rhythymicwriting · 3 months
Sugar and Cigarettes - Chapter One - Truth or Dare
"Hey, Erika..."
"Yeah?" The brunette turned her attention to (Y/N), looking up from her phone. The two of them sat on the sidewalk, leaning against the silver van. They had both just gotten off work. Erika did sell some of her jewelry in the little comic shop, but she couldn't pass up the employee discount. 
"Truth or dare?" (Y/N) asked, a grin splitting their lips. 
A matching grin blossomed on Erika's face as she flipped her phone shut. "Dare." She said, confidently.
"I dare you..." (Y/N) trailed, looking around them for ideas, eyes falling on the van. "I dare you to impersonate Dotachin"
Erika smiled, turning her hat around to mimic Kadota's signature beanie. She clenched her fists and set them on her hips, pursing her lips and lowering her voice. "I'm so grumpy all the time. I'm tired and I'm eighty. I need more coffee, I've only had fifteen this morning. You guys are too loud."
(Y/N) burst out laughing, egging Erika on. "What's so funny? You're so loud, my poor old man ears can't handle the sound of joy."
(Y/N) only laughed harder, Erika inevitably joining them. Their laughing fit continued for a while, every time one would stop, the laughter of the other would only make it start again. The two continued the game, daring each other back and forth in between fits of laughter. The dares were growing more intense as they went, both of them refusing to back down.
Erika sped back up to the curb across the street, the moped's brakes squealing. (Y/N) laughed. Neither of them knew who's scooter that was. It was a miracle the keys were even in the basket. (Y/N) kinda wished they weren't. They were gonna make Erika push it.
"Your turn, (Y/N). Truth or dare?" Erika asked, trotting across the street toward the van.
"Dare. You can't think of anything I won't do," (Y/N) said, their chest puffing up with pride. They almost never said 'truth.' The only time they had passed on a dare was that one time in middle school. (Y/N) cringed at the memory. They could still taste the mystery smoothie. No one knew what all was in it, but the rest of their night heavily supported the presence of laxatives.
"Is that a challenge?" She asked, a mischievous smile splitting her face as she plopped back down next to them.
"I don't know, is it?" (Y/N) shot back, returning the grin. 
Erika laughed, looking around them for an idea. She hummed as she thought. A competitive fire glimmered in her face, a fiendish look in her eyes. (Y/N) leaned back on their hands, a cocky smile fixed on their face. They also started to look around the environment idly. 
Their eyes locked on an opening door across the street, the sound drawing their attention. The building was a cheap apartment complex. A tall man in a brown blazer stepped out of the doorway. He was gesturing with his hands close to his waist, speaking loudly, but not enough that (Y/N) could make out what it was about. His dreads bobbed as he talked. 
A second, even taller man exited the building behind him. He slammed the door behind them, drawing Erika's attention to the pair as well. The taller man was strikingly blonde and sharply dressed. His black vest clung to his muscular figure, his formal attire contrasting his harsh demeanor. The most he contributed to the conversation was a grunt or a nod. His hands were shoved deep into the pockets of his slacks, only coming out to light a cigarette. 
Erika's grin grew wider. Her eyes turned to her friend. (Y/N) and Shizuo had interacted due to  several of these games before, Erika or Walter daring them to ask him a stupid question or slip something in his pocket. But the stakes were higher now. Erika practically just stole a moped. And messing with the most violent man in Ikebukuro was the perfect 'one-up.' 
Erika knew (Y/N) wouldn't think twice about something like tripping him or any other stupid thing she could think of. It had to be something big. Something messy. It had to be something really dumb and dangerous. 
A part of her felt like this was too far, but that competitive look in (Y/N)'s face egged her on. "I dare you..." She started, relishing the suspension. "...to kiss Shizuo Heiwajima."
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Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider looking through the whole work! Sugar and Cigarettes is available on both Wattpad and Archive of our Own.
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midnightrellik · 6 years
Shizuo x Child Reader
Just something requested elsewhere. Please send me some requests guys!
