#shishiba x reader
dinneronvenus · 11 months
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⭒ Highly romantic, he prefers to take dating slowly and build up a deep connection properly
⭒ His calm nature makes him deeply attracted to anyone passionate, he loves listening to you talk about your accomplishments, hobbies, career, whatever it is that brings that spark of life to your eye
⭒ He's considerably cold and aloof most of the time, but when you start guessing what he's thinking it makes him playful and this becomes a game/inside joke between the two of you as your relationship progresses
⭒ He holds simplicity at the core of his lifestyle philosophy, and his partner is no exception. He won't shun your efforts to look lovely but when you're in pajamas making him breakfast is when he feels the greatest affection for you
⭒ Prefers to make the date plans for the sake of simplicity, he'll often give you clear cut instructions on date night unless you suggest a plan first
⭒ Would never admit this but he enjoys impressing you, either with tales of his lifestyle*, his driving skills, or lavish presents
⭒ Since he believes civilians deserve to lead normal lives, he's deeply respectful of you and only talks about work if you explicitly ask for details*—otherwise he gives you the typical "it was fine" response
⭒ He would only make a big deal out of making your relationship official if he knew you wanted that, otherwise he assumes that you answering his calls for 3 months straight means you're his
⭒ World's laziest sex partner normally, unless you get him really riled up or beg for it, it's going to be a slow and sensual session almost every time
⭒ For simplicity's sake, he gives you instructions in the bedroom too, "ride me" being the main one
⭒ Prefers to just give you oral and fuck you with his fingers over having sex, since it's easier—plus he would rather get you off than himself, anyway
⭒ If you tell him you like being bossed around, he'll dominate you completely just to make everything simple, you'd never have to think for yourself again
⭒ Extremely protective over you, as to him you're a delicate angel in his ugly, boring world so he has definitely killed people who he felt were lustful and disrespectful towards you but you'd never know
⭒ When he picks your outfits, he always has you wearing things that give him easy access, like short dresses and skirts, crotch-less panties, and bras that clasp in the front. He may be aloof but he always wants to demonstrate his feelings for you by showing you just how much he enjoys being inside you so he makes it as easy as possible
⭒ Loves having his hair pulled during sex and played with during makeout sessions
⭒ Wouldn't be overly talkative during sex unless he was venting from a mission, then you'd hear all the praise-tinted degradation you could ever desire
⭒ His aftercare would include cuddling you and talking about how your lives would be together (probably out in the country) if he retired, always hoping you'd push him to make that a reality
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24hlevi · 4 months
Excuse me but can i request a Shishiba from Sakomoto Days with prompt 15 oneshot fic for the event?
Can you make the fem!so a civilian with a big family? Like Shishiba meeting with the father, mother, siblings, grandparents, cousin, aunts, and uncles at the christmas party?
Thank you. I try to not make it long.
thank you for requesting 🫶
— 25 Days Of Winter: Meeting The Family During Christmas
shishiba (sakamoto days) x fem!reader
warnings: none!
25 days of winter event
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"are you sure this is a good idea?" shishiba asked you.
you were fixing his tie as he peered down at you helping him prepare for the christmas party that you insisted he attend with you.
"yes, you'll be fine. trust me," you replied with a nod, straightening out the tie and patting his chest. "they will love you."
he didn't say anything in response, still looking down at you as he nodded. "okay," he sighed. "let's do this then."
with a small smile sent towards shishiba, you grabbed his hand and walked out of the room, pulling him along with you to meet your big family. you could tell he was nervous because it was the first meeting, and he didn't want to get the wrong impression, especially during the christmas party with all your extended relatives. he was already feeling nervous the second you told him your family was coming over in the next few hours, but now that he was actually meeting them he felt like he wanted to throw up.
he forced the smallest smile he could make on his face as you walked him over to your parents, who were the ones he was most worried about. you had specifically told him to act as though he had an office job of sorts, since he couldn't say what he really did for a living out of worry how anyone would react to it. so that's what he was going to attempt, but thankfully, you did most of the talking.
