#sho x masaki
Remember when Sakurai Sho said in Otonoha Sept 15th 2023.
After training he ran into Aiba at gym, and stated he watched Aiba Masaki sweat a ton while training.
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I mean, who can resist the urge to watch this man sweating and flexing his muscle 🥵
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But the fact that sho is indirectly announe that he was feasting that sight is a BIG CRUMBS for my SakurAiba heart ❤️💚
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candycoatedanxiety · 1 year
My first Arashi fanfic.
Before I introduce my Arashi fanfic, I’d like to tell you about how I got into Arashi. To be honest, I am embarrassed by it, because I knew them all the way from when I was in my 7th Grade, but didn’t pay them any attention as I was into nu-metal, emo, and Japanese rock at the time. 
As the years pass, I always encounter their photos, stories, and news but was just glad to see them. Until around 2020 when their YouTube channel released videos of them telling children’s stories in kamishibai format. I became hooked as I’ve never seen a boyband do this. It was fascinating. And then when they released a music video made by the One Piece animators, I was beside myself with glee. It was a fun, well-made music video featuring the group mingling with One Piece characters. Fast forward to today, I’m reliving their memories through their silly variety shows, songs, and photos --- basically I am down the Arashi rabbit hole.  Anyway, here is the link to my fanfic. It’s still ongoing but almost done...well there’ll be a Book 2 so stay tuned.  Working title is 隠された陰影 / Hidden Shadows and the pairings are Jun Matsumoto x Kazunari Ninomiya and Satoshi Ohno x Sho Sakurai. Masaki Aiba is Nino and Sho’s best friend. 
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dearesthana · 11 months
Arashi dan Aku
Tulisanku kali ini adalah salah satu cerita behind the scene. Artinya, cerita di balik layar yang...well, mungkin belum banyak orang tahu. Aku pengen banget bagikan cerita ini karena harus ada lebih banyak orang lagi yang tahu betapa awesome idolaku ini!
Aku bahkan nggak kenal mereka secara personal, tetapi lima orang ini sudah menyelamatkan hidupku. Literally.
Aku kenal om-om ini sejak SMA. Pada semester kedua kelas X, ada guru bahasa Indonesia memutarkan satu dorama (istilah drama dalam jejepangan) berjudul Yamada Taro Monogatari di kelasku. Tokoh utamanya adalah dua personel Arashi, Sakurai Sho dan Kazunari Ninomiya. Lagu opening nya saat itu adalah Happiness by Arashi. Doramanya seru banget dan jujur aku cukup hooked up sama tokoh Mimura Takuya yang diperankan Sho. Aku minta semua file episode doramanya ke guruku tersebut dan memutuskan akan menontonnya saat liburan.
Dan yes, karena menghabiskan waktu nonton Yamada Taro Monogatari saat perpulangan asrama, aku mulai suka sama Arashi. Aku jadi kenal member selain Sho dan Nino: Ohno Satoshi (Oh-chan / Riida), Aiba Masaki (Aiba-chan), dan Matsumoto Jun (MatsuJun).
Like, sukaaaa banget!
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Aku menemukan video profil perjalanan mereka di YouTube waktu mencari tahu tentang mereka. Menonton video tersebut membuatku makin kesengsem sama om-om ini. They. Are. Cool. Meski debut besar-besaran di Hawaii pada 1999 dan sempat sukses, album dan konser mereka sempat flop banget di era Pikanchi, to the point susah cari penonton buat konser mereka di Yokohama. Nama mereka baru naik lagi setelah MatsuJun ambil role sebagai Domyouji Tsukasa dalam dorama Hana Yori Dango (mungkin kalian pernah nonton dorama ini). Itu pun MatsuJun sengaja ambil role tersebut buat menaikkan nama Arashi. Dalam Secret Talk di single Wish yang jadi original soundtrack dramanya MatsuJun, member Arashi bahkan roasting dengan berterima kasih sama MatsuJun.
Kurang lebih verbatimnya gini, "Makasih ya, MatsuJun. Doramamu bikin member Arashi jadi ada kerjaan,".
Ish, sedih kalau ingat masa itu :")
Kalau dibandingin, mungkin kurang lebih sama kayak sensasi BTS di Korea Selatan, dari awalnya flop akhirnya sukses besar. Bedanya, pasar musik mereka fokus sama Jepang doang.
So, untuk menceritakan lebih lanjut bagaimana aku bisa suka banget sama Arashi, aku akan mulai dari masa-masa sulitku di SMA. Karena untuk alasan itulah aku menulis bahwa they saved my life.
Aku punya ketakutan waktu dapat jatah piket asrama dan sekolah. Piket apapun. Aku takut kalau ketahuan ada satu spot yang masih nggak bersih, dimaki-maki, dan disuruh mengulang. Aku nggak keberatan sih sebenarnya buat mengulang, tapi harusnya...minus makiannya nggak, sih?
"Percuma kamu pintar di sekolah kalau ngerjain pekerjaan rumah aja nggak bisa! Jadi istri macam apa kamu nanti?".
Yah, kurang lebih begitu.
Itu masih masalah piket. Aku juga dipermasalahkan karena dianggap "juggling" dua cowok di saat bersamaan. Padahal, dua orang cowok ini sahabatku semua dan we were so inseparable.
Aku juga kehilangan ruang privasi. Sejak orang tahu apa yang kutulis dalam diari, diariku sering dicari dan dibuka. Setelah itu, yep, they used my own words against me.
Dan sebenarnya masih ada lain-lainnya. But, let's close it here.
Honestly, mentalku jatuh banget. Terutama pada tahun pertama dan kedua, kayaknya nggak ada hari tanpa nangis dan isolated. Aku sampai sekarang bahkan nggak tahu kenapa masih hidup aja diriku ini.
Karena orang yang pernah bully aku at some points mengalami hal yang sama persis kayak yang kualami. Dan dia hampir "lewat" setelah...well, you know.
Dalam masa-masa sulit itulah aku menemukan Arashi. Aku lupa apa persisnya lagu pertama yang kudengar dari mereka. Namun, aku masih ingat lagu-lagu pertama yang kumasukkan ke dalam playlist: Fight Song, Sakura Sake, Pikanchi Double, A.Ra.Shi, Kitto Daijoubu, Kotoba Yori Taisetsuna Mono, Nice na Kokoroiki, dan Hadashi no Mirai.
