angelynmoon · 1 year
So that post about Legolas being ride or die for his friends and Tauriel telling him that she's going out with Kili and Legolas pouting and saying she's abandoning him and whatnot.
Just gave me the thought that it ends with Kili and Tauriel taking Legolas with them on their date to the Middle-Earth equivalent of an amusement park and Legolas with an ice cream or cotton candy skipping ahead of Kili and Tauriel (who are holding hands).
Legolas is maybe wearing one of those backpack leashes so he doesn't get lost(Tauriel framed it as Legolas knowing they didn't sneak off without him but it also gives her a Kili some privacy on thier invaded date).
They ignore Fili following them from a decent distance as a chaperone, like the child infront of them wasn't enough supervision.
Guess who rewatched the Hobbit
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mxlokithetrickster · 5 years
How Tauriel’s Banishment Should Have Gone
Fandom: The Hobbit
Warnings: None
Characters: Tauriel, Kili, Legolas, Feren, Mentions of other Dwarves
Words: 716
Summary: How Tauriel’s banishment should have gone based off an idea I had while watching The Battle of Five Armies with @litnerd1604.
Authors Note: Shoutout to @litnerd1604 for critiquing this for me! Check out her blog, she’s awesome!
Just as Tauriel and Legolas were beginning their discussion they were interrupted. They turned to see Feren arriving on horseback.
“My Lord Legolas. I bring word from your Father. You are to return to him immediately.” His voice was soft, so as to not alert the humans of their conversation.
Legolas considered the other Elf for a moment and, turning his head in her direction he replied “Come, Tauriel.”
Feren shifted uncomfortably, all Elves knew of Lord Legolas’ feelings for the She-Elf. “My Lord… Tauriel is banished.”
The mentioned Elf’s head shot up, staring at the messenger, this could be her chance… As she slowly backed away from the group, she heard Legolas reply, his voice gruffer than usual in its anger, “Banished? You may tell my father if there is no place for Tauriel, there is no place for me.”
At those words, Tauriel turned and ran, quickly finding a small boat at the water’s edge and rowing away at a fast pace.
Back with the Elves, Legolas turned to smile at Tauriel, expecting to receive praise for his heart-felt statement and instead seeing only the humans that moved around the area quickly, hardly sparing a glance at the Elven Prince. “… Tauriel?”
He searched around for her, moving quicker and quicker as the minutes passed, “Tauriel!”
He began to shout now, screaming as he ran around the small area of land, eyes passing over the water and the boat that was easily making its way across to the mountain.
Out on the water, the She-Elf’s eyes widened, her body quickly stiffening before she began to row faster than before, racing to get to the opposite edge.
The boat slowly slide along the soft pebbles, stopping as it went too far inland. Tauriel stood, quickly jumping out of the boat and running up the shore, towards the mountain that loomed over her, casting great shadows on the land beneath her feet. She moved swiftly across the land, eager to see her Love and his home.
As she can upon the castle’s entrance she shouted, “Kili! Kili I am here!” She continued to shout, no doubt gaining the attention of those other than the one she called for, she could see them, they stood from their work, watching her approach. Finally, one of the Dwarves moved to retrieve her Love. She continued to move, knowing that she sooner she reached the entrance the sooner she could talk to him. Talk to Kili and tell him what she’d done.
Her eyes re-focused as she saw movement ahead, locking in on the face of her Love. She pushed herself to run faster, to be with him sooner. “Kili!”
“Tauriel!” He shouted back, running past his kin and the entrance, desperate to see her.
They collided, their arms wrapping around each other in an unbreakable embrace. “I thought you have gone with that Elf Lord!” Kili exclaimed, beaming up at her.
“I left him.”
“Why?” He stared into her eyes, trying to keep this moment in his memory forever.
“They banished me. Thranduil does not wish elves to fall for people other than their own, so he banishes anyone who does. It would not surprise me if he gave the announcement moments after I had left the kingdom.”
“They WHAT?!? How could they! Just because you love another race?!” Kili exploded, anger coming off him in waves.
“Well, not traditionally, Thranduil is the only king that has that rule. At least that’s what I’ve heard, we don’t have many connections to other Elves, and I have not lived long enough to be allowed to move freely.”
“Hmm, well, you’re here now so they can’t have you back!” Kili said, a threatening tone coming into his voice at the last words. “Come meet my family!” He almost dragged her to the once-great entrance of the mountain.
