of the injuries were stab wounds. Deep, but clean, easy to sew shut once he was taken back to the infirmary.
“Hey.” She looked up at his soft voice, brows furrowing when he looked blurry. “Hey,” he repeated, cupping her cheek and brushing a thumb along her damp lashes. “I’m okay. The others got me to the medics in time.”
“You almost died.”
“Almost. Nothing I haven’t been through before.”
“Don’t, Shinya.” Despite her stern voice, she couldn’t resist leaning into his touch. “How…how did this happen?”
“Guns are becoming easier to access, and especially in the parts of the city where Sibyl’s dropped surveillance. One of the terrorists got their hands on a sniper rifle, and…well.”
“And the stabs?”
“He wanted to get a…bit more personal.” He shifted and winced, hovering a hand over a bandage on his ribs. “He managed to knock me down when I got shot and dropped my defense. His little sister’s coefficient got flagged and she got moved into a hospice. I guess he thought the SAD played a role in that.”
“Is he still in there?”
Kogami blinked, brows furrowing as he watched Akane. “Yes…Hanashiro stayed with me, and Sugo and Gino are still apprehending them. Why?”
Akane didn’t say anything, just covered his hand on her cheek with her own and turned to brush a kiss to his wrist. “Inspector…Akane, why?”
She didn’t know how to reassure him with a lie, and she didn’t need to. A racket arose from the building, pulling her attention to the forms appearing through the doorway. There, emerging from a plume of dust and smoke, came Ginoza and Sugo. Sugo was leading two handcuffed men with firm grips on their arms, while Ginoza was focused on a third, also in handcuffs. In Gino’s other hand was an evidence bag containing a bloodied knife. As they came closer, Akane’s sharp eyes noticed the blood dotting the hands of the man Gino led. Cold certainty washed through her: this was Kogami’s attacker.
“Get some rest,” she murmured, pressing another kiss to his clammy forehead. “I’ll come back tomorrow.”
“Akane…hey, Akane!”
Without another word, she marched towards Ginoza, whose face split between eyes glimmering with happy surprise and a concerned frown. “Tsunemori? What are you doing here?”
“Hanashiro called me.” She kept her eyes on the attacker. “Is this him?”
Ginoza’s face abruptly became stony, shuttering off any emotions her question inspired. Unfortunately for him, she knew him well enough for that to wipe away any remaining doubts she had.
It happened suddenly, before she was even aware of coming to the decision. One moment, she was watching the attacker with an icy, calculating gaze, and the next, her fist was flying at his cheek. By the time the pain at her knuckles finally registered to her, he was reeling back, nearly falling to the ground if it hadn’t been for Ginoza’s grip on him. He couldn’t shout or swear or even gasp—the shock of the punch left him gaping at the ground, slowly blinking and letting blood drip from his mouth.
“Fuck, Tsunemori, what—?”
Akane blinked and looked at Ginoza. Even pinned under his furious surprise, she couldn’t feel any regret, just a duller edge to her anger. “I would apologize,” she murmured, clenching and flexing her aching hand, “but I’m not sorry.”
“No…you wouldn’t be, would you?” He frowned at the attacker as the man finally came back to himself and straightened with a furious glare at Akane. “Well…it’s nothing worse than what he got in the fight. That would have been a hell of a report to file.”
“If any problems do arise from this, let me know. Good luck with the case, Ginoza-san, Sugo-san.” With a respectful nod to the SAD officers, she turned on her heel and left the scene, ignoring the hole Kogami’s eyes were burning into her back.
(She didn’t see him again until the following night. She was at the door before the doorbell stopped ringing, and the moment she flung it open, she was being hustled back into her apartment by calloused hands on her cheeks and a deep kiss on her lips.
“All better, then?” she asked breathlessly when Kogami finally pulled away.
“Mm…Hanashiro’s furious with you,” he chuckled, sneaking kisses between words.
“Yeah…I would be, too.”
“And I love you so damn much.”
“Yeah,” she giggled, draping her arms over his shoulders, “I love you, too.”)
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callanthas · 4 years
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Gino Pasqualini
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sytycdinternational · 5 years
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE USA SEASON 16 // Gino Cosculluela / 18 / Contemporary / «Missing You» from Blake McGrath / Contemporary / Top 4 Perform
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innertyrantcat · 8 months
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(just shrieking)
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tact-and-impulse · 5 years
Shinkane Week Day 4
I love how it’s essentially canon that Kougami’s the only one who tolerates and likes her cooking.
Prompt: Sweetness
“I’m so grateful you’re taking care of the house, Acchan. But I do feel bad that you won’t be with your friends during your summer break.”
Akane moved the phone to her other hand as she took off her shoes. “It’s okay, Kaori’s busy with her internship and Yuki’s going to be overseas. Just focus on getting better, Obaa-chan.”
“Yes. Oh, and don’t forget to leave some wagashi on the front porch.”
“Eh? What for?”
“For the youkai, of course!”
She wryly smiled. “Obaa-chan, you still believe in that superstition?”
“It doesn’t hurt. And I still haven’t forgotten how you survived falling in the river, when you couldn’t swim. Something must have rescued you.”
“That was a long time ago. Your accident was much more recent.”
“Well, my injuries could have been worse. The nurse is here, so I have to hang up. Good night, Acchan.”
“Good night.”
She finished unpacking first, assuming there’d be mochi or konpeito lying around. However, she was soon proven wrong. She looked in the refrigerator, then the cupboards, with growing concern. How strange, there weren’t any sweets left. Well, she could probably make some instead. Obaa-chan had plenty of cookbooks, and she was good at following instructions. She rolled up her sleeves and set to work.
“Finished it off again, huh?” She couldn’t help smiling as she looked at the empty plate on the porch. Over the past week, she had made yokan, leaving a handful of cubes out every night. And every morning, they were gone. She assumed some animal must have eaten them, but she was growing fond of whatever it was. It had a good appetite; nothing was left behind.
As she was hanging the laundry out to dry, she noticed something strange. A misshapen indent in the ground. Drawing closer, she slowly realized it was a footprint.
It looks like a dog’s, but it’s very big. If one paw is bigger than my hands…
Aware that she was alone in the countryside, she desperately looked around. Dense foliage met her gaze. But…other than the footprint, there were no other signs of a large creature. Perhaps, it was a youkai. Akane pressed her lips together and tried not to laugh at herself. She was being silly for even entertaining such a thought.
Nevertheless, she decided to switch it up.
In the middle of the night, Akane woke to a dry throat. She poured herself a glass of water in the kitchen and for some reason, she thought of checking the plate of dango. Groggily, she made her way through the dark house and opened the door to the porch.
What she saw instantly dispelled her sleepiness. In the yard, a weasel was lying belly up, pink tongue lolling out. A fox urgently patted its face.
But Akane was drawn to the figure sitting on the porch. He was strikingly handsome in the moonlight. One hand held a half-eaten skewer, and sharp teeth gleamed as he bit into the syrupy dumplings. A fluffy black tail swished in the air, brushing the fabric of his dark gray yukata.