"dad! mom! this is shishiba, my boyfriend," your arm was linked with shishiba's as you stood in front of your parents.
"it's a pleasure to meet you both," shishiba bowed to your parents.
"it's so nice to finally meet you! y/n has told us lots about you!" your mother smiled dearly at him.
"has she?" he glanced over at you with an eyebrow slightly raised.
"indeed!" your father replied. "it's great to finally meet you, shishiba."
"woah! y/n actually has a boyfriend?" your younger brother suddenly appeared next to you, looking between you and shishiba.
"this is my brother," you sighed as you gestured to your brother.
"nice to meet you," shishiba bowed again.
your brother eyed shishiba for a moment before speaking again. "you do any harm to her and i'll beat you up, got it?"
"yes," shishiba nodded immediately after.
"sorry about him," you gently shoved your brother out of the way.
"it's alright," shishiba said, shaking his head. "you have a lot of family."
"i know," you nodded. "but you only have a few more to meet, come on!" you grabbed his hand and pulled him over to some of your other relatives.
shishiba awkwardly stood next to you as you introduced him to all of your family members, his hand holding onto yours in a tight grip as he tried to remain calm. he didn't expect it to be like this, but then again, he never did a party like this for christmas before. hell, he never went to parties in general, definitely not family gatherings. he only spoke when he was spoken to or you nudged him to say something and he would quickly come up with a response.
he eventually left for a split second to get you and him a drink from the kitchen while you talked with your cousins and he let out a quiet sigh while leaning against the counter. he obviously wasn't one to communicate a whole lot, and he was trying his best to be respectful with your family, but he didn't know what to do. he felt like he was meeting a jury who would give him a life sentence if he didn't answer their questions right.
"shiba?" you peered your head through the doorway to see him leaning against the counter. "are you okay?"
he glanced up when he heard your voice and nodded, standing up straight again. "yeah, i'm fine," he answered, avoiding your gaze with his eyes.
"are you sure?" you questioned, walking up to him and grabbing ahold of his hands.
he was silent for a minute, debating whether or not to say the truth before sighing. "i guess i just...wasn't expecting this. i mean, i've never gone to these kind of family gatherings before and, i suppose i'm panicking a little bit. you have a lot of family, and i feel like if i say the wrong thing they'll ban me from you or something." he confessed quietly.
you were stunned that he actually expressed how he was feeling, and you placed a hand on his chest. "shiba, i understand but please don't panic over my family. we only gather like this for christmas, otherwise it's just my immediate family. i know they can be a lot to handle at once during the first meeting but you aren't going to be banned from me if you say something wrong. unless you say you're an assassin, then that'd be a big problem."
shishiba let out a short chuckle and nodded. "i guess that's true, i could say a lot worse."
"yes, so let's not do that, okay? just a couple more hours and we can go home," you smiled up at him.
"okay," he nodded. "i think i can handle a few more hours."
"good, cause you still have to meet my aunt and uncle," you say and start pulling him out of the kitchen.
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nanaosaki3940 · 17 days
Sakamoto Days Fanfic
Just published my first Sakamoto Days fanfic called - Love In The Line Of Fire [Sakamoto Days] 🥰🥰🥰
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Please check out the story on Quotev and Wattpad 🥺🥺🥺 -
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healthiffy · 2 days
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dinneronvenus · 8 months
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⭒ Shishiba x fem reader
⭒ tags: fluff for perverts • heavy petting • emotional foreplay • pda • exhibitionist Shishiba • reader is a “honeypot” spy • secret relationship • canonically disabled Shishiba • praise • pleasure d-m Shishiba • mild jealousy and possessiveness
⭒ umm I had no idea how to end this before it got too long lol my bad I may redo the ending but enjoy it for now. I did not proofread this either lol
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Shishiba has a fierce set of ethics and rules about how he performs in his job. He doesn’t get upset when people close to him die because he knows that’s just the nature of the job. It’d be hypocritical to be upset at death when you kill people for a living. It’d be even more hypocritical to hate experiencing violence when you operate as violently as possible. Any feelings that conflicted with the nature of his work were deemed pointless, selfish, and ridiculous. He threw them away and fulfilled his duties without a shred of insincerity. Or he did before meeting you, anyway.