“Everyone! This is Tauriel, she’s the Elf that saved me!”
The Dwarves immediately surrounded her, swarming into her space to give their thanks and introduce themselves. Thankfully, there were many Elves in Mirkwood, so she was able to remember their names.
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thegildedacorn · 5 years
Kili died, but he left Tauriel with a promise that she can hold in one hand. So she tracks him down.
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sexycraisinthanos · 6 years
Fili: Hey guys, this might sound weird but...do you think Kili and Tauriel like each other?
Bofur: Uh...yeah?
Bombur: Aren’t they married or something?
Dwalin: I thought everyone knew.
Kilk on Tauriel's lap: We’ve been together for a while now.
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anathtsurugi · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fíli/Kíli, Tauriel/Kili Characters: Kíli, Fíli, Tauriel Additional Tags: fem!Kili, Genderbending, dubcon, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fisting, Dirty Talk, body shame, Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Sibling Incest, Durincest, soul mates, Nipple Play, Implied Pregnancy Summary:
Kili has never been very confident about her own body. She's not a great beauty like her mother. But one night in Mirkwood just might be able to change that.
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mofo-tauriel · 8 years
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eh.. well.. Im sorry?
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darthstitch · 9 years
somebody stop me
So the delightfully EVIL @determamfidd‘s latest Sansukh chapter has let loose a PLOT BUNNY UPON MY HEAD.
What if Gimli was the SAME AGE as Kili and thus was allowed to go on the Quest for Erebor?
So basically, Thorin would be, “No, Gandalf, we’re already fourteen, we don’t need a lucky number.”
Also:  Bagginshield. 
V. Important:  NOBODY. FRICKIN’. DIES.  (except for the Bad Guys)
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caffeineheroes · 9 years
Me: Oh yeah! Just finished writing 3-pg plot outline for a Kiliel 'While You Were Sleeping' AU.
Sister: That doesn't work.
Me: What? No. I made it work. It's awesome. What doesn't work about it?
Sister: How about Kili's dead.
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winterficlibrary · 10 years
Apologies for the Progressives
RemoCon; Lord of the Rings; Gimli/Legolas, Tauriel/Kili; 1774 words
Sometimes the best lessons are the hardest to learn. (Or Gimli and Legolas have a much needed chat)
(more recs here and more Tolkien recs here)
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thetimelesscycle · 10 years
The Hobbit: The Ship That Sailed… And Sank
So, whilst debating with Toastytoastie about the various flaws and pitfalls that are contained in Battle of the Five Armies, and, to a lesser degree, Desolation of Smaug, we got to talking above the love story taking place in this movie and why we both had such a problem with it. She asked me to post the thoughts I’d shared on Tumblr so she could reblog it, so this is me doing that, and hopefully not starting any fires as I do. 
I mentioned in my previous review that I am not a fan of this ship, but I think perhaps a more honest way of wording that would be to say I am not a fan of the way this ship was handled.
As a writer myself, I am of the understanding that anything you put in the story must either move the plot along or delve deeper into your characters, either by building them up or pulling them down. If you’re writing a romance novel or movie, clearly the focus is going to be on the romance, on the developing feelings, complications, and difficulties encountered in making said romance work (or not work, as the case may be). If you’re writing a fantasy epic, the focus should be on that, and anything you include in the story should keep you chugging along to the ultimate goal that is the end.
I want to mention Lord of the Rings first, just for comparison before I start firing shots. We had a few romance plots going on in these films, and I’m going to stick to movie verse here purely and simply because I’ve rewatched them more recently than I’ve reread the books, so my knowledge should be more up to date.  Leaving aside the fact that any pairings we saw in that movie were canon characters and canon romances, I think the main difference between what we saw in LOTR and what we saw in the Hobbit was that even the love stories were part of the plot rather than just thrown in our faces for the sake of shipper fans.
Arwen was the leverage Elrond used to push Aragorn into accepting his destiny, which, whilst not the best use of a love story, still had its place in the plot. Her choice to stay in Middle Earth, to choose Aragorn, and Aragorn’s feelings for her, were the final shove he needed to set foot down a road he’d been avoiding for years. Eowyn’s despair that Aragorn would not give her what she wanted, which, as he said, wasn’t his love, but the glory and freedom she saw in being a part of his destiny, is what prompted her to take to the field of battle, and, in due course, to kill the Nazgul. Both these relationships and the actions of the individuals wound up in them had a point in the overall story. They moved things along. They mattered.