The fox gave a mournful cry and it almost sounded human. “Kagari!!!”
“Oi, Gino, quiet down.” Then, the stranger looked at her, and pointed canine ears perked up above his wayward hair. “Ah…”
Akane grasped the sliding door, needing something to anchor herself. This was real, this was actually happening. “Are you…a youkai?”
“Yeah. Are you the one who’s been making the wagashi?” He finished off the dango.
“Only this past week.” She dazedly replied. “My grandmother’s usually the one who leaves them out, but I’m taking care of the house in her absence. But um, is there something wrong with your friend?” She pointed to the fallen weasel.
“He’s fainted!” The fox glared at her. “What did you put in those dumplings?!”
“Oh, you can talk!” Akane blinked in surprise. “And I just tweaked the recipe. I didn’t have enough ginger so I added horseradish.”
“That’s it! The wasabi. Kagari can’t handle spicy food.”
“Is that so? Should I add milk?”
The only one eating interjected, licking syrup off his fingers. Akane had trouble focusing as he said. “Gino, calm down. Her cooking’s just fine.”
“Well, now I can’t change back because I had one too. Seriously, Kougami, how are you alright and maintaining human form?”
“What’s the matter with you?” He retorted. “The wagashi taste great.”
Akane blushed, but the fox grabbed the weasel by the scruff. With one last glare, the two vanished into the undergrowth.
“Don’t mind them. Gino’s a stickler for tradition, even though the offerings don’t mean anything. It’s not like we’ll starve if we don’t have them and our group will protect this area regardless.”
She mulled over his words. “If it’s not to promote good fortune, why do you eat the sweets?”
“Anybody can appreciate a snack. Plus, it’s nice to know that our existences haven’t been forgotten. By the way, I’m Kougami. The fox is Ginoza and the weasel is Kagari.”
“I’m Tsunemori Akane. I’m here for the summer, for the first time in years. As long as I’m staying in this house, I won’t forget the wagashi for all of you.” She watched him polish off the last skewer.
He wiped his mouth and bowed his head. “Thank you for the dango. You probably won’t see us around but just know we’re nearby.”
“Then, that makes us neighbors. I hope to meet everyone again soon.” And she meant it.
His smile was surprisingly gentle. He stepped off the porch, and his figure transformed in a flash. One moment, he was a man. The next, he was a massive black wolf, easily towering above her. In a single leap, he crossed the yard and sprinted deeper within the forest.
How could she possibly sleep after such an encounter?
She never told Obaa-chan; it was better that her grandmother recover without distractions. Akane was also becoming more self-sufficient. One morning at dawn, she finally gathered enough courage to traverse the mountainside, resting a woven basket on her hip. A familiar river ran adjacent to the worn path and she gave it a wide berth.
A shadow rose from the water with a loud splash. She recognized Kougami in his partly human form; only this time, he was shirtless from the waist up. His hakama clung to his legs, and he ran a hand through his drenched hair. Water droplets slid over his well-defined abdominal muscles. When he caught her gaze, she almost dropped her basket.
“Tsunemori! Are you here to cool off too?”
She shook her head. “I was looking for wild herbs. I can’t swim. It’s probably because of my bad memory associated with this river.”
He raised his eyebrows. “Really? What happened?”
“When I was little, I was ‘adventuring’ and fell in. I don’t remember much of it, but I held onto something. Whatever it was, it was solid enough. I was pulled out of the water and carried home, because the next thing I knew, I was on the porch and my family was rushing to me.”
He was giving her a rather contemplative stare, but before she could ask, he turned away. “I’m a little hungry. I’m off to go hunting.”
“Do you hunt people, Kougami-san?” Maybe that was a childish question, though he tossed a smirk in her direction.
“No, I prefer burgers over people. See you later.” In a flash, he was a wolf again and bounded away. Her grandmother did think her savior was a youkai and now that she met a few…Obaa-chan could be right. But that didn’t mean Kougami was that youkai.
In the evening, she set out a plate of cream puffs, flavored with some of the mint she had harvested. Her attempt at Western sweets wasn’t too bad to look at, and it wasn’t long before Kougami visited. He immediately shoved a cream puff into his mouth and gave her a thumbs up.
“I’m happy they turned out well. It’s a shame no one else came with you tonight.” She noted.
“They all had things to do. Well, more for me. I like your sweets.” Kougami enthusiastically swallowed another cream puff.
Akane beamed. “Thank you! I’ll definitely make more.”
Anmitsu, pudding, daifuku, melon bread. The possibilities were suddenly endless, and her summer vacation seemed a lot more exciting.
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srlhace · 4 months
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Gini Quintana
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hopeless-island · 4 years
Dying Dream Cast Directory
A helpful guide to remind you about the main crew of the Hopeless Pirates and their basic info stuffs. Keep in mind, names are done the Japanese way. So, Last name/middle initial/ first name
Also, there are spoilers in here for all people who are not caught up with the story. Read at your own risk.
Gol D. Maven 
Nickname/known as: Maven/ Usurper Maven/ “Momma Maven”/ Big Sis Maven
Age: 20 (at the beginning of Canon)
Disease: Usurper’s Syndrome. A terminal illness that is continual, and progressively aggressive, muscle degradation. Combats this disease by building muscle faster than it can degrade, leading to painfully slow increase in strength and low muscle mass on her body.
Appearance: Like a gender-swapped Ace essentially. Small chest, much wider waist than typical for OP characters. Clearly defined abs, lithe but defined muscles on arms and legs. She is not thickly built, her disease keeping her from being “bulky” and making her body remain rather lanky despite the strength on it. About 6′1″, long wavy black hair that goes down to her butt and is extremely wild and untamed. Freckles on her face that add a slight childish appearance to her face, and sleepy looking gray eyes. Always carries Stormfall, a large battle axe/halberd with a purple metal butterfly-winged blade. Stormfall is over six and a half feet tall, so the blade is always poking above Maven’s head a bit. 
First Mate:
 Nymph Katylan
Nickname/Known as: Katie/ Dark Nymph Katylan
Age: two years younger than Maven. 
Disease: Unnamed terminal immunodeficiency, alluded to being like AIDS. 
Appearance: Stereotypical blond rich-girl appearance. Classic OP-girl physique, with large bust and small waist. Straight gold-blond hair that falls a few inches past her shoulders, and large sapphire-blue eyes. Commonly wears light colored sundresses with exercise shorts underneath just incase she fights, so there is never an indecent moment. She is also the Helmsman and Archer for the crew, and uses an ivory-white recurve bow made by Kilik.The center of the bow can change lengths, controlling the strength and range of the bow. Average female height of about 5′7″
Navigator (Original):
Nickname/Known as: Rabid Linral/ Lin
Age: 18 at death
Disease: Unnamed cancer, alluded to being more than just one type as it is “everywhere.” 
Appearance: Short tomboy, but with classic OP-girl body. She had short silver-white hair cut in a boyish pixie cut, and bright emerald-green eyes that she took pride in. Her body was littered with small scars, though not so many as to keep guys from blatantly trying to flirt with her. As stated earlier, she was very short-- just barely over five feet tall. Primarily a brawler, she had slightly more defined muscles than even Maven, considering Lin’s own disease didn't effect her muscle mass. Usually wore boy’s sports shorts and a grey or black tank top.