Dan aku juga masih ingat gimana perasaanku waktu mendengarkan lagu mereka.
Iya, aku nangis waktu dengernya! Tapi, kali ini bukan karena sedih. Aku nangis karena merasa menemukan harapan buat melanjutkan hidup. Aku nangis karena ingat aku masih muda banget, sayang kalau stuck di sini aja. Aku ngerasa seperti ada orang-orang yang duduk di sebelahku, pukpuk bahuku, dan bilang, "Kamu nggak sendirian. Kamu nggak akan pernah sendirian,".
Aku ingat pernah sedih banget karena suatu hal. Kemudian, aku dengerin lagu Fight Song, lupa sih ini di sekolah atau di asrama. Waktu sampai di lirik ini:
Hito wa hito jibun wa jibun (Orang lain ya orang lain, kamu ya kamu) Kurabeta jiten de maketeru (Kamu udah kalah begitu bandingin dirimu sama orang lain) Jibun ni makenai tsuyosa ga (Semangatmu untuk nggak pernah kalah sama diri sendiri) Donna kabe wo mo kowashiteku (Bakal meruntuhkan halangan apapun di depanmu)
Aku langsung nangis sejadi-jadinya.
Dan aku masih nangis kok sampai sekarang kalau dengerin bagian lirik itu, haha.
Lima om-om random ini memberiku hidup yang baru lewat lagu-lagu mereka. Hidup yang sepenuhnya milik diriku sendiri. Hidup yang gimana pun sucks-nya bakal tetap kunikmati.
Aku ingat ada tiga orang pelaku bully yang udah minta maaf langsung kepadaku. Dua orang di antara mereka pernah bertanya begini:
"Kok kamu bisa sih kuat banget, Nis?".
Aku nggak bisa jawab dengan proper pada saat itu. Namun, kalau diijinkan menjawab sekarang, aku akan menunjuk Arashi. It's all thanks to them. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau melanjutkan hidup. Lagu-lagu mereka bikin aku mau buat berjuang, meski rasanya tuh pengen memaki shibal setiap saat ya, haha.
Asli, aku akui banyak boyband yang secara visual, vokal, dan koreografinya jauh lebih baik dari Arashi. Secara standar hiburan, apalagi kalau merujuk Korea, mereka ga cakep-cakep amat.
Namun, apa yang bikin mereka juara buatku adalah liriknya yang menyentuh hati orang lain.
Lirik-lirik sederhana itulah yang menyelamatkan hidupku.
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if they do the soulmates eyes thing (yk the one) u r legally required to ship them
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seolarskyes · 4 years
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🌸 Sho and Masaki icons + wallpaper
🌸 Like & reblog if you save ♡
🌸 Wave!! Surfing Yappe
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tintagliat · 4 years
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Eyes in anime
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bishonenlover · 4 years
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Masaki and Sho - WAVE!! Surfing Yappe!! episode 01
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jenerallyreading · 4 years
Wave!! 🤝 Sk8 the Infinity
-hurting me so, so much more than a sports anime has the right to-
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bobgoesw00t · 3 years
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darkilk · 5 years
The day took a sharp turn...
.└ A hard-to-endure day, then...
1. Amazon JP sends notice that my 5x20 Clips DVD is FINALLY shipped.
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2. Results of Journey Exhibition gave a pleasant surprise.
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3. Announcement of Matsumoto-coordinated 5x20 Anniversary pamphlet.
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4. Behind-the-scene making of video clip(s?) related to to said pamphlet.
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5. VS Arashi chill time~~
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6. Kimura Takuya sempai appearing on tonight’s The Yakai Special.
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7. Announcing Ohmiya coming appearance on 31.10.2019 The Yakai Special.
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8. An update to Arashi Youtube Channel!!!
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arashipaparazzi · 6 years
As you know Arashi travel to US, seems to remake old photo book for the 20th anniversary. And Sakurai Sho will cover the grammys for New Zero. 
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Cr a gentle korean fan Judychloe 
ARASHI CALENDAR FROM  2001.01 Santa Monica Pier. US
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sweet-pinkitty · 3 years
100Koi+ 4th Anniversary Party Room (Part 1)
We are inviting 100Koi+ boyfriends to the room in the order in which the titles were released!!!
Titles 61 & Characters 396
This month marks the 4th anniversary🎂 Thank you always so much💕
To celebrate the 4th anniversary, I would like to invite them in 100 loves to this room! looking forward to…💕
💌 Invitation to party room
💟 Since 2007
Celebrity Darling
First of all, we invited these people!
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Sho Kiriya | Hayato Shiratori | Haru Shindo | Shinnosuke Ichijo | Ryuji Soma | Lee Ha-Neul | Natsuki Orihara
💟 Since 2008
Diary of a Step-Sister
Saionji family members. The black tie suits you very well.
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Masaki Saionji | Masaya Saionji | Yuji Saionji | Shuichi Saionji | Kaname Midou
💟 Since 2009
Class Trip Crush
Next is Aoharu's party.
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Taketo Kanzaki | Yasuto Kanzaki | Kanji Okumiya | Homare Midorikawa | Nagisa Ichinose | Rintaro Ashiya | Hajime Shindo
Sakura Amidst Chaos
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Nobunaga Oda | Kenshin Uesugi | Ieyasu Tokugawa | Yukimura Sanada | Masamune Date | Mitsuhide Akechi | Kanetsugu Naoe | Saizou Kirigakure | Mitsunari Ishida | Kojuro Katakura | Kiyomasa Kato | Takeda Shingen | Hanzo Hattori
My Sweet Bodyguard
This is absolutely safe and feeling.
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Subaru Ichiyanagi | Kaiji Akizuki | Sora Hirosue | Mizuki Fujisaki | Daichi Katsuragi | Hideki Ishigami | Seiji Goto | Toru Kurosawa | Kenta Makabe | Eiji Kiyosumi | Kyoya Hayase | Kei Koda
Kiss Me on Clover Hill
A sense of security like your parents' home.
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Soichi Kiyota | Bunta Kurimaki | Yusuke Sakuraba | Chihiro Kikuhara | Shokichi Kuramoto | Kazuto Horai | Daisuke Asahina | Akio Tsubaki
💟 Since 2010
Pirates in Love: Captain's Cut
He is going to search for treasure.