It’d been a few months since you’d turned him into a hypocrite. He still remembers your first meeting like it was yesterday. The way you sauntered into the Order’s dining room when the chairman gave his cue was burned into Shishiba’s mind. Your dress was pitch black and a perfect fit for your curvy body; accentuating all the right things. Your hair and makeup were flawless—he couldn’t stop his eyes from flicking to your glossy lips as the chairman introduced you.
“She’ll be gathering intelligence from extremely high profile targets that have a weakness for the flesh.”
Suddenly the unbelievable beauty made sense. You’d essentially be used as bait and work in tandem with at least one member of the Order to eliminate targets when you weren’t gathering information. At first he resigned himself to not being able to pursue you at all, but after two missions with you he started convincing himself that something strictly physical wouldn’t be a problem. How shortsighted and stupid of him.
You two have been working your latest target for the last month, a ceo that turned out to be the host of a human auction, and not a second went by where jealousy didn’t try to consume Shishiba whole. Due to his low casualty rate and high discretion you were paired up often and for long stretches of time. He couldn’t bring himself to be rude or cold with you for too long but God knows he tried so hard to resist you in the beginning.
He tried to write you off, figuring your sweet personality and elegant demeanor were manufactured for your job. The more time you spent with him, the more he saw that you were a true natural charmer. In fact, he noticed that the way you speak to your targets and the way you speak to him differed only slightly. You didn’t praise him or stroke his ego in any way and never tried to manipulate his feelings or thoughts. That last part didn’t change when the two of you started fucking either. You weren’t shy about letting him know you enjoyed his mouth when it was clamped around your pussy and would even tell him you thought of him when you took targets to bed. The problem was that you did it so matter-of-factly. As if it should be obvious enough to not need saying that you enjoyed him more than the scumbags. He was desperate for the emotional side of you, even if it was fake.
Every second you spent in the hands of someone else was sandpaper to his soul. Hearing the playback of your intelligence gathering sessions made him want to tear someone apart. Your voice dripped with a cocktail of lust, respect, and adoration made specifically for the target. Flirty giggles punctuated your responses and the subtle, almost chaste physical affections you’d give them to solidify the fantasy often force him to disable the visual feed.
You were never so intentionally emotional with him and he refused to let yet another despicable man enjoy his idea of heaven without experiencing it himself. You came back to the safe house after your latest session with the ceo. Shishiba noticed that your hair was in a different style and your lips were swollen. He couldn’t help but picture you suckling on the fingers and cock of the ceo and had to turn away to hide his reflexive grimace. Your heels clattered against the floor as you slipped them off with a relieved sigh.
“Welcome back,” Shishiba said without facing you, choosing instead to make it seem like he was searching in the near-bare fridge for something. “Anything to report?”
“In three days there will be another auction. Our goal should be to identify the guests—specifically the bidders—and eliminate our current target. If we can set up to probe or eliminate others, that’s a bonus.” Your voice sounded softer than normal with exhaustion leaking through.
“Excellent work. We should go out to eat and celebrate.” Shishiba closed the fridge after coming out empty handed. “There’s nothing to eat here anyway.”
“Sounds good to me. It’ll be nice to spend time with someone who doesn’t make my skin crawl.” You said the last part more to yourself than to him but he saw an opening and took it.
