#shocking tun of events: i still dont know how to tag shit
laneynoir · 1 year
Day 6
Prompts used: Made to watch/"It should have been me"
Me at nearly two am for some reason: hmmm... zombies.
"They're getting closer, Meleth, and we're almost out of the ammunition"
Kili swears under his breath, and steadfastly refuses to even glance at the gass monitor. "Check the glove compartment, and the toolkit under your seat." He swerves to avoid another body as the redhead shakes open the rickety door. She makes a small noise of satisfaction when she finds a couple small boxes that rattle when she shakes them.
Tauriel tosses the gun in her hand to the back seat and swaps it for the double-barrel shotgun, quickly loading it and poping up through the sun roof that has long since lost its glass. Two shots and four adversaries down, she reloads and takes aim again. It hardly makes a dent in the numbers that follow them.
She sinks back into the seat,and flicks the safety on as a second thought. "This is only wasting bullets, how far can we get in this thing?" Silence answers her question better than any words ever could. "Ah. Well then."
"I have an idea," Tauriel knows that tone. "And it's probably both a bad one, and a dangerous one."
"But it may work?" It's strange, that even now she can manage a smile.
"Aye, it may work."
After a short explination of what will probably be their death, Tauriel scrambles around the trashed vehicle, stuffing everythibg the can into the duffle bags. Guns, blankets, ancient granola bars, a keychain with a thermometer on it, and a bag of makeup are only some of the random assortments that makeup the strange haul. She goes so far as to pull the radio from the console, earning a flirtatious whistle from the partner.
"Up there, do you see it?" Tauriel looks forward, the imcline is sharp, which will slow their adversaries down... Hopefully enough. The path to the top of the hill is covered in trees, most dead, which makes what they're about to do somewhat less painful, but she still regrets the necessity, the treetops remind herof home.
Home, so long gone, lost forever. No, that's not entirely true, she glances at the driver, hair wild about his face and stubble growing somewhat wild from negligence.
Kili is flooring the accelerator, and as soon as they reach near the top of the imcline, Tauriel has the duffle bags to grab, and a homemade fire starter at the ready. Kili wrenches the wheels to the side, turning the car so that it block the road and puts it in neutral. Kili grabs three of the bags, leaving Tauriel with one and the lighter.
As soon as rhe flames lick at the cardboard paperwork roll filled with drier lint and hair spray, Tauriel stuffs it past the fule cap and takes off over the over side of the hill, looking back in time to see the car begin twisting down hill into a river of decaying body's clawing their way up. But what makes her blood run cold is Kili's leg twists and he falls to the ground under the weight of their supplies.
She can do nothing as the fire sparks the car into am explosion and pieces of metle are flung onto the air. The sudden brightness blinds her, and when she regains her sights, the fire has enveloped the entire area, and is spreading fast toward her. Logic and emotion tear her apart from the inside, but even now the flames lick at her boots as she slowly backs up, staring into the fire that had stolen her home.
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