It wasn’t uncommon to see young people out on the streets of Ikebukuro, on their own or with friends. It wasn’t uncommon for this particular young lady to be on her own either. The young girl, only twelve years of age, had been asked by her parents to grab a few things for the house while they were at work. They did this quite often considering just how busy they were. Young (Y/N) couldn’t complain though as they made a fair amount of money that allowed her to wear the expensive dress she was currently wearing. Weaving through all the people, trying to get somewhere with a little less people on the street, the young girl let out a deep sigh, rather tired of all the effort she needed to use to get past people. Eventually though, the reached her end goal, making her beam at the thought of finally getting what she needed so she could go back home. Speeding up a little, her short legs carried her down the calmer street and around a corner where she accidentally bumped into someone, though it felt as if she had hit a wall. “Shoot, sorry!” (Y/N) apologised bowing to the person before looking up at them, seeing a tall, blonde bartender, smoking a cigarette. At first, he seemed annoyed, but then shrugged his shoulders upon seeing it was only a child. “Just watch where you’re going okay? You could run into the wrong person,” he warned lightly before walking around the young girl. (Y/N) POV I watched the male walk off with slightly widened eyes, recognising him as the strongest man in the city. Mum and dad always told me to stay well away from him, him and some other guy he was fighting with all the time. He didn’t seem that bad now that I had seen him face to face but I would still be careful, just in case I run into him when he is angry. I didn’t want to be thrown to the other side of the city. Continuing on, I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder and let out a deep sigh. I have to admit, it was a little nerve wrecking bumping into Shizuo Heiwajima himself. My heart was pounding in my chest and my palms were a little sweaty, but I took deep breaths to calm myself, reminding myself that I had apologised, and he didn’t seem angry at me. However, right as I got my heart under control, I felt a sudden tug on my shoulder before my whole arm was ripped back, bringing me to a stop, then a stumble. Looking back, I saw a hooded figure, holding my bag, pulling it away from me. “Hey! Give it back!” I yelled, holding the strap as tightly as possible. The person glared at me and gave a few harsher tugs before he finally had my bag in his possession and ran off as fast as he could. “Hey!” I yelled again, beginning to run after him. “Someone help! Please!” I called out as I chased him but as expected, no one bothered, they all simply watched. Shizuo’s POV After running into that little girl, I somehow managed to lose sight of Tom so I didn’t get much further much to my annoyance. After coming to the conclusion that I wasn’t about to find him any time soon, and not knowing where we were supposed to be going, I pulled out my phone, only to drop it as someone ran past, knocking their shoulder into mine. Looking down at my phone that now lay on the ground, I gritted my teeth as I leaned down to pick it up. As I had it in my clutches again, I saw the same girl from before running in the same direction of the man, yelling. Putting my phone away, I cracked my neck before reaching for the nearest trashcan and throwing it with all my might towards the male. Seeing the man crash to the ground, I began to stomp over, past the young girl who had stopped walking in shock, and to the man who I grabbed by the collar and rose to my height. “I hate assholes who don’t look where they’re going, I would rather not have to buy a new phone,” I growled at him. “What I hate even more is men who think its okay to take things from little girls.” With that, I gave the guy what he deserved and took the bag from him before letting out a deep sigh. “Damnit, now what am I going to tell Tom?” I grumbled to myself as I walked over to the girl. Holding out the bag, I looked down at her. “Here. You shouldn’t be walking around on your own. There are some pesky fleas around the city,” I claimed as she shyly took the bag. (Y/N) POV “Thank you,” I bowed as I took my bag back from him. “Sorry for troubling you. I’ll be more careful next time,” I claimed, ready to turn and leave. “Let me take you to wherever you need to go. That way this won’t happen again,” he proposed, catching me by surprise. “What’s your name?” He asked. “(Y/N). Are you sure? I wouldn’t want to trouble you anymore,” I claimed, rubbing by arm. “It’s fine, I’ll just call my friend and let him know I won’t be back for a little while,” he assured me, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and lighting it. “I’m Shizuo by the way. Lead the way,” he said so I simply nodded and smiled, beginning to walk back in the direction I had already been heading.
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spacey-aqua · 12 years
Oh Jesus.
Soo...A-Alright well....some how i managed to write a fanfic (ShizuoxReader) my first one actually...and post it to the internet...
Holy Shit.
What did i do?!
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