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Hayate | Shin | Soshi | Nagi | Towa | Captain Ryuga | Captain Roy | Leonardo
Office Secrets
Stepping on all the men who can!
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Toranosuke Hajime | Ryoma Shirasagi | Shota Kurumi | Junya Sakurazawa | Koji Nagumo | Shingo Kai | Tamotsu Goda
Be My Princess
Prince, it's time for the party!
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Wilfred A. Spencer | Joshua Lieben | Keith Alford | Roberto Button | Glenn J. Casiraghi | Edward Levaincois | Zain | Yakov Chernenkov
Dreamy Days in West Tokyo 
This month is surely a celebration in the shopping district!
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Haruki Tanemura | Ryuzo Hatta | Ichigo Sato | Takeshi Yuno | Rihito Hatsune | Johji Chakura | Koh Uraga | Reiji Uraga
Metro PD: Close to You
Everyone you can rely on...!
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Hiroshi Kirisawa | Kazusa Hanai | Yutaka Tennoji | Tadanobu Nomura | Shusuke Asano | Eiki Yachigusa | Katsuyuki Kyobashi | Ryohei Kimura | Masashi Himuro
Seduced in the Sleepless City
A super celebrity party!
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Yuzuki Kitaoji | Ryoichi Hirose | Noel Aijima | Chihaya Koda | Mirai Kageyama | Satsuki Kitaoji | Hibiki Shiina | Atsushi Jinnai | Trevor Konno 
10 Days with My Devil
The devils are also available.
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Kakeru Kamui | Satoru Kamagari | Shiki Kurobane | Haruhito Amano | Meguru Kamui | Rein Isaka | Tsubasa Shirai 
First Love Diaries
I'll take a group photo~
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Nao Fujimori | Yuya Abe | Mahiro Nanase | Sota Yamamoto | Mitsuru Sanada | Masato Asakura
💟 Since 2011
Love Letter from Thief X
What is your target today...?
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Takuto Hirukawa | Kenshi Inagaki | Hiro Sarashina | Riki Yanase | Atsumu Kashiwabara | Tatsuro Togoshi | Yuki Arisugawa | Hyosuke Kujo | Taiga Kujo 
Invite these people today!
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Shigure Hojo | Kanta Eguchi | Yuya Mitsui | Daisuke Kase | Saku Miyamoto
Exclusively Your: An Office Affair
Next, we invited these people!
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Arata Osaka | Taizo Sawaki | Sojiro Mikumo | Eita Onuki | Kyo Aoyagi | Kyuto Takenouchi
These people were invited today!
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Tsutomu Nagaoka | Kansuke Ichihara | Yukio Shiozawa | Atsuya Ogasawara | Michael (Angel) / Brutus (God)
Next is the handsome guys on campus...!
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Shuhei Makita | Ryusei Aihara | Fuyuki Kamijo | Kosei Aihara | Makoto Lee | Kento Fujimura
My Forged Wedding
We had LI members come today! 
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Yamato Kougami | Takamasa Saeki | Ren Shibasaki | Takao Maruyama | Yuta Kajima | Kunihiko Aikawa | Kyoichi Kunishiro | Haruka Utsunomiya | Akito Kakiuchi | Tamaki Kikushima
My Lady Juliet
Next, we invited these people! 
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Keiji Fujieda | Haruto Miyake | Yoshiki Minagawa | Shotaro Uekusa | Hisashi Aoyama | Takahashi Motoki
In Your Arms Tonight 
These people were invited today...! 
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Genji Higashiyama | Shohei Aiba | Kiyoto Makimura | Kippei Ebihara | Ritsu Moriyama | Koichi Natsukawa | Ginnosuke Oguri | Soji Higashiyama | Tsukasa Niregi
💟 Since 2012
Everyone who has flowers in their memories.
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Ryuichi Atsumi | Yugo Nishiyama | Kanato Osumi | Narisuke Ito | Takamichi Inose | Mabuchi Itsuki | Tatsuya Kumagai
The Kirihara family are all together!
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Touya Kirihara | Ataru Kirihara | Iku Sakanoue | Gakuto Suzuki | Naotarou Yakumo
A Knight's Devotion 
There were also members of the Knights of the Kingdom...!
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Lute | Haku | Ken | Shion | Gaia | Richard
Forget Me Not, My Love 
Everyone here also rushed in!
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Sohei Otori | Umi Sakurai | Kosuke Hasumi | Kenshin Shiota | Tatsuki Nadabe | Yasufumi Nezu
We invited them from the same elementary school!
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Asato Takamiya | Seta Taisei | Gaku Yanagisawa | Tetsuya Yukishiro | Teduka Momoharu
Kiss of Revenge 
Everyone from Ebisu General Hospital also came! 
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Issei Sezaki | Junpei Miyashita | Soichiro Irie | Kyosuke Narumi | Naoya Hasegawa
💟 Since 2013
Codaname: Cupid 
There were also elite spies called "General Affairs Department Section 3"!
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Riku Shishizaki | Motoharu Kotani | Ichiya Kanokawa | Ryohei Okami | Yojiro Maki
Wanted: Romance Renegades
We invited all of you today...!
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Takajo Mikiya | Masaki Yunosuke | Kurata Keigo | Ayano Shiji
Our Two Bedroom Story
Weekly four seasons and everyone at SIKI STYLE... Shikimen also came!
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Minato Okouchi | Kaoru Kirishima | Shusei Hayakawa | Chiaki Yuasa | Akiyoshi Zaizen | Tsumugu Kido | Ayame Suo | Hinata Yayoi | Kagetora Oji
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
There were some "Bad guys"!
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Eisuke Ichinomiya | Soryu Oh | Mitsunari Baba | Ota Kisaki | Mamoru Kishi | Shuichi Hishikura | Luke Foster | Hikaru Aihara | Mad Hatter / Rhion Hatter
Serendipity Next Door
They also live in the same apartment...!