Now, compare that to Tauriel and Kili. What did the relationship between these two offer to the story, really? Besides a few cute scenes to make people ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’, did anything these two did actually matter? Did they have an impact on others? On the outcome of the tale? Did they reveal anything telling about the characters themselves? From Tauriel’s point of view, what did her actions achieve? Ignoring the whole Morgul poison storyline - which was a waste of time and space in and of itself, but I’ll just forget that for the moment - what else does her being in love with Kili do? Thranduil’s army would have come and fought regardless. They were there for the gold, not for any decision she had made. She didn’t even save Kili’s life. She didn’t convince Thranduil to abandon his apathy and actually do something, he only came looking for his son. Her so called love for Kili arguably played a role in his death and apparently broke her, and it had absolutely no relevance to the plot whatsoever. It could have not been there. It could have been replaced by scenes of interactions between the Company and it wouldn’t have affected the tale at all, except to make it better. Instead, it was literally shoved in our faces at every turn without the story tellers bothering to build a foundation on which to build their fairytale union, or to even explain why these two were drawn together other than ’she’s hot’ and ‘he’s cute’.
With Arwen and Aragorn, we are led to understand there is history between them. A time of getting to know one another. To fall in love. With Eowyn there isn’t as much time, but her love isn’t a true romantic love. She loves the freedom she thinks he can give her. The man himself is not the true object of her feelings, though I’m sure she had some for him of a kind. With Tauriel and Kili they exchange a few conversations and then we are blatantly told they are in love, and that is, unfortunately, bad storytelling.
The Hobbit is not a romance movie, it is meant to be an epic, fantasy adventure, and therefore any romance interjected into the story should have had a purpose in moving the plot along or delving deeper into the characters who were a part of that same story. Unfortunately, I don’t think Tauriel/Kili had that purpose. It was a tangent you’d edit from a book because instead of moving the plot along it almost stalled it, and it did more of a disservice to the characters than offer them growth. If the movie carried on for another hour (and was actually about Tauriel) and we got to see more of the impact Kili’s death had on her, yeah maybe, but we get left with nothing, and she gets left hanging like almost every other character in the film.
So, yes, I had problems with this ship, most of which are due to the fact it was shoehorned into the film because romance is popular and might make more money. If the people writing it had actually given a developing relationship between these two the proper time and care it needed, maybe I would have been more forgiving of its inclusion, but they didn’t and I’m not.
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"If this is love I do not want it. Take it from me. Please. Why does it hurt so much?!"
"Because it was real."
I will forever love this exchange in the last Hobbit film. It's perfect and sums up so many emotions I've had over the years. I think I care too much at times and form emotional attachments too quickly. And it's possibly why Tauriel will remain my favourite character in the movies.
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gorgon-heart · 10 years
FEELINGS Bilbo/Thorin FEELS Gladriel/Gandalf FEELS Tauriel/Kili FEELS I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS
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carduelis-carduelis · 10 years
That ship isn't supposed to sail until 60 years later!
My spouse, when we talked about elf/dwarf relationships in The Hobbit and why Tauriel/Kili just doesn't feel right even though it has everything a good ship should have
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winterficlibrary · 10 years
The Myriad Adventures of Goblin Mutant and Graceless Cat
chapstickaddict; The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings; Bard/Fili, Tauriel/Kili, Gimli/Legolas, Bilbo/Thorin; 23031 words
After reclaiming Erebor, Legolas cannot say he's surprised to learn that his Guard Captain ran off with a dwarf. Planning to stalk the Crown Prince to find where the lovers ran off to, he ends up far from home with an unimpressed and overly armed older brother, a hobbit skilled in serving cookies with a healthy dose of guilt on the side, and a small red-headed tag-along that sends his head spinning in more ways than one.
AU where everyone lives and is happy!
(more recs here and more Tolkien recs here)
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saria-the-phoenix · 10 years
Anyone wanna roleplay? Like this or message me!
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mckittericks · 10 years
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Modern Kili/Tauriel with a sparkler, because of course dwarves would invent fireworks.
To my fellow Americans: Happy Fourth!
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