Weaponsmith (Original):
Nickname/Known as: Kilik/ (I couldn’t remember/find his pirate name, so I made a new one up) Killing Steel Kilik
Age: 21 at death
Disease: Due to being unwillingly experimented on, his body developed the ability to produce its own organic poison straight into his own bloodstream. It never stopped his production, and production sped up over time. Too high of a concentration, and it would be fatal. 
Appearance: About 5′10″, with fluffy cinnamon-brown hair that is on the long side, almost brushing his shoulders, and chocolate brown eyes. He is somewhat lanky, not muscular but with his own brand of lithe strength. Overall boyish, with most of his muscle mass being centered in his arms without being bulky, because of his occupation as a blacksmith. Also a swordsman. Known for creating a bunch of really wacky, weirdly-designed “swords” and other weapons in an attempt to find his own unique sword style. He finally did, after making round “swords” in the shape of clocks. Usually wore a simple black or mustard-yellow t-shirt and dark jeans with brown or denim overalls. 
Nickname/Known as: Raz/ Misery’s Herbalist Razdall
Age: 24 at the start of Canon
Disease: Unnamed heart condition, makes him extremely susceptible to spikes in blood pressure and heart rate. Weak heart. 
Appearance: About 6′0, with short but messy purple hair. Gray eyes the same shade as Maven’s, but instead of having narrow eyes like she does his just look perpetually bored. His body is pretty lanky, and since he isn’t a fighter he doesn’t have much muscle mass at all. he has a slight, perpetual slouch and usually wears a black or dark purple turtleneck with black, slightly baggy pants and a lab coat with the Hopeless Pirate jolly roger on the back.  Never seen without a utility belt laden with different pouches, orbs, and syringes full of his battle-ready herbal concoctions.
Nickname/Known as: Yalla/ Pretty Ninja Yalla (at least I think that’s what I went with as her pirate name... I can’t remember/ find it >.<) 
Age: 15 at the start of Canon
Disease: Assassin’s syndrome. Similar to Usurper’s, but instead of muscle it is a constant degradation of organs in the body. 
Appearance: A cutsey girly-girl, she has bubblegum-pink hair and bright golden yellow eyes. Originally she wore her hair up in constant long pigtails, but she started to wear it down after Kilik’s death. It reaches her knees when left down. She usually wears a frilly pink, gold, and black kimono that is cropped around the knee with sunflower-yellow boy shorts underneath incase any incidents occur. The kimono has three-quarter sleeves instead of the traditional long sleeves. She pairs it with flip-flops or goes barefoot. Still growing, she is relatively short at about 5′4″. She ate the Ribbon-Ribbon fruit and grew up as an acrobat in a circus, so she is not only very nimble and usually fights aerially, but she can turn her body into ribbons. 
Nickname/Known as: Gino/ Black Thorn Gino
Age: mid-thirties by Canon
Disease: Akui Hanahaki. Like the Hanahaki in other stories, this disease grows flowers in and off of the victim’s lungs, causing them to hack up flowers and leaves from it as the disease progresses. Unlike the normal mythical disease, this one is caused by hatred from a loved one rather than unrequited love. The only cure is being forgiven, but the person whose hatred caused Gino’ s illness is dead so it is officially terminal for him. He coughs up black roses. 
Appearance: A large tiger-shark fishman, he clocks in at about 7′7″ and has greyish-blue skin with subtle grey stripes down his back and the back of his bald head, and partially over his shoulders and the back of his upper arms. Usually wears a black or dark grey tank top and black cargo pants or cargo shorts. He fights with spiked iron knuckles, and (spoiler alert) gets them upgraded to Seastone spiked knuckles after the Magician arc. He is very bulky, unlike the majority of the crew. Classic body of a thug/body builder type, with bulging biceps, very well-muscled chest/torso, and several tattoos. 
Nickname/Known as: Synalla/ “Crew Grandma”/ Slice-Dancer Synalla 
Age: Late twenties by Canon. About 28 or 29..?
Disease: Unnamed lung disease. Fashioned a bit after Cystic Fibrosis, but obviously made into a fantasy terminal illness. 
Appearance: She is a Snakeneck, and from her feet to the top of her head she is about 11′4″, with her neck by itself taking up almost half of that. Her body, like with most Snakenecks, is naturally lithe and lanky. Her hair is jet black, and goes down the entirety of her over-four-foot neck in sharp zig-zags that for some reason never lose shape. She dresses like a tango dancer almost constantly, in long brightly colored Mexican-styled dresses that end at her ankle and matching flats. She fights with tessen, or bladed war fans. She dances with them, too. She is naturally maternal and tends to mother hen, earning herself the nickname “Granny” or “Grandma” within the crew. 
Scout/ Navigator (new): 
Nickname/Known as: Cala/ Lynx Cala 
Age: about 26 by the start of Canon
Disease: Nature’s wrath syndrome, another disease similar to Usurper’s and Assassin’s syndrome. This version is constant degradation of the bones and severe calcium deficiency/the body burns through calcium at a really fast rate.
Appearance: Is it even a surprise by now? Cala is lanky, as apparently most of the rest of the crew omfg where is my originality at? But to the point of being almost bony. He has very short-cropped blue hair, buzzed but not shaved. He ate the cat-cat model: Lynx fruit, and can change into a lynx. He is incredibly frail because of his disease and tends to stay out of fights unless absolutely necessary (I have bones of glass, and paper skin...) But he makes an excellent scout and spy with his enhanced senses from his Zoan fruit. He, uh. honestly I haven’t put much thought into his wardobe. He’s a bony cat dude. Probably wears long blue basketball shorts and goes shirtless half the time honestly, idk. 
Crew Hypnotist..? I honestly don't know this guy’s role, I think he’s just a combatant/ bums out on the Dream honestly. 
Nickname/Known as: Dyan/ King Dyan/  Deranged Prince Dyan (Pirate nickname)
Age: idk if I put a solid age for him, but he’d be about 40 by the start of Canon
Disease: Similar to Kilik, Dyan’s blood itself is mutating and becoming toxic to itself. There is no known cure. 
Appearance: He ate the child-child fruit, so he looks to be about 10 years old instead of his true age. He has spiky dark green hair, and is about 4′3″. He has a child’s body, so no real visible muscle mass or anything. He did used to be the King of the Ceres kingdom though, so he is constantly dressed in high quality clothes and somehow always looks like a stereotypical child prince/ rich brat. His devil fruit hypnotizes people along with making him stay in a child’s body, but you can read more about his devil fruit in the story itself. 
Nickname/Known as: Azalea/ Scarlet Magician Azalea
Age: I don’t remember if I gave her an exact age, but we’ll say 23 by Canon
Disease: Cancer (sound familiar? (;)  Cured by Trafalgar Law. 