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Masaomi Hibiya | Izumi Takasaki | Shinobu Narita | Jinpachi Yushima | Keiichi Tokiwa
➡️ Part 2
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ikemenfangirl · 4 years
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Anime TV:  WAVE!! ~ Surfing Yape !! ~
On Air in tonight
WAVE!! ~ Surfing Yappe!! (WAVE!!〜サーフィンやっぺ!!〜) Website: https://wave-anime.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/WAVE_animation
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【CAST】 Masaki Hinaoka CV. Maeno Tomoaki #前野智昭 Sho Akisuki CV. Ogasawara Jin #小笠原仁 Nalu Tanaka CV. Nakajima Yoshiki #中島ヨシキ Kosuke Iwana CV. Satou Takuya #佐藤拓也 Yuta Matsukaze CV. Shirai Yusuke #白井悠介 Naoya Kido CV. Toki Shunichi #土岐隼一 Rindo Fuke CV. Okamoto Nobuhiko #岡本信彦 Soichiro William Mori CV. Morikubo Showtaro #森久保祥太郎
**Surfing x Handsome project "WAVE!!" upcoming to app games
#Anime #うぇーぶ #waveanime #อนิเมะ #アニメ
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
Space Between [Aizawa Shouta x F!Reader x Yamada Hizashi] [4/9]
EraserMic x Reader
Part 4/8
Warnings: some descriptions of violence, therapy/doctor visit, some kiss
When Shouta and Hizashi wake up the next day, it’s to the smell of cooking food.
Unable to stay asleep, you’d given up and decided to be more productive with your time. You knew it was pretty rare for them to have time for breakfast, so you worked quickly to pull something appetizing together.
In any case, they both seemed to appreciate it, sipping their coffees and savouring the warmth of home made food.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” Hizashi says, mouth full of food.
Shouta mumbles at him to stop being rude, but you just laugh, “You’ve still got the same shitty tastebuds, ‘zashi.”
It earns a smile from both your friends, but the blond does make an effort to swallow before speaking again.
“So, what’s on your agenda today, sweetcheeks?”
It takes you a second to realize he’s talking to you, and not Shouta. Though you can’t imagine such a nickname for him, it’s still been a while since either of your friends have called you anything but your name. It’s a nice change, even if the way he says it makes your face heat up.
“Not much, actually,” you say, pushing an egg around your plate, “I have an appointment with the doctor at one, and I’ve got some sheets to fill out beforehand. I think I’m gonna put my energy into that, instead of trying to get a bunch of things done.”
You don’t miss the way Shouta perks up slightly, even though he doesn’t say anything. Hizashi, on the other hand, almost looks deflated.
“That’s so...grown up,” he mumbles.
Shouta sighs. “He means boring.”
“I know, Sho.”
“Why don’t you do something fun, too?” the blond continues, “Go shopping, get lunch, see the city, y’know?”
You mind flashes momentarily to the day before, and the catastrophe that had been the mall, and you cringe. “Yeah, after yesterday, I think I’m gonna limit my public appearances.”
And then you remember you’d never told either of them about your eventful afternoon.
“What happened yesterday?”
You groan quietly, and run a hand down your face. This wasn’t the conversation you wanted to have right now, but you supposed you brought it upon yourself. They wouldn’t let you off the hook, that was for sure.
“I...hand a panic attack at the mall. Crowds, and stuff.”
Hizashi eyes you suspiciously. “What else happened?”
“It’s fine,” you insist, “it’s nothing I can’t handle.”
Annoyance bubbles in your chest, and you snap, “It’s fine! Just some kid who tried to scare me. I’ve got it, so let it go.”
You’re all quiet for a moment, and you droop, pushing your plate away.
“I’m sorry,” you tell them, truthfully.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay-”
“It’s not okay! I shouldn’t be taking my frustration out on you guys, especially not after everything you’ve done for me.”
Like put them in danger.
“The mission I went on was just so...so…”
They know where I am. They already sent someone after me, remember?
“Stressful, I guess?”
The people I love are going to end up dead.
Shouta reaches across the table to brush his fingertips against yours, a small notion of comfort and support. “We get it, Y/N. That’s why I gave you that list in the first place.”
It’ll be my fault.
Hizashi takes your other hand, rubbing soothing patterns into your skin. “Yeah, honey. No matter what, we’re always gonna be here for you.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, avoiding their gazes, and trying to push your thoughts down. But they’re loud, and they fill you with so much fear you can barely breathe.
Their devotion to me will get them killed.
It’ll be my fault. Again.
In a quick motion, you tear away from their grasps and jump out of your chair, skittering a few feet back. “You shouldn’t promise things like that so blindly!” you cry, tucking your arms tightly against your body.
“No! You have no idea what kind of people I have after me! Letting me stay here is putting you guys in enough danger, I don’t need you fighting by my side!”
Shouta stands slowly from his seat, coming around the table quietly and making sure he doesn’t leave your line of sight. He manages to get about two feet from you before you’re shrinking away again, like some kind of frightened deer.
“You don’t deserve to die for me. And I certainly don’t deserve to have people like you on my rotten side.”
He reaches for you again, but you skirt around him and weasel away to the bathroom, where you shut the door and lock it.
You don’t bother turning the light on, opting to stay in the dark where no one can see you and you can’t see yourself. You can see your friends’ shadows under the door, hear their low voices, and you sink to the floor with tear filled eyes.
You hear one of them sit on the other side of the door, and it’s Shouta that speaks, “Y/N...whatever you think is going to happen to us, it won’t.”
You sniffle pathetically. “You have no idea how much power these people have. They kill pros all the time. All the time, Shouta.”
Hizashi says something from a few feet away, but his voice is muffled by the sound of your heart beating in your ears. Your friends talk back and forth for a moment, clipped and worried, and guilt washes over you.
I’m making them worry. Over nothing. They don’t deserve this.
A quiet knock on the door startles you. “You there still?” Shouta asks.
“Okay. I’m...I’m going to stay home with you today. Make sure you get to your appointment.”
Like a snap, you go from frightened, to frustrated and patronized. “I’m not a child! I don’t need someone to hold my hand everywhere I go! I’m fine!”
“Kitten, you’re hiding in the bathroom because you think people are after you.”
“People are after me, they made their message very clear! But it’s my battle to fight, and one I refuse to bring you two into. I’m going to do this on my own, appointment included.”
You’re all quiet for a bit, nothing but the sound of your own breathing in the lonely dark room. But a sigh eventually emanates from the other side of the door, and when Shouta speaks he sounds remarkably sad, “...we can’t force you to accept our help. But know that we’re here for you, whenever you need us. Always.”
You don’t reply to him, instead tucking your knees up to your chest while you finally let tears escape down your cheeks.
You remain like that until the sun comes up and floods the room with light, long after your friends have locked up and gone off to work.
