#shitmeme talks
agent-thirtmeme · 3 months
happy pride month my beloved fellow queers ❤️
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It's too hot for hot chocolate but I'm drinking it anyway bc I'm a rebel
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boromemeofgondor · 10 months
Hey. What’s Legolas’ favourite pokemon game?
…Leaf green
A moment, allow me to research something.
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Normalcy what normalcy nothing is ever normal in this kingdom of Erebor
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cassandra-memecain · 7 years
Cassiecass(tm) ready for action?
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Okay so who wants to keep me company and kill shit on video games with me? I have two days off, the bae is on an away mission, and Dobby showed me something called “Dark Souls III” that I’m dying to try out!
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i’ve never heard of anyone with the name of… brock. what an interesting name.
Yeah it didn't sound so different when your Dad was screaming it last night
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blackmemecat · 4 years
Look. I didn’t mean to break the bookshelf, okay?
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Oi! I don’t know what you told the future companions to make them look at me all sad but stop it! IM TALKING TO ALL OF YOU!!!!
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ant-meme-man · 4 years
So if anyone sees giant stuff just know it’s being handled...and if you want the full story go talk to @thewholememeandnothingbutthememe
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Hey friends! I’ve seen a spike in readership in the last 24 hours or so, which is delightful -- I’m so glad all of you agree with me about National Parks Rebellion Day! That said, this is a mainly-inactive account, so I just wanted to warn people I post here these days about twice a year. You are welcome to still follow but I wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea! 
(Even if these days it appears Getting The Wrong Idea is also the American way.) 
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agent-thirtmeme · 4 years
Does Steve ever pull dad jokes on you Agent Carter? What about the baby agents?
oh lort he plays the WORST kind of dad jokes. the worst. the 'this man has made me put my head in my hands more than once in despair' kind of jokes.
n he always looks so! proud!! of himself, too!
plays em on me, n the bb agents, Widow, etc etc. this man. THIS MAN.
and HECK don't even get me STARTED on the RIDICULOUS pranks he plays. ur innocent face is not fooling ANYONE, buddy
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Mortal airports are confusing. Why make a transport hub a literal maze?
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ace-sailor-uranus · 7 years
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i buy a fancy pillow, and do i use it for what it's '''''''''''supposed'''''''' to be used for? (namely, lounging) apparently fucking not.
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lordmemelrond · 4 years
To Whomever Has Stolen My Personal Journal
I hope those poems bring you much joy, but please do return it. There is still room to write yet.
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boromemeofgondor · 4 years
@faramirsonofdenethor Please consider that I did, in fact, actually die.
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