Appearance: about 5′9″, with bright, vibrant red hair in an asymmetrical pixie cut that she is just now beginning to grow out. Classic OP-girl body, but with muscular legs that most people seem to not notice. She is a magician, and as such is always wearing a maroon suit jacket, black slacks, and a bowtie. She has a flair for the dramatic. whatever she wears, she is always stylish. She does, in fact, have a magic wand that she uses occasionally. sporty-cute-girl. OH yeah, she has the feel-feel fruit and can sense everyone’s emotions and shit
I think that’s it for the Dying Dream crew. Whoo that took a while. There ya go!
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If you haven't seen it yet, there is a clip of a shirtless nick jonas meeting his new puppy, a german shepherd puppy they named Gino. Thought looking it up might help your stress levels :)
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You are exceptionally sweet, anon!!! Thank you for this wonderful message and just being a delight, really. I did see the video and THAT IS SOME CUTE STUFF. 
I have several thoughts about the video. First of all, their sheets look really nice??? Like I have no doubt that Priyanka and Nick have exceptionally nice sheets, but I’ve got bedding envy. Also the puppy’s ears???? Agh. AGH. Also, also, that like as soon as Nick kind of wakes up he’s just like “oh hey, this is a puppy and I fully accept this.”
And lastly, but most importantly. In his Instagram caption of the video he calls Priyanka “Pri” AND I HAVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS, ANON. Complete nickname trash, Laura lives on forever. 
(But seriously, this is very sweet and I am working on destressing by only kind of working on my day off and also writing several thousand words of kissing.)
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I was thinking about making some gifs from the pp sinners of the system soundtrack
Does anyone want anything specific? Would you prefer case 1 2 or 3 or just a mix of all of them?
I’ll definitely be doing the shirtless Gino so don’t worry about that xD
So yeah if you want anything reply to this or drop me a message and I’ll be happy to do it!!
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It’s midnight in Australia
Which means it’s officially my birthday
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Please enjoy this shirtless photo of Gino Vento holding bread with a badly photoshopped party hat on 😂😂 (I made this in Snapchat, that’s the extent of my skills)
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sytycdinternational · 5 years
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE USA SEASON 16 // Gino Cosculluela / 18 / Contemporary / «Bird Of Sorrow» by Glen Hansard / Callbacks #2
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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Thirty-Seven
Summary: You return to find your family in a state of panic, reminding you that they still consider you a flight risk. Words: 5.1k Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Dallas (OC) (mentioned Danneel, JJ, Tom, Shep) Warnings: mild angst, a lot of fluff, links for reference Beta: @blacksiren
IKYW Masterpost
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Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
“Y/N’s gone.”
Gen took a step back, her hands dropping to her sides.
“Wha- what?” she asked, blinking in confusion. “It’s her birthday.”
“I know that,” Jared sighed, wiping his cheek. “I know.”
Gen picked up her bag and made her way inside, Jared closing the door behind her.
“When did you last see her?” she asked, making her way through to the kitchen where Jensen was pacing nervously.
“Last night,” Jared answered as Gen greeted Bailey, the poor dog having no idea what was making everyone act so strangely. “By the time my alarm went off this morning, she was gone. She’s taken Dallas, left no note.”
“Her phone goes straight to voicemail,” Jensen added, leaning against the counter. “She hasn’t replied to texts.”
Gen swallowed as she looked between the two men, concern practically radiating from them and filling the room.
“She could’ve just gone for a walk,” Gen tried to reason, and Jared shook his head.
“She would’ve taken Bailey,” he reminded her.
“Surely she’d have taken her if she was running away?” Gen questioned, absently petting the dog. “She practically begged to get a dog - and this house, too. It doesn’t make sense for her to leave it all behind.”
Jensen was worrying his lip, and the habit caught Jared’s attention.
“What?” Jared asked. “What do you know?”
“It’s nothing,” Jensen sighed, rubbing his temple. “Dee said someone said something at the Family Business table. Something about being surprised that Dits was a part of it.”
“You’re kidding,” Gen breathed, leaning against the wall. “After everything, they’re still trying to get her to prove herself?”
“It’s bullshit,” Jared exploded, bringing his fist down onto the kitchen island. “Every time we’re building it all back up, gaining her trust, shit like this happens. Just when she’s feeling like part of the family, someone tries to make her into an impostor. God, some fans suck.”
“I didn’t think she let it bother her,” Jensen sighed. “Gino said she handled it well and just carried on.”
“Maybe it was bubbling,” Gen murmured, running a hand through her hair as she pulled out her cell. “I’m gonna try her again.”
Just as she lifted her phone to her ear, the three of them were startled by the sound of keys in the lock of the front door.
“Y/N,” Jared breathed, rushing back through the hallway.
You pushed open the door, bumping Dallas’ stroller up over the threshold and frowning at the sight of Jared - still shirtless with messy hair and a slightly heaving chest.
“Y/N,” he whispered, leaning down and pulling you into a hug, his face buried in your neck. “God, Y/N. I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you laughed slightly as you pulled back, looking past him to see- “Genevieve? Oh, my God. What are you doing here?”
You grinned as you moved past Jared to hug her.
“Birthday surprise,” she murmured, kissing back as you pressed a chaste kiss to her lips.
You pulled back as Jared closed the door, lifting Dallas out of her stroller and holding her close.
“Don’t ever do that again, please,” he murmured, looking directly at you.
You frowned again, looking between him and Gen.
“You left, in the middle of the night for all we knew,” Jensen explained, leaning against the doorframe that lead to the kitchen. “No note, nothing. And you didn’t answer your phone.”
You cringed, realising what it must’ve looked like.
“Y’all thought I ran away, huh?”
Jensen sighed, shrugging in a ‘what were we supposed to think’ kind of way.
“Where did you go?” Gen asked, and you laughed softly.
“Uh… Lemonade,” you answered, walking back to Dallas’ stroller and picking up the bag that you’d hooked onto the handle.
“The gluten free bakery?” Jared frowned, still holding your daughter against his bare chest.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, biting your lip.
“Kiddo… We’ve got you a cake,” Jensen murmured, and you laughed again, awkwardly this time.
“I know, I just,” you shrugged, looking down at the bag in your hands. “Habit.”
They were all looking at you in confusion, and you sighed softly.
“Can you go and get my shoebox?” you asked Gen, walking towards Jensen. “And come back to meet us in the kitchen?”
“Of course,” she agreed, her hand brushing across your back as she walked towards the stairs to retrieve the box.
Jared followed you and Jensen into the kitchen, where you sat at the island and pulled a small box out of the plastic bag.
Jensen took a seat next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and kissing your cheek.
“Leave a note next time, huh?” he murmured, and you laughed softly.
“I didn’t realise you all still think I’m a flight risk,” you replied, quiet enough that it was just for him. “I wouldn’t leave without telling you.”
Jensen searched your eyes, frowning softly.
“But you would leave?” he questioned, keeping his voice low so Jared wouldn’t hear.
“I didn’t say that,” you murmured. “I didn’t…”
“Okay, shh,” he whispered, kissing your temple. “It’s alright. It’s your birthday.”
You laughed softly, pulling away.