You drum your fingertips against your thigh while you sit in the waiting room at the clinic. There weren’t many other people there with you, and all of them were more interested in their phones, but you couldn’t help feeling watched.
After your friends had left the house, you’d shamefully slinked out of the bathroom and back over to the couch. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep again, not without missing your appointment, so you’d set your energy into completing the needed forms.
Self assessments, symptom tracking records, confidentiality agreements, the like. It felt incredibly strange to be so honest about what you were going through, and a little piece of you wanted to lie and say you were okay, but logically you knew you’d get the best care if you told the truth.
You glance up at the front desk, where a receptionist is typing at her computer. Then, you glance at the clock on the wall. You were early, and though you’d only been in the building for five minutes it felt like time was dragging on.
You pull your phone out of your pocket with a shaky hand and open the news sites you’d been frequenting since coming home. You never found any updates on them, but they were the most reliable places you had access to, and-
You pause when a new article pops up.
‘Five suspects convicted after ties connecting them to drug trafficking, uncovered. Sixth suspect remains unfound.’
Your stomach sinks at the headline, and you click on the article.
‘Five individuals have been apprehended and sentenced after their involvement with one of the world’s largest international drugs trades is brought to light. Evidence strongly supports the presence of a sixth villain, though they remain elusive to the forces trying to bring them in.
A public warning has been issued, urging citizens and heroes to report any kind of suspicious activity…’
You stop reading after the first paragraph, staring blankly at your phone. So one of them had gotten away, just like you were worried about, and you had a pretty good idea of which one. The most wily of all six of them, and arguably the most dangerous. Smart, manipulative, a taste for violence.
Your heart rate begins to pick up, and you swallow the lump forming in your throat. If she was able to get away, then she knew she’d had people coming to get her, which meant she’d had information leaked to her, which possibly meant other information had been leaked alongside it, which meant-
An aura of unnatural calm washes over you, just as a woman comes to stand in front of you. You look up at her slowly, eyes wide and scared, but all she does is smile down at you.
“Miss Y/N?” she asks, and you nod. She offers a hand to you, which you politely take, and she gently pulls you to your feet. “I’m Nurse Himeno, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for using my quirk on you. You looked like you were having a hard time breathing.”
“It’s...fine.” Your tone is carefully devoid of any emotion, though the feeling of the womans’ hand in yours sends electric spikes up your arm.
“I’m a member of the daytime staff here,” she explains, leading you down a warm hallway lined with doors. “I handle patients who struggle with anxiety, be it chronic or trauma related. Since this is your first appointment here, the on staff physician, Doctor Masaki, will be seeing you today, to determine which programs will best fit your needs. Is that alright with you?”
You nod again, mumbling a quiet affirmation.
The two of you stop in front of a door, and Himeno ushers you inside. It’s...different than you imagined it would be; cozy and warm, with dim lighting, soft carpet, and pleasant artworks on the walls.
“Please take a seat, Miss Y/N. I’ll return shortly.”
You do as you’re told, sitting on the very edge of an overly plush chair. The calmness you’d felt slowly begins to fade, and your leg starts vibrating, thoughts beginning to race again.
You had to assume that the missing villain knew your location, as well as your involvement with the takedown of her subordinates. She’d be angry, furious, that she’d let you slip away. She wouldn’t be thinking straight.
If you could find a way to take advantage of that, she might be prone to rushing into things, to messing up and letting something slip. If you could catch her at unawares, you could have the upper hand...you could have a chance at beating her, before she got the chance to use her quirk.
It meant you’d most likely have to seek her out, ask around the local underground scene and see if anyone had any information on her. It would be risky, especially given your current state, but it would likely be your only opportunity. You’d have to keep it from Shouta and Hizashi, too, knowing that they’d try and stop you-
A wave of calm rushes over you again, and your thoughts stop in their tracks. Seconds later, Nurse Himeno and a woman you’re assuming is Doctor Masaki walk into the room.
“Good afternoon, Miss Y/N,” the doctor says, greeting you pleasantly before taking a seat across from you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise,” you reply.
She taps at the tablet in her hand, scrolling around until she finds what she’s looking for. “I’ve reviewed the forms you submitted earlier today, regarding the symptoms you’re struggling with. Do you mind if we go over them?”
You nod.
“Alright. So...trouble sleeping, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, panic attacks...is there anything else on the list you weren’t able to mention?”
You slouch back in the chair, thinking to earlier in the day. “Agitation...uh, paranoia, I think. Guilt. I have trouble functioning sometimes, too. Like, today was the first time i showered all week, and I didn’t eat breakfast…”
“Why not?”
“...I was hiding in the bathroom.”
Doctor Masaki makes a few notes, and you idly pinch at the skin on your knuckles.
“Do you have any idea what may have triggered these kinds of responses? Trauma, a stressful event…?”
You’re both quiet for a moment, before she says, “I need to know what it is, dear.”
You fluster for a second, thoughts jumbled momentarily. “Oh- um. Okay, so. I was undercover for two and a half years...”
You go on to fully explain your situation, going into uncomfortable detail about the things you’d done and the things you’d witnessed, the things you were now dealing with, and your fears and stresses about the entire ordeal, including the recent arrests and villain misplacements.
“...and now I think one of them is here and out to get me, which is illogical, I know, but I’m so high strung all the time and I’m sick of having to constantly look over my shoulder, and wonder if I’ll come home to find the people I love dead!”
The calming aura surrounding you grows stronger, and though you try to fight it, you eventually let it be and fall back into your chair. All the while, the doctor makes more notes in what you assume is your case file.
“It sounds like a rough time,” she says, “Exhausting, too. It’s no wonder you’re experiencing so many symptoms; you’ve been through a lot.”
You twiddle your thumbs, waiting for her to continue.
“I think solo sessions would be a good place to start, twice a week, as well as some low dose medications to help you manage your anxiety and sleep. Does that sound agreeable?”
You shrug, not really knowing the answer. “Whatever you think is best, I guess…”
You talk a little bit more about private therapy and what sorts of things will happen there, as well as what kinds of medications you’re to start on. By the end of it when you’re leaving, prescription in hand, you’re beyond tired. Physically. Emotionally. Mentally.
You take a deep breath when you exit the building, letting the familiar smells of the city ground you.