“Such high praise,” he said sarcastically as he walked towards you slowly. He held his left hand out to you—two sleek black prosthetic fingers reflected the soft light—an offering of gentle affection. A code between you two ever since you first came close enough to notice he wasn’t just wearing a half glove. Genuine curiosity and concern for him gave your voice a comforting quality. He didn’t feel weaker or defective under your gaze. You didn’t probe him about how he lost the fingers. He extended his hand and you took it wanting a better look, next thing he knew he was taking off your clothes. Now every night he’s blessed to be inside you begins this way.
He nuzzled his face into your neck while his left hand interlocked yours and his right snaked around your waist. Your scent flooded his nostrils, your perfume an intoxicating mixture of sandalwood, marshmallow, chocolate, and coffee. Bittersweet and sharp, the best way to describe it and it’s wearer. You whined softly as his lips moved over your neck, soft licks and bites peppered between kisses.
“If you keep this—mhm—up any longer, anywhere decent to eat will close.” You failed to stifle a moan as his hand gripped your ass in the middle of your protest. “Let me shower and we’ll go.” Your right hand had found its usual home in his hair and as you pulled away you cupped his face. He kissed your cheek and shooed you off to the bathroom.
Shishiba gripped your thigh as he drove through the foggy streets. Once you two arrived at the restaurant he was the perfect gentleman, opening doors and pulling out your chair. The change of pace in men was refreshing. Sure, he enjoyed your body but he wasn’t disgusting about it and he wasn’t irredeemable like the men you usually see on the other side of the table. In fact, he was so sweet in secret that he made sugar look like salt. You had decided to order some lily raspberry sake for yourself since you didn’t have to see the ceo again for a few days. Shishiba didn’t think you drank at all, so this made him curious.
“Is it good?” He asked as you lifted the cup from your lips.
“Very, I’ll have to pace myself.”
You gave him a soft “mhm” as you took another sip. Maybe you’d become surprisingly honest and he could ask you to give him exactly what he wanted. You two continued to talk and laugh even on the walk back to the car. It felt like a real date to both of you, but you wouldn’t be the first to admit it. As he opened the car door so you could get in, you ran your index finger across his jaw and gently traced a small circle around his scar. He didn’t want to, but he pulled away from your touch and stared at you hard. The immediate pout you gave him nearly disarmed him though.
“Don’t look at me like that. Someone could see us.”
“Who cares who sees anything?” You locked eyes with him and watched his cheeks turn light pink.
“You’re drunk. Get in the car, please.” You pouted again but complied. He shut the door and got in the driver’s seat. He didn’t reach for the keys or anything—he just stared at the steering wheel for a second. You got nervous that pretending to be more intoxicated than you actually were was backfiring, so you went to tell him but he cut you off with a confession of his own.
“I… Will you talk to me the way you do your targets?” He blurted out but didn’t look at you. Now you feel like maybe you did drink too much.
“What do you mean?” You tiled your head in genuine curiosity and reached out to touch him so he’d look at you.
“You know. The way you talk to them with desire and passion…” He looked like he was asking you to do something so unspeakable. It made you giggle a bit.
“You want me to be sweet to you?” You had a fire building in the pit of your stomach, you let genuine desire coat your throat before you spoke again. “Oh, Shishiba… why didn’t you ask me sooner? You know I’ll do anything you ask me.” You let lust soak every last bit of your speech and his reaction was priceless.
“Yknow… you’re really dangerous.”
That’s all he could manage to say before his lips crashed against yours. Your tongues didn’t dare part before it was necessary. You slid across the bench seat to snuggle into his arm, making sure to gently press your breasts into him. He started the car and drove in the direction of the safe house. He had his right arm around your shoulders, occasionally ghosting his fingers over your neck—he knew that teasing touches really turned you on and the sake wasn’t helping at all.
“Shishiba,” you cooed up at him. “I can’t wait, will you pullover?”