“Twenty-freakin’-one,” you breathed, smiling across at Jared where he was crouching with Dallas, letting her reach for Bailey. “This year has been crazy.”
“Crazy good, I hope,” Gen interjected, holding your shoebox as if it was fragile as she entered the room.
“For the most part,” you agreed as Jensen got to his feet, letting Genevieve take his place beside you.
“You gonna tell us all why you woke up at the ass-crack of dawn… to go to a bakery?” Jared asked, pulling up a stool and sitting at the end of the island.
“Yeah,” you smiled softly, opening the shoebox to retrieve a single, half-melted, orange birthday candle and small box of matches before closing the lid again.
You pushed the shoebox away, everything else in there was a story for another time, and opened the small bakery box in front of you.
“Alright, get ready for some super depressing storytime fun,” you joked, earning a tut from Jensen as you tried to make light of a serious situation. “Sorry.”
You gently lifted the Chocolate Campfire cupcake from the box, resting it down on the cool countertop.
“Y’all know my birth mom never gave me a birthday. The only real birthday I got was my sixteenth,” you murmured, pressing the candle through the toasted Italian meringue and into the cupcake. “The first year I had money, I woke up early and bought myself a cupcake. I got this candle, and these little matches, and I took it all home before my mom had even woken up. It was… I guess I wanted to celebrate my birthday, even if she didn’t care. So I lit the candle, made a wish, and finished the cake before she had time to come downstairs and tell me off for spending money that could’ve gone to her.”
You pushed your hair behind your ear as you looked down at the little cake.
“I found Lemonade last year and nobody noticed me leave set in the morning,” you shrugged. “Nobody knew it was my birthday.”
“You didn’t tell us until like a week later,” Jensen reasoned. “We’d have celebrated with you if we knew.”
“I know,” you smiled sadly up at him. “This was always just… I don’t know. A personal thing.”
You cleared your throat, your fingers fiddling with the matchbox.
“I kind of thought that you’d all still be in bed when I got back,” you told them. “That’s why my phone was off. Just some me time.”
You reached over to stroke Dallas’ cheek with the back of your finger.
“Us time,” you corrected.
“We can leave you to it-”
“God, no,” you interrupted Gen, laughing slightly. “I didn’t know you were coming. I’d’ve waited.”
She smiled, taking the matchbox from you and lighting the candle before leaning in for a soft kiss.
“Happy birthday,” she murmured as she pulled back, and you smiled at her before looking at Jared and Dallas.
“Make a wish, Mama,” Jared told you as you closed your eyes and blew out the candle.
When you opened your eyes, to see Jensen watching you expectantly.
“So,” he probed. “What did you wish for?”
“Can’t tell you,” you winked. “Can you grab a knife? And a plate.”
He did as you asked, and you carefully peeled back the cupcake casing before placing it on the plate and slicing it into quarters.
You pushed the plate to the middle of the island, motioning for everyone to take a piece.
“It’s gluten free,” you reminded Gen. “It’ll fit with your diet week.”
“That doesn’t start until tomorrow,” she laughed slightly. “But that’s not the point. This is yours. Your tradition.”
“It was mine because I didn’t have anyone that I wanted to share it with,” you assured her, nodding to the plate again. “Now I want to share it with you.”
“You’re sure?” she clarified, and you rolled your eyes as you picked up a piece and held it up to her mouth.
Gen took a bite before lifting her hand to hold the other half as she chewed.
“Go on, boys,” you told Jared and Jensen as you picked up your own piece. “Cake for breakfast.”
“It should be your birthday more often,” Jared joked as he took his first bite, moaning disgracefully at the taste.
“You’re just saying that because then you could get over your stupid age hangups,” Gen told him, swallowing her her mouthful.
He nearly choked on his bite as Gen shrugged, licking some meringue from her thumb.
“I’m twenty-one, now,” you laughed slightly, disbelieving. “All kindsa legal.”
“Damn right,” Gen winked, getting to her feet and kissing your temple. “It’s all fun from here out.”
“Gross,” Jensen complained, pulling a face.
Gen just grinned at him, carefully putting the candle and matches back into the shoebox.
“I’m gonna take my bags up and tuck this back away,” she told you, kissing Jared and squeezing Dallas’ little hand before she picked up her things and left the room.
“You guys knew she was coming?” you asked, as you brushed the crumbs from your hands onto the plate.
“Mhm,” Jensen confirmed. “She’s got a whole day planned, I’m pretty sure.”
“She wants to make this your best birthday ever,” Jared added, and you laughed softly, taking Dallas from his arms and kissing the soft hair at the top of her head.
“She only really has one to compete with,” you reminded them, bouncing your daughter. “And it’s already the best.”
Jensen raised an eyebrow over his shoulder as he washed his hands, turning back around and wiping his hands on his pyjama pants.
“Yeah?” he asked, and you nodded. “How so?”
You smiled, leaning against Jared as he wrapped his arm around your waist.
“I have a family,” you explained, earning a kiss to your shoulder. “What more could a girl want?”
Your day was incredible.
Once Jared and Jensen had got dressed and Gen had showered and changed out of her airplane clothes, Gen made you a cup of coffee and lead you through to the front room to sit.
Gen was holding Dallas - keen on hugging her as much as possible as the two weeks apart were apparently too much for her - as the boys made their way downstairs.
You nearly choked on your coffee as they appeared in the doorway, gifts stacked high in their arms.
You put your cup down, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand.
“If you say something stupid like ‘You didn’t have to’, I’m kickin’ your ass,” Jensen told you, and you laughed softly. “Kiddo, it’s your twenty-first. Plus, it’s your first birthday as my daughter and as a part of their family. Let us spoil you.”
You blushed tucking your legs up under yourself in the armchair.
“I’m not used to it,” you reminded them, trying to cool your cheeks with the backs of your hands. “But… thank you.”
“We love you,” Gen reminded you, nudging your knee with her socked toes from where she sat with Dallas on the nearest couch.
“I love y’all,” you agreed, biting your lip as Jared and Jensen placed the gifts down in front of you, the two of them choosing to sit on the carpet rather than taking a couch.
Bailey moved from beside you to plop down next to Jared, resting her head on his thigh.
“She’s jealous that you’re getting all the attention,” he joked, scratching between her ears before patting her side and resting his hand against her fur.
“You ready, kiddo?” Jensen asked, and you laughed softly.
“I don’t know where to start,” you admitted, still in disbelief at the sheer number of gifts in front of you.
“The ones from all of us,” Gen offered, and Jensen nodded as he handed you a parcel.
You carefully pulled back the wrapping, revealing a beautiful photo album.
On the top centre of the black leather binding, silver embossing read ‘Padackles Family Memories’, a thin leather bow holding the wrap around back cover to the front.
You took in a breath as your fingers traced the word ‘Family’, the prickling sensation of tears forming making you sniff.
“It’s beautiful,” you breathed, meeting each of their eyes as you blinked back tears.
“Open it up,” Jared told you, smiling kindly.
You did as he suggested, carefully untying the bow and starting to flick through the album.