You’d taken the train to the clinic earlier, but now you’re not sure you could manage being in such cramped quarters with other people (you barely handled it the first time). The walk home would take an extra fifteen minutes, but you were willing to foot that if it meant you wouldn’t have another panic attack.
Ten minutes later found you regretting your decision.
You hadn’t taken into account the fact that the train had an entirely different route than the one you needed to walk in order to get home, meaning you were smack dab in the middle of a run down neighborhood. Normally it wouldn’t bother you; you knew that most places like this held no danger.
But in your years working as a hero, this particular place had been notorious for mischief and small time villain activity. Sure, it was daytime, and you were physically capable of defending yourself, but the back of your mind was still on edge.
Keep your head low, walk fast, don’t make conversation, you think, speeding up your paces ever so slightly. You couldn’t see anyone on the street ahead of you, nor in the alleyways as you pass them...
You slow your steps again, hearing the soft echo of boots behind you. It was only a fraction of a second before the person matched your footsteps again, but it was enough time for you to know.
As you pass the next building, you dart into the narrow walkway beside it and find a place against the wall. Shortly after, a strikingly familiar hooded figure follows in suit, and you lunge.
Their back hits the brick with a thud, and they gasp as the air is forced out of their chest. You twist your fist in their sweater, pushing hard against their collarbone to hold them in place.
“Why are you following me!” you hiss, glaring up and down at the teen. Same as the other day, they’re in dark baggy clothes. The only difference is the grey mask covering the top half of their face, which is slightly askew from their struggling.
“What the hell, lady-”
“Cut the bullshit, you threatened me the other day, and now you’re tailing me. What do you want?”
They squirm for a couple more seconds, but eventually give up and slump against the wall. They looked tired, and a little nervous, but then so were you.
“You should keep your ears open, lady. You’re Y/N, right?”
You’re silent, and press them a little harder into the wall.
“Geez, you’re even more wound up than the other day! Relax, I’m not here on her behalf. I’m here to warn you!”
“What the fuck does that mean,” you hiss.
“I’m a vigilante!”
“I swear!” by now they’re looking a little uncomfortable, and their breathing is slightly laboured. “I go by Oracle.”
You pause, then, grip loosening ever so slightly. You’d heard that name before, multiple times, from people who’ve complained over the years about a kid and their freaky quirk. One of the other names you’ve heard them called is Ill Omen, a messenger of death.
It’s bad news, if they’ve sought you out.
“Let’s pretend I believe you,” you say. “If you are who you say you are, then you know something. Tell me. Now.”
“If you could let me breathe-”
You release them, and they gasp for a few moments against the wall, rubbing the new undeniable bruise on their chest. They only take a few seconds of respite before they’re standing up again, staring at you with intense sincerity.
It’s a little unnerving.
“Like I said, I go by Oracle. My quirk lets me see the future, but only specific parts of it. And I don’t have control over whose futures I see-”
You roll your eyes. “I know who you are, kid. You see people’s deaths, and warn them about it.”
“Ehh…” the kid shrugs. “Close enough. Anyways, you. You have some powerful enemies, don’t you?”
“Assuming they know my identity and whereabouts, yes.”
“Best assume, then. In two weeks -I think- you’re going to die. A lot of people are. At the hands of a woman who calls herself Akuma.”
Your blood runs cold. Of course you’d assumed she would be the one to hunt you down, she was the only one of your targets who escaped capture, but hearing it spoken out loud has a much stronger effect than you’d expected. As if suddenly...the threat was real.
“Where?” you ask, “And what time of day?”
Oracle shrugs again, stuffing their hands in their pockets. “I...don’t know exactly. There were tall buildings, highrises, and a lot of people caught in the crossfire, so it was pretty busy.”
“That’s most of Japan.”
“That’s what I’m saying! Look, I only see the moments before a person dies, a couple seconds at most. I have to rely on visual cues in order to get the specifics.”
You step away from them, and start pacing around the alleyway. If their timeline was correct, then Akuma would already be in the country, no doubt. But if you still had some time before she struck, then it was likely she didn’t know your exact location. She wasn’t a patient person; if she had your whereabouts now, you’d already be dead.
I’m safe, for now. Shouta and Hizashi…
“Is there anything at all that you saw that could tip us off to a time?”
Oracle watches you walk back and forth. “I- there was a flyer in a shop window, dated two weeks from now, like I said. But I don’t know if that was the time it was happening, not for certain.”
You sigh deeply. Not certain, but certainly something.
“Can I know how I die?” you ask, quieter now. “I mean, I have a hunch, but…”
They scrunch their face up, in a way between disgust and a frown. “It’s kind of like. Akuma secretes this kind of...sludge? It looks like tar, reeks of despair-”
“-chokes the victim and makes them hallucinate while they drown. Yeah, I figured. Fuck, of all the ways to go.” Your mind dwells back to your partner while you were undercover, the only person you’d ever seen escape Akuma’s grasp.
Only to get a gunshot to the head.
Oracle takes a tentative step towards you, reaching out for a moment and then thinking better of it. They seem sympathetic, in a way, concerned, even though you’re a total stranger.
“Is it...not possible to escape?” They ask.
“It...is. Technically.” You turn to her, “The way Akuma’s quirk works is vile. Yes it causes hallucinations, and yes you suffocate if you’re under her control for too long, but it’s how she keeps her targets subdued.”
“The tar she makes has a special property. As it soaks into the skin and overtakes you, it destroys the will to live. And it’s mighty hard to fight your way out of her clutches when you don’t see a reason to. You need a lot of willpower. And stubbornness.”
You fist a hand in your hair, and tug. You weren’t the kind of person who could get away from her. Maybe you used to be, but now? Now, you’re all but a ghost of the person you used to be, or a shell of the person you could become again. But not right now, you were too damaged, too weak.
You glance at Oracle. “I should go. Thanks for the heads up, kid.”
They reach out for you as you walk past them and back onto the street, barely missing the sleeve of your shirt. “Wait! If you want to live, you have to stay away from her-”
“Oracle...kid. You can’t save everyone. You’ve done your part, and where I go from here is up to me.”
“And where exactly is that?”
You don’t miss the frustration in their voice, but you pay it no mind.
“I don’t know.”
You startle at the sound of the front door closing, looking over from your spot on the couch. Some mediocre netflix show is playing quietly on the TV, but you hadn’t really been paying attention to it, too lost in thought.