His eyes flicked towards you and then back to the road. His silence was deafening and that intense look on his face made you squeeze your thighs together in hopes of getting some relief. His fingers brushed over your neck and ear again as the car peeled onto the gravel of the roadside. He cut the headlights off and then turned to face you completely. His expression was hard to read. The eyes were still lustful but his telltale smirk was nowhere to be found. You reached for him and he grabbed your hand only to set it down on the seat with his loosely in it. A sigh left him and you could feel rejection threatening to bubble up in you when he finally spoke again.
“You remember the rules we agreed to follow with each other? What’s gotten into you?” He wasn’t actually scolding you but it sure felt like it. You had two options now: answer him seriously or double down on his request.
“Nothing besides you,” you replied while looking at him through your lashes. “Maybe we should change the rules. Or just break them.” You let your fingers dance against the palm of his hand. Everything about you made it hard for him to think rationally. His eyes roved over your face and body with more feelings than he’d ever had before.
“Then let’s start with the one that keeps me from telling you,” In one fluid motion he had a grip on your chin and was running his thumb over your bottom lip. “How beautiful you look when you beg me not to stop.”
He kissed you before you could say anything else. Hands roamed your body hungrily and squeezed away as they traveled to your chest. His words made your entire body hotter than the sake did. You leaned against him and spread your legs more, hoping he’d read your mind. He laughed at your desperation for his touch. He gave you the relief you wanted, slipping his fingers past your panties and swiping them over your clit and folds.
“You’re soaked already. Did you miss me that much?” He chuckled lowly as you moaned in reply. Once he slipped his fingers inside, you knew it’d be a long time before you made it back to the safe house.
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dinneronvenus · 11 months
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He says to be cool but… I don’t know how yet.
I want to make a playlist of songs that remind me of Shishiba. National Anthem by Lana Del Rey would definitely be the first track on it, it describes dating him perfectly.
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dinneronvenus · 11 months
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“You were flirting with her just then, weren’t you Shishiba?”
“I was simply being respectful of a beautiful woman.”
“Oh? That’s good,” Nagumo chuckled before letting his expression tell the truth. “Otherwise I’d have to kill you.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
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healthiffy · 9 days
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healthiffy · 24 days
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healthiffy · 1 month
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24hlevi · 8 months
25 𝒟𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒪𝒻 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝓉𝑒𝓇
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hello and welcome to my 25 days of winter event! this event will be filled of all holiday/christmas prompts for all my fandoms that have open requests! those include ;
Attack On Titan
Alice In Borderland
Blue Lock
Chainsaw Man
Jujutsu Kaisen
Tokyo Revengers
Demon Slayer
Bungou Stray Dogs
Spy X Family
Vanitas No Carte
Tian Guan Ci Fu
Resident Evil
One Piece
Sakamoto Days
Gen V
here are the prompts! you may use only one prompt per request, and it will be crossed off once completed. there may only be two of the same prompt used for a different character and fandom
1 - decorating a christmas tree
jordan li (gen v) x gn!reader
2 - caught under mistletoe
3 - driving around the city to see christmas lights
4 - going christmas shopping
5 - ice skating together
roland (vnc) x fem!reader
6 - baking christmas cookies
7 - first christmas together
8 - going to a christmas party
9 - fake dating for christmas family reunion
lottie matthews (yellowjackets) x gn!reader
10 - dancing to christmas music
11 - picking out a christmas tree
12 - matching christmas sweaters
13 - snowed in
14 - walk at night
15 - meeting the family during christmas
shishiba (sakamoto days) x fem!reader
16 - cuddling by the fireplace
17 - building a snowman
18 - snowball fight
19 - proposal on christmas
20 - confession on christmas
nico robin (one piece) x male!reader
21 - opening presents
22 - first snow
23 - new year's kiss
24 - winter festival
25 - watching the ball drop
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dinneronvenus · 11 months
So I spent most of the day getting my nails done, yelling at weirdos on tiktok, and working on a magazine but my current works in progress are:
- doesn’t matter now fic continuation
- a shishiba x reader fic inspired by lana del rey songs
- gaku nsfw headcanons
- nagumo x reader x shishiba fic
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