Gen’s elegant script adorned the inside cover, the silver ink glistening from the cream page.
On your 21st birthday we wanted to give you something special. Inside this album you’ll find photographs from the moment we met you all the way up until now, with room left for you to continue to preserve your family memories. Happy birthday, Y/N. We’re lucky to have you in our lives. With lots of love from Gen, Jare, Jay, Dee, Tex, Tom, Shep, Arrow, Zep, and Dal
As you turned the first page, you were surprised to see a picture from your first shoot for Entertainment Weekly when you were first announced for the show.
It was of you leaning against Baby’s passenger door and flicking through John’s journal while Jared and Jensen seemed to be having a conversation over the top of the car.
“It’s the first picture of the three of us,” Jensen explained, seeing you frown slightly. “We did say from the moment we met you.”
“I’d just forgotten about that shoot,” you admitted, smiling at him.
As you continued to flick through the pages, memories of your past year came flooding back to you.
From the photo of the three of you walking away in the airport and some from your adoption party, to ones you’d never seen before - like something snapped by Jared while Gen was talking to your bump, or pictures of you and JJ asleep while watching tangled on her birthday.
There was even one, taken in your Vancouver home after you’d adopted Bailey but before you’d had Dallas, of Tom and Shep helping each other to cover you in a blanket after you’d fallen asleep on the couch.
As you got towards the last few pictures, you couldn’t help but smile as you saw one of all six of the kids together, Tom holding Dallas and looking down at her with open adoration as Shep and JJ helped the twins sit up and focus on the camera.
The final photo had a soft frown pulling at your brows once more.
Dallas’ ‘PADACKLES 11’ jersey was pictured on your dining table, next to an adult jersey with ‘PADACKLES 10’ printed on the back.
Jared handed you another parcel, cutting off your question as you opened it to reveal the Cowboys jersey from the photograph.
“We know your old one means a lot to you,” Jensen told you.
“This is great,” you assured him, smiling as you tied the bow on the album and folded the jersey. “I love y’all so much.”
“This is only the beginning,” Gen grinned, letting Dallas bring her knuckle into her gummy mouth. “Mine next.”
“Parcel or box?” Jared asked, and she hummed in thought.
“Parcel,” she answered. “Stick with the theme. Then box.”
You laughed softly, still unable to believe that they’d gone through all of this effort for you, as Jared handed you the parcel.
You carefully opened the wrapping, grinning as you pulled the Seahawks jersey out.
“Look at the back,” Jared prompted, and you turned it over to see ‘HOT MAMA 21′ printed there.
You let out a surprised laugh, having expected another ‘PADACKLES’.
“I figure when Seahawks are playing anyone but the Cowboys…”
“I’ll support your team,” you confirmed, earning a grin.
“That’s something I’ve never got Jared to agree to,” she admitted. “Knew there was a reason I loved you.”
You rolled your eyes fondly as you folded the jersey and placed it with your other opened gifts.
“This one next,” Jared announced, handing you the box.
“Jesus, they never stop coming,” you blushed, slightly embarrassed by the attention you were receiving while you unwrapped the gift.
You recognised the pink striped box immediately once the wrapping was pulled away, and you shot a glance at Jensen before looking at Gen.
“It’s nothing risqué,” she assured you.
You were still unconvinced as you opened the lid, revealing a gorgeous satin kimono.
“Gen,” you breathed, feeling the material in your hands. “This is beautiful.”
“There’s more,” she told you. “Underneath.”
Lifting the robe revealed classy yet sexy matching lingerie, and your cheeks flushed as you placed the robe back over the set.
“I can’t believe you just made me open lingerie in front of my dad,” you murmured, placing the lid back on the box.
Jensen remained silent as Gen laughed softly.
“It’s not like we made you model it for us,” she reasoned before dropping her voice to a stage whisper, “We can save that for later.”
“Gen, c’mon,” Jensen protested as your blush deepened. “Stop embarrassing her on her birthday.”
“Sorry, baby,” Gen apologised, and you laughed softly as you willed the flush to leave your cheeks.
“It’s okay,” you assured her. “They’re… it’s all gorgeous. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” she smiled, crossing her legs under herself without disturbing Dallas - who was seemingly content with Gen’s presence. “There’s more from me but they’re not physical presents.”
You frowned in question but she just shrugged.
“You’ll find out later,” she promised, and you nodded.
“You didn’t have-”
“What did I say?” Jensen interrupted, and you bit your lip. “It’s your birthday. Your twenty-first. Let us treat you.”
You laughed awkwardly nodding in defeat.
“Alright,” Jared interrupted. “Mine’s a bit mundane in comparison, but it’s my turn.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it,” you assured him and he laughed as he had to shift Bailey off of him to hand you the large box.
“Jesus,” you laughed, surprised by the weight of the box as you set it in your lap.
“Yeah, it’s… it’s a hefty one,” Jared told you, worrying his lip somewhat anxiously.
You frowned at his expression as you opened the gift, your frown turning into a smile as you saw the contents.
“A coffee machine?” you asked, excited.
“A fucking fancy coffee machine,” Jensen murmured, earning a nudge from Jared.
“I figured, for someone who loves coffee so much, you shouldn’t only have instant,” he told you, and you grinned as you inspected the box.
“There’s so many functions,” you announced, earning a soft laugh from Gen.
“You’re cute,” she told you, making you blush.
“I’ve never had something this fancy before,” you defended, “And I really do love coffee.”
“I know,” she smiled, “I’m not teasing. It’s nice to see you so excited.”
“You nerd,” Jensen added, making you laugh softly.
“There’s a couple different bean blends in the kitchen to try out,” Jared explained, encouraged by your enthusiasm. “I know it’s more of a practical gift than an exciting one...”
“I love it,” you promised, handing him back the box so that the armchair wasn’t too crowded. “Seriously, I love it.”
“Good,” he smiled, Bailey letting out an unimpressed huff as she was shifted once more so he could put the box down.
“There’s… the boys wanted to get you a little something,” Gen told you, and the thought warmed your heart. “It’s only small-”
“If it’s from them, I’m sure I love it,” you cut her off as Jared handed you the smallest, lightest gift yet.
The whole thing fit in your palm and was wrapped haphazardly, letting you know that Tom and Shep did it themselves.
You grinned as you pulled back the wrapping, finding a beautiful silver pair of hammerhead shark earrings.
“They saw them while we were out and told me we had to get them for you,” Gen explained.
“I love them,” you smiled, taking out your simple silver studs and replacing them with your new ones. “They’re gorgeous. I’ll have to FaceTime the boys later and show them I’m wearing them.”
“They’d really love that,” Jared smiled, “They’ll be so happy you like them.”
“Speaking of kids you should FaceTime today,” Jensen interrupted, picking up another box, “This is from JJ.”
The box was wrapped to the best of a four year old’s ability, undoubtedly with a little help from Danneel, with a tag attached on top.
It contained a mix of JJ’s scrawl with Danneel’s elegant script, causing a twinge in your heart.