Hizashi wanders into the room a couple seconds later, looking deceptively pleasant considering the way the day had started. He smiles at you from across the room, and tosses his jacket over the back of the couch, coming around to find a seat beside you.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he says softly, and you can’t help but smile.
“Hey ‘zashi. Where’s Shouta?”
“Late patrol. He should be home by midnight.”
You both fall quiet after that. Neither one of you want to address the tired atmosphere of the room. Neither one of you really want to bring up what happened earlier in the day. You certainly don’t want to talk about your visit from Oracle. But…
“Sorry I don’t have dinner ready today,” you begin, “I...kind of had a long day. I’ve been distracted since I got home.”
Hizashi rearranges himself on the couch, getting more comfortable as he turns to face you. “You had your appointment today, right? How’d it go?”
For a moment, you contemplate not telling him everything, of sparing him the details and only mentioning your appointment. You knew that wasn’t fair, though, and if you were going to get anywhere and improve, you had to let people in. And your best friends would be your first choice.
“It went okay. Doctor was nice, place was tidy. I’ve definitely got some kind of PTSD, but I’m pretty sure you guys already knew that.”
“Just a little.”
You shove him gently, a smile gracing your lips. It soon fades, though, giving way to the downtrodden expression you’d been wearing most of the afternoon.
“It’s actually not the doctor I’m stressing over,” you say, chewing on your lip. “Hizashi, I…”
You pause, taking a shaky breath. Hizashi leans closer, some inkling of youthful hope gleaming behind his eyes. You don’t know what he wants you to say, but the next words out of your mouth certainly aren’t it.
“I met someone today.”
You can physically see him deflate.
“That’s not what I thought you were going to say.”
You watch him carefully, wanting to ask what it was. Ask him anything, anything to get away from the conversation you’re about to have. “Have you ever heard of the vigilante called Oracle?”
All at once, his posture stiffens, and a wrinkle forms in between his pinched brows. He’s smart, you know he is, and you know he’s already figured it out. “The kid who predicts people’s deaths. You met with them?”
“They sought me out.”
“That’s even worse!”
He clearly stressed now, starting to fidget and pluck at the loose threads on his jeans. His gaze is focused on something far away, as the gears turn in his head.
“Please, please tell me they didn’t-”
“Two weeks from now,” you supply bitterly.
He looks heartbroken, like he wants to throw up and cry at the same time. You don’t blame him. If you were in his position, you’d be throwing a fit by now, trying to find ways to fix it, to make sure he was safe.
“Well, then maybe this is a good thing,” he says, ever the optimist. “You have a heads up. You can avoid-”
He looks at you like you’ve grown a second head, anger bubbling in his expression. “What do you mean ‘no’? Y/N, if you’re going to die, and you can get out of it-”
“Not for long!” You wince at the volume of your voice, shoving off the couch to pace around the living room. “Do you know who kills me, Hizashi? Akuma.”
“Akuma! She was my...boss, of sorts. While I was undercover. She escaped arrest. Oracle told me that I get caught in her quirk. I’ve only ever known one person who escaped it, and he’s dead.”
You come to a stop in front of him, slouched slightly, tears welled up in your eyes. “She’s so strong, ‘zashi. Unstoppable. Deadly.”
He stands up off the couch, taking up most of your personal space, but he doesn’t seem to care. “We can stop her. We’re heroes, it’s what we do. It might not be easy, but if we get the city on alert-”
“It’ll only delay her,” you shake your head, “She thrives in the underground world. She’s got connections. If I don’t face her now, I’m going to spend the rest of my life running.”
“But at least you’ll be alive!”
You’re both surprised and not, to see him lose his cool like that. He grips your shoulders tightly, holding you in place. “You can’t just give up and let yourself get taken down! Just because some kid says you’re gonna die, now you gotta? It was a warning, Y/N, a blessing, to get you to stay away!”
“I never said I was gonna throw my life away!”
“That’s exactly what confronting Akuma is!”
“It’s not!” You glare up at him, refusing to soften over the tears and desperation on his face, refusing to back down to his fears and worries. “I’m sick of always looking over my shoulder! I’m sick of being afraid, and angry, and tired, all the time! If doing this means I might get my freedom back, means I might win, then I’m doing it.”
“Or,” he spits, “you’ll end up dead.”
“Well, either way, it’s my life! And my choice!”
You move to shove him away, shake him off of you, but he only pulls you close and crushes you in a hug. He holds you tighter than you think he ever has, his fingers digging almost painfully into your skin where he grips you. You don’t even realize he’s crying, until a pathetic sniffle sounds in your ear.
“Please,” he whispers, voice wet and trembling. “Sweetheart, please. Sho and I...we thought we lost you once already. Please don’t do this.”
Slowly, you snake your arms around him, returning the gesture in a more gentle manner. Your own eyes water uncontrollably as you bury your face in his shoulder, dripping onto his shirt.
“I’m going to face her,” you say.
“Y/N, Oracle’s visions-”
“-Are a warning. I know when Akuma is going to strike, and I’ll be ready. Hizashi, I promise.”
He pulls back slightly, releasing you from his hold enough so that he can rest his forehead against yours, and for a moment, your feelings for him resurface. His soft breath fanning across your face, his thumbs rubbing slow circles into your arms. You want to tell him more than ever now, how you feel about him. If you were going to die, you couldn’t bear something like that being unspoken.
“‘Zashi, I need to tell you something else.”
Your gazes connect, then, his eyes piercing and swimming with so many emotions. Your words die in your throat, lost in the moment. The moment where there is no Akuma, no impending death...just the two of you, holding each other close, silently sharing the love you feel for one another.
He looks so tired, so scared, but behind it all there is a fierce determination and a fiery hope.
If you’re going to die, you don’t want those words left unspoken.
But he already knows what you're going to say, so he cups your face, and cuts you off with a kiss.
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le0watch · 3 years
Another wave ask lmao but do you have any ships? And who's your favorite? (´• ω •`)
yes!! i've got like two atm
obviously sho x masaki, but i do sometimes drift towards masaki x nalu, and now that you pointed out an ot3 with them, i have to use that as well lol
but i do also ship kosuke and yuta as well! as a treat you know
do these have ship names? i gotta start tagging them
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m4tsuk4ze · 3 years
Naoyuta and why I can't stop thinking about it
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Naoyuta ( Naoyuu / Yuunao ) is the ship between Naoya Kido and Yuta Matsukaze. Now this post will just be me ranting about Naoyuta and why people in the community should talk about it more.