To Ditto, Happy birthday! I love you lots! Love from Lil Miss Texas
JJ’s writing of your name and hers had improved even in the short time that you’d been apart, and you suddenly couldn’t wait to see her again.
“You miss her,” Gen murmured, and you laughed softly, wiping a tear that you didn’t realise was falling until it hit your cheek.
“She’s my girl,” you mumbled, sniffing your tears back. “I’m being stupid.”
“You’re allowed to miss people, Y/N,” Jensen reminded you, kindly. “Gen’s set aside a couple hours later for you to call Dee and the kids. I’m sure JJ will love to chat with you.”
“Yeah,” you laughed slightly. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Alright,” he smiled, nodding to the parcel, “Now open up. Still got a couple more to go.”
You slowly opened the gift, trying to get your emotions under control.
Just a simple note from your little sister affected you way more than it should have, so you tried to get your emotions under control as you opened the gift.
Inside the paper was a shoebox, and you lifted the lid with a soft frown.
Within the box was a pair of black and brown leather cowboy boots, decorated with coloured flowers and leaves.
“These are gorgeous,” you breathed, your fingers tracing the design.
“We were all walking by Allens and JJ dragged us all in,” Gen explained softly. “She wanted you to have a pair so y’all could update the wall picture from the twin announcement, and these were her favourite.”
“The wall picture?” you questioned, and Jensen laughed softly as he pulled up his instagram post from last August.
“All our boots in a row,” he explained. “Looks like JJ wants yours to be a part of it.”
The prickle of happy tears started behind your eyes again, and you laughed as you wiped your eyes with the heel of your hand.
“Now you’re trying to make me cry,” you accused, teasingly.
“You’ve got a family, kiddo,” Jared smiled, and you smiled back.
“A huge one,” you laughed softly. “This is crazy.”
“That little girl loves you so much,” Gen reminded you, and you nodded.
“The feeling is mutual,” you replied, putting the lid on the box. “I’m wearing these later.”
“Save them for tonight,” Gen told you, causing you to frown.
“Why?” you asked, but she just shrugged in response.
“It’s a surprise.”
“Alright,” you allowed, gently placing the box on the floor.
“Two more,” Jensen told you, and you nodded. “These… these are the big ones, despite the small parcels.”
“Hey,” he chastised fondly. “My daughter is turning twenty-one. That doesn’t happen every day.”
“You’ve only known me for a year,” you protested weakly, and he shook his head.
“That just means we’ve got years to catch up on,” he assured you. “Look, Dee and I… we wanted to get these for you. We don’t want you to feel guilty about it because you deserve to be happy, okay? You deserve to be spoiled for once.”
“He’s right,” Jared agreed, quietly. “Let yourself be happy.”
“Still kind of a new concept,” you joked, and they both laughed slightly.
“We love you,” Jensen reminded you, handing you a small, square parcel. “JJ helped to choose this one.”
The wrapping contained a ring box, and you gasped as you opened it to reveal a stunning white gold crown ring.
“Jensen,” you breathed. “This is too much.”
“JJ thinks you’re a real life princess,” he reasoned. “We were shopping for your final gift and she saw it, and we knew we had to get it. We know you wear rings regularly and we just… we had to.”
You nodded, shifting your simple silver rings around on your fingers so that you could gently place the beautiful new one onto your right ring finger, your old jewellery paling in comparison.
“It’s gorgeous,” you whispered, showing it to Gen when she beckoned for your hand.
“Wow,” she agreed, squeezing your hand. “Padackles’ don’t skimp out when it comes to diamonds, that’s for sure.”
“Yeah,” you laughed in disbelief. “I- thank you.”
“Our pleasure, sweetheart,” he smiled, holding the final box in his hands. “This is the last one of your physical presents.”
“There’s already been so many,” you laughed softly, pushing some of the wrapping paper from your lap onto the floor and watching as Bailey started to play with it.
“You’re only twenty-one once,” Gen reminded you, and you nodded.
“I guess so.”
Jensen got to his feet, leaning in to kiss your cheek as he handed you the gift.
“Happy birthday, kiddo.”
“Thanks, Dad,” you murmured in response, wrapping your arms around him as you kissed his cheek in return.
“Alright,” he smiled, kissing your temple as he pulled back, taking a seat beside Gen and taking Dallas from her arms to rock her peacefully. “Now, open that. I’m getting anxious.”
You laughed softly as you started to take off the the paper, before recognising the robin’s egg blue box with a white bow even before you took off the bow and read the brand name.
“Jensen,” you whispered, and he shook his head, nodding for you to open it.
You lifted the lid, revealing a small, black necklace box, the same Tiffany & Co. branding etched on the inside lid.
Contained within was a delicately beautiful key pendant on a white gold chain, the beauty of the jewellery taking your breath away.
“Twenty-one used to be the age that you became an adult,” Jensen explained. “Traditionally, people used to receive a key to the door at that age, given to them by their parents. It’s an old tradition I always planned to uphold with my children, and Danneel felt the same.”
“How much-”
“It doesn’t matter,” he interrupted, looking down at your daughter. “We wanted you to have this. We thought… maybe when Dallas turns twenty-one, you could pass it down. It could be like an heirloom, if- if you wanted.”
You felt yourself start to cry again, unable to stop the tears this time.
You couldn’t believe it.
You couldn’t believe that you had a family that wanted you.
You couldn’t believe that they would be so thoughtful on your birthday.
You couldn’t believe that you were so lucky, so loved.
“Thank you,” you mouthed, unable to make any sound for fear of it coming out as an embarrassing sob.
“It’s our pleasure,” he repeated, nodding to Jared. “Want to help her put it on, man?”
Jared got up, leaving Bailey to play with the paper as he gently perched on the empty arm of your armchair.
“May I?” he asked, and you nodded wordlessly as you handed him the box.
He gently picked up the necklace, the jewellery looking so dainty in his large hands, and you swept your hair to the side so that he could fasten the clasp without getting it caught.
Your hand reached up to feel the pendant as it fell perfectly against your chest.
“Gorgeous,” Jared murmured, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumb. “Happy birthday, baby.”
“Thank you,” you laughed softly, sniffing as you leaned against him. “Thank you all. For everything, not just the gifts.”
“You’re family, sweetie,” Gen reminded you, getting to her feet and stretching her arms above her head before bending down to clear up all of the paper, much to Bailey’s dissatisfaction. “We’d do anything for you.”
She stood back up, noticing your coffee cup on the table.
“Including making you a fresh cup of coffee,” she announced, crumpling the paper as she picked up the mug.
“A fancy cup?” you questioned, and she laughed.
“Yeah, baby,” she promised. “A fancy cup.”
Jared placed a soft kiss to your lips before standing and picking up your new coffee machine.
“You want one, Jay?” he asked, and Jensen looked at you for confirmation.
“If that’s alright with the birthday girl?”
“For sure,” you confirmed, getting up to sit next to your father and daughter as Jared and Gen moved through to the kitchen, Bailey following you over to the couch.
“If there’s anything you want to exchange, we have receipts,” Jensen murmured when you leaned your head against his shoulder.
You instantly sat up, looking at him in shock.
“You’re kidding, right?” you asked, and he shook his head. “I wouldn’t change any of this for the world. It’s… this morning has been incredible.”
“It has,” he agreed, pulling you back onto his shoulder and holding Dallas in one arm. “Apart from the part where you ran off with the baby.”
You laughed softly, reaching out and letting Dallas grab onto your finger, still surprised by her newfound strength.
“We just went for a walk,” you reminded him, and he smiled, kissing the top of your head.
“I know, kiddo,” he murmured.
“Sorry for scaring y’all.”
“It’s forgotten,” he told you, smiling down at your daughter as she looked up at him with big, beautiful eyes. “I love you girls.”
You smiled, bringing your finger up to stroke Dallas’ cheek with her fist still holding on.
“We love you, too.”
tags are closed because this always takes me forever
@purgatoan, @thelittleredwhocould, @sammylynne321, @ariannalikescake, @writergirl909, @tlb-kylie, @allinhishands, @winchester-gospels-67, @supernatural0826, @mija-novella, @nerdysandwichqueen, @gemini75eeyore, @imaginespnr5er, @green-love-red-fantasyhearts, @kelsey-spn, @lafayettrash, @emoryhemsworth, @dearnoonethisisurlovesong, @spnolivia, @remybosslika, @ruined-by-destiel, @kickasscas67, @theplaidshirtmadness, @quilliamfears, @charity-elizabeth, @haleyhay96, @latinenglishfandomblog, @smoothdogsgirl, @chelseypaigeake, @katymacsupernatural, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @prideandprejudiceandbrendonurie, @tiffanycaruso, @breakthesociety, @jpadjackles, @abbirae99, @hiddenwritingsintheworld, @karrington7, @leyhikawinchester, @youcanhavit, @faegal04, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @avengersgirllorianna, @mint-and-pastel-pink, @feelmyroarrrr, @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @clueless-gold, @trashforwinchesters, @raeeismee, @supernaturalsuperfreakfan, @blacktithe7, @supernaturalstarbug, @pinkbunnies2001, @danijimenezv, @missbabyfae, @impalaimagining, @im-super-potter-locked, @samcentric-fics, @oriona75, @samsexualdeancurious, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @atc74, @too-much-winchester, @aquabrie, @taylorlaurenthomas, @missvengeance93, @flawsweirdo, @a-queen-and-her-throne, @maxwellthemajestickoala, @castielsgrace-idjits, @typicalweirdbookworm, @relationshipyard, @aeryntheofficial, @summerbee53, @cfordwrites, @im-beautifully-sewn, @xlarryisreallovex, @archer-whovian-violinist, @asgardianvamp21, @shadowpriestess6, @l8nitl0vr, @wificrazymisfit, @buckybarnesisalittleshit
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psycho-pass-lists · 7 years
10 ways Kogami can propose to Akane
In honor of Kogami’s birthday, here are 10 possible ways Kogami can propose to his longtime love (assuming they ever got past the dating stage)!
10. In front of the whole division
Kogami decides to propose during one of their meetings, thinking everyone will believe it to be sweet and romantic, forgetting that Akane hates public displays like these.
Kogami: Inspector Tsunemori, will you marry me?
Akane: …
Akane: You don’t know me that well, do you?
Kogami: I’m not good with questions answering a question, Inspector.
9. In private
After that experience, Kogami decides to propose after a romantic dinner in Akane’s quarters.
Kogami: Inspector Tsunemori, you have changed my life. Will you do me the honors to be my wife?
Akane: *giggling drunk and kneeling on the floor next to him* Lol what are we doing
Kogami: …
Kogami: It’s not fair that you’re so hot when you’re flat out refusing me.
8. The fake mission to get Akane to find a ring
He forgets that Ginoza still exists and how he now knows that he’s trying to propose to a woman way out of his league.
Kogami: It’s a harmless mission - 
Ginoza: No.
Kogami: Just one -
Ginoza: No.
Kogami: Well I’m going to do it anyways!
Ginoza: You literally can’t while I’m in charge.
Ginoza: Good God.
Kogami: Please!
Mika: No.
Kogami: You don’t even have to be involved! I kinda prefer if you weren’t!
Mika: Of course I have to be there! I’m an Inspector!
Mika: How dare you make light of the Inspector job!
Kogami: …
Kogami: You know, you’re just like Gino.
7. Takes Akane back to the wheat field where he killed Makishima.
Akane: I don’t really want to be here, Kogami-san…
Kogami: I just want you to know that day was not an end to our relationship… but a beginning.
Akane: … You brought me here to this spot to show that our relationship is beginning…
Akane: When you have previously left me here!?
Akane: To chase some other guy!?
Akane: Without even checking to see if I’m alright!
Akane: Ginoza’s father was dying!! And you left!
Akane: Tell me honestly, if Makishima was here, would you would totally choose chasing him over finishing this proposal?
Kogami: *sweats nervously*
Kogami: I did not think this through.
6. Rose petal trail leading to the ring (and a shirtless Kogami in bed)
Akane did it for him, and while, yes, it was a bit too feminine for him, it’ll be perfect for her! Plus, he shows how thoughtful he truly is (bonus points!!)
Akane: But you said it was too feminine.
Kogami: For me, yes, but for you, it compliments your femininity!
Akane: Kogami-san, I hardly need anything to compliment my -
Akane: Wait, you think I’m feminine?
5. A report sent to Akane where it sends hints of love throughout and at the end it says in big block letters “MARRY ME!”
Kogami forgot to spellcheck.
Akane: Kogami-san, this report is simply awful.
Kogami: ???
Akane: Look at all these spelling errors!
Kogami: That’s me being poetic!
Akane: Why would you need to be poetic about killing someone?
Akane: Actually, never mind, that sounds like you.
Kogami: I am so confused.
4. During training
They’ll be sweaty, close, and personal. It’ll be perfect, Kogami told himself.
Kogami: So that’s why I want to spend my life with you. What do you say?
Akane: *suddenly throws Kogami down to the floor and pins him down* Did you lose your concentration or something?
Kogami: *thinking to himself* And that was when I realized I was talking to myself.
3. The carts that usually hold the Dominators comes over and when it opens, a ring appears.
He doesn’t realize Akane has a history with those carts.
Akane: Ugh, what does Sibyl want now!?
Akane: *gets up and leaves the room*
Kogami: *hiding behind the cart* What the fuck.
2. In SEAUn
This girl came all the way for him! She clearly has the hots for him! He has to take the chance now!
Kogami: So since we’re already chained to this car together, wanna just marry me and be chained together forever?
Akane: Did… did you just make a joke?
Kogami: Smooth, right?
Akane: I hate you so, so much right now.
1. Shows her this list
Kogami: See, these are all the ways I thought about proposing to you. But none of them seemed right for a perfect woman like you. So instead, I am just asking straightforward: Will you marry me?
Akane: YES!!!
Kogami: Phew!
Ginoza: Congratulations, you two. I’ve done research (more like Kogami got too far ahead of himself and asked me to do this before he asked you) and I found about 10 different wedding options.
Akane: Gah!
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