[ Quick warning : I AM Yuta so I will be referring to myself in the first person during this whole post. Also, if you reply, please do not mention anything about Kosu/Yuu because I can literally explain how that's never going to happen and why I'm so uncomfortable about it ]
Part 1 : A Pair of Nerds
I ( Yuta ) am a surfer from Shōnan who was born and raised at my parent's surfing shop. Naoya is a surfer from Oita. Through dialogue, it's revealed that I've known Naoya longer than he's known me. Our first meeting was either at the cafe where he got Miruru merch from [ WAVE!! 4-koma ], where he met both me and Kosuke twice, but never had a proper conversation, we only told him that he can have our coasters and cards. Or at my surf shop, where Naoya came in to check out a necklace he saw [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Shop Duty ].
Our feelings towards each other are unknown, as the full relationship chart only says "?". Meanwhile, the character relationship charts have our opinions on each other. Though, from the mmm relationship chart, me and Naoya are shown to be confused with each other, "Miruru...?" "Megane character...?".
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Part 2 : Next to each other.
As the 5th and 6th characters in the roster, me and Naoya are constantly paired together in promotional works and songs. Though, that's not as important as our actual relationship to each other.
We don't get to see much in the anime, though there have been a lot of interactions outside of it that shows that we're not as far apart as we seem.
From the [ WAVE!! 4-koma ], it's shown that me and Naoya has spent a couple of days together. In one comic, I was spending my whole day with him to figure out how he's so amazing at surfing. We ended up only watching anime, which made my notes fill up with data about Miruru. That databook was then given to Naoya. Something interesting is how the narrator said "There was no data collected, but the distance between their hearts did shorten."
On the game story [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Shop Duty ], I said a line that could be interpreted as falling in love or gaining interest, "At first, I was just supposed to guard the store. But before I knew it, I was..." In the same story, I also told Naoya that I've been watching him for over a year ( to which he called me a stalker, but that's fair i guess ), though it was Naoya telling me that he didn't mind me talking so much.
Naoya, meanwhile, doesn't give us much. He's said I was different on multiple occasions, on the character relationship charts ( which we will get to later ) and in the story [ Naoya Kido - The Secret of the Notebook ], where he said "…… Hinaoka-senshu is not ready yet. But Matsukaze-senshu is different." when it came to names for techniques. Naoya has also became really enthusiastic when I told him that I would probably move to Tokyo after high school [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]. We also got a close up shot of Naoya being worried for me during my heat with Fuke----
Also, a friend of mine theorised that the promotional SURFDAYS illustrations, the ways we're holding our surfboards are the way we'll hold our significant others...... So in terms of being next to each other,,,
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Part 3 : Annoying?!
Now on to those character relationship charts.
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On my relationship chart :
Y -> N : "He gets really excited when we're in Tokyo"
N -> Y : "I'd rather watch the latest Miruru episode than listen to your data."
On Naoya's relationship chart :
Y -> N : "His Miruru fan-ness gets annoying."
N -> Y : "He's a little different from the megane characters I know."
So yes, not that positive.... Though, despite me finding his love for Miruru a little annoying, it doesn't stop me from looking out for him. On the game event story [ Chocolate Securing Plan ], Nalu reveals that I've been telling him about Naoya. Nalu said that I told him not to touch the truth about Miruru, or basically, not to reality check him. This came up when Sho almost told Naoya about how fictional characters can't make real life chocolate.
Part 4 : Trivia and Hints
Me alerting Bill as to why Naoya isn't going to participate in the Forest Cup [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me being the first to try and help Naoya after seeing him sad because the anime isn't going to stream in his city [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me saying that I need Naoya in Shōnan after finding out how Naoya could actually make Kosuke take a break [ WAVE!! 4-koma ]
Me falling more into interest with Naoya after finding out how he is towards 2D and 3D girls [ Naoya Kido - 2D and 3D ]
Me itching to talk to him after seeing him at the beach [ Naoya Kido - The Secret of the Notebook ]
Me being the most worried when mine and Masaki's plan to give Naoya Miruru Dried Sweet Potatoes failed [ Naoya's Birthday Post 2020 ]
Naoya saying he doesn't mind that I talk a lot and that I'm just enthusiastic [ Yuta Matsukaze - Analysis During Store Duty ]
Naoya actually laughing and blushing at whatever the fuck I'm showing him [ WAVE!! Surfing Yappe!! Vol.2 DVD Cover ]
Part 5 : Yuta's Thoughts
Yeah so far it seems somewhat one-sided. I've shown a lot of interest towards Naoya in multiple different stories. Though there's much on him towards me. It's not something I mind though. In the stories, Naoya has shown to be kind towards me, though sometimes sarcastic and straightforward. He's a really interesting person and I'm glad that I could figure him out piece by piece. In the end, we still feel very far apart.
Yet, despite our distance and somewhat distaste for each other, we also have a lot of similarities. First of all, we're both described as nerds. But we also have shown to be the most perceptive out of the whole group, other similarities is that we can't seem to fucking shut up about our interests, and we also treasure our friends very much.
Part 6 : Final Thoughts
Anyways Naoyuta is a great ship, fuck you nerd x nerd is superior I don't want to hear anyone say shit about it. Also pink and green literally amazing, the colour palette is just spectacular, I cannot shut up about it.
This is dedicated to the first showing of Shonan the WAVE!! which will be streamed on the LOVE&ART official YouTube channel featuring both mine and Naoya's seiyuus, Yusuke Shirai and Shunichi Toki, on Friday 21st of May at 21:00 JST
Manifesting a Naoyuta drama but who knows.
Also WAVE!! Wonderful Party has a clip,,, It might be from a drama featuring the both of us or it could be something else. If it's the former then WHAT THE FUCK WHY DID I FUCKING MOAN AFTER NAOYA SAID SOMETHING ABOUT LAUNCHING SOMETHING [ CONTEXT PLEASE ]
Anyways have a great day, this was Yuta Matsukaze ranting about his own relationship and being gay as fuck so I hope you enjoyed reading it.
To leave off this post, I'll be sharing some art. And that's it, thank you for reading, goodbye for now!
- m4tsuk4ze || Yūta
Part 7 : Naoyuta so true
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